The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, June 13, 1896, Image 4

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    SATURDAY.... ...... .JUNE 13 189(1
From Saturday's Dally.
D. P. Eetcbum returned-from Port-
land on the noon train.
Messrs. Fred Young and J. -A. Hin-
: chy, of Bakeoven, are in the city.
- The maximum temperature this
morning was 46 degrees above zero.
The Columbia is on a standstill at
this point today, registering 35.5 feet
above low water.
Editor Maxwell, of the Arlington
record, spent the day. in the city, visit-
: ing friendu and looking after business,
. Pendleton school" directors have
chosen Lawrence L. Lewis, of Illinois,
principal of the schools, at a salary of
$90 a month.
. Senator I. L. Patterson and wife, of
8alem, were in the city today. They
arrived on the local from Portland and
returned on the 2:30 train.
The lodgeof Foresters in this city is
. . enjoying a hearty growth at present,
Some uninltlate reaches the tent of
the chief ranger each lodge night,
and others are on the way.
' Two boat loads of non-union fisher
men were fired upon by strikers near
Astoria yesterday. The fishermen
succeeded in getting out of range of
the bullets without being injured. .
"" The Nobles troup left on the 2:30
. train for Portland, after having filled
r a three-nights' engagement in The
Dalles. Should they ever return to
this city they will receive a hearty
The Regulator took a large number
of through passengers this morning,
. and made connection with the Dalles
City by transferring in wagons on the
Washington side. She left the Cas-
. cades at 3:50 this afternoon, and will
- probably arrive about 8 o'clock.
Tne popuust claim that they are
being counted out in a number of
counties, the canvassing boards being
under the control of their opponents
Whether or not there is any founda
tion for this claim, it is very likely Mr.
Ellis' election will be contested.
- Notwithstanding the attractive ap
pearance of the many fish wheels and
traps that are distributed along the
river,' the royal 'chinook refuses to be
intlced into their meshes, consequently
salmon is as scarce as winter butter in
ttjis marfcet, and the canneries are
lying idle. . - . ;
Mr. Benzer's bakery at the old bar
racks had a narrow escape from being
destroyed by fire last nieht. The soot
la the flue burned out, setting fire to
the shingles of the roof, and only for
the timely action of by Mr. Benzer
and his neighbors the entire building
would have burned.
One can have little idea of the
amount of wool that is handled In The
Dalles without visiting the different
warehouses. A T.-M. reporter went
through them this morning and found
- stacks and stacks of wool everywhere.
There is already in the neighborhood
of 4,000,000 pounds stored in the differ
ent warehouses, and there is probably
that much more to come.
Today two parcels' of land in Hood
river valley were sold ai Sheriff's sale.
One was to satisfy a judgement In the
: ease of J. B. Huntington vs. Andubon
.- and Linus Wlnans, and brought $1,400.
The other to satisfy a judgment in the
case of J.M.Huntington vs W B.Winan
and wife; and brought $700. B. A.
Oseood,tof New York, was the purchas-
er of both tracts. ' .
- The river readings at 11 a. m. today
are as follows: .Umatilla, 21.2; Wen
atchee, 28.8; Lewiston, 10.8; The Dalles,
35.5. This shows a very slight rise in
the past 24 hours, indicating that the
river has probably reached its highest
stage. . Snake river has no doubt
reached its highest, and as it recedes
the rise of the upper Columbia cannot
bring the lower river up to anything
' approaching a freshet.
The strawberry, crop is still back
ward about ripening. Wednesday
night something oyer 100 crates were
shipped to Montana. The rain yester-
; day morning interfered with picking.
and pickers were not put to work till
late in the afternoon. Prices In the
- Montana markets remain good for
Hood River berries. At Butte they
were selling for $7 a crate yesterday,
In some early localities the crop was
Injured by the frost and cold rains, but
on the whole the crop is better than
for several years. The prospect is
good for prices ruling as high as they
did last year throughout the season
Oregon congress of women convened
in Portland at 10 A. M. today. Mrs.
Abigail Scott Duni way presided over
the deliberations of the convention.
Among the notable visitors present
were Susan B. Anthony and Sara B.
Major Galagher, recently from Idaho,
who has been appointed Indian agent
at Warm Springs, is quite sick at the
Umatilla Houae. The major arrived
in the city only a few days since and
has been confined to his room all the
time. He is convalescent at present,
and hopes to be able to go to his post
of duty by the last of the week.
Sam Miller, son of Nelse Miller, who
lives up the Ochoco had a very serious
accident a few days ago. He lassoed a
horse, and in someway got Ms band
tangled in the coils of the rope and
was thrown violently to the ground
ana in nis iau tne leit an me was
thrown out of place and one bone just
above the ankle was broken. Prine-
ville Review.
