The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 16, 1897, Image 1

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    NO 57
Physician and Surgeon,
n " . rt.ii.i M.rJunjti Bank,
office hour-, 10
noituis w ' i. ,
...tiUiu, iui 1 iroui i w P Ke"1
delKC Mot auu ol I hird sirwst,
8. Biiinn
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 audio. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
rpE.VPLE LODGE. NO. 3. A. O. r W.
I Meets .la Keller' Hull every Tiiursilav
evenim at 7:30 o'clock.
f-?"'-rv S it.ur
of t H u!.
- .'til tt- IWK.
- .
OF I...
ii V. Haii
evtr- Frit
eVrl-y '.Vc-Ju
1. 1 0. li.
evi-uinif it
IjT every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
r OP I,. V. DIVISION. MO. t7. Mf-ts
D K. of P. nll the Brst and taird Wedne;
day of each month at 7:30 P. M.
lITAStJO LOEGE, NO. 15, A. P. & A. M-
. f V Meets first and third Monday of each
month at & P. M.
I NO. 8. Meets in Masonic nau me uiiru
Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M.
1 i f rr everv Pridav evening at 7:30 o'clock
In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
r Meets every Monday evening at 8 o clock,
in Schanno's building, corner of Court and
Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in
UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
n the reai'tng room.
M Mt. Hood Camp. No. 59, meets every
Tuesday evening at 7:39 o'clock, in Keller's
Hall, n All sojourning brothers are invited to be
j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month, visitors cor
diall invited.
riT. pa T L'S CHTTRCH Union street, oddo
site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:3UA. AI,
Evening prayer pu Friday at 7:30.
Ti Rev. L. Grev. Pastor. Service in the Eng
lish language at First Baptist Church every
Sunday 9:39 A. M. and7:P. M.
E. CHURH Rev. J. H. Wood, Pastor,
Services every Sunday morning and eve
Inir. Sundav school at 12 :a0 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
people to all. -
Curtis. Pastor, Services every Sunday at
II A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after
morning service
PT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
f! Pastor. Low mass every Ssunday a 7 A. M
High mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at 7:30 P. M,
1 lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
. streets. Services each Sunday morning at 1
o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:19.
Pastor's residence Northeast cor. ol Washing
ton and Seventh streets.
Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday
moraine at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock
Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening. Y. P. t. U IS. meets
every Sunday at 6:30 P. M,
J Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller,
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are
cordially welcomed.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco.
as administratrix or tneesv.teoi Henry .font
ins, late of Wasco County, and now deceased.
All persons having claims ag Inst said estate
aroherebv notified to present me same to me,
dnlv verified, either at mv residence at Kinss-
ley. Oregon, or at the ortlce of G. W. Phelps, in
Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from
the date of this notice.
Dated April 10. 1897.
alOw Administrauir.
Notice is hereby given that by an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, made and entered on the 17th day of
May, 11-97. the undersigned was duly appointed
administrator of tlie estate of Albert Ullery,
deceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are notified to present them, with
the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at
Victor, Oregon, or to D. H. Roberts, at his
office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six montas
from the date of this notice.
Dated May 18th, lr7.
Adm'r of the estate of Albert Ullery, deceased.
By virtue of an execution duly issued by the
clerk of the circuit court of the county of Was
co. State of Oregon, dated the 11th day of
August. 1897. in a certain suit in the Circuit
Court for said County and State, wherein J G.
Fowler and W. J. Caesar as plaintiffs, recovered
judgment against Sylvester W. Mason and
Lydia O. Mason, for the sum of and 70
attorneys fees, and costs and disbursements
taxed at tin. on the 24th day of May. 1897, which
judgment was enrolled and docketed in the
Clerk's office of sa'd Court May 26, 1897. of which
iudgineat there still remains unpaid the sum of
108.94. Notice is hereby given that I
levied on August 19th 17. and will on Monday
the 20th day of September. 197. at the court
house door in Dalles City in said couuty. at t
o'clock in the afternoon of said day. sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
following described property, to-wit :
The east one-half of section 15. tp 1 s. rl4 e. w.
ra. Situated'and being in Wasco County .Oregon,
and levied upon as the property of the said
Sylvester W. Mason, or as much thereof as may
be necessary to satisfy the said sum of 1 108.94.
with interest thereon, together with all costs
and accruing costs. -
T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 20th, 1897.
Lasd OyncB at Tbb Daixes. Ob.,
September 18. 1897. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Octo
ber 30th, 17. viz. :
James Sherrill. H.I. E. No. 3867, for the
SWH, Sec.5.Tp. 1 S. a 18 ii. and Sii SWX
sec 33. Tp 1 N, R 1J E W. M.
Ha mimes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
C E. BUI. C. R. Hill, J, S. Taylor and J. R.
Cook all of The Dalles, Oreison.
Jas. F-. Mookk.
Sept25w5 fy"(rislv
rr w -i-xj
gnecUl Srabuol Mnetluit.
Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of
School district No. 12, of Wasco couuty, state
of Oregon, that a special school meeting for
aid distiict will be held at
on Union strret on the 25 day of September.
