The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 11, 1897, Image 1

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    PorllauJ Library
0 NO Ca
vr it i-t. Vi b
Physician and Surgeon,
Booms ovnr Dalles N itional Bv.ik. OISim homi,
tint) 1:'. ui, and irom 'I to 4 p ni. llea
dcn Wo,t Eud of Thir l street,
S. BtNMiT.
Attorney at Law
Iff1-1- TACKilAM
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Voet Block, The Dalles, Or,
.1 Meets In Keller's Ha'.l every Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
J Meets every Saturday everiliiij ut T.X) in
K. of P. Hall.
Meets every Friday cTcaing at tacir
hall at 8 o'clock.
CP Li. K. Meets every Friday afternoon
m K. or r nan
1T7"ASCO THIBE. NO. IS, I. O. K. M Meets
VV every Wednesday evening in K, of r
every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
BOP L. P. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in
K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes
day of enea month at 7:30 P. M.
WASCO LOEGE, NO. 15, A. P. & 'A. M.
Meets first and third Monday of each
month at 8 P M.
NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third
Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M.
Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
Meets every Monday evening at o'clock.
in Schanno's building.', corner of Court ami
Seoond streets. Sojourning brothers are invited.
UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
n the reading room.
L Mt. Hood Camp. No. 59. meets ever?
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's
Hall. All sojourning brothers arc invited to 1
in Masonic Hall on the second er;
fourth Tuesday of eacn month. Visitors cor
diall invited.
B7 virtue of an execution and order of sile
dulv Kvjed l.y the Ci.irk of t'.e Circuit Court of
the Couatv of Wuo. Stnte of Oregon, dated
the liltii ili'v of NovemlK-r. lkW. in a certain suit
in tht Circuit Court tcr said Co'nt.v and otate,
-.-.-herein W. J. Van Schuyver & Couipany.a cor
poration, as plaintiff, recovered judgment
against Charles Dil on. for the sum of two
thousa d and forty-four dollars and sixty-five
cents, and costs and disbursements taxed at
seventeen dollars and fifty cents, on the 16th
day of November. 1S97. Notice Is hereby given
that I have levied on and will on
Mdnday, the 20ih day of Decanter, 1897,
A tVtn P.-Mirt 1-Tniivi flftnr in DM'O CitV. in sai'.i
County, at two o'clock in the alttruoon of
dav. wil at nublic auction to t!;c hiK:et bidder
for cash, the lollowing described
tt if- Kwt. in-h:ilf nf thH northeast one-quar-
ter. the southwest one-auarter of the north
east one-quarter and the northeast one-quarter
of the southeast one-quarter of section 22 in
'i'nwn-:hm on, ill north of ran''e fourteen ( 14)
eant V. M., containing 100 acres and situated in
W:isfrt rninnlT. sfrtte of Oregon.
Taken uad levied upon as the property of the
said Charles Dillon to satisfy the said judgment
in favor of said w. J. an henuyver is Co.,
uirainst K.iid Chas. Dillon, with interest thereon.
together with all costs and disbursements that
have or may accrue.
I . J. UHln, oiieriu.
Dated at Dalles Citv. Oreuon. -"ov. 1, i. W.
Notice is hereby civen that the undersigned.
administrator of the estate of Clarissa .Mt Kwen,
Heceased. bv virtue of an order of the County
Court of the state of Uregon for VV asco county.
in probate, made on the Cm day oi even:
WJ7. will trow and after Saturuay. tiie ls;ii i-iiy
of December, A. D. It!);, uioceed to sell at ;
vate sale, subject to confirmation by said court
and under and upon the terms or sale hereinaf
ter staled, all oi tae real properly Le u.-.; in
saidcsl-ite and desedbtd us folio -.s. t
The SWM of the SWM of section X in town-
shio 2 South. Ran-e 13 East. Wiilr.r-.Hte Merid
ian. contait:in 40' acres anil siiunud i:i Wasco
Countv. State of Oregon.
Terms of Sale: One-third of til': lyiirchase
price cash down, onc-tuird payuUiii in one year
and one-third payaule ia two yeavs 1'ie.n date
of confirmation of sale, taking the pii.i huseis
note therefor secuiel by a first ir.ortg .ge on
the premises so sold and bearing interest at
eight per cent, per annuel.
jjatua AovemiAjr i;u, i.w.
Administrator of the estate of Clarissa Mc-
Ewen, deceased. ilU
-Union street, oppo
Sunday school at 9:30 A. M
Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30.
1T site Fifth.
Jl'J Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng
Ilsh language at First Baptist Church every
sunaay 9:30 A. u. and 7 :;.) p. u.
E. CHURH Rev. J. H. Wood. Pastor.
Services every Sunday mormni; and eve-
Ing. Sunday school at 12 :20 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
people to all
Curtis, Pastor, Services every 'Sunday at
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after
morning service
ST. PETER'S'CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgecst
Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. V.
High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M.
1 lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
streets. Services each Sunday morning at It
- o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15.
Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing
ton and Seventh streets.
t1 Hazel, pastor. Preaching everv Sunrtny
moning at 11 and In the evenins at 7 o'clock
Sun lay school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening, x. tr. s. u Ji. meets
every Sunday at 6:30 P. M.
