TEE DALLES. OllEGOJN, oATUKJJAj . AUGUST 21. 1807 ailVTAISECK. VrimeXXXT CONSOLIDATED 1882. mk.MAUMTA1SBBB. M BOFE8SIONAI o C. HiiLLISTKB, Physician and Surgeon, .Rooms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours, 10 a m ( II m, ami from to 4 p m. Kesi denoe Wert Bud ol Third Street, a: Attorney at Law Ofloe ir Scbanao4 boindlng, Oregon. "v ' upstair : TtaeDallee yM, TACKMAN Dentist. Koom! ft and 10. Vogt Block, The Dulles Or . SOCIETIES. LODGE. NO. 3, A. O. V W. I Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:90 o'clock. ' TAS.. NEKUITH POST. NO. S2oG. A B- J Meets every Saturday ereolngtat 7:30 in K. of P. Hall. JlOUiST THE DALLES, A. O. V. NO. oSSO J Meets evo: ibail a( 8 o'clock. T OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon .U in ix. oi . u&ii XI7ASCO TRIBE. NO. 1H. I. O.K.M. Meets -every Wednesday evening in K, or r. mil. OEBANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, ; B OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 17. Meets in K. of P. Hall tbe first and third Wednea day of each month at 7:30 P. M. -. WASCO LOEOE, NO. 15, A. F. A A. M. Meets first and third Mondayof each month at 8 P. Td. rnHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER 1 NO. . Meets in Masonie Hall the third ."Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M. . nnl.IIMRTA LODOE. NO. 5. I. O. O F. y Meets every Friday eveningat7:30o'clock, in K. of P. Hall, oorner of Second and Court streets: Sojourning brothers are welcome. "TTIBIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 0 K. of P. C Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, Sn Schanno's building, corner of Court and :Seoond streets. Sojourning brothers are in--vtted, -ITTOMEN-S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'olook in the reading room. K f ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD--IV Mu Hood Camp, No. 60, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's HalL r. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. - "J COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor diall invited. THE CHURCHES. fYT. PAUL'S CHUHCH- -Union street, oppo. school at 9 :30 A.M. r ate Fifth. Sunday Ereuiii- prayer on Friday at 7 :30. t Be. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng hntag at First Baptist Church every Bmaay A. w. and 7:30 p.m. r E- CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. JLV1 Services every Sunday morning and eve tng. ' Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A eoretal invitation extended by both pastor and ytwple to all, .. , , - 1 - - CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. J Curtis. Pastor, 11 A.M. and 7:30 P i morning servioe - Services every Sunday at M. Sunday school after COT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest i O Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. lHlgh mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at 7:30 P. M. -1T.TIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BevO. p. Tay !T lor, Pastor. : Corner Fifth and Washington Streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11 ro'olock.' Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. iPaator'8 residence Northeast cor. of Washing iton and Seventh streets. . . - "!P Basel, pastor. Preaching-every Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at T o'olook Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. - Y.,P. S. C E. meets every Sunday at fc30P. M. : CATAJURY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner tteweatb and Union. Elder J. H. Miller waster. Servioes every Sunday at 1I A. H and t3e F. H. Prayer meeting on Wednesday eenlS. Sday school at 9: A. M. AU are eordiaily weJaee' .'" - " TADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. as administratrix of the estate of Henry Pont ing late of Wasco County, and now deceased. AU persons having claims agninst said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified; either at my residence at Kings ley, Oregon, or at the office of G. W. Phelps, ii. Dalles City, Oregon, within $x months from -the date of this notice. Dated April 10. IB07. V MRS. EFFIE PONTONO. alow ' . Administrawi.'. , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -Natiee is hereby given that by an order of the Count Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco CounW. made and entered on the 17th day of ?Mas the undersigned was duly appointed Sdiniwator of the estate of Albert Ullery Seoeased! All persons having Claims against SiWesUte are notified to present them, with -the -proper vouchers, to the undersigned at Wlctdr, Oregon, or to D. H. Roberts, at his 'office ta The Dalles, Oregon, within six months -from the date of this notice. . Dated Ma, 18th. 17. Q jB,dmr of the estate of Albert Ullery, deceased. jaa2w5. : SHERIFF'S SALE ' .Ifottce is taftieby 8"ien that by virtue of an -exasSioii nrde? of sale issued out of toe C?rSCoi of the State of Oregon on the 6th dayof MS. Din. upon a Judgment and decree madTaad wWre in above named Court on toe28U day f M MT7. in favorof John Bonn, p?aS.n.n4 5,-CHorge .Charles H. Boo W VwHJP! . I inw of Ester A. Kcno, 4oased, defenuants, x . dwon'S'h rWiT1wuiy f,V -ana will, sell ufttm front door of the county ; ' court hoWmDalles -. WasfiOWunty, Or 1 " w.i... .. wh riuv at Aumist. 