1897, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, tor the fullow
ing objects : To further constfe vie question
ofuractins a, ae scnopi noase uuwuiuk uou
..ruvldiutf funds for the same.
rtuteil tills 9th
day of September, 1897.
O. D. Do t:
CbniurM! Hot.rti -f lir.
Geo. P.
Notice Is herebv iiven that the r.ndersigned.
v iJnotfaud Uin-more Parrish. hereto-
. u. -- . . t..-...o M- Ufr--ti rtlLV
da, by mutuaT consent dissolved. All
aunts against said firm should be presented
J. B. Barnett. anu saiu r.. "
iT". rki i u uuu. notes and evidences of in-
.teduess owing to aid Arm
Km day of June. IW7. n ..,
Juae27 J- E- BAJUvETT.
In the circuit eourt of the State of Oregon for
tne enmity of Wusoo.
The Northern Counties Investment Trus;
limited, a corporation, plaintiff,
Marv J. Smith. James M. Smith, jr.. Elum A.
Smith and Clem Smith, defendants.
To Marv J. Smith. James M. Smith. Jr.. Elum
A. Smith and Clem Smith, the above named
You and each of you are hereby notified and
required to be and appear ii the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for Wasco couuty. ou or
iK-finf. the 1st dav of the next retrular term of
oaid court, to wit. on or befu.e Mond ly. the Hti
fi:w ..f November. 1MI7. then ana mere to
answer the complaint of plaintiffs, filed against
You in the above entitU d court unit cause. If
vou fnii to so aoDear and answer said cu;npluint,
plain lid will apply to the court tor the relief
prayed lor in it compiaiui. 10 mu iur n uctrec
of the above entitled court to me eneci. iuat
that certaiu mortmiife. made and deinei-eu oy
James M. Smith, now deceased, and the above
named defeuduut. Mary J. SmitX his wife, to
plaintiff ou the 24tb day of April. IK:), which
mort!afieA"as(jiven to secure the payment of the
sum of i-& 0 pi incipa . and interest uix.n said
principal sum. until l'ie m aunty or said princi
mil nm.. which interest hum evinced bv twocei
tain promissory notes. t;ne of the sum of 43-3 -",
iin.l .in.- tlie sum of iJHi. wrn-h said rrtin lpa
mil-; .-e:-mi-
:i::t.r ;:i.iHj'-:
nie a i'l it. .H ie -u me 1st nay ui
in!..1.- I ; . c ' nt p-rannui
n ! i "e '"; give
i'l '
iiy a;i i
! .;,....
t Til 'Li I.
! (-:- 111
I ..f -sa-.:
u . :t ,e:ve. ;
sU't a;id th.
.' Ti-e sum i
i I he -ii-'-- a..-' s ...
'' -t ' itilii I - - "i - ' d
17 ,vith i.lltu -t lit 2,;
the rate 8 p.
ceal ner auuuin frum S:i-temLer 2. 11-9. pau
for taxes upon said rourt .iirftii proj.-trty for tht
tears I!tf ana ii: 131 x: e ruid oi psmi win
interest thereon at the rate of 8 percent per
annum from Mav 1st. 1898. being amount of said
priucipai note: (4i The sum ofi.50. as a reason
able uttoruey's fee in said suit. That n alter
all of the p oceeds from the sale of said mort
guged property shall be insufficient to f'.il'.v
satisfy the demand of plaintiff, as afore-iid.
that plaintiff have judgement over and ngainst
the dt-femliLiit. M.irv J. Smith for anv such de
ficiency'. That said defendants and each and
all of them, and anv and all persons clal nui
or to claim, by .through or under them, oreitl-er
of them, be forever baned and loreciosea oi an
right, title and interest in and to said mort
gaged premises. The plaintiff have a right to
bid at said sale, and that the purchaser of said
lands and premises, be let iuto thi? immediate
possession of the same, and the whole and
every part thereof, and for each other and
further relief as to the couit may seem equit
able and just.
This summons -is served upon you the said
defendants by publication thereof in The
Times-Mountaineer, a weekly newspaper of
pt-ntral circulation, pub ished in Dalles City.
Wasco co nty. State of Oregon, for six con
secutive weeks by order of the Hon. W. L.
Bradsbaw, judge of the above entitled court,
which said order bears date the 24th day of
September. 1897. Dated tuis 2uh dav of Sep
tember. 189. DrrijRii Menekbe.
teptw7 Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Henry Spcichinger, Plaintiff,
Thomas Denton, Defendant.
To Thomas Denton, the above named defend
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
herebv notified and required to lie and appear
in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Wasco counlv.ou or before the first day ot the
next regular term of said court, to-wit: On or
before Monday, the 8th day of November. 1897.
then and there to answer the complaint of
plaintiff tiled against you in the above entitled
cause and court, aud if you fail so to appear
and answer said complaint the plaintiff will
take judgment ngainst you for the sum of $?5 H.
together with interest thereon at the role o
eight per cent per annum since the 2ith day of
April, is; ror tne iurtner sum oi fiu.uu ano
interest thereon at the rata of eight per cent
per annum since the fth day ot July. I891. and
for his costs and disbursements mude and ex
pended in this action. This summons is served
upon you by publication thereof tor six con
secutive weeks by order of the Honorable W.
