The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, November 21, 1896, Image 1

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    Consolidated 1882.
NO tl
. Physician and Surgeon,
Room, over Dallee national Bank. Offloe hoars, 10
imtilim, sod from 1 to 4 p m. Real-
- ' deace Wsa End of Third Surest,
A . 8. BKWKT
Attorney at Law
Office lr Scbanac's bulnding, upstairs
Attorneys at Law
Bona 4! snd 48 Chapman Block, The Dallas, Org.
Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Meets every Saturday evening st 7:39 In
K. of P. HalL
Meets every Friday evening st their
ball st 8 o'clock.
BOP L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon
In K. of P. Hall. .
WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, L O. R.M. Meets
. every Wednesday evening in K, of P
ami. , .
very Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in
K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes
day of each month at 7:30 P. M.
Land Office at Vakcouvbr, Wash., i
November 7, ItSMS. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his. intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver of the U. S. land office at Van
couver, Wash., on December 23, 108, viz:
Application to purchase Nos. 487 and 490. under
act Sept. 20. 1M0. for the lots 1. 8 and 3 of sec.
33 and SEX and SEX SWX Sec. 35. Tp. 3 N. R.
12 E. W. M.
Th twite I Me names the following wit 'esses to prove
..... igmucuvc UfUU UUU UUiLi , iliiUU
of said land. viz. :
Thomas Balfour and Francis W. Magan. of
Lyle. Wash., Whitney L. Boise, of Portland,
Oregon, and Thomas O. Q. Mag;:n. of Lyle,
Nov. M. Register.
Land Office at The, Oregon, I
November , 1896. )
Notice is hereby given that the following
uawcu mriuer iius n:ea notice oi nts intention
to make final nroof in sunnort of ri i r u i ,t, nn,i
that said proof will be made before the register
uuu rcvcivcrui, rue uauus. uregon, on Uetem
ber22, Me.viz.-
Hd. E. No. 4141, for lots I and 2, Sec. 32, and
iic oee. si, i-p. sn., k. uc. w. M.
He names the folloorinfr witnAwiPS In nr-nva
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
im saiu luou, via. :
J. M. Filloon, Mary Equi. James Sniies and
dosepu auMueman, au oi The Dalles, Oregon.
JAS. F. MOO UE. Register.
Nov. 14
Tf.. rVr..Af- T-. J. f -a. f-a.77
WASOO LOEQE, NO. 15, A. F. A. M.
- Meets- first and third Monday of each
month at 8 P. M.
-nrna dalles royal arch chapter
I NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third
- Wednesday of each month at 8P.M. .
j Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock,
. In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
t streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
P Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
In Schanno's building, corner of Court and
' Second streets.- Sojourning brothers are in-
-ited. - . . . . ,
V V UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'olock
o tne reading room.
Mt. Hood Camp, No. 60, meets every
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's
Hall, c All sojourning brothers are invited to be
Meets in Masonlo Hall on the second and
-fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor
- diall invited.
Land Office at The Or.,
October 26, 1896.
Notice is hereby (riven that the followlnc-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to mane nnai proof in support of his claim, and
that said oroof will he mnriA hAfmf. tio r...
lster and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon on
mcemucr o, iovo, viz. :
an Insane person.
Hd.'E. No. 4070, for the W NWK and W54
6WM. Sec. 0. Td. 3 S.. K. 14 E. w M
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz. :
John Marx, of Kingsley, Oregon, Alexander
iuxs. w. nv . vvngnt ana a., u Neal. of Nansene,
JAS. J . MUUitE,
Oct. 31 Register.
' The. North Pole made use of at last.
OT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. j
' site firtn. aunaay scnoointt v:&) A. M.
evening prayer on naay at 7 am.
JJi Rev. L. Grey, Pastor. Service in the Eng
' fish language at First Baptist Church every
' aunaay v:ou A. m. ana 7:au r. m.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, i
administrator of the estate of Sarah Staes, de
ceased, will on Saturday, the 17th day of October
icvo, ui me nour oi z o ciocK f. M. or said day,
at the front door of the county court house in
Dalles City, Wasco Ccunty, Oregon, sell to the
highest bidder, for cash In hand, the following
wsviiww reui cwk, Belonging to tne estate of
said deceased, towit:
The St of the NW, and the NWJ of NW!
of Section 6. in Township one (1) North of
Range 15 East W. M., In Wasco County, Oregon.
Said sale will be made in pursuance of the
former order of the Hon. County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco county, and subject
to confirmation by said court.
Dated this 15 th day of September. 1896. -
Adm'r of the estate of Sarah Staes. deceased.
. . Sept. 19 w5
Always at the front and wherever
1 "BATTLE AX" goes it is the
, biggest thing in sight. It is as re- S f .i.-r. i . e
& marKaDieior us line navor ana quauty g
, g as for its low price A 10 cent piece g
1 of "BATTLE AX" is almost g
g twice as large as a JO cent piece o M
g any other equally good tobacco $
E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor.
