aiiSTAlSEBR. Volume XXXV CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 90, 1897 MDn.MnniTAtHEEB, " XIII ROFESSIONAi.. C. U-i.L.mi'fc". Physician and Surgeon, , .... tv,.i, Witionat Bank. Office Honrs, 10 . mVo irmTroi from i to 4 P m Ke dence West End of Thiril otwet, f S. BENNETT Attorney at Law M. TACKMAtf Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. SOCIETIF.S. mRHTPT.Tn T,nnn5!. NO. ?.. A. O. -T7 V. X Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o 'cIock. J AS. NESMITH POST, NO. 33 G. A. H. Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in K. of P. Hall. lOURT THE DALLES, A. O. F. NO. 8630 J Meets every Friday evening at their ball at 8 o'clock. OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon JL in K. of P. Hall "TOTASCO TXP.E. NO. IB, I. O. P..IT Meets VV every Wednesday evening In K, of P Hall. GESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Ealdwin Opera House, T OF Zi. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in JD K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. VTTASCO LOEGE, NO. IS, A. F. & -A. M. f T Meets first and third Monday of eacl montn at o if. al fflHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER X NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at or, M. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 5. I. O. O F. J Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. in a., oi f. Hsui. corner or second ana uoun streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. , T1RIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9 K. of P. F Meets everv Monday eveninz at 8 o'clock. in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in vlted. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock n the reading room. ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD--Mt. Hood Camp, No. 59. meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's Hall. All sojourning brothers are Invited to be present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor diall invited. THE CHURCHES, CJT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. O site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A.M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7 :30. VANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every Sunday 9:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ME.- CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. . Services every Sunday morning and eye ing. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. j Curtis. Pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7 :30 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D.Tay lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington ' streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11 o'olock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing ton and Seventh streets. FIRST CHRISTIAN' CHURCH Rev. I. H. Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. CAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are cordially welsomed. THE" 'TIUNSON" ..TYPEWRITER Writing in Sleht Is "The. Best" Writing Machine The highest grade. Standard of excellence. Controlled by no trust or combine. The "Munson" possesses many distinctpoints of advantage over all other writing machines. The most durable of all. Address for catalogue, THE MUNSON TYPEWRITER Co., 240-244 W. Lake St., - Chicago, Ills W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE the World. For 14 years this shoe, by merit alone, has distanced all competitors. W. L. Douglas $3.50, 4.M and 5.0 shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, " from the hfst materinl possible at these prices. Also and gS.OO shoes for men. ftS.OO aud for bovs and y out tin. W. L. imu g las shoes are Indorsed by over 1,OO,j0 wearers as the best - Id style, fit and durability of any shoe ever offered at the prices. They are made In all the latest . shapes and styles, and of every vari ety of leather, ir dealer cannot snpply yon, tvrlte for cata logue to W. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Sold by 0. F. STEPHENS THE DALLES, OR. Latest Style Lowest Profits- : In Mens and Boys : ClotliiDg, Dry Goods, HV. S FURNISHINGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : -Boots and Shoes c. F. STEPHENS 134 Second Street. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at This Dalles, Oregon, I October 9th, 1897. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the register andjeceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, November 20, 1097. viz. : AMANDA A. MARSH, Of Mosier, Oregon; Homestead No. 3492, for the NEM of Sec. 5, Tp. 2 N. R. 12 K. W . M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Manet Blakenev. Robert Dunsmore. A. H. Swasey, L. E. Swasey, all of Mosier, Orexon. Oct.lO JAS. F. MOORE, Regisjer. -r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. To whom all it may concern : Notice is here by given that the undersigned has been ap pointed by the Honorable the County Court of" the State of Oregon for Wasco County, admin, istratcr of t!se estate of William M. Hockman, late of Wasco County and now deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are Semhv rmiired to present th-ir claim with proper voucher to me at the office of Dufur & Meuefee in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, within six niontlis from the date of this notice. Dated at Dalies City, Ore.. JNOvtmoer 3. isii. JEFt'ERSON D. HOCKMAN, - Administrator of the estate of William M. Hockman, deceased. nowo NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at The dalles. Ob., I November 9, 16&7. f Notice is hereby civen that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register aad Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, oil in ber lOth, ltbT, viz.: SAMUEL MONAHAN. Hd E No 5888 for the SWX Sec 13, TpCNE 12 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uron and cultivation of said land, viz: Aaron Mantsan. J P Agvdious. I.iarlin F;-.gan, and Perry Van Camp, all of TheDa;les, Oregon. Jab. F. Moohe. nl3w5 Register. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles. Or., I November 12, 1K7. f Complaint having been entered at this office by George F. Bullock sigainst William F. Lock wood for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 4491. dated July S, 18W. upon the NH SEM and SW SEH Section 33. T 1 N. It 13 E. in Wasco County. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation or said entry, the saia parties re nereDy sum moned to appear at this oiUce on the 23d day of uecember. isyx, at a o'ciocic p. M.. to respona and furnNh testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. JAS. n. MOOKr:. nov. 13 Register. Eastern Oregon State . Jfornial School . : : Wuston, Oregon Only State School in Eastern Orejron. Located on the O K & N. Railway, midway between peaaieton auu vvaua waiia. Students admitted at all times ofthe year. First-Class' Training School For Teachers. Vocal and lnstrumemal Music taught It competent instructors. A graduate of the Ron ton Conservatory has charge of the instrumen tal department. The Ladies' Boarding Hall Is thoroughly equipped and offers excellent accommodations at reasonable rates.' Send for catalogue. -Adlress Af. G. ROYAL. President of Faculty, P A. iVOnTHi: JTOX, Secretary Boarp Agents 'Weston, Oregon , HENRY L KUCK, Manufacturer of "and Dealer In Harness and Ssrfdiery, East End, Two Doors West of Diamond Flour ing Mills. - - Second Street. THE DALLKS, OKEGOS All Work Guaranteed to Give " Satisfaction. THE ite Star Line THE STEAMER IONE Of the Wa9hougal and La Camas Transportation Co., will leave her dock at the foot of Union street, for Portland aud way points on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, AT C:33 A. M. Freight and Passenger Kates GREATLY REDUCED. Office Baldwin Building, J. S. BOOTH. Agent. REGULATORS OrRATES. B T NEW SHOP JUST OPENED J. NEAGLB Has opened a Boot and Shoe shop in the rooms formerly occupied by M. Fulton on Union street, between First and Second. Firs-Class Workmanship : In Every Line : REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. For Sale or Trade. A desirable home on Fourteenth and Trcavitt streets, The Dalles, consisting of two lots, si i room house, with bath room, closets, pantries, stone basement and frame barn. House hard finished and wood work finished in oil. One of the most desirable hquses in the city. Will be sold for 75 per cent actual cost, or will be traded for ranch in country that suits owner. Address this office. imo TS AND " I see Henderson is back from Klondike with a barrel of money. sh'1 VJF He must have struck a rich mine." nvS W " No. he didn't do any mining at all. He took a supply of Piper ijyji Heidsieck Plug along and sold it to the miners." $J The Plug is Larger Everywhere among tobacco ch ewers the recent enlargement of the Piper Heidsieck Plug is a matter of common talk, and universal congratu lation. More than one-third bigger than before, and better than ever, the tobacco with that delicious cham pagne flavor promises to be the most popular "chew" in the whole wide world. Try the New Five-Cent Size to Plug Tobacco Sewing- Machines AT Save traveling ag3iits expenses by buying the White and other standard machines of C. W. PHELPS, East end Second Street, The Dalels. ANDY 10 25 SO $700.00 IN TP THOSE WHO SOIVE THE TWO F0U0WISQ WEU KHOWH "PIP SAYINGS I" The " old sayioes " outlined below nre familiar to almost every man. woman and child. WHAT ABE TflJGY ff Kacb of the words have a dash or dashes where the missing letters should appear, and if you will All In all the proper letters in the dasfcrp or Fpuces, it will complete the old sayirifr selected. FILL IN TI2E PROl'EIt LETTERS