The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 10, 1897, Image 6

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Thursday, Augusts, 1897
A written notice, signed by County Commis
sioners Nalder, Evans, and Dramheller, of a
called session of the Board, to be held on Aug
nst 6th, at 8 o'clock a. m., 1897, for the pur
pose of appointing a Game Warden and trans
acting such other'business as may come1 before
the meeting, was filed with the County Audit
or on August Sd ,- and due notice ' of nch ses
sion was advertised according to law.
The Commissioners- met pursuant to said no
tice. Members present Commissioners Evans
Dramheller, and Frank Nalder, chairman and
Qeo. A. McGuire. clerk.
A petition signed byllO taxpayers forthe ap
pointment of Gaine-Warden-for "Walla -Walls
County having beeiared'with the Auditor tne
matter of said appointment came up for con
On motion," all concurring, John-Gv Justice
was appointed to the above mentioned' office
It was ordered by the Board that the salary of
the Game Warden be fixed at twenty-five dol
lars' per month for 'three'' 'months', commencing
August 1, 1897," at 'thtf 'endt'orwhtch3 time' the
matter tf salary will agaiaf'co'me' up1 fbr'hear-
It' BppearfBg.rtsthe,,Boar(l;thto"ne of the
duly -elected Jestioes tf the Peace, for watts-
burg Precinct had failed to- qualify, and -that
said office'was vacant," it was ordered by the
Board that Charles B. Kingman be and he is
hereby appointed to' tte'ofllce'of Justiceof the
Peace-for WhitsbUrf Precinct; to' fill' satd-va
' cancy.' '
I Clerk f the Board. .
Monday', Ahg IS,' 189?
The" Board t"f County" Commissioners''' of
Walla Walla County, State1 of' Wasbrngtbri,
met pursuanrto" afljbnlfflment: Members pres
ent Frank Nkldel, chairman;; " Milton' Evans,'
commissioner. anoTGed".. A. McGuire, elerk.
It was ordered by the Board that the County
Treasurer segregate the amount of penalty ami
Interest due the Cbtthty'SclidoTFund on aeliS-'
qoent tsx'collectfon,- for thft-yeaf beginnWg
Juiylst; 1896, rd "ending June-SOth; 1887,- and
that this ' amounts together with ' the amount
- segregated- byBVPainter; he- transferred -from
the general County Fund to the County-School
Fund tor the October apportionment.- -
It is ordered by the "Beard that the Free
. Scholarship in the Agricultural college at Pull
man; to' which' this' county is" entitled, Ls
awarded to John Ai Baxter." "
Wheretapon the board adjourhc to- meet to
morrow si S o'clock a. m. " -
Tuesday; AugY 17; 1897".
The board of CountyCommissionerS of Walla
Walla County, Washington, 'met pursuant- to
adjournment. Members present as of yester
It was ordered by the Board' that a warrant
for the sum of $15.79 be drawn oh the General
Bosd Fund in favor of - Boad - District NO". 18,
and that the proeeeds'of same be1 used in1 the
payment of Road District Warrant N0.' 68S.'
- The bond af Charles B?. Kingman,' s Juatiob
of the - Peace-for Waitsburg' Precinct,-with
Lewis Neace and Ed. 'McCann as sureties, was
approved: -
It was ordered that the hearing of the' view-
ers' report on the C. M.' Bice 'road "be post
poned until 10' o'clock a: m.. OctoberStbf.
Whereupon- the board-' adjourned' to' nfeet
tomorrow' at 9 ocloekxmvm:
Wednesday; Aug. 18, 1897.
The board of County- Commissioners of Walla
Walla County met pursuant to adjournment?;
all the' members present. '
N. G. Blalock filed a petition, signed by 48
citizens- of Walla-Walla conntyj-reqWesting
that" the County- Commissioners appropriate
the'sam'-of $100 forthe -ptrfpose-of' anistfrrg-ih
making an exhibit fromfWalla Walls county at
the Spokane' Fruit Fair It-was ordered; by the
Board that a-warrant for the sum of JlOO-b
. drawn on the General County Fund in favor of
N. G. Blalock forthe purpose: above' stated.' '
The Board examined "the report' of the'viewl
ers. the mapand the -petition-, the -written "eont
; sent and the waivers Of damages; mtad 'all other
pipers' on 'file in thu proceedings, 'and heard
and considered all testimony and aft doeanren
tary evidenee adduced- for the establishment
of the road petitioned for -by W. B. Thomas
and others, whereupon it was ordered by the
Board that damages be awarded as follows;
To H.' Nelson the sum tf thirty-two -dollars
' and to C. T. Nelson- the1 sum 'of eighty-eight
dollars', and the said amtauhts be"- set apart la
the county treasury oat of the Road Fund to be
paid to -them upon their showing and establish
ing their right thereto.'' Done this 18th day-of
Aueuat. AsD. 1897.
On motion, Milton "Evans and Frank' NaJd'ef
voting yea, and Oscar Dramhellervotihg iiay
it was ordered thkfrthe appdmnient bf B.- vi
Chase as Deputy -County Auditor ' be disapl
Droved:1- - -
Whereupon the bdard adjourned to meet BaU
urday, August xlsty 1887rtrm.
Satnrd-aV-'. AtlB-jxl. 1897
The' board of ; county ootannisstoBeTS of Walli
Wall ' county met pursuant' tor adjournment) I
all members present.
There being- no business brought forward,
the board adjourned at 10 o'clock to meet SepJ
tember 6th, 1897, at 9 o'clock a.m.
Approved: . FRANK NALDEB '
GEO. Al McG0IBM, c-;
Cletk'of Boards
Monday, Aug. 1,' 1897.
The Board of CountyCommissionerS of Walla
Walla County, State of Washington, met as a
Board of Equalization of taxes for. the year
1897, at their office in the Hall of Records;
August 2, 1897, as by law" required.'
Members present, Conmiissfoners " V: Evans
and Frank Nalder, and O-.' A. McGuire',' auffl
tat. aa clerk- of said- board.-' The' members
present were tlnly quSllfled SOcorflrng to law.
Theassessmentrolls of Walla -Walla County
forthe-year 1897,' duly verified by affidavit
were filed with the Clerk of said Board-by- the
County Assessor: Wm. Gholson.