This morning G. W. McCoy went
to Portland in custody of Sheriff
Driver for the purpose of endeavoring
to raise funds with which to pay the
men who have been employed under
him in constructing the Wapinetia
ditch, whose time checks he bought
paying for them In valueless notes,
for which he is now held to appear
before the grand jury.
In Crook county the following offic
ers were elected: R-presentative, R.
E. Misner; clerk, Arthur Hod ge; sher
iff. J. H. Gray; commissioner, T. S.
Hamilton; - assessor, I. F. Shown;
treasurer, B. F. Nichols; surveyor, W.
R. McFarland; school superintendent,
Wm. Johnson; coroner, J. P. Combs.
The vote for congressmen was: Ben
nett,437, Ellis 325, McKercher 5, Nor
thup 273, Quinn, 117.
A man named Lee Smith was in
stantly killed on Mountain creek, near
Mitchell, on May 29, says the Prine- I
ville Review. He was in a corral sep
arating horses when he was thrown
violently to the ground and was ran
over by the horses and in passing over
him, one stepped onto his head, crush
ing in the skull and causing death
instantly. He was buried in Mitchell
last Sunday. He was a married man
and had a family.
Froni Tues day's Daily.
Arlington will give a rousing Fourth
of July celebration.
Today Wood Bros, received 500
head of fine mutton from Prineville,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Leonard went to
the Locks on the Regulator this morn'
The great temperance dramma "Past
Redemption" at the Vogt Grand
June 12.
Today Mrs. James Easton, of King
ley, supplied The Dalles markets with
spring chickens. .
luitea number of delegates to the
I. O. G.- r. grand lodge arrived today
and more are expected tonight.
The patriotic citizens of Antelope
will observe Independence Day with a
two-days celebration, July 3 and 4.
Messrs. J. H. O'Kelly and Wade
Huston, of Trout creek, Crook county,
are in the city today buying supplies,
High water did considerable damage
to farms along John Day ' valley in
Grant county last week, says the Can
yon City News.
Twenty-five beef cattle for the Col
ombia Packing Co., were received at
the stock yards this morning- from
Klickitat oounty. -------
Dr. T. ' F. Campbell has returned
from visit to the southern part of the
county, and has again located at the
Umatilla House.
One swallow does not make spring.
out one swallow oi one Minute Cough
(jure brings relief, snipes ec Kin-
ersly Drug Co.
children, and I consider it the quick
est acting and most satisfactory cough
cure I have ever used. Snipes & Kin
ersly Drug store.
Work will be commenced in a day or
two on the new track for the La Grande
Cycling Club. The track will be
located in Grandy's addition. It will
be a third of a mile in length, or what
is known as a "three-lap" track. It
will be enclosed and will have a grand
stand for the accommodation of spec
tators. Did you ever think how readily the
blood is poisoned by constipation?
Bad blood means bad health and
premature old age. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills
overcome obstinate constipation.
Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co.
At 11 o'clock today the river read
ings were: Umatilla 21.3, a fall of 1-10;
Wenatchee, 21.. stationary; Lewiston,
18.6, a rise of 2-10; The Dalles, 36.1, a
fall of 2 10. This indicates that the
water has reached its highest point at
this place, and may be expected to
stand stationary or fall within the
next few days.
A. L. Wooster a prominent citizen
of Osseo Mich., after suffering excru
ciatingly from piles for twenty years,
was cured in a snort time by using
DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve, an abso
lute cure for all skin diseases. More
of this preparation is used than all
others combined. Snipes & Kinersly
Drug Co.
The citizens of Pendleton want the
Indians from the Umatilla reservation
to postpone their Fourth of July cele
bration until Sunday, July 5. so that
the Indians may come to Pendleton
and help out the celebration there.
The Pendleton people promise to go to
the reservation in crowds, if reciprocity
is arranged for.
Eczema is a frightful affliction, but
like all other skin diseases it can be
permanently cured by applications of
Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
never fails to cure Piles, bnipes &
Kinersly Drug Co.
Friendship Lodge, No. 9, K. of P.
has elected the following officers for
the ensuing term: C. C, E. B. Dufur:
V. C, L. S. Davis; Prel.. H. H. Rid-
dell; M. of W., W. W. Smith; M. of E.,
W. E. Walthers; M. of F., N. M. Lane;
K. of R. & S,, D. W. Vause; M. of A.,
Jess W. Blakeney; I. G., L. L. Lane;
O. G., H. Liebe.
Recorder Phelps is not running a
pawn-brokers establishment, though
the trumpery in his charge would in
dicate as much. He has a large collec
tion of watches, jewelry, etc., that was
put up as security for the payment of
fines imposed upon three sons of the for
est who had violated the laws of the
city by over-indulgence in fire water.
In some of the western states, where
women rule the roost in politics, old
standards have had to be revised. An
Oklahoma newspaper, for 'nstance, re
cently sent this order to a supply
house: "Please send us one small cut
of a hen. Women carried the election
here, and I suppose we will have to
swing out a hen instead of a rooster."
