Pi'vI'um 1 Library Cl OIISTAIXBSK, .Volume XXXV THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 19. 1897 CONSOLIDATED 1882. -1 K--MOITiTAIXEl5 " XIII pillira-plJIBlIWIMTO,, KtFK8JHO?iAi.. o Physician arid Surgeon Rooms over Dalles il aional !liik. Offieo hour?, a m t 12 m, nd from t to 4 r m. Resi dence We't ?nl of Third tret, A. P. BSX.NLT Attorney at Law Office !r S:hunno'sb' Oregon- nding, optafr? The Pallet TACKJIAN Dentist. Booms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, Tho Dalles, Or. SOCIETIES. fTlEMPLE LODGE. NO. 3, A. O. U W. l Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. J AS. NESMITH POST, NO. SJiG. A. R. Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 In K. of P. Hall. . COUP.T THE DALLES, A. O. P. NO. 8630 Meets every Friday evening at their ball at 8 o'clock. BOFT.. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in K. of P. Hail - ' TTTASCO TULUE, NO. 1, I. O. B.M. rets. - VV every Wednesday evening in li, of P Hall. GESANG VEREIN HARMONIfi. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, BOP L. F. DIVISION, NO. 1B7. Meets in K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. ISTAStX) LOEGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets first and tmrd Monday, or eaco month at 6 P. M. mHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER JL NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers re Tielc-ome. T71RIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9 K. of P. r Meets everv Mondav evenine at 8 o'clock. in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in vited. , UTOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE V V UNION M eets every Friday at 3 o'clock n the reading room.' MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mt. Hood Camp, No. 59, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. ftOLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33. E. S. I Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor diall invited. THE CHURCHES. . fT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A.M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7 :3. T'VANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH . Pi Rev. L. Grev. Pastor. Service in the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every Sunday 9:30 A. M. and 7:20 P. M. M: E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. . Services every Sunday morning and eve lmr. Sunday schoolat 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all, . . CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev.' W. C. J Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service CJT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bron? gcest O Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. High mass at 10 :30 A. M, Vespers at 7 :30 P. M. TtllRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tav- JD lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. . Pastor's residence Northeast cor. or washing ton and Seventh streets. TnrRRT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. . Jj Hiw.el, pastor. Preaching every Sundny morninff at 11 and in the eveninc at 7 o'clock . Sunday., school nt 10 A M. Prayer meeting I ercry Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. AVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor.- Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M- Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday schoolat V :4a A. M. Ail are cordially welaomed. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undei-signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, as administratrix of the estate of Henry Pout ing, late of Wasco County, and now deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified, either at ray residence at Kings ley, Oregon, or at the office of G. W. Phelps, lu Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated April 10. 1897. MRS. EFFIE PONTING. alOw Administratrix. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore., i M lHir C ... iUUJ fcl, lUPIt 1 Notioo is hereby given that- the following named settler has filed notice of his intention ' to commute and make final proof in support of . his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, - Oregon, on June 28, 1867. viz: ANN HOOK, (nee ANN SOUTHWELL) Hd. E. No. 4771. for the NWK. SWM Sec. 19. 