The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 13, 1897, Image 3

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    . SATURDAY .-. -...... MARCH 15
From Wednesday's Dally. -"
S. G. HawBon, of Arlington is in ths
city. ' - '
. -" Judge Bennett returned today from
- .Moro.-
""' C. J. Hayes has been appoiuted dep
; "uty assessor for Hood River precincts.
Messrs. Win. Menefee, Malcom and
Donald McClenan and Joseph Whitten,
of Antelope, are in the city.
License to wed were issued today to
J. W. Derthick and Lottie Huston,
Frank Hill and Etta C. Parish.
The D. P. & A. N. dock has been
repaired and strengthened so as to
' withstand the rise in the river.
-. F. X. Baillargeon, of Moline, 111..
;- arrived in this city on the noon train,
: for a visit wkh relatives in the city
and vicinity. "
.- Ben Swift returned loBt evening from
' California, where he spent the past
winter. Mr. Swift left today for his
'. farm near Wamic.
The Regulator has been hauled on
going repairs. It will be out of the
' water a week or ten days.
Ex-Constable Wm. Conor and wife,
.- oi .fortland, stopped off in tnis eity
yesterday to visit friends on their re-
turn trip from Baker City.
It is rumored thai Uncle Joe . Wood-
; ford has taken unto himself a wife, and
' quietly married yesterday afternoon.
Yesterday Dr. Sanders was called
' home from Sherman county on account
- of the serious illness of his little son,
who is threatened with an attack of
. typhoid fever.
; "The Art Studio," "What is it?
Why, that's the name of the social to
- be given - by ..the Good. Templars, at
' their hall in the Vogt block, next
Saturday evening. ,
the month of February show a falling
- off in the attendance in the primary
department, owning to sickness among
the ihildren. '": ' :.
Representative R. E. Misner, of
, Crook county, came up from below last
night. Mr. Misner will spend a few
days in the city before leaving for his
home at Mitchell.
. The new fish wheel being put in by
Charlie Stone a few miles below The
Dalles, when completed, will be the
largest wheel on the river. It is 12
. feet wide and 60 feet deep.
School district No. 61 has petitioned
,'to have all the territory embraced
' within district 62 added to the former.
The matter is under consideration by
the school superintendent.
- . The -storms of last week left a great
tou,aYJcis "pot cold and is melting
good will result from it.r Gazette. .
. There is no myth about the Colum
bia River Southern railroad. It is an
-assured fact, and will be built as far
south as Wasco this seaien, in time to
move this year's wheat crop out oi
Sherman county.
'I be - steamer. Danes City came
through from Portland yesterday, tbe
locks having been opened only for the
- dav. but were shut down ap-ain for re
pairs, and will not be completed .until
Friday or Saturday. -
.Two', hobos (who were discovered
wandering on the streets last night
without visible means of support, were
this morning, introduced to the city's
wnnd niln. and tiara haen exercisino-
g , . e
with bucksaws all day.
' Yesterday ' Jack Donohue received
direct from',tf "Irelrnd" a sprig of
-:gnqinetahamrock encased in a hand
some ;jfiMseovwing. . Mr. Donohue
has tfre treasure on exhibition at the
Clarendon restaurant.
'Assessor Whipple has supplied him
self with a complete map of the county'
showing the present owners of realty,
and by its use will be able to list all
the real estate in the ' county. Mr.
Whipple began assessing in Cascade
Locks precinct yesterday. " ;-
Mrs. Nagel & Weaver, recently from
Baker - City, have leased the Dalles
Water Distilling and Carbonatipg
works of Joe Folco. Mr. Folco is con
sidering the advisability of establish
ing ice works in the city, and will out
in a plant this spring if satisfactory
arrangements can be made.
. A. Michael, of the firm of Michael,
Seward & Perriman, who contemplate
opening a house-furnishing establish
ment in The Dalles is in the city. Mr.
Michael has leased the Bettlngen
building formerly occupied by Maier
& Benton, and expects to open a stock
of goods therein in a short time.
' -.Mayor Pennoyer has appointed Hon.
John Myers,' -ex-United States mar
' shal, chief of police of Portland. Mr.
.Myers has' been in official life a-good
portion of the time since be arrived in
Oregon 37 .years ago, and posesses
: qualifications to make him an efficient
chief of police for the metropolis city;
- Union Savings and Loan Association,
of Portland, Oregon, is at the Umatilla
House. The association has money to
loan ion" improved town property in
small amounts.. Mr. Billings will re-
. main n day or two and would be pleased
to explain the terms to any one in need
of a loan on improved property. ;'
Ex-Senator Dolph l stllF making a
brave fight for Lis lire, says today's
Oregonlan. His condition, while it
cannot be said to be Improving as yet,
has not grown worse, and every hour
of the next 24 that sees hln unchanged
means the improvement of his chances.
He was visited at a late hour last night
by Dr. Cauthorn, who, in response to
inquiries said: "It is too early yet to
offer much hope. . His condition is
stationary, and, as it has remained so
since the operation, I do notapprenend
any change for the worse for 12 hours
or longer." " -- -
-From Thutsday'8 Dally.
G. W. Hunt the railroad contractor,
is in the city.
Little Gilbert Kelly, son of Thos
Kelly, is sick with a severe case i of
Two of the children of Mr. James
Snipes have pneumonia, and one of
them was reported very sick yesterday
Again there is talk of a new morn
There is said tc be 8500,000 back of tbe
t-i w a-jinn K-t, n,-l
proposed enterprise,
Mrs. Oharles Adams, the aged moth
... er of Mrs. D. M. French and Mrs. B.