'The Board then proceeded to 'examine and
compare the returns of the- assessment of the1
property' of the county and. to equalize the
aame at a true and fair valuation.
Now comes H. P. Isaacs" with' a writtetfre.
o'uest that the assessed valuation:' on2 improve
ments on-cltv property be -reduced from $2800
to $2000.' It is ordered by the board that' the!
improvements on residence property ofHiP.
Isaacsluthe city of Walla -Walla be assessed-
at O000 as requested. -
Whereupon the board' adjourned to meet
tomorrow at 9 o'clock a. m.
x Tuesday". AugVS, 1897i
The Board of-Bqualitation- met pursuant to
adjonrnment. Members present as of yester-
Now comes C. W. Wheeler requesting that
the assessment on" property in Waitsburg be
reduced. Oh comparing said property with
other like prdpertyif i;ofdered-ithsHh' -seised
value of ssjuproperty remaJri si Tefurn-ebth-Ataesk6rru
John P. Kent files a requestthat his
ment on household furniture be reduced from
$500 to $200. It is ordered by the board that
assessed valuation of said household furniture
he fixed at $300. -
The remainder of the day was passed' in the
examination and comparison of the assessment
i Whereupon the board adjourned to meet to
morrow at 9 o'clock a. m.
Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1897".
The Board met pursuant to adjournment,
Members present; Commissioners Mr.- Evans,
Oscar Drumheller, and F. Nalder, chairman,
and Geo. A. McGuire, clerk.
Oscar Dramheller was dnly sworn in as a
member of the Board of Equalization.
: W. P-. Winans filed a request that the assess
ment on lots IS and 16, block 8, Bryant's Addi
tion to the City of Walla Walla, be reduced
from $4X0 to $300. It was ordered by the board
that the assessed valuation on said lots be fix
ed at $350.
The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company
by Wl. P. Winans, filed a request that the as
sessment on the NE X of SW X of Section 82.
Tp. 10,' range 88, 40 acres, be reduced from $280
to $200T also that the assessment on the E Xs of
SEX of SW X. Sec. 81, Tp. 10, range 86, be re
duced from $160 to $40. On comparing the as
sessment with similar property adjoining, it
was ordered by the board that the assessed
valuation of the E X of SE X of SW Xof Sec.
31, Tp. 10,' range 86, be reduced from $160 to
$100; and that the valuation of the NB X'of
N W Ji -of See. 82, Tp. 10, range 86, remain' as
returned by the Assessor.
.. The remainder of the day was passed in com
paring the values of property on the assess
ment rolls.
, Whereupon the board adjourned to meet to
morrow at 9 o'clock a. m.
Thursday, Aug. 5, 1897,
, The board of equalization met pursuant to
adjournment. Members present as of yester
, The entire day was spent in examining the
assessment rolls.
Whereupon' the board adjourned to meet
tomorrow at 9 "'clock a. m.
i Friday. Aug. 6, 1897
: The board' met purasant to adjournment.
Members present as of yesterday.
The entire day was passed in examining the
Assessment rolls.
Whereupon the board adjourned to meet to
morrow at 9 o'clock a.m.
Saturday, Aug. 7, 1897,
The1 board met pursuant to adjournment,
Members present as of yesterday. -
The entire day was passed in examining the
assessment Tolls.
Whereupon the board adjourned to meet on
Monday next at 9 o'clock a. m . '
Monday, Aug. 9, 1897.
The board met pursuant to adjournment.
Members present as of Saturday.
The" entire' d&y was spent in examining the
assessment rolls.'
Whereupon the board adjourned to- meet to
morrow at 9 o'clock a. m. -
xi. - . Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1897.
The board met pursuant to adjournment,
Members present as of-yesterday.
The entire' day was passed in examining the
assessment rolls. "
Whereupon "the board adjourned to' meet to-
morrow'at'9 O'clock a; m.i "
Wednesday, Aug. 11.1897.
The board1 met- pursuant to adjournment.
Members present; M. Evans and F. Nalder,
Jos. nrA. Taylor appeared and requested a re
daction -of his indebtedness to the Inter-State
Building, Loan ft Trust Association from the
assessment of his stock in said association.
Mr. Taylor presented a certificate signed by the
secretary of said" association" showing an in
debtedness 'of $5,800; - Whereupon' the board
ordered' that the' sum of $5,600 be - deducted
'froirfthe as&essmeutef stock belonging to John
The remslnderof the day was passed in ex
amining the assessment rolls.
Whereupon -the board adjourned to meet to
morrow at 9 o'clock a. m.
Thursday, Aug. 12, 1897.
'" The board met pursuant to adjournment. All
the members present:'
The entire' day was passed in examining the
assessment rolls. '
f Whereupon the board adjourned to meet to
morrow at 9 O'clock a. m.
Friday, Aug. 18, 1897;
The board met pursuant to adjournment. All
the members present.
In the matter of the reduction of the assessed
valuation-of lands belonging to the1 Northern
Pacifies. B. Co.; Chas. Swartz, tax agent of
the' Northern Pacific Railway Company', ap
peared and filed a 'petition asking for the fol
lowing-reductions on the assessed valuation "of
lands assessed to said company, to-wit:
In Tp. 8, range 81, from 50 cents per acre to 25
cents per acre'.
In Tp. 9, range 81, from 60 cents per acre to
25 centa'per acre.
In Tp. 7, range 32," from 60 cents per acre' to
tSeehts per acre'; "
'' In Tp. 8, range 32, from SO cents per acre to
SSeenta per acre.' '
In Tp. 9, range 82, from 64 cents per acre' to
25 cents per cre7 -
IffTprg" range "33, from $1.72X per acre to 60
cents per acre.
'InTp."9?rahge'3S, from $2.25 per acre to '76
cents per acre;
In Tp 10, range 33; from $1.32 per acre to 60
cents per acre.
In Tp. U, range 84, from $2.01 per acre to 76
cents per acre. -
In Tp. 12, range 84, from $1.55 per acre to 76
cents per acre'.'
