OUXTAlXElt. Volmi MEVJIOCSTAUiEEB, a XXXT THE DALLES. OREGON, SATUKDAY. MAY 15. 1897 CONSOLIDATED 1882. N036 KOFESSIONAL. C. HJLUSTiSK, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms orar Dalles NUioosI Bank. Office honrOlJ a m to 12 m, n--l from to 4 p m. Ken- . dence We-t Eod of Third Street, ' - .. .8. BaNNKT . .. ' Attorney at Law Oflo lr Schanno' buioding, npstaf r Orrjton. The Dalles ..... "yyM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 0 and 18. Vogt Block, The Paltet. ' 5AS SOCIETIES. mEMPLE LODGE, NO. S, A. O. Tj' W. ' . JL Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. TAS.. NESMITH POST. NO. 32G. A. R. tl Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in ; : u. or r. iiau. COTJRT THE DALLES, A. O. P. NO. 8630 Meets every Friday evening at. their . hall at 8 o'clock. - ' BOF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in K. of P. Hall f TTASCO TRIBE. NO. 16. I. O. R. M. Meets VV every Wednesday evening in K, of P. . Hall. f ESANQ VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets VT every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera -House, i BOF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 1G7. Meets in K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes . day of each month at 7:30 P. M. "IXrASCO LOEGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Tf Meets first and third Monday; of eacb montn at a t m. " mHB DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER ' x - NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Mail tne iniru Wednesday oi each month ata M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clook. In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. RIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9 K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. In Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in vited. ITOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE V V UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock n the reading room, H ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD- itL Mt. Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's . Halt, r All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. Meets in Masonio Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of eacb month. Visitors cor dlall invited. THE CHURCHES. BT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, - oppo. site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A.M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7 :30. TVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH I'i Rev. L. Grey. Pastor, service in tne Eng lish language at First Baptist Churchvery ounoay vim a. h. bdu i :au t-. m. M E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. ' Services everv Sunday morning and eye ing. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and . people to all, -ONfHrrcoATlONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. j Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at 11A.M. and 7:30 P. morning service M. Sunday school after ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest Pastor. Low mass every Sunday 17 A.M. I High masa at 1U :au A. At, vespers at !. tr. . TIIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O.D.Tay- I J? lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington "streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school ana BlDle class at iz:ib. Pastor's residence Northeast cor- j Washing ton and Seventh streetaj-w:-vj.f- . TIIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I . H. " JC Hazel, pastor. Preaohing every Sunday ""morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A- M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E, meets every Sunday at 6: 30 P.M. ' CAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner J Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M. -Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. . Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are cordially welcomed. -. , V ' , BOND N ISSUE t OF Twenty. Tlioiisaiid f Dollars. gon, (being the district in which Dalles City is ' located), will Issue twenty Coupon Bonds of the par value of one thousand dollar3 - eacb, bearing lnte -est at the rate of six per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually; said 1 bonds being redeamable.at the pleasure of said Ulblirmb Mwr msu jrcara iivui uicu i, uu. uuc and payaue ansoiuteiy twenty years irom aate. Principal and interest payable at the office of t io TWacnrui" nf Wflscji ('nn n T v OrpDnn. nr at. such place as may be designated in the city and state 01 Mew zone, at tne option 01 tne pur chaser. The Board of Directors of said district are lawfully authorized to issue said bonds in accordance with the provisions of an act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, filed in the office of the Secretary ot State, on February 22, 1603, and providing among other uungs ior but usxiiug ui uuuua u