r - .".ihb xmC0NS0LIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON-' SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 18 NO 41 PROFESSIONAL. TrT.f a MEVEFEE. Attorneys at Law r r r n.. Physician and Sur I seoi&icaanmtta ulock. Kooips44 and 4a. n,IlcS 11 A. M.. 2 to 4 and 7 to P. M. Phone No. its. Attorneys at Law Rooms 42 and 43rhapmn Block. The IViIm, Ott, Q 0. H LLISrtK, . . Physician and Surgeon, Booms "or Ualles ion- Btnk t.lnVe hour-, l ,U1 lim so I from i to 4 p m. k.m- Vnce! We t End of Third v.roet, A. 8. BENNETT, Attorney at Law mm In t-lunuc'r tmiiidinx, up-tafr. The Pall. Ore? on T G. KOONTa. R af list ie. to :ni Insurance A?ent for t'ae Scottish Union and National insurance company oi eiui-iouiga, ocuiiuuu. Capital iSO.OOC.Ott). Valuable fatms near the cit : to sell on easy terms. Oflice ovur IT. S. Land O Ji--e. TUe Da.les. Oregon SOCIETIES. rpEMPLE LODGE, NO. it. A. O. U W. 1 Meets in Keller's Hall every 'inurscay evening at 7:30 o'clock. J AS. NESMITH POST, NO. 32 G. A. R- Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in K. of P. BalL COURT THE DALLES, A. O. P. NO. 8W0 Meets every Friday evening at tbeii .hail at 8 o'cloo.t. B OP L. E. Meets every Friday afternooc in K. of P. tlaU TTTASOO TRIBE, NO lft. 1. O. R. M Meet V every WeduesJ,!.,' evening in K, of P Hall. GESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meet every Sudday evening at liuldwin Open Bouse, ARE THE 5E5T CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf gro vn in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE Jl n He Will Asrain be Congress man From Second District. HEROES HONORED Statues to General Meade and Han cock Unyeiled At Gettysburg With Improving- Ceremonies. E u-l'sh rp Ti Kxprcss the Belief that America will Sot ro to a silver v Standxrd Cuban Patriots Have a;.Paper. n - "Knocks Out All Others." BOP L. P. DIVISION. NO. 1S7. Meets it K. of P. Hall the first and tliird Wednes day of each montn at 7:3U P. M. i,rASCO LOEGE. NO. 15, A. P. A A. M. tf . Meets first and third Monday of eac' month at b P. M. rpiIE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER J NO. . Meets in Masonic Hall the tUn Wednesday of each month at P, M. COLUMBLV LODGE, NO. 5. I. O. O F. Keets every Friday evening at 7:3i)o'clock. in K. of P. Hali, corner of Second and Couri streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in Schanno'H building, corner of Court anc Second streets. Sojourning brothers are invited. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock n the, reading room. f ODERN WOODMEN OP THE WORLD--Mi. Hood Camp. No. 89, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E S. Meets in Masonic HaU on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor diall invited. THE CHURCHES. rir PAUL'S CHURCH1 TJnlbh street, omro. ij sit' rucm-ounuuy ciKio. - .ou Avm. - Evangelical Lutheran feHUKCH W Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng-- Sunday 0:30 A. u. and 7:30 r. u. ME. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. . Services every Sunday morning and eve lng. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all. - CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Curtis. Pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service Children Cry for tucsia-t ASTORIA -l astoni in so wen annprea to eniiann that Known to me." 11. A. Archer, M. D., hi couta I'xicra tu, isroouyn, K X I ne Oajstor'a In my practice, and find It tpeuauy auuteu to auectiuus of children.' Aua. Robehtsom, JL D, 1057 gta A.ve Itea rorL 'From wwn ii kn.iwledse ! en sav th.il -astoiia isa :iosi excenenr meuicine lor i t.T3 fl . I 1-oweii. Masa Castoria promote!! Elgesfion, and overcoiiies Flutuieiicy, ConsUpation, Sour Stomach, DiariDcea, and Feverishnesa Xhua the child is rendered healthy and it steep natural. Castoria cu:'.taii.j do Morphine or other lurcotiu property. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. Hlgfi mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. f'IRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington street-v Services eacu Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday Sci .ool and Bible cIjisn at 12 : 15. Pastor's residence Nortueast cor. of Washing ton and Seventh streets. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange : : The above association is prepared to taKe a list ol all and any kind of real estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undivided assistance of the following Real, Estate- Agents weamzed as an association., for. the dut . poseiof . inducina-. imrnisratioit --.to Whsco 1 iana ..?raaneoinrtias;ltirgenerany stimulating uie saie oi piopercy The Large Piece and High P Lrrade ot "battle Ax77 has injured the sale of other brands of higher p a prices ana smauer pieces. ion i allow the dealer to impose on you v by savins: they are "fust as good" iQ Y as "Battle Axy77 for he is anxious y to work off his unsalable stock. THE CELEBRATED Portland, Or., June 5. "W. R litis lias enierued from the clouds of 'incertainty and is no.v eertain that lie will uyain be congressman from ( i'ev:on from the second district. His -election has been made sure by the returns from Grant, Malheur and Union counties. Tne vote, which is S'llHiuent.lv complete to prevent the result from beintr changed by the few ounties in which scattering precincts Imva not been heard from, is Elli 1 212: Quinn. 11,581. In the first district a few votesei'her way will decile whether Tongue or Vand- rbtuv will t;o to Washington. The correction of errors discovered in i he count has so changed the totals ' hat Vunderburg is now onlv 38 votes ahead, the returns so far being: Van ierburg, I'M-.b, Tongue, 1U.01.J. These ngurefc, hovvever, do-not include (Jurry county, where Tongue Is reported'to have a majority of lOo votes, which would chinge Vanderburg's plurality of 143 to 33, or wipe it out altogether. in case the majority in Curry should not turn out to be a plurality. Tonyue's principal gains have been made in Lane and Linn, and Vander burg has lost in Clackamas. 1 majority they plunder and murder the Christians. The sound of. battle in villages are distinctly heard on board the warships in Sunda bay. A Romb Thrown. Barcelona, June 7. A bomb vas thrown into the crowd during the Corpus Christi parade today, and 'ts explosion resulted in the killing of six persons and the injury of 40. The perpetrator is not knowd, and his motive is equally a mystery. French Expedition Routed. Brass. Guinea, West Africa, June 5 The French Niger expedition from Salaga has been routed and many of its members killed by poisoned ar rows, in the Borgeo country. A rem nant of the expedition Arrived ut Ki.iuia, May 12. The Ilia of Women. Constipation causes more than half the ills of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a nleaantcnre for constipation f or sale bv AI. . t'omell. RECORD OF CONGRESS Reeds Prediction of a Do-Noth ing session Verified. BEARING THE END Congress Clearing; up its WorK Pre. paratory to its Final Adjournment and Vacation. Ohio Democrat ill I avor Silver Colo rado Republicans Will Holt If They Don't Get It Morrison Would Accept IN HONOR OF DEAD HEROES. Columbia - CPRHeSPONDENCE SOLICITGD C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hudson, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marrlen, G. VV, Rowland; or lo J. M. Huntington, sec retary ol the Association, THE DALLES, - OREGON AUGUST BUGHLERr Prop; beautiful statue Ujagton. The coo duo ted by T.iIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. J; Hazel, pastor. Preachins every Sunday morning at 1 1 and In the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. CiAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. II- Miller, castor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P- M Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. . Ail are ordially weloomed. A let vj UNDERTAKING 5r establishment Prinz & Nitschke PKA1.KBS l!C FURNITURE AND CARPETS We bare added to our Twinem a comp ete Uiult-r-takinv Etab h -' cut, aud as - itre in iio wy comected with the Ln lertaers' Trust, our pr;cea will he lo accordingly. First National Bank OF THE DALLES. Bucceasors to , SCHENCK AND BEALL, bankers...... Mount flood k p e km TOE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky Very Best Key West Cigars and Uest of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee Beer always on hand. MAETZ PUNOT lROPUIET(JUS Transacts a Regular Banking Business Buyand0ell Exchanee. cllectlons arefiilly mwieland promptly sccrnnted tor. Draw on New York, ban Francisco aud Con tend DlreolO'a: D F Thompnon, Ed H Williuna, J 9 Schencic - J-.orifj to. fl M till. The Sun Tho first of American Newspapers. R U N S PUYLMAN This well-known brewery is now turnin? out the best Ber ami rort-r east ot the (Jascades. Ihe lutest appliances for the matni'acture ot good healtliful Beer have been introduced, and only