The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 24, 1897, Image 1

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..unl t.i Ay
iff? KfT
NO 45
.weSiv As. s.
i Hiik flin: si hi hi nrer-ir. inrm hi 1 un wr w
. C. UjLMSrKK,
Physician and Surgeon,
Room ov.r Dalle Ntlonal Bank. Office hours, 10
a-m t li m, and from to 4 p m. Keti
rtence Wet End of Third Street,
" Attorney at Law
Office ir Schahno' buinding, npataf r The Dalles
- Oregon.
Booms 8 9 and 10. Votrt Block, The Dalles, Or.
4" .
... J. Meets In. Keller's HaU every Thursday
evening at 7:30 o clock.
el Meets every Saturday evening . at 7:30 in
k. or f. aau. v
Tj Meets every Friday evening at their
hall at 8 o'clock. . i. -
OF U E. Meet?every Friday afternoon
UK.OIF. uau
"ITTASCO TRIBE. NO. 16. I. O. B. M. Meets
everv Wednesday evening in tL, oi r-
Ha -
- jt every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
: T OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in
" J K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes
day of each month at 7:30 P. M.
WASCO LOEGE. NO. 15, A. F. & A. M.
Meets first and third Monday.of each
. month at 8 P. M.
NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third
Wednesday of each month at 8 p, M.
; Meets every Friday evenfngat7:30o'clocky
in rv. oi sr. nail, corner ui swjdu uuu wiw
streets. Sojourning; brothers are welcome.
nRIU.Jinsmp LODGE. NO. 9 K. of P.-
ft Meets everv Mondav evening at 8 o'clock.
in Schanno's building, corner of Court and
Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in
W UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
n the reading room.
L MW Hood Camp, No. 59, meets every
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's
Hall. - All sojourning brothers are invited to be
present. -ynr.rrMRTA
CHAPTER. NO. 33. E. S.-
j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and.
fourth Tuesday of each month, visitors cor
dial! invited. '
-.' rir PAfTr.'snrrrrBCH Tjnion street, oppo.
r site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A.M.
Evening prayer on Friday at 7 :30.!AT. LUTHERAN CHURCH-
hj Rbv. L. Grev. Pastor. Service in the Eng
lish language at First Baptist Church every
Sunday 9:30 A. M. ana 7 :m r. m.
- r h -fiHTTRH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor.
- - jyi . Services every Sunday morning and eye
ing. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A
" cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
i - people to all.
- VinwfiKEnATloSAL CHURCH Rev. W. C.
j Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after
, morning service
CIT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
O Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 a. m.
' High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7 :S0 P. M.
lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
- streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11
, o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15.
. 3 T .1 ...
r. A'astor s resilience nuruimak w , . u..
ton and sevenin streets.
1; Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller.
" pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
fiSQ P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are
cordially welcomed.
: irS
ijitfM Iq hprehv iFiven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the State oi Oregon, ior tne ujuuiy ui
' aDaimiiiistntT(f tf the estate of Henrv Pont-
! in istA r Wasco Countv. and now deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same to me.
duly verified, either-at my residence at mngs
ley. Oregon, or at the office of G. W. Phelps, iu
Dalles- City, Oregon, within six months from
the date or in is nonce.
Dated April 10. 1897.
alOw AdministravrL".
Land Offic at Thx dalles. Obf,., i
May 21, 1897. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
his claim, and that ' said proof will be made
. before the Register and Receiver at Tbe Dalles,
Oregon, on June 38, 1897, viz: - -
Hd. E. No. 4771. for the NWM, SWM Sec. 19.
Tp. 2 N., R-15 E., and Ei -SEX Sec 24, Tp. 8
X4 R 14 E. W . M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: . .
Emma Southwell, of The Dalles. Oregon, and
John Beatty. William Shelly and George Cozel,
of Celilo. Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, .
May. 22 Register.
Notice is hereby given that by anorderof the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, made and entered on the 17th day of
May, 1897, the undersigned was duly appointed
administrator of the estate of Albert Cilery,
deceased. All persons having olaims against
said estate are notified to present them, with
the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at
Victor, Oregon, or to D. H. Roberts, at his
office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months
from the dateof this notice. t ;-"
Dated Ma, I8th, cThENNEGHAN.
AOrn'r of the estate of Albert Ullery, deceased.
- ' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,.