1 f. v A. . lb, JS A J t OUU " y A- A N.. R. 14 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Emma Southwell, of The Dalles. Oregon, and John Beatty, William Shelly and George Cozel, of Celilo, Oregon. IAS. F. MOORE, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court of the Suite of Oregon for Wasco County, made and entered on the 17th day of May, 17, tho undersigned was duly appointed administrator of the estate of Albert Ullery. deceased. AU persons having claims agdinst said estate are notified to present them, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at Victor, Oregon, or to D. H. Roberts, at his office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated May lsth, 1W7. L. C. HENNEGHAN. Adm'r of the estate of Albert Ullery, deceased. m22wo. Notice is hereby given tht the undersigned, administrator of the estate Christin i Phil lips, deceased. ill onMondav, tv ;;ist day of June, 1X97. at the hour .f 2 o'clock Pr y . of said dy, at the front door of the County--. Court Hr.no in n-.illes f"tv. Wasco Countv. Ore-oil. sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the-i following described real estate belonging to tne said deceased, towit : . Lots eleven (11), twelve 02) and thirteen (1S1 in the town of Kingsley, Oregon, and according to the recorded maps and pints of said town. Said sale will be made in pursvance of the former order of the Hon. County Court i t the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and subject to confirmation by said Court. - Dated this 13th day of May, IW - . S. B. PHILLIPS. Adm'r of the estate of Christina PhiUips, dee'd. A NSW UNDERTAKING .SK ESTABLISHMENT Pririz & Nitsctik:e FURNITURE AND CARPETS . . - our buiincs a tlete Unljr taking Estabishsent, and aa we are in no way connect d with -vho Uudcrt er9"Tniat, or .- . prices will b low accordingly. Spokane For mining stock quotations, and facts- 'concerning British Columbia and Was hington mines, address PRED FLOED, No. 4 Soutii Monroe Street Spokane' Washington. ;-, ' . ' T)CISTR A.TOR'3 SALE. A A Q A a SHERIFF'S SALE. In Vie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon W isco county. J,. Gurney Fowler and W. J. Caesar, plaintiffs. vs. Sylvester w . Aiasoa una lvuia u. Alasou, defendants. Bv virtue of an execution and order cf sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Va-u-o. to me di rected and dated tho Mh d!iy of Jimo, K-1..-. upon a iud-jment and decree for the foreclosure oi a certain mui'tgiifre Hindered and entered in said Court on the 2-Uh dav of M.iy. iK1,', ia tne abov. entitled cause, in f.ivor of the vJuititiiTs and asrainst the Sefendauts cs idfnnent tieulors fur the sum of 7S. with interest thereon at rate of eiiit percent per afiuum from tae 24 dav of M:iy. ltS7, and the further sum i f i attorney's Tees, and the further sum of ilOcost: of suit, and the cots of and on said writ of e.ve cution. and commanding me to rnal.c sate of the real proper'y embraced in said decree of foreclosure un'i ortier oi saie ana uercinr.no described. I have duly, levied upon and on ill Monday, the lth Day of July. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the County Court I'ou-se. in Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, sell at mimic auc tion to the highest Wilder for cash la hand, ail the right, title and interest which the said By I vester W. Mason arid Lydia O. Mason, or either of them had on tue flr.it day of October. Is9. the date of the mortgage foreclosed, or which such defendants have since acquired or now have In and to the following dscrir?ed real property situate ar.d bei!iv in Wasco County State of Oregon, towit: The east half of the northeast Quarter, and the southwest uuarterof the northeast quarter, and lotone (l).all msec tion ten 1 10). ia townshin one il south of range fourteen (14) east W. M., or so much thereof s will satisfy s:nd above aescribcd and mentioned judgment, attorney fee and costs. Said prop erty will le sold subject to confirmation by said Circuit Court and to redemption as by law provided Dated at The Dalles. Orezon. this 10th day of June, 1M)7. T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco County.Oregon ' June 12, w5 SALE OF BONDS. The Valley Improvement Company, of Hood River, will receive sealed bids for the bonds of the company, at the office of the secretary of tne company at iooa iviver, Oregon, up to 1U o'clock A. M. of June SSth. lUr. The bonds will be for the sura of ?i.()i!0, to run from three to live years at the option of the purchasers, with interest at 10 per ceat par annum, payable annually, and to be secured by firat mortg.ige upon all tne property of tne company. The bonds will be drawn in such form and for such sums as t-se purchasers may designate. The Vallev Imiimvprncnt, f 'nmnnnir i tocii larly incorporated under the luws of" the slate or jregon. witn capital stock or -Ji).0i)O fully paid up. It is constructing a ditch and flume ten miles in length, costing over fiS.iioo and which will he completed bv the time of the sale above mentioned, and which will carry 200 inches of water. It runs through the heart of Hoed River Valley and will furnish water for hire for irrigation and domestic purposes to the inhabitants of tha vr.l'ev and to .the town of "Hood River for 4.rr!gatlon and fire protection. The tonds will cover the euiire indebtedness of the company. The security is ample, the title perfect, the proceedings of the company are regular. It will make Hood River Vallev the garden spot of Oregon and its success is more than assured. Further particulars may be had from the secretary. Hood River. Oregon. June 14. Ifflr. A. S. BLOWERS, President. H. F, Davidson. Secretary. THE" "HUN ON" TYPEWRITER Is "The Best" Writing Machine The highest grade. Standard of excellence. Controlled by no trust or combine. The "Munson" possesses many distinct points. 