aiivniVK. ' mi XXXV CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES, OKKGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. !8)f NO 15 KOFE88IONAL. Physician and Surgeon, Boom over Duln Nicioml Bank. Offioa hours, a t i m. sad frnu t to p m. Kesi lenm W- En-I .if Thlrrl Htrtwl, A. s.B..r Attorney at Law Olio Ir annr (winding, upHUfra The Dll , Orsstm. -y H. ROBERTS Attorney at Law Speoia' attention given to collections Office next uuor mi r its iuuuuui lwu- Vanted-An Idea Who ean think of some simple thing to patent? 1i nlf r. vonr Ide&A: the dikt brfna vihi wealth. Writ JOHN WKDDEMBURN ft CO- Pitrnt A I tor- asys, Waahlogton. D. . for their Sl.SUI prlxo offer ana iw ac iwo aiaumu utuuou wuuu. SOCIETIES. fpEMPLE LODGE, NO. S, A. O. U W-- -.. l Meets in Keller a tun every -i mirsaa evening at 7:30 o clocK. J AS. NESMITH POST, NO. 82 G. A. R . Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in K. oi r. nun. . rtOCTlT THE DALLES. A. O. P. NO. 8630- j Meets every Friday evening at tneii nau at s ociock. B OP L. E. Meets every Friday afternool in ii. ot r. uau w ASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. O. R. M. Meet every Wednesday evening m u, w r- HalL SESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meet!, w every Sunday evening at rauawin upers House, BOP L. P. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. WASCO LOEQE, NO. 15, A. P. & A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 8 P. M. THE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6, Meets in Masonic Hall the third wednesaayoieacnmontnataf,m. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. in K.. oi If. xiau, corner oi aecouu auu tvun streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 9 K. of P. 1' Meets every monaay evening at o o ciock. in scnanno s Duiiaing. corner oi vun uuu Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in vited. .. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock n tbe reading room. 1 ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD IV I ML Hood CamD. No. Wt. meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. - Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor diall invited. THE CHURCHES. (JT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Btreet, oppo. site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30. T EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1i Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every Sunday 9:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ME. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. . Services every Sunday morning and eve lng. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all. SONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Curtis. Pastor, Services every Sunday at a. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. High mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at 7:30 P. M. T.1IRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. TT X lor. Pastor. - Corner Fifth and Washington streets. Services eacU Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing ton and Seventh streets. " ' " I1IRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. ' Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. CAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller. pastor, services evcrjr ouuuaji u. j i a. ia. auu 7:30 P. M- Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are cordially welcomed. Children Cry far litOEU'i Castoria " Cartorl h so well arlapted to children that f recouimi-n.1 it as uperi-r to any preaeription known t me. " li. A. Arcbkr, H. D.. 1U bouth Oxford St., Brooklyn. N Y M f m raator'a in my prarrloa, and find tt fptiaiiy adapted to affections of children. Airt RoBiarsoM, M. D., 1057 ad Ave.. Mew YorfL 'TVom TersnDit kn-iwledge I can say tttrt Ihstoria Is a nost excellent medicine for chit Jim" 1B. Q. C OsruHiD, Lowell, Mass. Caatorla promotes XMvetioa, and evercoruea FEituieiicy, Consti, atioii. Sour Stomach, Dianucea, and leverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contain 3 DO Morphine or other narootio property. DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THE Wool - Exchange - Saloon. BK T IMPORTED AMI'S DOMESTIC! Wines, Liauors Cigar.s East End, Second Street san ihanisco Beer halL F. LEMKE, Proprietor. Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BKKR. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught Second StrveU - Coat and Union. rriiiiiiiiuiJLD umimmiiiu NOTICE FOR BUB LICATION TIMBER CULTURK. rjlHTD 8TATI8 LANP OpFICK, I YAHCOUVtB. Wash.. Nov a, 1699. ( Notice l-i hereby given thit Jacob Lowht has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before W. K. Dunbar. Comm'ssioner U. S. Cir suit Court for District of Washington, at his Office n Ooidendale. Wash., on the 13th day of January. 1897, on timber culture application No: a. for tbe NE of Sec. in Tp. 3 N. K. 14 E. W. M. He names as witnesses. Abraham J. Ahola. John Mattson. Peter Nimela, Adolph Malta, all of Centerville postoftlce, Washington. GEO. H. STEVENSOM, Nov. 18. Register. to 1 AAA TO EXCHANGE for Oregon 2 O UwU property. 158 acres near Colfax. Placer county. California. 