1W. (cribed in said execution nd rder of sale, and 'described as follows, to wit: The jwrtlast .quarter of the southeast quarter and thewuth ..... . A- .i. nA-tkauuf. nunrter. of tec- :tion number sixteen, in township two. worth of range twelve, East of the Wlllamatl Meridian; iteo all of lota numbered "K" and L" in block number one hundred and three 103) in the t ort t."T;" ..hi....- D.n.ntl111 In Dalles city, all 3d Waaoo county, Oregon, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the ums due under SdS writ, to-wiu tbe sum of f7 less u maid January St. 1807. and interest thereon since the 3 dav of January. l.at the rate of ten per eent per annum, and the furtar sum of 10. easts and disbursements of suit, and the further m of 50. as a reasonaoio uriK - i.w ..tnl. wwt. an.i viw4iiss lA sale. at The Dalles, Oregon, this 9th day of Jul,. J7. - T j DRIVER. Sheriff of tVaaco County. Oregon July iJKSSOLUTIOK OP PARTNERSHI v .t in k.hir ri von th&r, the undersigned. J EVBrBti and. Dinsmore Psrrish. hereW fore doinTbosiness as Burnett Parrish, havt I2Vr ..iT8! mi.tnal consent dissolved. Alj ,'iseounts agarast said firm should be presentee 1ST E. Barnett. d said X . K. Barnett to collect all accounts, uk:ih . -. . i ..in.. tn u. til rtrm. .ntDaUesCltv. Wasco County, Oregon, this 17lh day oi June... f . ms Jne27w5 J. E. BARNETT. Latest Style Lowest Profits : In Mens and Boys :' Clothing, Dry Goods, MENS FURNISHINGS. : HONEST VALVES IN : : M and Shoes C P. STEPHENS 134 Beoond Street. j,, poor m t m WhmHur V PETITION. To thk Honorable Cotjktt Cocht or Wasco County, State of Oregon. a We the undersigned legal voters and tax pay ers of Wasco County Oregon, do most respect fullv pray your Honorable Court to grant to C. L. Schmidt, of Cascade Locks, in Falls precinct, in said County and State, a license to sell Malt, Vinous and Spirituous Liquors in less quantity than one gallon and for the period of one year. - John Anderson. M Weber. ' Thomas King,. Otto Olin. Andrew Travenson, Chas Carlson. W M Franle. - Pat Lahey. A B Glazier. A J Knightly, W Smith, . R G Cannon, D L Cates Aug Peterson, A E Trask. John Westman, A G Hull. John J Sexton. It H Birnie. 1 M Butler. H A Leavens. Guy Blackwood, Wm Nestler. Fred E Leavens. A Fleischhauer. W E Hergaton, John Trana. E A Sweetlaud. C Vasconi, Nicholas Stokoe, Sam McCary, John Hamilton, C L Candiani, M D . Wm Gray, P M Ellems, ' John Thleser.J - F Douglas. C H Trask, RH Miller. Bess Dape. C A Brollion. P Aug Nelson, Oscar Skoog; J W Atwell. C Willgerodt, M Butoruc, A B Andrews, V W Tompkins. W D McCrary, Chas Alin. Cascirie Locks, Or., July S. 1H7, -TO THE- GIVES THE Choice of Two Transcontinental Bootes GREAT OREGON NORTHERN RY. SHORT LINE VIA SPOKANE SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL rAKD CHICAGO KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS leave five days for Portland; every SHN PRHNCISCO. For full details call on the O. R. & N. Agent at THE DALLES, or address A.L. HUBLEB, Vlce-Prerddent ' W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, Gen, Pass. Agt, Portland, Oregon The New O. R. N. Time) Card. Train No. 2 ease via. the Union Pacific and Oregon Shore Line, arrives here at 1:00 A. M., departs at 1:05. No. 4, east by Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 5:55 p. M., departs 6:00. - . ; .. , ... .... .. No. . we8tfrom U. P. and O. S. L.. arrives at 3:55 a. m., and . departs 4:00. No. 3, west from Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 8:25 A. M. and de parts at 8.30. Freight trains Nbs','23'arid.2ir8econa y , divisions, will carry passeng-ers. No. 23 arrives at 5 P. M. and No. 24 leaves at 1:45 p. m. .-. .- - - i East ? If you are, do not forget PTRBT. Oo via St. Paul because the lines to that point will aflord you tbe very best service. SECOND. See that the counon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines entering the Union De pot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. third. For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket via the Wisconsin Central lines, or address ' JAS. C POND,.' or GEO. S. BATTY. Gen. Pass. Agt., uenerai Agent, - Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark St., Portland.Or "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. TUBOUGH Fieigtit ana Passenger Line PASSENGER RATES One wj,... Y - ' ..12 00 ., 3 00 Round trip, Freight' Rates Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or nig ht. Shipments for way landings must be delivery teior 5 p. a). 