10 THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY NO 19 CONSOLIDATED 182. 18117 MK.lf(IT!iriUKKB, - xm BOFESSIONAL. o Physician and Surgeon, Booms over Dai la S-tiooal Bank. Offluo bourn, 10 tlSl,Ua. ul Iroia i to 4 p ai. Kl leao We t Bn4 of Third mr!t. A- Attorney at Law OHos ir Sduano'sbuindlnf, upstairs Oregon - The Dalits D. H. - ROBERTS Attorney at Law Soeelal attention given to collections. Office - next door to First National Bonk. Wanted-An Idea WIw am think oc some simple thing to patent! Protect your Ideas; they may bring yon wealth. Write JOHN WfcDDEMBCRN CO. Patmt Attor acre. Waablmrcon. 1. C for than- Si.fO) prise off or" aau u ex two aoaarea unauau wwmvu. SOCIETIES. mEMPLli LODGE, NO. S, A. O. -U W. 1 Meets in Keller's Hall every Thursday evening M 7:30 o'clock. TAS. NESMITH POST. NO. iQ. , A. R. J Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in K. of P. Hall. OCTRT THE DALLES, .A. O. F. NO. 8680- tncir ball at 8 o'clock. T OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon XJ in ol f. uau r . "lirASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. O.R.M. Meets IV every Wednesday evening in K, or f Halt 1ESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets T every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera Douse, . T OF IV, F. DIVISION, NO. 107. Meets in O K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. VITASCO LOEQE, NO. IS, A. F. & A. M. IT Meets first and third Monday of each month at e p. M. : fllHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER J NO. 9. Meets in Masonic HaU the third Wednesday of each month at P, M. lOLTTMBIA LODGE. NO. 5. L O. O F. j Mets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. in K. CI P. Hall, corner oi second ana (jouri streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. TRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. K. of F r Meets everv Mondav evening at 8 o'clock. In Schanno's building, corner of Court and 'Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in- vi tea. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at o'clock B the reading room. M ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD- 'L MU Hood Camp, No. 59, meets every " Tnesdy evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's HaU. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. VIOTjTT MBIA CHAPTER. NO. S3, E. S.- j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor- diall Invited. THE CHURCHES. rT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oddo. site Fifth. Sunday school at 0:30 A.M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7:au. T EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH It Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng. llsh language at First Baptist Church every Bunaay u:ju A. h. ana v:ao p. E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning and eve Sundav school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all. J Curtis. Pastor, : 11 A. M. and 7:30 P.' morning service Services every Sunday at M. Sunday school after OT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest n Pastor. Low mass everv Sunday a 7 A. ii. High mass at 10:30 A. M. . Vespers at 7:30 P. M. fjttRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay r lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11 .o'clock. Sundav School and Bible class at 12:15. Pastor's residence Northeast eor of Waahkng- ton and Seventh streets. I1IRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. 1 Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11 and In the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. o. C Js. meets every Sunday at 6:3b P. M. IAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and union, tiaer j. n. miner. stor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. ana 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday "evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are cordially weioomed. Children Cry for lX0Haa C ASTORIA "Cantoris fci so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, H. IX, 1U rJouth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N T "t nse Castorla in my practtca, and And It lpM-jallr adapted to affections of children. " . RoBsarsoK. M. D., 1067 3d Ave, New YorlL "TVora ywaonal knowledge 1 can say th:it Lhstoriaiaaraoat exoelhnit medicine for chu Jreu.". Da. O. C Osoooo, Lowell, Haaa. Cmatorla promote lMg lon, and Overooiuea Flinileiicy, Constipation, Soar Btonutcu, Diaxrnosa, and Feverishneaa Thua the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natnraJ. Caateorfjs contaicj no ilorphine or other tutrcouo property. A NKVr K UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT Prinz FURNITURE We kivedd to out bua'nea a complete Under taking Kstabishntsnt, and m wa are In no way connected with ti UaJertaars' Trust, our ; prioai will ba lo aceorduurly. HARRY L1EBE, Practical AHD DIALKR IS Hocks, Watches, .brlry, Efc. refaibin-;a