The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 20, 1897, Image 1

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    OUVTllXEKB. Velsu
NO 28
Physician and Surgeon,
Boon over Dalle. National Bank. Office hours, 10
a m to 12 m, and froia 3 to 4 p m. Bcai
denee Wert Knd of Third Streat,
Attorney at Law
OVe ir Scnaons's buindlng, upstairs The Dalle
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of aome atmpla
talna-to natent?
Protect Tour Ideal: they nay brine you wealth.
Writ JOHN WKODERBtmH CO, Patent Attor
neys. Washington, D. Cfor their 1.800 price offer
and Use OX two hundred Inventions wanted.
X Meets
LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. TJ W.
in KeUer'a Hall every Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
O Meets every Saturday evening iat 7:80 in
K.of P. Hall. -
J Meets every Friday evening at their
hall at 8 o'clock.
Notice is hereby given that an execution and
order of saie was issued ont of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county,
on the 16th day or February, 1897, upon a decree
therein rendered on the 27th day of February,
1896, in favor of Elizabeth H. Hanson, plaintiff,
and against Arthur J. Friedly and Alice K.
Friedly and also Frank Hngerman, receiver of
the Lombard Investment Company, a corpora
tion, defendants, which said execution and or
der of sale is to me direct A, and commanding
me to sell the property hereinafter described,
for the purpose of satisfying t'ae Judgment of
the plaintiff In said caose for the um of (TiSl .0,
with interest thereon at eig'ut per cent per an
num from the 27th dav of February, lfctd. S75
attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements
of said sutt, taxed at (15. Therefore, In com
compliance with said execution and order of
saie, i win, on
at the hour of 1 o'cloc't p. m., at tbe Court
House door in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder
lor casn In nana, lor tne purposo oi sausiymg
the judgment ana aecree above memionea. tne
following described lands and premises, to-wit
Lots tbree, four and Ave. and the southeast
ouarter of tbe northwest Quarter of section two,
townshiD one south, of ranee fifteen, east of lhe
Willamette meriaian, containing tu aiionenun
dred and fifty-three and 15-100 acres, more or
less, according to the government survey, and
situated in Wasco county. State of Oregon.
f20-5t m20 Sheriff.
Dalles City, Or., Feb 17. 1897.
Bean Automatic
The Insurgents in Cuba Gain
Fresh Laurels.
T OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon j
in K. of P. Hall
WASCO TRIBE, NO. 18. I. O. R. M. Meets
every Wednesday evening in K, of P
VJT every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
B 0F.L.F. DIVISION, NO. 187. Meets in
K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes
' day of each month at 7:30 P.M.
WASCO LOEQE, NO. 15, A. F. A 'A. M.
Meets first and third Mondayiof each
month at 8 P. M.
L NO. . Meets in Masonlo Hall the third
Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M.
ilee.s every Friday even'n3--7:S0o'clock,
1 j K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
au-eela. Sojourning broUiers ai-e welcome.
P Meets everv Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
In Schanno's building, corner of Court and
Second streets.
Sojourning brothers are ln-
UNION Meets every Friday at 8 o'clock
u the reading room.
!T1 Mt. Hood Camp, No. SO, meets every
Tuesday eveaog rl 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's
Hall, c All sojourning brothers are invited to be
Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor
diall Invited.
Fifth. SunOsy school at 9:30 A. M.
jsvemng prayer o i fiiaay at 7sw.
AJ Bev. L. Grey, Pastor. Service in the Eng
lish language at First Baptist Church every
Sunday 9:30 A. u. and 7:30 P. M.
E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor.
Services every Sunday morning and eve-
Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
people to aii. .
By virtue of an execution and order of sale
duly Issued by Clerk of tbe Circuit Court of the
County of Wasco, State of Oregon, dated the
13th day of February 1897, wherein Geo. F.
Tucker as plaintiff recovered judgment agaipst
the Hood River Armory Association, a corpora
tion, for the sum of six hundred and seventy
-(670) dollars, with interest thereon at the rate
of ten per cent per annum from the 2Cth day of
January. 1897, and the further sum of seventy-
live dollars attorney's fee. and the further sum
often (10) dollars costs of suit, and accruing
cost, notice is hereby given that I will on Mon-
day, tre 22d day of Marco, 16S7, at toe l'ront
aoor or me court Mouse in wrsco county, Ore
gon, at tbe hour of two (2) o'clock in Uie after- j
noon of sa'd day, sell at publio auction to the
d icest tuocier ior easn in nana, suoject to re
demption, sU the following described land and
premises, to-wlt:
Lot 6 (six) in Block 5 (five), in tbe town of
Wauooma. according to tne recorded plat there
of, s:tuated in Wasco County, State of Oregon,
toje.her xnti tbe ioingr ard improvements
situated thereon, taken and lcvler" unon as the
property of the ss-d Tbe Hood River Armory
Association, a coiporaiion, or so moon thereof
as may De necessary 10 sau s.y said judgment in
favor of Geoise F. Tucker anrt s--aijst said The
Hood River Armory A&joc'.atlon, a corooration,
toge.ber wUa all costs and disbursements tliat :
nave or may accrue.
