"saw "' po.iWin.l Library 4 i rs mn mill SLfcLL &1! If CI THE DALLES. OREGON", SATUEBAY. MARCH 0. 1897 iiiTiiecii. ,-VolimeXXXT CONSOLIDATED 1882. MO 2G J nOFESSIONAL.. o C. II0LI.I8ICU, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms over Dalle National Bank. Office hours, 10 n in I i m. siid from 2 to 4 p m. Kcat- dence W'oit End of Third Street, A. S. BEXHKT Attorney at Law O flee ir Schanno'a buinding, upstairs Oregon. The Dalles V. H. ROBERTS Attorney at Law ' Special attention (riven to collections. Office next door to First Nutional Bunk. Wanted-An Idea Who can think nt some simple thing to patent? Vm...m .. IdAn.. th mi hvlniy m wonlth Wrlto JOHN WKDDEUUDRN ft CO.. Patent At tor- neys. Wanhlnton. D. C, for their 1.800 prise oiler ana list oi two nunorea utwuww wuumu. - SOCIETIES. ' fPEMPLE LODGE, NO. 3, A. O. V W. L Meets in Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. TAS W.SMITTr POST. NO. 32.Q. A. H.- ej Meets every Saturday evening at 7:50 in K. or f. Mail. lOTJRT THE DAL.LKS. A. O. P. NO. 8630 Meets every Friday evening at their hall at 8 o'clock. B OF L.7 E. Meets evory Friday afternoon in K. or I . hou H7ASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. O. R. M. Meets VV every Wednesday evening iu K, oi r Hall. ESANG VEREIf HARMONIE. Meets VX every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, T OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets In JJ K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. UrASCO LOEGE, NO. IS, A. F. & A. M. ? T Meets flrst and third Mondayof eacb month at 8 P. M. mHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER J NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday oi eacn moncn ate-, as.. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 5, I. O. O F. j Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. -nRTF.xnSHrp LODGE. NO. 9 K. of P.- JC Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. In Schanno's building, corner of Court and ' Second streets. Sojourning brothers are In vited. CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE . VV ' UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock ITTOATKTJ'S n the reading room. T5 OTOERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD IVL Mt. Hood Camp. No. 50, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:3U o'eiocir, in neucr s Hall, c AU sojourning brothers are invited to be present. vnT.mvmTA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. J Meets In Masonio Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month Visitors cor- dial) inviteu. THE CHURCHES. t! T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo i site Fifth. Sunday school at 0:30 A. M ' Evenixtg prayer on F riday at 7 :30. ; T?VANGELICAIi LUTHERAN CHUKCH- Jl Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every Sunday 0:30 A., u . ana 7:30 p. u. Ti r - R. CHTJRH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. ill . Servlcos every Sunday morning and eve 1m. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. H. A cordial invitation extended by atb pastor, and people to ail. . . . . ONOREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. j JB-trU.Vastor, Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school arter morning service -. ' . :. - ; OT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest fi Pastor. ,Lov mass every faunday a 7 A. M. Hieh mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. IHtST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. OD. Tay lor, Pastor. Corner utn ana wasuingion streets. Services each bunuay morning ai 11 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at iz:is. Pastor's residence ixortueasi cor. oi vv uauuig ton and Seventh streets. T-iresT rHHISTiAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. JJ Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday mnmfnff nt 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting everv Thursday evening. Y. P. Sj.-U Jb. meets every Sunday at C:30 P. M. CAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner ' j Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting oa Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 0:45 A. M. All are cordially weloomed. Children Cry for ntCHBB-s' ASTORIA " Castoria It so well adapted to children that I recommend it aa iupui iur to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, H. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y " I rtG Castoria In my practice, and And It nwcially adapted to uflections o( children. " Alex. Robertson, M- IX. - 100T 2d Ave.PKew Yorii " From person a' knowledge 1 can say thrit iiastoria is a most excellent medicine for chuV jren." - La. G. C Osooon, Lowell, ilass. and overcomes fiatuieucy. Constnation, Sour Stomach. Diarrnoea. and FevensJmess, Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep nataraJ. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic- property. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. r TRADE MARKS, -rrff 5, COPYRICHTS 4c. . Aavone lending a sketch and description may quietly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency forsecuring patents In America. We have a Washington office. - Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ' tpttqjftl notice in the - SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Sll at! Boos on PATurrs sent free. Address MUNN & CO., - - 361 Broadway. New York. ' DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OT THE fool - Exchaage - Salooi ' BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Winei, Lionors Cigar.s ' East End.Second Streat The Sun The first of American Newspapers, j "Charles A.' Dana, .Editor. rThte American Constitution, ' The American Idea, ' - The Anierican Spirit These flrst, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail S6.00 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $S.OO