v. - cast OUMTAIXBKK, lme XXXT MK8.XODXTAI1KBB. JtUl KOFESSIONAX.. o C. HaLLISTEK, Physician and Surgeon, Boom over Dalles National Bank. Office hoar, 10 a a t 1 12 m, an-1 from t to 4 pm. Resi dence We-.t End of Third Street, S. BENNLT Attorney at Law On 3 lr Sohnn ' buind!n, upstair The Dalles urejron. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dulles, Or SOCIETIES. T PEMPLE LODGE. NO. 8. A. O. IT W. Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o clock. TAS. NESMITH POST, NO. 33iQ. A. R. O Meets every Saturday evening at 7:dO in K. of P. Hall. OCRT THE DALLES, A. O. F. NO. 8630 j Meets eve! ball at 8 o'clock. B OF L. E- Meets every Friday afternoon In K. of P. HaU H7ASCO TRIBE, NO. 18, L O. R.M. Meets V V every Wednesday evening In K, of f Halt i ESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets It every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, BOF L. F, DIVISION. NO. 167. Meets In K. of P. HaU the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7: JO P. M. AIASCO LOEGE, NO. 1ft, A. P. & A. M. T Meets first and third Monday .oi ecn month at 6 P. M. rnni! nAT.T.F.S ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER J NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 8 f, CA. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. -TTRIENDSHIP T-ODGE. NO. 9 K. Of P. r m Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. In Sohanno's building, corner of court ana Second streets. - Sojourning brothers are in vited. TITftMRITS CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE VY UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock n the reading room, H f ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD v Mt. Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's HaU. AU sojourning brothers are Invited to be present. - 'COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. j Meets in Masonic HaU on tne seconu sou fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor dial! Invited. THE CHURCHES. OT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. site Fifth. Sunday school at :A-M, Evening prayer on Friday at 7 :30. ' ' T EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN .CHURCH-f !i Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service In the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every Sunday 9:30 A. u. and 7:30 P. M. -.I - o M. B. CHURH Key. J. H. Wood, FMtor. Services every sunaay morning mqbvb; cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all. h- : -t - " NGREGATIONAL CHURCH ReV. VT. C. urtts. Pastor, services every o 11 ATM. andT7:au P."' M. Suaii-r scaaol alter morning service -' ' ST. PETER'S CHURCH RjtA. Bronsgeest Pastor. Low mass vrr SuB?? 7 A. M. High mass at M: A. M, V ' at 7:30 P. M. - ' TMRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev - D. Tay JJ lor. Pastor. Corner itfta and Washington streets. Services aeh Sifnday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School aifQ Bible class at 12: IS. Pastor's residence Northrfagt cor. of Washing Con and Seventh street. ; . . ! Rev. t.' H. every Sunday "MTA a7 o ciock erv Thursday eveniaut. Y. P. 8. C E.meeT every- Sunday at 6: 30 p. M., -, AVALBY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner - .Seventh and. Union. Elder J. H. Miller. services every sunuay at 11 a. m. ana jo P. 11 Prayer- meeting on weanesaay evening. SuuOay school at 6:45 A. M. AU are cordially mlaomed. .ADMINISTRATRIXES NOTICE. HoTif is hereby eiven that the usdersiened lias beosily appointed by the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for the Count? of Wasco, as almimstratrti of the estate of Henry Foot ing, late ov Wasco County, and now deceased. AU persons vlng claims ago Inst said estate are hereby notvted to present the same to me, .duly verified. eiBter at my residence at Kings ley. Oregon, or at the omce of G. W. Phelps, in . Dalles City. Orego. within six months from .the date of this notfe. UttKU Aiiru iv, tr!' i , Cilia. "KFFIE PONTING. JW A Administraui.' ADMfKISTRATOB KOTICE. Notice is hereby he Vha' bySn order of the County.Court of the State ot Oregon for Wasco County, made and entered on theMTth day of ilay. ii7, the undersigned was dulrappointed ajdnum-itratof of the estate of Alben UHery, . 4eeeae4. - AU persons having claims-ainsl. estate are notified to present then, with - the proper yoaebers, to the undersigned at ;t - Victor, Oregon, ot to D. H. Roberts, at his -rfflo in Tiie Dalles, Oran. within six monads . from the date of this louaa. Dated May 18th, 1897a L. . HENNEGMAJf, " Adm'r of the estate of Albrt UUery, deceased. , . mzswB. SHERIFFS SLE. '-Notice to -ivattit 'g iven thai by virtue of an ,' execution and order pf sale Issued out of the : fcYrjult Court of the SWfa pf Oregon an the 6th ' day of Jiriy. JsW- n a judgment and decree made and. rendered in above named Court on - ne'28th day of May, 1897. in favor of Jjsuij Bonn, plaintiff, and against George W. Renoepnd Pauline Renoe, Oradeil Renoe, Ivabee Rem. Charles H- Renoe and Virgil Renoe. heirs xt law of Ester A. Reno, deceased, defendants,! did 00 the tith day of July, 1897, duly levy upoit sod will sell a the front door of the county court house in DoUea city, Wasco county, Or egon, on Monday, the lath day of August. 