Si ; -SATURDAY.. ... . . .AUGUST 15, 1896 ; - -' A From Saturday! Dally. Mrs. MCJJonaia went to auuu " 1 today for a few days visit. L. r. ieiCuUni went uuwu iug ., n the Regulator, this morahiEr. , v This morning the Misses McNulty . Hon GH. Williams left on the 'afternoon train for his home in Port- - land. Z ... . v . Joseph Printz went to Stevenson this morning to spend Sunday with his family. Mrs. Campbell, who has been visit- nr Mrn. Cant Wand left this mornine for Portland, ' O. B. Hartley, of Hood River, is in - tBB eitv. reiurmn? noms iruui in ' . , m - to Sherman county. d Peter Dupgan died at Cascade Locks this morning and will be burled in the ' t VBNUVHV VW1HW j w - :.-r Medder Vanderpool, the' oldest resl ' degt.'oLinn county, died at Soda vflle la" t.Wednesday In his 99th year, .. Prof. J. H. Ackerman. whohasbeen one of the instructors at the normal - institute, returned to Portland on" the N. J. Sinnott and Walter Klindt re . turned yesterday from a hunting trip .Fifteen-Mile. They report birds V scarce and small. ; Jv Tom fcCov left this- morning for - Bait Late city to visit ms oromer. Mr. McCov exnects to spend a month in the capital of Utah. Mrs. D. McDonald, who has been '. visiting her daughters, Mrs. McCey anil Mrs. Crosafield. returns On tO- night's train to her home at Murray -. Springs. " . As .might have. been expected the republicans of..Marion county want '' BeVrBaTkTey ToTfeltgn since"Ke has renounced McKinley. Barney, how' : ai. nrnnnapa- tsbak member of the , - next legislature. .- - " " f..nnoMnnt TTarrlann'a summer . borne on the bank of one of the lakes of theAdlrondack will be a log cabin, similar to the log cabins used in bis . grandfather's time, but this' modern . uut) Will VUBU nrxauyw n uu vvuc'tw"T' . A water-famine is reported in some . sections df Arkansas.' and It is said that many peogle are actually suffering , lor me wu.ui uuiuou ' . quenoh thirst. In these portions of k. rota nn rain Vina fnllnn nines Annl :i3thl"T '. - - ' "SnTweTrY Willy Vas taken Jief ore Recorder Phelps this moTnlng and - giyen the choice of leaving town or en tering, the voluntary street-cleaning service-of the city. Being too proud ' to-werK on tne street, n causa me oecuoatton of eountlne ties on the - railroad. '- -.. Homer Davenport, the artist, is said .' i .... fttnnn . m . . k fVU .I.YhA .price of genius. Davenport is a great fellow for animals, and he always gets goo ur a uiru iu un piuvuico ' An Albany friend of Homer tells how one time bis father made him a pres .'ntof a $75 gold wanton. It was -not long afterwards .that be- traded the watch for a bull dog, preferring that to a mere tlmelteeper. . : ' The following teams haverentered ' for the firemen's tournament, which is to take place .at Astoria during the dth an d 2i s t In si: Vetera n Vol u n tee rs, . of . Rortland ' (hand , engine); Liberty , hose teatn, Portland,' and teams from . Vancouver, lue vanes, xjrcgua wijr " and Astoria. Three other entries are 'till rtrtp.t,flti. "and the tournament . promises to be the most successful one ever given unaer ine auspices oi tne ; Northwest Firemen's Association. 1 The members of the hose team are ; praotlolng each evening tp- put them- salves In condition fi.-r the forthcom .ing' tournament, and at the present rate of improvement both in speed and endurance '.wiir by the 20th of the taboth be second to none in the state. ; Kow that they are doing their part to ward retaining- the laurels hitherto .won by -The Dalles, something de - vblyes upon the citizens of the city; - that Is .liberal donations tdWard'de .' f raying the expenses of ' the team - at IjUV, WUUJAIiigUft 1 UUU vug IvUAkWbW ' oomes around soliciting funds tor this purpose, snow your loyalt.y to the city cby-diving down deep into your purses. . ''' ' -;- rrom;Mondy, uaUv.-- . " 5'-Mi una :Mra. R. P. Rrltrcraftrl 5famUyiurriedSaturday from a visit 'tn inhnhalla!. ?. .VC... -AT- -TTT T .n.V.A. .-J Miss Mattie Cushlng left today for Clatsop Beach. n u v.i t. t t f . rrti. : Dalles, and finds ready sale at 88.50 and 19.00 per too. . John Welgle, the genial counter jumper at a. w. wuiiams a vjo's. leit today for the sea coast. 'r V Mrs. Wm. S. GUHam, of West Berke y, CaL, arrived in the city on the Sd, . 'and i ' visiting relatives on Three- MUe. . ; : - : : ' William Summersrof Portland, Is In ,. one of the genial proprietors of the White House. Miss Rosemary' Baldwin left on the 93rWMin fa Platann TOnanh tn ntn ha . r :T. l i - ii auaw ntrswaerny, was is spenaing . the summer there. . Deputy Assessor Chandler leaves for ' the Bakeoven country tomorrow to tfrty Iff thafBectSfffl. ' " Master Lawrence Fowler, of this . city, who has been . visiting friends . at Kingsley for the past two weeks, ' returned home today. in . .l.i i . i - t - . . . . . wm. neiaier, who is in tne cuy to day, reports harvesting progressing , nicely about uutur, and the wheat yield fully up to expectations.' Rav. and Mrs. J. M. Morrow arrived yesterday from Monmouth, 111., and left this morning for Simnasho, where . Mri Morrow goes as an Indian mission- ary. '' " - - .- r - Hon. F. P. Mays and family, of Port-' . land, have been visiting a. few days in . the city, and left today for Antelope "ta ananrl fats waalra iiet-Ts t n e rr the farm. - - - ' - - ' Two girls belonging to the Salvation A htm r naAama AtiaMnma wlf h AVinta ment at the exercises-in the barracks . last night and fainted. Medical aid . was. summoned and they were resussi- -mtfltrm b snort lime - . The Standard Oil Co. has received " a handsome delivery wagon-which it . will put on the streets at once to de .;fevr oil to its customers, but the com pany .will cot nave a monopoly ox the oil business in The Dalles, for Les lie Butler has a ear ; load: of . 