a year The Sunday 5un 13 tho greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. By mail, $2 a year. 5c a copy Address The Sun, New York. TTiirii ' r r PETITION. TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY COURT OF WAS CO County-, Okkuon: We. the undersiijned.taxpaycrs and lcsal vot ers of Falls Precinct, county and state afore said, respectfully petition your Honorable Court to grant a li:ense to Thos. V Badder to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors at the town of Cascade Locks, said Falls precinct, in less quantities than one gallon for the period of one year: W H Smith E Nelson S Hurman V Reilly Pat Lnhev John G Brown Thos Morton F F Shaw F Douglas Matr Webber John Westman S L Harpham A W Barrett F Rogers James Stev art A Fleiscfcfcacor W A Calvin jas Brady Timothy Miller D Scott Ray J W Liavill E L Merwin Jno Habinser C G HickuK Jos Schmidt A J Kniifhtly li Black E Martin M Fitzsimmons Ian Suiiivun Jacob Dircks N Nelson C S DaBb'ett V E Herjrarten A E Trask AI Fitzaerald Wm Day Albert Erickson M Johnson H P Harpham N Stokoe C Carlson W M Fraine Panic Sullivan D L Cates John Theisen H A Leavens John Trana C B Lee FHefte Q A Clark James B Guthrie II Taylor H McAlancy Carl Schmidt John Au Auban E P Af,h A Wilson H Glazier H C Lilleiard Kobt. Miller Samuel McC'orey John Fladcboa A G Hall W L Keltner P Paulsen John McCary Otto Olice Andre Waynstram A B Andrews J M Dixoa B P Skaadm SHERIFF'S SALE.' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregcn forH Wasco County. L F. Bnines. plaintiff, and Thos. M. Denton Louis A. Sandoz. Victor E. Sandoz and Charles E. Sandoz. defendants. uv virtue or an execution ana order or sale to me directed and issued out of the above entit led court in the above entitled cause, in favor of the plaintiff above nar-ttl. on the 18th day of January, iwt7, commanding me 10 saiisry tne several sums of $2675.68, the judgment obtained herein, with interest at the rate of eight uer cent per annum from Jan. 14. 1807. and $J0O,CO attorney's fees, and $51.50 costs of suit and ac cruing costs, by levying upon in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, all of the right, title and interest of the defendant Thomas M. Denton in and to the following described real estate situate and being in Wasco County. Oregon, to-wit: The east two-thirds () of the westone-balf (,i) of tne donation tana claim or Lam. vet te coiweii aud Elizabeth Colwell : the same being parts of Sections 13, 14, S3 and H, in Township one (1). north of range twelve I:J), east. W. M., and containing 107. 14 acres of land. 1 aulv levied on said real property on the 19th dav of January. 1897. and to satisfy the afore said several sums and accruing costs, I will sen tne same at punuc auction to tee highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house dooi in Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, on the lBtn day or February. i:7, at the hour of twe o'clock in the afternoon. jl:f)t-ri3 T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that an execution and order of sale was issued ont of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county. on the ltith day of February, 197, upon a decree therein rendered on the 2 tn day of February, 1WW. in favor of Elizabeth H. Hanson, plaintiff, and against Arthur J. Friedly and Alice R. Friediy and also Frank Hagerman. receiver of tne Lomuara investment company, a corpora tion, defendants, which said execution and or der of sr.le is to mc directed, and commanding me to sell the property hereinafter described, or the .purpose of satisfying the judgment of tne piaintin in said cause ror tne sum or oi .so. with interest thereon at eight per cent per an num from the 27th day of February, 1W. iio attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements of said suit, taxed, at fin. Therefore, in com compliance with said execution and order of sale, i will, on SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1897, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court House door in Dalles City. Wasco County. OriS- jron, sell at public auction to the highest bidder lor casn in nana, ior tne purpose or satisfying the judgment and decree above mentioned, the following described lands and premises, to-wit: LMts tnree, rour ana nve, ana tne southeast quarter of the northwest Quart ft-of section two. township one south, ot range fifteen, east of lhe Willamette menaian, containing in auone hun dred and ilfty-three and 15-100 acres, more or less, according to the government survey, and situated in Wasco county, State of Oregon. T. J. HMUV-hiK. K0-5t m20 Sheriff. Dalles City, Or., Feb 17. 1S97. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at The Dalles, Ob., I . January. 16, 1887. j" Notice is hereby given that-the followimr- nnraed settler 1ms tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Eeirister and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Febru ary 27th, 18fc7, viz.: ANDREW GANGER, Hd E No 3C82. for the NWM SEM. lots 1. 2. 3. 6 and 7. Sec 17. Tp 2 N. R 13 E. lie names tne roiiowins witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land. viz. : R F Gibons, Georee A Liebe, E Schanno and J B Crossen, all of The Dailes. JAS.