'. F.Langhlin, is very III wltn pneu-
monia at ber home in this city.
'V- Ti'i6rWd,:!6tmer Dalles City cam
In last evening with a full list of pasta
engers aboard, a better sign of com
ing spring than either robins or "blue
eyed grass."
J. G. Woodworth, who resided in
this city several years ago, and kept
books for Messrs. McFarland & French,
is now purser of the steamer Dalles
City. His many frleuds hero welcome
The State Treasurer's report is at
hand. It contains a list of every item
of money exponded by the state for
two years, and a perusal of it gives one
a pretty good idea of what keeps Salem
going. :
Don't forget the Art Studio enter
tainment to be given next Saturday
evening. Program begins at 8 o'clock,
refreshments will be served. The
Good Templars invite you all to come,
and we are sure you will be pleased.'
The funeral of Henry L. Stephenson,
whose death occurred at Cascades lost
Monday, took place at Vancouver jes-
terday. There was a large attendance .
of tbe friends and acquaintances of tbe
deceased. A number of friends and
neighbors from Cascades were also
present. ;
Notwithstanding tbe recent law
against selling liquor to Indians, not a
d3y passes but some drunken Umatilla
is seen upon the streets of Pendleton,
says the Tribune. Deputy United
States Marshal Bentley is keeping a
close watch to find out who is selling
the liquor to the Indians.
The Mother Provincial, of Portland,
who is visiting the Sisters of the Holy
Names in this city, fell this morning
oirTihTsloelrcu v et cd nittowarHc - near St.
Mary 'a Academy and fractured her left
arm. Or. O. (J. Hoi lister was called,
reduced the fracture, and at last ac
counts she was resting easily.
The National Educational Associa
tion meets in Milwaukee, Wis, during
the month of July, beginning on tbe
6th, and all Oregon teachers intending
to attend are requested to correspond
with Hon. G. M. Irwin, superintendent
of public instruction, as to transporta
tion rates will be made to teachers who
will attend.
The salary of the governor of Oregon
is $1,500 a year, and yet the itemized
statement of the state treasurer shows
that his actual cash salary is approxi
mately $4,500, three times his constitu
tional salary. An examination of
these accounts reveals many a trick
to increase the salaries of all' state of
ficials. The present condition of our roads
and highways is an- urgent appeal to
our better sense. If anyone will travel
for any distance from any of our towtis
or cities he will not consider the sub
ject debatable whether or not our road
laws need readjusting to our changed
conditions and our higher progress in
science and civilization.
The Oregon delegation will have a
verynice crop of Federal plums, or
prunes, to distribute, as shown by the
T.-M. yesterday. And there are many
others not mentioned In that list which
of right . belong to Oregonlans, by
virtue of precedent. . Our representa
tives at Washington will be busy men
Indeed for the next few months.
Mrs. R. F. Glbons entertained the
Ladles Aid Society of the Congrega
tional church . last evening with a
conundrum party. The ladies report
that nearly fifty of the poorest guess-
era in town were present.. This party
is one of . a series : of entertainments,
given by members of the Ladies Aid
society,, for the .purpose of raising
funds to liqul ate the church debt. - -
U. S. Senator Ellsworth has intro
duced a "fool measure" providing that
no portrait or alleged portrait at any
person may be published in any news
paper, periodical, magazine, pamphlet
or book wi hout his written consent.
The penalty is $1,000 fine. The object
of this is to prevent tbe caricaturing
of public men, which is being carried
so far. Perhaps Mark. Hanna Is at the
back of it, and wants to get even with
Davenport. Of course such a bill will
not pass.
A decree of. the circuit court of tHe
United States for the district of Ore
gon, closing the condemnation pro
ceedings of the United States vs. The
Dalles Packing Company, and estab
lishing, title to the strip .of land con
demned for the use- of the Portage
railway near Celllo to the government,
was received for record by the county
clerk this morning. It is a volumnious
document, but will doubtless serve its
particular purpose almost as well as a
single page deed. -
The Dalles Commercial and Athletic
Club Minstrels have received flatter
ing invitations, we understand, to visit
Pendleton and Heppner, with their
world startling and . record breaking
agregatlon of comicalities. Pendleton
even offering to supply a palace car to
transport them and no extra charge
for tbe colored brother porter who will
teach them how to behave on one of
Mr. 'Pullman's rolling palaces, the
colored brother even engages to initiate
any coon : among the lot into the
mysteries of shoe-polishing as it were
befo' the wah, free gratis, if they will
A pleasant
social event yesterday
afternoon was the party given by Mrs.
Geo. A. Liebe in honor of, Miss Mollle-
Klindt who has recently returned from
Burns, Or, Those present were: Mes-
dames Liebe, Klindt, H. Dietzel,
C. Dletzel, Vogt, Schmidt, Neilson
and "Harris, and the Misses Aunts
Dletzel and Mollle Klindt. It
was a very pleasant afternoon and
thoroughly enjoyed by all present; the
time passing only too rapidly with
games after which an elegant luncheon
was partaken of and a lovely bouquet
of violets presented by Mrs. Liebe to
tbe honored guest.
From r naay's Uaily .
Its a cold Day at the locks, no ad
mittance for traffic yet.
Mr. James -Snipes children are re
ported much better today.
The Moro school district has 16 more
people of school age this year than it
bad last year.
Dist. Att'y Jayne went to Arlington
last night starting before he was fully
thawed after his Moro trip.