February 16th, 1897. T. J. DRIVER,
f20-5-m20 Sheriff Wrsoo Co., Oregon.
At i- htiquestionably the
most 8UC't,sfyl and "perfect
workina. spraying; devices
A universal tiMmor.y that'
more, as welLa. .better, work
can besaccurTilished witn
the Bean Spr,utrm or the
Myers Pump aJ any
other pumps? &J f ; i-ket
With eithe Xtoabumps
one man ea charge the
eeDtaole antf"leave ft to
rect the spray just where it
is wanted, ana thuj with'
sufficient hose pass from tree
to tree. The solution it) de
livered in a line mist or
spray, penetrating every
nook and corner, thus doing
better and more effective
work than is possible by any
other method, and with no
waste whatever of solution.
all if
The European Fleet About Greece
Suggests Drastic Measures to
-" Protect the Turks.
The Tobacco Trust Oets m Favorable De
cision In a New Jersey Court A
Wife-Beater MeeU m Much
Deserved Fate.
long ago made aware of marital differ
ence in tbe Hoover household. The
reason generally assigned was jealousy
on the part of the husband. Last even
ing when Hoover returned from his
work he engaged in a quarrel with his
wife at the supper table. Thejquarrel
was a lively one, and continued until
both left the house to settle the differ
ence in the yard.
Hoover advanced toward his wife
threateningly and to protect herself
she picked up a piece of.gaspipe and
struck him behind the left ear, Hoover
fell dead.
E. E. Turner, of Cornpton, Mo.
writes us that after suffering from piles
for seventeen vears. he completely
cured them by using DeWitt's Witch
uazei balve. it cures eczema and se'
vere skin diseases. Snipes-Kinersly
urug ;o.
We Carry a Full Line of . . .
i -
Pitclier, Spout and Deep Well Pumps
QT. PAUL'S CflTJRCH Union street.
r- . site
" 1im !
J Curtis, Pastor,
11 A. M. and 7:30 P.
morning service
Services every Sunday at
M. Sunday school after
QT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
1 1 .pastor, ua w mass every sunaay a 7 a. m.
High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M.
J? lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
streets, services each Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15.
pastor's residence Mortneast cor. ot washing
ton and Seventh streets.
Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday
morning at 11 ana in tne evening at o'ciocic
Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets-1
' every Sunday at 0:30 p. M.
Seventh i
r. Servli
:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Marvin Hendrloson, plaintiff,
Laura A. Hendricson, Defendant. -
To Laura A. hendricson, the above named
defendant : In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby tequired to appear and answer;
the complaint filed ajainst you in the above
entitled suit within ten days from the date of
ww ocrviuv ui una summons upon you, II served
tfltblu tJis county: or if served within any
vtucri.-uuui.yut tuts atute, men witnin twenty
days from the date of the service of this sum-
mors upon you ; rnd if served u xn you by pub
licaitoj, then by the first day of the next regu
lar te.-m of tills court towit. Monday, May 29th,
1897, ard if you fail to appear or answer as
above requtid, the plaintiff wiU apply to the
court for tbe relief praved for in his complaint,
on file herein, towit, for a decree of divorce.
Tills summons is published by order of the
Hon. W. L. Bradshaw. Judge of the above en-
vu iea jouti, inaae at unamoers, in Dalles City,
Oregon, on the 4th day of March, 1897.
March Std. Attorhey for Plaintiff.
j - Seventh and Union. Elder i. H. Miller.
Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M.
Children Cry
Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Akchxk, H. IX.
Ill South Oxford St Brooklyn, K. Y
"I nse CastoHa in my practice, and find It
specially adapted to affections of children."
Auex. RoBsjmoJi. M. D.,
- 1057 2d Avew, Mew Yottt
"From personal knowledge I can say fhtit
Uastoria is a roost Tcwllfit medicine for cnit
Jrea," Da. G. a Osgood,
Lowell, tUss.
CmmtoriM. -promot DigMtloa, and
everconiea Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhcea, and Fevenshnes.
Thns the child ia rendered healthy and ita
Bleep lutnral. Cmatoria contains DO
laopniaa; or other narcotio property.
Taken no ard posted accordit to law bv R.
B. Driver, livip-; in Wamlo Precinct. Wasco
uouu.y, uiegon, the following described ant-
JUttlS, IUV Lb.
One red aid white spo; ied cow, abov three
years om, ma' aea cion and, under bit in left
ear, and crop oft the I '-i.; no br- .nds visible. I
U"e red vsro year old s.-eer marked irith an up
per half emt ft )ert ear, r id under split in
each ea, urrll dulr iretee t"-e chta, branded
tbus(V) on .'e't :. Oie -j. indie yearling
be'Jersone vblteonhe--, marked with under
bit in i;git ea-; po t ax's. Ore roan yearling
stcpr iuw ticu v jus; uii, ii i n eai . no Dranaa
visto'e. i lie a jove animals was appra'sed re
spectfully. 112, 110, 88, to, by
Justice of the Peace .
Dated ibis 8th day of March, 18S7.
167 Second Street
.. Times-Mountaineer's ,.