- F. MOORE. f3-6t-f27 , Register. TIMBER CTJL.TTJRE FJNAL, PROOF NO TICE FOE PUBLICATION. IT. S. Land Office, The Dalles. On,, I February 6, 1BB7. f Notice is hereby (riven that Ezekiel A. Wat erman, of The Dalles. Oregon, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, the 27th day of March, 1S97, on Timber Cul ture Application No. 204 h. ror tne v. sew. and SEH SK4 of Section No 22, in Township No 1 JNortn, rtange no 14 East. He names as witnesses: M M waterman, Timothy Evans, D D Bolton an'J Sylvester iirooks, au or ine uaues, Oregon. - jas. r . MUOKB, fl3-7-m27 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. February 6. lt!S7. Notice is hereby (riven that the following mined settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register' and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on March 27, U7. viz.: TIMOTHY EVANS, Hd. E. No. 4275. for the NWK Sec 21. Td 1 N. R 14 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: -Ii a Waterman. J O Benson. Henry Ryan and Andrew McCabe, all of The Dalles, Or JAS. F. MOORE, fl3-7-m27 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, i February 2j, 1SU7. t Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on April 10, l(!87,viz.- JOHN MILER, Hd E No 3083, for the NE! Sec 17, Tp 2 N, R 12 K, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his eont4nuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : James Brown, Charley Phillips, Lee Evans and Elijah Huskey, all of Mosier. Oregon. f27-7-al0 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Bv virtue of an execution and order of sole dulv issued by Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Wasco, State of Oregon, dated the lata day 01 r-eDruary. iw, wuerein ueo. j; . Tucker as plaintiff recovered judgment against the Hood River Armory Association, a corpora tion, for the sum of six hundred and seventy tf70 dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the SCth day of January. I8S7, and the further sum of seventy five dollars attorney's fee, and the further sum often (10) dollars costs of suit, and accruing cost, notice is hereby given that I will on Mon day, the 22d day of March. li-W, at the front door of the Court House in Wasco County, Ore gon, at the hour of two (2) o'clock in the after noon of said day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject to re demption, all tho following described land and premises, to-wit: Lot 6 (six in Block 5 (five), in the town of Waucoma. according to the recorded plat there of, situated in Wasco County, State of Oregon, together with the 'iing and improvements situated thereon, taken and levied upon as the property of the said The Hood River Armory Association, a corporation, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisf y said judgment in favor of George F. Tucker and against said The Hood River Armory Association, a corporation, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. February 10th, 1H97. T. J. DRIVER, K0-5-m20 Sheriff Wasco Co., Oregon. NOTICE OP AXXIAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 12. Dalles City, Wasco County, State of Oregon, that the annual school election for said district will be held at the City Marshal's oKce on the Klh day of March, A. D. 1807. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing one director to -Serve for three years and also electing a clerk to serve for one year. Dated thia 20th day of February. A. D. 1897. Attest: ORION KINERSLY, E. Jacobsen, Chairman Board of Directors. 'District Clerk. ferriOdlOt Bean MYERS 5 PRAY PUMPS 4 s-. waste We Carry a Full Pitcher, Spout and THE BEAN MAIER & BENTON 167 Second Street A. A. BROWN FULL ASSORTMENT im m pasj? mmi, AND PROVISIONS, Special Fricas to Cash Buyers 170 SECOND STREET. THE DALLES -ICOSD STREET OpM:te '.he Implement Warehouse FACTORY NO. 105 Cigars of the Best Brands manufac tured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufac . ured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. BARBOUR'S IRISH FLAX SALMON NET THREADS AND DOUBLE KNOT Salmon Gill Netting SEINES TWINE Cotton and Manilla Rope Cotton Fisn Jetting Fish Hooks, Lines Etc. HENRY DOYLE & CO. 517. 519 Market St SHN FBKNCISCO. Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast Moont Hood Sample Room THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky FROM LOUSVtLLE. Very Best Key West Cigars and Best of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee - Beer always on hand. MAETZ & PUNDT. PROPRIETORS The Clarendon OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Tables supplied with all delica cies. Oysters in any style. Special inducements to perino nent boarders. JOHN DONAHUE, Proprietor. 69 TELEPHONE 69 FOR YOUE Fruit and Vegetables POULTRY and FISII GAV.E IN SEASON AHERICAN flARKET 74 Second Street. Cigar Factory Automatic -AND- Are unquestionably the most successful and perfect working1 Fprayiog devices yet invented. A universal testimory that more, as well as better, work can be accomplished with the Bean Spray Pumporthe Myers Pump than with any other pumps on the market. With either of these Pumps one man can charge the re ceptacle and leave it to di rect the spray just where it is wanted, and thm with -sufficient hose pass from tree to tree. The solution ia de--livered in a fino mist or spray, penetrating every nook and corner, thus doing better and more effective work than is possible by any other method, and with no It m whatever of solution. Line of . . . THE MYERS Deep- Well Pumps GIVES THE tto'.ceof Tio irissconiinectal Routes - VIA SPOKANE MIKBE&POLIS VIA DENVER OMAHA KANSAS 7 ANI ST. PAUL Low Rates to All Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS leave five days for Portland every SAN FRANCISCO, CAUL For full details call on the O. K. & N. Agent at Tiiii u AJL.i.iiS, or auarcss; E. McNEILL, President and Manager. W. H. HURLBURT. Gen. Pss. Atrt.. Portland, Oregon Keir O. B. ft N. Schedule. Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4:45 A. M., and leaves 4:50 A. M. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 p. M., and leaves 10:20 p. M. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11:50 A. M., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 1 P. M. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leaving The Dalles at 1 P. M. daily and arriving- at The Dalles at 1 P. M. daily, connecting- with train Nog. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. E. LyTLE, Agent. HARRY LIEBE leal :. wa AND DEALER IN Clock . Wakks," Jewelry, Etc REPAIRING A SPECIAL IT. VOGT BLOCK, THE DALLES. - - OREGON Leave Your Orders For Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy But ter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, Coal and Ice, at . . The Dalles Commission Go's STORE Office corner Second and Washington PHONES 188 AMD 80S R. E. Saltmarshe AI THIS East m mu mil WILL PAY THE HighestCashPrico for flay and Gram. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK Job . . Printing Of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable rates at this, office. ft m &s PASSED BI THE HOUSE International Monetary Bill Went Through in a Hurry. lees demand for aid The Dispatch Which He is Alleged to Have Addressed to Olney Demanding- the. Protection cf Americans. So in Thinks Tree's Conrse Was Intoler ably Highhanded The Insurrection at Manilla Attracts tho At. teiition of Spain. Washington, Feb. 29. The bill for an inMT.-national' meuetary conference Dassed the houso today by an over whelming mnjority:' Only three mem bers voted against it on the first roll call. The vate on the bill was 279 to 3. Henry, republican, of Connecticut; Johnson, republican, of Indiana; Quigg, republican, of New York, voted against the measure. Stone, republican, of Pennsylvania, moved to pass, under suspended rules, ibe senate bill to provide for an inter national monetary conference. Quigg, of New York, denounced the bil, He declared the republican party in the last campaign was for the gold stan dard, and won on that issue. Hepburn, republican, of Iowa, repudiated Quigg's interpretation of the St. Louis plat form in a fierce speech. Johnson, re publican, of Indiana, appealed to re publicans to have the courage of their convictions and vote down this propo sition. Dingley and Grosvenor closed the debate with speeches in favor of the measure. A vote waa then taken, with the result as announced above. LEE'S FAMOUS DEMAND. Alleged Copy of Ills Kecent Dispatch Secretary Olncy. New York, Feb. 26. The Herald this morning publishes what it asserts is a copy of the famous dispatch cabled by Consul-General Lee to Secretary of State Olney. The dispatch la as follows: "Olney, Washington: Have de manded release of Scott, American citizen, who has oeen kept in prison and incommunicado without due pro cess of law 11 days. Trust you appre- I ciate the gravity of the situation and are prepared to sustain me. Must have warship immediately.' How many ships have you at Tampa, Key West' and in Southern waters, and are you prepared to send them here 6h0uld it become necessary?. ; I cannotahd-'will not stand another Ruiz murder. Lee." Execrated by the Spaniards. Madrid, Feb. 26. Extreme reserve is maintained in official circles. Much importance is attached to a secret con ference between the premier and min isters on the state of the war In Cuba. The proieduro of the United States consul-general is regarded as "intoler ably highhanded." The government is disposed to investigate and meet the . reasonable demands of the United States, and the claims of American citizens. It is further determined to punish those found guilty of having in flicted violence upon Dr. Ruiz, the American citizen alleged to have been beaten to death in prison. ' Insurrectiou at Manila. Madrid, Feb. 26. Advices from Manila say the insurrection has broken out there afresh. Yabands Tagales and natives attacked the barracks of revenue officers and gendarmes and murdered a military officer and four Spaniards in the streets. The troops restored order, killing 200 insurgents and arresting many others. The ob ject of the rising was to prevent the troops from attacking Cavite. Will Quit the Bench, San Francisco, Feb. 26. At noon today Judge McKenna will formally sever his connection with the United States circuit court for the district of California, At 5 o'clock he leaves for Washington, which be expects to reach on March 3. There are a few matters to be disposed of at the session this morning,. after which no further busi ness will be transacted in the court un til after. March 5, when Judge McKen na's successor will probably have been appointed. Judge McKenna has yt received no information relative to which portfolio he will receive, but if allowed to have a voice in the matter will select the at torney-generalship. Kebelllon Still Unchecked. New York, Feb. 26. The Herald's correspondent in Rio de Janiero tele graphs that 000 fanatics have now centered in strong positions and are receiving daily from sources unknown to the government great quantities of arms, ammunition ana provisions. The chief of the federal troops has de manded reinforcements from the gov ernment to make an attack on the fan atics. There has been published in Rio de Janiero startling revelations of in trigues of members of a large European syndicate now negotiating for the lease of railways in Brazil. It is charged that attempts have been made to bribe high oflicials. A Negro Fiend Lynched. Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 26. Yesterday afternoon, at Soddi, Tenn., Charlie Brown, a younc nepro, at tempted a criminal assault on Mi-B Lillie Walker, the 18-year-old daughter of a respectable farmer. Failing, he hid in a barn. When a Dosse attempted to arrest him, he fatally shot Deputy Sadler. A mob was formed and Brown was strung up to a tree and hU body riddled with bullets. THEY CANNOT AGREE. Powers Have Some Tremble In Preparing the ote to Greece. Vienna, Feb. 27. The following semi-official announcement was made this evening: The negotiations relative to the form of a note to be presented to Greece de- manaing ine evacuation oi ureto con tinue. The cabinets of Austria,, Ger many and Russia, and esoecially the latter, are pressing for immediate aDd drastic measures, such as would im mediately end a state of affairs which is daily becoming more dangerous, and compel Greece to submit without de lay, or take the consequences, which will be an effective blockade of the Piraeus. The other powers, while acting in unison with the three empires, desire greater moderation in the expression of views, and, although equally desir ous of carrying out tho policy of the concert, are anxious to give Greece a chance to submit before being com pelled to resort to foive. It is hoped the powers will agree as to the exact terras of the note to Greece within a few dava. is is surprisiug wnat a "wee hit or a thing" cau accomplish. Sick head acne, constipation, ovspepBin, sour stociuch. dizziness, are auieklv ban ished by DeWitt's Little liariy Risers. Sualt pill, safe pill, best pill. Snipes- lunersiy urug vo. Rati a Will Jie Slashed. Chicago, March 1. Chairman Cald. well, of the Transcontinental Pas senger Association, has denied the formal appeal of the Canadian Pacific railway for authority to apply $7.50 differental first-class and $7 second class via. St. Paul and ovor the Soo routi to Pacific coast points. An appeal was taken preparatory to tak ing individual action, It is probable this policy of the Can adian Pacific may result in a disrup tion of the association and inaugura tion of a transcontinental rate war, as the other overland roads will un doubtedly apply for relief as soon as the Canadian Pacific rates go into effect at the expiration of the required 10 days' notice. Don't allow the lunss to be imnaired oy tne continuous irritation ot a couch. It is easier to prevent consumption than to cure it. One Minute Cough VJtire taken early win wara off any fa tal lung trouble. ynipeS'Kinersly urug tjo. , . . Three Hoys Drowned. Tillamook, Ore., Feb. 27. A ter rible accident occured here today, whereby tbr3e boys, Eirnest Barnard, Aged lo; Cedl Miller, aged 10, and Georgia Leasia, aged 16, lost their lives. The three boys were digging clams near the bar, and the tide was etui strongly on the ebb when the , young fellows sighted the steamer Chilkat coming in over the bar. In a spirit of boyish bravado, they determined to go out and meet her. The tide was much stronger than the boys supposed,' and they were carried rapidly out and into i the breakers, where their bpafj was up get and three of them drowned. V . Thev are so small that the most sen sitive Dersons take them, they are so effective that the most. obstinate cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why l!e- Witt s Little Early iiisera are known as the famous little pills. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. A Fusion Scheme. Washington, Feb. 27. The dec laration of Senator Dubois today that the republicans could not organize the next senate disclosed a purpose that has been forming for a fusion organi zation of that body. It is the inten tion to have the three parties opposed to the republicans the democrats, populists and silver republicans caucus separately and appoint repre sentatives to confer for the purpose of forming a fusion organization. It will require the support of all factions opposed to the republicans to ac complish this result, gold democrats and silver democrats. 'There is no purpose to organize to prevent a tariff bill from being considered. Many cases of "grippe" have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation serns repeclaliy adapted to the cure of ibis riisraje. It acts quickly, thus preventing serious complications and bad effects in w'n:.:h this disease often leaves the patieut. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Jmes Hendersbott. Union, Or., Feb. 27, James Hender- shott died at his home at Cove last night, after a protracted illness of several months. Mr. Hendershott was one of the earliest settlers of this part of Oregon, and is well known thorough out the state. lie held 4 number of official positions in the state, the last of which was that of commissioner of horticulture. The funeral will take place tomorrow, under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity. One Minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Sentence Waa Commuted. . Santa Fe, N. M.f Feb. 26. Mrs. Edubigen Valdez, of Cimarron, Colfax county, convicted at Springer- of mur der in the first degree for having poisoned her husband with strychnine on December 14, has had her sentence commuted to life imprisonment by Acting-Governor Miller. This step was taken on the written application of Chief Justice Smith and the district attorney. - Union's Woolen Mill Assured. UNION, Or., Feb. 27. Sufficient stock of the Union Woolen Mill Com pany has been subscribed to assure the construction of the plant, and E. A. Eaton, president of the company left this morning for the East to purchase' the machinery. Work will be com menced on developing the water power in a few dajs. - i McKluley WeU Again Canton, Feb. 26. Dr. tLiliips, to day said, "Major Mc Kinley is perfectly able to make the jour cry to Washing ton. He will be well enough to receive his fellow-citizens on Monday evening. It is his wish to do so, but there will be no hand-shaking. He must con tinue to have absolute rest, and will not receive anymore callers during the remainder of his stay in Canton. Whitelaw Beid Declined. Canton, Feb. 26. It is stated that, up to two weeks ago Major McKinley contemplated giving Hon. Whitelaw Reid. of the New York Tribune, bis choice of a cabinet position or aforeign embassy, but Mr. Reid's poor health compelled him to decline consideration of either place. S ALLOWED POUR DAI'S Powers Will Demand Recall Greek Forces From Crete. HANNA AND HOAR They Consulted Over the Senatorial Situation in Oregon. Three Hoys Drowned Death of Jas. llen- dersbott A i-'uslon Scheme Unions Woolen Mill A ssured Powers Cannot Agree. London, Feb. 28. It is etated here today that there Is good authority