'Russian oil, Just arrived, which-, will -come in eemptIntwj(tJi tb Standard Co' product, and for the benefit of County Treasurer Phillips it might also be stated that the freight rates on coal oil have not been changed. The potato crop of Oregon la not an exact failure, but it is shorter this sea son than for many years, and potatoes will be potatoes before fall. At pres ent they are selling at It cents per pound in this market. Essie Tittell. the clever actress, has lef t what was left of the Walter Hodges' company and accepted a position to play leads with the Chase stock com' paoy at Spokane, where she will no doubt gain new laurels. " The boat that was stolen from Cline & Page one night last week, was found floating in the river near Crate's point. The parties who stole it evi dently were unable to manage the boat and set it adrift in the river. The Temperance Thunderbolt, a journal published in the interest of the order of Good Templars, will make its first appearance next Saturday, Aug, 15. The paper will be issued from the office of F. J. Ha worth in this city. Those who contemplate violating the same law are hereby warned that Deputy Game Warden L. S. Fritz Is abroad in the land, and has been duly appointed a deputy sheriff, - clothed with authority to arrest wrong doers. The sixth annual session, of the Oregon Bar Association will be held in the.U. S court rpomg at Portland on the 20th. Hon. A. S. Bennett, of this city, will read a paper entitled Railroad Receiverships" before the Association. A party of tourists, consisting of W L. Young and wife, Miss Youn?, Miss Parker and Miss Forney, of Baltimore, Md.. came up on the local today and returned to Portland on the afternoon train. They expressed themselves as highly pleased with the scenery alone' the Columbia. The pen is a mighty little thing to rank among the mighty things of the earth as It does. More steel is used every year in the making of steel pens than in the manufacturing of gun swords and needles throughout the world. The majority of the worker in the pen factories are women. While riding rapidly along Second street last Saturday evening Jasper Henry's horse fell with him Just in front of the Germania, catching the lad's foot in such a manner as to bruise it quite severely. Dr. Kane was called and dressed the injured member, re' llevincr the little fellow of bis suffer- irrgs-whicb were intense for a time.- The. concert given by the band yes terday was toe best of the season. Some of the "character" selections were simply immense, and the manner in which they vere rendered would have done credit to any band in the world. These concerts are becoming a most popular Sunday afternoon pas time and are popular with everybody in the city. A few loads of 1896 wheat have been received at the warehouses in The Dalles, but a9 yet no sales have been made. From present iudications there will be as many bushels stored here this year as last, but the quality will be somewhat lower, there being but tittle No. 1 wheat on this side of the river, though across in the Klickitat country most of the wheat is No. 1. Today B. F. Swift received a dispatch notifying him that his wife, who has been at St. Vincent's hospital the past month, was dangerously ill. He re ceived the dispatch five miles from Dufur at 10:5 this morning, and reached here in time to take the 2;30 train for Portland. Mrs. Swift is af flicted with consnmption and there is little hopes of her recovery. The following officers were installed at the regular session of The Dalles Lodge No. 2, 1. O. G. T., last Saturday evening: C T., Frease Saunders; V. T., Nettie., Fredden; P. C. T., C. O Bunker; C.,.Hiida Beck; Sec., Edward Baldwin; Assist. Sec., Lola Ewbank; G., Clyde Riddellf S., Francis Sexton; M., Edna Barnett; Dep. M., EfiQe Bol ton; F. S., May Barnett; Treas., Vesta Bolton. ""Congressman W. R. Ellis announces that competitive examinations for the purpose of selecting one cadet each to the military school at West Point and the naval school at Annapolis, will be held In this city on August 14th and 15th. Any one qualified, who desires to take the-examination for either place, can report to Mr. Ellis at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 14th at the parlors of the Umatilla House. City Recorder Bert Phelps and John Hampshire loaded, themselves- and a grodly supply of camp supplies into a wagon at an early hour this morning arid crossed the" river Into the state of Washington, and pointed thoir team toward the headquarters of Klickitat river. They avowed that they were out only for a pleasure trip, but their most intimate friends surmise that they have a valuable gold mine staked out somewhere in the quiet defiles of the mountains, and are out to develop it. Bryan's trip from Lincoln to New York has been one continued ovation. At every place through which his train passed he was enthusiastically received by the populaoe. showing that the hearts of the people are with him. Even those who oppose bim most bit terly are forced to acknowledge that bis popularity with the people is gain. in- every day. No cand idate for presi dent has ever been received with such marked enthusiasm by the masses as has been the "boy orator of the Plate" on bis tour from bis home to New'York. - ' -" -.' 