Servioes every Sunday morning and eve
Sunday school at 12:20 o'olock P. M. A
cordial Invitation extended by both pastor and
people to au. -
Kj Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at
MA. M. and 7:80 P. M. Sunday school after
morning service - -
r OT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
IO Pastor. Low mass every Sunday af A. M.
Sigh mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M.
1j lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
streets, services eaen sunaay morning at 11
"-" .'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15.
Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing
son and Seventh streets. f ,
JJ HazeL pastor. Preaching every Sunday
morning at 11 and 'te -the evening at 7 o'olock
Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
- ' every Thursday evening.. Y. P. S. C. E. meets
': every Sunday at 6:30 P. M.
, yj seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller,
- pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
-7:30 P. M- Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. - All are
cordially welaomed. .
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
, . October 27, 1896.
Notice is hereby given that the following
ucuucu acivwi iva uieu uuum oi uis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register
uiu neceirer, at i ne uaues, uregon, on Decem
ber , 1896. viz. :
Hd. E. No. 3502, for lots 6 and 7 and E54 SWJ4-.
sec. 6, tp. 1 S, R. 12 N. .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Albert Turner, Thomas Johns, S. S. Johns,
and Charles Smith, all of The Dalles. Oregon.
. Oct.31 Register
1 . , Children Cry
. .-.''' .. Xor pi0H"
i' .: ' " Caatortn fa no well adapted to children that
, . I reeommenJ It aa superiur to any prescription
. known to me." H. A. Arcbir, M. D-
". v . 1U bouth Oxford St Brooklyn, H. Y
"I wo Castor'a In my praettoa, and And It
; specially adapted to affections of children. "
. . 1057 Sd Ave, New York.
-From personal knowledge I can say Hv4
' thstoria la a nost aiwllent medicine for chiL
iren.n - . - - Da. G. 4J. Osaoon,
" ' " AaOweU, Maaa,
Ctorl promotM Sin; nation, and
t wvereomea Flatoleucy, ConsUiation, . Boor
, Stomach,' 'Diarmoea, and Feverishness.
- , '. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caitorl contains no
,if :, nvrpDimo or oioer narcouo property. .
--' - "October 14, 18W6. - f
Notice is herebv eiven that thn fnllrtwlnc.
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
his claim, and . that said proof will be made
ueiore .register ana receiver at Tho Dalles,
uickuu. vu xtuvemuer Zl, isvo:
Hd. E. No. 6400, for the Lot 1 -or NWX NWX
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi saiu lana, viz:
A. J. Brown. J. W. Johnston, C. V. Champ
Jin, and G. W. Stewart, all of The Dalles,
Oct. 17 Register.
by given that Thomas W. Glavey has filed his
final account as administrator of the estate of
x-uuricK uorris, aeceased. and tbat said nl
account will come on for hearing on Monday,
the 2d day of November. 180A. nt thn hour nf a
o ciocK r. a. oi suia aay. at which time a hear
ing will be had as to any and ail objections to i
said final account and the settlement thereof.
This notiee is given by order of - Honorable
noDert mays, uountv Juaireof Wasco Counts
Dated this 7th day of September, 1806.
- Adm'r of the estate of Patrick Dorris, deed.
Sept. 12 w5.
A run ms w?mt mt ?m all mms ?
iflEL AT Plltt5 R50M HQM TO 375.00
Administrator's Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given tbat the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Carl Barkentine,
deceased, has filed in the County Court of the
County of Wasco. State of Oregon, his final ac
count as such administrator of said estate, and
that Monday, the 2d day of November. 1806. at
the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. has been fixed by
said conrt a the time for bearing of objections
to said report, and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of Carl Barken
tine. deceased. '
Sinnott & Sinnott, Attorneys for the state.
- . . sep5w5t
Notice "is herebv riven that the uni1frsfimri
wren uu'y apporroea, Dy tne county uourt,
of the State of Oregon,, for Wasco County, in
probate, executor with the will annexed,. ' of
the estate of Richard Q. Closter, deceased. All
persons Having claims against said estate are
hereby required to oresent them to with
8 roper voucners at my resiaence m Dalles City,
, regon, within six months from the date of this
notice. .--. ....... . .
Dated ihis'2Sthdav of September, 1896.
Executor, with the will annexed, of the estate
oiuicnara u. uioster, deceased.- 6w
A Mast
n i'j.ia.:t .rTTir-cfe iine'or .
4 J 'ift
1C; ,v?oad "trcei, Fiv.iel
f ' who eare to pay a little more than the cost
i-T ..of ordinary trade cigarettes will 6nd the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf ' I
grown in Virginia, and are
The Sun
Tho first of American Newspapers.
