The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 01, 1898, ILLUSTRATED EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Its charter officers were as follows: W. M. Hurd, past
master workman; H. L. Waters, master workman; T. A.
Hudson, foreman; D. A. Bunnell, overseer; H. F. Comfort,
recorder; A. S. McAllister, financier; Emanuel Beck, re
ceiver; Jno. D. Turner, guide; Geo. Anderson, inside
watchman; Peter Baluim, outer watchman.
The present principal officials of Temple lodge are: C. J.
Crandall, P. M. W.; S. P. M. Briggs, M. W.; J. F. Haworth,
recorder; S. L: Young, financier; C L Phillips, receiver.
The number of deaths since organization is 13. The mem
membership of Temple, No. 3, numbers 190. It meets every
Thursday evening in Fraternity hall, corner Court and Sec
ond streets.
This order was instituted April 7, 1894, by Mrs. Kate
J. Young, of Portland. The order was organized with 80
members and christened Fern ledge, No. 25, D. of H.
It has a present membership of 15G, and is one of the
most social orders in the city. Its membership is congen
ial and harmonious, its officers courteous and efficient. Its
chief officers now are: Mrs. G. G. Gibbons, C. of H.; Mrs.
C. J. Crandall, L. of H.; Mrs. J A Douthit, C of C; Miss
Cora Joles, F.; Miss Nettie Longmire, recorder; Miss Lizzie
Schooling, receiver.
The local lodge has lost two lady members and one
gentleman member since its organization.
Every "order has an origin dating away back into the re
cesses of history or mythology.
Now, the K. of P. take their teachings and precepts from
the beautiful story of Damon and Pythias, and no better
followers could they have.
Friendship lodge, No. 9, was instituted in this city on
September 24, 1881, by Ward S. Stevens, of Portland, Or.
The charter officers were: T. A. Hudson, C. C. ; S. E. Fan
cy, V. C; C. Y. Sanders, P.; O. Mangold, K. of R. S.; D.
L. Gates, M of F.; R. E. Williams, M. of E.; H. C. Ham
mond, M. at A.; E. W. Garretson, I. G., M. Sylvester, O. G.
Present officers are: H. H. Riddle, B. S. Huntington, J. A.
Douthit, O. F. Shepherd, W. E. Walthers, J. Gavin, D. W.
Vause, F. Burchtorff, R. H. Beber, G. A. Gosser.
The present membership is 106, and the number of deaths
since organization, nine. Friendship lodge has a handsome
hall in the new Vogt Block, which it dedicated in May,
Harmony Temple, No. 12, Rathbone Sisters was organ
ized on January 22, 1895, by Mrs. Ella Houston, grand
chief, of Roseburg, Or.
The charter list numbered 65 members," and now is about
83. Mrs. Alice Crossen was the first M. E. C. of Har
mony Temple; Mrs. Susie Phillips, E. S.; Mrs. Lizzie
Lytle, E. J.; Mrs. Belle Berger, M. T.; Miss Annie New
man, M. of R. and C; Mrs. Edith Menefee, M. of F.; Mrs.
Carrie Genning, P. of T.; Mrs. H. Chrisman, G. of O. T.;
Mrs. Ella Michell, P. C.
The order is a social and fraternal one, and is one of the
most popular in the city. It meets the first and third
Thursdays of each month in the K. v,f P. hall.
The order of Woodmen of the World was organized in
The Dalles in November, 1890, by Neighbor Ramplin, and
the young camp was christened Mount Hood No. 59.
Its charter officers were: Consul, J. G. Farely; adviser,
J. M. Huntington; clerk, W. H. Michell; banker, W. C. Al
laway. Its present office are: W. Mann, consul; adviser, Jas.
Snipes; . clerk, W.' Harper; banker, C. S. Philips; escort, C.
Brown. . .
It s although among one of the younger orders of our
city, one of the largest, and like the others, numbers on
its roster those men. who think best, and who realize to the
fullest the good of belonging to a truly fraternal order.
The camp here has 150 members, and is still increasing.
It meets every Tuesday evening in Fraternity Hall. The
camp has lost four members by death W. H. Michell,
Thos. N. Joles, Latimer Booth and Stephen Thompson.
Cedar Circle, No. S, is the auxiliary to the Woodmen of
the World, and sprang into existence in The Dalles on
January 24, 1895. . It was a puny, infant, having had two
sister orders ushered into existence about the same time.
Cedar commenced ousiness with 29 members. Its charter
officers were: Inez Filloon, guardian neighbor; Georgia
Weber, adviser; Sallie Clarke, great magician; Elizabeth
Joles, banker; Delia Phirman, clerk.
The present officers are : Ella Cushing, guardian neigh
bor; Katie Williams, adviser; Eva Reynolds, magician;
Susie Phillips, past guardian neighbor; Ella Dawson,
banker; Louise Rintaul, clerk.
The order numbers about eighty at the present time, and
although a quiet order, is doing a vast amount of good.
The Independent Order of Red Men was instituted in this
city on July 24, 1894, by A. A. Ellis, great sachem. The
charter list numbered about forty of our prominent busi
ness and profesionai men.
The first officers were: Sachem, Jno. Michell; senior sag
amore, A. M. Kelsay; junior sagamore, T. J. Driver; pro
phet, C. C. Hollister; chief of recorder, D. S. Dufur;
keeper of wampum, Frank Menefee.
The present officers are: M. Shoren, S.; Fred Keller, S.
