P(, rlt. 1 f.ibrrtv? 1 s5 f i 1 a.,arilVI!K. VotmoXXXT CONSOLIDATE i' 1882. THE t . -r -r ES. OllEGON. SATURDAY, FEBUUAKY 18, 1S97 JJiYLiLl ISO 23 M8-MOirSTAIXKKK, XI IfSMfilSI 11!. k ft I . M I KfeC IL ROFESSIONAL. o U. H -la.USrs.lt. Physician and Surgeon, Dwhni vr tulles .National Bank. Office hours, 10 liatiUm, o-l from to 4 p in. Uuu - denci. We-t Rr.i of Third a:ret. A. 8. BSJ.NET Attorney at Law Ofloe ir Schnono's tmindinz, upstairs . Oregon. . The DJ1. H. ROBERTS Attorney at Lav) Kruul1 attontlnn iriven to Collections. Office next door to First National bank. Wanted-An IdeaS Who can think ' come s:mie thing to piiteiit? t Tl neys. Washington. D. C. for their tl.SJO prize oUef and list of two Hundred inventions w&nieu. SOCIETIES. - fPEMPLE rinr.E. NO. 3. A. O. U W.- ,1 Meets in Keller's evening at 7:20 o'clock. llall every inursaay POST, NO. 82 -G. A. R.- I Mtseerv Saturday evening at 7:3!) in K. of P. HalL riOURT THR DAr-T.ES. A. O. P. NO. 8630 l i Meets ever Js'rttUy evening at tuelr hull at S o'clock. T OF I.. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in K. of P. Hall T7"ASCO TRIBE, NO. 16. I. O.R.M. Meets V every Wednesday evening In K, of .F Hall. GESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, T OP L. P. DIVISION, NO. !7. Meets In JL K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 p. M. UrASCO LOEGE, NO. 15, A. P. & -A. M. TV Meets first and third Monday. of each month at 8 P. M. mHE DALLES ROYAL, ARCH CHAPTER J. NO. o. Meets in Masonic nan me ituru Wednesday of each month at P, M. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 5, I. O. O P. i Meets everv Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. -FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9 K. of P. P Meets everv Monday evening ot 8 o'clock. in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are In vited. llfOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE V V UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock n the reading room. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORT.P--Mt. Hood Camp, No. f., meets every Tue'sdy evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's Hall. . : All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. 1 Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Vlsnors cor- i diall Invited. THE CHURCHES. .iiT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. . site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A.M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30. T7 VANGE LICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Pi Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service In the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every Sunday 9:30 A. M. ana r. m. ME. CHDRItHey. J. H. Wood, Pastor. . Services every Sunday morning and eve . ' Ins. Rimdav school at 12:0 o'clock P. M. A V ; ' cordial invitation extended by both pastor and " : people to all. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C, Curtis; Pastor, Services every Sunday at - 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service - y- QT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest ' (J Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a i a. ai. r.,..;. High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. MIRST BAPTISTCHURCHRey.O.D.Tay- , r-isDui. ojiuiirj inn ami v asuuigbou streets. Services each Sunday morning at u . n'nlnk. Sunday School and uible class at ia:ia. Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing ton and Seventh streets. TTTRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. J; Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. U E. meets ' every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. CAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner J Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are cordially welaomed. Children Cry for FITOHSB'8 Castoria " Castorit h no well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Arcbsk, M. D 1U South Oxford Sc., Brooklyn, N. T I two CastoHa In my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children.' Am. Robertson, M. D., 1057 id Ave., New Yorl-. Trem persona) knowledge I can say that (.iastoria Is a most excellent medicine for chil Jrun." lisu G. C Osoood, Lowell, Mass. Caaiorla promote