Mrs. O. E. Leet, of Dallas, who has
been visiting with Mayor. Menefee's
family, bas gone to Boyd to visit a
sister there. . .
"The thermometer registered 22 de
grees early tbis morning, -eold enough
to start the wild geese and the tramps
south again. ; .
.T. J. Smith, of Fossil, bought 25,000
bushels of wheat in the Condon neigh
, 1 .1 , a. , TT IJ - - OS
to70eente bushe
The question of the hour is. " What
do you think of Corbett's chances?"
Some say FiU will do him and others
(hat the senate will seat him.
Robert Fitzsimmons la one man out
of a hundred. ' He is a good man. His
mother-in-law recently died, and Bob
took her. death so hard that he
not able to train for a day or
Think of that. His mother - in -
A new bowling alley is being erected
next door East of tbe Columbia Hotel.
Bowling is the fad -just now and
enterprise should be very successful.
The Knights of the Maccabees will
giye a grand ball on the evening of St.
Patrick's day, March the Bald
win opera house, frepavations aro
making on a large scale by the Knights
to make this ball tbe event of the
The cow ordinance will be strictly
enforced- from this date. Spring is
coming on. and the young shoots of
our shade trees will suffer from nib
bling of bossy. Owners of milk cows
may save themselves trouble and vex
ation by seeing to it that the herders
take their cows beyond the city limits.
Senator Hanna s daughter appears
to bo somewhat of a manager herself;
after the old man had twice refused to
consent to her marrying the man of
her choice she finally took tho matter
into her own bands and engaged her
self, and Mrs. Hanna says she does not
blame ber. Good for Mrs. Hanna.
All the world loves a lover.
A stage full of our legal lights re
turning from court at Moro, had all
the forensic eloquence frozen out of
them on reashing this city yesterday
evening, Judge Bradshaw, District
Attorney Jayne, Hon. E. B. Dufur and
W. if. Wilson and b red Hill were o.t
the party. Judge Bradshaw says the
trip was a nightmare.
City Marshal Lauer and Nlghtwatch'
man Wiley rounded' up twenty tramps
yesterday and started them east on
break-beam tickets. By the bye, speak
ing of the tramp nuisance, this city
being the end of a division on the O.
R. & N. Ry, tramps are dumped on us
by wholesale. Would it not be possi
ble for the city fathers to devise some
plan to compel the road bringing them
n to take-them out.
Cclonel J. G. Day, who has been
seriously ill with typhoid fever, at the
Hotel Portland, for several weeks,
was yesterday able to make his first
public appearance since his illness, in
the coridor of tbe hoteL It will be
some days before be will be able to
venture out on the streets and engage
in active work. His recovery from his
serious illness is a source of great
gratification to his numeruus friends
in Portland, who for a time were
greatly concerned as to his condition.
There will be an interesting series
of lectures in this city on March 18th
and 19th, at tbe court House. Admis
sion free. On the 18th Professor A.
B. Cordley, eutomologist, of the Ore
gon Experiment Station will give an il
lustrated talk on insect and fungus
pests of our orchards. On the 19th
President H. B. Miller, of the Oregon
Agricultural College, will lecture on
the subject of Industrial Education.
Both lectures will be fully illustrated
by steroptican views and right up to
date on tho subjects.' Fuller informa
tion will be given tomorrow.
Mrs. Mary E. Simons, the Sherman
county vomaa with her six little
children who went to Portland to en
ter'tbe little ones in the Children's
Home, failed in gaining admittance
there because of lack of room, and so
were placed upon the boat by a charit
able lidy of that city and sent to this
city where they arrived ' last evening,
en route to .Moro Sherman county
whence they cameVtbis Is cruel weather
for homeless little ones to be driven .
about from pillar to post, in a country
where even tbe birds of the air have
nests, but such seems to bo the case
evenhi tbe last days of this golden
Mr. Lord who is in town today in
forms us that a branch of the Wasco
Warehouse will be established here in
time to handle this season's wool clip.
Also that Robinson Bros, have sold
their merchandise stock to Lord and
company, which firm will carry on an
extensive mercantile business In the
brick store. Mr. C." W. Lord is in
voicing the goods. The new company
htts leased the building for five years,
and will be ready for operation as soon
as the store can be refitted and stocked
with goods. It might not be out of
place to add that D. M. French and
Mr. Pease of The Dalles are also in
vestors in the enterprise. Arlington
The Art Studio social.
. The social to be given tomorrow
evening by tho Independent Order of
Good Templars, at their hall promises
to be a very interesting occasion.
The following choice program will be
Male Quartet. High School
Recitation ..Francis Sexton
Solo, guitar accomp. . . . .Curtis Egbert
Recitation. W. S. Cblpp
Duet, "Home Again"
Nettle Fredden and Edythe Randall
Recitation. . .Miss Georgia Sampson
Solo. ..Miss Bessie Rowland
The program will begin promptly at
8 o'clock to be followed by the Art
Studio feature and then by luncheon.
Everybody invited, gentlemen accom
panied by their test girls, 25 cents;
general -admission 15 cents. Come
early and secure a good seat.
This Interests The Dalles.
' One of the state officers yesterday re
ceived a communication from a num
ber of business men of Prairie City,
Grant county, asking as to what the
effect (of the failure of the legislature
to pass a general - appropriation bill)
would be upon the sixth district fair,
which is to be held at that point, this
year. A reply was sent to inquirers
stating that, as tbe appropriations
were made only for a biennial term and
the legislature haying failed to make
provisions for the aid to the fair, it
would follow that no state funds would
be available for tbe district fair in
question, or for that matter any fair.
