THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL ?4, 1897 IS033 Me.aniTinEliB." XIII CONSOLIDATED 1882. jROFES8IONAl Physician and Surgeon, Boom orar Dtlle, National Bulk. Office boar?, a m t 12 m, aol fmin 4 to p m. Resi dence We t Eal ol Third street, 8. BSS5ET Attorney at Law Office ir Sdisono's buinding, upsUfrf The Daft Orefron- "Yy-M. TACKMAJI Dentist. Booms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or SOCIETIES. mEMPLE LODGE, NO. 8, A. O. TJ W. j Meets in sellers nail every xuursuuy evening at 7 su o'cjock. ' TAS. NESMITH POST, NO. 82 G. A. R- tf Meets every Saturday evening at t ;ou ui li- oi f. naii. "tOUET THE DALLES, A. O. P. NO. 8630 j Meets every i riaay evening at mmr nau at 8 o ciock. - . B OPL. E. Meets every Friday afternoon t-. rr r TT-ii 1U XV. VI A " J' w ASCO TRIBE, NO. 18, I. O. B- M. Meets every Wednesday evening In K, or Hall. GESANG VEREIN HAKMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, BOP L. P. DIVISION, NO. 1ST. Meets in K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. AlfASOO LOEGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. f 1 Meets first and third Monday oi eacn month at 8 P. M. ' mHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER X NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Man me inira Wednesday of each month at Br, M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O P. J Meets every jrnaay evening at v:auo ciuck. In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning Brothers are welcome. T7IRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 0 K. of P. P Meets everv Monday evening at 8 o'clock. in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets, sojourning brothers are in vited. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock n the reading room. "a It ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD- !1 Mt. Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesdy evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's HalL c All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. S3, E. S. Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor dial! Invited. THE CHURCHES. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. site Fifth. Sunday school .at 9:30 A.M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30. "T7VANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH tj Rev. L. Grey, Pastor. Service in the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every Sunday 9:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. H f E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. lVl.. Services every Sunday morning and eve ing, Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest Pastor. ' Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay lor, Pastor. Comer Fifth and Washington streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. ton and Seventh streets. "CURST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. J) Hazel, pastor. Preaching every. Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. CAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are cordially weloomed. Children Cry for PIXOBXS'S CASTORS A Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D 1U South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y "I use Castor' a In my practice, and And II nwcially adapted to affections of children.' ' Alex. Robcktsok, M. D 1057 2d Are., New Sorts. ' 'From persona! knowledge I can say thus Uastoria is a roost 4xnwt-. medicine for chuV Iren." iia. Q. C Osoooo, M Lowell, Mass. Castoria promotes IMgwrtlon, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Ktomach. Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotio property. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. J& TRADE MARKS DESIOHS, rt1'. COPYRICHT8 Ac Anyone sending s sketch and description may ouickly ascertain, free, whether an invention la probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest-agency forseciiringpatenu In America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Muun Co. receive Special nottoe in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully III narrated, largest circulation of any edentieo journal, weekly, terms $3.00 la year ; ' Iiio six months. Specimen copies and Hand Book OS Patcnts sent tree. Address KIUNN & CO., 301 Broadway, Mew York. PBOPWSTOB vr itli Wool - Exchange - Saloon. BEST IMPORTED ANDJBOMSSTIC Wines, Lia uors Cigars East End.Second Street A NEV $ UNDERTAKING JJ ESTABLISHMENT Prinz & Nitschlce FURNITURE AND CARPETS W e have udded our business s rct Under taking Estab'ahment, and as we are in no way connected with tin UndertierafTroit, our . .prices will be low accordingly. It yoa want to give your boy or girl .i.,,n.H hnainpna education. Holmes' i inaIo onllpo-A in Portland affords tho best opportunity. A scholarship to that scnoul IS iur smo uu l onouuouio . aJ 1J terms at this omce. -' . BOND ISSUE OF Twenty Thousand Dollars. School District No. 12 of Wasco County. Ore gon, (being the district in which Dalles City is located), will issue twenty Coupon Bonds of the par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing lnte -est at the rate of six per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually; said