01 advantage over an other writing macnines. The most dunble of all. Address for catalogue, THE Ml NSON TYPEWRITER Co , 210-244 W. La ; St., - - Chicago, Ills -TO THE- GIVES THE rto ce of Tso TrffliConMa Ro&tes VIA VLA SPOKANE DENVER , OMAHA AKD K-lEilijQi JIM oris ST. PAT L KANSAS Low Rates to All Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS leave- Portland every five days for m. FBANCISC9, C&iA Tor full details call on the O. R. & N. Agent at THE DALLES, or address E. McNEILL, President and Itl&uHgcr. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregos The New O. K. & N. Time Card. Train No. 2 east via. the Union Pacific and Orejjou Short. Line, arrives here &l 1:00 A. m., departs at 1:05. No. 4, east by Spokane and Great Northern, arrivaa at, 5;55 P. M., deuarts 6:00. No. 1, westfroin U. P. and O. S. L., arrives at 3:55 A. 31., and departs 4:00. No. 3, west from Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 8:25 A. M. and do parts at 8:30. Freight trains Nos, 23 and 24, -second divisions, will carry passenjrerH. No. "3 arrives at 5 P. M. and No. 24 leaves at 1:45 p. m. Raiicli For Sale Eleven Miles Southeast of The Dalles. NWM S. I. E'i NE'f SYU of NE'f. WH of SE'i See. 2. 1 S of 14 E. : also 8 H of SEJi of bee. 3.townsnip 1 N. of range 14 E. : Consideration, 2,100. : One half down and balance in live yearlv pay menu, with interest at 6 per cent. Nearly ail enclosed, with 1'3 acres under cultivation : good bearing orchard, house, barn and other sinuli buildings; plenty of water and simile, and 15 acres of bottom land suitable for fruit of all kinds. For further particulars call on S. W. MASON, a:!ni3 On the ranch REDUCES H ZP a per miHim bj a harm from l t tit wr. r e o I &rZt harm- ei .9. tldo?phy8hIaDof 20 years' experleucet. No lad effecls or detention f mm bu.slnp& Nostarvimr. wrinkles or flflhiiinfm im. prures seneral Iiealth and bt-amiliea compkxion. phy sicians and sDCieti ladies Indorse it Tbotuauds cured. PATIENTS TREATED PY MAIL eonfldentlallr. For particulars addrexg, with stamp, HI? CNVnCI) v!ckfrtTiir, cnicinu, 11.1 V3 I UCA, OrSOJUrnadwar.aJlff tout till. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Caeca rets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a It a C. C. fail to core, druggists refund money. ,Jj Wr!iing 'n Sight . am mnTmnn?Hnm?nnnn.nnn?Tfm?i??immnHnm?n?iT!T for jCist !Price, - - -'S6 Gamblers, uAo tAey ast, Second Hand Wheels $25 and upwards t2p-Send for catalogues, free, and 2d hand list. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. 127 Sixth Street, Portland. Or. lirnnches Spokane, Seattle, Taconia and Walla Walla. LIVE AGENTS WANTED - LEO SCn ANNO, Agent, - THE DALLES. ; imiumiummimmumiiuuij iimmuuiiiummumimi New BARBED WIRJB :' NAILS : GRANITE WARE TIN WARE MAIER 167 Second Street THE CELEBRATED AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery ia and Porter east of the Cascades. manufacture of good healthful only the first-class article will be East Second Street The Dalles, Ben wilson Saloon Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills, THE DALLES, "- - - OREGOJi -.J!ineWinss, Liquors and Cigars. Free Lunch, served at all ' hours. HHRM6STING .A.O, Light running Jones Reapers, Mowers. Binders. 'and Headers. For sale by C. SOLE AGENT, THE DALLES, OR. Correspondence regarding prices and terms solicited. "Wall street " 500,000 shares, $1.00 e:ich 200,000 sliares in Treasm y Free Milling Gold Properties, County, Washington. : : : Price of " Wall Street" Treasury Stock '. Price of "Strictly Business " Treasury Stock ....vrrr. Only 25.0C0 shares of each Company on the market at above prices. yThe Butte of Eossland is a good speculation at present price. 4c. C. S. RTJTTER, Broker, Spokane, Wash. sso, S60 New line of Stoves from to arrive up lo ?09 Sfccl Ganges Don't be deceived by buying second-liaii'l goods. We have nothing but new goods and up-to-date stovts. ENTON now turning out the best Beer The latest appliances for the Ueer have been introduced, and placed on the market. Brewery Ores HINERY Best Harvesting Ma-chinery made, . . PHELPS "Sfrisili Business" $500,000 200,000 locttod at Loomis. Okanograa All individual stoi k pooled. .4c .5c WIND ON A RAMPAGE!