To vhom all it may concern : Not ice is here
by given that the unuersiied ii.vs besu ap
pointed oy the Honorable the Couatv Court t.f
the state of Orctron lor as-o t mintv. ndinin-
istrctcrof tl.e estate oi Wiiliiim iu. Huemnn.
late of u asco Cynnly and nu dveeastd. A1
persons having eluiins a:-'ai:i-t sai I -state are
hereby luijuiied to ;:rese:ii thir claim with
p-civr veue'iv;r lo tae at the olrus? of uufur &
iWinTe-.; in ua.iie.s i ity. W asvo County, t rtgou.
Wjtii.n sii r, o.ii: noia the dale of tais n'juce.
uaiea at u-iity, i.,t -. ore . Wuivain-r .i. Ir97,
Administrator of the estta of Wilil.i.-n M.
HoCKman, deceased. u0w5
Land Office at Toe Dalles. Ou., I
November 9. 197. f
Notice is hereby given that the followlna--
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
mat sam proof will be made before the Register
and Keceiver at 'l he Dalles, Oregon, on Decern
ber ICth, lt-i7, viz. :
Hd ENO5S03 for the SWH Sec 13, Tp 2 N R
He names the following wit nncspe trt Timed
his continuous residence ui:on and cultivation
or saia lana, viz:
Aaron Mantsan. J P Anvdious. Martin Fatrnn.
and Perry Van Camp, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
Jas. F. Moorb.
nl3w5 Kcgister.
will bear the closest inspection and com
parisons. No better tobacco is grown
tnan that used in the manufacture of
Piper Heidsieck. No other tobacco has
so exquisite a flavor. . None is so care
fully manufactured or yields so much
real enjoyment as Piper Heidsieck.
These are not mere claims but facts
easily demonstrated. Buy one of the
new 5-cent pieces,
and be convinced that Piper Heidsieck
is positively the biggest piece of good
tobacco ever sold for a nickel.
ue iBTii lommissioQ m
ui vvaiuiyy. r
j eve ith and Union. Elder J. H. Miller.
JMSjor. Services every Sunday at 1 1 A. M. and
h-J i. M Prayer meeting on WedLesday
tanning. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are
uordially welcomed.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
. administrator of the estate of C. W. McEwen,
deceased, by virtue of an order of the County
court or tne toiaie or uregou ior vv asco county,
in probate, made on the 6th day of November,
A. D. 1P97, will from and after Saturday the
J8th. day of Deeember, A. D., 1897. proceed to
sell at private sale. suDjeci to connrmation Dy
said court and under and upon the terms of
sale hereinafter stated, all of the real property
belonging to said estate and described as fol
lows, towit:
The west half of northwest Quarter and north
west quarter of southwest quarter of Section
32 in Township 1 South, Range 13 East Willam
ette Meridian, containing 120 acres; also a tract
bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at a point ten chains North of the corner pest
or sections a. o, 31 ana re, ana running xvorin
ten chains; thence west six chains; thence south
ten enains; thence east six chains to the place
of beg nnmg; being a fraction or tne soutneast
quarter of the northeast quarter of sectional
in township 1 south, of range 13 east Willemette
Meridian, containing six acres : also the east
half of the northeast quarter, and the north
east quarter of the southeast quarter or section
31 in township 1 south of range 13 east of Wil
lamette Meridian, containing 120 acres. All
situated in Wasco County, State of Oregon
All to be sold in one barcel.
Terms of Sale: One-third of the purchase
price cash down, and one-third payable in one
year ana one-taira payaDie in two years zrom
date of confirmation of sale, taking the pur
chasers note therefor secured by a first mort
gage on the premises so sola ana bearing inter
est ul eight per cent per annum.
Dated November 20, lb97.
Administrator of the estate of C. W. McEwen,
Notice is herebv eixen that under and by vir
tue of an execution and order of sale issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreiron for
the County of Waseo.on the2ith day of Novem
ber. Ib97, upon a decree made and entered
therein on the 8th day of November, 1897, in a
cause therein pending wherein Daniel Lord and
B. F. Lord were plaintiffs, and John outh
well and Amanda J Southwell were defend
ants, and to me directed, commanding me to
sell the lands and premises hereinafter named
to satisfy the demands of plaintiffs for $1,6h7.uo
and interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
from the 8th day of November.. 1897, and the
further sum of JI50.00 attorneys fees, and the
sum of f 16.1)0 costs of suit and tne costs or ana
upon saia writ of execution, I have levied on
and will on
Monday, the 3d Day of January, 1898,
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. sell at public
auction at the court house door, in Dalles
City, in said Wasco County, to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all the following de
scribed premises situate and being in Wasco
Countv. Oregon, towit: The West half Hi) of
the Southeast quarter (H) and the Southwest
quarter, less 23 acres in a triangular form out
of the Northwest corner thereof. all being in Sec
tion two (2) in Township one (1) South of nngc
thirteen (13) East W. M..and containing in all
227 acres, or so much thereof as will be suffi
cient to satisfy said sums as aforesaid. Said
property will be sold subject to the statutory
riht of redemption
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 4. 1H97.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregno.
