00 A IB96 - ITEMS IN BRIEF. From Saturday' Daily. Tom McCoy returned home today . from Portland. ' Hon. F. P- Mays and family, of Port- " land, are visiting In the city. Messrs. J. P. Abbott and O. P. -' Webery, of Waplnitia, are In the city. Miss Anna Hanks returned today to . i... fcntnn at Hood River, after a visit ' of several days In the city. Elder Jenkins left thi afternoon for Turner to attend a convention of the " Christian church at that place. Mr. Thomas Farmer arrived this morning from Troy, N. Y.f and is ; visiting his son and daughter in this city. - - TTr-Pnattiiftster Geo. A. Steel, of ' Portland, was chosen as member of the republican national committee for Oregon. Ten car loads of sheep were shipped . from the stock yards this morning. Thev eo to Troutdale, Portland and , w e Puget Sound. Mrs. Sears, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Randall, in this city, left last night for her home in Walla Walla. ' -Judge Bennett returned on the local from Monmouth, where he has been attending a meet'ng of the regents of the state normal school. " Mr. J. M. Huntington was called to Portland todav. havinz been sub- noenaed as a witness in a case af fecting some right-of-way in this vicin' Ity. Ward. Kern & Robinson have sold their building on Second street to the Wasco Warehouse Co., and hereafter all their business will be transacted at the barn on Fourth street. Mrs. Stacy Showen and daughter, who have been visiting Mrs. Showen's parents here, left this afternoon for their home in Seattle. They were ac companied by Miss Isabell Floyd, who goes to Seattle for a two weefcs visit. Two strangers to the" order wended their way to the mystic camp of the chief ranger in Court. 'ine uaues, Foresters of America, last night. That order ia becomlntr Quite popular In ' this city, and is enjoying a substantial growth. - ...".: The railroad company Is entitled to craise for the way In which they have kent the road open, below the locks. T)i iirppnt seems to run to the ri-.Tnn alrlA mare than ever, hence r'ves more trouble- than formerly Wa nndprstand the track has been SATURDAY JUNE 27, ' " setback fourteen -feet in some places, ' Governor Moody, accompanied by m a,irt,tr. Miaa Edna, and her cousin, Miss Dora Moody, arrived on ho RAirulatnr last oteht. Miss Dora is a student at Stanford University and is spending her summer-vacation with relatives In Oregon. The case of the state vs. Wickman, ' Dalrymple and Carlisle was dismissed this afternoon on motion of Deputy - District Attorney Phelps. Messrs, Phelps and Riddell appeared for the state and N. H. Ga'es for the defend " ante. Mr. Riddell's illness prevented - him from attending to the case, hence the motion to dismiss. Mr. and Mrs. S. L.Broolr8 were very Vinnllv nnrnriaed Yesterday by the arrival of Dr. C. V. Russell, of Spring field, Ohio, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Luther Russel, and his sister, Mrs. C. W. Squires. The doctor is a . second cousin of Mr. Brooks, and had - been attending the physician's conven- ventlon in Portland. A Missouri exchange says: A young lady explained to one of our printers the difference between printing ana publishing, and in conclusion she shylysaid f Now you may print a kiss on my cheeks, but you must not publish it." With that he locKea tne ' fair form in his arms so that it would not pi and went to press. Dr. S. H. Frazier and bride left on - the afternoon train for a wedding tour, no body knows where." In fact their most intimate friends were not apprised of their marriage, until after they were gone, nor dia tne reporter . of the T.-M. learn of the event in time to say anything further than that we extend our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to the doctor and his estimable wife. When the case of the state vs, Wickman, Dalrymple and Carlisle was called at 10 o'clock this morning, At torney H. H. Riddell, who is Interested fn the prosecution, and was making preparation for the trial, was overcome . either by the heat or a rush or Diooa to his heart and sank to the floor in a . faint. . Restoratives were immediately applied which brought him back to consciousness, but he is still quite weak, though able to attend to bus iness. The report was circulated yesterday that the O. R. & N. Co. had refused to - receive through freight, owing to high water Interfering with their trade. Mr. Lvtle. the company' agent here, states that thee is no foundation for . the rework The high water has not Interfered with traffic along the road, and a rise of several feet more have to occur before trains cannot be handled. ' Whenever the company cannot re ceive and handle freight, Mr. Lytle will make due announcement through the papers. . The Chinese residents of The Dalles fa considerably exercised today. The ' cause of their commotion is a woman. It seems that, according to some heathen customo, a Chinaman who re sides here bought the woman of an other celestial in California and mar ried her. Now husband No. 1 has ap peared, and the the woman's affections are' bestowed on him and she desires to return to her. Erst love. All day they have been endeavoring to prevail upon Recorder Phelps to adjust matters be . twnen them, but it is too knooty a problem for him to solve. . From Monday's Dally. The artesian well at the Diamond Mills is now down 65 feet. The Regulator will leave at 7 a.m. tomorrow and will make through con nection. ' .