for believing the result of the conferences between representatives of the great powers at Constantinople and Athens will be the presentation of collective notes to Turkey and Greece tomorrow. Greece will be allowed four days to recall her land and sea foroes from Crot. It i9 reported from Canea that several insurgent leaders have sent to Vice-Admiral Canevaro, of the Italian fleet, a signed declaration that the Cretans will accept no solution of the pending question but political union with Greece. Fighting continues between the in- surgeiits and Mussulmans near Retimo and elsewhere. The Christians be sieged the Turkish garrisons in the blockhouse at Malta for several days. Today, a body of Turkish regulars and irregulars left Canea with a con voy to revictual the blockhouse The insurgents attacked the column and killed several of the escort, whereupon the Turkish battle-ship Fuad opened fire upon the insurgents with shells, and continued firing until stopped by order of the foreign admirals. The convoy was finally compelled to retire. HANNA AND HQAH. They - Consulted over The Situation in Oregon. Washington, Feb. 27. Chairman Hanna and party arrived at the Ai'ling ton hotel thia tuormnir. Hanna went to the capltol Immediately and was in oonferenoe with the republican sena tors. He had an extended consultation with Senator Hoar, chairman of the judiciary committee, upon the sena torial situation in Oregon. 1 1 An effort is being made- by Hanna, as chairman of the national committee, I td secure the election of a republican senator from Oregon.-. The .fact. , that .the legislature never' organized raises the question as to the ability of those now sitting at Salem to adjourn. - Thero has been considerable tele graphic correspondence between Hanna and the republicans of Oregon, and it may result in an agreement of the republicans of the legislature to elect a senator. Hoar indicated to Hanna his belief that an appointment by the governor would not be accepted by the senate. VOLCANO it Causes IN GREAT the Water Boll. SALT LAKE. Seeth and Salt Lake, Maroh 1. -What appears to be a genuine volcano has burst forth in the Great Salt lake a short distance south of Promontory station, on the Central Pacific road. The phenomenon recently appeared in the shape of a small cloud hovering over the water about a mile from shore. It gradually increased in dimensions and shot up so high ia the air that it is now visible a great distance, and the water in the vicinity boils and seeth 3 and the spray ia thrown In the air for hundreds of feet. The volcano is situ ated in a big arm of the lake; on the wes side of a range of mountains and w distinctly visible from Brigham c;r.y. The phenomenon is accounted for by the fact that for six months there have been felt several slight shocks of earthquake in these regions, and it is supposed the fire and lava which have been confined in the subterranean depths have found an outlet and are spending their force. A number of people have witnessed tho phenomenon, which causes great anxiety in the vicinity. WARLIKE PKEPAKATION8. Government Arransclng to Transport Troops to Florida Coast. Chicago, March 1. A special in the Tribune from Tallahassee, Fla., says: From an incautious word dropped by a prominent state official here, it is as certained that the government has been making arrangements for some days past to forward the quick trans portation of federal troops through Florida in case of "necessity." The story is that the railroads have been asked to communicate with Northern lines and have special trains ready at a moment's notice to transport govern ment troops to all points on the sea coast. It is also stated that the Wash ington authorities have been in com munication with the state officers in regard to calling out the state troops if necessary, and to provide for their quick transportation to points needed. It ia understood that this has heen going on very quietly for the past week, and that all arrangements have been completed, so that at a moment's notice troops could be thrown into Tampa, Key We:-t, St. Augustine and other coast towns and Jacksonville. At St. Augustine, it is said, the troops have been warned to be in instant readiness for movement. The guns at the fort there have been put in work ing condition and the troops have been practicing with them constantly for the past week or so. Several torpedoes have been placed in the outer harbor at Key West, St Augustine and Tampa bay. The state troops' officers have been worked up over the reports of being called upon for duty, and several have sent their voluntary offers to the governor. The state troops are composed of 20 com panies of about 100 men each, and four batteries. A Blot Was Precipitated. Knoxville, Tenn., March 1. The Citizens Street Railroad Company com menced tearing up its tracks on Dupont street this morning, 200 negroes being put to work. Policemen arrested the men. The sheriff proceeded to arrest the policemen and other oflicials. A riot was precipitated. Fire companies dispersed the crowd by throwing water on them." In the melee Lieutenant Hood shot a negro, Will Arnold, nrob- aoiy fatally injuring him. Attorney McAdoo, of New York, for the Citizuns' Company, claims he has orders from the United States courts allowing him to go ahead with the work. JiacKlen a Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cute bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chapped hands, chll- Diains. corns and all sum eruntinna. and positively cures piies, or no pay rea uired. it is guaranteed to pive penect satisfaction or money refunded. frice Zo cents per box. For sale bv liianeiey & Houghton. DRIVEN FROM THE RESERVE. Indian Police Protect Wichita Mountain Gold Fields. ' rERRY, O. T., March 1. News has been received that United Statea troopa ind Indian police