The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 01, 1898, ILLUSTRATED EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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making it possible to do without the springs and wells
which were the sole source of supply before that time. Mr.
Pentland continued in control until January 1st, 1877, when
he disposed of the plant to Mr. S. L. Brooks and Mrs. P.
M. Humason. The plant was sold to The Dalles Milling
and Water Company in 1883. The present system is owned
by the city and was constructed in 1891.
Early courts in The Dalles were crude and simple. At
first, and for a considerable time the military authorities
at the fort exercised exclusive jurisdiction; but in the
course of time with the organization of town and county
governments, they gave way to the civil power. One of
the first magistrates, it is related, had occasion to 'try an
offender who was charged with the commission of a minor
offense. He was found guilty and fined $20. The defend
ant was unable to pay this and there being no jail in The
Dalles, the officer charged with executing the sentence
took the prisoner to Vancouver for incarceration in the jail
at that place; but the authorities there refused to honor the
commitment. In this dilemma the officer took the note of
the prisoner for the amount of the fine, payable six months
after date, and gave the prisoner his liberty. The note is
yet unpaid.
The county was established in 1854, and from that time
the territorial courts took cognizance of all matters criminal
and civil that pertained to the civil jurisdiction.
During the first years of the town's life the business of
the place was about all transacted on First or Main street.
Business moved back gradually, with the growth of the
town, and is now centered on Second street. Much has
centered in the East End, where the wheat and wool ware
houses are situated. , ','
In 1876 the population of the city was estimated at 900.
Before that time it was largely composed of transients. The
fixed population was small. In the winter season it was
generally greatly augmented by miners coming in to pass
the stormy months, and for a change from the solitude of
their lonely placer claims, which were mostly situated in
the mountains, and where they were deprived of the so
ciety of other men. The census of 1880 made the number
of residents in the city 2250. In, 1890 the federal census
enumerated 3500 people in the town. The population at the
present time is safely estimated to be in excess of 4000.
On May, 25, 1862, James S. Reynolds was granted a right
of way to lay a plank walk on Union street to low water
on the Columbia river, and was given the privilege of col
lecting toll from all persons using it. It led from the boat
landing, between the foot of Union street and the mouth of
Mill creek, to the business part of the town. The first side
walks were ordered by the council in 1862, and completed
early in that year. On June 10th the steets in Bigelow's
addition were opened. H. D. Green obtained a franchise to
erect a gas plant in The Dalles on February 5, 1863. He
commenced work, but afterward abandoned it, and the
plant was never completed. The town depended on oil
lamps until after the completion of the electric light plant
in, 1882.
In 1860 W. D. Bigelow donated a tract of landon the hill
south of town for a cemetery. This was for many years
the principal place of burial; but it is now neglected and
but little care is given to it.
The first map of the city was drafted by L. F. Cartee. It
was accepted by the council and recorder in the county rec
ords on November 25, 1861.
The Dalles & Celilo Railroad Company obtained a fran
chise from the council to lay a railroad track on Main
street on December 21, 1861. It roused considerable oppo
sition and in October, 1862, the track was declared a nuis
ance by the council; but the authorities took no steps to re
move it, and the track has remained ever since.
The Dalles has always been noted for its superb salmon
fisheries. Little attention was paid them until 1883, when
considerable capital was invested in developing them. The
industry has flourished. Several canneries have been con
structed at different points along the river, and numbers of
fish wheels are operated catching large quantities each sea
son. The business has grown to great proportions, and
now constitutes one of the most important industries.
During recent years, despite the "hard times," there has
been a steady and marked improvement in the appearance
of the city. Many new business structures have been erec
ted. Handsome residences have been built, which add
greaily to the appearance of the city and give evidence of
the enterprise of the citizens. The town has had a slow,
but steady growth. Values were not over inflated during
the "boom" times of a few years since, and as a result
the financial crash of 1893 affected it but little. There
were but comparatively few business failures during the
dark times when other places were suffering so severely,
and The Dalles is one of the first places on the coast to
feel the results of the business revival.
