The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 03, 1897, Image 1

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    'NO' 42
: otaiser". voiae xlcONSOLIDATED 1882.
Physician and Surgeon,
Room nir Dalles Nmtipnal Bank. Office hours, 10
m to IS m. Mi from S to 4 pm. Kesi-
denes Wt End of Third titret,
Attorney at-Law
Onto ir Scbanno's bulnding, upstairs
; Ofegon.
The Mies
Booms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or
. J. Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday
evening at 7:au o'ciocii.
. TAS. NESMITH POST, NO. 32iQ. A- R- ;
O Meets every Saturday evening jat 7:3U in
n. or jr.
COtffcT THE DALLES, A O. P. NO. 8630
Meets every Friday evening at their
hall at 9 o'clock.
' T OF L: E. Meets every Friday afternoon
in K. of P. Hail
ASCO TRIBE, NO. 18, I. O. R.M. Meets
every Wednesday evening, in K, of f
every Sndday evening at Baldwin Opera
BOP L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in
K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes
day of each month at 7:30 P. M.
WASCO LOEGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M.-r
Meets first and third Mondayof each
month at 8 P. M.
L NO. . Meets in Masonic Hall the third
' Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M .
Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. -
JJ Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
In Sohanno's building, corner of Court and
Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in
UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
n the reading room.
Hood Camp, No. 59, meets every
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's
Hall, n All sojourning brothers are invited to be
' present. .
Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor
diall invited.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo.
site Fifth. Sunday school .at 9:80 A.M.
Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30.
I J Kev. L. Grey, Pastor, service in the Jsng
fish language at First Baptist Church every
cunaay A. m. ana T.30 p. m.
TIT E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor.
It J.. Services every Sunday morning and eye
ing. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
people to ail.
Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at
11AM. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after
morning service ' -
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M.
High mass at 10:30 A M, Vespers at 7 :30 P. M.
- J lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15.
Pastor's residenoe Northeast oor. of Washing
ton and Seventh streets. '
J? Hazel, pastor.- Preaching every Sunday
morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock
Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets
every Sunday at 6:30 P. M.
Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller,
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. AU are
cordially weloomed.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the state oi uregon, ior tne iounty oi w nsco.
as administratrix of tneestateoi Menry rout
ine, late of Wasco Countv. and now deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notmea to present tne same to me,
duly verified, either at my residence at Kings
ley, Oregon, or at the ofllce of G. W. Phelps, in
Dalles City, Oregon, within six months irom
tne aate oi wis notice.
Dated April 10. 1897.
alOw Administratrix
Land Otfici at Thi Dalles. Orb., i
May 21, 1897. 1
Notice is hereby given that the following'
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to commute and make final proof in support nf
his claim, and that said proof will be mode
Deiore tne uegister ana receiver at me uaues,
Oregon, on June 28, 1897, viz :
Hd. E. No. 4771. for the NWM. SWH Sec. 19.
Tp. 2 N., R. 15 E., and EH -SE.' Sec. 24, Tp. 2
JN., if. 14 u. w. m.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residenoe upon and cultivation
Of said land, viz:
Emma Southwell, of The Dalles. Oregon, and
John Beatty, William Shelly and George Cozel,
of Celko, Oregon.
May. 22 Register.
Notice is hereby given that by an order of the
Countv Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, made and entered on the 17th day of
May, 1897, the undersigned was duly appointed
administrator oi tne estate oi Aioert u nery ,
deceased. AU persons having claims against
said estate are notified to present them, with
the nrorjer vouchers, to the undersigned at
Victor, Oregon, or to D. H. Roberts, at his
office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated May 18th, 1397.
Adm'r of the estate of Albert Ullery, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Christina Phil
lips, deceased, will on Monday, the 21st day of
June, 1897. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M . of said
dav. at the front door of the County Court
House in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
sell to the hiehest bidder for cash In hand, the
following described real estate belonging to the
said deceased, town :
Iits eleven (11. twelve (12) and thirteen (13)
in the town of Ktngsley, Oregon, and according
to the recorded maps and plats of said town.
Said sale will be made in pursuance of the
former order of the Hon. Ccunty Court cf the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and subject
to confirmation by saia court.
Dated this 13th day of May. 17.
Adm'r of the estate of Christina Phillips, dee'd.
Prinz & Nitsctike
- taking Estabishment, and as we are in no way
connected with the UndertiersTTrust, -our
prices win be low accordingly.