- A Destructive Cyclone Sweeps! Over Minnesota. BARBARIC WARFARE Weyl'er Continues to Persecute the Wives of the Cuban In surgents. The Ouepliou of Annexation, of Uawa May Be Submitted to C'ODgress Dur ing the Coming Session Oloud liurst in Colorado. Lyle, Minn., June ll. A destruc tive evclone struck this vicinity last night, l:ijicr w:t3to a strip of country 200 yards wide and 10 miles long-. lunnel-snapec. cloud maoa -Jts appear ance 12 miles west of here. J. C Owens' fine residence, barn and gran aries were destroyed. At Howards' all the outbuildings 'were demolished. Tho Woodbury schoolbouse was demolished. Charles Severson's fine farm property was' all destroyed. His skull was badfy frac. turt d and it is feared ha cannot live, Wihiam Stipe's farm buildings arere smashed into kindling- wood. The family got in the cellar, but Mrs. Stipe was baulv iuiured. Mrs. Berg's house was destroyed. Joseph Wyberney's barn and house are gone. One of his horses was picked up and landed 80 rods away without a scratch. Henry Hansen's building was destroyed and Hansen killed. P. J. Johnson and Hansen's wife and two children are in a critical condition. Minnocka schoolhouse was totally destroyed. August Webber's barn and residence were wrecked. Willis Bryan's farm presented a scene of total destruction. His wife and three chil dren were huddled into a corner of the cellar when the storm broke over them. As the bouse was lifted a stone weighing 200 pounds rolled down over Bryan's back, inflicting ugly wounds. Christian Peters-en's property was destroyed and ho cannot live. His sons are in a critical condition. Peter Hansen and family were temporarily living in a. new barn. The structure was crushed and Hansen had a leg broken; Mrs. Hansen was badly hurt, as was also their son, Robert: Mrs. Hugeson and Mr. and Mrs. William Brooke, cf Clarion, Ia., were visiting there' and all were injured. Charles Larson's cottage was destroyed and he and his wife badly hurt. Three of the injured cannot live. The property loss i? estimated at $80,000, Personal. The rentieman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find instant re lief bv usinsr One Minute Couch Care, a speedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung ticubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. SPAIN'S BARBARIC WARFARE. Wej-ler Continues to Persecute tbe Wires of the lnsurgeut4. New York, June 11. A dispatch from Havana to tbe Journal says: Weyler continues persecution of helpless Cuban women, who have relatives in the rebel ranks. Senor Sardug, whose husband is a Cuban leader lately captured, was dragged from ber home and throwD into i.he house of detention, where sho will be kept "incommunicode'". until her hus band's court-martial and execution at tJabanas castle. Six insurgents, who surrendered to Spanish authorities at Santiago de Cuba, and who expected to be pardon ed and paroled under Weyler's amnesty decree, have since been court-martial ed and shot. The town of El Callao, on the western trocha, was entered by insurgents recently. They visited the local Spanish hospital, and confiscated all medicines and supplies in eight, but did not molest the inmates. Dr.' Paguera, a wounded Cuban surgeon from Castillo's staff, who had smuggled himself into Havana to re cuperate, was discovered hy the Spanish, police, and sent to the military hospital of San Ambrosio. El Commercio, in an editorial com plimentary to Premier Canovas, says thatr supported by Dupuy de Lome at Washington, he endeavored to main tain apparently good relations with the United States simply to gain time to enforce the armada and better arm the Spanish ports and complete certain drydocks already unCer way. WHEELS IN TUE ARMY. Their Practicability Will Be Tested In a Long Distance-Ride. St. Louis, Mo., June 12. A special to the Republic from Fort Missoula, Mont., says: Today 24 men will start oo a ride of tion Out-door life and Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites have cured thousands of cases of consump tion in the early stages. They cure old, advanced cases too; hut not so many, nor so prompt ly. When a case is so far ad vanced that a cure cannot he made, even then SCOTT'S EMULSION checks the rapid ity of the disease, relieves the pains Jn the chest, reduces the night sweats, and makes the cough easier. In these cases it comforts and prolongs life. Don't experiment with cures that destroy the digestion. Pin your faith to the one remedy which has feien THE STAN dard foR Over 20 Years. Book about it free for the asking. . For tale by all druggists at 50c and $1X0. SCOTT 4 BOWNE, New York, 1 Consump Jefferson Bar rack-, Mo, which will be reached in about six weeks. Whether bicycles will be usd in the army depends on tho result of this experiment. Full infantry equipment, including cooking utensils and shelter tents, will be carried on the wheels. Each member of fie party will wear the regulation field service uniform, with the exception of bicycle shoes. Ten of tbe men will carry their Krag-Jor-genson rifles slung to their machines under the left leg and paralel to the top tubing of the frame. The re-t of the party will wear pistols, s boin supplied with 50 rounds of ammunition to the man, wiih 2i additional rounds e:ich in their knapsacks. When the 'prine time con-.e, "gentle Annie," like all other sensible persons will cleanse the liver and renovate the system with De Witt's Little Early Risers, tanious little pills for the hver and stoiuache all the year around. , Snipes tunnersiy urug Uo. ANNEXATION OP HAWAII. Question May Be Submitted to I'ongreas During tbe fri-m-nt Session. Chicago, June 