The Dalles Times-Mountaineer ILLUSTRATED EDITION. V 11 I 2. f v; f - !' f A 1L. J WASCO COUNTY. The county of Wasco is situated on the northern boun dary of the state, nearly midway between the western and eastern lines. Commencing at a point where the Columbia ,. river cuts through the main range of the Cascade moun tain range, it extends eastward along the center of that river about 66 miles to the mouth of Deschutes river. Its , , eastern boundary follows np that river about 30 miles in a southerly direction; thence southeast and east to John bay 'river, which marks its eastern boundary to the south east corner of township 8 south, range 19 east; thence due west along the dividing line between townships 8 and 9, to the summit of the Cascade mountains; thence northerly -" along the summit of said mountains to the place of begin fj ning. ' . . Could one be suspended in mid air above this broad ex 4 panse of country, he would view stretched before him a picture of exquisite beauty and peculiar diversification of scenery. On the west he would see the heavily timbered Cascades, with their snow-capped peaks . reaching to the clouds; on the north the rolling hills and deep canyons, gradually losing themselyes and terminating at the bank of the mighty Columbia; to the,, east a broad expanse of rolling hills. and, level. valleys would present themselves to view, while to the south he would view an elevated plateau covered witn a luxuriant growth of bunchgrass, and oc casionally intersected .by deep canyons and sharp defiles, marking the course of Deschutes and other water courses. The picture would be? grand, and would inspire the one viewing it with awe V ' TIMBER The western portion of the country, from -the summit of ' the Cascade range to their base, is covered with a heavy growth of yellow and white fir, hemlock, and pine. This timber is of fine quality, and will some day- prove a source of vast wealth. ..At present it is util ized only to the extent of supplying lo col markets, perhaps, with one excep tion, a mill at Hood River which is engaged in supplying some lumber for shipment and about-7,000,000 feet of ties annually for the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company. ' GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. Owing .to its situation on the eastern it is made up of a plagioclase, augite and olivine. It near ly always contains more or less magnetic iron ore and other minerals. Chemically, it contains silica,' lime, potash, soda, magnesia, oxides of iron and manganese and alumina. The augite not frequently carries considerable phosphoric .an nydride, occurring in a crystalline form as apatite. . . "The chemical composition of the basalt explains the transformation which a little moisture effects in the appar ently barren soil of tne eastern portion of the state. In that section land seemingly worthless becomes very pro ductive when supplied with the necessary water. "Analysis of two typical soils of the state will serve to snow the component physical parts. Soil 1 is from The Dalles, in Eastern Oregon, and represents a large extent of territory. Soil 2 is very common in the "Willammette val ley, in Western Oregon, taken from foothills south of Eu gene: Soil. No. 1. Coarse sand, 30.4 Sana, 24.0 Fine sand, 12.2 Silt or clay, 33.4 "The remainder' of the mineral matter in the soil, not amounting to more than five pounds in 100 of soil, consists of chemical compound of lime, potash, soda, magnesia, iron, aluminum, manganese, chlorine, salicic acid, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, and carbonic acid and wa ter, in varying proportions. It is the compound "of these substances tnat constitutes the plant food in the soil. The acids are united with the bases to form the salts, which oc cur as chlorides and silicates of potassium and sodium, calcium, magnesia and ammonium, and probably salts of soda, potash and lime, and certain vegetable acids. "There are only three of these lime, phosphoric acid and potash which, as a rule, require attention, so far as de- v - No. 2 80.2 2.5 3.0 14.0 "Iron Professor Hilgard puts 1.5 to 4.0 as the ordinary percentage of ferric oxide in soils but little tinted; ordi nary loams from 3.5 to 7.0; highly colored red lands, 7 to 12, and sometimes upwards of 20. -Humus Tnis is the storehouse of nitrogen supply, and its determination serves as a measure of the nitrogen. In oak uplands of the cotton states, the range is usually be tween 0.70 per cent, and 0.80 per cent - in the poorer sandy soils, from 0.40 per cent, to 0.50 per cent.; in black, calca reous soils, 1.02 to 2.80 per cent. "The appearance of the soils in Eastern Oregon is alto gether different from those of the western portion of the state. By far the larger part is of a gray, ashy appear ance, and one coming from the darker soilsof the eastern states would be unfavorably impressed.