197. ' at the hour of two o'clock In fhe afternoon of day, at public auction to tha highest bid oar tar cash in hand, all of the' real estnt des- "'"orlbed i said execl.oTrK:id order of sale, and described -ttriows, to wit: The northeast onwwr of the southeast quarter and the south east quarter of the k,ortbeast quarter, of-section number sixteen, in township two. north of . tmtfj in In East of the vilnfalte Meridian ; ' also aU of lots numbered "K" and -L" ip block number one hundred and three l03)'intw Fflrt . Dalles MiUtary Reservation in DaUes cky. aU in Wasco county, Anegon. or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy (he suras due under " asid writ, to-wit, the sum of 7.89. less t20 paid January,-tM7, and interest thereon since the -iS day of January. ltt9e.M the rate of ten per cent per annum, and the fnrthar'-sum of (10, fi osts and disbursements of suit, and the further 4sm of $-Vi. as a reasbnable attorney's fee. to. 4(Otr with accruing cost and expenses of sale. Datftfl at The Dalles, Oregon, this 9th day of .Jnly.l. T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon . JIyl7,w5 - jDISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHII -Notice Is hereby given -that the undersigned. j e Burnett and Dinsmore Parrish. hereto fore doing business as Barnett & Parrish, have .talg day by mutual consent dissolved. All 'accounts against said firm shonld be presented jto J. E- Barnett. and said J. E. Barnett is to collect all accounts, notes and evidences of ln debtedness owIjmt to said firm.- Dated at DaUasCWy. Wasco Oounty, Oregon. this 17th day of June. It9f. . s DINSMflRE PARISH, JTuneSTirS . 1. E. BAHNETT. Latest Style Lowest Profits - : In Mens and Boya ; CfothiDg, Dry doois, miS FURHISMSGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : -Boots and Shoes STEPHENS joad Street. jcONSOLIDATED 1882. PETITION. TO THE IlDNOHABI.E f.'OVNTY COURT OF Wasco Cochtt. Statb or Oueuon. We the undersignci legal voters and tax pay ers of Wasco County Oregon, do most respect fully pray your Honorable Court to grant to C. Jj. Schmidt, of Cascade Locks, la Falls precinct, in said County and State, a license to sell Malt, Vinous and Spirituous Liquors in less quantity than one guUon and for the period of one year. John Anderson. M Welwr, Thomas King. . Otto Olin. Andrew Travenson, C'has Carlson, W M Franie. Hut L.anev. A B Glazier, W Smith. . D L Cates A E Trask, AG HaU. H Birnle. H A Leavens. Wm Nestler. -A Fleiichhauer, John Trana, C Vasconi. Sam McCary. C LCnndianl, M D P M Elleins. F Douglas, RH Millt-r. C A Brollion, Oscar Skoog. C Willgerodt. A B Andrews. W D McCrnry. A J Knightly. E G Cannon. , Aug Peterson. John Westman. John J Sexton. D M Butler: Guy Blackwood, Fred B Leavens. W E Hergaton. E A Sweet land. Nicholas Stokoe, John Hamilton. Wm Gray. John Thteser.J C H Trask. Bess Dupe. P Aug Nelson, J W Atwell. . M Butorac, V W Tompkins, : Chas AUn. . ' Cusc' Locks, Or., July ft, 1K97, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Rv virtue of an exacntion dulv issued by the clerk of the circuit court of the oounty of Was co. State of Oregon, dated the llih day of August. 1897. in a certain suit In the Circuit Court for said County and State, wnerein J. i. Fowler and W. J. Caesar as plaintiffs, recovered iiwluHi.nr km, nKt ST)VMtfr VV . MaSOU BDQ Lvdia O. Mason, for the sum of tera. and $70 attorneys fees, and costs and atsoursemenis taxed at $16, on the 24th day of May, 1897, which tnffmpnt was enrolled and docketed In the i-l.rl'. rffl-.f snlii Cinrt Mav26. I8W. Of which judgment there stiU remains unpaid the sum of C1U9.V4. IMOHCe is nereuy kivcii i.uv levied on August 19th 1897. and will on Monday the 20th day of September. 1897. at the court house door in Dalles City In said county, at t o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: The east one-half of section 15.tp 1 s. rl e. w. m. Situated and being in Wasco County .Oregon, and levied upon as the property of the said Sylvester W. Mason, or as much thereof as may be necessarv to satisfy the said sum of 4108.94, with Interest thereon, together with all costs and accruing costs. . I ,' J UK I V Cm A. OITCI 111. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 20th, 1897. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. xrttt c tisrohu o-lvpn that the undersigned. as administrator of the estate of E. F. Coe, de. ceased, by virtue of an -order of the county court of the suite of Oregon, for Wasco oounty. will, ou Saturday, tne 4tn aay oi aepieiuuer, ikot t. thv hour of one o'clock n. m., sell to the highest bidder, the foUowlng described person al property belonging to the estate of E. F. Coe. deteasod. to-wit : Thirty shares of tne capital siock in ine xxuuu T?tvii'rnwnuitj Cnmnanv. a corDoration. said shares being of the par value of tluO.OO each. The sale wiU take place at the court house at Dalles City, and the terms of sle wilj be one half cash, balance on time at 8 per cent. The Hood River Townsite Company has a anital stock of iin.ODO. divided Into 100 shares of the par value of I1H0.C0 each. It owns about Bio lots in tne iowh ui iiuuu jitvci. nu from ISO.r0 to &00.U0 each, all in the town of Hood River proper, and many of them pear the business portion of the town and destined to become very valuable soon. The- -dividends of the company have already exceeded the amount of its capital stock and in the near future its present holdings will be worth several times the amount. For further information address -Che administrator. H.C. COe., Administrator or tne estate oi x.- r . uim, -eeased. .. . - r diOaug. SHERIFF'S SALE. Wrtf iiA fa iwMhT aiv&n that by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the Btate of Oregon for the county of Lane to me directed. In the case wherein Ida B. Eoe, ad ministratrix of the estate of Q. C. Roe. de ceased, is plaintiff and C. C. Boe is defendant. I have leviad upon all the right title and interest of said defendant in and to the following de aeribed real property towit: Lota S and 6- in block number 8. second addi tion Wu. the town of Hood River, in Wasco County. Oregon, and 1U me same ior ale to the highest at OTbljfl Suction at the court house door, in TheTJalles, a said county and state, oa Monday, tne zi'in aay u vt- gotjsfx tvn" l" , .Plaint iii uguiu mle to commence at 2 o'clock P. M - of Sa mitu uii Wl n. -r.'it Terms cans. T. J. DRIVE it. utuvci Sheriff of Wasco County. Ore. Angua 16th 1897. aug2L NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. uaksOfick at Vancouveb, Washinctob, , August a4, iw . Notice Is hsrebr given that-the following- named settler has filed notice ot bis Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wUl be made before W. R. Dunbar, U. S. Commlssione- for District of Washington, at his office in Goldendale, Wash ington, on October 12th, 1897, viz. : - WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD. Homestead Knlnr No. 8892 for the S4 of NEW and S!4 of NWtf, 6, f, TP- 2 N, of R. 14 E. W. M. Hi names the foUowlng witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of sold Japd, viz.: William u, uumore, vernan 1. uoose, Man uel S. Lemardo and f. Fred lucas. all of Grand DaUea P. O., Wasbington. leg u. f. HA W, Wisier. , Spokane For mining stock q u o t ations, and facts concerning British Columbia and Washington mines, address FRED FLOEtt, fo. i South Monroe Street Spokane, Washington, W.U DOUGLAS $3 SHOE thld. For M years this shoe, by merit , alonn, has dlntanced all competitors. ST, L. Douglas maO, 84. OO and SS.OO hoeM jr tl:c productloua ot skilled workmen, trout the txa tnklsrlal possible at these prices. Also )S.SO and fhoes for men. SS&O. fta.OO and 81.15. for hoy and youths. w. L. Douglas shoes are Indorsed try over l.O'O.iCO wearers as the best In style, fit and durability of any a&oa ever offered at the prices.- J - Tbcy are made In all the latest shapes and styles, and of every vari ety itf teAther. If dealer ennuot supply yon, write for cuts loue to W.UIouBiu, Brockton, lljsj. Bold By C. F. STEPHENS THE DALLES, OR. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN 7 Seventh and Wash ngtor Sta. PORTLAND, - - - OREGON THOS. GpiNEAN, PROPRIETOR PBOPEAHPLAlf $1.0lij0 i.0U AVCBICAH PU - 2.(10 ttJJJ W-90 Dalles-Moro Antelope Stage Line : Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Keut and Cross Hollow. . Ho-To-Bas for Fifty Cent, guaranteed tbaccohal)lt cure, makes) weak nen strong, blood pure. pj6,f. Aa druggist nn i nnmrcr iiir&aiiL mm, jCist !Price, - - -'96 Sftamblers, 'y '". - . Second Hand Wheels $35 and. upwards XS Send for catalogues, free, and 2d hand list. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. 187 Sixth Street. Portland, Or. Branches Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Walla Walla. LIVE AGENTS WANTED I.KO SCH ANNO. Agent, iuuii.uiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii t m n v n ilh cjjiw i - - j-t-i " - '...j m- - THE CELEBRATED Columbia Brewery ; AUGUST , BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the - Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market. East Second Street The Dalles, : Oregon. THE Steam Eaundry Cor. Third and Federal Strests. All White Work. No Chinese. All goods" left at pur Laundry or delivered to our wagon will receive prompt attention and b.e Jaundried in first-class style. Work collected and delivered to any .part of the city. Rates reasonable; reduction made on family wash. Goods not-laundered to entire satisfaction will be relaund d red free of charge. ' " SMILEY & GLAZIER. Proprietors. . Blakeley & CJG 75 Second Street - Country and mail orders will receive prompt attention Fruit Boxes of Yellow Pine I Can telope Prates 9 cts AA ilW4.HJ.A44. peacfl Boxei, 4 Inch.. 4 cts HOME . Plum Crates, ftiUe4...,.,... 