11. The Daily News' Washington special says: A convention is on foot looking to the annexation of Hawaii as a territory, and details of tho plan are so nearly completed as to warrant the belief that they will soon be submitted to con gress. The United States, it is pro posed, shall assume the debt of the Hawaiian Republic to the limit of $4,- 000,000. Friends of annexation in Washington declare the president will submit a message to congress on the subject before adjournment of tho present session. The effect of excluding from citizen ship in the United States the Asiatic population is considered the most serious feature of the proposed annex ation. W hen a cold is contracted, cure it at once. One ft inute Cough Cure will set you on the road lo recovery in a min ute. It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis. croop and all forms-ot lung and throat troubles, buipes Kinersly Drug Co. BURGLARS IM SEATTLE. Four Stores Were Eutered and Looted by Thieve Seattle, Wash., June 12. Burglars are operating successfully in this city. Four stores were ensered last night and looted. Miles Randall & Go's carpenter shop, on Third avenue, was entered and tools taken, the tools being used to open other places. Louis Delias' tailoring establish ment, at 1009 First Avenue, was entered and two bolts of silks and 10 bolts of suit cloth were stolen. Theodore Dechner's gun store, at 1407 Front street, was entered and revolvers and kniyes were stolen by the wholesale. The Wrhito Star Laundry was entered and the big safe there operated on. The safe was ruined, but the burglars could not get it open. They went away and left their tools lying about. It should be nia1e a matter of public knowledge that DeWitt's AVitch .Hazel Salve will speedily cure piles of the long est standing. It is the household favor ite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and scores of ail kinds. Snios Kineisiv Drug Co. Clond Burst in Colorado. Denver, Colo., June 11. Four rail way washouts, a $25,000 fire and a host of minor losses epitomized the evil re sults of a storm which prevailed in Denver and the southeastern section of the state last evening. A cloud burst on the slopes of Pike's peak shut off traffic on the Rio Grande and Midland-lines between Monitou and Colorado Springs. Sixteen miles out of Denyer tbe Julesburg tracks were washed out. A washout on the Burl ington & Missouri road occured near Barr station. Croop and whooping cough are child, hood's terrors; but like pneumonia, bronchitis and other thro:t and lung troubles, can be quickly cu-ed by iising One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes Kin ersly Drug Co. Governor of Alasna. Seattle, Wash., June 12. G. B. Swinehart, editor of the Juneau Min ing Record, has inst returned from Washington City with important news, "I called upon Secretary Blis3 in re gard to the governorship," said Mr. Swinehart this morning. "He is a man of few words, and when I intro duced the subject, he promptly said "We bave decided to nominate the Rev. Mr. Brady, the candidate of the missionary element, as soon as Mr. Sheakley's resignation is received." Unconditional surrender, is the only- terms those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers will make with contioation. sick headache and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Jumped into an Old Well. Albany, Or., June 12. William Hunter, a farmer living on the Frye place, near Frye station ,on the Lebanon branch railroad, committed suicide this morning by jumping into an un used well. He had been despondent of la, owing to financial reverses. He was a son of James Hunter, was 3) years old and left a family. Thirty years is a long time to fight so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob Jlitchell, of Unionville, Pa., struggled that long before he tried DeWitt's Witch Hazei Salve, which quickly and perma nentlv cured him. It is equally effective in eczema and all skin affections. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Tj Co mpel the Banginz of Dnrrut. San Francisco, June 12. Attorney- General Fitzgerald is busily engaged in preparing to petition the supreme court for a writ of mandate lo compel the warden of San Quentii prison to execute Theodore Durrant on July 9, tbe date set by Governor Budd.in tbe reprieve granted the condemned man on Thursday evening. ' No Stock-Dabbling; Inquiry. Washington, June 11. The com mittee on contingent expenses of the senate agreed to report adversely the Tillman resolution for tbe investiga tion of alleged speculation in sugar. Bouse Adjourned to Thursday. Washington, June 14. Tbe house today adjourned until Thursday. Sul zer presented a petition said to include 6,000,000 names, in favor of recognition of the Cubans as belligerents. Etlucato Yonr Bowels With C as carets. Candy Cathartic, core constipation forever. lOc.250. If C. C. C, fail, drugKisu refund money THEIR FORLORN HOPE The Gold Democrats of Oregon Preparing for Battle. LIKE THE BOY ORATOR Bryan Given