Times are hard, and we "stand treat." We have arranged
to make our subscribers a gift that will last the whole year. We
will send every person who calls at our office and pays up a year
in advance, and 25c additional to pay postage, the following
high grade monthlies and valuable hand books : '
Farm News
Published at Springfield, Ohio. A practical
farm paper, that is tilled with the -practical
experience of actual farmers. It is ably edi
ted, thoroughly up to the times, and keeps its readers posted
on the wonderful advances made every month by progressive
agriculturists in the science of tilling the soil. 50 cents per
annum. Send for a free sample copy. : .
NEWiTOEK, March 12. A World
dispatch from Havana says: I i
On Tuesday the town of Bejucal,one
of the most strongly fortified places in
the province, was entered by 500 Cu
bans, who drove the Spanish earrison
of 600 men into tho forts and for half
an hour exchanged shots at long dis
tances. Finding that the Spanish gar
rison would not venture out upon an
attack, the insurgents looted the place
at their leisure. Two hundred and
fifty dwellings and seven stores were
burned. Tbe insurgents carried off a
quantity of reserved ammunition and
The town of Quillian has been cap
tured by one of the detachments com
manded by either Castillo or Arando.
The garrison of 300 Spanish troops re
treated on the appearance of the insur
gents. The Spanish blockhouse was
burned and several stores and dwell
ings were looted.
Colonel Nunez, In Pinar del Bio
province, attacked a fortified town be
low Artemisa, and after a terrible fight
drove the Spanish garrison out. The
Spanish lost 48 men and the Cubans
24. The insurgents destroyed the
Spanish fort and liberated 24 Dacificos
who had been condemned to be shot
the following day. Among them were
six prominent Cuban ladies from Ar
temisa and other sections, who had
been missing from their homes for over
two months. These ladies have been
imprisoned with criminals of the low
est class, negresBes and others, and
when released their clothing was al
most in rags and they were in a terri
bly wretched physical condition.
It is surprising what a "wee bit of a
thing" can accomplish. Sick head
ache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour
stomucb, dizziness, are quickly ban
ished by DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Snipes-
xunersiy vrag uo.
And Bpaln Will Bay a Bard Time 8ap-
" ' plylue Him.
Havana, via Key West, March 14.
Weyler has forwarded to Spain, for ap
proval of the courts,, tbe public budget
bill amounting to $35,000,000, in addi
tion to an appropriation bill, reaching
$93,000,000. The latter bill, it is said,
will be carried through to meet the
extraordinory expenses of the army
and navy incurred on account of the
Cuban insurrection. Tho income for
the new fiscal year, beginning in July,
will hardly reach $14,000,000, which
amount will shrink considerably should
the proposed treaty with tbe United
States be carried out. Therefore, there
will be an enormous deficit, reaching
nearly $100,000,000, to meet which the
Madrid cortes must decree new taxes
to Spain or call for another public
loan to meet tbe interest on the same.
The personal tax will be renewed. It
is reported here that Captain-General
Polajava, In tbe Philippines, resigned
on account of the failure of the govern
ment to send him 20,000 men, and not
on account of his health.
General Weylor has issued orders to
the military commanders in cities and
towns to expel all families which have
any relatives in the insurgent lines.
Bacuen a Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil
blains, corns and all skin eruptions,
ana positively cures plies, or no pay
reaufred. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded,
Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv
Blakeley & Houghton.
I bridge, t
The Fifty-Fifth Congress En
ters Upon Its Duties.
His Credentials Were Referred to
the Committee on Privileges and
Elections in the Senate.
The Dlngley "Tariff Bill Fnttt m Duty of
II and 19 Centa a Pound on Wool
Nothing Definite) From
Crete. ' ,
.Washington, March 15. The 55th
congress met in extra session today,
pursuant to the recent call of Presi
dent McKinley. - -
Reed was re-elected speaker of the
house, the vote standing: Reed, 199;
Bailey, democrat, of Texas, 114; Bell,
populist, of Colorado, 21; Newlands,
silverite, of Nevada. 1.
After Reed's election the members
were sworn in and organization com
pleted by tbe election of the republi
can slate as follows: Clerk of the
house, Alexander McDowell, of Penn.
sylvan ia; sergeant-at-arms, Benjamin
Russell, of Missouri; doorkeeper,
William J. Glenn, of Mew York; post
master, J. C. McElroy, of Ohio; chap
lain, Henry M. Couden.
to $18,000 in money and bonds.
Brien and William Lough-
two of the most famous crooks
and burglars In the country, were
captured in California some time later
charged with the crime. The trial of
O'Brien terminated at Savannah last
night, when the jury returned a ver
dict of guilty and assessed his punish
ment at 14 years In the penitentiary.
His wife, who was present, created a
scene when the verdict was announced.
Don't allow the lungs to be impaired
by the continuous irritation of a cough.
It is easier to prevent consumption
than to cure it. One Minute Cough
Cure taken eany will ward off any fa
tal lung trouble. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug VsO.
Signs of Weakening-.
London, March. 14. That Greece
seems to realize the unwillingness of
the powers to rive way is outlined in
rumored proposals and suggestions
reaching London today from Athens.
