The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 23, 1897, Image 1

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    V VrilnS. t. VMXXXT
NO 20
M. tt.. 1.1.10 1' tit.
Physician and Surgeon,
Boots over Dailea ."tionl Bank. Offico hour., )0
41 1 It aa, ud from to a p m. Reti
4am We t En4 nf Third Htreet,
Attorney at Law
OfBoe ir Schsooo't bnindlng. upstairs
The Dalles
Attorney at Law
Special attention given to collections. Office
next door to First National Bank.
Who can think
or aome simple
thing to patent?
Wanted-An Idea
Protect yonr. Idea: thev mar brine: von wesltb.
Writ JOHN WKDDEKUDRN CO, Patent Attor-
aeya. Waabioirton. D. C, (or their (1,80) prise offer
aad llat of loo hundred InTantlona wanted.
JL Meets in Keller's Hall every Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
i Meets every Saturday -evening at 7:80 In
K. if P. Hull. ,
J Meets every Friday evening at their
nail at s oeiocic
BOS L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon
ITASCO TRIBE, NO. 16; I. O.R.M. Meets
T T every Wednesday evening in or
jt every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
BOF L. F. DIVISION. NO. 187 Meets in
K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes
day of each month at 7:30 P. M. .
TiTASCO LOEQE. NO. 15, A. F. & A. M.
TT Meets first and third Monday of each
month at 8 P. M.
JL wo.. Meets in Masonic Mail the tnira
Wednesday of each month at BP, M.
J ajjeta every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock,
tnK.uF. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets. Sojourning brother are welcome.
JO Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
In Schanno'a building, corner of Court and
Second streets. Sojourning brothers are invited.
. UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
the reading room.
Mt. Hood Camp, No. 68, meets every
Tnesdy evening at 7:30 o'clock,- in Keller's
Hall. AU sojourning brothers are Invited to be
Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor
diall Invited.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
W. L. Whealdon, Plaintiff,
L. E. Ferguson, Defendant,
To L. E. Ferguson, the above named defen
dant: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint med against you in the above entitled
suit on or before Monday, the 8th day of Feb
ruary, 117, being the first day of the next regu
lar term of the above named Court ; and if you
fail so to answer, for want thereof, the pluintifl
will apply to the above named Court for the
relief prayed for In her complaint filed therein,
to wit: Tnat plaintiff have and recover of and
from you, the said defendant in suld suit, the
sum of (3U0.C0, together with interest on said
sum at the rate of ten per cent per annum since
November 19. 1889. less the sum of 4.00. paid
thereon June 15, luM.and for costs and disburse
ments made and expended in said suit, and tnut
tne certain mortgage made and exevutea Dy you
to rt.D. Tavlo.-on tee 19th davof November.
be foreclosed upon the binds therein described
as follows: Beginning at a point wnere ire
west line of Luughiin's donation land claim
intersects the north line of Alvord's avenue in
Nyce & Gibson's add.tiou to Dulles City, Ore
gon: thence westerly along the north line of
Aivord avenue cignt-one (81) feet; thence at
right angles northerly to the south line of
Fulton's addition to Dalles City, Oregon;
thence east easterly along said south line of
r nitons aacution to tne west line ox iuugn
lin's donation land claim; thence southerly
along said west line of Lauvhlin's donation lend
claim to the place of beginning, being tiie same
uina conveyed to you, tne s ua u. it. r ergusou.
Dy aeeu oi J . l. meters ana Joseph Alacelacn
ern. said deed bearing date July IK. A. D. 1889,
and said premises being situated in Wasco
county, Oregon, and that said nl-ove described
and mortgaged premises, together with the ap
purtenances thereunto belonging, be sold in the
manner prescribed by law, and according to
practice of the above named Court; that out of
the proceeds of snch sale plaintiff have and
receive said several sums with Interest as here
inbefore mentioned, together with accruing in
terest and costs of such sale ; that the plaintiff
oe anoweo to Did at tne said sale at her ODtlon
and that the purchaser of said premises be let
into tne immediate possession oi the sa re ana
the whole and every part hereof; and that you
the said defendant, and all persons claiming or
to claim by, through or under you be forever
oarrea ana foreclosed irom ail claim or interest
in said premises from the time of such sale.
This summons is served upon you by publics
Hon thereof in the Times-Mountaineer, a news
paper of general circulation published weekly
ana once a weeK at xiajies i;ity. w asco coanty,
Orecon. by order of Honorable W. L. Brad'
shaw. Judge of the above named Court, duly
made at chambers. Dalles City, Wasco County,
uregon, .uecsmrjer ivtn, isae.