Distion, and Overcomes Flatulency, CoiisUir.tion, Sour Stomach, Diannaea, and Feverishiiess, Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESICNS, COPYRICHTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications Btrictly confidential. Oldest agency forsecurlng patents In America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Mnnn A Co. receive pedal notice ui the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautlfally illustrated, largest circulation of any sctentifle journal, weekly, terms 3.Cu a year; SLsOslx months. Specimen copies and HAAiD Book on Patents sent free. Addreaa MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THE Wool - Exchange - Salooa. BEST IMPORTED AXD DOMESTIC Wine, Liovoxs Cigar .s Fast EnJ.Second Street A NKV w UNDERTAKING .5K ESTABLISHMENT SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. W. L. Whealdon, Plaintiff, vs. L. E. Ferguson, Defendant, To L. E. Ferguson, the above named defen dant: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and aiis.ver the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the s;fa day of Feb ruary, lt97. being the Ursl day of tr.e next regu lar term of the abovo mimed Conn: and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, tht plaintiff will ariDlv to the above named Court lor the relief prayed for in her complaint tiled Iheitin. towit: That plaintiff have and recover of and from you. the saia ueienar.ni in shiu sun. iuv sum of 1300.1.0. together with interest on sal sum at the rate of ten per cent pt r annum sine November 13. lrt9. less the sura of M.UO. pai thereon June l.V lt-f-l.aud for costsand disburse iit..t m.lR and extended in said suit, and tha the certain mortgage uiinie and executed by you to O.D. Taylor on te uaariayof Noycmlier.lsrV. be foreclosed u,on me i.iuus ineieiu nustii:: us follows: l-t.'irinninz at a t;oint where t11 west line of I.;;ughiiu's don:;t:ia land clitiin i itersect-s the n;i th line of Aivorcl's avenuf in Nvce & Gibson's add.f.oii to Dailts City, uiv eon: thence westerly Kiong tue ncr,h i.ne c Alvord avenue cigiity-oue ;8'.) ftet: thence at rii'ht auuies northerly to ttie south l.e of Fulton's addit.o:i to Dalles City, O:won thence east eust.erly along said south tine o. Fulton's addition to the west line of l,auph lin's dnn:ilion land f-laim : thence souther alon s:iid west line of l-uiiL'hliii's douat ion isind claim to the ulace i'f beinuii's.'. btin' the sam land conveyed to you, the said L,. E. Feigusp, liv ilwd of J. T. Peters and Joseph MaL-l-.acli' ern. suid deed bearing date July 18. A. D. 1J, nRrl wiLirl itrr.mfsR'i lieintf situated in Wast county, Oregon, and that saia above described and mortgaged premises, losf-tner wun inu i ourtenances thereuuto belonging, be sold in th manner pi-escribed by law. and according to practice of the above named Court : that out of the Droeeeda of such sale plaintiff have and receive said several sums with interest ashore mhefore mentioned, toi-ether witn accruing m terest and costsof such sale: that the plaintiff hR Allowed to bid at the said sale at her option and that the purchaser of said premises be let into the immediate possession of the sa ne and the whole and every part hereof : and that you the said defendant, aud all persons elaimiu.t; or to claim by, through or under you be foiever barred and foreclosed irom an ciaimor iu-.er;-i. It. said nremises from the time of such sale. This summons is served uuon you by publica tinn thereof in the Times-Mountaineer, a news- naoerof izenei-al circulation published weekly anu once a ween at uanescnj, .va-H.-u -.uuuij. Oreeon. bv order or llonoraoie w . u. urau- sh?w, Judfje of the above named Court, duly made at chambers, DalksCity, Wasco County, Oregon, December l.tn. imio. DUf Lit E MKJNJi J!ilS, Dec. 19av7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. Almina Hargis, Plaintiff, vs. Jefferson Hariris, Defendant. To Jefferson Ttargis, the above namad defen dant: In the n-imeef the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com blaiut filed airaiusl you in the above entitled suit within ten days -from the date or the serv iee of .this summons upon you. if served within this county: or if served wilhiu any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you: or if served upon you by puhlication then by tne nrst aay or tue next regular lenn of the above entitled Court following the ex piration of the time required in the order for publication oi mis summons, towit, on tne fin day of February. A. D. 1H&7, and if you fail so to answer, plaiatis will ask the Court for the reiief craved for in her complaint, towit. a de cree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and yourself, and for a change of plaintiff's name to that of her iormer name. Aimina mrner. ana ror ner costs of this suit and for such other and further relief as the Court may seem just and meet. TTHs service is made upon you by the publication of summons once a week for six weeks by order of Hon, W. L, Brads haw, Judge of the above en titled court, made at cnambers in uanes city, Oregon, the 12th day of December, 189& . ..- JN. n. UATKS. TJee. 19 . y- , Attorney for Plaintiff. .; SUMMONS. : .. - In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county or Wasco as. 11. T Mt.heien Plaintiff. - Mabel Mathesen, Defendant. - ' ' ' I To Mabel Mathesen, the above named defenoant In the name of the State of Orew-u v - You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint Gled against you in the above-entitled action, urithin ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you. if served within this county; or. if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this sum mons upon you; and if served upon you by pub- ucation men Dy tne nrst aay oi tne text regular term of this court, towit: Monday. February 8. 1897, and if you fail to appear and answer as above required, the plaintiff will apply to you for the relief prayed for in his complaint here in, towit. : for a decree of divorce and for such other and further relief as the Court may seem just and equitable. this summons is served by publication by order of Hon. W. L. BradsUaw. Judge of the alove entitled Coi'rt. made in open court at The Dalles, November 21, 1MM1. J. S TO it Y. Nov.28 Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that Eva J. Korima, who as Bva J. Purdy, widowjof A. J. Purdv, deceased, was dnly appointed and qualified as administratrix of the estate of her deceased husband, said A. J. Purdy. deceased, has liled her final account with said estate with the clerk of the county court, of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, ana that said co,urt has up pointed 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday. January fourth, 1W, the same being the first day of the regular January term of said court for the year 187. at the county court room, in the county court house in Dalles City. Wasco county. Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of said final accounting and objections thereto if any mere oe. This notice is published by order of the said county court, entered December 4tn. 1S96. KVAJ. MOICItAN, Administratrix. Condon & Condon, Attorneys for Adminsitratrix. NOTICE FOR BUBLICATION TIMBER CULTURE. United States Land Office. i Vancouver,, Wash., Nov. 20. 18M. f Notice is hereby given that Jacob Lowry has filed notice of intention to make tinal proof before W. K. Dunbar. Commissioner U. S'. Cir cuit Court for District of Washington, ut his oftice in Goldendalc, Wash., on the 13th day of January. Ifi7, on timber culture application No. 2!rj. for the NEtf of Sec. 20. in Tp. 3 N. R. 14 E. W. M. He names as witnesses. Abraham J. Ahola. John Mattson. Peter Nime'a. Ariolph Matta, all of Centerville postofhee, Washington. UKO. H. STEVENSON, Nov. 29. Register. TIMBER CULTURE. FINAL PROOF NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Tub Dam.es. Or., I January 12, K-ST. f Notu-e is hereby given that Elbert N. Coor a of Killings. Montana. Las tiled notice of ini tion U make final prcof before the Regis! and R ceiver, :it their oftice in The Dalles. O.I gon. en Saturday, tie if'th uay of Februi- 1!7. on timrer culture ai plicaton No. 24S. 1 the N&H of Section No. 3), in Township NoJ rortd. Kange .no. m itast. re names as ncsses: William O'Dell, Fred Wickman, Fri) Fulton and D. J. Cooper, all of The Dalles. Of gon. Jas. F. Moore, Register JIB-Ot-I-'O TIMBER CULTURE. FINAL PROOF Nl TICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Office, Tne Dali.es, Or., January li, lsl7. c Notice is hereby given that Charles C. Cool er. of The lialies, Oregon, has nled notice intention to make final proof before the RegiJ ter and Keeeiver, at their olhee in The Dalles Oregon, on Saturday, the 2.1th day of February! lr7. on timber culture application No. 3141, foil the hVVH or hection No. m Township No. North. Range No. 15 East He names as witnesses: Fred Wickman. I John Beaitie, Frank Fulton and D. J. I . Cofj all of The Dalles, Oregon. 