Notice is hereby given that under and by
virtue of an execution and order of sale issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Wasco, on the 4th day of De
cember. ls97. upon a decree made and entered
therein on the :th day of June. 1K97, in a cause
therein pending, wherein Mary Davenport was
plantlff and Stephen M. Meens and F.liza
Meeks. Kate Ann Meeks and Lewis . Weeks
were defendants, commanding me to sell the
lands ard premises hereinafter described to
satisfy the demands of plaintiff for the sum of
$227.01 with interest thereon at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from the 12th day of May,
11196, and the further sum of fc.0.00, with
interest thereon from said 12th day of May.
18S8. at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and
the further sorn of fiooo costs of action, and
the further sum of $75.6S costs and disburse
ments of sid suit, and the costs of and upon
this writ. I have levied on and in accordance
with said execution and order of sale I will on
Monday, the 3J Day of January, 1898.
at the hour of 1 :39 P. M.. at the court house
doorin Dulles City. Wasco County. Oregon, sell
to te highest bidder, all of the following de
scribed premises situate and being in Wasco
Coun7 Oregon, towit: The East half (Hi of
the Southeast quarter H of Section eighteen
1 181 'in Township two (2) North of range twelve
Il 'I Fast VV. M.. or so much thereof as will be
iiirtciect to satisfy said sums hereinbefore
named. Said property will be sold subject to
ifitutorv ri-,'ht of redemption.
D-rtcd at Da ltsCity, Oregon. Dec. 4. 1S97.
IMlca an T. J. DRIVER,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
a'.n nill. snfo Dili, best pill
Wiu's Little Early Risers curebiloua-nes-".
constipation, sick headache
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, I
rsovemoer zo, 1897. )
Notice is herebv erven that the fnllnwinv
ucuut,u ociuci ui." uieu uuLiee ui ins intention
lo make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will lxs made before the register
k..u rc-eiver at me i.iaiies, Oregon, on jan
uiu) a, jovo. viz. -
Of The Dalles, Oregon : Hd, E. No. 4619 for the
j - j,, y j "wMii Sec. 31, Tp. 1 N,
He names the following witnesses to prove
ms wuliuuuus resilience upon ana cultivation
oi sum lanu. viz:
D. L. Bolton. John Quirk, Harry Gilpin and
uuiucm ouunson, an oi i ne wanes, uregon.
Nov27 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
U. S. Land Office. The, Or., I
November 12, 1W17. "
Complaint having been entered at this oSfire
by George F. Bullock against William F. Lock-
wood for abandoning his Homestead Entry No.
4491, dated July 8, 1892. upon the N4 SE!i and
SWH SEH Section 33, T I N. It 13 E. in Wasco
County. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
oi saiu entry, tne sain parties ere hereby sum
moueu 10 appear at tnis omce on tne 23d day ol
December. 1897, at 2 o'clock P M . to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
uuauuuiiiueiiu JA3. c. iUUlK;,
nov. 13 Register.
CMce of Two Transcontinental Routes
nnrnrmi nw
iUnlritrifj ni.
short u;e
1CEAN STEAMERS leave Portland every
five days for
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohoma and Hong Konsr; via The
Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in
onnection with O. R. & N.
For full details call on the O. R. & N. Aeent
at THE DALLES, or address
W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, Gen. Pass. Agt.,
Portland, Oregoi
The New O. K. & N. Time Card.
Train No. 2 east via. the Union
Pacific and Oreeon Short Line, arrives
here at 12:45 A. M., departs at 12:50.
No. 4, east by Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 5:25 p. m., departs
No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L..
arrives at 3:23 a. m., and departs 3:30.
No. 3, west fnira Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at :2'J a. M. and de
parts at 'l.Zo.
Freight trains Nos, 23 and 24. second
livisions, will carry passengers. No. 23
rnves at o P. M. and No. Z4 leaves at
1:45 P. M.
J irTi E Fer ttiwitu by a ban
lea treatment by pra
from 15 to 2.-. Ilia
bnrS: f&
cinTpnrBiciannr vxt years' experience. vr
o fca..i eHectsor detention fmm bualnnsa. v jt7
:o a: a ret ne. wrinkles or flabMnesa. Im-1 V-Jlf J J
rnvra irrneral health and beautifies cnmntaxlnn. Phv.
lciaus tuid nocieiy ladies Indorse iL Ihouaanda cured.
ccnfldentlallr. For particulars address, with stamp.
D I? CNVHPD MfVieker Tbeatar, C1I1CAGQ, 1L1,
iAanted-An Idea
Who can think
of aom. atmpie
thlnV tSt TIAtMtl
Protect yonr Ideas; they may brtag yon wealth.
Write JOHN weiwekhubn ft CO.. Patent Atto.
ney. Washington. D. C. tot their (1,800 prtea ofM
and list of. two hundmt laTamtlona wanted.
391. 393 HUD 325 SECOND ST22E6T.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will by paid to those who favor we with "tnair patronage"
.... Brewery
This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer
and Porter east of tho Cascades. The latest aDoliances for tle
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, ani
only the first-clas3 article will be placed on the market.
East Second Street
he Dalles, : Ore
Sheepmen's Supplies, Shears, Oil and Lamp. Black
for marking Sheep.
Russia and Japan Marshaling
Their Forces.
Intense Intsrest Centers in Cuban
Affairs and tho Proposition to
Grant Autonomy to the
ha J been m.ulo, but one of tiiei.i burned
j itself out doind no harm, livorytoing
! was arrang-ed ia suoh it manner as to j
leave no doubt that ths inrendiary was
the same who set Saturday ni'TUt s
Cre9. Hundreds of thousands of dol
lars's worth of wheat :tre stored in C-)
lumbia dock, and the Montgomery
wharf, whkh adjoin it. Both are
costly Etructure?, and had the plan
succeeded, the loss to insurance com
panies, grain shippers and property
owners would have been enormous.
