p.irlUnl T.ihrArr S ' Hi urn; unlVKitll. onto XXXV iin riltEF.lt. " XI KOFESSIONAI Q U. 11 ,1.1.18 I'fclt, Phyaician and Surgeon, Room, over Dulles National B.k. Office hour. 10 inlil'Di, ana i"m - k dence We-t End of Third street. S. BNKt Attorney at Law O.Hco It Schannj's bulndin?, ;uttafrs The Dalle . Oregon- UKUR C MENEr'EK, Attorneys at Law R 4 izvd 3 Chapman Block, The IHIhw. Ore SOCIETIES. TEMPLE LODGER NO. 3 A O. V W - j Meets in tveiier nan .evening ai t :au o ciock. J AS. NESMITH POST, NO. SJ G. A. R Meets every Saturday evening ut :. K. P. HiilL in .OOL'ST THE DALLES, A. O. F. NO. - 11 OVPFff H Tl till V CICUIUK v Huill at 8 o'clock. B OP L. E. Mefts every Friday afternoon in K. or r. uau w ASCO TRIBE, NO. 18. I. O. R. M. Meets every weanesuay evening m tv, v Ball. GESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, iliy aei t m TiTOTdtfiN ko. iffr. Meets in it fb Hull tio rirst, and third Wednes y of each month at 7:30 P. M. T rT7rw KT( IK A P. A -A. M. ileets first and third Monday of each fnontb .w. 8 P. M. t :,TT..c' DAVt. P1IAPTFH 1 NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third y.edne$asiy w .ejacn moum uior, ... y aieeuf every rmwj , ir. - - 'in K. of P. Half, corner of Second nod Court streets. Sojourning protners arc ciwmc. -FRIENDSHIP ,LODGE. NO. 9 K. of p.- 1" Meets every jluiumj . r: r A fej Scnanno's building, corner of Court and eond streets, sojourning uiuiuti. en. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UKION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock a? tne reaatux room 1 Mt. Hood O&mp, No. 59, meets every aeay evening at 7;30 o'clock, in J ,..-IMlt'M niPTHK WflKl. I" liail. All SUJUUrUlIlB Uiw-ucia .v nOLWStB. OTAPTER. NO . B. Sn- J Meets in sojssojjic nan . fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors eor diall invited THE CHURCHES. 8 T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. , ESfth Snndav school .at 9: JO A. IS. EvebtatT prayer on Friday at 7:30. T'VANGJJLICAL LUTHERAN CHLRCH !i Rev. L. Grev. Pastor. Service in the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every (Sunday 9:30 A. M.ao4 7;30 P.M. f E. CHURH Kcv. J. II. Wood, Pastor. fV l . Services every Sunday morning and eve (a. Bunday school at 12:30 o'clock p. M. A cordial Invitation extended by both pastor and people to all. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH-Rev. W. C. 1 Curtis. Pastor, Services every Sunday at tl. A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after tnAruing service C?T.1STER'S CHURCH-Rev. A. Bronsfreest O Pasur. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. High mass t 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. I" iiRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay- tor! Pawr. Coriier Fifth and Washington tttreets. Services each Sunday morning at 11 letock. Sunday School and Bible class at U:15. Pastor's residence Northeast cor, pf Washing ton and Seventh streets. ICIEST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Key, I- H, Hazel, pastor. Preaching every fcunday rrning at 11 and in the evening at 1 o clock SJLfiay school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting ve?y Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every ipnday at 6:30 P. M. C':" AVAIMV BAPTIST CHURCH Corner naSlUnion. Elder J. H. Miller astor. Services every Sunday at 11A. M. and f -30 P. M. Prayer weeping on Wednesday ening. Sunday school 9:45 A. M. All are eonilally weloomed. Wanted-ftn Idea S Who caa tWo - " " " . . Children Cry tor PxTCHBK-a CASTORiA ' Castorii In so well adapted to children that f recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." 11. A. Archer, M. D., 1X1 South Oxford Su, Brooklyn, N. Y ff U4q Castor'a in my prarticfe, and find It anociaily ailapted to affectious of children.' f a i i Robertson, M. D., 1057 Xd Ave., New Yorfl 'rVom ivrsnnaJ knowledge I .can say th; ilaetoria la a riost aaiceHeni medicine for coil Je-Tii. Castorla promote Difjosfion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour fkomach, Diorrncea, and feverishnesa, the child is rendered healthy and ltfl sleep natural. Caatoria, contaira DO jUorpuioia or other uarcotio property. A NEW 5J UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT Prinz & Nitschke ' SXAURS t!l FURNITURE AND, CARPETS We have added to out Lusinwe a complete Under taking Estab-sh utnt, and u va arc in r way nDuc';d ilh th - UnJcrlaeia" Trust, our prices will he low accordinely. Latest Style Lowest Profits : In Mens and Boys : Cli thing, Dry Goods, MENS FUHN1S11HGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : -Boots and Slioes C. F. STEPHENS 334 Second Street. Jlext door to the DaUet National Bank HENRI L. KuCK, AfMsnfaetnrsr ot and dealer In Harness and Saddlery Second St., 'near Uoodv! Warehouse, THSDALLE8. 