1. '. . The train which arrived here at noon came on a sad mission. It boreMr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton bringing home the remains of their, little daughter Dolly, who died at Seaview yesterday morning. The child had been unwell for some time, and Mr. and Mrs. Houghton left here Tuesday for the beach, hopeing that it would be beneficial to her health, but she grew worse on the trip from Portland to Astoria, gradually sinking until life departed Sunday morning. She was just past two years of age, and was the only child," a pretty, prattling babe, whose short existence bad -thrown a ray of sunlight about the lives of her fond parents that has been suddenly dimmed by the cruel reaper death. . Col. Louis Flelschner, a pioneer of Oregon' and -ex-state treasurer, died very-suddenly near Ketchuni Springs. Idaho, last Friday, August 7, aged 69 Jjears. iHfljjsanje tO..Orego in I$53i and engagen in the mercantile busi ness. In 1864he entered into partner ship with with Solomon Hlrsch and Alexander Schlussel, establishing the. wholesale-drygoods -house of L. Flels chner & Co., which finally merged in tojthe.flrm of Flelschner, Mayer & Co. CoK Flelschner won a lifelong democrat and In 1870 was honored- by his party lthth M!Mtin for state twanrer, and was elected by a large majority. As a public officer and business man Col. Flelschner won and merited the esteem of all, and it is doubtful if he had an enemy in the entire state. From Tuesday's Dally. Rev. J; H. Jenkins went to Hood River today. TvA. Hudson returned today from the sea coast. H. W. Baker, the Portland fruit buyer, is iu the city. Henry Phirman went to White Sal mon this morning. Mrs.- Ida Buck will leave tonight for her former home in Illinois. About 500 sacks of new wheat hae been received at the Wasco warehouse. The Misses Lay and Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Phelps returned home last even' log from Stevenson. Messrs. H. Herbring and Jos. Prinz cimo home last night from a few days' outing at Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Winsler were pass engers on the Regulator this morning going to Hood River. Last night Henry Harper returned from Nebraska, where he went with a shipment of sheep last May. Mrs. P. A. Trana, who has been visiting in the city, left this morning for her home at Cascade Locks. H. C. Neilsen left this morning for Ocean Park, where his wife and chil dren are spending the summer. . 'Dr. Siddeil' left on the afternoon train for Portland to attend the meet ing of the State Dental Association. C. A. Beli, "mine host" at Hood River, was In the city, last night, and returned home on the Regulator this morning. Poison Ivy. insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeVVitt's W'tch Hazle Salve, the exeat pile cure. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Increasing business necessitates the enlargement of the Sklbbe hotel, and a ten-room addition to the building is bet og constructed. - Mrs. T. F. Wood and" son arrived home from Newport today. Their visit to the seacoast has proven quite beneficial to their health. Mr. GhaaPease and wife, who hare been sojonrning out at the French, Gilliam Live Stock. Co.'s ranch, re turned to this city last night. Miss Mabel Estes, who has been Visiting Miss Daisie Allaway la this city the past month, returned last Sat urday to her home at Baker Cby. ' The minimum terop-rature here this morning was 47 degrees. In all proba bility there was frost in the more ex posed' localities throughout the county. - Last night a car of sheep were ship ped to' the P. M. Co. at Tacoma, and one car to the U. M. Co. at Troutdale The sheep were bought from Oscar Ralston.- If dull, spiritless aud" stupid; If your blood is thick and sluggish; If your appetite is capricious and uncertain. You need a sarsaparilla. For beat re. suits take Da ' itt's. . It recomends it self. Snipes & Kinersly Drug o. Deputy Sheriff Keliy .returned last .evening from Kingsky, where he had been on official business. Mr. Kelly says the crops in that section are not yielding ovecly well.. Remi Rondeau had just finished threshing bis wheat and it averaged about 20 bushels to the acre. A Circulating Library. Miss Henrietta Owen, with the as sistance of Several ladiea of The Dalles, has started a movement toward a cir culating library The need of such a library is badly felt in every town, and'The Dalles is probably the only place of its size without such an ad vantage. Good, miscellaneous books at this time are a luxury and obtaina ble only by ja few, where they are obliged 'to be purchased, whereas a circulating library places at a trifling cost good and profitable reading with in reach of the mass of the people. Such a movement should by all means be encouraged. Miss Owen has re cently graduated from the University of Oregon, and is familiar with good literature and . highly" competent to place in our city a library of which we may justly be proud. A Birthday Celebration. A happy little birthday party was given last Saturday afternoon in honor of Isabella and Charlie Heroux, at the residence- of their sister on Liberty street. ' The mirthful children amused themselves with Innocent games and dainty luncheon of .ice cream and cake for several hours, as little men and women only can be amused. Those present were, Jessie, Ruth and Zell Glbons, Katie Horton, Florence Hol lister, Isabella Heroux, Willie and John - Silvertooth, Earl Jones, Louie Moore and Charlie Heroux. - , Jror Over Fifty Sears. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. Wmsiow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fifty years by milliona of .mothers for their children. while teething, with perfect success." It soothes the child, softens the gums, allayB all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best - remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by arug gists' in- every. -part, of- the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. Dr. J. H. Watts, druggist: and physi cian, Humboldt, Neb., who suffered with heart disease for four years, trying every remedy and all treatments known to him self and fclloW-practitloncrs: believes that heart disease Is ffurablo. Ho writes: "I wish to t ell what your valuablo medi cine has done for me. For four years I had heart disease of the very worst kind. Sev eral physicians I consulted, said It was Rheumatism of the Heart. It was almost un endurable; with shortness of breath, palpita tions, sovoro pains, unable to sleep, especially on the left side. Ko pen can da scribe my suffer ings, particularly 'during the last "months of those four T7eary years. OR. J. M. WATTS, I finally tried Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and was surprised at the result. It put new life into and made a new man of me. 1 have not had a symptom of trouble since and I am satisfied your medicine has cured me for I havo now enjoyed, since taking it Three Years of Splendid Health. I misbtadd that I am a druggist and have Bold and recommended your Hoart Curt for I know wbatlt has done for me and only "wish I could state more clearly my suffer ing then and tho pood health I now enjoy. -Your Nervine and other remedies also give excellent satisfaction." J. H. WATTS. Humboldt, SeU, May 9, T4. . Dr. Miles Heart Cnr Is sold oa a posKiro iruarantee that the tirst bottio will Benefit. AlldrugffistssellitatO. o bottlC3 for 85, or Dr. Miles Heart Cure Restores Health STILL, UNSETTLED. The City Council Unable to Agree Cpon the Appointment of a MarahaL The city council was convened inspe cial session Friday evening, by Mayor Menefee, and all were present except Mr. Thompson, who. is out of the city. In assembling the council, Mayor Menefee stated that they had been con vened for the purpose of choosing a city marshal, and he was prepared to consider any method by which the question of marshalship could be settled satisfactory, whereupon Coun cilman Kuck moved that the office of marshal be declared vacant. In second ing Mr. Kuck's motion, Mr. Nolan said he believed this to be the best method by which the controversy ar ising over the appointment of Mr Bans could be settled. This idea was concurred in by a majority of the coun cil, and the motion carried. This action left, the mayor at liberty to pre' sent other names before the council for the office of marshal, and he made the following appointments in the or der named: Frank Conley, Adolph Phirman, Charles Lauer, Frank Gabel and Jess-Blakeney. Each name was voted on in rotation by the council, but none of those appointed by the mayor receiving a majority vote, the office remained vacant. The council then went into a secret session to con sider the matter of-confirming some one of the appointments, but failing to reach an agreement, the present mar shal, J. H. Blakeney, was employed to conduct the business of the office untill his successor could be selected The matter of street lights was brought up and referred to the com1 mittee on streets and public property. Recorder Phelps asked for a leave of absence for teu days, which was granted. During his absence the municipal court will be presided over by Mayor Menefee. Kervea on dge. I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's (Jlover Moot lea has made me well and happy. Mrs. E. B. Wordex. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. THE VfOXDEK OF iHE WORLD. Prof Bristol's Educated Horses Incite Wouder. The Vnght opera house was well filled Monday night to witness the per formance' of Prof. Bristol's educated horses, and those who went to the show expecting to see something out of the ordia iry were not disappointed. In fact the feats performed and the knowledge displayed by those animals was something wonderful. No one could witness them perform and longer doubt that the horse is possessed of reasoning faculties. The horse Sutton is simply a wonder. By indicating numbers with strokes of bis foot he retdily tells the day of the month, the hour and the day of the week, also readily gives the result iu examples in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The feats performed by the little pony Tony were grand, 'ine utile fellow leaps from a swinging trapeze onto a table, then back into the swing while it is in motion. ' Harry and Naomi, two beautiful snow.-white ani mals, played see-saw like two school children, and presented a most beauti ful picture going up and down on a plank some 30 foet Ion?, balanced over a trestle three feet high. But Denver, the little mule, is the clown of the show. He did so many wondetful and antic things that a description of his feats is almost Impossible. He swings bis master, then swings himself, sits in a rocking chair, rings bells, sits down on his haunches like a' dog, and persists in doing all manner of triclcs not on' the program. 'He is beyond doubt, one of the most wonderful ani mals in tbe world. All the animals are wonders, and combined hey make a show , that is in every respect' first- class. , Are lou Aiatle Miserable by indigestion. 'constipa tion dizzinexs, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Vfasco County Teachers. Following is a list of tbe teachers who were in attendance during . the normal institute for Wasco county, which closed its session last Friday: l'ena Rintoul, Ida M i-'oss. Louisa Rintoul, Nona Rowe, Flora Bosponi, Loius A- Helm, W L Harrington, Mamie A Driver,' Anna Thompson, Katie Davenport, Hatie Stirnweid, Mabel Riddell, Dttvton Taylor, Mallssa Hill, Salina Phirman, Alma Taylor, Anna F Taylor, Moll e Dunlap, P L Campbell. Edith Pea body, TMB Chastlan, GraCe T Hill, (Jhas W Keed, ' G L Carroll, J M O'Brien, May Sechlir, Nellie Butler, r Virginia Hillgen, Troy Shelly, H C Johnson, EL Howe, Cora Copple, . Lillle Copple, Marguarette Shelly, Hattle Allen, Elva Creighton, Maggie Flvnn, Florence Davis, Hester Rufck, Charles Elrey, Dollie G Mosier, Mary Frazier, Ira Decker, Will H Walker, Catherine