mmmttmmT' ' 1896 ttitvks TM RRTEF. -. From Saturday's lally. Deputy Sheriff Kelly went to Kings . ley today. . .. . Hugh Glenn went to Cascades on the Regulator this morning. , '-- Three candidates were received into full fellowship in Court The Dalles, F. . of A. last night. ; Nio Sinnott' departed this morning for the trout fishing streams in me Cascade mountains. . Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hollingshead arrived on today's local from Portland, returning to their home at Antelope. ' Mrs. H. C. Leavitt, who has been - 1 t- 1 aUv ,a naat. WPaW. rft- -Tl'lUDg LU iuq wuv f - turned this morning to her home at Lyle. The bulk of the strawberry crop has already been marketed, and from this on shipments from hero will be com paratively light. , '' A New York girl recently had her self photographed in a coffin "as a joke" and Bent it home to her parents. Her mother is now in the insane . asylum. J. A. Gulliford is in the city today. -Mr. Gulliford thinks the hot weather is doing but little damage to crops in the vicinity of Dufur except on dry, .-. ashy land. : Lost night was the hoteet on re-, cora.for many years. At 10 o'clock the mercury registered 80, and the coolest period during the night the thermome- ter stood at 68. Sufficient fish were received at Her- rick's cannery this morning to justify heating up the apparatus, though it required but a fow hours to dispose of the entire lot. ' . One -four-horse and two six-horse teams loaded with wool arrived here today from Burns, a distance of 240 . miles. " The special freight rates The , Dalles offers attracted the owner to this market. -.D. C. Picket, of Crook county, left last night for Colorado Springs to re ceive medical treatment. Mr. Pickett is buffering from cancerous troub'es. . almost his - entire lower lip having . been eaten away. ' The Chataqua Literary and Scien tlfio Circle held the last meeting of the . season at the residence of Mrs. D. M. Frenoh last evening. An interesting freshments were served. .- George and Perry Watkins and Mrs Franklin have been notified by tele- graph of the death of their father, and are expected to arrive here tomorrow. The funeral will take place from the Christian church next Monday. The last session of the present city council will be held next Monday night, June 29, at which " time-the council intend to settle up the business of the past year, and request all parties risilHinc itlalma a nai ncf. t.ViA t.n present the same on Monday. -.Crops abont Hosier are first class. says L. J. Davenport, who is in the city today. Strawberries yielded well and thn apple and peach crop will be good, but the prunes were injured by the rains in May, and will not yield ' more than half a crop. Court The Dalles, Foresters of Amer ica, last.night elected the following ifflmro fni r.ha Anfiiiinir t (arm " O. R W. E. Garretson; S. C. R, Ben Wil on: Rec. Sec., Otto Birgfeld;'S. W." , John W. Atkins; J. W., August Brown; 8. B., Verne H. Koontz; J. B., L. O. Hawn. . F. W. Silvertooth is home from a trip through Grant county. He r ports times quite lively in the Granite district. A number of mining claims In that section have recently been sold . to a Boston syndicate, which has put a considerable amount of money in cir culation. . Sherman - county sheep, says the Glacier, are again being herded on the hills in the upper part of our valley. Fifteen thousand head are reported at the forks of.Neal creek, completely wiping out the last bit of range for the stock belonging to the farmers on tbt East Side. The settlers in the Mt Hood neigh borhoodare litterally being eaten up by the sheep. - T, - TT 3 A .Ut . . iucDoiB. jirowp, naruisbjr 1UU Ab&lU? have evidently made a rich strike at their mines near Mk Hood. They "re cently had assays made by PaulBumel in Portland, of samples from three ledges, taken out three to four feet be low -the surface,' getting returns of $31.03, $42.27 and $52.48 in free gold with a trace of silver. They have noi been able to determine the width' of either of the ledges, having only been able to locate the hanging wall on each. " An exchange says a man who chewed 20 oents worth of tobacco in a week . concluded to try the tobacco cure. - In two weeks he ate up $1.50 worth of the cure and for the next two weeks he used 10 cents worth of candy, 5 centf worth of chewing gum, 5. cents worth of peanuts and 6 cents worth of cough drops per day. ' During these two weeks he also consumed two large rub ber erasers,' ate the rubber tips from fourteen lead pencils, chewed up a dozen pen holds and browsed off hit mustache as high as he 'could reach. He is now chewing tobacco again in the interest of ecoaomy. " From Monday's Dally. : Dufur invites all The Dalles to join them in celebrating the Fourth. . fi- w m TTiiffhAd left nn vnatArriftV afternoon's train for a short visit to Portland. Immense quantities of wool are . arriving from Summer Lake, 220 miles south of The Dalles. A fine rain fell at Kjngsley yester day, and enough fell at Dufur to purify the atmosphere and be of some bene fit to growing crops. One of the special features of Dufur's celebration will be an old-fashioned barbecue.' Plenty -of most delicious meat will be served to all who attend the celebration. Today. Wm. Cantrell brought in even 10-months old plg. raised at Dufur, that weighed 260 pounds each. They are only an average of the pro duct of that section. Thia morning A. Field found a young sea bird of the mud-hen variety located in his spring four miles below town, apparently enjoying a bath in fresh w iter. - He thinks the bird was blown over the Cascades by the high winds yesterday. The