The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 25, 1897, Image 1

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    m 67
0USTA.1XB8B. ' Volasae XXXV
:PAy8Wtanct Surgeon,
. ' Rooms ovr Dalle Hstional Bank. Office horns, 10
- a m t 14 in. nU from i totpm- !
tan t Bnd nf Thlrt -rtrwt.
JlMoroey at Law
Booms B 9 and 10. Vogt Block." J1 Dalles. Or.
rrtEMPr.E txjdoe. NvS. A. O. U W.
1 Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
l Mests every Saturday evening at 7:j0 In
K. of P. Hall. - i
- I J Meets everv Pridav evening at their
hall at 8 o'clock.
BOF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon
in K. of P.Hall
every Wednesday evening in K, of P
every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
House, " '
BOP L. P. DIVISION, NO. 187. Meets In
K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes
day of each month at 7:30 P. M.
LOEGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M.
V Meots first and third Monday of each
month at 6 P . M.
1 NO. 0. Meets In Masonic Hall the third
Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M.
Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock,
In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
r . Meets every Monday evening nt 8 o'clock. I
In Schanno's buildinz. corner of Court ar.d
Second streets. Sojourning brottaets are in
vited. ITTOMEN'S
V V UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
n the reading room.-
Mt. Hood Camp. No. 59, meets every
Tuesdy ovening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's
Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be
' present. i
i Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and
fourth Tuesday of eacn month. Visitors cor
diall invited.
. iT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo.
site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M
Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30.
2 Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng
lish language at First Baptist Chuich every
Sunday 9:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. H.
ME. CHURH Uev J. H. Wood, Pastor.
. Services every Sunday morning and eve
Ing. Snnday school at 12 :20 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
people to all,
Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at
II A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after
morning service .
CJT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
-Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M.
High mass t 10:30 A.M. Vespers at 7:30 P. M.
lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 18:1.1.
Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing
ton and Seventh streets.
1 Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday
morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock
Sunday school at 10 A M. Pray6r meeting
every Thursday evening. Y, P. S. C E. meets
every Sunday at 6:30 P-M. ..
Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller,
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening. Sunday school at 9:46 A. M. 31 are
cordially welaomed.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of C. W. MoKwen,
deceased, by virtue of an order of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County,
In probate, made on the 6th day of November,
A. D. 197, will Irom and after Saturday the
38th. day of December, A. D-, 1897, proceed to
sell at private sale, subject to confirmation by
said court and under and upon the terms of
sale hereinafter stated, all of tte real property
belonging to said estate and described as fol
lows, to wit: ,
The west half of northwest quarter and north -west
quarter of southwest quai ter of Section
82 in Township 1 South, Range 13 East Willam
ette Meridian, containing 120 acres; also a tract
bounded and described as follows! Beginning
at a point ten chains North of the corner post
Of Sections 5, 6, 31 and 32, and running North
ten chains; thence west six chains; thence south
ten enains; thence east six chains to the rlace
of beg nning; being a fraction of the sout-cast
quarter of the northeast quarter of section 31
In township 1 south. of range 13 east Willemette
Meridian, containing six acres: also the cast
half of tba northeast quarter, and the north
east quarter of the southeast quarter of section
81 in township I south of range 13 east of Wil
lamette Meridian, containing 12t acres. All
situated in Wasco County, State of Oregon.
All to be sold in one parcel .
Terms of Sale: One-third of the purchase
price cash down, and one-third payxble in one
year and one-third payable in two years from
date of confirmation of sale, tuning the pur
chasers note therefor secured by a first mort
gage on the premises so. sold and bearing Inter
Bst at eight per cent per annum.
Dated November 20, 1897.
Administrator of the estate of C. W. MoEwen,
Notice Is hereby gixen that under and by vir
tue of an execution and order of sale issued out
of the Circuit Cfurt of the State of Oregon for
the County of Wasco.on the2uth dayof Novem
ber, 1897, upon a decree made and entered
therein on the 8th day of November, 1897, in a
cause therein pending wherein Daniel Lord and
B. F. Lord were plaintiffs, and John South
well and Amanda J Southwell were defend
ants, and to me directed, commanding me to
sell the lanos and premises hereinafter named
to satisfy the demands of plaintiffs for 1.6x7.0U
and Interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
from the 8th day of November, 1897, and the
further sum of $150.00 attorneys fees, and the
sum of SK.uO costs of suit and the costs of and
upon saia writ of execution, I have leyled on
and will on
Monday, the 3d Day of January, 1898,
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. sell at publle
auction at the court house door, in Dalles
City, in said Wasco County, to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all the following de
scribed premises situate and being in Waseo
County, Oreeon. tow it: The West half (H) of
the Southeast quarter (M) and the Southwest
quarter, le-s 23 ai res in a triangular form out
of the Northwestcorner thereof.all being in Sec
tion two U) in Township one (I) South of r
thirteen (13) East W M..and containing in all
U27 acres, or so much thereof as will be suffl
clent to satisfy said sum's as aforesaid, f aid
property will be sold subject to the statutory
rteht of redemption.