tue nrst-class article will be placed on the market. East Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. TlTiriiTnTHiTiyHTnTnTn TTPTjTTOT TTTTTI n Whoesa'e Liquor Uu veiling of Statues to General Meade and Hancock. Gettysburg, Pa., June 5. An im mense crowd oi veterans and others gathered at the battle-Held here today to witness the unveiling of the splen did equestrain statnes .erected by the state of Pennsylvania In honor of the memory of Generals George G. Meade and Winfield S. Hancock. ; The memorial was nn yelled at 10:30 A. M.,by Master George Gordon Meade, a grandson of the deal bero, 'As the drapery fell from -. the aaluWwas, firg43iyb. States nny, frpaa W; dedicatory services w' George C. Meade" poalfft the Grant! Army of the Republic', f General Gobih, of Lebanon, on be half ot the commission which super vised the execution of the statue, form ally transferred the memorial to Governor Hastings, who received it in behalf of the state. An oration by General David McMur- trie Gragg, of Reading, the famous commander of the Second cavalry divi sion in the battle of Gettysburg, con cluded the Meade ceremonies. At 2 P. M. the Hanconk statue was unveiled. General Gobin transferred the statue to the state; Governor Hast ings received it. An oration was de livered by General Henry H. Bingham, congressman from Philadelphia. A Note ii-jMuizntion. Des Moines, Lnva. June 5. The emergency club of Ds Moines was formed last night, its object b'ing the care of sufferers from tornado and similar public calamities. DAMAGE DONS BY DELUGE. Large Area Swept ly Saturday's Storm In Nebrnka. OMAHA, Juno 8. From all over the state belated news of Saturday night's and Sunday's terrible wind and rain storm is being received. The storm covered the eastern por tion of Nebraska, '.he wind blowing the highest in the northern counties. A report from Lynch, Boyd county, gives meager details of the demolition of that village. The telephone wire is down and nothing can be definitely learned as to the extent of the damage. At vVayne several dwellings in the west part of the town are standing in two feet of water. Three miles west, 300 feet of the Chicago, St. Paul, Min neapolis & Omaha railroad is washed out and all trains are delayed. Logan and Plum creeks were over flowed, doing serious damage to crops on either side. At Madison cellars are full of water sidewalks torn up and telephone poles uprooted. Listed corn is damaged and other crops suffered much. The section of the state near Beat rice was visited by a perfect deluge, the rain beginning to fall at 7 o'clock and keeping it up until the latter part of the night. Bains to the north were heavier-Chan in town, and as a con sequence Indian creek began to rise and came up so rapidly - that many families living in the bottom along th creek had to be helped out,1 the. over-, flow surrounding their hornet before they were .scarcely. aware "ths,? tho TTissA 1 creek was rising. .-.J54an3fLothert;-lavl - yTWtba able -toet-"to nd- iron, ihelr tb hemes by means of boats only, 'JThe Blae river, came. up with a ruslt4U-.;,: At St. Paul reports, from thro storm and flooded districts still come in. They show the storm to have been worse and more widespread and the losses greater than at first estimates. Fro 3i Dannevirke precincts, in the Washington, June 7. If, as now Reems probable, the first session 54th congress ends this week, it will be the shortest so-colled''long session" since that of the 3"th congress, and one of the shortest in the history of the gov ernment. This record is partly due to the political difference between the senate, house and president, which has forestalled agreements on lines of legislation and partly due to the de termination with which the republican leaders in the house have carried into effect Speaker Reed's caucus predic tion that the congress would be a do nothing assemblage. Legislation means appropriations, the house lead ers have sal 3, and as their opinion was that the treasury's condition warranted no appropriations, except the most imperative, they have held the doors tightly shut, against classes of bills which usually receive the parings. Highest of aU in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report " - - it PURE Li El , 15 o'clock this morning. Eighteen hun dred sacks of wheat belonging to Dement Bros, and a carload of flour owned by Gilbert & Co., stored in the warehouse, are a total los9. The elevator was