V Cm) ft - V V "S, til (I ' 3ATU.RBA Y . . NOVEMBER 20 1897 ---'-.. "- ITEMS IN BRIEF. ' (From Saturday's Daily.) Pat Bolton, of Kingsley, was in the city today. Judge Liebe returned last night from a V3it to Portland. .Eon. E. O. McCoy came down on the train thia morning from Biggs. Mrs. Forward was a paasenger on the morning train for Portland. H. H. Riddell was called to Portland - today, and went down on the 9:30 train Marriage license was issued yester day to M. E. Miller and N. E. Ashby The Elks have secured Hon. M : Loner, of Portland, as orator for their . winmnrtn.1 nervlces to be held On Dec, 6th. Jiwnh PmM. who. killed Dan Ma- loney. has been indicted for man laughterv The date of his trial has not yet been set. Geo. Freemer, a prominent business man of Lewiston, Idaho, is in the city today, visiting his old frienfls, Messrs. Newland and Jones, of the White house. . Dr.'W. Y. Young arrived here this morning from Boise, Idaho, and will at once take charge of Dr. Sutherland's nractice. occuovinz the office of Dr, Sutherland in the Chapman block. A. F. Wagner, Gov. Lord's appointee on the board of railroad commissioners, - was in the city last night. Mr. Wagner is confident the supreme court will de clde that his appointment is valid. Circuit court was occupied all day " with the trial of the case of Bayard et al vs. the Standard Oil Co. The case - is being hotly contested by the oppos ing attorneys and will hardly be con cluded before Monday night. At the quarterly examination of teachers held in this county the past week there were four applicants, one of whom, C. M. Sissods, was successful ' Miss Katie E. Cooper was recommend ed to the state board for a life diploma. .wn "t" i..6uunUw.- j Ofoptured Jack Kent wearing an over- . f Vat nA kaan ctnlan fpftm t.hA Skibbe hotel, and promptly run him in. The grand jury having not adjourned, Kent's case was promptly referred to that body. The horse cannery at Lin a ton is olving the problem of disposing of surplus horses in the Northwest ty rapidly. Cayuses are being verted into canned horse at the of several carloads daily. Today 13 cars of them passed down the road from Pasco. Gov. W. J. McConnell, of Idaho, special inspector of Indian agencies,! came in last evening: from Warm Springs, where he spent a week look lng over the reservation and inspect ing agencies, and from here goes to Washington to make his report to the department. Dr. and Mrs. Geistndorfer, of Arlington, are in the city. They came ' up on last night's train from Albany where tbey had been attending the wedding of the doctor's sister, Miss Daisv Geisendorfer. Dr. Geisendorfer expects to return to The Dalles next week and open an office, occupying rooms in the Vogt block. Thia morning Dr. J. Sutherland left for Albuquerque, New Mexico. For some time past the doctor's health has .been failing, and he hopes the change of climate will prove beneficial. His many friends in The Dalles trust that his fullest hopes will be realized, and that he will ere long return here sound and well. We are informed that the Golden dale dramatic club will visit The Dalles on Saturday, Nov. 20th. They have selected as the play to render on that occasion -the well-known one, By Force of Impulse." The drama will be given under the auspices of the lodee of I. O. G. T.. of that city. The dramatic club of Goldendale is among the best in the state; and The Dalles people are assured that a grand enter tainment is in store for them. Golden- dale Agriculturalist. At the home of Capt. and Mrs. O. b. Waud, last evening, a surprise party was driven in honor of Miss Annie Johns. The young lady had been in vited to spend the evening out at a neighbors's, and just as she waa start ing with her escort was met at the door by a bevy of gay friends, who in sisted she should become their host for the evening, and prevailed upon her to entertain them. The evening was most pleasantly spent, the hands of the clock pointing- to 12 before the merry crowd dispersed. The gentleman tramp, J ule Walters, who for seven years has been one of the most successful stars on the road In his peculiar line, will portray his life like creation of Horatio the tramp in his side-splitting comedy, the new "Side Tracked" at the Vogt opera house Monday night. The company Mr. Walters is said to carry this sea son ranks far above the average seen In nlavs of a like character. The . beautiful scenery and phenomen meet this season will, no doubt, serve to make "Side Tracked" and Jule Waters more popular here that ev6r. From Monday's Daily. Hod; F. N. Jones is in from his farm today.' Wm. Holder, sheriff of Sherman county, was in the city yesterday. J. M. Long, of Portland, an attorney for the O. R. & N. Co., is in -the city today. M. H. Bell, city recorder of Prine ville, arrived here last night and left this morning for Corvallis. The case of I. V. Howland, indicted for larceny by bailee, will be called for trial in the circuit court tomorrow morning. . No snow has yet fallen in The Dalles, but a light fall was noticed on the Klickitat hills yesterday morning and also this morning. Taking of testimony in the case of Bayard et al vs. the Standard Oil Co. was concluded this afternoon