..'J..' - V. ' - .., n, . T T .1 n
For mining stock
quotations, and
facts concerning:
British Columbia
nd Was bington mines, address FRED
FLOED, No. 4 South Monroe Street
Spokane, Washington.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco county,
J. Gurney Fowler and W. J. Caesar, plaintiffs.
vs. Sylvester W. Mason and Lydia 6. Mason,
Ity virtue of an execution and order of sale
Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the couuty of Wasco, to me di
rected and dated the Sib day of Juue. 1ST. upon
a judgment and decree for the foreclosure of a
certain mortgage rendered and entered in said
Court on the 24th dav of May. 1W7, in the above
entitled cause, in favor of the plaintiff and
against the defendants as j:'dijment debtors for
tne sum OI wkq interest, mereuu ub iuk
rate nf elcht ner cent tier annum from the 24th
day of May, 1897, and the further sum of 70
attorney's fees, and the further sum or 810 costs
of suit, and the costs oi ana on saiu writ ui exe
cution, and commanding me to make sale of
the real nronertv embraced in said decree of
foreclosure and order of sale and hereinafter
described. I have duly levied upon ana win,
Monday, the 12th Day of July, 1897,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
front door of the County Court house, in Dalles
City, Wasco County. Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all
the right, title and interest which the said Syl
vester W. Mason and Lvdia O. Mason, or either
of them had on the first day of October, IW.
the date of the mortgage foreclosed, or which
sucn OQienaants nave since acquired or now
have in and to the following described real
ropertv situate ana twins in wasco county.
Itate of Oregon, to wit: The east half of the
northeast ouarter. and the southwest Quarter of
tne nortneast quarter, ana lot one ti;,u in sea,
tirmten 10), in township one (1) south of range
fourteen (14) east W. M or so much thereof as
will satisfy said above described and mentioned
judgment, attorney lee ana costs, baia prop
erty will be sold subject to confirmation by
said Circuit Court and to redemption as by law
Dated at The Dalles. Oreeon. this 10th day of
June, lew.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
June 12, wa
The Valley Improvement Company, of Hood
River, will receive sealed bids for the bonds of
the company, at the office of the secretary of
the company at Hood River, Oregon, up to 10
o'clock A. M. of June 25th, 1897. The bonds
will be for the sum of f6.000, to run from three
to five years at the option oi tne purchasers.
with interest at 10 per cent per annum, payable
annually, and to be secured by first mortgage
unon ail the property of the company. The
bonds will be drawn in suoh form and for such
sums as the purchasers may designate.
The Valley Improvement Company is regu
larly incorporated under the laws of the state
of Oregon, with capital stock of $20,000 fully
paid up, It is constructing a ditch and flume
ten miles in length, costing over $36.1100 and
which will be completed by the tfme of the sale 1
above mentioned, and which will carry 2000
inches of water. It runs through the heart of
Hoed River Valley and will furnish water for
hire for lmtrfttlon and domestic purposes to the
inhabitants or the valley ana to tne town oi
Hood Kiver for lmiration and fire protection.
The bonds will cover the entire indebtedness
of the company. The security in ample, the
title perfect, the proceedings of the company
are regular. It will make Hood River Valley
tne garden spot of Oregon and its success is
more than assured. Further particulars may
ue noa I rum me secretary.
Hood River, Oregon. Jnne 14, 1S97.
A. S. BLOWERS, President.
H. F. Davidson, Secretory. -
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Fumt aga Passsip ms
One way $2 00
Bound trip 3 00
Freight Rates Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or nig ht. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solic
ited. Call on or address,
General Agent
East ?
If you are, do not forget
FIRST. Go via St. Paul because the lines to
that point will afford you the very best service.
SECOND. See that the courion bevond St.
Paul reads via the Wisconsin Central because
that line makes close connections with all the
trans-continental lines entenns the union De
pot there, and its service is first-class in every
THIKD. For Information, call on your
neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent
and ask for a ticket via the Wisconsin Central
lines, or address
Gen. Puss. Act.. General Airent.
Milwaukee, Wis. 216 Stark St,, Portland, Or
regon Bakery
and O-A-ZEIE
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnish families,' hotels
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Frasli Oysters Served
Every Style.
Second Street, next door 1 1" The
Dalles National Pank.
R. E. Saltmarshe
East Efld STOCK Y,
HighestCash Price for
Hay and Grain.
I mm m Per month by a ban
per m on tu by m harm
less treatment br nnuv Wrz
Irani 1 ft ti 9.-. llts
tldntT physician of 20 years' experience. JJ? vjf
no oaa en ecu or aeumuoo rmm busmesa. r x f r
Mo BiarvlDjr. wrinkles or fl&lihinAM im. I t I i
Droves general health and Iv&iiilflMAunniOTinn Phv.
alcians and society ladles Indorse lc Thousands cored, I
confidentially. For particulars address, with stamp, ,
ill? VNVIlf-L ThUrt CHICiOO, ILL-
UK. oil I UCtVf mn aiw lout cm. 1
Three Important Points
I Sf
jCist Price, V :-; S80
'36 Gamblers, wAJtAtry asf, ', - - - - $60
. 'Second Hand Wheels $35 and upwards -w
t3?Send for catalogues, free, and 2d hand list.. t . .