28 acres (18,7511 vines) Beaches; 900 Bartlett pears, 1 year; 6U0 3 and 8 .r.l u savub nllimu hnl.llMIIH. Vir lCl9yiUHUia, o auw.-,. ' cleared but all tillable; new fcso bouse; all out buildings; two gold mines on uncleared, one assay inn B upon surf aee roek ; land roU ff" A. O. CARS WELL. KC Montgomery street, Sao Francisco SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for - the Coutily of Waseo ss. R. L. Mathesen, Plaintiff, vs. Mabel Muthesen. Defendant. To Mabel Mathesen, the above named defendant la the name of the State of Orc?on : You im hereby require to appear and answer tiie com plaint llletl against you in tho above-catitlet. action, within ten days from the date of tin service of this summons upon you, if servei within this county; or. if served within eii. other couatv of tnis then witlin te:ii. days from tiie date of the this sum mons utHin vou: and if served urjou you by iitm litation then by the Qrst day of tue next recal i terra of tins court, lowiir-oionaay. reoruur. 8. ib&7. and if you fail to appear and answer a ibove required, the planum wu uppiy to yo for tbe relief prayed for in his complnint here In. towit : for a decree or aivorce anu lor sue- other and f u ther relief as the Court may seen 1nst and eauituble. This summons Is served by publication b order of Hon. W. I.. Brudshaw. Judge of tht bove entitled Court, made in open court al The Dalles, November 21, IWi. J. L. ST1RY Novs Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE OI FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that Eva J. Morgar who as isva J. ruiuy, wutow oi a. . i uru. deceased, was dnly appointed and;ueu; uilmiuistrati ix of the estate or her deie. -e luKbaml. kuid A. J. Purdy, deceased, has fl.e her fliiiLl net-unt with siildestiiie with the c:e nf the countv court, of the state ot )i econ, f . Wasi'O county, and that Kiid court Las ip pointed 10 o clock a. u. oi luonauy. jauua fourtu. It-OT, the same being tht first day of th regular January teim ot said court lor tne ye IKbT. atthe countv court loom, in tLe count court house in Dalles City. Wasco count. Oregon, as the time aud place for the hearing c -aid final accounting and objections tnereio 1 Ativ there he. This not ice Is published by order of the sai- county court, enter.a uecemper nr. inuo. Administratrix. CONDOS & COKDON. Attorneys for Admlnsitratrix. -NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., I November 7, 1M)6. f Notice Is hereby given that the followint nimed settler has filed notice of his inientioi. to make nn;il proof in support of his cluim, am that said Drool win oe muue oeiore tne rcs-'iste and receiver of the U. S. landoince at Van couver, Wash., on Decemler 22. )tm, viz: JOSEPH A. ARMENT. Anrjlication to purchase Nos. 4K7 and 49!. under act Sept. imo. ror tne lots i, z ana a ii sec. if) and bis ana stra oec. , j.p. jb.h 12 E. W. M. ' He names the following wittesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land. viz. : Thomas Balfour and Francis W. Mngan. oi Lyio. Wash., Whitney L. Boise, or Portland. Oregon, and Thonins O. G. Muiran. of Lyle, wasn. utu. a. if,vj-.?(wjs. Nov. II. Keyisttr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office at Tbe dalles, Orfuos, November 9, 1M. 1 Notice Is hereby given that the following nameu settler nas notice oi nihinteatioi to make final proof in support of his ciaim. ani that said proof will be made before the registei ana receiver at rue Dunes, uregon, on Decem ber 22, lh6, viz.- BESSIE B. HOLCOMB, nd. E. No. 4141. for lots I and 2. Sec. 32. anr NE" NE! Sec. 31. Tp. 2 N.. R. 13 E. W. M. ! He names the following witnesses to trovt his continuous residence upon and cultivatioL or said land, viz.: J. M. Filloon, Mary Equi. James Snipes anc josepn biaaieman, an or i tie uuues, ureon. J AS. . MOUrct. Keglster. Nov. 14" NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersicned aamimsirator or tne estate oi snran staes. de ceased, has filed his final account and report it said estate and that Monday the 4th dav of Jan uary. 1897. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of saic day at the countv court room in tre count-. court house in Dalles City, Wasco Countv. Ore gon, has been fixed by the county court of Wasco County Oregon, ns tne time and pla for hearing said final account and report. All persons miercsieu in sum ei-iaie are nereoy no tified to appear at suid lime and nlace and srou cause h" any there be why said rei ort shouir" not ce approvea ana saia administrator dis charged and his bondsmen exonerated. J. P. Melntmy, Administrator of the estate of Sarah Suits, deceased. Dated this 5tb day of December, 189S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Or., October M. 1890. Notice 1 hereby Riven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before t. e Ueg- internal Receiver at Te Dalles, Oregon on ueccmuer a ivo. viz. : VENZ BAUER, for JACOB JBAUER, an Insane person. Hd. E. No. 407-, for the W4 Nff'i and WH SWK, Sec 9. Tp. 3 S.. K. 14 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: John Marx, of Kingsley. Oregon. Alexander Bees, j. w. YYrlebtnnd H y'Neal. of