" : irr:J'. .-"---.c XXi'y J'TV-C. .- , - -'-... '-..v.. . ? . . . ;'. T . J "' 'J V I. J Ol! VTAISRRB. VdimeXXXT THE DALLES; OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 10. 1897 C0NS0LIDATED.1882. NO 43 - ROrESSIONAl - Physician and Surgeon, Roomt over Dalle Xitional Bankv Office hours, 10 a ra t 12 m, J fran 9 to 4 pm. Kesi V .. ... denes We t Bnd of Third Street, S. BKSNKT . V . &oing East? -: Attorney at. Law 03Ic tr Shanno' but n ding. npstafrp Oregon ...-.' The Dalle . TACKMAN . , Dentist. .:. Booms 8 9 and 10, Vogt Block,' The Dalles, Or. SOCIETIES. If you are,do not forget ymmiHifmimmmmnmimmmHimmntmniHiinmHii GLORY AND ft TT . r . n l 1 3 r AND BASE BALL! I iiree finriortant Ioinfs TEMPLE LODGE, NO. 3, A. O. TJ W. Meets In. Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o ciock. J AS. : NESMTTH POST, NO. S2'Q. A. R Meets every Saturday evening .at 7:30 In a, or f. aau. . . . OTJST THE DALLES, A. O. F; NO. 8630 J Meets every Friday evening at their hall at 8 o'clock. . BOF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in K. of P. Hall -- "A7A3co THIBE, NO. 16, I. O. R.M. Meets T T every Wednesday evening in u, or r. Ball t j GESANO VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera uouse, - . - - B - OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 17. Meets In "K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes- . 'day of each month at 7:30 P. M. ATTASCO LOEGE. NO. 15, A. F. & -A. M. f Meets first and third Mondayof each montn at s . M. TT1HE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . X NO. 6. Meets In Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M. fOLCMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O F. J Meets every Friday eveoinKat 7:30o'cloch, In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. "TRTENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 8 K. of P. 1; Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets.-' Sojourning brothers are In cited. ,-. . i .. , TOMBN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock toe reaaing room. FIRST. Go via St. Paul because the lines to th U fomt will afford you the very best service. SECOXD. See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wisct nain Centr:il because that line m-ikes close coLnecti ns with all the tran.s.continental lmeecterin ; the Union De pot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD. . For .information, call, on your neignoor ana inenu the neircst ticket apent ana asu ror a ticket via toe Wisconsin central lines, or address JAS. C POND, or GEO. S. BATTY. Gen. Pasa. Art.. General Aeent. Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark St., Portlacd.Or life: Portland's Larere Celebration Started in Good Shape. STRUCK BY 'A HOT WAVE THE" "nUNSON" . - ..TYPEWRITER jCist ZPrtce, - 96 Gamblers, wAH tAy iast, , - . Second Hand Wheels $25 and upwards 3?Send for catalogues, free, and ii band list. sso J60 FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. 187 Sixth street, Portland. Or. I tranches Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Walla Walla. LIVE AGENTS WANTED Extreme Heat in all Sections East of the Rocky Mountains Causes Much Suffering. The Brilliant Bryan Visits Callfornl t and is Bet-elved J With Open Arms Be Asserts That Silver Will 'be the Issue In 1800. LEO SCHANNO, Agent, XII 6 DILLE8. jj Writing In Sleht iiiiiuuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiaiiiiuiiuuiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiu THE DHLLES aun Federal Streets. Steam L orv MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD ML Hood CamD. No. 59. meets every . Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's 'Hall. - All sojourning brothers are Invited to be iprescnt. ' .(OLTTMBIA CHAPTER. NO. 33. E. S.- ; j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and Yourth Tuasday of each month. Visitors cor- j uaii mvitea. I Is ."The Best" Writing Machine The highest grade. Standard of ezceUence. Controlled by no trust or combine. Ccr. Third and v THE CHURCHES. The "Munson" possesses many distinct points or advantage over an otner writing tnaenmes. The most durable of alL Address for catalogue, THE MUNSON TYPEWRITER Co., 210-3M W. La0 St., - - . Chicago, Ills fIT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oddo. r site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A.M. "Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH -Kev. L. Grey, Pastor. Service in the Eng- 3ish language at First Baptist Church every 'Sunday 9:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. Mrr v. narrva hp j tt wmd' Pairtor: Servioes every Sunday morning and eve- I t hur. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. -A I - t L. : people to all. HARRY LIEBE, Practical .MMGHnaEeB AND DEALER IN' . .CONGREGATIONAL .CHURCH Rev. W. C. J Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at ' -11 A. M. and 7:39. P, M. - Sunday school after imoruing service- . : . .CST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest " Paster, Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. . .High mass at 10:30 A. M, v espers at 7 au tr. m. TTORST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay ' X) lor. Pastor. Comer Fifth and Washington ; i -streets. Services-each Sunday morning at 11 f "o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. - Pastor's residence Northeast corot Washing- ' '-t: 'ton and S&ronretsiHjir.i..!..-: - ."':' . --.' m r . ' . . ' ' " -nniRT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. ' rf"' .1 -. ' .. 1 T n ..1, I AM Cn.ilni "morning ot 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock v very Thursday evening. - Y. P. S. V IS. meets , - .An C,,ny4av a. A'ViT 1 Clod ' ' Wa'chft Jewclrv, . - Ets REPAIRING A SPEOlALrY. VOGT THE DALLES BLOCK, - - - OREGON '4-. every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. CAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, Tjaston . Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday vening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are cordially, welcomed. . . . ADMINISTRATRIX'S. NOTICE.- . Raoeii Lor SaIe Eleven Miles Southeast of The Dalles. Notice is hereby given that the nndersigned ( lias been duly appointed by the County Court of - as administratrlz of the estate of Henry Pont ins. late of Wasco Countv. and now deceased. ' Ji persons having claims against said estate ' re hereby notmed to present the same to me, . iduly verified, either at my residence at Kings '. ley. Oregon, or at the office of G. W. Phelps, in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated April 10. 1897. MRS. EFFIE PONTING. aiOw Administrairir. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Ornci at Th Dalles. Obb., , May 21,1897. J Notice Is hereby ariven that the following- luuned settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of His claim, and that said prooi will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on June 28, 1807. viz: ANN HOOK, (nee ANN SOUTHWELL) IM. E. No. 4771. for the NW. SWK Sec. 19. To. 2 N., R. 15 E.. and EM 'SEX Sec 24, Tp. 2 N., R. 14 E. W. M. . She names the followine witnesses to Drove ; Ther continuous residence upon and cultivation'! oisaia lana, viz: Emma Southwell, of The Dulles. Oregon, and John Beatty. William shelly ana ueorge uozel, of Celilo, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, May.22 Register. . NWM S. 1. EW NEW SWK of NE. NWM of SEH Sec. 2. 1 S of 14 E. ; also S H of SEM'of Sec. 3. township 1 N. of range 14 E. : Consideration, 2,100. : One half down and balance in five vearlv nav- ments, with interest at 6 per cent. Nearly all enclosed, with 120 acres under cultivation: good bearing orchard, house. Darn ana other smalt buildings; plenty of water and shade, and 15 acres oi Dottom lanu suitaDie ior iruic or an kinds. For further particulars caU on v- S. W, o3m3 MASON, On the ranch- A. A. BROWN Kee i FULL" ASSORTMENT AND PROVISIONS, 'peciul Prices to Gsh Buyers 170 SBOOND STREET. ADMINISTRATOR'S ' NOTICE. "Notice Is hereby given that by an order of the "County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, made and entered on the 17th day of May, 1H97, the undersigned was duly appointed administrator of the estate of Albert Ullery, deceased. All persons having claims aguinst aid estate are notified to present them, with irhA nmner vouchers, to the unuersignea at 1 pactum: Victor. Oregon, or to D. H. Roberts, at his I maiLTIn plain wrapper, npon receipt of pri office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months I - AJAX REMEDY CO., "c , arom uuicoi bum nuiiuc. Dated May 18th, 1W. L. C. HENNEGHAN. Adm'r of the estate of Albert Ullery, deceased m22w5. MADE SV3E A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE aAjIj fivTVowM AJtseaaes 1' oiling Mem ory, I m potency. RloepleasneBa, eto cs.osoci by Abase or other Kiceesee and Indis cretiuns. They quickly and uri& restore Lost Vitality in old or yonng. and fit a man for stndy, bosine3s or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consnmotion if menland effeota a CUBE where all other foil In sist upon having the gennine Ajnx Tablets. They have cared thousands and will care yoa. AVe Rive a poe itiva written imnrnntAn trt miTattt. n rnr PA ATA in i each ease or refund the money. Price Ow w I viper , POCKI tas or six pksee (fall tre&tmantl for teUfa. rlro. ( trctur DcmrbernStM CUaaga, 111. For sale in The Dalles by Snipes Kinnersly Drug Co. and Hlakely A Houghton. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. COAL! COAL! TJotice iB hereby given that the undersigned, AminiaMtnr of the estate of Christina Phil- Uips, deceased, will on Monday, the 21st day of June, 1K97, at the hour i.f 2 o'clock P. M. of id .dav. at the front door of the County Court lanmu. in rtniim Citv. Wasco Countv. Oregon. . oii tn th hiirhRst bidder for cosh in hand, the following described real estate belonging to the aid aeeeasea, town : Aivn (ill. twelve (12) and thirteen (13) In the town of Kingsley, Oregon, and according to the recorded maps and plats of said town. Saf4ale will be made in pursuance of the former rder of the Hon. Cc unty Court 1 1 the State of Oregon, ror w asco uouuty, auu suujcn to conflnnauon by said Court. , Dated this 13th day of May, 'ILLIpg -"iAdm'rcf the estate of Christina Phillips, dee'd. A KEW UNDERTAKING 5 ESTABLISHMENT ft. & a -TlIK BE3T- Wollington, Eock Springs, and Roslyn Coal. " 112, sacked -and delivered, tc any part of the city. &t Moody's Warehouse THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE A - Chicago, Secre. ' tflry ui the Star Accidekt CoMPiNY, for information regarding Accident Insur ance. Mention this paper. By bo doing you can save Has paid over $000,000.00 tot accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. HO MEDICAL EXAMINATION EEQCHLEDl membership fee. Rrins; & Nitschke ciTDNITURE AND CARPETS ! O" businewa pel" Ural, r taking EsUblehment, and as we are in no wy eonnctad with -the UndertierrTrnrt, -our prioaa will be low accordingly. Farm For Sale. For mining stock quo tat ions, and facts concerning British Columbia and Washington mines, address FRED FLOED, No. 4 Scuth Monroe Street Sokapne, Washington. Spokane A Stock Farm of 320 acres deeded land, having altogether about 400 acres under good fence, with commodious house and outbuildings-. This farm is situated near Bridge creek, no miles southeast of The Dalles, on The Dalles and Canyon City road. Plenty of run ning water, good growing orchard, and 80 acres in cultivation, Terms easy. Enquire at the Times-Mountaineer office, The Dalles, Or. . Ed n rate Tour Bowels with Caaeareta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 2Sc If C.C. C. fall, druggists refund money- All White Work. No Crrnese. All goods left at our Laundry or delivered to our wagon will receive prompt attention and be laundried in first-class style- Work collected and delivered to any part of the city. Rates reasonable; reduction made on family wash. Goods not laundered to entire satisfaction will be relaund- dered free of charge. SMILEY & ULAZ1KK. Proprietors. Rate Dental "Good digestion waits on appetite and health on both" 5hakespeare. But with a mouthful of decayed teeth and diseased gum", proper mas tication and digestion are impossible. Call at once at STURDEVANPS Cut- ' And have your teeth put in proper condition. I have the finest and best office in the city, fitted out with all the latest appliances for doing the best work with, the least, pain to the patient. . . . . . ... . . I HKILB COMB TO STHY And fully inten( to do your dental work, if HONEST WORK, kind treatment and my REDUCED PRICES will bring you to me. I am prepared to All your teeth with any of the materials used for that purpose, and I am better prepared to do it pain lessly than anyone. .. There are several methods used for this purpose, and I have them all. , ' I also do CROWN and IJKIDGE work, or insert artificial teeth without a plate. Being a graduate of an Eastern dental college which stands second to none I am bet ter prepared to do your dental work than another who has learned his -business pol ishing rubber plates in the laboratory of some city dentist. To those who need teeth extracted I can say truthfully that I can remove them as near painlessly as anyone. Teeth cannot be removed painlessly in ALL cases, and you should beware of anyone who promises to do it. I am prepared to make artificial teeth upon Porcelain, Gold. Silver. Aluminum Watts Metal, Rubber or Celluloid. Plates made from $5 up. Fit miaranteed. When in town get acquainted. It will pay you to consult me and get my prices. All work strictly guaranteed. Remember the place. H. A. STURDEVANT, D. D. S. Over French & Co.'s Bank, The Dalles, Or. Portland, Or.- July 4. The first day of Portland's four days' celebra tion was marked by several events of great interest. The bicycle races at Portland field, the-:' first games" of the junior baseball tournament, and the band concert in the evening, the main attractions. Visitors are cominsr into the city in great numbers, insuring crowds when the main, features of the celebration take place. The baseball tournament was com' menced rather tamely. The two first nines matched did not play, owing to the failure of one : to appear. The Stephens and Grove. clubs played their match in the afternoon, resulting in a score of 20 to 7 in favor of Stephens, The match was a fine exemplification of baseball as it is played. The prizes offered by the committee on amuse ments had a stimulating effect, and the lads played for dear life. The umpire who had beeu