BCiiwi uja inoES. - In compliance with the terms of said act,' I, bids for said bonds at my office, in Dalles City fAMGolfl until 1 n'plnr V w . r.n ttiA nnitpnrn led by a certified check of five aer cent of tbe amount of bonds for which the bid. Is made. No bids for less than-par will be considered. The bnver to furnish blank bonds to be executed bv the District. The right to reject any and all bias is reserved . - - '- Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, K4a OQtK 1no xt UMh 1 QQ7 C L. PHILLIPS. ; aSwS Treasurer of Wasco County, Ore NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the county, on the Slst day of March, 1897, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered and enter ed therein In a suit wherein the Board of Com missioners for the sale of school and university lands, and for the investment of tbe funds aris ing therefrom, was plaintiff, and Lizzie Baxter as administratrix of the estate of Hugh M. Bax ter, deceased ; tbe estate oi uugn M. Baxter, deceased, and Lizzie Baxter, were defendants. . I did, on the 31st day of March, 1887, duly Jevy upon and wi'l, on Saturday, the 15th day of May, 1897,' at the hour of 2 o'clock P. u. of said dav. at the : front door ot tbe County Court bouse in 1 miles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell to the highest , .'bidder-for cash in hand, the following described real estate, aescriDea in suia oraer oi sale anu . execution as follows, towit: The southeast quarter of section thirty-two (32) in township two (3) South of Range thirteen (13) East of Willamette Meridian, containing 160 acres of ' land, situated in Wasco County, State of Ore gon, together with the tenements, heredita ments and aDDurtenances thereunto belonging. w (n Bn ratu nnnaHalnlna fir on mnnli thAnuif as snail oe necessary to satisiy tne amounts due upon said writ, towit, the sum of $1.313 80, and Interest thereon since the 10th day of No vember, IBM, at the rate of eight per cent per annum: the further sum of fias ow attorney's fee. and tne further sum of (15.00 costs taxed in gaid suit, together with, accruing costs and ex penses of said sale. Datedtbia34dyat April , 1897. T. J. DRIVER, i . Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, SUMMONS. : In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor Wasco County. - Laura B. Lovelace Plaintiff, vs . cnanes A. LfOveiace, iawiuuuh. To Charles A. Lovetace. the above named de fendanUYou are hereby Betifled and required to be and apnear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court, tow it: On or before Monday, tbe 24th day of May, 1897, then and there to answer the com plaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above - entitled causa and court, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint plaintiff will anply to the- court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, towit: for a decree of the above entitled court forever dissolving, annull ing and setting aside tha bonds of matrimony heretofore and now. existing- between you and said plaintiff and that plaintiff be allowed to ohange ber name from Laura B. Lovelace to Laura B. Hinman. sold last mentioned name being the name of said defendant prior to ber marriage with you. and for such other and . further relief as to the court may seem equita ble and Just. This summons is served upon you, - by publication thereof for six consecutive weeks by order- of the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of tbe above entitled court, which, order ' bears date the second day of April, 1SS?. nn.td this second dav of Anril. 1897. DTJTUB & MEN.KFEE, o3w7 . - " " Attorneys lor Plaintiff. If you want to give your boy or girl a thorough business education, Holmes' business oollege in Portland affords the best opportunity, A scholarship in that school is for ale on reasonable terms at this office. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Connty of Wasco. Marvin Hendricson, plaintiff, vs. Laura A. Hendricson, Defendant. To Laura A. hendricson. the above named defendant: In the name of the state of OreKon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you. if served within this county; or if served within any other county of this State, then within twenty days from tne aate oi tne service or ir.,s sum mons upon you; and if served upon you by pub lication, then by the nrst aay oi tne next regu lar term of this court towit. Monday, May 24th, 188T. and if you fail to appear or answer as above required, tne piaintin wui appiy 10 me court lor tne reiiei prayea ior in ms cuiuijuuut, in file herein, towit. for a decree of divorce. This summons is published by order of the Hon. w. L. liraasnaw. juuge oi tne auuve en titled Court, made at Chambers, in Dalles City, Oregon, on the 4th day oi Marco, im. J. L. STORY. March Btd. Attorney for Plaintiff I NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. T. ivn nsnm at VAiffronvKR. WASH.. I M . ' , March 25, li7. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tnat said proof will be made oeiore vv. it. iun- Dar, commissioner u. a. uircuit uourt ior uis trict of Washington, at his office in Gol4endale, wash., on May id, 18H7, viz: DIETRICH STEGMAN. Homestead entrv No. 8748. for the SWM Sec. 32. Township 3 North of Range 14 E. Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation oi said land. viz. : Herman Engelke, Wm. Cripps, Wm. Wilkin son, and William Crawford, all of Centerville P. O., Washington . GEO. H. STEVENSON. Aprils Register. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is herebv given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of tne state 01 Oregon, ior tne uounty 01 w asco, as administratrix of the estate of Henrv Pont- ing. late of Wasco County, and now deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified, either at my residence at Kings- ley. Oregon, or at the office of G. W. Phelps, in Dalles City. Oregon, within six months from tne date or this notice. Dated April 10, 1807. . MRS. EFFIE PONTING. slOw . . Administratrir. NOTICE. ' ' . ' April 7, 1897. ''(" Complaint baving been entered at this office Dy Kienara urooknouse against William wai- terkirchen for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. S502. dated May 29, 189S. upon the SWX NW5i, NWX SWX and S4 SWX section 4, Townsnip 1 in. itange v w. a., in wasco 1 county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation or said entry, tne said parties are ncretiy sum moned to appear at this office on the 20th day of May, iwr, at 1 o oiock sr. ivi., to respona ana furnish testimony concerning said alleged 1 aoanaonment. JAS. F. MOORE, alOwn Register. A NEW vj UNDERTAKING establishment; Nitschke- - y Hi tV k-.j-r DALKRSjnV FURNITURE AND CARPETS W K'did our buiriness a )kte Under taking Estabiahment, and as we are in no way . connected with tha Undertaera' Trust, our . prices will be low accordingly. ;J DAN BAKER, v FKOPKIBTOR OF THE Wool - Mai e - Safa. BEST IMPORTED ANDJDOMESTJC Wines, Liauors Cigrar.s East End.Second Street BALDWIN .74 Front Street. MEAL.S AT ALL; HOURS s Oysters in every style. Fish and Game in season. Regular Dinner, from 11:30 to OKOEGE HEKBEBT. Manager THE' 'TIUNSON" '' - V' - TYPEWRITER rV Is "The Best" Writing Machine The highest grade. Standard of excellence. Controlled by no trust or combine. The "Munson" possesses many distinct points of advantage over nil other writing machines. The most durablo o( all. Address for catalogue, TUB MUNSON TYPEWRITER Co . 240-214 W. Lase St.. - s- Chicago, Db Columbia C0MFANY ... .Oraer Third: and Washington . , M,Yeal,iMutton,Pork,Urd Cured and Dried Meats, - Sausages of All Kinds Oi ders Delivered to Any Part of the City "PHONK SI To Care Constipation Torover. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a. It C. C fall to cure, druggists refund money. RestaukanT b I Writing la SI I nmmtnmmimmimmnimmnnnmnmmmmmmtrai 1 5 897 jCist iPrice, - ' - - - '96 ZftamblerS, wA'i May iatt, - - Second Hand Wheels $25 and upwards E3FSend for catalogues, free, and 2d hand list. FRED TV MERRILL CYCLE CO. 187 Sixth Street, Portland. Or. Branches Spokane, Seattle, Taroma and Walla Walla. LIVE AGENTS WANTED THE CELEBRATED Columbia AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery is and Porter east of the Cascades. manufacture of good healthful only the first-class article will be East Second. Street The Dalles, : Oregon. 'SBenlfflsoir-'' Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills, THE DALLES, - - ., - OREGON Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Free Lunch served at all ' hours. z: f. mission and 39i; 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T. (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignmen ts Solicited Prompt attention will by paid to those who favor me with their patronage ff V Full English course. y ySirZ? - FRENCH AND GERMAN. V kaglW iIS BUSINESS BRANCHES. j" 'j? 04? . BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. t Baby Carriages JUST RECEIVED AT- Jacobsen J3ook isc Qo. Where will also be fouud tbe largest and most complete line of PIANOS AND ORGANS - And other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete line of Fishing Tackle, Notions, Base Ball Goods, Hammocks, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices NEW UOCT BLOCK - THE DHLLES. OREGON Job Printing sso S60 now turning out the best Beer The latest .appliances for the Beer have been introduced, and placed on the market. Saloon Forwardic t OI all kind9 3one on short notice, and at reasonable, rates at this ornce, Brewery MOODY CRIME OF A FIEND Shoots His Former Employer and Three Others. GREEKS DISCOURAGED The Retreat of the Troops to Do- mokasHas Caused General Depression at Athens. A Firm Stand Will Be Made at Domotol Turkish. Murderers Executed Uank Wrecker Spalding Arraigned. Milwaukee. May ".Alexander Harris, a farmer, ' liring five miles south