L. Bradsbaw jude of the above entitled court
which order bea.s date the li-th u ly ol ept.
Attorneys ior r laintin
Dated this 18th day of Sipt. 18V7.
In the circuit court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco county.
Allice Brown, plaintiff.
Walter Brown, defendant
To Waiter Brown, the -above named de-
In the name of the State of Oremm vou
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint herein filed asrainst you by the
first dav ot the term of this court following the
expiration of tne time prescribed In the order
for the service of the summons upon you by
puDiication tnereoi. to wit. tee gin day or
x" ......... .. ... a -n iuk ,1 i r ...... t..t n
appear and answer, judgement will be taken
against you for want thereof, and the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint, to wit. a decree of divorce
from you. the above named defendant, and for
the care and custody of the minor child of plain
tiff and yourself. Hattie Ellen Brown, an.l for her
costs and disbursements herein, and for such
other and further relief as to the court may
seem equitable and just. This summons is
served upon you by publication thereof once a
week for six weeks in The Dalles Times-
Mountaineer, a weekly newspaper published in
Wasco county. Oregon, by order ot Hon. W. L.
Bradshaw. iudee of the Seventh Judicial Dis
trict, of the State of Oregon, made at Chambers
n Dalles city, wasco county, urexon. the 18th
day of September, A D. 1SS7.
XM . 1. UATES.
sept25w0 Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice Is herebv eiveo that bv virtue of an
execution issued out of the circuit court of the
state of Oregon for the county of Lane to me
directed, in the case wherein Ida B. Roe, ad
ministratrix of the estate of 6. C. Km-, de
ceased, is plaintiff and C. C. Roe is defendant. I
have levied upon all the right title and interest
of said defendant in and to the following de
scribed real property towit:
Lois 5 and 6. in block number 8. second addi
tion West, to the town of Hood River, in W asco
County, Oregon, and will offer the same for
sale to the highest at public auction at the
court house door, ia The Dulles, in said county
and state, on Monday, the gl'th day of ? ept.
1897, to satisfy the judgment of plaintiff atrainst
the defendant for tiKM. and costs of sale. The
sale to commence at. 2 o'clock P. M. of said
day. Terms cahs. T. J. DRIVER,
bnerin oi wasco county. Jre.
August Kith 189. ' aug2L
l.and Office at Vancouver, Washington,
August 24, 1887.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has hied catice of his intention
to make haul proof in support of nis claim, and
that said proof will be made before W. U.
Dunbar, U. S. Commissione for District of
Washington, at his office in Qoldendale. Wasti-
iiuton. on October 12th, 1897, viz. :
Homestead Entry No. 8892 for the SV4 of NE!
anu a oi 4, ec. i, xp. s jx, oi it. 14 js.
W. M.
112 names the following witnesses to Diove
his contiuuous residence upon, and cultivutiun
of said land. viz. :
William D. Gilmore. Vernan T. Cooke. Man
uel S. Lemardo ana J. H'red Lucas, all of
Grand Dalles P. O., Washington.
tea . u. J;', suaw, Register.
Notice Is hereby iriven that the underslsned
administrator of the estate of Christina Phil
lips, deceased, has filed his final account with
said estate: that the time and place fortl.e
nearing of said account and objections, if any.
thereto has been atmointed on Monday the 1st
day of November. 1897. at ten o'clock in the
lore noon ol saui aay at the county court room
in the county court bouse at Drlles City, Wasco
county, Oregon, by order of Honorable iiobert
Mays, county iuee, duly made on sleDtember
21st. 1M7; all persons interested in said estate
and making or filing objections, if any. to said
nnai ccouii(. are required, to uitouu at saill
time and place that su.cU objections, if any, may
be heard and settled.
janes Jity. Waso county, Oregon, Septem
ber l, ltf,
S. N. Phillips.
Administrator of the estate of Christina Phil
lips, deceased,, septnv6.
Land OrF'CR at V-iwodver. Wash. .
-V;.tcm b-. r 1J.9" (
NotU is here.);.' ;-ivm that tne folloni i---
rmmeu setiu r hi.-, nu-J a. tii-t- of xit-r iutulivfa
to mane li. nil proof iu sii;iiiori of i:er c.aiio. :id
;ial sr.ld pi-ot i.u ik; Liiauc ut-ior vv. it. iun-
ir, U- Lou.missiont.r ior Lusiriot or v, ush-
ton. :;t ills ..liiue in U"l-u-nitit'e. W;i.-bi::--.
.in N'..v-1-ili. r rit.i ', .:
.Vpaiiwit """V. i.'d'.-.. oi oil :-n Hjri-y.
i. i:i.ui-'-;Vi ci:t!-y .,i. .-i.-!. 'r ii;o
- . tV i i.:id s-'.i- i. J'p. il lit.
V .'1
si;o r, II.-S :ac luiiowing AriiaoHe o prove
her continuous residence upou, uud '-u'tivaiiou
of said land, viz:
S:nnu.Tl I'ltt: "VaUact- Hinforl. WUiiam
A T:.l ' aa.i r.irli S. Piuiumer. all of Har:lnua
p. o . Washington. B. F. Shaw.
sept2&w5 Register.