It is stated today that a member of the
Greek government declared this morn
ing that Greece would accept for Crete
a regime similar to that of Bosnia,
which would leave inviolate the prin
ciple of non annexation, while main
taining the integrity of tne Ottoman
empire, and it is said he suggested
that France should take the initiative
in proposing this solution.
Absolutely Pure-
Celebrated for its great leaveninc
strength and healthfulnesa. ' Assures
the food against alum and all forms of -
adtul (oration common to the cheap
brand. Royal Baking Powdeb
Co., New Y0rk,
Bon. H. W
Corbett'a Credentials
anted and .Referred. .
Anyone eanrHia- a afcateh and d-i-rlptton aaay
quickly arwrtalTi. free, whether an- Invention ia
probably patentable. Communication atrlotly
' eonadential. Oldest aeaney foraecaring patent
In marina Wa hare a Washington office.
Patents taken thronjta Hub A Co. reeelva
apeotal nones la the
. tlaatlfellT llraetrated, tanest etrenlatlon of
any aolentlae loamal, weekly, tenugXOO a yaari
axis atz months, b peal men ooptes and xLaMB
BOOS OS FATmrrs aanttrea. artOratt
MJJNN S-Ca, - ,
SSI Mni.IiwTadsT.
Laud Ornci at Thb Dalles, Ob., I
Jaiua-y 16, l97. f
Notice ia berebv elven that tbe fnilnwlno-
na-ned aetUer has filed notice oi Ms lutent:on
to mane noal orool In suppon of his c'a. a, aad
t'l-at said Drooi' will be made be'ore the l! -u
ran receiver at J ne wiles, in-c' on. on ejiii
arymb, 1SV7, viz.:
Hd E No 3682. for the NWU SEW. Iota t s S
8 and 7. Sec 17. Tp 2 N. R IS E.
He names tae following witnesses to prove
his cont'nuous rebitfence upon and cultivation
of suid land, viz. :
R F Gibons. Geonre A Lie1. E Schannn and
J B Crossen. a'l of The Da'les.
t83-t-f27 i . Bejfister.
JitsJiD Omci AT TBI DALLSS, obiooh.
February 6, 1897.
Notice is hereby elven that the followlnc
named settler has filed -lottce of hia intention
to June nnai proof in support of his claim, and
tiiat said nroof wUl be made tarnm RjKr!et
aad Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on March
7, 1897, viz.:
JWlFi2'& 4278 for the SW See 21. Tp 1 N,
K 14 E, W M.
He names the following- vltnMBM t nma
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
H H Waterman. J C Benson. TTennr Rnn and
Andrew McCabe, all of The Dalles, dr.
fl3-7-m27 r Register.
LaD Omcs AT Thb Dalles. Orbgoh, I
- xopruary 2d, lew.
Notice is here,; given that the following
wuueu -tcier nas men notice or nis intention
to make noal proof in uiDDort of his claim. an
tjat saie p. -oof vill be miKe before .he register
nuu .ra.ti,ci a. 1UB wiles, u.egon, on Apru 1U,
Hd E No 3883, for the NE! See 17, Tp 2 N, H I
12 r., w n.
He names the following witnesses to Drove
his continuous .esidenee upon and cultivaUoa)
o' said land, viz. :
James Brown. Charley Phll'lps. Lee Svar
ana cujan uuscey, an oi mimw. Oregon.' i
A monthly magazine for women and the
home. Its bright stories, poems and
sketches, its clear and wholesome editor
ials, its practical suggestions on home life aDd woman's work
. makes it a universal favorite. It cannot fail to interest and
' please every member of the family. The publishers at Spring
field, Ohio, will be el ad to send the readers of this paper a
free sample copy. 50 cents per annum.
Farm News Poultry Book
A hand book on the
care of poultry, writ
ten especially to meet the needs of the farmer and tbe small
breeder. It is practical- You can easiiy understand what it
means and easily carry out its suggestions. Thousands of
; copies have been sold. Price, 5 cents.
Womankind Cook Book "StSSSHSR
. - read Womankind. Every recipe is tho tested standby of
some practical housekeeper. The book has proved very pop
ular and we are sure sou will like it. Price, 15 cents.
'ra overy one paying up all arrears and one year's subscrip
tion to The Times-Mountaineer in advance, we will send the
above named monthlies and the books.
Take advantage of this offer at once.
. . . TimesMountaineer
DAN baker;
Wool - Eichange - SalooiL
Wme&'JAavoi? Gigari
East End,Seoond Street
Pririz & Kitsctike
't Wt fciv ad lei I e jf butlnr -j a vmyHl Under
takina; EatabUnnant, ana aa wa are in no way
eoooxt'd with the Undert ara Trust, ur
Trices will be low acoardlntfy.
If yon want to give your boy or eirl
, a thorough business education.Holmes'
business college in Portland affords
the' best opportunity. A scholarship
in that school is for sale on reasonable
terms at this office. .
TJ. S. LAUD Omen, THB DiU.ES, Ob. i '
, . " February 0, is7. f
Notice hi herehy given toat Ertlriel A. Wat
erman, of Tbe Dalles. Oregon, baa filed notice
of intention to make final proof before Re-ristea
and Receiver at Tje Dalles. Oregon Satur
day, the 2r.Xh day of Marcn, lf7. on Timber Cul
ture Application No. 3C1K, for the, "WH SE
and SEX SjSX ot Beckon No 2S,' in' Township
No 1 North, Ranse No 14 East. .