0KB3ON 411 rork Onaraotoed to rle Satisfaction CONSOLIDATED 1882. PETITION. To the Honorable County Conrl of Was co County, State of Oregon : ' e, the undersigned leal voters oi Falls Precinct, Wasco County, slate ol Oregon, most respectfully petition your Honorable Board to grant a license to J. 11. McPonocgh to sell Spiritou?, Vinous and Malt Liquors in less quanti ties than one gallon, at the Cascade Locks. asco county, Oregon. Dated this ?olh dav of August, iSq5. C I. Schmidt. H A Leavens, A Fleisch hauer. D S McKay. P McEllaney. T Lewis. A Travel ts, I) L Cates, Can- drian, John Trana. VI hmyth. K liir.cK A I iCnifhtlv. R Black. ( II Trask, C ( Hickok, W A alvm, T II Williams, A R (Racier, lohn G Brown. K P Ash, (leo Gray, S Kreter, M St John, Mate Kilbier, K W Badder, L Peterson, M Erickson. J P Wistrand, 1 J Mueiti, r F Shaw, lohn Nilson. lohn Mclntire. W Krainc, W B Hergalon, Charles Alin, ohn Sund:vi3, August Eieneliez, P W rf'irk- Chas Olsen. P A Irana, Isai v orin. Andrew Larsen. Rudolph Schmid W K Hergaton, F Heftv, G M Barrett, A E Trask, Alfred t ollis, C Willnerodt, N S cBoe, G Bocie, B Abate, E O Man ninjr. Tlios ( ojle, F T Bruckman, Joel . Dalhi! I mes B Guthrie. P.it Walsh, Fredenck o yn, J Thiasan, F H Doug- as, A ovac u Lyncn, iKe t-iK, l. Larsen, 1'at L.rillin, n J itising, u Thos Marion. A P Lesueur, S A len, Geo Peterkin. I Campbell, J M clsaac, Jas Stewart, B Latch.. ! Jordan, H Smith. Kea.ii.e. lohn Duffy, F Voore, W Bruce, L Hammsr, B F Creek, Jchn Farmer, w m M ine, Z Jeans, vv B Gibson. C Lew. E Tunney, 1 v'aire, J Allison, J T Ucbso , L Bocci. Robert v j'rencn, li iiaum m, um wuirj, j Vonterasteli, Jas Braay. PETITION. To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, Oregon : Wn ttm i.mlnrsirrird taxDavers and iecal voters of Falls Precinct, county and statu afure c,.i rBurw.triillv n'-iition vour Honorable Court to grant a license to Pathk k Mt'ELLAN V to sell ,pimous, vinous anu i.imt unjuui..i. tne town jot uiiscuue iucks. suu huvju ." less quantities than one callon. for the period of one year. ,. r . ... .., A r leiscnnauer. j it dcudiiui, i.imc wiumyu. P W.Yettick, Pat Lahy. D L. Cutes. Patrick Walsn. PA Trana. ueo roma:i, kis nwu. Wm ITntuoi. .liinh, i;:irton. S J DrvdL'O. r. Marten, J ; K P'uirview. fai jnuum. juuii Wo f .Inhn Kraska. John Kunst; II. nans vikci.s. w m PVsiinH. Tom Douiflus. Joint tl Brown. Tom Hurl. John Flaueboe. John Thit-wu, Tl (ilazier. Hnny Gray. M Fitzgerald. Sam Ma Cary, Wm Thomas. Z M Dixon. Jack Willisms, J W Attwell. A M Barrett. J Dircks. John Mc Coy. M McKinnon, J Allison. J Dolson. John a-.,. WfiBrvo'n John Martin. W E Herifatou. John Wistrand. H Flusiuions, C H Trask, A J Kaiffhtlv. rt BlacK, Jim pmn. pro riuu. v. Bocci, Martin Marcelchi. Ben Stullory. Dv4 WesselM. Rudoltb Schmid. George Suirteft. C A Brollier, Chas 6l.-cn, W B Hersraton Joe Smith, Jack Burke, E Alwick, g P Ash. l)r C J An- . . .... i, ii r x;..wl..t Tnhn hArnu John Kerns. C U hW. Jack Auiclia. H A Leayr ens. M Welch. LewC McCary, J II McDonpugn, RSAldrich. JE Sorbin, Ail Tr: K A Allr wick. Alex Teaso. August 8. WO NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Ofttrjs at Vancouver. Wsh., ) September 10. It80. ) 'fo Irving H. Ballard, and all pfhers whom it may concern : Wnii. U horuhv iriven that the oilowinir named settler has fllod notice of his intention to moke tinal proof in support pf his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. It. Dunbar, Comtniss'opar U. S, Circuif Court for nitri.t nf Wnxhlni-aon. at his office in Golden- dale, Washington, on November b, IH36, viz. : JOSEPH DAFFRON, TT V. TTo. 0TO1 for the SEW Sec. 23 To. 4 N R 12 Kast Will. Mer. tr fnllmHnr. trttnnucp tn nmvfl his continuous residence upon and cultivation Of saia lana, v z. : , - I'll' , i.l,TT GnM7rihn Tnhn It Rim. mous and James FiWs. all of Lvle P. O.. Wash ington. GKQ. H. STEVENSON, Sep.. 13 ivtyiavoi . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thb Dallbs, Orst.ok. August 81. IHI0. KToiipn l -rhv iriven that the following named settler has tiled notice cf fcls iutenv.on to malte Una) proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made lx;fore Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on October 10, it)t, viz. : ANNA M, WKBERG, mpi-orii name Anna E. Webcrgl. II. E. No. 3566 for the SES NW, Sec. 0, Tp, J N.; R. 13 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Albert Jordan, William Jordan, Ernest Jor dan and Louis P. Oslund. all of The Dalfes, Oregon- - . T. , Aug. 29. Register KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officb a The Dalles. Ore., August 2!, im. ( DUIUtMl WlUCl lit.-, mm i.v. i. ... v. v. "-, . - to make flnal proof in support of his claim, and 1 111.. W. nn.inalf hia ItllAtllllM and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Octor ber 10th, 184(0: NEWTON PATTERSON. TI,I x. MV ttoVl frr thn Rli UKU VWU RRU and NE'i SWH. Sec. SI, Tp. 1 N., R. 14 E. He names tne luiiowiug wimcwca iu ihu.o hi continuous residence uDon and cultivation of said land, viz: Phillip Wagner, Joan uarniene. w.u. wu liams and J. E. Ferguson, all of The Dalles, Oregon. Aug S3 Kejister. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT, Tn wirru tt wav noxrEnsi Notice is here. by givea that Tlomis W. Glavey has Bled his nnai account as auminisiraior oi mowww-ir) Patrick Dorris, deceased, and that said linal account will come on for hearing on Monday, tne 2d day of November. 1P98. at the hour of 3 o'clock p. M of said day. at which time o hear iuu will be had as to any and ad objections to said R ial account and the settlement thereof. iniSUOll'e S 1,VCU Vy WULT Ul nuuuiau Robert Mays, County Judge of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated this 7ta oay oi septenioer, mm. THOMAS W. OLAVEV. Adm'r of the estate of Patrick Dorris, deed. Sept.l2w5. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nnt'ci- lc hflrebv iriven that the undersigned has teen duly appointed tv the Hon. County Court of the State of ( tregnn for Was ;o Couuty, as tne aumiuisiruiur Ul remi niiBiinisri.w.v of Wasco County. Oregon, and now deceased. All persons having claims against sai"l estate arc hereby notilled to present the same to me at my pi-ice of business in (.'ascade Locks. Wasco (Jountv. uregon. prperiy vcrincn. nuu in lx iuo:.fcs from the d:ite of this notice. Dated this 1st uayoi scpiemoer. iwi T. C. BENSON. Administrator of the esUite of Peter Sher- ringer, deceased. sep8-d,vnt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. vm !, is ricronv Kijen that the undersigned has been appointed admldisrator of the estate r-nriuHn thiuins. late of Wasco county, and now deceased. All persons naving cmiuis against said estate will present the same, duly verified to me at Kingslcv, Oregon, or to my attorney's. Dufur & Menefce. cf Dalles City. Wusfio cjumy. uregua. wii,uiu owuiun the date hemof. Dated at Dalles City, this 19th day of July, lf6 H. ii- PHILLIPS. Administrator of the estate of Christina Phil lips, deceased. JAw& Administrator's Final Notice. Notice is hereby givi that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Curl Barkentine. deceased, h-is Bled in the County Court of the County of Wasco. State of Oregon, his linal ac count as such administrator of said esute. and that Mondav. the 2d day ot November. ISSB. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. has been fixed by saia courf as the time for bearing of objections to said report, and the settlement thereof. PAUL BARKENTINE. Administrator of thu etaie pf Car! Barken tine. deceased. Sinnott & Sinnott, Attorneys for the estate. Kepowat AAA TO EXCHANGE for Oregon 5 I O IIU property, l.vt acres near Collax. Placercounty. California, fflacres ( 18.750 vines) in f-tw TrtL-nv irmtww: ITit J 9 vear Cruwlord peaches: WO Bartlett pears. 7 year; C n3 i nd 0 year iveisey piums : e ucics jjiuui,. uu e'earedbut all tillable: new house: all out buildings: two gold mines on uncleared. one assaying KU upon suriace roeK: lar.o roii W A. O. CAKSWH.L, 628 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Wanted-An Idea Who can think or some simple thing to patent? Proteot yonr Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKBDBN CO.. Patent Attor oeya, Washington. D. C tot their 1.8U) prize offer analUt ot two hundred JaTenUona wanted. "Knocks Out (U) Grade of "Battle the sale of other 5 awawj l il II ti hi The Large Piece and High t 1 prices and smaller pieces Don't k allow the dealer to impose on you V by saying they are "just as good" as "Battle Axf for he is anxious to work off his unsalable stock an inaew LATIN and GERMAN Tangbt Iff ThU City. GKHMAN, Thp nndftrsiimed desires to organize a class in German. Every American citizen who can af ford both time and expense ought to be master of at least two languages. The German lan guage has many advantages over modern n- guages on account oi ner proiounu meruit m nil crunches of ancient and modem science pro duced 'In her world-renowned universities. Those who wbyld drini from these inexhaustible and vet unadulterated foun'taius f (fuowlcdge, must master the language which contains the l.ui.itlinm. Thp uri4lt;rsi"nid Will organize a Class in Herman, and will begin with actual Worn on tne nrsi uay oi eepieuiuer. i ut; tiu.s Wijl meet two or fhrep fimes a week in the evening or when met convenient to the mipils. Te.'Loi.l iiro.rHw4 ucaranteed to those who wili get down to earnest labor, AH who (h-sire to participate in mis worn wai imasc biiuuuhlb f hpir intention to the unde-sicued at an early date, as the class will be limited to a certain number. Charges will be very reasonable. T.ATIN. fim unrtf rsigned will also organize a class in ntjfi rlhr.w rn so miinv rik.40ns whv those a common scriooi truui-aiiuu Mjyuiu Mtncv p course in Latin, that piobably eveVyUody is faraijiap it!' at least some of them. I will not taut; sj'acu i?y ntp"!. " J " Lalio language nor bt tlio BPliy advantages in life possessed by those who have mastered it I v. in nere ouiy umtuuui:c iu.v wicaiwu ,u wts-'-izeaclassin Latin. Itupld progress is arau- n who will wortc l.nrri ('hnrifes very reasonable. All desiring instruction in Latin are HIIIUI.V requcsitU w unuvumv u.-v... intention to the undersigned be "ore September, lr rw.ililP A'uoili lt." vr.i;r nnnlication. I am very respect fully you fs.' ' ' - " If fKEY, Augl7n)l .vangeiicii iuiuf.rau i-uipi ADMIKISTRATOR'8 SALE. rioiice is noreuy ehbu i mu M:,..v.s. administrator of the estate of Sarah Staes, de ceased, will on Saturday, the 17th day of October lWti, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front door of the county court house in Dalles Citv. Wasco County, Oregon, sell to the . - ... ..-.-h I-., I.nn.1 t)ul follniVlll described real estate, belonging to the estate of sutd fleceaseu, ioivh: , The S'4 Mf fh- NW, and the NW of NWU of Seciioh 6. in Tow.vib.'T one (1) North of Range 15 East W. M:. in Wasco Ouuift y, Oregon. Said' saie will be made in pursuance of ibu rornier oiukj ui v."-. - State of Orsgon. for Wasco county, and subject to confli'maiiua by said court. yatcu tms iomi ua, u. Y Adm'r of the estate of Sarah Staes, deceased, Sept. 1!) w5 Thb Sun The first of American Newspapers. Charles A, Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, The American Idea, The Anierican Spirit These first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail 6.00 a year Daily ant Sunday, by mail, SS.00 a year The Sunday 5un Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. By mail, f'2 a year, fic a copy Address The Sun, New York. Portland v University. Th9 Leadir.j Institution cf the Morthvest. and Idaho, have free transportation to and fiom the University if they accept the best accom modations of the school. Expenses from $100 to t200 a Yer School opens September 15. ayCatalogues sent free. Address THOS. VAN SCOY, D. D., Dean, University Park .Oregon A. A. BEOWF Koua ; FULL ASSORTMENT urn m Kin ui, AND PROVISIONS, Specis! Prices to Gnh Buyers 170 STBEE3T, THE DALLES, All Others' 9 Ax" has injured brands of higher 0 . - JJ'" ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the pET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest post Cold Leaf gro A'ii in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR of the Wool - Exchange Sata f!f T IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines Liauor3 Cirar.s East End, Second Street First National Bank OP THE DALLES. Successors to SCHEN0S AND BEaLL, bankers Transacts a Regular Banking Easiness Euy and"elljliicci4i;e. olleotioni carefully mude ah. I promptly account d for. Draw on New York, Sjji Francisco and Pjr. and Dlrectorsi D P TliompaDn. Ei;M Wiliiann, 1 S Schonci . Oeorje be. n M Biall. Washington Real Estate.... A number of. choice tracts of Agricultural Land, boti( in-jfjrcjvr ed mid unimproved, for sale qn easy terms: in Yakima county- ...Eveuy Piece is a Bargain... Some of the tracts will be ba tr.ided for cattle' or sheep. . . Address, J. H. JnlKTERS, ZI1U, Yakima County, Wash. COAL! COAL! THE BEST Wellington, Rock Spricgs, and Roslyn Coal. il'l, sacked -an delivered tc any part of the city. ft Moody's Warehouse Fruit Japs Down to Bedrock.. .. .. Ir. order to dispose of our im mense stock of Mason Fruit Jars we make the following; prices per dozen for the next ten days: : : : : 1-2 Gallon ... 90 cents 1 Quart .... G cents 1 Pint ..... 60 cants E. J. Collins & Co. OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2G. ISOIUUIIY VENGEANCE A Mexican Murderer Lynched in Oklohoma, OFENED IN OHIO The Republicans Beg-In Their Ohio Campaign at the Home of Their Nominee. Bradstscef's Itcport a Moderate Improve ment in Trade Bry .in In North Car olinaStill the Gold Comes Over From Europe. GUTHKIF, O. T., Sept. 18. Xewshas j'ist reached here from Walona of a lynching; which is likely to cause in ternational complications. One night last week S. C. Truckman, a .farmer living near Fay, Dlaino county, was murdered while camped qeur Home stead. Rtickman was on bis way to Medicine Ld;je, Kan. About dark he asked Samuel Vickeri whether he could camp near his house.lts he feared violence from t.vo men, who had fol lowed hi:n. Permission was giveu, and the next morning ho was found lyinj across the waQn-tongue doau, witb his skull crushed. A posse started the next day after Sam Moore, a negro, who, with a Mexican of the neighborhood had suddenly disappeared. After a four day's bunt a eta'l of the Anti-JIorsc-thief iV330t:iation captured the Mexi can, Narori, who was hiding in the Cheyenne reservation, There was strong proof of his guilt, Including the possession of the property of the murdered man. When he was taken to Watonga there was great excite njent and talk of lynching. Yesterday a Ml'Pwd of lot tueu. storm: ed the j til, topk Narori to tl;e edge of (he town and hanged him to a tree. URADSTKKET'3 REPORT. Indications Point to an Early Revival in Trade. NEV YqrKj Sept., 18 Eradatreet'ii to.t.orrow will gay; The moderate Ijiprovement in trade the past week is emphasized because of further speculative purchases of wool, renewed buying of woolen manu facturers, the reduction qn ourplus Blocks of cotton goods, increased de mand for seasonable fabrics, and con tlnued confidence amo'n j manufactur ers of ii On and steel that there will be an early revival in the demand and an improvement in the request for sta ple goods ia the South Atlantic and GulfStatea. The;yolume fif sales of general merchandise show a small gain over last week, and the feeling among wholesale tterohants is gne q more confidence in a comparative early lm provement. AtSaa Francisiiargeneral bueiaess-ie somewhat more active, particularly ex ports of barley. Trade has been stim ulated a leading Washington b'.iMnesa uenters, a which late rama have dam aged the grain, crops. Willamette valley, Oregon, wheat-raisers are gell ing wheat freely at current quotations. Exports of wheat, flour included as wheat, from both coasts of the United States this week amounted to 3 i"iii(i,326 bushels, against 3,709,000 bushels last utjek, and as eqmpaped with 2,5:18,000 bushels two years' ago, aud 4,727, 0Q0 in the like week of 1893. There has been a he,"vvy increase in wheat ex(rts from the Baciflo cqast this week as com pared with last, but a falling off in shipments from Atlantic ports. TUB CAMPAIGN IN OHIO. Opening Gun Was Fired at Canton Last Friday, OAXVOai, O., Sept., le. The formal opening of tho campaign in the homo oity of tho republican nominee oc curred today. The streets are strung with streamers, banners and Hags. Arches with welcoming mottoes span the prominent thoroughfares, Buid; , ings, jiublio and private, aro draped with flags and bunting. Portraits of McKinlc-y and Ilobart are displayed in thousands of windows. Tho day is brijrUt. Many shop?, factqr-iep and stores are closed for the day. The banks have suspended busiuess. It is largely a nonpartisan demonstration, all parties pai:flci paling. Over 50 special trains brought the delegations faster than they could bo counted. At noon the hustle cf parade began. The procession moved in four divis ions of footmen with a large contingent of wheelmen and horseman,. A shopr, line of march brought the parade to a monster tent, with accommodations for 20.000 people. Salt Against President Hill. Si-jjiiAWiS) Wasjh., S,opt. J,9. Suit commenced today iii the United States court by the Shippers' Associat.on against President . flill. of the Great Northern. Spokane citizens, three years ago, gave a subsidy, worth. $500, 000, to the Great Northern, and in re turn were promised terminal rates, mil has never fulfilled the contract, and the suit is brought to either com-. ,el tho carrying out of the contract or the return of money paid for the sub sidy. . All of the prominent merchants of Spokane are parties to the suit. TO PRISUN FOR LIFE Heavy ruuibhment Meted to Kidnapper San Francisco, Sept, 21. Oliver Wingfield WInthrop, the chief cou splrator In the abduction and robbery of James Campbell, the Hawaiian mil- rrom V.S. Journal of JTedMiu Prof. 