consolidated isss. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. AUGUST 22. 1896- NO 50 KOFESSIONAle. o O. H .LUSffcH, Physician and Surgeon, Booms over Dalle Sstjcmal Bank. Office hour., ,ml .12 ami (rota t to p m. Resi dence We t Bod of Third street. Attorney at Law O Dae lr Schaono' buinding, lupstafrs The Dalles cregon D Attorneys at Law Room and iSCnsptnsn Block, The Dalles. O'e. SOCIETIES. J Meet. In Keuer'a Hall every Thursday evening at 7 -.30 o'ciock. . tq unr-QXTTTTt 'POST. NO. 32 Q. A. R. J Meets every , Saturday averiing at 7:80 K. of P. Hall. ' - Meets every Friday evening at tLeii oau at o curat. B OF I. B. Meets eery Friday afternooL i U- n T tlnll ui V JEe UMI W SCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I O. H. M.-Meete- every weunesuay evening " " Ball. BSANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meetf VJT every auaaay evening at .uuim House, BOP L. P. DIVISION, NO. 187. MeetB It K. of P. Hull the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7 : r. an. .l.'ASCO LOEGE, NO 15, A. P. 4 A. M.- f T Meets nrst and uura juonuuy ui : month at 8 P. M. fPHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTEK J NO. 8. Meets in Masonic Hall the thin Wednesday of each montn uior, m. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, LO O P. I . mmmt ESHHao v.nini?a.t?:SOo clock. In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets Sojourning protnere are welcome. -.n--KTn0E1Tn I AMID XTrt Q TT nf P H 1.. unnriav vfii nir at. H o clock In Sohanno's Uuildina, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in vvceu. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE J f UNION Meets every r nuay at a u tiov o the reading room. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mt. Hood Camp, No. 69, meets ever; - . ... . (Ill '..1 .... L I, Vll..t' Tuesday eveu:er fc ' vwn, - Hall. All sojourning brothti s are invited to be present. 'COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. 4 j Meets In Masonic Hall on the second and courtn mesooy tu w . dial! invited. THE CHURCHES. k T. PAUL'S CHUBCH-Unioa street, oppo. alto Fifth. Sunday school at 0:90 A.M. Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30. I7VANGELICAL LUTUHiKAi"! tnuaun fj Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service In the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every HI E. CHURH ev. J. n. wooa, t-asior j I caHnAa Avn ;., mo mine and eve J": " j i i lO-MA'iilniikP M A rordial Invitation extended by botn pastor and pCVLUC W OAA. ,nvnntn a mTrkVT A T . r,VTTTT?r,WRpV. W. C . ( z..aA CoinnM ATMrv Slindav at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning serviot riT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Brousgeest O Pastor. Low mass every auounj mo. High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. J; lor. Pastor. -Corner Fifth and Wasnlngton streets, services eavu anuuny wuiuius . o'clock. Sunday SoL-ooland Bibleclassat 14:15 Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing ton v Seventli street-.' -r- - - ICIEST CHRISTIAN uhukub-bct. i. n. 1 Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday morninir at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every Sunday at 6:3u P. M. CAVALRY BAPTIST CHUKUH-upraer Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, castor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M and 7-30 P.-M. Prayer meeting oa Weoneaay evening. Sunday school at 8 :45 A. M. All are cordially welaomed- Vanted-An Idea SSS ZmTyfvibingum. D. o,for their 1.8m prise oa aedTllst ot two hoadnd Inventions wantad. A NE'A UNDERTAKING y$ ESTABLISHMENT Prinz & N itschke . DRAUBS 131 FURNITURE AND CARPETS We have added to oor" n.'aeei a compete Urder teking Eiub h tent, and as wm .re In o wy eoanected irith th CaJertaen Trust, our .' pnee will he lo -aceordimrly. Latest Style Lowest Profits .: In Mens and Boys : uutiiing, ury uooqs. MEKS fUBNISKIHGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : t ' -Boots and Sboes C. F. STEPHENS 134 Second Street. 9ezt door to the Dalles National Bank COAL! GOAL! -THS BEST- Wellington, Eock SpriiigB, i r ' i n I . ana xtosiya uoai. 12, Mwked-attdCcleliverea tc any part of the city. i . "J .1. w I ... THE First National Bank OF THS DALLE8. Bjccots to. y fCHENCK - AND BEaLL, BANKERS ...... Transacts a Fcj(ali Banking Easing "."