Young mothers dread the summer
months on account of the great
mortality among children, caused by
bowel troubles. Perfect safety may
be assured those who keep 'on hand
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera cure, and
administer it promptly. For cramps,
billious colic, dysentery and diarrhoea,
it affords instant relief. Snipes &
Kinersly Drug Co.
Major Harper Says the Fourth ThU Tear
Will Be oa a Large Scale.
Major G. W. Harper, of the Umatilla
agency, says the Indians are making
preparations for a Fourth of July
celebration on a grander - scale than
ever before. They propose to eclipse
previous efforts, and bring out an en
tertainment which will surpass the
wildest d reams of the tenderfoot, and
make him think his imagination is a
piece of useless mental machinery, says
the East Oreg-onian. It will take the
Indians about 15 days to get through
with their Fourth of July enthusiasm
this year, and the Fourth itself will
see only a beginning. Major arper
says the Indians count him in as one
of their own number this year. Hu is
to ride in their gorgeous procession,
gaily decked with the trappery of an
Indian brave, and painted eight or ten
colors. He will be an animated rain
bow, and his place in the cavalcade
will be right up in front, with the high
men of the tribes. Visitors are ex
pected from the Bannocks and Nez
Perces, and more Indians will attend
this year than have ever been present
on the Umatilla reservation on such
an occasion. Immense quantities of
food will be provided by the enter
tainers, and general powowing will be
held by all. The Indian horse races
will be exceptionally good, and will
take place on days succeeding the
A Compliment From Boston.
H. M. Drew, a traveling salesman
for the mercantile house of Wra. F.
M.iyo & Co. of Boston, was in the city
recently taking an order from A. M.
Williams & Co., when he suggested to
Manager Williams that they step out
and get a cigar. Acting on the im
pulse they walked over to Geo. Ruch's
grocery and called for his best cigar.
Mr. Rucb at once set out a box of the
Regulator brand, made in this city by
O. A. Peterson. The cigars were
lighted, and they were returning to Mr.
Williams' store when the drummer re
marked "that is the best cigar I have
smoked for a long time, I will have to
lay in a supply of tbem." He at once
returned to Mr. Ruch's and bought a
box for his own use, and was surprised
on being informed that they were
made here in town. Many of our
people seem to think that because a
cigar is made at home it cannot be of
as good quality as if it were shipped in
from abroad. The inconsistency of
this notion becomes apparent
when they stop to consider that
it is just as easy to ship in fine
leaf tobacco as it is to ship in fine
cigars and considerably cheaper, for j
the freight is less. This Boston travel- !
ing man, who has a chance to sample
all kinds of cigars, and who had no
foolish prejudice to bias his decision,
at once pronounced the Regulator to be
an exceptionally fine cigar.
s 1 i
s a -
a 3
For Congressman. 2d dist :
A S Bennett
W R i- ills
F MuKener
H H Xorthup
Murtiu tuiun
For Supreme Jude:
Robert S Bean
luha Bu -nett
Joseph Guston pei
For Prosecnrln? Attorney, Seventl
Judicial District :
John H Ci-adlebaugh.
A A Jayne ,
For Joint Seuitor, Wasco and Sher
man counties:
J w Armswortay dim-
John Jilchtil re;
For Joint Senator. Sherman, Wasco
and Hiuiam counties:
F. R Dufur
W H Moore
For Joint Representatives,
una tsiiermao counties:
B S Huntington re)
F X Jones re;
L, hienrv... peo
.mo w iessinger re
Thos R Coon ind
For County Junie:
Geo C Bl-'kelev
Rolit M-tvs
Frank P Taylor
For Sheriff :
T J Driver
John M Rotll
W H Tnvlor
H F Wuocieock
For County Clerk:
D L Cates
H L Howe
A M Keisity .
For County Treasurer:
Ceo A Tit-be
Wra Miche 1
St th Mo -ran
C L Phillips
For Cour.ty Assessor:
Geo P Morgan
I) R M'-i ov
' W H Whipple
.. . .den
. ..dem
For County School Superintendent:
Anron Frazer
C L Gilbert
Josie Ilunsbury
For County Surveyor:
J B Goit
Chas Schutz
For Coroner:
G F Arnold
W H Hints
W H Williams
For County Commissioner:
John R Dovle
D S Kimsev
Geo W Patterson
. .dem
. . repi
. . . rep
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boiumbia Packing Company
Cured and Dried Meats,
sausages of All K nds:: :
o dzrsd:l,ver d to any part of the city
puorsi ai
1 U IT
If VOU Wlllit tha lPt lOrnr.aPa T?..U . 4 1.1 .
8eeds to raise J hem. Savings Banks for the rich mans
nickels or the j-our boy pennies.
Telephone 62 c r Th.;d and Court Streets
From Monday's Daily
The Wasco, warehouse took' in 300
sacks of wool from Grant and Crook
Chas. W. Haight, of Ridgeway, is in
the city, having returned last night
from a visit to Oregon City.