. 1 . - 127 Sixth Street, Portland, Or. ,
' Branches Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Walla Walla.
- LEO. 8CHANNO, Agent,
, ...
This well-known brewery is
and Porter east of , the Cascades.
manufacture of good healthful ;
only the first-class article will be
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon.
Lumber ! vjiimber!
If so, call on Jos. T. Peters
& Co. and get prices on a!!
kinds of. Building Material,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Wa 1 1
Corner Second and
"Good digestion waits on appetite and health on both" Shakespeare.
But with a mouthful of decayed teeth and diseased gum a, proper mas
tication and digestion are impossible. Call at once at
Cut-Bate Dental Office
And have your teeth put in proper condition. I have the finest and best office in the
city, fitted out with all the latest appliances for doing the best work with the least
pain to the patient.
And fully intend to do your dental work, if HOMES1 WORK, kind treatment and
my REDUCED PRIC JS will bring you to me. I em -prepared to fill your teeth with
any of the materials used for that purpose. jdcI J n better prepared to doit pain
lessly tbaa anyone. IVei-e are several methods used for this purpose, and I have
them alL
I also do CROWN and BRIDGE vrork. or insert artificial teeth without a plate
Being a gradual of o Eastern denial college whch stands second to none I am bet
ter prepared to do yojf denial work than aaol:;er who has learned his business pol
ishing rubber plates in the laboratory o ' some ciy dentist.
To those oao need teeth ex. acted I can sav truthfully that I can remove them
as near painlessly ps aavoae. Teeth cannot be removed painlessly in ALL cases,
and yoa should beva-e of anyor e wao promises to do it.
I am prepared to make artificial teeth u -ran Porcelain, Gold. Silver. Aluminum
Walls Metal, Rubber or Celluloid. Places made i-ooi Sup. Fit miaranteed.
When in town get acquainted. It will pay you to consult me and get my prices.
All work strictly guaranteed. Remember tne place.
Over French & Co.'s Bank, The Dalles, Or.
New Goods
Ppring opening of the richest and choicest selection
of Imported Dress Goods, Wash Goods, all new de
signs, shades and materials, Homespun Linens,
Scotch Zephyrs, fancy and figured Organdies, Black
Brocade Poplin's, etc.
A fine line of Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children's
Shoes, in lace and button. .....
A very large slock of dressy and desirable Clothing
at bedrock prices. . ....
A new line of samples for spring and summer from
the largest custom clothing manufacturing com
pany in the United States. A fit guaranteed.
Call and Examine our Stock
One Price Cash House.
- .' THE DALLES. .' .
- ..
now turning oat the bestUeef
The latest; appliances for the
Beer have been introduced, and
placed on the market. , r
Jefferson Streets
and Prices-
Cor. 2d and Court Streets
The "Famous Competitor Case
Comes, up at
The Finance Committer Settle's i Sev
, eral. Vexed Questions About
. the Tariff. ;
Victoria Will Not Hold Any More Public
' Receptions To Readjust Wages
To Raise 'Coffew in Mexico -.'
' "' Other News. i
. New York, June 23. A Journal
dispatch from Havana 9ays: ..-
- Consul-General Lee ha9 finally been
officially notified that Ona Melton, the
American newspaper "correspondent,
Captain Laborde and others belonging
to the captured schooner Competitor,
and one or two Americans incarcerated
with them in Cabanaa fortress, will be
.called for public trial July 1." The
hearing will be before civil' judges,
and judgement will be based on the
declarations previously - made, within
the walls of the . prisons on evidence
taken by a government official or crown
prosecutor, acting on behalf of the
Spanish admiralty and war department.
The court will listen to no new testi
mony, save in support of the written
declaration already filed. '
George Ferran, the only witness the
Competitor men were permitted to call
on their behalf,- wa arrested immedi
ately after his examination and is still
a prisoner. . His sworn statement was
that the vessel was beyond, the three
mile limit, and had the, American flag
at her . "masthead, when , seized. This
statement displeased the Spaniards,
and' Ferran was therefore detained here
and charged with perjury." , '
; Consul-General Lee has as. yet-re-.
sel to defend the pri80ners. , - - -..