Martin, Clarence Gilbert, Agnes LoDuo. Margaret JjeDuc, " Omer Butler, Katie Brogan, Ida Omeg, Mabel Omeg,' Florence Lewis, Naomah Smith, F H Isenberg, Edith Lindsay, G M Irwin, John Gavin, J H Ackerman, C I Brown, Ben Wilson, Emma S Roberts, Bess Isenberg, - Cassie Cheese, J M Carroll, R D O'Brien, R D Butler, Minnie Michell, Effa Wakefield, Rachel Morgan, Minnie Elton, TSEWrenn, Zetca Smith, Anna Sears, Emma Ward, R S Andrews, Bessie N Hastings, David Miller, J H Hill, Maud Peabody, Nellie Hudson, Dasie E Allaway, Kate Cooper, Lelah Driver, Joie Hansbery, J X Nell, C Li (iilbert, Agie Phillips. Consumption van oe Cured the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only knowi remedy for that terrible disease.' For ale by'M. Z. Donnell. I I.I iu Farewell Party. ' The elegant residence of Mr. and Drews on Tenth street was a scene of pleasantry Friday night, the event be ing farewell party to Miss Agnes Bates, given by Miss Pauline . Drew. The parlors were hancUomely decorated with evergreens and flowers, and as a source of amusement tbe guests for a time engaged in the enfatuating game of "hearts." In the contest for prizes fate dealt kindly with Will VanBibber, and be was awarded first, be having secured tbe least number of hearts, while the "booby" fell to Miss Bates, whose cards contained more hearts than all the rest. At 11 o'clock an Inviting lunch was served, after which the rooms were cleared and dancing, was indulged in until the "wee sma" hours. Those present were: Misses Agnes Bates, Minnie Gosser, Lizzie EJerlck, Pauline Drews, Messrs. Will VanBibber, Will Norman, Ed Burch torff, M. Han-sen andFrankChrisman. It Is Virtually Settled. -Judge Bellinger- has indefinitely postponed action in the injunction proceeding against the Tygh Valley Land & Live Stock Co. wherein the United States sought to enjoin the company from ranging sheep on the Cascade timber reserve. Tne dispo sition of this case virtually settles the criminal proceedings brought against Wasco county sheep raisers for en croaching upon- the timber reserve; and while it is not a direct decision in their favor' tends, to show that Judge Bellinger takes a common sense view of the matter, and the sheepmen have little to fear from that source. Now If they will use reasonable judgment and keep off the Bull Itun and Crater Lake reserves, there Is little probability that they will be interfered with again this season, and by another year it is likely the order closing the timber reserve will be rescinded. Catitrru ' Cured. Health, and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price f0 cients. Nasal Injector free. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Land Ollice Transactions. Homestead proof. Margaret A Brock, ni sec 23, 1 1 s. r 189. Homestead proof A G Bartholomew ei ni swl nwj s J sec 2-5, 1 2 n r 26 e. Cash entry, William Heisler ej nw sec 3 1 2 s, r 13 east. Timber culture proof, William Kinney, nvrj sec. 12, 1 1 s, r IS e. Homestead entry, Henry McGinnls, seiswi, ti sej "nej se sec 25, t 2 s, r. 25 e. Hompstead proof. Leonard Beaber, w sei, sec 20, nwj nej, nei nwisec 29, t 5 s. r 22 e. Homestead entry, Geo. W Patterson, net nei. sec 20, ni sei sei sei sec. 17, t 8 s, rl" e. Homestead entry, James H. Garrett, e nei, ni st i fee 9, t 9s, r 15 e. Homestead entry, Charles M. Thompson, Bwi tti sec 11, cwi nei sec 14, t 2 s, r 12 e. Cure For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of head ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreadful habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to pro cure a bottle, ana give tnis remeay a lair trial, in cases of habitual consti pation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medi cine. Try it once. Fifty cents and $1 at Blakeiey & Houghton's Drug Store. A Handsome Present. The membeis of Cascade Lodge, No. 303, B. P. O. E., are elated over the handsome present of an elk's head and horns, the emblem of their order, pre sented by Sherriff Driver, who is an active member and ardent admirer of the order. Tbe head which Mr. Driver has donated to tbe Elks is one of those that have decorated the cabin of the Regulator for the past month and s Indeed a handsome set of born?, elegantly mounted, and" will long be admired by the members of the Benev olent and Protective Order of Elks. A Great German Prescription. Diseased bloou constipation and kidney, liver a-iu bowel troubles are cured bv Karl's Uiover Root Tea. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. - Special Kates. As there will be numerous requests for reduced rates on account of polit ical meetings during the coming con test it has been decided that in order to treat all parties alike, a one fare rate will be made by the O. R. & N. Company for various meetings of this character. This of course, is intended only for occasions w here there is suffi cient number to justify a reduction in rates. This is done so that there will be no. partiality iu favor of any one party. E. E. Lytle, dtf Agent. The Discovery Saved His Life Mr. G. Cailouette, Druggist, Beavers ville, 111., says: "To Dr.King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians for miles about but of no avail, and was given up. and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Dis covery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the tirst dose began to get better, and after us ing three bottles was up and about again. . It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keeD store or house without it." Get a free trial at Blakeiey & Houghtons' Drug Store. The Tournament. The Astoria regatta and tournament from the 18th to the 22d, promises to be the most attractive event of the kind on the coast this season.