Nansene. uregon. jas. -MOOKK. Oct.31 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at The Dallf.i. Ob., I November 2A, 1896. ( Notice is hereby riven that the following- : named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register anu Receiver at ine ixuies, uregon. on January oin, iait viz. : EDWARD WALSH. Hd. E. No. 4098. for the EM NEW. See. 19. Tp. IN.. R. 13 E. He names "the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land. viz. : M. J. Spichenger. Joseph Knebbe. C.J. Stub- ling, Charles Denton, all of The Dalles. Oregon. jas. r. AtUOKE. Nov. 26 Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. administrator of the estate of Sarah Staes. de ceased, will on Saturday, the 17th day of October IKW, at tne nour or s o'clock p. M. of said day, at the front door of the county court house in Dalles City. Wasco Ccunty, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, belonging to the estate of said deceased, towit: The SX of the NWK. and the NWW of NWi of Section G. in Township one (li North of nance la e,asi v. m., in wasco county. Oregon. Said sale will be made in pursuance oi the former order of the Hon. County Court of the btate or uregon. ror wasco county, and subject to confirmation by said court. Dated this 15th day of September. 18$n. J. P. MttVERNY, Adm'r of the estate of Sarah Staes. deceased. Sept. 19 wa NOTICE FOR. PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tu dalles, orb., i November Iti. lsurt. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on January 2, 1897: MARTIN 11. MILLER. Hd. K. No. S3. for the NW Seo. 25, Tp. 1 N., It, 12 E. W. M. lie names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W. H- Steel, Andrew Steel, Leslie Butler and L. Roruen, all of The Dalles. Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. Nov. SI Register. NOTICE U. S. Land Office, The Dalles. Oa, November hi, U9ii. f Complaint baring been entered at this office by FiKiilttn Sauter. of The Dalles. Ort gun, against Charles Neps, tor abundoaiug his home stead eutry No. M 5, dated May IH5. upon the S NE4 Sec. 17. Tp. 1 N. R. 13 ia Wasco county. Oregt.a. with a view to the. can cellation i f said tntry, tie said partus are hereby summoned to appear at entitled, on the 2.-th day of December, Its:!, at ten o'clock A. it., to respond and furnisk testi mony concerning said alleged abandoaicat. JAS. F. MOOKE, Nov. 28. Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed i.y the Hon. County Court of the State of det'on for Wasco Couuty, as the administrator of the e-tite of William Cederson. decoised. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, properly ve.ifl'd, as by law re quired, to my agent. T. T. Nicholas, in Dalles C ty. Or egon. within six months from the date, of this notice. Dated this 16th day ot November, 1F96. N. O. CKDERSON. Administrator of the estate of William Ceder son, deceased. n21w5 Soothing and not irritatinr;,strenth eniotr and not weakening-, small but effective such are the qualities of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pill. Stupe 5c Kineraly Drug Co. H H3 INI W AN ELEGANT with eacfii km SWEET C CIGARE 1 AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A COLLECTION OF B WITHOUT COST. Times-Mountaineer's .. GIFT Times are hard, and we "stand treat." We have arranged to make our subscribers a gift that will last the whole year. "We will send every person who calls at our office and pays up a year hi advance, and 25c ? additional to "pay postage,-the-following high grade monthlies and valuable hand books : Farm News ted, thoroughly up to the times, and keeps its readers posted on the wonderful advances mad every month by progressive agriculturists in the science of tilling the soil. 50 cents per annum. Send for a free sample copy. Womankind ials, its practical stivrtrestioris on home lifo ai d woman's work makes it a universal favorite. It cannot fail to interest and please every member of the family. The publishers at Spring field, Ohio, will be ulad to send the readers of this paper a free sample copy. 50 cents per annum. Farm News Poultry Book ttZT ten especially to mf-et the needs ot the farmer ana tne small breeder. It is practical You can easily understand what it means and easily carry out, its suggestions. Thousands of copies have been sold. Price, 25 cents. Womankind Cook Book read Womankind. Every recipe is the tested standby of some practical housekeeper. The book has proved -very pop ular and we are sure jou will like it. Price, 25 cents. OUR 0FF6R PR To every one paying up all arrears and one jTear's subscrip tion to The Times-Mountaineer in advance, we will send the above named monthlies and the Take advantage of this offer at once. Address, . . . TimesMountaineer THE CELEBRATED Columbia AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer and PortT east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market. East Second. Street The Dalles, : Oregon. NEW COLUMBIA HOTEL $1.00 F'er Day. Kirst class lVIeals 25 Cnts. TOOMGY, PROPRIETOR COR FRONT and U.N10N STS. . . . . THE DALLES, OR. " BUTTON FREE package of A s P0RAL TIES Published at Springfield. Ohio! Apractica farm