selected failed to come properly protected, and discreetly re signed bis honorary; position between the third and fourth innings in the midst of a demonstrative argument. A successor was soon chosen, who presided over the destiny of the competitors uptil the sixth inning, when remarks became of such a char acter as to induce him to seek private life. A third wac selected, after much Darlevin?, under whose regime the match was finished. ' ' . Some for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years have suffered from piles and then have been quickly and permanently cured by usirg lie- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedv for piles and all forms ol skin diseases. ;. The Snipes Kineraly Drug Co. ; ' ' . " BRYAN IS CALIFORNIA. Addressed the People of Anburn on the Financial Question. ' Sacramento, Cal.; July 3. W. J. I Bryan and party reached here at 11:30 o'clock. r He was inet at the depot by a delegation froni-th'Sroquois Club and prominenfecttSens. A great crowd was in attendance, and loudlv cheered fthVeifveV c'hniorTr Bryaucould hot istered 95 degrees followed for another hour 5)7 degrees. St LOUIS, July 3. The average tem perature today was OS degrees. Actual heat prostrations have been numerous, and three de:tthi have resulted. St Joseph. Mo., July 3. The hot wave in this section continues, the mercury recording 98 degrees again to day. Numerous prostrations have oc curred, but none of a serious nature. Reports received form the corn region of Kansas are to the effect that hot winds are doing much damage. CINCINNATI, O., July 3. At noon today the thermometer recorded 98 in in the shade. The total number of heat prostra tions to midnight was 78. Four termi nated fatally. LOUISVILLS, Xy., July 3. One hun dred in the shade is what Observer Frank Burns read on his thermometer when be made his observation at 12:30. ENGLAND'S BAD FAITH Paris Sealing Agreement Has Been Grossy Vioi.ii. HE IS A BRUTE STILL Omaha, July 3. A cool rain this evening broke the hot spell. The tern. perature reached a maximum of 93. Pittsburg, July 3. Two deaths and a number of prostrations from heat were reported today. Don't neglect a cough because the weather is pleasant: before the next storm rolls around it may develop into a serious difficulty bevond repair. One Minute Cough Cure is easv to take and will do what its name implies, aflipes Jiinersly JJrug Co. TOUCHED OFF ttY A CIGAR. Unexpected Fourth of July Display at An derson. Ind. Anderson, Ind., July 5. A stranger with a lighted cigar gave Madison county probably the most extensive Fourth of July display in its history. The Trenton Oil Company, drilling north of this city, had ju-it opened mammoth reservoir when he appeared with his lighted cigar. The gas ig cited. The flames shot 40 feet into the air and could be heard for miles. The derrick was burned down in a minute, There were no valves on the casings and there is no way to shut off the gas, AH metnoas Known, except cannon snuffing, have been tried, but the pressure ia too strong. The cannon will be used tomorrow. A ball will be fired across the casing. It will blow out instantly. This is only used in extreme cases. The outfit is gone and much adjacent property is damaged. Not Satisfied With Murdering- Weyler Wreaks Vengeance cn Defenseless Women and Children. Men It Wasn't on the Prog rani A Fourth of July Illumlnatiou That Was Not Advertised A Carelets Man With Clear Caused a 14 Commotion. W. B. Johnson, Newark, O., says "One Minute Cough Cure saved my only child from dyiog by croup." It has saved thousands of others suffering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Wellborn Is Canrbt. ;San Francisco, July 4. Ex-Collec- for Wellborn, for whom the police have' been searching for several days past, Chicago, July S. a special to the Times-Herald from" Washington says: President McKinley has sent a dis patch to the Marquis of Salisbury, the British premier and secretary of state for foreign affairs, which will prob ably cause that nobleman as much per turbation of spirit as did Secretary. Olney's dispatch of July 20, 1S96, in which England was diplomaticaly but firmly told that she must arbitrate the Venezuelan boundary dispute. The present dispatch will doubtless be re garded in England as offensive in tone and manner, and its publication will probably cause a display of feeling across the water, but in the United States Mr. McKinley's course will doubtless be warmly approved. The latest diplomatic fencing be tween the two countries arises out of the long-standing fur seal controversy. It will be remembered that after this country had asserted exclusive juris diction to the waters of Behring sea and Great Britain had resisted thi9 contention, the matter was referred to a tribunal of arbitration which sat at Paris. That' tribunal decided against the United States, so