; ' '.-,' " '. " .. " ' . .. . p,.j-UajrU.i''W. y fie 'j'j , M Vr tlK'(. .Vai Jilt CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLEP..OHEGON. SATURDAY. JULY 25, Ihflfi NO 4T ROFES8IOXAL. Physician and Surgeon, Booth ovnr Dulea a"ioni Bank oflloe hom, 10 t m t 1b m. an I irorn to p m. Keal dalles We t End of Third -iret. Attorney at Lata free InhhailHA.'iUliidina, !uptafrs The Dalle itiiii. jjLtt'H lir-HSrlto, R -ma 4 J and 48 chapman Block, The Dallea, Ore. SOCIETIES. - f I 'EMPLE LODGE, NO. 3, A. O. U W I Meets in Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o clocic. J AS. NESMITH POST, NO. 32 G. A. B Meets every Saturday evening at 7:3u In k. oi tr. nun, ZiOtTRT THE DALLES. A. O. P. NO. 8620- j Meets every Friday evening at tLeir nail at 8 o'cloua. "f OF L. E.-Merts every Friday afternoon U m a. oi r, nau 1T7ASCO TRIBE, NO 18, I O.R.M. Meets every Wednesday evening in K, of P Hall. i-ESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets every Suddai evening at Baldwin Optra uouse. r OP L. P. DmSION. NO. 167.-Meets In D K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. ll.'ASCO LOEGE. NO. 15. A. F. & A I If Meets first and third Monday of eac muntn at e if. M. f PEE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER J NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at t P, M. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 5. I. O. O P.- j Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. in K. or r. nan, corner oi Becona ana i ouri streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. B K. of P I Meets everv Monday evening at 8 o clock. in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in vited. t;OMES3 CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE V CNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock . n tne reading room. ODERN WOOBMF- ' Mt. Hood Cam; I Tuesday evening at : o Hall. All sojourning I hu THE WORLD--meets every k. in Keller's . e invited to be present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. t i Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor- diaU invited. THE CHURCHES. T. PAUL'S CHURCH union street, oppo. site Filth. Sunday school at v.M&.m. Evening prayer on Friday at 7:30. l'VANfiEIJ'AL LUTHERAN CHURCH- Ji Rev L. (irev. Pastor Se vice in the Eng lish langu ige at First Baptist Chuich every ujaay u:u) a. h. ana :au r. ja. it I E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. I I . Services everv Su-jday morninu and eve- hur. Sunday school at 12:0 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by bota pastor and I people to all. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. V;- Curtis. Pastor, Services every Sunday at II A. M. and7:3U P. mo ruing service M. Sunday actool after CT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest T Pastor. Low mass every bunday a 7 A. M. Hi-'h mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at 7:30 P. M. F IHST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay- lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington streets. Services eaca Sunday morning at U o'clock. Sunday Sc. ool ana ill ore class at 1:10. Pastor's residence Norilua.t cor. of Washing tun and Seventh streets. - - . VTR9T rSRlSTI AN CHURCH Rev. I. H. 7 JP Hazel, pastor Preaehini! every Sunday morning at 11 and In the evening at 7 o clock Sunday .'school at W A , M, . Prayer meeting every T nrsaay evening, x P. S. C. E. meets ery Sunday at : P. M. (.AVALBY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union Elder J. H. Miller. ?astor Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and :30 P. M Prayer meeting oa Wednesday evening. Sunday school at V:& A. M. All are cordially welaomed. DAN BAKER, l-ROKRISTOR OF TH Wool - Mm - nnii . BK T IMPORTBn AND 04)11 -'TIC Wires. Linirors Cigar.s East End, Second Street A XK'A- J UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT - 5 k ai -3&c?. "I 1 '? Prinz & Nitscrike VaAUta l FURNITURE AND CARPETS We ttwve ftrtdrd ia onr Kiw:nn coinplcte Under taking Gtb -bmnt, and u va are In no w-- y cotptctrd ith ti Uide'tocrs' Trust, -our ir-ces t lev xordinrf'y. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange : : The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of real estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undivided assistance of the following Real Estate Agents organized as an association for the pur pose of inducing immigration to Wasco and Sherman counties, and generally Stimulating the sale of pioperty. QPRR6SP0NDENCE SOLICIT6D C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hudson. J. G. Koontz & Co.. J. M. Huntington & Co., N. Whealdon. Gibons & Marden. G. W, Rowland; or to J. M. Huntington, sec retary of the Association, THE DALLES, - OREGON AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN - :-. : Jk ARE TJ1E BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who .care to pay a little more than the oust of ordinary trade ci-jar.