fortiuua Libra 'J L ,u m t at ''.."SSI "if.Tf CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DULLES, OftEC ON, SATURDAY. JUNE 20, 1890 NO 42 . PROFESSIONAL. T G. KOONTi. R al Est te. Loar s : nl Insurance . Agent lor the Scot Unloa and NatiouaJ Iniuranoe company ui auuwuim "" Capital t33.0UO.UtM. Valuable Utau a&u tne city w sell on easy Onceover U. 3. Land Office. The Dalle? Oregon D CFCR MtKlirEB, Attorneys at Law Rooms 42 and 43 rh.pmnn Block. The mtlM. Or. o 0. U .lL;SrEtt, Phyrician and Surgeon, Ho mm onrr Dalle Na-Jonal Bulk. Office hour., a ra t - li m, n irom to 4 p n. tleml dence Wa t End of Third uwet. .A. Attorney at Law ffce InSetnno'baindtag, opxtofrs The Dalles ureson.- SOCIETIES. mEMPLE LODGE. NO. S, A. O. U W. J ; Meets in Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. TAS. NESMITH POST. NO. Sii.Q. A. It. : O Meets every Saturday eveningat 7:S in a.r. call OUBT THE DALLES. A. O. P. NO. 8630- j Meets every Friday -evening at- their nun at b o ciock. B OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon u b. o r. can . "l7ASCO TRIBE, NO. 18, I. O. K. M. Meets TT eveiy wednesoay evening' in a, oi tr nan. n ESANG VEKEIN HAEMONTB. Meets JJT every Sndday evening at Baldwin Opeia turase, 1 T OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in U K. of P. Hall tae Orsr and taird Wednes day of eacn montn at 7:3u P. M. - tt.'ASCO LOEQE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. IT Meets first and third Mouday of each montn at 8 tr. u. rnHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . J NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at e P, M. . COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O F. j Meets every Friday evening at 7 :30o clock. In of P. nail; corner oi second ana toun streets. Sojourning- brothers are welcome. lRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 8 K. of P. r Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in Schanno s building, corner of Court and Second streets. . Sojourning brotners are in- vi tea. f OMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE C NION Meets every Friday at s o cluck n the reading room. I ODEBN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD- ML Hood CimD. No. 9. metts every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's HalL All sojourning brothers are Invited to be present. COLtrMDIACHAPTEB, NO. 33, E. S. Mel t, in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth lu.sday of each month. Visitors cor diali invited. - ', . THE CHURCHES. OT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. O site Fiftn. Sunday scuool at 9:30 A.M. . Evening prayer on Friday at 7 ulu. I'VANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH A Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Se.vice tn the Eng Usn languige at First Baptist Chili ch eve.y Suaday yutt A. u. and 7:S0 p. M. 1 E. CHURH Hev 3. H. Wood, Pastor, li I . Services every Suuday morning and eve mg. Sunday school at Man o'clock P. M. A eordlal invitation extended by beta pastor and people tu all. SONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. a 11A.M. and 7:30 P. morning service M. jSuntiay bcLool alter CjT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest O Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. iIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay 1 lor. Paster. Corner Fifth and Washington streets, beivices eaca Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday Sc. ool and Bible class at 12:15. Pastor's resiuence Norti-eaet cor. of Washing ton and Seventh streets. - I' SlBST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. 1 Hazel, pastor. Preacning every Sunday morning at il and in tne evening at 7 o clock Sunday set ool at lu A M. Prayer meeting every TI ursaay evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets evtij Suluej at ttH. P. M. CTaVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner I Seventn and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunuay at 11 A. M. and ?:S0 P M. Prayer meeting on Wednesuay evening. Sunuay school at H;6 A. M. Ail are cordially weiaomea. DAN BAKER, . PROPRIETOR OF THIS Iff- BE I IMPORTEU A SO DOM -STIC Wines. Liouors Cigar.s East End, Second Street A NK'A" J UNDERTAKING $K ESTABLISHMENT Prinz & Nitsclnlce ' SIAUKS FURNITURE AND CARPETS W tuve ni'deil tn ont h'dnen romiltte '"nHer - takinz Gttib -bment, an4 as ' rs in no nj - eoi