J administrator of the estate of Christina Phil
lips, deceased, will on Monday, the Slat day of
June, 1697, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said
day, at the front door of the County Court
' House In Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon,
sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the
following described real estate belonging to the
said deceased, towit : , ,.,
Lots eleven (II), twelve (12) and thirteen (13)
inthetownof Kingsley, Oregon, and according
to the recorded maps and plats of said town.
Said sale will be made in pursuance of the
former order of the Hon. Ccunty Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and subject
to confirmation by said Court.
Dated this 13th da, ofMay, I pILLIPS,
Admr of the estate of Christina Phillips, dee'd.
A Nrw
$ $ &
Prinz & Nitschke
. ,. oh bunln-. -f Under
taking KsUblihmant, and as we are in no way
eonoceted with the UndeitaersTrast,. our
prices will be low accordingly.
For mining stock
quot atlona, and
facts concerning
British Columbia
and Washington mines, address FRED
FLOED, No. 4 South Monroe Street
Sokapne, Washington.
ton sua seveiiha vuwh, . .
- ti iTntml nmtnr. Preaching every Sunday I I 1 I J i ;J I
- morning Mil inairag-iimiii i 7 o'clock. . I II I --, 4
' iSundav school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting I In l- .D V
5, N: very Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets E U I . 1 ' 1
' every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. V jf) ', XJL10
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
execution' and order of sale issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon on the 6th
day of July. 1H97. upon a judgment and decree
made and rendered in above named Court on
the 26th day of May. 1897. in favor of John Bonn,
plaintiff, and against George W. Renoe and
Pauline Renoe. Oradeil Renoe. Ivabee Renoe.
Charles H. Renoe and Virgil Renoe, heirs at
law of Ester A. Reno, deceased, defendants. I
did on the Athdav of July. istr. duly lew upon
nud will sell at the front door of tbe county
court house in Dalles city, Wasco county. Or
egon, on Monday, the 16th d:iy nf August. 107.
at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash in hand, all of the real estate des
cribed in said execution and order of sale, and
described as follows, to wit: Tho northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter and tbe south
east quarter of the northeast quarter, of sec
tion number sixteen, in township two. north of
range twelve. East of the Willamette Meridian:
also all of lots numbered K" and "L" in block
number one hundred and three (103) in the Fort
Dalles Military Reservation in Dalles city, all
in Wasco county. Oregon, or so much thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy the sums due under
said writ, to-wit, the sum of t:T.39, less 120
paid January 29, HOT, and Interest tnereon since
the B, day of January. )8!i,at the rate of ten per
cent per annum, una the further sumoifiu.
costs and disbursements of suit, and the further
sum of too. as a reasonable attorney s fee. to
gether with accruing costs and expenses of sale.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this Sth day of
July, 1HH7.
r. J. UK1VLK,
SherlJoX Wasco County, Oregon
The Valley Improvement Company, of Hood
River, will receive sealed bids for the bonds of
the company, at the office of the secretary of
the company at Hood Biver, Oregon, up to 10
o'clock A. M. of June 2Sth, 1897. The bonds
will be for the sum of WoMW. to run from three
to five years at the option of tbe purchasers,
with interest nt 10 per cent per annum, payable
annually, and to be secured by first mortgage
upon all the property of the company. The
bonds will be drawn in such form and for such
sums as the purchasers may designate.
The Valley Improvement Company is regu
larly incoroorated under the laws of the state
of Oregon, with capital stock of J20.000 fully
paid up. It is constructing a uitcn ana nume
ten miles in length, costing over 26.(I00 and
which will be completed by the tkne of the sale
above mentioned, and which will carry 2000
inches of water. It runs tbrougn tne neart or
Hoed River Valley and will furnish water for
hire for irrigation and domestic purposes to tbe
inhabitants of the valley and to the town of
Hood River for irrigation and fire protection.
The bonds will cover the entire indebtedness
of the company. The security is ample: the
title perfect, the proceedings of the company
are regular. It will make Hood River Valley
the garden spot of Oregon and its success is
more than assured. Further particulars may
be had from the secretary.
Hood Ttiver, Oregon. June 14, 1897.
A. S. BLOWERS, President.:
H. F. Davidson Secretary.
Sealed proposals will be received until noon
of Tuesdoy. August 3d. 1897. at the office of Dr.
O. D. Doane. The Dalles, Oregon, for the erec
tion and completion of the foundation of the
proposed High School Building for School Dis
trict No. 12. of Wasco County, Oregon: also
bids for the construction and completion of the
suoerstructure of said building.
A certified check for ten per cent of the
amount of each bid must accompany the bid.