and the case will be given to the jury this evening. The McAllister Bros., who own a quartz mine on Ochoco, have made another shipment of ore to Tacoma. and they expect it will mill more than $300 to the ton. The work of completing the new Catholic church progresses rather slowly, and it is not expected that the church can be dedicated before the last of December. The first number of the Grass Valley Journal, which was issued last Friday, has been received. The paper is launched upon the sea of joi realism with C. E. Brown as editor, and is brim full of interesting news. It is re publican in politics, though it reserves the right to be independent in its sup port of candidates. The rain which fell last night was pretty general throughout the county, and will be of great benefit to the range in the grazing country, where grass was getting extremely scarce This morning J. W. Koontz started for Chicago with a car load of dried prunes. This is the Brat shipment of fruit Mr. Koontz has made this year, and is made to test the Chicago market, James Stewart, a prominent sheep raiser of Sherman county, is in the city today. He says the range was getting verv short, but the recent rains will revive the grass, and sheep will begin to thrive. On the evening of December 4th the ladies of the Good Intent society will give an entertainment in the Vogt opera house. One feature of the enter tainment will be a rendition of the cradle songs of the nation. Today six car loads of beef were re ceived at the stockyards from French & Gillman's ranch in Gilliam county They were bought by C. M. Grimes for the Union Meat Co. and will be sdipped to Troutdale tonight- Eugene is all agog over a discovery of gold that has been made somewhere in the surrounding country. A pros pector dropped into that city last Sat urday who asserted that he had "struck it rioh," but he would not divulge the location of the new diggings. Last Saturday a mail carrier was held up by a lone highwayman near Warren, Idaho, and his mail sack was robbed of about $4000. The robber escaped, and at last accounts had not been located, though the sheriff and a posse of ten men was in pursuit. The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club now has rooms that are second to none in the state for comfort and beauty. As a result the members of the club feel proud of their quarters and will feel a pride in entertaining their guests from abroad in their com mon home. Cure that cough with Shiloh's cure. The best cough cure. Relieves croup promptly. One million boUles sold last vear. -40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, The Dalles, Or. The steamer Maria will not be up to night as advertised, as the company waa notified yesterday afternoon that before she wouid be allowed to go on The Dalles route a safety pop valve must be put on her boiler. This is being done today, and she will make her first trip Wednesday. For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier. Curea headache, nervousness, erup tions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles. Prof. Birgfeld carried away the honors on the Umatilla House alley last week, having made the high score for the first five days. His score was 68, 65, 63, 62 and 71. On Saturday D. Butts was champion, making a score of 56, and B. Ulrich won the laurels Sunday with a score of 53. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri fies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take, 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists, The Dalles, Or. The Columbia Southern Railway Company has established its own ex- press company, and will handle all ex press matter over its line, in connec tion with the Pacific Express Com pany. All express for Wasco is billed to Biggs, in care of the Columbia Southern Express Company. Why suffer with coughs, colds, and a grippe when Laxative Bromo Quia line will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like sulphate of quinine. Put uo in tablets convenient for taking. Guar an teed to cure or money refunded, Price 25 cents. For sale- by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, The Dalles Or. E. E. Lyttle, president of the Colum bia Southern, was in the city Saturday evening attending the opening of the club. Mr. Lyttle stated that the C. S had all the work it could possibly han dle with its present facilities and there is enough freight in sight to keep the road busy until well into the spring. H. S. Turner, of the Dufur Dispatch is visitihg in The Dalles today. Mr, Turner says Dufurites are well pleased with their new school house which was occupied for the first time this morn ing. The new school building is credit to Dufur, and speaks volumes for the interest that city takes in edu cational matters. An Old and Well-Tried Rem EDY. Mrs. Wmsiow's Sqei2g13yrup has been used for over fty years by minions oi mQZClTTof their children while teetyjTns-. with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all bain, cures wind colic, and is the best , remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasantAo the taste. Sold by arug- gists i$ every part of the world. TwcnW.five cents a bottle. Its value is uncfClculable. Be sure