For mining stock
quotations, and
facts concerning
British Columbia
and Wa-hington n ines, address FRED
FLOED, No. 4 South Monroe Strjet
Spokane, Washington.
Officer A new case, your honor. This gentleman only wishes
to tell you that a five-cent piece of Piper Heidsieck Plug Tobacco is
now forty per cent, larger than it used to be."
Every Good Judge of chewing tobacco knows and has
known for years that Piper Heidsieck Plug Tobacco is
the best that has ever been produced. The onty argument
ever made against it has been its cost but this argument
is a thing of the past. The five-cent piece has been en
larged forty per cent, and every one can now afford this
delicious luxury. Why use the ordinary brands ? when
five cents will buy one of the new large sizes of
Piper Heidsieck
Plug Tobacco
c - nnnlf - Mf -
ist iPrice, - - - -'96
Gamblers, uA tAoy iar, -
Second Hand Wheels $35 and upwards
3fSend for catalogues, free, and 2d hand list.
tZ 17 Sixth Street, Portland. Or. . 3
y Branches Spokane, Seattle, Tarorua and Walla Walla.
auiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiuutmimmmuiiumiFc
TEETH w hoot PUffi
Or Crown and Bridge Work
Greatly Reduced Trices .
Any kind of Filling known to the Dentis Profession
carefully and thoroughly done.
Shows mouth with but four teeth
prepared for reception of bridge. No
plate to be used. J
Over French & Co.'s Bank, The Dalles, Or.
Blakeley &
75 Second Street
utjoxutj uxruiruxnjrjTjmu
A.TI3T3' ivdl-A-l'SI-I-.S
Country and mail orders will receive prompt attention
For cash ia 100 lots
Lumbur. White Lead, Oils, aud Building Material at proportionate rates.
The Dalles, Oregon.
t - . f-3. i,iMntr . -. ..TTMr-M-vrtfU
r2 I
TEETH cannot be extracted or
filled painlessly by anyone in all
instances, but we know that skill
ful use of instruments and pain
obtundants help to allay pain.
We are properly prepared with
all sui-b agents and successfully
use some while our competitors
All appliances requiring1 mo
tive power are run by electricity,
the only office in the city having
such complete equipment
doing the rough work.
The Dalles, Oregon
Yellow Pine
..0 eta
. .4 cis
..8 cts
..0 uts
..8 cts
and upward.
Wants Nothing to do With
International Bims alism.
Captain General Weyler Refuses to
Give up His Position in Cuba
and Refuses to Resign.
Proposed Railway (Iver White Pass Sen
ator Joues W 111 Not Mix In Mew
York I'olitlcs silver Goes
op Two ClttA.
New York, Oct. 8. A .li -patch to
tho i'l-i ) i- e fruin London says:
The .J'-itinh -o "em merit's answer to
the pr of the United States and
I Fra-n:e for Wmetalkra'bv'internationai
agreement will probably be ready
within a fortnight. Possibly it will
be delivered earlier, as there id evi
dence that the mini-itry is disturbed by
the prolongation of the controversy
over the monetary question in the
press and wishes to put an end to it.
Two months ago ttey were strongly
disposed to make such concessions to
the United States and France as would
have enabled these powers to convoke
a monetary conference. Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach obtained from the gov
ernor of the bauk of England a quali
fied assent to the conversion into silver
of one-fifth of the reserve for the re
demption of note issues.
The Indian government was also
consulted respecting the expediency
of opening the mints to the free coin
age of silver. If the answer to that
proportion had been as favorable a:
the reply of the governor of the bank
of Eugland on the minor point of a
larger use of silver in the reserves,
Senator Wolcott's mission would have
been completely successful in opening
the way for a new sassion of the con
ference. That answer has not yet
been officially revealed, but it has
been received in London, and is be
lieved in diplomatic circles to be un
favorable to the reopening of the In
dian mints.
There is a lime lor everything; and
one time to attend to a cold is when it
start;?. Don't wait until vou have con
sumption but prevent it by using One
v inute Cough Cure, the great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and
all throat and Inn? troubles. The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Weyler Fights Uepr.telv to Bet tin Ilia
New York, Oct. 8. A dispatch. to
the Herald from Madrid says:
General Weyler wi'l "fight tooth and
nail agafnielnjemtfved from Cuba.
He is trvin? to terrorize the liberal
government into ' retaining him in
command in Cuba until next June, and
if recalled now he will utilize his influ
ence over the army to create disturb
ances in the peninsula or sell himself
to the Carl 19' s.
Now that the late conservative ad
ministration is no more than a shat
tered remnant, the organs of the con
servative press are nothing backward
in vituperating one another, and the
defunct ministry is so malignant in
tone as to clearly betray that there
was no intention whatever of surren
dering the reins of government had
not the queen recent herself deliber
ately induced and insisted on the
In consequence ot this the fallen
magnates of that administration,
which has been one of continuous
brawl and national scandal for so many
weary months, are being so bitterly
assailed in the columns of their own
newspapers thai, their tempers are said
to have suffered in the glorious melee,
and more than one has to part from
public life and even from Madrid, with
scowls upon his brow and anathemas
upon hislipii. which baa caused no lit
tle merriment to the unconcerned on
lookers. lohn Griffin, of ZantsvilIe,0.,savs: "I
never lived a day for thirty years without
surrenng agony, until a box oi JJe vv itt s
Witch Hazel Salve cured m y piles.'