Dated at The Dalles. Oregon, Dec. 4. 1S97.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregno.
Notice Is hereby given that under ana by
virtue of an execution and order of sale issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the Countv of Wasco, on the 4th day of De
cember, 197. upon a decree made and entered
therein on the Slth day of June. 1897, in a cause
therein pending, wherein Mary Davenport was
.uimiit inH Ktonhpn M. MeeKS and Eliza
VVoko Rata Ann Meeks and Lewis Mceks
were defendants, commanding me to sell tne
lands aid premises hereinafter described to
satisfy the demands of plaint'ff for t e sum of
t-!27.& with Interest thereon at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from the Uthdavof May,
1896, and the further sum of $50 00. with
Interest thereon from said 12th day of May,
1866. at the rate of ten per cmt per annum, and
the further sum of $10 00 costs of action, and
the further snm of $76.65 costs and disburse
ments of said suit, and the costs of and upon
this writ. I have levied on and In accordance
-with said execution and order of salo I will on
Monday, the 3d Day of January, 1898,
at the hour of 1 : P- M., at the court house
.r-in nlls citv. Wasco Countv. Oreiron. sell
to the highest bidder, all of the foi:owing de
scribed premises situate and being in Wasco
County. Oregon, towit: The East half (4 of
the Southeast quarter (Mi of Section eighteen
iai in Townshfn two (2) North of ranee twelve
- j2) East W. M., or so much thereof as will be
sufficient to satisfy said sums hereinbefore
named. Said property will be sold subject to
BtftutArv nrnt oi reaemption.
Dated at DallesCity, Oregon. Dec. 4. 1897.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
When selectin? holiday presents do
not overlook the ele'srunt .i-nanf
goods offered by the Snipes-Klnersly
Drug JO.
In th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Wasco County.
Board of Commissioners for the sale of School
and University Lands and for the invest
ment of funds arising therefrom. Plaintiff,
P. T. Sharp, Mary Jane Sharp, E. F. Sharp,
Kathleen Sharp. Frank H. Sharp. J. vv .
Condon, as assignee of the estate of P. T.
Sharp. Insolvent Debtor, the estate of Mrs.
Grace V. Coatsworth, deceased, and J. C.
Meins. Wasco County, and F, P. Taylor,
Bv virtue of an execution and or"erof sale.
Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wasco County, on the 17th day of
December, 1SU7, to me directed, upon a judg
ment and decree rendered in said court on the
9th day of November. lbS7, in favor of the above
named plaintiff and against the above named
defendant. P. T. Sharp, for the sum of &S.X64.43
and interest thereon at the rate of eii'ht per
cent.Jper annum from November 9. 1K97. and
S3. 0 00 attorney's fees In said suit, and $15.10
costs and disbursements, and accruing costs;
and against the defendant F. P. Taylor, to ex
haust any interest he may have in tne real
property described in --said j dgment ! rree.
execution and order of sa'e. I did. on the 17th day
of December. 11-97, at the req est of pluinuii s
attorney, duly levy upon the folio lag described
real property, lying and being n W-!sco county.
State of Ore.on. described as follows, to-wit:
The northeast quarter '4 of tee southwest
quarter ( H ' and tne south half 1(4 ) of the south
west Quarter () of section (I2. and the north
east quaiter (1-4) of the northwest quarter (1-4)
of section thirteen (13) in township one north
of range thirteen (13) east W M, containing one
hundred and sixty (160) acres; and fractional
lots numbered three (J) and four 4) of the
north half (1-21 of the northeast Quarter (1-4) of
section twelve (12) tn township one north of
range thirteen (13) east W M. containing eigh
teen (If) acres and eighty-four hundredths cf
an acre; also a fractional part of the northwest
quarter (1-4) of the northwest quarter (1-4 of
section thirteen (13). township one II north of
ranee thirteen 1131 east Willamette Meridian.
containing tv?entv-five 2? acres; al-o the wrst
half f 1-2J of the southwest quarter 1 1-4 oi s. o-
range fourteen fl4j east Willamette Meridian,
containing one hundred and sevtn acres and
twenty hundredths .f un lOT.iN-Ilk'J acre; also
the north half F 1-2 1 of the southeast Quarter f 1-41
uon jno. seven r, I in townsuiu one i i.oiti
and south h;fT 1-2J of the nortlie sl quarter
1-41 of section ri-it in township one north of
ranee I3 Wast Willamette Meridian, contain
ing one nuuurea una sixty iwj a-jres. tn ail two
hundred and sixtv-sevca and twentv-hun-
dredths li?.0-lWi acres; and situhtPd in Wascr
count?. State of Oregon All of said ratrels of
land contain four t.imdved sad seventy-on
acres and four hundredths 1471 i-!Oi! r f an icre
Together w th 'h- tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances tnereuuto belonging or in
anywise appertaining.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of saidjudge
meit, decree, execution and order of sale, I
will on
Sat'iiday, the 22J day of January, 1S08.