- - ' . . . Bajaod'atQ Excluuur. enct'ena oaNfall7 mvteluil proinptk .oo unt- d v lor. 0nOB Bw Tark. mui rnneiwn ani nri. land. . t t ma u.v i ARE TttE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost ,of ordinary trade ciaxntes wilt Cud the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leal gTO'n in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE Children Cry for ritOBIB'i Castoria Cartorti h ro vrell adapted to chlidn-n that lrTiumi-n! uuSbupeii-.r to any prescripUoo lenovrn me." II. A. Archer, M. D. 1U booth Oxford Su, Brooklyn, ti T . t n Cat3r'a In my practice, and And It pokiaily auuUM to aiTevtluUs of children. ' Air-v RoBSfrrON, M. D. - 105' lid Ave.. How Var-t "From rro'-Mi kn-'Wladge I exn say thu iasto u is a :-mt excelleGr rnedicine lor cull jwn." iia. (J. O. OsniNin, Lowell. Uaaa Cfuttoris promotes Ciesflon, and overcomes Flutuieucy,' Cousiiiiatiou, Sour Stomach, Dian ncea, and Fevertbiiesa Thus the child is rendered heaichy and it eep natural. Cnatoria coctlitj no aUrpoiiie or other narcotic property. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN IMPERI4L HOTEL, Seventh and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, - - - OREGON Taos. Guineas, - . Proprietor. . BATES CUKPEOAIT PLAN. . AMKRICAS PLAN. tl.bU 3CC' BARBOUR'S ikisH nss SALMON NET THREADS AND DOUBLE KNOT Salmon Gill Netting 'seines twine Cotton and Manilla Bop . i)iton Fish Netting Fish Hooks, l ines Etc. HENRY DOYLE & CO. ,517. 519 Market St . SKN HRKNCISCO. Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast rrTTfTnTTrnTiTmrrirmTrrrnTi r SAxN FRANCISCO Beer halL F. LEMKE, Proprietor. ine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. olumbla Brewery Beer on Draught Seooad Street, bet. Court and Union. TTrrrnTrrmTnrnmfnniinu Portland. UniYersity.. . ; Th.9 .Leading Institution of the Horthweat. Students attending from Oregon, Washington and Idaho, have f reo trausporiai ion to and from the University 11 they aoocpt the best acoom modaUona of the sohool. EspeoeeB from $100 to $200 a Year. School opens September 15. Catalogues sent free. Address THOS. VAN SCOY, D. D Dan, University Park. Oregon. ORLGON BAKERY -AND A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to furnish families, 'hotels, and restaurants with the oboloest Rrea U akrs mil l'i s. Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. fiECOND Street, next door to The Dalles National Pank rfobofly need have Ifenralgla- Got Dr. Mllaa I Sm "The North Pole C3, 1 Always at the front and wherever If "BATTLE AX" goes it is the S S biggest thing in sight. It is as re- p markable for its fine flavor and quality P as for its low price. A JO cent piece i of "BATTLE AXff is almost g tvice as large as a 10 cent piece of J any other equally good tobacco. g R U N S PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING" CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FORES DULUTB - TO J vnvnn CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BCTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA -NEW YORK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For information, time cards, mans and tickets, -ill on or write. W. C ALLAWAY. Apent Or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas sen er Atcut. No. 3?n Morrison Street. Cor ner of Third Street, Portland, Oregon -TO THI GIVES Tbt fliolCB of Two T ansccntliiental Routes VIA VIA SPOKANE KIHKEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AND AND ST.PADL KANSAS Low Rates to All Eastern Cine OCEAN -STEAMERS leave Portland every ave oaya for SAN FRANCISCO. CAU. tT- Hatofla Mil nn V,m O W Jb Iff A nap.. at THE DALLES, or addreae W. H. HURLBURT. Gen. Pass. Airt.. Portland, Oregon Maw O. B. . Bcbednle. Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4:50 a. M., and leaves 4:55 A. M. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:40 P. M., and leaves 10:45 p. M. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles I2:iw P. M., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 2:30 p. M. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leaving The Dalles at 1 P. M. daily and arriving at The Dalles at 1 P. M. daily, connecting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. fc. LYTLE, ' AKODt. THE ORG FLNO W1KE BOOMS j AD. KELLER, Mgr. c,.nic'-. Il imported an J Domestic Liquors and Ci;car No. 90, bexsond djor Iroxn lhe wruoi oi Court St. THF DALUP8 3 made use of at last." HRRY HEBE, AND OSALEtt IN ;'kks, Watches, Jewelry, Et; REPAIRING A SFECIAlflr. .... - , - --' VOGT BLOCK, THE PALLES, - - - OREGON THE PUREST KND BEST ICE Ever handled in The Dalles, delivered to any part of the city by Tk Dalles Gofflmlssion Co. PHONES 188 AND SffS Office comer Second and Washington. "RING EM UP." Sample : Rooms, 58 FRONT STREET. iKaari) opimtfw Cmatilii Houm. CEASLI FEANS, P20P The Best Wines. . . Liquors and Cigars contn ruv by irrFrKEATT WM. WlSKXAS. FRASX SUXKXBS The Wliileliousc WISEMAN SUMMERS, Prop's. First-class Wines Liquors and Cigars Always on Hand. - Corner Second ad Jourt Streets, THE DALLES. OREGON ajMtajWMytAAAiMAilAAM ann r 1 1 m 1 1 m i TiTirifiiTriTrij THE DALLES National Bank. OF DALLES CITY, OR. Fbesident. . .. . .Z. F. Moody Vice-President . -C. F. Hilton Cashier. ...... .M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on New York, Chicago, San Fran cisco and Portland. R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THE East EH STOCK TflBDS, WILL PAY THE HighestCash Price for .flay an I Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK IIUIIO 1IH ROBBED Three Masked Men Swoop Down Upon Montpelier. A JS7EV AIRSHIP A San Francisco Man Designs a New Airship and Will Navigate Space. Trani-Oceanlo Record Broken Hot Wave Abates In the Esateru States Flood In KIcarag-aa. Denver Awe 14.-A special to the Republican from Poi-atello says: Word is received from Montpelier that about 3 o'clock yesterday afcernooo three masked men rode into ton on horse back and stopped in front of the bank of Montpelier. They ditmiounred and compelled six men who were standing in front of the bank to go inside. Two of the desperadoes then covered the men with revolvers, while a third went behind the counter and emptied the cah all in sight into three sacks. The robbers then mounted their horses and rode out of town. Sheriil Divis or ganized a posse of men who are in pur suit of trie robbers, 30 minutes behind. It i thought they are headed for Jack son's Hole, and if they are their cap ture will be uncertain as the Hole is known to be filled with a desperate pang who will resist their capture. The bank officials refuse to discloi-e the amount secured, but it is believed to be close to $10,000. HE WILL NAVIGATE SPACE. A Ban Fra-icisco Mho Design! B New Aim hip. San Francisco, Aug. 14. Dr. C. A. Smith, is more Huthusiastic than ever over his flying machine since he re ceived a telegram Wednesday from Wanhinton informing him that a pat ent had been granted on his device for sailing through the air. A company was incorporated in this city last Sat urday to build Smith's airship, navi gating air vessels and 'carrying on a general business in them. I. J. Tru man, president of the Columbian bank and George T. GardeD are among the stockholders. The attorney for the company is M. M. Estee. These well-known men declare that Smith's machine appears feasible as a mechanical proposition, and that it is really a most ingenious solution of the difficult problem that have faced the scientific aeronaut. Smith himself claims it will lift itself and additional weightjjind more fajf bst, fee can so controlltg flight ad to practically imi tate a bird on the wing. This means that the airship can be lifted from the earth and depressed at the will of the engineer, who may also steer his ves? sel hither and thither, describe circles regardless of the wind, and perform evolutions like a ship at sea. WERE BLOWN TO ATOMS. Terriflo Explosion of Dynamlta In Pennsyl vania. " Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 17 Three men were killed, 18 or more injured at! d several buildings demolished, by tbo explosion of 25 pounds of dynamite at New Holland, Pa., this morning. The Pennsylvania Telephone Com pany, - which is building a new line had stored the explosive in the sum mer kitchen of the Eagle hotel. Early this morning Charles F. Cannon went. to the kitchen to get out enough dy namite for the day's use. A few mo ments later there was a terrible ex plosion. Cannon was blown to atoms. Frank Hammond, of Harrisburg, just outside the buildiDg, had every bone in his body broken and was instantly killed. George Crossman, of Steelton, a water boy, was so badly injured that he soon died. " Other buildings close to the summer kitchen were badly wrecked. The damage will amount to a large sum, The cause of the explosion is unknown. BP1NOCSLY LOW JTIGURES. Orarsapply Causes a Slump In Frloes of Fraita. New York, Aug. 17. Auction sales of California fruit were unusually heavy last week and prices realized ruinously low! There were 81 carloads disposed of against only 65 carloads in the corresponding week of last year. Sales were the largest wbioh have been