4ve stock shipments sojic ited. Cil on or address, General Aqejtf THE - DALLES - OREGON. Dalles-Moro Antelope Stage Line': Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent and Cross Hollow. Lea-res Umatilla House Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Stops made at all points (or com mercial travelers. HENRI L.KUCK, Manufacturer of. and Dealer in Harness and Saddlery, East End, Two Doers West of Diamond Flour ing Mills. - - Second Street. TH8DA1XK8, oaraoif (So. I!l(0 A 6 EAST Groing rhree ImportaDt Points All Work .6uax&ate4 $9 Give Satisfaction. mmmmmmmmnimmmmmmtmimfHimmmmmK jCist ZPrtce, - - -'96 Jiamblors, wArfr tAy ait. Second Hand Wheels $25 andaipwards Send for catalofrues. free, and 2d hand list. t ' FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE 137 Sixth Street. Branches Spokane. Seattle, Tacohia and Walla Walla. LIVE AGENTS WANTED I.EO SUHAXNO, Agent, SuuutiUiiSiiiiiiimiiimmuiumiumuuiiiiummiuuimiK THE CELEBRATED CoIuj AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery is and Porter east of the Cascades. manufacture of good healthful only th first-class article will be East Second Street The Dalles, f Lumber ABE YOU GOING : TO" BUILD ? If so, call on Jos. T. Peters & Co. and get prices on all kinds of Building Material, Paints, Oils, Glass and Wa II Paper. . . . . . Corner Second, and Z. F. MOODY G eneral Commission and 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T. (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited Prompt attention will by paid to those who favor me with their patronage Blakeley & 75 Second Street - r The Dalles, Oregon - fipjuuiriiuvuuuuinjixnnnjnnnt Country and mail orders will receive prompt attention iHER6 TO STHW The Up to Date Photo Artist of Chapman Block, (iu the gallery formerly occupied by Herrin). Studio newly, fitted and furnished for doing First-Class Work. . . . . . Duplicates from the D. C. Herrin negatives furn ished at any time. MY WORK MY SUCCESS. Fruit Boxes of Yellow Pine PATEONIZE HOME INDUSTRY . Pear Qoeg ; Vot cash in 109 low and uowaid. : Lumber. White Lead, Oils, and Building Material at proportionate rates, ROWE & GO., The Dalles, Oregon. 1 897 S60 CO. Portland. Or. THE D.1LI.K8. rewery now turning out the best Beer The latest appliances lor tne Beer have been introduced, and placed on the market, :on. Jefferson Streets Forwarding Houghton Portland. Ores Lumber! Cantelope Crate9 " ...4) eta Peach Boxes, 4 inch '. eta Plum Crates, fiilled 8 cts ADDle Boxes 8cW .8 cts WILL KEEP THEM OUT f Commissioner Powderly Wil Exclude Anarchists, i STOPPED BY OFFICERS The Sheriff and Strikers Came To gether At PlumXreek and the March Was Stopped, Fatrlker Aocooot of le Battle Wear Agua- cate It Was m Decided Victory for the IiiRurgenta An Officer ' for Klondike. t: 1 New Yoek, Auff.. 13. A special to the Herald from Washington says: The treasury department is keeping: a sharp lookout for the anarchists now being driven from France, Spain and Italy by concerted action by thejtreat continental powers. No pains "p ill be spared to prevent tbe United .States from being mSde an asylum for these men. . v ; Terrence V. Powderly, the new com- missioned of immigration, said in an interview that he would adopt-every remedy under the law to xclu'de Plan as, the leader of tbe Spanish an archists, who has been conducted to Havre by French officials and shipped to New York. Tbe immigration authorities will notify their oSJoers at New York and all large seabord ports to be on the lookout for anarchists headed this way. It is expected that the United States consul at Havre will give specific information as to the chip on which Plaqaa and his compatriots sail. .! Mr. Powderly's attention was called to the subject because of the anar chist excitement following tbe aseas' sination of Premier Canovas. Cable reports stated that the European powers were combining to 'drive out tbe anarchists. Mr. Powderly felt satisfied that if this process of exclu sion was inaugurated in Europe a good part of the anarchist element would be driven this way. With a copy of tbe exclusion law in his hand, Mr. Pow derly pointed out the steps to be taken, and also showed the need of strength ening the laws in order to deal with the anarchist class. The law provides for the exclusion of "persons who have been convicted of felony or other infamous crimes, or misdemeanors involving moral turpi tude." It also excludes "persons likely to become a public charge." These are only provisions which even indirectly can be applied to anarchists, and