a tM wit ti ' cde t ars Tr ft, -otf i f em- 1' ha to a.o rd nir'y. . The Dalles Real Estate Exchange : : The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of real estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undivided assistance of the following Real Estate Agents " organized as an association for the pur pose of inducing immigration to Wasco and Sherman counties, and generally Stimulating the sale of pioperty. CPRReSPONDENCE SOLICITED C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hudson. J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. W, Rowland; or to J. M. Huntington, sec retary of the Association, THE DALLES. - OKECON ESTRAY. - One dark bav horse branded T on left shoulder, one white hind foot, with star in forehead. Also one mare of same color, blind in oue eye; clipped; with short rope around her neck. Finder wlU receive liberal reword. g Id ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will Cud the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made fmnr-the hichest cost Cold Leaf gro vn in Viiginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE OREGON BAKERY AND : A. KELLER, Prop'r. : Am prepared to furniBh families, -rotels and restaurants with the choicest Bread, lakes H'n J PitF. Fresh Oysters Sf-rvjd in Every Style. Second Ftreet, next door to TIib Dalles National Pank. Children Cry tor l-tCHa'a Castoria CMtnTC li no well ariipted to chi'drpn tnai live .iu un ( Uiuikupeii r to a y prescriptioc ouKUt'Lie." 1 1. A. Arcber, JL D., 1U boutn t'ircrd St., Brooklyn, n V I pee fnn jr'a In mv prarflce. and find It specially aouylaM to afTectioiis of chiidr, n." A1X KOBEB-FXOia, 4L U.. 1(15' d Ave- Aen Tor'L 'Fmm rrwrn' kn -wledfre 1 on say tn auto uam :aMJt ttxcelleni medicine tor call jen. ua it. O. Osrxvn, jowell. aUae Csurcnrls nromotea Dfeestion. and overcomes Flucuiencv, Co nsoi nation. Sour Stomatn . D!ari ncea, . and Feyerishiiesa Thus tbe'child is rendered heaichv and it . eep natnrai. Cstoria coctoini, "oo aUrptuue or otner naruouc property. HARRY LISBE, radical AND DEALER IN locks, WalCii Jewelrr, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. . 162 Second Street, next door to A. IS. Williams & Co.'s. the, - - - oregon I NORTHERN IFIC R U N S PUYLMAN SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CAES TOURIST SLEEPING CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL jGRAXD FORKS ' DCXTJTH FARGO CROOa'STON WINNIPEG HELENA and BL'TTE. TO THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all 1 POINTS EAST and SOUTH. "' For Information, time cards, maps and tickets, -ill on or write, W. C. ALLAWAY, Apent Or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas sen er Agent. No. 2?5 Morrisoa Street, Cor ner oi luru street, ruruouu, ureKwi. COAL! COAL! THE BEST Wellington, Rock Springs, and Rosiyn Coal. 112, sacked and delivered tc any part of the city. IU body's Waretouse HENRY L.KUCK, .-Manufacturer of and deilra In ' Harness ed Saddlery, second St., nmr Moorfv WarebnHt.t THB OALlJt OBEOO PAC AH Work OouMtotd m Mv tetftsfactioa Best 0 raest b.ze Lowest m When You Want Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, . Rolled Barley, Whole Earley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Efey, - :, Or anything in.tb' Our prices are low and our poods are JRrtrelaagJfeerif.a tnr tha celebrated WAITSBURG " PEERtESSrndBYEKS' BEST . PVK DT FTON V1IT.T.S FT.OTTR WHliA'J JATS. arid 'UAKLby. Columbia CORNER THIRD AND WASHINGTON BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK AND LARD, Cured and sausages of qHoehS EL YERED TO IIIOK Arrived NEW STOCK NOW READY Great Bargains to : ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN : Fine Clothin?, Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, H its and Cais, Trunks, Valises, : Umbrellas and Parasols. . . . Another Broadside : Of special opportunities by our wonderful value giving stock. . . The Lowest Prices Cnaranteed - Ccme and ba Convinced N. HHRRIS, Corner Court and Second Streets f Gentlemen Of The Dalles 1 We are showing a splendid line of Spring and Summer Suitings at lower prices ihan can be obtained elsewhere. No need to pat ronize foreign firms employing Chinese labor. Our ganm-nts are made on the premises by Fkilled workmen. H P R A 1 C H. 1 El ii I 1 -l Perfect Fit Guaranteed. WWW'S1" mm wiWPaM"aw j-.ji.c utiwaimtr1 ""irt in -ft r uafity ! Price! S tO Buy FeedAAnert tothe ---.? Highest sasfa- prtre-!atct7-tor ' . ' Dried Meats. a All Kinds : : ANY PART OF THE CITY 31 arrived Save You Money thrown across your path receiving and satisfaction . . . 