The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 17, 1897, Image 1

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PorlUinl Library
Ci J"
NO 44.
Physician and Surgeon,
DniMM MAP nub. National Bulk.
Gffioa hours, 10
a m f 12 m, moti from w p
denoe we-tt Kna 01 luira oiwn
Attorney at Law
OSes ir Schanno'f buinding,
npatafr The Dallef
Booms 8 9 and 10. Vogrt Block. The Dalles, Or.
mciwr tp rnnnr. wo. 3. A. O. TJ TV.
1 Meets In KeUer's Hall every Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
imcT njrY ft2lf. A. R.
Meets every Saturday evenlngaat 7:30 In
If nt V Hull.
. SrTpt. evervlaayrvenlnrj their
rrf- j-
:gts every Friday afternoon
nrAfion TRIBE. NO. is, I- O. R. M Meets
W ... warinaoriav evenlmz In K. OI f
T wiwj j
Hall. -
JT every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
TiTVTSTOW.-TlO. 187. Meets in
f K. of P. HaU the first and third Wednes-
day of each month at 7:30 P. M.
m IK. A. 1". ft .A. M.
Meets first and third Monaay.oi wku
month at 8 P. M.
A NO. S. Meets in Masonic Hall the third
Wednesday oi eacn sumia o ,
nnr.rtMRTA ImOE. NO. 8. L O. O F.
IJ Meets every Friday eyeningat 780 o'clock,
lalC of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets. Bojournlng brothers are weicumg.
nBTFVnsHIP LODGE. NO. 9 K. of P.
h Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock,
(E Sohanno'8 building, corner of Court and
Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in
vited. - -
UNION Meets every Friday at 8 o'clock
m toe reading room.
IV I ML Hood Camp, No. 69. meets every
h. moninff at 7:30 o'clock. In Keller's
HaU. n All sojourning brothers are Invited to be
present. -
..t- Tiwnr . -iTTAT30nrn WO. S3. E. S--
' j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and
! fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors oor-
( diall invited.
C?T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo.
r site Fifth. Sunday school at 8:30 A.M. j
Evening prayer on tTunyw ' .
M 'j jev. L. Grey, fastor. ooi-yiuo ui mo nug
itah language at First Baptist Church every
Sunday 9:30 A. u . and 7:SU p. M.
ME. CHURH Rev. J. H. Wood, Pastor.
i avai-v finndav moniinff and eve-
o,.n. uiuwiiie 18:80 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
people to all.
j-annasnniTinNAL CHURCH Rev. W. O.
J Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at
if A. M. and 7 :30 P. M. Sunday sonooi alter
morning serrlee
Ot. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
O Pastor. - Low mass every snnaay a 7 a. .
High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M.
-s-itbst R APTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay-
r lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
streets. Serviees each Sunday morning at i i
o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:16.
Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing
ton and Seventh streets.
I. H.
FTazft!- nastnr. Preaching every Sunday
morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock
Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets
every Sunday at 6:30 P. M.
Seventh and Union. Elder 1. H. Miller,
pastor. Servioes every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. H. Prayer meeting on Wednesday
- eveninr. Sundav school at 9:45 A. M. All are
cordially weloomed.
wim i hMhv o-Wpn that the undersigned
has bees duly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the county 01 wasoo,
. -" a4minitLMt.r( a 1J1P estate of Henrv Pont
ine, late of Wasco County, and now deceased.
AU persons having Tiiaimt Against -said est&te
are hereby notified to present the same to me,
duly verifled, either at my residence at Kings-
ley, ureRDn, or ei a vium j - - - .i-.. -
Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from
toe date of Hits not) oe.
Dated April . 1807. . , T
' ' Admlnistraui.
Lajtd Orncs at Thb dajxbs. Obb., i
., Hay 21. US7. (
Notlee Is hereby given that the foUowlng
Mnutii muiiw hon fild notice of his intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
his claim, and that saiu prooi wui 00 bm
before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on June as, lari, viz:
tjx v. urn 4771 for the NTV. SWS4 See. 19.
Td.J N , R.15 K., and EK SEX Seo. 24, Tp. 2
N., B. H E. W. M.
sib names the following witnesses to prove
her eonttouous residenoe upon and cultivation
at said land, vis:
Emma Sowthyell, of The Dalles. Oregon, and
John Beatty. William Shelly and George Cozel,
fceuio. Oregon, p uoo
May. 22 '. Register.
administrator's notice.