8 cts riTnTTomnV Apple Boxes , .9 cts INDUSTRY . -1 Pear Boxes 8 cts : - : For caab In 100 lots and upward. : : Lumber. White Lead, Oils, and Building- Material at proportionate rates. HOWE & CO., - : - The Dalles, Oregon. THE DALLES. 1 sso S60 THE DALLES. iiiiiiiUiiiiiuiuuiniiiiiiiiiiiii 897 SHEOrSHIRE RAMS. Largest Mutton Ram Breeding Farm in America Strong-, vigorous animals now ready for shipment. Carload lots for range use a specialty. Write for prices. H. O- FOX, Woodside Farm, Oregon, Wisconsin & this Houghton - G - ISTS.. - The Dalles, Oregon DMLLES OKEGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER -II. i r i or ap I Sequel to the Famous Brad bury-Ward Elopement. BANISHED FROM HOME The Vice-President cf Guatemala Is Departed for Attempting to Incite a Rebellion. Idaho Aotl-Uambllns; U Unconstitu tional Three foofrfumtn so Visit Hawaii Perils of the South America Gold Mines. Chicago, Sept. 3.--A man of the name of Ward, of San Francisco, a passenger on the Chicago & Northwest ern overland flyer, which arrived to day, and who is belie vejdv to be the man who eloped last summer with the wife of Millionaire Bradbury, of Los Angeles, leaped from tbe window of a Pullman car while the train was rush ing through Iowa last night and was killed. A telegram was received fri-m Wheatlands almost at the same time the train pulled into Chicago which said Ward ' body, clad only in night robes, had been found near that staticn. Tt is believed he was de mented. It is not known at what hour Ward jumped from the train. His absence was discovered by Conductor Roundy, when the train was between Geneva and Chicago. All of the suicide's clothing and effects were found in the berth be occupied. The police of Chicago are mystified over the case. Yesterday afternoon a telegram was received at the central station as follows "Please send a good man to drawing-room B, car No. 2, of the eastbound overland Northwestern in Chicago at 7:30. The telegram was sent from Fremont, Neb., yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It bore do signature. Deteotlve Broder ick mot tbe train at the depot and on in vestigation found that drawing-room B was the room the suicide had occupied. A detective was informed by Conduc tor Roundy that the telegram the police had received bad been sent by Ward, who left the train at Fremont lony euough tq send It- Vim, vieor and victory: these are the characteristics of L)e w itt's Liitle Early Risers, the mmpus little pills for consti pation, biliousness and all stomach and liver troubles. The Snipes Kinersly Drug CotZ. EIGHT .SUCCUMBED TO EEYEB. Fatal Expedition of MineFrospectorn t Mouth Amefies. DENYHifi Stepk Geo. W; Adams, of Cripple Creek, arrived in ihe oity today from tbe gold fields of South America. - Fourteen moths ago Adams left this city to try his fortune in South American mines. He went to the gold, fields 00 milesfrom George town" in porapany wjth. eight Ameri cans remaining there 11 months. Of the entfre party of nine he alone escaped death from the fatal fever. One by one he saw bis companions dje pf the 'terrjble disease; saw ftolen scooped n . the ground, and their bodies, twisted from pain, covered wth earth. He was attached twice himself with the njalady and all but him died, and finally, after seeing the lat of the eight die In agony, he became terporr stricken and fled, from the country, from which be says not one of 70 white men ever return alive. Burning, itching, skin diseases in stantly relieved by'De Witt's Witch Hazel alye, un-nualed. far puts, bruises, burns.' ft heals withouf leaving a spar. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Cq. i the Bird In flight. Ptttsbdbg, Sep. 6. Mass meetings are being, held today-all over Pitts, burg district by striking miners for the purpose of appointing delegates to the district convention which meets here tomorrow to consider the Colum bus compromise, ' and elect delegates to the national cqnyentlqn at Colum bus on Wednesday. While some qf the loading miners have stated they will cqntend far in struction tq tbe Columbus delegates to voto for 68 gents or nothing, it is thought the 69-oent men will be in the minority and unable to further their plan. A number of operators have received assurance that the miners formerly at work for them will ratify the agi"66 ment arrived at in Columbus, and will vote to return to work at the 65-cent rate. . President Dolan, Secretary William Warner and Distrlot