AND WIN A PK1ZE I A B-R- -H -H- -A-D I- -0-T- -W- I- T U-H. WH-H TH- GS- I- A-I- T I E W-L- P-A-. We will (rive to tho first five persons from whom we receive correct answers to the above two old say ins950.O0 Bach; to the next live correct answers S5.0C Eaeh; to the next ten correct answers 810.00 Each; to the next twenty-five correct answers 95.00 Each ; to the next fifty correct answers a Watch, warranted to keep good time; to the next one hundred correct answers 61. OO Eaeh ; and to everyone Benui3 in a correct answer to r.t ieas& one oi me nbove old sayings, we will give a hand to me rolled Gnid Rio with garnet centre, Burrounded by six filandiha rianoD'Ja. Some jewelers would charge yoa dollura for a ring like the one we give away for a little brala norfc. We prepay all shipping charges on prizes and pills to any pest office in the United States and nend same promptly. In order for persons to par ticipate in this contest all answers mast be sent by rer ularmail. A person living 1000 or even 8000 miles from Chicago will have the same opportunity of winning a prize as those who live near this city ,as the dateof post markon thocnveloe will be taken into consideration Rnd nrizps civfn fli'pnrrHntrlv. Dr. Iloblw Bparagw Sidney Pilla cseae the Kidneya to filter Crfc Acid and ottarr pofaona oat of the blood. Thy car Bright'! Dbmt, RbeumattKa, Backache, Dropsy sad Purify the Blood. Fritt &0 cents & box. Old Dr. ilofaks Spsnu Kidney Pilis and his Ultlr tlrr Pills arc pretty well known In every city and town all over the World, but ho wishes to h:ive them known in everv household in tho land. To accomplish that end, he authorizes us to make the above grand offer. CCWDITiOWG Every ono who wishes to eter this contest ir.u3 send na with their answer 2& Cuts In silver or Btamp3 for a vial of Dr. tlbh Liftie IjTrr Pill, or 50 t'enu for a box of his wonderful epa-mos Klihiey Pills. If you wish the two kinds of pills send 95 Ceau. OUR RELIABILITY. Any dmg- gist in the United Etates can tell you that we will vis iumu eacn ana every promise and hundreds of newspaper tn ni.iiu .if)oiirnnrP rtnnhlv aateed, Oit MUSET RKKLKDKU. prizes, as thev are absolutely jtJxrcB nOBBS. m. d. Pills. Try for one of the large prizes by answering this advertisement TBE DAT TOD BEE IT. No attention patri to letters unless containing money for Fills. Mention this paper and address DeoUlOU. HOSBS REMEDY WITHOUT PiA Or Crown and Bridge Work at Greatly Reduced Trices . . Any kind of Filling known to the Dcntis Profession carefully and thoroughly done. 71 rcfiV - S" ? "4 Shows mouta with but four teeth prepared for reception of bridge. No plate to be used. J H. A. STURDBVANT, D. D. S. Over French & Co.'s Bank, The Dalles, Or. Jo p no y wk QvluiJlvLlL jt. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS eis ere t!ie L-rsl loss- :aiL-K;Ircs3:t3. Sent. ii.. f fcir airo. fi.-ijir?5l. tin., or Sew lork. 317. Valuable Presents GIVEN AWAY Dr. ilobbaUUIeUTer Pllla act really, yet nrajj'tly od the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, dispellinc; Headache, Feveis and Colda, and cure Consumption. They are small In else bat rrest tn reuilta. Price 95 cents a vlaL publishers can do so also, but titv nl!rf cat Itfarlloa la enir maae in iiiisaaverusemcni REMEMBER. Vou pay nothinir for the ciwa away to more thoroughly Introduce Dr. Hobbs CO., S4 Adams St.. CHICAUOi ILU TEETH cannot be extracted or filled painlessly by anyone in all instances, but we know that skill ful use of instruments and pain obtundents help to allay pain. We are j roperly prepared with all such spects and successfully use some while our competitors fail. o All appliances requiring mo- 16 Power aro run by electricity, the only oEce in the city having such com; lete equipment doing the rc ugh work. for Of all kinds done ot short noti'Se and at reasonable rates at this office. 'iTTi TESI ting ANNEXATION ASSURED Sixty-one Senators Favor the Hawaiian Treaty. RESPITE FOR DORRANT The California Supreme Court Grants Durrant a Sta of Exe cution. The Legislature to b Asked to Divide Kenr York Affairs at Sladr.d Oper ations by the Cnbamt Other CHiCAdoTNov. 