Notloe is hereby given that by an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, made and entered on the 17th day of
Mav. 1897. the undersigned was duly appointed
administrator of the estate of Alhert u uery.
' deceased. AU persons having claims against
oauui m notified to oresent tbem. with
said estate are notified to 1
. v. .unuj. vnnAM tA tl
er vouchers, to the undersigned at
Victor. Oregon, or to D. H. rtoberta, at his
offloe to The Dalles, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated Ma, 18th. 1897. R HENNEGHAN,
Adm'r of the estate oi Albert Ullery, deceased.
- m22wS.
Notice la hereby given that eundersigned.
administrator of the estate of Chrina Phil
lips, deceased, will on Monday, the 21st day of
JaneTTat the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said
dayT at the front door of the CountyCourt
House to Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the
following described real estate belonging to the
said deesiued, towit 1 . . -
nSSTeteven (II). twelve (12) and thlrteendS)
In the town of Klngsley, Oregon, and according
to the recorded maps and plats of said town.
Said sale will be made in pursuance pf the
former order of the Hon. County Court of the
StaM of Oregon, for Wasco County, and subject
to confirmation by said Court.
Dated thi. 13th day f9Mag" 1 prLLIPS.
Adm'r of the estate of Christina Phillips, deo'd.
& Nitsctilce
,ti,t our bus!nea pleU Under
btahiahaunt. and as we ars In no way
eooMotad with thi Pndrtasrs-Tratt, our
prioei wiH be kv acoofdiagly.
For minlno; stock
q notations, and
facta concerning
British Columbia
.nd WasbintHon mines, addwPRED
5.MD.Nor4 South Monroe Street
UrJm'i. : A.
sale ofbonds.
Phn VaIIav Tmnmvement Comnanv. Of Hood
Kiver, will receive sealed bids for the bonds of
the company, at the office of the secretary of
the oonroanv at Hood River. Oregon, up to 10
o'clock A. M. of June 25th, 1897. The bonds
will be for the sum of fe.(wo, to run rrom icreu
ava Daam nt th ontion of the Durchasers.
with interest at 10 per cent per annum, payable
annually, and to be secured t
by Brst mortgage
upon all the pi
bonds will be di
imnertvof the comDiiny. The
irawn in such form and for such
sums as the purchasers may designate.
The Valley Improvement Company is regu
larly Incorporated under the laws of the state
of Oregon, with capital stock of fc,000 fully
naM nn rt fa nnKtmintimr a dit a and flume.
ton tnii'oa in lonirth. coatiu? over i26.IOO and
htnh wtn tw mmnlftnl bv the time of the sali
above mentioned, and which will carry 20U0
Inches of water. It runs through the heart of
Hood Biver Valley and will furnish water for
hire for irrigation ana aomesiio purposes miuc
Inhabitants of the valley and to the town of
niwi Biimr fnr irrigation and fire protection,
The bonds will oover the entire indebtedness
of the company. ne security i ampie,
title perfect, the proceedings of the company
are regular. It will make Hood River Valley
the garden spot of Oregon and its success is
more than assured. Further particulars may
I be had from the secretary. ,
Hood River, Oregon, June ,a
A. S. BLOWERS, President.
H. P. Davidboh Secretary.
V: - - : " 'V-
NmM TtniTviiiftla will be received until noon
of Tuesday, August 3d, 1897. at the office of Dr.
O. D. Doane. The Dalles, Oregon, for the erec
tion and completion or tne iounaanon oi wic
proposed High School Building for School Dis
trict No. 12. of Wasco County, Oregon: also
bids for the construction and completion of the
Superstructure of said building.
A certified check or ten per cent of the
amount of each bid must accompany ine um.
Plans and specifications can be seen at the
Office of C. J. Crandall, The Dalles, Oregon.
The Board of Directors reserve the right to
reject any ana au oias.
Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The Dalles, Oregon, July 7, 1S97.
Choice of Two Transcontinental Routes
OCEAN -STEAMERS leave Portland every
nve aays lor
Por full details call on the O. R. & K. Agent
at tius UALLiss, or aaareas
E. UeSKlIX, Preeldeot sad Manager.
' W. H. HCBIiBURT, Gen, Pass. Agt.,
Portland, Oregon
The New O.
B. N. Time Card.
Train No. 2
east via. the Union
Pacific and Oresron Short Line, arrives
here at lax) a. M., departs at l:0o.
No. 4. east by Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 5:55 p. M., departs
No. 1. west from U. P. and O. S. L..
arrivea at 3:55 A. M., and departs 4;00.