Charles A. Dana, Editor.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the Hon. County
wuibui mc 3uie oi vregon ior w asco (jouuty,
as the administrator of -Peter Sherringer, late
of Wasco Conuty, Oregon, and now deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are . he.reby notified to present the same to' me
at my place of business In Cascade Locks,
vuuuiy,vreKua,pn)periy vennea, witn
in six months from the date of this notice.
Datedthis 1st day of September. 18B3.
. T. C. HF.Msnw
Administrator of the estate of Peter Sher
ringer, deceased. : - ". . . sep6-d,wot
Notice is hereby riven that th niniffniiw
has been anoointed admidistrator or thx m
of Christina Phillips, late of Wasco county, and
now deceased. All. persons having claims
against saia estate wiu present the same, duly
verified to me at Kingsley, Oregon, or to my
aiburucy a. xuiur c aienciee, oi fanes Ulty,
Wasco county, Oregon, within six months from
the date hereof.
Dated at Dalles City, this 19th day of July,
cw n. n. I'M .1. p.s
Administrator of thQ estate of Christina Phil
lips, aeoeasea. J5w5
The American Constitution,
. The American Idea,.
- The Aniencan Spirit
' ' These first, last, and all the time,
Daily, by mail. .......... . .16.00 a year
Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8.00 a year
SI 6.000
TO EXCHANGE for Oregon
PrODertv. lad acres near f!nlrnT
Placer county. California. 28 acres (18,750 vines)
10 year Tokay grapes; 15U0 8 year Crawford
peaches: SOO Hart leu Dears. 7 vear: am 3 Ami a
year Kelsey plums; acres plums: balance un
cleared but all tillable; new t-St house; all
out buildings: two gold mines on uncleared,
one assaying &20 upon surface roek; land roll
ing. ' A. G. CARS WELL,
tea Montgomery street, San Francisco
The Sunday Sun A. A. BROWN
Is tlM greatest Sunday Newspaper .
. . in the world.
By mail, $2 a year. 5c a copy
Addw8 The Sun, New York.
: ;
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of some simple
thins to oalent?
E Tour Idea: thpv mar bnnz you wealth.
aava. WMhlnstoa, n ' , for their Si.KU prlaa oOr
aaa uh oi two aunqrti inv iwni waniau.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
.. WmWb Fair MUtiart Madal 4 Diplwi
im at w mmi,
Spesial Prices to Gash Buyers
. fit
M5 ETC. m,
l - S-s p filSVi JPtL
r-- iait 2 fcS3t 'feSSSI
T;-p Dillcr.- fro. C-.i
The Rumored War Prepara
tions a Hoax.
I Th Proposed Boundary Settlement
is Approved by -a Majority of
the Venezualans.
Aatlonal Silrer Party Will Continue Its
Work Bryan Gets One Elector in
Kentucky Delaware For
Washington, Nov. J3 CoDcerninp;
the report that the . war department,
because of possible trouble with Spaiu,
has been making- inquiries cf the trunk
line railroads running to thegulf coast
and along the southern seaboard as to
their facilities for moving war supplies,
it can be stated that the only inquiry
made daring the past year by the war
department on this subject was one in
tended to ascertain the cost of execut
ing an order made about six weeks
I ago by the secretary 'of war looking to
the annual exchange of the stations of
troops. Of course thU had no warlike
purpose whatever for the same num
ber of troops that wore added to the
department of the East were carried
West to take their stations.
A flat denial is also given by the
best authority to the sensational story
that the state department warned
Spain against furtheroutrageous treat
ment of American commercial agencies
doing business with Cuba. It is said
tbat owing to radical organic differ
ences in the systems- of customs col
lection pursued by Spain and the
Udited States and the absence from
the Spanish system of what are known
in this country as post invoices, Amer
ican shipping has been more or less
embarrassed by detentions growing
out of failure to observe the technical
requirements of the, Cuban custom
system, but nothing has happened re
cently to cause strained relations be
tween the two governments on this
score. !
Eh Hill. Lumber City, fa., writes. "I
have beeu suffering from Piles lor twenty
five years and thought my case incurable.
De W itt's Witch Hazie Salve was rec
omended to me as a pile cure, so I
bought a box and itperfoimed a per
manent cure." This . is only one of
thousands of similar cases. Eczema
ores and skin diseases yield quickly when I
it ssused. Snipes ci Linerslv Drue Co. I
sage to congress one of traditional
sympathy with people struggling for
autonomy and freedom but that never
theless this government felt it to be
its plain duty to honestly fulfill every
international obligation. The presi'
dent further said that every precaution
had been taken; that if occasion
should arise in Cuba, the United States
court asert itself with force, but he AN AWFUL CRIME
uiu uuu uuiua. we uccaaiun wouiu arise
Facine Coast Powder Proves
to be Good.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
U WSS Powder
A Baby's 1.1 fe Saved.
"My baby had croup and was saved
Dy &mion's Jure." writes Mrs. J. B.
Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale
by m. A. Donnell.
A Farmer Kills Himself And Wife
Without Giving Any Reason For
His Rash Act.