made In any single week since the fruit auction system was adopted nine years ago. '. Thus far this season there have been 450 carloads sold, against 423 car loads up to the corresponding date of last year. ' Low prices were attributed partly 10 over-supply, due largely to intense hot weather, which ripened the fruit so rapidly that it soon became compara tively worthless. Many carloads of as fine fruit as was ever offered were sold for less than the amount of freight and commission leaving the losses to be met by the shippers on the Pacific lope. - GAIL HAMILTON DEAD. Famous Journalist Passes Away at Her Home. Hamilton, Mass., Aug 17 Miss Mary Abigail Dodge, writer, biogra pher and controversialist, died here this evening. Miss Dodge sustained stroke of paralysis while sitting at the breakfast table yesterday morning. She fall from her chair, was picked up unconscious, and remained Ibtbat con dition until her death. Since the Illness of last year,' which came on suddenly in the Blaine man- trim V-BJowmal tf JAdbsw Prof , W . H. Peekc, who males' a specialty of Epilepsy, baa without doubt treated and cur ed more costs than any living' Physician ; his success is astonishing. W have heard of cases of so Tears' standing: IIS enrea or him. Hi publiahesa valuable work on this dis ease, which, he sends with a laUTaTB bOCae He of his absolute core, free to any sufferers OTvfsoTnV I JW.&EEEE,'I'4C"UrSt-'BwTae mm ' sion in Washington, Miss Dodge lived very quietly at her old home-in Hamil ton. Maps. Her strengtn bad never rallied after that illness, but during that time she had been able occasion ally to drive about the town and to en tertain, in her old delightful manner, the friends who called upon her. Her liteiarywork during this time had been fragmentary, done by the help of an amanuensis as a diversion when some current event had especially at tracted her interest. The whole system is drained ana un dermined by mdotfent ulcers and open sores. Da itt's Witch Hazle Salve speedily heals Ihem. It is the best pile cure known, bmpes at Kinersly Drug Co. caught a jArri.s disease. Peculiar Poison Contracted bj a Cattle Inspector. ' Vincennes, Ind., Aug. 17 Last week Michael Caney inspected a herd of Texas ponies, from which he con- tractcd anthrax, or malignant pustules and 10 hours later was at the point of death. The doctors burnt out the af flicted part with carbolic acid as the only means or saving his life. An an thrax mi ;robe had been carried from one of the ponies to a slightly abraded cheek, whereby he was in oceu luted with the disease. Anthrax is a cattle disease, but can be contracted by other animals by in oculation only. Cauey's recovery is doubtful. The disease is very rare, only one other case ever having been known here, and that was 25 years ago, and the patient was dead in -21 hours. Pills Do Not Cure. Pills do not cure constipation. They only aggravate. Karl's Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. New Cells For tbe Penlteutiarr. Salem, Or.. Aug 17. The bids for placing 52 cells In the south wing of the state penitentiary were opened in the office of Superintendent Gilbert today. There are to be 26 brick and 26 steel c-lls, and bidders furnish everything but brick. Bids received from Albany Iron Works, $7541; Wolff & Zwicker, Portland, $7283; Western Iron Works, San Francisco, $7480; Smith & Watson, Portland, $8985, Willamette Iron Works, Portland, $11- 800; J. E. Davis, agent, two bids. $7500 and $8000. The appropriation was 38000. Thn contract has not been awarded, but it is to be presumed it will go to Wolff & Zwicker, who are the lowest bidders. ' Catarrh Cared. Health, and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Flood in Kicaragaa. . PANAMA, Aug. 14 Passengers -who have jusf arrived here byr tEe steamer Newport from Central American ports report that tbe town of Rama, on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua, was com pletely submerged during 40 hours by the overflowing of the bank of the river Siqua. At Rama the water rose to tbe height of 43 feet above the level of the river banks and the flood did damage to property estimated at $1,000,000. Rama exports a great quantity of ba nanas to the United States, principally by way of New Orleans. Bovs will be bovs." but you can't af ford to lose any oi them. Be ready lor the green apple season by having Ue Witt's Colic & holera ure in the huose. - Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. The NoKales Raiders. Washington,' Aug. 