and ask for I Mrs.JJfinaiow's Soothing Syrup, and I talgg no other kind. V Persons who attend the Catholic fair next week will have an opportunity to exercise their Knowledge of numbers in a guessing contest on the number of beans of candy in a jar. The party guessing nearest the number of pieces of candy in the jar will be given one dozen platinum cabinet photos at Gif- ford's gallery, valued at $4, and the one guessing the second nearest will be given one dozen naxi-size pnotos, valued at $2.50. The jar is exhibited at Nolan's store, where guesses can be registered for 10 cents. From Tuesday's Dally. Homer Angel returned today to the state university at Eugene. F. H. Wakefield was a passenger on the Regulator this morning for Port land. O. H. Rich and a party of six from Centerville, left last night for Mis souri and Kansas. Judge Fulton is down from Rufus. He says two inches of snow fell in Sherman county last seek. Mrs. E. M. Wilson returned home this morning from a visit of two months in New York and Washington, D. C. Friday evening Mr. Iliff will deliver his celebrated lecture, "Through the World of Night," in the M. E. church. Admission 25 cents. Something new in the art of artistic printing is now being turned out from the job department of this office. Em bossing and graining in the highest style of art is executed. The ball to be given by the Circle next Friday evening will be entirely under the control of the lady members, ladies acting in the capacity of floor managers and reception committee. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McCauley, of Chicago, who are making a tour of the Pacific coast, arrived here on the train from Spokane this morning, and are the guests of their cousin, Mrs. A. S. Bennett. Rev. Mr. Connor, who for some time past has been pastor of the U. B. church at Dufur. left on the boat this morningfor Willamette valley. In the departure of M. Connor, Dufur loses a highly respected citizen. Weather predictions made yesterday for last night and today were decidedly faulty. Mr. Pague promised it would be fair and cooler, but instead it rained and snowed, being the first snow to fall in The Dalle this fall. The three indictments against E, Simmons, Hugh Brown and Robert Wilson were demurred to by the attor neys for the defense this morning, but the demurrers were overuled by the court, and the defendants each entered a plea of not guilty. Elder J. H. Miller and wife left this morning for Florence. Colorado, where Mr. Miller has accepted a call as pastor of a church. Mr. Miller's successor as pastor of the Calvary Baptist church in this city will be Elder W. S. Wei burn, recently from Deer Park, Wa9b. Frank Morrison, in charge of the circulation of the Salem Daily States man, spent the day in the city, and se cured a number of subscribers for his paper. Mr. Morrison is a rustler, and what he overlooks in the way of a sub scriber is hardly worth looking after. Col. E. W. Enos left on last night's train for Sherman county, taking with him a subscription receipt book for the Times-Mountaineer, and while in that county will solicit subscriptions for the paper. Whatever favors that may be shown him will be duly appreciated by this office. There 's not a college on the coast that gives a more thorough course in business than the Holmes Business College of Portland. Besides giving a thorough business education, the school exerts every effort to secure em ployment for its graduates. A scholar ship in this well known school for sale at this office. The wheat market has gone all to pieces the past few days, owing prin cipally to the lack of tonage to carry it to the hungry people of Europe. It is hardly probable there will be another rise before the end of the year, and the farmer who gets anything above 70 cents from now until January may con sider himself fortunate. There was an abundance of side splitting events at the Vogt opera house last night. The play was "Side Tracked," which is a farce from start to finish. The company is a fair one and does some clever acticg, but the plot of the play is ruined by the farcical court scene in the last act. Neverthe less' there were enough laughable eyents in the play rendered last night to make up for the ridiculous ending. Major Stephen Marshall, command ing N. P. division of the Salvation Army', accompanied by Ensign Catha rine Parks, will visit The Dalles Thurs day and Friday of this week. Thurs day evening they will hold a meeting in the M. E. church at -8 o'clook, ad mission free. Mr. Marshall will speak on "full salvation," and Miss Paries will sing and explain the "mercy box" scheme. Friday night, fcee and go easy meeting at the hall, singing by Miss Park's and others. Admission 10 cents. Saturday night Ensign and Mrs. Smith will visit The Dalles corps THE COMMERCIAL CLUB, At Home Quarter in the Kefurnighed Saturday Night. Last Saturday evening The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club opened its refurnished rooms, and entertained some i100 guests. The rooms were 0x:ncd at 8 o'clock and in a re markably short spae of time they were filled with the youth and beauty of the city. The apartments were tastefully decorated, and throughout