vnlticd at ?TO.O0tCwTth $400 nsurance. Dement Bros, and Gilbert & Co. had a small insurance on wheat and flou-. When discovered two distinct blazes were seen, one hi the north side and another on the south, showing the fire to be of an incendiary nature. It is thought to. be the work of the same persons who fired the Abbott barn two weeks ago. After tho latter fire, notices were posted about town that if the people of yalla Walla did not stop employing Chinese the town would be burned down. Cure for Diseases of Men. ' Store (J. o. hhck's old sthnd) 173 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. StUBLiNG & Williams, Proprietors Wholesale Jobbing and Retail Dealers : : Agents for Pabat Beer and Leading Brands of Cigars. : : PHONE 234. . CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. mmni TiminTnTrmTiTiTiTiTrrni ELEGANT TOURIST SLEEPING CARS DINING CARS SLEEPING CARS TO Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, The American Idea, - - The American Spirit. These first, last-, and all the time, " forever. liaily, by mail S6.00 a year Oailv and Sunday, by mail, $8.00 a year MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FORKS DULUTH FARGO CEOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BL'TTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK . . BOSTON aud all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For information, time cirds. mar; and tickets, ?all on or write. W. C. ALLAWAY. Asent Or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas sen er A?ent. No. i?r Morrison Street, Cor ner of TTiird Street, Portland, Oregon,. Latest Style Lowest Profits J :. In' Mens and Boys . Clothing,. Dry Goitds, KIKS 'fllOTSraSS.-: HONEST VALUES IN : ; 'he Sunday Sun a f. Stephens When Voir Want to Buy Seed Wheat. Feed Vv heat, Rolled Barley. Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Hay, : - Or anything in the Feed Line, go tothe : WASCO - "WAREHOUSE Our prices are low and our goods are first-class. Agents for the celebrated WAITSBURG "PEERLESS," and BYLR3' BEST PENDLETON MILLS FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for . ' WHEAT. OATS, and BARLEY. Maler & Benton Are now located on Second Street, opposite A, M. Williams & Co., with a complete line of Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose, PLUMBING and TINNING A Specialty. Als Agents for the Celebrated Is the greatest 'Sunday Newspaper in the world, - 1 By mail, $2 a year. 5c4 cn-y r Address The Sun,-New York! ' 134 Sewnd, Street.: Next door to thy Dalle Natiwial Itank Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder - World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma, : Cleveland Bicycle : "7 Seccand. Street. Tlxe JDa,lles. Cloudburst in Kansas. S A LIN A, Kas., June 5. Gypsum City, a small town s.eventeen miles southeast of here, was visited by a cloudburst about tniduight. People were compelled to flee from their houses. Water was running through Main street 'two feet deep today. A 1 1UO WVSLl; UJ uui li 1. 1. 1L Jul ' 1 1 1 1 O are covered by four to ten feet of water, and farmers are leaving their houses in boats, at Brookville, 18 miles west of here water is nearly as bad, John Curtis, wife and the children, and the family of a railroad man named Seak, barely escaped drowning. Smoky Hill river Is rapidly rising, and inun dating is feared in this city. DRAWING TO AH END. Congress Clearna; Away the Decks for Adjournment. Washington, June 6. The senate made some progress today toward clearing away the large appropriation bills which stand ahead of adjourn ment. The Indian bill was finally dis posed of, the contract school item be ing modified so Catholic schools would be abolished J uly 1, 1898. After discussing the items of battle ships and armor-plate most of the day, the senate declined, by a vote of 24 to 22, to accept the conference report rec omending three battle-ships and ar-nor-plate at the maximum cost of $425 per ton. The sundry civil conferees were instructed by unanimous vote to insist upon the appropriations-fr new public buildings at .the capitals of Utah, Idaho, "Wyoming and Montana,, and additional sums for buildings at other poigts, , . ... e house cleared Its decks for afli journment today by disposing.