No. 3. west from Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 8:25 A. is. and de
parts at 8:30.
Freight trains Nos, 23 and 24, second
divisions, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 5 P. M. and No. 24 leaves at
1:45 P. M.
"Tie Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
One way...
Round trip.
.12 00
. 3 00
Freight Rates Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night, -a Shipments for
way landings must De delivered oeiore
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solic
ited. Call on or address,
General Agent
San lYancisco
F. LEMKE, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught
Seooud Street, bet. Court and Union.
regon Bakery
and 0-k-3F,33
KELLER, Prop'r. :
Am prepared to furnish families,- hotels and
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies,
Fresh Oysters Served
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to The
Dalles National fang.
HrTcBM far Fifty Cant.
Onarmnteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
menstrong, blood pure. t0o,C AU druggisia.
'$6 Ramblers,
. .
, Second Hand Wheeia $?5 upward s,-'. 4
Send for catalogues, f roe,
187 Sixth Street, Portland. Or.
Branches Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Walla Walla.
' "flood digestion waits on appetite
But with a mouthful of decayed teeth and diseased gum, proper mas
tication and digestion are impossible. Call at once at
Cut-Bate Dental Office
pain to the patient. . . - '
And fully intend to do your dental work,
my JUrJDUUfc.D fiuuts wui orwg
anv of the materials used for that p
lessly than anyone. There are sevei
them all.
I also do CROWN and BRIDGE work, or Insert artificial teeth without a plate.
Being a graduate of an Eastern dental college which stands second K none I am bet
ter prepared to do your dental work than another who has learned his business pol
ishing rubber plates in the laboratory of some city dentist.
"""To those who need teeth extracted I can say truthfully that I can remove them
as near painlessly as anyone. Teeth cannot be removed painlessly In ALL cases,
and you should beware of anyone who promises to do it.
I am prepared to make artificial teeth upon Porcelain, Gold, Silver, Aluminum
Watts MetavBubber or Celluloid, plates made from to up. Fit aruaranteed.
When In town get acquainted. Jt will pay you o pppsult me and get my prloes.
AU work strictly guaranteed. Remember the place,
Over French & Co.'s Bank, The Dalles, Ori .
Largest and best assorted stock in the city.
select from at prices from 10. cents per roll upwards.
Painting, Paperhanging and Kalsomining.
. Third Steeet,
New Goods
Spring opening of the richest and choicest selection
of Imported Dress Goods, Wash Goods, all new de
signs, shades and materials, Homespun Linens,
Scotch Zephyrs, fancy and figured Organdies, Black
Brocade Poplins, etc. . . . ...
A fine line of Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children's
Shoes, in lace and button. . . . .
A very large stock of dressy and desirable Clothing
at bedrock prices. " . . . . . .
A new line of samples for
the largest custom clothing manufacturing
pany in the United States;
Call and Examine bur Stock
One Price Cash House. Cor. 2d and Court Streets
lOt -TNaJN JWittJMlM
25S0 tfJ.TJr
Nana aeetiM ires. sa. ktekliru atxtni vu..
Ben wilson
Second'Street, opposite Diamond Mills,
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Free Lunch served at all hours.
w -
i - . . .
'i: -5
sod 3d hand list,
and health on both" Shakespeare.
kind treatment and
our teeth with
to do it pain-
ana 1 nave
aper i
spring and summer from
A fit guaranteed.
and Prices-
9rJ .2
nico. oatrett. yas.. pr "w lora.
riTD i VQ TV Hf i T I XT7 i
I l)A nLl i V A A iA
Long-Threatened Invasion of
That Province Begun.
J President' McKinley Jletermined That
the Monetary System
be Reformed-
Christian Endeavors Working With
Will Coal Becoming Scarce in Ohio
Owlag to the Mtrlke Dying
I ' From Beat.
' i' ..
New YORK, July 9.A Herald dis
patch' from Havana says: "
The threatened invasion of Matanzas
province by the insurgents has begun.
Several large bodies of Cubans have
crossed the line from Santa Clara and
the strength of the force engaged in
the westward movement is estimated
from 4000 to 6000. La Crete and Herie,
who recently crossed the Jucaro and
Moron trocba and passed into Santa
Clara from Camaguay, have united
with other leaders, and there are now
five or six chiefs, each with a consider
able following, moving into Matanzas,
where the insurgent forces were
ordered to mobilize. Men have been
summoned from the plantations around
and ordered westward.