-' . One car of caltle was shipped from Saltmarshe's stock yards to Troutdale yesterday. -. Today C. M. Grimes hipped a cw . load of cattle to the Union Meat Mar ket at Portland. . Mrs. Theodore Seufert went to Port-" tl vesterday afternoon to" visit friends and relatives. Mrs. Dr. Clyd Hill, of Milton is -visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wiley, in the city. The Chinaman and the woman, who s,used such a commotion among the Chinese residents Saturday, were taken to Portland Saturday night on a charge of larceny." The river today reached the maxi mum at 8 o'clock this morning, stand ing at 42.9. at 2:30 it had fallen to 42.7, The railroad company is preparing to make a fill at the long trestle on Anderson Bros.' place three miles be' low Tbe Dalles. The Elks have chartered the RegU' latorforan excursion next Saturday night. Elks and their families will comprise the excursion party. Dr. Darrin arrived in the city this morning, and has taken rooms at the Umatilla house, where he will be pleased to meet those desiring treatment. Mrs. R. De Young, Middleburg, Ia, writes, I have used One Minute Cough Cure for six years, both foi myself and children, and I consider it the quick est acting and most satisfactory cough curt I have ever used. Snipes & Kin ersly Drug store. A son of the foreet,who is registered under the euphoneous cognomen of John Doe, was brought from Hood River last night, charged with having stolen $25 from W. N. West's butcher shop. He will have a preliminary examination before Justice Davis next Wednesday. One Minute Is the standard time. and One Minute Cough Cure is the stand ard preparation for every form of cough or cold. It is the only harmless reme dy that produces immediate results. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Last evening Elder Hazel closed a series of 30 lectures on the Revelations which he began last fall. During this course of lectures the book of Revela tions has been very ably discussed. Mr. Hazel's subjects next Sunday will be: morning, "Dogs Under the Table;" evening, "The urusaaes. The lecturer Geo. F. Hall arrived on this morning's train, and a party of his friends took him to Grant's Rock for a picnic dinner. - The party con sisted of Elder and Mrs. Hazel, Misses Alice and Bess Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Bayard, and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron. Messrs. Robf Mays, W. R Winans and A.. Anderson put in the time this morning from 4 to 8:30 pacing the rail road track. They were desirous of taking the morning train for Portland, Messrs. Mays and Wlnans having been subpoenaed to appear as witnesses in the U. S. court in Portland at 9 o'clock. Arrangements are being made for a grand celebration at Lyle on the 3d. During the day there will be the customary exercises, and in the even ing "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be rendered by local talent. Mr. A. H. Curtis of the city will deliver the oration. The reports from the river are .more encouraging today than they haye been any day since the rise began. Pague'a bulletin for the past 48 hours is: Snake river is falling, Upper Colum bia rising, but will not produce a ma terial rise on the lower river. At The Dalles it will not rise to exceed one foot. "Miss Mary Kane, of California, is visiting her brother, Dr. J. M. Kane, in this city. Miss Kane has been vis iting in BritiBb Columbia, and arrived here Saturday night accompanied by Miss Whelon. The young ladies will remain about a week in The Dalles be fore leaving for their homes in Calif ornia. - L. lu Hill left today for" Grant county, where he is engaged in pros pecting a quartz ledge. The ledge located five miles east of Canyon City, and Mr. Hill believes it is the ledge from , which the " Canyon City mines were supplied. The rock is rich in gold,-and bids fair to develop into one of the richest mines on tbe coast. Young mothers dread tbe summer months on account : of - the great mortality among children, caused by bowel troubles. Perfect tafety may be assured those .wno keep on hand De Witt's Colic & Cholera cure, and administer it promptly. For cramps, billious colic, dysentery and diarrhoea, it affords instant relief. Snipes '& Kinersly Drug Co. . The railroad company is receiving freight for both eastern and western points, and do not antlciprte any material delay in handling trains going either east or west. The water does not reach within three feet of the track at any point, and until it gets over the rails the company does not look for any trouble of any con sequence. The O. O. & N. overcomes obstacles very readily. . Between 1 and 3 o'clock this morning about 200 feet of the till beyond Wlnans' fishery was washed out. and by 8 o'olock the company had a temporary trestle constructed so as to allow the west-bound passenger to pass over it. - Tbe train arrived here at 8:30, and stopped long enough for tbe passengers to get breakfast. , A. E. Tylor, who was formerly oper ator for the W. U. T. Co. at this place and who left for the east a month ago, writes to friends here that he was one of twelve operators, out of 800 appli cants, who were employed by