presented a most attractive appear anco. Every room in the building had been refurnished, new papers had been placed on the walls and the wood work repainted and varnished so that it showed most brilliant. At tne opening, the athletic rooms attracted -the greatest attention and the bowling alley was well patronized during the evening. Though the par lors on the second floor were thronged, the guests making themselves comfort able and the members of the club ex erted every possible means for enter taining their guests. The new club rooms are indeed a credit to the city, and to the club. On either side of the landing on the second floor is a spacious parlor, while the extreme north end of the building is set apart as the billiard room, sup plied with two billiard ' tables and numerous card tables, and in the south end of the building is the smoking room also the director's and secretary's offices. Throughout the apartments are elegantly apportioned, and have been arranged with a view to beauty and comfort. No pains has been spared to make the club quarters attractive and too much credit cannot be given tho board of directors for the success with which their labors have been crowned. The club may now be considered one of the permanent organizations of The Dalles, and many benefits must result from its cxistance. Aside from the commercial feature which is the pre- dominent office for which it was or ganized, and through which influence all matters pretaining to the upbuild ing of the city must originate, the social feature of tho club must prove predominant. In the club rooms young men will find sources of amusement and comfort, a place where they can spend evenings surrounded with every thing fhat is elevating, and will also be thrown into the society of those whose influence will be beneficial. The club is indeed an organization that is worthy the moral and financial support of every citizen of the city, Educate Your Bowels with Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constination fornrer tOc. 25c If C. C C. fail, druggists refund monev- THE GOVERNMENT BCSCuED. Ignorance of Practical Business Causes Lozscs of Millions. Everybody Soys So. Cascnrets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver aud boweis, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box Of C. C. C. to-day; 10, S3, 50 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Don For Klondike. " The discovery of rich gold fields in Alaska has created an entirely new field for the canine. He is to be made the beast burden to carry the sup plies of the miners across the mountain passes, hence the hitherto worthless cur has come into demand. Recently 200 of them were picked up in the streets of Chicago, and have been shipped out to Seattle to be fed and fattened for the Alaska trade. Tbey form a great collection, being all kinds of dogs, from the little spaniel to the massive Newfoundland, but they will all make good workers, and will be sent north early in the spring. They are under the tutorship of dog trainers, and are each day taken out and put through an educational course in obedience and pulling loads. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour IJft Airnj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mas netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take Nc Bac, the wonder-worker, that sij&gg -weak men strong, jiu GtSTLI3ns0oorll. Curecuaran- I teed. Bcjmlet and sample free. Address L Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. C'onrt Notes. J. G- Fisher, indicted for assault and battery, entered a plea of guilty. Sen tence will oe passed Monday at 9. A M. I. V. Howland. indicted for larceny by bailee, entered a plea of not guilty, Hayea and Black, who plead guilty. will be sentenced Monday morning, also Millard, convicted of indecent ex posure, will receive his sentence Mon day morning. The three indictments against E. Simmons, Hugh Brown and Robert Williams were found to be defective. and the cases were referred to the grand jury, and the indictments were corrected. Ex-Gov. McConnell, of Idaho, who is a special inspector of Indian agencies, and who has made a general inspection of tht, agencies in the West, has cer tainly done excellent work, and will be prepared to make a report to the de partment that will probably open the eyes of some of those high in authority at Washington. In conversation with a Times-Moun taineer reporter, Gov. McConnell stated that be had discovered during his inspection a system connected with freights in supplying the several agencies by which the government loses millions of dollars annually. On account of the ignorance of men in charge of the shipping, a system has been adopted by which all supplies forwarded to agencies are classed as tbird-ciass freight, whereas in reality they should be rated as fourth and fifth class. As a result, in supplying the many agencies, the government is required to pay what a business man would consider exorbitant rates for like service. This Gov. McConnell says is owing to the ignorance of men in charge of the business at Washington. They base their calculations upon the fact that freights are rated from first to fifth class, and have struck an average, estimating that third class rates would be about the average, and have es tablished that as a basis for all freights, whereas most of the freights forwarded by the government would be classed at tbe lowest rate. In his report, Gov. McConnell will recommend a radical change in this line of the Indian service, and expects it to result in a great saving to the de partment. iCdaoate Tour lion. 