Wealthy Iowa Merchant Shot While
itoiil. la? a Store.-Cubau lusurgents
Elect Officers La Granilo Man
iu Trouble.
San Francisco, Dec. 3. Tbe Call
The report that the -Russian govern
ment is buying large quantities of
army supplies ia the United States
his been verified. Cable mesajjes from
Vladi vostock askinp merchants to bid
on lire lots are frequently received.
Yesterday Dodge, Swaeney & Co.. of
this city, received a Vladivostock cable
to figure on 100 tons of supplies.
Travelers arriving from Asia report
fiat the garrison at Vladivostock has
been largely reinforced by the arrival
of troops on stammers and sailing ves
sels from the Rlack soa.
'' he concentration of Russian troops
at that point and the haste that Japan
TIU1.1WSECK l-N A liLlZZ.lIil.
.dnotiittr Serloun Accident ou the Orcnt
Denver, Dkp. 4. A special to the
republican from Blaekfoot, Mont.,
dated at noon, pays:
A terribla wreck has jn.-it occurred
on the Great Northern road at. a point
opposite the ageryy. and at a diftari?e
of nearly three miies. The ca-t-hound
passenger train, due at Bluck
foot at 11:55 last night, was nine hours
late, and was tearing the jri-ade
from Durham toward Bhiekfoot :it v.
terrible speed with two entrines'and a
snowplow in advance. MidiTay be
tween the two stations, the engines
and snowplow were demolished, from
what cause is not known. Both
engines were completely wrecked, and
it is thought both engineers and their
firemen were killed.
A frightful blizzard is prevailing,
and it is impossible to see any dis
tance. A negr named Jack Ball, of
Havre, was on the train, and made his
way from the wreck through the blind-
ing storm to Dlackfoot for help, j
learns, with doctors, bandages, etc.,
Fifty-Fifth Congress Organ
Seventy-Seven Senators and Three
Hundred and One Representa
tives Answer Roll Call.
Appropriation! AsU.(l For are 5p:i'2.000,
oou in I'.scp.-h ir I ho Appropriation
tortlie IVeaent Ki.tal
19 making to increase her power on i and laborers are being sent by the
tbe sea leads some of our merchants to
predict that the impending conflict be
tween Russia and Japan may open as
earlv as next summer. The recent
heavy order for army supplies to be
forwarded to Vladivostock are regard
ed as sigriflcant of important move
ments in the Oi-i-nt
It is believed tho completion of the
trans-Siberian railroad with its termi
iius at V Iddivostoeit will largely in
crease the trade of San Francisco, and
tnere is talk of establishing a line of
steamers to that place, touching at
Alaskan ports. A local subsidy of $35,-
000 a month has already been subscrib
ed for an Alaskan line.
Indian agent to the scene.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridgo, 0..says:
"After two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I saved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is the
quickest and most certain remedy for i
coughs, colds and nil throat and lung
trouoles. Snipes, Kincr.-ly Drug Co,
Mitchell Wag-ons......
McSherry Drills, Osborne Mowe rg, Binders,
Reapers and Rakes, Myers' H-dy Tools and
Farm Implements of all kinds..
Full Line of Tiachine Exti as
Ncxt door to A. M. Williams V rv
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa..
says: 'My child is worth millions to
me: yet 1 wouM have lost her by croup
had I not invested twenty-five cents
in a bottle of One Minuta Cough
Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all
throat and lung troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
The Cuban Question Completely Engrosses
Public Attention
New Yokk, Dec. 3.A dispatch to
the Herald from Madrid savs:
Public opinion here is engrossed by
the Cuban question. There is little
else in the papers than matter relat
ing to the reform decrees. The
Liberal is entirely satisfied. The
Epoca regards ' it , as an example of
ruin, the broking, up of the law, con
sidering that the solution of the grave
problem of commercial autonomy can
neither be accepted as satisfactory,
nor can the motives brought forward
in its defense be looked upon as en
As to the rumor that the office of
colonial minister is to be abolished.
now thai the colonies are autonomous,
it is regarded as toa absurd to merit
refutation. More than ever will a
miuister be required to superintend
the dealings between the colonies and
the mother country.
At His mother's Btdaiiie.
Canton, O., Dec. 3. -This morning
Mrs. Ni'.ncy Allison MeKinley was re
ported to be sinkiug rapidly, and tho
end appeared ner. Before he lapsed
in'.o unconsciousness she was given
understand that her son had started
for Canton from Washington. Pres
i'Jent MeKinley was brought by i
speciai train from Washington, and
arrived here at 8:55. Upon his arrival
at the home of his mother, the pres
ident entered the sick room and knelt
by the bedside. She was unconscious.
The little family group was complete.
Now all that remained was to wait for
death and to hope that before it came
the mother would be able once more
to recognize her lovinc children.
A splendid city block for sale at a
sacrifice. This is a rare opportunity
to get a home adapted for healthful
residence, good garden, stable, etc.,
and convenient to school, for a small
amount and. on easy term. Call at
this office at once for terms
It is easy to catch a cold and just as
easy to get rid of it if you commence
early to use One Minute Cough Cure.