far as it related to its contention of exclusive jurisdiction, decided that certain seizures of British sealers made by the American fleet were illegal, and awarded damages to the owners of those vessels, the amount to be determined later by sufficient proof, and made certain regulations for the preservation of seal herds and the prevention of illegal sealing which were to be jointly enforced by the United States and Great Britain. The United States on its part pro ceeded in the fullest spirit and letter of the law to prevent pelagie sealing. but England, it is. asserted, has not lived up to ber agreement, and intima tion to that effect ia now conveyed ' t6 the British government by order of LEcealdent-McKinley. '; -- , ?c saved ior the Hapsburgs out of the wreck, it seemed most likely to be achieved on the lines suggested by Lount lleust. 1 he choice once made, it was impossible to turn back. What is given as a boon to distressed nation alities in the name of progress cannot afterward bo withdrawn on the plea of prudence. The result is pathetic, but there is no help for it- V. e see Croats, Kuthenians. Poles. Servi.-.ns. Wallachs and the rest of the lirlf-Larbarous hordes eutting one on ol .ier s throats when they are not com uir.ing to insult the civilized Hungarian and Germans, whose fate it is to be their neighbors; we see Vienna itseli in the hands of a fanatical anti-Semitic rabble, and we see the power of the only capable parliamentary party- in Aus tria broken by hopeless dissensions. Truly, the domestic state of the empire is nothing less than pitiable. Ita in fluence in Europe is also a thing of the past. The Iiaikan states, which were its props in the south, hare publicly gone over to Russia, and ita solitary remaining protection against dismem berment is the alliance with Italy, which covets Dalmatia, and with Germany. which is moving heaven and earth to es tablish secret relations with Russia. g". PORTLAND OREGON FULL ENGLISH COURSE. WM I'M IsfeT FRENCH AND GERMAN. MGIkJ k'fy BUSINESS BRANCHES. H ' jclM BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. 1 Blakeley & Houghton I a n r 4 75 5econd Street - The Dalles, Oregon Wffo iOfBflS . . be induced to make a speech owing to the time at his command. This morning Bryan breakfasted at Auburn, where he made a short speech. He was introduced as the next presi dent of the United States. He re plied: "Whether I am noxt president or not is of no importance, vvnat is 01 importance is that the next president is elected upon a, platform which de mands the money of the people. The last platform of the democratic party was such, and its adoption was a great victory for the American people. That platform meant something, and what it meant was that wesnould have an American financial policy, and that America would carve out its own des' tiny, whether helped or hindered by other nations. "I have been asked if confidence has been resored. It has as far as the si! . ver forces are concerned, for they were never more confident. We are now trying the effects of the medicine ad ministered to us by the republican party, and if there is no restoration of good times the people will change their medicine. "Silver will undoubtedly be the para mount, in fact the dominant issue in 1900. and will continue so to be until silver ia restored. The gubernatorial fight in Ohio, which will be made on the money issue as a result of the plat form of the democratic state conven tion will, I feel sure, result in yictory for the democracy." "They are dandies," said Tho? Bowers, of the Crocket, Texas, En terprise, wiiile writing about De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache and dis orders of the stomach and liver. Snipes Kinnersly Drug Co. roasting with heat. The Ulddle West Visited by an Unprece dented Hot Wave. Chicago, July 3. The highest tem perature recorded in the annals of the weather bureau for the month of July in 10 years was reached today, when or two hours the thermometer r op- AETISTS' MA.TEI3IA.X. Country and mail orders will receive prompt attention The Dalles Distilling .& Carbonating Works MeniLBR & NHGGL, Props. Manufacturers of Carbonated Drinks, Cream Soda, Lemon Soda, Ginger Ale, Sarseparilla, Champagne Cider, Orange Cider, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Mineral Waters, etc., and all kinds of bar syrups. RESIDENCE TRADE SOLICITED : Free delivery to any part of the city. : Ketail dealers in Candies, Nuts, Tobacco and Cigars. : PHONE NO. 35 : Job Printing Of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable rates at this office. Hot weather won't cure weak lungs. You may feel better be cause out. of doors more, but the trouble is still there. Don't stop talcing your Scott's Emulsion because the weather happens to be warm. If you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get rid of it