116-Bt-r.T) JAS. F. MOORE. Ret Q 1 ( ff,A TO EXCHANGE O I 'M UU irorrty. l.w acres Flacercounty. uaiuoruia. as acres 10 year Tokay grapes: latu a ye Deaches : WW Bartlett bears. 7 yea year Kelsey plums; 8 acres plum cleared but all tillable: new ifciJ out buildings: two gold mines! MYER I liiSi s E I Ii' ..:C1!, f 8 I mffimm gg waste THE BEAN We Carry a Full Qnn?if ami MAIER 167 Second Street aKeiey 175 Second Street Country and mail orders will receive prompt attention NEW C0LMBI1 HOTEL $1.00 Per " Day. 25 Cnts. ; J, M. T007eY, PROPRIETOR FRONT and UNION STS. . THE DALLES, OR. COR B0TI0E TO C0NTEAOTOES. Notice is hereby Riven thnt the Prinevill3 Building Association, of Prineville. Oregon, ill receive seoiea mas ior i.e cor.siruciion oi rjublic hull in tile town of Prineville, Oregon, up to Feb. 0, lfc!7, at 2 o'clock p. m. Contrac tors may file their bids: First, for tne construction or toe nau com et e. the contractor to furnish all material; Second, for the construction of the hall com plete, all material furnished on the ground ; Tnird, for furnishing the lumber on the ground. plans and specifications for the above hall may be seen at the olnce of the Times-Moun taineer in 1 lie uanes. urepon. irora jan. ai, 1897, to Feb. 10. IrW, and at the olllceof the Sec retary, in Prineville. Oregon, from Feb. 12 to Feb. ii. 1H)7. All bids must be sealed and di rected to the Secretary of the Prineville Build ing Association at Prineville. Oregon, and marked: "Sealed Proppsal for Building." The Board of Di rectors reserve the right to reject any or aU bids. fl-dw-fiu Sec retary. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor Wasco County. I. F. Baioes. plaintiff, and Thos. M. Denton Louis A. Sandcz. Victor . Sandoz and Chai les Sandoz. uefendant-s. Bv virtue of an execution and order of salii to me directed and issued out of the alxve es tit led court in the above entitled cause, in fjvor of the plaintiff above narked, on the 19th day of January, 1C97, commanding me to satisfy the several sums of if'Jiirs.CS. the judgment ob wined herein, with interest at the rate of eiBh', per cent per annum from Jan. 14. 1M7. and fJULUKI Uornev's lees, and i .mj costs oi suit aja ac- ruin? costs, bv levying ur-on in the Manner Drovided bv law for the sale of real property on execution, all of the right, title and interest of the defeudant Thomas M. Denton In anrt to the following described real estate situate and being in Wasio County. Oregon, to-v.it: The east two-thirds ('.,) of the west one-t.alf ('. of tte donation land clnim of Lafayette Colwell and Elizabeth Colweli: the same beiug parts of Sections 13, 14. 2it and 21, in Township one ill. north of rauge twelve (!-'), east, W. M., and containing 107.14 acres of land. I duly levied on said real property on the 19th day of January, lts)7, and to satisfy the afore said several sums and accruing costs, I will sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house dooi in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, on the Hrth day of February. ls7, at the hour of two o'c'ock in the afternoon. j!9-5t-fl3 T. -T. prnvTT? A 9 WSJ -AND- S SPRAY PUM1 Am unqv-pstionnbly the most successful and perfect workiup; spraying devices yet invented. A universal testimory tliat more, as well as bettor, work can to accomplished with tha Bean Spray Pumper the Myers Puiup than with any ol n-r pumps on the market. With either of these Pumps one man can charge the re ceptacle and leave it to di rect the pp:-ay just where it is wanted, ana thuj with snfflcient hose paes from tree to tree. The. solution is de livered in a fine mist or spray, penetrating every nook and corner, thus doing better and more- effective work than is possible byaDy . i . i -i .i . i if I whatever of solution. Line of . . . THE MYERS Itoon VM a j srtiton The Dalles, Oregon MATE RI-LS ojwwoManama Kirst class Meals The Sun The first of American Newspapers. Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, ' The American Idea, The American Spirit These first, last, and all the time, : forovor. Dally, by mail $0.00 a year Dally and Sunday, by mail, $8.00 a year The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. By mail, $2 a year. 5c a copy Address The Sdn, New York. Latest Style Lowest Profits : In Mens and Boys : Clothing. Dry Goods, MENS FURNISHINGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : oots and I THE CANAL BILL DEAD So Far as the Present Con gress Is Concerned. THE CLERKS WILL STAY State Senr.tore Refuse to Cut Down the Number Employed at Present. The Mention ISonie Does Basloess at tho S:.me Old Siand-How a S;iu Frau cisco Shy lock Accuiualated Money. Washington, Feb. 5. Senator A!d ncu ana otn-:r lricnas ot tlio ricara- canal biii have had conferences witn opeaser xxotu anu otner uouse leaders during the day retarding- the possibility of the bill bein.' brought up in the houso in case it should pas the senate. The result is that the bill will be abandoned in the s'enate next Monday, and tho bankruptcy bill Ul W U 1J 11 u cbl U. Friends of the Nicaragua bill, whilo in a majority, doubt if the eenato can be brought to a vote, but they know the futility of their efforts unless there is some assurance that tha bill will re ceive consideration in tho house, Jiothinof but a physical test would bring the bill to a vote now, and a large number of those supporting the bill will not subject it to such a test when it will not even be taken up in the house. The conference today convinced the senators that the Nicaragua canal bill will not receive consideration in the house, and they decided it was better to withdraw it. Laxatire Bromo Quini e Table moves the bowels e-entlv, relieves the cough, cures the feverish condition and the headache, making- it the best and quickest remedy for coughs, colds and la grippe; cures in one day. "No Cure no pay." Price 25 cents. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. IN TUE bENATG. Resolution Presented to Reduce the Num ber ot Clerks. Salem, Or., Feb. 5. In the 9enate this morning, after the usual prelimi naries, the committee on penal institu tions reported favorably on Driver's bill for the employment of convicts on public roads. . Holt made a speech against the employment of clerks and movea tnai. tne special committee to regulate ciergs oe required to report. The motion was lost. v ; Johnson then introduced a long reso lution to cut down from 60 to about 25. After a short, debat, the resolution was laid on the table by a vote of 15 ayes to 13 nays. . - The senate vUad a long debate, on Price's bill to create laborers' liens on crops. Tho committee proposed an amendment extending ' the time in which the laborer may file a lien from 10 to 30 days. Nearly every senator expressed himself on the subject. A motion to recommit was lost, and the discussion was continued. The amend ment was finally adopted, and the bill ordered to the third reading. Tho committee on railroads reported favorably on Brownell's bill to abolish tho railroad commission. Several bills were introduced and the senate adjourned till 2:30 Monday. A weed in the garden can be easily destroyed when it first starts. Con sumption can be nipped in the bud by One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. a j:tiiob op getting kicii. San Francisco Shylock's Dealings Revealed in Court. San Francisco. Feb. 5. The ada mantine business methods of Asa Fist, the money-lender, were brought to the attention of the suprome court yester day when the case of Fisk against E. J. Casey, administrator of the estate of H. Sboulters, came up for argument. In September, 1S81, Fisk loaned Shoulters $150 at the rate of 3 per cent per month compounded monthly, and took a mortg-age for a lot on W. Thirty fourth and B streets in this city. Tho note was given for three months and the first month s interest was The property at that valueless, but it of $10,000. Shou tim" f I prison in this city, will be ombarked tomorrow for tho penal colony of C:iaftrina3. Kduardo Hernandez, Rafael nernan dez, Lais Casco and 43 others, charged with political