It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,
pneumonia and all throat and lung
troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe
to use and sure to cure. Snipes and
Work of a Fire Bng.
POETiiAND. Dec. 5. The incendiary
who set lire to eight lodging-houses
the night of November 27 and who has
had little difficulty in eludiug the ef
forts of the police to find him, made
his presence known again yesterday
morniDg by nearly accomplishing the
destruction of Columbia dock No. 2,
en tho Albina water front. The
rogue's plans were laid with all th
cleverness which characterized ills,
former attempts, but the flames he
started were fortunately discovered be
fore they had spread too far.
At 6 o'clock yesterday morning tin
workmen at Columbia dock No. 2 dis
covered black smoke pouring throusrl
the floor near a graincleaner. loves
tigation proved it to be the work of ai
incendiary. The flames had gained
fair headway, but with tho wharf fire
apparatus they were put out, without
the aid of the department. Piled be
neath the wharf were heaps of grain
sacks, saturated with kerosene. Bottles
of the same inflamable material stood
by, exactly like those used in the lodg
ing house fires. Two separate piles
Larresfe tr
itttSxi - jjiceuivo- rarm iuii-iuciii:ii
SdV'J- Stroma
GSctf Carload lota fur pAnor. o 0iit.v
-r, j uou 0 ofvuiM j -
White for peices. ?r Q. FoXf
IV fl.A dTIABT f
25 SO
flesnd booklet free. Ai. STEnUNC, T
jn a aj case of constipation. CMOirets re the Ideal last
nft'r -rio or crinz. bat canie st natural results. am
K-iH:&Y CO.. ChifKra. Montreal. Cam., or New Tork. tit.
I Weak
1 Lungs
If you have - coujted and
cooglu. until the lining mem-
s braneor your mroii auu iuuSj
1 is inflamed,
Scott's Emulsion
A Merchant Unrgiar Killed.
Belle Plauie, v Ia.f Dec, 3. A. E
Sibley, a merchant in Sheffield, Ia.,
was shot dead while robbing a neigh
boring store. The safe in his private
apartments has bean opened. In the
8 ifo were many diamond rings, gold
bracelets and jewelr of every descrip
tion, including 17 gold watches. Dry
goods that had been stolen by Sibley
were identified by Liscomb merchants.
Jonas Slessinger, of Hampton, identi
fied clothing stolen from a car at Yam-
ton, and for which the railroad com
pany had settled. Mrs. Koby, of
Hampton, found three bicycles which
had been stolen. Sibley was reputed
to bo worth $40,000.
Prosperity comes quickest to the
man whose liver is in good condition.
DeWitt'8 Little Early Risers are fa
mous little pills for constipation, bili
ousness, indigestion and all stomach
and liver troubles. Snipes, Kinersly
Drug Co.
Corner in Wheat.
Minneapolis, Dec. 4. It is report
ed at the chamber of commerce that
the Peavey Elevator Companies have
made a combine with the Pillabury
companies and secured control of Dot
only the wheat in Minneapolis, but all
t ie wheat in elevators throughout the
Northwest. If this story is true Pea
vey and Pillsbury can sit balk and let
the price of wheat go wnere it will.
They would be independent of any
price speculators might make.
No figures as to the extent of the
corner are given, but a grain man who
is known to be on the inside says the
story of the corner is correct.
J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity.O., was ;
r thirty years needlessly tortured by :
pbysicans for thecure of eczema. He
vas quickly cured by using DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve the famous healing
-alve for piles and skin diseases.
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
TbeCabun Eliclloas.
Washington, Dec. 3. Consul Gen
ral Lee has informed the 6tate de
partment that the insurgents in Cuba
have elected and installed at Yaza.
Porto Principe, tha following officers:
President, Bartolo Masso; vice-pres-idant,
Domingo Mendez Capole; sec
retary of war, Jos. B. Aleman; ti eas
arer, Ernisto Font Stearling; minuter
of foreign affairs, Andreas Moreno de
la Torres; minister of the interior,
Manuel R. Silver; general-in-chief,
Maximo Gomez.
9 .
m r 1 rvt ill ennth. a.
K Oi voo-uver vu wl - ' j
$ strengthen and profcab cure.
$ The cod-liver oil feeds and
$ strengthens the weakened tis- w
a sues. The glycerine sootht
$ and heals them. The hypo- HJ
$ phosphites of lime and soda
impart tone and vigor. Don't
& neglect these coughs. One
fcottle of the Emulsion may do
more for you now than ten w
can do later on. Be sure you
get SCOTT'S Emulsion.
AD druggist ; 50c and $1.00.
2 crriTT r m-iurwp ftumiata. New York. Hi
w www - . ni I
Held For fc-nibezzlcment'
Umion, Or., Dec. 3. G. M. Richey,
of the firm of Richey & Frank Kimball
agents at La Grande for the sale of
pianos and organs, who was arres'.ed
for embezzling the mouey and property
of the W. W. Kimball Co., while lie
was in their employment as a sales
man, was held over to the grand jury
yesterday at the conclueion of the
preliminary trial on that charge, by
Justice B'.akesley, of Union.
A Fatal Hotel Fir.
Milwaukee. Wis., Dec. 6. Fire
troke out in the Lake home, a four-
story structure, early this morning.