In Tp. 12, range 35", from $2.38 per ' acre to 75
cerU'per'acre:'-' -
It was ordered by'the board that the valua
tion of lands assessed to the Northern Pacific
Railway Company be fixed as follows:
On lands in townships 8 and 9 north, of
range 31, E. W. M:. and townships 7 and 8
north, of range 82, E. W. M., at an average
valuation of 25 cents per acre, on lands in
township 9 north", of range 82, -at an average
valuation tr40"cehU per' acre; on lands in
towhShlps-S. -Oand-lOnorth, of range 88, town
ship II1 north, of range 84, and township12
north, of range 35, B.-Wi M., the valuations
werefixed as followsr -
On-Wctioh STp. 8 range S3, fixed at
...$323 00
... 318 00
TTp: s-
BX ft swX 9 To- 8
... 480 00
640 00
... S25 00
... 480 00
... 420 00
... 640 00
Section 17Tp 8
19 Tp
21 Tp
29 Tp
8 ...
8 "
r -
a--- c.
9 '
9 "
9 '
flT "
Q - 4
83 J
83 .
NEsee 8 Tp
... 480 00
... 966 00
... 931 00
.. 960 00
17 Tp
19 Tp"
V'X 'See.
.. 640 00
..1096 00
.. 80 00
.. 960 00
..1120 00
SEK 8eC21 Tp
Sectton 23 Tp
25 Tp
27 Tp.
29 Tp
83 Tp
.. 640 00
.. 640 00
.. 818 00
.. 820 00
.. 720 00
.. 840 00
.. 400 00
.. 960 00
.. 80 00
. . 240 00
.. 820 00
..1040 00
.. S20 00
wX'lTn lO' '
Section' STpl'4'"
NBKf 86C17 Tp-10 '
wK&seK 17 Tp 10 "
Section' 19 Tp 10 "
JSTp 10 -
WXBeo 27Tp 10
.$320 00
. 309 00
. 240 00
. 160 00
. 560 00
. 660 00
. 280 00
. 943 00
. 75 00
. 157 00
. 302 00
. 480 00
. 960 00
W X Sec
6Tpll "
7Tpll "'
9 Tp'll" ' '
11 Tp 11""
15Tj 11'
- 84
... 960 00
... 960 00
... 320 00
... 454 00
17 Tp 11
19 Tp 11
... 960 00
Section 29Tp10 "
nX&swX83TplO "
wXofse"83Tp 10
E'XSec 13 Tp 9
N Sec 19rp V "
8WXsecl7Tp- 9 "
Section STpll '
NE V Sec 6 Tp 11
... 960 00
...1180 00
... 640 00
... 640 00
... 800 00
... 751 00
... 640 00
... 640 00
... 640 00
... 640 00
... 640 00
... 640 CO
... 603 00
... 767 00
... 762 00
... 635 00
... 640 09
... 960 00
... 720 00
... 640 00
... 640 00
... 635 00
... 640 00
. 1280 00
... 320 00
... 960 00
... 640 00
... 966 00
... 480 00
640 00
It was also ordered that' all valuations for
improvements on above described lands be
stricken from the rolls forthe reason that none
exist thereon.' The total reduction on the
Compahy,s'assesme'ht amounting to $43;386l
J. E. Mullinix, county clerk, filed with the
board a list of moneys in his' custody aa clerk
ortlfe superior court' of Walla Walla county
on' March 1st, 1887. The ' amount of same,
$6000-, was" ordered assessed to him under clause
9. of section 8, of Revenue laws of 1897,
Whereupon the board adjourned to meet to
morrow at 9 o'clock a.m.
August 14th, 1897.
The board met pursuant to adjournment.
Members present, Milton Evans, Frank Nal
de'r, and G. A. McGuire, clerk.
It was'o.-dered by'the board that the assessed
vs'UBtion'on the hereinafter' described prop
erty he -reduced as follows:
St.' Vincent's" Academy.' tract 840x265
feet in Barron's addition to Walla
Walls?..'.... ..$6150 00
Mrs. S C. McGuire, lots 19-20-21 and W
of lot 22, block A, Hawley addition 2350 00
Bu Parker, block J, Bheil's addition to
Walla Walla ..
850 O0
H: ParkerV block' M and lots'l to 9, and
lot 12-aita lots U' to 19' itf block 2;'
550 001
P.'J. ColzanVlotl; block Q. Shiel's'- Zd
addition to Walla Walla' . .'
H 00
A. 'Beeves Ay res, lots 11 and 13, block
Q, Shell's addiUon to Walla Walla. .
18 Ml
H. H. Hunga'te, lots 23 to 28 and 39 to 44
in block-Q, Shiel's 2d addition to
Walla Walla:....
108 001
H; Parker? lots' 20 to 22;and 29 to 88 in
bldctQ', Shiel's 2d sddlttbn- to Walla'
Wallas .'..;'...'...'.... '. .'. ..'..-;..... : ... .u 108 00
H. PBTker.'block-V.'flhlel's 2d addition 225 00
Theodore Rondemai'E X ot SW X in
Section 12, Tp. 8, R. 84.. ...... .......' 280 00
Theodore Roudema, NE X and N X of
SW X and SW X of SW 14 Sec 14. Tp.
8, R 84
1000 001
1120 00 1
Lamar Bi-os.. s'ect'ou'll, Tp. 9, E. 34!
Harvey' ShSw. NE K"of Sec." 12, Tp'. 9,
800 00
Lamaf Bros., WVof Sec.-lI. Tp-l 9r
r; 84:..:;.:...... .......
680 00
Lamar Bros., W J- of Sec.' IS, Tp.' 9,
R. 84
680 00 1
Lamar Bros., N and S K of SW X ft
4 or be x, sec. 14, xp. 9, a. 84
880 00 1
John X. Cnioks, rTofSW X and N X
otE-Ji;'8ec.-14, Tp. 9, R. 84.........
800 00 1
Lamar Bros. , NE V,' Sec.15, Tp 9, BV 34
280 00 I
Lamar Brosr, W ft'SB, Sec, 16, Tpl
9; -R: 34. . ...'.....:........