the bureau will be compelled to resort to themT-' ,' . JohnCiiffHQ of Zanesville, O., says:,f 1 never lived a day for thirty ears without Witch. Hazel Salve curea my piles." For pilfe. and - rectal troubles, cuts bruises, sereins, eczema and all skin troubles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Company. A CLASH AT - FLDU tBEEE. The First noonnter Between Officers and Striken. Pittsburg, Aug. 13. The first Mood shed in tbe strike was that of Jacob Mott, a drummer in the Mc Donald band, Tbe Irouhle occurred at 5 o'clock this morning near Plum Creek. One thousand strikers left Plum Creek at 3 a. m. one body of tbe marcherb going to Center schoolbouse and the others to the miners' bouses. The entire squadron was headed by the McDonald drum corps. Sheriff Lowry reached Center about S a. m., and met a number of deputies. The marchers were stopped, and the sheriff read the injunction order made yesterday by the , court. He then ordered the strikers to return, to camp The men paid no atten tion to the order for a time and the ' drum corps at tempted to lead tbe marchers past the Bberlff and his deputies. The deputies closed up and moved forward, headed by the sheriff, and tbe opposing forces came together! "No blows were struck and no weapons drawn, but there was a lively scuffle, during which a horn in the hands of one of the band was pushed into the face of Joseph Mott, and he was badly out over the right eye. .The blood flowed in streams from the wound, and tbe sight of blood checked the pushing and struggling forward. Finally the strikers learning that the officers were persistent, re turned to their camp. - THE JTIGfiTlna WAS FURIOUS. Another Account of the Aguacate. Battle Near Key West, Fla., Aug. 13. An im portant engagement took place yester day near Cardenas, Matanzas province. The Spaniards were- badly defeated with a heavv loss. Gederal Molin was killed. The fight lasted several hours, Keep Up Your Scott's Emission in Summer-time jtjftWhat are your resources for the summer? Have you an abundanc? p hfalUj stgweg away for the long, hot, deple ing days, or does summer find you low in vitality, run down, losing flesh, and weak? Scott's Emulsion of Gad-liver Oil will give you the proper reserve force, because it builds up the system on a solid foundation. A may stimulate: geptrs. Emulsion pot- enly ?!boosts?w it sustains. - It b a wise precaution always to nave si (tut small Cottle of Scotfs Fmtilrion in (at house. Unopened, It will keep ladefin itety "Tightly cocked,' after loinfe kept hf Itfool place, "it trOl remain sweet tot wtefcj, Tr sale t?r fl drug;! a 50 f-,, and Geueral Weyler was obliged to re- ! treat from Aguacate to Jarucoa. The insurgents are waiting outside of the town to see if they can attaut his forces there. The people of Havana fear the dangers of the situation of Weyler. Near Gibra, Santiago de Cuba prov' ince, the town of Rosalia was attacked, The Insurgents entered the town with out resistance, finding many Spanish soldiers drunk in tbe stieets and most of the officers at a ball. They made a machete charge killing a captain, three lieutenants and 30 soldiers. Twenty- five guerillas who came to tbe aid of ihe Spanish were macheted. After sacking the town it was burned, and only three houses were left. Weyler has ordered all stores at Es- peranza not to sell goods, but to close their doors. The people -are dying of hunger and tbe sick cannot buy drugs. Weyler wants to punish them because tbe insurgents entored the town' and the people made no resistance. There is a time for everything; and tbe time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait until you have con sumption but prevent it bv using One vinute Coueh Cure, the treat remedv for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. The Snipes Kinersly urug co. KJdei'a Second Trip. Portland, Aug. 15. The prepara tions for the departure of the Geo. W. Elder this afternoon for Skaeruav and Dyea have not been attended by the same contusion and feverish excite ment that were so noticeable prior to the previous trip. There is still a Klondike fever raging, but the reports from tbe mountain passes leading to tbe Yukon have installed a degree of moderation into the veins of the gold- seekers. The capacity of the Elder will probably be taxed by tbe time she sails this afternoon, but tbe passen gers are more sober and deliberate in their arrangements. Their outfits are more complete than those who went before, and the information derived from tbe experience of the first crowd has enabled all to prepare for a trip with better understanding. The character of the freight taken on the Elder this trip is -also different from the previous cargo. Mr. Poston, the agent of the Pacific Coast Steam ship Company,, stated that