If you are losing flesh there is all the more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly increases the danger of the other. Heal the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. . Keep taking Scott's Emulsion all summer. Por sale by U druegUu at joc ui fs.o morning. Wellborn was traced to nis home by Detective Gibson, and was arrested while he was in bed. Well born was removed to the city prison, and is now in colsultation with Chief of Police Lees. It is reported that he has made a statement denying in gen eral the scandalous stories which have appeared in the newspapers since the condition of affairs of his office became known, since which time a small array of officers and newspaper men have been trying to locate him, without success. Terrible Accident. It is a terrible accident to be burned or scalded; but the pain r.r.d agony and the frightful disfigurements can be quickly over come without leaving a scar by using DeWitt's Wioch Hazel Salve. Ihe Snipes Kinnersly Drug Co. A Wedding Tonr to Greenland. New Haven, Conn., July 5. On Tuesday next Hugo J. Lee and Miss Florence Leonard, of Meridean, will be united in marriage, and will immedi ately start on one of the most novel trips ever undertaken, the tour ex tending to the frozen regions of Green land. Mr. Lee has for years been an intimate associate of Explorer Peary, and has accompanied him on his voyages to the frozen zone. This time his bride will accompany him, going with the Peary expedition, which leaves Boston about July 15. Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured by De Witt's Witch Hazle Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers and ail other ekin troubles can be instantly relieved by the same remedy. Snipes Kinersly Urug CO. TOPCOATS HAWNtD IN SUMMER Thrifty and Thriftless Alike Find the Scheme Satisfactory. "Twenty thousand overcoats have been taken out of pawn during the past xreek, said a pawnbroker to a Chicago rhne8-IIcrald reporter. "The cooler weather has forced us to unlock our :edar chests and undo the bundles which have been packed away in cam phor. During the next month, unless the weather becomes warmer, as many aiore overcoats will be taken from the pawnshops. "Xo, it is not because they are pov- ;rty-stricl:en that so many men have Dvercoats in pawn during the summer, Of course, if a men wants to pawn any thing, there is nothing that he should be more likely to 'soak' during the :ummer months than his unnecessary ivercoat. At the same time many of the overcoats are left with us merely tnat tney may be protected against the moths, who thrive during the sum' mer, and to prevent them from accumu lating dust as they would while lying n closets. A man can pnwn his over- :oat for two tfoHars, and have it with is unt:i he reeds it in the fall, and it :usts him tut 50 cents.- "Of course it is a good deal of trouble for us, hut we are able to make ft pay us weil, nr.d the temptation to a nan who is improvident is to borrow more than a nominal sum on his coat, ind, of course, he has to pay more in terest. . "'A frreat ninny dress suits are also lawncd each ntrnmer to preserve them in til needed in October. Tbey are worn ?erv little in tV siurimer, and the same reason that leads to thepawningof over ;oats operates in their cnc." QUAKER OF THE ORIENT. - The Herculean Turkish Tarter Whose riace of Btuinex Is on the Street. The Turkish porter is one of the most nterestUiff. objectB-Been in a tour o ;h,orieiPrrrprfUTCirSfi'tug'' and oower. of, endurance, he is usually prom ni-and ojf'hr-UT"wn?St 60 fat is in him lies. - He cannot speak the truth, and would not respect-himseli mm -'jU Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulncss. Assures . the food against alum and all forms of adtulteration common to the chean brands. Eoyal Baklnq Powder CO., NewYoik. CLAIRVOYANCE ASTOUNDING. if he could, for that is a virtue of the Frank. His place of business, says the Chica go Times-Herald, is on the streets of hi native town, where he can be found at ill hours of the day, clad in a loose soiled jacket, usually gray, with gray jaiters. Turkish shoes or sandals, the inevitable fez and a neckerchief thai makes him look as if he were strang ling. All the burden of conveying large or unall articles falls upon him and he will for a gratuity carry a piano as eas ily as a trim.:. L'e is the most con tented of the working fraternity one nects abroad, v.hetuer he is found in the streets of Constantinople or in those of Etamboul, :n:d the tourists make much of him leeauce he is interesting, bis occasional nno!:e under the shade if a mulberry Ire?, or his lazy sips of therbet, being treats that renew hie strength for the hard work by which ae must live if he is not able to sell merchandise. Ueing sturdy and indus trious, the traits of the Turkish portei commend him to the public, hence