He names as witnesses: H M Waterman.
Timothy Evans, D Ii Bolton and Sylvester
Brooks, all ot The Dalles. Oregon.
Itt:7-m27 Regis r.
SIC All A TO EXCHANGE for Orerron
ll).((iHI property. 163 acres near Colfax,
Plrcer coi-nty. CaUfornia. 28 acres ( 18.750 vines)
10 year Tokay grapes; JT3 0 year Crawford
peaches- sco BaneU pears, 7 year; 6 3 and 6
ye: r u.eisey piums; n erea plums: balance un-
oieorea Dai iu tiuaoie: new Tl 0 bouse; all
uun iuutMDi-a--iwo goia mines on uncleared.
"S--.ll.' A. G. CARS WELL, ,x
838 Montgomery street. San Fracclfco
The) Sun
The first of American Newspapers.'
Charles A. Dana, Editor.
The American Constitution, -The
American Idea,
The A&ierican Spirit
These first, last, and all the time,
Dally, by mail .-, .'. . W.00 a year
Daily and Sunday, by mall, $8.00 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper
in the world.
By mail, $2 a year, 5c a copy j
This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer
and Sorter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer . have been introduced, and
only the first-class article will be placed on the market.
East Second Street ,
The Dalles, : Oregon.
V W saTawK JlifH VI
L-1 S?aS3a
Full English course.
french and german.
Job Printing:
Of all kinds done on
' short notice , and at
reasonable rates at
. this office.
-' ' ... '- - -'- .'--'.
Bill Against the American Tuba ceo Com
pany Dlamlaeed.
Teenton, N. J., March 12. Vice
Chancellor Reed this morning; filed
with the clerk of the court of chancery
a decision dismissing the bill brought
against the American Tobacco Com
pany. A syllabus of the opinion is as
First The court of equity does not
possess the power to restrain a corpor
ation organized under the forms of law
from performing acts within its cor
porate power merely because some
steps taken in organizing the corpora
tion may hare been irregular or be
cause the purpose of tbe incorporators
may have been to establish a monopoly.
Second Under these conditions quo
warranto is an appropriate proceeding
to challenge the right of the corpora
tion to exercise its franchise.
Third A trading or manufacturing
corporation, until its charter is an
nulled by such proceedings at law, has
the same authority as the individual
trader or manufacturer to sell or con
sign its goods, to select its selling
agents and iiupose conditions as to
whom it shall sell and terms upon
which it will sell.
Fourth A decree restraining officers
and agents of the corporation from ex
ecuting its corporate powers is the
same as a decree enjoining the corpor
ation itself.
The suit was brought jointly in tbe
name of the attorney-general and Mil
ler Brothers, tobacco-dealers, of New
ark, for the purpose of restraining the
tobacco trust from conducting business
in a manner prejudicial to the com
plainants and injurious to tbe people
of New Jersey.
HOSTILITIES mcst cease.
Tbe Powers Showing a Htrone Hand In
the Cretan Trouble.
Pabis, March 12. The following
semi-official announcement was made
this afternoon:
The powers,while united in principle,
have not yet been able to reach a solu
tion of the Cretan question. Proposals
and objections are being exchanged
hourly. The program drawn up by
the admirals in Cretan waters is as
First a blockade of the Island of
Second A blockade of the Piraeus
and some other Greek ports.'
Third Seizure by a detachment of
the fleet of tbe telegraph offices at
'- Fourth Any Greek warships en
countered are to be taken to the island
of Milo and kept them.
Filth Any Greek warships firing on
any foreign warship are to be sunk,
and the act to be considered a casus
Sixth Any Greek torpedo-boat near
Ing a foreign warship is to be fired at.
Seventh As the blockade of Greece
will require all the crews of foreign
warships, each power is to send to
Crete a battalion of infantry of not
less than 600 men in number.
Each of the foreign admirals tele
graphed a copy of these proposals to
his government, and most of the
powers acquiesced in the movement.
Correapondent Says It WiU Produce
70,000,000 Additional.
Chicago, March 13. The Times
Herald publishes the complete schedule
of the new Dingley tariff law from its
Washington correspondent, Waiter
Vellman. The new tariff , bill is con
ceded ftrbe the most complete legisla
tive act submitted to the American
congress in a quarter of a century.
Boldly meeting the situation, the re
publican members of the ways and
means committee declare in -the title
that their bill is "An act to provide
revenue for the government and to pro
tect the industries of the United
The law, if enacted as given, is ex
pected by members of the committee
to produce an additional revenue of be
tween $60,000,000 and 170,000,000 a year
Estimates vary from the highest to the
lowest of these figures.
The chief addition to the revenue is
expected from the increase of the si'gar
duties. . From this source alone an ad
ditional revenue of about $27,000,000 is
r iticipated by Chairman Dingley.
Wool is another source of new rev
enue. It is estimated that the restora
tion of the wool duties will provide ac
increase of $14,000000,in the receipfs of
the government. The restoration of
the McKinley rates on .lumber and
timber will add another pretty sum.
