-la forllul Library CI) THE DALI.EP. OKEOON. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 17, IK96 NO 6 m CONSOLIDATED 1882 ROHCSSIO.NAL. o O II I.U 31' II. Physician and -i'ryeon, Rww ovflr IKiIcs ttio U.nk '15 amt'lim ml ir..ii ! t 4 a iu. lencd Vj t B-vl r.f '"htril trwut. A. 8. B .LT Attorney at Law Ollce ir bun buinitlag, uptaf Oregon IJUKOB M'NErEr, Attorneys at Law The Dill. Room 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The lk:t. Ut. SOCIETIES. fTEMPLE r.OnOR. NO. 3. A.' O. TJ W.- J Meets In Keller- Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. TAS. NP.SM1TH POST. NO. 32 O. A. R O Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in &.oir. nan. COURT THE DALLES, A. O. F. NO. ,8630 Meets every Friday evening at their hall at 8 o'clock. ' T OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in K. of P. Hall TITASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. O. R.M. Meets YV every Wednesday evening in K, of F Hall. n ESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets JX every Sadday evening at Baldwin opera uouse. BOF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 187. Meets In K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. llfASCO LOEGE, NO. 15. A. F. A A. M. f J Meets first and third Monday of cac month at 8 P. M. THE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third ' Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O F. ' 1 i Meetn everv Fridav evenin2at7:30o'clock. In K." of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. T71RIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. S K. of. P. i1 Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in Sohanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in- . vltea. . - - WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE ONION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock n the reading room. ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-- ' iVI Mt. Hood Camn, No. 69,. meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. . COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. Ii Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor- diall invited. - THE CHURCHES. e IT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A.M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30. T7VANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH i Rev. L. Qrev. Pastor. Service in the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church, every Sunday 9:30 A. if. and 7:30 P. H. - Hif E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. 11. Services every Suudny morning and eve- big. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all. rONnRF.OATTONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C j Curtis. Pastor. Services every Sunday at II A. M. and 7:30 P. M. . Sunday school aitei monting service - 'OT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest O Pastor. Low muss every Sunday a 7 A. M . Hlh mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington streets. Services eaca bundny morning at ii o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. Pastor's resiaence ixortneast cor. or wasmng ton and Seventh streets. -nrRRT-r-HRISTiAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. r Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday naminn at. 11 and In the evening at 7 o'clock - ' Snnrinv rhool at 10 A M. Prayer, meeting every Ttmrsday evening.- Y. P. S. C. E. meets erery-Snnday at 6. SO r. M. . r- r AVALRY ' BAPTIST CHURCH Comer - Kj Seventh and Union. Elder J. 11. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 730 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday .. evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are corduUly welcomed. Z Children Cry for IttCBtB'a C ASTORIA Castorti h po well" adapted to children that I reconirnt-n.1 it as kupei i-.r to any prescription known to me." 11. A. Archer, M. D.. - IU bouth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N Y "I tins raster's In my practice, and find It cpeci&Uy ftJlaUxJ to aflectiuns of chiidnn. " ROBCBTSOM, M. D.. . 1057 8d Aveu, Sew yorli 'From pprsnit knowledge 1 can say th.it .iastoi U la a znomt excellent medicine for chil Jren." Lia. G. O. Oso.wn, . , Lowell, Mass . Caatorla promotes DJfJsion, and . overcomes Flatulency, ConsUi idon, Sour Stomach, Diarincea, and Feverishnesa ' Thus the child ia rendered healthy and its sleep uatnraJ. Castoria contain 3 DO Morpoine or other uarcotio property. A NE'A- vj UNDERTAKING e,l ESTABLISHMENT frinz & Nitsctilce diiauuu nt FURNITURE AND CARPETS We have added to en barinoe a compkta Und r . taking Gsub aliment, and aa we are in no way eoi mrti with the Vndertaers' Trust, our . pr c will be Kt aceordingly. Latest Style Lowest Profits . : In Mens and Boys : lo tiling, Drj Goods, WIS FURNS IHGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : -Boot and Shoe C. F. STEPHENS 134 Second Street. Kelt door to the Dalles National Bank DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THB Wool - Exchange - Salooa. . BUT IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wine v i ; a : or i ( i;a-J3 Bass nd. Second Street NO 1 ICE FOtt .'UKLKWIION. Land Office at XisccvvE::. Wash., i StyU; u.