'With Casca.-eri. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. l0c.Soo. If-CCC. fail, druifslssa refund money within our knowledge, and have re turned thirteen true bills and one not true bill. We have also inquired into and dis missed several matters that were of such trival nature as not to warrant further action. Wo have made a cursory examina tion of tho coucty cierk's, sheriff's and county treasurer's oilices, and have no criticisms to oirer as to methods or manner of keepirg the records and ac counts of these offices. The attention of the county court is called to the insecure condition of the shutters of the window in the vault of tho county clerk's office. The attention of said court is also called to the condition of our county jail, which we find to be badly arranged and inadequate for its purposes. Our jail coctoins four cells, three of which are only Gx9 and one 8x9 feet in dimen sion. In each cell we found three un comfortable cots or hammocks, the cell itself having no ventilation except with the corridors of the jail. To confine three persons to tho lim ited space of one of these cells, breath ing only the vitiated air of the corri dors, aud sleeping on most uncomfort able beds, does not seem to us to be either prudent or humane. t Thoinmate90ftheja.il protested in strong terms against the food furnish ed tbem. We inquired into the mat ter, and conclude that their complaints were somewhat exagerated. We would, however, call the attention of the members of the legislative assembly from this county to tho propriety of securing an amendment to Sec. 2341. Hill's annotated code of Oregon, which gives the sheriff 85 per week for keep ing prisoners when the number does not exceed four, and $3 per week when the number exceeds four. Evidence is I not wanting that in some instances, the contractor wno supplies the prisoners with food receives only twelve cents per meal and for but two meals each day. It is the opinion of this grand jury that the boarding of prisoners should not be a source of revenue to any of ficer, and we believe that it would be in tbe interest of humanity and effect a saving to the- county if the section referred to could bo so amended as te give to county courts control in this matter. We believe that any person con fined in our county jail is entitled to wholesome food, pure air and a com fortable bed, at least up to tbe time of his conviction. The grand jury visited the poor farin and questioned inmates apart from the contractor, none of whom bad the least complaint as to treatment received. One lady informed us that it was just like home there, and all the apart ments of the -house seemed well or dered and cleanly. We deem it our duty to offer a word of caution to the justices of the peace and committing magistrates of the county against sending to the county jail persons accused of trivial offenses which usually result in acquittal, in volving only great expense to the county. in conclusion, we oeg leave to ac knowledge the assistance and courtesy shown us by the court and district attorney and the respective county officers. Having to the best of our knowledge and ability discharged all the duties incumbent upon us, we respectfully ask to be discharged from further service. E. I Smith, Foreman. Dated this 13th day of November, at The Dalles, Oregon. "The Klondike companies that are being widely advertised all over the country are stock jobbing schemes. They are after purchasers for their stock, small investors who will pus in tbem little savings and lose them. If prospects of these companies' wero as bright as tney are painted there would be no scarcity of money for their oper- otion and the little fellows would never be given an opportunity to share in the good fortune. But as things are, the risics are too great for the big fel lows to lase ana so tne little suckers are being solicited to furnish the paws to rake the golden chestnuts out of the fire. We read that Col. Sosndsois the president of the company; Major Very muchalive of another; Banker Twoper- cent of another; Congressman Get there of stiil another. The list of the companies is longer than a full grown arm and the greed behind- them ra venous enough to take a widow's mite. Those who have money had better in vest it in local enterprises or loan it out at four per cent than trust it to the kind care of worthies who are bent on making a staice as other people s risk and expense. And there are any num ber of such men in the country of the free." $2000- TO GET ACQUAINTED. A Party of I'ortlaud Wholesalers Visit tbe Inland Empire. A special train consisting cf two sleeper:?, a dining car and two day coaches arrived here at 6 o'elock Sun day evening with about 100 represent atives of Portland wholesale houses. The party was at dinner when