Tbe flax, jute and hemp and sundries
schedule will add perhaps $4,000,000 o
$5,003,000. -
Each of the other schedules, with a
few exceptions, is expected to con
tribute its quota to the increase of rev
enue, the total increase being so dis
tributed as to fall lightly upon any
class of customers, while tbe benefits
to be derived from the protective
features of the law are also distributed
to all lines of business and to all sec
tions of the country.
Struck In Self-Defeoae.
COLTJSA, Cal., March 12. Mrs. F. A.
Hoover, killed her husband last night
during a quarrel, by striking him on
the head with a piece of gaspipe, and
his death resulted soon after.
Hoover and his wife bad had numer
ous quarrels, and the neighbors were
Agricultural Hoeletlea WIU Probably
Added n It.
Salem, Or., March 13. The agricul
tural societies will probably be in
cluded in the list of claimants against
the state that the secretary of the state
will not recognize because of no ap
propriation for the present biennial
term. The agricultural boards will
probably contend that they are on tbe
game footing as the state university
and the militia, the act creating them
carrying a perpetual appropriation
The wording of tbe clause upon which
they depend is: "There is hereby ap
propriated annually, out of any money
in the state treasury not otherwise ap
propriated, the sum of $ etc.
Notwithstanding the wording pf the
act, the agricultural appropriations
appear in the general appropriation
bills, which is not the case with the
university and militia. It would seem
that past legislatures have considered
the university and militia acts carried
their appropriations, while they at
least bad some doubts about the
agricultural societies. There are
four of these societies and their ap
propriations by the legislature two
years ago aggregated $19,000
Plllag-lna; at Cue.
Athens, March 13. A Canea dis
patch says that last night and today
were given over to pillage of houses
not protected by police. The houses
of absent Christians were opened by
the Turkish authorities on the pretext
that they were to be used as lodging
places for refugees. Everything of
value was immediately removed. The
European detachments looked on this
work without interfering, having re
ceived no orders to prevent it. If
orders are not issued soon, three-quarters
of the town will be plundered by
the Turks tomorrow night. Ismail
Pasha has requested the porte at Con
stantinople to send arms for MussuL
mans brought to Canea from Selinos.
Washsngton, March 15. There
was an abundance of flowers on the
desks of the senators today when at 12
'clock Mr. Mobart called the senate
to order. The galleries -were filled.
The chaplain's prayer inyoked divine
grace and blessing on the senators and
members now about to take up the
work of the extraordinary session, and
on the president and vice-president.
The roll-call disclosed tbe presence of
68 senators. The new senator from
Kansas, W. A. Harris, took the oath
of office. McBride of Oregon pre
sented the credentials of Henry W.
Corbett, appointed by the governor of
Oregon to fill the vacancy caused by
failure to elect a successor to Mitchell.
The governor's certificate was read.
McBride requested that the new sen
ator be sworn in, if there should be no
objection. Gray of Delaware said
some unusual circumstances attended
the appointment, and the credentials
should be scrutinized. He moved that
the credentials referred to the com
mittee .on ' privileges and elections.
The motion prevailed by unanimous
Laxative Bromo Quinine Table?
moves the bowels gently, relieves the
cough, cures the feverish condition and
the headache, making it the best and
quickest remedy for coughs, colds and
la grippe; cures in one day. "No Cure
no pay." Price 25 cents. For sale by
tfiakeiey at noucnton. aruggists.
Principal Schedules aa Drafted la tbe Ding
ier BUI.
Washington, March 15. The new
tariff bill, prepared by the republican
members of the ways and means com
mittee was introduced in the bouse to
day by Chairman Dingley. The prin
cipal features of the wool schedule are
as follows:
Schedule K, wool and manufactured
wool, all wools, hair, camel goat and
alpaca and like animals, are divided
into three classes:
Class I Merino mestis, mets or
metis wools, or other wools of merino
blood, immediate or remote, down
clothing, wools and wools of like
character, including Bagdad wool,
China lamb's wool, Castle Branca,
Adrianople skin wool, butchers' wool
and such as have been usually imported
into the United States from Buenos
Ayres, New Zealand, Cape of Good
Hope, Russia, Great Britain, Canada,
Egypt, Morocco, Australia and else
where, and also including all wools
not designated by class 2 and 3.
Class II Leicester, Cotswold, Lin
colnshire. Down combing wools,
Canada long wools or other like comb
ing wools of English blood, bair of
Angora goat, alpaca and like animals.
Class III Donskoi, native South
America, Cordova, Valparaiso, native
Smyrna and Russian camel's hair and
wools of like character, as have been
imported into the United States from
Turkey, Greece, Syria and elsewhere
excepting the improved wools herein
after provided for. . - .
The duties fixed are: Class 1, 11 cents
a pound; class II, 12 cents; class III, on
wools valued at 13 cents or less per
pound, including charges, and on com
mon goat hair, 32 per cent ad valorem;
valued at more than 13 cents per pound,
50 per cent ad valorem. Standard
samples of wool deposited in principal
custom-houses are to be standards for
classification, and tbe secretary is au
thorized to renew the standard from
time to time according to his judgment.