12. A special to the Times-Herald from Washington says: RatiQcation of the Hawaiian annexa tion treaty by the United States senate is assured, Tho administration has made a poll of that body, and as a re suit President McKinley thinks that more than two-thirds of the senators will vote for ratification. When the treaty was submitted to the senate on June 16 last, 36 senators were depended upon to vote for the in strument. Eleven senators were doubt ful and 21 were opposed to its ratifica tion. Since that time the administra tion has taken steps to ascertain the views of the men who were then in doubt. As a result President McKin ley is depending upon 61 senators who will certainly cast their votes in favor of the treaty, with prospects of the ad dition of several yotes-to this number, The treaty is in excellent shaDe for prompt action. It was fully considered by the senate oommitlee on foreign re lations, reported to the senate and placed on the calendar with practically the unanimous indorsement of the com mittee. There werenovotes against it, though Senators Turpie and Daniels refrained from votin'2 because they had not fully made up their minds as to what position they would take in the matter. It is said to be the purpose of Chairman Davis at the first executive session to ask that a'-day be fixed for taking up the treaty. It3 ratification early in the year la confidently ex pected. J. M. ThirEweEdTof Grosbcck. Tex. says that when he haa-a spell of indi gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DoWitt's Littlo Early Risers at night, and be is all right the next morning . Many thou?aads of others do the same .thing. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. Do you? A RESPITU FOB ; DCKKANT. California Supreme Coart Grants a St-j ot xecatlon. : San FKANCiscb.-Noy, 12. William ,Hepry,iTheodo..Dnrrant -was not hanged at San Quentin this morning, after all, the supreme court of this state having eranted bim another re spite at the 11th hour. The respite was. secured by Attorney Duprey, who went to Sacramento and applied to the state supreme court for a writ of probable cause for the pur pose of staying the proceedings againet his client, upon the grounds that no official knowledge of the action of the supreme court of the United States in the matter of Durrant'g appeal from :he decision of the federal court had vet been receiyed; that the superior jourt had acted too hastily in sentenc ing Durrant to be hanged today, as she law required that he be given at least 60 days of grace, and consequent ly that the pendency of another appeal in the 3uprcme court affecting the condemned man is of itself sufficient ;ause of a stay of execution. After the arguments were concluded, the court took the matter under ad visement, and late in the afternoon granted the stay of execution aa re quested. J. C. Eerry, one of the best known citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Ha hai been trou bled with pile3 for over thirty ytars and had used many different kinds of so-cilled cures; butDe Witt's was the one that did the work and he will ver ify this statement if aii3' one wishes to write him. Sr.ipes-Kinersly Drug Co. TO DIVIDE NEW YORE. Legislature to be Asked to Sanction Sac-h a Change. New York, Nov. 12. It is said one of the first bills to be introduced in the legislature will be one providing for the creation of a new state by per mitting a constitutional amendment to be passed and approved by the United States government, severing 15 counties of the state and including them in what shall be known as the state of Manhattan. The plan proposed is for the counties of New York, Kings, Queens, Rich mond, Suffolk, Westchester, Orange, Putnam, Columbia. Duchess, Ulster, jus as Good as acotrs ana we scu it mucn cheaper,' is a statement sometimes made by the dragfgist when Scott's Emulsion is called for. This shows that the druggists themselves regard . . 44 . 4L SGOtt'G Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos ohites of lime and Soda as the standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the "standard" because he knows it has been of untold benefit, should not for one instant think of taking the risk of using some untried prepa ration The substitution of something said to be "just as good" for a stand ard preparation twenty five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. Be sure yon get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that tbe man and fish are on the wrapper, soc and Ji.oo, an druggists. SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ' Greene, Rockland, Albany, Rensselaer and part of Schoharie to be formed into one state, with a population of 3,- 902,220, as compared with 2,631,123 for the 44 remaining counties. This would make the new state of Manhattan the second largest state in the Union in respect to population, Pennsylvania alone exceeding it. SANK WRECKER'S WORK. Will Resnit In Closing of Alany Indiana Schools. Leavexworth, Ind., Nov. 13. Three banks, respectively located in this city and in Marengo and English, with deposits estimated to aggregate $160,000, have closed their doors. R H. Willett, Qashier of the parent bank, in this city, and principal stockholder in the other two concerns, hr.s left for parts unknown. His wife has received a.J&4ter from him. stating iUai-lia h almost lost his mind, and that he will not return to the scene cf his financial disaster. County officials and educa tional trustees are sufferers froy the crash, and one death may be the direst result. Treasurer Brown, of Crawford county, has upward of $30,000 county funds deposited in the bank in this city. When told today of the failure, he fainted, and tonight he is in a criti cal condition. The revenue collected for school purposes was all on deposit in the banks, and it is feared that all of the public schools in Crawford and Perry counties will have to bo closed, as the trustees nave lost all their money. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneu monia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minus Uougii Cure, hnipas Kinersly Drug uo. Still In the King. Havana, Nov. 13. via Key West. A dispatch from Madrid says that the officially inspired papers, El Correoujo and La Correspondencia, point to the possibility of a revision of the autonom ist party into radical and conservative wings. The insurgents are again active throughout Central and Eastern Cuba. It is said they will shortly make a bold demonstration as proof that they have not accepted autonomy, ar.d to induce the next session of the United States congress to recognize their rights as beligerents. Governor General Blanco has dis patched several pacificos, provided with passes, to the insurgents' lines, with a view to inducing the leaders to lay down their arms and accept au tonomy, lie has issued orders to the guerrilla bands not to molest these envoys. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by the use ' of 1 One Minute Cough Cnre. Snipes-KIn- ersly Drug Co. Affairs at Madrid. New York, Nov. 32. A di?patch to tbe Herald from Madrid says: Surprise was caused here by Ihe no tices regarding General Weyler'a con duct at Gibrara, Cuba, where the steamer had to put in for repairs. It seems that he landed, and a manifesta tion was given in his honor, which was said to have been gotten upon board, Tho road was patrolled by troops and the same honors were paid to General Weyler as though he were still captain general. He visited the club and the same inflammatory speeches passed aa at Havana. There is no need of little child re using tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. De Witt s Witch U:izf-I balve gives instant relief ana cu.vs Snipea Kinersy Drug Co. Three Against One. New Yokk, Nov. 12. A dispatch to the Herald from Valparaiso, says: A plan for a droibund of Chile, Peru and Argentina is in existence, which. if adopted by the threo governments. will wipe Bolivia off the South Ameri can map, Chiio, Peru and Argentina dividing liar territory. Startling as this statemont is, there are many who are inclined to give itcredence. With out a ccuot 800)0 international move of importance is under contemplation. Chile a id Peru haye become entangled with Bolivia, and what the result will be no one can tell. Operations by the Cubans. Key West, Fla., Nov. 12. Riano, in Havana province, has beeu attacked again, the insurgents making do effort, however, to enter the town. The in surgents were under Juan Delgado. The Spaniards made no resistance. Calixto Garcia is said to be march ing toward Havana through Matanzas province with a large insurgent army, many large guns, and plenty of ammu nition, arms aud dynamite. Prisoners lu the Penitentiary. Salem, Or., Nov. 13. There is a no ticeable failing off in the number of prisoners brought to tbe penitentiary this fall, compared with last fall. On December i of last year there were 357 convicts In the penitentiary. Today there are 331, and what the prison of ficials call the "fall run" is nearly over. That is, circuit courts, which usually send a large number of prison ers during September and October, have held their sessions and adjourned, and the prisoners sentenced have been received. Mountain Roads Closed by Snow. EUGENE, Or., Nov. 13. Travel across the Cascade mountain?, on both the MeKenzie and Middle Fork roads, bas ceased for the winter. Parties who came in over the McKenzie- road re cently report from one to seven feet of snow near the summit. Nobody will now attempt to cross. No teams hare crossed by the Middle Fork road for some time, but several parties of hunt ers that have been up there report a great deal of snow and stormy weather. Bartender Bad to "DI5 Up." Rosebtjrg, Or., Nov. 13. Two men with their faces blackened entered a saloon near the depot at 1 o'clock this morning and compelled D. "V. Steph ens, the bartender, at the point of re volvers, to "dig up." One man went through the till while tho other cov ered Stephens. They got about $12 in silver, overlooking some small change. There is 'no clew to the robbers. Steph ens can give no description. HAWAII IS ANXIOUS Its Only Hope is in Annexa tion to America. THEY VANT WEYLER Politicians Want the Butcher to Unite With Them in Manag ing Home Government. Cabana Win Another Victory Mandate Is sued In the Durrant Case It Will Probably Hasten Ills Kxecution. New York, Nov. 15. A