of Waukesha, on tbe Mukwooago road, and bis wife, were murdered this morning: when at breakfast. ' A hired man was wounded, but escaped. A hired irirl was also wounded, and is likely to die. .The crime was committed by Wil liam Pouch, a farmhand. Pouch worked for Harris about two years ago, Last.night at bis request be was given lodging over night. About 5 o'clock this morning Harris and a hired man went to the yard to milk the cows. Mrs. Harris and the girl were preparing breakfast. Pouch left his room quietly, and going to the yard, bade the men there good morn ine. Harris and the hired man were sitting on stools near eacn otner. Pouch drew his reyolver and fired at the farmer, killing him. He then shot the hired man, inflicting probably a fatal wound. Pouch then walked leisurely to the kitche n. He told Mrs. Harris her hus band would not be in for a few minutes, and he would eat his breakfast at once. The woman waited upon the murderer, who seemed to relish his meal. After breakfast Pouch started to walk toward the door. Before Mrs. Harris' realized - what was about to happen be wheeled around and shot her in the breast. He then fired at the hired girl The farmer's wife died soon afterward. The hired girl has a chance for recovery. Pouch then rode away on a bicycle. A posse of farmers is in hot pursuit. The farmers are greatly excited and enragjd, and should they get hold of the murderer he will undoubtedly be lynched. When the spring time comes, "gentle Annie," like all other sensible persons, J will cleanse the liver-and renovate the system with De Witt's Little Early Risers, famous little puis lor tne liver ana stomache all the year around. Snipes Kinnersly Drug Co. -. -.-ATH2KJAB8 DKFKE88ED. News of the Greek Betreat Bas Plunged Them In Despair. New York, May 7. A special to the Journal from Athens says: There is great depression in Athens at the news of the retreat of the Greek army toDomokos, notwithstanding the recent victory. Many wild rumors are afloat M. Scouloudis, minister of for eign affairs, in an interview insisted that the ministers were not discour aged by the position, as the Greek troops had held their own at all points against odds of nearly three to one in the two lines. He said the order for retreat was given after a council of war held here to prevent the Turks from being able to attack the Greeks on the flank where their numerical su periority made success possible. . The commanders have no doubt been to hold their positions Indefi nitely. The wounded men, arms and ammunition were transported back in perfect order. Being asked if tbe removal of Col onel Vassos from Crete was a prelim inary to the withdrawal of Greek troops, he replied: . It has nothing-to do with it. It was considered that his presence was required here on the frontier. The withdrawl of troops from Crete is not under consideration by the council." The minister refused any information as to the action of tbe great powers. Your correspondent finally asked: "May the policy of your government be described as one of war or peace'r" As we are at war, ours must natur- ,lly be a war policy, but the object of the war is peace. W hen A cold is contracted, cure it at once, one aainuie vxiugn vurc win set you on the road to recovery in a min ute. It will cure pneumonia, urontuius, croop and all forms ot lung and throat troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. NO CBANCK FOB PEAC2. Pacification of Cuba Apparently Farther . OS Than Ever. New York,. May 10. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana says: There is a grim humor in the official Your Cough, like a dog's bark, is a sign that there is something foreign around which shouldn't he there. You can quiet the noise, hut the danger may be -there just the same. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil is not a cough specific; it does not merely allay the symptoms hut it does give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old proverb of "the ounce of prevention?" Don't neglect your cough A book which will tell you more on the subject sent free On re quest. ..Your druggist keeps Scotri Emul ion of Cod-liver OU. Put up in 50 eta. and $1.00 uze. . Z- - SCOTT i BOWNE, NiwYork. . announcement us to the state of the in surrection and the outlook; which causes a sneer in Havaca, where food is scarce and sound money scarcer. As the situation grows worse at every point, the palace reports become more rose-colored and nore at war with the facts. For instance, for a centen, which is worth $.3 30 in Spanish gold, one may get the equivalent of 811 30 in paper money today in Havana. It is significant that tbe paper money of Spain is at a greater discount at this moment, when the reforms are said to be at hand, than at any time since the war began. The fact is, no one pays any atten tion to General Weyler's proclamation about the peace he says he has brought about, or his talk about the golden time that