If you have ever seen a child in the
agony of croup, you can appreciate the
gratitude of the mothers who know
that One Minute Cough Cure relieves
their little ones as quickly as it is ad
ministered. Many homes in this city
are never without it. Snipes-Kinersly
irug m.
Fatallj Wounded.
Valley, Wash., March 15. C. D,
Moody was shot and fatally wounded
by Gail Lattin this morning. Moody
is shot through the body, and cannot
speak. He went to Lattin's place for
a load of hay, and it Is supposed that
tbey revived a long-standing quarrel.
Lattin had Moody arrested about a
month ago for assaulting him with an
ax. Moody is a brother of H. D. Moody,
a prominent capitalist of Spokane.
Lattin is living on a ranch owned by
tbe Moody brothers. He is only 19
years of age.
Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup
tions, burns and scalds are soothed at
once and promptly healed by DeWitt's
witch Hazel Salve, tbe best known
cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Beed Cboeea Speaker.
Washington, March 13. The cau
cus of republican members-elect of the
present congress, which was held to
night, voted by acclamation to re
nominate ex-Speaker Reed and all offi
cers of the last house to serve through
tne oath congress. An effort to change
tne rules of tbe bouse bad been ex
pec ted, and a strong speech was made
in advocacy of such a: chancre-bv
Walker of Massachusetts, but iUe. a
veuipb uoeuou iu buo pan.
One Minute is all tbe time necessary
to decide from personal experience
that One ' Minute Cough Cure" does
what its name implies. Snipes-Kin
ersly Drug Co.
Poetnuutera Ara Safe.
Washington, March 15. Postmaster-General
Gary made the definite an
nouncement to an Associated Press re
porter todav that tbe administration
had decided to adhere to the four years
tennre-of-office policy for all postmas
ters, exeept in a few cases where re
moval for cause was required on ac
count of delinquency, incompetency or
unsatisfactory conduct or administra
tion of office.
They are so small that the most sen
sitive persons take them, tbey are so
effective that tbe most obstinate cases
of constipation, headache and torpid
liver yield to them. That is why De
Witt's Little uariy Risers are known
as the famous little pills. Snipes-Kin-
ersly urug uo.
' Ureeee Preparing For tbe Worat.
Athens, March 15. The receipt of
the news from Paris has caused a pes
simistic feeling here, but the govern
ment is determined to maintain its po
sition and await the blockade. It is
generally believed the enforcement of
the blockade will be a signal for con
flict on tbe frontier. A dispatch from
Heracllon, Crete, says that, owing to
the excesses of the Mussulmans, the
consuls have asked the admirals to
land a detachment of marines there.
To Coerce Ureeee.
St. Petersburg, March 15. All
the admirals, except the French ana
Italian commanders,have been ordered
to Immediately blockade the principal
Greok ports especially the Piraeus
(port of Athens), Syra and Volo. An
ultimatum will forthwith be addressed
to Greece by the. admirals of the foreign
nee ia.
Years of Abeaaee railed to Obliterate th 1
Irat t-mwu ml a gpeelaaea froaa Maaaie.
After a somewhat learned and varr
Interesting discussion on the "Near
ness of Animals to Man," and Mr. Gar
ner's efforts toward developlnsr a mon
key language, eta, some one told the
following story:
A young lad in a southern familv I
know had a half -grown black monker-
aent to him from Borneo. The crea
ture, shy and strange at first, soon
showdd himself responsive to kindness.
quick and intelligent in learning the
usual accomplishments thought neces
sary in a monkey education. He be-
camo warmly attached to his youthful '
owner, and the two friends might be
seen anywhere together, the Borneo
perched on the shoulders of young
America, occasionally givinsr him an
affectionate tap on the cheek, or chat
tering ia his ear in the most human
way possible. After awhile it was de
creed that Yokko'a master must Do
sent north to school, and the desolate
condition of that monkey in con se
quence was really pitiable be grieved
and refused to be comforted for a long
time, and then he suddenly became
mischievous. He played such tricks
and pranks that at last everybody's
patience gave out and Yokko was dis
posed of and disappeared.
Years went by, and the venna
southerner went from school to col
lege. Soon after his graduation ha
was visiting in some western eitv
Chicago, I think and passing along the
streets one day he observ ed a knot of
people gathered on a corner. He ap
proached to see what it meant; sud
denly a great black thing lighted on
his shoulders, his neck was closely
clasped and a little cold, black paw
-va patting and stroking his face with
such an abandon of affection, such an
excited chattering and murmuring as
completely Dewiiderea the yonng man
for a moment
. ."Of course it was master Yokko, do- '
scended , to the - role v ot. an organ ,
monkey, aTld after all the.years, aU
the travel and toil and change, he had
recognized his old young master The
delight was mutual, and arrangements
were soon completed for the repur
chase of Yokko. Certainly if prompt,
swift, i decisive action ia indicative of
something beyond mere instinct of
intellect, in fact that monkey had It,
And there wasn't any question aa to
his nearneas to man,' was there P -
Then a native man who was present
told the following:
"Yon know sail or ara always fond of
pets, and on board a man-of-war tbey
are especially so; there are always two
or three, sometimes more, on board
and a ship in southern waters always
has a 'monkey and a parrot,' Boat
Madagascar they brought a big black .
ape whom the men named 'Majunga' '
from the name of the poet She was
tame, had had some teaching and al
together was very well-behaved. When
she first came aboard it was necesaary .
to shut her np while we were setting-
off, so a banana was put into an empty
chicken coop and Majunga went in.