S.; Dr. Frasier, Jr. S.; F. Lempke, P.; J. Michell, K. of R.;
Frank Menefee, K. of W. Total membership is 60. Its
deaths since organization have been few, but one occurred,
that of -Mr. W. Cederson, who was killed by a train near
Seufert's fisheries on November 5, 1896.
The Knights of Maccabees was organized in The Dalles
on May 27, 1895, by N. S. Boynton, and was christened
Dalles Tent, No. 20, K. O. T. M. Its charter membership
numbered about 45, and its first officers were: P. Sr. Kt.
Com. Jno. Michell; Sr. Kt. Com., Wm. Tackman; Sr. Kt.
Lieut., H. H. Riddell; Sr. Kt. R. K., J. F. Hampshire; Sr.
Kt. F. K., W. G. Kerns; Sr. Kt. Chaplain, R. E. Williams;
Sr. Kt Sergeant, Gus Brown"; Sr Kt. Physician, Jas. Suther
land; Sr. Kt. M., W. I. Johns; Sr. Kt. 1st M. of G., R.
H. Lonsdale; Jr. Kt. 2nd M. of G. L. L. Lane; Sr. Kt.
Sent., J. Zimmerman; Sr. Kt. Picket, J. Nitschke.
Present officials of Dalles Tent are: F. Menefee, J. F.
Hampshire, F. W. Wilson, O. C. Cooper, J. P. Mclnerny, J.
H. Neigle, C. W. Phelps, J. Sutherland, Geo. J. Brown,
Frank Sandrock, L. A. Porter, J. Zimmerman, N. Nitschke.
The present membership is 36. It has not been visited
by the dark angel of death since organization.
B. P. O. ELKS.
Cascade Lodge, No. 303 was instituted at Cascade Locks
on July 11, 1895, and in March of 1896 was moved to The
The charter officers of the lodge were as follows: T. W.
Lewis, Exalted Ruler; Chas. C. Fields, Esteemed Leading
Knight; A. B. Andrews, Esteemed Loyal Knight; P. B.
Burns, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; V. C. Lewis, Secre
tary; D. L. Cates, Treasurer; J. B. Wood, Chaplain; L.
Winther, Esquire; W. A. Calvin, Inner Sentinel; A. A.
Stuart, Tyler.
Cascade Lodge No. 303 was instituted at Cascade Locks
J. S. Fish, Exalted Ruler; L. E. Crowe, Esteemed Leading
Knight; Jno. Hampshire, Esteemed Loyal Knight; W. L.
Bradshaw, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; F. W. Wilson,
Secretary; A. S. McAllister, Treasurer; G. H. Blakeley,
Ed. M. Williams, Jno. Michell, Trustees.
But two deaths have occurred since the lodge was organ
ized, and that was sufficient to cast a shadow of sadness
in the hearts of the membership locally. Those two deaths
were that of Geo. H. Klacking, who was burned to death
at Pendleton in August, 1895, and Owen Williams, who
died February 28, 1897. The membership of Cascade
Lodge is about one hundred.
Dalles lodge No. 2, is one of the most flourishing Good
Templar lodges in Oregon, and has always had a large
membership. It was instituted July 12, 1893, and charter
officers were: C. T., Wm. Michell; V. T., Mrs. C. D. Nick
elsen; chaplain, John Parrott; secretary, C. D. Nickelsen;
treasurer, E. C. Martin. The lodge meets in Fraternity
hall every Saturday night, and its meetings are made en
tertaining by the rendering of musical and literary pro
grammes each evening. The principal officers of the lodge
at present are: C. T., H. Learned; V. T., Mary O. Nicho
las; secretary, Chris. Schwabe; chaplain, Mrs. J. E. Bar
nett; treasurer, Frank Wood.
Court The Dalles No. 12, was instituted on September 12,
1895,- by Deputy Grand Chief Ranger, Sam Kafka. Twenty-two
names were enrolled on the charter list, and the or
ganization began its existence under most favorable cir
cumstances with W. E. Garretson, now grand chief ranger
of the state, as presiding officer; Charles Frazer, S. C. R.,
W. F. Grunow, secretary; F. W. L, Skibbe, treasurer; A.
B. Estebennet, senior warden; James Fisher, junior war
den; M. J. Manning, Sr. B.; David King, Jr. B.
The court flourished from the beginning, and at present
has a membership of 84. The officers of the lodge now are,
C. R., James Fisher; S. C, Dio Wilder; financial secretary,
Wm. Birgfeld; recording secretary, D. S. Dufur; treasurer,
L. F. Pickins; senior warden, L, O. Horn; junior warden,
G. U. Cushing; Sr. B., Nat. Gilmore; Jr. B., D. B. Wilder.
A branch of this splendid fraternal insurance association
was organized in this city March 21, 1886, the charter mem
bers being Rev. A. Bongeest, W. Chambers, F. J. Hadel
man, Maurice Fitzgerald, Michael Fitzgerald, Con Howe,
A. Floyd, David Burke, H. Tolty, W. Horan, F. Vogt, J. P.
Benton, P. E. Farrelly anJ T. J. Thompson. They have
about 25 members at present, having had two deaths since
the organization of ' this lodge, namely those "of Con Howe
and James Murphy. The present officers of the branch are:
M. T. Nolan, president; F- Vogt, vice president; M. Mc
Innis, recording secretary, H. J. Maier; financial secretary,
and James P. Benton, treasurer.
The Artisans of The Dalles was instituted February 20th,
1896, with 48 charter members. Its charter officers were:
T. A. Hudson, M. A, N. Whealdon, supt; D. H. Roberts,
secretary. Its present officers are N. Whealdon, S. Bol
ton and D. H. Roberts. The order here has had no death
since organization. Present membership 51.
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