For piles and rectal troubles, cuts
bruises, spraine. eczema and all skin'
troubles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is
unequalled. The Snipes Kinersly Drug
Company. :
Estimated Output of United States Mines
for 1897.
Chicago, Oct. 11. The Times
Herald today publishes reports from
all the gold-producing sections of the
country showing an enormous increase
in the output for 1897. Oa the sub
ject the Times-Heraidrsays:
"Gold production in the United
States has increased with marvelous
What is
It is a strtm-rthr fling; food and
tonic, remarkable in its flesh-forming-
properties. It contains Cod
Liver Oil emulsified or partially
digested, combined with the well-
known and highly prized Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda, so
that their potency Is materially
What Witlit Do?
It will arrest loss of flesh and
restore to a normal condition the
infant, the child and the adult. It
will enrich the blood of the anemic:
will stop the cough, heal the irrita
tion of the throat and lung?, and
cure incipient consumption. We
make this statement because the
experience of twenty-five years has
proven it tn tens of thousands of
Cases. BttmwoutH SCOTT'S Emmliiam.
50c mod f 1.00, all druggists.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, heausts, New York.
rapidity during the current year. The
craze of the Kloudike regions should
not obscure the great facts as they
exist. Klondike's total yield for 1897
seems roughly to be about $8,000,000.
That is a comfortable sum. but it is a
mer-e nothing, when compared with
the wonderful output of the yellow
metal in the United States."
The Time--Herald. estimating the
total output f ir 1897 of California, Col
orado, the Black hills, Arizona, Mon
tana, Idaho and O:'eo:i, places the
figures at$7l,3J0,000, an 1 says:
"Washington. Wyoming. New Mex
ico and Nevada will also be havy pro
ducers, and tleir yield will be enor
mously increased. Counting this with
the Klondike estimated production of
$8,000,000, the yield of the United
States for 1897 will exueed $80,0d0,00i),
one-third of tho world's estiui ite'i out
put for the year.''
Vim. vijror awl victorv; these are the
charact'-rist cs Lc ' itt's Li tie Early
Ks r-i, iIih la-nous little Dllw I if coikii
ratio i. biliousness an 1 all stomai'h and
liver troubles. Tne Snipe -i Kinersly
Drug Co. , ' ' ".' . . .
The Rebrllinn iu Guatemala.
San Fuancisco, Oct.. II. .Mariano
Lopez, one of the prominent citizens
of Guatemala, now in this city, has re-
c-ived the following;
'Tpacb'ila, Oit. 9. We are tri
umphing, I will communicate to you
the details of the battles against the
desiot. Morales."
Lopez has received other messages,
the most imp irtint tellinsr of the
fusion of the liberals Ho says the so
called taking of Quezalteuango was
merely an abandonment of that point
for strategic roasons. as shown in his
dispatches. In regard to the forces at
the commind of the revolutionary
party, the latest information is that
tb-sre are 17,000 men, till well equipped
and wanting for nothing, either in
supplies or ammunition.
It cures everything except a broken
heart, may be said of Dc Witt's vv itch
HrtzelSilya. riles and rectal diseases.
cuts. 4urns, bruises, tetter, eczema and
all skin troubles niay be cured bv it per
manently. The Snipes Kiuerslv Drug Co.
Rains In the Middle West.
Chicago, Oct. 11. Rain is falling
today throughout the Western states
and the long disastrous draught has
been broken. Reports from Kansas,
Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri,
Arkaneas and Minnesota show general
rains with indications of its contin
uance during the next 24 hours. The
draught just broken has for teverity
and wide area of country affected
never been equaled in this country.
Conservative estimates place the re-
uction in the acreage of winter wheat
at 25 per cent. Thousands of
throughout the affected districts
ot even been plowed.
I crave but one minute," said the
public speaktrr in a husky vo ce and
then he took a dose of One Hinute Cough
Cure and porceeded with his oratory.
One Minute i oi gh Cure is unequalled
for' ihroat and lung troubles. The
Smpe-Kinefsly . Drug Co. v.-?... . , t
-Cubans Forced the Trocha.
New York, Oct. 9. The Herald's
Hayana special via Key West says a
large body of insurgents succeeded in
forcing a passage through the trocha
in Camaguay. This invading army is
said to be commanded by General Cal
ixto Garcia. Other reports say Gen
eral Gomez joined Garcia's forces in
Camaguay and together started west
ward. The report that the Cuban
forces consist of the Oriental infantry,
tne Camaguay cavalry and three bat
teries caused a etir here." It is eaid
that the Cubans, flushed by their re
cent capture of Victoria de Las Lunas,
will carry the bulk of their army to the
Western province.
Burning, itching, skin diseases in
stantly relieved by De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve, un"qualed for cuts, bruises,
burns. It heals wihout leaving a scar
The Snipest Kinertsly Drug Co.
Will Keep Away From Cuba.