- The first three days will be devoted to boat racing and sports on the river, while the firemens' tournament will occupy the last two days. Some handsome purses have been offered for the' latter event. The first premium in the hand engine test is 8100; in the hose race, wet test, 3100; hub and hub race, $75; dry test $100, and association champion test, $150. Such purses as these are worth contending for, and ought to bring out some fine contests. Jiackien Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains. corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay reo nired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect eatiflfaction or money refunded Price 2o cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeiey & Houghton. rh't ex- ordiunry e- j!ieeiator is tbe most wonderful discovery of the eee. It h is V en ea-f'o-d hy the leading cltn. tilo n.en of Europe and Am"ria. Hudyan Is purely vege bible. Hudyan stnps Premalurencss of the dia. jharge in 20 dars. fires T.OST Conrtf ration, iiuainefs, Fa'ling Sen satli n,K rv cus twitching of the eyc end otbei pa-ts. Btrergthens, invlir orates and tones the. enireiyttm. Hudyan cures Debility, Nervous: e3, i. missions, and develop i BDd nstoref weak gars. P. ina in Hit back, la set by cay oi lahtstorped HABHOOD qrdoMv. Over 2,(100 private endo-semcnts. Preui&turen&s menus im-'Oteney in ihe flirt st ice. It is a lymp om of srml-sl -weiies3 a id barrenness. It can be a'opped in u dcys by the use of Hudyan. The ew discovery was tsUoftheold fbmnt 3 Hudson Medical Institute. It is the stronpest viia.izer n.atie. It is very pnwerful, bnt ba mlrfs. Eold for CO a pck coor6 packagea for $5.00(t Is'nseJed boxes). Wr.tteo guarantee given fora cure. If you buy six bores and are tot entirrly cured, sue more will be sent to Ten fne of a It claret s. Sen t fir etrm'anand tettimonfols. AddreM HUDSON !EDICAL. INSTITUTK, Jonetto Stockton, jnaurlcet 4c EJUa M f IpA' "MEXICAN PROS?ERITr." Xt is Impossible Vf 1th Such a People 8ays a Gentleman Who Vi.lted That Country. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Thresher, of Boston, accompanied by their three daughters, arrived in The Dalles, Fri day evening and spent Saturday and Snnday in tbe city. Mr. Thresher and family left Boston two years ago, In tending to spend five years making a tour of the world, and have during the past two years traveled extensively over the United States and Mexico. They spent February, March and April of this year in Mexico, and dur ing their travels had a good oppor tunity to judge of the condition of that country. The boasted prosperity of Mexico, Mr. Thresher says, is largely mythical. In fact general prosperity among such a class of people would be impossible. Seventy-tive per ce it of them are a low, indolent tvpe of humanity, morally and mentally hardly the equal of th- American Indian, who. have no care except for the present, and who spurn every system of ad-vanc-ment or progress. They refuse to use modern agricultural implements' or household utensils, preferring the old wooden plow and the stone bake oven to the best steel plows of modern Invention or the cooking range. They are satisfied with tbe actual necessities of life, which are indeed small, since they are most frugal in everything-, and are content to work for such wages as will supply their simple wants. As a rule they have no ambition to accumul -te property except to satisfy immediate wants, and are perfectly con tent to work for from 3) to 50 cents a day, With the masses composed of such people, Mi". Tnresher says pro gression arid modern prosperity in Mexico would be impossible, no matter what form of government.' The building of the Mexican Cen tral railroad had, he said, created some perceptible thrift in certain localities, and the road appeared to be doing a thriving business, and was a good in vestment for tbe owners. Railroad men are the only ones who are com manding high wages in Mexico, so far as he could learn, and most of the rail road employes are either Americans or English, but so soon as a Mexican masters any branch of the work be is employed at a less salary than tbe American or Englishman. Mexico possesses rich mines, a magnificent climate and productive soil, but the people are such au in ferior race, aud so wedded to the old style of life, which has prevailed for ceatiH-ies. that they ca.n never become a progressive, enterprising slass. They are Indians whj have degenerated by their assimilation with other races, and they will be nothing but Indians 90 long as ime shall last. When asked if he believed the con ditions that exist in Mexico were due to the form of. government or the financial system, Mr. Thresher said he could not tell, but he hardly thought any form of government could make a progressive, enterprising, go-ahead people out of a class of Individuals who had no thought of anything but the present, and who were content to life on brown beans and corn meal, and clothe themselves in the simplest and cheapest garments. A Bite's Life Saved. "My baby hadTsroup anil was saved by sjtiiloh'a Cure." writes Airs. J. B. Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. CASCADE FOKEsT RESERVE. Immense Domain of Grazing" Lund it Ic eludes. "Have you any idea of the immensity of the Cascades forest reserve; of tbe thousands of acres ot land that, should this prosecution of tbe sheep men suc ceed, will be taken from tbe public do main of this state?" asked Mr. J. R. Fletcher, an eastern wool buyer this morning of a group of men in tbe lobby of the Imperial hotel, Biys tbe Tele gram. There was ubt one of the party, al though they were all Oregoniaus, who could give a really correct description of the reserve. Some thought it was a park immediately surrounding Mt. Hood; others that the reserve extended from Mr. Hood to Mt. Adams, and one man believed it was a circular reserve extending about the base of each of the mountains, also Mt. Raiueer. ''You are all wrong," : replied the wool man. . "The Cascades forest re serve, according to the proclamation of President Cleveland, made in Sep tember, 1893, extends from within 21 miles of the southern boundary of Ore gon to the northern limit of tbe state, on tbe Columbia river. Commencing in Jackson county, near Ashland, it stretches away 223 miles to tbe north, with an average width of 42 miles; one reach of 103 miles in the center of the state being 54 miles wide. "Ever since the state was settled; ever si ace there was a head of cattle or a sheep in Oregon, that region, with its sloping foothillls has been tbe sum mer grazing ground for the Socks and herJs of the state and its very posse- ksicn has worked wonderfully to tbe prosperity of the country. Now, at tbe behests oi enthusiasts ho doubt well-meaning, but whose mountain- climbing-pleasures are to be in no sense weighed against tbe extinction of one of the principal resources of Oregon this vast.domaia is to be de clared closed to tbe men who, after years of hardship and toil in propagat ing the wool industry, have succeeded in getting their flocks on a paying basis. "Did the sheep' do any harm in the timber of the reserve it would be dif ferent, but instead, the flocks are a benefit, in that the heavy fern growth .is kept under. . ' "This is not the question, however. The proposition is tis: Shall, through mere romance in the preserving of cer tain Isolated spots, frequented by moun tain climbers, near which the sheep men do not go, and as ' for the Bull Run reserve there is not, to my cer tain kuowledge, a sheep within 15milei of the watershed a larger Dirt of the wool growing business of Oregon be forced. to suspend?" The DalWCity and Moro st? line Douglas Allen proprietor, leaves More on Monday?. Wednesdays and Fridays; leaves The Dalles Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Office in Umatilla house. Passenger rates one way round triD$2.50 ISIIIIIIillflii and iT9 cima To the Editor s I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely uss thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am ( of its power that I consider it my duty to rnd two bottles fret to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lun? Trouble, if they will write me thcit express and postoffice address. Sincerely. T. A. SLOCUHrK. C, 183 Pearl St BewTcrt SS Th Editorial and Boilue Mmaagwaanft at n U A FETITIOK. To the Honorable County Court cf Wasoo County, Stale of Oregon : We, the undersigned lcsral voters of Falls Precintt. Wasco County, folate of Orezoa. most respectfully petition jour H noiaole Board to crunt a license to W. A. Calvis. to sell Sptr itous. Vinous and Malt Liquors In less quanti ties than one gulion at Cascade Locks, county and staie efuresald. late at Cascade Locks. Jul; 11. 1898. J G Dot, jr. W Cooaroa. J Brud. r HrtlV. Lauin Tricscn, K P Ash. Kobt MilU. C I. Mtrrfin. 3 W M. isaao. II Slolroc. 11 C Wiulen. H'm E Sutton, II F Ii-s.iw. r. A Swcii tland, II ' Le:ivei, C G Hickok, J H 3'mtti. A Ii And.t ws, V" B Miigato.-n, Wm FiiiNcr. Ci irton, V. L KcHucr, L Har, Al-en, A J Kiigntly, John i'rana, P,-rer Trim. FTB m-lti-an, J M H xoa. Wm Wituen, W M Fr:iie. ABGlzier, W Bruce. W H Smith, D S MrKiiy, John G Brown, J M ine. Alfred Collis. 1 J Vandcrmulf , I X- Day. John Sundwise, W Havieim. Frank Allison. Silas M Allen, W H Murphy, Jiimea i-kass, Wm Layctck. Jonn Anderson, Mike Sish. Paul L Schmidt, B Coke, Cuus S LeBuoa, Aug I. w6 Louis Laholf, T lomas A li.ui, w.i. .McHeuzie, Isal Marin. Chns I.oderbprg, August VVil on, J K SorUm, T W i e.vis, D L Cates. Ha.r.v Gray W H Mciice Put GrUIla, M Smyin, P Lcaiey Cans M il-mdcr, A T.-a verso. Tnos Barnes, B i- iieber, K Black. A M tsnrrett. A' t,'ust Tu:icllus, Mi.tHetire, P Sullivan. T W tiHri.icr. M rtin Mtscringe, 1. Peterson. W H Murphy. W E Hert-aton, A KTuzler, G Ho id, J B Guthrie. D McEUaauy, A Lcvuch, Gea G ay, F Hover. M Fitztrcrnld, C H 'I rusk. F T Kurkrsurt, - Yahn Nilson, L Boccl, J Di vfcs. E M:irtin, C Hunter. K O M-.nnlnp, H P Harjiham, T'oos A Willi-, ms, .August Peterson, 1 bo-t 'ovie, Erio Neison, K HBirnie, . T JSHtl.l9. Di C F CunCiinla, . PETITION. To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, biate of Origoa: We. the undersigned 1-g d voters of Falls Preuioct, Wasoo County. State of Oregon, mo.t respectfully pttition your Hoaoiable Board to gniul a license to u r.irlxAy rosea spir nous, VkiIou-. aud Ma t Liquors In less quantl' ties thvi one gtllon la ccuaty and state aforvsiiiu at cascane locus. Dated July i!4, liM. Jovn Trana, W A Calvin, J M Mclsuao, J as Brady, B Lake. L Hannaa, P Leahy, . V VV Vetiick. P Gntiin. W H Smith, Ur. C '. Candlani, VV Bruce, M S uytb. J D reus. John nDi'.erson, Erica Nt Ison, D u Cute-, fat .ic(jain, H A Leavens. Dennis Shannon. has ;'.al;iutel, J ,M l.lxon. A Tranesso. E P Ash, 3m T Moyl-in. . L J S it-Ids, W, J B Smith. Thus Barnes, Truo Glnzier. B V Ueuer, Wm Laycock, Wm Winter, Hans WieKs, Harry O. ay, C G Hickok, R Blatk, W Lvnch. HCVVnalen, FTB-u.-kman, A I Kuigntly, T H WUlli-ms, A M Barrel t, J " m es Mc Bain, Alfred Collis. Mike Sisk, August TunelluJ, J r ttcua. .ck, A B Andrews, Jam. s G Ttoo, PA Tr.ina, C H Trask. Hit Hearu, Lewis Smith, J Viinuerwarf, K M W. od. P SulLvan, G T Allison, T W Badder. Rott Mills, M t tin Mircharcs. C L Merwtn, ' L PLterson. P F Sh tw. w KMurpha, Mel Leavens, W E Heryaton, Isal Morin. A RTozler, J Campbell, J JHo:nn, ham McCaiy, W L Keltaer, F Douelas, G Boccl. P L Sutmldt, D G Hughes. H H, J B Gut irie. JH IMorrow, A i- lcisohhauer, F McDonald, M Fitzgerald, T W Lewi PMoUilmv, Thomas J Smith, W M Fratne, Mat Welsh. W M t r.une, S M Ailen, E O Manoing, - H Glazier. F Rogers, J a" Hamilton, F Hetty. C Will!?erutt, Joha Thiasen. Otto Jlin, NiOholas Stokoe, James Eokass, ABGl tzier, B P skaaten, JohnGBn.wn. Lotls Lnhalt, Edn-ar Sweatland, HPHtrpham, M Keating, G L Harpnam, Aug. 1, w A. PETITION. To the Honorable County Cauit o! Wsioo County, Oregon : We, the ' underslcned taxpayers and legal voters ot Fails Frecioct. Cjuuty and state aioie said, respectfully petit on your Houoiable Court to grant a liren.