Plans and specifications can be seen at tbe
office of C. J. Crandall, The Dalles, Oregon.
The Board of Directors reserve the right to
reject any and all bids.
Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The Dalles, Oregon, July 7, 1897.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
J. E. Harnett and Dinsmore Parrish, hereto
fore doing business as Burnett & Parnsb, nave
this day by mutual consent dissolved. All
accounts against said firm should be presented
to J. E. Barnett. nnd said J. E. Barnett is to
collect all accounts, notes and evidences of in
debtedness owing to said firm.
Dated at Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon,
this 17th day of June. 1897.
June27w5 ' J. E. BARNETT.
Choice of Two Transcontinental Routes
STEAMERS leave Portland every
five days for
For full details call on tbe O. R. & N. Agent
at THE DALLES, or address
A.L. HOBLER, Vice-President
W. H. HUBLBUBT, Gen, Pass. Agt,
Portland, Oregon
The New O. R. N. Time Card.
Train No. 2 east via. the Union
Pacific and Oregon Short Line, arrives
here at 1:00 a. M., departs at 1:05.
No. 4, east by Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 5:55 p. M., departs
No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L.,
arrives at 3:55 A. M., and departs 4:00.
No. 3, west from Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 8:25 a., m. and de
parts at 8:30.
- Freight trains Nos, 23 and 24, second
divisions, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 5 p. M. and No. 24 leaves at
1:45 P. M.
Latest Style
Lowest Profits
: In Mens and Boys :
Clothing, Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes
134 Second Street.
Next Door to the Dalles National Bank
A-LLVvrwr JHmam Failing Hetxr
OT7, im potency, cwipiMnMi, to pmo a
by Abaa or othar .
wr a c sua
c rations. tinteuy aM wrely
. fit a man for atadr. boslnew or marriaco.
uom. vital U7 im oia or jenna. ana
D Prevent Inamnitr and ConMUDpCloa if
taksa in um Their cso tbom im mad lata imnrova
meai and affaeta a CUBE wbara aJl other fail In
sist apon bavins iha genuine Ajaz Tab Jets. They
bava oared thousands and will our too. Wa jive a pos
itive written rnarantaa to effect a cure CA pTC la
aacb ease or refund tba money. PrioaMV If I Viper
package? or aix pkaee (foil treatment) for $2&. By
xnalLin plain wrapper, upon receipt of prioe. Cireolcr
For sale in Tbe Dalles by Snipes KiuiienUy
Drug Co. and Blakel? & Houehton.
To Care Conatlpatlaa Torever
Take Cascareta Candy Cathartic lOoorSa
It C. C C. fall to care, druggist refund money.
H a
I 2
in 5
jCist ZPrice, - - -.
'96 Gamblers, wMia Ay iast, - -
Second Hand Wheels $25 and upwards
t2?Scnd for catalogues, free, and 2d band list. ,
187 Sixth Street. Portland. Or.
Krancbes Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Walla Walla.
If so, call on Jos. T. Peters
& Co. and get prices on all
kinds of Building Material,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Wa 1 1
Corner Second and
Geaeral Commission and Forwarding Merchant
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND SRE6T.
(Adjoining' Railroad Depot.)
Prompt attention will by paid to those
"Oood digestion waits on appetite
But with a mouthful of decayed teeth and diseased gum", proper mas
tication and digestion are impossible. Call at once at .
Cut-Bate Dental Office
And have your teeth put In proper condition. I hare the finest and best office In the
city, fitted out with all the latest appliances for doing the best work with the least
pain to the patient.
And fully intend to do your dental work. If HONES! WORK, kind treatment and
my REDUCED PRICES will brino. you to me. I am prepared to fill your teeth with
any of the materials used for that purpose, and 1 am better prepared to do it pain
lessly than anyone. There are several methods used for this purpose, and I have
them all.
I also do CROWN and BRIDGE work, or insert artificial teeth without a plate.
Being a graduate of an Eastern dental college which stands second to none I am bet
ter prepared to do your dental work than another who has learned his business pol
ishing rubber plates in the laboratory of some city dentist.
To those who need teeth extracted 1 can say truthfully that i can remove them
as near painlessly as anyone. Teeth cannot be removed painlessly in ALL cases,
and you should beware of anyone who promises to do it. .-
I am prepared to make artificial teeth upon Porcelain, Gold, Silver. Aluml num
Watts Metal, Rubber or Celluloid. Plates made from ioup. Fit suaranteed. . ,
When in town get acquainted. It will pay you to consult me and get my prices.