Whether the movement was ordered
to embarrass General Weyler or to dis
tract attention from General Gomez,
who is supposed to be hemmed in by
Spanish columns near Sancti Spiritus,
is not yet clear. It may do both.
The purpose of the gathering In
Matanzas is said to cover the landing
of an expedition which is due in that
province, and which will furnish the
combined forces with some additional
arms, cartridges and several rapid-fire
field guns. . After receiving this ex.
pedition the program mapped out by
General Gomez is for an advance across
Matanzas province, a junction with
the forces in Havana province, and if
all goes well a demonstration near the
city of Havana itself.
Just what opposition the Spanish
troops will make to the movement is
not certain. The sudden -activity in
the rebel ranks after the rainy - season
has well begun shows that they are
able to move, despite the muddy con
dition of the roads, and frequent
drenchings which they must receive.
Any forced marches of large bodies
of Spanish troops to head off the rebel
movement must result in heavy losses
from sickness, hardship and exposure.
' " Not only piles of the very worst kind
can be cured by De Witt's Witch
Hazle Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns,
bruises, boils, ulcers and all other
skin troubles can be instantly relieved
by the same remedy,- Snipes ginersly
Endeavors Started in Early and WUI Work
San Francisco, July 9. Early this
morning the Christian Endeavorers
crowded the various churches where
prayer meetings were to be held. The
topic at all these meetings was "The
Christian Endeavor Pledge."
Long before the hour for calling the
meetings to order in Mechanics' and
Woodward's pavilions, crowds filled
every available space n the b,ig build
ings. The delegates were even more
enthusiastio than on the tfirst day of
the convention, nearly all having had
sufficient time to recover from the
fatigue of a long journey, and more or
less discomfort of a railway trip. The
thousands of lady delegates in striking
toiletes and wearing badges, and rib
bons of bright colors, looked fresh and
happy, and when the song service was
announced at the opening of the meet
ingsthey responded with a will that
showed their whole spirit was is the
Don't neglect a cough because the
weather is pleasant: before the next
storm rolls around it may develop
into a serious difficulty beyond repair.
One Minute Cough Cure is easy to
take and will do what its name implies,
Snipes Einersly Drug Co.
Be publicans In Conference '
WASHINGTONJuly 9. The republi
can conferees on the tariff bill met this
morning to adjust the difference be
tween the two houses. Senator Jones,
of Nevada, who has acted with the
republicans, and also voted for the bill,
was present. The work proceeded be
hind closed 'doors.
Feature of Saturday's Hesslon of the En
deavor Convention.
San Fbanoisoo, July 10. This has
been one of the most eventful days of
the Christian Endeavor convention,
for its varied incidents have demon-
of Spirits
so common In summer-time,
accompanied by loss of energy,
lack of thought-power, means
a deficient supply of nourish
ment" The vital force Is lost
It isn't a question of muscle and
sinew, but of resistance and
endurance. At any age, but
especially in youth, it involves
the risk of lung disease. Loss
of flesh and a cough are threatr
enlng signs.
pf Cod-liver Oil, with the hypo
phosphites, meets these cases
perfectly. It tones up, fattens
and strengthens. .
In Scott's Emulsion the taste
pf the oil Is fully disguised,
making It almost as palatable
as milk. ; . 'I.. .
" For sals at e. and fees y an drnis .
ftcorr Bowaa, vis. Owwists. uw York
C ! 8trated -he delegates from near and
'ar that the people of San Francisco
are slncers in their welcome and that
this is not a godless city.
This fact was strikingly emphasized
at the great open-air meetings held on
van ivesB avenue at noon. For many
blocks the wide boulevard was
thronged, and the impassioned ad
dresses of men earnest in their faith
were received with marked attention
and approval. It was a matter of civic
pride, not of creed, for nowhere was
the applause more generouB than at
the great gathering undur the shadow
of the splemdid Roman Catholic church
of St. Ignatius. These assemblages
under a cloudless sky on one of the
finest days of a California year were
even more enthusiastic than predicted,
even by Secretary Baer, through whose
suppestion they were held.
The topic of the early morning
prayer meetings was, "Committee
Work Service.'-.' AH'"the churches
were filled. .
"They are dandies," said Thos,
Bowers, of the Crocket, Texas, En
terprise, while writing about De
Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills for sick headache and dis
orders of the stomach and liver. Snipes
Kinnersiy Drug jo.
Effect of the Miners' Strike Is Apparent
at Cleveland.