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M of said day, at the
Court Houm! door in Dalles City, in said Wasco
County, Oregon, sell the above described real
property at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash to satisfy tho sum of $ '.4 iS, w ith in
terest tcereon at t'.-e rate of eiglit per cent per
annum from November 9th. 1897, n-v due upon
said judgment and decree, and tne further sum
of tlo.i 0 costs rdu disbursement in said suit,
and accruing cist
Lated tins day of Pecember. 1837.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon
To whom all it may concern: Notice Is here
by given that the undersigned has been ap
pointed by vfie Honoiaule the County Court of
the t:tte of Oregon lor Was..o l ounty. admin
istrator of t restate of William M. iioci-man.
luie of Wasco County and now deceased. Ail
persons having claim. aainl said estate are
hereby required to present thir cinim with
proper voucher to n.u at the office of Dufur &
Menefee in Dalles City, Wusco County. Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
Dated ut Dulles City. O.e . iNuvi motr 3. 1197.
Administrator of the estute of WUliam M.
Hockman, deceased. n(iw5
Ljstd Office at Thb Dalles. Ob., 1
November 9. 1697. (
Notice is hereby given thnt the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Decern
ber ICth, u7, viz.:
Hd E No 58C3 for t-e StWli Sec 13, Tp 2 N R
-.He name? the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ju'pon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Aaron Mantsan, J P Agydious, Martin Fagan,
and Perry Van Camp, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
J as. F. Moorb,
nl3w5" Register.
Land Office at The dalles, Oregon, I
November 20, 1897. )
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his olaim. and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Jan
uary 5, 1S98. viz.
Of The Dalles, Oregon: Hd. E. No. 4619 for the
SW'4 NEVt and SE NWH of Sec. 31, Tp. 1 N,
R. 15 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis:
D. L. Bolton, John Quirk. Harry Gilpin and
James Johnson, all of The Dalles. Oregon.
Nov27 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
U. S. Laud Office. The Dalles. Or., I
November 12, 1897. f
Complaint having been entered at this oft ce
by George F. Bullock against William F. Lock
wood for abandoning his Homestead Entry No.
tnn. dated July cK. 1892. upon the N4 SKM and
SWM SE'i Section S3. T 1 N. S 13 E. in Wasco
County. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
or said entry, tne satel parties rre hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 23d day of
December, imn, at Z o'clock p. M., to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
abandonment. JAS. h: MOORE.
nov. 13 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.,
December 7, 1897,
Notice is herebv eiven that the following.
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Reg-
t-terand Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon on
January 22, ltstt), viz. :
Of The DaPes: H. E. No. 8831. for tne NEX of
Sec. 25, Tp. 1 N-, R 13 E. W. M.
He names the following witness is to prove his
contiuuons residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, vi:
J. W. Kooatz, John Ryan, R E. Williams
and Elijah Koontz, all of 1'he Dalles, On gon
dii, JAS. F. MOOR'X Register-
White Star Line
Of the Washougal and La
Camas Transportation Co., will
leave her dock at tbe foot of
Uuiuii street, for Portland and
way points on
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
AT 6:30 A, M,
Freight and Passenger Rates
Office Baldwin Building',
Job . .
Of all kinds done on short
notice and at reasonable
rates at this office.
To Cnre Constipation Forever.
Take Casca-eta Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a
(( C P. p. all to core, druggists refund mone
"Oh George! I don't know'
what to do, I'm sure. Pa says he
will never consent to my marry
ing a man as extravagant as you
are. He says you never chew
anything but that expensive Piper
Heidsieck Tobacco."
The new five-cent piece of
besides eing 40 per cent, larger than the old five-cent piece, is
greatly improved in flavor.
It is the best tobacco ever offered at any price, and the largest plug
01 cnoice tooacco ever ottered tor
M &
WinevMiiors, Cigars and Beer.
The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anhauser-Busch Malt
Nutrine, a non-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a tonic
Or Crown and Bridge Work at -Greatly
Reduced Prices
Any kind of Filling known to the Dental Profession
carefully and thoroughly done.