All work strictly guaranteed. Remember the place. , "
Over French & Co.'s Bank, The Dalles, Or.
Sheepmen's Supplies, Shears, Oil and Lamp Black
for marking Sheep.
Mitchell Wagons.....
McSherry Drills, Osborne Mowers, Binders,
Reapers and Bakes, Myers' Hay Tools and
Farm Implements of all kinds.
Full Line of ttachine Extra
HJNext door to A. M. Williams & Co.
. ...
Jefferson Streets
who favor me with their patronage
and health on both" Shakespeare.
Largest Mutton Bain Breeding Farm in America
Strong, vigorous animals now ready for shipment.
Carload lota for range use a specialty.
"Write forprices. h. O- FOX.
W ocdaide Farm, Oregon, Wisconsin.
Secretary Tharma
the British Lion
Tharman Makes
The Murderer of Captain Lee Wei
ler Confessed to Numerous
Crimes He Had Committed.
Silver Men Kffect Permanent Organic
tlon at Salt Lake Three Boys Were
Killed While Sleeping; on a
Railroad Track.
New York. July 16. A dispatch to
tbe Tribune from London says: r.
The publication of Secretary Sher
man's dispatch on the Behring sea seal
qneetioa licits momentarily in the
English press the smoldering embers
of recent criticisms of American .diplo
matic methods. The text xt that dis
patch is not pleasant reading, as the
Pall Mall Gazette and other journals
frankly admit. . '(
As tbe matter stands the implication
that England has not acted with good
faith is considered a blow below the
belt. !'
Tbe petulant comments of the Lon
don press' today ought not, however,
to be taken too seriously. The action
of the foreign office has disclosed will
ingness on the part of the government
to discuss the question without ir
This dispatch was one of the earli
est state papers presented by Ambas
sador Hay to the foreign office after
his arrival in London, and, while the
reply of Lord Salisbury was a refusal
to set aside the expert testimony of the
British agent employed in the case,
there was no indication that unfriend
ly feeling had been excited, either be
fore or after Mr. Foster's return to
London from St. Petersburg. The
negotiations have remained in progress
with an increasing probability that
tbe British government will ultimately
consent to send a representative to a
conference at Washington when Rus
sia and Japan have been drawn into it.
Don't neglect a cough because tbe
weather is pleasant: before the next
storm rolls around it may develop
into a serious difficulty-beyond repair.
One Minute Coush Cure is easy to
take and will do what its name implies,
Snipes Kmersly Drug Co. .
Bryan Installed as the Preidln Officer
of the Meeting nt tialt Lake. ,'
Salt Lake, Utah, July 15.--The
Trans-MIssissipol congress was called
to order promptly at 9 o'clock this
morning with a large audience In the
galleries, and delegates' seats well
filled. . , ' .
TThe regular order of the day, mines
and miningrwaireii taken Tjip.'Trrey
12 Ford, of Californiai read ft lengthy
paper on th "Neoesslty for eahlifc
ing a department 01 mines aim
mining." , He was followed .by Judge
Royal, of California, on the same
At this point W. J. Bryan entered
the hall and was greeted with the
wildest enthusiasm. Black, of Cali
fornia, moved that three cheers be
given for Bryan, which the latter said
was out of order, but the cheers were
given nevertheless. .
Bryan in taking the chair said it
was a matter of great regret that he
was not able to be here earlier, but he
knew the congress had been ably pre
sided over by Messrs. Whitmore and
Craig. He said he was fully in accord
with the movements of this congress,
which represented the great empire of
the Weet. There were numerous
matters in which this section
was peculiarly interested and that
wa9 one of the reasons why the con
gress had met here for an interchange
of views on these matters, aU3 another
reason was that the' trans-Mississippi
states were part of this great nation
and , interested in everything of
national Importance. They had aright
to secure everytning which would tend
to their advaacement, but did not de
sire to do so at the expense of another
part of the coun try .
W. B. Johnson, Newark, O., says:
"One Minute Cough Cure saved my
only child from dyiDg by croup." It
has saved thousands of others suffering
from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis
and other serious throat and lung
troubles. The Snipes Kinersly Drug
John Newman, All rrik Butler,
Hanged at Sydney.
Sydney, N. S. W., July 16. John
Newman, alias Frank Butler, con
victed of the murder of Captain Lee
Weller, in the Blue mountain district,
in 1896, was hanged here yesterday.