'W. H. Pekc, who rnakes a specmlty cf Epilepsy, has without doubt treated nnd cur ed iuuiii casc-5 tnnn any living Physician ; hi3 success is astonishing. We have heard of cases cf ao years' standing enrea dv him. He publishes a valuable work on this dis ease, which he sends .with a larffn bot tle of his absolufo cure, tree to any sufferers who may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise anv one wishing a cure to address frotW. H. PEEKS, F. 4 Cesar St., Tew Tor Clio 1 A lionaire, was this morning sentenced to life imprisonment for his crime, j Campbell was one day last month in j veigled into a cottage at the west end of California street whore he was re lieved of all the money he had on him and kept for two days, the robbers of whom WInthrop was the leader, making repeated attempts tj force the ngfd millionaire to pay a ransom of $20,000 to secure his release. This Campbell refused to do, and the conspirators finally released their victim for fear of being detected 'n their critnf. " Winlhrup was subsequently arrested at the instigation of Campbell, ad was tried w ith the above result. WORK OF T!1E RIOTERS. Five Lives Are Known to Have lleen Sae-r:l!t-ecl. Lr.ApviLLE, Sept. 21. Five lives at least were sacrificed in fighting and the work of destruction at the Cornado mino anu the Emiuott mine. Bert Meir ati'l James Uenson. both miners employed at the Coronado, were killed by the explosion. They were identified only by papers found on their bodies, Tho dying are: William O'Kecfe, foreman of hose company No. 2, shot through the stomach. J. Hiirgins, a miner, employed in the Coronado mine, shot eight times in the arms anil stomach. John Mahoney, a miner,shpt through the stomach . frank Telle and Martin Scott. Cor onado miners, were shot but their in juries are not fatal. Mahoney, who was shot near the Em mett mine, claims he was there merely as a spectator. At least three pf the attacking party at Linmett were hit with bullets, but carried away by their comrades, The Coronado people heard of com ing trouble last night, but supposed an attack was to be made at the Emmett mine. Soon after tho destruction commenced many citizens responded quickly, armed with rifjps. and shut' guns, but they could do little fighting the 'fire, and dynamite. Foreman O'Keefe was shot from behind, just after he turned on the stream at Coro nado. Today hundreds of miners say they will go to work at once. They bitterly denounce the extremists and say their action has lost the miners tho strike. The arrival of tho militia is anxiously awaited despite the apparent calm. Local companies have been sent to the hills and armed citizens are patrolinj .ho aU'.eetj). The city council today d,e cidod to aid the state 'officers iu appre hending the rioters. At a mass meeting- this afternoon the lawless element will be denounced and it will be de manded that troublesome men leave the camp. Are Von AIade Miserable by indjgQstjqn,. constipa tion dizziness', loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by M, Z. DonnelL mist cone to terms. The Saltan Will be Deposed Unless' Be foTnis' -Are G ran t Td London, Sept. 21. The St. James's Gazette this afternoon publishtis a dis patch from Milan, Italy, that the Secol says the departure of the Italian flying squadron for the Levant Is the initial step toward forcing Turkey to grant the reforms demanded in the case of Armenia, and it is taken by Italy and supported by the United States and Great Britain. Secol i(?d,j that in tqo. ewQnt ol the sultan's re fusal to grant the reforms he will be deposed. A dispatch from Rpme to the 8jt. .James's CJagette says that Homo statei the Italian ships will co-oporate with those of Great Britain and the United States. If dull, spiritless aud stupid; If your blood is thick and sluggish; If your, appetite is capricious and . uncertain. You need a Qars.apariila- For best re. suits take Lie itt's. It reconiends it self. Snipes ft Kinersly Drug ' o After the Harder Bandit. Silver Citv, N. M., SepW 18. Cap tain Pilchor, with troop I, First U. S. cavalry, left here today or. Hemng to assist the marshal's posse in another attempt to capture the gang of border bandits which recently attacked the Mexican custom house at Las Palomas.. The gang numbers 21 ren, and is re ported to be encam,pea m tne woruia mountains, south of Deraing, iu Now Mexico. Mexican troops aro a,ls.Q, ;n, pursuit, - The Snipes Kinersly Drue; Co. fur. nish oaints, wall Daper and window glass. Painting anu papering by the day or oontraet at lowest pricce. Tel ephone No. 3 The Rioterit Have Fled Leadville. Colo., Sept. 21. Quiet prevails here now and no further riot ing Is anticipated. It is generally be lieved that the men who fired tho Cor onado shafthouse this morning and who attacked the Emmett mine, but were there repulsed, have fled to. thg mountains and will be anen hems uu more, Thoy are said to be miners from the Coeur d'Alene country who were engaged In the rlota there several years ago. Small in size , but great in results. De VVitj's Littlee Early Risers act gently but thoroughlv, curing indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill. si,fe pill,, best pill. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. llryan's TrAvcls. GOLDSBORO, N. C, Sept. 18. Win. J. Bryan arrived here at 11:30 last nighty His private car was sidetracked until 9 this morning, when he deliv ered an addre3 from the, platform to a large crowd. Iiryaq was escorted by the Goldsboro rifles and left for Rocky Mount. The whole system is drained and un dermined by indolent ulcers and open sores. Delia's Witch Hazle Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pile cure known. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co, Three Million. Received. JEW YORK, Sept, 18. The steam ship Columbia, from Southampton brought $3,030,000 in eold today, maklg the total arrivals thus far $27, 774,050. Peposited at the Snbtreasnry. New YorKi Sept. 8. There has been deposited at the subtrersury $263,000 gold in exchange for greenbacks. 189G MOT If IMILLE Threatened Assault by Striking- Miners Has Begun. UNCLE SAM'S MAIL The Report of Assistant Postmas-ter-Gsneral Hfxwell Makes a Grand Showing. The Governor of Colorado Calls out the .Militia to Ouell LMsturuances at Lead v Hie The Sultan Lays the Itlame to Armenlnnti. Leadville. Sept. 21. At 1 o'clock this morning, three heavy explosions aroused the sleepers in the eastern part of tho oity for blocks around the Coronado mine, which is the ono that iirst resumed operations, and which was heavily barricaded, and well sup plied with provisions and arms. The explosions were followed by a fusilade of rifle shots, apparently from within the barricade, and rapid but ir regular shots from the outside, appar ently from a widely scattered attack ing force, who were on hand to protect the retreat of the dynamiters. The shooting lasted for ten minutes, and all was silent for about five min utes, when desultory firing was re newed, and has been kept up ever sinoe. The miner's strike, of which tonigh's lawlessness Is the outcome, besran three months ago yesterday, when at 11 o clock at night the men in two or three of the leading mines walked out. The union scale of wages in Leadville was $3 for everybody, but in 1893, when tho price of silver dropped below 00 t6nta au ounce, an aggreemment was made that $2 20 should bo accepted for some classes of work until silver should return to 83 cents. This agreement the miners afterward declared was unfair, as many of the mines paid large divi dends It was to enforce the original suail of $3 that the men struck. About 3000 men were involved. Within the last two weeks several mines resumed work, and this week tho output has been 1200 tons daily, against 200Q tans before the strik., ' ' 'i heoi ies of cure may be discussed at length by physicians but the suflerers want quick relief; and One Minute Cough Cure will iive it to them. A sale cure for children. It is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results" Snipes & Kineislv Drug Co. UNCLE SAM'S 3)AL SKViLK- Ficuixs in the Report of Fourte Assistant Postmas tcr-Ueneral, Washington, Sept. 20. R. A. Max well, fourth assistant postmaster-general, has made his annual report to the postmaster-gederal for the year ending June 30, 1890. . The principal divisions bfTHe'de'parfraenJt in4ert ilia carfare ar-pptntoients aud inspectors. The report shows that the total number of postoffices in operation in the United Statos Is T0.3U0. Of these, 66.725 are fourth-class olHces, and 3G35 presiden tial, being an increaso over the last fiscal year of 296. During the year, 2046 postoffices were established, 1750 discontinued.. Tho total number of appointments for the year was 12,090, and the total number of cases acted upon 15,532. Mr. Ma.N.welJ commends the work of the posloriice inspectors. The report shows that the total number of com plaints of all classes received during the past year aggregated 103,037, and the number of cases disposed of amounted to 100,205, Only 24 corn plain's were reoelved of carelessness in the handling of reglsterel matter. Tho employes in the postal service handled during the last fiscal year 13, 851,000 pieces of registered mail, with tho loss cf only ono pieee In every 10, 234. Serves on liUlgre. I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me well and happv. Mrs. E. B, Worsen. For sale by M. 'A. Donnell. WOULD 6Ei IT A REPUBLIC. Desire for Freedom Infects Chinese of America. Nbvv York, Sept. 21. It is whisper ed around the city that an influential and far-ram'tfylng conspiracy exists to overthrow the dynasty of China and establish a republic. While the Chinese empire is "in no imminent danger, there is an organization with headquarters in New York which has foe its ultimate object its overthrow, but will conteut itself for the present with an agitation looking to the better ment of tho Chinese people. This organization has its headquar ters in New York and. a laro and in fluential, wffstioot in San Francisco, aud branches in every city where Chinese abound. Its members are banded by eoluinn oaths, and no Chinese are admitted who are not in telligent and of good moral character. The president of the organization is said to be Walter N. Fong, the first Chinese graduate cf, Standford univer sity, and hla principal colleagues -and advisers are the Chinese graduates of the Yaie, Harvard and other Ameri can universities. Pills Do Not Core. Pills do not cure constipation. They ouiy aggravate, Karl's Clover Root Tea glvo3 perfect regularity of the boweis. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Englaud-to lluilil Spain's Ships. Madrid, Sept. 19. The commission charged with the examination of ten ders from English firms for the con: struction of men-of-warJor.tbeSpanis-h government has reported In favor cf the Armstrongs, "both on account of the time required fcr construction and defensive power. This firm undertakes to build a batr tleship of" 11,000 tons, in 14 months, and a cruiser of 5500 tons in 12 months, with a speed of 21 knots and with an armament up to 24 centimetres. The price for tho hattle-ship Is 900,000, an,d of the cruiser 000,000. Forced Acceptance of Bank Notes. Madrid, Sept. 19. CaptainGenepal Wej'ier, of Cuba, ha.s issued a procla- Highest of all in Leavening LA. W ABSOLUTELY PURE mation which threatens severe penal ties for the non-acceptancoof the notes of the Bank of Havana at their face value, although they have already suf fered a discount of .16 per cent. The government is enforcing this procla mation despite the resistance of the commercial classes and of the general public It doesn't matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion, and constipation are caused bv neglect or bv unavoidable circumstances: l)e ill Little Earlv Risers will sDeediiv rnre tliem all. tsnijies & Kinersly Drug t'o. All the State Troops Ordered Out. Denver, Sept. 21 At 2:30 this morn ing Sheriff Newman, of Leadville, and Judge Oivers, of the district eourt of Lake county, called upon Governor Mclntyro for t-oops to quell the riot at Leadville. The governor at once is sued the call, and before daylight the entire military force of the state will be en route for the scene of tho trouble. The troops from this city, two infantry companies and n battery, will reach Leadville by noon. A Great Germans Prescription. Diseased blood constipation and kidney, iiver and bowel troubles are cured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Two Speeches In Baltimore. Baltimore, Sept. 19. W. J. Bryan spoke here tonight to two of the larg est eiwds that ever assembled at a political meeting in this city. The first speech was made in the open air, and conservative estimates place the number of peopleat 30,000. The second meeting was held in "Music hall, the largest auditorium in Baltimore, and tho house was packed until women fainted and many had to be removed before the speaking could proceed. The Sultan's Heply. Constantinople, Sept. 19. The sultan has issued a long reply to the collective note of the powers in the matter of the massacres, which he in sists were provoked by Armenian rev olutionists. He denies flatly that the riots were kuown to and directed by the government agents, and asserts that the Armenians assumed Mussul man costumes In order to perpetrate the brimes, ''Boys will baboys," but you can't af ford to lose any ot them. Be ready for the green apple season by having De Witt's Colic & Cholera rure in the huose. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. A Judgo on a Utrlbe. St. JQHN'8, "N. F., Sept. 19. It Is announced that Sir James Winter, ja3e af She rapr-ora. -court, is about to resign to resume the practice of law because of the recent reduction of sal aries making it impossible for him to support the dignity of the position. He has entered suits against tho gov ernment for amounts. DeWitt's Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleansing the blood from impurities and disease. It does this and more. I builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by diseasi, "'U I ecomends itself. Snipes 4 Kinersly Drug Co. Decrease In Internal Revenue. Washington, Sept. 19. The month ly statement of collections of internal revenue issued today shows the total receipts for August to have been $11, 527,074, as compared with $12,102,855 during August, 1895. PURELY HL'SINESS. Try Moore's ice oream. Join the Circulating Library, Oil stoves at Maier & Benton, Call at Tho Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Fruit jars and oons at Maier & Ben ton's. Wanted A girl to do housework. Inquire at Wasco warehouse. The celebrated Osborn farm ma chinery at Johnston's cash store, Blakeley & Hougbton carry a full line of Munyon's Homoeopathic Rem edies, Wanted A domestic to do general housework. Apply to Mrs. J. P. Mc Inerny. Sick and tired watches made as good as new by G. A. Clark, the East Enu jeweler. When your watch refuses to go re member that G. A. Clark is the mac who can put life into it. When J. W. Ivey returned from Prineville and announced that Mc Klnley would receive 300 majority in Crook county, we thought he wat rather overzealous. If he was received in all part's of the county as he was in Hay9tack precinctj which is a republi can stronghold, the enthusiasm he created forMcKinley was rather frosty. A correspondent writing to the Prine ville Review from Haystack says: "The atWress of Hon. J. W. Ivey.-Monday afternoon, was conspicuous by its ab sence. Messrs. Ivey and Slchel came, saw and returned, presumably to than out in the geuial warmth diffused by the Prineville gold bugs." Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Flr. S)R' CREAM mm CM Most Perfect Made. tp Years the Standard. NO 'o Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. I FIRE IN MORO. A Destructive Blase In That City Last Sunday Nljrht. The town of Moro, county seat of Sherman county, barely escaped being wiped out of existence last Sunday night. Tho liro was discovered in ' Grant Armsworthy's blacksmith shop about 1 1 o clock, and spread rapidly to the adjoining buildings. The email gasoline fire engine was promptly brought out but refused to work, it having been tampered with, which leads to the belief that the fire was of incendiary origin. It is supposed the Incendiary first disablod the engine and then set fire to the shop. When tho people discovered the en gine would not throw water, they went to work with ' buckets fighting the flames as best they could, and suc