This includes the state fair of this
city and will naturally affect the an
nual meetings of the different fairs in
tbe state. Salem Statesman.
Who Said So.
Tbe man who said that the hardest
part of an eastern trip came after leav
ing the Mississippi river, never jour
neyed between Minneapolis or St.
Paul to Milwaukee or Chicago, over
tbe lines of the Wisconsin Central, for
tbe accommodations oyer this route
are unsurpassed, the connections are
close,, thus doing away with vexatious
delays. The dining car service Is the
remark of all travelers who - go this
way. A good square meal at reason
able prices. For particulars addresE
Geo. S. Batty, General" Aent, 246
jtark ScPortland, Or., or James C
Pond, General Passenger Agent, -Milwaukee,
Wis., or apply to your nearest
ticket agent.
Everything pertaining to a first
lass pharmacy, at Blakeley & Hough
con s.
! The Following Were the Bills Allowed
the March Term of the County Court.
H Prigge . $ 13 )
A Can field 12 00
DA Turner 13 60
J J Butler 13
J S Hunter 11
W M McCorkle 14
S T Bennett 14
C E Rothory 11
Sara Williams 2 00
Jim Clohawk 2 00
L E Brooks 14 00
Maud Carey
O McNeil
Daisy Wilson
Lillie Redden. .
F Arcbor
Mrs M A Archer. . .
Wm Lane
A Koontz
P Ex man
2 00
4 00
2 00
4 50
4 50
4 00
2 00
2 00
8 90
8 00
8 00
James Fisher
J J Ma'.oney
C G Stacey
jo wuns. :
4 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
Mrs E Hawthorne. 7
Lula Hawthorne...
ij Smith.
2 00
I F M Thompson 4 00
w U Jones..
2 00
C E Rothery 4 00
E Hawthorne 6 00
Maud Carey 6 00
Uai9y Wilson 0 00
Chas Lauer 2 00
W H H Dufur 2 00
J J Wiley 2 00
77 H Butts 2 00
GeoALiebe 2 00
BLForman 19 80
WTMcClure 14 40
F Mathews 2 00
H H Bailey 17 40
G W Runyan 13 20
A Bohna 15 00
RH Husbands..;...?,....:.;... 16 20
J W Morton 17 00
C W Haight 25 60
G A Noble . 19 80
G W Patterson 13 80
J J Luckey 16 70
M Doyle 13 60
BHThurston. , 2 00
M Randall 4 00
Alfred Eastman.
I oo
G Sequi
CC Woodford
John Lihorn
2 00
1 00
3 00
Robert Walters
H Davidson ,
Yomie Marsh
1 00
2 00
2 00
J Strein
1 00
H G Wagon blast. 2 00
Frank Marquiss J 00
Ralph Doyle 2 00
JCBinns. 3 00
E Rouse 1 00
Albert Morean 2 00
David Miller 3 00
Frank Johnson 2 00
Jim (Indian) 2 00
J Lihorn 5 00
Robt Walter 1 00
W HCook 1 00
F Johnson 2 00
Fred VVoodslde 1 00
M M Morris 4 00
Stockmans Union 46 00
Spencer (Indian) 2 00
Murchlc Bros, team grand jury 3 00
Dalles Water-Wfirks, rent 12 00
Dalles Lumber Co. wood. paup. 7 75
T J Driver, sheriff sundry bills 211 61
T R Coon, asst making jurt list 2 00
T B Kent, same : 2 00
J M Fillon.i. p. Sunday bills.... 43 30
J H Jackson, " J . .
2 00
2 00
23 40
3 50
WH Moody, "
F N Hill, constable
May Brooks, wit justice court. .
David Ricks, " "
M Allen, ' "
J D Bell. " "
Mrs A Allen, "
Mrs W. W Rawson , '
John Cooper," "
Chas Haight," "
J A Douthlt, "
Ed Williams, " ........
B T Collins, milk for pauper. . .
C L Gilbert-, sundry bills.....
John Gavin, exam teaebers.
15 00
J T JNeff, " -
J M Toomey, care of pauper. ...
Chronicle Co, puo supplies '
O C Hollister, attending paup..
W A JohnHton, mdse for paup..
Mrs M E" Hltctic0cE7carlng7oT-
15 00
16 00
53 00
73 00
14 00
10 00
1 85
27 20
10 00
4 00
5 00
3 75
5 00
' 7 05
2 50
5 00
17 60
57 00
10 50
5 00
1 50
-2 50
2 00
8 00
.6 50
16 00
6 00
1 60
50 00
3 00
20 00
3 00
2 25
12 00
22 50
55 OO
64 00
51 00
12 90
13 50
20 90
97 92
3 00
7 50
30 00
8 00
66 00
Johnston Bros, nails for bridge
Glass & Krudhomme, sup clerk
Peter Gotfrey, mileage state vs
- Marshall
William Sangster, nursing pau
M loomey, board paupers....
Pease &" Mays, sup for pauper. .
J P Mclnery, same
Pease & Mays, sup Mrs Puckett
G P Crowell. supplies bridge. . .
Ed Wilson, use of voting place
Pease & Mays, supplies Mrs
Mavs & Crowe, eup road district
G D Barnard, records an sup. .
J T Peters & Co, wood, paup.. .
O D Doane, examining insane..
S F Blythe, pub notice bridge..