875 00 1
Jesse Dramheller, Sec. 21, Tp. 9V R. 84" 1120 00
Jesse Drumheller, E X of NW X E
Of SW V, Sec. 22, Tp. 9, B. 84........ 280 00
Jesse Dramheller, Sec. 23, Tp. 9, R. 84 1170 00
Jess DrumhelJer, Sec. 27 Tp 9 R. 84.... 1170 00
Chris. Jensen, W X of NE X ft N X of
TXWH&BW XotlTWx ft WJtfbfSW '
&8BXdf SWX.-Setf. 28Tp. 9RS4 61600
O: Boers; 8E -of NW X NE H of 8W
VW J4 Of SB X of Sec. 2S Tp. 9 R. 84 280 00
Jesse Drumheller ,'E Xot NB" ft- NW
X, Sec. 29 Tp 9 B 84:
680 00
Jesse Dramheller, NW X of SW X; See
29 Tp. 9R. 84
75 001
M. LuckenbiU. NW X. Sec S3 Tp 9 R 84
860 00
Jesse' Drumheller, N" X SB , Sec. 85
'T.SB. 84..... V.
840 00 1
Thomas' Lyons', NE Jf ft'rT'Jf of NW "X '
and 8 of NW X', Sec. 28'Tp.7 R. 85 6610 00
Marlcr Paul, tract 120x120' feet on W '
line of Third street add 449.85-100 feet '
southerly from south line' of Birch St.' 8060 00
M. McCarthy, SW X of NE X" B X" of -
NW E X of SWX 8 W X of SE X,
Seel 11 Tp. 6 Rl 87
330 00 1
Robt. McCran, SB of 8W H ft SW X
of SE if, Sec. 15, Tp. 7R. 87
990 00
Ef. B: Maxson, improvements on 8E
of NE X, Sec. 81 Tp. T B. 37.
150 00
H. McGuire- Est. , NW X ofNW X
8ec.83Tp.7R. IT... .......
615 00
W. H". McGuire Est: BE of 8 and
W X of 8E X Sec. 38 Tp. 7 R 87 I486 00
T. H. Connick W X of BW V Beo. IS Tp
SR. 87, ...:......;..:........... 970 00
Peter Btrahnr 8 X of SB "4 and descrip
tive tract of 40 acres in Sec. 18 Tp. 8 B
87... - 2060 00
T. H. Connick, BE X of SB X Bee. 14
Tp. 8R. ST.
835 00
T. H. ConniclC B Jfof NE irSeC23 Tp:;
8R; 87.. :. : ...........
970 00
Peter Strahm N X ofNB X Sec. 24 Tp.'
SR. 87.......:.:..:.........-..-......'.
976 00
B. F. Royce 8 X of NB X Sea. 24 Tp. 8
R.-S7 ...i.V
976 00
W. H. H. Brnnton B X ot SE X Sec. 24
Tp. 8R. 87l. ... .
980 00
J. N". Strahm Est. 8 Xof NE X Bee. 26
Tp. 8 R. ST.....: 1020 00
Edward-H: iJaingyiOt SK of NW V
and NE X of SW X 8ec4Tp8B ..;193S 00
J'. D. Price WK'OfBW if ft SB X -ot
SW V Sec. 4Tp. 8, R. V.:.::.. .1465 00
Ed H. Laing lou 1 and 2 of Bee. STp. 8
B. 88.: ......:..... . 1560 00
J. D: Price lot S of Sec. 6 Tp."8 R. 88:...-486 00
j: D. Price BW X of NW X NW Xot . - ,
RW V Sao B Tn. 8 B. 38 .. . 1265 00
W. H'. Hi Bruhtoh SW SVTX' of'SBV . 1 , .
K of Bee. 19Tb. K .': ......:.::..". .: 8705 00
"W. h! H. Brun'toWWB'of'Nii'ftot'' ''' '
SIX 23Tp 11 ' 84 "
Section 27Tp ll 84 '
'. do 29 Tp '11 do 34 do"
I do 81 Tp ll" do 84 do
- do" 83'Tp'lI' do' 84 do1
do ! lTp 12: do' 84' do
do" - 1ST? 12- do- 84' do
do' 23 Tpl2 do' 84- do
: do 25 Tp-12' dd 84- do
do 27 Tp 12 do 34 do
do 33 Tp 11 do 34 do'
do" ' 35Tp ' do' 84 do
NVftswV 1 Tp 12 do 85 do'
dO 8 Tp 12 do" SS-' do
do : STpdo ' 85 do'
dO' 7Tp'l2'd6 85! do"
do 9 Tp 12 do 35 do
do 11 Tp It-do 85 " do
ni&8wl 13 Tp 12 do 85 do
Section 15 Tp 11 do 85' do
do 17Tp 12" do 85. do
do' 19Tp'l2- do' 85' do'
' ' do' 21 Tp'12 ' do ' 85" do'
do" 23TplJ'do" 85" do'
NWJisec25Tp 13' do: 85' do'
Section 27 Tpl2 do 35 do
I' do 29Tp 12' dd' 35 do
do ' 81 Tp 12 dor 85 do
NX sec S3Tpl2 do 85 do
)C . . 85 Tp" 12 -do ' 85' do
1, Sec. 80Tp. 8 B. 88:. .'..:..::... ::.'.. 980 to
David Bnroker lot 2 & 8E of NW X ft;
NE K of SW i ft lot 8 ft SE )i of SW
;' H of Sec. 80 Tp-. : 8. B. S8....:.........-$255(r00
A. J. Bolter improvements on BE of
BVT H Sec. SI Tp. 8 B. 38 .. 150 00
W. S. Gilliam NE X of SW ft NW
of SE 4- Sec. 84 Tp. 8 B. 37 320 00
J. H. LasaterEst. W X of Lot 6 in block
2brirfnalcity ofWallaWalla:. .. 6600 00
Sarah Mastersbn E Ji of SE X ft' SE X
of NE W Sec. 83Tp. 7' K: 38. 450 00
Mrs. Mary Buffum lots"!' ft 2 block 12
Roberts' addition : ...... 1100 00
W. G. Whitney personal property. . . . . . 820 00
Mrs. W. H. Upton personal property:. 300 00
It was ordered that the following supplemen
tal assessments be spread on the roll:
$75 John Alheit " 1
25 A J Anderson' ' 2
25 J G Anderson' 1'
60 A E Augustavo 1
25 M Baumester 1
25 A Balderstone 2
25 Bertha Ballon 1
75 J M Bauldwin ' 1
25 Timothy Barry 1