Void aj light Kobbery.
Chicago, Nov. 13. M. A. Stark, of
Colorado, was robbed on an Adams
street car near tne union depot, yes
terday, by Barney Birch and Padly
Ryan, who are well known to the police
hero. They forcibly held Stark, - al
though the car was crowded with other
passengers, and deprived him of a
valuable diamond and his pocket-book,
which contained $1000 in checks and
An officer was attracted by the ex
citement on the car, and arrested the
two men as they were escaping. The
property was recovered in their pos
Weyler and Maeeo Fighting.
Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 16. Ci
pher dispatches just received report a
fierce battle in progress in Pinar del
Rio. It is believed that Maceo and
Weyler have met. Reports of firearms
have been almost incessantly heard for
several hour3.
The insurgent forces are well located
in the hills, and are pouring a hot fire
nto the Spanish troops, which are re
peatedly driven back in their attempts
to capture the Cuban stronghold. The
insurgants have the advantage of posi
tion, being at a great elevation, but
the Spaniards are making a most des
perate attack. From a distance it
looks as if several towns are in flames.
President Cleveland Saya There Will be ne
Change In the Policy of This Gov
ernment Toward Cnba Allison
Wants Nothing
Kerrea on Jdge.
nervous, tired, irritable
Tea has
I was
cross. Karl's Clover Root
made me well and happy.
Mrs. E. B. Wohden.
For sale by M. Z. Donnell.
Is Ap-
Bonndary Settlement
Caracas, Venezuela, Nov. 13,
Details of the proposed settlement of
the boundary dispute between Vene
zuela and Great Britain through the
friendly intervention of the United
States government have reached this
city and appear to give general satis
faction. After careful inauirv anions
the leading officials, it appears that
the Venezuelan government is dis
posed to settle tbe questions indicated
in the agreement between the United
States and Great Britain without
haggling over minor points. The
agreement that the title shall be de
termined on the occupancy of territory
for 50 years is regarded by .Venezuelans
as a happy solution of the question.
Some demagogues may oppose it, but
the people at large will offer no op
position to this basis of settlement.
Don't trifle away time when you have
cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fieht
them in the beginning with De Witt's
Cholic & Cholera Cure. You don't have
to wait for results, they are instantaneous
and it leaves the bowels in healthy con
dition, snipes iKinersly Drug-Co.
Sensation Lansed in Pern by the Action
of Bolivia.
Lima, Peru, Nov. 13 Something of
a sennation has been cansed here by
the news received yesterday from
Sucre, Bolivia, of a favorable report
made by tbe committee on foreign af
fairs of the Bolivian chamber of depu
ties on a decision to recognize the
Cuban insurgents as belligerents.
Upon hearing the news, the Spanish
.envoy to Peru, Senor Devanello, . who
is also accredited to Bolivia, immed
iately set out "for Sucre' to look after
bpanish interests in that capital, and
presumably to lodge a protest on be-
naii oi nis government against tne pro
posed action.
Demand Cpon the Saltan.
Constantinople, Nov. 14 Signor
Pansa, the Italian ambassador, had an
audience last evening with the sultan
He strongly insisted upon the execu
tion of the proposed reforms. The sul
tan declared they would be executed
Signor Panso pointed otrt that it was
not sufficient to publish the reforms,
It was necessary to carry them out,
The Italian ambassador also insisted
upon tne pumsnment by no mere
court-martial of Colonel Mazehan Rey,
who is held responsible for the murder
of Eather Solvator.
1 heones of cure may be discussed at
length by phvsicians but the - sufferers
want quick relief: and One Minute Couch
Cure will glvelt fo themr A-safer"curc
for children. It is "the only harmless
remedy that produces immediate results'
Snipes & Kineislv Drug Co.
E. Helgan Arrested In Pendleton.
Pendleton, Ore., Nov. 13 Today
E. Heigan, who registered from Aso
tin, Wash., aUthe Hotel Pendleton
was put in jail to await examination
on the charge of obtaining money un
der false pretenses. He had a deposit
slip, purporting to show that he had
$350 in tho Peddleton Savings bank,
and wanted the hotel clerk to advance
money on it. The clerk gave him
small amount, fonnd a policeman and
had Heigan arrested on the statement
of Cashier Furnish, of the bank, that
Heigan had no money on deposit in
the bank.
A Great Germans Prescription.
Diseased blood, constipation and
kidney, liver and bowel troubles are
cured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea. For
sale by M. Z. Donnell.
Three McKuilcy Electors.
Wilmington, Del., Nov. 13. Gov
ernor Watson issued a proclamation
today declaring that all votes cast for
James G. Shaw, and James G. Shaw,
sr., for presidential elector shall count
for James G. Shaw, as his name was
on the several ballots in two ways.
This will send three McKinley electors
from Delaware to the electorial col
lege. '
Child to be Tried for Murder.
