18 THE DALLES TIMES-MOUNTAINEER. ROWE & CO. Rowe & Co., dealers in lumber and building material, are agents for the Rowe Lumber and Manufacturing Company, incorporarted, whose mill is at Lyle, Klickitat county, Washington. It has a capacity of 15 to 20 thousand feet daily, and they have a box factory and planing mill in con nection with it. The lumber they manufacture is of a yel low pine, pinus ponderosa, being especially adapted for sash and doors, and natural wood interior finish, and they receive orders for it from Portland, San Francisco and the East. They have the only mill on the Pacific Coast where deep water vessels can load lumber of this nature at the mill, the logs being floated to the Columbia river from an elevation of 3000 feet. Mr. Fred. H. Rowe, president of the Rowe Lumber & Manufacturing Company, was born in England in 1855, and received his education there. He came to the United States in 1871, and passed some time in Iowa, Colorado, California and Idaho. He was located for eight years in the Wood River country, in Idaho, oper ating mills at Hailey and Beiievue. In 1888, he established mills in Josephine county, Oregon, and had yards at Roseburg, Ashland and Medford. During the World's Fair he was appointed commissioner to it, having charge of the mineral exhibit. After the conclusion of the fair, he came here and established this business. He has had years of experience in ic, and has quickly forged to the front here. In 1885 he married the only daugnter of Andrew B. More, one of the early pioneers of California, and has five chil dren. THE DALLES COMMERCIAL AND ATHLETIC CLUB. The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club was originally started by a few of the young men of this city for the pur pose of gathering together those who were inclined to take an interest in manly sports. In broaching the subject, how ever, to some of tne representative business men, it was suggested that the original idea be enlarged upon, and the feature added of making it as well a place where every movement that might tend towards the advancement of the city might be discussed and acted upon. The result was tnat articles of incorporation were filed in December, 1895, by J. S. Schenck, u. U. I'ease, 11. J. Moier, J. S. Fish, i. A. mils, It. B. Sinnott and W . ii. Wilson. The growth of tne duo nas been ienomenal iiom tne start, until to-day iney have about 150 resident members, besides a large number or non-resident ana honorary members. Their quarters are in the Grant building, which has been entirely remodeled and rearranged for them. The interior view we present -of a portion or their quarters gives but a partial iaea of the comfort and elegance with which they have surrounded themselves. A personal inspection of the rooms will show on the ground floor a gymnasium fully equipped with all kinds of athletic apparatus, and four bowling al leys,laid with hard maple. At the head of a broad and spacious staircase we are greeted by a sight of the emblem or the club, an invertea arrowhead with a pair of wings at tached. ISO expense has been spared in furnishing their quarters, and the term sumptuous applies as well to the large reception room at the head ot tne stairs as it does to the parlor to the left. Passing between handsome portiers you then enter the reading room, which is supplied with the leading periodicals and papers. Beyond that is the smok ing room, and also the director's room. These are both much larger than the ordinary. To the right of the recep tion room is located the billiard room, naving both billiard and pool tables, and also tables tor cards, chess and check ers. No wagering is allowed, however, on any games, nor is there a side board in the club. The hat rooms and lava tories are located conveniently in different portions of the building. The basement being well adapted for a natato rium, it is the intention of the club to put one in the coming season. From its very inception the ladies have taken an active interest in its affairs, and this has materially helped to make it a success. They have two forenoons and one afternoon devoted exclusively to them, and also one even ing to ladies and gentlemen. The present officers are: W. L. Bradshaw, president; H. M. Beall, vice president and secretary; W. H. Wilson, treasurer; and E. C. Pease, Geo. O. Blakeley, J. F. Hamp shire, R. B. Sinnott, and the foregoing officers constitute the board of directors. Closing we will simply state the club rooms are a credit to the club, and far more so to the city, for there is nothing to excel them in the Pacific northwest. i ;". ' . :.! 1 iM- 1 I. Mi to jUj m f ins i 1 ; t '' r- THE DALLES COMMERCIAL AND ATHLETIC CLUB ROOMS. county, Iowa, in 1858, where he remained until 19 years of age, receiving at the same time the advantages of a most liberal education. He then entered a mercantile house in Beiievue, and later traveled for Geo. P. Bent of Chicago for two years. On the death of his father, he returned to Beiievue, and began merchandising for himself, and seek ing an opportunity to apply the natural ability he pos sessed, took up the study of dentistry. Coming to Oregon in 18&4, he located in The Dalles, re maining in the mercantile business until 1889. Although doing a successful business, Dr. Tackman had not lost his taste for what he considered his life work, so again taking up the study of dentistry he went before the state board in 1892 and passed an examination. He is a hard student, and having taken the prostethic course in Chicago in 1893, keeps well abreast of all progress in his profession. His offices are pleasantly located in the Vogt Block, and he passes his time between them and his even more com fortable home. position to offer their customers the best articles in their line at the lowest possible prices. They also do an exten sive mail order business, issuing a semi-annual catalogue, and the country customer who eenas them an order is cer tain of having it receive the same careful attention as though he visited their store personally. A. C. Giger, the senior member of the firm, was born in Illinois in 1865. He commenced his business career at the age of 17, and has held a number of responsible positions. He came to The Dalles in June, 1S9G, and for a short time was connected with Funk Bros., whose business he and Mr. Frencn bought in November of that year. Frank A. French is virtually a native of The Dalles, hav ing lived here since he was four years of age.His business' experience has been gained in the employ of McFarland & French, and The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company. His genial disposition has made him one of the most popular young men residing here, and he is univer sally looked upon as a prince of good fellows. 1 .,ovW?rf? ils??? rjy t ' :;tfii: I4, w LI i DR. WILLIAM TACKMAN. There is probably in The Dalles today no man more popu lar in his profession than Dr. William Tackman. His popu larity is well merited for he is not only gifted with most winning manners, but with unexcelled skill in his profes sion. Dr. Tackman was born on his farm in Jackson NEWT YORK CASH STORE. One business in The Dalles has two names. It is popu larly known as the "New York Cash Store," and also the "Big Busy Store." It is owned by A. C. Giger & Co., the firm being composed of A. C. Giger and F. A. French, both young men with business ability, and modern ideas re garding the management of a mercantile establishment. They carry complete lines of boots and shoes, clothing, hats and caps, ladies and gent's furnishing goods and no tions. They control the sole agencies of some of the most popular lines in the market, such as Hamilton Brown Shoe Company's- boots and shoes, Miller's all-wool clothing, Faultless pants, &c, &c. They are the originators of low prices, and enjoy the confidence of the public and the large trade they have is but the natural result People have often expressed astonishment at die extreme ly low prices, almost passing belief, at which this firm sells first-class articles. The explanation is easy the firm of A. C. Giger & Co. buy strictly for cash and sell their goods in the same manner, and having no losses are in a W. A. K1RBY DEALER IN Staple & Fancy Groceries COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES A SPECIALTY .. POULTRY and FRUITS .. .. No. 83 THIRD ST., THE DALLES, ORE.