Dec 19w7 Attorneys for Plaintiff
.. Times-Mountaineer's ..
Ihoose May kill it
Little Chance of Favorable
Action on Homestead Bill
OT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo.
site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A. li.
Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30.
i Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng-
Sunday 9:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.
ME. CHURH Rev. J. H. Wood, Pastor.
. Services every Sunday morning and eye
ing. Sunday school at 12 : o'clock P. M. A
eordlal invitation extended by both pastor and
people to all.
J Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at
liA. M. and 7:10 P. M. Sunday school after
momlng service
T. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
Pastor. Low mass every Sunday 17A.M.
eh mass at 19:30 A.M. Vespers at 7:80 P. M.
. .v. . wow. i w,i ,. wu , , v ... . i , , , v u
streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11
- o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15.
Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of washing-
- ton ana seventh streets-
Haxel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday
- morning at 11 and In the evening at 7 o'clock
Sunday school At 10 A M. Prayer meeting
mi.. i i v n o uf . ..
every Sunday at 6:30 P. M.
Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller.
? as tor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
:30 P. M- Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening. Sunday school at 9:46 A. M. All are
cordially welaomed.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for
tne county oi Wasco.
Almina Hurgis, Plaintiff,
Jefferson Hariris, Defendant.
To Jefferson Hargis, the above namad defen
dant: In the name of the State of Oregon. You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the serv
ice of this summons upon you, if served within
this county: or if served within any other
county of this state, then within twenty days
from the date of the service of this summons
upon you ; or if served upon you by publication
then by the first day of the next regular term
of the above entitled Court following the ex
piration of the time required in the order for
Su plication of this summons, towit. on the 8th
ay of February, A. D. 1897. and If you fail so
to answer, pluintifl will ask the Court for the
relief prayed for in her complaint, towit, a de
cree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and yourself, and
for a chanire of plaintiff's name to that of her
former name. Almina Turner, and for her costs
of this suit and for such other and further relief
as the Court may seem just and meet. This
service is made upon you by the publication of
summons once a ween lor six weeks by order of
Hon, W. L, Bradshaw. Judge of the above en
titled court, made at Chambers in Dalles Citv.
uregon, ine izui oay oi ueremDer, im.
N. 11. GATES.
Dec. 13 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Times are hard, and we "stand treat." We have arranged
to nidlcn our subscribers a eifl that will last the whole year. We
0 .
will send every person who calls at our office and paj'3 up a year
in advance, and 25c additional to pay postage, the following
high grade monthlies and valuable hand books :
A Man By the Name of Lowe Breaks
the Record as a Matrimonial
Farm News
Published at Springfield. Ohio. A practica
farm paper, that la filled with th practica
exnerience of actual farmers. It is'ably edi
ted, thoroughly up to the times, and keep9 its readers ported
on the wonderful advances made every moDth by progressive
agriculturists in the science of tilling the soil. 50 cents per
annum. Send for a free sample copy.
A monthly magazine for women and the
home. Its bright- stories, poems and
sketches, its clear and wholesome editor
ials, its practical suggestions on home life and woman's work
makes it a universal favorite. It cannot fait to interest and
please eyery member of the family. The publishers at Spring
field, Ohio, will be tlad to send the readers of this paper a
free sample copy. 50 cents per annum.
South America is Pleased With the sr.
bltratlon Treaty Another Railroad
Insolvent A Louisiana Elec
tion Case Settled.
Home, and nine others are seriously
burned and badly crushed. Three of
the injured, it is thought, cannot re
cover. The awfulness of the holocaust
was not fully realized until today.
The fire, which commenced at 10
o'clock Friday night and raged until
the boys' dormitory was destroyed, did
not cool enough for search for the
bodies in the ashes until early this
morning. A", that time it was thought
only five children had been burned to
death. When the ashes bad cooled
enough to admit of a eearch, scores of
sympathizing friends and neighbors
began the sad task of fiudiog the
bodies of the five whom it was known
had perished. The search had been
hardly instituted when the terrible
truth that there were more than five
bodies in the ashes appeared. The
search continued until dawn, when 10
bodies had been found.
Cubans Use a Torpedo With
Deathly Effect.
Oregon Legislators Continue at the
SameTrtcks to Prevent the Or
ganization of ;he House.