the As sociated Press to report tbe St. Louis convention. He also writes than he has had stqady employment ever since he reached Chicago, and has no desire to return to Oregon. ' At the regular session of the Dalles Lodge I. O. G. T. last Saturday even ing, after the initiation of one candi date, an unusually pleasant time was spent listening to a very interesting program prepared by the committee. A vote of thanks from the lodge was then extended to all those who took part in the drama and also all whoso kindly assisted in entertaining tbe delegates of the Grand Lodge during its session In this city. Hon. J. A. Smith, of Gilliam county wasin the city today, en route to Portland on business connected with the proposed portage road to connect theUpper and Middle rivers. Mr. Smith says everything connected with the proposed portage is enoouraging. The preliminary survey has been made on the north side, and a practi cable route has been located. He ex pacts to so perfect arrangments while In Portland that grading can be com menced in a short time, and hopes to see the road In operation la time to move this season's wheat erop. - Froiu Tuesday' Dally. Col. J. E. Lombard, of Portland, Is visiting in the city. The river has begun to fall and all fears of a flood are dispelled. -, Mr. T. H. Johnston, Dufur's leading merchant, ia .visiting In The Dalles today. There is ro cessation in the arrival of wool. - It continues to pour in, but so far no sales have been made. Mr. R. Palmer, of Dufur, la la the city. The crops about Dufur, Mr. Palmer says, look fine, and nothing but grasshoppers and a. hot east winds can prevent an abundant yield. ' The republicans of Walla Walla had a grand ratification last night under the auspices of the McKinley club. The weekly Tmes-Mountianeek and weekly S. F. Examiner will be furnished to subscribers for 82.60 per year. Mr. W. M. Barnett, the leading merchant of Wasco, is in the city. Mr. Barnett reports Sherman county flourishing. Full arrangments have been made by Friendship Lodge, K. of P. to dedi cate the new hall next Tuesday even ing, June 30. Waico Tribe No. 16, 1 O.R M., will have an important meeting at its wig wam tomorrow, Wednesday, eyening. Every Redman is requested to be pres ent. One swallow does not make spring, but one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure brings relief. Snipes & Kin ersly Drug Co. The Tacobsen Book & Music Co., have moved into their new quarters in the Vogt block, and now have one of the handsomest store rooms in the city. Assessor Wakefield has returned from a tour over a portion of the coun ty. He says farmers generally are in good spirits, and anticipate an abun dant yield of grain. Charles Uren, a prominent sheep raiser of Ridgeway, is in the city to day buying supplies for the summer. Mr. Uren has stored his wool, but will not offer it for sale until prices are better. Hon. W. H. Biggs and wife returned last night from a week's visit to Wasco. Xbe outing has been quite beneficial to Mr. Bigg's health and he is now ! looking as well as he did before he was taken sick last March. Editor Turner, of the Dufur Dis patch, spent yesterday' aud today in he city. Mr. Turner reports exten sive preparations being made for the celebration at Dufur, and says a rous ing time will be had at that place. The waves of the Columbia yester day afternoon, while a high wind was blowing, were too strong for the little freight house on the D. P. & A. N, dock to withstand, and it went to pieces and floated down the stream. Over in Sherman county all early grain is said to be looking unusually well, and will yield an abundant har vest without any more rain, but late sown grain will not yield very heavily unless there are showers between now and the first of July. County Clerk Kelsay is busily en gaged issuing certificates - of election to tbe recently-elected officers of tbe county. The certificates are artis tically designed, and will furnish hand some souyenirs for the fortunate gen tlemen to whom they are Issued. County Commissioner Darnielle is in the city today, aud reports young grasshoppers by the million in the vicinity of Boyd. As yet they are do ing no damage to growing crops, but if they remain in that locality they will certainly work considerable in jury. Friendship Lodge, No. 9, K. rf P. will next Monday meet in tbeir new hall In the Vogt block. Tbe new fur niture has all been arranged, and tbe lodge has as handsome quarters as any society in the state. The Elks and Redmen have secured a lease from the Knights and hereafter will hold their meetings in the new hall. Mrs. Rose A. Collison, mother of Mrs. C. M. Irwin, accompanied by Miss Ada Collison, arrived in Salem on tbe forenoon local from The Dalles. They will make the capital city their future home. Miss Mayme Collison, another daughter who has been visit ing Salem friends for' several daysj will join the home circle here. Salem Statesman. Messrs. Judd Fish and Nic Slnnott returned today from a week's outiDg in the mountains, well ladened with trout. There were a good many small boys fishing in the vicinity where they have been, and the little fellows readily exchanged their speckled beauties for free silver at the ratio of 16 to one, which accounts for Tbe Dalles anglers returning full handed. Hon.