Chief Train Dispatcher D, W. Camp
bell, of Portland, is in the city, and
will remain until Wednesday. '
- H. L. Helfiriech, formerly of Dufur,
' has opened a boot and -shoe establish-
ment next door to Story's law office,
Messrs. S. S. Brown, Jeff Healey and
- Roe Samuel, three solid farmers of
Crook county, are in the city today
buying supplies.-
This morning the O. R. & N. Co. put
a steam shovel and three work trains
on the road at Castle Rock, and will
- ballast and rip-rap the track from that
noint this wav.
The Kl.ckitat Republican and Gol-
- - dendale- Sentinel have consolidated,
the former having gone out of exist-
- ence, and all its business has been
. transferred to the Sentinel.
Two teams loaded with wool from
Wagner, Grant county, arrived in
town yesterday. It was the first of
clip from 12.000 head of sheep that will
be shipped from Wagner to this place,
Mr. Leo Fried, of the firm of Wad
' hams & Co. of Portland, came up on
. last night's train, and left this morn
ing for Antelope to loot after his. ex-
tensive stock interests'in that vicinity.
The river has stood at 36.3 feet all
- rlftv. At Umatilla and Wenatchee
yesterday it showed a slight rise, but
Snake river and Clearwater are fall-
' log, bence a fall in the river here may
be expected in a lew a ays.
Wool is being packed to the ceiling
in Moody's warehouse, in the East
end. On looking though that estab
llshment one would think there was
enough wool stored in it to clothe one
half of the people in the United States.
Quite a handsome sum of money was
raised today to aid the lady from
Yakima, who with five small children
found herself stranded on her journey
toCorvallis. It is an old and true say
ing that the poor and needy are always
"cared for in The Dalles.
The first annual convention of the j
The steam shovel which was put to
work on the O. R. & N. line yesterday
broke down and a new one was brought
up from Portland las 5 night.
F. W L. Skibbee says if business
continues to increase as it has during
the past few days he will be compelled
to build an addition to his hotel.
The following telegram was received
today by M. A. Moody from the re
publican state central committee:
"Ellis elected by 689, Tongue by 64.
Mr. J. S. Sommer ville, of Hay Creek,
accompanied by his daughter, Mrs,
H. E. Mitchell, and son J. S. Sommer-
ville, arrived on today's local from
Mr. Fred W. Wilson, editor of the
Chronicle, returned this morning from
a visit to Walla Walla and Pendleton.
He reports business lively at Pendle
ton and says that is a brisk go-a-head
After being out all night, the jury
in the case of Wolf & Zwiback vs. I.
H. Taff returned a verdict this morn
ing for $16.50 and $20 attorney fees for
plaintiffs. The amount sued for was
One Minute is the standard time.and
One Minute Cough Cure is the stand
ard preparation for every form of cough
or cold. It is the only harmless reme
dy that produces immediate results.
Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. ;
Hon. H. F. Frazier, county clerk of
Gilliam county, spent yesterday in the
city. Mr. Frazier was appointed county
clerk of Gilliam a year ago, and was
re-elected to that office on the first
Monday in the month.
Don't foobaway your money buying
worthless remedies, which are warrant
ed to cure every disease. Remember
that DeWitt's Sarsaparilla is a Blood
Purifier and a Blood Maker. Snipes
& Kinersly Drug Co.
There arrived on today's local the
following officers of the L O. G. T.
grand lodge: G. C. Breeden, G. C. T.,
of Forest Grove; Mrs. Kelly, G. Treas,
of Medford; Wm. Shank, G. Counsel,
and Wm. Hearst, G. Sec.
De Witt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the
blood, increases the appetite and tones
up the system. It has benefitted many
people who have suffered, irom blood
disorders. It will help you. Snipes
& Kinersly Drug (Jo.
The bowling ally at the club rooms
has been better patronized today than
for some time past. The reason there
for is that a whole lot of deserted hus
bands have been thrown on their own
resources for amusement while their
wives were off on the excursion.
In the spriDg a young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, for they alwavs
cleanse tne liver, puruy tne diooo, and
nvigorate the system, bnipes &
Kinersly Drug store.
Last week the 2-year old girl of Mr.
Stancliff, of Floras Creek, in Curry
county, burned to death. While her
mother was out in the garden, the
child's dress caught fire from the stove,
and before her mother could reach her,
her clothes were in flames. The child
only lived two or three hours.
Mrs. R. JOe Young,. Middleburg, la.,
writes, I have used One Minute Cough
Cure for six years, both f oi myself and ,
The O. R. & N. Co. will sell round
trip tickets for one fare for the follow
ing conventions: Republican Nat'l
convention to be held at St. Louis, Mo.,
June 16tb Democratic national con
vention to be held at Chicago, July
7th. People's party convention and
American convention to be held at St.