Spigot, a paper-published in the Interest of the order of Elks, announ ces that the genial Frank Summers, of this city, has been appointed grand maker of sandwiches for the B. P. O. E. of Oregon. He merited (hie honor SATURDAY JULY 4, for having supplied the Portland dele gation that went to Baker City to in stitute the lodge there with a liberal supply of sandwiches when they passed through The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Elliott and family arrived today from Port land, where Mr. Elliott has been under medical treatment the past eight months. Mr. Elliott is almost entirely cured of the asthma, and with his family will leave in a few days for their home in Prineville. Today the Regulator has been busily engaged in carrying sheep from - here to Stevenson, Wash. It left here this morning with 1440 and returned at 10::'0, taking on 1460 more and carried them down the river. The sheep be long to Geo. A Young, of Ridgeway, and are being taken to Washington for summer pasturage. From Steven son they will be driven to Lewis river and herded during the summer. For years past W. B. Parker, of Burns, has hauled his wool to Baker City, Huntington or Ontario, but this season he brought his wool to The Dalles, a distance of 280' miles. Be feels that he is well repaid for bring ing his wool in wagons that distance since he can haul it cheaper than the railroad company will bring .it, and after it is here he can get about two cents more per pound than be can at any other point on the railroad. A few days since a successful veter inary operation was performed on R. H. Darnielle's sorrel horse Tassel, well known in The Dalles, hi h has been suffering with a sprain of the susppn sarv lis-iaments of the right hind foot and rupture of the sheath of flexon tendons on the right for leg, compli cated with chronic liminitas, commonly called water founder. The owner had tried numerous patent medicines and consulted many local horsemen, but was told the horse was incurable. Di A. L. Combs took the ccse in hand, and after four days treatment the horse was completely cured. Tbis is the first case of the kind that has been cured here. - FroL. Tuesday's Daily. Mr. Wm. H. Staats, of Dufur. is in the city today. The examination of Hilderbrand and Williams will be held before Justice Davis tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Fred Clarke left on the rooming train for Portland, to spend the 4th with friends in that city. Two lots of wool were sold at the D. P. & A. N. warehouse yesterday. The price was not made public. Misses Lena and Voleska Liebe went to Portland today, and will visit rela tives in that city until after the 4th. Mr. Mi-Kinley is a strong Methodist. but he" cannot go to church any more without having it known to 70,000,000 people. - - The riyer is again rising slowly at this point, and from the amount of water that is reported above it may rise 43 or 44 feet. The party having a book entitled "The Constitution," belonging to S. L. Brooks, is requested to leave the same at this office. .Mr. Griffith Williams, who now re sides with his mother in Portland, arrived on last evening's train, and is visiting friends in the city. The examination of Ray Turner, the speculator in cayote scalps, will come up for bearing in Justice Davis' court tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. -A memorandum book . containing letters and papers was lost on the streets of The Dalles last Saturday. Finder will please leave same at this office. . Tonight Friendship Lodge, No. 9. K. of P. will dedicate their new .hall. There will be- a number of visiting Knights present to assist in the cere monies. Quite a large number of Dalles resi dents left on the morning train for the metropolis, evidently for the pur pose of witnessing the first part of the celebration in that city. De Witt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, increases the appetite and tones up the system. It has benefitted many people who have suffered from blood llsorders. it will Help you. bnipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Mr. -Butler recently bought 8,000 mutton sheep in the southern part of the county, and will take them over into Washington, where they will be fattened for the fall market. The members of Gesang Verein Har- monie of this-city have received an in- vitatiod from the Turn Verein Singing Society of Portland, to attend the cele bration of their 25th anniversary which will be held sometime this fail. One Minute is the standard time.and One Minute Cough Cure is the stand ird preparation for every form of cough jr cold. It is the only harmless reme- lv that nroduces immediate results. Snipes OS iunersly Drug Jo. There are-.othersj- buu you know vnat trie Regulator is. f inest im ported stock, the peer of all high zrade cigars. Call for it and accep no other. Sold by all first-class lealers " " lwd Ten carloads of mutton sheep were sold last evening. by Mr. D. Hinton to D. P. Ketchum, the well known stock buyer, of which he shipped five car loads to Troutdale, for the Union Meat Co., and three carloads for local dealers in Tacoma. Don't fool away your money buying worthless remedies, which are warrant ed to cure every disease. Remember that De Witt's Sarsaparilla is a Blood Purifier and a tflrwi Mater, snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Yesterday Charles Schutes sold for H. Hollinc 160 acres of land near Gil- more, Wash., together with the live stock, farming implements etc, be longing to the farm. The purchaser was Chris Leng, formerly from' Still water, Minnesota. We are informed that the musicians of Dufur have begun practicing their 4tk of July program, and are training down to a fine point, therefore, all those who spend the gala day in that city will be well supplied with music from both the orchestra and brass band. ' Mrs.