offenses, were placed in jail here yesterday to await a disposi tion of their cases by the governor- general. Abrea, a sister of Francisco and Esperanza Sanchez, who a few days ago were captured in the province of Pinar del Rio, has been imprisoued in the Woman's Refuge, to await. action on the part of tha governor-general. Another prisoner confined by order of the Spanish authorities is Valentine Bniz, who at one time acted as execu tioner for tho Nanigos. Minutes seem like hours when a life is at stake. Crou; gives no time to nd fjr a doctor, ot l::v niav mean death. .Ono minute Cough Cure gives instant relief and insures iveoverv. The only harmless remedy that T-r-o- auees immeuiate rosulta. bnipes-Kin ers'.y Drug Co. Three Frieoils Seized. Jacksonville. Fla., Feb. 6 The steamer Three Friends wai seizod and libeled upon her return today from a towing t.ripc'own the coast. The libel cuargea piracy; that a Hotchkics gun was mounted upon the bow of the steamer and was fired at a Spanish gunboat at the mouth of the San Jaun river, while endeavoring to land an expedition. The persons named in the libel are John O'Brien, W. T. Lewis, John Dunn, August Arnau, and Ralph D. Payne. Judge Locke fixed the bond at $5000, which was im mediately furnished, and the boat was released, upon the special provision that a deputy marshal should be placed on board and have authority to take charge of the boat in case an attempt be made at any time to violate tho law. All the different forms of skin troubles, from chapped hands to ecze ma and indolent ulcers can be readily cured by DeWitt's Witch Ha7el Salve, the great pile cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Two ltauks Suspend. Washington, Feb. 5. The con troller of the currency has received a telegram announcing the suspension of the First National bank of Franklin, O. At the date of the l?st report the bank owed depositors $75,000, had a surplus of $10,000 and assets including bonds, of $150,000. Its capital is $50, 000. The controller also rece.ived a tele gram from the directors of the North' western National bank, of Glen Falls, Mont., stating that because of a cer tain action of the cashier they had taken possession and asking instruc tions. The controller directed the re ceiver in the yicinity to take charge temporarily until the national bank examiner could reach there. If you want to give your boy or girl a thorough business education, Holmes' business college in Portland affords the best opportunity. - A scholarship in that school is for sale on reasonable terms at this office. . Last Public Reception. , Washington, Feb. 6. Mrs. Cleve land's farewell public reception this afternoon drew a large crowd, despite a drizzling rain. The White House was artistically decorated with red and white roses and smilax, and groups of big palms and garlands of vine9 beau tihed the parlors. Throughout tha re ception, which was from 3 too o'clock, the Marine band furnished the music. Mrs. Cleveland was gowned in violet and white striped moire silk, the bod ice of deep cream lace. She wore a bunch of violets, but no jewels. Mrs. Stevenson, wife of the vice-president, and the ladies of the cabinet, were the assistants of the mistress of the White House, while 65 ladies assisted in the Blue parlor. Mrs. Stevenson, stand ing next to Mrs. Cleveland, waa richly dressed in corded silk. Ex-Senator Spears Dying. Pomona, Cal., Feb. 5. From the simplest sort of cut in thi hand Ex State Senator Walter ii- Spears, of Oregeon, is dying at tne house cf his daughter in El Monte. He was travel ing from San Francisco to Los Anel's last Wednesday night, and while un dressing slightly cut a finger on a broken brass button. He thought to more about it until the next evening, when his finger and hand began ache. On Saturday the tended to the shoulder was badly su FIVE MEN WERE HURT Southbound Oregon Express Ran Into Near Chico. m-i fr-TTn rinlr r T i r i t 1U IHfj rLlNAL IbLAJND The Spanish Authorities Exile a Cuban Editor For Publishing1 'Articles Against the Gov ernment. The Three Frienas Libeled on a Charge of Conf.ulrarjr airs Cleveland Holds Her Last Reception Astoria 1- lherncn Fix Prices. San Francisco, Feb. 7. A Chrot- iolo special from Chioo, sayr: What might have proved a very