bonds being rede2mable at the pleasure of said district after ten years from their date, but due and payable absolutely twenty years from date. Principal and interest payable at the olSce of t.h Treasurer of Wasco County. Oregon, or at such place as may be designated in tho city and state of New York, at the option of the pur chaser. The Board of Directors of said district are lawfully authorized to issue said bonds in accordance with the provisions of an act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on February 22, 1393, and providing among other trials. Tn nstmniiftncA with the terms of said act. as treasurer of said County, will receive sealed bids for said bonds at my office, in Dalles City aforesaid, until 1 o'clock P. M. on the fifteenth day of Mav, 1S67. All bids must be accompan ied by a certified check of five per ceut of tte amount of Donas lor wuicn me uiu is muuts. u bids for less than par will be considered. The buyer to furnish blank bonds to bo executed by the District. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved . Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, this 2th day or March, ihot. C. L. PHILLIPS. a3w5 Treasurer of Wasco County, Ore, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby irlven that bv virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, on the 31st day of March, 1SW, upon a decree and ludement made, renaerea unci enter ed therein in a suit wherein the Board of Com missioners for the sale of school and university lands, and for the Investment of the funds aris ing therefrom, was plaintiff, and Lizzie Baxter os administratrix oi the estate oi nuBii iu. rai ter. deceased : the estate of Hugh M. Baxter, deceased, and Lizzie Baxter, were defendants, I did, on the 31st day of March, 1897, duly levy upon and wiii, on Saturday, Vie 8th day of May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. u. of said day, at the front door of the County Court house in Dnlles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, tne following aescrioea real estate, described in said order of sale and execution as follows, town: The southeast quarter of section thirty-two (32) in township two (2) South of Range thirteen (13) East of Willamette Meridian, containing ICO acres of land, situated in Wasco County, btate or Ore gon, together with the tenements, - heredita ments and anDurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the amounts due upon said writ, towit, tne sum or i,;u u, and interest thereon since the 10th day of No vember, 1HU0. at the rate of eight per cent per annum: the turthersum or $usuu attorneys fee. and the further sum pf $15.00 costs taxed in said suit, togetner with accruing costs ana ex penses of snid sale. Liatea tms sa aay oi April, ivm. T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county. Laura B. Lovelace Plaintiff, vs . Charles A. Lovelace, Defendant. To Charles A. Lovelace, the above named de- fendant: You are hereby notified and required to be and anriear In the Circuit Court or the state of Oregon for Wasco County on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court. towit: un or Deiore Monday, tne Z4tn aay oi Mav. then nnd there to answer the com plaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled cause ana court, ana 11 you iaii to so appear and answer said complaint plaintiff rfill apply to - the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, towit: for a decree of the above entitled court forever dissolving, annull ing and setting aside the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing, between you and said plaintiff and that plaintiff be allowed to change her name from Laura B. Lovelace to Laura B. Hinman, said last mentioned name being the name of said defendant prior to her marriage with you. and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equita ble and Just. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for six consecutive weeks bv order of the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the above entitled court, which order V.nn t,A oannnrl Ann A null 1QQ? Dated this second da7 of April. 1897. DCFUR & MENEFEE. a3w7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tne uonnty oi w asco. Marvin Hendricson, plaintiff, vs. -Laura A. Hendricson, Defendant. To Laura A. Tcndricson. the above named defendant: In the name of tbe state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you. if served within this county; or if served within any other county of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this sum mons upon you ; and if served upon you by pub lication, then by the first day of the next regu lar term of this court towit. Monday, May 24th, 1807, and if you fail to appear or answer as above required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, on file herein, towit, for a decree of divorce. This summons is published by order or the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw. Judge of the above en titled Court, mode at Chambers, in Dalles City, Oregon, on the 4th day of March, 1897. J. Li. S1UKI. March 6td. Attorhey for Plaintiff SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. School