' A Spanish magistrate said the men
would . undoubtedly be found guilty
again and sentenced to death or " long
terms of imprisonment, but he added:
"Their friends should not fear their
being executed or deported. -Our peo
ple are too diplomatic to force 'Amer
ica's hand." . ' "
The rebel generals. River and Bal
lacoa will not be shot. General Wey
ler has received a cable from Minister
of War Ascarraga to indefinitely sus
pend the court-martial sentences of
death, pending the close of hostilities,
when their pardon may be expected.
General Wey ler himself has taken
no steps to stop the court-martial ana
iir-w-wther andlegtr Important
prisoners of the war. During the last
three days at Matanzas, at'Sagua,
Santa Clara1, Sancti Spiritus, Cien
fuegos and Pinardel Rio dozens of ex
ecutions occurred.
At Sagua two Cuban girls accused of
sending out clothes to their brothers
fighting under the insurgent chief
Robtn, were convicted of aiding the
rebellion and sentenced by a military
court to respectively 12 years and six
months' imprisonment in the African
penal colony.
"They are dandies," said Thos.
Bowers, of the Crocket, Texas, En
terprise, while writing about De
Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills for sick headache and dis
orders of the stomach and liver. Snipes
Kinnersly Drug Co.
orposto TO FUSION.
Resolution Adopted by Populists of Union
La Grande, Or., June 26. A meet
ing of the Union county populist cen
tral committee was held here yester
day. There was quite a large atten
dance of precinct committeemen, and
the county in general was well rep
resented. The resignation of C. H.
Marsh, as chairman of the county cen
tral committee, was presented and ac
cepted, and J. E. Reynolds, of La
Grande, was elected to fill the vacancy.
A vacancy in the office of the secretary
caused, by the removal of Bird F. Lewis
to Astoria, was filled by the election of
George H. Currey. The committee on
resolutions unanimously reported a
resolution to the effect that the popu
list party of Union county is opposed
to fusion with any other party, and the
resolution was finally ad on ted, and the
meeting adjourned.
Some for ten, some for twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then hare.- been quickly
and permanently cured by using De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great
I remedy for piles and all forms of skin
diseases. The bnipes Kinersly Drug
Thronged With Wool.
Washington, June 25. The resolu
tion of Hale relative to restricting the
privileges of ex-senators on the floor
of the senate to those not interested in
"The Foot
of a Fly"
says an eminent English doctor, "will
carry enough poison to infect a house
hold." In summer-time, more espec
ially, disease germs fill the air, multi
tudes are infected, fall ill, die ; multi
tudes escape. These messengers of
mischief do not exist for millions. Why
not ? because they are healthy and strong
protected as a crocodile is against gun
shot. It is the weak, the wasted, the
thin-blooded who fall ; those who
have no resistive power so that a sudden
cough or cold develops into graver
disease. We hear of catching disease!
Why not catch health ? We can do it
by always maintaining our healthy
of Cod-liver Oil, is condensed nourish
ment; food ior the building up of the
system to resist the attacks of disease.
It should be taken in reasonable doses
all summer long by all those whose
weight is below the standard of 'health.
If you are. losing ground, try a bottle
For aaltr all drngglstt at see. and tuam
legislation was referred without com'
meet to the committee tn rules. ;
Consideration of phe. wool schedule
of the tariff bill 'was resumed at the
paragraph relating to" Aubusson,-.Ax-
minster, moquette and chihelle carpets.
Vest moved to 'strike outspeeific rates
The vote was 17 to 24, -four, short of -a
quorum. A call of the 'senate brought
f2 senators to the chamber and". Vest's
amendment was rejected by a voter of, '-;,-vi-.1:-r' V-
Consideration of the. wool schedule
was completed at 1 o'clock. Vest -of
fered a number of amendments which,
were defeated,' the schedule being
adopted as suggested' by . the finance
committee. .The silk schedule, was
taken up. ; -7 - .. - ..'
The silk schedule precipitated . a
lively debate, Wastern and coast sen
ators contending 'that the committee
rates were excessive, prohibitive and
burdensome.- They claimed the rates
ran from 70 to 700 per cent. Piatt held
that the-government- figures showed
the rates to average 56 per 'cent.- Ef
forts to reduce the, committee rates
were rejected.
Knlghta of Pythias Celebrated In Forest
' " Urove.
Forest Grove, Or., June 20. To
day was a gala day ' in Forest Grove,
and the city was gay with yellow, blue
and red, for tho Knights of Pythias of
Washington county held their annual
conclave here. Five hundred visitors
from twenty miles around, in spite of
threatening weather gathered. .
This morniog a procession of ' 150
Knights and half as many Rath bone
Sisters marched from town, headed by
two bands- and distinguished visitors
in carriages, to- the Naylor . grove.