-e -ri, I-I'U. f 'lo I vin : n " B i!l.:r,l, ;'ad dLouura vr o.u i tu;i.v to.i e u : Nuii-e is he.euy gvci -hi. .he fc.ll wiig .1:1. .;t.d etUtf. ii fi.el act.ve ot iii i .teatiu . to make fi.ial i.nx.f i.i -.uio. .. of hi- claim, aau that stud uooi will Le.mde uefo.e W. K Dunuai. Cummis .tunc- U o. Ciru-iit Court fo Dist ii't cf Vv'.isajntoo. .it . 1 . ID e in Golilea dale, vVuH.Jngtoo, oa iSovt.iii e . l&'3,viz.: JOSEPH D.iFFiiOX, H. E No Br.H for ike SVH Sec. 23 Tp. 4 N 1. I 12 -a.--t Will. Mer. lie n;imcs me xoiionrin? witnesses 10 prove ms continuous residence upon una cultivation ot - am land, viz.: Jiimes Kli -rii.Jo' n H. Forsyte. John B Si' moo-unti Junes Fitz. 'ill or L: c P O . Wash' ington. GEO. H. oTKVENSON, Sept. 19 Register. NOTI.E.FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oreooic. August 21, 1-V6. Notice is hereby given that the following named setiler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on October hi, icuu, viz. : ANNA M. WE BERG, 'Record name Anna E. Weberg). H. E. No. .156S for the Sxiw NWli. Sec. 6. Td. IN.. R. 13 Hi . w . in . She names the following witnesses to Drove ner continuous resiaence unon ana cultivation or snia lana. viz: Albert Jordan. William Jordan. Ernest Jor dan and Lotus P. Oslund. all of The Dalles. Oregon. jas. 11UUKB,, Aug. 23. Register NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore., . August 21. 1893. ( Notice Is hereby given that the followine- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before Register ana tteceiver at me uaues. uregon. on ucto- ner lutn, iv: NEWTON PATTERSON, Hd. E. No. 3623. for the S NEW. NWM SEW and NEM SWM. Sec. 31. Tp. 1 N., K. 14 E. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sam land, viz: Phillip Wagner. John Darnielle. w. H. Wil liams and J. E. Ferguson, all of The Dalles, uregon. - JAS. ilUUKE, Aug 29 Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned. administrator of the estate of Sarah Staes, de ceased, will on Saturday, the 17th day of October aw. at the hour of z o'clock f. M. of said any. at -the front door of the county court bouse in Dalles City, Wasco Ccunty, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, belonging to the estate of said deceased, to wit: The Sa of the NWK. ond the TO of NWJ of Section 6. in Township one (1) North of Range In East W. M., in Wasco County, Oregon. Said sale will be made in pursuance ot the former order of the Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco county, and subject to confirmation by said court. Dated this 15th day of September, live. J. P. MctNERNY. Adm'r of the estate of Sarah Staes. deceased. Sept. IS wa NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT. To whcm IT mat concern: Notice is here by given that Thomas W. Glavey has filed his final account as administrator of the estate of Patrick i on is. deceased, and that said final account will come on for bearing on Monday. tlieSd day of November. If 96. at the hour of 3 o'clock p. M f said day. at wl iuh time a hear ing wilt be hai as to any and ail objections to sum IlaaJ account ana the settlement tnercor. This not! e is given by order of Honorable Robert Mays, county judge of Wasco County. Oregon. Dateu this 7tn aay or September, inm. THOMAS W. UL.AVKY. Adm'r of the estate of Patrick Dorris. deed. sept.izw5. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has Det-n amy appointed w trie lion, county Court of the State of Orepoii for Wasro County, as the administrator of Peter Shcrringer. late or Wasco county, Oregon, ana now deceasea. All persons naving claims iguinst sail estate are hereby notified to present the same to me nt my pi 'ce of business in Cascade Locks, Wasco County. Oregon, properly verified, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 1st day of September. T. V. BKNSUN. Administrator of the estate of Peter Sher- ringer, deceased. . sep6-d,w5t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed admidistrator of the estate of Christina Phillips, late of Wasco county, and now deceased. All persons having claims against saia estate wiu present tne same, duly verified to me at Kingsley,' Oregon, or to my attorney's. Dufur & Menefee, of Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, within six months from tneuate hereof. Dated at Dalles City, this 19th day of July, B. IS. Administrator of the estate of Christina Phil lips, deceased. . J25w5 Ad ministrator's Final Notice. Notice k hereby iriven that the undersigned. administrator of the estate of Carl Barkentine. deceased, has filed in the County Court of the County of Wasco. State or Uregon. his final ac count as such administrator of said estate, and that Monday, the 2d day of November. 18m. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report, ana the settlement tnereor. rAUlj DAUKcnTints. Administrator of the estate of Carl Barken- tine, deceased. Sinnott & Sinnott, Attorneys for the estate. sepowbt. 1 P ffi( TO EXCHANGE for Oregon I O 1 IMWl) property. 158 acres near Colfax, Placercounty. Culiiorma. a) acres ( I8.au vines) 10 venr Tokay grapes: 15CJ 9 year Crawford peaches : WOO Bartlett pears. 