A Bad Day For" Banks Three of Them
Susdeuded Monday Congress Is
Taklns; Its Time, and Do
ing Little.
Farm News Poultry Bpok
A band book on the
care of poultry, writ
ten esDeciallv to meet the needs of the farmer and the small
breeder. It is practical You can easily understand what it
means and easily carry out its suggestions. Thousands of
copies have been sold. Price, 15 cents.
Womankind Cook Book
A collection of favorite recipes
of the good housekeepers who
read Womankind. Every recipe is the tested standby of
some practical bousekeeper. The book has proved very pop
. ular and we are sure jou will like it. Price, 5 cents.
our 0FF6R hhr r r our offer
To every one paying up all arrears and one year's subscrip
tion to The Times-Mountaineer in advance, we will send the
above named monthlies and the books.
Take advantage of this offer at once.
Address, "
. . . Times-Mountaineer
Washington, Jan. lo. Tne sup
porters of the free homestead bill fear
that the measure has been killed, so
far as this congress is concerned, by
the action of Speaker Reed in refer
ring to the house commltteo on public
laLds for the consideration of the
senate amendments. The house
committee is not strongly in fayor of
the plan. That committee voted to
report the bill to the house by a ma
jority of only one, when it provided
only for free homes for the Oklahoma
The senate amendments greatly
widen the scope of the bill, extending
its provisions to all publio land states
and it is doubtful whether the house
committee will sanction the changes.
The bill's supporters fear that if the
committee does not make an adverse
report, it will keep the bill and take
no action on it before adjournment,
which course would effectually dispose
of it.
It not only relieves, it does more; it
cures. We refer to One MinuteCougb
Cure. Suitable for all aires, ail con
onions, at all times. Snipe Kiuersly
Drug Co.
Out Ar-lnt
la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregcn for
Wasco County.
IF. Baines, plaintiff, and Thos. M. Denton
Louis A. Sandoz. Victor C Bandoz and Charles
E. Sandoz, defendants.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale to
me directed and issued out of the above entit
led court in the above entitled cause, in favor
of the plaintlH above nailed, on the 19th day of
January, 1M7, commanding me to satisfy the
several sums of iifi75.6d, the judgment obtained
herein, with interest at the rate of 'ght per
cent per annum from Jan. 14. and I200.C0
attorney fees, and aftl. to msts of suit and ac
cruing costs, by Wyius upon in the manner
provided by law tor the sale of real property on
execution, all the right, title and Interest ot
the defendant Thomas M. Denton in and to the
follow described real estate: Situate and
jiiag in Wasco County, Oregon, to-wit: The
'east two-thirds (S) of the west one-half OA) of
the donation land claim of Lafayette Colwell
sections is, 14. Z9 ana , in Towns nip one u.
north of range twelve (12), east, W. M., and
containing 107.14 acres of land.
I duly levied oa said real property on the 19th
day of January, 1897, and to mtisfy the afore
said several sums and accruing ooxts, I will
aeU the same at public auction to the hiehest
bidder (or cash in hand at the court house door
In Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, on the
18th day of February. 1897, at toe hour of two
o'eloek In the afternoon.
J19-5t-flJ T. J. DRIVER.
Sheriff at Wasco County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the uounty oi wasco ss.
R. L. Mathesen, Plaintiff,
Mabel Mathesen, Defendant.
To Mabel Mathesen. the above named defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon : You are
hereby require! to appear and answer the com
plaint niea against you in tne above-entiuea
action, within ten days from the date of the
service of this summons UDon vou. if served
within this county; or. if served within any
otner county of tnts state, then within twenty
days from the date of the service of this sum
mons upon you; and if served upon yon by pub
lication then by the first day of the next regular
term oi mis court, towit: Monday, r eoruary
8. 1897, and if you fall to appear and answer as
above required, the plaintiff will apply to you
for the relief prayed for in bis complaint here
in, towit. : for a decree of divorce and for such
other and further relief as the Court may seem
just ana equiiaoie.
inn summons is served nv publication by
order of Hon. W. L. Bradthaw, Judge of tbe
above entitled Court, mode lu open court a
The Dalles, November 21, lim.