paper, that is filled with the pructie t experience of actual farmers. It is ably edi A monthly magazine for women and the home. Its bright stories, poems and sketches, its clear and wholesome editor A collection of favorite recipes of tho eood housekeeoers who EE 0UR OFFER books. Brewery I FREEDOM FOR CANADA A Move on Foot to Break a Fmm England WERE TIRED OF LIFE Tvo Prominent San Francisco Ladies DeliBerately Commit Suicide Without Ar. Cause. spilin Faiors a Strielly Neutral Policy A Iturbcd Wire Fence For Havana tailed Eicrt Times to Knil l!Is l ife. Iontreal, Dee. 11. The strong mick-reurrent of sentiment throughout Canuil t favorable to a separation from Great Britain and the establishment of an independent CuoatKarirepublic on this continent has beg-uo to take tang ible shape. Tho organization of in dependence clubs has been in active progress during the past fivo or six months and a convention has been called to meet in this city in March next-, with the object- of federating ail groups and clubs of tho dominion. Until then the chief work will bo to group individuals favoring the inde pendence movement throughout Canada; that is, to effect the co-operation of all those who favor national independence by pacific means. The Associated Press correspondent is informed that the movement is gain ing ground rapidly in the rural dis tricts, especially in Port Neuf, Drum motid, Granby and the most remote districts. Two organizers are travel ing in the interest of ."Canadian inde pendence clubs throughout the Cana dian centers in tho United States and in the Eastern townships, where the idea seems to mept with great favor. To euro aH old sores. to heal an indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles you need simply apply iJeWitrs Witch Hazle Si'Ivh according to directions'. Its mauic. like action will surprise you. Snipes & Kinersly Drug (Jo. A DUl'BtK SUICIDE. Mother nnd Daughter Asphyxiated Them-t-elves In Their San Francisco Honip. San Francisco, Dec. II Mrs.Sarah B. Cooper and her daughter flirriet Cooper were found dead in their home in this city this morning with tho gas turned on and with, every evidence that the gas was the mode" used for in tentional death on thepart of both. Mrs. Cooper was president of the kin dergarten association of schools, and her daughter was .deputy superin tendent. I A C . . Mrs. Cooper had lived, here for 30 years, and was ' wi6;jjKknosyn as arx educator, philanthropist and writer. She was president of the Woman's Press Association, president of the Woman's Suffrage .Association and was prominent as a member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union For many years she had taught the largest bible class in the city in con nection with tho first Congregational church, her class numbering several hundred adults. She was also assist ant pastor of the church under the pas torate of Dr. C. O. Brown. The Coopers had taken a prominent part in opposition to Dr. C. O. Brown j when his case was being investigated by the church. The part they took in the matter estranged many old friends j and tho suicide of the mother and daughter is ascribed to brooding over the coldness and snubs of former friends. : Ti e will of M'8. Cooper, made yes' terday, has been found, and in it she says her stated intention of commit ting suicide would afford sufficient proof to render unnecessary a cor oners investigation, and she there fore requested that the bodies be not taken to the morguo. ItacRien Arnica Halve. The best salve -in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns and ail sxin eruptions, and positively cures piles, cr no pay reouired. It is guaranteed to ifive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents cor box. for sale by Blakeley & HoutrtiMn. THE VIEWS OF SPAIN Memorial Upon the Cuban Question Heine Prepared. Madrid, Dec. 11 Tho Spanish gov ernment will frames long memoran dum on the Cuban question, it is said) 'n political and diplomatic circles, fully setting forth Spain's views re garding her rights and giving the whole history of the relations between this government and President Cleve land, since the beginningof the revolt. Tnis memorandum will be a sort of in direct reply to the presiJent's message . It will be communicated simultan eously to the American and European governments. The present Spanish cabinet anr the leaders of all political parties agree in thinking that Spain must continue to avoid giving America the slightest pretens; for taking offense. They al ways agree that Spaid should main tain her present friendly disposition towards America in official relations, so that tbe whole responsibility of a rupture, if brought about by the inter vention threatened, should rest en tirely with the United Slates. HELP FOR TUE CUBANS. The Murder of Maceo Uas A ranged the Americans to Action. Washington, Dec. 13. The head quarters of the Cuban' legation in this city was the center of interest to a number of callers today, who had come fnym V.S.Jourrnl of Xtdietat Prof. w. H. Pecte, whe makes a spcciultv oi Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cur ed more cases than anv living Physician; hi