-ttcs will liud the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made frnm the liivhe-t cost Cold Leaf gro i n in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE a&aUaWUaUSaUh Children Cry for fr.TCHBB-a Castoria " Oartorli l o weR adipted to ehl'dnci tlaf 1 rw, uiiii. niUHSa-ue.i rut J prescnpUOfl luwwuti.e. it. A. Arcbkr, M. D., 1U boutn ixrcrj bu, Brooklyn, ft x " f r"e Owf ir'a in mv rTartlce, and find 1; rpri i''y ftu.ifUui to affections or chiiUi-t n. " - ' KOBEB-"ON1 JJ1. u 105'' d 4e Hem Yati pmm rr-pi' kn .wiedcre 1 n tar true !BKto Uk i a :ot aa&teUKU tnediuine tor cull mo," ua. u. c usnniii, JjOWnU. Casto-l nrnmotes DlcesHon, and Overcomes Kut.uicMcy; Constipation, Sour Stomach, Duanncea. and Feverisbnesa Thus the child is rendered healthy and it sieep natural. Castoria curtail. no mrpniue or other Kurcouc property. HENKY L. KUCK, -Ht'Dtr'utarir of nd dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Second 81.,'Dear 11 ood r'a Warehouse. TBS DALLKS, ORBQON All Work nimrantvrrf to av RatlsfHCtlon First National Bank CF THE DALLES. SCHENCK - AND BEaLL, BANKERS. rrinacfsTHeJlFBi Buyand aell eienanirr. rllectlnn erefutly m h'teaa 1 proTintlT aocnnnrd for. Oraw on Vork. San Francii and Per. land llreotO"i n P Tr o-pji Brt M WHHamH J Sehenek .Konri-', -le H M K- !' Latest Style Lowest Profits- : In Mens and Boys : Clothing. Dry Goods. MBS FUHKISHIXGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : Ms and Shoes c. F. STEPHENS 134 Second Street. Mext door to the Dalles National Bank The Sun The first of American Newspapers. Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, The American Idea, The American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail .$6.00 a year Daily ud Sunday, by mail, JSS.OO'a year The Sunday 5iin - Is thn greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. By mail, $2 a year. 5c a copy Addrs The Sun, New York. Portland University. Th9 Leaiing Institution cl the Northwest. Stndents attendtag from Oregon, Wasljin-rton ssd I la iO. have t.-O- t.-amporiailon toandf .-on tae University if they aocept the twt accom modations of -tie school. Expenses from $100 to 1200 a Year. School opens September 15. WCatalojues sent free. Address THOS. VAN SCOY, D. D., Dean, - Uolrersity Park, O.-esea. NOTICE FOR, BLICATION. Orna ab pinm m 'A very smooth article Dont compare "Battle Ax tf M g with low grade tobaccos compare 1. "Battle Ax" with the best, pri 1 the market, and you will find you H get for .10 cents almost twice as g much "Battle Ax ft as you do of B g other high grade brands, ImiiiinsiiiiiiziiisiiiiiiiiiEsiiisiiiiiifiiiatiiiniiEiiinfiiiniisriifriiminifSHiiii: NORTHERN PACIFIC R U N S PUYLMAN SLEEPING CARS DirarGrcATis SLEEPING CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FORKS DULUTH FARGO . CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and B-'TTE. TO THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all . POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For information, time cards, maps and tickets, nil on or write. W C ALLAWAY. Aaent Or A. D CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas sen er Aeent. No. 2?n Morrison Street, Cor ner of Third Street, Portland. Oregon BARBOUR'S IRISH FLAX SALMON NET-THREADS AND DOUBLE KNOT Salmon Gill Netting SEINES TWINE Cotton and Manilla Rnp Cotton Flsl Netiirfi akaT Fish Hooks, Lines Etc. HENRY DOYLE & CO. 17, 519 Market St SKN HRKNCISCO. Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast Nex. Door to Colnmbla Candy i actory ; : : Bargains in Tinware, Notions and Jewelry. Fne line of Ladies and. Gents' Underwear. COAL! COAL! -THE BEST vVellington, Rock . Springs, and Roslyn Coal 112, sacketand delivered tc any part qi the city. At Moody's Warehouse Andrew Velarde, JJSEM 3VER It iSx. ELEGANT TOURIST BB6 Hive 510(6 JOSE S1ACL0 IS DEAD s 01 OREGON BAKERY -AND r A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am'prepared to. furnish families, botels and restaurants with the choicest '- Hroid, Cakes and Pics Fresh hvery rtyle. Second Street, next 'door -to Dalles National Pank. , The . HARRY LUBE, AND DRAuEK IN kks. Wafe .lee!fv, Et" REPAIRING A PEUI L1Y. TOUT BLOCK, THE DALLES, OREGON 1'OOL E.lliM" 'ALOO.V DAN BAKER, Proprietor. Keeps on hand the best " Vriucs, - Liqiiors sod Cic.ai'S- FiitE 1UUCH EVfRT EVEfflNS. Near the Old Mint, Second Street, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. Sample : Rooms, 58 FRONT STREET. (Neariy opposite Umatilla Bona.) CHAEU FRAN'S. PH0P The Best Wines.