Cleveland, July 9.-The situation
in this city over the coal strike is be
coming desperate. The Cleveland
railroads are confiscating coal from
those who depend on the regular sup
ply. The Inter Ocean Company, one
of the heaviest fueling firms on the
lakes, has only coal enough to last its
customers a few days. Several other
fueling firms have nearly exhausted
their supply.
The Pennsylvania & Ohio Fueling
Company has suspended business al
together in Cleveland.
The great plant of the Cleveland
Steel Company closed this morning,
owning to lacjr. of fuel.
Currency Keform Message WUI be Sent to
Washington, July 9. The main
topic of discussion before the cabinet
at the meeting today was the messago
on the subject of a currency commis
sion which has been withheld fqr a
few days in deference to the wishes of
many prominent republicans. After
considering all of the objections that
bad been made against the presenta
tion of the message, the president and
cabinet are still of the opinion that in
order to follow the party promises the
subject of currency reform should bo
treated with is a message, recommend
ing the creation of a special nonparti
san commission,' and unless there, is a
change in the plans of the president
he will send the message to congress
next Monday. '
Tebleaopiqent. It is a terrible
accident to be burned or scalded; but
the pain 3nd agony and the frightful
disfigurements can be quickly over
come without leaving a scar by using
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The
Snipes Kinneraly Pmg Cq,
Bold Bobbery at BnaanvUIe.
Long Cheek, Or. July 10. The de
tails of the robbery Thursday in Susan
ville are that two men, in daylight,
and without masks, entered the general
merchandise store of Sing Lee, a
Chinaman, and after binding and gag
in? him, took from the establishment
$400,50 in cash and a large quantity of
geld dnst. 'After the robbers made
their escape,' the unfortunate Celestial
managed to free himself and gave the
alarm. - A posse of citUena immedia
tely started in pursuit, and succeeded
in trailing the robbers to Desolation
lake. Hopes are entertained of their
capture. This is the second time that
a Chinese has been held up here within
a year. '
Some for ten, some for twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then have been quickly
and permanently cured by using De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great
remedv for piles and all forms of skin
diseases. The Snipes Kinersly Drug
. Fatal Accident Near Bosebnrjf,
Rosebuhg, July 12. Harry Weaver,
unmarried, for a long time a resident
of Itoseburg, recently employed as
hostler by the Messrs. Day at their
Olalla mines, was killed yesterday
about 6 o'clock p. M. near Winston
bridge, while riding in a wagon loaded
with mining machinery. In descend
ing a steep grade the brake broke, the
wagon turned over, and the contents
fell upon Weaver, crushing him. He
lived an hour, suffering dreadfulL
Hot Wave In Kentucky. '
Paducah,. Ky., July 9. The hot
wave is causing suffering all over
western Kentucky. Many prostrations
are reported. Two hundred employes
on the Illinois Central, below here
struck, declaring they could not work.
Threshing crews are abandoning their
machines.- -
Don't thin your blood with sassafras
or poison it with blue-mass; but aid
Nature by using DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills for con
stipation, biliousness and stomach and
liver troubles. They are purely veget
able The Snipes Kinnersly Drug Co.
ab Advance Offered.
Datville, 111., July 9. A meeting
of the Dayville operators today the
mine-owners agreed to offer the miners
of Danville district an advance of 12
cents a ton if they would agree to re
main at work. '
No Belief at Chicafo.
Chicago. July 9. The government
thermometer at 8 A. M. registered 88
deg., the hottest at that time of day in
the history of the local weather bureau.
The boat during the night was in
tense. Prostrations are numerous.
Mines Closed Down.
; Baltimore, July 10. Baltimore &
Ohio railroad officials report all mines
in the gas coal region between Pitts
burg and Connellsville and all mines
of the Wheeling ; division between
Pittsburg and Elm Grove closed.
' . Three Deaths at Dayton. .
: Dayton, O., July 9. Three deaths
from heat have occurred in the past
few hours.
Two Thousand Persons Pros
trated by Heat.
Over Two Thousands Prostrations
and Three Hundred and Fifty
Daths by Heat.
Tne areatmt Saffflrlas Kunu n In Man.
ars A U Point Kant or the Kocky
Moamtlqa Were Afferted by
the Heat.