MPEoi.Lnr. VOOTt BLOCK. THE DALLES, - - - OBEGON DAN BAKER, raopRixTOK or thi ffool-WaDje-SalooiL BUt DtPOETID A5TDID01IKST1C Winei. Lienors Cigars -Vast End,SeooBd Street St Nitscrxke t BRAuaa is AND CARPETS summons: In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. W. L. Whealdon, Plaintiff, vs. L. E. Ferguson, Defendant, To L. E. Ferguson, the above named defen dant: In tbe name of the State of Oregon : You are hereoy required to appear and answer tt.e . om plaiot tiled against you in tiie above cut: tied suit on or before ftiooduy, the ttth day of 1 eb ruary, Jt97, being tl.e first day of the next r fcu lar term of tbe above named Court : ana if ou fail so to answer, for wa:it t .ereof. the plaL.tilf win apply to me auovu namjQ uourt ior ;u8 relief prayed for in her complaint filed there. n. town: Taat plain tin nave ana recover ot a: from you, the said defendant in said suit, the sum of 3uO.C0, together with interest on sa sum at the rate of ten per cent per annum since xvoremoer iu, iw. ie.-s me sum oi J4.uu. paia tnereon June id. lHH.una lor costs ana msuursfc meats made and ezpeaded in said suit, and that me certain mortgage maae anu ezecuteu by you to w.u. rayior on me lvth tiayot Novcmcer.irKi be foreclosed upon the lands therein described as follows: tftgiuniiig at a point wbt.re the west line of Laughlin's donat'.on laud claim intersects the nortn hue of Alvord's avi cue ia Nyce a. Uibson's addtiou to lalles Cit . Ore. gon: thence westerly along tbe north i.ue of Alvord avenue tigbty-onn 8l feet; tbetceut right angles no.liierly to tue south In e of Fulton's aclui'-iou to Dalles City. O.txon thence vast easterly along said south liiie of J ulton's adJUion to tne west line of LauU lin's dunutioa land claim: thence southerly along said west line of Laugblin's donatiou land claim to the place of beginning, being tus same land conveyed to you, the said L. E. Ferguson. Dy deed ox J. T.- Peters and Joseph Macli.aen era. said deed bearing date July IK. A. D. 1889. and said premises being situated in Wasco county. On eon. and that saia above descrii.'eo. and moruaeed d remises, tomther with the ap purtenances thereunto belonging, be sold in tne manner prescribed by law, and accoiding to practice of the above named Court; tout out of the proceeds of such sale plaintiff have and receive saiu several sums witn interest as here inbefore mentioned, together witn accruing In tetest and costs of sucn sale ; mat me piaintin be allowed to bid at the Baid sale at her option and that the purchaser of said premises be let into the immediate possession of the Ba re and the wbole and every part hereof ; and that you the said defendant, and all persons claiming or to claim by, through or under you be forever barred and foreclosed from all claim or interest in said premises from the time of such sale. Tnis summons is served upon you ny puDiica- tion thereof In the Times-Mountaineer, a news paper of general circulation published weekly and once a week at ualles city, vv asoo county, Oreron. bv order of Honorable W. L. Brad- shaw. Judge of the above named Court, duly made at chambers. Dalles City. Wasco County. Oregon, uec-moer i?tn. mm. PUr UK & MhKf EE, Dec. 19w7 Attorneys for Plaintiff, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tne county oi wasco ss. C I4. Mathesen, Plaintiff, vs. Mabel Mathesen, Defendant. To Mabel Mathesen, the above named defendant In the name of the Stale of Oregon : You are hereby require'! to appear and answer tbe com plaint filed against you in tae above-entitled action, within ten days from the date of the service of tnis summons upon you. if served within this county; or. if served within any other county of tnis state, then within twenty days from tne date of the service of this sum mons upon yon ; and if served upon you by pub lication then by the fh-st day of tbe next regular term of this court, towit: Monday, February irw. and 11 you fail to appear and answer as above required, the plaintiff will apply to you for the relief prayed for in his complaint here in, towit. : for a decree of divorce and for such other and further relief as the Court mav seem just and equitable. Tnis summons is served by publication by order of Hon. W. L. Bradh:iw, Judge of the above entitled Court, made in open court at The Dalles, November 21, lfc6. J. L,. STORY. Nov.2 Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby Riven that Eva J. Monran. who as Eva J. Purdy, widowjof A. J. Purdy, deceased, was dnly appointed and qualified as administratrix of the estate of her deceased husband, said A. J. Purdv. deceased, has filed her final account with said estate with the clerk of the county court, of the state of Jregon, for Wasco county, and that said court has ap pointed 10 o'clock A H. of Monday, January fourth, 1(47, the same being the first day of the regular January term of said court for tbe year 1807, at the county court room, in the county court house in Dalles City. Wasco county. Oregon, as the time aud place for the hearing of said final accounting and objections thereto if any there be. -- ..r This notice is published by order of -the said county court, entered December 4th, 1896. EVA J. MOKUAN, Administratrix. Condoh ft Cordon, Attorneys for Adminsltratrlx. 