-e to PaibicK McEIXaKT to sell Sp riious. Vinous and Mall LiQUoiaut the town of Cascade Locks, saiu precinct, in le Quantities than one hftiltn, for U.e period of year A r le so: naver. j jl. aenxmac. miKa icuixnuu, P W Yettiuc, Pat L!hy. I L Lates. pbt.iCK W1U3.PA T.-ili. GdJ Fjian. Nels Nelson, Wm James Oarto.i. S J Dryden. E Marten. J C KFuirview, Pat McGul.e, John Wolf. Joan Bruskn, John Kussell. Hans Wleel a, W M Fralae. Tom UougUS, John G Broun, To-n Hurl, John Flad-boe, Join Thlesen, H Glazier. Har.y Gray. M Fitzgt raid. Sam Mo C jrv. Wm Thomas. Z M biiou. Jack Williams, J WAttwell, A M Barrett, J Ltireka. John Mo Cov, M McICinnon. J A llson. J Dolson, John Andersen. Louie Carey, Wm McKe:,ne, H L Warner. Al'red t'oUis, M Smyth, P Griffin. A B And -ew :, Wm Houston, Isal Morin, P Nolan. Augu-t Pit jrson. John Martin. W E Hergaton, Join Wtstrand.H Fitz lmons, C H Trask, A J Kti t-.tly, R Black, Jim Finn, Pat Firaj, G bo..T.i, Martin Marcnlout, Ben, Suiiiory. 1 avid weasels, Ru.loli'h Sefcmld, Geo ge Suiikt .CA Brollie:-, Chas Ol-en, W B Herg icon.Jo..- Smith. Jack Barke, E Alwick. E P Aiii, Lr C J An drain, Thos Scullv, I Nordstrain, John Keins, John Kerns. C B Lee, Jack Amelia, H A Leav ens, M Welch. LewC MeC'ary, J H McDonough, R S Aldricb. J E Sorbin, A H Trask. E A All wick. Alex Teasu. August 8. 1S9S. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice t9 hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed admiulatrator ot the estate or Christina Phillips, iateol Wasco county, and now deceased Ail persons having Uulini againat aald eatate will present tbe aame, duly Terined to me at Kingsley, Oregon, or to my attorney's. Dulur & Idenclee, ot Dalies City. Waaoo county, Oregon, within aiz niuuu.1 trcm xne ante nereoi. Dated at Dalles City, this 19th day ot July, 1PM n. a f ttLLLiiva. Administrator of the .estate of Chiitm.i Phil iipa, oeceu8ea. juo NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. May 21. 18S6 Notice is herehy given that the following named settler has tiled notice of intention to maite final Drool in aumiort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register ana Keceiver, at The jjaiies, Oregon, on July v, ltvo, viz. : SIDNEY M. BRIGGS. Hd E No. FS09, for the B'H NE! NWX NEX and NEX NWX. 8", Tp 2 N. R 12 K, W ii. He namu tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon -and cultivation Of faid land, viz: LeeEvaus. A. B. Swasey, L. Lamb, James Brown, aii of Mosier, Oregon. JAS. F.MOORE, May 22 Register. rTrrrniTr.TnmTnTTiTn omrn " m FRAXCISCO Beer halL F, LEMKE, Proprietor! Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEES.': Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught ' Second Street, bet. Court and Union. rrrrriT anur irrnrrrnri nrmnTiTTTi THE DALLES National Bank. OF DALLES CITY, OR. Fbesidext . .Z. F. Moody . . C. F. Hilton .M. A. Moody Vice-President Cashier.. ..... General Banking BusinessTranaacted. Sight Exchanges Sold, on New York, Chicago, San Than cisco and Portland. sriranjLUiiJUiJLL mn mnsi Wanted-An Idea Who can think or iomi Birapui tiling to paieotr Protect your Idrax: tbT may bring 700 wealth. Wrlta JOHN WtLlDEKBDRN CO- Patent Attor. Bars, Waabugton. D. 0. tor their prtai aaaWUt ot two sandrad inTeutess wsntstf. RUPERT & CHBEL Wholesal and retail manufacturers of and dealers In Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Tents, and Wagcn Covers. And All Artlcla Vcept n a Rlrwt Ctaat Harnm 8hop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. THE DALLES NEW COLUMBIA HOTEL $1.00 Per Day. First Class Meala 25 C-nts. T. T. NICHOLAS, PROPRIESOR COR. FROST and UNION Monarch Mixed Panits A PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT NO WATER NO MANUFACTURED BY THE Senour Manufacturing . Co., of Chicago For sab bj Jdi. T Peters & Co, 2 gents for enour's Monarch floor and Carriage Paints Ml ft MM A MB raf I Is S3 wn iJ mm nt B S H3I gis-ssp oil !&!lPrs5sgi0,P "J mt ' B1 S.Ht f mm O m S IllV Z F. MOODY ki Commission and ForwArding Merchant 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T. (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ; Prompt Attention Paid to Those Who Favor Me With Their Patronage THE CELEBRATED Columbia Brew3ry AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. . This well-kuown brewery is now. turning ;out the best Beer and Port'r east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture-of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on' the market. : East Second Street The Dalles, B0XC$ of AT PRICES TO Teach Boxes , . . . . Cantalope Crates.. Lumber and Building Fruit Materials ROWE TH6BHLDWIN Cor. Court and Carriaa Evcrythlng.'to ba found WHISKY FROM THE DALLES - Oprosite Moody's Warehoti OREGCN. STS. . . . , THE DALLES, OR. BENZINE NO BARYTES on Z SHUOi SHIRK KVMS. Largest Mutton Ram Breeding Farm in America btronp-, rieorous animals now ready for shipment. Carload lota for range use.a specialty. : Wei te foe prices. H.O- FOXt . .". oodstde Karm, Oregon, Wisconsin. : gon, Klickitat Pine SUIT THE TIMES. ,.'....$5 OOTjer ...... $9 50 per 100 100 at proportionate prices. . &. CO. Front Strctt Ore ndrEw Baldwin, Prop. in' a. Klratolaast Liquor Stor. $3 TO $5 PER ALLON. - Oregon. V.