- R. De Young, Middleburg, la., writes, I have used One Minute-Cough Cure fornix years, both fot myself and children, and I consider it the quick est acting and most satisfactory cough cure I have ever used. Snipes & Kin ersly Drug store. Parties desiring to attend the cele bration at Moro will be afforded an op portunity of reaching, that place on the morning of the 3d and 4th by tak ing passage of Allen's stage. It will leave here at 5 o'clock each morning, and will be pj-ebjaredtojBarry 15 pas "seng'ers. " " - -.v.'" A young man on 'Coyote creek, in Lane county, in order to catch a young lady of that place( a red hot republi caq, changed his politics and voted s etriighfc republican ticket. Instead of doing him any good the young lady went back on him, and then the young man tried to commit suicide by drown ing himself in a wash tubfull of water, but unfortunately failed. In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of De Witt's Little -Early Risers, for they always cleanse the liver, purify the blood, and invigorate the system. Snipes & Kinersly Drug store. The new K. of P. hall was occupied for the first time last night, and every member of Friendship lodge as well as the visiting members present pro nounced it perfect. The hall, the furniture and the lights 'were all that the most particular and fastideous could ask. Eczema is a frightful affliction, but like all other skin diseases it can be permanently cured by applications of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It never fails to cure Piles. JSnipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Fishermen are happy today, a fine lot of royal chinook salmon having been taken last night. MichelPs wheel, a mile below town, caught be tween two and three tons, and other wheels are doing equally well. One boat load of 53 fish from Michell's wheel, delivered at the cannery this morning weighed 1,146 pounds, or a little more than 21 pouuds to the fish. One swallow does not make spring, but one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure brings relief. Snipes & Kin ersly Drug Co. A friend furnishes us a clipping of the following advertisement, taken from the Fresno (Cal.) Expositor and wishes to know whether it is good advertising we pass: "Attention! Sinners! Hot Stuff Coffins! Asbestos! Asbestos! My factory at Shelbyville is turning out a line of Asbestos Coffins that .are rapidly going out f sight. No one need fear the hereafter, as I guarantee to see a corpse through without singeing a hair. W. Parker Lyon, Philanthropist and Furniture King." A. L. Wooster a prominent citizen of Oseeo Mich., after suffer ing excru ciatingly from piles for twenty years, was cured in a short time by using De Witt's Witch Hazle Salve, an abso lute cure for all skin diseases. More of- this preparation is used than all others combined. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. J. H. Cradlebaugh returned home last night. With a party of miners he left Hood River about a week ago in tending to go to the Mazama mine near Mt. Adams. At a point 20 miles beyoud Trout Lake they encountered from five to fifteen feet of snow, and were unable to proceed further with their teams, so Mr. Cradlebaugh turned back, while eight of the party pro ceeded to the mines onfoot. Mr Cradlebaugh contemplates returning to the mine in a w ek or ten days. Young mothers dread the summer months on account of the great mortality among children, caused by bowel troubles: Perfect safety may be assured those wno keep on hand De Witt's Colic & Cholera cure, and administer it promptly. For cramps, billious colic, dysentery and diarrhoea, it affords - instant relief. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Messrs. Waldo Brigbam, and Tbos. Brown, the genial meat market men of Dufur, were in the . city today.. Both these gentlemen are prosperous and enterprising business men of that place, and report everything to be in the best of condition. Thsy also state that one of the best celebrations ever given near The Dalles, on that treat day of Independence, .will be given at Dufur on Friday and Saturday next. Everything that can afford enjoyment to-both young and old, big and small people, has been arranged for, and a cordial invitation is extended to all the citizens of The Dalles to come and enjoy one of the most "out of sight!" times ever had in Wasco county. - Some of our patriotic Dalles citizens were so infatuated after a taste of the '96 4th, that they could not wait any longer. About 10:30 last evening, tbe beautiful brilliant colors of the roman candle and sky rockets were . seen de scending from the heavens on high, then, unexpectedly, loud reports from bombs, could be heard, which shook the buildings as if caused by an earth quake. After the roaring of a large assortment of other fireworks, and the boys thought that they had succeeded in waking everybody out of their peaceful slumber, some bright genius who happened to he among his friends shouted out "growler," and the cele brators quickly responded to the call. " JTor Over Fifty fears. An Old and Well-Tried Rem Edt. Mrs. Wiuaiow'e Soothing Syrup has been used for over rifty. years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes .the child, softens tne gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the' best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part oi the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's S