You naturally lose flesh in
the summer and running down
Is so easy. You get a little
weaker each day without hard
ly noticing it There is loss of
appetite, headache, weakness
of the muscles, disturbed sleep,
weakness of memory, and thes?
are the beginning of nervous
prostration. Iron and tonics
and bitters may afford some
temporary relief, but what you
need is a food for body, brain
and nerves.
of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy
pophosphltes, furnishes Just the
nourishment needed for those
who are run down and pale and
thin and weak. If you lose flesh
in summer take Scott's Emul
sion now. Don't wait till fall
or winter before beginning.
for sale at fu by all Arufgi.
He broke down at last, the remarkable
stoicism which he had exhibited since
his arrest in San Francisco last Feb
ruary giving away, and he confessed
his guilt of this as well as other shock'
ing crimes.
He admitted that bis rignt name
was John Newman, and that he was
born -of good family in Staffordshire,
England, in ISod. He professed the
profoundest penitence for his misdeeds
and at tbe last moment willingly re
ceived the religious consolation usually
offered the condemned.
The execution was affected without
incident. Few spectators were ad
mitted, those present being principally
officers of the court and attendants
directly concerned in carrying out the
law's decree. The case is one that
has excited intense interest through
out the colonics, and great satisfaction
is expressed in the thorough work
penormea oy tne detectives in secur
ing evidence leading not only to the
capture of Newman, and his speedy
conviction and execution.
Don't thin your blood with sassafras
or poison it witn blue-mass; trot aid
Nature by using DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills for con
stipation, biliousness and stomach and
liver troubles. They are purely veget
able 1 ne bnipes Kinnersly Drug Co.
Bosh Cnl
iff Cnoaen to
Preside at 8alt
Salt Lake, Utah, July 16. When
tne trans-Mississippi congress met
this morning the committee on perma
nent organization reported recunv
mending Hugh Craig, of San Fran
cisco, for president of the congress to
be effective at 2 o'clock this afternoon
This hour was fixed in order to allow
Mr. Bryan to preside during the de
bate this afternoon on the silver reso
lutions. The question of selecting a
place for holding the next meeting
was postponed until tomorrow after
The congress then took up the silver
resolutions, and up to noon only two
speeches bad been made on the tbe
Bubject. C. S. Thomas, of Colorado,
spoke for the majority and E. V. Smal
ley, of Minnesota, spoke for the minor
ity report.
"They are dandies." said Tbos.
Bowers, of the Crocket, Texas, En
terprise, while wri tins' about De
Witt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous
little puis lor sick headache and a is
orders of tbe stomach and liver. Snipes
.Kinnersly Drug (Jo.
Trouble With England Over It Location
Mot Unlikely.
New York, July 19. special to
the World from Washington says: -
Tbe possibility of serious inter
national complications between the
United States and Great Britain as the
result of the recent gold discoveries in
Alaska has become apparent to the
state department. Senator Davis, of
the Senate foreign relations committee,
has been requested to secure the im
mediate ratification of a treaty for de
termining the. boundary Use between
Canada and Alaska in orrter to lessen
the probable difficulty.
-Chairman Davis has announced his
intention of calling this treaty up for
action at the next executive 'session of
the senate. There is said to be no ob
jection, and prompt ratification is ex
pected. '
Some for ten, some for twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then have been quickly
and permanently cured by using De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and all forms of skin
diseases. The Snipes Kinersly Drug
Bun Don by a Train.
Austin-, Tex., July 16. This morn
ing at 2 o'clock a freight train in the
International & Great Northern rail
road yards ran over four white boys,
all of Fort Worth, who were sitting on
tire track asleep, killing three of them
instantly - and badly wounding tbe
fourth. The killed are: John Bridges,
Charles Sweeney, K. L. Montgomery.
The injured boy was Henry Estis.
Tbe train ran over tbe boys as it
came into the yards. On leaving it an
hour later a negro named L. F, Cox,
of Wasco, who attempted to grab a
brake bar to steal a ride, lost his hold
and fell under the cars, being mangled
into an unrecognizable pulp.
' Fire in Oil rtelde.
London, July 17. A dispatch from
Baku, a seat of large petroleum in
dustries, say that a fire broke out there
yesterday, attacking the great naptha
springs known as Teherny Gorodek.
It spread rapidly, and destroyed five
refineries and a large wharf. All work
at the adjacent refineries has been
suspended. At 5 o'clock last evening
tbe fire was still unsubdued. Several
persons were burned to death, and
many seriously injured. About 2,000,-
000 poods of kerosene were consumed.
(A pood is 36 pounds.)