there will be about Hq(l tons oi supplies, etc., on board, and the remaining freight will be provender for tbe horses taken this trip and already at Dyea and Skaguay. The number of horses taken on this trip will tax the capacity of the boat for stock and many more would be taken if thera was more room. Every owner of a piece of horseflesh capable of supporting a few pounds of freight seems to be fired with tbe belief that Oregon's cheap horses have at last found a happy market. The carrying power of the steamers Aa all that saves the. rocky shores at the bead of Lynn patKll from being covered with half starved horses, The "number, to be taken on this trip is approximately l 'n) being about tbe same as befoi-e. " " " Ihe passenger list 01 tne raider con tains about 160 names, most of whom are from Portland, though 50 from San Francisco secured passage on the vessel, a majority of whom were on board when she sailed, Vim, vigor and victory; these are the characteristics of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for consti pation, biliousness and all stomach and liver troubles. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. . ' FEABS IHE POLITICIAN. London Spectator Bees a Grave CrUla Approaching. London, Aug. 14. The Spectator, dlscusling the ''provocative and un friendly attitude of American politi cians of both parties toward England," says: ' We are obliged to writo as we never dreamed of being forced to write about country only leas dear to us than our own. But we 6hould fail In our public duty if we did not point out in the strongest manner tbe grave risks which are likely to en3ue from' this tltude. Unless the United States assumes a very different ' tone, tne graveBt crisis is certain to ensue. Public opinion in England has gaeatly obanged during - the last few months, and even if Lord Salisbury is anxious to politely ignore such indiscretions as Secretary Sherman's, the people would not permit it, and hereafter American demands, if urged in unfriendly lang uage, will be restricted unanimously by the nation, no matter what the risks may be. If America does not keep a better watch over her politi cians, they will lead her into a con flict, the end of which no one is able to see. - Burning, itching, skin diseases in stantly relieved by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, un-qualed for cuts, bruises, burns. It heals without leaving a scar. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. ADMINISTRATOR FOB IDE YUKON. Major Welch Appointed Mining Hernia tions Amended. I Ottawa, Aug, 13. Major Welch, whocommandB the Northwest mounted police during the Riel rebelion has been appointed administrator for the Yukon district at a salary of SoOOO a year. The department of tbe Interior has forwarded the following notice tp theVulcQQ; "Clauses four and eight of the regu lations governing placer mining on the Yukon river and its tributaries are amended by reducing tbe length of a creek and river claim to 100 feet and the length of a creek and river claim to l?e granted p Jhe discoverer of a new mine to gOQ fee,. The fee fpr the renewal of an entry for a claim has been reduced from 9100 to $15. .ry Klcb Quarts. Baker City, Aug. 14. John Cobb, who. with E. S. Thompson and Kan aka Sam, owns the McKinley claim, 30 miles northeast of Baker City and two miles south of Sparta, brought in some beautiful specimens of quartz, literally filled with wire gold. The ledge is about two feet wide, and gold speci mens run right through, the center of it. Last week they pounded out 9800 with a hand mortar, and are now tak Ing out a little ovtr $100 a day. They are only in about 10 feet below the grass roots. Tbe value of the speci mens are over 100.000 3 ton. Don't nauseate your stomach with teas and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver and sick headache bv using those family 1 little pills known as De Witt's little Early D;.e Tho nliwx tTtnorelv lima fV ...... - vw. TO SUSTAIN Pittsburg Labor Organizations Preparing to Act. NEW MEXICO'S CHANCE to President McKinle Said Favor Her Admission as a State. mayor Wood Kloudlke Expedition -St rile. era on the AggreMive Deserted for the Klondike fn Garrote Canovas Slayer. Pittsburg, Aug. 10. A meetiDg of the officials of all the labor organiza? tions in Pittsburg has been called at tbe headquarters of.tbe' Amalgamated Association of Iron & Steel Workers tonight to confer with and take such action as is agked by local officers of the United Mine-Workers' Union. It has been anticipated that the hearing on the injunction to be bad today may go against them and the temporary restraint put upon the miners now in camp at Turtle Creek and other mines of tbe New York & Cleveland Gas Coal Company made as to marching and in persuading the DeArmitt men from working may be made permament. In that event it is expected the order of the court will be disobeyed and test will be bad, and that the miners, under the leadership of President Patriok Dolan, Secretary Warner, Ed ward McKay, Frank McKenna, Paul Trimmer and Cameron Miller will con tinue to march to the mines. Then It is expected the leaders will be arrested Then an appeal is to be taken from tbe order causing tbe arrests to be made. '1 crave but one minute," said the public speaker in a husky voice and then he took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure and porceeded with his oratory. One Minute Coi'gh Cure is unequalled for throat and lun? troubles. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. WBYLEB NICABIKO HIS END. BU Chilly Reception at the Capital-Be ply tg Hli Retlgnatlon, New York, Aug. 14. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana, via Key West, says: Captain-General Weyler's summer campaign came to an Inglorious end last Wednesday, when he returned to the cty with rehels firing on his rear guard all the wa.y from Aguaoate to Havana. The general made a publie entry Into the capital, but his recep tion was chilly. General Weyler cabled his resigna tion to Madrid on Thursday,, Last night I saw a copy of the reply he ri celved, ,: He was toldJo. remain i n Cuba so long aa the present ministry holds power. Tbe suspense here is intense, but no excitement appears on the surface. Tbe captain-general who succeeds Weyler will have a hard task. The splendid force of 200,000 men Spain placed in General Weyler's hands is, if the truth be told, nowonly a tattered remnant. . A tropical sun has proved more destructive than battles. With the exception of the fortunate ones stationed in and about Havana, the Spanish forces are in a bad way. They have not received pay for months; they aro weak from illness and poor food, and they are badly clothed, and many have no shoes. In short, the Spanish army in Cuba is not Inclined and not in a position to take the of- j ienslve. '-They don't make much fuss about L" We are speaking of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pflis for constipation, biliousness, and all stomach and liver troubles. They never gripe. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. MEW MEXICO'S CHANCE. Frealdent M'Hlnley Sdld tq Favor Her Ad- miti&loq. "bw Yoek, Auit. 10. The Herald's Washington correspondent wires: In all probability one state will be added to tbe American galaxy during McKlnley's administration. The presi dent, it is understood, looks with favor upon the admission of New Mexico, and it is likely that the territory will be tbe next to join the Union. The bill for admission will . be in troduced in the house in tbe next ses sion by Mr. Ferguson, who is himself a democrat with silver sympathies, and tbe eagerness with which the sound-money republicans will rally to tbe support of the bill is an open ques tion. Arizona will make in the house f re newed pleas for admission through her delegate, Marcus A. Smith, of Tucson, and Senator Carter is expected to add his efforts in tbe senate. It cures eve rything except a broken heart, may be said of De Witt's W itch Hazel Sily9." Piles and rectal diseases, cuts, barns, bruises, tetter, eczema and all skin troubles may be'eured bv it per manently. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. 1 i Striken on the Aggreealve. Hazejvton, Pa., Aug, KMatters at the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre ooller les in the Honeybrook district, are growing serious. Thirty-five drivers went out Saturday for an increase in wages. This morning 2500 miners jqlned them, .The Italians and Hun gariana, the last to go out, are the most aggressive, and fears are enter tained that they cannot be controlled. Mayor Wood's Klondike Expedition. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1$- Mayor Wood's steamer Humboldt will leave for St. Michaels this afternoon about 6 o'clock with 130 paseeoeers and 400 AID ITS CtmB To the Editor s I have an absolutq remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cises have been llready permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty tq fjend twa bcttUi frt tothosa of your readers who have CpiwmptiQn,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble. If they will writ me then express and postofiice address. Sincerely, T. A. ftOODM. H. C IAS fetrt St, lew Tm. mw The Editorial and Bailnm HutKMt el finer fiinnntTT1" " "t"-'""-- onsnDiion asbbnrn. editor of the Post-Intelligencer, and W. H Snell, a Tacoma politician, and at one time prosecuting attorney of Pierce county. Mayor Woods believes he will land the passengers at Dawson City before the river freezeb, and have lo days to spare. If this is true, the mayor will get back down the river himself this season and not be com- railed to come overland. Deserted for tbe Klondike. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 16. The en tire crew of the British ste.tmshlp Dor othy deserted for tho Klondike aud left a very sanguine note for their erstwhile captain, informing him that in about two years he might expect their return with enough gold to buy tne snip ana present it to him as a pleasure yacht. Several wealthy young .men of Brunswick, Ga., combined with the deserters In thepurchasa of a(Na,ll steam yacht with -.which - they im round Cape Horn for Alaska. Ike vessel Is said to be. well stocked with provisions and mining tools. 1 To Garrote Canovas Mayer. Madrid, Aug. 16. Michael Angiol- lllo, tbe anarchist assassin of Premier Canovas de Castillo, who was tried by court-martial yesterday at Verga-a, was found guilty and sentenced to death. Upon bearing bis sentence Anglollilo turned deathly pale and had to be assisted from the court room. He will be garroted within the prison. Taeoma's Rush About Over. Taooma, Ang. 16. The sailing of the City of Seattle for Alaska tomor row with 400 passengers, large cargo of freight and horses, is expected to end the rush of gold seekers to the Klondike till next spring. The prin cipal Inquiries for passage at local ship ping offices now come from Eastern points. Injunction In West Virginia. Wheeltng, W. V., Aug. 10. Tn the New river and Laup creek valleys Fred Dilcher and his men have been served with injunctions granted by Judge Jacksou today forbidding them to en ter upon property of the companies. More West Virginia Men Out. Mattewan.W. Va., Aug. 16. Eight hundred miners at Simmons Creek and Logan joined the striken this morning. Fifteen hundred men are now out in Norfolk and the western district. The Penalty For Daeilna;. London, Aug. 16. A special from Rome says it is reported the pope will excommunicato Prince Henry of Or leans and the Count of Turin, as duel ing is forbidden by the Roman Cath olic church. Bar Bllver Fell Again. New York, Aug. 16 The price ot stiver fell again today to a new low recOrdrTWfaUJn. London since Sat- ? i."VrrrrflrI"Tri prioe declined c, to 54tc." HERR KRUPP. - A Bare Instance of Befoslng the Con f erred Title of Nobility. . It is a common thing ill Europe for kings and queens to reward such of their subjects as may become famous in war, in politics, or in literature, by bestowing titles upon them. Occason- ally, however, says the Golden Days, this honor is refused, but the instances are so rare tnat wnen tney 00 occur they are always thought worthy of mention. After the late German emperor, Fred er'ck III., had began his brief reign, he determined to raise some leading representatives of industry and com merce to the peerage. . Herr Krupp, the inventor or the Krupp cannon, at whose manufactory eighteen thousand men are regulary employed, had died a short time be fore, but his son had succeeded to nia business, and the young man's name was placed by the emperor upon the role of honor. When he heard of this, be at once took train to Berlin and secured an audience of Prince Bismarck, who was then chancellor. Ho insisted that the prince should ask the emperor to strike hiu. name from the list, but this Bis marck refused to do. Then the iron master made a special plea. "My father," said he, "gloried in be ing the son of a workman, and never would so much as listen to a proposal to accept titular and hereditary dis tinction. I cannot.be untrue to his principles, particularly when my year of mourning has not yet expired." Bismarck thought this plea might be urged upon the emperor, without wounding his feelings, and he prom ised to put it before him that day. Frederick was really dying then. and could not speak on account of the disease in his throat. When Bismarck told him what Krupp had said, he looked surprised and vexed. Then he seemed to see the matter in a new light, nodded assent and wrote on his tablets: 'i dare say Krupn H right; be hs ay best wishes." That night Herr Krupp was told that he was at liberty to remain Herr Krupp, - MEXICAN VILLAGE LIFE. The government of tbe Larger Bacleadaa of the Month. A great cotton hacienda in Mexico is strongly built, with walls like those of a fort; the tops of the walls are often studded thickly with broken glass of a jagged and deadly appearance; for further protection, companies of sol diers aro kept within the establish ment, i A hacienda of Hhls type, whether de voted to the manufacture of sugar or cotton, the raising of cattle, or mining of silver, is a complete little state, with every appliance for luxury and security. It contains within its walls hundreds of peons, soldiers, barracks, a chapel, houses for the laborers, apartments for the owner and his fam ily,' and every necessary oi life for man and beast. The admin istrad or, or general man ager, is the father of the great family! he decides all disputes arising betweet the various members of it, and if only ordinarily just, never fin authority disputed, but- is li to with much respect and by. the peons in all family n A gentleman who was administrador of an est of Coahuila told me Ins? this position h. oninlon of the si trustworthlnei er. In m chlnery mode, in t - mi les. '11 imiH in K 111! 