Organi zer Cameron Miller say ttiat they feel sure the great majority of miners will Weak Lungs Hot weather won't cure weak lungs. You may feel better be cause out of doors more, but the trouble Is still there. Don't Stop takin3 ygup " Scott's Emulsion feecau? tt)? weather happens to be warm. If you 'have i weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get rid of It If you are losing flesh there Is all the more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly Increases fhg dinger of the pthef.: the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. Keep taking Scott' Emulsion all summer. For aala by all druggist at sac and tuam, vole to accept the frVeent raUj. Mining officials say the struggle against the New York and Cleveland Gas Coal Company will be pushed. Acceptance of the (k-cent rate, they say, in no way affects the price to be paid the diggers at the mines of this company, and until the mineworkers can force President W. P. DeArmitt to pay the district price without a dif ferential in his favor, the fight against him will be continued. It cures everyliinisr except a broken heait. may be said of De Witt's "itch Hazel Salya. Piles and rectal diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, eczema and all skin troubles may be cured bv it per manently. The Snipes Kinerslv Drug Co. IT IS CNCO.NSIITUTIONAL. Idbo a Paradise for Knights of the Green Cloth. Denver, Sept. 3. A special from Boise, Idaho, says: District Judge George Stuart today decided the anti-gambling law uncon stitutional. The ruling is under the decision of the sapreme court In the fee law case, which in effect nullifies all important laws of tbe state. En oouraged by this decision, the district courts of the state will be flooded by attacks on various laws which are claimed to come under the ban of the supreme cou'-t. If the appropriation bill is attacked, as seems likely, Gov- oonvene the legislature. enor Stunenberg may be forced to re- If the governor decides to call an extra session of tbe legislature be will be In a quandary to know what to con vene, and it U presumed all but the first session under statehood was illegal, the legislative fapoortionments being open to attack under the supreme court decision. 'I crave but one minute," said the public speaker in a husky voice and then he took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure and porceeded with his oratory. One Minute Cough Cure is unequalled for throat and lung troubles. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. CONQ3KSSHKN OFF rOS HAWAII. Cannon Loadenslajcer find. Towner Wll Visit the Islands. San Francisco, Sept. 3. Several congressmen now visiting this city will visit Hawaii before returning East. Those who have thus far de termined to visit the islands are Joseph G. Cannon, of Illinois; H. S. Loudens lager, of New Jersey, and J. A. Ta wney, of Minnesota. iTheir purpose in visiting the JsUnds Ja to acq t) ire information on mattsrs that are likely to be considered at the coming session of congress and since they are on the coast, they have de termined to take adyaqtae qf the qpt portunlty to see something ot tbe is lands that may be annexed when con gress meets In December. John Griffin, of Zanesville.O., says; " never lived, 4 day for hjtty years withouf uffering arony, until a box of Pe Witt's WHch Ha?el Save pureij my piles-' For piles ftnd rectal troubles, cuts bruises, sprains, eczema and all skin troubles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Company. - . VA8QTJEZ WAS DEPORTED. E$-Prsldent q( Honqacas Driven Out of Guatemala. ' . San Francisco, Sept 3. The steamer Acapulco brought information of another political ea,Pth,quaka la Guatemala, yhen the vessel reached, A.cajutla it was met hy a. telegram frqrq President QanphM i,nd held until 11 o'clock at night, when a special train arrived with General Vaequez, gx-preadent of Hondnr?iaiuqcer guard,. It was ascertained that Yasquea, had taken refuge in San Joss de Guate mala after his expulsion from Hon duras, had been ordered deported by Barrios. The refugee was put on board the steamer and landed at Aapi uIcq. It is said 1)0 was detected tq fomenting a revolution against Barr ''They don't make much fuss about it." We are speaking of DeWitt's Litt'e Early Risers, the famous little pills fur constipation, biliousness, and all stomach and liver troubles. They never gripe. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. A Socialist Chnrch. San Francisco, Sept. 3. A moye mon, Is on foot in this city to organise a national league foe the' propagation of Christian socialism. Rev. W. P. B Bliss, the well-known Episcopal clergyman, formerly of the Cburcq of the Carpenter, Boston, is the ergs n iger and with him is associated Rev. J. A. Scott, D. D., a Presbyterian clergy man, prominently connected wUh socialism and editor of the Social Economist. Tbe new organization, whlct will elect officers tonight, is tq pe Ifnowq as the Union Reform League.. I ii m . am There is a time tor... everything; and be time to attend to a -qld is when it starts. Don't wait until jou have con sumption but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Ths Snipes Kinersly fcrug Hiii - OS Their Reservation. Globe, Ariz., Sept. 6. About 1000 Apaches are off the reservation, and are scattered through the Pinal and Superstition mountains, killing r'eer and gathering wild fruits. Nope fif (hem are provided wf.q passes, and all are armed. They have committed only minor depredations around tbe ranches of tbe region, but the settlers are alarmed and are on guard. Tbe Apaches are all from tbe White Moun tain reservation in the vicinity of San Carlos. - Strikers Best on Their Arms. Wheeling, wfv., Sept, a.-The leader in tbe miners' strike are rest ing on their arms waiting the outcome of the Columbus convention. They are, however, using their best efforts to keep the men from returning to work, but only with moderate success. Bobbers Secured SJSaOO. Denver, Sept. 6. The officers of t'le Pacific Express Company estimate the money Btolen from their safe by train robbers pear Foioom, ff, M., Fri day nlgbt, at SpOO. This was all the safe contained, and it is supposed the robbers took it all. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for consti pation it's the best and after using it you don't say so, return the package and getyour money. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles. ' 1897 SUSPENSE IS ENDED The Oregon Delegation Has Reached an Agreement PLUMS FALL TO FOUR They are Hall of Multnomah, Houser of Umatilla, Summers of'Mult nomah, Geer of Marion. The Delegation Dished oat Patronage in Order to Pick up Their Respective Political Fences for Future State Elections. Portland, Or.. Spt. 5. The Ore gon congressional delegation yester day agreed upon the following recom inendations for appointment to federal offices in Oregon: Lmted States district attorney John H. Rail, of Portland. United States marshal Zoeth Housar, of Umatilla county. Appraiser of customs, Willamette district, at Portland Colonel Owen Summers, of Portland. Register ot United States land office, at Oregon City T. T. Geer, of Marlon county. ; President McKlnley was at once, by wire, notified of the choice of the dele gation. No other recommendations were made, or, if an agreement was reached, the fact was not made public For collector of customs at Portland, it was announced that the "delegation has not submitted a recommendation at present, and probably will not until an opportunity is given for consulta tion with the president." The term of the present incumbent in the collect- orshlp ot internal revenue of Oregon, Washington and Alaska does not ex pire until January 20, 1898, and no recommendations will be made until that time. No definite action was taken as to tbe postmasters!) I p at Portland, and other posiofflces and landomces throughout the state'wlll be filled as the terms of the present in cumbents expire. The general expectation is that President McKlnley will' make the appointments ip accordance with the wishes of the delegation. It has been bis policy to place the responsibility for his selections to office upon the various senators and representatives. So the' long fight over four of the Oregon federal offices is praotloally over. The significance of these selec tions and their bearing upon future Oregon politics will be apparent to all who are familiar with the situation n the state, V The selection of John H. Hall is a distinpt recognition of the claims ot John H- Mttabell. He Is a strong Mitobell man, and he had no very active champion among the members of the delegation Senator McBrlde wanted' Judge J. C. Morela,ndt andbe held out for hlqj qr twfldays. Con gressman illlia' preference waa James ifee. Mr, Tongue personal choice is not cleaily known. Ellis wan ted Fee because the Pendleton man, promised to be a bothersgo candidate for cqngresa net year. Fee is very popular, throughout Eastern Oregon, and, nq one knqws better than the M Qr raw eounty statesman how formid able he is likely to become as an aspirant for congressional hqpprs. But tt way w,as, found, out of the complica tiqq by giving Umatilla county an office in the marshalship. Tom Driver, of The Dalles, has been camping at the Perkins for two weeks, hot after that office, and. b,sj had lh$ active cbatfipiunship of ex-Senator ltfltahe.il., But Driver was finally dropped and Soeth. Houser taken up. U U thought that this ought to satisfy the republicans ot Umatilla. Houser is a yery popular republican, and is now serving his third term as. sheriff, Naturally be will support Ellis next year, and it is hoped that he can bring it about that Fee's candidacy will not be troublesome. Driver may be Marshal Houser's