New York, Oct. 11. A dtspat-sh to
the Herald from Washington say?:
The administration has practically
determined to keeD the North Atlan
tic squadron away from the gulf during
the winter. While no orders have
been issued, it is generally understood
that Secretary Long will follow the
course pursued by his predecessor and
keep the ships away from Cuba. This
means that during the cold season the
headquarters of the squadron will be
at Fort Monroe, and their evolutions
will be held on the Southern drill
grouuds justi outside of the capes.
"Thev don't make much fuss abou
it." We are speaking of DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
constipation, biliousness, and all stomach
and liver troubles. I hey never gripe.
The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co.
Jones Not In Politic.
New York, O-.t. 8. A dispatch to
the World from Washington says:
. Senator Jones, chairman of the
democratic national committee, says
he will take no part in the municipal
contest In- Greater New York. Sena
tor Jones disclaims any responsibility
for the action of Secretary-Walsh in in
dorsingthecandidacy of Henry George,
merely remarking that as an individual
Walsh had a perfect right to take
whatever action he considered proper,
To Core a Cold la One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All Druggists retund the money
If it fails to Curp. 23c. For sale by
tfianeiey x jiou?nton.
A Victim of tie Spaniards.
Washington, Oct. H. The acting
United. States consul-general at Ha
vana has informed the state depart-
ment mat ueorge rvew ton, a young
Amerlcnr, formerly a watchmaker in
Havanp, who was wounded and chd-
tired by Sanih troops in August
list, died ii Havana September 30,
f-nmthe effects of bis wounds and
The True Democratic Ticket.
New York, Oct. 8. Of the 20 demo-
cri'-ic n tloaal committeemen who
have expressed themselves on the
municipal campaign, 13 held that
Henry George is the regular demo
cratic candidate for mayor and seyen
favor Tammany.
Doat Tobacco Spit sad Sauk Tsar lilt Away.
To Quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac
aetic. (all ot life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Doc, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong, ill druggists, SOc or II. Cure truaran
ecd. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Cblcaco or New York.
Winter Overtakes Prospectors
at the Lakes.
Members of the Portland Commer
cial Club Held Their Fourth An
nual Dinner Saturday.
Manlial ItUnro Will Kurceed Weyler in
Coiuinaurt lu Cub All the I'rovU
ftlonwl Governors on the Isl
and Have Resigned.
Seattlk. n.-;t. IJ. Tho special c r-
resKndent of the I'ust-Intelligencer,
at Sk:inay, writm under dut-e of Sep
tember 30, as f-illowe:
''An Indian Mck?r who has j'ist ar
rived from Lifc-i Limremaoii - reports
that two feet of xnow fell at Lakes
Lindem.inn and Dsnnett, and the dis
tress and suffering there are intense
Most of the people at the lakes live in
tents, and many have made no pro
vision for getting away this season.
They hare not built cabins for them
selves, and the Indian nays that with
so much snow on the ground, which
will in all probability remain, there
will be intense suffering before the
people are boused in shacks or cabins.
The winter snows have begun to fall
on the pass, and there are yet hundreds
of men scattered along the trail be
tween Sheep camp and the lake. As
is well known, traveling over the pass
in one of those snow storms, which
frequently lasts one or two weeks, is
impossible, and when this fact is con
sidered, it is easy to imagine the awful
condition which confronts the told-
seekers. There are grave fears that
many will perish on the fail before
they can reach Lake Lindemann.
"Lite reports from the lake afe that
ice is rapidly forming, and all indica
tions point to an unusually early and
severe winter." -
Fourth Annual Banquet of the Commer-
: clal Club.
Portland, Or., Oct., 10. The
fourth annual dinner of the Commer
cial Club, piven last night at the
rooms of that organization, on the
eighth floor of the Chamber of Com
merce building, was tho most repre
sentative ana sujcessiui oi the series
given. Civic, military anJ naval
branches of the general government
were well represented, and on behalf
of the state, three member of the Ore
gon congressional delegation were
present. The guesls were- seated at
7:30, and from that hour until after
midnight, mirth and eloquence, wit
and good fueling prevailed.
-The fourth annual meeting of the.
Commercial Club was the most impor
tant in its history. - The organization,
through indefatigable efforts on the
part of its officers and member, has
passed through the crucial period of
business depression and hard times,
and now, with a promising future, is
well equipped to enter upon a success
ful and important career. The organ
ization is essentially a -commercial
one. In its membership are to be
found all the leading business men of
the city, and these 'are supplemented
by a good array of those in professional
life who exert themselves in a common
interest for Portland's good.
General Charles F. Be-ebe. president
of the club, presided at the dinner last
night, and officiated as voastmaster,
ably assisted by members of the re
ception committee.
Weyler la Kecalled
New York, Oct. 11 A dispatch to
the World from Madrid says:
The minister of war hac cabled to
I General Weyler to embark for Madrid
I i .1 : . . i . , ai i.-.
lujiueuiai-eiy, uaouiog uver nis com
mand to the Marquis de Ahmuda or
General Linares. All high civil of
fleers and the principal lieutenants of
Weyler will be replaced promptly.
The government telegraphed an
order to cease instantly all rigorous
methods of warfare practiced hitherto.