Louis, July 22nd. National convention
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor to be held at Washington,
D. C, July 7-15th. National Educa
tional Association MeetiDg to be held
at Buffalo, July 3-10. Encampment G.
A. R. to be held at St. Paul, Sept. 14th.
For further information call on or ad
dress. E. E. LYTTLE.
Encampment Grounds Inspected.
Sunday Col. J. M. Patterson and
Capt. Ad. Keller visited Hood River,
where they met Gen. Beebe and staff,
and made arrangements for the en
campment of the Third battallion
which will be held at some date in the
near future. The party was shown
over the city and camp grounds by
Hon. E. L. Smith, whose guest they
were during their stay in Hood River.
Col. Patterson and Capt. Keller were
highly pleased with the appearance of
the grounds, and anticipate the bat
tallion will be comfortably and
pleasantly quartered during the en
.Tor Over Fifty Tears.
An Old and Well-Tried Rem
edy. Mrs. Wiiisiow's Soothinsr Svtud
has been used for over lifty years by
uLiiuuiia ui iiiuijiitn a lur tneir cmiuren
while teething, with perfect success,
It soothes the child, softens the sums,
allays ail pain, cures wind colic, and is
the beat remedy for diarrhoea. . Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by a rug
gists in every part of the world,
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothinsr. Svrup. and
taKe no otner Kind.
The Hone Got Even.
The bicycle has within the past few
years come into such general use that
it has threatened to drive the noblest
of all animals, the horse, either to the
cannery or the butcher's shambles,
hence it is the horse ha little affec
tion for tbe nineteenth-century ma
chine. He views it with distrust when
ever he meets it in the road, and looks
upon it as something to be despised.
He shuns it as he would a viper, re
fusing to have anything in common
Canemah until 1876, when they came
to this oounty, locating at Oak Grove.
For a number of years Mrs. Paquet
has been an invalid, being prostrated
with paralysis, though she bore her
suffering with Christiin fortitude,
ever leading a life that won for her
the love and respect of all who knew
Electric Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for.any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed, when the languid ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use of this medicine has
often avet ted long and perhaps fatal
bilicis fevers. No medicine will act
more surely in counteracting and free
ing the system from the malarial poi
son. Headach, indigestion, constirja
tion, dizziness' yield to -Electric Bit
ters. 50cf and $1.00 oer bottle at
bicycle with perfect contempt, even
refusing to look at one when he would
meet it in the road, and his dignity
was soreiy taxed the other evening
when Master Claud' brought a bran
new scorcher into the barn and stabled
it under the same roof with te spirited
equine. Tbe horse bore the insult
bravely for a while, only giving the
intruding visitor an occasional dis
dainful glance; but after he was left
alouetohis meditations he began to
get mad, and dttermined to even up on
the object of his downfall. The halter
was easily broken, and he began at
once his work of destruction.' . He
kicked the bicycle all over the stable,
and when he had appeased his wrath,
the bike looked like it had gone
through a St. Louis cyclone. The
horse go even, but Master Claud never
with the measly thing. County Clerk
Kelsay has a noble, high-minded horse Blakeley Honghton's drug store,
V.1mihii"XII IU'1'H Jlinll TPuTSTl r.ha I ' V -
A Big Lot of Gold.
Thousands of both tnen and women
whose daily life is making severe drafts on
their vitality, require something that will
bring new material to the worn out nerve
centers. This is just what Dr. Miles' Re
storative Nervine does.
"I had been suffering for years
from headaches, neural-ia, sleeplessness,
and general nervous prostration, unfitting '
me tor social, household and business
duties, and, periodically, was
Completely prostrated vrith pain.
I tried several physicians and a great man j
remedies, hot received no benefits until I
J7sed Dr. titles' Cestoraiivc Eesrvine,
when I found almost immediate relief, and
have become quite my former self and am
Again able to attend to tnv business,
which Is that of a brush manufacturer. I
have recommended the Nervine, to others
who have used it with tbe same good results"
Milwaukee. Wis. Sins. AmtA Peoseb.
- Dr. Miles' Nervino Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will penefit.
AlldrusiristsBeUttatSl.6 bottles for 5, or
it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Cr. -Miles Medical Co Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
Joseph Palmer is down from the
Basin mines and he brought down with
him about twenty pounds of gold, of
the value of $4,400. This is tbe product
of twenty days run, and is in every
respect highly satiitfactory and a suit
able reward for the faith and capital
which Mr. Palmer and bis La Grande
associates have put into this property.
Altogether the product of the Basin
mines has been nearly $8,000, and there
is now every assurance that it will be
a wealth producer. Under the present
working capacity the Basin mine pro
duces about $220 per day. Just at the
present time work is in terf erred with
on account of water, and it is neces
sary to work above the water level.