disttict No. 29. In Wasco county. Ore gon, at a meeting regularly called therefor, having voted to bond said district in the sum of 13,000, to be in six bonds of $n00 each, payable absolutely in twenty years, and redeemable at the pleasure of said district after ten years. with interest coupons attacnea, laiei est paya ble semi -annually. Principal and interest iav- able at the omce of tbe County Treasurer of said county, or at such place as may be desig nated in the city and state of New York, at the option of the purchaser, and the rate of interest shall be such as may be designated in the bid which may be accepted, not exceeding tne rate of 8 per cent per annum. Therefore, in pur suance of la in such cases. I will receive sealed bids for said bonds, as above described, at my office in Dalles City, Oregon, up to the hourot 3 o'ciock i. M. ci tne zisi aay oi April. ism1. All bids to be aocomDanied bv certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. the successful bidder to turnisn oiudk nonas. Bids for less than par will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, C. L. PHILLIPS, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. Dalles City, Oregon, March 20, 1897. m2?tf NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Opficc at Vancouver, Wash., I March 25, 1897. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dun bar, Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court for Dis trict of Washington, at his office lnGoldendale, Wash., on May 15, 1897, viz: DIETRICH STEGMAN. Homestead entry No. 8746, for the SWH Sec. 32, Township 3 North of Range 14 E. Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : Herman Engelke, Wm. Cripps, Wm. Wilkin son, and William Crawford, all of Centerville P. O., Washington. OEO. H. STEVENSON, Aprils - Register. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final account with the estate of Alexander Rogers, deceased, and that Hon. Robert Mays. Judge of the County Court for the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, has ap pointed Monday, the 3d day of May, 1S97, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of said day at the county court room in the county court house, Dulles City, Wasco County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of any objections which may be filed against said final account. All persons interested in said estate or final ac count will appear at said time and place and make their objections, if any. thereto. Dated at Dalles City. Orewra, this first day of April, 1897. GEORGE A. LIEBE, Administrator of estate of Alexander Rogers, deceased. 03w5 ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up and posted according to law by R. B. Driver, living In Wamic Precinct, Wasco County. Oregon, the following described ani mals, towit: One red and white spotted cow, about three years old, marked crop and under bit In left ear, and crop off the right; no brands visible. One red two year old steer marked with an up per half crop in left ear. and under split In each ear, small dulap under the chin, branded thus ( V ) on left hip. One brindle yearling heifier some white on her. marked with under bit in right ear; no brands. One roan yearling steer marked under bit in right ear, no brands visible. Tbe above animals was appraised re spectfully. 12, tlO, tS, 88, by A. J. Swtft, Justice of the Peace Dated this 8th day of March, 1897. Wanted-An Idea Who ean think of tome elmDle thing to petentf protect your Ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDERBtJRN CO., Patent Attor- eye, waihinffton, D. C. for their sl,8Q0 prise one udllst of two hundred Inventions waated. immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnimmmK 1 897 Xisi Price, - - - SSO '96 Ramblers, wAH tAy last, - 60 Second Hand Wheels $25 and upwards C5Send for catalogues, free, and 2d hand list. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. 127 Sixth Street, Portland, Or. Branches Spokane, Seattle, Taconia and Walla Walla. LIVE AyQENTS WANTED fi.ilU!lUUiUUUU!UMUliUIUmiUIUMMUilUUMUUUUUltf Utah Utah is the home of Alfalfa, and seed grown there GIVES THE BEST RESULTS. ALFALFA AND Free from dirt or troublesome weeds. Address, BAILEY & SONS 61, 63 East -Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah .....THE DALLES -R. H. WBER, THE DALLES - FRUIT. SHADE TJlFfP GRAPE VINES AND I PS P EH , AND ORNAMTHEAL. 1 ilLLu Small Fruits. "ROSES AND Remember, Our Trees are SEND FOR 13en Wilson Saloon " ' Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Free Lunch served at all hours. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thb Dalles, Oregon. March 29, 1897. Notice is hereby riven' that the following named settler has Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Keitister and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on May 8, 18U7, viz. : TIMOTHY EVANS, Hd. E. No. 4275. for the S WM Sec 21. Tr 1 N. R 14 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: H H WaterBian. J C Benson. Henry Ryan and Andrew McCabe, all of The Dalles, Or. jas. J? . MUUltIS, fl3-7-m27 Register. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the estate of Mary Lacey, deceased, has filed his final account and report In said estate, and that Tuesday, the 4th day of May, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. 11. of said day, at the county court room in the county court house in Dalles City, Wasco county. Oregon, has been fixed by the judge of said court as the time and place for hearing said account. All parties interested in said estate are here by notified to appear at said time and place and show cause. If any there be, why account sbould not be allowed and an order be made discharg ing said executor and closing said estate. Liatea this loin aay 01 juarcn, ltan. A. BRONGSEEST, Executor of the estate of Mary Lacey, dee'd. Marcn zu, n w. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Owen Williams, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased or against the partnership estate of said deceased and C. J. Stubling, formerly conducted under the firm name of Stubling and Williams, are hereby notified to present the same to me at my place of business in The Danes, uregon. or at tne omce 01 my attorneys, Dufur & Menefee, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this March 18. 1897. C. J. STUBLING. and testament of Executor of the last will Owen Williams, dee'd. March 20, 5w. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that by order of the County Court for Wasco County, State of Ore gon, dated March 20, 1897, the final account and report of George A. Liebe with the estate of Matilda C. Rogers will be heard for final hear ing at the County Court room, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on the 3d day of May, 1897, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. All persons interested in said estate will ap pear and show cause, if anv. why said account should not be allowed. GEORGE A. LIEBE. Administrator of the estate of Matilda C. Rog ers, aeceasea. mz7ws ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, as administratrix of the estate of Henry Pont ine, late of Wasco County, and now deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified, either at my residence at Kings ley, Oregon, or at the office of G. W. Phelps, is Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated April 10. 1897. MRS.. EFFIE PONTING. alOwi Administratrix. E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo. writes us that after suffering from piles for seventeen years, he completely cured them by-using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures eczema and se vere skin diseases. Snipes-Kinerslv Drug Co. Seeds TIMOTHY SEED NURSERIES..-. Proprietor-.- - Oregon SHRUBBERY Grown Without Irrigation CATALOGUE. NOTICE. TJ. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Ob., ) April 7, 1897. f Complaint having been entered at this office by Richard Brookhouse against William Wal terkirchen for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 6502. dated May 29, 1895. upon the SWH NW, NWM SWX and SH SW section 4, Township 1 N. Range 15 E. W. M.. In Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this office on the 20th day of May, 1897, at 1 o'clock P. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. JAS. P. MOORE, al0w5 Register. - THE ECIDENT8 OF LIFE Wiitf to T. S. Qotncet jSS Chicago, Secre- fwi?6?5aj' tary 01 the Star Accident -mr-' j- tuwoiir, tor miuruuiuua ' regarding Accident Insur By so doing you can save membership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 for accidental injuries. ' Be your own Agent. RO MEDICAL EXAMINATION KEQUIBErX HARRY LIEBE, Fiastisal :. ,alcn AND DEALEB.-IN Clock Watches, Jawelry, Etc REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. TOOT BLOCK, THE. DALLF.Si - - - OREGON THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentueky Whisky FROM X.OU5VLLI.E.: Very Best Key West Cigars and Best of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee Beer always on hand. MAETZ & PUNDT. PROPRIETORS Troy Laundry Co's f OFFICE ' : TelephoneJJios. IOO and 8. All kinds of work. White Shirts a specialty. Family work at reduced rates. Wash collected nd delivered free. f A. B. ESTEBENET Agent INVADERS CHECKED Greek Irregulars Meet With Their First Reverse. A SERIOUS UPRISING A Rebellion in Honduras Threatens to Cause Trouble Among the Central American States. The President May Call For Assistance From Other Countries-Two Chilean Army Officers Fight a Duel. Larissa, April 16. Headquarters of Greek Army, yhe ssaly Severe fight ing has occurred in ' Macedonia be tween the Greek irregulars and the Turkish forces. A column of irregu lars sent to the right from Pitgavitze, aftar having attacked and captured Sitovon, continued its adyance toward Kritudes, Phisia and Kouruzi, with orders to hold Kouruzi at all costs, as it commands the right approach to Grevno, the objective point. This column, commanded by Chiefs Zermos and Luzzo, attacked Kritudes on Tuesday; The place was defended by two companies of Turks. After a severe fight, during which 80 Turks were killed and 25 taken prisoners, the position was captured by the Greeks, who also obtained possession of 1100 rifles and a quantity of cartridges. The insurgents, however, have suf fered a severe check in another direc tion. A strong force