From a stand decorated with' Pythian
colors, ' Mayor. Hinman extended to
the visitors the freedom of the Forest
city, and Mayor Barrett," of Hillsboro,"
accepted the gracious gift. A basket
dinner followed, and i the afternoon
Hon. Wm. Rasmus delivered an ad
dress on the tenets of the knightly
order.- A.tug-of-war between -111113-bpro,
Glencoe, Cornelius and Forest
Groye lodges took place and Forest
Grove . won. Bicycle races followed.
In the evening there was a monster;
clam-bake and a hop. " ; ' " ';
Don't thin your blood with .sassafras
or poison it with blue-mass; but aid
Nature by using- De Witt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills for con
stipation, biliousness and stomach and
liver troubles. Tney are purely veget
able The Snipes Kinnersly Drug Co.
The Onion Pacific Question. . . .
Washington, June 25.r-The senate
committee on Pacific railroads - today
agreed to report favorably a resolution
introduced by Senator Harris, of Kan
sas, expressing the sense of the senate
that the United States should redeem
the Union Pacific rail,vay.ironi prior
liens and take, steps to foreclose the
government .mortgage. . The resolu
tion was amended by the addition of a
provision at the instance -of Senator.
Morgan, requesting that the president
suspend proceedings to carry into ef
fect an agreement alleged to have been
made to sell the interest of the United
States in the Union Pacific railroad
and in the sinking fund until the
further action of congress had refer
ence thereto. The action of the com
mittee was unanimous.
Not only piles of the very worst kind
can be cured by De Witt's Witch
Hazle Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns,
bruises, boils, ulcers and ail other
skin troubles can be instantly relieved
by the same remedy. Snipes Kinersly
Drug Co.
A Sickening Accident.
ROSEBUKG, Or., June 25. William
Grout, about 40 years of age, a sawyer
employed by the Sugar Pine Saw Mill,
near Res ton, 18 miles west of Roseburg,
on the old Coos Bay wagon road , met
with a fatal accident this morning.
While himself and son were turning a
log on a carriage with a cant-hook tho
carriage started, and the saw struck
the cant-hook and threw Grout on the
lower saw. Before the carriage could
be stopped the saw had passed length
wise through the body, beginning at
the neck and completely cutting him
in two. His body was frightfully
mangled. He leaves a widow and a
large family.
Terrible Accident. It is a terrible
accident to be burned or scalded; but j
the pain zed agony and the frightful j
disfigurements can be quickly over
come without leaving a scar by using I
De Witt's Witch Hazel Sdlve. Th
Snipes Kinnersly Drug Co. . ,j
X-Rays to Detect Hmnggllng.
Paris, June 25. The government
has adopted X-rays to check smug
gling. Director Pallain, of the French,
customs service, has ordered that;
Crookes tubes be kept in all the large
customs offices. ; Hitherto vast quan
tities of jewelry have been concealed
In tne legs of tables and ink recep
tacles. It is believed that by X rays
the presence of such articles will be
readily detected.
Cornell is the Winner.
Poughkeepsie, June 25. The crews
got away for the varsity rarse at 3:45 p.
M. Cornell won the first mile, Har
vard was second and Yale last.
Cornell was first in the second mile.
Yale second, Harvard third The
time in the second mile was 10:39.
Cornell won out by five lengths, Yale
second, with Harvard four lengths be
hind Yale. The time was 20:34.
Hoffman Was Murdered.
San Francisco, June 25. The coro
ner's inquest into the mysterious death
of Isaac Hoffman was concluded this
morning, the jury returning a verdict
to the effect that deceased was mur
dered at the hands of some person un
known to the jury.
Gold for Export
New York, June 25. A totaf of
$1,800,000 in gold bars has been ta ken
from the assay office for shipment to
Europe tomorrow.
Exports and Imports.
New York, June 20. The exports
of specie from the port of New York
for the week amounted to $4,832,079 in
gold and $1,025,713 in silver. The im
ports were:
Gold $ 73,999
Silver 77,488
Dry goods 3.726.724
General merchandise 6,818,455
Educate Tour Bowels With Caacareta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. I(GO.C.tail,drBKRistsretaodmonej.
Cleveland; Democrats Organ
ize a"Club of Their Own.
Onion County Populists Will Paddle
Their Own Canoe and Keep. in.
. 1 -the. Middle of the Road.', .
Forest Grove .Made Gay by the- Presence
of Knights Bud Their Ladles From .
AU Sections of Washington -.
. ' . County.
" Portland, Or., June 27. Last night
there was a representative gathering
xt soumi-mbnej "democrats at the office
of GE. S. Wood, "pursuant, to call to
organize a Jefferson Club. Tho meet
ing was attended by" many democrats
who last- November. cither openly re
pudiated the' Bryan andSewall ticket,
nominated at Chicago, and supported
General Palmer, br else; openly gave
their support to the republican ticket.