chief deputy. There was, of courge, sqme very potent influence brought to bear upon JJoBrlde to sacrifice Morelaud. Jt Is not evident that in these four recom mendations he got anything especially wanted; but b,e unquestionably did, when ho consented to tbe naming of HaU, promise of the support of the Mitchell machine for re-election. Flf. teen senators to be chosen next June will be hold-overs, and they will vote for McBrlde's successor, It is important to. have these things arranged in plenty of time and so the senator looked out for bis own in terests Tbe disposition of T. T. Geer, oi Marion county, was a very serious problem, which was of direct concern to aU three, and especially ta Mr, Tqngqe. peer, wan a presidential elec tqr last year, and is a representative republican, whom republicans through out tho entire state want to see con siderately treated. He is a man who has had nothing .to do with machine politics, and. be is one wbatn. the politi cians in, ba own oounty have done their best to keep down. It is quite probable that, if Mr. Geer had bad the support of bis own delegation last year, he would have been the nominee of tbe Albany oonvontlon Instead of Mr. Tongue. He was sidetracked . by the local machine, which supported Tllmon Ford, who got no votes outside of his own county. Mr. Tongue realises that his narrow esoape from defeat last June has not enhanced bis own pres tage. ' Hermann is out of the way, and he must satisfy Geer, in order to be sure of renomlnation. But there was sum sura ITS "CT7JW To th! Editor r 1 have an remeay for Consumption. By its tim thousand of hopeless cases have h' permanently cured. So proof-y' of itj power that I cortside' tend two bottles free to thoj who have Consumption Lung Trouble, If they express and postoffif7 T. A. StOCnaf,! Th May a wry large obstacle in the way at glv lug Mr. (Jeer the colWlorsblp of cjstomH. His naujo Is f. J., fuilttratit. of Marion rouoty. Mr. Patterson is a state senator, and he was a very active supporter of Senator Mitchell last winter. , He is bojs of the Mitchell machine In Marion county, and it would be em barrassing to turn bim down, especial ly if there were to be a xpecial session of the legislature. Geer could not be Ignored on Tongue's account, and bo cause of the character of bis backing. Patterson could not be Ignor.-d on ac count of his services to Mitchell, pan and prospective, and on account of his services to McBride, which are pros pective. It was a very hard nut to crack. It was finally determined to offer Geer the land office at Oregon City it is worth $3000 a year and to hold up the customs collectorship for the present. It was known that the appointment of Senator Patterson at the present time would provoke storm of criticism, for the negative reason that Patterson Is not especially popular, and for the positive reason that Geer is. If Geer should decide to accept tbe Oregon City appointment, it would make the fatterson matter easier. A good deal depends, of course, on how Mr. Geer feels and what he does. It will very seriously embarrass this arrangement if he should decline to be let down in this manner, which a great many expect him to do. AN ENTHCSIAMT'b forecast. western Continent Verrlnr on s Oieat Mlnlns; JCra. Denver, Colo., Sept. 5. "We are on the verge Of a great mining era. remarked Clarence King, former chief of the United States geological survey, today. "The time is not far distant when a man can start out of Denver and travel to Klondike, stopping every night at a mining camp. Aleready two American stamp mills are pound ing away on the border of the straits of Megellan, and the day is approach ing when a chain of mining camps will extend from Cape Horn to St. Michaels. I believe we are about to enter upon a century which will open up vast resources and will be the grandest tbe earth has ever known. Before the end of the 20th century the traveler will enter a sleeping carat Chicago bound via Bohring straits for St, Petersburg, and the dream of Governor Gilpin will be realized." MICHIPOCQ.TKN UoLlT EXCITEUE NT Wonderful strikes Reported From the Fields. . Hiew Detroit, Mich., Sept. 6. A special was received today by the Evening News from Wa Wa City, a newly lald out olty in the Miohlpocoten gold country, on Lake Wa Wa, Ontario. The embryo town is located in a narrow pass which leads to Lake Wa Wa from the landing place on the shore of Lake Superior, wblob is but six miles from, the gold discoveries. The. speoial saysj quart has been found here that as says over 9300 a ton. It is found not in one section, but in different places, extending over several thousand aoret). Quartz bis been found here containing free gqlA hunks as big a the kernels Of wheat. Prospectors every day are i finding specimens" that aspay 30 to the ton. Probably 100 men are today working in the bills. Another party of 63 