7 Second Street mi ,mi m 9 tf mm i Packing yompany A mix- The Columbia River Salmon Packers to Consolidate. WILL NOT MEDDLE After Being: Heavily Fined the Johan nesburg- Reformers Promise to Let Politics Alone. Thugs Ansnnlt a Bridge Vatrhmsii- ralnt-llcartpd Rundits An Kffort Being: Made to Refund the Hawaiian BebU Portland. Or.. June 12 A eigan tic skIoiOu combine,. to take all interest on the Columbia river into -'one cor poration, and backed by unlimited capital, win y.-ry prooaoiy oe tne un- lookedfor result of the present strike of the 3033- ' fishermen who want more for Ashing than the packers claim to be able to pay. The prospects are that the Columbia River Packers' Association, whluh was formed in Portland last spring, Is to be followed by a stronger concern a sin pie corporation which shall be so firm ly entrenched as to command a vast in fluence in the salmon industry, and which will dictate and not be dictated to. It will be modeled after the Alaska Hack fug Company, and it will absorb all the big and little fishing interests, Consolidating them into one enormous plant and do business on an unpre cedented scale. The salmon-packing: combine is not an undreamed-of possibility by anv means, " The fact is, the scheme is ri pening for consummation. One of the Healthiest canners on the Colum bia deel ires that the strike has has tened tbis end. The cannervmen are ! being driven into consolidation for i protection of their interests not only fe m the fishermen, but fr0U4 the mis chievous state legislature, and by next aut irnn it is confidently believed no matter what becomes of tbis year's fishing that the combine will be or ganized and (he consolidation effected, The plan has been on foot for some time. If organized in time, as it is sure to be, the combine's lobby will be a factor in the state legislature this winter, and endeavor to Influence the solono to legislate In the interests of j the Bshlng Industry. , " -t, Therefore, the fisMng: season 1897 may be Inaugurated ooderc totally ilif iarent rfcumslances from-,those tufder wbicET t4U season begab, forma-. tioh' of sulttTirrFustf is. v lltfnostLyaac' nnnnea tn - tht fisbltlg . Id - i - tli liu Is notlifuWtfi jmUI exer 4a Miod deal, of influence in the salmoa .w irkcta of the world. It is known.' that the leading cannery men favor the consolidation, and it goes without saying that any co operative, independent,' mlddle-of-th -road or river, anti-concern that - taani- fests a disposition to buck against this oompany, will be frozen out in the reg? illation way and forced to come in or cease its existence. Their Flues Wore Paid. London, June 12. A diapateli from Pretoria ays that as soon as the decis ion of the executive council releasing John Hays Hammond, George Farrar, Colonel Rhodes and J. W. Leonard, the Johannesburg reform committee leaders, ljpon payment offloes amount ing to 25,000 each, was announce!. Barney Barnato went to the jail -with a check for $250,000 to pay the fines of Hammond and Rhodes. He found, however, that the matter bad already been arranged. Hammond, Farrar and Phillips have signed an agree ment to abstain hereafter from inter ference n the politics of the South African Republic, consequently the sentence of banishment imposed upon them has been revoked. A Watchman Aaaanlted, SaCHANENTO, Cal, June 12. At an early hour this morning two unknown men assaulted Charles Johnson, night watchman of the bridge over the Sacramento river, and beat him into lasensibility with a club. At the rail road hospital It was found that John son's skull had been fractured, and it is thought he cannot recover. The men were about tu throw Johnson into the riyer, when they wer- frightened away by approaching footsteps. It is believed that the men who assaulted Johnson were the same he bad ordered off the bridge earlier in th,e flight for insulting a woman. They Were Faint Hearted. Huntington Depot, W. Va., June 12. Forty miles east of Charleston, on the C. & O. road, masked .men boarded the Washington and Cincin nati express train at midoisrht, and crawled over the engine tender into the cab with revolvers drawn. The engineer stopped the train. He was commanded to cut loose the express car. This