Barnett & Parish, sup pauper..
J P Watson, mak elec booth. ..
F W L Sklbbe,board pauper. ...
JF Haworth, printing
F H Wakefiald, 89r assessor.
P Limeroth, triming trees..,.. .
Wm McCrum 2 snow shovels,. .
Irwin Hodson Co, supplies.....
A J Swift, making jury list ...
G C Eshelman, attening pauper
JacobsenBook and Music Co.,
Mays & Crowe, ."
Maier & Benton, " ........
CL Schmidt, "
G W Phelps, fees
J B Goit, making plats.'.
W H W hippie, ser assessor. . . .
Glass & Prudhomme, sup sheriff
Times-Mountaineer, puo
M Z Donald,, men for paup
A S Blowers & Co, sundry bills
H H Tomllnson, lumber.
J M Toomey, care pauper.......
C L Phillips, supplies.
Chris Dethman, 1 mill tax diet..
A Keller, rent home pauper. . . .
W H Williams, work on road...
A Store Where The House Stay be Fur
nished Throughout.
Messrs. Michael, Surad & ' Perlman
have opened in the Bettingen building,
next door to the Snipes-Kin nersly drug
store, a store from which the bouse
may be furnished throughout an es
tablishment heretofore unknown in
this eity..;. Their stock consists of
stoves, hardware, tinware, carpets,
matting, window shades, furniture,
granite ware, baby carriages, ar.d In
fact everything necessary to furnish
the household complete. New and
second-hand goods in these lines are.
carried in immense quantities.
This firm is a branch of the Great
Northern Furniture S ore, with head
quarters at 233-235 Front street, and
203-205-207 Main street, Portland.hence
comes well recommended to the people
of this vicinity to whom they are not
entire strangers. It is thejr purpose
to place goods at reasonable prices to
pursue allve-and-let-live policy, giving
their customers a wide range of stock
to select from, and saving them the ex
pense of going to Portland to secure
bottom prices.
Their second-hand goods are so
thoroughly repollsbed that the pur
chaser can only tell them from new'
goods by the low price at .which they
will be sold.
;This firm has come to The Dalles to
stay and hopes by fair dealing to merit
the patronage of all, and invite- those
who contemplate refurnishing their
houses to call and inspect - their ' most
complete stock at any time after March
15th., . : . . -. - ...
Keep Away From Rowland.
George Smith received a letter a few
days ago fro oi J. E. Sorbin, of Cascade
Lock's, who is now at Rossland. In the
letter Mr. Sorbin gives rather a - crisp
statement of the condition of affairs
where be Is. He says the country is
boomed to death and men of all trades
4 and professions are there, and there is
I nothing for them to do. A house
rooms will rent at S200 per month,
of 20
others In proportion according to
City lots sell at from $1,000 to $3,000;
board and lodging is from $7 to $10per
week. The average laborer will get
per day, while professional men receive
from $3 to $4 per cay when they
lucky enough to find employment.
There are now 1,000 idle men in Ross-
land and those who command means
sufficient, are leaving. Freight from
Portland there is $o0 per ton and there
is a 35 per cent duty. Snow is now
four feet deep at Rossland. From what
Mr. Sorbin writes, it is a good place to
steer clear of, and what it needs is what
nearly every other place requires men
with capital who will invest it there.
Corvallls Times.
The Most Important Position to be Filled
by the President.
The new administration will have
many favors by way of appointment to
confer in Oregon. Among the more
prominent ones may be mentioned the
Soecial treasury agent, $4 per day
Janitor Astoria custom house. . .$ 690
Janitor Portland custom house. . 720
Boiler Inspector 1 800
Clerk to saie 1 000
Immigration inspector, $4 per dav.
Collector of customs, Astoria... $ 3 000
Deputy 2 000
Kleven employes.
Collector, Coos bay 1 000
Deputy .
5 000
Collector Portland
3 000
2 fOO
1 800
Deputy .:
1 800
Forty-three employee.
Collector, Vaquina. .
1 005
3 125
1 600
Internal revenue collector.
Twenty-one- emuioyes.
Four-life-saving keepers.
Twenty-hve light keepers, SaoO
to 81,000 Twenty-six employes.
Chief clerk quartermaster 1
Chief clerk quartermaster 1
Agent quartermaster 1
Chief clerk engineer 2 100
Two hundred and nfty employes
engineer department
Survevor-general 2 000
Chief clerk 1 500
Seven employes.
Registers and receiver U. S. land
othVes at Burns, La Gnuide,
Lakeview. Oreeron City. Kose-
burg. The Dalles, fees and. . . . 500
Eight clerks, $900 to $1,000.
Indian agents: Grand Ronde $1200,
physician $1000, ten employes, school
superintendent $720, six teachers and
employes; Siletz agent $1200, physi
cian $1000, nine employes, school super
intendent $900, twelve teachers and em
ployes; Umatilla agent $1200, sixteen
employes, school superintendent $1000,
seven teachers and employes; Warm
Springs agent $1200, eighteen em
ployes, school superintendent $900,
nine teachers and employes; Klamath
agent $1200, physician $1000, fourteen
employes, school superintendent $1000,
twenty-three teachers and employes;
Chemawa superintendent $1600, clerk
$1000, twenty-four employes $60 to 3840.
Superintendent Clackamas hatchery
$1500, laborer $720, laborer $600.
U. S. courts three circuit judges
$6000, district judges $5000, district at
torney $4500, marshal $4000, assistant
attorney and deputy clerk each $1200.