With the exception of conservatives
and republicans who persist in court
ing Wevler, the majority of the press
openly applaud the new government
for gazetting decrees recalling Weyler
had appointing Marshal Blanco governor-general
of Cuba.
So determined was the cabinet to
act vigorously that immediately after
the council of ministers approved the
above decrees, Count Xinquena, minis
ter of public works.carried them to the
palace. The queen got up from dinner
to sign them. The minister of war
telegraphed the Transatlantic Com
pany to postpone the departure of the
mail steamer to allow General Blanco
to embark Tuesday with a numerous
staff. Sis generals, officers who served
under Marshal Campos in the early
part of the present war, and 20,000
men as reinforcements, will follow in
November. General Blanco is not ex
pected to be In a position to form I
correct estimate as to the situation, or
to suggest the best course to follow bt
fore the middle of November.
Military operations will continue as
soon as fine weather permits against
all insurgents not disposed to submit
on bearing of the contemplated i
forms and the reversal of the policy of
the last two years.
Railway Over n nite Pass.
San Francisco, Oct. 8. F. C. Fam
bam, a mining engineer of Seattle, has
just returned from the east, wbeie be
succeeded in organizing a compaiy to
build a railroad from Skaguay to Lake
Ain its cuna
To the Editor I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
tiwusands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
tend two bottles fret to those of your readers
who have Consu mption, Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me theli
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
t. A. SXOCOTt M. fi. Its Pearl St- lew Tort.
9- The Editorial sad Baal mm llaiiagaiiiim ol
Ueouett over the White pass. He
sas the eotnpa-iy has bee.n incorpo
rated under the laws of New Jersey.
The roa.l will be narrow guage, is ex
pecten to cost $150,000, and it ia pro
posed to complete it by June J f net
year. .
A Jump of 1 wo Cents.
Sew York, 'cu 8. Silver scored a
ris of 1 oenov in London today and 2
c -nts to 58 cents In New York. Bullion
dealers are unable to aasigu any ther
cause for the rise than a scarcity of
supplies. The Indian demand of late
has been quite heavy. The London
price txlxy Is within 2i pennies of the
price on Sep'ember 20, which was tie
high point of the rally on the news of
the Bank of England's proposition to
hold a fifth of its reserve In silver.
Russia's tx-al Commissioner.
New York, Oct. 9..!. Pitrre Bot
kin, the aueni of the Russian govern
ment in the seal conference which will
soou be held in Washington, is in New
York ou his way from Europe to the
capital. He will be a familiar figure
in Washington, for he served with the
Russian legation at various periods as
secretary and charge d'affaires. He
bad been acting as secretary of lega
tion in Bulgaria prior to bis visit hero.
John Blanch's Onld Mine.
Tacoma, Oct. 9. -lofin Blanch, who
started in for the Yukon with a large
outfit, which be bought in Portland,
is back, having given up the trip. The
0000 pounds he got acro-s to the lake.
nettec him $1 50 a pound, S00OC and
bis total expenies, including transpor
tation and everything, did not exceed
$5000. He says $4 W0 i good enough
profit for him for three months's work.
Kzploslon in a Mine.
Baker City, Or., Oct. 9. This af
ternoon at 4 o'clock an explosion of
giant powder occurred in the 600-foot
level of the Virtue mine, killing J. P.
Maddock, a well known miclng man.
and injuring several others. The
cause of the explosion was the drop
ping of a lighted candle into the pow
der magazine.
gnbttltuuuu Made.
Madrid, Oct. 9. The cabinet today
held a four-hours' session, during
which the decision previously arrived
at regarding the recall from Cuba of
General Weyler was confirmed. El
Heraldo makes an announcement that
the captain-general of Porto Rico will
be appointed acting governor of Cuba,
pending the arrival of Marsbal Blanco.
Provincial Ooveruors R s'g-n.
Havana, Oct. 9. Following the ap
pointment of Marshal Bli nc to suc
ceed Captain-General Weyler, the
Marquis, t'dliu- rela, civil governor of
Havana, and the other rovincial gov
ernors, have teudored their resigLa
Blade Friends In the Forest with th
Life Around Ulm.
The mice which haunted my house
tvere not the common ones which are
said to have been introduced into the
country, but a wild native kind not
found in the village. I sent one to a
distinguished naturalist, and it inter
ested him very much. When I was
building, one of these had its nest un
derneath the house, and before I had
laid the second floor and swept out the
shavings would come out regularly at
lunch time and pick up the crumbs at
my feet It probably had never een a
man before; mid it soon become quite
familiar and would run over my slioe
and up my clothes.- It could readily
ascend the sides of the room- by short
impulses, like a squirrel, which it re
sembled in its motions.