7 year; 6uo 3 and 8 year neisey piums; s acres piums Daiance un cleared but all tillable; new house: all out buildings; two gold mines on uncleared, one assaying $30 upon surface roek; landroll- a. a. nAHsWEi.i.. 638 Montgomery street, San Francisco LATIN and GERMAN Taught In 'This City. GERMAN. The undersigned desires to organize a class in Germun. Every American citizen who can af ford both time and expense ongnt to be master of at least two languages- The German lan guage has many advantages over modern lan guages on account of her profound literature in all brunches of ancient and modern science pro duced in her world-renowned universities. Those who would drink from these inexhaustible and yet unadulterated fountains of knowledge, must master the language which contains the key to tbem. The undersigned will organize a eloss in German, and will begin with actual work on the first day of September. The class will meet two or three times a week in the evening or when most convenient to the pupils. Rapid progress guaranteed to those who will get down to earnest labor. All who desire to participate in this work will please announce their Intention to the undersigned at on early date, as the class will be limited to a certain number. Charges will be very reasonable. ' - LATIN. The undersigned will also organize a class in Latin. There are so many reasons why those who desire to advance their knowledge bey or a a common school education should take at lei st a course in Latin, that probably everybody is familiar with at least some of- them. I will not take space here to speak of the beauties of the L ttin language nor of the many advantages in life possessed by those who have mastered it. I will here only announce my intention to organ ize a class in Latin. Rapid progress g aran toed to those who will work. hard. Charges very reasonable. All desiring instruction in Latin are kindly requested to announce their intention to the undersigned before September, If possible. Awaiting your application, I am very respect fu'ly yours, . L. GREY, A iclTml Evangelical Lutheran Pastor The Sun The first of American Newspapers. Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, The American Idea, The American Spirit These first, last, and all the time, forever. tfally, by mail .86.00 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $3.00 a year The Sunday 5un Is th greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. By mail, 2a year. 6c a copy Address The Sun, New York. 8 1 BATTLE A J P I'iSjj1 fi Mr j J ti ff for a Six Months' Trip. m No matter how much you are charged for a small piece of other brands, the chew is no better than "Battle Ax' For 10 cents you get almost twice as much as of other high grade goods H B m 1 "Tl Fif lite Iii!!" Ii .3! h, f c Tiland rnd storic NtV cation Co tiir ugh - Feignt ana Psssenos- Ljns Throusrh Dailv trios (Sundays ex capttidr between The bailee and Port land, bteamer Keguiator leaves ihe Dalles at 8 a. m., connecting at the Cascades Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock)'at 7 a. m., connecting with Steamer Regulator for Tne Dalles. PASSENGER RATES' One way.... .82 00 . 3 00 Round trip. . Freight Rates Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5. p. m. . Live stock shipments solic ited. Call on or address, 3flt O HLLHJfilHY, General Agent THE - DALLES - OREGON. ARE TttC BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will iind the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost GoI3 Leaf gro'vn in Virginia, t. d are ABSOLUTELY PURE AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN Imperial hotel Seventh and . Wash ngtor Sts. PORTLAND, - - . IG0N Taos. Guinean, - . Proprietor BATES SrJftPEOAH PLA. S1.0U tl.50 tlOO AMERICAN PLAN. &.( $2.so tax Portland University. The Leading Institution of the Northwest. - " Students attending from Oregon, Washington and Idabo. have free transportation to and from the University if they accept the best accom modations of the school. . Expenses from $100 to $200 a Year School opens September 15. -Catalogue sent free. Address v THOS. VAN SCOY, D. Dean, University Park .O.-eJou I Excursion Rates -TO- Portland Exposition ROUND TRIP Including admission to the Exposition: Tickets limited to 3 days. $ 2 25 Tickets limitpd to 10 davs 2 50 Tickets limited to 30 days 3 00 Tickets must the be procured office. at Regulator leaves at 7:30 a. m. W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent. BRYAN SPEAKING. List of Appointments for Wasco Cou ity. ' Oct. 14, N. L. BTJTLER, The Dalles. Oct. 15, N. L. BUTLER, Hood River. Oct. 16. N. L. BUTLER, Cascade Locks, Oct. 91. GEORGE NO LAND. Dufur. Oct. 22, GEORGE NOLAND, The Dalles. Oct. 23, GEORGE NOLAND, Cascade Looks. Oct. 24. A. S. BENNETT. The Dalles. Oct. 29, W. M. PIERCE, Cascade Locks. Oct. W. M, PIERCE, Hood River. Oct. 31. W. M. PIERCE. The Dalles. Nov. 2, H. L. BARCLAY, The Dalles. ..VRvT. NELSON'S.. RESTAURANT ,. . Will supply Chickens dressed or undressod, and cooked when ordered. Also cooked meats on orders. Court Street, between 2J and 3d 69 TELEPHONE 69 FOR YOUR Frill a il V tables POULTRY and FISH GAVE - IN PEA "ON" AflERICAN fl ARKET 74 Second Street. Job . . - Printing: Of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable rates at this office. mil .'COAL! THf HKKT 5-e'jiQTtoa, Rock Sprain, tad Roslyo Hoi! M2, sacked-an.i delivered u n ..art f t.b? citv. - - -i ) lit'- JlOOSEMOVtR. Address, Lock Box, 181. Kii'D mjmm Another " Fatal - Collision on the Southern Pacific. lit PKoPi.K WIL Candidate Bryan's Triumphant Tou Through Iowa People Wild Wiih Delight Grent Day at Canton hlcsgo ny Crle' bratrd-t'ainlng the Stntmohip Uma tilla To Contest Dr. Sloip snn'e Will. Redwood City. Cal., Oot 9. A serious freitfht-train collision occurred ibout 2 o'cIock tliis m-.'r'iinjr on th coaxt division of ih. Southern Pacifiu between Majfii-id and PaIo; Alto. A a result of the collision, the entfinecr of the freii'ht train fr-nn San Jose to San Francisco was killed and another of the, train crew was seriously injured. Last night six empty cars were left on a siding at Palo Alto. Early thi morninp; the ''empties,'- started to move on the siding. The jrrade be tween Palo Alto and Mayfield is very steep, and the empty cars soon acquired a bitrh-rate of speed. Tho cars run mile down 'the road, when, at Greer's crossiner, tney coinaen witn a ireignt train coming from San Francisco. The engineer of the freight train I supposed he had an absolutely clear track, and was coming' at a good rate of speed with a heavy train. The night was dark, and before he could perceive his danger, the fugitive cars crashed into bis locomotive, throwing it off the track, twisting the engine and smashing it badlyvThe "empties' and freight cars were piled high in a general heap of ruins. Over 20-. cars were badly smashed up. The track at the point of collision is absolutely im passable, and at daylight a construc tion gang began to lay a new track around the wreck. If dull, spiritless aud stupid: If your blood is thick and sluggish; If your appetite is capricious and uncertain. You need a sarsaparuia. for Dest re. suits take De itt's. It recomends it self. Snipes & Kinersly Drug o GREAT DAY AT CAN 1 ON. Two -Novel Event at Home. the McKlnley Canton, O., .Oct. 9. Two unprece dented features of the presidential campaign distinguished this eventful day. One was the call of the Confed erate veterans of the Shenandoah valley of Virginia, cn the republican presidential nominee, who carried a musket as a federal private; another was the listening to the business men's and trades' demonstration in Chicago by Major McKinley athISbooe. While the McKinley household was at breakfast. Local Manager Hoffman, of the Central Union telephone, placed groups of half a dozen telephone ear trumpets in the major's library and Mrs. McKinley's sitting-room. These were connected with the long-distance i telephone wire from -Chicago, .where the receivers were located along the line of parade. At 10:52 Major McKin ley was called to the telephone. An Associated Press reporter listened at one of the trumpets. Major McKinley showed great pleasure at the volume of enthusiastic sounds that reached bim over 400 miles of wire. The music of the bands and the cheers of the crowd were plainly heard. The nest Cough Cure Is Siloh's Cure. A neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M. Z. Don nell. ' ' PEOPLE WILD U lTil D SLIGHT. Candidate Bryan's Triumphant Tonr Through Iowa . Siqux City, Iowa, Oct. 9. William J. Bryan arrived at Sioux City this morning an hour behind time. The delay was caused by" numerous demands of the people along the line to see the presidential candidate.;. . Nearly all night crowds "gathered at the stations to cheer Bryan... At Onawa, Monona county, the train stopped 10 minute. Bryan went out on the platform and addressed a large crowd. It was bitteriy cold, a strong south wind blew directly into the speaker's face. The Deoole went wild with delight. When the train arrived at Sioux City, the candi date was escorted to the train shed of the Union depot, where bespoke thirty minutes to an immense crowd. - The enthusiastic reception . seemed to please Bryan. After the speech be was driven directly to the Milwaukee depot where a special train was wait ing to take the par'y to St. Paul. Small in size .hut great in results. De vlin's Little Earlv Risers act gently but thorpughlv, coring indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill,, Sest pill. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. To Contest Ur hiiupsozi' Will. Garfield, Wash., Oct. 9. -fTbe heirs of Dr. Samuel Simpson, who died two years ago, will bring suit to ' have his will set aside. Ten thousand dollars was bequeathed to reform so cieties and religious organizations. Of this sum, $7000 was in notes, for which the deceased bad sold a half a section of land. Now the purchaser has given up the land and gone away. Charles Simpson, one of the heirs, having taken possession of the farm, a suit of ejectment has been begun against him. A Baby's Lite Rave.!. "My baby had croup ano wis avni by Shiloh's Cure." writes Mr--. J. P,.r Martin, of Huntsvillrf. Ma. For -"i i by M. Z. DonnU. story tfV KKUrw.irY. Hunguriun l onu i or ur- d on a rami - r.'ur p .Scan, 3iOKANE. U'asl-;. O t.. 11. .J.,rW V' vaid. a Iluutr.iriaii woman, unable to ppeuk English, telli a story of bru tality which is'unp irall -il in the city's history. She came lo Spokane several