reached, horo yesterday afternoon. Several thousand acres have already been olalmed, but there are all kinds of disputes about tbe priority of claims. The country where the discoveries were made have never been opened tor settlement, Tbe only Inhabitants about are Indiana and Hudson Bay traders, and they are few. Yellow Jack at Ocean Springs. Austin, Tex., Sept. 6. State Health Officer Swearing ton today issued an ironclad quarantine against Ocean Springs, Mls., and all other points now affected or likely to be affected by yellow fever. Report from tbe Gulf coast are to tbe effect that the inhabitants are badly frightened, and. some are talk ing of -reorganising their shotgun quarantine force which patrolled the Gulf shore some 12 years ago to keep out all persons, and thereby prevent the disease from entering tbe state. Democrats of Colorado. Denver, Colo., Sept. 6. 'The demo cratic state convention was called to order at 11:30 by Milton Smith, chair man of the democratic state committee. E. Harrison. Smith, ot Pueblo, was elected temporary ohalrman. Going East? If you are, do not forget FIRST. Co via St. Paul because tbe 11 that point will afford you the very best SECOND. See that the coupon Paul read via tbe Wisconsin Centr that line makea close connections trans-continental lines en terliui pot there, and I la service la n particular. THIRD. For lnfoi neiirhbor and friend th and ask for a ticket lines, or address J AS. P. POND. Gen. Pass. Agt Milwaukee, v, rhree Important Points la. J y r M 7 rmir f r rAimx in i F017DER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great Ravening" strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adtulteratlon common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co,. New York. John Duffy, aged about 70 years, who ran a garden near Albany fell into v slough and drowned last Friday. Duffy is reported to have had 120,000 worth of property but was a miser, and lived like a pauper in a hut on his garden spot. ti Messrs. Fredrick V. Covlll, of Wash ington, D. C, and Omer I. Applegate, of Klamath Falls, two government officials counected with the dnnart. ment of fish propogation, are in the city investigating the fish supply of the Columbia river. r: Every day the wheat receipts at The Dalles warehouses increase. Streets in the East End are filled with teams hauling wheat to the warehouses, and tbe staff of life is being piled up in large quantities awaiting the arrival of some buyer who wants to pay 80 cents bushel for It. Whenever this prlco is reached there be considerable activ ity in the market here. Interest in the money market h been focused on India on account of the action of tho Indian council sus pending the sale of bills of exchange and offering to buy bills. It is possible that India will ask for a gold loan, and that exports of gold to that country will follow, and gold aiay be used at the rate ot Is 4d per rupee, to obtain silver currency in India. Yesterday morning S. E, Tolman, who conducted a grocery store at Portsmouth, near Portland, waa found dead in his store, having suicided by shooting himself through the head some time during the night. De spondency is supposed to be the cause Q of his rash act. Tolman waa 43 years of age, and waa a member of the Odd , Fellows and Woodmen lodges. He leaves a wife and several children. Two representatives of the Astoria fire department, Messrs. Ed G. Reed and James H. Hansen, arrived here j last night to attend the tournament , that was to have been. It is needless to state that they were disappointed on finding that the tournament bad beeji declared off, though It It surprising that they had not learned this fact be- A fore arriving here, as all three of.lhe Astoria dallies had published an an- -J nouncenient ot the failure of vThe Dalles tournament several weeks ago. This morning the O. It. & N. officii' here was notified that J. K. Ireland, of Oaksdale, Wash., had been appointed A (TO nr. f nr (ha erm ra rt r f Tka Tn Una to take charge of tbe office next Mon- I day. When Mr. Lytle resigned to assume management of the Columbia J . 1 . ... . I i . . ' iwutneru, oi wnicn ne is president, iit was hoped that G. F. Ross, of the V freight department, would be appoint- V ed as bis successor, he being a very i competent person for the place, and ' one of the most popular employes of. the company. - To tha Pnblle. . During the year 1897-8 the Unlver' sity of Oregon - will conduct a special tenth grade class for the benefit of students already - enrolled. Other students who have completed the ninth grade may be admitted to this class upon presenting their credentials. J. J. Walton, Sec'y. of Regents. "Tie Regulator M r The Dalles, Portland and Astoria - Navigation Co. THROUGH iuiym uiiu i uuuuiiui ur PASSENGER RJ -- J -J.. Uouna trip relght Shipment any time way lan a p. ci (ted ..... r r 7 -sa-- A 1 ' : .