Chicago, July lOr-The fierce -heat
under which the greater portion of the
country has sweltered since the first of
July moderated in many localities to
Keports from all sections of the
country received by the Associated
Press this evening show that the pros
trations number in the neighborhood
of 2000, with fatalities close to 350,' In
addition to this, there were pcores of
deaths resulting indirectly from the
intolerable heat, the death rate In
many of the large cities showing a fear
ful increase over previous years. The
Central states suffered more severely
than other seotions, the heat being
most deadly in Chicago, Cincinnati
and St. Louis. In the number of fatali
ties, this city heads the list with 87
deaths, Cincinnati and suburban points
reporting 63, and Sc. Louis 42. Eighty-
seven people died from the heat since
July 1. Jn addition, six have heen
drowned while bathing to escape the
sizzling rays of the sun; six have been
driven insane, and a like number have
committed suicide, while 347 pros
trations, more or less serious, have
occurred, The suffering throughout
the country has been intense as shown
by the following accounts:
Peroria, 111., July 10. The temper
ature at 11 this morning was 102 deg.
in the shade.
St. Louis, July 10. The hot spell
in St, Louis has lasted 14 days, and the
weather is still hot and oppressive.
Murine mis heated term 42 persons
have died from sunstroke.
Kansas City, July 10. Eightdeaths
were directly due to the extreme heat
which has prevailed in Kansas City
during the past week. '
Cincinnati, July 10. Coroner
Haerr reports 33 fatal-cases of sun
stroke here during the past seven days.
J This does not include:, a dozen such
fatalities for the week in. Covington,
Newport, and other - Kentucky sub-
Cmveland, July 10. Since the be
ginning of the - present heated term
there have been reported in this olty
32 prostrations, of which five proved
New York:, July 10,-r-Tbe number
of deaths in New York city from sun
stroke for the week ending at 6 o'olook
tonight was 14. . . -' :
Buffalo, N. Y., July 10. There
have been seven deaths from heal here
this week. In the past two days there
have been many deaths from heat in
neighboring towns. .
Syracuse, N. Y.. July 10. There
have been four deaths from heat in
this city and immediate vicinity with
in the latit two days.
New Orleans, July 10. The maxi
mum temperature recorded during the
recent heated term in New Orleans,
which was broken to some extent to
day by rain, was 97 on June 22. The
actual deaths from heat prostrations
during that time were 15.
Louisville, July 10. Since the
commencement of the present heated
term there have been 17 deaths here,
and about 50 serious prostrations, all
due directly to the intense heat.
Indianapolis, Ind., July JO. Up to
Q o'clock tonight 10 deaths and about
50 prostrations, as a result of the ex
cessive heat were reported in this oity.
Boston, July 10. During the past
six days 27 prostrations by the heat
have been reported, four of which re
sulted fatally. ,
- Has Blood in Her Eye. . .
New York. July J2.-rA dispatch to
the Herald from Washington says:
Hawaii has offered to refer to arbi
tration the immigration question pend
ing between herself and Japan, but
the Toklo government so far ignored
the proposition. Telegraphic infor
mation to this effect has been received
at the state department, and it is
therefore possible to deny the report
published that japan has agreed to ar
bitrate the vexed question she is dis
cussing with . the Hawaiian govern
ment. The proposition was made in
the report sent the Hawaiian minister
for foreign affairs. Mr. Cooper, in an
swer to Mr. Shlmumura's last letter re
iterating th demand of his govern
ment that Hawaii recognize the prin
ciple of monetary liability as a motive
of her action in excluding Japanese
The Hawailans do not expect that
Japan would accept arbitration. In
fact before Minister Shimumura began
correspondence with, Mr. Cooper in re
lation to the matter, he declared that
his government would never consent
to arbitration' - At that time neither
he nor his government had any idea
that the strong arm of the United
States was seen to be thrown around
Hawaii, and it was because of this ig-
To the Editor 1 have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am 1
of its power thai I consider it my duty to
ttnd iwo bottla frtt to those of your readers
who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or
lung Trouble, tf they will write me theb
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
t. A. 9UCOM. BC C 13 it Wtw Tar.
Tbs Editorial aad gntta l MaaaeaaMat of
norance, state departmentofficials say,
mat japan nss assumed sucn a com
manding tone in her negotiations with
the little republic.
In view of Mr. Cooper's refusal, it is
the general expectation in administra
tion circles that whether the senate
ratifies the pending annexation treaty
or faile to take action during the pres
ent session, this government will have
to spfle the immlsrratiou Question
with Japan.
The Endeavor Convention at Han FrauciHeo
Beady to Adjourn.