was done. The passengers were awakened aud the lights were ex tinguished. After ten minutes' work, the bandits became frightened, and escaped to the mmintHins.' To Refatid Indebtednei, San Fhancisoo, June 12. P. C. Jones, a member of one of the largest banking houses tn-Honolulu and minis ter of finance under the late monarchy. left for New York last night to Interest Eastern capitalists In the refunding of the Hawaiian government's indebted ness. 4 The government has $3,098,000 of bonds drawiug 6 per cent, interest outstanding at present, which it is proposed to pay and issue In their stead bonds drawing interest at the rate of 4 percent. - - ' It Vtas a Tie Vote. Salem, June 13. The clerk of Coos county has notified the state law de partment that there was a tie vote on two candidates for representative for that county, and asked for Instructions as to the course to purxue. The candi dates in question are: J. VV. Bennett, democrat, and" Tho nss . Buckram, populist. each having reci-ivfd B79 votes. It If suggested by the county clerk that an election be ordered to be held on the same date as the presiden tial electi n in Novem'ier. The sta t te proviJes that when a tie shal e 1st between two or mora persons for the senate or house of rep- re-entati es, the county clerk shall give notice to the sheriff of the county, who shall immediately advertise another election for such offices, giv ing at ldast ten davs' notice Cattle Fo.- Uio Eaat. La Grande, Or., June 12. A train- loau uf c ttile including 476 steers, was started out for La Grande yesterday. The shipment is made by D. B. Zimble man, and the cattle will be taken to North Dakota. McDonald Bros, and E. E. Willbeit have gathered the cattle In Union aud Wallowa counties. To Brown at Baker. PAKE'? CITY, June 13 A telegram was received this afternoon from Dis trict Ueputy D. Solis Cohen, stating that he would institute Baker City lodge uf Elks on the 22 1 iobt. Pendle ton lod-e is expected up in a body. Union will send representatives: also La Gran le, and probably Walla Walla. It is I. op d that Portland will seud a big delegation. MILITIA CALLED OCT. The First Keslmcnr, U. N. O., Sent Down the Colombia. . Portland, Or. June 16. The First regi t en r, Oregou National Guard, Colonel S immers commanding, was schedule! to leave for Astoria at an early hour this morning, and will take a hand iu suppressing the scenes of violence and outrage which have marked the course of the fishermen's strike on the Columbia river. Ir was accompanied by battery A, with full field equipment and the various regi mental corps. The troops were called out on a requisition made by the mayar of Astoria, through the county judge of Clatsop county, upon Gover nor Lord. .The governor immediately otified brigade headquarters in this ity to assemble at the post; equipped with all the paraphernalia for field service and one day's cooked rations, At 2 oVlock this morning, it was an nounced that the regiment would prob ably be able to leave by 4 o'clock. The number of militiamen called into service is about 400. The We qf Women. Constipation causes more than half the ills of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a Dleaantcure for constipation For sale by M. Z. Don cell. CLEVELAND'S FUTURE PLANS. He Will Agaia Return to the Practice of Law. New York, June 15. A- runjor which comes from the offloes of a well known law firm, with the - bead : of which President Cleveland te on ,t&6 triost lntifiMta Wins, is to the effect tnat. a.uto- :ejeVB!ad Thomas B. Reed andSecretary Ctisie uij the 4tb of March, 187, re-establish a law firm in this city, to be known as CleveUndL Beod Jr Curlista. The announcement of the formation of the above firm will, it is said, effect ually answer the question regarding Presidents Cleveland's intention as to fourth nomination. t may De tnat tnis is to oe tne presiaent s metnoa oi answering those who have so anxiously demanded to know the course he in tends to pursue. The announcement will, too, demonstrate Ssuretary Car-Uslo'-s Intentions for the future. One incident that gives a bit of color to this remarkable rumor Is that Speaker Reed made frequent calls at the White House before the adjournment of con gress. Before his last nomination for the presidency, Mr. Cleveland was a mem ber of a prominent law firm of this city. Two things concerning that partner ship are known. The first