Red Bluff, Cal., Nov. 14 Joseph
Sousa was held for trial for the murder
of Antone Nunes. He is the youngest
person ever arraigned in Tehama
county on a capital charge, being only
11 years old. Neither the child-defendant
nor his mother showed the least
perturbation during the preliminary
The Best Congo. Cure.
Is Siloh's Cure. A neglected cough
is dan serous. . Stop it at once with
Shiloh's Cure. . For sale by M. Z. Don
To Educate the People.
Washington, Nov. 13. Secretary
Diffenderfer said today: "The national
silver party will maintain permanent
headquarters in Washington, with a
branch in Chicago. The 5000 silver
This well-known brewery is now. turning out the best Beer clubs belonging to the silver parties
antf-Forter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and
only, the first-class article will be placed on the market.. .
East Second Street '
The Dalles, : Oregon.
Money Has Gone to a Premium
M. E. KHHLER, -f
We are not buying gold to keep up the reserve fund -of
the U. S. Treasury, but our object is to reduce
our stock of Crockery, Glassware, etc., preparatory
to removal to the Vogt Block on Second Street. If
you have money to sell, come and see u.
P. O. Corner Cor Third and Court Streets
are requested to maintain their organ.
ization. The silver party will be the
party of 1900. Its platform is simple
a . single money plank and it will
readily unite all the friends of bimetal-
iam than will any other party. Dur
ing tbe campaign of 1896 we sent cut
10,000,000 pieces of literature and or
ganized 5000 clubs. Our future work
will consist of organizing clubs and
educating the people."
Cleveland's Cuban Policy. :
Washington, Nov. 14. To a sena
tor who called upon him to inquire
i about the war rumors in regard to
Cuba, President Cleveland replied
that the position of. this' government
was as stated la the last annual mes-
Job Printing
Of all kinds done on
short notice and at
reasonable rates at
this office.
TO the Editor I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-DOSitive am i
of its power that I consider it my duty to
I send too bottles free to those of your readers
who have (orisurnptiori, Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write ins thalt
r express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SXOCTSL K.C 113 Petri St, lew York.
SV The Editorial sad Bnata Mtnicnent el
. thi P-i - J-t. thi. r- Prfffiwitlos.
Senator Allison's Opinion.
Dubuque, la., Nov: 14. In an inter-
yiew Senator Allison expressed the
opinion that the senate . will pass the
Dingley tariff bill in December, thus
obviating the necessity of an extra
session to provide revenue. As to the
talk of his going into the- cabinet the
senator said he was perfectly content
in his present position. .
- Kentucky's Official Vote.
Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 13. Official
counting of the vote shows that Casb,
the first elector on the ticket for Mc
Kinley and Hobart, has 218,054; Smith,
the highest on the Bryan and Sewall
ticket, 217,796. Smith defeats the low
est McKinley elector. McKinley's
plurality is 258, taking the two highest
votes. . .
Justice Cox May Retire.
Washington, Nov. 14. It is under
stood that Justice Cox, of the supreme
court of the District of Columbia, is
about to retire and that Secretary
Herbert will be given the place. Jus
tice Cox recently reached " the age of
80 years, and under the law is entitled
to retire on pay at any time.
Wlud and Kain.
McMrNNVHAE, Nov. 13. The se
vere rain of Saturday night last caused
the dam of Pate Bros' lumbering mill
in the west part of the county to wash
oat, and with the dam went 50,000 feet
of fine logs and a part of the mill build
ings, entailing a loss of $1400. The
mill will not be repaired at present.
San Francisco, Nov. 14 Some im
portant test were made of powder with,
tbe big guns that guard the entrance
to the Golden Gate yesterday. It
turned out that not only the powder,
but the guns were well tested, though
the cannon have been proved by much
higher pressure than that exerted on
them yesterday. The artillery officers
who have recently arrived from Flor
ida were prominent spectators at the
trial, as it was the first time, they had
seen the new biar euns fired. The
men of four artillery batteries wit
nessed the workings of the guns and
were afterward drilled at the 12-inch
rifles and the mortar batteries.
The object of the trials was to test
some new and improved powder re
cently perfected at Santa Cruz. The
trials were highly satisfactory and
prove that California can produce some
of the highest class explosives known.
The first test was made with a 1000-
pound shell and a charge of 490 pounds
of brown prismatic powder. Tbe
charge is supposed to be 500 pounds.
Tbe new powder gave a screeu veloc
ity of 2037 feet per second and a muzzle
velocity of 2055 feet, with a pressure of
37,350 pounds. . These figures show
that with 35 pounds less powder than
allowed, a velocity of 30 feet above re
uqirements was obtained with a pres
sure 650 pounds below the limit. '
It doesn't matter much whether sick
headache, biliousness, indigestion, and
constipation are caused by neglect or
by unavoidable circumstances: De W itt's
Little Earlv Risers will speedily cure
them all. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co.
concern as to the result. All hands
seem to agree that the real crisis is
connected with General Weyler's pres
ent campaign against Maceo.