nothing Syrup, and take no other kind. ' "For Charity Soffereth Long." Mrs. Laura C. Phoenix, rillvankee. Wis. "Matron mf a Benevolent Borne and knowing the good Dr. Miles Nervine has done me, my wish to help others, over comes my dislike for the publicity, this letter may give me. In Nor, -and Dec, 1893, The inmates had tho "LaGrippe." and I was one of the first. Resuming duty too soon, with the care of so many sick, I did not regain my health, and in a month Xfreeome mo debilitated and nervous from ueepiessnesa and the drafts made on my vitality, that it was a question if I could go on. A dear friend advised tne to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Servine. I took! bottles and am happy to say, I am In better health than ever. I still continue Its occasional use, am m werve food, as my work is very trying. .A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis, will reach me." June 8, 1891 Hns. Laura C. Phoenix.- Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive Earantee that the ana bottle will benefit. 1 druggists sell It stCC bottles for 16, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Br. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores tle<b DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN PORTLAND. The Weldler Mill Burned Causing a. Lou of The entire plant of the Willamette Steam Mill, Lumbering & Manufactur ing Company, better known as Weid- ler's mill, was destroyed by fire Fri day afternoon. The loss is approxi mately $130,000, and is covered by in surance to the amount of $40,000, dis tributed in small policies among several local agents. The origin of the fire was accidental, and owing- to the extremely dry condition of th mill and yard, its spread was so rapid that nothing could be saved. Rober Mays, an employe of the mill, has not been seen since the fire started, and It is believed by his fellow-workmen that he was overcome while endeavor ing to make his escape and has been burned to death. At 3:30 . o'clock in the afternoon Joseph Kane, an operative working on the second or main floor of the saw mill building, discovered a small flame which had burned a hole through the floor directly over a small saw tech nlcally known as the "pony." Kane raised an alarm of fire, and running to the alarm box on the premises box 43--he turned in an alarm, while companion blew a small steam whistle in the mill, which is the signal to shut down. Te minutes after the alarm was turned in, and before the big engines could be ' brought to standstill, the flames had burst through the roof of the fram sawmill building crossed and caua-ht the large frame sash and door factory 20 feet west of it and, running along tbe passage which protects tho rope transmission con nectirig the eng ne wit the mill, had tilled the metal-sheathed engine-room and forced the engineer an.l fireman to leave the engines and run for the! lives. The mill, together with the entire stock of lumber, .was a total loss. Tbe fire was under control at 5:30, after burning two hours. The mill was built in 1872, and had done a lurj-e business. Two hundred men are thrown out of employment by the burning of the mill. The 111 of Women. Constipation causes more than half the ills of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant cure for constipation For sale by M. Z. Donnell. A BAD ACCIDENT. Mr. Ferry Watkins Ran Over by Team and Killed. A gloom was thrown over The Dalles Saturday by an accident which oc curred about 10 A. M., resulting in tbe death of Mr. Perry Watkin. Accom panied by Mr. Marshal, Mr. Watkins had driven in from his farm on Fif teen mile, and just behind them were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Julian in another wagon. Mr. Julian's team was fright' ened at the oil tank in the East End and soon' became unmanageable. They ran into Mr. 'Watkins' hack with such force as to throw him over the dash board and both vehicles passed Over his body. Mrs. Julian was also thrown to the ground, and sustained some in juries, though she will recover. Mr. Watkins was taken at once to the res idence of his son-in-law, Mr. C. W. Bayard, and Dr. Eshelman was sum moned, but bis injuries were so severe as to be beyond medical skill to re lieve, and he expired shortly after 12 o'clock. Mr. Watkins was born in Ohio years aeo, and with his wife and child ren came to Oregon in -an early day In 1868 he removed to this county, lo cating on Fifteen Mile creek, where he has resided the past 28 years. His wife died four years ago last March, and he leaves four children all grown, Hon. Geo. Watkins, of Spokane, Frank Watkins, of Moro, Mrs. C. E. .Bayard, of tbis city, and Mrs. Franklin, of Ar lington. . Mr. Watkins was an honest, straight forward citizen, and during his long residence in tbis county won the es teem of a large circle of associates who. will receive the news of his ul timely death with. sorrow. For Dj pepaia And. liver complaint you have an printed guarantee on every bottle n Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale, bv M. Z. Donnell. ' A Happy Surprise Friday evenlr.g Miss Edith Randal was enjoying a pleasant evening en tertainlng Miss Mabel Riddell on the lawn at the residence of her parents, when the premises were invaded by i party of her friends, who suddenly pu' in an appearance, from no one ap beared to know where, and informed Miss Edith that they had come to spend (he tvening with her, and com memorate her' 18th anniversary. - So completely was she surprised tha. sht could scarcely realize that the 18th mile stone in her life had been passed, yet the completeness of the surprise added to the pleasure of tbe evening, which was r'evoted to the ordinary social amusements and disposition o an inviting lunch consisting of ic cream and cake. One of the happj events of the evening's amusement was a contest for a handsome bouquet of roses at the interesting game of logomachy, In which Ed Michell proved the champion. The party who thus pleasantly surprised Miss Randall ai d celebrated her anniversary consisted of the following: Misses Ethel Deming, Nellie Sylvester Mabel Riddell, Hilda Beck... Nettie Fredden, Lola Ewbank and Edith Randall, Messrs. Ed Michell. H. D. Parkins, C. Jenkins, M. E. Mur chle, Frease Saunders, Frank Wood and Ed Hill. - The Blver. Umatilla............... 