25 Jacob Betz 2
25 Chas Besserer - 1
25 Albert T Bedell 2
25 Ira-W Beeler 1
25 A W Bennett " 1
25 Chas E Berg 1
25 TJ G Bean 1
25 B S Belli ngham 1
60 V C Blalock 1
25 Cora Blackman 1
25 Mrs A 8 Bowles 1'
25 Wm Brockway '' r
75 Abnle Brecbtei l"'
25 Warren Bogle' 1
25WFBrock' 1'
60 W F Bracken 1
75 AIJ Burrows 1
25 A R Burford 2
25 Chas H Buffum 1
2S Ed Buffum", 1
25 Jonas Bnroker " 1'
60 J L Cation1 t
25H8Caris 1
25 JH Carly le 2
25 Fred C Carls 1
23 G H Chamberlain
Wm Argo 2
H G Augustavo ' 1
Wm Burnett 1
Mabel Baker 1
WW Baker S
F N" Bauldwin 1
FM Baker 1
MissAMBeine- 1
Geo T Berry 1
Byron C Bedell 1
PhiUpX Berry 1
Thos J Berg . 1
Wm Berg 1
John A Bergrein 1
N G Blalock 2
D Bishoff 1
HLBIackmah 1
Jessie Bowles - 1
Thos H Brents ' S
Oswald Brech tel 1
F M Bonney 1
Marion 8. Be.-ry 2
C E Burrows sr S
CE Burrows Jr 1
Harry Burford 1
Wm Buffum ' 1'
J B Buck ' 1
AM Cation 2
Kittie-Caulking 1
N Castleman 1
C H Carlson 1
Joel Chltwood' : l'
Dement Church 1'
25W C Christy
25 Edwin 8 Clark"
60 Jesse J Cohen
25 Minnie Coyle "
50 Thos Cora '
Chas"W Clark" ' 1
Mr Cook 2
A E Cohen' 1'
WDCoyle' 1
Fred A Colt 1
Sid Coyle ' 1
B D Crocker - 2
D. J. Crimmiak 2
Drl Croup 2
Bruce P Crawford 1
E W Cunningham 1
25 Grant Copelaud' 1
25 JC Coward 1
60 J F Cropp '
60 Eli W Croup - 2
60 WmBCiiffield 1
25 8 P Crowder 1
25 H Cunningham 2
60 Chas I betm ' 1
60' Fred G Dement'- 2
60 John' H Davis' 1
25 Henry 1 Devine I
60 Wm'E Dibley : r
75 Diamond Saloon 2
60 John Dovell : 1
60 Allen B Dow 1
25 Mrs D Dwyer . 1
60 J Drumheller 1 '
25 JasA Fancher". 1
25 J M1 Fiedler ' 1
25 W P Foster ' 1
25 B B Freeman- 1
25 H VFdlW "- I
25 H W Ebding r
J G Cutler t
Frank's Dement 1
A' K Dice- 2
LA Davis 1'
Harry Debus 2
John Dooly 8
WTDov'cll " 2
A R Dorwin 2
MB Dwelly . 1
B G Drews 2
Bruce Ferrell : 1
N Fishback 1
John H Foster 1
W 8 Foor 1
1 rrx Frankmh 1'
TR Eastman'- ' 1
Chas Egan - 1
2 Walter M Ely . V
60 J C Elliott 1
25JWEsteb 2
60 Marvin Evans 1
50 Ernest Evers 1
25 B C Gaston ' 1
60 JB Gehr f
25 Wm Gill ;' 1
25"NHGDbert: t
25 Ben Goldman ' ' X
60 DaVe Goodsteirr Z
25 Wm D Gregory 1
25 H Gregg . 2
25 Wm Oriffeth 1
25 A E Guichard 1
25 Lulu' GuthridgO' i
' 60 Geo J Guthridge 1
TO Elliott Z
Chris Ennis 1
L W Estes 2
Emmett Evans 2
HA" Gardner " i
ffD Gardenour - 2"
Lucien Geneva" T'
Mary Gilliam'' 1
WH Glassford' 1
Al Goldman' - 2
Wm Goodman 1
A J Gregory 1
Mary F Green 1
Geo Gregory" 1
I R Guichard: I
MCGnstin-' 2
I' John Harkness 1'
2S Ged'Harker
rS tew Hallahan'
25 Ed Harrer -25
PB Hawley '
60 Henry Harper
25 John F Hartley
John HapgoooT T
Henry Hail 1
TB Hawley 1
Chas I Hall 2
Dan Hardesty - 1
H D Henriod '2
60 August Henriod 1
25 S F Henderson t
7ff JBtHibbld" r
25JCHockett; 2
60 John' Huleir ' 2
25 H H Hungate 1
25 H P Isaacs - 1
. 60 F Ingraham 1
28 J H frwitt' 1 .
60 H 8 Jackson- ' 1
80 Wm-Jones) 2
25 HE Jones ' " 1
25 JW Johnson 2
25 8" 8 Johnson 1
25 O H Joy i
60 H F Kelly Z
SffffB Kershaw .1
25 Albert KelUng i
26 JohU Kelly I
25 WnfH Kirkman l
25 8 E King . 1
26 Wm Kitchen - 1
60 Henry Knight . 1
60 D T Kyger 2
60 J Langdon 2
2S James Lasater" " 1
25 John Lb'savicf ( i
60 jotEn Leroux - i
25" John Lehigh' 1
60 FJ Loehr 1
25 John Lmnp'p- - t
60' Thdmas Lyons 1 1
25 A Matholt 1
29 W W Markhsm Z
25 Annie Markham 1
25 Thos A Mshan Z
25 Wm Martin 1
Lewis Henriod' 1"
JMHllr S
Joseph Hooker ' 1 -
Gilbert Hunt ' Z
CAHungate 1
VHuniiker' 1
E 8 Isaacs 2
Wlhgrahaaf" "' 1'
Hans Jensen""- t
Jack Jones - I
HE Johnson I
Oakly Johnson 1
BH Johnson 1
John H Kelly t
HKKeylor " Z
J p Kent - ; i
BeUe Belling 1
HaVryO Kelso 1'
Mrs W irrnin r
Wm Kimball 1
John Kirk-nan 2
John F Krepps - Z
J W Langdon S
Bert LaDne " 1
Ike Lam'an I
JuBus'Levy Z '
Herman Leeds7 1
Lee On Co 2
Jacob Lutcher 1
Pat Lyons' ' Z
W D Lyman ' 1
Fred iartln i
Jennie Harkhami 1 '
Chas D Martin 1
W W Maxwell ' 1 -Wm
Maney . ' ' 1 1 ,
Levi Malone'
Wyatt McGraw
John McFeeley ,
H McArthur
MMcKtver .