17 The war de partment has received dispatches from General Wheaton, detailing the move ments' of the troops in pursuit of tbe Indian niders from Mexico. - It is be lieved that such disposition of tbe troops has been made as will Intercept tbem if they ' attempt to cross into Mexico. ' The Indians are on foot and are pursued by mounted troops. Mex ican authorities will establish a garri son at Nogales for tbe purpose of pre venting further Iudlan raids. Vany a day's work is lost by sick head ache, caused by indigestion and stomach troubles. . lis itt's Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill for overooining such difficulties. Snipes ft Kinersly Drug Co. Trans-Oceanic Record Broken. NEW YOEK, Aug. 14. The St. Paul, from Southampton, orossed ' Sandy Hook bar at 9:32 this morning. Tha St. Paul left Southampton on Saturday at 1:35 p. M., and made the trip in six days and 57 minutes, beating the new record made last week by her sister ship, the St. Louis, of 6 days. 2 hours, 24 minutes. The. St. Paul, before start ing was placed in tha dry-dock, and thoroughly overhauled, so she is in the pink of condition. ' " A Great Oermaas Prescription. - Diseased blood constipation and kidney, liver aaa bowel troubles are oured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Bourke Cochran Will "Speak. New ' York, ' Aug., 17. Bourke Cochran has engaged to speak in the democratic gold standard party's inter est in Maine, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and Illinois, and may extend the tour Into other Western states. The Call Issued. Chicago, Aug 17. The executive committee of the national demooratio party was In session hero today, and issued a call for a national convention to be held in Indianapolis September 2. Hot Wave Abates. New York, Aug. 14 There is every indication that the hot wave has passed off. Rains last night and this forenoon lowered the temperature materially. Up to 10 A. M. seven deaths caused by the heat had been reported. . , MONET LOANED. First Mortgmces on Improved Farm Prop, ertj Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages upon improved farms in Oregon, Wash, and Idaho with eastern parties and foreign capitalists at the usual rate of interest. Mortgages re newed that have neen taken by other companies now out of business. - Ad dress (with stamp), . Mebvtn Sworts, 2r . Baker City, Or. Dr. Price's Cream Unking Powder Awsrdsd Gold Msdsl aUdwbur Fsir. Ssa Francises. ! A BOY'S TKAGIC DEATH Run Over and Killed by Street Car. THE DEMOCRATS Have Located Headquarters at Chi. cago and Will Commence a Vigorous Campaign. A Prominent Farmer Kills Himself 8nl clde at Corvallls Alaska Farmers la Bad Fix To Down the Standard Oil Co. Salem, Or.. Aug. 16. Willie Mc Uonougb a 14 year-old boy, was run over and killed by a car of the Salem Motor Railway Company, in north Salem, this afternoon. The accident ocoured in front of the residence of Harvey Massey, at 5:15 as the car was coinming from the fair grounds toward the city. .The unfortunate boy in company with two other boys, was passing the Massey residence just as a horse was being led through the gate into the street. At this juncture the street car came along and was on the down grade... The horse frightened and in the attempt to get out of its way, Willie MDonough started to cross the ti ack and was struck by the car. The car passed entirely over body, mangling the bead terribly. bis POSSIBLY. ACCIDENTAL A Prominent Farmer Die From the Ef- fects of a Goo anot. HlLLSBORO, Or., Aug. 15. William Downing, aged 24 years, a well-to-do farmer, living li miles south of Beaver- ton, on the Progress road, was found with a bullet through his head, about 1:10 P. M. yesterday. The shooting took place in the kitchen of the family residence, shortly after tbe noonday meal. Mrs. Downings and a younger son were returning from Portland, having left for the city early in the morninp, the two older boys, "James and William, and a sister being left at home. After dinner, William sat down at the sitting-room table and did some writing, while the sister and James were on the' front porch. At the report of the gun, James was hor rified to find his brother stretched out on the floor, the blood streaming, from his bead and, as he supposed, rapidly dying. roe coroner's jury returned a ver dict that the deceased came to hla death from a gunshot wound, inflicted by his own hands, wheatber accident ally or with suicidal Intent they were unable to determine. Tbe