San Francisco, July 12. With the
meetings today in the Mechanics' pa-
villion the most successful Christian
Endeavor convention will bo brought
to a close. 1 he program for the day
and evening is interesting. - Besides
the early morning prayer-meetings,
the Christian Endeavor missionaries
spoke at 'the morning service a
Mechanics' pavillion and the evangeli
cal foroe was at Woodward's pavillion.
In the afternoon the Junior Endeavor
ers will rally at Mechanics' pavillion,
and a practical school of Christian
Endeavor methods will be held at
Woodward's. At both pavillions
special oonBecration exercises will
mark the close of all proceedings.
On Tuesday the visiting delegates,
or a great majority of them, will attend
a public receDtion, to which they have
been specially inylted by a committee
representing the citizens of Oakland.
It is expected that at least 10,000 will
cross the bay and enjoy the hospitality
of the Oaklanders.
With the end of the convention the
thousands of visitors, delegates and
others, will take advantage of the op
portunity and tho cheap rates to visit
many places of Interest throughout the
state. Arrangements have been made
for excursions to Monterey, Mount
Hamilton, Yosemite, Santa Crus moun
tains, Stanford university and other
interesting places, even taking in the
Southern country as part of their
Sick headache can be aulcklv and
completely overcome by using those
lamous little pills known as "DeWitt's
Little Early Risers."
Snipes Kinersly
urug , company.
Efforts Making; to Seenre Arbitration of
. Differences. . .
Pittsburg, July 12. A strong ef
fort wlU be made this week to settle
the miners' strike by arbitration. The
suggestion that a joint conference of
the board of arbitration of Ohio, labor
commissions of Indiana and Illinois
and the statistical bureau of Pennsyl
vania to be held in Pittsburg, to see If
miners and operators oould not be In
duced to submit their, differences to an
arbitration combination, met with
prompt response from members of four
committees, and a conference will be
hold' here this afternoon. Representa
tives are already here from Ohio, Indi
ana and Pennsylvania.
A telegram was later, received from
National President Ratohford saying
the mine officials will be unable to
meet with the arbitrators until tomor
Chairman Town's Adrioe.
Washington, July 13. Chairman
Towne, of the silver republican organ
ization, has sent a telegram to the
chairman of the committee in Ohio
advising against putting a separate
state ticket in the field. In an inter
view he stated the silver republicans
of Ohio will support the party declar
ing for silver.
Soap Babbles Photographed la the Act of
Electricity has been doing some pret
ty work in the photographing of
drops of water, and Prof. C. .V. Boys in
a recent lecture gave illustrations of
what bad been accomplished, says the
Detroit Free Press. He first showed
ohotographs taken by the electric spark
of soap bubble in the act of bursting,
and explained the process by wnlch it
is possible to ascertain the respective
speed at which different soap bubble
burst. One photograph showed an issue
of liquid from a very small pipe, which
to the naked eye appearea to De a per
fect stream, but -which, on an electric
photograph being taken, was resolved
into a beautiful and regular series of
drops. In connection with this Prof.
Boys remarked that the science of
liquids and of the forces involved In the
phenomena of the surface of liquids
was one of the most interesting branch
es of physical science, . The effect on a
fountain, of playing or singing was to
ehange its appearance into one, two or
three apparently separate, clear streams
of liquid, bnt a photograph taken as a
tuning fork was struck demonstrated
that the water was disposed in drops in
perfect regularity. A picture of a rifle
bullet, passing through the air at the
rate of two thousand feet a second, was
also exhibited. Prof. Boys, however,
showed that if it were wished to inves
tigate what was really happening when
rifle bullet was being projected
through the air at the maximum possi
ble speed, it would be necessary to have
recourse to a method of illumination in
finitely more rapid than the electrio
spark. For- this purpose a mirror of
steel, about the size of a twenty-five
cent piece, is now used. It is so mount
ed as to revolve with ease without get
ting hot at the enormous speed of one
thousand times a second, and the end of
the beam of light given off from this
mirror passes across the screen at such
a rate that it rnables photographs to be
taken in about one ten-millionth of a
seeond ..
Sold aad Silver Bats,
The most remarkable gold bug In the
world are found in Central America.
They belong to the genus Plnsiotis, and
one might easily imagine a specimen
to be the work of some clever artificer
in metal. The head and wing cases are
brilliantly polished, with a luater as of
gold itoelf. To sight and touch they
have all the seeming of metal, and it is
hard to realize that the create re is a
mereanimal. Oddly enough there is an
other species of Plusiotis from the same
region, which has the appearance of be
ing wrought in solid silver, freshly
burnished. These gold and silver beet
les have a market value. They are worth
from $25 to $50 each. One of the most
beautiful bugs in the world is a small
beetle known to science as the "blue
Hoplia." Its back is an exquisite irides
cent sky-blue, and the under part ofj
its body ta of a bright silver hue. The)
notion that it contains silver is widely
entertained, and attempts have fre
quently been made . to extract silver
tromit,-N.V. Ledger.