- J. H. Cradlebaugh. president of the Mazama Mining Co., left this morning for Hood River, where he will be joined by other members of the company nd they will proceed to their mines near Mt. Adams. The com pany expect to begin operations as soon as they reach the mine, and that they will be well rewarded is almost assured, for the prospects so far obtained in dicate an abundance of gold in the gravel. Kor Over Fifty Yean. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by a rue- gists In every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. "For Charity Suffered Long. Jars. Laura C. PhesaU, nilvankee. Wis. "Matron f n Beneveten Bam and knowing the good Dr. Miles' Nervine has done me. my wish to help others, over comes my dislike tot the publicity, this letter may give me. In Kor. and Pec 1993, The inmate Had tha "iMOrippe, and I was one of the first. Besoming- duty .too soon, with the care of so many sick, I did not regain my health, and In a month I became debilitated and nervetu from sleeplessness and the drafts made on my vitality, that it was a question if I could go on. A dear friend advised me to try Dr. BiUa Reiterative Servtna, I took S bottles and am happy to say, I am tn better health than ever. I itlll continue It occasional esse, mm fcerve feed, as my work is very trying. A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wla, will reach me." Jane 6. JSM. Mrs. Latraa O. Phoxsxx. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive Earantee that tbe first bottle will benefit. I druggist sell Hate 6 bottles forts, or It will be senu prepaid, on receipt of price y ttaefir. afilasMwUcal Co, Ukhart. lad. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores fiesltb OBEGOX DELEGATION AT WOEK. They Urge the War Department to Com plete the Locks. The committee of the Commercial Club who have been communljating with the Oregon delegation in con gress concerning the completion of the public works at Cascade Locks are in receipt of tbe following letter from Senator McBride, which is dated June 12th: "Referring to your letter of Feb. 24 last, to the senators and representa tives of Oregon in congress, asking us to make efforts to secure an appropria tion of $179,597.00 for continuing work on the canal and locks at the Cascades, and that at least $10,000.00 be made available at once, and further suggest ing that we urge upon the secretary of war the importance of the locks being used for the passage of boats, If con sistent with safety, during the present year, I now have the pleasure to in form you that the appropriation asked for has been made in the sundry civil bill, and that an ac'ditsonal appropria tion of $50,000.00 for continuing said work has been made available for com pleting certain portions of the work, so that the operation of the locks may not be unnecessarily delayed. "The members of the Oregon dele gation in coDgress have also written a letter to the secretary of war, urging the speedy completion of the work. "I have also to inform you that Sen ator Mitchell and I today called at the office of secretary of war, for the pur pose of personally urging upon him the necessity and importance of complet ing the improvement at tbe earliest date practicable, but we were unable to see him on account of bis absence from the city. We called, however, upon the chief of engineers, and strongly urged upon him the necessity of early completion of that portion of the work necessary to be completed in advance of tbe opening of tbe canal to commerce, and specially requested that the locks be opened for the pas sage of boats at tbe earliest date con sistent with safety of the work. We were assured by the chief of engineers that the locks would be opened for the passage of boats, as soon as the con dition of the work would warrant the use and operation of the canal for that purpose. I remain, gentlemen, yours very truly, Geo. W. McBbide ' The senator also enclosed the copy of a letter addressed by the Oregon delegation to the secretary of war, urging him to use all dilligence in hastening the completion of the locks to the extent that they can be operated this session. Eczema is a frightful affliction, but like all other skin diseases it can be permanently cured by applications of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It never fails to cure Piles. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. TWO BOLD HIGHWAYMEN. Hold Up the McEwen-Canjon City Stage in Baker County. At 9:45 a. M. Thursday, says the Baker City Democrat, as the McEwen Canyon City stage was neariig tbe summit of Huckleberry mountain Jerry Fleetwood, the driver, was confronted by two masked men, who were "armed to the teeth," and "throw up your hinds" was the cool salutation. The order was promptly, obeyed and Mr. Fleetwood and Receiver R S. Sheridan, of the Roseburg land office, the only passengers on board, were soon in the bands of the bold highway men, who lost no time in taking an in ventory of the stock in transit. , There was no express box on the stage and the outlaws made an inspec tion of tbe contents of the mail sacks. They took all the registered letters and valuable packages, but they were not satisfied and tbe knife was again re sorted to in the dissection of tbe pas senger's ralice. Nothing of value being found in