25 M Maso n" '
' 25 Ed McDonald -25
W M McCaUey
60 Sam McBride '
25 Thos McAntiff
. 60 James Mclm-oe
26 D McFadden
25 E A McKinzie '
26 W p McKean "
25 J WMcGhee "
25 D McGinivrsy
Mrs JRMcCurdyZ
Albert McQuade 1
Ed McNeil
H M McKinrJe
Fred McCleea
WU1 Meyer
C E Metzger
60 Joseph Merchant S
25 Wrd Meredith ' 1
Wm Mitchell
John Montague
M C Moore .
Wm Moore"
26 Thos M os grove
25 Thomas Moore
100 M Moltke
25 D Moio rehouse
25 Georpe Muusey
25 JGMOntlriga
Jas Mullinix
Mark Munson
Hugh Mnsselman 1 - 25 Jonn Nenou
W 8 Nelson A
1 ' 25 F Newman " ' Z
1 25 WaRerNeWcomSi
1- 25 ANiebergiill : 2'
1 25 BH Nixon i
Z . 60 NB Norman 1
1 15 WBOffner 1
i 25 ABOisen - $
1 25 Henry Cstennaa i
t . 2S OtJ Owens 1
Fred J Nelson '
Henry NewcoffiK'
Azro Niles
Wm Noble
Edward Orselll
$25 Frank J Parker 2 $50
25 LParmalee 2 50
25 F W Paine 2 60
F S Page
W C Painter
FL Paul
Philip Pauly
H Parker
L D Petit
Fred Perry
Otto Peck
L Phipps
Mrs Jno Picard
Harry Poland
T F Prendergast
25 RG Parks 2 50
25 Fred PaUly ' Z 60
25 Harry Pax ton 1 25
25 E J Pelkey 1 25
25SBLPenrose 2' 60
50 Misses Peter 2 60
25 C W Phipps 1 25
25 Stella Picard' 1 25
60 E Poindexter 1 25
60 Thos Qulnn 1 25
125 C B Reed' 1 25
25 R B Reidford" 2 SO
25 A H Reynolds'' Z 60
25 C H Richie 2- 60
25 Annie Rose- 1 25
25 Lee Roberts 1 25
25 Minnie Roby . 1 25
25 Wm Ruddock' 2 60
25 Emil Sanderson 1' 25
25 J Schaftner 1 25
25 ITSeil a so
25 John SharpsteiU 2' Sd
60 C Sharpstein- 1 25
25 JL Sheets 2' 60
25 John Shaddock 1' 25
25 B F Shuck 1 25
25 W D Smith'. l" 25
25 John Smith' ' 1 25
25 Capt A Smith' S 75
25 Wm 8mith 1 25
25 John Stockton' 2 60
25 J H Stock-well' 1' 25
25 Julius Stine 1' 25
25 B F Stone 2' 60
25 C B Stewart- 1 25
25 Zeno Straight 1 25
25 G H Sutherland' 1 25
25 8 J Sweiea jr . 1 25
25 E Tansick 2 60
25 Thos Taylor Jfc 1 25
25 Alva Taylor 1- 25
25 Mary Thomas' 1 25
25 Lulu Thomas ' l' 25
25 Agnes Thompson!- 25
25 9 G Tobin V 25
25 Albert Tout 1 25
25 Salem Twist 2 60
Qung Lung Fung 6
Henry Redding 1
Lora Bees
Wm E Rice
Hans Romer
C S Robinson
John L Roberts
D P Roche
Wm Rucker
Henry Sampson
0 Schneidiesch
1 W Sims
F Sharpstein
C H Shumway
E E Shaw
Barney Sharman 1
Joseph Smith
E L Smith
A J Smith
JO Snyder
John Stack
Mr Spencer
Mrs E R Steuding 1
John Storey
Robert Stewart
Harry Slrahm
F J Super
G H Sweeney
D Tallman
May Taylor
Joseph Talbott
Geo Thoney
Thos Taylor sr
J EThomas
C Thoney
Charley Tong
W D Tyler
O B Upton '
Henry Upsher
WM Van Patten
25 Mrs MUngerer 1 25
60 WH Upton 2
25 C P Vshdewater r
25 Henry Van' X
25 J-Valaer1 1
25 Fred Ward 1
25 WangLuenCov 4
25 Duncan Wallace 1
60 Gustave Werner 1
25 SWertheimer 1
25' Bert Winans ' i
25 Earl Winchester 1
25 G A Winckler 1
25 Elmer Williams' 1
25 G T Williams 1
25 W N Wiseman - 1
60 E J Wheeleh 1
25 CFWheelen - 1
25 Miss M Wooden 1
Aaron Vinson
Gordon Voorhiei 1
Ralph Ward
V A Walker
Frank Wamsley
Peter Werner'
Phil Winans
A L Willis
J B Wilson '
HW Williams'
C L Wingard
John E Williams' 1
G W Whitehouse 2
CL Whitney 1
T F Whalen 1
Josephine Wolff 2
60 K C YarneU
25 H 8 Young
HE York 1
Zee Tai Lung Co 2
50 M M Blackman
D B Gherking, 12 horses $180; 6 cows'
$60; 60 hogs $50; 4 wagons $55; 1 sewing-'
machine $10; I piano $50; household'
furniture $50; agricultural implements'
$75; total.. .,.$ 630 00
Samuel Manx, household furniture $150;
tools and one-half interest in build
ing $150; total 800 On
Leander Rice, household furniture $135; '
interest in buildinp- on leased land'
$o; tour.::.. 196 00
Whereupon- the board adjourned to nieet
Thursday,' Aug. 19th, 1897. at o'clock-sr. m
Thursday . August loth, 1897.-
The board met pursuant to adjournment
all members present
The following named persons having been
notified according to law ' that the Board of
Equalization or Walla Walla" County would, on
the 19th day of August 19th. raise the assessed
valuation of the, following property to the
amounts set opposite their respective names'
and the board having heard and duly con
sidered all complaints made, it is ordered' that
the valuation of said property be fixed as fol
Wm Kirkman estate, SW x of" Section
13 Tp. 7 R. 35 $1470 00
Wm Kirkman estate; NE XotBBX 61
nee. is rp. 7 b 86. .... ............. ..- ... 490 00
Wm Kirkman estate, 4.76 acres' in Bee.