Assistant superintendent railway
mail service, Portland $1600.
Postmasters Astoria $2100,Portland
$3500, Salem $2500, Albany, Ashland,
Baker City, Corvallis, Eugene, Grants
Pass, La Grande, Oregon City, Pendle
ton, Roseburg, Tbe Dalles, $1500 to
$2000. Ten postoffices at $1000 to $1500;
fourteen at $150 to $1000, twenty-six st
$500 tb $750J" 'And several:- lruudi cd at
from $10 to $500. .
Gamblers as Keformers.
Rather the unexpected has happened
In Baker City, the gamblers having
fallen out among themselves has caused
a reform, so to speak, and will likely
cause all laws against gambling to be
rigidly enforced for a time in that
city. Commenting on the situation
the Democrat says:
"That a number of Baker City's
prominent sporting men have been at
swords' points for some time past has
been an open secret, but the indict
ments which were issued on complaints
registered by members of the fraternity
proved nothing short of a revelation
to not a few of our denizens. This
action will probably settle the gambl
ing proposition, which bas been a sub
ject of much' discussion both in and
out of official circles of late, for some
time to come. Tbe gamblers have no
one to blame but themrelvea and "they
will have to take their medicine. They
have brought the matter into the
courts and as the duties of the officers
are clearjy pointed out they will now
be compelled' to act."
How 1 Will b Done.
The following from the journal shows
bow Oregon will be run tho coming
two years: - .
. Secretary of ttato Kincald baa come
to the conclusion that his duty to fil
and make a record of tbe claims against
the state that are presented at the office.
. For those -wishing to hypothecate
claims, and original vouchers will need
to he made in duplicate. Those work
ing at state institutions will have their
vouchers made out by tbe superinten.
dent, as bas been the custom. The
board through which such claims pass
will certify to the correctness of. the
vouchers, in duplicate. The original
can be filed with the secretary of state
and the duplicate used by the claimant
as evidence. of - bis claim against the
state. Those who are not under super
intendents or boards can present their
claims,1 certifying to the correctness
thereof upon their honor. This can be
filed or not, and a duplicate nsed if de
sired. The secretary will not issue re
Buying Up Cattle.
. Grant Copeland and M. McDonald
are in the cattle business this spring
on a large scale. A drove of 50 head,
purchased from farmers, were driven
through the city today to the Cope
land ranch. ' These men have about
400 head at the present time, and also
about 2700 head at Lewis ton and Pome
roy. The cattle will be pastured until
4000 head are obtained when they will
be shipped to points in the eat. It is
intended to ship tbe cattle In May, one
trilnload of which will b stall-fed
beef steers. Messrs. Copeland and
McDonald shipped a train load of 12
cars to Omaha last Saturday. Walla
Walla Statesman.
8. W. Davis Dead.
At his residence in this city this
morning at 6 o'clock, after two weeks
sickness with phneumonis, Mr. S. W.
Davis. Mr. Davis was an old resident
of this city, coming here in 1861 or. '62.
He has for many years been engaged
in the stage business between this city
Wamic and Wapioitia. The" funeral
will be held tomorrow afternoon at
two o'clock from the residence on
Fourth street, Rev. Mr. Jenkins, of
ficiating. - - - "
Report for the Quarter (S Weeka) Ending
Friday, Man-h S. 1897.
2 3 ix
East Hill Primary
itnss .x. cooper.
Mrs. Kociie
Acsidemy Park
1st and 2 A
3 A 4 A and
Miss Pbirman
lrs. Kuldwin and
Miss t linn
Miss L, Kintoul..
Miss T. Kintoul..
2 A and 3 li
Union Street
Miss Rowe
Miss E. Cooper...
Mfss Snell
Miss Cheese
Union St. Annex
Miss Ur.U
5th ;
Court Street
Miss Michell
Mice ITill I
8 A, 9, 10, 1
No. of days of school, 24.
Percent of attendance. 9fi.
Will Continue Their Work Cnder the Old
Lydell Baker, clerk of the board of
railroad commissioners, was in the city
yesterday for a few hours. In conver
sation with him a reporter of the States
man eh ;i ted the following statement
of the case of the board:
The railroad commissioners expect
to remain in their positions and draw
their salaries for another year. They
claim that, as tb supreme court de
cided their case in their favor two
years ago, they have the right to re
main in office until their successors are
elected and have qualified, or until the
offices are abolished. Neither having
been done, they will remain in office
and will continue to do their work and
draw their salaries.
Tbe fact that the governor does net
approve their newly-filed bonds doesn't
worry these gentlemen in the least, as
their old bondsmen are not released
and those instruments still being on
file and valid, the non-approval of tbe
new papers filed matters nothing to
them, and they will continue in
their soft places for another two years,
unless a special session of the legisla
ture should abolish the law creating
them. Salem Statesman.
The Old Sonir.
the way I
This is
long have
And mourned
because I found it
Has been tho peon of joy and satis
faction of many a traveler, who after
weary days of unpleasant experience
with this, that or the other line, settles
himself for a comfortable ride from
Minneapolis or St. Paul to Chicago or
Milwaukee in one of the elegant
coaches of the Wisconsin Central
Lines. Then again the Inspired lines
of the poet come to mind as he seats
himself at the table in the dining car
this same Wisconsin Central and
finds himself served with the best meal
at a reasonable price. For particulars
address Geo. S. Batty, General Agent,
246 Stark St. Portland, Or., or Jas. C.
Pond, General Pasenger Agent, Mil
waukee, Wis., or apply to your nearest
ticket agent.