At length, as I leaned, with my elbow
en the bench ono day, it run up my
clothes, and along my sleeve, and round
and around the paxrr which held my
dinner, while I kept the latter close
and dodged and played at bo-peep. with-
it; and when at last I held still a piece
of cheese between my tl umboml finger,
it came and nibbled it, sitting in my
hand, and afterward cleaned its face
and paws like a fly, and walked away
A phoebe soon built in ray ehed, and
a robin for protection in a pine which
grew against the house. In June the
partridge, which is eo shy a bird, lei
her brood past my windows from the
woods in the rear to the front of my
house, eluuking and calling to them
like a hen, and in all her behavior prov
ing herself the hen of the woods. The
young suddenly disperse on your ap
proach at a signal from the mother, as
If a whirlwind has swept fhem away,
and they so exactly resemble the dried
leaves and twigs that mnny a traveler
lias placed his foot in the midst of a
brood and heard the whir of the old bird
as she flew off, and her anxious col In
and mewing, or seen her trail her wings
to attract his attention, without sus
pecting their neighborhood. The parent
will sometimes roll and spin round be
fore you in such a dishabille that you
cannot for a few moments detect what 1
Kino oi a creature it in.
The young squat still and flat, of tea
running their heads under a leaf and
mind only their mother's directions given
from a distance, nor will your approch
pirtke them run again and betray them
selves, I have held them in my open
hand, and still their only care, obedient
to their mother and their Instinct, was
to squat there without fear or trem
bling. So perfect Is this instinct that
once, when I laid them on the leaves
again, and one accidentally fell on its
ride, it was found with the rest in ex
actly the same position ten minute
nfterward. The remarkable adult, yet.
innocent, expression of their open and
serene eyes la very memorable. All in
telligence seems reflected in them. They
suggest not merely the purity of in
fancy, but a wisdom clarified by ex
perience. Such an eye was not born
when the bird was, but ii coeval with
the sky It reflects. The -oods do not
yield another auch gem. Thoreau's
Lif .
Mm Artist's Story. --
A celebrated artist tells a atonr of
ww, when he was playing with pencil
vnd paper, he mddenly began to draw
i portrait of a face that he seeimed to
-emember. But he never discovered the
original until when, on a visit to a coun
try house, be discovered the face among
the portraits of the ancestors of the
family. On inquiry, he found that his
grandfather had once been engaged to
be married to the girl, but had been
-tbliged to give her up on the pressure
of her relatives.
Immense Fish Uon.
On the east coast of England, where
hook and line fishing is most exten
sively (utrried on, immense linea are
used. Some of them are about eight
mOes long and carry nearly 3,000 hooks.
Edncata Your liow-- With Ci
Candy (Jatharttc, euro onoatlpotioo forerer.
Ucttc liqac. t-Jl. lruUui refund mooer 1
Royal awakes the food pure,
whelesesae and italic! sis.
Absolutely Pure
Sapplantlnr Towser
as the
Household Protector.
"The place of a watchdog on UaCfarnt
or country plait," said State's Attorn?y :
McOuire the other day, in making some '
observations about uwd dogs, report?
the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, "might
be very well taken by peacocks and ., j
guinea fowls. I long since udopted pea
cocks alone to guard my plac, and
nothing can come around the premises
night or day without causing an alarm
from them. They are more wutchfu! -
than any dog I ever owned. My experi
ence with guineas has not been, so ex- .
tensive, but I believe they ore also
sure to give an alarm, or rather a good "
many alarms, if any strange man or
beast should venture near them by
night or day. 1'erhaps the days oi t he
watchdog would be numbered if it were ','
generally known how well peacocks
and guinea fowls would take his place, v v
Then, wrtainly, with fewer dogs there
would not be so many cases of hydro- .
The statement of Mr. McGulre as to , ,
the watchfulness of peacocks was borne ;
out by numerous Howard county farm
ers, among the (number being County
Commissioners IIs,Dorsey and Smith, "
and Mr. James L. liobbs, who superin- '
tends the farming operations of Sen
ator Gorman. Mr. Hobbs stated that he
long ago discovered what excellent pro
tection peacocks afford about a place,
and down on the senator's farm he ai-
ways keeps six or eight of them to
guard the premises. So it appears that
peacocks are useful as well oa orna
mental. " ' '
The scientific beginnings of geology
are said to have been treated of in
Chinese works long before the Chris
tian era. Some degree of geological in
formation is display jd in the book of .
Job, several passages of which have
been held to indicate aa exact knowl-.
dge of the different strata of the earth.
The science is treated of by Aristotle,
riiny, and Theophrastus. Geology did
not become what may be called an exact
science until the present century. l
Effective Oct. 10, 1807.
Sa. 1
Ho. t .
Arrive t
7:40 A. M.
6:30 A. M.
7:00 P. M.
8:15 p. m.
Connection -made with O. R. fe
passenger trains at Biggs.
E . E. LYTI.E. 0. C. O'REILLY.
General Manager.
WIHte Star Mne
Of toe Wash ou gal and La .
Camas Transportation Co., will
leave her dock at the foot of
Union street, for Portland and
way points on . --
Tuesday, Thursday,
AT 0:30 A. If.
Freight and Passenger Kates
Office Baldwin Building, V .
J. S. BOOTH. :
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Flont ani Passenger Uns
One way 12 00
Round trip 3 00
Freight Rates Reduced
The steamers ot this line will leave
The Dalles at 7:30 a. m. j
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. ShlpmonU for .
way landings must be delivered befor '
3 p. m. Live stock shipment aolio
I ted. Call on or address,
General Agent
PUn nirrria
J. o