Tacoma Ledger Sold.
Tacoma, July 16. The Dally Ledger
of this sale has been sold at private
sale to Editor Schultz, of the Chicago
Tribune. The Ledger is now in the
hands of a receiver, and the confirma
tion of the sale comes up in court to
morrow morning. It is expected the
new management will assume control
next week. The office, which has
been nonunion for four years, win
now become unionized again.
Used a Pitchfork.
Dallas, Or., July 17. An alterca
tion took place at the farm of Mrs
Martha McDonald, near here this
morning. Mr. Galbralth, who rented
the farm on shares, refused to give his
landlady her share of the crop, and
Mrs. McDonald took a team to haul in
her portion of the bay, when she was
assaulted by Galbraith with a pitch
fork, and her arm broken. Galbraith
was arrested on a charge of assault
with a deadly weapon.
Died at a Kipe old Ace.
Salem, Or., July 17. John Durbln,
one of Oregon's oldest pioneers and
citizens, died at tbe home of his grand'
son, Duncan Ross, eight miles north
east of here, today. He would have
been 103 September 13 next.
Charles F. Crocker Dead.
San Matbo, Cal., July if. Colonel
C. F. Crocker, first vioe-presldent of
the Southern Pacific, stricken with
apoplexy and paralysis at his dinner
table eight days ago, died this evening.
Tariff Conferees Have Settled
all Differences.
The Conference Committee Guarded
Their Interests Jealously and
Gave Them the Beneft
of Everv Doubt.
Emperor William Befuaed to Bock the
Saltan. Hence Hla Chance of Front
-Without Uerman Aid He
Conld not Bold Out.
Washington, July 18. When the
republican conferees on tbe tariff ad
jour ned at 6 p. M. yesterday, tbe an
nouncement was made, on behalf of
each house, that they had agreed on
all the items Of the bill, and that the
result of the partisan conference would
be submitted to the democratic mem'
bers of the conference at a full meet
ing to be held Monday.
The modification of the sugar ached'
ule still leaves the rate on pure sugar
testing 100 degrees 1.95 cents per
pound, which was the senate rate.
The differential on refined sugar is,
However, one-eigbtn of a cent per
pound, while the senate differential
was one-fifth. Tbe house also secured
the elimination of one-tenth of a cent
reduction allowed on Jaggory and
other low-grade sugars testing below
87 by the polariscope. It is claimed
that the increase on the higher grades
of sagar. which will result from the
increase of the polariscope gradation
advance, will add materially to tbe
protection to the beet-sugar industry.
It is estimated that the changes in
the sugar schedule will raise about
$2,000,000 additional revenue.
Following aie among the important
changes made in other schedules:
Hides are placed at 15 per cent ad
valorem, In place of 20 per cent fixed
by the senate.
Wool, as heretofore sent out; first-
class, II cents per pound, second class,
12 cents per pound; third class, 4 cents
on that below 12 cents per pound in
value, and 8 cents on that above 12
cents in value. These rates on third
class was the result of an agreement
between the woolgrowers and the car
pet manufactures.
Lead ore, li cents per pound.
Pig lead, 2i cents, the senate rates.
Iron ore, as fixed by the senate.
Coal, bituminous, 67 cents per ton.
Tbe senate rate on borax was also
The senate rates on all fruits were
retained, including 1 cent per pound
on oranges, lemons, limes, etc.
On walnuts, tbe house rate of 3 cents
per pound was restored, tbe senate
having lowered this rate to 2t cents.
Whlte pine lumber was restored to
the house classification, and tbe booae
rate of f2 per 1000 feet instead, of the:
senate rate of $1, . :
The reciprocity clause baa been
transformed Into a modification of both
the house and senate schedules that
is, the number of articles which can
be used as a basis for reciprocity agree
ments has been increased, but tbe
president's option as to the rates and
the ratification of treaties by the sen
ate, which was the main feature of the
senate .provision, has been rejected.
One of the biggest victories won by
the house was in tbe restoration to the
dutiable list of burlaps, jute and jute
bagging, cotton bagging, gunny sacks,
floor matting and cotton ties, whloh the
senate placed on the free list. While re
stored to the dutiable list, however, the
rates were lower than they have ever
been on this class of articles.
Sick headache can be quickly and
completely overcome by using those
famous little pills known aa "DeWitt's
Little Early Risers." Snipes Kinersly
Drug Company.