24.7 rise of 3-10 Wenatchee. . 43.2 rise 1 2-10 Lewistbn.... 16.9 fall of 1-10 The Dalles ". 41.S rise 4-10 A Monument for Her. A $550 monument has been ordered and is being made at Walla Walla for Katie Kehm Smith, the gifted young secultst lecturer who died at John Day and was buried at Haystack last sum mer. The monument is in the form of the statue of a woman, 5 feet 4 inches tall, holding aloft the torch of liberty. With the pedestal, the height of the monument will be about 12 feet. The people of Haysta -k, Irrespective of creed, have - subscribed for tbe monument, for- they all loved' the little lady," as they called her. The monument will be unveiled at Hay stack sometime during the coming fall, when Mr. Putman, the noted free thought lecturer, is expected to be present. Fossil Journal. ' 1 9 Michell Uot SSOS Damage. The trial in the suit of tbe United States vs. William Michell, to con demn right of way for the proposed Celilo boat railway across his property, was concluded in tbe United States court Friday forenoon. Tbe judee, on charging the jury, expressed the opinion that only nominal damages should be awarded. The jury, which i d visited tbe land in question toe 1 day before, appeared to have been of the same opinion, as they returned a verdict, when the court convened at 1:30, awarding Michell $552; that is $52 for the land taken and $500 as dam ages for the condemnation. Oregon-ian. A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and all throat and lung diseases are cured bv Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. They Had a Good Time. Last Saturday evening the Elks chartered the steamer Regulator for a cruise on the Columbia, and with their wives and lady friends left here at 9 o'clock for down river points. They went down fo Lyle where tbey tied up for awhile, and the 126 who composed tbe excursion party disembarked, and amused themselves by clambering around over the mountain side in the moonlight. After devoting a couple of hours ',o enjoying the outing at Lyle, they agalo boarded the vessel and steamed back to The Dalles, arriv ing here at 1 A. M. Sunday morning. To say that the Elks and their guests had a good time -is putting it pretty mildly, for there was nothing but jollity during the entire -voyage. The cabin of the Regulator was elegantly decorated with evergreens, and three elk's heads were tastefully mounted among the firs, while the lower deck was converted into a dancing hall, and to the strains of excellent music, those who so desired, spent the time in dancing both going and coming. In addition to the other amusements, an excellent lunch was spread, consisting of sandwicyes, ice -ream and cake which was greatly relished by all. Tne excursion was enjoyed by all, and, it is to be hoped, will be repeated some time during the summer. Catarrh Cored, Health and sweet breath secured, b Shiloh's Catarrh Remedv. Price 51 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. WENT ' CNDKR A SCOW. Mn. Leonard Has au J Itlng Experience in the Colombia. Last Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leonard, accompanied by two others were coming to The Dalles in a sail boat, and when near Crate's point, were becalmed while passing in iront oi the scow f lyer, that was coming up fhe river loaded with wood The current was very swift, and before they could apply the oars the boat was sucked under the bow of the scow, All but Mrs. Leonard succeeded in freeing themselves from the bo it and were taken on board tbe scow, but Mrs. Leonard remained in the little craft and was carried through tl e water the entire length of the scow which is about 80 feet long, coming up at the stern, somewhat bruised and al most drowned, but still alive. A boat was lowered to rescue Mrs. Leonard but she weighs about 200 pounds and those who went to her rescue were un able to take her into the boat, and they towed her ashore, where she was assisted onto dry land. Mrs Leonard indeed bad a narrow escape trora drowning,' but aside from receiving a few. bruises and a serious scare, she was not injured. It Saves Lives Every Day. Thousands of cases of consumDtion asthma, coughs, colds and croup are cured every dav bv Shiloh's Cure. For utle by M. Z. Donnell. An Exeltlna KlHe. Frank Jobton, the genial fireman tn the O. R. & N. passenger, is an old railroader, and has had some exciting experience in bis time, but be never bad a more exciting ride than the one be took down the cut on Union street last Saturday. He rented a tandem ot Mays & Crowe, and invited a friend U join him in a ride. They turned th thing loose at the top of the bill. The guued along very nicely for a time. nut the further they went the faster : he tandem ran, and by tbe time they reached Fifth street they were go n. it the rate of about 50 miles an hou and the machine was beyond control Jobson whistled down brakes, but tbi brakes wouldn't down. The tanden was on a rampage, and all the riders could do was to hold on and trust to luck. Leyel ground was finally reached and then they stopped, when Jobi-on found that his best pair of eight dollar pants were wrecked, and his wardrobe -vas generally disheveled, so . he took the machine back to its owners, an resolved in tne iuture to connne n s exploits to railroading. Did you ever think how readily the blood is poisoned by constipation? Bad. blood means bad health am premature old age. De Witt's :Littl- harly Risers, tbe famous little pill. ?ercome obstinate constipation. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. To Conduct the Contest Case. The people's party committee,- it L said, has selected H. C. Watson anc C. H. Dalryimple to conduct tbe con test case in tbe first congressional dis trict, and it is understood the ground- of contest will be the Indian vote. ays the Albany Herald. Some par ties in Lincoln county are said to bi building hopes of changing the ctunt seat, by establishing the illegality ot the vote. rh's erfm- Constipation Dizziness, Fa'liog Ber aatirnfl.Kcn ireuator he moat wonderful lacovery of he aire. It ouaiwitcnin of the ey and- othe. pa-ts, Btrergthene In vlgcratcs and tones the en-lrefyktem. Hudran curtf i v b- en en- loadlnirf den. -jftc n.en of Europe and Amerf-a. ntidyan is (mrelv wm. Ubla. I Nervoaaress, 1 Emissions 1 and developi! 1 and restore 1 weak f 'ears Hndyan stops Preraaturens or the die- .harm In xt dars. rnrea P. ins in the bscK, to; set lif) ST 1IAJJH00D xJ.htstone( mm? mrleklv. Over 2,00 private enx' sen i puts. xeLDAiareneMi dtub ,i ... j ... . . "... tun. It is a fymptom of seml"sl weakness id btrminee. It Can be stopped la SO dan bytheuseofHadyan. . . ... n . , There discovery w md? by theteeial. lsti of the old famncs Hudsoa Medical Inftttuta. It is the struuwat vluUicer made.. It is ver powerful, bnt hannlea. Bold for T W apscfc- Written roarantee riven for a core. If you buy six boxes and are cot entlrriy; s will be sent to you free of all .charges. Dm.1 . . - w .. circulars sna tesmo omnia, nuum HUDSON BUIUlim inninii, . gtotsisa, naraw tc mus tM m I ml CAT HOD K BATH. Successful Experiments Made With Them in This City. Joseph A. Mc Arthur, electrician for The Dalles Electric Light Co., has been conducting a number of experi ments vith z rays, and is much en couraged with the sucess be has thus far achieved. He has an induction battery and peculiar system of con necting the electrial circuit, of his own invention, by which all the force of the circuit is utilized. This he las attached to one of the most improved Crook's tubes for producing tbe cathode rays, and is enabled to pro du'5e a light of powerful penetration. With an exposure of fifteen minutes he has been able to photograph two sets of engineers tools through a half inch of solid walnut, getting a perfect negative; under an hour's expoeure he got a perfect photograph of his band, showing all the bones and joints as plainly as if the picture were taken from a hand from which the flesh bad been removed. Today Mr. McArthur. assisted by Dr. Holllster, made a test of the rays For a practical purpose, and v hile the experiment was not entirely satis factory, tbey are encouraged to make another test. The subject of the oper ation was M. M. Norrls. who two years ago got the elbow of his right arm caught in the gear of a threshing machine, and had the bones badly crushed. The wound has not healed properly, and Dr Hollisler is con vinced .that a portion oi the bone has decayed. . To ascertain the location of the diseased portion of tbe bone he desired to secure a photograph of the elbow. Mr. Norrls' arm was sub jected to an exposure of sixty-five minutes, with his arm lying on a sensitive negative plate and under neath the cathode ray. The plate was Lthen taken to Mrs. Hogan for de- velopement, and while it showed the outlines of tbe bones, it was not suffi ciently distinct to meet the require ments of tbe surgeon. Had the ex posure lasted longer, the experiment would have proved a success. Another experiment will be made in a few days, lasting an hour and 'a half, shen it is expected a perfect photograph of the bones of tbe elbow will be secured. Karl's Clover Boot Tea Is a sure euro for headache and ner vous .diseases. Nothing- relieves so quickly. For sale bv M. Z. Donnell. Condition of Cr. ps. The bulletin issued from the Oregon climate and crop bureau on June 29, says of the condition of crops in East ern Oregon:- Tbe warm weather, while it has not been of benefit, has not been of any special harm, though it continuation would absolutely ruin the wheat crop, foe weather conditions have been so favorable so far that should there be no recurrence of the hot winds the jrops will be good. In some sections of Morrow county the dry, hot weather has been harmful to tbe grain crop; the same in a portion of Wasco. Sher man and Umatilla counties, but tbe presumed damage is not so far very trreat. Srring-own grain is less able to stand the dry weather than the fall sown. . Correspondents report that grain well put in in good summer-fal-lowed-ground, will make a good crop, no matter what tbe weather There are no improved fruit condi tions. Some fruit continues to fall. The fruit as a whole Is "superior to the crop of Western Oregon. Apples , in the Hood River country were but little effected by the weather. Peaches, p.