dis astrous wreck, but was fortunately un attended bv loss of life, occurred ut Iord, about eij;ht mile9 from Chico, early this morning. The northbound Oregon express, being 15 minutes be- hiud time, the southbound train was ordered to sidetrack at Nord and wait for tho northbound to pass. As the train pulled up on the side track, it was found that, as a box car had been left standing, it was necessary for the express to slacken speed and push the box car ahead. Just then the north bound train was seen approaching down the track with no intention of stopping. It was impossible for the engineer or the northbound to see the headlight of the southbound, as it was behind the box car. Before all the cars of No. 16 could get on the side track, the other train struck them. The engine struck the smoker first. plowing its way along to the next car, which was the tourist car, turning it completely over, but leaving the trucks on the track. In this car, the passen gers were thrown from their seats to the lower side of tho car, which was lying in a deep pool of water alongside of the track. The passengers at first thought they had been throw from a trestle into some river. In this car were seven doserters from tho regular army, handcuffed together and guarded bysix soldiers. Fortun ately, tho lamps in the car immed iately went out, and only a few coals of fire fell from the stove, and those were soon extinguished by the water that came rushing through the broken windows. CAN SEE THBOCGH THE BODY. Edison Alakes a New and Valuable Dis covery. New York, Feb. 8. Thomas A. Edison is about to give to the world another discovery as wonderful in its way as the fluoroscope, by means of -which he puts the X ray-to practical use in revealing the bony structure of the body. "It was," said he, "the action of the X ray on crystals of platinocyanide of barium which caused Roentgen to make the original discovery. I immedi ately afterwards discovered that tung- state of calcium was more powerful and I constructed a practical instrument for utilizing the crystals in connection with the X ray. Tungstate of calcium is not sufficiently sensitive to trans form the strange light discovered by Roentgen to a light that would so il luminate the interior of the human body as to render its most delicate tissues visible, in other words, to make it transparent." Mr. Edison set about to find a crystal which would possess the quality. He has discovered one. Its name he will not yet reveal, saying he is still experimenting with it, and desires to exhaust its possibilities befc nouncing it to the world. By means of r"nvl crystals Edison the eye of surga that have hiti lljo dissect that whp. take his carnage to his hotel a mob gathered. Two policemen got in the carriage with Slattery and his wife and d.-oye otf. Tho crowd ut the hall was held in cheek by the police, but parties of men and boys armed with stones and bricks were lying in wuit in the alleys along Broad street. Aq t.ha p.Ai'rinoA rtnaanrl I - i thesepoints, volleys of stones greeted it. Policeman Clemens was cut over tho right eye; Policeman Dorris was lightly cut and Slattery had a similar injury. They reached the hotel safely but the carriage was badlv wrecked. (ave up the 8trnrriff. Wasiiincton, Feb. 8 Representa tive George Washington Murray, col ored, of Koutu Carolina, who it wasrc ported several days ago would object on Wednesday during tho course of counting the electoral vote to tha re cording of South Carolina's vote on the ground that the election laws of that state were unconstitutional, today announced that he had abandoned all idea of interrupting the proceedings on Wednesday. He has decided tbat nothing could bo effected, and there fore simply filed memorials from re publicansof his state in the usual way, and says before the session closes he hopes to have and opportunity to dis cuss the question they involve. The Senators. Salem, Or., Feb. 8. When the senate reconvened this afternoon. McClung moved to reconsider the vote of last Friday, ordering the till fixing the legal rate of inte -ef t at 6 per cent to third reading. This was done, and on motion of McClung- the bill was re committed to the committee on revis ion of laws. The following new bills were introduced: "By