the grip the victims .were requested to band ovur their money. Mr. Fleetwood made them a modest donation of $123. He bad $40 in another pocket but not being pressed he held on to thU amount Mr. Sheridan was less liberal than his com panion, his contribution amounting to $10.85. "Now gentleman, you can move on," was the next order given by the rob bers, and the company not being as congenial as it might have been, the driver cracked his whip and a tight rein was not drawn over his steeds until the town of McEwen was reached. The robbers had their heads covered with flour sacks and wore bandana handkerchiefs around tbelr necks. Their feet were covered with gunny sacks. They were dressed alike, each wearing blue overalls and jumpers' One of the robbers is about five feet seven inches tall and weighs about 140 pounds. Tbe other is about five fleet eight inches and weighs about 170 pounds. A. L. Wooster a prominent citizen of Osseo Mich., after suffering excru ciatingly from piles for twenty years, was cured in a short' time by using De Witt's Witch Hazle Salve, an abso lute cure for all skin diseases. More of this preparation is used than all others combined. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. LODGE COURTESIES EXTENDED. Fern lodge Visited Riverside Lodge and Was Hospitably Beeeived. Last Saturday evening 64 members of Fern Lodge, D. of H., of this city boarded the steamer Regulator, and glided down the Columbia to the pleas' ant little city of Hood River, to enjoy the hospitality of Riverside Lodge. A pleasanter eyening for au excursion Could not have been chosen. The river was perfectly smooth, not t breath of air stirring, while a cloud less sky above caused tbe green hills and rocky cliffs along the majestic river to show to their best advantage. presenting a scene of grandeur that any admirer of nature could not but discover a picture painted in nature's richest hues. The voiage down the river was simply superb. It was one of a "jolly crew and cantaln too," with a still jollier crowd f passengers, and noth ing but merriment prevailed during the hour required for the trip. The cabin of the boat had been elegantly decorated with evergreens and ferns, and presented such au inviting ap pearance as to cause all to feel most comfortable. When the party arrived at Hood River they were met by a delegation from Riverside Lodge, who escorted the visitors to the hall, where the entertainment of the eyening was furnished. Lodge was opened in due form, and afteraisposing of the routine business of tbe session, under the head of the good of the order. Mrs. E L. Smith delivered a pleasing address of welcome, which was responded to by Mrs. C. F. Stephens, chief of honor for Fern Lodge, A numoer qi pther members afterward exchanged pleas, j ant compliments until Chief of Honor Mrs.'Palker announced that refresh ments would be served. And the re freshments were Hood River's choicest strawberries and cream, and such strawberries, big, red, juicy berries, such as are produced at no other place In the world except Hood River. To say they were delicious only half ex presses their excellence, for 'one must eat them to appreciate their quality, words cannot express it. For more than an hour the visitors enjoyed the generosity of the hospitable people of Hood River but time sped on so rapidly that minutes fled as seconds, and all regretted, when apprized by the shrill whistle of the Regulator, that the homeward journey must be begun. A number of the party had availed themselves of an opportunity to witness an Indian war dance that was progres sing at the Armory, hence there was some delay in embarking, but when all were once more on board and tbe Regulator was pointed toward The Dalles, a hearty cheer went up for Hood River, and the real joiity of the excursion began. ' There are times when the most sedate return to childhood, and if any thing would cause such a result it is to feed a crowd on Hood River straw berries. In this event it was either the strawberries or the pleasant sur roundings created an unusual exuber ance. and transformed old men and women into children, so that all man ner of childish glee prevailed and fun and laughter reigned until The Dalles was reached at 2:30 Sunday morning. In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of De Witt's Little Early Risers, for they always cleanse the liver, purify the blood, and invigorate ' the system. Snipes & Kinersly Drug store. Had an Eye to Business. Joe Chapman, the boy who was con victed of . petit larceny at the May term of circuitcourtand was sentenced to 30 days imprisonment in tbe county jail, was discharged last Sunday. Dur ing his incarceration in jail, by bis ex cellent behavior, he worked himself into the good graces of Jailer Fitz Gerald and was allowed the freedom of the court house the greater portion of the time, but the confidence imposed in bim was misplaced. Several times when coyote scalps were presented to the county clerk, they were given to Chapman to put In the stove and burn, but the young rascal had an eye to business, and instead of destroying the scalps be stored them away in his grip -until he bad 43 all told, and when he walked out of jail' Sunday morning the scalps went with him. The t-calps were worth a dollar apiece, and Chapman soon found a con federate iu Roy Turner, another young scapegrace, who presented them to Clerk Kelsay, and made affidavit that be had killed tbe animals, and received an order for a county warrant for $43. The order was issued Monday, and Turner at once proceeded to H. L. Kuck's. where he traded the order for two saddles. Fortunately the trick was discovered before Turner had time to get out of town, and be is now held under arrest while officers are searching for Chapman. Did you ever think how readily the blood is poisoned by constipation? Bad blood means bad health and premature old age. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills overcome obstinate constipation. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Struck Coal Again. ' The coal vein underlying The Dalles 'that has been discovered at the brew, ery and electric light works, was yes terday struck in a well which Mr. Kretzer is drilling at tbe Dianond Mills, at a depth of 51 feet below the surface. This settles ' beyond doubt that the vein is permanent and la ex tensive, the mills belbg 1000 feet west of tbe brewery and about the same distance south of the light works. The vein where It was drilled through at the mills was five feet in thickness and jvas covered with 27 feet of soap stone, while underneath is solid granite. The coal at tbe mills is of the same quality, lignite, as was struck at the other two points. A move is now on foot to sink a prospect well on the hill near tb fair grounds, where, if the vein is struck, it will be some 500 feet below the surlace, which coal miners say will determine if it is a merchantable qua! ity. Bnckien s Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands. - chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, ana positively cures piles, or no pay reouired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Card of Thanks. ine undersigned desires to express her heartfelt thanks and sincere ap preciatipn of the kindness extended to her by the members of the A. O. TJ. W, and many other friends during her re cent, bereavement, occasioned by tbe death of her husband. Mes. B. T. Coneoy fn's ex- ordlnn Re" Jiirenator is the most wonderful discovery of the age. It nw o-en en foni by the leading, cien tifio cen of Europe and Amcri-a. Hutfyan Is purely vege- Hudyan stops Prematureness of tbe d is. jhartra in an dars. Cnres' LOST KANHOO0 qnicklv. Over 2.AO0 private endoTOnnita. Prematnrenets mrans im not POT in ine first stwe. It Is a tymp om of scml-al weakness aid barrranes It can be stopped in la days by thansoof Hndyan. . . The levd lcover? was ms5 by the Sedal JstiofthooiafcmnrsHudtoa HedlcaJ Institute. It Is the stroii test vliaiizer made.- It is very p-nrerful, bnt bumlrss. Bold for V 00 a pnok seeorf paokagrs for $8.00(1 lln sealed boxes). Written snaran;ee riven for a core. Ifyoo buy slzboxesand are rot entirely cnred,sia more wiuDesenttoyonrrreorauenargnk . Send fir circular and testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDIO A I, XN8TITIJTK, laaetto Stockton, Market fc Kliu 8ta - jajsyranniseeiyaj SiglT-i Constipation, sS-Vfl Dizzinefs, KSK'Ss Falling Ben . Kl'iWVv satirnf.Ncrv tiiiJja ' oas twitching of the eye! Pl5p'" Strengthens, few IfiftJ inviKoratfi aWR and tones the i'ireytni. ' C,'V!J7SS Hudjan cures gebillty, FnEj-irt'f? lerouare8. ti'jfflt'rfS-l 1-missions, JfcrtWj 3lf?- anddevelojx e EffiWJ&Z'i d restore I H'-.,a.Vy'i weak igacs. I v,W:7W 1 . P.lns in the UNCLAIMED WARRANTS. The following warrants of Wasco county remain in my office uncalled for. The parties to whom they are made payable are hereby notified that I am prepared to pay cash at face value on demand for the same. A. M. Kelsey, County Clerk. B Abrahams $ 1 70 Mrs Andrews 1 70 WAlba 1 50 MAbnet 170 Lem Axe 1 70 Oti Burford 2 00 Phil Brogan 2 (K) Miss Barrett 6 00 Emma Baily , 3 20 R Burdett... 1 20 Kd Barrett 5 00 H M Barnett 2 f0 E Ru-chke 1 70 L E Brown 1 70 J H Blakeney 70 D L Bovnton 3 on Edwin Burlingame 1 I H Blakeley 1 Chas Bradley 1 Mrs Bird 1 R H Bine 3 Jno Brown.... 1 Lee Klanton 1 A T Beers 1 Robert Beard 1 Wm Black 7 Wm Blnm ; 1 Tom Branch 1 A S Bennett 1 Sidney Briggs 1 Dan Baker 1 Ed Burgeron 1 August Buchler . 1 Ed Burlingame 10 00 Ilrant Bolton 6 00 F E Bronsou ". 2 00 S E Bnrtraus 1 00 Geo Brown..: 1 50 John Brookhouse 12 00 A M Barrett 1 00 John Brookhouse 11 50 A J Brown 2 00 SFBlvthe 1 00 Fred Chandler 18 90 FT C Cooper 2 00 EN Chandler 2 00 Or F C Candiani 1 50 A CI gg 2 20 Geo Clark 1 70 Jos Clark 1 70 J T Cocking 1 00 Charlie Chinaman 1 70 J A Craig 1 00 Wm Copnle 1 20 Wm Clerkin 1 70 Chas Cannon ; 1 70 Harding Corum 10 00 C P Clark 1 70 A Can field 4 00 H H Campbell 1 45 DaveConroy 1 50 LC Clark 1 00 M Gon 1 50 S B Driver.' 6 00 E C Drews 1 00 C O Bovle... 3 00 C C Dickens 1 00 Chns D Doyle 1 00 L Davis 1 00 M Do vie 8 00 A J Dufur 7 00 J G Day. jr 1 50 I L Donagan 1 00 1 L Donagan 1 00 A J Douglass 2 00 JtsDennis 4 00 M Delone 1 60 Thomas Dorson.... 1 90 Thos Dawson 1 70 L Davis 2 20 Ed Elliott 1 70 Mary E ElUbery... 1 70 D W Ehensoll 1 20 Jasper Ensley 1 00 Albert Erkinson 1 60 John End 2 00 Fred Fonchy 2 00 P Fox... 1 50 P Freeman 3 20 S D Fisher 2 88 Geo Friend 3 40 Wm Fnzzell 27 00 Ed Finnell 18 80 Frank Fisher. 1 70 Tetitba Fox ". 