is coming, now that the queen regent has been kind enough to sign the reforms. These things are more sound. But the paDcr money fs a grim fact, Ttnur- the determination with which all persons refuse! to have it thrust upon them at par has forced even General Weyler to recognize that the money question is superior to his decree, and to abandon his declared in tention of punishing any one who looked twice at the sbinnlasters.' The plight of Spain is bad enough without the rioting, which would be general if an attempt were made to force this paper down the throats of men already grown sullen because of tbe disastrous and lagging military policy of General Weyler. No one here can see how Spain will be able to carry much longer the financial bur den with which she is saddled, and which increases tremendously every month. Still, there are official an nouncements that the military out look is roseate, despite tbe fact that engagements are daily reported, and wounded soldiers carried into the gar rison in the towns prove the activity of the rebels in every province. Personal. The gentleman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find instant re lief by using: One Minute Coueh Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Uo. CONDITIONS AGREED TO. Powers Are About Beady to Stop Graeco-Tnrklsh War. the Paris, May 10. A semi-official com munique was published this afternoon, saying tha impression prevails that negotiations between Greece and Tur key will not be attended by great diffi culties, and will soon have a satisfac tory issue. The powers, it is further stated, have already agreed among themselves upon the conditions of peace. Germany's hesitation was due to the fact that the Greek government, in a circular to the representatives at the courts of the powers, did not formally adhere to the Cretan autonomy pro vision, as demanded by .-the powers Greece subsequently gave tbe neces sary assurances in this respect, and the German minister at Athens bas been instructed to actively support the efforts of the powers to conclude peace. It should be made a matter of public knowledge that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will speedily cure piles of the long est standing. It the household favor ite or burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and scores of all kinds. Snips Kinersly Drug Co. A Juvenile Ulrl Thief. . Chicago, May 10. Daisy Day, a pretty little girl, 12 years old, daughter of A. M. Day, a board of trade operator, was arrested yesterday by the Hyde Park police, after confessing to the theft of a bicycle. Daisy wanted a wheel badly r and when her father would not buy ber one, she took a friend's advice, rented one and kept it. Her bicycle broke down, and the man to whom she took it for repairs hap pened to be the owner, and he caused her arrest. .- " Tried to Commit Suicide. Baker City, Or., May 8. Mrs. Pearl Bietb, aged 19, attempted tc commit suicide this..-afternoon at 2 o'clock by shooting herself below the heart with a small-caliber pistol. She separated from her husband, James A. Bieth, who is now in California, about a year ago. Mrs. Garner, her mother, is in Utah, and her two sisters are in Boise City. . She has two brothers, Ed and Will, living here. Her condition is very precarious. . Turks Threatened Arta Christians. Athens, May 8. A dispatch from Arta says Fuad Bey, the Turkish com mander, through a Greek priest at Arta, has issued a proclamation to the Christian population, ordering them to lay down their arms, as otherwise their villages would be burned. . The envi rons of Kanja, in Turkish territory, areaburning. Twenty Victims Burled. Paris, May 7. Twenty victims of the fire at the charity bazaar were burled today. ' The . churches where the ceremonies took place and the routes traversed by the corteges were thronged. The crowds displayed the deepest sympathy for the relatives of the victims. , ' Turkish Murderers Sentenced. Constantinople, May 7. Another batch of men convicted of participating in the massacre of Armenians in To kat, district of Sivas, have been sen tenced. Three are condemned to death, and four sentenced to terms of from three to ten years' imprisonment. The Mission of Assassins. " London, May 8. The St. James Ga zette publishes a report that two Cre tan Christians have started .for Con stantinople to ast-assinate the German ambassador. Baron Saurmavon Jeltscb and the Austrian ambassador, Baron von Catico. Soap-Foam Washing Powder : : IS : : QUEEN OF, KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY Pure White, it will not make the clothes Yel low, -nor "Injure the Finest Lace. " , . . THE TURKS AT YOLO Found the Town Deserted Their Arrival. THE REFORM GOES ON Governor Rogers Bounces the State Board of Control Because They Are Negligent of Duty. A Baker CU J Lady Who Was Tlrod or Life Attempts to 8ulcide Cretau Christians Want to Assassinate German and Austrian Am bassadors. Athens, May 