Dufur, by request, enabling school districts to borrow money for a short time without issuing bonds; by King, regulating the employment of legislative clerical aid; Johnson, fixing rates of express companies; King, to prevent fraud in sales of mines'; Daly, by request, accepting the t arms of the act of congress providing for the re clamation of arid lands; Johnson, fix ing telegraph rates. Through a Trestle. Cumberland, Md., Feb. 8. An ex cursion train on the Cumberland & Pennsylvania railroad, a feeder of the Baltimore & Ohio, went down a trestle at Franklin mine, Md., at midnight. There were 15 passengers on board. John Howard, fireman, jumped from the engine as it was topling over, and received injuries from which he died. Engineer Ross was also fatally in jured. The accident ' was caused by the center props of the treatle being knocked down and carried away by an ice gorge. To Carry Big (Sticks. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 6. An order for 100 41-foot fiat cars of 70,000 pounds capacity has been placed at the South Tacoma car shops, and it is expected that the order would be increased to 1000-cars. These cars are being con structed to carry sticks of greater length and weight than can be carried on the present cars. It is expected that the Union Pacific will place a large order for general freight cars, as cars of that description can be con structed much cheaper on tho coast that at any Eastern point. Defended Ills Honor. Memphis, Tenn., Feb., 8 Hugh Brinkley, a wealthy prominent citizen at present police commissioner, as saulted with a cane and seriously jured ex-Congressman Willis Moore, a prominent rr widely-known repnW street this morj grew out of tj by Colonel; of BrirUi mm Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co., New York. INDIAN NAME? Irfmdon Kewspapcrs Find Their Spalllaf Matter ot DiOI-ulty The London newspapers occasion considerable mirth to their Indian con temporaries by the spelling of Indian 'vords. It appears that, in reference to the native princes and noblemen who were present at the opening of the Imperial institute, we tried to strike out on an original line, but were only able to spell '("a-jkwar" in seven different ways, and "llhownugger" in four. Indian papers, it seems, are not wholly sue cestif ul. We still occasionally see 'Tuna" and "Poona," "Hindu" and "Hindoo," "Dacoit" and "Dakait," and bo on, "according to the taste and fancy of the speller. Jn n supplement to the Bombay Gov ernment Gnzettc we now have a re vised alphabetical list of Madras place names, which is "to be strictly adhercl to." In this list, while retaining sucli monstrosities as Itirulckazhikkunram, Suncaraperumalkoyil, Gannamanaynk kanur and Ammayanayakkanur, a large proportion of the popular ver sions are retained, with the thin dis guise of a "K" for a "C." Three-ai. 1 twenty out of tho thirty-six pages of tho Notification are occupied by a list of place-names "in which the system of transliteration has been followed," and a wonderful list it is. A Joke Tried by Jury. A North Carolina paper tells the following: At Harnett county superior court, a few years since, Judge Shipp presiding, the trial of a cause had been protracted till near midnight. The jury wns. tired and sleepy and showed lla.r;nn;T uttention. Willie Murchi.on, wiio v.-a3 addressing the jury, thoi:.--ht to arouse them, so he said: "Gentle men, I will tell you an anecdote."- In stantly the judge, tho jury and the few spectators pricked up their ears and were till attention, as Murchison was admirable in that line, had- a fund of anecdotes and no one could tell ihem better. But he sotm proceeded to tell one of the dullest, prosiest and most pointless jokes possible. Everybody looked disappointed. The judge, lean ing over, said in an unmistakable tone of disappointment: "Mr..Mr.rchison, I don't see the point to that joke." "Nor . I, either," replied the witty counsel. ' "But your honor told it to me on our ' way down here and as I thought tho lack of appreciation must bs due to my obtusencss I concluded to (five the joke a trial by jury." DOCTOR G. P1 one assaying $20 upon surface roij lug. a. u. L.Vll 628Montgomery street. Sail NOTICE OF FINAJ Notice ii assign ent.i Prinz & Nitscl FURNITURE We hve takitisr