( Shews mouth with on t four teetn
pre) ared for reception of bridge. No
plate to be used.
Over French & Co.'s Panic, The Dalles, Or.
Z. F.
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE8T.
(Adjoining' Railroad Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will by paid to those who favor me with their patronage
25 SO
s. "iMfrm Tli
Largest Mutton Ram Breeding Farm in Americ
Strong, vigorous animals now ready for shipment.
Carload lots for range use a specialty.
Writb fob prices. 7f. O- FOXt
Job Printing
"Expensive? Why, the old
man's behind the times. The
size of the plug has been in
creased 40 per cent. Piper Heid
sieck is really the cheapest to
bacco on the market."
nve cents.
EETH cannot b extracted or
filled pa! lessly by anyone in all
instance but we know that skill
ful use 01 nstruaents and pain
obtundants help to allay pain.
We are properly prepared with
all such agents and successfully
use some while our competitors
All appliances requiring: mo
tive power are run by electricity,
the only office in the city having
such complete equipment for
doing the rough work.
ii aDi Forwardini Merchanl
Of all kinds done ot
short notice and at
reasonable rates at
this o trice.
Gage Has Another Day With
the House Committee.
Populist Members of Congress Pass
Some Pertinent Resolutions at
a Caucus in Washington.
Wheat Mar Be Worth l.SO a Bushel
Next Spring Klondike Miners to its.
eel to Relief From Concreaaw
Cold In the North.
Washington. Dec. 17. Secretary
Gage resumed his exposition of his ex
tensive currency bill before the house
committee on banking and currency
today. Chairman Walker had left the
city and Brossius, of .Pennsylvania,
Before the bill proper was taken up
some semi-political questions were
asked. Hill, republican, of Connect
icut called Gase's attention to the
statement made yesterday that the first
purpose of the bill was to commit the
country to the gold standard.
"You are a recognized republican,"'
said Dill, addressing the secretary.
"Do you consider that this purpose of
more firmly fixing the gold standard
on the country conflicts with the fin
ancial plank of the St. Louis plat
forn?" "No, a'r,'' responded Gage, "not as I
look at the question of bitnetalisra.
Bitnetalism must mean one of two
things. Either It is two kinds of
money of unequal value circulating
side tiy side by exchange of less value
for that of greater value, or else two
kinds of money of such intrinsic;ty
of value that they will circulate I
Hturaliy side by side. We have a bi
netillic currency in the United States
ow. Tbe firm establishment of the
old standard, with suck interchange
ability as will make it iutercbaage-
ibleon equality with gold, will main-
rain this bimetalism the same as it has
listed forthe last 18 years."
The secretary of the treasury went
on to state that this in no way pre
judiced the steps that might be taken
to bring silver up to a higher stand
ard of value. Tho bill, however, was
dasigned to give such confidence in
the financial ability of the government
that discriminations against sil
ver would largely decrease.
Cox, democrat, of Tennessee asked
if the result of the Gage bill even
tually would not lead to one kind of
paper money, bank notes, and no sil
ver except subsidiary silver. .
There is nothing iu this plan to co
operate to that extent now," answered
Gage- "It is in that direction, and
with further legislation developing it
might ultimately lead to such a result."
It is easy to catch a cold and Just as
easy to cet rid of it if you commence
early to use One Minute Cough Cure.
it cures couens, colds, oroncnitts.
pneumonia and all throat and lung
troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe
to use and sure to cure. Snipes and
Populist Member of the House In Caucus
Adopt Resolutions.
Washington, Dec. 17. A caucus of
the populist members of the house was
held at tbe National hotel last night.
rhe fallowing resolutions were unani
mously adopted, except that referring
to civil service:
That it is the sense of this caucus
that we will resist all efforts to so
modify the existing civil service law
as to enable any party that may be in
power to fill the different positions in
the civil service with partisans.
"That we are opposed to and will
resist all efforts to destroy our green
backs and the treasury notes, whether
it be by direct legislation or by the
subterfuge of refusing to reissue the
same except in exchange for gold.
"That we are opposed to any scheme
of enlarging the powers of national
"That we appose the conferring of
the power to issue notes designed to
have the same functions as money to
tny bank, corporation, or individual.
" That we favor the early considera
tion and pasrage of a joint resolution
eco?nizinsr the Independence cf tbe
Cuban republic.
"That we are in favor of th early
passage of an equal but voluntary
bankruDtcy bill."
Mrs. Stark, Pleatant Ridge, O., says:
"After two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I saved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is the
quickest and most certain remedy for
oughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Chicago Ball Clique Holds ft Own In the
December Wheat Deal.