the train arrived, hence only a shortstop was made here, though it was under stood a longer visit would be made on the return trip. - The purpose of this visit to the In land Empire is to create closer rela tions between the metropolis and the retailers of Eastern Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. It is expected tho party will stop at all principlo points on the railroad, shake hands with the people, view the different resources of the country,and get better acquainted with their customers in the interior. Good results are expected to occur from this visit, as closer relations will be established between the wholesalere of Portland and the retailers in the sections they 6b all visit. Ho-To-Bac for 'lfty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, C Ail druggists. Uold For Headwork. Our patrons are invited to read the display advertisement of the Hobbs Remedy Co., headed "$700.00 IN GOLD," which appears in other col umns of this paper. By exercising a little brain work, it may be the means of making you as high as &30.00 for your labor and ingenuity. The Hobbs Remedy Co., are well known to drug gists and newspaper men all over the country, and if you wish to make the effort, you should answer the advertise ment immediately. What Dr. A. E. Baiter Hays. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my pergonal knowledge, gained in observ ing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced Consumption, I am prepared to say it is tne most remark able remedy that haa ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from consump tion, sola by matteiey & Houghton, White Star L,lne Jnotlce. Until further notice the passenger fares between The Dalles and Portland will be as follows: One way SI 00 Round trip $1 50 J. S. Booth, tf General Agent. For Sale or Bent. A fine fruit farm of 90 acres, plenty of wood and running water, situated within five miles of The Dalles, will be rented or sold on easy terms. Thia is one of the most desirable bargains in the county.- For particulars inquire at this office or at the home of J. A. Fleck. " AS' Ai EQUALIZES. Every Man, Woman and Child Should Fayor the Opposition Line. Ed. Times-Mountaineer: Assuming that, as fair minded peo ple, the citizens of The Dalles believe in reciprocity, that 'is to say, if any one does them some especial good they believe they should return it in some way, we put this case before them, They have undoubtedly received some benefits, both directly and indi rectly, through the advent of the oppo. pition line on the river directly by the reduction of freight rates one half, and indirectly by the prestiage that our city will now have over other Eastern Oregon towns by terminal rates. The farmers have received one cent and a half per bushel more for their wheat through tbe rate of the cents per hundred, established by the White Star Line, and that means more money in circulation, which is for the benefit of all. When you figure cut the amount of new trade that will-be drawn here this next year through a low freight rate, and corresponding prices on goods, can't you see where you will be still further benefited? You will admit that the White Star Line has been the entering wedge into the high rate compact and have cut it in two. Have they not done you good? Will you return it? Will you help yourself and your town out by patron izing the White Star Line, by giving them at least a share of your business? Every man should favor it, for it is money in his pocket. Every woman should fayor it, for it is to the interest of their husbands, brothers and lovers; eyery child should favor it, for it means better times for The Dalles, and the surrounding country. CITIZEN. SMALL VALUE OK LIFE. A Jury In the Circuit Court Keturns a Ver dict of SOO. Last night the jury in the case of C. E. Bayard et al vs. The Standard Oil Co. returned a verdict of $500 damages in favor of tbe plaintiffs. This case grew out of the death of Perry Watkins, which occurred a year ago last June, it is alleged through the fault of the defendant. Mr. Watkins was driving past the oil tank then un der course of construction by the company, on the road beyond tbe Wasco warehouse. His horses became frightened, Mr,. Watkins was thrown out of his wagon, and received in juries from which he died. The jury by its verdict - certainly said the defendant was responsible for Mr. Watkins' death bv allowing dam ages to his administrators. But tho damages are extremely low to say the least. A human life certainly is worth more than the paltry sum of &00. If it was through an act of negli gence on the part of the Standard Oil Co. Mr. Watkins lost his life, the com pany should certainly have been re quired to have paid more than S500 damages; it is too low an estimato placed upon a human life. If the company was not responsible for the death then the jury -should have said so and returned a verdict for the do fendant. This verdict is on a parallel with the one recently returned by a Grant county jury in the case of Hinkle, who was convicted of killing a peddler for the purpose of possessing his money and then burning his body, which was for manslaughter. The murderer if guilty at all, was guilty