J. L. STOKl,
Nov.25 Attorney for plaintiff.
ka a-tf DEMONS,
Anyone aamnug a sksseb and ascription may
mlckiyatwrftn. Tree .whether an Invention Is
probably pataoUMa. CoamuntcaUoaa strictly
coDSdentlal. Oldest aavaoy forsecartnc pstents
la Ataeriea. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken taroagh Maaa A Co.. Moahra
peoil aot la tba . . ','-.' . ,
aaatlfultr IBaerratod. lanrast etmlstloa ef
anv actemwe joaraal, weeai j. terms ta.w i
IliO six month. Spedmea eoplea and
Boo o Parana sent free. Address
SSI Braadwar. Kaw Tark.
Notice rs hereby given that Eva J. Morgan,
wboas va J. Purdy, widow .of A. J. Furdy,
deceased, was dnly appointed ocd qualified as
administratrix of the estate of her deceased
husband, said A. J. Purdy, deceased, has filed
her final account with said estate with the clerk
of the county court, of the state of Jregon, for
Wasco county, and that said court has ap
pointed 10 o'clock A. it. of Monday, January
fourth. 1897, the same being the first day of the
regular January term of said court for the year
IbSrt. at the county court room, in tbe county
court house In Dalles City, Wasco county,
Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of
said final accounting and objections thereto if
any there be.
This notice is published by order of the said
county court, entered December 4th. 18S0.
Condor & Condor,
Attorneys for Admlnsltratrtx.
UNOTn States Lard Ornci, " t
Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 20, 1890. f
Notice is herebv eiven that Jimn Lnvn
has filed notice of Intention to make final proof
wiw.c ' - vuuwir, wfmui'sMuuer u . o. cir
cuit Court for District of Washington, at his
office n Goldendale. Wash., on the 13th day of
Jaauary, 1697, on timber culture application
No. 92. for the NEX of Sec. 20. in Tp. 3 N. R.
14 E. W. M.
He names as witnesses. Abraham J. Ahola.
John Mattson, Peter Nimea, Adolph Matta,
nil of Centerville postodlce, Washington.
Nov. 28. r Register.
One 3Xrier3a.-t
Tuesday, Jan. 26tti
Georgia University Graduates
30 Star Performers, 10 Great Singers, 10 Great Dancers,
10 Great Comedians.
6a5Settts now on sale at the Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co , Prico 50 cents
U. S.
. Land Office. This Ok-, I -
January is, ibV7.
Notice Is hereby given that Elbert N. Conner.
of Billings. Montana, has filed notire of inten
tion to make final proof before the Register
and Receiver, at their offioe in The Dalles. Ore
gon, on baturoay. the ana day of February.
1897. on timber culture BDulication No. 2UR for
the NE( of Section No. 3 V in Township No. t
iNortn. ltange iso. 19 uast. ne names as wit
nesses: William O'Dell, Fred Wlckman. Frank
Fulton and D. J. Cooper, all of The Dalles. Ore
gon. Jas. F. M00HB, Register.
Pririz & N itsctike
' nuuun
Wt have adds 1 to onr bwdneas s complete Under
taking tstabisheien and as we are in no way
' eooaected with tbe CulertaerV Trust, our
press will be low accordingly.
' " ' ' FKOPRirroK or thk-
fool - Exchange - Saloon.
U. S. Land Office, The, Or.
January li, 1 i97
c Notice is hereby given that Charles C. Coop
er, of The Dalles. Oregon, has filed notice of
Intention to make final proof before the Regis
ter and Receiver, at their office In The Dalles.
Oregon, on Saturday, tbe 20th day of February,
i7. on umoer culture application no. 8141, for
the SW' of Section No. . in Townshin No. 2
North, Range No. 15 East
- He names as witnesses: Fred Wlckman,
John Beattie, Frank Fulton and D. J. Cooper,
nil of The Dalles, Oregon.
jio-w-uu . jas. k. moobe. Register.
5l Aflft TO EXCHANGE for Oregon
W 1 0.IHH I property. 15K acres near Colfax,
fiacer county. California. acres (18.750 vines)
10 year -roxav grapes; 1600 9 year Crawford
peacnes; SOU Bartlett pears, 7 year; o"M) 3 and 0
year Kelsey plums: 8 acres Dlum: balum-o un
cleared but all tillable; new fca bouse; all
out buildings: two gold mines on uncleared,
one assaying 420 upon surface roe In- land roll
ing. A. W. CARS WELL,
828 Montgomery street, San Francisco
Notice is hereby elven that the trail
assignee of the estate of Henry Readel. insolv
ent, has filed his final account In said estate,
and that he will apply to the Court at the Feb
ruary term thereof to have the same approved
and for his discharge and the exoneration of
his bondsmen. S. B. ADAMS.
Dated Dec. 17, 1898. Assignee.