The 'Primary Teacher.
Lilt your bat reverently when you
meet a school teacher of a primary
school. She is the good angel of the
republic. She takes the bantling fresh
from the home nest, and full of pouts
and passions anungovernable wretch
whose mother admits she sends him to
school to get rid of him. This lady,
wno Knows oer business, takes a car
load of these little anarchists, one of
whom single haaded and alone is more
than a match for his parents, and at
once puts them in the way of being
useful and upright citizens. At what
expense of toll and soul weariness?
Here is the most responsible position
in tbe whole school and If her salary
was double she would not receive more
than she earns. Ex.
Letters Advertised.
The following Is the list of letters re
maining In The Dalles Dostofflce un
called for March 12, 1897. Persons
calling for these letters will please
give date on ' which they were ad
vertised: "
A nthony, Jno Cox, Miss Z
Frasher "Jessie Griffin, CD
Hall, W W Hubart & Jones
Harris west Howard, L T
Johnson, Carson Jones. W E
Lock wood, Sam P Lnughlin, Cap
Oblce, J W Osborne Letie
Phelips, Angle 2 Powlien, Mrs L
Wock Inspector Wi! Hp, J B .
Warfiield, J M D.
' J. A . CBOSSEN, P. M.
SMITd In this city, March 9, to tbe wife of K.
M. Smith, a daughter.
Taken up and posted according to lnw by R.
B. Driver, living in Wamle Precinct. Wasco
County. Oregon, the following described ani
BtalN, towit:
One red and white spotted cow, about three
years old, marked crop and under bit in left
ear. aud prop off the right; no brands visible.
One red two year old steer marked with an up
oerhalf orOD in left ear. and under KDlit In
each ear, small dulap under the chin, branded
thus i V on left bin. One brindle yearling
heiffersome white on her, marked with under
bitin rixht ear: no brands. One roan yearling
steer marked under bit in right ear, no brands
visible. Tbe above animals was appraised re
spectfully. tl2, $10, S8, 8, by
A. J. Swift,
Justice of the Peace.
Dated this 6th day of March, 1897.
In tie Circuit Court of tCe State of Oregon for
- the uonaty oi w asco.
Marvin Hcndricson, plaintiff,
Laura A. Hcndricson, Defendant.
To Laura A. yendricson. the above named
delendant: In the name of the state of Oreo-on,
you are hereby required to appear and answer
tbe complaint filed ujainst you in the above
entitled suit within ten days from the date ot
the service of this summons upon you. if served
within mis countv; or u perveo. witnin nny
other county of this State, then within twenty 1
days from toe date or toe service oi tms sum
mons UDon vou : and if served upon you by pub
lication, then by the first day of the next r. mi
lar term of this court towit. Monday, May 26th,
1897. and if you tail to appear or answer as
above required, the piaintiii will apply to t ne
court lor the reiiei prayea ior in nis compiamt,
on file herein, towit. for a decree of divorce.
This summons is published by order or the
Hon. W. L. Bradshaw. Judtre of the above en
titled Court, made at Cbturtbers. In Dalles City,
Oregon, on the 4th day of March, 197.
' March 6td. Attorney for Plaintiff.
H -rVi m Der inmitd by a harm-
fee irvaiment by prao
HiMnff nhTHiHan of 20 Tears' exiwrteucflk,
No bad effects or detention f n tn busiuea. f
nrnvMi trtural bA&lth .nrl ht&nt iHm mmnlexinil. Pby-
Sicl&uft and society ladles Indorse tU Tbotifaaudji cared.
eoaftdentlallr. Vat partloulan addraa, with (tamp,
UK. MN I UCKf r MU Utmimtf, ISW XUKacm.
Hon. W.J. Bryan's Book
All who ar. intarMted la farthering th. vaSm
Of fist, W. J. Hryan's new toofc should eorrospond
umcauwj win m
publish!. Xh. work
will contain . .
ii iccorar or in
omul rena.
CUtfllGf Of 1S9S.
Mr. Bryan ha. II
aoanosd hi Intention of aorottno; ons-half of all
royalties to furtharlntf th. eaoM of bimetallism. .
TsUroamalraadyladieatiOBtiof an aaoriMosala -A4drsa
tm-33. Oearbf otCIUCAU.
F. M, Woodoook, Agent for Wasco Co
We have made up
Will be Shown in our Hat Department up stairs 1
Jf.2fi Williams & Co. 1
Vhe 2)alles, Oregon. S2
The only remedy ruaranteed to ahMtatel
cars calarrh and completely radical, tit.
llsease (rota tho blood and System.
FULL SIZE,' $1.(20; TRIAL SIZE, 23c
Each full tiz. oadrara contains on. full BMOtB'.
local treatment, on. fuil Bomb's supply of Catarrh
nanm; tula ana one tun BkoaLQ s supply of Utarra,
Blood and Stomach Pills.
If von hav. anv of th. faHnwfaw tvamtons. Dr Q.
W, Shores' Compter. Catarrh Cum wilt (iv. yon In
stant relief and comr-lately and sanaaaantiy cum yoa
is tne nose stoppea upr
Dir-s your Cos. dlschan?.
Is Ihe nose sore and tender
Is there psln In front of hud?
Do vnn hawk to clear the throatr '
Is your throat dry In th. morning)
Do yon sleep with your month opaa)
Is your hearing falllne?
Do vour ears dischar?.?
Is the wax dry In yoar ears?