Chicago; Dec. 18. Despite predle-
that are not Terr robust need a
warmingf, building and fat-formin?
f ood lometninsr to be used tor two
or three months in the fall that
they may not suffer from cold
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hrpophos
pfaites of Lime and Soda supplies
exactly what they want. They
will thrive, grow siron? and be
well all winter on this splendid food
tonic. Nearly all of them become
very fond of it. For adults who
are not very strong, a
course of treatment with
the Tmitlinn for a couple
of months in the fall will
put them through the
winter in first-class con
dition. Ask your doctor
about this.
Be sura yon get SCOTT'S Fnmttl . Set that uw
sua and fish an oa A wrapper.
AD druggists ; 50c sad
SCOTT A BOWKE, Ci mitts, New York.
tions that there would be a day full of
surprises on the board of trade, tbe bull
clique, headed by Joseph Kelter, bad
smooth Bailing apparently, and seemed
to have proved itself capable of doing
what it promised. It took the 1,000,
000 or more bushels of wheat delivered
to it yesterday, and today the deliver
ies amounted tn 1,250 000 bushels more.
But the price held firm. The promis
ed storm today whs predicted when
Armour began unloading some of Sis
enormous holdings yesterday. It was
feared there would be a tremendous
rush today to dump all the wheat tn
Chicago into the lap of this syndicate,
but this nroves the prophecy was
wrong. The Journal says:
"With tbe 1,250.000 bnshels deliver
ed today, tke Loiter crowd has 2,000,-
000 bushels in their possession, ac
quired this week. How much more
the syndicate has beugbt 'lonr' is not
known, but it may be as much as 8,
000,000 or 9,000,000 bushels. The
amount, however, is probably only 5.
000.000 or 6,000,000 at the outside. As
December dawns to a close it grows
more and more probable that the
Leitrr clique meaat what it said when
it announced that it wanted the wheat.
and was not in the market for the pur
pose of 'cornering' the cereal. It is
said at least $6,000,000 was on deposit
in various banks ef tbis city tp the
credit of the clique, for the purpose of
paying for tbe wheat to be delivered to
As an echo of yesterday's enormous
train deliveries, Armour & Co. have
returned policies on grain amounting
to $1,000,000 and over for cancellation,
which was immediately reissued in the
name of Alleo, Grier & Co. Tbe
transaction caused interest in local
insurance circles. It was the possibil
ity of a failure on the part of Armour
& Co. to do this that caused a rumor
of an "insurance corner" as an ad
junct to the December wheat deal.
Mrs. M. B. Ford. Ruddell's, 111., suf-
fe- ed for eight years from dyspepsia
and cbroniu constipation and was fin
ally cured by using DeWltt's Little
Early Kisers, the famous little pills lor
all etomach and liver troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Belief BUI Slcned.
Washington, Dec. 18. Both houses
of congress today passed the joint res
olution for the relief of miners in tke
Yukon valley, Alaska, and in a short
time it had received the signature of
the president.
The bill appropriates $200,000, to be
expended under direction of tbe secre
tary of war in the purchase of supplies
for the relief of tbe people in the
Yukon country or other mining re
gions of Alaska, and for the transpor
tation and distribution of such sup
plies, provided that, if the consent of
the Canadian government be obtained,
the secretary of war may extend the
relief into Canadian territory. The
resolution further provides that the
supplies may be sold in that region at
such prices as msy be fixed by the sec
retary of war, or donated to those un
able to pay for them. The secretary
of war is authorized to use the United
States army in carrying into effect the
provisions of tbe act, to import rein
deer and drivers for the transporta
tion of supplies, and to adopt such
other provisions as are practicable.
The secretary is directed, when the
work shall have been completed, to
ell the reindeer or turn them over to
the secretary of tho Interior, in his dis
cretion, and to make a detailed report
to congress at the beginming of the
next session of such disbursements
made and results accomplished under
the act.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De-
Witt's Little Earl v Risers curebilous
ness, constipation, sick headache
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
It Mar Go to 1.80 by Next Mar,
i fays a
Chicago Bayer.
Chicago, Dec. 17. George
French, the recognized agent of she
Leiter interest in wheat, has imparted
a bit of information which wheat spec
ulators for many months have been
anxious to know. Be also ventured a
prediction of May wheat.
"Our wheat costs us nearly 70 cents,"
said Mr. French, and at that price
we think we can afford to take it in,
pay for it, and see what it looks like.
Our position as we have said right
along, is simply that of merchandisers.
As soon as the sufficiency of the supply
and the urgency of the demand be
comes more apparent, I will not be a
bit surprised to see May wheat at
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa.,
says: "My child is worth millions to
me; yet I would have lost ber by croup
bad I not invested twenty-five cents
in a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all
throat and lung troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Work of Congress.