Success is astonishing. Wo have heard of cases of so years' standing curoa Dy him. Uc publishes a vnluablo work on this dis ease, which be sonds .with a larcre bot- 1e of his absolute cure, free to any sufTcrers vho may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise anr one wishing a cure to address Piuf-W. E. F. tt., 4 Cedar St T.CV York to express to Senor Quesada their sorrcw at the death of General Macec, and to oiler lhair sympathy, and in some ernes help for the Cubans. These callers included a number of congress men, and two senators, whose names the Cuban representative declined to reveal, who told him of their desire to see sumo action ny congress that would bo of assistance to the insurgents. Senor Quesada authorizes his former statement that the Cubans have enough men and leaders to gain the causo for which they are fighting. They can avail themselves of fiO.OOO men, and more if necessary, but what they need is arms and ammunition, and medicine for the sick and wounded. It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good sound hr-alth, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. Then is no shorter nor surer route thun by a course of DeWitt's Sarsapar ilia, bnipes & Kinersly Drug Co. TAKlt'F ANU CUBA. Hearings ou TarifT Set to Begin Decem ber 28. Washington, Dec. II The ways and means committee in the house de cided to begin hearings on the tariff December 28 and continue them for two weeks. The house adopted a concurrent res olution for tho adjournment for the holiday recess from December 22 to January 5. Representative M. V. Howard, of Alebama, today introduced a resolu tion recognizing the republic of Cuba as a free and independent government. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless and invariably reliable are the quali ties of One Mimute Cough Cure. It never fails in colds, croup and lung troubles. Children like it because it is pltasant to take and it helps them. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Thanked Ood For Reform. Washington, Dec. 11 The house having passed the bill to prohibit the sale of liquor in the capitol, the blind chaplain today referred to the fact in his prayer. "We thank thee, O Lord," said he, "that this house is no longer respon sible for the liquor traffic wi bin the halls of the national Capitol. Grant, we pray thee, that the bill p-issed here yesterday will go through regular channels and speedily become a law, and that the evil will never again be repealed in our naMon." Havana Being ortl(led. New York, Dae. 11 The work of strengthening the fortifications about Havana is being pushed with notice able energy. Guns are being placed on tbe heights around the city, all pointing toward the sea. The fortifi cations of the port of Matanzas also are being strengthened The govern ment sent 500 laborers to Guanabacoa to construct entrenchments and erect new barricades as a precaution against a fresh insurgent . raid.;It is . under stood that the whole town is to be en closed with a barbed wire fence. Woman Drove Air ay Burglars. Wooster, O., Dec. 13.At an early hour this morning three masked bur glars battered down the door of tbe farmhouse of Perry Bristow, an aged man living near here. Just as they entered the house, Miss Alice Baxter, Bristow's housekeeper, met them with a lamp in her hand. As one of them attempted to grab her by the throat she struck him in tho face with the lamp. She continued to hammer him with the glass handle of the lamp until he beat a retreat, and the two other robbers ran away. A Warlike Pastor Columbus Ind., Dec. 14. -Elder Z, T. Sweoney, in a sermon at the tabern acle Sunday created a sensation by ex exhibitin a warlike spirit and declar ing that if the 'Spaniards had mur dered General Maceo, the Cuban gen eral, as reported, tho United States government should lose no time in acknowledging Cuba's independence and leaving nothing else undone to wipe every vestige of Spanish rule from the American continent. The utterance was followed by a great out burst of applause. Wants to Vote ou Cuban Question. Shamokin, Pa., Dec. 13. Congress man M. H. Kulp, of the 15th congres sional district, left for Washington to night, to be present tomorrow in antici pation of action, should the report of General Antonio Maceo's murder by the Spaniards be confirmed. He was shocked upon learning of the alleged crime, and if the 3tory of the assassina tion proves true, ho says he will un hesitatingly vote for the suppression of further hostilities. Heretofore he has been very conservative. McKinley's Cabinet. Washington, Dec. 12.The Ore gon delegation has had no formal meet ing to suggest a name for a cabinet place, but there has been some talk, and several names have been considered The name of Sol Hirsch has beeu pro posed, but not s 'ttled upon. No inti mition has bean made that Oregon can have a place. A member of the delegati on sail today that if the Pacific coast g Ms a place, it will j,o to Col onel Otis, of Los Ansreles. lndlgnatiuu iu Chicago. Chicago, Dec. 14. Deepest indigna tion is expressed in Chicago over the latest news from Cuba, which state the manner in which the Cuban insurgent leader, Maceo, was entrapped and killed. It was made the topic of wide spread discussion, and today's papers contain interviews with many promi nent citizens who are outspoken in their condemnation of General Weyler's course. His Eight Attempt Failed. Oakland, Cal. Dec. II. Frank H. Cheeseman, the young man who at tempted to commit suicide for the eight time Saturday last is recovering. He does not regret his action, and un less restrained will probably make an other attempt to end his life. His physicians are of the opinion that bis condition is due to the excessive use of cigarettes. Rewarded for his Treachery. New York, Dec. 14. A World spec ial from Havana says: Major Cirujeda has been promoted to be a lieutenant-colonel. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. MACEO MURDERED Invited to a Council of Peace and Assassinated. SYMPATHY AROUSED The Assassination of Maceo Has Created Much Feeling in Many Places in This Country. Help Offered From All Quarters Men Enlisting to Fight For Cuban Indepen dence -Denver Will Send One Thousand Men. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec, 12. The Citizen tomorrow will contain the following relative to the death of An tonio Maceo. Justeo Carrillo, a well known Cuban of this city, a brother of tho Cuban general Carrillo, has re ceived the following letter from a trustworthy correspondent in Havana, concerning the reports of the death of Antouio Maceo and showing that he was killed by treachery: "Havana, Dec. 9. Dear Friend Jus teo: Our brave general, Antonio Ma ceo and the greater part of his staff have been murdered by tbe Spaniards, the Spanish major, Cirujeda, acting the part of the assassin, with Dr. Max imo Zertucha as his assistant. Wey ler conceived the idea of appeasing his beastly instincts by a cold-blcoded mrrder; making the best of the secret relations between Dr. Zertucha and Marquis Ahumada, be planned with the latter his hellish scheme. "Weyler took the field and, in his absence, Ahumada proposed through Zertucha a conference with Maceo, to take place at a certain place in tbe province of Havana with a view of ar ranging plans for the cessation of hostilities. 'To carry out the plan an agree ment was made that orders should be giveu to the detachment of the troops stationed on the trocha on tho section between Mariel andGuanajay, to allow Maceo and staff to pass the military line unmolested. Maceo crossed tht trocha over the road to Guana ay, withouj being molested by tbe forts, but as 800 n as he bad arrived at tbe place decided upon he and his party was greeted by a tremendous volley from the troops uod -r Major Cirujeda, who lay conveniently in ambush. Most of tbe officers of his staff fell with General Maceo. Zertucha is alive be cause be was aware of the scheme and remained in the rear. ' -.- "The Spaniards know where tfie bodies are, but are bent on feigning Ignorance to blot out tb.9 vestige of their crime." -. i-1. .,.W;- :r-' ..' Kankakee, III., Dec. 13. Sixty recruits passed through here last night on the Illinois Central. They ware gathered in from Chicago and Wis consin points. During the night 25 more arrivals were noted from Streator, Spring Valley and other points, and were furnished transportation to New Orleans. Boise, Idaho, Dec. 13. It is learned that a company is being quietly or ganized here to go to Cuba to assist tbe insurgents. Tampa, Fla., Dec. 13 Sixty-seven men left here this morning on the Florida Ce ntral & Peninsular train in two private cars for a point near Jacksonville, where they will embark tonight for Cuba. Dallas, Tex.. Dec. 13. There was a great meeting at tbe city ball this afternoon in the interest of the f-eedotn of Cuba. Two thousand representa tive men and a hundred women were present. Fayetteville, Ark., Dec. 13. A company of 20 young men in this city has organized, and in a few days will 9tart for Cuba, to join the rebel army. Denver, Dec. 13. It is claimed by the lesders in the movement to send troops from Colorado to fight for Cuban independence, that more than 1C00 names have already been enrolled. The old lady was right when she said that child might die if they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She had used it for croup before. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. THE SK.NATK ACTS Resolutions Demanding an Investigation. Washington, Dec. 14. Teller of Colorado, was on the floor of the sen ate today for tbe first time since the session opened. On his desk was a large basket of flowers, tied with red, white and blue ribbons. The vice president announced Sherman, Eikins and Mitchell of Wisconsin as a com mittee to arrange for the coming in auguration of the president-elect. Peffer, of Kansas, introduced a 30m prebensive resolution for tbe appoint ment of a commission to investigate and report on the establishment of a permanent monetary system. The resolution recites that the re cent election did not show definitely that tbe people favored any one of tbe four monetary policies on which-the campaign proceeded, viz., gold mono metalism, international bitnetalism, silver and gold at 16 to 1, or