While she was, apparently, absorbed
in peeling and eating the banana tbe
door of the coop was closed upon her
and fastened by means of a big hasp
over an eye and a big nail slipped
through. So, yon see, the monkey was
safe. Now, a monkey is always on the
watch exactly at the moment when it
seems least so; it will look in every di
rection but tbe one it needs to appar
ently. Consequently, Majunga bad
her back to the door all the time
when she had finished the banana aha
turned around and without one in
stant's hesitation she put her paw
through the bars of the coop, lifted
ont the nail, pushed open the door.
and mounted on top of the coop, laid
the nail beside her and with evident
Interest watched what was going on."
Boston Globe.
A Warm Wave.
Heppner, Or., March 14. A warm
wave struck here last' eveniug and the
snow is fast disappearing. Stockmen
are very anxious for fair weather,
especially sheepmen, a number of
whom are out of bay. There has been
no se-ious loss so lar, but witn snow
covering the ground for another week
the loss wotld be ereat.
Manv cases of "zriooe'' have
been cured bv One Minute Cough Cure.
This preparation seems especially
adapted to tbe cure of this disease. It
acts quickly, thus preventing serious
complications and bad effects in which
this disease often leaves the patient.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
France and Italy Decline.
Vienna, March 15. The proposal of
the powers that France and Italy oc
cupy Crete with a mixed force of 25,-
000 men has been declined by the gov
ernments of those two countries on
the score of expense. The occupation
of Crete, therefore, will be undertaken
by the forces of the six powers, al
though Germany and Austria will only
nominally take part to show that they
are agreeable to the measure. The
powers are discussing the details of an
autonomous government, and tbe
choice of a governor, who will, it is
said, be a Frenchman.
Bed CBriea Convicted.
St. Joseph, Mo., March 12. On the
night of February 17, 1896, the state
bank of Savannah, Mo., was entered
by masked robbers, who bound and
gagged the watchman, after which
they looted the bank, securing' from
aMvin Out tbe Mocking Birds aavd At
tacking Anything in Sight.
The little English sparrow is becom
ing so numerous that there is con
siderable discussion about adopting
metnods ox getting rid ox the pest
They are here, says the Galveston
News, by the thousands and are re
markable for their fecundity, as they
lay from five to six eggs each sit
ting and raise three broods a year.
They are no longer considered inseo
tiverous, and owing to their pugnacious
habits, making war upon the birds that
are desired and destroying their eggs.
as wen as xnaiung tnemselves obnox
ious in a great many ways, and witn
their rapidly increasing numbers, their
extermination will be a matter of
serious nature here at an early date.
Other towns are doubtless experiencing
tronoie witn tnem, as tbe bird is mi
gratory in pairs, settling only where
there is habitation and springing into
the thousands like a mushroom. A
prominent citizen here who has a num
ber of mocking birds in the trees and
shrubbery in his yard, and who has
time and again watched the onslaughts
of this vicious little bird with an inva
riable victory, states that it will be a
question sooner or later of state legis
lation by offering a bounty for them.
They were introduced into Australia
about the same time as their introduc
tion into the United States for the
same purpose of destroying the tree
caterpillar, and that country event
ually had to use the bounty method to
gat rid of them.
Ceuld Xet Exactly Understand What k
Other Fellow Moan.
'Have you got a dictionary here?'
he softly asked of a hotel clerk on
Grand Biver avenue yesterday, says
the Detroit Free Press.
"No, sir." . - -
"Are you pretty well np on Webste
'Fairly so. What's the trouble 7"
'I want a term defined. A fellow
Just referred to me as a parsimonious
slinker, and I can't exactly catch on."
"Parsimonious means stingy and
"I know she does. I've alius knowed
Slinker slinker? A slinker must
be a man who slinks."
"Seems that way to me, but I didn't
'What were the circumstances?"
'Why, I went into a saloon after a
glass of beer. There was a stranget
there, and he came over to the bar. I
asked him if he ever drank, and he
said he did. I ordered beer for me and
water for him, and he stuck np hit
chin and called me a parsimonioot
slinker. Was the reference appropri
ate to the occasion?"
"Well, somewhat"
"Then, it's all right I thought h
had slipped a cog in his grammar, ox
was addressing the bartender. Then
he probably meant me? All right si)
right yes. He must have meant me,
I noticed ho didn't drink the water,
and I thought he caid something about
knocking my eyebrows oil. Sorry to
have bothered you, but I was a littls
curious, you know. Good day."
Parties having any goods belonging
to The Dalles Soda Works are re
quested to return the same at once.
The property includes soda bottles and
boxes marked "McC 7," syphon bot
tles marked 'Pullman Bottling Works,'- '
or syphon bottles marked "Property
of Joseph Folco, The Dalles." This
notice does not refer to the regular
trade or constant customers, who are
authorized to keep such goods In their
possession. Jos. Foloo.