Do yon bear belter son. day than otfcarsr
Is your hearing wors. when yoa hav. a oollr
Dr. a. W. Shor.s' Contra Can cares al coagka
colds and affections. On. doat WIU (to
spasmodic croup. Keep abort I. In m. aossa. Largs
slse bottles 25c. If you hav. these syarptoatl aa
as directed on the bottle and it will cam yoa.
Have von a cough? ..
Do yoa lake cold .aslhr?
Have you a pain la the side?
Do yoa raise frothy material?
Do you cough in th. mornings?
Do yon spit up little cheesy lumps?
Dr. a. snarei' Tenia and Blood Partner den
ies and purities the blood, gives strength ud rlgo.
cures dyspepsia and aO nervous diseases. Price,
(I per oottt. H p.muneuy ww taw eviarwiaa
is mere nausttar
Do you bekh up gl? .
Are you constipated?
Is vour tonmi. coated?
Do yoa bloat up after sating?
Do yoa tel you are growing weaker?
Is then constant bad last, la tb. meath?
Dr. a. W. Shores' Kidney and Uar Cart
cures all diseases of u taaa.ya, uver aaa .laooax
Price, $1 per bottle.
Do you get dlnyf
Have you com teeir
Do vou feel miserable?
Do you g.1 tired easily?
Do youav. hot flashes?
Are your spints row at iiaoewr
uq you haverumnnngin rjoweisr ,
Do your hands and teat swell?
K this noticed nori at nieht?
Is ther. pain in small of back?
Mas Ihe perspiration a Daoooorr
Do you hav. to g.t up often at algal?
Is ther. a deposit In arte. If mft standing?
Don't neglect these signs and risk Bright s dlssase
kiiiino vou. Dr. Shores Kidney and liver cur. Wl
cur you it used as directed on th bottle.
Dr. a. W. Shore' Mountain Sag Oil stop n
woret caln In on. minute. For headache, toothache.
neuralgia, cramps or colic use H x.rna!lv and In
ternally. Prevents and cures diphtheria If osaa m
lime. Keep bottle bindy. Price, 2ic a bonn.
Dr. O. W. Shore' Pepsin Vermlfog. defray
Intestinal worms and remove th. Iltu. round neat
where they Batch and breea. u oaves- jana. rr
Kc a botte.
Dr. u. vr. Shores wnnawxreww neuvw crew mm
diseases of Ihe skin. Remove, red spot and blaca
pimples from th fac. neast oaa sore, is so j .
Prce, box.
Dr. Q. W. Shsr. Aotr-Cnstlpatlon Pill
cur chronic constipation, sick headache and billou
atttcks. Price. c a some.
In all case. If th bowels are constipated take one of
Dr 'l.W. Shores' Antl-Constlpatioa Pills at bedtime.
or trouble is chronic and den-iea. wm. vw.
V. Shots personally for bis new symptom list
en j hav. your case diagnosed and gt all expert aa-
vlce free. . .
These famous remedies- art prepares onry ey urn-
tor G. W . Shores. Zlon's Medical inrsitut. Salt Lake
City. Utah. -
For sale by all Otmff. ear ant JD any aaarami am
receipt of price.
Tlie Clarendon
Tables supplied with all delica
cies. Oysters in any style.
Special inducements to perma
nent boarders.
JOHN DONAHUE, Proprietor.
Your Orders
For Dressed Chickens,
Fish, Fine Dairy But
ter, Eggs, Fruits and '
Vegetables of all kinds.
Coal and Ice, at . .
The Dalles Commission Go's
Office corner Second and 'Washington
. PHONES 18 AND 55
U. 8. Laud Ofticb, Th Dalles. Oh., i
February 0, 1807. f
Notice is hereby given that EteWcl A.
erman, of The Dalles. Oregon, has Bled notice
of Intention to make final proof before Keg-inter
and Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on Satur
day, the 27th day of March, 1887, on Timber Cul
ture Appliratton No. SMN for the WJ4 SK.
and SEH SEX of Section No 22, In Township
No 1 North. Range No M East.
He names as witnesses: M M Waterman,
Timothy Evans, D D Bolton and Sylvester
Brook, all OI Th. Dmoore,
flS-T-mW i - -- !t Register.
v -
earance Sale 1
three special lines, including all
Values Ranging from $1.00
Sheepmen's Supplies, Shears, Oil and Lamp Black
for marking Sheep.
Mitchell iWag-ons.....
McSherry Drills Osborne Mowers, Binders,
Reapers and Rakes, Myers' Hay Tools and "
Farm Implements of all kinds. .- . .
Full Line of flachine Extras
SENext door to A. M. Williams
..Tfia Dalles Heal
Is daily receiving Inquiries from
From every part of the TTulted
States concerning tbe
Resources, Climate, Prokts, Piicc
A.U persons desiring to sell or rent farms or eity property will find It greatly
to their advantage to can on or write at once to any one ot the undersigned
members ot tbe exchange, giving full particulars, terms, elc ......
Tlie Jalles. Oregon
This well-known .brewery is now turning out the best Beer
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and
only the first-class article will be placed on the market.
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon.
Ben Wilson Saloon
Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Free Lunch served at all hours.
Blakeley &
175 Second Street -
Country and mail orders will receive prompt
popular shades, to sell at 2
to $3.40,
&. Co.
etc., tic.,- etc, of Wasco County.
1. Q. KOONTZ 4 CO.,
" The Dalles, Oregon
$1.50 I
TO GET- -. '
rvnfinnrrn 111!
r A lilin II I In I