It Was Dae
to Kmperar
Constantinople. July 17. The
announcement by Tcwfik Pasha to the
ambassadors that tbe sultao has agreed
to the principle of their demands, and
was prepared to accept their views rn
the conditions of peace was due to a
message sent him prior to the meeting
that if tbe porte did not reply satis
factorily, the ambassadors would adopt
an important decision with regard to
their attitude toward Turkey. Tewfilc
Pasba turned up at the last moment,
aud announced that he had been in
structed to accept the proposals of tbe
This change of front is now under
stood to be the result of the action of
Germany. The reply of the emperor
to the sultan's personal note wag am
biguous, and induced him to believe
that Germany would support him.
When, however, Germany found that
the powers were resolved on coercion,
then Emperor William, desiring to
prevent - such an eventuality, in
structed his ambassador to go to the
palace and state distinctly that the
Turkish government must conform
absolutely to the decisions ot the
A (rood to the Report.
Washington, July 19. The republi
can members of the tariff conference
committee called In the democratic
members at 1 o'clock this morning.
Among the democrats' there was a dis
position to allow tbe republicans to
have their way and make a report at
once, so that the debate in the lower
To tbs Editor sl have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cises have been already
permanently cured So proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
und two boitla frtt to those of your readers
who have ConsiimpttorThroat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me theta
expFSSf ana poHarnce aaarcss. auicvreiy.
T. A. SXPCUX. M. C iniwilUlrvTi
89 Tbe Editorial aa BastaeM Mmiiimt
this fay Owrsates this fmuamt fieponl
KdneaMTone Hovels with)
Candy Cstbsrtlc, cure contlpf',1v'
UcOc uaa0.faU,dnfglsf'
branch of congress could proceed this
Before the full committee met the
republican members held an hour's
consultation at which they affixed their
signatures to the conference report.
When the bill was submitted to the
democrats the republicans 'said they
would report the bill today. The demo
crats were given an opportunity to
sign the conference report and with
drew for consultation among them'
selves as to whether or not they would
sign. After the consultation, the
democratic conferees signed the re
port, which was soon afterwards sent
to tbe house.
The house was crowded early today
with members who animatedly dis
cussed the new tariff schedules. Scon
after assembling, Dingley submitted
the conference report on the tariff bill,
and made an effort to get the demo
crats to agree to a vote this evening,
but they insisted on two days for de
bate and without reaching an agree
ment as to when the vote should be
taken Dingley took the floor and
opened the debate in favor of tbe
adoption of the conference report.
Over Two Hand red Men at Mononafh, W.
V, Go oat.
Fairmottnt, W. Va., July 19. As a
result of yesterday's meeting at Willow
Tree Grove, near Mononagh, 225 miners
refused to work this morning. Tbe
drivers, being in sympathy with the
miners, refused to haul,' and conse-.
quently the rest of the miners who had'1
gone to work were compelled to come
out. About sixty miners at Prlchard,
after hearing the news from Mononagh,
came out and tbe rest will follow.
The Hutchinson, Luther & Palatin
miners were the next to 3ome, and all
the men with the exception of those at
tbe Hlte & Shaft mine will soon be out.
Eugene V. Debs arrived here tb is
morning and will hold a meeting at
Mononagh at 2 o'clock this afternoon,
returning here for a large meeting to
night, when it is thought nearly all
the miners will follow the lead of the
Mononaugh men.
Off For the North. r
Boston, July 19. The steam seal
ing bark Hope, with Lieutenant R. E.
Peary and party on board, bound for
North Greenland, left this port at day
break today. The object. of the voyage
is to establish a station at a' northern
point in Greenland ''which 'shall be
used as a base of supplies for an ex
pedition In Bearch of the North Pole'
under Lieutenant Peary in 1898.' .To
this end a party of Esquimaux will be
established at the new settlement, and
will during the next year be engaged
in making " preparations for Lieu
tenant Peary's expedition.
A Demonstration by striken.
Canonsbubo, Pa., July 19. About
500 striking miners from the Millers'
Run distract parsed through town to
day, headed by a brass band and a
drum corps. A halt was made at the
mines of the Canonsburg Coal Com?
pany, where they were met by armed
deputies and ordered to keep off the
company's property. They halted In a
vacant lot near by and sent oyer com
mittees . to the mines to gather to
gether tbe miners. The mines of the
company closed down today to wait
the . decision of . the miners employed
here. " ," , .i
Good Deaaand For Wanhlpe. ' . '
New York, July 19. Tbe Herald's
correspondent in Rio de Janeiro tele
graphs that the United States and
Japan have communicated with the
government of Brazil with the idea of
the poslble purchase of warships now
building for Brazil in England and
Owing to Brazil's financial plight at
this time it was recently decided to
sell, before completion, if possible, all
the war vessels being built for Brazil
in the two countries named. .They are
principally small boats.