The meeting was called to order
shortly after 8 o'clock by C. E. S.
Wood, 'who briefly", and . succinctly
stated the objects.'1 Mr. Wood spoke
earnestly on tne subject, and his re
marks met with general. approval.' In
the running discussion which, followed
there was a variety of , sentiments ex
pressed as to the. name by which the
organization to be. formed shou'd be
called.- :Many .favored'-, the. original
idea. of calling it the Jefferson 'Club.
Others suggested, that 'the" name of
Cleveland couia.De appropriately usea,
and still others; who still have a lin
gering regard for the word "democrat,"
thought that the name of '.'Democratic
Union" - would .-be- proper. It 'was
finally agreed that the name of Jeffer
son Club be adopted temporarily, ' and
that a change could be made at some
future meeting if a general -'-desire was
shown that the step be taken. '
"Permanent organization was then ef
fected by the election of the following
officers:' ' President, Zera Snow; first
vice-president, J. Couch Flanders;
second vice-president, Lazarus Acker
man; secretary and treasurer, A. King
Wilson. The "permanent officers will
constitute the executive board. The
roll of membership ha9 now- about 60
. names, and the projectors of the or
ganization have assurances that many
more will join.- - . ' : i -'. :. ..
" Article two of the constitution
adopted by the club, defines its objects
to be as follows:: The purposes of the
club shall be (1) to promote the prin
ciples of the' democratic party as 'de
clared In the'Hplalform of principles
thereof adopted at the national "con
vention of the party which convened
at Indianapolis, September 3, 1896; (2)
to encourage "the organization of like
political clubs throughout the state: (3)
to take part in political elections in the
state when the best interests of the
party demand.
W. B. Johnson, Newark, O., says:
"One Minute Cough Cure saved my
only child from dying by croup." It
has saved thousands of others suffering
from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis
and other serious throat and lung
troubles. The Snipes Kinersly Drug
Victoria Will Mot Hold Any More Public
London, June 28. Tho queen re
turned to London this afternoon, and
made what most probably was her last
jubilee appearance in the metropolis,
for with the celebration that closes at
Aldershot on Thursday next, the state
appearance of her majesty will be fin
ished, and henceforth for whatever
span of life may be left to her, Queen
Victoria will confine herself to such
work for the state as can be done at
Windsor, Balmoral or Osborne. All
of these official functions, drawing
rooms, public ceremonies opening
town halls, hospitals and the like will
now be relegated to the Prince and
Princess of Wales.
Her majesty has witnessed a scene
never surpassed in material splendor
and moral significance since the British
empire was created. The queen thinks,
so the statement runs, that she has
aono enough. Unexampled devotion
and acceptance of her obligations to
her people have after 60years well won
her a rest, and in so far as the sovereign
can, she now proposes to let the burden
of responsibility fall on those who
must bear it when she passes away.
Don't neglect a cough because the
weather is pleasant: before the next
storm rolls around it may Jdevelop
into a serious difficulty beyond repair.
One Minute Cough Cure is easy to
take and will do what its name implies,
Snipes Kinersly Drug Co.
The Claim of Corbett.
Washington, June 25. The senate
committee on privileges and elections
today considered the report prepared
by Senator Hoar in the case of Hon
H. W. Corbett, recommending that
Corbett be seated as senator from Ore
gon. The committee declined to act
upon the report, but ordered that it
be printed for the use of the commit
tee, together with any views which
might be submitted by the members
opposing Corbett. The result of this
proceeding will be to postpone further
consideration of the Corbett claim
until the next session.
Educate Tour Bowels with Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever.
t0c,S5c. It C. C- C. (ail, druggists refund money.
To Readjust Wages.
Anderson, Ind., June 28. The
National Tinplate Company today
posted a notice for a shut-down on
To the Editor : I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am 1
of its power that I consider it my duty to
urtd two bottles fret to those of your readers
who have Consu mption, Throat, Bronchial or
lung Trouble, if they will write me thelt
express and post office address. Sincerely,
X. A. SLOCUM. K. O, IS3 Pearl St, Hew Tork.
gf-g Tbe Editorial sad BoitneM Msnaswnsnt ol
I this ripsr (hisrsntrt thit s-rTTt tJ-1"-'"""-
Thursdav. as Der Contract, for the re
adjustment of the wage scale. At the
same time all uoion tinplae faactories
in the country will. close. ;
-A conference of" manufacturers -and
workmen of tho. wage committees will
be held in Pittsburg next Saturday
" Union window glass facTo.-ie are
preparing rto cloe flown Wednesday
for, .a readjustment of tho wage, scale,
The "window, glass shut down : will
cause 13,000 men to lie Idle.', while the
tinplate closing lays -off about 12,000
men. . . ' ,-'r ' - . ' ;. ,
Finance Committee Settles Several Vexed
Washington, June 5:8. -The senate
committee' oh .finance - todav. settled
vexed. "questions' in connection, with
the" tariff. -It was decided to leave the
rate of 1 J cents'on lead ore as fixed by
the finance committee, and "also to
leave iron ore as originally determined
by' the committee' and passed by the
house. - . ..