- Liquors and Cigars COLUMBIA -BREW BY BEER ON DRAFT aa.rfa.fc a aAjajarfarfa AaAa arayywyyyv vwv yryvwi WX. WISEXA3T. FBAHX SUMXZBS THc Wliiteliousc WiSEMAJf Bt'MUERS, Prop's. First-class Wines Liquors and Cigars Always on Hand. Corner Second taw Jourt Streets, ' THE DAIJ.ES. OREGON - Job " ; v H Printings - Of all kin!s ildiie on iroVt n iirv iil ;;t reasonable rates at ttiij oiliceV. . - ' The Brava Insurgent Perished Whih in Battle. BRYAN AT IIOMK An Enthusiastic Ovation Tendered Him by "the People of Lincoln. P re Little Japa Wnn are Attraotlnir At. tension tw Y rk Rankera lip posed to Silver-Pennsylvania Silver ltca ant llryau lu dorKed. Havana, July J 7. Private advicps 8 IV th;it. General Jom Maoeo, the Cu- bn patriot, lrtadur, was shot thrnutrh t le head and instantly killed during- an a'tack which he led upon the Spanish fjrye in Gato HilU. The report says that Colonel Carata ijena. another insurgent ofil:er, and -everal members of Maceo's staff, were Hilled at the same time. M teeo had put hiirself at the head f the forces and had led in the dash. i i which he hoped to surprise the Spaniards. hie found himself con f on tea by a strnr force in a nuperior p isition. Seeing hi error and hoping to escape. Maceo shouted to bis follow ers: ,,13acK, let us retreat. They are too many for us." As he uttered the list, word a i-i fla ball struck htin in the hack of the neck and pissed through his head.: The v illey that slew Jose Maceo also slew his friend, Dr. Rav- arria, and several members of his staff. ARB SHILL BUT IUPORTANT. Five Diminutive Jaaa Jnnnylns to the Wcrid'a Metropulls. Chicago. July 17. Five diminutive, dark-skinned Japanese are in the Auditorium, aim st unobserved, in the crowd of comparatively pieantio Americans. Although they came wittiou' flourish, the visitors have it in' their power to disturb the exchange rate of the world, for ihey are on their way to London to collect the Chinese war indemnity, amounting' to more than $110.000.oua. The party includes Sonoda Kukiski. president, of the Yokohama specie b nk. 'The money we are to handle,'" said President Sonoda Kokiski, ''is to be delivered to us in gold in London. The amount is $150,000,000 with added interest. - One-half of this sum has been paid oer to the Bank of ; Japan, in London, and the remainder is to be paid when we arrive. The Bank of Japan is to receive the money for the poverrment. It will then be banded over to me as a representative toheYjukoharua specie Jhnjc..- Inad- i uTftoif TSftKe" Tndnnnity ' our "govern ment also gets 30.OUO.000 taels, about $,O00,0iK) fur the cession of the lao Tang peninsula and 50O.OH0 taels yearly while troops are stationed at Wei-Hai-Wei." . BRYAN K EACH ICS HOME. The Ucniocratlc Mnml iee Given a Grand Ovation at Llnt-olo, Lincoln. Neb., July 17. Amidst an uproar and booming of cannon, peal ing of church bells, screaming of ateam whistles, and sb iUuS people, William J. Bry&ri entered this. , the capital city of Nebraska, this even- I ing. It was an ovation thelike of which the people of this part of the country never before wixnes ed Half of the population of the city was at the depot jo welcome him It was a non partisan reception. .'J he mayor of the city, the city council and distinguished citizens of every political belief were at the train. As far as tha eye could reach were thronged streets, crowded windows and enthusiastic shouters nn the roofs of houses. .There were bands of music, men carrying banners with mottoes complimentary to the demo cratic leader, and fltgs and bunting hung from the-fronts of the. business houses and dwellings. All this en thusiastic display occurred in spite of the fact that the sky was overcast with, a dull, heavy cloud, and a drizzling rain was falling. All day l:ng amX sion trains had been bringing in pel pie from the surrounding oouatry, and tonight the whole to va is in, a ityrtq. il pf enthusiastic delight. .' From the time Bryan and bis family left Kinsas City until they reached home, there was a continuous ovation. BANKERS IN CONVEXTIOV. Attention Given the nrrenr j Qoestion In ;' t 'their Keport. . r Niagaha Falls, IT. V- July 17. The third annual onvention of the New York State Bankers' Association began here today with 103 bankers la BjMendmoe. President James G. Can non closed. his annual rep rt with the following reference to the currency question: 'The bankers of the country are its largest debtors and it is to their honor that they sto d likd a solid -wall