Sixty people were asleep in the
hostelry r.t the time. Charles Puter
son, a clock laborer, lost his life, being
overcome by smoke, and five others
were injured. The pecuniary los9 is
If your eyesight is causing you
trouble, call on Prof. Daut at Liebe's
Jewelry store in the Vogt block and
have your eyes examined free.
Washington, Dec. 6. At nooa to
day the first regular session of the ijith
congress was launched upou tho un
known ssas of legislation. Simultan
eously tit both ends of the capitol,
Speaker Ueed in the house and Vice
President Hobart in the senate,
dropped their gavols and called to
order tho bodies over which they pre
side. At the capitol crowds swarmed into
th" corridor at an early hour and
chocked the marble steps as they as
cended to tho galleries from which
they were to view the show. As is
usual on such occasions, the reserved
galleries were carefully guarded, ad
mission being only by card, and the
public had great difficulty wedging it
self into the limited space set aside
for it.
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Kuddell's, 111., suf
feieit for eight years from dyspepsia
and chronic constiiiation and wuh fin
ally cured by usinj' DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
all stomach and liver troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
lication, edited by C. B. Irvine, fore:
erly managing editor of the States'
man, and was launched as independent
republican in politics. Of itself edi
toriaily, it says:
"It is unalterably opposed to the
free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16
to 1 or any other ratio, except that
which its commercial value gives to
the white metal."
Rioters Seeking Kevenge.
Hazleton, Pa., Dec. 4. An attempt
was made this morning to blow up tho
house of A. P. Piatt w'.th dynamite.
Two stieks of dynamite were put on
the window sill by unknown men, who
were preparing a fuse when tliy were
scared olT. 1'lalt was ono of tl:
deputies who hred on the La t timer
mob. Ho is now under indict meiit
for murder, with M others. The
attempt is believed to have been made
in revenge.
An Ex-ftayor Sentenced.
Seattle, ash., Dec. 4. C. E.
Jameson, ex-mayor of Montesano, was
sentenced today to two ami a half
years' imprisonment in the peniten
tiary for obtaining mouey under false
pretenses. Jameson was arrested on
the charge of forging about $10,000
worth of Chehalis county warrants.
The charge was reduced to that of
obtainingmoney under false pretenses,
and Jameson pleaded euilty.
An Cpritting Auiinincnt.
Kingston, Dee. G Advices re
ceived here today from Port au Prince
show that serious trouble is immirenr.
in Hayti. The streets of the capit: I
are placarded with, "Down With the
Government," and troop have been
ordered into the barracks.
5I mberd-Elect Swurn in and the I'reft
iU'iit8 Mtssag Kcaii.
Washington, Dec. 0. The house of
representatives presented an animated
appearance long before noon. The
surrounding corridors were filled with
jostling, moving crowds before 11
As the hands of the clock pointed to
12, Speaker Reed ascended the ros
trum. The crack of the gavel subsided
the din on the floor and conversation
in the galleries. In tbe deep silence
which followed the calling of the
assemblage to order, prayer was offer
ed by tho eminent divine, Rev. Chas.
A. Boney, of England, who delivered
an invocation solemn and impressive.
The speaker then directed the clerk
to call the roll. The roll-call showed
the presence of 301 members. There
were 55 vacancies from death or resig
nation during the recess, and the ere'
dentials of the members-eli ct were
read by direction of the speaker, who
then administered the oath of office
to them.
On motion of Dingley a resolution
was adopted for the appointment of a
committee of throe to join the senate
committee to wait upon tho president
and inform him that congress was
ready to receive any communication
he desired to make. The speaker
named Dingley, Grosyenor and Bailoy
for this honor.
Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va.,
was frightfully burned on the face and
neck. Pain was instantly relieved by
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which
healed tho injury without leaving a
scar. It is pne famous pile remedy.
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Seventy-Seven Senators Present nt th
Opening Session.
Washington, Dec. 6. The senate
chamber at the openine session today
was a veritable conservatory. The
floral display was beautiful. Precisely
at 12 o'clock the guvel of Vice-President
Hobart fell, and the senate was
called to order. Au invocation was
delivered by Rev. Milburn, the blind
chaplain. Seveaty-seven senators re
sponded on roU-call.
The venerable Mr. Morrill, of Ver
mont, was first recognized by the
vice-president. He offered a resolu
tion, which was passed, in the usual
form, that the secretary inform the
house that the senate was in session
and ready to proceed to business.
Allison of Iowa presented a resolu
tion that a committee of two senators
be appointed to join a like committee
from the house to inform tbe president
that congress was in session, and pre
pared to receive any communication
he might desire to make. The resolu
tion was passed, and the vice-president
named Allison aud Gorman as a sen
ate committee.
When selecting holiday presents do
not overlook the elegant Japanese
goods offered by the Snipes-Klnersly
Drug Co.
A Practice That Is Growing In Fa
vor with the Fair Sex.
Royal makes the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolute) Pure
novAi fuKftm powrrn co.. mfw took.
Royal Russian "Women Who are Very
Fond ot Their Cigarettes A Peculiar
" Custom of Kalmuck Mothers
Smoking Infants.
Appropriations Recommended.