The committee decided to advance
the" rate on pig lead to 21 cents per
pound. This is a"n "increase of half a
cent over the house rate, which the
committee did-not originally disturb,
anc was made' as a ".compensation' for
the increase on lead-ore.-',". ' .,, .".
The tea paragraph was again passed
over for future' consideration and the
decision on . coal, was reserved ; until
after a hearing to ber given to' conflict
ing interests tonight . .
Sick headache can be quickly and
completely overcome by using- those
famous little pills known as "DeWitt's
Little Early Risers." Snipes Kinersly
urug company.
' To Raise Coffee In Mexico.
- Guadalahara, Mexico, June 38.
Several months ago Benuit, represent
ing a -wealthy French syndicate, ar
rived to investigate .the opportunities
for colonizing rich coffee land on the
Pacific slope of the state of Jalisco.
He made a report. - A deal has just
been closed for the purchase of 2,000,
000 acres, and steps have been taken
to locate thereon 20,000 French - colon
lata. The land lies on the western
slope of the Sierra Madre. Thecoloc
ists will come from Southern France
an'd pay a nominal price for the land
Tacoma JLedger to be Sold., '
Taooma. Wash., June 28. The court
this morning ordered the sale of the
Daily Lodger on Augnst 10 for cash
unless a private sale is made before
that date. The paper went into the
bands of a receiver a . month ago,
Since which time it has run behind
$600. The indebtedness is about
$75,000. .
A Rebuff for the Sultan.
Constantinople, June 28. A fresh
attempt on the part of the sultan to
secure Germany's support for reten
tlott of Thessaly was" m'et'wlth refusal
and advice to conform to Europe's
wishes. ' " ' '
I Owner, st Brazilian Scout, Has Refuse!
17.6O0 for the Stone.
Information has just reached New
York that the largest carbon ever found
has been discovered in the wilds of
Brazil. It weighs 3,033 carats, and is al
most as big as one's fist. The carbon ia
a much-sought stone. It is black, of
diauondiferous composition, and is the
hardest known substance. For this
reason it is used for drilling and is ex
tremely valuable. Small bits are found
frequently in dianiondlferous regions.
About, six months ago, M. B. Levy, a
diamond merchant of this city, started
on the Brazil workings. He worked his
way up the Amazon, partly a trip by
canoe and partly by the plodding mule.
Thus he traveled for nine layK, until
he came to a place called Jacreandor.
Near this spot a former scout of Mr.
Levy, one l'edro OunzaloR, had bought
a tract of land EG leagues in extent.
Part, in fact, nearly the whole, of this
stretch of property yields a choice
variety of boa eont.tri'c.tors and wild
beasts, but as Gunzalos had been fight
ing these creatures all his life he didn't
mind them. The attractive portion of
his land was a bit of clear ground on
which he had found a quartz bearing car
bon. He saw in this a fortune. He got
together n force of natives who were
only spasmodically industrious. Small
bits of carbon were found; not-, how
ever, in stich profusion as to satisfy
Gunzalos. He was becoming discour
One day two months after Mr. Levy'a
arrival Gunzalos' workman was hum
ming a song while dislodging quartz
in a perfunctory sort of way. Heob
served with surprise the outlines of a
large carbon in a fallen piece. He gazed
at the big stone a moment in amaze
ment, and then shouted exultingly to
the overseer. That solemn official
danced a jig when he took it from the
workman's hand, and Gunzalos treated
all hands liberally when the carbon
was brought to him. A few days after
he went to Jacreandor. He showed the
stone to Mr. Levy, who had been quietly
buying a few bargains in gems.
After inspecting it. critically, Mr.
Levy said: "I'll give you 3,500 for
the carbon."
Gunzalos rejected the offer with a
scornful gesture. "I'll sell it for 10,
300, and not a pound less," he said.
"But," insisted Mr. Levy, "it will cost
1,000 to cut the carbon. Nothing less
than a ten-ton hammer will make an
impression on it. You can see the ex
pense the buyer will be under."
"I think I shall have it kept- in a vault
in Paris for the present," said Gun
zalos, "and then I may send it to the
Cnited States."