16000 , ' TO EXCHANGE for Oregon property, las acres near Colfax, Placer county, .California, at acres (18, Too vines) 10 year Tokay grapes; louu 0 year urawfora peacnes; SOU Hartlett pears, 7 year; 600 3 and 6 year Kelsey plums; H acres plums: balance un cleared but all tillable: new house; all out buildings: two gold mines on uncleared, one assaying 0 upon surface roek ; lnd roll ing. A. U. LAKaWfiLL, EZ8 Montgomery street, an rancisco NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. assignee of the estate of Henry Keadel. insolv ent, has filed his final account in said estate, and that he will apply to the court at tbe r tO ruarv term thereof to have the same aDDroved and for his discharge and the exoneration of his bondsmen. S. B. ADAMS, Dated Dec 17, ltSO. Assignee. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of The Dalles will ba held at the office i f said bank on Tuesday. Jan. lztn. 1ST?, at iu o'clock A. M, ior tne election 01 directors for the ensuing year. Cashier. BARBOUR'S IRISH IXAX SALMON NET THREADS AND DOUBLE KNOT Salmon Gill Netting SEINES TWINE Cotton and Manilla Rop . Cotton Fisli Netting Fish Hooks, Lines Etc. HENRY DOYLE & GO. 517; 519 Market St SKN HRKNCISCO. Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast The Clarendon . RESTAURANT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Tables supplied with all delica cies. - Oysters in any style. Special inducements to perma nent boarders. JOBS DONAHUE, Proprietor. R. E. Saltmarshe -AT IEI East End STOCK YHS, WILLOPAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN. LIVE STOCK 0TT5i AN ELEGANT with each W 1M 1 SWEET CAP0RAL CIGARETTES AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE - A COLLECTION OF BUTTONS WITHOUT COST. Yd .--kWL .. Times-Mountaineer's .. GIFT Times are hard, and we " stand treat." We have arranged to make our subscribers a gift that will send every person who calls in advance, and 25c additional high grade monthlies and valuable hand books : . Farm News ted, thoroughly up to the times, and keeps its readers posted on the wonderful advances made every month by progressive agriculturists in the science of tilling the soil. 50 cents per annum. Send lor a free Womankind ials, its practical suggestions on home life and woman's work makes it a universal please every member of the family. The publishers at Spring field, Ohio, will be glad to send the readers of this paper a free sample copy. 50 Farm News Poultry Book ten especially to meet breeder. It is practical means and easily carry copies have been sold. Womankind Cook Book read Womankind.- some practical housekeeper. I he book has proved very pop ular and we are sure you OUR 0FF6R To every one paying up all tion to The Times-Mountaineer above named monthlies and the - Take advantage of this offer Address, ... Times-Mountaineer Monarch mixed Paints : A PURE UNSEED OIL PAINT NO WATER NO BENZINE MANUFACTURED BY THE Senour - Manufacturing Co., of Chicago For sale by Jos. T Peters Monarch FlOOr and Fruit Boxe$ of AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Peach Boxes Cantalope Crates.. Lumber and Building Materials at ROWE Job Printing BUTTON FREE package of IJJBHIIIUI will last the whole year. We at our office and pays up a year to pay postage, tne ioiiowing Published at SprlogfieldOhio. A practica farm paper, that is filled with the practica exnerience of actual farmers. It is ably edi sample copy. A monthly magazine for women and the borne. Its bright stories, poems and sketches, its clear and wholesome editor lavorite. it cannot Iail to interest ana cents per annum. A band book on the care of poultry, writ tbe needs of the farmer and the small You can easily understand waat it out its suggestions. Thousands of Price, SS cents. A collection of favorite recipes of the good housekeepers who Every recipe is the tested standby of will like it. ITice, 25 cents. OUR OFFER arrears and one year's subscrip in advance, we will send the books. at once. NO BARYTES & Co, agents for Senour's Carriage PamtS mm'm . . .fo uu per ...