are driving gold- hunters out of the Wichita mountains, in the VV lohlta Indian reservation. For some years it has been known that gold existed in paying quantities in these mountains, and the Indians pos sessing thi knowledge have carefully guaraea tne richest mining locations from the intrusion of the whites. Large bodies of prospectors have been driven out of the mountains, and some sharp battles have on occasions taken place between them. There seems to be a well-organized and determined effort to enter the rich gold fields, which it ia believed exist in these mountains. During the month more than a thousaLd prospectors have gone into that country and have been secretly prospecting, sleeping in the day and working at night. . Many have been hiding in caves. Troopa are try ing hard to keep the prospectors out, but the excitement is great, and it is believed that large numbers will take possession of the country. E. E. Turner, of Corunton. Mo. writes us that after suffering from piles ior seventeen years, he completolv cured them by using DeWitt'd Witch Hazel Salve. It cures ecema and Be vere skin diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Lrug uo. WETLER STEP DOWN. Spanish Captain-General U Kepcrted to Hive Resigned. New York, March 1. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana savs: It is learned on the very highest au thority that Captain-General Weyler has forwarded his resignation to the Spanish government at Madrid. The captain-general, it Is said, will leave the island as soon as possible, probably in about three weeks. . Thia decisive step General Weyler determined to take as soon as be beard oi.the release of Julio SanguiHy. .Tha captain general said he would resign if the crown interfered with his policy with regard to prisoners, especially Americans, and he waa incensed be". yond measure at being ignored la the negotiations carried on by the Spanish government in the case of the notable captive, Sanguilly, who was released on Friday. It is reported that General Ramon Blancoy Aronas, the Marquis of Pena Plata, may be appointed to succeed General Weyler. LOCAL SHORTS. Last night as Representative Jen nings, of Wallowa county, was board ing tho train in Portland starting for home, he was arrested by a serjeant-at- arms of tho Davis house of representa tives and his homeward journey was cut.short. He will contest the au thority of the legislature to hold him. Yesterday was the 76th anniversary of A. Bettinger, sr., and the event was celebrated by a family reunion at M. Bettinger's residence last evening. The evening wis spent in pleasant amusements, and wishes the old gentle man many happy returns of his birth day. Hon. A. R. Lyle, ex-representative of Crook county, arrived from Portland last night. He has been at Salem dur ing most of the recent alleged session of the legislature, but says the Lord only knowa what sort of a muddle the state is in. No mortal man can tell. Card of Thanks. The undersigned desire to express their heartfelt thanks to the many friends who kindly assisted at the funeral of their late friend, Owen Wil liams, and assure them that thia kind ness will ever be fondly cherished. C. J. Sttjbling & Family. DOES WEALTH DISPEL LOVE 7 A Woman Who Seems to Think That It Does Her Comment. ' "Did nobody ever tell you that in some far prehistoric time I was in love with my husband ?" said Mrs, Bomaine, carelessly, in a story in the Century. "Well, I was. I used to go to afternoon services in Lent and pray for that love to last, because the sensation -was so much to my taste. I used to have ecstatic feelings when his foot wa on the stair and I sat sewing little baby clothes. We lived in a plainish way then ; three dollars spent in two theater tickets was a tremendous outlay, and we walked to our dinners, I tucking up the train of my best, gown under a long cloak, and laughing if the wind snatched it away from me at the cor ners and whipped it around my feet. Then he grew richer, and we broad ened the borders of our phylactery, and then how when dear knows if I can remember, we grew further and fur ther away from each other. Now, when he is at home I am aware of it, because he is there behind a newspaper, but that is all! When our lips meet it is like two pieces of dry pith coming together. I know nothing of his affairs, nor he of mine. I have money in abundance. Money money who cares for money when a man's heart and soul and brain have gone into it?" Ujlt ; jg Laxative bu m 1 ne Ynble9 moves the bowels gently, relieves the cough, cures the feverish condition and the headache, making it the best and quickest remedy for coughs, colds and la grippe; cures in one flay. "No Cure no pay." Price 25 cents. For sale by Blakeley & Houirhton. druggists. If you want to give your boy or girl a thorough business ed ucation,Hol tues' business college in Portland affords the best opportunity. A scholarship in that school is for sale on reasonable terms at this office. I Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its exeat leaveninc strength and healthfulncss. Assures tho food against alum and all forma of adulteration common to the cbeaD brands. Royal Baking Powder Co., New York. RELIEF DOGS. Canine Ked Crosi Survleo In the German Ar-.iy. . For several year:-, oxprrimente have w.'i ":;tloi:i tio i.irtiiiyn nrmv In thn ;;-.:! of tloj-.i it:- rrvicu in the hoe- - d.'ivirii-.ieut. Not long ago, says ie L'o;n-;t Fiue IVlv-.s, tho well-known riitiiii 1 paint-jr, Joau Uungartz, .was :oini;i..io:fd t o talco nn the matter, and u:i ;o;;t ivport occasioned high praise ror th, cin-jcror t:m tho armv. The lr.'it hnpo.-tant fiteu was tha Kplor-tlnn fn l-rvi'il of dogs possessing all the y.iU;ii!-s neeessarv for the nnrnncA. i::.: Obedience, watchfulness, intelli- .vii.y. "u.li.