of Turkish troops from Macovon, with a number of mountain guns, advanced on Krania, which had recently been captured by the Greeks, and attacked 400 irregulars of Greece, who occupied an entrenched position. It is reported the fighting was ferocious on both sides. The in surgents eventually were compelled to retreat north to the mountains. Some, however, succeeded in breaking through the Turkish lines and escaped to Baltino, just across tbe frontier in Macedonia, first captured by the Greek irregulars and used by them as a dopot for provisions and ammunition. Accounts given by refugees of Turk ish losses are believed to be exaggerat ed. They say 265 Turks were killed, while the irregulars only had eight men killed and 17 woundeJ. The leader of the Greeks operating in that direction, Chief Milonas, was among the wounded, and returned into Greek territory with a number of refugees. One of the latter says a portion of the Turkish force is composed of irregu lars whose dress resembles that of the Greek insurgents. This, it appears, enabled the Turkish forco to execute a flank movement unheeded by the leaders of the Greeks. The refugees referred to blame, the Greek leaders for badly handling the men. All the refugees bore traces of having ex perienced great fatigue, and it is re ported that Ethnike Hetairia, or the national league, has ordered the Greek irregulars to retreat into Greek terri tory, regarding further bloodshed as useless unless the regular army of the Greeks supports the irregulars. Do n't alow the lungs to be impaired by the continuous irritation of a cougn. it is easier to prevent consumption than to cure it. One Minute Cough Cure taken eariy wul ward off any fa tal lung rouble. bmpes-iLinersiy Drug Co. REVOLUTION IS 8EUIOC8. Rebels In Honduras Have Begun an Ac tive Campaign. New York, April 16. The Herald correspondent at Tegucigalpa, the cap ital of Hondurus, says that there is a serious revolution in Honduras, and that martial law has been, proclaimed. Rebels attacked and captured the towns of Puerto Cortez, on the Gulf of Hon duras, and Esperanza, on the Agua river, on the night of April 13. Ac cording to all reports so far the rebels still hold these places in spite of efforts to dislodge them. ' President Bonilla has received offers of assistance from the governments of Guatemala, Salvador and Nicaragua, in support of the government, though as yet it has not been decided whether it will be necessary to call upon them. Tbe government i& confident of its power to end the uprising. The . president has taken -radical steps in the matter, and in addition to proclaiming martial law throughout the country he has issued orders for a big army to prepare to move at once against the rebels. Part of this army will probably go to Puerto Cortez as soon as practicable to try to wrest the seaport town from the revolutionists. Former Minister Amaizes and sev eral members of congress have been arrested 'as leaders of the rebel move ment and are in prison. A revolution in. Honduras against President Bonilla has been long ex pected, owing to growing discontent among the opposition party, and it may lead to serious results in other states of the greater republic of Cen tral America. This, it is almost cer tain, will be the case if President Bon illa accepts the aid extended to him by Guatemala, Salvador and Nicaragua. It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing" can accomplish. Sick head ache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomuch, dizziness, are quickly ban ished by DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Snipes- junersiy urug uo. THAT CHILEAN DuCL. Colonel Rivera's Wound Not Fatal aa at First Reported. New York, April 16. A Herald spe cial from Valparaiso says: The duel between General Canto and Hoe-Cake Soap Has No Equal Made under United States patent, it must necessarily be different from all others Contains no starch, free alkili or worthless filling Colonel Bonnen Rivera, in which the latter was wounded, will probably not prove fatal, as was at first expected. The bullet from General Canto's pistol lodged in Colonel Bounen's head, and though it had not been removed yet, his physicians confidently expact his recovery. The duel arose out of the trouble in the Chilean army caused by the oppo sition to General Korner. Colonel Bonnen and General Canto met on the summit of the Andes mountains, on the Argentine side, and as the duel was fought on Argentine ground tho government will probably take no ac tion. Dueling pistols were user, and the officers exchanged two shots, the first at 20 paces and the second at 15 paces. At the second shot Colonel Bonnen fell. He is being cared for in Santiago. Many cases of "trrippe'' have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adapted to the cure of this disease. It acts quickly, thus preventing serious complications and bad effects in which this disease often leaves the patient. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. UREEKS TO THE FRONT. They Capture and Occupy Vlella Com manding Damazl Plain. Athens, Greece, April 19. Firing commenced this morning between the Greeks and Turks at several points along the frontier. Colonel Manos, at the head of 25,000 Greek troops, has crossed tbe River Arakaphos, on the frontier of Epirus, and is now entering that part south of Albania, after hav ing driven back the Turkish advance posts. The bombardment of Prevesa was re sumed at daybreak. The landing force has not yet attacked the place. A dispatch from Greek headquarters this afternoon says three important po sitions were occupied today near Men exa by the Greek troops. Prince Nicholas, of Greece, third son of King George, has beeu ordered to the front in command of a battery of artillery. Later in the day confir mation was received of the report that a large Greek force had crossed the River Arakaphos. The Greek battle ship Spetzai has been taking part in the bombardment Prevesa. The fir ing recommenced at 5:30 a. m today. A body of 700 Greek insurgents landed at Syrako, Eprius, and is now marching on Fillipidau. Numerous other bands of Greek insurgents have entered Epirus. Dispatches from Tyruaver, tn North' west Larissa, say that the fight in the vicinity of Reveni and Rougazi lasted throughout Sunday. The Greeks captured two Turkish posts, one of which was retaken latter by tbe Turks The fighting was of a desperate charac ter, hand-to-hand and the Greeks are reported - to have advanced into Damazi plain and occupied Viglia, which commands it, after capturing a battery of Turkish artillery. -' If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup, you can appreciate tbe gratitude of the mothers wno Know that One Minute Cough Cure" relieves their little ones as quickly as it is ad ministered. Many homes in this city are never without it. bnlpes-JLinersiy Drug Co. CLAIMS TO BE PUSHED. McKinley Will Try His Hand at Coercing the Saltan. Ann Arbor, Mich., April 19. Sev eral facts have been developed here since James B. Angell's appointment and his departure for the South, which makes it evident that his mission to Turkey is of a special nature, similar to that which he executed in China in 1880, and particularly in the interest of American' missionaries who have been persecuted under the sultan's government. It has become known that Dr. Angell first received an offer of appointment as regular minister to Turkey for four years and that he declined it, not wish ing to be that long away from the uni versity. Later he was asked to go to force a settlement of the claims of American .missionaries against tbe Turkish government and accepted. When that work is done his work will have been performed and he will re turn to this country. Dr. Angell's selection for this post is very Gratifying to foreign missionary organizations, who are said to have exerted all tbe influence they could bring to bear to secure his appoint ment. For several years he has been a corporate member of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions, and has been active in its work. He has, too, been recognized as one of the ablest men connected with the body, and the members feel confident that he will persuade the Turk to have a greater respect for American rights in the future.- The claims which Dr. Angell is ex- I pected to adjudicate amount to $175, 000 for lives and property of American missionaries destroyed in tbe outrages perpetrated by the Turkish soldierly. They are so small that the most sen sitive persons take them, they are so effective that tbe most obstinate cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why De Witt's Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. High and Rising. Spokane, Wash.,- April 19. The rivers of the Coeur d'Alene country are much swollen, tbe railroad tracks are under water in many places, and railroad traffic is interfered with. The Spokane river above here is high and rising. A large force of men has been employed the last two or three days to protect the uprive'r waterworks. A log boom, containing 2,000,000 feet of logs, broke loose this morning above Post Fall, and about 300,000 feet of logs escaped and are now coming down the river. Men are at work tonight at the city dam to protect the city water works from damage from logs. Turkish Forts Destroyed. Island op Corfu, April 17. Noon Grees troops, as this dispatch is sent are advancing on Fillipidua, northwest of Aria. A detachment of 800 Greek troops is in readiness fto land at Prevesa, the Turkish fortifed position north of the entrance to tbe Gulf of Arta. The Turkish forts at that place have been almost completely destroyed by the bombardment of the Greek fleet. Many forts have been reduced to ashes. HARD FOUGHT BATTLE Turks and Greeks Meet in a Bloody Engagement. BRIBERY THE CHARGE As an Outcome of the Kentucky Sen atnrial Contestv Seven Politi cians Were Indicted. The Turkish Army on the Offensive Though No Formal Declaration of War Has Been Marie The Greeks Blamed. Foot of Milouna Pass, April 18. A fience battle raged in the pass all night long. The Greeks entered and descended towards the valley, encoun tered four batallionsof Turkish troops. who drove them back, and at the point of the bayonet rescued the force gar risoning and the Turkish blockhouses which the Greeks had encircled before entering the pass. Neshad Pasha, commanding