family has been known as one of tbe most industrious of the neigh borhood, and by bard work has accum ulated considerable means, beside the 160-acre farm. The father was acci dentally killed about 21 years ago, be ing kicked by a horse. V Since tbe de ceased, William, has been g own, he he has successfully managed the finan cial affairs of the farm. HEADQUARTERS) AT CHICAGO. Democratic Campaign WW There. be HanasTed Washington, Jones at 4 P. M. Aug. 15. Senator made the following- statement; ''Headquarters of the national demo cratio committee will be established at Chicago, with a branch in Washing ton city. Part of tbe campaign com mittee, sufficient to conduct the busi ness of tbe campaign for the present, hae been appointed. The gentlemen selected so far are: John R. McLean, of Ohio; D. G. Campau, of "Michigan; J. D. Johnson, of Kansas; Clark How ell, of Georgia; Bradley Smalley, of Vermont; and Mr. Gahah, of Illinois. J. L. Norrla has been- selected as as sistant treasurer of the national com mittee. Appointments will be made as the reason requires. The executive committee will be appointed later. Mr. Gorman was requested to accept a place on tbe campaign committee. He declined because of tbe- selecttoa of Chicago, as he could not very well go so far from bis own state. He will be as a memberof tbe national committee engaged actively In the campaign and especially In his own and neighboring states." RCNBI8E CITS SUFFERERS. : Corroboration f of tbe Stories . of xhelf Hardships. Port Townsend, Wash., Aug. 15, The steamer Queen arrived from Alaska this afternoon with 184 passen gers, among thera being 32 disgusted miners from Cook's inlet. The latter tell a story of appalling suffering', which, they claim, is certain to pre vail at Sunrise City in the near future unless tbe government sends a relief boat. According to the Queen's pas sengers, not one man has made a strike in Cook's inlet this year. Victoria, Aug. 15. Unlucky min ers, who arrived from the north by the steamer Queen today, report that the majority of those now at Cook's inlet are unable to get home for want of funds. Discouraged and disgusted, they are anxious to have the govern ment send the cutter Plata to their relief. At present they are at tbe mercy of forest fires, mosqultos and starvation. ' . Anything to Beat America. Berlin, Aug. 16. As a result of tue agitation in newspaper circles and among business men, growing out of the alleged amalgamation of the last tbi ee of the independent oil firms with tbe Standard Oil company, and the re port that the American company now controls the petroleum, It .is now an nounced that it is possible for the gov ernment will take steps to faclllate the importation of Gaillcian oiL It is also rumored that an attempt will be made to impose an almost prohibitory duty on American oil. Deliberate Suicide. Corvalus, Or., Aug. 15. William Williams, a bachelor, who has resided j. bore for the past 27 years, purchased a Highest of all in Leavening mm ABSOLUTELY PURE revolver at Hodes' gunstore this after noon, and deliberately walked out on the sidewalk and shot himself in the right temple, from the effects of which he died two hours later. He had been employed for some time as engineer at Fischer's flouring mills, but quit work about two weeks ago on account of sickness. No cause is assigned for bis rash act. Senator Mitchell has telegraphed to his friends in this state that he will ar rive in Portland about August 24 and will at once begin an active campaign for McKlnley. The people of Eastern Oregon trust that before he begins his campaign will do a little service for them, and try to get an agreement be tween tbe government engineers and state board whereby the portage road at Cascade Locks can be operated. William H. Cooper, of the St. Louis & Northwestern railroad, was in Pendleton a few days since, and to an East Oregooian reporter stated that he was decidedly opposed to Bryan, and. would vote against him notwith Btandiug he is a democrat, but he Is convinced that Bryan will carry Arkan sas, the state in which Mr. Cooper re sides, by 75,000 majority. Arkansas, he said, is solid for silver and Bryan For tbe past week Charlie Schutz and Dick Closter, two staid old citizens, have been noticed earnestly councillor together, and their friends knew some deep laid scheme was being planned. but what it was no one could discover until today, when it was learned tbe two have entered into a life partner snip tney nave married, as