Last fall the. difficulty was just the
reverse, and it was difficult to supply
sufficient water for the mill. But the
main fact is that the gold-bearing ore
is there, and the promoters are now in
a fair way of overcoming all difficul
ties. La Grande Chronicle.
Saunders to Alarrr.
Captain VTirtW.v Saunders, of Spo
kane, and Miss Minnie Allison, of
Montana, will be married at St. Johns,
Mont., June 10. No card's will be is
j sued. Captain Saunders is now a
prosperous attorney of Spokane, and
post trader on the Colville Indian
reservation. Miss Allison has been a
I teacher in the public schools at
; Holena. Qregonian. . Thus -, another
cbiipter will be added to an Albany
; tragedy. The result will exhibit Miss
j Allison's faithfulness to Her lover,
; through many years. The Democrat
, has no desire to be present at the wed-
ding of a man whom a competent jury
j found guilty of murder in the first
degree, and yet who spent only seven
years in the penitentiary. Albany
Tan von City In the Mlilst of a Raging
For considerable more than forty
days and forty nights rain has inces
santly fallen, with scarcely two days
between showers, in this favored land,
and while it was raining in the valley
the snow was deepening in the high
altitudes where the grand old mon
arcbs of eternal ages rise up to kiss
the sky.
. "'Oldest Inhabitants" predicted
floods and dire calamities when
the blazing summer sun should warm
the frogs to life up about the snow
line. The sun did its duty at lat, and
after about a week of "nice spring
weather" the pleasant little mountain
rivulet of Canyon creek was higgling
under the weight of about as beayy a
load ojt tter as it could very well
! the circle beintr in the procession.
At the cemettry the unveiling cere
monies provided in the ritual of the
order were conducted by Consul G. G.
Gih-ons, assisted by tbe officers and
members of the Camp, and an eloquent
address was delivered by Hon. John
Michell over the grave of the deceased
Full English course.
Well Drilling :
: : With Gasoline Engine
, H.
carry. The
marie of two yean
alia luu
1 lUllHli,
equal to a
Mackien Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil
blains, corns and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
reouired. it is guaranteed to give
perfect natisfaotion or money re-funded.
Price 20 cents per box.- For sale by
Blakeley & Honirhton.
Circuit touri Proceeding.
Circuit court for Wasco county re
convened Monday and the following
business was transacted.
Assignment of E- O. Co-operative
Association, continued.
creek was nearly
volume. ' '-'
Then last Friday afternoon when
dark looking clouds began to gather
in the northeast and wend their aeria
night towards tbe south we all rot
scared. Not so with the rain clouds
They pushed on towards the summit of
the mountain range south of the valley
and there met a current of air from the
south which held them up. Tbe hold
up was fatal, for the clouds traveled
along the summit at the head of
Canyon cr-ekand the frequent crashes
of thunder told in unmistakable words
that the forces of nature were having
warfare and that we poor mortals
would be the sufferers. For more thau
two hours the storm raged on the
mountain before it spent it3 fury, and
abou'- dark, the rapid rise, floating deb
ris and extremely muddy condition of
Canyon creek announced the begin
ning. ' Before ten o'clock the already
large volume of water had been in
creasea to twice the amount and it
was spilling over the levees and enter
ing the slreets at a fearful rate. It
coutinued to rise, bringing down trees
and heavy timbers, and about 1 o'clock
a heavy log struck the county bridjre
and wrtcked it, and part of it went down
stream Then the horrible clang of the
fire bell called thosp who were slf ep
ing, and appraised them that danger
was imminent. A large portion oi the
town was under water and it was feared
that the treacherous stream would
Assignment of F. Vog-t. continued. !
Assignment of J. F. Root, continued. I Bbift iu Lionel entirely and sweep
Assignment of- H. E. and J. W. everything before it.
When daylight came tbe waters bad
An Object of Real Charity.
There is encamped on the beach in
the eastern part of town a widow and
five small children, who are deserving
objects of charity. Some time since
they left Yakima with wagon and team.
supposing tney had sufficient means
ana provisions to make, their way to
Corvallis, where tbe lady has friends,
but misfortunes' overtook them on
their journey, and tbey reached The
Dalles in destitute circumstances.
without provisions or money with
which to procurj them. A kind
hearted gentleman learned of their
misfortunes and rendered them suet;
assistance as he could afford, but the
charitable people of the city could well
afford to extend to them a little aid,
helping them along to the end of their
A Pioneer Gone.
One by one the pioneers of the north
west fall before the sickle of time, and
their ranks are being thinned out
almost daily until there are few indeed
left to relate the events of hardship
and privation incident to life on this
coaBt during the early settlement.
The last to be stricken from the roster
is Mrs. F. X. Paquet, who died at the
home of her son, O. L. Paquet, at
Oak Grove, Wasco county, last Satur
day, aged 86 years.