Washington, Dec. 17. The senate
today took the necessary proceedure
to put the bill for the relief of Klon
dike miners into conference and nam
ed Hawley, Carter and Cockrell as
conferees. It then discussed at some
length the government's revenue, the
basis of discussion being the report
that the time was inopportune to pass
a bill to free from taxation alcohol
used in the arts. One hundred and
thirty-eight private pension bills were
The house today resumed considera
tion of the legislative appropriation
bill. 1 he Klondike relief bill was
sen', to conference and Cannon, North
way and Sayers of Texas were named
as conferees.
Battle Dear Mansanlllo.
Havana, Dec. 18. Official advices
from Manzanillo say that a detach
ment of troops belonging to General
Segura's column has been engaged be
tween Manzanillo and Bayamo with
an insurgent force. The insurgents
are reported to have retired with the
loss ef seven killed. It is admitted,
however, that the troops had seven
killed, and a doctor, a captain, and
two other officers, and 28 soldiers
Cold Weather.
St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 17. Official
thermometers in this city got down to
12 below zero during the night and the
cold wave is still in evidence all over
tbe Northwest. Bismarck's coldest
was 18 below, Helena IS and Havre
and Battleford 30.
Karl's Clover Root Tea. for consti
naiion its' the best and after usingit
yon don,t say so, return tbe package
and get tout money. Sold by Blakeley
6. Houghton, The Dalles.
Interest in the Coming Event
Increasing at Chicago.
Attempts to Form a New Cabinet
Failed, Rival Factions Cannot
The Fight to 8t Murderer Durrmnt Will
be Continned-YakoD Bails to be Re
arreoed Not Bellered la
Chicago. Dec. 20. Interest in the
big December wheat deal was greatly
increased today by the arrival from
Washington of Levi Z Leiter, the
millionaire merchant of Chicago, and
the substantial admission by him that
his millions were at his son's com'
mand ia his .struggles with the other
interests. .
"My son has plenty of money to pay
for what he has purchased," said Lei
ter, sr. "About his whiat operations
he has informed me fully. I have
been a merchant the greater part of
my life, and am much pleased that my
son has broadened out lnroa first-class
merchant. Wheat is a first class com
modity of universal use. The quality
of the wheat which be has purchased
is of the highest, and I am sure will
be in demand at a higher price than
he paid for it. I am well pleased with
the situation."
There was another big increase in
tbe amount of contract wheat in store
here today, over half a million barrels
being added to the stock. Friday and
Saturday nearly 2,500.000 bushels were
delivered here, all of which was taken
by tke Leiter people. At least 3,000,-
000 bushels more are expected to
arrive, and in liquidation of this is ex
pected to come the final test of the
strength of Leiter.
The 500,000 bushels delivered today
bad not the slightest weakening effect
on December wheat. On the contrary,
it sold as high as $1.02 shortly after
the opening.
Miss Allie' Hughes, Norfolk, Va.,
was frightfully burned on the face and
neck. Pain was instantly relieved by
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, which
healed the injury without leaving a
scar. It is the famous pile remedy.
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. .
All Attempts to t ons a New Cabinet Have
Valpariso, Chili, Dec. 20. Politics
in Chili are sadly mixed. Since the
resignation of tke cabinet, which was
due to the coalition ef the government
liberals, the conservatives .and the
Balmacedists, there has been several
attempts to form a new one, but all
efforts in this direction have gone for
naught. - .ii;
The coalition of the three parties
was based on an agreement to give to
each party two members of the cabinet,
Senor Ismael Tocornal undertook to
form a new ministry and failed, be
cause of, the refusal of the government
liberals to abide by the agreement,
they being willing to give only one
member of the cabinet each to the
Balmacedists and conservatives.
Then Senor Pedro Montt undertook
to form a ministry, but was persona
n on grata to certain political leaders;
therefore he failed. Senor Montt was
bitterly attacked by the press, and
President Errazuriz was criticised
harshly by even his own organiza
tions, for choosing him. Scheming
against the interests of tbe country
was charged, and the president was
accused of betraying bis party.
The president has had several con
ferences with the leaders of the three
parties, but so far as can be learned,
be has arrived at no decision as to
whom he will select to form his min
istry. A mass meeting of workingmen was
held here to protest against the pres
ident's policy of refusing all offers to
build more railway cars and locomo
tives at home. The speakers demand
ed that such work be dene in order to
give employment to those who need it
to support themselves and families.
A resolution embodying Ihe sense ef
the meeting was forwarded to the
government in Santiago.