I, Mr. Cleveland surprised all who came into contact with him by his intimate knowledge" of the law. Th second is that the partnership proved lucrative to all connected with it. It was stated many weeks ago that Mr. Raed would, should be fall in bis special aspiration, refuse a renomination, for congress and remove tP this oity for the purpose of practicing law. All that time nothing was said concerning any connections he might make hpre. De "Will's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, increases the appetite and tones up the system.. It has benefitted many people who have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. BE IS A MCBDEREB, Wife of Camming-, the Seattle Br ate, 1 Dead. SEATTLE, June 15. Ex-Street Com missioner Larry Cu minings will be compelled to face a jury of bis fellow men and have them determine whether or not -he la guilty of the crime of murder in the first degree, His wife died here at 6 o'clock this morning at Providence hospital from the horrible injuries Inflicted by him last Wednesday evening wheo he attempted to suddenly end her exis tence and that of his daughter Maria. The feeling against Cummings is still very strong, and for a time there was talk of lynching, but it is believed he will be legally executed. . If he is executed it will be the first legal hang ing in this county, A Mntsr.4 BeaUttfler Earl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. For sale by M. Z. Don neli. . Denied bj Vilas. Milwaukee, June 15. Senator Vilas spent yesterday in Milwaukee. He was asked .by a Journal reporter: ''Did you see the report that you said you would vot" for .McKinley and that Cleveland would also? Is it so?" 'There is not a word of truth in it. I never entertained such a purpose and never heard Cleveland say a word about it.. The story is a flo:ioa pure and simple." "Will there be a bolt at Chicago, think you?' "No, sir, not unless the rllverites bolt." One Minute is the standard time.and One Minute Cough Cure is the stand ard preparation for every form of cough or cold. It is tne only harmless reme dy that produces immediate reaulti. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. GOLD PLANK ASSURED Convention Will Declare fcr tha (old Standard. ARE IN KG HURRY The Republican Convention Will not Nominate Until After the Plat " form is Adopted. Rich Qonrti MIn JStrnck la the Virtue District Lodge of Elks to be Inatl- tuted at Baker City. St. Louis, June 14-While ihe head quarters of some states have not been crowded, as is usuallv the case before the convention assembles, there has been a big day at the Ohio delegation. known as the McKinley headquarters. Some of the Ohio delegates and Mr, Hanna are on duty there all the time, while delegates Foraker, Bushnell and Grosvenor, and some district delegates are out visiting other state delega tions and leaders. When Hon. Charles W. Fairbanks, the temporary chairman, arrived this morning from Indianapolis, Mr. Hanna and others had a long conference with him over the key note speech, and later, tbis keynote speech was sub mitted to a conference of McKinley leaders. It is understood the keynote speech will be in the line of the Indi ana platform, which specially shows opposition to the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. . At McKinley headquarters, there is still the fullest confidence iu the favor ite having 633 votes on the first ballot out of a tout of 916, but there is not any fixed slate for the nomination for vice-president or any ultimatum on the currency plank. There is no trouble about the plat form except in the divergent views of the East for gold and the West for sil ver, while Michigan, Indiana and Ohio with other middle states, want the Eastern idea expressed in the cur re.ncy plank without the word "gold" in the phraseology of the declaration of a single standard. It Saves Lives Every Day. Thousands of cases of consumption. asthma, coughs, colds and croup are cured every dav bv Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M. Z. Donneli. IT UA? LAST A WEEK. Convention. Will hot Brln Nomina ting .