of murder in the first degree. r.The same is true of the verdict rendered in this case: if the Standard Oil Co., was in any way to blame for ihe death of Mr. Watkins, it snouia nave oeen required to pay a reasonable sum, not simply enough to mulch it for the costs of the action. - Paid in Full. Ex-State Senator James H. Raley, of Pendleton, Oregon, guardiun forChas. H. Foreman, in acknowledging the re ceipt of the payment of the death claim of Eva Foreman, writes: Pendleton, Ore., Oct. 8, 1897. Mrs. Brllo Watson, Pendleton, Ore.: Dear Madam. I bear to acknowledge receipt of $1,000, payment in full of beneficiary certificate No. 354, issued by the Pacific Circle, Women of Wood craft, and bearing date April 1st, 1897. In connection herewith permit me to sincerely thank Daphne Circle No. 2, of Pendleton, and its officers, -and es pecially yourself, for the prompt and busiuess-like manner in which you have met payment of this certificate. Recently I have had much experience in the settlement of death claims against aiuerent insurance companies and beneficiary societies, and, without injustice to others, I say frankly that the Pacific Circle, Women of Woodcraft-, is the most prompt in payment and the most considerate and mindful of the needs and wants of its members of auy with whom I have come in con tact. Eyery woman who has others de pendent upon her should belong to the noble order of Women of Woodcraft, and would do so, I am Bure, if tbey fully understood the fraternal ties of your order. Wishing the particular Circle of which you are a member a large and prosperous growth in the immediate future, I am, Respectfully James H. Raley, Guardian of Charles H. Foreman. Brown ticket in every package of Schil lings Best baking powder. Yellow ticket in every package of Schil lings Best tea. Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are because they are money-back. What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket iu the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for every ticket. 'If only one person finds the word, that person gets $2000.00 ; if several find it, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1S9S pocket calendar no advertising on it These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be diiTerent ftom the ones offered in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. son Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. 1lAoteiproT ml w my. I IhH !L yk , fiiSaxonsi MTU PACIFIC R U N S PULLMAN ELEGANT TOURIST SLEEPING Ad8 FINING CARS SLEEPING CAES to MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL grand; pokks DCLUTH FAKGO CKOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE. THROUGH TICKEUS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and aU POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For information, time cards, maps and ticket sail on or write, W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent Or A. D. CHARLTON, Ansisuint General Paa- sen ger Agent. No. 225 Morrison Street, Cor ner 01 -j. mra street, i-oruana, uregon GIVES THE , , Choice of Two Transcontinental Routes v-y w ii ct ifcyaiKjjui oi-. y44J.irflrjKMni S)v J V" ' . GREAT NORTHERN RY. -f VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO OREGON , 8K03T LINE VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY Good News For Cripples . A representative of tho National Surgical Institute 319 Bush St., San Francisco, will be at the Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesday, Nov. 16. Both old and new patients are solic ited to see him. This institute has no riyals in the successful treatment of deformities, chronic diseases, Paraly sis, rupture, piles etc. References given ' 0 'Dopoo jjjoa mom oSrepo jr 0 P OD HOHVNOW ff P - iiiW 5 I X '3J31JAVAJ3A3 X XT j 8 sip jspun )) o HoavNOW oill P A s3u!S83 ujoji opig 1f7 O poo8 sjoa jnl s(avoj3 j0Lk A O uiojf otnnid 9)ijAV Wef' 0 jf Q LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES : : OCEAN -STEAMERS leave Portland; every five days for . SHN r-RHNCISCO. Steamers monthly from Portland to I Yokohoma and Kong Kong; via The is or t Hern r'aciDc steamship Co., in connection with O. R. & N. For full details call on the O. R. N. Agent at THE DALLE S. or address f W. H. HURLBURT, Gen, Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregon Vies noA To Cure Constipation Fcrever. Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c orSia II C C. C fail to cure, druggists refund mone OBAHD JCK.Y BEPORT. Some Valuable Becomendations Made by That Body. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, November, 1897, term. We the grand jury in the above en titled court, respectfully submit the following as our final report: We have been in session six days and have taken cognizance of all crim inal matters presented to us as coming A Batch of Sentences. Last evening Judge Bradshaw passed sentence upon five who have either been indicted or plead guilty to crime during the present term of court, as follows: Ira Millard, indecent exposure fine of $75. Wm. Blank, assault with a danger ous weapon one year in penitentiary. George Harth, assault and battery fine of $50. John Hayes, larceny, one and one- hulf years in penitentiary. J. G. Fisher, assault and battery sentence suspended during good be havior. The case of the state vs. I. V. How land, indicted for larceny by bailee, was placed on trial today before a jury consisting of Hugh Farmer, J. M. El liott, H. Bateman, M. V. Rand, W. B. Rodman, Geo. Miller, C. H. Strana- han, J. P. Hilstrom, Geo. Cooper, John Henrichs, John M. Davis and Grant Ashby. District-Attorney Jayne is prosecuting and Sam Van Vactor de fending. SOUND ADVICE. Better Invest Money at Borne Than In Wllcat Schemes. The East Oregonian sounds this warning against putting money into the numerous Klondike companies that are being advertised and are send ing out flashy circulars showing the fortunes that are to be made in them; a.f-4-i. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. f h ami iimm " iTiiTVl The New O. K. 4k V. Tim Card. Train No. 2 east via. the Union. Pacific and Oregon Short Line, arrives here at 12:45 A. M., departs at 12:50. No. 4, east by Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 5:25 p. M., depart 5:30. No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. II, arrives at 3:20 a. h., and departs 3:30. No. 3, west from Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 9:20 A. M. and de parts at 9:25. , - Freight trains Nos, 23 and 24, second divisions, will carry passengers. No. 23 arrives at 5 p. v. and No. 24 leaves at 1:45 p. M. ' Going last? If you are, do not forget Threo fmoorfant Points TRADE MARKS fit? COPYRIGHTS Ac Anyone Bending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest ajrency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Mmm fc Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, T--at i fully Illustrated, largest circulation of . scientific journal, weekly, terms $3.00 a year; $10 six months. Specimen copies and Hard on Patents sent free. Address MUNN & CO.. 361 Broadway, New York. ...Bishop Scott Academjr... FOUNDED 1870 A Boarding and Day School for .-Boys Under Military Discipline. The 20th vear under the present miumtcment bouins SeDt. 14. IR97. Tht lntt- tution Ls thoroughly equipped for the mental, sociul, i.h.vsiial&uU mora) training of boys. Thorough oreoaration for anyrollece or scientific nchool. Graduates nt present In Yale. West Point. Massachusetts Institute of Technology State Univer sities of California. Oregon, Pennsylvania. St anford and McGill. Liu ring vacation visitors welcome from 9 to 12 A, M. For catalogue and other information address be Principal. J. W. HILL, M. D., Portland, Oregon. P. O. Drawer 17. A. A. BROWIv g gnimnmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjj FIRST. Oo via St Paul because the lines to that point will afford you tbe very best service. SECOND. See that tbe coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wisconsin Central becausa that line makes close connection with all lha truns-contincntal lines entering the Colon De pot there, and Its service Is first-class Id every particular. THIRD. For Information, call on vour neighbor and friend the nearest ticket ffent and ask for a ticket via tiie Wisconsin Central lines, or address JAS. C. POND, or GEO. S. BATTY Oen. Pass. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark BU, Porlland.Or Tiie isolator Line" -Kee i FULL ASSORTMENT mm m nm.mmm SlUtEJ IUU9I C2iiics1ititil I AND PROVISIONS, Special Prices to Gash Buyers 170 SECOND STREET. Job . . Printing Of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable rates at this office. REDUCED per mnuiu uj a nann-lei-B treatment br nrao- tinnf? pnrsician ni im jaare' experience. oouau tuet:isuru;mionirimousine. a obiarviiis. wrinklesor flaiMnMR im I or.ivos ireneral health and boamiflM rum nlinn. Phv. eiiciaus and bocioty ladles indorse it. Thousands cured. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL onfidentlalir. For particulars address, with stamp, UK- I D' -iV, or SOI iiadw,Hlf tOUL Ul t. 1897 Xtst SPreee, - '96 Gamblers, uAu tAy iast, - Second Hand Wheels $25 and upwards t"Send for catalogues, free, and 2d hond list. 'The DaliesPortland and Astoria Navpiicn Co. THROUGH $80 S60 I Flit anff FassBumsr line LOWEST RATES BEST SERVICE FASTEST TIME. FRED T." MERRILL CYCLE 127 Sixth Street, Portland. Or. CO. 2 OS. Hranches Spokane, Seattle., Tacoma and Walla Walla. LIVE AOENTS WANTED LEO 6CHANNO, Agent, THE DALLE8. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN IMPERI4L HOTEL Seventh and Wash, ngtor Sts. PORTLAND, - - . OREGON THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor RATES MTTROPE AKPLAIf (3.00 $1J0 COO AMHttCAH PLAH 3.0U 2-O. I 1.60 I uiiiuuiuiiiiuiiiuuiiiiuuiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiamiiiiiiiiiiaK 1 Ben Wilson- Saloon . Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills, THE DALES, - - - OREGON Fine Wines, Liquora and Cigars. Free Lunch eerred at all hours Tbe steamers ot this line will leava I Tbe Dalles at 7:00 a. M. Shipments roccived at anv time. da or night. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address, M- O HLLHlalHY. General Agent THE - DALLES - OREGON. THO. Gary House Bar Prineviile, Oregon. Tresided over by Joe Hlnklo. Carries the best brands Wines, Liquors a Cigar, When in that city call on Joe. 5 . v