-of all the essential business- before it. - The president's veto of the general defi ciency bill proved ' effectual, , as the bouse, by a vote of 140 to 14, refused to pass the bill over the veto, and sent to the senate a substitute omitting the Ohio Democrats For Silver. Cincinnati, June 7. The inquirer's tabulation of the delegates to the Ohio democratic state convention at Colum bus June 23 shows that up to last night 30 of the 88 counties had elected dele gates with the following result: Two hundred and eleven instructed for free silver; 11 for gold and 23 unin Btructed. FOREBODING TROUBLES. French spoliation and other claims northwest corner of Howard county . which had incurred the president's op- and the center of the storm district, position nothing has been heard. All bridges and gone, and Munson creek-is so high that all communication is cut off. It Saves Lives Erery Day. Thousands of cases of consumption, asthma, coughs, colds and croup are cured every dav bv Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M. Z. Donneil. A CUBAN EXILE. A Compromise Proposed. Washington, June 5. a proposed compromise has been offered in the conference on the sectarian school amendment of the 'Indian appropria tion bill. It provides that the appro priation for such schools shall extend to the next tisoal year Instead of the .next two fiscal years. It is thought the senate will accept the compromise. In the house the question if doubtful. Representatives Linton and Hainer. who led the fight against the appro priation for sectarian purposes, both declare such a compromise cannot be rccepted. . A Cuban Aewspaper. New York, June 5. B. J. Guerrera, treasurer of the junta, has received several numbers of the first paper published in Cuba in behalf of the in dependence of the island. It is called El Cabano Libre (The Free Cuban). The plape of publication does not appear anywhere on the paper, and Mr. Guerrera says that the editorial staff and the entire printing outfit are a part of Geraez' army, and that the pa per is published at.whatt.ver place they may happen to be. English Comment. London, June 5.--Di3oussing Ameri can prloeB the Times says: Whatever may be said at the con ventions, it will probably be found that solid matrrialinteresis will sutflne to prevent a sweeping change. Under a silver regime American ! securities would be worth just about-half their -face vafue. The Kentucky and Kansas silverites, demanding a ratidof 16 to 1, should really bo thankrtd for coming into the open with proposals about which there is none of the fascinating ambiguity of a straddle. A Slate of Anarchy. LONDON, June 5. The Tihes has a says that dispatch from Athens whlcW t-legrams from the island Slcate a state of anar.'by in! western - portion of the h numerous village the TiH'l t'ret- in- the whole ana. In are be- Kev. Diaz Describes Outrages Committed by Spanish Soldier. Cincinnati. June 8.Rev. A. J. Diaz, a Cuban, born within eight miles of Havana, and for 12 years pas tor of the Getbsemane Baptist church in Cuba, now an exile by order of General Weyler, preached yesterday in Covington, also in Mont Auburn, and last night at the Ninth-street Baptist church. He was a noncombatant In Cuba un til his exile. Now he proposes to travel and lecture all over the United States in the interest of the Cuban. patriots, as he calls them. He was recently released from Morro castle in obedience to orders from the officials at Madrid, to whom President Cleve land has sent overtures in his behalf. He said he bad been a noncombatant and neutral. He maintained a hospl til in Havana for Spaniards, and one on the outside of tlje city for the insur gents. He said Spanish soldiers oaine and butchered 200 unarmed insurgents in his country hospital in cold blood ana tnen oulletinea it as an engage ment in which they won a great vic tory. He said the Spanish soldiers repeatedly went to plantations where the rebels had been, and, after they bad 'gone, in every instance butchered all the unarmed oitizens, women and children ' included, and then Weyler would bulletin these massacres as en gagements with insurgents and a Spanish victory.. It was for telling the truth of these .events that General Weyler imprisoned him in, Morro castle. A Nati Beautiner Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. For sale by M. Z. Don- nen, AMAZONS IN CUBA sieged by the insurgen (jhrUtians. Wherever the MohammedMs are in a They Help the Inarjents tot Gala a Vietorr. Key West, June 8. In the recent attack which General Antonio Maceo made on the troci.a, four companies of Cuban women took part, aooordlng to advices received in this city. These women have joired