Mrs. Paquet was a native of France,
and was a member of one of the lead
ing families of that nation. After her
marriage to Mr. Paquet she came to
America, residing in St. Louis until
1852, when, with their family of six
sons they emigrated to Oregon, settl
ing In Willamette valley, living nearJ
Moore, continued.
Mrs. C. M. Wilson vs. H. P. Wood
passed. .
won at itvioacic vs. 1. hi. Taff, on
trial. H. H. Riddell for plaintiffs
Huntintrton & Wilson for defendants.
Verdict of $15.50 and $20 attorney fee
iur piaiDiui.
-. iZ-r mi,- W.....
Th's es-a-ordiu,iry
jnyeuator is
the most
discovery' of
he ace. It
h is b"en en---o"wi
hy the
leading cicn-
tifio n.en of
Europe and
Hadyan is
pure i v vero.
Hudvan ntnr
of tbe dis
ihaiTo in 9n
Cars, rnres
Fa'ling en
satii iib,k ir
ons twitching
of the eyes
and othei
and tones tho
Hurtian cures
v e t 1 1 i t y,
ana develop e
And restore?
weak i rgacs.
P. ing iu tbe
back, lotse
by day or
qtJlcklv. Over 2.000 private enrtoTerrrDts.
PrematureneB mt-wn, imnotcnrv in 1 he first
St iee. it is a symptom of seminal weakness
aid barrenness It can be stopped in U days
by (be use of Hadyan.
The r ew discovery was mad by the SneHal
ista of the old femora Hudson Medical Institute
it is the strongest viializer made. It is very
powerful, but baimltss. gold for i .00 a pacn-
see oro packages lor S5.00(piamseaiea Dcxes).
Written rosxantee e-ivim for care. Ifvou bav
six boxes and are rot entirely curd.six more
wiu iw seat w you irre ox an Carpi .
oenanr circuiar-iana iestiiiKHiiniS; Jiaaresa
Junction Stockton, Market 4c ICllia sta
Baa jrramclaco Vau.
ceased to rise and nctive measures
were taken to keep the flood confined
to a proper channel. "Pray," the
preacher suggested. Eut the emer
gency of tbe case demanded mp'e ef
fective warfare. Therefore the men
said "dam it," and instead of sitting
helplessly and hopelessly down and
praying the men went to damming as
well as praying, and between the
earnest prayers and the substantial
dams and dikes most of the submerged
property was saved, and thus the good
people's prayers were answered. The
weather turned cooler, but the waters
subsided slowly, owing to the melting
of tbe immense snow drifts that the
rain fell upon. All danger appears to
be over now, with proper vigilance
along the levees, unless there should
again occur heavy rains and cloud
bursts like those of last Friday. Can
yon City News.
Land Transfers.
Alfred L Reece and wife to J
Blakeney, lot 1, blk 27 Bigelow's Bluff
addition to Dalles City. $150.
Jehn E. Barnett and wife to A. L.
Reece, lot 1. blk 28, Bignlow's Bluff
addition to Dalles City; $1.10.
Dona! i Jdctt ve ana wife to Duncan
McR:ie, undivided one-half interest in
n i se i s i ne i sec 31, tp 7 s, r 18 e,
Hood River Town City Co. to O. L.
Stranahan, parcel of land iu block 20
Hood Rivr-r. friOO,
R. H. Thurston to David Lemerson,
lot G, blk 14, Fort Dalles Addition to
Dalles City, $75. . -' - e -
R. H. Thurston to David Lemerson
lot H, blk 14. Fort Dalles Addition to
Dalles City, $75.
5r YCf vv V?: tts:
&. &. &x xx id ;
Prospecting for cool
or other minerals
Deep or shallow well
drilling, in either bu
halt roclc. gravel or iu
tide finis, if you want
to know whut is under
your property, wiite
me Prices from 1 .00
to 44.00 a foot. Satis
faction guaranteed.
No fuel or water to- liaul, nor liorses
io feed. No trouble to firmer or .
other- in attending to machine.
Work solicited in Wasco and Sher
mmi Counties. Terms and Prices
reasonable. Call on or write me :
The Dalles, Oregon.
A Fact Worth Knowing;.
Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia
and all throat and lung diseases are
cured bv Shiloh's Cure. For sale by
M. Z. Donnell.
Citizens Meeting;.
Pursuant to the usual custom a meet
ing will be held at the Court house, on
Thursday evening. June, 1Kb, 1896, at
8 o'clock, for the purpose of making
nominations for the offices to be filled
at the coming city election, to be held
in Dalles City, June 15th.
Frank Menefee.
. Mayor.
-SW-Brst-lS Cent Meal
In the Northwest.'
Board and Lodging, $4 per week
Lodging 25 Cents.
The Only Brick Hotel lr The
Dalles. JNoihing but White
Labor Employed.
Second mnd Madison Streets
Opposite O. B. A N. Depot.
from JT.S.Jovrmtl of JTm2L4a
Prof. W. H. Feeke, who
makes a speciulty o
Epilepsy, lias without
doubt treated and cur
ed more rases than any
living; Physician; his
success is astonishing;.