dispatch to the World from Honolulu, dated Oato bei 28, says: Sanford B. Dole, president of tho provisional republic of Hawaii, and Chief Justice Judd are anxious to have tho Hawaiian annexation treaty adopt ed as soon as possible. Said President Dole to the World correspondent: "The people will never again sub mit to a monarchy. In fact, there is no one sufficiently enjoying the con fidence of the people of the islands to conduct tbe affairs of state under a monarchy." Why do they not desire to continue as an independent republic?' he was asked. "As the islands are so far away from other countries, and as the Asiatic population is fast increasing in num bers, it is a serious question if they are left alone whether tbe republic could survive with tbe willing consent of the foreigners. Besides, if the United States has constantly to protect the is lands under the government at present, why should not the United States take them altogether?" Chief Justice Judd said in an inter view: "During the reign of KingKalakaua tbe-e were two cabinets, so dissatisfied wac the Btate of the kingdom. The only branch of the government that was not disturbed was the judiciary. The restoration of the monarchy is an impossibility. There is no material to m:iko a monarch of. "Ncr can we hope to maintain a re public indeoendently. We must look to the United States. We have come to the turning point, and we must either become Asiatic or Anglo-Saxon. Our commerce is ith the United States; vre are within the zone of American influence, and to assume re sponsibility for us, they ought to have something to say about how our affairs are directed." " Dreadfully Nervous. Gents: I was deadfully nervbu. and for relief took your Kurl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole nervous sys tem. I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, The Dalles, Oregon. 8TOBY OF A BIG Fl.ND. How the Klickitat County Rancher Foond His AUeged Klch Mine. Goldendale, Wash., Nov. 13. Lou Woods, better known as "Wood Rat" Woods, has disappeared from Golden- dale unexpectedly, and it is generally believed he with a brother has gone to guard birt recent find of a gold mine, which, if the story of its existence is true, rivals the Klondike. Woods' real story, as gathered from a near friend, reminds one of a fairy tale that has been painted in a glowing picture. It appears that about the time all the Pacific coast was eager in early September to bear the latest news from the Klondike, Woods and his young wife were returning from a wild huckleberry expedition to Mount Adam?, and crossed over the Simcoe range to visit his father-in-law, Newt Harris, who resides in Yakima county. While en route Woods encamped by a little stream that is believed to be a branch of the Yakima river. " Woods, it seems, wont to the stream to set a pail of water for camp use, and while so engaged noticed a ledge of rock at the bottom of thostroatn which bore the appearance of quartz. Ho seized a large rock and broke off a piece, noticing that it was different from the ordinary rock. He wrapped it up aud showed it to no one until he exhibited it- to his friend, Jeweler Brodie, at Goldendale. Woods contends that he was sur prised that the piece of ore he had was nearly one-half gold. His story is reasonable, f'om the fact that Woods is not an expert on quartz. The display of Woods' gold in Jewel er Brodie's window is now being viewed with wonder by Klickitat people who never before beheld so much virgin gold in one mass. Tbe value- of tbe specimen is a fraction over $7 and the estimate of the value of the white quartz from which it was extrasted in dicates that it would ruu nearly SoOO, 000 to the ton. WETLEB IN DEMAND. Spanish Political Parties all Want His Ser vices. New York, Nov. 15. A dispatch to the Herald form Madrid says: The two men on whom all eyes in Spain will shortly bo fixed are Genoral Weyler and Senor Robledo. Of these it is impossible to interview the for mer, as he is at this moment on the hie-h ees. Senor Robledo said to the Herald correspondent: "General Weyler is at this moment; the one man in Spain upon whom the earnest scrutiny of every Spaniard is expectantly fixed. In spite of what has been said against him in the United States, he represents the tvje and embodiment 61 bpanisn national honor. All the parties in bpam, re publicans, Carlists and all, know this quite well, and ae endeavoring to se cure him for their own, and making tentative efforts to win him over to their side. "It is impossible to predict which Dartv he will favor, and it U all the harder to make an approximate pre diction, because Weyler is essentially a soldier and very little of a politician. j I am inclined to think, however, that he will favor the party of which I am champion. My only grounds for thinking this are that such political ideas