rep 3l ling the free-silver attacks that made serious inroads la the ranks of other debtors. We bolt'evfe in the laws of freedom, truth and faith- la God, and it behooves us to stand firm in our de mands for honesty in commercial af fairs, for honest conduct and hpneft statements, for ' honest banking and for an honest dollar." . ? Pennaylranntu bilvrrites. -. Philadelphia, July 17. Tho state convention of toe - American silver party was held here tonight. Eighteen ielejate-tit-large were chosen to the St. Louis convention. Among, those Prof. 7. H. Pccfca, who I makes a ipec'ultv of Epilepsy, hat without doubt treated and car ed more raw s than any living Phvaicianj hu access nsrtni8hihg; vo nsrc nenra or cases ao years' atandingr him.' Ha. publishes a valnnhla tie of Bis absoltrto core, free to any aniTcrerS who may sefld thch P. O. and Ej-pn-sinU'rcsa. We arlvl' anyone wiahinir a euro In address fioLV. Q. VEERTm ?. 4 Cedar SL, Cow Vor its solectei is Congresinan Sibley. The delegates were Instructed to vote for Bryan and Sewall aa the ovididates of t"6 American'silverTJirty. A Pr hibit!oulHt tVlthdnws. FAntBTjRY, 1 1ll., July 17. C. W. W'indle. the nominee of the prohibi tion party for lieutenant-governor, hs requested the withdrawal of his na ne that he might ctne out in favor of W. J. Bryan and the Chicago platform. IN THE POLITICAL FIELD. To Indorse or not to Indorae la the Ques tion With I'opmlstH. St. Louis. July 20. Senator Jones of Arktnts. chairman of the demo cratic national committee, said today: 'I hope, the po:ulist convention will itdorse Bryan anil Sewnll, and since I arriyed I have received a good deal of encourag.-inent in that hope " Jones will be in conference wijh the populist leaders. all day. The bftlii f continues generally prev alent that a bolt is among the strong probabilities of the populist conven tion, whatever course is decided up;n by the majority. Delegates are con stantly ari ivioif and as the crowd grows larger it becomes more evident that there is intensity of feeling over the one qujsnoi at issue. This Question is whether to endorse Bryan and Sewall or nominate a Sf Da' rate tieket. In a general ay the con test is between the North and South. Northern men, as a class, contend that in the endorsement of Bryan lies the only hope of making the influence of the party felt or achieving practical results, while Southern men, remem bering their mtny contests with the democrats of their section, maintain that such a course is utterly suicidal Middle-of-the-road populists express great confidence in.. their strength Up to noon more than 100 delegates to the convention registered at their headquarters. The most of them were pronounced in favor of a straight ticket and will tight against the nom ination or endorsement of Bryan. More' than a majority of the states were represented. Some claim a two thirds majority. It was stated at the conf -rence today that Taubeneck bad given up the tight, having been scared by the attitude of the leaders on the ground. At headquarters many ex pressions were heard indicating dis approval of the endorsement of Bryan. There is not much said about candi dates, middle-of-the-road men saying they are perfecting arrangements" to control the convention. . Ignatius Donnelly says that although be was iu favor of maintaining the people's party and putting a straight ticket in 'he field. there was every in dication that they would be overridden and Bryan eudor-ed. . Persons who have a coughing spell evrey night, on account uf a tickling sen sation in the throat, may overcome it at once by a dose of Que Minute Cough Cure. "Snipes & Kinefsly Drug Co. ' r RKri'BI.1'" 'Supply Bas'eT t or" t u v PL NS.. fixed "at . . Ihlcato. ' " CHICAGO, July 2J. The bise of sup plies for the republican naUoaal cam paign will be established in Chicago before sundown. M. A. Hanoa will arrive this morning to Hx up head quarters. The exact location has not been decided upoo as yet. The repub lican headquarters will be a busy place fur the fitvt dy. Sinei! too ta-etlng of the executive committee in Cleve land last week, it is more than ever I1 . nn'i certain that the money question is go of 2J,QJJ j ,., .. . J..u lug lu uo iiio iuo ui ana uaujigui particularly in the West. - As soon as he gets the matter of headquarters settled, Mr. tt tnna will go to New York. The campaign -along the At lantic coast is not expected to opJO nearly as early as in the West, Are Von .Wade Miserable by indigestion, constipa tion dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? ShJJoh's Vltalizer is a positive cure. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. : Womtn Aitcmpii Salrlda CHICAGO, July 20. Because her. hnsi band abused her, Mrfl. Henry . Wel' house attempted to dro vn .berlf and four children last evening la the lake at the foot of Twenty-fifth street. To. gether with the children she walked a short distance into the water, taking the youngest, who Is 8 months old, in her arms, and telling the . others to wade out into the water, for a bath Her actions were witnessed by bystand ers who no.tifled the police, and the woman and children were taken to thi Cottage Grove avenue station, . here she told her story to the sergeant. Last evening Mrs. Wellhouse. and her children, were .taken to the house of friend. ' - .r . Pure blood means good health, De Witt's Sarsaparilla purities the ' blocxd cures .Eruptions. Kczeina Scrofula and all diseases arising from 'impure blood.' Sui' es 4 Kinerslv Drue Co- Calif ornUua ro Divided." St. I5TJIS, July 20. The California delegation has arrived 30 ia number. According to Henry C. Dillion, of Los Angeles, they are divided on the prop osition to indorse Bryan.' "Southern California populists are ..solid for Bryan," be said, ''butlq the northern part of the stale some are opposed to him. X believe there Is a majority for Bryan. ' A Great Geruuana Prescription.' Diseased blood constipation and kidney, liver a-i) bowel troubles .are cured bv Karl's Ciover Hoot Tea. For sale hy M. Z.' Donnell. Two Boys Urowned. Dayton, Or., July 21 Walter and R'jss Atkins, 20 and 18 years old, while swimming in the WilUmeue river yesterday afternoon, a few miles south of here, near Wheatland, were both drowned. One of them had just come from the East . to visit his parents. . The bodies have no( yet been recov ered. . Catarrh Cared. , Health, and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's .Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free, Fox sale by M. Z. DonneJl, An Open Letur to Bryan. . Kansas City. July 20. While . en route to the national populist conven tion, the California delegation. 39 strong, last' night issued an open letter tj the democratic presidential nomi nee, W. J. Bryan, urging him to go before the country as the nominee of the populist party. UTLEI1 I! BRVAN N. C. Senator Thinks all Right. He is A CU iAX .VICTORY The Spanish Forces Routed and Gen. Ynclan Captured by the In surgents. An Insane Man Horn" hi TTou Ifrar Kosehurg Turn Kills IHuiKelf Barueri to Duth by tier Brother. ST. Lotns. July 19. Senator Marion Butler, .f North Carolina, arrived .0' nignt. tie is one oi the youngest members of the senate, and since h took his seat, has become one of tlx prominent f ictorsof the people's party "1 here is a great difference in the attitude of the Western and Southern populists.' said Butler. "In the South there has been a contest between the democrats ana populists. Id the West, the contest has been with the republi cans. Before any decisive step is taken, or any proclamation is made for the people's party,-it would be well for these two forces to come together and compromise or adopt a plan of action which will be acceptable to all." Senator Butler paid a high tribute to Bryan, the democratic nominee for president: "He is," said the. senator, "the best man presented by the democrats at the Chicago convention for the nomina tion. His fearlessness and aggressive ness commends him to the people. In the South, his nomination has been well received by bis own party. By the populists, he is preferred to any man in the democratic party. The popu lists would no doubt have preferred to nominate him as a candidate of their own rather than to indorse him, as he is a young m in, and has not bean as sociated with the old leaders of the democratic ' party, so as to acquire their views and prejudices which are in manv instances so unsatisfactory to the pooulists. His brillianci, youth and ability give him a claim that no other man in the democratic party possesses for them.' He has shown more devotion to the great cause of financial tifcrm than any of his party, for he alone has proclaimed that the reform was stronger than party." Nerves on Eric. I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea hat made me well and happy. . Mrs. e. B. Worden. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. - A CRUSHING DEFEAT Spanish Column TJit.rly Konted hy Maceo. Key West. July 18. The Spaniards under General Suarez Yoclan . have sustained a crushing defeat at the hands of the insurgents under Antonio Maceo. Not only was Ynclan's column defeated with heavy loss, but it is cur rently reported in Havana that the Spanish general himself was captured and is now held a prisoner by Maceo. The- battle is said to have occured on July 15, near Ma;eo's stronghold. In Pi car del Rio. For the last two weeks, the rebels have been very aggressive, and small pirties have re'pcatec'ly attacked the trocha, ' causing the Spaniards much annoyance. Ynclan was ordered to drive back these detaohed bands of Cuban", and for this purpose took with bim 2,000 men. ' ' : ' ; Maceo seems to havo expected such a movement, and arranged to ambush the Spaniards. He' sta ioned .a larjje f jrce in a favorable spot, and order d his detached bands' to draw Ynclan into the trap. The Spaniards fol lowed the insurgent skirmishers in cautiously and fell into the ambush. Then the Cubans opened fire from nil sides, which threw the Spaniards iLto confusion, . While the Spaniards were thus beget, the Cubans charged and completely routed their foes. Ynclau made a desperate effort'to ' rally his demoral ized .forces, hut was surrounded by th Cubans and compelled to surrender. It is said in Havana '. that tho Span iards were 'pursued almost to the trocha, and lost more than 30Q killed and wounded. Tfeere were 14 officers among the killed. The Cuban here also say that Maceo, will Jaold Ynclan as a hostage to save the lives of prom inent insurgent officers who have been captured by the Spaniards. One of those officers ia Capote.'. If this rebel, leader is shot by the Spaniards, it is thought Ynclan. will meet tha same fate at the hands of Maceo. COMMITIUU bCIClOX. Bat First John Beekrr Burned Uis Dwell--tng- Uoase. Roseburg, Or., July 18. John Beck er, a; native -pf Bavaria, living at Cleveland, 13 .miles west of Ro9eburg, comm'ltted - suicide yesterday, after having burned his dwelling-house and its contents. He bad trouble with his wife in the forenoon, and beat her ever the head with a revolver. His 10 year-old son took the weapon from bim. The mother and youngest child then went to a neighbor, half a mile distant, and a 19-year-old eon came to Roseburg to have the father arrested. Meantime, Becker set fire to the house and dis appeared. His- body was found early this morning a mile from home, and h00 yards from Von Petsel's vineyard. Becker went to Von . Pessel's bouse, took a gun and shot himself. He had been acting strangely - for some time, and was evidently insane- MoKlnley Oju tq Clee1aad. CantojJ, Q . July 19. Governor Mo Klnley passed the day very quietly at his home, receiving a few callers. To morrow he aaJ Mrs. Ms&ialey go to Cleveland for three or four days, to visit the EJarina ho ne, and attend tha opening of tha'Fjrest City aantenalat. j The governor will be one of the speak ers of the opening diy.- . Donnelly Baa Little Hop. St LOUIS, July 20 Ignatius Don- ' nelly, of Minnesota, who has been in 1 fcighest of all in Leavening ABSOLUTELY PURE oloe conference with Chairman Tub eneck sini'e he has been hero. aid to lay. although he was In favor of main-1 taining the people's party and putting a straight ticket in the field, there vus every indication they woulJ le' .iverriduen and Piyim iicornd. hlld I'.nrai-d to J'ealh. TACOMA, July 19. Satutday morn- i:ig, Jomiie Milano, aed 3, picked up a burning stick from a rubbish fire in nis mother's backyard anil playfully set fire to the clothes of Anno Hos.i. his 5-year-old sister. The lipid irirl vas terribly burned and died this even ing from her injurie. West Virginia Lielccallon, St. Louis. July 2J Coionel Nit Ward Fiizlierald, who ran against William L. Wilson for congress fom- .ears aj;o. arrived this afternoon. H a the member of the naiiotial commit lee from West Virginia, and s ild th - lelegation of that state, as far as heard from, were for Brvan Monay tor Millilamsn. Salem, July 20 Adjutant-Genera futile has a warrant for $".917 in hi vest pocket issued by the secratary t tato fi.r the payment of the militi ho did sevice at Astoria. All thus vho were called out to preserve tli ieace on the Columbia river can nov- get their pay. .. Joarph Klblrr Drowned Vear Lebanon. ALB.VNV Or., July 20. ioseph Kil ler, of Lebanon, aged 2- was dn.vaed , while S A'imming with other boys ai Lebanon vest-erdtv. STRANGE SHOWERS. Blood. Cpldera and Other Qneer Thine . Calned Iran from II -aven. The raetoorolorrical phenomenon that dates from "the ni.Tht ef tho bijj wind" I and tho disastrous downpour that drenched a sufcrinrr humanity on that occasion ia enrpassed by the record of ouicr rainstorms. 