The foregoing is a brief sketch of some of the most im
portant events that have happened during the time that has
elapsed since the first settlement of the town. Many events
of much interest and of importance have been suffered to
remain unrecorded, and many of the most interesting oc
currences have been lost sight of. In thrilling happenings,
replete with interest, The Dalles is unsurpassed by any
place in the state. One of the oldest places in the North
west, its citizens and inhabitants have contributed much
to the history of the state. The key to the whole Columbia
basin, its possession was eagerly desired. It was the seat
of operations during the early Indian wars and was the
place where the immigrants of 1847 and later years assem
bled and transferred themselves and goods to boats and
rafts to proceed down the Columbia to the Willamette val
ley. The benches about the town during the years of the
immigration following the passage of the donation land
laws, were oft-times covered with the camps of those who
had crossed the plains with ox teams from the Missouri
river, and many of the pioneers of the state can tell stor-
ies replete with interest of their experiences while en
camped at x'he Dalles, and in making the journey down
the Columbia to the valley of the Willamette.
The town has been the scene of bitter and hard contests
with the Indians. The red proprietors did not take kindly
to Caucassian usurpation, nor did they surrender their sov
ereignty of the place without a struggle.
Indian traditions lend an air of enchantment to its his
tory, and the student of Indian lore will find much of in
terest in the tales that are yet told by some of the old
Wascoes that are to be seen about the streets; legends that
have been handed down for unknown generations until
their origin is lost in the mists of antiquity.
There is a history that is older yet. It has never been
written and may never be penned. Only inklings are to be
found in the traces left by the progenitors of the Indians
found by the first settlers. These Indians never possessed
the skill and knowledge necessary to perform the work
such as was required to form the delicate and beautiful ar
row heads and spear points, and ornaments and delicate
implements, worked and fashioned in flint, obsidian, opal
and carnelian, such as are found amid the drifting sands
along the banks of the Columbia river, and are offered for
sale in the streets of The Dalles by the Indinas who pick
them up. These are in design and workmanship not unlike
those of the Aztecs of Mexico and the Pueblos of Arizona.
Paintings on the rock cliffs in the vicinity of The Dalles,
and carvings and sculptures that have been discovered,
all of unquestioned antiquity, showing many Aztec charac
teristics, indicate that the country was occupied far in the
pre-historic past, by a race of people far superior to the
Indians. There is a rich field for the antiquarian, and while
his researches will probably never discover the history of
the peoples who dwelt in the Columbia basin, before the
Indian, much will doubtless be discovered that will shed
light on their origin and fate.
During the season of 1897 there was marketed at The
Dalles 7,000,000 pounds of wool and 500,000 bushels of
wheat, aggregating in value $1,500,000, besides large
amounts of varied products which found market at differ
ent points throughout the country.
It seems almost incredible that this immense market
should have been established during the past twenty years,
but such is the case. In 1877 it was impossible for the wool
grower or the farmer to convert his product into cash.
What was not bartered to local merchants for necessaries
of life, at the merchants' figures, had to be shipped to San
Francisco, California, regardless of market conditions,
where commission merchants would offer it for sale in the
only exclusive market on the Pacific coast.
In 1895, Hon. Z. F. Moody, on re-entering business at
The Dalles, purchased the general merchandise establish
ment of R. Grant & Co., and engaged extensively in furnish
ing supplies to residents of the country tributary, which
then comprised practically all the country now covered by
Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Grant and Crook counties in Ore
gon, and Klickitat, Yakima and Kittitas counties in Wash
ington. As had been the custom, he forwarded all produce to
San Francisco for sale, but soon learned the disadvantages
under which the producer labored in shipping his produce.