$9 50 per 100 100 proportionate prices. & CO. Of all kinds 3ooeon short notice and at reasonable rates at this office. - TALES OF HORROR Spaniards Continue Slaugh ter Cuban Pacifieos. FIVE WERE DROWNED Disastrous Accident to a Party While Crossing' a Swollen Stream Missouri. in Lady Scott la Sent .0 Jail Railroad Agrut mt lljrtltf Crsrk Hli Op and Bobbed A Missouri Town Coder Water. New York, Jan. 8. A Key West tils-pinch to tbe World says: Evidences of uvrful butcheries at Guaaabacoa accumulate daily. Ad vices from Havana report that a great pit filled with corpses a ntl human frag ments was discovered Monday in a canefield, not more tbaa a mile from that place. A careful investigation re vealed at least 20 whole bodies and many more legs and arms, other parts of the dismembered bodies being missing. Of the bodies remaining entire, four were those of women, three of young misses, one of a girl not more than 10 years old, four of boys, and tbe rest of men. ' Permission to bury the remains was brutally refused, with a threat that if this slaughter was complained of. many more would be added to what the Spanish officials called the "Cuban diet" pile. The edict refusing permission to re move furniture and other things unless asked for 24 hours previously is taken advantage of by the Spanish soldiers to wreck buildings and revile and in sult, if not kill, persons suspected of Cuban leanings. Some families in the poorer sections of the city, who did not know of the edict, started to more Sunday night. After they had loaded their furniture on wagons, the police and soldiers fired on them, killing eight persona, including several innocent passers-by, In the official report it was stated that the troops had been attacked and several rebels had been killed. ' A girls' school near the center of tbe town was entered- by troops one day last week, and the principal, an elderly Cuban-born woman, very prom inent, was compelled to kneel to the officer in command and beg pardon for using translations of text-books prin ted ! in the United States. The girl pupils were insulted and rudely treated until the school was broken up in disorder. I A wiuuuiuu iu uo vuuiuiauuaui only excited laughter that "such a little thing" was complained of. Havana is much agitated by rumors of victory by Gomes troops, of the suc cessful erosstnjr- of'tJie "-trocba into Pinar del Bio, and of eeverai routs of Spanish troops. General Weyler is execrated on every hand, but on account of the severe censorship and Weyler's system of spies, no one dares say a word aloud. Every one thinks his neighbor a spy, and little can be learned from any one. Spies by the hundred attend the open air concerts, and the lea't dissatisfa tion expressed is used as a pretext and the victim is thrust into Cabanas or Morro castle, most likely never to be seen again by friends or kindred. Scarcely a night passes but 10 to 20 persons disappear, and every one knows what that means. - Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets moves the bowels gently, relieves the cough, cures the feverish condition and the headache, making it the best and quickest remedy for coughs, colds and la grippe; cures in one day. "rio Cure no pay." Price 25 cents.' '-For sale by Blakeley St Houghton, djniggists. DEATIl IN THIS FLOOD, Fire Kmall Children Drowned Heal Plato. Mtuonrl. Plato, Mo. Jan. 8. News has just reached here of the drowning of 'five children on last Saturday as a result of the floods. Thomas Wilson, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs Kinnery, and her five children, attempted to ford Pairlecreeic which was very high ' as a result of recent rains. The team became' un manageable and soon lost their foot hold. Tbe wagon, weighted with its human freight, sank abe the sideboards floated away, throwing the entire party into the water. Mr. Wilson and Mrs Kennery suc ceeded in getting to the shore, but the children were drowned. Three of the bodies have been recovered. "Excuse me," observed the man in spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and there'' is not. where the liver is." 'Never you mind where his liver is," retorted the other. ' If it was in his big toe or bis left ear De Witt's Little ! Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him. - Snipes &Kinersly Drug Co. A MlMomrt Town Flooded. Richland, Mo., Jan. 8. From a farmer who lives near Linn Creek it is learned that the entire town is under s;.0 IVVI water is five feet deep in the court- hoU9e e ferry boat, from the making regular trips through the main streets, carrying provisions, household goods, etc., from the inundated build ings. ' A Menagerie Burned. Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 8. Part of the winter quarters of Barnum & Bailey's show was burned last night, ad there was many wild and exciting scenes among the animals of the men- Prof. v. H. Feeke. who makes a apecialtr o Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cur ed more rasrs than any living Physician ; bis success is" astonishing. We have benrd of cases of as years' standing anrea u him. He publishes a valuable work on this dis. aa. which he sands with a larre bot- 33 of his absolute core, free to any sufferers ho mar Sena unr r. j. ana axprees eun uia. ' ei-aLW. s. raxxs. r. Ciar St Zcm XmM ..h. ma WKhfnff lean to aaoreas Mia kawi if! 1 am. agerie. Elephants, lions, tigers and bears and all manner of fierce and strange beist? were taken out of the buildings in safety. Their cries