0 - ' mm0 f Absolutory Pure ' Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forma of adtulteration common to . the -cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co,' New York. - . cli;b bou.h impbovemjcnts. The Dalles Commercial aao Athletic Club to Bearraae Their Quarters. The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Cltib have determined to make a num ber of important changes in their' quarters, which when completed will give them as handsome and comfort- '' able rooms as any like club In the ' state. They have leased the entire Grant building for a term of six years and . hereafter will occupy both floors. The upper floor which is now, occupied by the club, will be used for parlors, smoking and billiard rooms, while the lowar floor will be fitted up for a. gymnasium and bowling alley. L sets of alleys will be put in, and ad ditional apparatus will be added to the gymnasium. The entire building will be rearranged, the stair way at the rear will be taken out and an entracce made in the center of the east side it the building. The club during its existance has been one of the mtsi popular institutions in tbe city, and with iu improved quarters will rapidly gain favor with the public. Diseased Hones Quaranteaed. Some tjme since N. W. Wiley was deputised by the state domestic animal board to look after and prevent the spread of maage among horses in Was co county, and for tbe past week has been devoting considerable attention to the matter of examining bands of horses in different parts of the county. He fonnd soveral animals in the vicinity of Celilo and Deschutes af fected with mange and has had 25 bead of them quarantined. Mr. Wiley has notified the state board of his action and now awaits further instructions.. The law provides that domestic animals afflicted with Incurable or contagious diseases shall be quarantined, and If aeemea necessary they shall be ap praised by appraisers appointed by the state board, after which they are to be he atat, paymt- the expense.'. aba also-theappralsed value of tbe animals thus condemmeffr - Praaes la Good Demand. -A. A. Urquhart, representing the Farmers Market in this city, has re ceived telegraphic advices to purchase five cars of Italian prunes at 35 cents a crate, and ship them direct to Mil waukee, Wis. At this price the grow ers will leallze 1280 per car for their prunes, will have to take no chance upoa loss by. shipment or fall in ' the market,and will get tbelr money as soon as fruit has been accepted at the oar. While it may be possible to realise better prices than this by consign lnsr fruit, still there is "a possibility of loss. This method of marketing the fruit of Oregon will ere long be gener-. ally established. Eastern buyers will come here and buy direct, so that the grower will know just what be is to realize upon his product as soon as it is loaded on board the cars. Ha Was Particular. An old fisherman In Nartle, Devon, made it one of the chief ends of hit life to keep his- boat immaculate. On one occasion, a gentleman had hired him to take himself and a young lady out for an afternoon's fishing. The boat could not be brought near enough to the shore for them to step in; so the old Bailor removed his shoes and stock ings, and taking the young lady in his arms, wae about to ' deposit her on board, vehen he caught sight of some mud on her pretty pair of boots.' In stantly he stooped and dipped both her feet up to the ankles in the sea, pad dling them back and forward to remove the mad, in spite of the protests of the the owner. ; His only remark, as he finally put her on board, was: "Blear yer, miss, salt water wont give yer the snuffles." Tbe first number of tbe Crook County Journal under the management of Mr. Gourley, formerly of The Dalles, has been received, and is a marked Im provement over former numbers of that paper. Mr. Gourley will make of the Journal a bright local paper, but he is so intensely republican In b!? editorial writing that the' T.-M. c' not accept very many of his expressions Nevertheless please bis republican give them an ably edited Yesterday H. Maetz enal record on the bowling alley, ma He made only frames, then on the last ever, did for today made t knock pr patrorj.A J s r rt ' aV with - ......... -M 'J T