Wine , Liauors Cigars
' ' Caat EndJSeoond Stree-
The annual meetimr of tbe trx-!ihrMj, of
the First National Bank of The Dalles wi'1 ha
held at the offlce f said bank on Tuesdav- Jan.
Irth. 1897, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the elation ot
1 directors for the ensuing year. -
Jacob3ea Book and MuIc Co'y
THE DALLES, (New Voot Block) OREGON. ,
Toys, Albums, Leather Goods, Games, Blocks
And presents of all kinds for young and old
Coiniiiissioo and
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STREST.
(Adjoining' Railroad Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will by paid to those who fayor me with their patronage
Chicora, Pa., Herald: Richard Ven
sel reports One Minute Cough Cure
the greatest success of medical science.
He told us that it cured his whole fam
ily of terrible coughs aod colds, after
all other so-called cures had failed en
tirely. Mr. Vensel said it assisted his
children through a very bad siege of
measles. One Minute Cough Cure
makes expectoration very easy and
rapid. Soipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
An Indian Territory Men Has sixteen
Denison, Tex., Jan. 15. Deputy
United States Marshal B. C. Birchfield,
of Durant, I. T., has arrived here, hav
ing in charge Tom Lowe, 36 years of
age, who is wanted in this county
under indictment in two cases of dis
posing of mortgaged property.
Lowe, in the presence of Officer
Birchfield and Policeman James, con
fessed to being the husband of 16 wives,
all of whom he has married within the
last eight years. The confession was
made in writing
' He married wife No. 1 at Purcell, L
T., in 1886; No. 2 in Rromwood, Tex.,
the same year; No. 3 in Benton; No. 4
in Hillsboro; No. 5 in Ennis; No. 6 in
Marion county; No. 7 in Galveston;
No. 8 in Houston; No. 0 in McLennan
county; No. 10 in Denison; No. 11 in
Paris; No. 12 in Delta county; No. 13
in Mills county; No. 14 in Milan county
No. 15 at Weber Falls, and No. 16 in
Young county.
AU the wives are alive, and so ar as
he knows, Lowe says they are not re
married. So far as he knows 19 chil
dren have been born to them within
the last eight years.
Laxative Bromo .Quini e Table. 9
moves the bowels 'gently, relieves the
cough, cures the feverish condition and
the headache, making it tbe best and
quickest remedy for coughs, colds and
la grippe; cures in one day. "No Cure
no pay." Price 25 cents. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
No Noticeable Chance in Trade Features
. Becorded This Week.
New York, Jan. 15. Bradstreets
toworrow will say:..
Except at a few Southern cities, as
reported last week, wholesale mer
chants throughout the country report
no noticeable change in trade features
and few, if any, indications of improve
ment in the near future. Mercantile
collections continue slow. There has
been no revival in textile circles, ex
cept increased purchases of wool at
Boston by some of the larger manufac
There have been 478 business fail
ures in the United States this week,
compared with 488 last week: 412 in
the second week of January, 1896; 378
in the like week of 1895, and as com
pared with 404 in the corresponding
period of 1894.
Minutes seem like hours when a life
Is at stake Croup gives no time to
send for a doctory delay may mean
death. One minute Cough Cure gives
Instant relief and insures recovery.
Tbe only --harmless remd7 that pro
duces immediate results. Snipes-Kin-
ersiyiirug jo... j
- The- Traatltn So
, New YOR J5
Ilia i
inr on
tie TJnitedy
it amc
Obstructionists Hold
SaLem, Or., Jan. 17. The house
held a brief Sunday session, and ad
journed till tomorrow.
Tonight the Benson men held a pro
tracted caucus and discussed the situa
tion in all its phases. A committee of
three, consisting of Representatives
Crawford. Hogue and Mitchell, ap
pointed to confer with the opposition,
made its report. Its tenor was that it
had discovered no signs of yielding in
tbe obstructionists. The caucus took
no definite action, except to resolve
informally to stand together and force
some solution of the problem.
As a matter of fact, it is clear that
the Benson men, under pressure from
Senator Mitchell, are willing to with
draw ther candidate. It has become a
vital necessity to organize the house,
in order to afford an opportunity for
a vote on the senatorial question.
There is no prospect of a change, or of
any decisive action of any kind; but it
is clear tonight that within a few days
definite overtures are likely to be made
to the opposition for an agreemeut on
any available republican as. speaker.