1 Tho elcy has shed tempests of blood, and mcro than onco this phenomenon has produced consternation amonj men whose startled cye3 beheld what thoy deemed waa tho visiblo tin of their impending destruction. ; "Llood" rainU caused by tho prc:cneo of infi nitely littlo plants, cnimalculcs or minerals In tho globules. In ono in stance of a shower that fill at Uristol and in tho Lrlstel channel tho ana lytical examination chewed that the red cl.rwas duo to lvy-bcrry cccds. In medieval times blood rain was a orodiTV:' in tho cast it was ccnccctod with tho belief that man was produced troxartloca 'th'imreja''-iOaejC!J:iz'3 dcrnuirrt.WJonA.V--1 s was a pcrtcnt as rtmarkcUp - as tho "bloody host," which, while it flour - IshoO, probably cau-d tho death of more Jews in this country than any other individaa! cupcrstiticn diroctod ajaint that people. It is described as "an appearance cf blood flowic.'T from bread when bitten;' but it manifested itself in other articles of food besides bread and sometimes seemed to drop from tho air. ' It will' bo remembered by bistcrical readers that while Alex ander was besieinj Tyro this prodigy and tho other ono of "blood rain" oc curred in ono day, much to the con sternation of tho soldiers. 1 1 Mere carious than bl2od rcin La re gard ta tho moro color wa3 the rod. violet and rrrass-jrocd shower which foil in tho couth cf franco many yoar3 ago and msdo a pat jh work of tha bifj lake, whereon is manifestation was the moro no'Jeeabla. Thii chowcr, ajain, waa caused b7 untold myriads of differently colored animalsales. Spider showers cro another curiosity worthy of mention in this connection. Th EpUcrs aro irossamcrs; ond til those who havo read Vhito'a Natural His tory cf Dclborna will call ta mind bis dcsirip'aon of the ohowsn ho observed. One cf thasa, ho tolls ur, continued for nearly a whole day and the rrossa mcrs descended from a surprising hcijht, fcr .when ono rrcnUcwan aa- ecaded a hill near at hand some thro hundred feet hSrh ho found that th spiders were dropping from a region in the atmesphcro that waa ctill beyond tho reach cf mi caze. Dr. A'artiq Lister ' earned this ccrial cpldcr "th bird," from tho facility with which it can traverse tho air; and coon ccc oc casion when ho observed a chowcr of them at York ho ascended ta the top of the minster and found that even at that nltitudo ho was still below their level that they were descending from somo region cbovo that standpoint Darwin, another observer of spi.ler showcrs, describes ono ho saw in 1333, when on board tho Eeaslo, at tbo ' mouth of tho La Plata river, when the vessel waa somo sixty miles from land; and ho cccms to have been the first to notice that each parachute of gossamer carried a cpidcr aeronaut, for ha not only observed them arrive on beard the ship but he also saw them rcproduco a new parachute, and on this frail bark launch fcrth a.tain "on tha bosom of tho palpitating air." These cosuimcr showers arc great mysteries and once seen cannot very readily bo fcrfrottcn. fcr tho air cn these cccasiona beccmes literally crowded with tho tiny para chutes mentioned, whijh are composed of a few threads cf almost invisible ffescamer, with a email but lively 6pider attached. This may to retried us tho most beautiful thing ia strange showers. A number of farmers have bann In terviewed today concerning the condi tion of crops throughout tie county, and the geaeral belief among those who have been seen is that the damage t ) wheat is not nearly so great as was thought a week ago, and with favor able weather from now on the yiel I will be at least two-thirds of tha'. of 13)5, though ills not thojg'.it that mirelhan one-half the wheat will bj first grade, A telegram was received here today announcing the death of El. Martin at Ontario la9t night. Mr. Martin was "well known in this city and through out n.e county. For three years he was deputy county clerk under J. B. Crqssen, and In 1894 was the demo cratic nominee for clerk of the county. He was a Son of the late E. Martin, senior member of the we.ll known wholesale liquor house of E. Martin & Co. of Portland and San Francisco. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. rowers - Latest .17, S. Gov't Report. Mm A HOLE THROUGH THE CARTH. CTher Would a "tail Dropped Into It Coma to o Stspf . - :' 'W. IL J.." rcnilicT ct ElcbAond, Ila. eondn tio fcllovrinj peculiar query to tho cditcr cf -tho It. Lcula EcpuUia, onl not fcr on CELvrcr to It: If it t7cro possiblo tatlrUl a kola of a fjDt or euro ia diamatcr entirely throuU Cio carti naJ tica to ttart ball wciMnj.oao liupjroi poonda or raoro ti falling tarotijh the aoma at what point woulJ It ctoj)?" J , Anivrcr: Weight, la tie ionoo that "V. J. n-" rsfcra to ltla tha mcaous of attraction of crtivitaUonj xr. In other wor Ja, it i j tia masuro cf orc with wai:h a body ii attractci by the earth. Tiib attractive foroo decrease both waya 'froxn tho -6urfaco of tho earth, bath outu-arl Into cpactf or downward, towcrd the clobo'o supposed molten center. In partial explanation of Ciia osocrtion I will cay that any Civca size bullc of .iron, cr any other mineral or material whatever, will wcrjh less on tho top cf a hifh moun tain than It will at tea level. In order to bo exact In thisveratter ' I will aay that a raact of on a thousand pounds weight will loso exactly two pound between tidewater and .tho top of a mountain four, miles hi.;hl Thii, it is plain to ba seen, ia because tho f orco of tho earth's attraction la much less on t'le mountain top than It la at th sea level; ' Therefore, If a ball bo Started on th journey outlinod in the query sent In by our Richmond, friend,- its weight would decrease to a oertain extent with every yar J of its llijht (or fall,), until, -finally, upon roochln tho center of tho earth, it would-have no 'appreciable weight, tho attraction ct taut point acting equally in every. direction. This joins' trua, it ia plaia that tho phe nomcoon of what wo know as "wciffht' would bo entirely wanting, and tha jail would bo hold in suspension as .houh immovably ' transfixed by num-. jroua magnetic cr invisible points. MARRIAGE FOR YOU NQ MEN. JsnaUy th Only Thins That W1U Uak a '. : " Man 6a vo Honey. ' This Is a truo tcry, and on that will apply to many other young men ' jcJJcj thh portisular one. It ia a Teat pity that thii li truo, says tho . ittsburjh Coinmcrijal Casotta, but so A prosperous business man who cm- , ploys qiu:o a number of clerks said re cently that ho had been led to tho csn .luJoa that tho youn-? man who m-.ved Mil iavested liia . earnings 1 1j on cr: jcption to tho rulo. lie v.-ai suiisiisod -o find this to be truo; Tho faota tamo ,ut when ho bean reducing hia v. :rk- 33 forco as tusinois fell off. Tha .r t tca croppe.1 woro tho" wha hid was t-iat. ticy would cenro-s t;ey i iodn't 'saved n dollar, nad had 110 ; Kan3 whatever vipon which t,o live, '' This cacio man also obicrvod that j ho married men nearly ell had saved TAfcti,iiij, iichritij tauuirifr their -lories wcro no larj.r, r.nd lai.jco aces loss,- than thoso drawn by taiuglo Dy quizzinj theso young sbachclors iO f juud that vi jtoua livinj waa tho . jrinulpal causa of . their . povtrty. Jo:uo cf thcra gamlled oa tho quiet, .nd other ; just natuniV, let it ffo iht uiid left as long as tucro was any to go, .Trora this J10 concluded thatwnr-i-iago ii a very good thiuj foe a yoanff nan, provided ho sui'tjcj a bcih i'jlo, practical sort cf a woman. Ucre-f tcr 10 proposes to givo miirricl mou tho jveicrenco becanso, Ij so doiiag, Uu -.. ill Jo holpinj thoco who aro wiUinij to help themselves. . . CUILDING A HOUCE .IN CERMUDA Th Walla and to IZoof " Cad Oat ei TVliito ta tl Uaclc Any man whp chooses, tsys an article on Lcrmuda in ?ho Ccvicnv of Cevicwa, may scrape tho thin cuatiu'j.of u-rt h oil from hi3 proposed builJinj ciio aad proceed to lay up tho wallj of his habitation with tho blocU tawed out in tho process ct excavating Lb cellar. Thus when tha cellar ia dug tho h gsd may bo ready for roofing, an 1 if enough roofing material has iict al ready been accumulated in tho cc.nrso of tho excavation, it cau cs: ily ':a had by digging tho -cellar n .trhlo 'W-kt, for tho roofs iojicrmudn are i:irr,t-:',.bly mada out ofhla clabs' of this aj.ma white corcl xockv.1 It. has tho advan tage of being so soft that ono may cut it with an ordinary handsaw Un hours a day for six months or a year without refiling the saw. " It may be sawed into slabs - two Or three inches thick and eighteen- lnohos or two foot' square without particular danger of brcr.Ling the slabs, . It, looks .somewhat I1U0 a very soft, chalky , variety cf marblo. Though' so . workable when t'rst quarried it hardens upon exposure, ilolsturo permeates it easily, however, and it- Is - -dosirablo that a buil.iing should be oovcred wit, a thin coating -of Portland - ocraent or a tnixturo of common plaster with cement This coating U then treated with a heavy whitewash mado of lirao burned from tho same ovciNroady .coral rock. Tho roofs and chimneys, .as well ns tho walla; cro kept constantly whitewashed dad aro - absolutely -fts whiu as tha driven snovr. ."; ": -1 -i ...; f nw,- i t TheSslem Dally Journal, Bfxt to the Oregoclan . theimost prdmlnsnt repudllcan paper in tb tata, oomes out. in favor of Bryan for president.' Ool. E. Hoffer the editor and a life long .-ebubllcan, declines to stand with bit - old party upon a single gold standard platform. . . .'.- Awarded . Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DlTa? CREAM mi Most Perfect Made. o Years tha Standard. . ' mm