There are good grounds for believ
ing that Consul-General Lee is in favor
of intervention in the interest of se
curing the autonomy of Cuba it Gen
eral Weyler's campaign does not result
in a more peaceful solution of the
present difficulty than is expected.
General Lee, however, is diplomat!
cally reticent as to his views on the
situation, and will not admit that he
favors intervention.
No one is more anxiously watching
for developments than President Cleve
iana. ineuuDan ieature or his mes
sage is held back, and will not be
written until something definite is
heard as to the result of General Wey
ler's military operations in Pinar del
Rio. No one can say now how the
president will deal with the Cuban
question in his message. All will de
pend upon tbe result of Weyler's cam
paign. Should Weyler be repulsed
or should he return to Havana without
having accomplished any result at all
everything would be in a chaotic state
in Cuba, and in Spain, and there is no
telling what the consequences would
be. Of the possibilities connected with
General Weyler's campaign, a com
plete victory over Maceo is considered
the least likely to occur.
De Witt's Sarsapanlla is prepared for
cleansing tne Diooa irom impurities and
disease. It does this and more. I
builds up and strengthens constitutions
impaired oy disease, it recomends itself.
Snipes 4 Kinersly Drug Co.
Plant of the Oregon Cracker Company
Completely Destroyed.
Portland, Nov. 17. The south end
of the Zent Psi building, owned by the
J. C Ainsworth estate, 'at the corner
of Front and Davis streets, a three
story brick structure, occupied by the
Oregon Cracker Company, was com
pletely gutted by fire last evening. No
estimate of the loss sustained could be
Laewirfid, .but Jt L l-ill .probably reach
$30,000, two thirds of which will fall
on the cracker company, which is cov
ered by an insurance of $10,000.
The origin of the fire is a mystery.
Mr. Ambrose E. Gantenbem, secretary
of the Oregon Cracker Company, was
tbe last to leave the building last even
ing, after the work of the day had been
completed. He said the oven fires had
been carefully banked, and there was
no sign of any fire in other portions of
the building occupied by the company.
As near as can now be conjectured, the
fire originated in the back part of the
building, near the elevator, and had
been in progress for some time before
discovered. When . first seen, it ap
peared as though the entire roof of the
building was in flames, and special Of
ficer Riel'y, about 10 P. M., hastily
turned in an alarm from box 142, at
Third and Davis streets.
It was not until 11 o'clock that the
fire was under complete control. The
flames at one time broke through the
wall into that portion of the building
immediately adjoining the part occu
pied Dy tne cracker company, but a
line of hose was run up the stairway,
and the fire headed off.
The Zent Psi building was built by
Captain J. C. Ainsworth, in 1881 and for
several years the second and third
stories were entirely occupied by the
O.-R. N. and Northern Pacific com
panies. Of late years it has 'not been
proftible investment to the owners
greater part of the building not
being tenanted.
. Escaped Prisoner Returns.
La Plata, Md., Nov. 16. George
Matthews, who on October 3 walked
out of jail here, where he was being
held for murder, today walked in again
and told the jailer to lock him up,
There was a reward of $650 for his cap
ture, and, although there were some
eager detectives looking for him, none
could find him. Matthews said today
he remained near his home in the
lower part of tbe county ever since his
escape. He said he had always In
tended to stand trial, and left the jail
merely because he got tired of the con
finement. Matthews is accused, with
Mrs. James 3. Irvin, of killing the
woman's husband.
". - ' . The Storm is Orer.
Astoria, Or., Nov. 16. The heavy
gales wbicfa-have prevailed for the past
week moderated Sunday, the .wind
changing to the north at noon and
snow commenced falling. In the even
ing it snowed heavily and this morn
ing there was about three inches of
snow on the streets, while the hills
about the city and across the river on
the Washingtou shore were white with
nature's winter robes. The old. in
habitants say that this is the earliest
in tbe season anow has fallen in the
history of Astoria.
Many a day's work is lost bv sick head
ache, caused by indigestion and stomach
troubles. DeH'itt's Little Early Risers
are th iTiost effectual pill for overcoming
such difficulties. Snipes & Kinersly
Drug Co.
Cotton Mills Reopened. '
Norwich, Conn., Nov. 16. The
Greenville cotton mills, which have
been idle since July 3, resumed 'opera
tions today on full time. Between 500
and 600 hands are employed.
Prosperous Farmer Kills His Wile and
. Himself.
Lyman. N. H., Nov. 14 A terrible
double crime was committed in this
little town. Herbert R. Ash, a well-to-do
farmer, and one of the best known
men in the community, shot his wife
and then hanged himself.' The first
intimation of tbe crime was when the
9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ash delivered a note to a brother of
Ash. The note read as follows:
"Dear brother: When.- you read
these lines Ella and I will be numbered
The body of Ash was found hanging
by a halter around his neck, from a
beam over the barn door. There was
a bullet wound in one arm that showed
tbat he bad . attempted his own life
with the revolver which had been the
means of his wife's death. There was
evidence of a struggle between tbe
husband and wife.