Washington, Dec. 6. Secretary
Gage today transmitted to congress
estimates of the appropriations requir
ed for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1893, as furnished by several executive
departments. The total amount call
ed for in the estimates is 8462,647, 885,
which is about $32,000,000 in excess of
the appropriations for 189S, including
deficiencies and miscellaneus expenses
and about $41,000,000 more than was
estimaied for 1896.
Under the head of public works the
treasury deiartment, among other
items, asks for $100,000 for the erec
tion of a court-house, penitentiary,
etc., at Sitka, Alaska, and $50,030 fc r
continuation of tbe work on the public
building at Portland, Or.
Katner Embarrassing.
Louisville, Ky., Dec. 4. Governor
Bradley, upon receiving letters and
A brisk controversy has been going
on about cigarette-bmoking women in
the columns of the North American
Eeview and other periodicals, and
those who broke lances for and ngainst
were women. Mrs. Lynn Lynton,
whose novels are read here as feuille
tons so extensively and with so much
gusto, is quoted as lending the assault
against the lady smokers. Is it true
that she calls the cigarette when in a
lady's mouth the emblem of revolt?
If so, she is not up to date, so far as
continental practices go. The cigar
ette has not yet found its way with
after-dinner coffee into the official
drawing-room, but it rioon will. At all
the houses setting up to style it is
served at intininto dejeuners and
small b:it lively dinners.
Xobody i-s lihoclced at ladies smoking
not merely onccigarette npiece but two
or three. A minister of Queen Christina
says that highly respectable and respec
ted royal lady isan.inveterate and a vet
eran smoker. She got in the habit ol
smoking a cigarette when she was ab
bess of the IIradr:chin, t sinecure sho
lost on getting married. Her cousin,
Archduchess Mathilde, who was en.
gaged, to King Humbert when he was
prince of Savoy, lost her life owing to
her fondness for cigarettes. She was
forbidden by her father, Archduke
Albert, to smoke, but none the less
on doifnf so. One summer's day,
ttr;he wasstan ding smoking
on the balconv she saw lura enter the
courtyard ou which she was looking
down. The archduchess, who was
wearing a muslin dress, whipped the
cigarette out of her mouth and h::I it
hehind her back. It came in contact
with the muslin, and sho was in a mo
ment enveloped in flames, there being
a strong draught where she stood.
Most of tha Rusuian grand duelr
esses arc smokers. Grand Duchess
Wlademir thinks n husband and wi:!-
who smoke are less likely to fail out
than if tho former clone smoked. It L?
not l:n:v-.i whether the queen of Italy
smokes, bat 1:01110 of her ladies cer
tainly do. When I was at Slrc:;a 1 saw
them enjoying oi;,'arottes when boating
ou the lake, nnd in the grounds of the
duchess of Genoa's villa, where the
queen staying. The crown prin
cess of ; could not live
without her cigarette. It neither takes
from her good looks, cor spoils her
teeth, nor diminishes her activity.
She i'J nearly thirty-four, but nppears
scarcely twenty-six. The Infanta
Eulalia spoke when she was last on
the Riviera of tho comtessc do Paris OS
having set her an example ns asmoksr.
As the French say, tho infanta a beau
coup d'imagination, and saw in the
cigarette or cigar of the . cointesse a
pipe which she believed that royal lady
smoked m the streets of Seville. Spaa
ish ladies are gratuitously credited or
discredited with being great smokers.
They may do so in Cuba, though they
are there more conservative and greater
sticklers for the proprieties than at
Madrid. The ladies who best patronize
tobacconists arc. next to the Kalmucks,
the Russians. The ruling passions of
Kalmuck women are ribbons to twist
round their long tresses, tea, tobacco,
and bright handkerchiefs. But if they
have to choose between tobacco and
tea their option is for the former.
When a little Kalmuck comes into
the world an event that happens
rarely twice in the same menage, the
mamma is given a wcli-filled pipe to
smoke before she nurses the baby.
The little one talwe to smoking before
it is weaned. The pipe is the great
cure for nervous headache. Fredens
borg, where the czar and cahrina sum
mer, is the dullest place in the world.
The queen of Denmark is exacting of
respect for the proprieties. The last
charge that anyone could think of
bringing against her court is that of
fast behavior. Vet most of the young
and youngish ladies there are smokers.
There is no better way of showing off
pretty hands and rings than toying
with a cigarette. A court party from
Fredensborg one ivening was dining
at the Copenhagen Trivoli in the col
onnade of the restaurant. There was
a large threatrical party, near them;
the actresses did not smoke, but the
ladies in attendance and those whom
they attended did. Some of the fair
smokers were Russians, and not n the
least inclined to unfurl the flag o" re
volt. That evening it was learn -d
that the crown princess of Saxe-Mein-
Instances Which Seem to Sustain
Content inn of Certain Ka-tanta.
Tho'io wlio cipilend we could get or'
without a lni"-t:ij may odd another
etory to prove their poiut, ."-wivs. the
Leeds Mereurv. livorybody known UmT
in ninny cases it is Jiot tae words used
but the manner of speaking which
makes the impression. Thus it van
that Daniel O'Connell wan able to make , :
a market danle rage and storm by cart
ing her a hvpothenuse triangle. Soiu"
Swedish ambassadors having to prewnt
an address to Louis XVI.. whirl, they
had forgotten, recited the whole. ot
their catechism, and that did just orf .
well. Irof. Drummond tells us in his
Tropical Africa" he was in a similar
fix, nnd got out of it in a similar way.. '
On one occasion four of his carriers .
runaway. 1 here were three 01 tiers of
the same tribe in the company, and.
though the professor knew nothing of
their dialect, he deteruiim d to teach,
hem a lesson. Dcgmning with a few,-
general remarks on the hi-ntheu, he
briefly sketched the geology of Africa
1111 il t iie 11 broke into 011 impussioned de
fense of the Dritish consti ution. Tho
three tribesmen trembled like nsp-.