-tars, prunes and cherries promise to -aand the current weather and to mature satisfactorily. Berries are. plentiful and the weather is favorable to them. - ' A Recommend It. Ask your physician, your druggist a id your friends about Shiloh's Cure for Consumption. They will recom mend it. For sn'e -y M. Z. Donnell. The ftkuMt Lrop. The bulletin Issued -by the depart ment of agriculture for the month of June concerning the crop conditions of the country,' shows that there is a Jiminuatlon in the acreage of winter wheat in some localities, but taken throughout the entire country, there is an increase of 572,000 acres over that seeded last year, while there is a large increase in the' acreage of spring wheat. Tbe average condition of the wheat crop Is 99.0, which indicates t mt the wheat crop for 1890 will be rge. In other countries tbe wheat cro i is about up to the average. In Grjt.1 Britain, Spain and Italy tbe ji-op i3comparatlvaly short, but In .Vance, Gdrmiay, Austria-Hungary ind Russia the cop is up to or above ,he average. Still owing to the nost failure in Australia, the worlc's heat supply will be Short this year-. A Token at Appreciation. Sunday morilbar Sheriff Driver was- called up by the men who worked for McCoy on the Waplnitia ditch, in whose beh If Mr. Driver has labored incessantly to 8cure their wages, and wa presented by them with a hand dome gold t-tar, bearing the inscription 'Awarded to T.1. Driver, -Sheriff ol Wasco County, Uregon." It. was a token ot their appreciation of Mr. Driver's labors in forcing McCoy to pay them a portion of their wages, and is talgnly appreciated by blm. 16 is a solid gold, six pointed star,handsomely engraved, with tbe above inscription, and was made by W. E. Garretson, of this city. Itisamomento which .Mr. Driver will keep Torever, and one which he treasures very highly, since it is a token of appreciation from a lot of men in whose welfare he has taken much interest the past few months,' and for whom he haa secured a portion of their wages from one of the worst rascals in the state. The Indians Object. Albert J. Minthorn, an educated Umatilla Indian, was in Pendleton, Saturday, with his father, Luke Min thorn, and bis uncle, Cash Cash. They say that the inspector of horses upon the reservation is discriminating against the Indians and their animal. Cash Cash and Minthorn, jr., say that not one-half of the horses which have been destroyed, were affectea with the mange, and Cash Casb talks of bring ing suit against the inspector for th 1 kh he claims to have sustained H-- 8-v-. that, in his case he obeyet axo rra craa To the Editor: I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to tend two bottles frt to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung' Trouble, if they will write me theb express and postofEce address. . Sincerely, T. A. SLOCCMrM. C MS Femrt St, SewTett. M The Xdtterlal aaa Beds m Mi , tarn nam uaasaates sals m lion no the instructions and caused bis dis eased horses to be dipped twice, with curative results, and that many oi these have been shot since the remedy was applied. Cash Cash says that the men who are employed to shoot the diseased animals do their shooting sometimes at very long range, and that it not infrequently occurs that the horse aimed at Is missed and an other and healthy animal receives the gun's contents and falls. Charley Minthorn and Ca-ih Cash further say that the tails und manes are cut from the dead horses fur tbe sake of gain. They deny that the amen have any right to carry off any part of the hoives though they may be clothed with authority to kill. Their Blnff Was Called. Saturday night F. W. Willlims and Isaac Hildt rlrand were suspected of having "lifteJ'' a lot of provisions that were left on the porch at Seufert Bros.' cannery and carried it to their camp near by, and when F. A. Seufert ac cused tbem of the tbi ft they got upon their dignity, protesting t-ey were honest men, above suspicloi and in nocent of any crime, threatening dire vengence If he di I not depart and leave them alone. This bluff however did not satisfy Mr. Seufert of their inno cence, and he called upoo Sheriff Driver Sunday to look the matter up. When Mr. Driver reached their camp, a short distance fro n the Seufert cannery, tbey had left, and he located them In a clump of brush on Three-mile, and when he called on them to surrender, they undertook to run a bluff on the sheriff, tint he was not to be intimidated, and brought tbem to tbe county jail. Tbe stolen properly was found in their camp, but they protest that tbey have no knowledge of how it got there. . Jfrelg-ht Bnsluesa Booming. There is reason for encoragement in the following statement made today by J. A. Borle, agent for the Oregon Rail-way & Navigatiou Company at Pendleton, Sa.s tbe East Oregonian: "Freight business is booming just now, an unusual thing for this season of the year. We do nut calculate on doing very mush in this line at this time, . in comparisons with other seasons. But large quanities of freight are coming in and our freight handlers are hustling. Freight is coming in in car lots indicating that merchants are buying more liberally. Tbe volume now Is much larger than it was a year ago, a fact that causes much gratifica tion to our people." TaCe's Big Damn -res. In tbe Ut-lted States circuit court, last Saturday, in tbe suit of the TJuited States vs. I. H. Taffe, to condemn lands at Celilo for the boat railway to be built by tbe government, a verdict was rendered in favor of Taffe for $14,- 200. Mr. Taffe has a fishery at Celilo, and his claim is that tbe boat-railway j running across his land will cut off a spur between the river and his fish house, and will also take from him a valuable gravel pit, containing placer gold, and worth a great deal to blm. Mr. Taffe s fishery U one of the most valuable in tbe river, and if it will be ruined by the boat rail ay, the dam ages are none too high. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re sults were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church, at Rives Junc tion she was brought down with pneu monia succeeding la grippe. ' Terrible paroxysms of coughing . would last hours wilh little interruption and it seemed as II sne could not survive tbem. A friend" recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and hiuhlv satisfactory in re sults.'.' Trial bottles free at Blakeley & UougbtoD 's. Dwellng- Uooae Burned. A large house belonging to C: A. Bordens, located on the bluff north east of the race track, was burned some time between 1 and 3 o'clock tbir morning. Tbe fire was not discovered until tbe house was entirely consumed and had it been the building could not have been Saved, as it was out of reach of the water supply. The building had not been occupied since last Friday, when the two families who bad form erly lived in it moved'out, and as there had been no fires in tbe building since that time, tbe fire was evideutly of in cendiary origin. .Tbe building vae valued at $140(7, and was insured in the German-American for $1000. Electric BMters. Electric Bitters is a' medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gen erally needed, when -tbe languid ex bausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and tbe need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often avei ted. long And perhaps fatal billons fevers. . No; medicine will 'act more surely, in counteracting and free ing the system from the malarial poi son. Headache, Indigestion, constipa tion, dizziness yield to Electric Blt- vra. 50c. and $1.00. per bottle at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Bneklen s Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cut, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter. chaDned hands, chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, j and positively cures piles, or no pav reouired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. Prlte 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Prof. w. H. Feeke, who . makes specialty of fits Epilepsy, bas without doubt treated and cor ed more cases than any i living Physician ; bis success is astonisntnir. We have beard of cases of so years' standing- cured oy mm. lie publishes a vamaDio work on thla dis ease, which he sends with a laree bot tle of his absolute core, free to any sufferers wno may sena tneir f. u. ana express aauras. We advise anr one wis one wishing a cure to address mew. B. tSEMS, J. J. 4 ceaar Sb, bow xer NOTICE. FOR PUBLICATION. LAlTD OmCI AT TBI DaIXIS. ORKOOR. Mar 81. 1806. Wirtna la hntvrjT riven that the following .raui oot i ipr haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami hat said prooi win oe maue ut?iuro Aquu;r tnd Receiver, at The Dalles, uregon, on July 1886, viz.: SIDNEY M. BRIGGS. Hd E No. sate, for the EH NEK NW NEJ4 mil WEvr NWU. To N. B 1 E. W M. He immes the followitiK witnesses to prove ls continuous residence upon aua cultivation f oaid land, vlt: Lee Evans. A. H. Swaaey, L. Lamb, James Irown. all of Mosier, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. MayC Register. A LIBERAL REWARD. The undersigned win a liberal reward rnr thn return of the following described ani- oals to his farm on Three-Ni lie: On white are branded M on left hip, one black horse anded 7 on left shoulder, one bay hone anded EE on right shoulder. The animals are tlr. msA strayed away on the night of Jnne S. I nmrri Prospecting for coal or other minerals. Deep or (hallow well drilling. In either ba salt rock, gravel or in tide flats. If you want to know what Is under your property, write me. Prices from (1.00 to M.oo afoot. Satis faction guaranteed. Z. F. MOODY leiier'l Commission and Forwarding Merchant TQI "TOt TtNn 7QC (Adjoining Consi.nmeiits fo'icited Prompt Attention Paid to Those Who Favor Mo- With Their Patron? RUPERT S CHBEL VVholesal and retail manufacturers of ard dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Tents, and Wagon Covers. And All Article). tcopt n m flrmt Claka Hraa Shop. ' - REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. THE DALLES OREGON. NEW COLUMBIA H .TEL ;i.uu Jt-'er uay. 25 T. T. NICHOLAS, PROPRIESOR COR. FRONT and UNION Monarch Mixed Paints A PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT NO WATER NO BENZfNE MANUFACTURED BY THE Senour Manufacturing Co., of Chicago' For salo by Jos. T Peters & Co, agents for Senour's Monarch Floor and Carriage Paints - e a erX-STS R Ills 3 a r -d H2l tH. v bud ZZ- fcLt. fc V J riTaa g - p 13 FARMERS HI iiltfi mSiss m siQ 3 8ST m tag. up ill-! M. H. JOHNSTON Thfi Cash Grocer. - Is "agent for the Benicia Clipper Plow, ; Jackson Benicia Gang Plow, tbe lightest , drfi and lowest priced gang plow on -the market; tbe Eureka Junior (Jang, a favorite among farmers; Rolling Harrows and Spring-Tooth Cultivators. 1 Washington I 7 rrrrrrrtJrJrjJrzlrJrJT, THE CELEBRATED Columbia AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Port-r east of the Cascades. , The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be East Second Street ; The Dalles, : Oregon. Well Drilling : : With Gasoline Engine- No fuel or water to haul, nor Lories to feed. No trouble to farmer or others iu attending to machine. Work solicited in Wasco and Sher man Counties. Terms and Prices reasonable. Call on or write me : P. L. KRETZER. ., Tiit Dalles, Oregon. ctrciNn CTDCCT Railroad Depot.) Opposite Mooda Warehouse ' irst class JVleaia Cf - nts. STS. ... . THE DALLES, OR. NO BARYTES H Z K K If w mm - . Ba m aMal "SO s we- s. v. S "Tl 5f aJsa Iflr O ATTENTION St., The Dalles vr iwery placed on the market. O aaa 1 "CO 2 sPi