We have heard of cases
of so years' standing;
enrea oy
him. Ha
publishes a
work on
this dis
ease, which
he sonds
with a
Inrcrn twt
tie of his absolute cure, free to any sniTcrers
who may send their P. O. and Ex presi adi Ircsa.
We arivia anv one wishinir n furs tn ndrirpftfl
Pi-af.W. O. FEEKE, F. D.t 4 Cedar St., row Tor
F T s
Z. F
mil Funv :Jm .Utivliiiiil
391. 393 3ND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Prompt Attention Paid to Those Who Favor Me With Their Patronage
Land Officb at The Dalles, Oregon. 1
Muy 14. 1MS. f
Notice is hereby iriven that the following
named settler lias filed notice of his intention
to commute and make fluuj oroof in sunuort of
us uitiitii. kuu iu..b bum prwji will ue made
before Hesrister and Receiver at The Dalles.
Hd. E. No. 5109, for the WH SV Sec. 6. Tp,
N. R HE. SE' K'Ell and Lots 4. fi am rt
Csec. 1, -fp I , It. 13 VV. M.
He names the following- witnesses to prove I
his continuous residence upon and cultivation I
ox saia-iann. viz.::
J, P. Mi Inery, W. H. Moo-lv- R. e. Salt-
ranrxhe, and Claude Gordion. all of The Dalles.
uregon. . JAS. jr. M'KJKE.
May 10 - - Regibter.
Wholesal and retail mHnubcturers ol and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
Tents, and Wagon Covers.
And All "A.rtlcla Upt tn a Klratt Clan Harnra Shop
Oprosite Moody's VV rehoi se
' Unveiling Ceremonies.
Sunday the ceremonies of unveil-
ngrofthe monument erected by the
Woodmen lodpe over the grave of
Thomas N. Joles were conducted by
Mt. Hood Camp? No. 50, assisted by the
members of Cedar Grove and Dufur
Camp, No. 2l. The procession led by
The Dalles concert band formed in
front of tfVaternity hall at 1:30 p. M..
and marched to the cemetery, over
100 Woodmen and some 20 members of
May 6, lt98. f
Notice is hereby (riven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register
ana rteceiver, hi xne uaues, Oregon, on June
jo, iovo, viz:
Hd. E. JTo. S306, for the N WH Sec. 8, Tp. 3 S. R.
13 E. W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove I
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi retiu iuuu. viz:
James Hall. Patrick Ward, and Walter Hen
derson, of Kl- gsley, Oregon, and T. J. Driver,
ux xne jjaues, uretfon. mi
May 9. Register,
$1.00 Per Day. First Class Meals
25" Cnts. .
T. T. NICHOLAS, propriesoR'
FRONT and UNION STS. . . .
Land Office at The Dalles Ore..
. . . April 27. 1HU6.
Notice is hereby piven that the following
u..uir -cvwui uui 1I1CU LUlK-e OI IliS intention
to commute ana make final proof In support of
in-, uniui, fiuu iui, n.u inuLil 111 lie RlUUf! ne-
fore Rewiter and Receiver at The Dalies. Ore
gon, on juae i". iku. viz. :
H Entry so. 4423. for the SE! SW Sec 6.
Tp. 1 N.. R. 13 E. W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove j
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot saia lana, viz. :
-Albert Jordon. H. C. Gordion. Hugh Farmer,
HUU rfUllil O. C 1CLH. B1- UI 1IIC I HUlL'S, -OTI'POn.
JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
To the Editor : I have an ahsolnfe
remedy for Consurrmtion. Bv its tirhelv usa
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So nroof-Dositive am 1
of its power that I consider it my duty to
tend two bottles free to those of your readers
who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SL0CUM,U.&, 183 Pearl St, Bew York.
Th Editorial and BnshieM Managamant at
thi Paper (iaonntM this pumu rTopowuoa.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oreoon.
Mav 21. I!i6.
Notice is hereby given that the following
nimed sen ler has filed notice of ills intention
to make final proof in supiiort of his claim, and
that s:iid proof will te made before Register
-mil Receiver, at The Dulles. Oregon, on July
9, 11:98. viz.:
Hd E No. S9-D. for te E-4 NEW NW'f NE'
and NEM NW'4. -. Tn 2 N. R 12 E. W M
He names the following witnesses to prove
'is continuous residence upon and cultivation
s. lil lnnd. viz:
LeeEvons. A. H. Swasey, L. Lamb, James
Brown, all of Mosler, Oregon,
MayS, Register.
Sencur Manufacturing1 Co., of 'Chicago
For jalo by Jos.
'M narch
T Peters & Co, agents for Senour's
rlcor and Carriage Paints
Job Printing
Of nil kidns deno on
short noti!o ami. at
: 'reasonable rales 'at
this office.