a Hearty Welcome by the Populace on His Arrival in Nsw Yni-k. Soldiers Will Travel on Bicycles -If the Experiment la Successful They Will Be Introduced Into the Army Dun-ant Must Banc. Portland. Or., June 13. The Oregonian today outlines the policy to be followed by the Portland gold democrats, and their plana for organiz-. ing a party. It says: Special significance attaches to tho action of the sound-money demo- 'crats of Oregon in taking steps to per fect thorough organization throughout mo state. xnere has been some talk among the Bryan democrats of healing past differences, and there- hy bringing together again all former members of the Oregon democracy. Tbe action of the sound-money demo crats, taken during the passed week, makes it evident there will be no union on the basis of the Chicago platform. During the past week a number of the prominent and influential demo crats were in consultation regarding steps to be taken to secure permanent organization. These meeetings were held pursuant to the appointment of a committee for that purpose at a meet ing of prominent democrats held in January last. An organization of sound money democrats has been perfected. The Jefferson Club has been formed. Its purposes are to promote the efficiency of tbe democratic party, uphold its principles as declared at the Indian apolis convention in September. 1896, and take part in political elections in tbe state. Membership may be obtained by signing the roll of member ship, and a certificate to uphold tbe purposes and objects of the club. Funds-for expenses are obtained by voluntary subscription among- the members, and not by dues, and al ready sufficient funds have been guar anteed to pay the expenses of the club during this and the ensuing year. The club meets for organization on June 26, at 8:30 P. M., room 422 Cham ber of Commerce building, at which time the election of officers will occur. Not only acute lung troubles, whith may prove fatal in a few days, but old chronic coughs and throaty troubles may receive immediate relief and be nerma nently cured by One Minute Cough ( ure. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. BRYAN IN MEW YORK. Hailed as the Next President of the United Htates. New York, June 12. W. J. Bryan arrived here today. He was met at the Grand Central depot by a large crowd, wno accorded mm an entnusiastio re ception. . Mr. Bryan was greeted with cheers and repeated cries of "Bryan, the next president of the United States. '' As Mr. Bryan left the station all the hackmen waved their hats and renewed cheering for "the next presi dent of the United States." Mr. Bryan acknowledged the salute. - Entering a carriage with John Brisben Walker, a member of the. deputation from the Progressive Democratic . Club, Mr. Bryan was driven to the BarthqlgK hotel. Mr. Bryan arrived ui. too hotel about 4 o'clock, and was greeted by a large conoourse of people. Within 10 minutes the demands for a speech be came so persistent that he bad to re spond briefly. He dwelt upon the duties of citizenship, and said that he looked back on the campaign of last year as one of great value to the Amer ican people. '"One cannot always judge of the ef fect of a campaign at once," he said, "and we do not know whether the re suit of the campaign will remain perm anon t or not." Of one thing he was sure, and that was that it was a good thing to have the citizens of a country keep their public officials under close scrutiny. In this direction, he said, the campaign of last year bad been prolific in good results. Mr. Bryan avoided the discussion of both local and national politics, but he did fay that, so far as he was able to judge from what he heard, the predict ed return of prospority had not come. He thought the prospects for demo cratic success next fall were very good, and that there had been a growth of silver sentiment here and elsewhere. SUGAR TRUST ARRAIGNED. Senator Allen Thinks It Khould be IMs Bissolved. Washington, June 14. Tbe tariff bi'l was taken up in the senate today with little delay. Allen reverted to tbe colloquy of last Saturday, in which he held it was the right and duty of the government to take legal steps to dissolve the sugar trust. He argued that an injunction, quo warranto and other legal processes could be invoked by the federal courts against state corporations engaged in interstate or international trade. : If Havemeyer and his asssociates went to New Jersey to procure a charter as a mere shield to improper proceedings, tbe act was fraudulent,. the charter void, and the federal courts had jurisdiction over the subject.