the fiifth division, occupied Mount Harnia with a great force, while Hairi Pashr commanding -the sixth division, pre pared to enter the Tschaisahn pass, and Hrida Pasha, with tbe fourth di vision, occupied the Milouna pass. Before dawn, Edhim Pasha rode out to direct the disposition of the divis ions. A general engagement ensued, The battle still continues along the entire pass, over 20,000 men being en gaged. The combat turned on the posses sioh of the Greek blockhouse, which was most obstinately defended. Sev eral vigorous attacks were made by tbe Turks, without success, but finally about 9 o'clock, by a magnificent dash they took the blockhouse at the point of the bayonet. Tbe Greeks are still defending their positions on the summit of the hill, At the present moment four battalions of Mendukin Pasha's division are ad vancing to the frontier positions already taken. Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup tions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly heaied by DeWitt a witch Hazel Salve, tbe best Known cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. war has begun. Turkish Army at Laftt .on the Offensive, Mo Formal Declaration. Constantinople, April 17. The council of ministers, after a session at the palace today, declared that war had broken out on the frontier, owing to the incursion by the Greeks on Turkish territory, and Edhim Pasha, the Turkish military commander, was ordered to assume the offensive. The announcement of an actual existence of a state of war on the frontier was at first misunderstood, reports that the council of ministers had declared war upon Greece being widely circulated. It was also reported that the council of ministers had de cided to recall Assim Bey, the Turkish minister at Athens, and given pass ports to M. Maurocordato, the Greek minister at Constantinople. These re ports of a severance of all diplomatic relations between Turkey and Greece have been denied. The situation is summed up in a de tailed circular sent this evening to the Turkish representatives abroad. This circular recalls the the invasion of Turkish territory, and states that the last incursion was participated . in by Greek troops, thereby establishing war. The circular expresses the hope that the powers, in a spirit of justice, will agree that the entire responeibil ity for the war falls on Greece, Turkey has no idea of conquest, the circular adds, and, as a fresh proof of pacific sentiments, the sublime porta offers to retire the Turkish troops on the frontier if Greece will retire ber forces from the frontier and Crete. HUNTER 18 INDICTED. Himself and Friends Charged With Con, piracy to Bribe. Louisville, April 17. A special to the Evening Post from Frankfort says: The Franklin county grand jury re turned true bills againstDr. W. God frey Hunter, republican nominee for senator; ex-Congressman Henry Wil son, of the eleventh district; E. T, Franks, of the second district; Cap tain Noel Gaines and his brother-in-law, Thomas Tanner, of Frankfort. Those named have been indicted for conspiracy to bribe. All are republi cans with the exceptions of Gaines and Tanner. The indictments were all included in one bill and tiled in court at 1020 o'clock. The news at once became public and created the greatest indig nation among republicans, all of whom denounced It as a conspiracy among the Frankfort democrats to humiliate and defeat Hunter. They claimed the indictments against Gaines and Tan ner, democrats, were returned simply to pravent the public from gaining the impression that the grand jury had been made an engine of political per secution, and that they would be dis missed at the first hearing on account of insufficient evidence. Chairman Jones, . of the republican caucs, said it was "a diabolical and hellish conspiracy," and the republi cans would disproye and resent it in proper spirit. Senator Deboe was of the same opinion, and not one of tbe republican leaders hesitated to con demn the action of the grand jury as partisan and prejudiced. When the indictments had been re turned, Judge Cantril ordered that bench warrants be issued for tbe arrest of the accused and made returnable for the next term of court, which meets in September. The bail is fixed at 8250 in each case. Secretary Sherman Notified. Washington, April 19. The Turk ish minister, Moustapha Bey, has com municated with Secretary Sherman on the status of the Turko-Grecian con flict. He officially informed the Amer ican secretary of the termination of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Greece, and the attitude of offense which Turkey has been compelled to take by reason of the aggressive course of Greece. It was expressly made known, however, that no declaration of war had been issued. Until this declaration is made, the United States government is not likely to give offi cial recognition of the existing state of affairs. Turks Made a Night Attack. Athens, April 18. An official dis patch frc m Larissa, dated at 9 o'clock last Saturday night, says that the Turks, under cover of darkness, are as aulting tbe Greek forces at Mounts Analipsis with great fierceness. The Greek resistance so far has been