- - Before Saturday ' ''ST.LOTJI", "' Jur 1. T-9 r-'-'-v, J in a series of jntj; esiin sesslous each nay ii'om too openiu iiu i UfmittJ U'jui aijonrnment on aaturgavjyr later. Those familiar . with . X .r- thick it not probable that the conyen- ental dislike ct foreign latefrn tioiS may Wue beyond thieek, 4 W?00' rMM!OCC(1 had. It will be called to-order at 12. o'clock Tuesday by chairman Carter. The day will be consumed in the reading of the call, the installing of temporary offi cers, and the appointment of commit tees on permanent organization and order of business, on resolutions and credentials. . " - - On Tuesday the report of the com mittee on permanent organization and order of business will probably be pre. Bunted and acted upon, and the per manent ofljeera will take charge of the convention. The permanentchairman will be Hon. John M. Thurston, of Ne- braska, and the temporary chairman will, upon taking up the gavel, under take to deliver the speech of bjis life. it is safe to say that, pending the re ceipt of the report of tta committee on credentials, the session of Wednesday and Thursday, and possibly Friday, will be devoted to general convention business. It is hardly to be expected that the report of the committee on credentials can be prepared and presented before Thursday night or Friday morning, if the contests are cons dered as thor oughly as by the national committee. There are 186 contests, is doubt ful if the' committee on credentials can pass upon the questions, giving any reasonable attention to the facts, shot t of three days and three nlghte. A member of the national commit tee discussing the probable length cf the convention, Raid: "Considering the whole situation, It is difficult to see how the reports of the committee on credentials and the com mittee on resolutions can be disposed of before midnight on Friday by the convention. There fore, according to the natural order of things, the pre sentation of candidates will not occur until Saturday morning. Owing to the interest in the money question, the oommlttee will scarcely defer ac tion on the platform until after the nomination of the candidates. A Recommend It. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about' Shiloh's Cure for Consumption. They will recom mend iu For sale hy M. Z. DonnelL Rich, Strike In the Virtue District. BAKEE CITY, June 13. While pros pecting in the hills, about four weeks ago. Ed. smith, Thomas Daley ana J. A. Murphy noticed little bits of quartz strung around the surface, which bad evidently been pulled out by the squir rels, which abound in that vicinity. They proceeded to investigate, and, after going down about four feet, un covered what appeared to them a promising two-foot ledge of free mill ing ore. At a depth of 12 feet the ledge widened out to five feet. The quartz is of a sugary nature, and con tains those little cubes of Iron sure Indications of gold every handful of the ore prospects. They are now down to 18 feet and have visitors all day long, and whoever tries his band at it finds gold when panning the stuff. Men conversant with values conserva tively plaoe it at $18 per ton, although as high as $30 is claimed for it. Will Hake no Display. St. Louis, June 15. Delegates from the silver producing states have not yet held any formal conference, but expect to get together later in the afternoon. There have, however, been several informal meetings, at Highest of all in Leavening ACSOIUJTEEX which the program to be pursued by the radical silver forces has been suf-; ficiently discussed to no longer leave. any doubt as t their intention to bolt tne convention in case. their demand for free coinage of silver is not ac cepted. They have decided, however, to go out without any display. A BOX'S AWFUL CRIME. He BInrdera Companion Coring m Quarrel. Rosebcko. Or., June IS James Dixon, the 18-jeai-old son of J. R Dixon, a wealthy and highly respected farmer living north of Umpqua, shot and killed Charles'Rlce, aged 2", a son of Mrs. Jane Strader. - The affair occurred at a baseball game, at Elakesleys, 15 miles east of Rosebur.', yesterday aftertiooo. The mmediate cauBe of the shooting was trouble -oyer the ball game. Parti culars, as near as can be now learned, are a follows: Rice threatened to whip Dixon, and pulled off his coat, starting toward him, when Dixon drew a revolver and shot Rice in the breast; he turned and ran a few feet, and was f hot again in the back; fell and expired almost in sta'ntly. Young Dixon was brought to Roseburg last night by the constable. An inquest will be held this afternoon. American Republic Accept. Washington, June 15. Practically all of the South and Central American repuMics have' notified