Riddle is the name most frequently
mentioned in this connection, and it
is not too much to say that Riddle has
a better chance to secure the speaker
ship than Benson. The trouble is that
tbe Bourne men show no signs of
yielding in loyalty to their candidate,
and they say they will aceept no com
promise that does not include the elec
tion of their chief as sneaker.
Havana, Jan. 18 The gunboats
Centinela and Relauipago left Manza-
nillo on the night of January 16,' with
the object of going up the river Cauto
to Fort Guamo, in. compliance with
the order of General Bosch. At 10
o'clock on the morning of January 17,
both gunboats were near Mango land
ing, when an explosion of a torpedo,
which had been well planted in the
river, sunk the Relampago. Those of
the srew who survived swam toward
the shore, but were fired on from tbe
banks. At this critical moment a beat
was launched from the Centinela,
which rescued the men from the water.
In view of the instructions and the
fact that the commander of the Cen'
tinela and nearly all of the crews of
both boats bad been wounded, the ex
pedition had to return to Manzanillr.
Senor Martinez, of the Relampago,
was seriously wounded in the explo
sion, as well as Gunner Francisco Mar
tinez and three seamen, while Pay
master Antero, Chief Officer Masquero,
Engineer Pazadela and the assistant
pilot and four others were slightly
wounded. Six of the officers and crew
were killed outright, and all of the
rest received wounds of more or less
severity. .
On the Centinela the commander,
Senor Puerto, was seriously wounded,
while one of the crew was killed and
Corporal Manuel Cubanas, the pilot,
Assistant Engineer Martinez and six
of the crew were wounded.
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world eel-.
ebrated lor its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit; ' bread,
etc, healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
fo rms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
pl5M fp' '
son of the late General Duval, of Flor
Ida. Duval county was named after
h'm. He was a noted writer on Texas
The Monetary Conference BUI.
Washington, sJan. 18. Senator
Sherrcan was on the floor of tbe senate
today for the first itime since the an that he would enter the
McKinley cabinet as secretary of state.
He received congratulations from -his
colleagues. Cullom of Illinois read
telegram from the Bankers' Club of
Chicago, urging the ratification of tbe
Anglo-American peace treaty. A bill
oruviding for an international mono
tary conference was presented by
Chandler in Lehaii oi woicott.
Hanna for the Senate.
Cleveland. O.. Jan. 16. A local
Daoer savs Mark Hanna will announce
hinself as a candlcate for United
States senator.
Not one minute elapses between tbe
taking of One Minute Cough Cure and
relief. Why shouldn't people take
One Minute Cough Cure? They should.
1 hey do. Snipes-Kinersly Drng Co.
Company Is Insolvent.
Logan, O., Jan. 15. Judge Wright
today declared the Columbus, Sandusky
& Hocking Valley Railway Company
insolvent. The liabilities are about
The action of Judge Wright makes
public what was secretly known two
days ago, when the judge made a con
ditional order appointing a receiver.
He now confirms that order, the con
ditions not having been met which
were to vacate tbe original order. Re
cent demoralization of bituminous
coal traffic has much to do with the
immediate embarrassment of the road.
Receiver Patton's bond was fixed at
A weed in the garden can be easily
destroyed when it first starts. Con
sumption can be nipped in the bud by
One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Nothing Mora to Say.
Washington, Jan. 16. Senator
Sherman returned from Canton today.
He confirmed the report that he had
signified to McKinley his acceptance
of the office of secretary of state, but
declined to go into particulars as to
his interview with the president-elect.
With reference to the policy of the
new administration on the Cuban
question, the senator declined to add
anything to bis Pittsburg interview
except to say that his main . effort
would be to preserve peace between
this country and foreign nations.
Trouble Among Settlers. -LewistON,
Idaho, Jan. 16. In the
last 10 days disputes have arisen
among settlers on the Nez Perces
Indian reserve, some of the parties
seeking to assert their rights, by the
assistance of guns. ' This has cul
minated in the arrest of J. E. Aspens,
who, according to the complaint, drove
W. F. Rogers and his grown son off
of their homestead by coercion. A
number of other cases will probably
result, and the title to several home
steads will be settle
Two In Kentucky and One In Minnesota
Closed Their Doors.
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 18 National
Bank Examiner Escott this morning
closed the German National bank, J
M. McKnight, president. The capital
6tock is $261,500. with a surplus or J1,-
imV). Th hnnlr ia an nlrl nnn. hnfc fnr '
some time has been regarded as unsafe.