made a thrilling dir. and, despite the dan ger of escaping animals, thousands of people floe cad to witness the scene. The fire s artod in one of the large barns wher s were stored quantities of hay, wagon, chariots and circus ma terial of various kinds. To cure all old sores.to heal an indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles.you need simply apply UeWitt'g Witch Hazle Salve according to direction?. Its magic like action will surpHsH you. anipes &, Kliiersly urug jo. SALE ! btirOT BOBBED. Mail Pouch an 1 TOella-Fargo's Bos Were Carried Off. Salem, Jin. 9. The SoutLern Pacific tta'ioi was broken into tonight and the mail pouch and Wells-Fargo's treasure boi hich were wailing fcr the so ith-boun i overland train, that arrived at 11 were taken. The mail and express are both delivered fiotri tbe Salem offices to the depot before 9 oVl-:ck. The mail is locked in tl e baggage-rooin and 'the treusure box in tbe express office at the station. The staplaa wtre drawn from the doors and tae box and mail pouch carried away while the night operator and two others were in the main office, about 30 feet away. There was very little in the ex press box, but it is not known what the mail pouch contained. The burg lary was discovered when the agent went to open the baggage-room, at 10:30, and at a late hour, neither mall pouch nor treasure box bad been found. Dse Peerless Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic soothing and invigorating to the scalp; prevents dandruff. Pre pared only by Blakeley & Houghton TBS DEPOT KOBBKBY. Thlavea Who Entered Salem Station Have Aot Been CaochU Salem, Jan. 10. The mall pouch and Weils-Furgo express box, taken from the Southern Pacific depot last night. were found today. The mail pouch was found 300 yards from the depot, and the express box 300 yards west of the deoot. The mail pouch was cut open, but there being no registered letters or valuable packages, the papers and letters were left. The ex press box was broken open by with drawing the lo"k staple. There were ho articles in it of value except a package of India paints, . which the burglar took for his bounty. In the express-room, the burglars left an iron pin two feet long. It is very much like spikes used by circuses in pinning down tents. It evidently was used in drawing the staple from the door of the baggage-room, through which entrance was made. The old way of delivering messages by post-boys com pared with the modern telephone, illustiates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough cure. Snipes & iunersiy jjruguo. TREATY IS . CQMPLXTKD... Anglo-American Arbitration ia an Ae- . eoaipUsbed Fact. Washington, Jan. II. The propr osition for a general arbitration treaty between the United States and Great Britain is now an accomplished fact. Lord Salisbury has assented to the last suggestion from this side and nothing remains but the attachment of the formal - signatures of Secretary Olney and Sir Julian Pauncefote, the latter having been clothed with au thority by Ixrd Salisbury. These signatures will be affixed today. The treaty must be submitted to tbe United States senate for approval, and in view of the short time remaining of the present session of congress every effort will be made to have t sub mitted to that body at the earliest pos sible moment, probably within a day or two. The length of life may be increased by lessening its dangers. The major ity of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly us ing One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Ilold-rp at sf jrtle Creek. Roseburu, Or., Jan. 8. Yesterday at 3:30 p. m. Frank Hoyt entered the Southern Pacific station at Myrtle Creek and told Agent Hoopingartner to band over his cash. The agent re marked. "You are loking, and re ceived a blow on his head with a pis tol, inflicting a scalp wound, and the reply, "This 19 no joke." The robber took $45 and went his way. The agent wired to this city, and at 9 a. m. the sheriff arrested Hoyt ia a saloon and put him in the county jail. Tbe agent knew the man. x If you want to give your boy or girl a thorough business education, Holmes' business college In Portland affords the best opportunity. A scholarship in that school is for sale on reasonable terms at this office. Eight Months ia Prison. London, Jan. 8. Lady Sellna Scott, mother-in-law of Earl Russell, who through her counsel pleaded guilty yesterday to criminally libelling his lordship in conjunction with John Cockerton and William Aylott, was sentenced this morning to eight j months' imprisonment without hard labor. Cockerton and Aylott receiv ed similar sentences. Earthquakes la Mexico. City op Mexico, Jan. 11. At 4:25 this afternoon an earthquake was feU in Oaxaca. The first shock was gen tle, but the second was very sharp, and caused consternation, but no harm was done of any consequence. There is much seismic activity in tbe state of Oaxaca, and at one point