No reason for the deed can be as
signed, as the martial relations of Ash
and bis wife were supposed to be the
hapDiest. . ;
Catarrh Cared.
Health, and sweet breath secured, bv
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedv, Price 50
cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale
by M. Z. Donnell.
Insurgents at
Weyler Most Crush the
Washington, Nov. 16. The Cuban
situation is pregnant with possibilities.
There is not a public-man in Washing
ton who does not realize fully the
gravity of the situation. The presi
dent, his cabinet, Consul-General Lee,
and officials and diplomats generally
are-waiting for the developments of'
the next fortnight with the greatest
rhe Particular Bonk Yon Want Is Always
Oat and the 8ysleu of Pines Annoying;.
Here is one man's -experience of a
free circulating library: ."I gave my
reference and took out my. first book.
It was good to Lean the library list and
sec the amount of literature I could
read free. The second - time I wrote,
according to the rule, the lfct of cabal
istic figures which index the book, and
alter nearly a naif Hour s delay I was
told that the one I' wanted was 'out.
Then I put down fresh sets of figures
and wasted more half hours, but they
were "all 'out, until I finally took in
desperation -a bock recommended me
by the young woman who disappears
ior Eucn an age to make the searches.
This book proved so uninteresting that
I brought it back next day and again
went through the figure list business
and the half hours of waiting, until I
wound up by repeating my previous ex.
penence and taking a book by recom
"I threw it aside on reaching home
and forgot I had it until a postal warn
ing me oi the due cf one cent for every
day over two weeks in which I had it
bad now 6et in. I turned- tip with it
when .eight cents were due, took out
another I didn't want aud forgot it
nntil eleven cents were due, kept up
me business or ligurc. lists, waitings,
books I didn't call for and fines after
ward throughout a year until I might
far better have bought stratghtout the
books I wanted, but never trot.
"At lost one time with a book in my
possession I left town. -A siege of
postals and of visits from a myhterious-
loolung man kept my servant busy. I
had forgotten all about the book, and
my 'friends were indignant dVcr the
dun'riing of this individual. On my re
turn -to town I found' that my refer
ence had been called upon to pay for
tne Doon wnicli l was in tho position
oi fiaving stolen from tho library, and
that my reputation was in an unpleas
ant nx. i now pay Ior my books.'
Haw th Poor Reptiles Are Deprived of
Their Shells.
"I never see any 'of the- pretty arti
cles made out oi tortoise shell, said a
citizen of - Oakland, Cal., recently,
"without thinking of the probable
torture the poor turtles had been r.ub-
jectcd to in order to procure tho ina-
A 1 . 1 . . . . ..
m-j-uii ior mcir manuiacture. rnc na
tives in the West Indies lie in wait for
the turtles as they come to the shore
to deposit their eggs, then thoy catch
them and turn them over on their
backs, so that they are absolutely help
less. The operation of divesting these
creatures of their shells is cruel ia the
extreme. Tho tortoise shell that we
value is merely the scales that cover
the bony shield of the turtle. These
scales are "thirteen in number, and a
large turtle will furnish about eight
pounds. In order to detach this shell
from the living animal (for they don't
want to kill them, as in that case they
would be exterminated in a few years)
they fasten him down, and then put
dry leaves and grass under his back, to
which they set fire. The heat causes
the scales to separate at the joints.
They then insert a large knife beneath
them and lift the shell from the back.
Many turtles die under the operation,
but they have been known to be
caught a second time with an outer
coating reproduced, but in such cases
there was only one piece, instead of
Cure Por Crippled Children. '
The National Surgical Institute, No.
319 Bush St., San Francisco, success
fully treats all cases of orthopaedic sur
gery. One or more surgeons of the
institute will be at the Umatilla house
The Dalles, Wednesday, Nov. 18th,
one day, to exsmine cases. The suc
cess of the Institute in treating all
cases of curvature of the spine, diseaaea
of the hip and knee joints, clubfeet,
crooked limbs and bodily deformities
as well as plies, fistula, nasal catarrh,
and all chronic diseases has made for '
the institute a national reputation.
Write for circular. References may
be had to: A. A. Bonney, The Dalles,
Mrs. A. Richmond, The Dalles; S. A.
Bunnell, Centerville, Wash., J. C.
Hays, Heppner
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction
City, 111., was told by her doctors she)
had consumption and that there was
no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery completely
cured her and she says it saved her
life. .Mr. Thomas Eggers, 139 Florida
street, San Francisco, suffered from a
dreadful cold, approaching consump
tion, tried without result evervthlnir .
else then bought one bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naturally
thankful. It is such results, of which
these are samnles. that Drove the won
derful efficacy of this medicine in
coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at
Hlakeley & Houerhton's drusr store.