Newpobt, Ky., Jan. 18 The First
National bank closed this morning,
Heavy investments in real estate in
this city is said to be the cause. The
failure was a surprise US the business
men of the city. While the statement
was given out by the officers that no
oue would lose anything, there were
all sorts of rumors flying about. For
tunately the integrity of the officers is
such that no suggestion of wrongdoing
found credence.
St. Paul, Jan. 18 The Minnesota
State Savings bank closed this morn
ing and filed a deed of assignment,
naming William Bickel as assignee.
An affidavit was filed, stating that the
assets amount to about $250,000; lia
bilities, in the neighborhood of $230,
000. .
Three Democrats Answered to Roll-Vat
Monday morulas;.
Salem, Or., Jan. 18. Tbe ci ly
change in the house deadlock - this
morning was the presence of three
democratic members. Bilyeu, Gratke,
and Misnor answered to their names
when the roll wai called. Lee, the
fourth democrat, had been called home
on account of sickness. Tbe demo
crats say theircoming in has no special
significance. They only wanted to
know what was going on and felt safe
coming in. as their number would not
complete a quorum.
. The rollcall today showed the follow
ing: Present Benson, Bilyeu, Bridges,
Brown, Chapman, Conn, Crawford,
David, Davis (of Umatilla), Gratke,
Guerdane, Hogue, Hope, Hudson,
Huntington, Jennings, Lake, Langell,
Marsh, Misener, Mitchell, Nosier,
Palm, Riddle,Rigby.Smith (of Marlon),
Somers, btinley, Thomas, Thompson,
Vaughan, Veness, Wagner 33.
, Absent Barkley, Bayer, Bourne,
Buckman, Craig.Davis (of Multnomah),
Dustin, Emery, Gill, Guild, Hill,
Howser, Jones, Kruse, Lee, Merrill,
Maxwell, McAlister, Munkers, Ogle,
Povey, Schmidtlein, Smith (of Linn),
Svindseth, U'Ren, Whitaker, Yokum
Kingdom of Belglnm Has a Water Fraat,
Dut No Hhlp of War.
No U. citation has been extended to
the naval authorities of one neighbor
ing country to participate in the festiv
ities at the opening of the ship canal
between the 2torth sea and the Baltic,
which are to attract the armed ships ot
various European , and American
governments. . That country, says the
New York Sun, is Belgium, and it is
peculiar among European countries
having a water front from He fact that
it has no navy
This is the more remarkable when it
is considered that Belgium includes
within its borders one of the oldest
harbors in Europe Antwerpwhich,
at the zenith of its commercial success,
had as many as 2,000 ships. The com
merce of Antwerp is still considerable,
and a fair share of it is done with tbe
United States.
When tbe war of 1S30 culminated in
the independence of Belgium from the
rule of the Netherlands, the' two
countries were so divided that Holland
had the larger share of the scacoast
line, and Belgium hod a larger measure
of the inland country. Holland re
tained all the colonial possessions of
the two countries, and, in order to keep
up connection with them and protect
them from hostile assaults, the navy
was maintained by Holland.
Belgium, having no foreign colonies
to protect, was under no obligations to
maintain a navy. Holland has now a
considerable navy, having 100 ships and
7.600 sailors, but Belgium Is able to get
along without any navy at all, though
the Belgium army, on a peace footing,
ia 2,000 men stronger than the Dutch
army, and, on a war footing, has 100,000
men more. ; r . ,
Tne Irish Patriot Jailed for Wards Be
Didn't fay.
A member of the Land league Was
sent from Dublin to a certain district to
get up a meeting and make a speech,
says a foreign exchange. '
On reaching the town where the
meeting was to be held, the speech
maker met a friend, and, both being
genial fellows, they retired to a public
house and had something. Then they
began talking over old-time rem
iniscences, and the first thing the land
leaguer knew was tliat the attendant
had come in to light the lamp. '
"Great goodness!" he said, "I was
Bent down from Dublin to get up a
meeting here, and now it Is too late."
"Oh, well, it doesnt matter," said tha
"Yes, but it does matter," said the
organizer, "I have to report to my su
perior that the meeting was held."
"Ob, that's all right," said bin friend.
"Here, yoa write out a speech and I
will send it to the local papers, who will
mnkit ft Inst ns if the meeting was beld.
The eely ressedy rreirteed te efreelately
care caterra and completely eradicate tae
CUeaae (rent tbe bleed and system.
FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 15c.