on the Pa cific coast earthquakes have kept fish ermen in continual alarm. Mznar Bey Acquitted. Constantinople, Jan. 9 Advices rom Marash announce that Mzhar Bey, charged with being responsible for the murder of Father Salvators, the Italian priest, at the convent of Jernd jekle, has been acquitted. As tbe French and Italian ambassadors Insist upon Bey's punishment the sultan has ordered a new trial. The Washington Legislature. Olympia, Jan. 11. The senate con vened at noon today, and W. H. Plum- mer, populist of Spokane, was elected .resident protem. C. E. Cline, of Whatcom, was elected speaker of the house. HORRORS OF THE WAR How The Spaniards Are Putt ing Down the Cubans. ROBBERS AT LARGE The Parties Who Robbed The Depot at Sdcm Have Not Been Lo cated Yet, The Oregon Short Line and Ctah Northern Sold t Sals I-kt X-MBt ttatardRy W. n. Bancroft Will Manage the Bonds. New York, Jan. 10. A World dis patch from Tampa Fla., says: A schoolboy of 10 years was killed in Guaaabacoa Thursday evening by a Spanish patrol, because he re fused to hurrah for Spain. The lad smiled when the soldiers asked him to hurrah not comprehending what they wanted. They cursed him as a "Cuban whelp," butchered him and left the body in the street. In the fields surrounding the city dogs have been seen eating human flesh and gnawing human bones Mere than 500 people have moved from Guaaabacoa within 10 days. Another large pit with dead bobies in it was discovered Thursday near Guanabacoa in the thick underbrush. Decomposi tion was too far advanced to permit recognition of the bodies. It is sup posed tbe victims of Spanish cruelty belonged to the poorer class of the suburbs, as many have been reported missing lately. Antonia Roginy, a native Cuban, forced to leave home as tbe police were after him on suspicion has arrived here. He says the raid at Caobillias, called a Spanish victory, was a great Cuban success. Tbe town was garri soned by 500 Spaniards who had three cannon. Before daylight Wednesday, Cuban insurgents under Major Sorres, seized the outposts and almost cap tured che entire place before the Spaniards knew what was going on. The cannon in one blockhouse was turned on the Spanlsb.and they retreat ed. Major Sorres throw part of his force In tbe rear of tne Spaniards and routed them. Tbe Cubans did not pursue. They were after the spoils and supplies. THE SHORT LINK SOLD. Reparation of Union Paclfle and Its Princi pal Branch. Salt Lake, Jan. 9. Tbe sale of the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern railway, under the consolidated mort gage of August 1, 1889, was made to day under direction of John B. Cleland, court commissioner. Samuel Carr, Walter C. Oakman and Henry G. Nicholls, representing the reorganiza tion committee,' purchased . the prop- rty, ior 5,447,500.- The. Utah South? ern road was bid in by the same parties for $763,000. They also purchased the Utah Southern extension, for $975,000. W. H. Bancroft will be general mana ger of the company. The transfer of the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern, with property lying in five of the Western states, was of great interest to railroad men in the intermountain country. The events were the legal forms by which the sub-branches of the Union Pacific trunk system were foreclosed and bid in by tbe holders of liens upon them, and are to be followed by a reorganiza tion of the officers and employes of the lines involved. The sale took place at the county building, at 10 o'clock this morning, the special master in chancery, W. B. Cornish, of St. Paul.aotlngas auction eer. He read in tne presence oi tne assembled crowd, which Included many prominent railroad men, the notice of the sale published by order of the court, which was a lengthy document, and then asked for bids. The first 6ale covered the property north of Salt Lake. The next two sales took place at the Union Pacific depot, and covered the property souch of this city. There was no competition in the bidding. Henry G. Nichols, who acted for the purchasing commit tee, put up his check for 8250,000, as provided in the order of sale. KILLED IJi THE HOUSE. The Paclfle Railways Funding; BUI Is De feated on the Second Ballot. Washington, Jan. 11. The bill providing for the refunding of the debt of the Pacido railways was defeated In the lower house of congress today, by a vote of 102 to 166. Powers, the author of the bill, moved to have the bill committed to tbe com mittee fo; revision, but a point of order was made that tbe motion was out of order. It was then decided to allow the question as to whether or not Powers' motion should be granted, go over till tomorrow to allow the speaker time to examine precedents. Great interest was manifested in the outcome of the battle royal over tbe Pacific funding bill which came to a vote in the house today. Before the house convened the floor was crowded with members standing about arguing the merits of the