Regular size 50c. and $1. -
ITor Sale. .. . ,
Now is the time to buy land, since wc
have an open river. A fine fruit ranch
of about 90 acres, with plenty of wood '
and running water, within 5 miles of
The Dalles. Price $700. Inquire - at
this office or at the home of J. A. Fleck.
The only nndr raaraatesd te ahsatatsrei
care catarrh and completely radicate the
disease Irani the bleed sad System.
Each fun sirs eackars contain! one InB ansa's
local traatsMnt, on full stoma's supply ef CatarrM
mating Dam ana on lull swats s supply of bsuurIM
Blood sad Sloauch Pills. 7 ...
If yos have snvef the fallowta syptosis. Dr Q.
r. Shores' Complete Catarrh Cursrlll rlvs vou te.
tant rallsf and completely sod psrauasstly curs yea.
w, hum kiupiii upr
Does yoor nos dlscharrer
Is the aoss son snd tender?
1 there pain In front of hsadr
Do voa hawk to dear lh throat?
Is your throat dry Is ths SMrnlne?
Do you sleep with your swath osaar
la vour heartnt fallln?
Do your sars discharge?
la the was dnr In vour ears?
Do you liear batter soats days Huts other?
Is your hearlrtf worse when you bavs a cold?
Or. O. W. Shores' Couth Cars cures an courfca
colds and sffactlons. One doss will floe
spasmodic croup. Keep s bottle is the houss. Large
las bottles Kc. If you bavs these sysaptosM sss N
i directed on ths bonis sad It win cars yos.
Have voa s courh?
Do yoa Isks cold eaillv?
Have yoa s pain la lbs skis?
Do yoa raise frothy material?
Do you cough la tbe ararnlnrs?
Do yoa spit ap Httt chewy lumps?
Dr. Q. Shores' Tealc sod Blood PartUsr dess
tea nd purifies ths blood, gives strength and vtgoa,
curss dyspspsls snd sll nervous diseases. Price.
f 1 par bottl. Il permanently cares tbe touowaas
Is there asusea?
Do yos belch un.gas?
Are yoa constipated?
Is your ton rue coated?
Do yos blost ap alter aatlag?
Do you feel yov are growing weaker?
Is there constant bad lasts Is tbe otoofa?
Dr. a. W. Shores' Kldaew as Uvar Cms
cures sll disessss of tb kMasys, Uvsf sad blaiMea
Pries. 1 per bottle.
Do you get diuy?
Hsvs you cotd Isst? -
Do you feel miserable?
Do you get tired easily?
Do yoa bsvs hot Hashes? -
Are your spirits low st tlmss?
Do you havaromMlsgta bowels
Do your bands sad tset swell? .
I this noticed swrs st sight?
Is there pa i a in snail of back?
Has ths perspiration a bad odor?
' Is there pufltnese under toe eye?
Do you have to get up oftaa at sight?
Is there s deposit la arias H left eiandlng?
Doa't asrleci these signs snd risk Bright s disease
killing you. Dr. Shores' Kidney and lives cars We
curs yoa if ased ss directed oa tb bottle.
Dr. Q. W. thwres' Meaatsla aars Oil stops fha
worst pais hs one minute. For headache, toothaca
neuralgia, cramps or colic sss H externally sad la-
tsraally. Prevents and cures dlphthstls M used tm
Urns. Keep a bottle bendy. Pries, IV s boras.
Dr. a. W. Skeres Pepsla Verssltage Sertrevs
Intestinal worms snd removes ths litus round seat
where they batch and bread. It sever fails. Plica
Kc a botta.
Dr. a. W Shares' Winter areas Salve cores at
diseases of th skla. Reesoves rad apota and blacb
pimples from lbs lac. Hsals old sore la iMldaya.
Price, if a bos.
Dr. O. W. Meres Aatl-CeastlBatlea Puss
curs chronic conatlpatloa. sick kaadschs sad bilious
attacks. Pries. lie s bottle.
Is an rases, k fha bnwela mwm Mafttttad tab em af
Dr. G.W. Shores' Antl-Constipstioa PiUsst bedtime.
It your trouble Is chronic snd deep seated, writs Dr.
G V. Shores personally for bis nw symptom Mst
snd hsvs your cass diagnosed sad get bis sspsrt se
ries free.
These famons ramedlaa are nreearvd aehr bv Dee-
tor G. W. Shores. Zloa's Madljal larailuls. Salt lake
City. Utah.
for sets by an Drsggtals. or seal ft say sddrsss a
rscslpt of pries.
(Soiyismor to F. IUR ft 00.)
Detlet In
Oils an5 '
Artists Material and Painters' Sup-
plles. Agent for MASURY'S LIQUID
PAINT. All orders for painting, pp.
erlng and kalsomlnlng promptly at
tended to. . .
W - Exchaofe - Saloon
Wine 3, Liauors Cigars
. East End, Second Street