8. The Turks have completely occupied and burned Vel- estlno. At 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening. the defeat of the Greeks was complete and tbe pass to Volo open to the Turks. The searchlights ot the warsnlps on the bay flashing up the mountain sides were of great assistance to the retreat ing Greeks, as they showed the roads. Over a dozen cannon were abandoned and captured by the Turks. Two hun dred wounded soldiers were brought to Volo. The correspondent of the As sociated Press is of the opinion that many Greek: soldiers were left on the field. It is impossible to estimate the killed. Advices received from the frontier at 3 o'clock this afternoon are that General Smolenskl's shattered army was cut In two. The left wing retired to Almyro. What was left of the right wing came toward Volo, broken and demoralized. The retreat across the mountains was almost as bad as the panic which resulted in the change of base from Tyrnavos to Volo. The scene of the more recent panic was wild and almost indescribable. On Thursday and Friday, the populace filled the streets of Volo with their household goods. Peasants from sur rounding villages entered the town and added to the confusion. Brigand' age became common. Five steamers were filled with refugees. Scores of caiques carried fugitives to the islands. Velestino, May 8. The Greeks have evacuated Volo. Detachments of marines have landed from British, Russian, French, Austrian and German warships to guard the town. - The foreign consuls have arrived to confer with Edhem Pasha, tne Turkish commander. - As this dispatch Is being sent, the Turkish troops are entering Volo. The Greeks who fled to Almyros will rejoin the main body of the Greek forces at Domokos. .-.-' ' Croop and whooping cough are child, hood's terrors; but like- pneumonia, bronchitis and other throat and lung troubles, can be quickly cu'ed by using One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes Kin ersly Drug Co. ' PUT OCT BY ROGERS. Governor of Washington Could Not Btand His Board of Control, Olympia, Wash., May 8 Governor Rogers today removed the members of the board of control, being forced to take this step, by their refusing to re sign: Under the law, the governor Is forced to state his reasons for removing any officer of a board. . The governor said he had his choice to state his reasons as misconduct, malfeasanse or incom petency.' In his opinion, misconduct being the least offensive, this reason is given in the written notice served on the members of the board. . The order removing the old board sets forth that removals from office and appointments to places in the dif ferent state institutions have been made by the board of audit and control without regard to the special fitness of the appointee,' is some instances without consultation with the heads of the departments, and so rapidly as to interfere with the proper conduct of affairs at these institutions; and that other appointments, in the same hur ried and ill-advised manner, were ap parently to be made by the board. The new board appointed by the gov ernor, provided the appointees accept will be composed of Miles C Moore, of Walla Walla, silver-republican, who will sucoeed C W. Young; John C. Stallcup, of Pierce county, democrat, succeeding Gwin Hicks; Henry Snivly, of Yakima, democrat, to succeed Neal Oheetham, and R. W. Andrews, King county, populist, to succeed F. R. Brown. Unconditional surrender, is the only terms those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. "VOLUNTEEK8" TO LKAVK CUBA. Seven .Hundred Spanish Conrlct Soldiers Win Beturn to Spain. New York, May 10. A dispatch to the Journal rom Havana says: General Figuerara, of the cavalry regiment of Pizzaro, will embark im mediately with the few survivors of his force for Spain. The next steamer is expected to take about 700 returning infantry forces, and all the so-called volunteers enlisted from prisons throughout Spain for the campaign here, as guerillas, are, ac cording to a recent order of Weyler, to be mustered out and discharged within tbe next fortnight. . Each of the former jailbirds, upon his depart ure for the island, will be given a cer tificate cf good character, and a mili tary cross for bis services in raiding Cuban hospitals,, butchering helpless wounded, and assaulting Cuban women found acting as nurses therein. . FOB PEACB IN CCBA. Sherman, De Lome and Palma Said to be Negotiating-. New York, May 7. A special to the Journal from Havana says: Your correspondent is able upon high authority to confirm the Journal's recent Washington reports as to nego tiations pending there between Secre tary of State Sherman, Dupuy de Lome and Estrada Palma, looking to a peace ful solution by purchase or otherwise of the Cuban question. The story is the topic of conversation in all the clubs. ' 1 Diarlo de la Marina, tbe refor mist organ here, in a leader, sounds an ominous note of warning by