bill. The galleries also were filled. It required some time to straighten out the parliament ary situation. CONVENED AT SALEM. The Oregon Legislature Coaveaea la BI- ' onnlat Bees ton. Salem, Or., Jan. 11. The senate waa called to order at 11:30 o'clock by Patterson, of Marlon, who pla ed Gowan, of Harney, in nomination for temporary president. There being no opposition Gowan took the chair. Temporary organization was then completed by the election of the follow ing officers: Chief clerk, S. L. Moor head; assistant clerk, J. A. Wilson; calander clerk, S. R. Mason; reading clerk, William Ramus; sergeant-at-arms, C. B. Crosno; doorkeeper, J. E. Blundell; mailing clerk, H. H. Hum phrey. Simon, of Multnomah was elected president, receiving all the re publican votes. Selling, of Multnomah; McClung, of Lane; Patterron, ot Marion; Dufur, of Wasco; and King, of Baker; were ap- The absolutely pure adSk - BAKINGjPOWDER R OYA L the most celebrated of all the baking- powders in the world cel ebrated lor its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit; bread, etc, healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. Oovat. naniaa Nu.nt. ml. mm pointed a committee of five on creden tials. Tbe senate then took a recess till 2 P.M. At the hour of noon, Clerk' Moody, of the last house of representatives, mounted the rostrum of the house of representatives and declared tbe lower house of the 19th biennial session of the Oregon legislature in session. He called for ' the nominations of tem porary speaker, ' Barkley, of Marlon, placed in nomination Representative Davis, of Umatilla coubty, and Benson, of Josephine, placed in ' nomination Smith, of Marion. Davis was elected by a viva voce vote, and. Ralph E. Moody of Multnomah, was then placed in nomination and duly elected temporary chief clerk. On motion of Thomas, of Multno mah, the temporary speaker appointed a committee of five on credentials: Barkley, of Marion, Stanley, of Union: Thomas, of ' Multnomah, U'Ren of Clacamas, and Bilyeu, of Lane. The house then adjourned till 4 P. . M. to give the republican members a chance to caucus. The Collere Voted. Salem, Jan. 11. The four presiden tial electors met in the state capitol at noon today, and each cant his ballot for William McKinley for president and Garrett A. Hobart for vice-president of the United States. The votes were certified, and coppies made in, triplicate. Hon. T. T. Geer was elected messenger, and will start on his mission in time to reach Wash ington by Monday, January 25. - - - - r)olambia Bridge BUL. . . - ; Washington, Jan. 8. The house committee oncomtnerse today voted to report favorably .the bill for a bridge across tbe Columbia river in Stevens -county, Washington by the Columbia Sc Red Mountain Railway Company. Frank Iloyt In Jail. Roseburg, Jan. 11. Frank Hoyt, who so brutally assaulted and robbed Agent Hoopenirarner, at Myrtle Creek last Thursday, was examined in Jus tice Hamlin's court this -morning and bound over to the grand jury, in the sqm of $1000. - They -Burgled" la Tain. Monmouth, Jan. 11. The depo was broken into Saturday night, but the agent does not keep any money there over night. Nothing was found missing but a pair of trousers that were received by express the day before. Caucus Will Consider Is. Washington, Jan. 11. The republi can senators will hold a- caucus at 11 o'clock tomorrow to pass upon the bill proposed by Senator Wolcott to the caucus committee providing for an in ternational silver conference. KING OF THE . GULF. ffce Bee Meat and Hla H . . Motley Crowd of Baehira. - Bnahire ia the capital of the English protectorate in the Persian gulf. Here our resident lives, who may be styled king of the gulf, and before whom all , the petty potentates along its shores, be they on the Arabian or Persian aide, bow down. He baa hia steam yacht and his steam launch provided for him. a British man-of-war is appointed to be always in readiness to do hia bid ding, and the British residency, with its flagstaff and extensive compounds, is by far the moet conspicnotia build ing in the town, says the Fortnightly Beview. Hash Ire is a truly horrible . place, built at the edge of split of sand run ning out into the gulf. Its population is very mongrel Arabs, Persians, Hin doos, are all hopelessly mixed np there in. It has an English bank. What with its English residency, English bank, English telegraph, English steamers' agents and English men-of-war, Bnshire is aa English as could well be wished. Lawn tennis maybe seen npon the quays, ladies may play and ladies may ride 'without incurring more than an ordinary amount of star ing from the Moslems. . It is confidently asserted that, if the Earoun route is opened out into the heart of Persia, Bushire will cease to be tbe seat of our resident, and tbe cap ital of our Persian gulf protectorate will be removed to Fao or Borne other spot which has not yet got a name. If that time ever comes, and