Kdueate Yob ISowela with Oaseareta.
Candy Cathartic, curs eonstlpatlon forever.
tOo, 86c IXC.G.O.iail,drucrUlrtfusl mosay.
Absolutely Pur .
Celebrated for Its great leavening
strength and healthfulness. " Assures
the food against alum and all forms of
autuiteratlon commnn tvlc, '
CO., New York.
Be tne Englishman Is Only 'Aapr Away
from 'Ome.
What an utterly different being an
Englishman is when lounging on the
terrace of a hotel at Cadenabbia or on
the deck of a yacht on the tideless sea,
from the same Individual on the terrace
of the house or sauntering in the park '
en a fine morning! ' He not only looks
unlike himself, but is ever so much bet
ter looking, says London Truth. Ills
garments are more picturesque, but it
is not only that. His features relax ;
into an expression of unconscious sat
isfaction with things in general which
almost approaches to amiability.
Of course, a true gentleman would
naturally regard himself with contempt
if he ever permitted himself to look
really amiable or pleased. Except in .
a tete-a-tete with a pretty woman oi
while enjoying a good game "of romps
With children, such a thing would be
thoroughly bad form. It is one of
'Arry's social mistakes that hegrina
when he is pleased and wears a chronic
smile if he happen to be a good-tempered
man. The men of our class and
upward refrain from any such insane
exhibition, especially when at home,
dans leur ile. .
It has often amused us to watch an
English boy while at the adolescent
period of life mastering this accom '
plishment. He perceives that his male
elders have cultivated what Carlyle
called a cheerful stoicism. They listen
to the funniest atory without a smile, .
unless the narrator is a person whom
they rejoice to honor or like to please. -They
make their greetings without re
laxing an iota of the gravity which .,
serves them as a mask. The boy, in
imitating them, suffers many an in
ward spasm in endeavoring to render
his emotions outwardly invisible. He . '
catches himself smiling at something
ludicrous, but immediately conquers f
nimscii as ne sees that his elders are
grave of demeanor. If he shonld so '
far forget himself aa to exkiblt t2
pleasure or animation in circumstances '
where it would be only natural to do
so, hut in whioh the seniors set an ex
ample of undemonstrative calm, he
whips himself inwardly with a huh of
self-scorn. - ' '' ' ';
During his transition period he de
spises women and girls, because they
laugh when they are amused and some
times cry when they are distressed.
He would rather hurt the feelings of
his mother or sisters than make the
slightest display of gratitude or kindli
ness. In fact, he is disagreeable, and
a very uncomfortable individual for the
Me being. Often when he frowns it ia
nly that he has no other way of pre
renting himself from smiling.
Pass Them Along
At Wamto are about 200 gypsies who
are en route to The Dalles. ' They are
a dirty, worthless, half starved set that .
were hustled out of Portland recently,
and aro trapsing over the country liv
ing off what they can steal and beg.
It would be well for the olty 'author
ities to meet them at the edge of the
city, and plainly give them to under
stand that they are not wanted here.
Such vagabonds are a-detrlment to any
community they visit, and it should be
the rule everywhere that they be
hustled along until they are willing to
quit roaming and go to work.
If yon are, do not forget
FIRST. Go vis St. Paul because the lines to
that point will afford you the very best ssrvlos.
' SECOND. See that the coupon beyond Bt.
Paul reads via the Wisconsin Central because
tbat line makes close connections with all the
trans-oontlnental line entering the Union De
pot there, and Its servloe is Urst-claes in every
THIRD. For information, call on yonr
neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agrnt '
end auk for a ticket via lot Wisconsin Central
lines, or address
JAS. C POND, or . OKO. 8. BATTY. "
Ova. Pass. Agt.. General Arrnt,
Milwaukee, Wis. Ut Stark St., PorUaad,Or
R. E. Saltmarshe
East m stock mi
HighestCashPrice for
Hay and Grain.
Mount Hood Sample Room
BeSt Kentucky Whisky
Very Best Key West Cigars aad Best
of Wines.
English Porter, A and Vilwauke
Beer a ays oa hand.
SoJiapne, Washjnjrton.