as he is known to profess would best chime in with the ideas of my party. General Weyler represents the essence of the Spanish liberal charac ter. Especially is this noticeable with regard to the army. Of course oven in the army be has his enemies. But tbe large majority of the army is at his back and devoted to hltn. There fore, as I say, he is destined to j!ay most important part in the subsequent attaira in the peninsula." May Hasten the JKxeention. Washington, Nov. 15. On motion of Assistant Attorney -General Ander son, the supreme court today decided to issue immediately a mandate in the Durrant murder calse,. ,atxepresen ta- Uve of JJurrant was in- court when the motion was made. The court, after a hurried consulta tion on the bench, announced through Chief Justice Fuller that a mandate should issue forthwith. Anderson thinks this will settle the matter and hasten Durrauts execution. He said he would have made the motion sooner, but for the necessity of giying notice to Durrani's counsel. Warning: Persons who suffer from coughs and- colds should heed the warning of danger and save them selves suffering and fatal results by using One Minute Couyh Cure. It is an infallible remedy forcouc-hs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Spaniards Were Defeated. Key West, Fla.. Nov. 15. Geueral Valderramas has been attacked again by the forces under Juau Delgado, at Pesos Seco. Tbe battle lasted several hours, and the Spanish were'defoated with heavy loss, losing 20 killed 'and many wounded. A revolutionary club has been formed at Havana and named the "Public Salvation Club." Its object is to avenge all Cubans who have been murdered, as Maceo, Castillo and Zayas. Mistaken for a Deer. Iron Mountain, Mich., Nov. , 15. Fred Cawling, 26 years old, manager of the Wright Bros.' extensive cedar business, was shot dead Sunday, four miles from Channing. Ho was mis taken for a deer by an old hunter named Wallasley andshotin the back, the ball passing through his heart. This makes the fifth fatality since the deer season opened a week ago. CATARRH OK THE STOMACH. A Pleasant, Simple, bat Safe and Effectual Cnre for It. Catarrh . of the stomach bas . long been considered the next thing to In curable. Tbe usual symtoms are a full or bloating sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes - with sour watery risings, a formation' of gases, causing pressure on the heart ana luogs and difficult breathing; head aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling. There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and if the inte rior of the stonnch could be seen it would show a slimy'! inflamed condi tion. The cure for this common and obsti nate trouble is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surfaces oi the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. Accord:ng to Dr. Harlanson the safest and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Diastase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. . Theso tablets cm now be found at all drug stores ui:dtr the name of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appe tite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. Booher of 2710 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition resulting frouva-f neg lected cold in tbe head, whereby tbe lining membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom passing backward into the throat reaches the stomach, thud pro ducing catarrh of the stomach. Medi cal authorities orescribed for me for throe years for catarrh of stomach without cure, but today I am the hap piest of men after using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I can not find appropriate words to express my good feeling. I have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as well as the sim plest and most conveniect remedy for any form of indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, stomach, heart burn and bloating after meals. Send lor little book, mailed Tree on stomach troubles by addressing Stuart Co., Marsboll, Mich. The tablets can be found at all drug stores - Youngest Sons Favored. "If one looks abou t him almost any where in Maine," says an observing res ident of that state, "he will UnS, that in the matter of descent of property we have unconsciously put in force or have effected just tBie opposite of the Eng lish rule of primogeniture. Where there are a number of children in a family it is almo.;t always the young est son that stays with the pld folks nnd inherits the homestead. Where 1 live I can point out dozens of such in stances in the families I know, and I cannot now recall a single instance where any other than the youngest was preferred. Oi thw results from the disposition of ihe older boys to seek their fortunes away from the parental roof tree as soon aa they are old enough, while the younger, with