months ago, a -id was induced to go to the farm of one Lomhardi. living ten n ilps fnim town to eook. When alp reaehed the plao. L'on'iardi iiinp"il the worn in to be his niMreps, she g and also the mistress of. others almut the. place. Lombardi's . barn - was burned a few niirhts after the woman arrived, and he claims several hun dred dollars in bills and silver were stolen. The woman was accused of the th-ft, by another man. whose (time cannot tie learned lo force the wo man to tell thu whereabouts of the money, Lombard! used a penknife to j ib her in the face, and, according- to the woman's 9 tor v. he jumped on her stomach and brutally kicked her. An unknown employe waked her in the middle of the night and forced her to go to a place several miles diktat. and tried to make her tell where the money vm supposed to havo been hid den. The woman had not stolen the money and caid the last assailant abused her even more shamefully than the first. She is in such a condition that sh canrot be moved from tne house. Ilirr head is one mass of cuts. and her body, from neck down, is black and blue. Her neck shows the marks of Hncrf, where one of her bru tal ass.iilants clutu'iel her by the throat. The authorities so far have not moved in the matter. The woman was visited today by a reporter, who took her story, and the women of Spo kane will probably take care of the case. It doesrt't matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion, and constipation are caused by neglect ot bv unavoidable circumstances: De m s Utile Earlv Risers will speedily cure them all Snipes & Kinersly Drug o M.U'KO'8 SI KONG POSITION. Entrenched Himwlf In the Mountains, Whin Me laniiot Be Ukloflgrd. Chicago, Oct. 11. Aspicial to the Times-Hera.d from Key West, Fla.j says: The sudden return of General Ber- nal to Havana ' from the northern coat-tof the province of Pinar del Rio. where he was sent by General Weyler to command the Spanish forces in the recent engagements against Antonio Maceo, has caused a profound sensa tion in Havana. General Bernal has returned on sick leave and has asked to be sent to Spain, being thoroughly disheartened over the result of the campaign just inau gurated against the insurgents in Pinar del Rio. The general reports that Maceo has thoroughly reorganized his forces in the last few weeks and entrenched himself in the most com manding positions of the mountain fastnesses, and that any attempt to dis lodge bim would be sure to result in disastrous failure and the wholesale slaughter of the Spaniards. The folly of attempting to dislodge ! Maceo has been fully demonstrated, General Bernal said, in all the recent engagements. A Great Germans Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation . kidney, liver ana bowel troubles cured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea. sale by M. Z. DonnelL and are For Cannon Talks of a Idal Wave. . Salt Lake, Oct. 11 Senator Can-4 non, of Utah, who has just returned from a trip through the Eastern state?, said in an interview today, that he was confident of Bryan's election to the presidency. He says there is a great uaal wavo OI P"onc sentiment ior Bryan in the Middle Weste.-n states, which is trrowing stronger every day He regards Bryan aa absolutely sure of 190 electoral votes, without counting the Ftatese of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kentucky or Minnesota, which are classed as doubt ful. " By the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only knowi remedy for that terrible disease. . For sale by M. Z. DonnelL The Oregon 8ynod. Union, 0-t. 10. During the session of the Oregon synod today, an overture from the presbytery of Southern Ore gon to abolish the office of synodical missionary was not adopted, and upon a ballot being taken, Rev. W. O. I Forbes, of Portland, was elected as ' such missionary. The report of the ' president of 'Albany college was re ' ceived. It shows that the college has maintained a high grade of work. Plans were adopted for tho financial relief of the college. Rev. D. J. Mc Millan, D. D., of New York, delivered a very interesting address upon home missions. " - " . . ' ' any a day's work is lost bv sick head ache, caused bv indigestion and stomach troubles.' De itt's Little Early Risers i.are the most effectual pill for overcoming V i jrr? i . - i- a l r ' ,.. surn uuncuiues. on'pes a njiiersiy Drug Co. Chicago Dhj Celebrated. Chicago, Oct. 9. Chicago day, the ' anniversary of the great fire 25 years ! ago, was celebrated to lay chiefly as a 1 political holiday. Republicans and democrats celehrated separately, each party having its own big street parade, ' as well as monster gatherings indoors. F radically every factory and store in the city is closed; ' also the board of trade and the bank. From early morning the streets were jammed with cheering thousands, struggling to gain some point of vantage. . Posion Ivy, insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWitt's W;td. HazU, Salve the great pile cure. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. They Indorsed McKinley. -Los Angeles, Oct. 9. At the re publican city convention this morning a resolution indorsing McKinley and the republican platform was tabled on a close vote. Afterwards the resolu tion was brought up in a changed form, indorsing McKinley and Hobart and James McLangblan, the nominee of this district for congress, and passed amid much enthtwHsm. The Trntty Is Ratified. Managua. Niearagua, Oct. 8. A treaty wi:h Germany which has been pending since January last has been rtMfled by congress. The treaty in- ,-1 i,le- -he mrwt f tvored nation clause. I Gove.-.inie,it official denv that the ! a liiiini-itration has come to an under standing with the conservative party, promising i s m"mbers participation ', in otlicial aff iir in return for prompt allegiance to President Z daya. Callers at t'anioa. Canton, O.. o.-t 8. special train arrived v. .11: 1 h-'aring a delegation of tb Hiil-ed Italian Republicans of Pittsbur ., ac -ompanied by a - band, and male a reiy enthusiastic, demon stration on the McKinley lawn. - -1 BEGAN A MO EI' Bryan Spoke to Four Meetings in Minneapolis. ARMS FOll CUBA A Large Invoice Safely Landed by the Insurgents on the Coast of Pinar del Rio. Yenexnelan Oarstlon Approaching Settle ment Another Battle at San Dclgo Okloboma Excited Over Oil. Minneapolis. Oct. 12. William J Bryau came from St. Paul to her sister eity this afternoon, and Minneapolis received him with enthusiasm. He spoke to four big meetings tonight in these places: ' Exposition hull, Bridge vquare, on the banks of the Mississippi river, just outside the hall; Lyceum theater, to an audience of women, and Yale place, a public square in the city Bryan rested in St. Paul all morn' ing. He stayed in his room at the hotel Ryan until after luncheon, when be held an informal reception in the parlors. ' With Mrs. Bryan by his side- the candidate stood in a doorway and Miiilt d to the greetings of the bun dreds of persons who filed past during the course of an hour. Bryan having expressed a preference to make the journey between the twin cities by trolley rather than in his private car, a special car, elaborately decorated, was engaged. Arrived here, a second reception was held in the West hotel, and then - r. and Mrs. Bryan were driven to the hone of State Senator S. B. Howard, where they took dinner. During their absence the Veteran's Bryan Club, of Minneapolis, marched to the hotel and formed a circle in the spacious lobby. ' When he came out they gave him a royal reception, and escorted him to the Exposition hall. No such crowd has been packed within the walls of that building since the day when the republican" party named Benjamin Harrison for president in 1892. It seats 8300. Every seat was occupied.- and there was a standing army of very many more lined around the walls and ".hoking the aisles. Out side the hall the crowd was so great that the services of a squad of police men were required to force an entrance for Bryan when he arrived. DeWitt's Sarsapanila is prepared for cleansing the blood from impurities and disease. It does this and more. I builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. t recomends itself. Snipes 4 Kinersly Drug Co. LANDED SUPPLIES IN CCBi. The Steamer Dauntless Makes Another . Successful Trip. - PalST Beach, Fla., Oct. 12. The ji libusteting expedition which left here early Friday morning on the steamer Dauntless, was the largest that has yet been dispatched to Cuba from Florida. The Dauntless carried 400 men and four carloads of arms and am munition. The Dauntless left Jack sonville last Monday escorted by the revenue cutter Boutwell. The vessels crossed St. John's bar in company and proceeded to sea. Once outside tho marine limit the Dauntless showed her hoels to the Boutwell and rapidly steamed southward, the cut ler follow ing for a few miles and then returning to Jacksonville. : Eight hours after the Dauntless had left port the cruiser Newark from Jacksonville passed here in quest of the filibuster, but the war ship was too late. Word now comes from Key West that the Dauntless landed the men and arms just before daylight on the south eoast of Pinar del Rir. Are t oil Mit,io Miserable by indigestion, constipa tion dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Another Battle Keportrd. Havana, Oct. 12. Dispatches re ceived from official ' sources in the province of PiDardel Rio say another battle has. been fought between Span iards and insurgents under Antonio Maceo, , resulting in another victory for the former. General Rehague was in command of the government troops. Maceo led the enemy. The 'fighting took t lace at San Diego. The insur gents are alleged to have sustained an enormous loss. The dispatches also say the loss of the Spaniards was con siderable. The fighting continues.Jand no details are at present obtainable. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians but the sufferers want quick relief, and Ons Minute ough ure will give it to them. A sate cure for children. It is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results' Snipes 4 Kineislv Drug Co. Fire in the Tales Near Im Grande. La Grande, Oct. 10. A heavy wind has been prevailing throughout the valley during the last 18 hours. Thi morning fire broke out in the' tules a few miles east of La Grande, and has swept over a large area. . It is reported that 700 tons of bay has already been destroyed, and much more is in danger. The railroad company has sent all of its men available to fight the fire, but unless the wind abates, little hope is entertained of controlling the fire. "Boys will be bovs," but you can't af ford to lose any ot them. Be readv for the green apple season by having De Witt's Colic Cholera Ture in the huose. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. complexion of the Next-Wonse." Chicago, Oct. 11. The Tribune telegraphed all the chairmen of the various political parties in all the "wte8 OI "e union, astting meir ciaima regarding the congressional election . . . rt T , - tJ 1-1 this fall, and how' many members of the house of representatives each ex pected to return. The republicans claim a total of 2o8 yet to be elected, democrats 209, populists 24, gold demo 5, silver republicans 3. Discharged Twelve Clerks. St. Louis, . Oct, II. Considerable furor has been created i t local politi cal circles over the discharge of 12 Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fulr Highest Award. Highest of all in Leavening UW222I ABSOLUTELY PURE clerks by Mr. Dugald Crawford, p-o- prictor of a largo department store lo this 2ity, for the reason, it is alleged, that they intended to vote for Bryan for president. A Settlement In Slffht. London, Oct. 12. It is learned thai a conference on Saturday between the Marquis of Salisbury, Secretary of State for the Colonies Hon. Joseph Chamberlain and British Ambassador at Washington Sir. Julian Pauncefote, was most satisfactory. It is believed in highest quarters that at least the general principle of arbitration and settlement of the Venezuelan question w;ll be decided upon with the United otates before the end of the month Sir Julian Pauncefote sails for New York on Wednesday with final instruc tions. Catarrh Cared. Health, and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh -Remedy Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Oil In Oklahoma. Perry, O. T., Oct. 12. Great ex citement exists in the eastern part of this county and in Payne and Pawnee counties iq the Osage Indian nation. over the discovery of oil iu great quan tities. It has leaked - out that the Standard Oil Company has secured leases on thousands of acres and 20 other companies baye purchased leases consisting of many thousands of acres, At Cleveland, a wonderfuly rich flow of oil was found by a farmer, who was boring a well. The whole system is drained and un dermined by Hidolent ulcers and open sores. De itt's Witch Hazle Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pile cure known. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co; Balling the Umatilla. Port Townsend, Uash., Cct. 9. Arrangements for Uoati 1 the steam ship Umatilla are well advanced! Two 18-inch pumps will be started at low tide tonight and as 10 holes in the bot tom of the ship have already been patched, it is thought there will be no j trouble experienced in raising her from the beach. The tides or waves have not moved or injured ber since she was beached: Serves on JCdge. I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me well and happy. Mrs. E. B. Worden. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Tramp Struck by an Engine. 1 Roseburo, Or., Oct. 12. William Gray, a tramp from Salt Lako City, Utah, was struck by tho northbound overland last night near Green's dairy, a few mi lies Bouth ot here. ' He was severely injured. He says that he sat down on the end of a tie to rest, and fell asleep; and that he did not wake until he was struck by the engine. He was found lying by the track this' morning, was brought to town, and is being cared for by the county. A Uejected Lovers' Crime. St. Louis, Oct. 12. Philip Zimmer, aged 24, a blacksmith, attempted to kill -bis sister, shot his sweetheart, CeliaVcitz, In the abdomen, then put a bullet through bis own heart at the Veitz girl's home early today. His victim, who is 29 years old, will prob ably die. Before the shooting, Zim mer asked Miss Veitz to marry him and leave the city. She refused. - - Eli Hill. Lumber City, Pa., writes. "I have beeu suffering from Piles for twenty five years and thought n.y case incurable. De itt's Witch Hazie Salve was rec omended to me as a' pile cure; so 1 bought a box and itptrfoJmed a per manent cure." This is only one ol thousands of similar cases. Eczema ores and skin diseases vield quickly when it ssused. Snipes ct Linersly Drug Co. Nineteen years ago John M. Palmer laid: "Democrats, the fight for the silver dollar is more than forty years old. We won it once against the national banks, under the lead of Old Hickory, and by his bones we'll win il again.'-' The democrats are still in the fight, but Palmer has gone over to the enemy. In I860, the man who enlisted in the services of the government to main tain the union and free the colored slaves of the South from the tyrany ot their masters, was a patriot. In 1896. the man who offers his vote to free the white slaves from the tyrany of thir corporation oppressors, is a traitor in theeyes of the corporation mouth pieces. BORN. BORDERS In this eity, on October 12th, the wile of C, A. Borders, a son. HARRIED. COOPER-MURPHY At the Cmttllla House parlore, in this city on October 10, Mr W. 8. Cooper to Miss Kate Murphy, 1. M. Fillooo, J. P., ofneiating. The happy couple left Monday morning tor Independence, on a short wedding tour. DIED. SHERRILL At ber home near tils city, on Ojt. 12, Mrs. Jamei S-errill, aged 65 years. Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair, dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; CREAM IMPS Most Perfect Made, ip Yean the SUsdaxd, mm Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. DOGTORG.W. SHORES' C COMPLETE , ATARRH IJRE. BOTH LOCAL AND IXTEBXAL. The only rsmsdy gasrsntsed to sbsehrtsly car catarrh and completely eradicate tk dUaass If om tba btoed sad Systssa. FULL SIZE, $1.C0; TRIAL SIZE, 25c Each fall fits package contains one toll nonth's local trsatsient, on full swain's supply ef Catarrh ntallng Balm an4 one full swath's supply at Catarrh. Blood and Stomach Pills. If vou havt anv of th fotknrlnc srvptoais, Dr O. W, Shores' Complete Catarrh Cur will gtv yoo Is tant iHf and completely sad parnaacBlly cars ysa Ii Hi nose stopped up? Dnei yonr nou dltcharr Is the nos tor and tender? - - h there pain In front of had? Do you bawk to clear ih throat? ' Is your throat drv la th stoning-? Do yon sleep with your mouth esaa? Is your barlnt; falling? -- Do vour ars dlscharr? Is th wax dry In vour ears? - Do yon tear better torn days than othari? N your h taring wore when, you have a cold? Or. Q. W. Shares' Coavh Care care all courhs. cnlds and bronchi M affections. On do will stop spasmodic cmup. Keep a bnttl Is th hous. Largs sis bottle 25c. If you hav the syaiptoas as H as directed on Hi bottle and II will curs ye. . Hav vou cough? Do you take cold easily? Hav you a pain In th sld? Do yos rals frothv aiaterlal? Do yon cough la th mornings? Do yoa spit up littl cheesy lumps? Dr. Q. 5hors' Tealc and Blood Partner class- es and purifies th blood, gives strength and vtgoc, cures dyspepsia snd sll nervous diseases. Pries, tl per bottl. It permanently cans lb foilowlsg symptoms: Is there nausea? Do you belch up gas? Ar you constipated? Is your tongu coated? Do you bloat up after eating? Do you feel you ar growing weaker? la then constant bad last In th mouth? Dr. Q. W. Shores' Kidney and Uvsr Car) cures sll diselses of tba fcldasys, Uvsr sad Maddsa Price, tl per bottl. Uo you gel diuy? Hav you cold I set? - Uo you feel miserable? -- Do you gat tired easily? Do you hav hot flashes? Ar your spirits low st times? Do you hav rum Wing in bowels? D.) your bands and tet swell? I this noticed mora st night? Is thr pais In small of back? Has the perspiration a bad odor? Is there puftiness under thys? Do you hav 4o get up often at sight? Is there a deposit la urine If left standing? Don't nezlct these signs and risk Bright s disease kiilinr vou. Dr. Snorcs' Kidney and liver cur wID cur you II used as directed on th bottl. Dr. Q. W. Shores' Maantala Aer Oil stops the worst pais hi en minut. For headache, toothache, neura'rla. cramps or colic use It externally and In ternally. Pravants end cures Diphtheria h" used hs time. Keep a bottl handy. Price, 2tc a bottle. Dr. Q. W. Shares' Pepsin Versnllace destroys . Intestinal worms and removes the llttla round neat where they batch sad bread. It saver fails. Price rx s Done. ' Dr. a. W. Shares' Wlnterrreea Salve cares al diseases of the skis. Removee red spot and blach Iraples from the fact. Heals aM son la JwJsays. . Prlc. 29 s box. Dr a. W. Shores' Antr-coastieetiea Hills cure chronic constipation, sick headarhe and bUlons attacks. Price, 25c a bottle. In all rases. If the bowels are constipated take on of Dr. G.W. Shores' Anti-Constipation Pills at bedtime. Ii your troubls Is chronic snd deep-sealed, writs ur. . ho-e personally tor hi n" symptom nsi and hav your case diagnosed and get his expert ad vice fres. These famous remedies a re ersearrd onrv by Doc tor G. W. Shores, Zioa's Medina! InMltut. Sail Lake City. Utah. For i sal by alt Drcn-lsts, er sent b say address o) receipt of price. FOB SALE BY . BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON THE DALLES, OREGON. R U N -S PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CARS' TOURIST SLEEPING .CARS MINNEAPOLIS 8T. PAUL G RAND FORKS DCLUTH F RGO CR OiiSTON . WINNIPEG HELENA and BCTTE. TO THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all ' ' POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For Information, time cards, maps and tickets, all on or write. W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent Dr A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General P- n oer Agent. No. 2f Morrison Street, Cor ner I Third Street, Portland. Oregon, HARRY LIEBE, I: AND DEALER IS 'octe, Wa'ches, Jewelr, Etc EEfAIEINQ A S EOI ALT Y. TOOT BLOCK, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON sy R. F. Saltmarshe -at ni East Eg STOCK YHS, WILL PAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN. LIVE STOCK Wanted-An Idea Who esa thmk of some simple) thing to patenir Protect Tour Ideas; they may brine yoa wealt Writs JOHN WKUDKRUDKN CO- Patent Actor. ay. Wsahlngtoa, D. C (or then- (1.8U0 prise OH eg aA list ot two hundred, inveaUoas wasted. PACIFIC A -4 !