- Allen next spoke in favor of abrogst- lng tbe Hawaiian treaty. The sena- w and its ctrau To the Editor : I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send too bottles free to those of your readers who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me theU express and postoffice address. Sincerely. '. A. SLOCUM, BLC 1(3 resrl St, Hew Tarr. ST Tbe Editorial and Bnsineas Hanarament of tins Paper (iaaraateo tbis groat Proposition fflDSB Hi 4 tor said the sugar investigation which he took part disclosed that HavemeyerandClti.se Sprockets had an agreement by which SpreckeU con trolled the territory west of the Mis souri river, while the territory east of the Missouri was. "subject to the fo rays of the American Sugar Trust.' flis vote, and he believed tbe votes o: l populist senators would be cast to can.-t-l the Hawaiian treaty as a mean if lt?vi-ioping the beet-sugar industry, HEAVY DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. R-trthqnako Near (nlcutta More Keriou Than' first Reported. CAH.ttta, June 14. Later reports increase the gravity of tho earthquake shocks Saturday. An extensive area was affected, causing much misery among many of the poor Europeans and natives. x Shocks were felt at Simla. Agra, Bombay, Munipur and at many places far 'down the central provinces. An immense amount of damage was done at Hoogly, Burdwan and Dace, where several persons were killed. At Darjiling many houses were destroyed. Traffic on the Eastern Bengal railroad was interrupted Bridges were damaged and a train was overturned on tho Assam Bengal line. The ground opened at Maniput and the town of Kobima was severely damaged. The heat prevailing is the highest on record, 126 degrees in the shade having been registered at Jaco- bad, on the frontier of Beloochistan. CALHuCN FOK MINISTER. The Late Commissioner to Cnba Will be Minister to Spain. New York, June 14. A dispatch irom ia9Dvuie, xenn., says that ex- Commissioner Calhoun, who went to investigate the R'liz case and the general condition of things in the is land of Cuba for President McKinley, is the man who is most likely to .be named for .Minister, to Madrid, and not General Stewart L. Woodford. Secretary Sherman said today: "No. General Woodford's came has not been mentioned to me by tbe president in connection with the post of minister to Spain. I kuow General Woodford, and he would be an excel lent man for tbe place, but as I under stand it Mr. Calhoun, who has just re turned from Cuba, is to be sent to Madrid as the representative of this country at the Spanish court. There have been a good many conflict ing reports made in regard. to this mis sion, owing to its importance at this time and because the president has really had in mind several gentlemen for the place." Calling Them Home. New York, June 14. A dispatch to the Journal from Havana says: Spanish troops are returning to Spain at tbe rate of 2000a month. This week's steamer will carry back over 600, free of cost to the government, the expenses being borne jointly by the Ma-quis de Comillas, president of the Transatlantic line, and the Spanish Red Cross Society here. Probably half the men sailing today were ill or wounded, and at least 50 looked as .it they would never withstand the voyage. One man died while being taken from the hospital to the wharf to embark. Regors of increasing misery among the Cubans In Weyler's fortified towns come from all over the island. ' Mayor Pizarrp and .Chief of Police Armenteres, of San Nicolaus, which Gomez and Maceo entered with their forces in 1806 on their way west, were tried by court-martial in Cabanas fort ress here yesterday and sentenced to life imprisonment. Both are Spaniards. They were embarked today with about GO political .prisoners for Ceuta, upon the African coast. ,.'-." Cuba liaadera Will Ho Be Shot. .Washington, June 14. The Span isq minister nas received omcial com munication stating that the report coming from Havana via Key West. that the insurgent leaders, Rivera and Bacalo, are In danger of being shot is false. Not a single insurgent leader is under death sentence. v KEEP THE HOUSE COOL.' Exclude the Light and Air During- the Scorching Honrs of the Day. However mild the first day of summer. July and AujruBt generally blast all hopes for a cool season, and it is a rare and exceptional year in which these months arc not a fiery furnace of en durance, so far as the weather is con cerned. - The main question then for those who, from choice or necessity remain in town, is how to keep the house cool, so that when night comes some part of the discomfort of the day may be f or- eot in sleep. No one needs to be told that the main element of success in this effort lies in the total exclusion of air as well as light during the scorching hours of the day. The breeze is very tempting when ever it comes, but it is also very treach erous and deceptive, for, in the long run, it is more heating than-cooling-, as it blows over streets where the ther mometer is marking'90 in the shade, Of course, we must have light and air, for if we remain in the house we must employ our time in a thousand and one ways which require both, but the out side heat is the foe to fight, and it enters by every crack large enough for an atom. The best generalship selects cer tain rooms to be kept open enough to live in, those of the second story being usually preferred. As soon as the light