Ecuador of their acceptance of the invitation sent out by that government to be repre sented at an international congress. to be held August 10 next, to promote international arbitrations. , The United State has not yet accepted the invitation. - i MULEY HASSAN AND THE JEWS. He Prwentad to Them Only the Benero lent Elde of His Character. .. . The Jewish, subjects of Muley Has san will Eincerelv lament his sndden death. Nothing,., it is true, could be much worse to our ideas than the con dition of the Jews under the late sul tan, but a lower depth ; may yet 'open In the deep. : Jiulcy . Hassan pre sented to the Jews only the benevolent sidejof his ch'aracter,Ha6howed no countenance to Uio oputoaouia ue Jews, 6y the London Je?isU Chxrmi- uu.-;.i wero brougl, Uuuii' i.-a a...,4 he . i4 something to remove . them. About a year ago an ocoask : ria when Muley Hassan displayed a ovtp hla o-f-pTiiria love-of justice and his ofr displayed more than nsuol vigor In ap plying tho bastinado to the Jews.''.: The latter appliod for redress to the: minis ters of foreign powers at Tangier.- The sultan resented this appeal, but reme died tho . abuse. "Conduct thyself,' wrote-Muley Hassan to his over-ener gctlo oQccr in Morocco, "towards thl hcwkui uiu Mime -may uo uio ueiesi T J 1 a xowara iuonammeaans unoer tny a- to them, and In religious matters leave absolutely to their rabbis the task oi deciding them." This friendly disposi tion was more than shared by the Jew of Morocco. They bad an almost ex aggerated fondness for Muley 'Hassan, forgetting that while his active good will was but spasmodic the cruelties and oppressive exactions of bis depu ties were a constant and never-falling factor in the life of the Jews of his do-, minion. It may be that the death of Muley Hassan may nrge forward, that growth of celf-concciousness which has always preceded progress in Juda ism. Tho Jews of Morocco should not let the opportunity slip. Let them seek equality before the law. , If that were once granted to them they would show themselves unworthy of the great race of justice lovers to which they belong were they to allow their rights to be snatched from them by the small fry of local oppressors. . THOUGHTLESS CRUELTY. Heartrending- Beenee Wltneaaad In. South ern i ranee. Normandy and Brittany are full of scenes heartrending -to the true lover of animals. The author of "France of To-Day" describes one form of thought less cruelty which is regularly prac ticed in the Pays de Canx, even by peo ple who are really kind and well mean ing. ' She says: - , - To my thinking, the Pays de Canx la very depressing. Each homestead stands amid lines of beach and oak, formal as toy trees of a child's mimic garden. The trees, regularly, planted and cut at intervals, form a parallelo gram affording shelter to farmhouse buildings and apple orchards. Ton enter this somber light upon an unwonted and. heartrending spectacle. . . In the open space between house and trees is a ' pen, perhaps two yards square; This is the lifelong prison of the trusty watchdog. Incredible as it may appear, no one sees any cruelty in thus keeping a dog cooped within iron palings from January to Decem ber. In fact, from its youth to old age, never for a single moment is it al lowed to escape. My kind host agreed with me on the nnnaturalness of sucb treatment. "A dog, in the eyes of these goo folks," he said, "Is a barking maobia nothing else." Marvelous BeeulU. a letter written by ' From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re sults were almost marvelous in the case of mv wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junc tion she was brought down with pneu monia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in re sults." Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton'n. For DjrepepKln And liver complaint yon have an printed guarantee uu every oottle ui shiloh's VHilizer. It never fills u, oure. For s-ile bv M. Z. DonnelL Power. Latest IT. S Gov't Report 7 ;BaESflinig JJe5oS REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The Delecatreaca Getting to Work Noth Ing of Importance Done Today, Speelal t Tlmet-Mououtoeer.) St. Louis, June 10. The weather today Is fine, and delegates at tha hotels were up eariy, several meetings being held before breakfast. Quay expressed htmsel! satisfied with the financial plank already agreed upon. ' No nominations are expected this