1 70 A P Furguson 3 60 Tetitia Fox 1 70 Joseph Frazier 1 20 RovJPWesythe 1 70 M J Flnlayson 1 7fr Donald Frazier 1 70 Saml Glover 2 00 Glass & Prudehomme 12 35 D Graham 1 20 WjSGripple 1 00 Tony Guler. 1 50 Monroe Grimes 2 00 E A Griffin 22 00 John Glavey 2 00 Sam'l Glover 1 70 Chas Hon ii... 8 1 70 W F Ninkle 1 00 E A Hanmes. 1 20 W T Hill... 1 20 DC Henry 1 70 Mary Hamilton 5 40 Adam Holly - 1 70 Ed Hannapan 1 20 W R Hensel 1 50 E A Hunt..: 1 20 J W Hanson 1 70 R M Hawley 1 00 Edward Howell 1 70 Hans" Hansen..; 2 00 P Haynes 1 00 B H Haynes 1 00 John Haskel... 1 00 M Henrick 1 00 Henrv Howe 1 00 F Howe 1 40 Ed Holmes 1 50 DHeronx 2 20 Dave Hillier 1 00 J W Johns . 1 20 F N Jones 5 00 J H Jucobsen.-. 1 7o WD Jones.. 6 00 W C Johnston 1 00 Cha? B Johnson 1 7t W E Kahler.... 2 50 Joseph Kelsay 1 00 W L Kekner 1 00 Joeph Kelsay. 1 00 B King 1 50 Thomas King 1 00 C Kaseback 1 50 JLKelsbv 1 50 A J Knightly 1 50 W E Kahler... 3 00 Pnubra Kelly... 160 Jos A Kenna 1 60 John Kothe 2 20 JTKent 1 20 John Kellv.......r 170 NatKimsey 2 00 A Klint... 1 7(r C H King 1 70 S E Lanaer.s 3 00 PautuaLimeroth 6 00 Paulis Liimeroth . 1 J G Little 1 00 00 John G Little, j 1 00 T W Lewis 1 00 H A Lewis 15 00 T W Lewis 1 00 Jas Lindes .- 2 00 W F Limwebbei 4 50 W B Miller 1 70 GE Moore 4 00 John Miller 1 70 De Witt's Sarsaoarilla cleanses the blood, increases tbe appetite and tones up tbe system. It bag benefitted many people wno nave suuerea irom blood disorders. It will help you. Snipe6 x jvinersiy urug uo. That china Caaai. Wing Louie, the ''Injured husband," whose wife deserted him a few days ago and bestowed her affectlous upon Ah Bock, has returned from Port land, though his wife remained ia the metropolis, the inmate of some char itable institution of tbe city. Louie feels much grieved at Ah Bock, say be is a professional wife stealer, and produced a marriage certificate to dis prove the statement tbat his wife, Kin Sinhad previously been married to Bock. The certificate Is dated at Sacramento, California, Oct. 3, 1S93 and shows that on that dav Wine Louie, asred 34, and Kin Sing, aged 20. were-jol ed I . Wedlock by Hj B. Fol fonsn m A and xt9 cusa M To the Editor : I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I Of its power that I consider it my duty to tend two bottles free fo those of your readers who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me the I: express and postoffice address. Sincerely, t. A. 8MCUH M. &, IS3 Petri St, Bew Tart. r The Editorial and Boshm MsaamMnt si fbis Fapar Uaanate tnis gntam Fropwitiso. lion ley, justice of the peace. Louie says at one time be was a contractor on the Southern Pacific, where he made plenty of money, but It all vanished during the depression in '93 and '94. Since tben he has been casting about seeking his fortune in various occupa tions until about six months ago, when be was engaged as bookkeeper for Joe Kee, in this city. His married life he says had been most pleasant until Bock stole tbe affections of his wife and he is now desirous getting her back. Don't fool away your money buying worthless remedies, which are warrant ed to cure every disease. Remember that DeWitt's Sarsaoarilla is a Blood Purifier and a BlonA Maker. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. The Alodt-1 Kw Woman. "She is the model old woman of past generations modernized, an iljct to be loved and adored," said Riv. Geo. F. Hall at the commencement of his lecture Monday n ight. Tbe lecturer took the position that woman is by nature the equal of man physically, menatally and politically, and all that has p-evented her taking her correct position in tbe affairs of the world has been an abuse of nature's laws. He is as radical a dress reformer as Gennet Miller, and abhors skirts, corsets and big sleeves. He advises women to dis card tbem and adopt tbe more sensible costume, the loose-fitting bloomer, ride bicycles, play foot ball, perform on the horizontal bar, do anything to develop physical strength, and last but not least, cultivate tbe mind and fit themselves for every avocation so that they can be prepared to battle with tbe sterner sex for supremacy. Mr. Hall'b ideal model new woman is one that is perfect mentally and physically, an angel at home and abroad. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending .Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re sults were almost marvelous in tbe case of mv wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junc tion she was brought down with pneu monia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory In re sults." Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's. A arrow Escape. When the local arrived from Port land last Saturday, a gentleman named McDonald, who resides at Chenoweth creek, was on the bridge over Mill creek, and in endeavoring to step to one side so that the train might pass. lost his balance and fell some 10 or 15 feet into the water. His head struck a rock or some other hard substance inflicting quite a severe wound, and stunning him so severely that he would have drowned bad not W. H. Moody, who saw him fall, come to bis assistance and fished him out. Electric iilttelk. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gen erally needed, when the languid ex hausted feeling prevails, when tbe liver ia torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative ia felt. a prompt use of this medicine has biiicus fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and free ing the system from tbe malarial poi son. Headache, indigestion, constipa tion, dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & BoughtonV drug store, Eberp foUoned. About 150 bead of sheep in a large band belonging to Phil Brogan, jr., of Antelope, that are en route to to Mt. Adams and have been borded in tbe vicinity of Dry Hollow, a few miles out of The Dalles, tbe past few days, have died under peculiar circum stances, that lead the owner to believe they have been poisoned. As yet he has been unable to titid any poit-on anywhere on the ground where the sheep have been herded, but every in dication is that is has been adminis tered to tbem in some manner. The locks are Safe. A gentleman who visited the Cas cade .Locks t iuday, says he does not believe any damago will result from the hieh water unless a rise of 10 or 12 feet more should occur. The fill next to the river has been pretty well pro tected by unloading heavy rock along the banks, and all exposed points have been protected. It would require a rise of 10 feet before the water would pour over the upper guard gate, and so long as it stands firm tbe canal Is in no danger. , Celebration at Wamle. Wamic Union Sunday School will celebrate the Fourth by giving a pic- nlo one an'd one-half miles west of Wamic. A general' invitation Is ex- tended to all, and they are requested to attend accompanied by their lunch baskets, well filled of course. There j will be a liberty car, Instrumental music and various other amusements. The committee of arrangements is composed of Henry Driver, Martin Wing, Frank Woodcock, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gillie, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Magill, and Eugene Prat. Sottce to Ire Caeam Makers. To make good ice cream it requires good extract. The soda factories have the monopoly for fresh and good ex tracts especially lemon, and I guarantee my lemon extract to be "satisfactory." I am also headquarters for non- alcohol cider and wines and picnic drinks.. JOSEPH FOLCO The Dalles, Or. Fror. w. H. Peeks, who makes a specialty of fcpilepsy, nas without doubt treated and cur ed more cast s than any living; Physician; his success is astonishing. We have beard of cases of so years' standing curia oy mm. xio He Of Mr absolute cure, free to any sufferers wuvzuHy nou iuou- xr. j. ana lvxpres? aanress. Wtt AdviRA SflV tmm wfahfritr n rtir tasrlilraBa I FrnlW. H. SEEKS. 7. 4 Cedar St EowTari NOT! E FOR PUBLICATION. trails O fries at Thb Daixbs. Oregon. tatty 21, 1HU& Notice is fcereby Riven tbat the followlno to make final proof in support cf his claim, and iHincu t;v icr ana uit'u uuuw u, 111a idkquqd Tt via nroui wui De maae oniore KeeLstei -nn rcereiver. at ine usues, uregon, on luu van, tix. : SIDNEY M. BBIGOS. Hd E No iOvV. furtl-e E NE NWM tTEU ana cimn w w j rp ih,iii:i..w m. He name the ruiiowimt wunetues to nrovt Us continuous resident e upon ana cultivation Lee Evans. A. H. Swasey. L. Lamb. James Brown, au ox uoaier, uregon. JA J! . HUUKE, May SB Register. Fits mm V ia 3 ilrrflss Well Drilling a-uajb Prospecting for coal or other minerals. Deep or shallow well drilling, In either ba salt rock, gravel or In tide flats. If you want to know what is under your property, write me. Prices from 1.00 to W 00 s foot. Satis faction guaranteed. Z. F. MOODY Cenerl Commission and 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T. i A joining Railroad Depot.) Consignments So'icit d Prompt Atte ition 1 aid to Those Who Favor Me With Their Patronage RUPERT S CHBEL Who'esal and retail manu' cturers -f ard dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Tents, and Wagon Coverr. ! A.nd All Anid. kepi n a fl w CImkb HstnM Shor. ' RFPA1RING PROMPTLY DONE. , THE DALLES EW COLUMBIA H -TKL $1.00 Per Day. First Class Meals 25 Cf-nts. . T. T. NICHOLAS, PROPRIESOR- COR. FRONT and UNION STS. ... THE PALLES, OR. Monarch Mixed Paints A PURE LINSEED. OIL PAINT NO WATER NO BENZfNE MANUFACTURED BY Senour Manufacturing Co., of Chicago For salo by Jos. T Peters Monarcli vloor and Carnage Paints fee P- - n 0 r So r i P.BS S9 H 7a s,5 a S.tc C S S ". a go q i O 8f BSssBtg e 55. sjC in S3 s. w - it's im&l sra.3., S X 3 3 12 J. s.m-& I T VI tt P A 2 II " oB. tz - i" 2 s- iSa 2?S ESS. lii-rlarSgx" "SI ll O kT n el a S.B. i vu j 2 g pi OCD 2. ca THE CELEBRATED Columbia MJ AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-kuown brewery is now turniner out the best IWr and Porter east of the Cttscades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market. East Second Street, The Dalles, : Oregon." wtMLISMUSINESS - PORTLAND QBfGOH fe - FULL ENGLISH COURSE. fi "SprST V FRENCH AND GERMAN. Kt l BUSINESS BRANCHES. ' J4 BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. I : : WitH Gasoline Engine No fuel or water o haul, nor horses to feed. No trouble to farmer or other iu attending to macbiDO. Work solicited in Wasco "and Sher- -man Counties. Terms and Prices reasonable. Call on or write me : P. L. KHETZER, Trtt Delle8, Oregon. tafc Want Opposite Moody ' VV reliotss OREGON. NO BARYTE3 THE & Co, agents for Senour's -- : 4 3 SI at? r of 2im TIB z; co mdm 2 ri rewepy r- ' 0 I i r ) i i i s