ceeded in subduing them after the buildings had been destroyed. The buildings burned were Grant Armsworthy's blacksmith shop with all the tools and stock, Lee Hunting's wagon and paint shop, tools, stock, throe buggies and two wagons, Bert Jones' photograph gallery, including; all his apparatus, except one camera, a stand and a trunk. The building la which the gallery was belonged to H. H. Riddell, of this city. NOTICE. Owing to tho limited number of sub- . scribors we have been able to get we are compelled to conduct the Circulat ing Library upon regular circulating library rules, with the exception that besides the SI. 50 membership fee tea . cents a book is usually charged, we , have a monthly fee of 25 cents, enabling members to read as many books as : they desire in a month for 25, cents, or if it should so happen that but one . book is read in that timo ten cents will be charged. Under, these rules the , membership fee is payable but once. Upon its payment any. person may . have all the privileges of the library any number of years by keeping up . their monthly fees. This system en ables us to add new books to the - library every month. Within thre weeks after a new book is issued, one that is going to be read all over the United States, it will be. placed upon . our shelves. We desire to state that no cheap books will be placed in the library, but they will consist of the very best procurable. . The first lot consisting of one hundred and twenty-. five books, cohering all the latent some iran'arwni',jr' i; . Very respectfully," Henrietta Owen. The Degree of Honor choir met at tne residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Young last evening and organized a musical club to be known as the Wer lein Glee Club. They elected C. J. Crandall director, and will meet weekly for practice. In the club are some of the best vocalists of tho city, and under the directorship Mr. Cran- iall the club will soon be the leading musical organization of The Dalles. DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' OMPLETE ATARRH LIRE. BOTH LOCAL. j AND IXTEItNAL. Tha onlv rented a-uaranteed ta absolutely cure catarrh and completely trsdlcats th disease Iron, the blood and System. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c Earh full sire esrlcnps contains ons full stonth'S local treatment, ont full month's supply of Catarrh Healing Balm and one lull montn s supply of uiarrn. Blood and Stomach Pills. If vnn hfvt anv nf the fnllnwlns svmotoms. Dr Q. W. Shores' Complete Catarrh Curs will etvs you In ttant relief and completely an! permanently curs yos. . Is the nose stopped apt Does your nose dischare? Is the nose sore and fender? ! there pain In front ot head? Do you hawk to clear the throat? Is your throat 4rv In the morn Ine? Do yos sleep with your sioutb opsar Is your hearing faINn:? Do your ears discharge? Is the wax dry In your ssrjr Do you liesr better sows dsys Ihss others? Is your hearing worse when you hsve a cold? nr. a W. Shnraa'Courh Cure cures all coughs. colds and bronchial affection. Ons dose will stop spasmodic croup. Keep s bottle hi the house. Urge siie bottles OTc. If you have these symptoms ass tt ss directed on the bottle and It will curs yoa. Have you a cough? Do you take cold easllv? Hsvs you s psln In the side? Do you rslse frothy msterial? .Do you cough In the mornings? Do you spit up little cheesy lumps? r. n th.n.1 Tonic and Blood Purifier deaa- ses snd purifies the blood, r'v strength snd vigor. cures dyspepsia snd aU nervous disesses. r-nce. $1 per bottle. II permsnaouy tw symptoms'. is tnsre naussar Do you belch up gas? Are you constipated? Is your tongue coated? Do you bloat up after sating? Do you feel you are growing weaker? Is there constant bad tests In the moslti? r.. n ur ..' KMnav and LIvaT Cara cures' sll'disesses of tha kldasys. liver sad bladdsa Price. SI per bottle. Do you get diuy? Hsvs you cold feel? Do you feel miserable? Do you get tired easily? Do you have bot flashes? Are your spirits low at times? Do you baverumbllsg In bowels? Do your beads snd teet swell? U this aollced mors st night? Is there pain la smsll of back? Has the persplrstion s bad odor? Is there pumness under ins eyes? Do you hsve to est P often nigbt? Is there a deposit la urine If left .landing? Don't neglect these signs snd risk bright s dlsesse killing you. Dr. Shores' Kidney snd liver Curs wlV curs you It used as directed on th bolus. Dr. a. W. Shores' Mountslo sag Oil stops rh worst psln la on mlnut. For headache, toothache, neuralgia, cramps or colic was It extemslly and l- ternslly. Prevents snd cures dlphthsrls If usod la lima. Keep a bottl handy. Price, c :a bottl. Dr. a. W. Shores' Pepsin Veranllug dertrov) Intestinal worms and removes th lltu round nest where they bates and broad. U sever fail. Price Dr.o! W. Shorts' Wlntarereeo Salva cures si diseases of th skla. Removes red spots snd blscll Pimples from the lees. Heals old sores fa to dsys. Dr'.'rj 'w.'Shor..' Aatl-Con.tlp.tloa Pill cur chronic constipation, sick headschs and bilious attacks. Price. Mc s bottle. In sH esses, U the bowels srs eonstlpsted tske one of , Dr. G.W. Shores' Antl-Consilpstloa Pillsat bedtime. It your trouble Is chronic snd deep-ssated. writ Or. G V. Shorss personslly for his new symptom llsl snd hsvs your cas diagnosed and get his expert ad vice free. . , . These famous remedies srs prepsred only by Doc tor G. W. Shores, Zioo's Medical Inrlitute, Salt Lake City. Utah. For sals by sll Druggists, or sent aav address oa receipt of price. FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY A HOUGIITON THE DALLES, OREGON. on Rrs