-nty and perseverance. These luti.uu- i wi i-e lound in the Scotch ool- 10 ia i'.i j liiyiicst tler'reo, and this breed was, ih. reioro, selected by Uungartz. i iic equipment ot tho dog consists of - a Biro:!;; collar with a small leather' :x)cl:etbook for letters, a small water proof blanket for hia rent at night end two po-Jrcts containing a small ur- 'eons oalfit, linen, medicines and . a small ui'nount of do;; biscuit. The en tire load is less than ten pounds and can be easilv carried bv the dotr for lays. Jiis services are most imrjort&nt In the senrc-U for this wounded or dead: he often Irhij'S first heln to a soldier fallen hi brush or underbrush and com pletely hidden from sight; ho makes an excellent courier, and. runs from hos pital to command or vice versa, faith fully delivering messages intrusted to his care as fast as a cavalryman, with' much less danger to both courier and- message. A lurgo red cross marks eacht aide pocket, and designates hia connec - tion with the sanitary and relief corps.! He also carries a small lantern on his back, to enable the litter bearer to fol low him in his search for the woundedl or dead at night. . : DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' -3rOMPLETE a rrn BOTH LOCAL . AND IXTEI1XAL. The only rsmedv maranteed te aWehrtel' rare catarrh and completely eradicate the disease from the bloed aad system. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 20c. Each fall six ascksn contains one full atonlh'e local treatment, on full noath'a supply ef Catsrra Healing balm ana one full monta s supply of uiarrs Blood ana Slomach Hill. If vnu have anv of the fbllowlnr smntoas. Dr Q. W, Shores' Complete Catarrh Cure will rive yon In stant relief ana completely ana etrsuuMStly cure ye. Is tne nose stopped up Does your Cose dlscharrer Is the nose sore snd tender? Is there pain In front of head? Do you hawk to clear the throat? Is your throat dry la tha asornlnr? Do vou sleep with your swots epea? Is your hearlnr falling? Uo your ears aiscnarger ! th w. v irv In vnur eara? Do you lesr better sons days thai others? Is your hearlnc worse wh you hsvs s cold? Dr. O. VV. Shores' Conga Care cares all coufae. colds and bronchial affections. One dose will spasmodic croup. Keep a bottle la the bouse. Larre size bottles 25c. If you have these symptoaul ass a as directed on the bottle sod It will cars ro. Have you a cough? Do you take cold easily? Have you s pain ft the side? Uoyou rslse rrotny msrenair Do yon cough la the mornlnp? . Do yea spit op little cheesy lumps? nr. a. Aharaa' Teaicaad Bleed Purifier clean ses and purines the blood, fives strength snd vlgos, cures dyspepsia snd all nervous diseases, r-nce, SI per bottle, ll psrsMneaUy cares las following symptoms: is mere nausear Do you belch up gas? Are you constipated? Is your tongue coatear Do you bloat up after earing? ; " Do vou feel you are growlng'weaker? t Is there constant bod lasts lo the mouth? i Dr. Q. W. Shares' KMaey and Uver Con cures all diseases of us aiaaeys, arse eae wm:,mm Price. SI per bottle. Uo you get amyr Have you cold feet? Dn vou feel miserable? Do you get tired easily? Do you have hot Sashes? Are your spirits low at times? Do you baverumbllBgln bowels? Do your hands and feel swell? U this noticed more at night? Is there pais In small of back? t Has the perspiration a bad odor? . Is there pumness under the eyes? - -. - Do you have lo get up often al sight? Is there a deposit In urine If left standing? Don't neglect these signs sad risk Bright s disease bin, n. Dr. Shores' Kidney ana lives cute win. cure you if used as directed en tha bottle. Dr. O. W. Shore' Mountain Sage Oil stops ns worst pain la one minute. For headache, tootnacne, neuralgia, cramps or couc ass It externally and i Ib- tamaily. Prevents snd cures diphtheria if uses as time. Keep a botus bendy. Price. JVC a bottle. Dr. Q. W. Shores' Pepsin Vermifuge d ft rare Intestinal worms and removes the lll0,r" where they belch sad areas. It sever failo. Pries . 25c a botte. . m Dr. a. W. Shores' Wlntergreee Salve cures slj diseases of the skin. Removes red spots and black pimples from the face. Heals eld sores la Itetdaya. Dr.' O W Shores' Antl-Co.stlp.tloa Pin cure chronic coniilpxlon. sick beadacfae aad auloas attacks. Price. 25c a bottls. In all eases. If the bowels are constipated take one of Dr. G.W. Shores' Antl-Constlpstlon Pills at br.ttlrae. It your trouble Is chronic and deep-seated, write Dr. G V. Shores personally for his new symptom list snd have your case dlsgnosed snd get his expert ad vice free. . . These fsmous ramedle ere prepare! only by One tor G. W . Shores. Zloa's Medical InMltute, Salt Uks City. Utah. For a sale by all Druggists, ar seal to oav oddn receipt of pries. FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON THE DALLES, OREGON. Hon. W.J. Bryan's Book All who are Interested la farther! njr the earn of flea. W. J. itrvoa's new froo should eorieepond ... immediately .lib uie publishers. The work will eonuia . . . HioawTOfia UkPiifii Ttitn. us biogti im. urta BT III Tin in um n?0KTin sHUUiS. TH1 MSTJLTS Of TO UHPilbl Of 18M. POUTICiLSlTDillOI. - ACENT8 WANTED e air. firyaa bae aa aounced hie Intention of devoting- one-belf of ell roveltiee to fartherlnar tbe mom of bimetallism. There are already lad icatloaeof ea eftorntooseal.. Address W. B. COHUM COMPANY. rVMiseers . 344-351 Deerbem St-XrlKAbO F. M. Woodcock, Agent for Wasco Co sir, ooo TO EXCHANGE for Orrcoa property. Ifrft acres near Colfax. Placer county. California. acres (18.780 vinm) 10 year Tokay trrapes; 16U0 B year Crawford peaches; KM Hurtle U pears. 7 year; 600 Sands year Keisey plums; 8 acres plums; balance un cleared but U tillable; new fcnuO nu.'tw; sU out buildiium : - two gold mines on uncleared, one assaying &0 upon surface roek: Innd roll ing. A. G. CAKSWELL. (8 Montgomery street. San Francisco AU pant banished by Ir. Miles' Pain Pills. WW i ; r