By advancing money and supplies to the farmer, he ena
bled him 10 hold until market prices were favorable. Pro
gressing a step further, on completion of the railroad from
Portland, he built the brick warehouse at the depot, which
he now occupies, and not only continued his advances to
residents, but by substantial assistance, he encouraged
many new comers to engage in sheep raising, which up to
that time had been confined almost entirely to Grant coun
ty. The consequent inclination toward holding at home
evinced by growers, (now that warehouse facilities and lib
eral advances could be had) soon attracted the attention of
commission men in San Francisco, and representatives of
wool handlers appeared in The Dalles, first as consignment
solicitors, and later as actual buyers.
Mr. Moody opened correspondence with the large Eastern
houses who nnally receive all wool shipped, however, and
in a few years these dealers were represented annually in
The Dalles, and now may always be seen here with the
coming of the shearing season.
The extension ofl transportation facilities and the settling
up of the country have brought about an immense increase
in the products of this section, but the establishment of
The Dalles as a trade center is directly attributable to Mr.
Moody's persistent and intelligent efforts when business
conditions were forming, and when opportunity neglected
would have been opportunity lost.
The success of wool growers in Eastern Oregon soon
brought many practical and experienced settlers from Aus
tralia, New Zealand and other sheep countries, and from
small proportions the industry has grown to be one of the
most important in the northwest.
During all this time Mr. Moody has continued in the
warehouse business with such success that he has been
compelled to erect two additional warehouses, and to ar
range with The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co.
for storage in their new building, 250 feet by 60 feet, where
he has put in a baling press and grading bins. He is also
about to erect a new brick warehouse adjoining his present
brick, and of the same size, equipped like the other with ap
pliances for compressing graded wool and wool in bags.
The growth of business can be appreciated when it is real
ized that not only will all their storage room be taken up,
but there will also be business for two other warehouse
concerns which have been established more recently.
All indications point to prosperity for the wool grower
during the present administration, at least, and while many
business men have gone under during the last four years
ot depression, not a sheep man of this section has failed,
and all are now on their feet and practically assured of op
portunity for money making in the business.
Throughout his business career in this community, Mr.
Moody has been the firm and constant friend of the pro
ducer. In 1889, when this section, owing to drouth, failed
to produce enough grain for seed, and a large number of
farmers found themseles without means to buy seed for the
succeeding year, he procured grain, from Walla Walla, and
furnished it to all in need, at actual cost on their notes of
hand. These men are now many of them prosperous farm
ers, and among our heaviest grain producers.
Again during the panic times of 1893 and '94, when mon
ey was being called in and loans forced on all sides with
out regard to consequences, Mr. Moody refused to cripple
the county by forcing payment from men whose property
and stock were so depreciated that paying up meant ruin.
At the expense of a great personal loss he carried his cus
tomers over the crisis, and although the load temporarily
crippled him. financially, his warehouse business, always
a large one, shows a decided gain, due in a great measure
no doubt to the patent fact that he deliberately refused to
destroy the business of this section to preserve himself
from loss.
This may well be termed the "fraternal age," for ne'er
in the world's history has fraternity held such full sway in
the great throbbing heart of humanity as at the present
time. And to the influence of the different fraternities of
today may be attributed the fact that there is more of
neighborly love manifested toward our fellow man than at
any time in past ages.
In the beautiful little city of The Dalles, rock-girt as it
is, and within sound of the mighty rushing Columbia, fra
ternity is strong in the hearts, of her citizens; and it is a
well known fact that like the commodious omnibus "there
is always room for one more," so that when another sister
fraternity knocks at the city's gates, they are opened wide,
and the new arrival is given a warm welcome and made to
feel at home.
The first order that was instituted in The Dalles was the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, which saw the light
of day in our city on November 1, 1856. H. W. Davis, De
puty Grand Master, organized Columbia lodge No. 5, the
warrant for organization being issued by E. M. Barnum,
Grand Master, and attested by Chester N. Terry, Grand
The petitioners for a charter were: C. N. Shang, E. G.