Esck fall stse eeckste coauins eee fsl Beeik'e
lees! tresiaeat. one full swath's supply at Catsrrh
Healls Bela sad on full aoath's supply el Calarrk, .
Blood sad SueMck Pills.
If yoa have say ef the folleainf eyplu, Dr Q,
W, Shores' Complete Catarrh Cera wis tve yoa h.
stem relief end completely aad parannaady can yea.
li I he nose topped apt
Doeayoaroeeedlscharfer r
. It the nose son and lender?
Is there pala la fmat'of head
De yoa hawk to dear the throat?
Is yonr throat dry la fha awratai:?
Da yoa sleep with yoer aoath si?
Is year heartnr faHIng?
Do yonr ears dlsckarrs? - '
Is the was dry In your ears?
Do yoa bear better some days tarn others?
Is yonr aearlnf worse whan yoa have cald?
Dr. L W. Shores' Cony Care caret all coarhs,
colds and anectloRS. One does will sloe
spasmodic cmap. Keep a bottle I the boose. Large
lie bottles 2Sc. If yoa have these symptoms aaa H
aa directed oa the bottle aad H will cars yoa.
Have voa a cotirh?
Do yoa take cold easily?
- Have yoa a pala la the side? . .
Do yoa ralia frothy material?
Do yoa cooph la lha mornings?
Do yoa spit up tittle cheesy lumps?
Dr. Q. Sheres' Teals and Bleed Parlflar deea-
sea and punnet the blood. (Ives aareafth and elfot,
cures dyspepsia and all nervosa diseases. Price
$1 per bottle. Il permanently cane the teuswla
Is were aaasaar
Do yoa belch op (as?
.Are yea constipated? , .''
Is yonr ton rue coated?
Do yon bloat ap after earing?
Do yoa feel yoa era growing weaker?
Is there constant bad uste la the oath?
Dr. a. W. .Skene' kldaev aad Liver Can
cum all diseases of la tueaayfc Hirer aad Maadei
Price, il per bottle. , , -
uo yuu get auuyr
Have you cold leet?
Do yon feel adserable?
Do yoa get tired easily?
Do you nave hot flashes?
Are your spirits tow at t levee?
Do yoo have nueMlBg in bowels? . '
Do your hands and leet swell?
lb Ibis noticed store at sight?
Is Inert pan in small of beck?
Ha the perspiration a had odor?
Is there puainttt under the eyes?
Do yon have ts get up often at eight?
Is there a deposit fa urtae It kett standing?
Don't nedect these signs aad risk b right's dlsesr
kliUne vou. Dr. Snores' Kklaey aad liver can wt
cure yoa If used aa directed aa lha bottle.
Dr. a W. Shores' MaemUIn ege oil stop r-i
worst pala la oaa minute. For headache, toolhach,
neuralgia, cramps or cone oaa M externally and u
temaliy. Preventa and curat diphtheria If nted u
me. Keep a eotue aanuy. mce, c vmiie.
Dr. Q. W. Sherea' Pepela Versalluge dirtrrm
Intestinal worms aad removes the Utile round nc
where they hatch aad areas. U never raim. rut.
Kcabotte. .
Dr. O. W. snores' vr Intel grata aarve cum
diseases of the kin. Reawves red spots aad blal
pimples from the face. Heals aM tores la Jlefdayt
r'n "wNhereV AafJ-CatkatlCMtlea Pill
cure enroa I c constipation, sick hsadirha aad hUlew
attacks. Price, ftc a bottle.
la all eases. If lha bow as are caaattctated fake oat
Dr. G. W. Snores' Aatl-Coattlpatloa Pills -t beetle..
Il your trouble is chronic and deep 1st ted. write I
G l. Shore! aeraoaallv for hie new symptom f
and have year case diagnosed aad (et hit expert a.
vice free.
These famous ramedle-ara prepared only by Do.
tot u w. bores, iloa e Jnadisai laidiiaia, nan
!ty. Utah.
Mlt ky trt Drtwgiats. ar seat toaavaddres .
receipt ef price.
Tbe Clarendon
ADDV r 1 V 1 vn Tirti
JlLi UAl AiU iUUil
Tables supplied with all dellca-
cie. . Oysters In any style.
Special inducements to. penny
nent boarrlsx---
Ho isaid We Had Moved p
You rnay still find us next door to the Postoffice
But we are much better prepared than heretofore t
serve you.-,. When you ; need anything in our lid
give us a call, ' Orders by Phone given closest
'It ma
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