Prosperity comes quickest to the
man whose liver is in good condition.
DeWltt's Little Early Risers are fa
mous little pills for constipation, bili
ousness, indigestion and all stomach
and liver troubles. Snipes, Kinersly
Drug Co.
Government Will Shortly Send tho He
Arthur North.
Oakland, Cal., Dec.20. The United
States geodetic survey ship McArthur
has been ordered to Alaska, and with
the openine of spring will bead for the
Yukon, there to remain until a series
of important surveys have been ac
complished and a thorough study of
the country made. The McArthur lies
on tbe ways at the Hay & Wright
shipyard, receiving repairs, but will
soon be in readiness for active service.'
Captain L W. Helms, in charge of
tbe ship, upon instructions from the
navy yard, has received bids for tow
ing a small stern wheel steamer to the
mouth of the Yukon, to aid in the
surveying work and to serve for the
navigation of rivers to shallow for the
The McArthur will work up the
Alaskan coast, taking observations,
until the mouth of tbe Yukon is
reached. Then the stern wbeelnr will
be brought into use, and the crew and
officers will go up tbe Yukon as far as
possible, carefully surveying the coun
try and making charts for a new gov
ernment map of the district.
round Dead In a Woodshed.
Eugene, Or., Deo, 18. Coroner J.
W. Harris ibis morning received a
telephone message from Junction City,
saying that John Morgan was found
dead at an early hour this morning In
bis woodshed. His death must have
resulted from heart failure. Neighbors
slate they beard groans last night, but
did not make any investigation.
John Morgan was well known, and
had lived in Junction City ever since
it was a town. He served as marshal
for a number of years. He was about
63 years old. Mrs. It P. Caldwell, ol
Junction City, his slsttr, Is the only
known relative bejiad in this state.
Against Uopeleas Odd.
San Francisco, Dec. 20. The
father of Theodore Durrant, tbe con-
demed murderer, says:
"We have not given up tbe fight for
my son's life. We will try to get a
writ of error from tbe state supreme
court to the United States supreme
court. If this is denied we can go di
rect to the latter court and maice tbe
application. That is, if we can raise
the money, for the expense of this 11 tl
gation has impoverixhed us."
hooated at Washington.
Washington, Dec. 20. The asser
tion that tbe German fleet, under
Prince Henry, will go to Samoa ana
Hawaii, thus creatiog a menacing
situation for the United States, is
ridiculed in official quarters. When
the reports were called to the atten
tion of the German representatives,
they laughed heartily at the idea.
Nothing of the kind has ever been con
sidered. The Gorman fleet will go to
China via the Suez canal, and its des
tination is Kiao Chou bay.
Not Occupied by Russians.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 18. It is an
nounced that a Russian squadron,
under Rear-Admiral Reuono, has en
tered Port Arthur, on the Chinese
coast, with the entire acquiescence of
the Chinese government. The squad
ron intends to remain at Port Arthur
throughout .the winter. This is due
solely to the need of a temporary
Winter station, and involves no ques
tion of foreign occupation or hostile
occupation, or any intention against
China, Germany, Japan or any other
power. .
Morrow Coaaty's Fat Boy. ''
Word has reached Heppaer that Mr.
Walker, who was known as the "Mor
row county fat boy," died Monday.
He was a son of A. L. Walker, of
Eight-Mile, and though not more than
five feet tall, weighed about 400
pounds. Although , he bad taken a
great many anti-fat remedies, he was
not successful in reducing bis flesh.
On the contrary, he grew fleshier.
The burden of flesh impeded the action
of the vital organs, and life became a
burden. His death was not unexpect
ed. Stockholder's Meeting.
The annual meeting ot the stock
holders of the First National Bank of
The Dalles will be held at the office of
said bank on Tuesday, January .11th,
1893, for tbe election of directors for
the ensuing year. H. M. Beall,
w4t Cashier.
Wages to bo Cat.
Boston, Dec. 17. The dlreotoisof
the Amoakeag Manufacturing Com
pany today voted to reduce the wages
of its employes about 10 per cent oa
January 1. Between 8000 and 9000
people will be affected.
CMcfl of Two Transcontinental Bostes
OCEAN STEAMERS leave Portland every
are days lor
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohoma and Hong Kong, via The
Northern Pacific Steamship Co., ia
connection with O. R. & N.
For full details call on the O. R. N. Agent
at THB DALLES, or address
W. H. HT7RLBT7RT, Gen, Pass. Art.,
Portland, Oregoa
Tho Now O. B. X. Tina Card.
Train No. 2 east via. the Union
Pacific and Oregon Short Line, arrives
here at 12:45 A. if., departs at 12:50. .