- Experience, how ever, teaches that these soils are abundantly supplied with plant food, and analysis show that they are probably the most fertile soils of the state. The wonderful fertility of these soils is shown in their enormous yield of crops from year to year. The soil is exceedingly deep in most locali ties, and of such a texture as to be easily worked. "The difference in composition between the soil of East ern and Western Oregon is well shown by the following table, giving the averages of a considerable number of analyses: Willamette , , , Valley. Insoluble matter, 65.18 boluble Silica, 502 Potash, 23 ??da, !!'..".;!!;.'.!'.' .18 Lime, 3 Magnesia, 79 Manganese, '''. Iron, ........ 16.' 45 .Aluminum, 1G.45 Sulphuric Acid, 03 Phosphoric Acid, Water and Organic matter, '. !io!77 Eastern Oregon. 66.69 13.12 .43 .22 l!22 .75 .10 10.69 10.69 .04 .14 6.21 Total, 99.21 1.44 side of the Cascade range of moun ts V h tains, the surface of the county has" a -general slope toward the east. The long ridges, covered with a heavy growth of. timber, slope gradually, down from the summit of the moun tains;4 until they, give place to the high, " Tolling prairies of Eastern Oregon. Th northern portion of the county slopes toward the Columbia, which supplies its drainage, and is intersect ed by numerous creeks, along whose courses are fertile valleys susceptible of the highest state of cutivation, and capable of producing any crop adapt ed to this latitude. The southern and eastern portions of the county are drained by the Deschutes and John Day rivers, and the numer ous streams tributary to them. The general topography of this portion of the -county is high plateaus that slope toward the water courses and ter minate in beautiful valleys along the streams. At least 75 per cent, of this section is susceptible of cultivation, and is a soil capable of producing abundant crops of cereals. SOIL AND CROPS. The northwestern portion of the United States, and a large portion of . British Columbia, was at one time subjec ted to a tremendous flow of lava, and in consequence the mountain ranges are composed of basalt, while the prairies of Eastern Oregon and Washington have the same ma terial for a foundation. It is the greatest mass of basalt in the known globe. Following this, the country between the Rocky mountains and the Cascades, or their continua tion, the Sierra Nevadas, was covered by a vast inland sea, and the soil of this region therefore is sedimentary, consisting largely of decomposed basalt. On . this account it is exceedingly rich in plant food, and its wearing quali ties are unexcelled. It will stand recropping ' to cereals longer than any other, and is in this respect practically in exhaustibleC It yields generously, . even with the careless method of cultivation that is pursued, and while not every season a full crop is harvested, such a thing as a total fail-, ure is unknown. The soil retains moisture well, and often good crops have been raised of seasons when not a drop of rain fell from May to harvest time. Prof. G. .W . Shaw, of the State Agricultural College, fur nishes some data of the component parts of the soil of Oregon, which shows that of the eastern part of the state to be superior to that west of the Cascade range, and equal in material required to make it productive and durable, to the soil of any locality in the United States. Following is an extract from his writings: "The soil of Oregon, like all soils of volcanic origin, is of unsurpassed fertility. The greater portion of it is .de rived from a basalt, which differs from most rocks in that it contains the fertilizing ingredients of a combination of rocks. This basalt is a complex . mineral, very dark-in color, exceedingly hard, and quite heavy. Mineralogically, mm &s mm U - f WASCO COUNTY COURT HOUSE. ficiency of plant food is concerned, for the other mineral substances are furnished in abundance by natural agencies. The soluble portion only of the material being used by the plant for food. It is these substances that invite attention. What constitutes a sufficiency of these materials for suc cessfully growing a crop, will differ with the nature of the crop and the physical condition of the soil. The minimum percentage for the growth of general . crops is given by Professor Hilgard, than whom no one is more competent to '. judge, as