tbe 16 to-1 ratio supplemented by legal-tender notes. The commission proposed is to cor.sist of one national democrat, one republican, one democrat, and one populist, these to elect a fifth person of recognized learning in finance.. They are to be appointed by the presi dent to sit in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Denver and New Orleans to receive $400 each, and to conclude the investigation within 12 months. The resolution proposes an appropriation of $5000 for the commission. Call, of Florida, presented the fol lowing: "Resolved, That the killing of General Antonio Maceo, the re nowned general in tbe service of the republic of Cuba, while under a flag of truce and with the assurance of safety from the Spanish captain-general, was a violation of the rules of civilized war, an outrage, base treachery, a murder, cowardly and disgraceful, which de mands the execration of every govern ment and all the world, whether civil ized or savage. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PUCE "Kesolved, That the government which authorizes, permits or fails to punish all parties connected in any way with the guilt of this crime, with the extreme penalty of tho law, is an outcast from the family of nations and from the pale of civilization and public law. "Resolved, That the committee on foreign relations be directed to mak an inquiry as to the facts and report U. the senate at an early day." ' Another resolution by Call request that tbe president demand the releast of all United States citizens con fl net in the Spanish penal colony, island o Ceuta, off the coast of Africa. A thin resolution from Call asks the secretary of state for a list of all the United States citizens imprisoned in Spanish settlements, etc., with tbe circum stances of their arrest, charges, con viction, etc. The three resolutions were referred to the committee oo foreign relations. "Excuse me," observed the man it spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, an. there is not wnere tne liver is. "Never you mind where his liver is," retorted the other. It it was in nu nig toe or bis left ear DeWitt's Littli Early Risers would reach it atid shake it for him. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. MOBTON TO CLEVELAND. rhe Governor's Views Upon the Cuban Question. New York, Dec. 14 Governor Mor ton, according to a statement publishes in the Evening World, sent a telegran ',o President Claveland yesterday in relation to the critical condition of Cu ban affairs and tbe assassination cf General Maceo in particular. The nessage contained the novel sugges tion that President Cleveland invite President-elect McKinley to Washing ton to discuss the most feasible plan tt be followed by tbe president concern ing tbe attitude of tbe United States toward Cuba during the remainder of Cleveland's term. The World article says: "It is not probable that Governor Morton would have proffered his sug gestion unless he thought it would b acceptable to President-elect McKin ley: indeed, it is said the governor hai bad some correspondence with tht president-elect on t.h xubject." Another Bald-Op ia Seattl J. Seattle, D jo., l.!.ABther hold-up was added tonight to .the long list 01 crimes committed in this city durine the last few months. Frank C. Van Nice a collector, was stopped tonight at 8 o'clock on a dark street by two me j, who put a sack over his bear, and went through him, getting $12. RELIGION AND REFORM. The Bible has an annual circulation of ten million. The anarchists have one hundred and fifty newspapers. The great Sunday-school army of the world numbers 3U,50S,66L. The Roman Catholics have twelve million dollars' worth ot property in Washington. New York City has fifty-two Presby terian churches with a combined mem bersbiD of forty thousand. In the last twenty-five years eleven million dollars has been given in this country to women's colleges. Chicago has eight hundred private schools, three hundred and fifty sem inaries and four universities. The Lutheran missionary socUtiet for Germany contribute each year . - . .. . . . a I , seven hundred ana lilty tnousasa aor lars for foreign missions. A commission" is soon to visit the TTnited States, from England, to in' spect officially the public schools of our leading cities. Tun wnirpH of Jananese are rarelv more than ten cents a day, but last year the converts gave twenty-seven thousand dollars lor mission purposes. Amoso opium smokers of Foo Chow, eight hundred men have kneeled down in the church and 'asked God to help them get rid of the evil haoit. , 1" MULTUM IN PARVO, Few save the poor feel for the poor. L E. Landon. A lover's eyes 'will gaze aa eagle blind. Shakespeare. The true art of memory ia the art of attention. Johnson. Oub enemies are our outward COD' sciences. Shakespeare. The deadliest sin were tbe 0OBMious ness of no sin. Carlyle, Tax truly sublime is always easy and always natural. Burke. It thou wouldst be borne with, than bear with others. Fuller. Character is a diamond that cratches every other stone. BartoL Ms that will watch providences shall sever want providences to watch. Flavel. The usual fortune of complaint Is to excite contempt more than pity. Johnson. HE who is most Flow in making a promise is the most faithful in its per formance. Rousseau. Fob virtue's self may too much zeal be bad; the worst of madness ia a saint ran mad. Pope. THE DALLES PUBLIC 8CHOOL8. Report for the Quarter Ending Frida) December 4, 1896. 