the insur gent army because their homes have been destroyed by the Spanish. Many of them mourn the loss of relatives killed by Weyler's troops. In conse quence, the feeling against the Span iards is one of the bitterest hatred. When Maceo moved to attack the trocha he was accompanied by -these amazons and 2.500 men under General Bermudez. It was Maceo's purpose to break the line and send Bermudez and 1,500 men into Havana province. The attack was made at some distance north of San Marcos, and their official. J repo -t said Maceo was repulsed. For Dyspepsia And liver complaint you havo an printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. In never falls to cure. For sale bv M. Z. DonnelL Although there was little debate on the Indian bill before reported, which involved a compromise extending gov ernment aid to church schools for an other year, when it came to a vote, the compromise was rejected by a narrow vote of 58 to 65. An act authorizing the state to make liens on arid lands to cover expenses of reclamation was adopted and an other bill was passed limiting mail which can be franked to' written and printed matter. Morrison Would Take It. Chicago, June 6. Representative William Foreman, of East St. Louis, the political lieutenant of Colonel W. R. Morrison, attended the conference of sound-money democrats today, and urged the organization to abandou the idea of holding a state convention separate 'and distinct from Governor Altgeld's silver meeting at Peoria. The meeting was called for the purpose of gathering together the prominent gold leaders of- the party in Illinois and deciding on organization. Fore man declared it to be his firm convic tion (hat it was an illadvised plan, and would do the party no material good, but, an the contrary, meant political suicide to many party leaders. Mr. Foreman also intimated that Mr. Mor rison would accept the presidential nomination on a silver platform. Carried off the Grain in the Night. Garfielo, Wash,, June 6. The se quel to the Bellioger-Burrell contest for the possession of a quantity of grain in the Edeh warehouse occured early Friday morning. The Bellinger guard went home that night. When he re turned in the morning, he found the warehouse empty. W. F. Burrell had come in the night with a special train. He went to Palouae for a large force of men and loaded every kernel of the grain into the. cars, which were then hauled away. To Continue Work on Cascade Canal. Washington. June 6. The 1 con ferees on the sundry civil appropria tion bill agreed today on a partial report. The item appropriating $179, 189 for the opening of the canal at the cascades of the Columbia river will be compromised so as to provide that the work authorized shall be continued as proposed by the senate and not com pleted as was contemplated by tho house bill. A Recommend It. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shiloh's Cure for Consumption. They will recom mend it. For sale by M. Z. Donneil. Colorado Delegation Will Bolt. St. Louis, June 7. Rev. Robert Mclntyre, one of the many prominent divines in the Methodist Episcopal church, for many years in Chicago, and afterwards in Denver, says if the republican platform does not declare for free silver, the Colorado delega tion will bolt the convention. He is warm personal friend of Senator Teller. . . First Regiment. O. N. O., Liable to Be . Sent .to the Mouth of the Columbia. The 'trouble beiween the cannery men and fishermen at the mouth of the river is assuming a more alarming aspect daily. The Oregonian of Tues day says: - 'The situation- down the river is still serious, and has lost nothing of its gravity in the last few days. It is currently reported and very generally believed that a local gun and ammu nition dealer is making dally ship ments of guns down the river, and every one familiar with the facts knows that the fishermen are already armed to the teeth. There were 300 armed mod sent up to Cook's cannery to prevent fishing last week, a number equal to the - available forces of the First regiment, and in Astoria there are perhaps 1.000 strikers and twloe as many sympathizers who would 'take the part of the strikers In case of an outbreak. . : ' .t . ,J.'Thet. First. BAffiiaoa, -O. N. Q. IS making preparations to go down the Columbia river and preserve the public peace in the fishermen's troubles. No orders have been issued, but they are I expected at any moment." For Sale Second-band