No. 4, east by Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 6:25 p. it., departs
No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L.,
arrives at 3:20 A. if., and departs 3:30.
No. 3, west from Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 9:20 A. it. and de
parts at 9:25.
Freight trains Nos, 23 and 24, second
divisions, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 5 P. M. and No. 24 leaves at
1:45 p. if.
Special Prices ta Gash Buyers
fV.1iifnV.;a PACKING
Corner Third and Wuhlnftoii.,
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Oard
Curedand Dried Meats, .
Sausages of All Kinds
Oi ders Delivered to Any Part of the City
phonb mi
ReyoJ lakss the load ra.
Absolutely Fur
Railroad builders amy fnelnildlna
this year will be mainly; for the pur
pose of developing lumber tracts, eooj
mines and other freight-making 4
Laborers are flocking to Liberia to .
work on the STfcat Liberiain rn.41wav.
This is the route that will jUy Un
muu lire mmvera qununo, anuvTHit ,,
usefulness of Constantinople aa the txg :
to Europe and enable American jj gn v
to the Japan ses in 17 days. '',
A very low temperature, 409 de-'-7
grees below zero, has been, shown to
of many bodies. The brilliant acarlef' .
of vermillion and mercuric Iodide J -
reduced, under its influence, to a fmi&
orange, the original -color rTetorniag .
with the rise of the temperature. - Hue '
are unaffected by cold, and tke effect la .
comparatively small upon Organic col-
oring matters of all tints, , rK .
The movement for ibm industrial., t
education of the southern nawtna it -
about to be advanced by-the buIMlDC V
of a cotton mill at Concord. J . "C Torv - ,
the special employment sndlpsiraefiott-" ;
of negroes in this line) of Work. Jt4;
being bnilt by Coarsen a wraith: -
colored man, and will be the first cot , .
ton mill in the country o employ sol-; .
ored operatives, aitboufh there ia ' '
spinning mill at CoJusobisi, S. CwJiare
they are employed., y, ; ' ' (VS
in so ary a region aseentrej Anrc-
lia frogs are found is fair' nnabersA
creeks and claypana wanning witlti
them. As the waters' dry up the frogn;
disappear fn their burrowsv. ramainiax. k
till the rains come again. "Certain Bp- :
cies of them," says Spencer, "gorf A
themselves with, water before they g t
into their retreats,' and "in times- of'- 7
drought the natives dig thorn oat ao4 J
obtain enough water from their bodies: I
to satisfy their thirst. f ; ': .." '.1
It appears that as the eoxth be- J
comes overpopulated all mn must be- ,
come vegetarians. A recent estiiast.'
shows that 23 acres of land are jmcc
sary to sustain ens man on fresh meat ,
while the same area, if devoted to wheat
culture, would ' feed " 42' peoplejJf to
oats, 8S; potatoes, Indian. oSrii and rk,;
17G, and if to plantain or breadfruit
over C.0O0 people. Eretliedireprophee ' 4
of Maltihua ia fulfilled, however, we nsay ' '
reasonably expert the, chemist to pro-' j
vide artificial food for the multUtkle - . J
As to the age of th Xiagar fails. '
geologists differ widely in opinion.' At '
first it wss estimated that" th Nisarai ?
river came into existence .' thrvugh, :
changes in thf level of tbiol SJouryJ,
the great lakes, about 55,000 years atgo!"
Later this was reduced to only 12,000 , .
years. ' The celebrated geologist. Sir ?
Charles Lyell, increased tho estimate:' -
again to 35,000 years; but mora recent" ''
ly others have lowered it to bout 9,00a -years.
The latest estimate ia that of t
Dr. J. W. Spencer, who. basinir his con
clusions on the jnostvrece-ut lnvitigs--f
tions, places the age of the river at J2 - : i
000 years and that of the cataract at 31.-
uuu years. a one penou, mooy uuu
sand years ago, the height ot toe taUe
wss 420 feet. - ' '! . v
The Dalles, Portland end Astsria
FBli ata Passe
The steamers ot this line will laav!
The Dalles at 7.-00 A. K. ; ,
Shipments received at any line, dst
isnts received at any tuna, as:
itock shipments sollolted. , I
or nignt.
Live stock
Call on or address,
BMssm -w as as om sa as s SB. -sBSaaH
Mount Hood Sampte Rcoit
BeSt Kentucky vWhjskf
Very Beat Key West Cigars and Best
. , of Wines. . ! t :
English Porter, Ala and" KUwamk
Beer always on hand. ... -
R. E. SaltmarshoA
ffighestCashPrice for
CanUj CaaTtloroloriwliSl7lfc f.wt ;
KB. y "T--tr-t m i imam f
v V