intimat ing that the so-called reforms that Premier Canovas has offered to the island will be little more than a farce, should Cuba be left .to pay the cost of the war. Spain must pay It, El Diario declares, otherwise she cannot hope to keep tbe colony and continue to mo nopolize its trade. Another Ureek Rout. C-onstantinople, May 10. The Turkish commander at Janlna tele graphs the Greet forces at Kamarina have been routed by three battalions of Turkish troops, who occupied Kam arina. Later the Greeks gathered in a church on the heights above the vil lage, and fired on the Turks, who event ually took the church by assault, kill ing many Greeks, and capturing some prisoners. The remainder of the Greeks retired to the bridge of Agros Georgis, where they made a determined stand, but were finally routed by the Turks. Turkeys Terms of Peace. i Vienna, May 10. It Is renorted Turkey's terms of peace with Greece Include the payment of an indemnity of $lo, 000,000; the rearrangement of the Greek frontier, annulling the treaties favoring the Greeks, cessation of the Greek fleet to Turkey, and set tlement of the Cretan question. Firm Stand at Domokos. London, May 7. A dispatch from Athens says a telegram has been re ceived from Prince Constantino sav ing: "Our new position, in Domokos, is one of treat strength. We are re solved to hold It at all costs. The re treat from Pharsala was rendered 1m peratlve by the overwhelming num bers of tbe enemy and was effected without mishap." . Mrs. Aspland Died. Spokane, Wash., May 8. Mrs, Anna Aspland, who was shot by George Webster at a farm near Cheney early Thursday morning, died last night. A charge of murder has been preferred against Webster, who is now in the Spokane jail. Webster claims he has no recollection of the shooting, but his mind is clear on other points. It Is believed be is laying the foundation for a plea of temporary insanity. Spalding Was arraigned. Chicago, May 7. President Chas. Spalding, of the defunct Globe Sav ings bank, was brought Into court to day to plead to 29 indictments, mostly on charges oi emDezziement. lie en tered a plea of not guilty on each in' dictment, and was taken back to the county jail in default of 8300,000 bail. r MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. ,?- A well-seasoned old colored woman Is Mary Marks, who resides in. Brenham. Tex. She was born, ia the West Indies' in 1776, and is therefore 120 years of age. Six six-footed pigs, the progeny of a six-footed yearling pig, are to be seen on the farm of Jesse Carry, of Marion, Ind. seventh pig of the same litter has seven feet, but it did not live. BQBsia will henceforth supply its Baltic fleet with coal from the Donetz reeion. instead of from England; the minister of finance having a-anged to heapen the railroad freight charges. ThU is a serious blow to England's coal trade with St. Petersburg. Military Gazette. Vandals destroyed the saddles of all members of the congregation of Crooked Creek church, near Marion, Ky., who rode horseback to worship one night, and when service was over they fired from ambush a broadside from shotguns at the church building and riddled all the windows. During the family's absence a thief entered a Memphis (Tenn.) house and stole a bottle of beer and half a dozen -pairs of socks. That night the eocks were returned with, a note saying that the caller's feet were not ot museum size and asking why more than one bottle of beer wasn't kept on ice. An uncontrollable desire to tramp, preference for barns rather than a comfortable home in which to sleep, and supreme satisfaction ia begging or stealing food have caused 12-year-old Willie King, of Syracuse, to give his parents so much trouble that they have been obliged to have him arrested. Atlantic City scorns the press agent, to be sure, but it sends out a story of a beautiful young woman of Pittsburgh, whose hat, which was ornamented with a diamond buckle, was blown into the sea by a puff-of wind and was brouiit ashore by a faithful dog, as the owner was mingling her salt tears with Nep tune's. ! There was. a despondent bride in Hillsboro, Ore., because the groom failed to appear at the hour named for the marriage ceremony. Half an hour passed, and then the bride's spirits re vived as she beheld the belated one scorching toward her on his' bicycle. He had missed the train, and used his wheel as a substitute. Evervbody Bar So. - Cascarets Cand v Cathartic, tbe most won derful medical discoverv of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively en kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of U. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure oj ail aruggists. "Tie iegiilator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH. Fieiont ana Passenser Line Until further notice the Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles, Mon day's, Wednesday's and Fridays at 7:30 A. M. Portland, Tuesday's, Thurs day's and Saturday's at 6:30 A. M. PASSENGER RATES One way 12 00 Bound trip 3 00 Freight Rates Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solic ited. Call on or address, Jal C HLLHWHY. General Agent' ; THE - DALLES - OREGON. maim wiwisViaii - Absolutely Pure Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and healthfulness.' Assures the food against alum and all forms of adtultcration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co., New York. SOUVENIR COINS. So Premium oa Columbian Half Dollars or Isabella Quarters. Three years ago everybody wanted a Columbian half dollar and an. Isabella quarter, and wonted H bad. If any body who wanted either of the world's fair souvenirs bad enough .to pay over a dollar for it, he could generally get it without much trouble. Sentiment, however, is just about as liable to slump as the wheat market, and anyone Who has- the hard money stiver mementoes of the fair to-day could probably be per suaded to part with a Columbian halt dollar for about 51 cents, end hand over the Isabella coin for about a cent plua a quarter of a dollar. The coins never enjoyed the popularity that was ex pected. Two million five hundred thou sand of the Columbian half dollar were coined, and 40,000 Isabella quarters. Foul hundred thousand of the half dol lor and about 6,000 of the quarters are still In the sub-treasury of the United State right in Chicago in the Band-Mn-Xally building. About a year and a half ago a rule was made by the treasury if-. part men t that these half dollar could be evenly exchanged for gold. The world's fair souvenir sentiment wa not quite dead yet, and there was enough of it alive to send $200,000 in gold buzzing straight over to the subtreasury to pull out $200,000 in Columbian halve, oi 400,000 of the coins. At that time there was about 800,000 of the halve in tho ubtrensury. About half of tfiia amount was left after the first rush waa mad to exchange gold for the halve on even. terms. Almost th4s entire half still re mains in the subtreasury, and there ap pears to be no wild desire on the part of holders of gold to exchange any of It lor the Columbian souvenir. ' Ascistant Subtreasurer Jta C. Pratl said that in all probability the treasury department would some day give out the Columbian silver money as ordinary currency. A most interesting regulation exist regarding the disposition of the Isabella quarters. As on iy 40,000 of the quarter were ever coined they are, of course, rare, and far more scarce thaa tha halves. According to a rule of ' tho treasury these quarters are only paid out on drafts of world' fair official. Of course, many have been taken out of the treasury under this regulation, and the $1,200 or $1,500 remaining in the vault of the subtreasury will probably e exhausted before very long by world' fair drafts. Mr. Trntt said that o far as be could see the half dollar were not now prized very highly by the hold- era of them, with, whom be had come in contact in an official way, a he say they come in quite often to the treasury in ordinary business transactions, Jnat a does the common-place currency, without any attention being paid to their souvenir qualities by the man passing them in. Since the quarter are not so plentiful, they are naturally valued a little more highly, and ara et dom, if ever, seen in the leurrency handled in business transaction. Chi cago Inter Ocean. . 1 i Ranch For Sale Eleven Miles Southeast of The Dalles. NWSf S. 1, EV4 NEW SW5 of NEW. NWX of SEW Sec. i. 1 Sof 14 E.;also 8 M of SEH oi See. 36. township 1 N. of range HE. : Consideration, $2,100. : One half down and balance in five yearly pay ment, with interest at 4 per oent. Nearly all enclosed, with 120 acres under cultivation; (rood bearing orchard, house, barn and other small buildings; plenty of water and shade, and 15 acres of bottom land suitable for fruit of all kinds. For further particulars call on s. w. MASON, a3mS On the ranch GIVES THE . - fto.ee of Tio Transcontinental Routes VIA VIA . DENVER OMAHA AND K SPOKANE aUHKEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL Low Rates to All Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS leave five days for Portland; every SAN FRANCISCO, CALA. For full details call on the O. R. N. A rait at THE DALLES, or address B. McNEILL, Presldeat aad sfana-ar. W. H. HURLBCBT, Gen. Pass. As.." Portland, Oratoa Tho N O. Train No. 2 B. a N. Time Card. east via. the Union Pacific aod Oregon Short Line, arrives here at 1:15 a. M., departs at 1:20. No. 4, east by Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 6 P. m.. departs 6:05. No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L,, arrives at 1:20 A. M., and depart 1:35. No. 3, west from Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 8:30 a. at. and dr. parts at 8:35. Freight trains Nos. 23 and 24. Baoond divisions, will carry passengers. No. 23 arrives at 5 p. M. and No. 24 leaves at 1:45 P. M. TO THE JEZj e--7V- S 'L'l