The carbon is three and a half inches
long, three inches wide, and the same
in thickness. It is a trifle spongy on a
small area of the surface, but other
wise is solid. N. Y. Tribune.
"Of course I don't know much about
politics," she said, thoughtfully, "but
1 should think, John, that you'd some
times get caught in spite of all your
' "In one way I do," he replied, "but
a man who has been talking politics as
long as I have knows how to win a vic
tory even after he's been tripped up."
"But if you find that you're getting
the worst of the argument I don't
see "
"Oh, I just run in something about
the immutable laws of supply and de
mand," he interrupted, in his superior
way, "and it will prove a clincher for
any kind of argument in regard tc
either the tariff or finance." Chicago
Horace, Cicero, Lucretius and other
itoman philosophers and poets.regarded
language as a human invention.
English and Belgian cements, very
best imported brands, for sale by the
Wasco Warehouse Co.,
uxmm :
Absolutely Pure- '
Celebrated ', for its great leavening
strength and . healthtulnees. ' . Assures
the food against alum and all forma of
ad culte ration common to the cheap
brands. V Royal ? Baking Powder
Co., New York. '- - .;- ' :'
In Recent Elections There Has Beea Lis.
- tie Fraud In Mew l'ork. -t
The counting of votes has ben in
the past more fruitful of trickery anil
falsification than any other part of
the .election process.. In 1893 the can
voters in certain districts reduce the
matter , to its lowest terms by simply
reporting " a unanimous vote on their
side, mid then going out to fling up their
hate -for the rest of the night. In the
subsequent election competent and in
corruptible men supervised the canvasi
so strict I j- that the percentage of fraud
was. so small. If any existed, as never to
be heard of.' This watching, saya
writer in Century, at the count not only
prevented intentional lying, but save.l
accidental -mistakes. In one case the
board of Inspectors confessed they did
not know how .to count the votes, and
submitted entirely to the guidance of
o well-informed watcher. . . . '
The counting is done in public, and
is often nu interesting sight Everyoi
ganization ' and each, candidate may
Hend n representative to observe .it,
though nobody but the inspectors if
4 n . .... . 1. . 1 . n 1 Tk.
straight tickets are first counted in tens
by four-men in succession, and a tally
is kept by at least two assistants. Each
name is credited with as many voten
as there arc tickets for his side. ' Then
one inspector reads off of those ticket
which ore "split, or have pasters at
tached, or upon which names have been
rased or new names written, and each
candidate is credited with a vote every
time his name appears. When this la
finished the most prominent office is
taken up, and the sum of the voles foa
each candidate is ascertained.
Breaks into Safes with Machinery and
The modern burglar is adopting mod-.
ern appliances. The jimmy bids fair to
become a relic of the past before long.
A mna n In, r-nrli .... VranM fHiiatnat
this fact, eaya the New York'Journal.
A gang of ingenious cracksmen eu- .
tered a banker's office armed with a
steel saw of the newest construction
and a handy little gas engine. There
was no need for the exercise of muscle,
nor was there any necessity for a good
strong wrint-at the saw as there was"
at one time in the annals of famous rob
beries. - '
The little engine was storied, the
saw put in the proper place, and the
connections made. Seating themBeh es
serenely upon a couple of chairs near at
hand, these modern burglars watched
the tiue and rapid work of their appli
ances. The big safe might have resisted for
hours the force of 'human hands, but
the saw, impelled by the engine, it
could not stand against. It promptly
yielded up its contents of over $3,000
worth of gold and bonds, and in a quarr
ter of the time it would have taken to
have committed the robbery under the
old conditions the burglars were well
Out of the building with their booty. .
..Regulator Line..
WILL make the following
Hood River Encampment
And the Celebration at Portland
Benefit Excursion ..
The Dalles to Hood River. Round Trip 60c.
Tickets limited to date of sale.
Leave The Dalles 8:45 A. u. Hood Kiver 1 P.M.
And Return. Round Trip $2.
Tickets good irolnir Saturday. July Sd; Return-
Iuk Thursday, July tab.
Leaves The Dalles 8:45 a. m. Portland 7 A. M.
Special . lixeDi'sion!
The Dalles to Port
land and return. .
hare, Round irip, $1.50
Monday, July 5th, returning July 6th.
Sir. Reirulator will leave The Dalles at t A. M.
uud arrive at Portland at 12 noon.
The Grund Parade at Portland will take place
ut S P. M. The Firework at night will
surpass anything heretofore at
tempted in Portland.
Fee the Battleships
Moimdnock and Monterev
AU tickets must be purchased at the office or
wharfboat. W. C. ALLAWAY,
Ueneral Agent.
To Cure Constipation Forevert
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or So.
If C C. C fall to Cure, druggists refund mooes.