mag nificent and spirited. Tbe Greeks still maintain their position. The firing began at Critzovali, with an attempt of the Turks to occupy a strategic po sition in the neutral zone. The Turks continue to abandon their advance posts, a general movement apparently taking place. Powder River Rooming. Baker City, Or., April 19. Powder river is higher than it has ever been known to be, and is doing great dam age. Only one bridge remains in the city, and if the warm weather contin ues, it will go out. The Sumpter Val ley railroad is flooded for miles, and trains will not be running for weeks, Tho O. R. & N. bridge above the city is threatened. The northern residence portion of the city is inundated. Bicycle Against Bsim. San Francisco, April 10. Allan N, Jones, tbe cyclist who made some sen sational rides during the indoor tour nament here recently, is to be matched for a mile run against Flying Jib, the pacer. The race will be held on the Stock Farm track at Pleasanton, on Saturday, and bas created intense interest among tbe horsemen. Prlnoa Constantino's Orders. Larissa, April 19 When the Crown Prince Constantino received news of the capture of the Turkish positions between Nezerosand Rapsani, he wired to the Greek commander there to stop firing immediately. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH FieigfiJ and Fassenger Line Until further notice the Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles, Mon day's, Wednesday's and Fridays at 7:30 A. M. rortiana, Tuesdays, xnurs day's and Saturday's at 6:30 A. M. PASSENGER RATES One way .....12 00 Round trip 9 uu Freight Rates Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or nig ht. Shipments for wav landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solic ited, call on or aaaress, Jnl O HLLHJnlHY. General Agent THE - DALLES - OREGON. rrriinrnniinn imniirmriii THE DALLES National Bank. OF DALLES CITY, OR. President Z. F. Moody Vice-President ..CP. Hilton Cashier M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted, Sight Exchanges Sold on New York, Chicago, San Fran cisco and Portland. rrrifirifiiirmiiiTniiHHRi O regon Bakery and O-Zb. A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to turnlah families, hotels and restaurants with the oholoest Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. Second Street, next door to The Dalles JMatlonai.fanic. S. SCHSNCK, President H. M. Biaix, Cashier. First National Bank THO DXLLES. OREGON General Banning Business Transacted Deposits received subject to sight draft or check. Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted on day of collection. Sight and telegraphlo exchange sold on New zone, ban jrancisco ami x-uruiuiu. 1 IBECTOBS : D. P. Thompson, Jno. S. Schenck Ed M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe, H. M. tfeall. R. E. Saltmarshe A THB East End STOCK YHBDS. WILL PAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK I P01MH Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adtulteratlon common to the . cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co., New York.- THE" 'T1UNS0N" TYPEWRITER Mr.k-Sn;iirtf.l Is "The Best" Writing Machine The highest grade. Standard of excellence. Controlled by no trust or combine. ' - The "Munson" possesses many distinct points of advantage over all other writing machine. The most durable of all. Address for catalogue, TBE MUNSON TYPEWRITES Co., ' 240-844 W. Lase St.. Chicago, Ills THE DALLES Cigar Factory EOOnD -TBEET . . Opsosito Um Implement Waraboia FACTORY NO. 105. Cigars of the Best Brands manufac tured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THETDALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufao ured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. BARBOUR'S IRISH FLAX SALMON NET THREADS AND DOUBLE KNOT Salmon Gill Netting SEINES TWINE . Cotton and Manilla Rope Cotton Fish Netting Fish Hooks, Lines Etc.. HENRY DOYLE & CO. 517. 519 Market St SXN FBKNCISCO. Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast PACIFIC R U N ULLMAN J Writing l Sight . (2BUSMssVBwaasBSBaaiaHBi' CT T?T7,TTXTrt n A TQ V ELEGANT .TXTTvrn n a do 1111 lH VT TOURIST ct .Evp.prwa - n a po MINNEAPOLIS ST, PAUL ORANDFORKS DULDTH TO vxnnn CROOKS TON WINNIPEG 4 HELENA and BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOKK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For Information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write, W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas sen ger Agent. No. Z2S Morrison Street, Cor ner of Third Street. Portland, Oregon Farm For Sale. A Stock Farm of 320 acres deeded land, having altogether about 400 acres under eood fence, with commodinn house and outbuildings. This Jarm is situated near Bridge creek, no miles- C orttitlioacf rtf TliA TV, M ..o svn TUm TV. 1 ! bwu,,.u. v. m ..v . .J, via A V. .-"CI 1 1 S and Canyon City road. Plenty of run ning water, good growing orchard, and 80 acres in cultivation. Terms easy. Enquire at the Times-Mountainxkr office, The Dalles, Or. The closing out sale at W. E. Kah lers 1 to re bas just began, and from this time on everything will be sold at actual cost for cash. Now is the time to secure bargains. V