the others gone, finds room enough for his activities at home, and ntays there. As distinguished from tho old world method this may be called ultimogeni ture." The success of Dr. Lannerberg, the eve specialist, is due to close attention to business and a thorough knowledge of the eye. Persons with defective eyesight should not fail to call at his office in the Vogt block and have their eyes examined free of charge. To Cnre Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOo or 25a. il C O- C fall to core, drug -ista refund moaeji Royal makes tbe teod pure. wholMBSss asj t POWDER- Absolutely Purov, UnVM. MKWO OVUITH CO.. rWW, iiUiiiSiiNU A CHllipv Weird Sceneb at tho Funorol ot Mojavo Indian. W . An Occasion . of . "Feasting Aimnng um Hungry Children of tho I1 enert Mranjro and Revoltln - Ceremony, t Dan Murphy, who owns tho creator part of nil that 13 valuable in tne toi of Needles, was in San JirancisfttJ cently. " . ' "A short time ago," he said M arainer reporter, as he leaned o'.j counter and pulled his big i thoughtfully . over his eyes,. part in ono of tae strange,'' ceremonies that was ev west. The corpse -was V Ion. the tld chief of the - ; who was one of the best Uot in the west. Joe was onf of I for years, nnd while just a f 3ay sort of a buck ru liio f thing of a philosopher found'good fellow In hi: ,io va Inclined to an - . , mi m .1 arnoii '.visen o.e couia tr-j ot years fifTV Joo canij one of his bur-t3 f me t!:nt, ns he feu he realized the t bis sUi ing, ho had decided to prepar death. Ho had told, his relatiy said, that when he died ho won to take clinrgo of the body a him tho best Bccd-off I coif wanted the thing done up in ndi.-iti Ktvl5. but ho wanted I ibout the finest thing-bf thC could be nrranged. " 'Me heap big Injun, TY gestcd. 'Heap lioss, hear sheep. . vnm by die. Yof y die. Yof o do th j more l nltht, --howSve'rtv '"I promised to and thought no ionr time, uno ni'rnt, tiowijv weeks ago I was aroirsod from a deep sleep by a noi3c in my room, and whan I owoko I disoovcred a number of bucks and squaws standing about my bed, They had an old-fashioned tii lantern, such aa our grandfather used, with holc3 punched, in it toy the light nhino through, frora candle that burned ' dimly j They told me that the chiefs and that they had come as rert to hnvo mo arrange for the They were bent on having ""s place at once, but I persuaded them v,, wait nntil morning. I "On the following day we bnrned Capt. "Joe on the banks of the Colora- do, about two miles from town. Th Indians came for miles and gather' by hundreds to see their chief atari on his long journey to tho happy hy ing grounds. Uundlo3 of me. wood were brought by willing and when they had been formes, an enormous heap the body of-f I placed on tho top and a match , at the bottom. " As the flames the dry wood and licked their ky ward the Indians formed a great ch' about the funeral pyre, and with most fantastic gyrations of the y wailed a funeral dirge so weird actually felt the cold chills chase e. , other up my spinal column. This c4 tinned for hours, but at last the pi burned out and the body was reduJ-,.- to ashes. These they covered with a heap of dirt, and then the feast began. "Nino liorreo, six cows and seven sheep were slaughtered in quick order and vhiie tho fic.lh was BtilJ quiverln they cut the carcasses into hnge'fc' tions and threw them into steami, pots that hung over great fires in pits 'dug for that purpose. this was going on the Indians t about eager for the feast, and thf ment the flesh was cooked tV there was a scramble. A bi Av squaw Would seize a chunk of ii.lA cooked horseflesh, and, eating it with I the avidity of a wild animal, wotld J make a raid on the beef, following If with an attack on the mutton. In thi; way they would eat until they "''TV completely gorged, and would crar off in the bush and sleep only -to awak and feast afresh. For three days, and nights this continued until every'i mouthful of meat was eaten 'and the bones picked clean. During the entire ) time the widow of the chief -we nc ' allowed to eat, buW-witH-". fi painted black with grease taken fron Hio hn nf a railroad car. was com-V celled to sit alone and mourn with allt . . . .. , 1 , . J ine weira wans sne couia icorumanu- When it was all over the Indjaij back to their old lazy life to v ether feast." HOOD B1TEH TILLETT & GAILIGAN - PROPRIETORS. First-Class Nursery Specially. Stock Sole proprietors of Yakima Apple. Send for Catalogue and ask for Prloea The Sum The first of American Newspapers. ' Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, The American Idea, The American Splr These first, last, and all the time xorever. Daily, by mail w.uo a ye' Daily and Sunday, by mail, 88.00 ajj LI i lie 7uiiuoy JJ' Is the greatest Sunday Newspap In the world. Fy mail, $2 a year. 5c ao i pOYAiy 1 r NU.BSEOT