19 Tp. 7 B 8ft.. 650' 00
Mary A Walker, SE X of 8ec. 18 Tp. 7
36 1610 00
John Lyons, NE X of Sec IS Tp. 7 B. 35 1696 00
Jonn Lyons, NW X of Bed. 13 Tp. 7 Ri
85 1470 00
John R Lyons, tT Jf 61 SW , SW i at
SE X of Sec. 9 Tp. 7 R. S7 1455' 00
F D ft O E Sharp, B Xot NE X.SXot
NW4&8WJ-of SeclTp. 9 R. 85.. 1605 00
ABarnett, 8EJ4of Sec. TTp. IB. 85... 630 00
F H Sharp, 8 X of SB of Sea, 3 Tp. 9
R. 85
830 00
836 00
C Plaquet, NW Xot Sec. 14 Tp. 9 R. 85.
C Plaquet, SW 4 of Sec. 14 tp. 9 R. 85 .
R J Berryman, 8E X of Sec. 14 tp 9 B 35
Nat Webb ft F D ft C E Sharp, alTof
680' 00
680' 00
Sec 15 tp9R3S... ............. ......... 2155 00
O W Reser, W X of BEof Sec 23 tp 9
H85.. 250 00
W GPrather estate, NEJftB X of 8B '
X of 8eC23tp9R36...v......... 760 00
W G Prather estate, W X of Sec 24 tp f
R 85 1145 00
C M Washburn estate, W X of NW X of
Sec 26 tp 9 B 85 , 870 00
C W Lambert, W Xot SW Ji; SE K of
SWXof 8ec2etp9 BS5
570 00
600 00
F D Sharp, NB X of Sec 28 tp 9 B 85. .I.
Fred E Sharp, B X ot Bet 81 tp 9 B 85. .
Elizabeth Rourke, E ?of SB X of SW
994 00
810 00
X of Sec6tp6R86..
Elizabeth Rourke, NE X of NW X and
lots 1 ft 2 of Sec 7 tp 6 R 88 1270 00
Patrick Rourke estate, lots S ft t of See
860 00
Sarah A Baker, 8E X of NB Xi NB Si
of BEX of Sec7tp7B...
830 00
Sarah A Baker, 8W X of NW X; NW X
of SWJi of SecStp 7R88. ............ 1815 00
Mrs E H Baker, SB X ot NW Jf ? S Xot
SWMof Sec9tp7R 88.... 1860 00
Mrs E H Baker, W X of BWXoI Sec 9
tp7RS6 910 00
Mrs E H Baker, SE X ot Bee 9 tp 7 R 86 1806 00
J W Herbert, 8 M of SB X ot See 18 tp 7
R86..... 64000
J W Harbert, LoU 1, 2, 7, 8; 8 X oi NE
Xot sec24tp7B 86 1890 00
J W Harbert, EX of SW Ji" of Sec24tp
TR86.. ...'...'... 1230 00
JW Harbert, SB libf sec 24 tp'7 E8B .. 2460 00
E G Riffle, SH OfNW X of seCItp7B
86 ....'. 900 00
E G Riffle, N of 8W Xot seel tp 7 B
E G Riffle, B X of NE H ot sec 1 tp 7 H
86 ; .-." 900 00
EGEifflevNXOf SEof sec 2lp7R
86 ....'.-.:...-.-.-..'..'.'....'...:...:. ........ 1090 00
B G Riffle,- Lot 8 of set 13 tp 7 R M..:...- 193 00
E G Riffle, Lots Si 6 ft SB X of NW Xot
sec34tp7R3..;. 980 60
E G Riffle, LOts 4,- 8 ft SW X ot NW X
of sec 24 tp 7 B 87: .:..;..-....'......-: 1949 09
Frank E Smith, SE X of NW X of see
Bert Owens
Ktp7B86 .-. 83000
George D acres, NE X of see 17 tp 7 B S6$190800
George D acres, 809.11 acres in 8 H of
secl7tp7RS6 3828 00
Chris Ennis, W X of NE Xi NW XV
NW of SE Xi SE X ot SE X; 9J4"" -acres
in SW X of SB X of sec 18 tp 7
R36 8881 00
E H Massam, 105 6-12 feet on sonth line
of east Main street. Walla Walls, in "
sec 20 tp 7 B 36 2275 00
C A Leighton, 33' $ feet on south line of
East Main street. Walla Walla, sec 20
tp7B36 600 00
C A Leighton , 68 feet on south side of '
East Main street, Walla Walla, sec 20
tp 7 R 38 1030 00
B F Stone, 100 feet on south side of E
Main street. Walla Walla, seo 20 tp 7
H36 2100.00
B F Stone, home place in sec 29 tp7RS8 4000 00
8 E Oldaker, 74.29 acres in W H of SW '
X of sec 23 tp 7 R 38 1614 00
J F Abbott estate. Lot 2; SW ot NB '
SB XofNW Xsec23tp7RS6..... 1876 00
J F Abbott estate, E X ot SW Xi SB X'
ot see 23 tp 7 R 86- 8690 00
J F Abbott Est W X of NE X and NW
Xi N X of SW Xi NW X of SB X ot
Sec 25tp7B 36 . 5535 00
J F Abbott Est NB Xi E X of NW Xi N
X BW Xi N X SB X See 26 tp 7 B 86:. 6240 00
JF Abbot Est lot 1 block 18 original
city of Walla Walla. 1000 00
Katie and Anna Seng and Mary Weiser
W X of NW X ot Sec 26 tp T R 86 1210 00
Katie and Anna Seng and Mary Weiser
B X of NE X of NEX; B Xof BEX of
NBXsec27tp7r 86.... SIO'OO
John Thoney 85 83-100 acres in seo 27 tp
7r 86 .- 2190 00
W G Randall SW X ot BVtX sec 27 tp 7
"fSe 101S 00
Catherine M Seeber SB X ot SB X ot SB
X of sec 28 tp 7 r 38 850 00
Ed McDonnell lot 8 of sec 6 tp 6 r 36.... 410 00
Ed McDonnell lot 2 of sec (tp 6 r 36.... 410 00
Ed McDonnell S Xof SWJfj SW X of
SB Xof Sec81tp7r86 ...1568 00
T B Kellogg NW X of SE X of NB X see
8Stp7fS8:.. 800 00
Marj J Field 40 93-100 acres' in sec 83' tp
7 fSS.-.v....'. 1033 00
Harry Krute B X of SB X of see 88 tp 7
r.36 .-. 2800 09
E N Colwell Est 140 acres in sec 34 tp 7 r
86 2855 00
Robt JohnsOn tract of land 140x168 feet