3 II 2 5k Grades. si; ? East Hill Primary Mis rooper.... Mrs. Roche Academy Park Mixs Puirman..... Mrs. Haldwln and Miss Flinn Miss L, Kiotoul... Miss T. Rlotoul... Union Street Miss Rowe Miss E. Cooper.... Miss SneU Miss Cheese Union St. Annex Miss Ball Court Street Miss Michell Miss Hill lH Mr. Landers I 1st and 2 B 431 3! 3 A and ilb 1st 2Aod3 B e b 7th 481 6 1st t B tin 6AandA 6th 7Aand8B 8 A. 9. 10, 11 Totals 730 Mel 8 No. . of days of school. 18. Percent oi attendance. 94. juas, Baking SS5 Bandar WARKI0K ANTS. fforrora of Their Advancing OoU umn Wnen on the Maroh. I Kvsry Living- Thins Is CoBopaUeA Xlee Before T a or tie 8pw4Uy Overwhelmed and De voured. It was in Honduras, near the Carib bean .coast, while on a government survey, says a correspondent of the Omaha World-Herald, that I first saw the warrior ants those strange insects which march through the tropical for ests in armies, attacking every living ' creature in their path. One intensely hot day, as I sat in a hammock nndur the thatched roof of my bamboo hut, a native came running in, and, with ex cited gestures, bade me follow him. I did so wonderingly, and, going out into the open, looked in the direction he indicated. There on the rolling savannah stretched a wide black belt extending far back into the deep shad ows of the adjacent forest. It rose and fell with every formation of the ground, and, like a huge snake, slowly crept toward the village. "Tho war rior ants," explained llio native ia a strange patois of English aud Spanish which I shall not attempt to imitate. "They will soon bo here," ho con tinued. "You bad better untie your dogs or the ants will kill them." Act ing upon his advice I loosened rty dogs, and, retiring to a safo distance, watched tho npproa-jli of the warriors. In countless multitudes they swarmed over the plain, ninrc.liing iu corn pact order like a well-drilled army, llefore them scurried a hctcrogeucous mass of lizards, grasshoppers, frogs, beetles and .other manner of innccts and rep tiles, in a wild t-ciynper to reach a place of safety. Presently the advance guard reached my hut and disappeared within; then the main column appeared, and soon the roof, floor, walls aad raf tcrs were black with them. Like tho soft rustle of dried grass stirrod by a gentle breeze came tho sound of their pres ence in the leaves of my thatched roof. The sound incrcnserl in loudness as the rats, mice, lizards, cockroaches, centipedes and others their ilk, who had long made the roof of their home, tried vainly to escape. Some succeed ed in getting away from tho house, but only to fail victims to tho sur rounding hordes without. One large cockroach, I noticed, made a plucky fight, but, ovcrpowereik by numbers, he gradually relaxed his effort end was soon dismembered, each ant car-; tying' off "a portion of his body as a trophy. ' v : .. .-,... .r The most exciting battio warvvni .t ar ssakeaixiat threJcct long, that tried to slip away unseen. The ants quickly surrounded him, however, nnd fought with terrible ferocity. ' ' AVith every switch of his tail the snake killed a score-of his tormentors, but their places were soon filled by the black swarm which swept unceasingly on. Finally the writhirgs of tho Gnake be came fainter and fainter, and at last ceased entirely, and then, and not un til then, did the ants relinquish t'uslr attack. All day long they warclied through the house until at sundown the end of the column had passed and was lost to view in the thickness of the forest. I entered the house and prepared to survey ruefully my larder, but my anticipations of sorrow were premature, for thi-re were all my pro visions as I had left them, uctou.-licd. There was but one exception o poor turkey which I had tied to a stake that morning, intending to keep him alive for a few days before making him into soup. He was stone dead, but the rumpled earth about him showed that he had made a bard fight for life. Not a dead ant was to be seen, they 1 .id all been carried off by their comrades. I afterward learned that the warrior ants refuse to touch any food that they themselves have not caught and Bla'in, which accounted for my provisions re maining unmolested. I was overjoyed at the change in my house not cockroach, lizard or any other inaoet or reptile was left; they had been com pletely exterminated. J UNDERTAKING ft ESTABLISHMENT Prinz & Nitschke (UUUH FURNITURE AND CARPETS Ws km sfdel l bmlatsi s eomplcU Under takiot; EsuWshatsnt, sad at ws ars In no way ew.a Ui ttas iBilerUert Trust, our r e will ha low accordincly. COAL! COAL! THI BEST Vellington, Rock Springs, and Roslyn Coal . IS, sacked and delivered tc suy para it the city. &t Moody's Warehouse R. E. Saltmarshe -a TBS East End STOCK T WILL, PAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powdtf WsrM's Pair rtlwisl U4ai sea I