Bnshire ceases to be the chief outlet for the Persian caravan trade, the place will not long survive, for it has no preten sions whatsoever " to call itself a har bor. ' Big steamers have to ' anchor at least two miles off land outside a sand bar, and.if the sea is very rough.landing is next to impossible. Bushire chances to be the outlet for the roads across theKotals, and if it ceases to be that its reason for existence will cease also. 1 The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. fur nish paints, wall paper and window glass. Palntligana papering by tbe day or contract at lowest prices. Tel ephone No. 3, De Witt's Sarsaparilla is prepartd fo slesnslng the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. - Snipes & Kinersiy rug - Co. (SI KB! . STRANGE SHOWERS. . Blast, Spiders a ad Other Qnear TUa Rained Dowm from Hen Tea. . The meteorological phenomenon that dates from "the night of the big wind" and the disastrous downpour that drenched a suffering humanity on that occasion is surpassed by the reoord of other rainstorm. . .The sky has shed tempests of blood, and more than once this phenomenon has produced . consternation among men whose startled eyes beheld what they deemed was the visible sign of their impending destruction. "Blood" rain ia caused by the presence of infi nitely little plants, animalcules or minerals in the globules. In one in stance of a shower that fell at Bristol and in the Bristol channel the ana lytical examination showed that the red color wa due to ivy-berry seeds. In medieval ..times blood rain waa a prodigy; in the east.,it waa connected with the belief that man was produced from blood that fell from heaven. It was a -portent as remarkable aa the "bloody host," which, while it flour ished, probably caused the death of more Jews in this country than any other individual superstition directed against that people. It ia described as "an appearance of blood flowing from bread when bitten;" but it manifested itself in other articles of food besides bread and sometimes seemed to drop from the air. It will be remembered by historical readers that while Alex ander was besieging Tyre this prodigy and the other one . of "blood rainf oc- curred in one day, much to the con sternation of the soldiers. ' More curious than blood rain in re gard to the mere color was the red, violet and grass-green shower which fell in the south of France many years ago and made a patchwork of the big lake, whereon its manifestation, waa the more noticeable. This shower, again, was caused by untold myriads of differently colored animalcules. Spider showers are another curiosity worthy of mention in this connection. Thr spiders are gossamers; and aU those who have read White's Natural His tory of Selborne will call to mind his description of the showers he observed. One of these, he tella na, continued for nearly a whole day and the gossa mers descended from nrprising height, for .when one gentleman as cended a hill near at hand : some three hundred feet high he found . that . tb j spiders were dropping from a region iu the atmosphere that waa still beyotxl the reach of his gaze. Dr. Martin Lister named this aerial spider "the bird," from the facility with which it ' can traverse the air; and npon one oc casion when he observed a shower oi them at York he ascended to the top cf tbe minster and found that even at that altitude he waa still below their level that they were descending fron some region above that standpoln.. Darwin, another observer of spider showers, describes one he saw in 18; :, when on board the Beagle, at the month of the La Plata river, when V-' vessel waa some sixty miles from Ian-'-: and he seems to have been the first t notice that each parachute of gossaro . carried a spider aeronaut, for he n -t only observed them arrive on board t. i - . ship birt be also saw them reproduce t new parachute, and on this freil bar'-, launch forth again "on the bosom o! tbe palpitating air." Tbeee goasami r showers are great mysteries and on. aeen cannot very readily be forgot to-. for the air on these occasions becom. literally crowded with the tiny par chutes mentioned, which are compose-. oi a few threads of almost invisible gossamer, witn a small put itvei. spider attached. This may be regardc. aa the most beautiful thing in Strang ahowers. . Leave Tour Orders For Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy But ter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, Coal and Ice, at . . Tbe Dalles Commission Co's STORE Office corner Second and Washington. phokks in mo ass The Sun The first of American Newspapers. Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, ' Tbe American Idea, The American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mall. M.00 a year Dally and Sunday, by mail, 18.00 a year The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. ' , By mail, $2 a year. 6c a copy Address Tax So,' New York.