11 aboard Hay Succeed Crocker.
San Fbancisoo, July 16. The re
mains of Colonel. Charles F. Crocker
will be burled with Masonio honors to
morrow afternoon. It Is expected that
the management of the big Crooker
estate will now devolve upon George
General Hubbara, of New York, is
the man most prominently mentioned
as the probable successor of Colonel
Crocker, as first vice-president of the
Southern Pacific Company.
A Lumber Mill Fire.
East Anotjs, Quebec, July 17. The
sawmill, pulp mill, blacksmith shop
and 100,000 feet of lumber belonging
the Royal Paper Mill Company
were destroyed by fire today.
loss is placed at $150,000, with
siderable insurance.
More Illinois Miners Oat.
St. Loots, July .19, Information
has been received to the effect that
450 men employed in the shafts of tbe
St. Louis Consolidated Coal Company,
at Colllnsville, 111., went out today at
the request of the marching delega
tion. A Coming; Attraction.
The Commercial and Athletic . Club
minstrels have kindly consented to re
peat a portion of the entertainment
given here last winter for the benefit
of The Dalles hose team. They will
be assisted by a number of young
ladies who desire to help tbe hose
team along and insure them again
winning the championship cup. The
entertainment will be given on Friday
evening. July 30, and the proceeds
therefrom will be turned over to the
hose team to pay the expenses of
Ing, and all surplus will be
into the tournament fund.
deed commendable on tbe part
club members and their y
assistants to thus deyoi
for the benefit of the fire
expected their efforts
by liberal patronage
Absolutely Pur
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and healthfulness. Assures
tbe food against alum and all forms of
adtulteration common to ' the cheap
brands. Royal Baking POWDER
CO., New York.
cannot imprison thkk.
An Important Decision A Baetlng National
National guardsmen will be inter
ested in the following, relating to ar
rest of members of companies who re
fuse to pay fines imposed for non-attendance
at drills. Last week in
Oregon City Judge Hayes heard argu
ment on the petition of Richard N.
Bradley for a writ of habeas corpus to
release him from serving three days In .
jail for falling to pay fines to the
militia for non-attendance at drills.
The petition was based on the grounds
of technical error as to tbe execution
issued by the justice and unconstitu
tionality of the statute under which
the proceedings were taken. It was
argued that the law violated the pro
visions of tbe constitution against Im
prisonment for civil debt, and against
depriving a person of liberty except on
a trial before a Jury. The state took
the ground that the legislature had a
right to give to the military court of
discipline tbe power to Impose floes
for infraction of dlsolpllne, and to
make it the duty of tbe civil court to
collect the' fines thus Imposed or
punish the offenders in case of failure
to collect. The court rendered ade
clslon granting the writ, on the ground
tbat tbe law is unconstitutional.
The deceslon of Judge Hayes, if sup
ported by the supreme court, will place '
company commanders in a position
aiffereot from that now occupied. At
present, they have the fear of arrest to
use as a means of compelling their
men to attend drills and pay fines tor
non-attendance. It seems probable'
that the national ' guard officers will
Cake tepe to have tbe constitution
ality of tbe law tested before the
supreme court.
Married Coder a Spreadlnc Pine.
At seven o'clock last evening a
marriage ceremony was solemnized by
Rev. Wm. Mltohell, in which the
contracting parties were' Mr. Charles
Baker and Mrs. Cordalla PucketU '
The wedding was unostentatious, no
bridal parlor-Wing been specially .
decorated for the occasion, but a pine
tree was chosen near the residence of
the brld on the bluff, and the two
were joined in wedlock In tbe open air,
neath the bright canopy of heaven and
tbe protection afforded by the spread
ing branches of a giant of the forest.
The. wedding being somewhat unusual,
some 500 uninvited guests were present
to witness trie ceremony that bound '
together the somewhat aged pair.
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
; Navigation Co.
FiBfgDt am Passenger Lm3
passeng'er rates
One way 12 00
Round trip a 00
Freight Rates Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. 1 Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
& p. m. Live stock shipments solic
ited. Call on or address,
General Agent
Antelope Stage Line :
Through by daylig
Grass Valley, YJr
Cross Hollow.
Leaves Umatilla Rousy
and Friday. Stops nay
merciai travelers.