ITe concluded his rcpriuiund by i!erjm
ly enunciating the 471 li proposition t,
Luelid, and the result of the awi:
monition whs that the uicn. 1
the most faithful lie had
I . 1 ,-. 1 U 1 A.
telegrams from his daughter, Chris- "Pe 18 n?. ne. ony Bnuuaugnter
in the cigarette. Why should not a
princess use it, as an old Irish woman
uses the pipe to take the edge off ner
vousness? The only harm is in the
abuse. But there is no good thing
under the sun that is not mischievous
if taken in excess. There is no more
harm in mild smoking than in mild
tea drinking. George Sand.who lived
to the age of seventy-three and
was so active and hard-working
to the end, smoked cigarettes
and cigars and in excess. The
smoke curling before her eyes roused
up ner imagination. victor nugo
tine, declining to act as a sponsor for
the battleship Kentucky, today refer
red the choice of sponsor to Secretary
Long, who will appoint Miss Bradley
whether she accepts or not.
Miss Hattie Richardson, whom Sec
retary Herbert chose for the honor,
and over whose head Bradley appoint
ed his daughter, issued a statement
today roasting Long and Bradley.
8alem lias uMew Paper.
Salem, Or., Dec. 4. A new paper,
the Salem Sentinel, made its appear
ance here today. It is a weekly pub- tated smoking.
Dimculty of s Counlrf mpu
Firm's Address.
A countryman drifted Into on. of Uii.. f
Main street railway ollices nnd aaidt." ,
-"The ioliceniaii outside thar told out- !j
yuh hud n direction book' of. the town
in here." The busy but polit- vlerjc
indicated the directory, aud the eouo-L
r-l 111 '1 1. H nmil IT.. . -. 1 J A J 1 . 'L 1 .
.... Diuini. X1C ,VK'llt-1 lb UDUgi'
fully, says the Buffalo c 'mnmercial, niitf
turned a few pages. "Naiiie of every
body in town in here?" lie Ventured. .
"Guess so, pretty nearly," replied the
clerk, smiling. "They nmy have ,
skipped an odd name here and Uiere,
but the skips are few." The eountryr
man went back to his book nnd tho
clerk to his work. After 15 or 20 min
utes the clerk saw the countryman wag ?
still puzzling over the directory nod
stepped over to where he stood. "What
name arc you looking for?" he asked, '
"Roberts Brothers," answered th- rus
tic. The clerk glanced at the place
where the country-mini was looking and
nearly had a fit. The fellow Wl btart
ed at the beginning of the book and waj
following down the columns w('th hi
thumb nuil.
i"mon whs
IlicU-d in a. .
s employed
1, nnd is 19 . .
Tlio I'.oiio Was Kent. '
A case entirely new to medical set
ence came under the observation of tlu
physicians at the Maryland university
hospital recently. James Tmon whs
the patient, and he was afli
mo:;t peculiar way. Tymon is
at the bakery of D. Vs. Lord
years of age. While at work ho acci
dentally fell upon his right ruin, 11a ' -felt
an acute pain in the niemlwr as If
it had been fractured. Tho 'j n hi v. r.- - ,
intense, nnd finally Tymon's employ- .
ers sent him to tho hospital, where hu '
was examined by the physioiim in
charge. To their Riirprk:e U y dis
covered that instead of being broken
the bone of the forearm wna Ix nt eo a
to form almost n circle, nnd wni Crtu in
that position. It was i.ojncthing that
the physicians bed not met with hf
fore. It is supptK-a-d that the bono had
become softened in some way, either
through constitutional weakness or a
peculiar diet.
Dancing 1V Telephone,
A story comes from Vienna of danc
ing by telephone. The boll took
place in the Hungarian town ofTenie
var, preceded by a concert, the ntidie
llntanlni. nl Irtliilnanl. inn. T 1
fl nJV lilting ITK jmuilli
fixed against the wall round the rooint
to a military band which was playing!
in Arnu, to operatic selections given by
artistes In the theaters at Uuilapoot
and to popular songs which werebcin
given in Szegedin. Then the room wJL
cleared, and hundreds o
danced for hours to music
all these towns.
"3 1
jf young people i
lusic played in
Effective Oct. 10, 16V7.
No. 1
00 P. M.
8:V p. M.
7:40 A. M,
8:30 A. M.
Connection made with O. IL &
passenger trains at Biggs.
E. E.LYTLE. D. C. O KE1L1. V , '
1'rt'siJent. ' General Mariaffir.
Oregon Bakery
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnish families,' hotels and '
restaurants with the choicest
Br ad, Cakes snd'Pie&j
Frsb Oysters Served in
Every Style. , ;
Second Street, next -door -to The
Dalles National r"ank.
71MfirJm and Neuralaim cored bv Dr.
fAISi riLLB. "Udo cent a aoae.--