grows strong in the morning all the other Windows of the house should be fastened tight, the shutters bolted, the sashes in place and even the dark shades lowered so as to exclude as nearly as possible the rays of day. In the second story the Bhutters should be bowed in and the rooms made as dark as feasible, while on the parlor floor the only windows open should be those of the dining-room and these are fastened tight between the hours for meals. The cook needs light and air to make her -hot kitchen still hotter, but the work is rendered more tolerable if a large gas stove or an "Aladdin's oven" Is substituted for the fierce fires of the range. This deprives the bath room of hot water, but it also prevents the heating of the house by the pipes which run from the boiler to different rooms, and hot baths are not advisa ble in hot weather. A very important factor in keeping the rooms cool is the power to get rid of heated air, which rises toward the roof. A trap door which can be set open. 4 almost a necessity for this, but H must be carefully watched if there are any empty houses in the row. lest mmm Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and hcalthfulness. Assures the food against tlu ai and all forms of adtulteratlon common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powper Co., New York. ny tnese means a burglar snouia oe tempted into devious paths. A house that was considered Intoler ably hot was made more habitable by the audacious ext ravaganceof its owner, who had a long, narrow window cut in the wall near the roof at the bead of the last flight of steps. The window was supplied with a grating and wiUh slatted shutters, so that all air was ex cluded, and the hot air found a pas sage from the hall to tbe outside, while burglar-proof grating made it possible to leave the window open all night. The front door might readily be SQ arranged with a grating that it, too, could be left open at night, and ia all cases it should be supplied with an awn ing to prevent the intenae glare of the marble steps and the pavement, and at the same time, to afford shade to the , visitor and tradesman who must wait there till the bell is answered. - As soon as the sun has ceased to beat upon the house either directly or by reflection all these processes can be reversed. What is needed then is nir, which, however heated, is sure to lose a degree or two of its temper as night comes on. All windows then should be thrown wide open and remain so un til late, the upper stories, in fact, be ing left open until sunrise next morn ing announces the battle once more. Philadelphia Ledger. . Sleeping- Booms In Bummer. To be healthful, the sleeping apart ments should be the most esthetic rooms of the house; the v furnitureJ""' should be simple, the floor uncovered and the bed-comfortable. No rooms on the sunny side of a house can be kept cool without inside blinds, or sun awnings outside. Many house keepers make ,the mistakeof excluding sunlight and air from the house in order to keep it cool. Windows and doors should be thrown open early in the morning, so as to freely admitsun shine and light, then they may be closed to exclude the heat in the mid-"" die of the day, to be again thrown, open in the cool of the evening. Man- , ugenient and method must be exer cised in order to keep cool in summer, as in all else pertaining to the family' comfort, and will be found to produce good results in even the warmest cli mates. Ladies' Home Companion. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascareta Candy CutUartla 10c or&So. It C. C C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Soap-Foam . . -Washing Powder - : : IS : QUEEN i CF. KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY Pure White, itwill not make the clothes Yel- low;"noT Injure the Finest Lace,., ...... .i tX East ? If yon are, do not forget TJiree fm ortnt Points ST. thitiolnt Go via St. Paul because tbe lirt s to ral uf o.-d you tbe very best scivloe. SECOND. Sretbat the coupon beyond. St. Paul reads via the Wisconsin Central because tbat line makes close connections with all tbe tnint-contineniRl lines entering tbe Union De pot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD. " For Information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket atrent and ask for a ticket via the Wisconsin Central lines, or address JAS. C. POND, or GEO. S. BATTY. ' Gen. Pass. Atrt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. 216 Stark St., Portland.Or mm nun THE DALLES National Bank. OF DALLES CITY, OR. Peksidekt. .Z. F. Moody .C F. Hilton M. A. Moody Vice-President Cashier . . . : . . . General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on New York. Chicago. San Fran cisco AND PORTLAND. mmi AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN 1 Seventh and Wash ngtor Ste. PORTLAND, - OREGON THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor BATES BUKOFIAHPLAH AMCRICAR ri.A i-UU 12.50 13.00 I1.0UI1.60 tS.00 Going IMPERIAL HftTEf, 11U 1 uu