in NW corner of block A of Shanble's
addition to Walla Walla 1200 00
John Dooly NB X ot see 84 tp 7rS6:... 4040 00
John Dooly residence lot in NB corner
of block A of Shanble's and Cain's ad
dition to Walla Walla 4300 00
Jacob Kibler NB X W SB X sec8 tp T
'87 7780 00
Jacob Kibler, W X of NW X; NW X of
SW X Sec. 9 Tp. R. 87.- 1486 00
Jacob Kibler SE X of NW X of Bee. 17
Tp. 7 R. 87 290 00
Jonas Bnroker lot 6 Sec. 18 Tp. 7 B. 87 225 00
Jonas Buroker 62 63-100 acres in Sec. 18
Tp. 7E. 37 830 00
George McWhirk E X of SE X of Sec. 18
tp. 7 R. 37 1156 00
N A Patterson lot 8 of Sec. 18 tp 7 R. 87 482 00
Preston Parton Milling Co. mill prop
erty in Sec. 11 tp. 9 R. 87 12800 00
Preston Parton Milling Co.- personal
property 8000 00
First National Bank of Walla Walla lot
6 ft 7 block 2 of Cain's addition to
Walla Walla 2000 00
Schwabacher Bros. 61 8-12 feet on Main '
Street in lot 6 blocks original city of1
Walla Walla 1244S 00
B Guichard 33 feet on Main Street in lot '
10 block S of original city of Walla
Walla..... .10105 09
James Chadsey 49X feet on Alder street
lot 7 block 12 of original city of Walla
Walla U80 00
Mrs T 8 Mabry 120x180 feet in S W corner '
of block A of original city of Walla .
Walla..... 1900 Ob
George W Somerindyke Sr 104x125 feet . .
SE corner of block A original city of
Walla Walla and Cain's addition..... 1000 00
Bridget Thomas tract 110x162 4 12 feet .
in SB corner of block O original city
Walla Walla. 890 00
John Louga lot 7 and' westerly 20 feet of
lot 8 block 4 original city Walla Walla 7280 00
Inland Telephone ft Teleg Co. , personal
property 8000 0
A B Burford household furniture... . ... 400 00
Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co per
sonal property, buildings and struct
ures on narrow guage. 2000 00
Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co tools
coal etc.. 809 00
Whereupon the board adjourned to meet to
morrow at 9 o'clock a: mv
August 20th, 1897. -The
Board of Equalization met pursuant to
adjournment; all members present.
The following named persons having been
duly notified according to law that the Board
of Equalization of Walla Walla County would,
on the 20th day of August, 1897', raise the as
sessed valuation oi the following described
property to the amounts set opposite their re
spective names, and the beard having heard
and duly conSiderebT all complaints made, it is
ordered that the valuation of said property bar
fixed as foltowsr
JF Cropp 74 40-100 acres in sees 25 ft 86
tp7nrS5e wm ........$2932 00
Wm A Barron B X of sec 19 tp 7 r 85.... 1490 00
MC Moore Wof sec23 tp9r85 . 1040 09
Alice M Evans 8EX Of SW Xi 8X of SB '
Xof sec7 tp7rS......... 1230 00
Alice M Evans block 14 of Shell' tad
addition to Walla Walla. ., 805 00
F F Loehr estate, NT X of SW X of see'
IS tp 7 R88... 1084 OS-
Dement Bros mill property, 33 acres in
sec 19 tp 7 R36..... ...1096O 00
Alf Thomas estate, north IS acres of lot
6 sec 13 tD 7 R 36 144 90
Alf Thomas estate, lot i oi see 14 tp i
R 86... ............'
28tT OO
407 60
Alf Thomas estate, tot S of sec 14 tp 7 ft
Alf Thomas estate', that part of the NW
of SB X lying SB of the Milt creek
county road, seo 14 tp 7 B 88. .-,
149 00
Alf Thomas estate. BB X of SW Xl S X '
ofNBXsecl4tp7R..., 972 00
Alf Thomas estate, 20.30 acres in lot S of
16$ 00
Alf Thomas estate, 25 acres' fn lot 1 of
sec 23 to 7 B3ff...
SOS 00
Alf Thomas estate, NW X of NWXo
sec 28 tp 7 R 38. ..'.'....
839 Off
H V Fuller, S X of N X of NW Ot
NW X of see 27 tp 7 B 86. ..'.'.. .
720 00
Josephine Harris, 19.63 acres in W Jof
NW of sec SI tp 7 B 86
630 00
George B Crowe, 10 acres in sec S3 tp 7
B 36
... 810 00
George R Crowe, SE X of SE X 'of sec '
HtnKB 87
James 8 Kersha-w, 8 X of" 88 X of sec
94tp8RS7 380 OS
Mary Johnson, Lot 6 block 3 Of Bryants' v
addition to Walla Walla............... SSO 00
J K Kennedy, 78 feet on Rose street ft .
lots Z ft S block Z of original City of
Walla -vValla...... 680 09
It Is ordered by the Board' thai the Coun ty
Auditor place upon the assessment rolls the'
assessed value of the following described
property to correct omissions made by the As- '
John Dooly B X of SE X of Seo 86 tp S r
6 $ 499 SO