follows: "Lime 0.10 per cent in the highest sandy soil; 0.25 per cent, in clay loams; 0.30 per. cent, in heavy clay soil; and it may rise:with advantage to 1 or 2 per cent. The indica tion is that 0.80 per cent, is a fair average for soil of the Willamette valley. - - . "Phosphoric, acid In sandy loams, ,0,10 per , cent., when accompanied by a good supply of lime. The maximum found in the best Mississippi table lands was 0.25 per cent; in the best- oottom land of the same region, 0.30 per cent This ingredient is, according to the California experiment station, report for 1888, more abundant in uie soils of Ore gon than in the soils of California. In the basaltic soils it may run as high as 0.30 per cent, or more. ' "PotashThe percentage, of heavy, clay, upland soil and clay. loams .ranges. irom about; 0.8 to 0.5; lighter loams from. 0.45 . to 0.30;. sandy .loams, below. 0.30;. and sandy loams. of great i depth may. fail below 0.10, consistent with good productiveness ; and . durability. . . Virgin soil with . a less percentage than 0.6, is deficient and virgin soil . having 0.50 per cent or over will riot Treat but first on that "side, of the- store of mineral plant food;, and mucnless will suffice in the presence of iriuch.lime and humus.. ... - ; ..A ' "Sulphuric acia In the best soils, this ingredient is slight; 0.02 pernt is adequate, but it frequently rises to 0.10 per cent. - - : - no 77 Humus, 2 (53 "An examination of this table, in the light of the principles laid down above, will be of interest. It will be noted that the soils of Eastern Oregon are very rich in potash, richer than those of the Willamette Valley, but poorer in phosphoric acid. The lime content of the soil east of the mountains is nearly three times that of the western area. In view of the exceptionally good supply of potash, augmented by an abundance of lime, itappears that, these soils will not wear out first on the side of potash. The humus per centage seems to be a little lower than in the humid part of the state, as would be expected, but, recent investi gations indicate that the humus of the arid regions carry nearly three times as much nitrogen as those of humid areas. If this be true of the soils in this state as of other localities of lim ited rainfall, and it doubtless is, there is actually more nitrogen present in the Eastern Oregon soils than in those of Western Oregon. The soil of Eastern Oregon is pretty uniform, and what applies to the en tire country applies to each section, hence Prof. Shaw's description of the )il of. Eastern Oregon applies well to Wasco county. Everything that can be grown in the temperate zone grows well here when proper rules of cultivation are ob served. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, potatoes, and all kinds of vegetables yield abundant crops on the high lands with out irrigation, while the creek bottoms, or valley lands, are especially adapted to the production of timothy, clover, and alfalfa. The staple crop of the country, however, is wheat, and the average yield, one year with another, is about 15 bushels per acre, though as high as 50 bushels an acre has been harvested in some localities. The climate and soil in all the northern part of the county are special ly adapted to fruit culture, and raising such vegetables as cabbage, potatoes, melons, celery, eggplant, tomatoes and similar plants, and large quantities of these are raised for export, market for the same being found at Portland, Seat tle, Tacoma, Spokane, and as far distant as Butte, Mon tana. The fruits that have proven the most profitable in Wasco county are apples, pears, peaches, prunes, plums, grapes and cherries, and the majority of the hill land slop ing toward the north has been found specially adapted to horticulture, trees grown on such land being exceptionally healthy, and yielding abundant crops of the choicest fruit. Strawberry culture has assumed considerable proportions in some sections of the county, and has proven quite profit able. The fame of the "Oregon Seedling," which is the fa vorite berry, in eastern markets, is almost world wide, and it gained its reputation from the fine berries raised in Wasco county and put on the markets of New York, Chi cago and other cities east of the Rocky mountains. The berries are 'two weeks earlier than those raised in any other part of the United States, therefore handsome profits are realized on the early shipments. THE STOCK INDUSTRY. In the early settlement of Wasco county stock raising was the sole industry, and is still an important resource, nearly all that section south of Deschutes river being de- e