Towne, J. M. Blossom, F. Harbaugh, L. Colwell and M. R.
Tne records of the lodge were destroyed during the great
fire of 1891, so a complete history of the lodge cannot be
given. From other sources, however, it is known that dur
ing the first term the membership increased to 25. The of
ficers of the lodge so far as known were: Noble Grand, C.
W. Shang; vice grand, E. G. Cowne; secretary, Chas. R.
Since its institution Columbia lodge No. 5, has initiated
or otherwise admitted a total membership of 249, of whom
32 have died, and 162 have withdrawn by card, been
dropped, or ceased membership for some other cause, hav
ing a present membership of 50.
The present officers are as follows: N. G., Paul H. Paul
son; V. G., I. J. Norman; secretary, II. Clough; treasurer,.
H. C. Nielsen; warden, O. J. Crandall; conductor, George
Ruch; I. G., L. Comini; R. S. N. G., O. D. Doane; L. S. N. G.
H. A. Bills; R. S. V. G., T. A. Ward; L. S. V. G., W H.
The second order to drink in its first breath of mountain
air, pure and exhiliarating from The Dalles, was the grand
and good order of A. F. and A. M., whose name and num
ber is Wasco lodge No. 15. This lodge was instituted on
March 28, 1857. A dispensation was granted by A. M. Bell,
of the grand lodge of Oregon, so that Wasco lodge No. 15,
A F. and A. M. sprang into existence, with R. R. Thompson,
M. J. Keller and J. R. Booth as its principal officers. A
charter was issued on June 8th, following. The present
membership is 93, and the present officers are: F. J. Clarke,
W. M.; S. H. Frazier, S. W.; J. H. Harper, J. W. and
F. A. Abernethy, secretary.
The Dalles Chapter No. 6, Royal Arch Masons, was Insti
tuted under a charter granted on June 17, 1864, with A.
W. Ferguson, O. S. Savage and Jas. K. Kelly as its officers.
Its present membership is 43, and the following are its
officers: Chas. Hilton, H. P.; R. F. Gibbons, King; D.
Siddall, Scribe; Geo. C. Blakeley, C. of H.; Andrew Lar
sen, P. S.; John Marden, R. A, C; W. E. Garretsen, G. M.
1st V.; E. C. Phirman, G. M. 2nd V.; E. Shanno, G. M.
3rd V.; Geo. Knaggs, sentinel; H. Logan, secretary; Geo
A. Leibe, treasurer.
Columbia Chapter, Eastern Star No. 33, was instituted In
The Dalles February 7, 1895, by Jno. H. Bridgeford, Wor
thy Grand Patron, O. E. S. of Oregon, assisted by Mrs.
Margaret E. Kellogg, associate grand matron; Mrs. Emily
McLean, past worthy matron of Myrtle Chapter No. 15;
and Mrs. Jennie G. Muckle, worthy matron of MIzpah
Chapter No. 30, with the following officers: Mrs. Mary S.
Myers, worthy matron; Henry A. Baker, worthy patron;
Mrs. Ella Garretson, associate matron; Mrs. Eleanor Cros
sen. secretary; Mrs. Esther Harris, treasurer: Miss Maud
Burke, conductress; Mrs. Cora Miller, associate conduc
tress; Miss Edna Errhart, Adah; Mrs. Alice Crossen,
Ruth; Mrs. Evelyn Eshelman, Esther; Miss Nettie Mc
Neal. Martha: Mrs. B: J. Russell. Electra: Mrs. Elmira
Burget, warder; Mrs. M. Biggs, chaplain; Mrs. Sadie
Clarke, marshal; Miss Salina Phirman, organist; II.
Clough, sentinel.
The order was organized with 31 charter members. The
present membership is 75.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen was Instituted
in The Dalles, March 8, 1880. The name and number of
the order here is Temple Lodge No. 3.