it were, and are keeping house in comfortable quarters on Second street. Their latch strings bang on the outside of the door, aud callers are welcome at all hours between 6 A. M. and 9 p.m. Eli Hill. Lumber Citv. Pa., writes. "1 have beeu suffering from Piles for twenty nve years ana mounni mv case incurable. De itt's Witch Hazie Salve was reo omended to me as a pile cure, so I bought a box and it perftumed a per manent cure." This is only one oi thousands of similar cases. Eczema ores and skin diseases vield quickly when si lsusea. snipes ci unersiy urug Co. A runaway horse attached to Geo, seller's aeiivery cart, ana accom panied by Henry McNilty, and Henry I Bourn, eased a Wt trr-oxclItiiBrit 06 Court street this afternoon.' The horse wanted to run, but' McNulty, clinging to the reins and Bourn hold ing on to his bits, were more than he could navigate with at a very rapid rate so he was stopped by the side of the White house, though not until .after he had scattered a considerable quan tity of choice beef steak and mutton enops aiong toe streets. it you have ever seen a little child in the agony of snmmer complaint you can realize the danger of the trouble and ap preciate the value of instantaneous relief always afforded by De Witt's ( olic & c holera ure. For dysentarv and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recomend this as a cure unless it were a cure. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Tbe party of Dalles people who have been camped at Stevenson the past two weeks returned home on the Reg ulator last evening, and report having had a royal time. The party was coin- posed of Mr. and Mrs. J. L- Story, Dr. Sutherland, Dr. Sturdevant, H. H. Ridd-11, F. W. Wilson, Vie Marden, Etta and Clara Story, Minnie Lay, Nellie Butler, Dula, Noma and Louise Ruch and Hattle Ricks, of The Dalles, and Clara Grimes of Portland, who will remain in the city a few days vis iting her brother, C. M. Grimes. The Council Said "Wol" There was a special meeting of the oommon council this forenoon for the purpose of taking action with reference to a cement walk W. A. Johnston is laying" in front of bis store building Tbe walk in front of his building is considerably lower than the floor and he caused a rise, resembling the hump on a camels back, to be constructed In front of the door. This the authorities determined was not a regulation walk . and they ordained that the bump must be removed. Since their will Is law, Mr, Johnston oould do nothing else than remove tbe objectionable protrusion from the walk and oause It to be built on an even grade with the rest of the walk. . - Special Bate. As there will be numerous requests for reduced rates on account of polit ical meetings during the oomlng con test it has .been decided that in order to treat ail parties alike, a one fare rate will be made by the O.' R. & N. Company for various meetings of this character. This of course, is Intended only for occasions where there is suffi cient number to justify a reduction In rates.- This is done so that there will be no partiality in favor of any one party. E. E. Lytle, dtf Agent. The Successful Teachers. Fourteen of the ' applicants for teachers' certificates who were before the examining board last week, were Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. fWM Host Perfect Made. IP Years the -Standard, mm CREAM MffilW Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report successful. Those who received first grade certificates were Emma S. Rob erts and Ida Oineg; second grade, Kaohel Morgan, Katie E. Davenport, J. H. Hill, P. A. Isenberg, Lois A. Helm, Mabel P. Rlddell and Mabel Omeg; third grade, Edith Lindsay, J. W. Britain, Edward ,D. Balwln, Mamie A. Driver and H. C. Johnson, Mr. Baldwin received c a percentage entitling him to first grade and Mlts Driver entitling. her to seoond grade, but not having taught the requisite number of months, only third grade certificates could be granted. Land ' Omee. Transactions. Timber culture" proof, ' John ' Mad- dock, swi nwt, wt wi, set swi.seo. 11, 95 s. r. 21 e. Homestead entry, Francis M. Vena- ble, nej sec 13, 1 2 n r 16 e. Cash entry," "Robert L. Mcintosh, sw set, si swt, najswiseo. In, r 13 e. Homestead proof, Wm. J. Campbell nwt set sec. 27, 1 3 n r 10 e. . Motloe to Water tnuimsn. i You are hereby notified that the lr rlcatln? rules will ba strlctJv anfnrMd rom now on. . If vou wake up and find tbe water shut off, don't kick at me, Be l bavo got to enforce the law to pro tect your property. L J. Norman, oup t. Treasurer's Call. All warrants registered prior to July 9, 1892, vslll be paid at my offloe, next. door to T. A. Hudson's, Washington street. Interest eeases after August: 13,1993. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. , - Lost, ' Between the court house and forks . of Mill oreek July 26, 1896, pair of gold rimmed eve-glassea with chain,- In' loather case. Return to this offloe and receive reward. Lost. On Sunday last, a black silk parasol somewhere between W. H. Van Bib bers residence and the I. O. O.P. ceme-' eery, t inder will please leave - the same at this office. . . DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' OA1RLETE- URE. BOTH" LOCAL AXD 1KTEUN-L. Ihe only remedy narseteed te ehselately ore catarrh and C"jph-iiy eradicate the lUcaae Irem the blued aed bystsm. ?0IL SIZE, $1.00; TfilAl SIZE, 20& Fsch full sits esckste coatstas one ruN sueta'a irrAiEMul, or., lull stoma's supply ef CaisirS) Uulki im Kiie lull sM'nth s supply etksiana, liuu4 sua Suaiace i"iU. - If vou hsvs snv of tfit forhnrlnr stsip'oh,. Dr Q. V. Shores' Corapie Catsrrh Cure will rive you la- ant iiit ana cosHMewy aat psraaaeauycu lift Is the now ttoppee epr , . ; v Dn vour nose dlsrhsrfef l nos w and irlrf . - I' ih?r pstn In front of hsnJt D. you hswfc tocl-rhethmfl - Is your throat Srv In the anmlng . . Do yju sine srlth your SMMta oesat Is vour asarlne Tallin?? Do your ear d!chnrs U Ml M, trv hi imur eBfl) - - - - Do yus Cesr better sons days thsa oraats ' . Is your haarinf wane wnea you hsv a caUT . nr. a W. Share' Coarfe Carecaivs all coeffcs. cnM an! bronchM affections. One oom wiHstoa nmodlc croup. Ksep a bottle la tbe house. Lt't vi eotties it yoe nse ,7 ts directed on tbe bottle sad It will curs ye. Have voa a coernr- ' Do you take cold tasllyr Hav. von a naln rn th side? " Doyoo raise fmlhv sutehelJ ... f 00 you coufrn m me swwnr" . Do yoa spit up Utile cheesylaBpsI nr. n. nMieraa T-atc end Bleed Partner el ess ws and purines th blood. ! strati ith n yifor. jutes dyspepsia ana au uemws an 1 tl per eotua. It DraensBtr cares Ike follow ln sysipioem Is iner nauaear Do vou belch up ri Are you conMlpatauf - . Is yout tongue cosisur Do jro4i ktoet up after saftot ' - . Do vou leal you are rowing wsakerf Is there constant bad taste la th bkmkb? Dr. O. W. Shores' KMaey and uver ear urea all a.sease of lb USaajrs. Ilvaf aad NaSdea Price. SI per pottle. ou you get aitiyr Have you cold teetr Do you reel artserebitf - Do you gel ured easily? Do vou have hot Bssbes? - Are your spirit lew at tiaras? , . .. Uo you Dave ruaipiiag ui sow mm D your bands aad tel swell?., i - . fc. this noUtad SKr si olghtf . Is tbr pain in small of back? . Mm th. MmtlraUAB a badodorr : Is than puisnes under tbe ey Do you have as get u " at alftir? ... Is lhar a deposit Is arlu W left siendinr? Don't ag1et U signs aad risk tJrlgut' etssase killinr vou: . Dr. inom' Kidney ana liver our cure you if used ss d traded oa the koto. . Dr. Q. W. finer' Mown tare aage onstnpetrsi " m ula hi a .Hum. fat headache, lacvtnwnst . neuralgia, era aire or colic ua It axle really and Ise tarasliy. Pnvrra aad cares eyeetherU aVeees a. Una.. Keep Boro handy. Price, tic s soene. Dr. O. VV, Shores' Pepsla Veesnifege ectrevs ' intestisal worsu aad reaoves the Hole round oa when they hatch aad steed, k saver taSe, Prus) Kc a boil. - . Or. u. w. sjaerear w reset saw - tee spout ae piece - setae sal .-. o?' a v5? ahorser. AettXeaeKpetlea Ptlle . cure chronic constlp.tlon, sick haadarhe sad buioue attacks, rrlce. IV aortl. . In si) eases. If the bower, are coastlpsted take eaeof Dr. G.W. Shores' Anti-Coestlpattoa Pills at bedrlisei it your troabi Is cbtoelc and dtp lasted, write Dr. G. V. Shores personally for his aew eyatploai net sad have your case disposed and get his eapan ad vice free. ''.'. These famous maadles an pre parr a eery ey uee- tor G. W . Shores, Ilea s Medial Uttauue. sen City. Utah. . - rwMleyanDTaci1ia.ean at sav a m e m t receipt ef arte.. FOR SALE BY . ' BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON- TH DALLES. OREGON. Mount Hood Sample Room . THE DALLES, CR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky rftoM 10TJSVILI.E. Very Best Key West Cigars and Beet of Wines, English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee Beer always on hand. Imaetz A PUNDT. PROPRIETORS . Mext Door te Colombia Candy Factory 1:1 Bargains In Tinware, Notion and Jewelry. Fine line of Ladies and Gents' Underwear. 5 .