week. The Massachusetts delegation will be solid for Reel, but It It coo ceded that McKinley will be. the nom inee. It is understood that McKlolev's managers bare given Piatt the privU ledge of naming the candidate for vice president, much to the sorrow of the -New Jersey delegation, who believe their candidate, Garrett A. Hobart, would be victorious. Piatt has informed Hanna that he would not consider the vice-presidency ' until after the president Is nominated. At the opening of the oonven ' ventlon the balls were crowded, and extra police forces were applied for to preserve order. The principal speech of the morning was that of Charles W. Fairbanks, of Indiana, on the currency question, whlob was wildly applauded. The convention was called to order at 12:20 by Chalaman Tom - Carter. Rev. Rabblsale offered a long lnvo cation; then Secretary Mauley read call for the convention. A considerable demonstration oc curred when Charles Carter nominated C W. Fairbanks, of Indiana, as tem porary chairman. The nomination was seconded by William H. . Southerland, of the New York delegation, and his selection was unanimously endorsed. . Diversified Farming-. ' B. B. Hlokley, a Minnesota banker. was in Pendleton a few days since, and to an East Oregonian -reporter made some statements regarding diversified farming that are of Interest. "Min nesota's crop this year will not be a g-wd one," said Mr. Hlnkley, "and .Dakota and ' Iowa will "experience I partial failures. So far ts the crop of those great wheat produplnn'.i-.f A'-.rf" . . .uw, .e Jdtuji next fall will 1 not- be'np . to the average, and t';' sbould hw. favoraV. 3:U t-.i tV- m. a.--u .... a cf Urmlog Lhas made the Minnesota farmer lndo--1 pendenE"bf-aDy--Qne vroo", and a com- iplete failure, even of wheat, would not .'cause such great disaster among -the farmiog classes.- The fact that farm- tag lands In our part of the state, dls tant from the towns many miles and necessitating hauling farm products a lone- distance, are meeting good sale at $25 per acre, in spite of the hard . times ooinplalned of late, Is a proof that the Minnesota' farmers are la 'quite a prosperous condition. .They neaply n .haT6 ready money is the banks, debta have been wiped out almost universally, and many of our farmers are loaners of money, in large amounts. To diversified farming are due these, conditions, coupled with a rich soli and seasons - whioh, though cold in winter, are regular 'End' pro ductive of liberal returns to the' man who tills the aoV.' , esectal hatee.-- Th O. P. A N. Co. will Mil ronnd trip tickets for one fare for the following- conventions: Republican- Nat'l convention Ur be held at St. Louis, Mo., June 16th. Democratic national con vention to be held at Chicago, July 7th. People's party convention and American convention to be held at St Louis, July 22nd.'Natlonal convention Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor to he held at Washington, D. C, July 7-lSth. National Educa tional Association Meeting to be. held at Buffalo, Julv 8-10. Encampment O. A. R. to be hld at St. Paul. Sept. 14th., For further information call on or ad dress. ' ' E. E. Lyttlw. , . . . -' .- Agent, ' WoMee to If Caeem Makers. To make good Ire cream It requires, good extract. The sod n factories fave, tie monopoly for 'reeti and gob J ex tracts especially lemon.and Iguarantee my lemon extract to be "satisfactory." t am also headquarters for noa- -alcohol cider and wines and "plcnlo , drinks. " JOSEPH FOLCO The Dalles, Or. '" SnuBptef foe a rmrpoae. ', ' An amusing story Is told of the hUa Prof. Henry Morley. Some years ago when the "slumming" boom was occu pying general attention he was ee coated one day by a peculiarly emaciat ed and ragged tadividaaL-who solicited . aid In moving terms..; Pwf.vJdorley, who was never proof against such pe titions, responded with a silver ooia. . ThaTBiryouot Morley; I'm much obliged," said the man. "Yon know me, eh?" "Yea I attended your lec tures at King's College in 18GO." "Dear, dear, I'm sorry to see yon in this state." -".Not at all, my dear professor, I am doing some articles for my paperand tho editor insists on my making my re searches in character. Will yon dine with me to-night?" and he handed a card bearing a well-known name. Awarded Highest Honors Worid's Pair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM Most Perfect Made. ip Years the Standard, mm . t