picturesque description of him by one traveler who named him the "Quaker of the Orient." A Clnclnnat Tragedy. Cincinnati, July 5. Fred Ntlzer, a peddler 22 years old, was murdered last night by an unknown man, whoso only known name is John. The men quarrelled in a way rather mysterious to the police about a woman, and the unknown man cut Nelzer's throat, se vering the jugular vein. Nelzer died in the patrol wagon a moment before he arrived at the city hospital and the body was taken to 'the morgue. The tragedy is more or less involved in mystery. Sick headache can be quickly and completely overcome by using those famous little pills known as "DeWitt's Little ttarly Kisers. ' snipes Kinersly Urug Company. " i Fatal Result ot a Thunder Storm. DuLUTH, Minn., July 5. It is now known that at least nine persons were killed by the storm of Saturday throughout Nortnwestern Minnesota, Of these only one was in this vicinity, he being drowned at Proctor Knott, a suburb, while trying to escape from a floating house by means of a floating sidewalk. The loss is now estimated at about $750,000, a large part of which will be suffered by the city of Duluth and the railroads centering here. A Girl and a Revolver. San Francisco, July 6. Miss Kate Montgomery, living at the California house, on California street, met with a peculiar accident that may result in her death. While talking with a friend she took a 38-calibcr revolver from a drawer, and placing the muzzle to her side with the remark that it would be easy to commit suicide, pulled the trigger. The weapon was loaded with blank cartridges, but the discharge blew the young woman's clothing and tne wadding into her side, and she fell to the floor in great agony. To Care Constipation Fere ver. Take Cat wareta Candy Cathartic 10c or So It C. C. O. fall to core, druggists refund money. o regon Bakery and O-A-E !tt')SK OUT R AGE UY SPANIARDS. Weyler Stul Makes War on Women and Children. New York, July 5. A dispatch to the World from Havana says: Senors Borelles, Marandios, Nor- trones and Diaz, all wealthy residents of Guanabacoa, were ai rested recently and hurried to jail. The next night their homes were invaded by troops and police and their wives and daught ers were forced to go with the men, hardly havin? a chance to dress. In deed, two of them, handsome girls of 16 and 18," wera taken away in their night garments, the soldiers indulging in the coarsest jests regarding them and their appearance. These women have disappeared, and to complaints made in Guanabacoa and Havana no atten tion is paid. La Lucha reports that 14 children from 6 to 15 years have been put in prison as "abettors of the revolution." The American colony is insulted daily in the papers and many sarcastic remarks are made regarding the Americans' sudden change of front when Spain stood on her dignity." A WONDERFUL SEAWEED. Has a Stem Sometimes Three HundreS Feet Long- One ol the most extraordinary sea weeds among the Laminar iaceaj is. the Nereocystis, the stem of which occasion ally attains a length of 300 feet, though extremely slender, even at the top, where it is surmounted by a huge float ing bladder six feet or seven feet in length, that affords a favorite, resting place to the sea otter. This plant is found on the northeast coast . xi America and the opposite shores of Asia. ?The filiform stem, which' is about as thick as pack-thread, sudden ly swells above, when two feet or three feet long, into a globose bladder, from the top of which springs a tuft of ger minate leaves mostly rising on five petioles. As the plant grows older the stem increases enormously in length, but only slightly in thickness. The globose bladder swells into a. lunnp- i , shaped or k. t. oaitmarsJie long ana mur itc v oia ih-uo v. uw- ... diameter in the widest part, the lowei extremity gradually passing into th stem. The leaves, which at first were marked with a few faint nerves, 6plitin the direction of the latter, cover a wide space by their entangled mass, and at tain a length of 30 feet or more. When the plant grows in any quantity, ii forms large floating islands, and the surface of the sea becomes impassable to boats. The stem, when dry, is em ployed by the Aleutians for fishing lines, some-of which have a length ol 40 or more fathoms. The large bladders i are used by the same people as syphons for pumping water out of ther boats. Fishing Gazette. UNHAPPY AUSTRIA. A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepnrl to furnish families,- hotels I restaurants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and P:es, Frish Oysters Strvad Every Style. in Second Street, next doo" t 9 The Dalles JNar.'.onal r&nis. -ax turn. East M STOCK IDS, WILL PAY THE HighestCash Price for Hay and Gram. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK t Her Only Capable Parliamentary Party I ltLIS UAl.!iti,31 Ult. Ia Broken by Dissensions. The cruel numuiauon Austria bui-i Tri. i tim fered in Italy was followed by the D6ot IVeDlllCKy WlllSKy rrusning blow at oaaowa, ana uie not less painful collapse of a brother's am bitions in Mexico, says the Saturday Re view. If the disrnitv of a Caesar was to On i linn FctCM t.OUSVIIXE. Very Best Key West Cigars and Best of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee Beer always on hand. lf AHTi ITS CTTRB To the Editor s I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already nermanentlv cured. So nroof-Dositive am 1 of its power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles fret to those of your readers who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial ot tung Trouble, if they will write me thelt express and postoffice address. Sincerely, A SIajCuIC JC w 13 resrl 8t Bew Tax, The Editorial and Bnilnms Muiimnt of this Paper Bnirsntss Uus saasrans fropusiUna, MAETZ St PUNDT. PROPRIETORS Job . . Printing; Of all kinds done on Lort notice and at reasonable rates at this office. Revelations Which Mad One Womaa Believe In the Supernatural, Two women with a bog of broken landy and another with peanuts be tween sat opposite the writer in rtreet car the other day. One of uhem lad just had a "wonderful experience'' and was relating it to her companion in voice loud enough to be heard by Bveryone in the car. I don t core how much mud folk wont to fling at fortune-tellers an' iar'voyants. I know that some of 'em are genuine. I ve just come from, one an' the things she told me fairly took my breath awny." "Do tell me about it. "An", mind you, she never laid eye on me until to-day, an' she told me things no' livia' human could of told her!" . "What did she tell you?" .... . "Well, she first went off into a trance and she looked and groaned so awful I was scared at first, but she told me to be calm. Then she Baid: 'You are mar- ied, aren't you?' Now, how'd sh know I was married? But of course I told her-1 was. Then she says: .'You have children, haven't you?' Now, how did she know that?" - "It was wonderful." "I should say so. Then she op an' says: our husband is a laboring man, isn't he? Now, how'd she know he wasn't a clerk or a doctor or mebbe a bank president? I told her Jim was a ' laboring man an' she says: 'He, .does . not know that you have come here to- a day; an' he doesn't know a thing about it, but how'd she know that?" - "Sure enough." "Then she wys: 'You have an enemy; tall, dark-eyed woman;' and I know exactly whom she meant, 'And she says, "your husband is aman who would t rather be away from home than to. J home. Now, how did she know that I Tout Jim? . For he is 1 ways on the i go somewhere. B'longs to six lodgns liut how did phe knx.-- "'-CITJ L - Ireg'lar home 'granny?" ; ' ' J "TliAfs so." " ' Then she says: Ton are fond of go log to the theater an readin' novels,' and I am. You give me a bag o oandy , -an' a good, excitin' novel. an' let me go ; to see a real stirrin' drapihy like The Two Orphans', an' I'm happy, Ufa how did she know that? Then she told m . to beware of a small, blue-eyed woman, an I know exactly who she meant. She said I'd be married twice, an' my . next husband would be rollin' in we alt, an I'd drive my own carriage yet It r was just wonderful the things she told '. me." , ,... . "I should say so." Til admit that I've been taken in once or twice by those sham char'voy uts, but I didn't begrudge this one a penny of the two dollars I paid her, for she was genuine. But Jim'd make an awful fuss if he knew I'd spent two lollars that- way, an I wouldn't dare tell him about my second husband. ' He ain't what you might call one of the jealous kind, but I don't think he'd lik it. It was a wonderful experience." Detroit Free Press. ! ' ' "The Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland and Astorir Navigation Co. . THROUGH Fisioni anti Passenger Line PASSENGER RATES One way, . . Round trip. .12 00 . 3 00 Freight Rates Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solio-, Ited. Call on or address, General Agent ' t . - THE - DALLES - OREGON. S. SCHIHCK. President H. M. Beau Cashier First National Bank THS DHLLES. OREGON A General BanMnBnslness Transactei Deposits recelvedjmnject to sight draft or check. Collections made and proceeds promptly' re- mltted on day of collection. I Portland. Sight and teleirraphlo exchange sold on' New orn, ban rancisco ana OIRECTOBSt D. P. Thompson, Ed M. Williams, H. M. Jno. S. Scbenok Geo. A. Lie be, Beall. Dalles-Moro Antelope Stage Line ; 1 " " Through by daylight .m Grass Valley, Kent ' and Cross Hollow. . . Leave Umatilla House Monday. Wednesday and Friday.- Stops made at all point fur own mercial travelers. Mo-To-Bae (or Kirty Cants. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, mattes weak . men strong-, blood pure. 60c, 1 All drusls ) x -4 1