wagon nearly new for sale very cheap. Inquire of J. M. Fil loon. ... lwd Justices and Constables. Following U a list of the justices and constables elected in the different pre cincts of Wasco county at the recent election: The Dalles Justice, John Fllloon constable. F. N. Hill. Falls Justice, J. H. Aldrich; con stable, A. M. Barrett. Hood River Justice, Geo. T. Pra ttler; constable, M: F. Lay. Baldwin Justice, J. A. Knox; con' stable, O. Rhodes. Mosler Justice, L. J. Davenport. Columbia Justice, C. C. English constable, Wm. Fulton. Doschutes Justice, . C. S. Smith constable, J. D. Bell. Eight Mile Justioe, Geo. W. Fligg: constable, J. Dixon. Nansene Justice, B. M. Rothery constable, J. W. Montgomery. Dufur Justice, A. J. Brigham; coa stable, B. Brown. Tygh Justice, Van Woodruff; con stable, George Maloy. Oak Grove Justice, H. T. Corum constable, James Turner. Wamic Justice, A. J. Swift; con stable, J. W. Zumawlt. Antelode Justice. Frank Kincaid constable. Charles Wallace. FIRE AT WALLA WALLA. A Grain Elevator, Together . With Its Contents, Destroyed. ' Walla Walla, June 8. The large elevator of the Tacoma Warehouse ' Company was destroyed by fire at 1 Karl's Clover Root Tea Is a sure cure for beadaobe and ner vous diseases. Nothing relieves so quickly. For sale bv M. Z. DonnelL And They Went on an Excursion. Spring has come with its roses, its song birds and other multiform beauties, likewise its picnics and ex cursions; and slnoe The Dalles had been devoid of social attractions few days, a score or more of ladies de termined Tuesday to cast off dull cares, leave children and husbands af, home, and avail themselves of the oppor tunity offered by the D. P. & N. Co, for an excursion to Cascade Locks. So when the Regulator cast off her lines that morning it was ladened with a merry company of Dalles matrons and lunch baskets, while a dozen or more husbands assembled behind the large warehouse, out of sight of the boat, and joined the refrain: "0, How happy are they when their wives are away, etc." The ladies who comprised the ex cursion party were Mesdames. J. B. Crossen, Lytle, Mary French, McAllis ter, Hobsen, Bradshaw, W. H. Wilson Wm. Michell, McCoy, Menefee, Fish Marden, Peters, Herbert, Truman Buttler, T. J. Driver, S. B. Driver, Misses Lena, Mamie and Edna Driver, and Grace Kelly, with Mr. A. A. Bon- ney as chief gallant. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunderman, of Dimnndale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re sults were almost marvelous in . the case of mv wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junc tion she was brought down with pneu monia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little-'lnterruption and it seemed as if she could 'not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery: it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in re sults." Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's. STTiitfi(5 investigation, supple mented by experience, has shown thai urinary diseases are more prevalent and destructive in life, health and. happiness than any other class known to the medical fraternity. They art a . . . . 1 1 1 - M UUU UUIIUIICU W bUD 1VW auu ucjihusm portions of humanity, as many suppose, but to be found among the pure la heart, the innocent, the truly pious and the wealthy. Many of them are transmitted- from parents to children, from generation to generation. Thousands of people- suffer untold agonies from their ravag ing effects, and meet an early and un- timely death, often Ignorant of the cause. Though transmitted lnnoceut ly, the effects of these diseases are not less terrible. . It Is sad truth that the -innocent are often greater sufferer! than the guilty. ' Of all the organs of the body few ara more important than those engaged in the urinary functions. In perfect health, that great blessing which so ' few enjoy, one will scarcely direct a 1 moment's thought for these Important - nnmona art4 at V flnat nnnlaaDanf. vi U)uo wait u ty vuw 4t rj u w u ptuuouM w symptom good advice such as may bo easily obtained, should be Immediately solicited. - Amnnir t.hft thaf anil tnnat'. Anmmnn diseases of seminal weakness and nervous debility .or loss of nerve power, due to masturbation and venial excess, Thousands of young and middle-aged ' mensuner. wttn nervous aiseases lor years and may be ignorant of the causes, when a little timely advice would make life's pathway full of cheer and happiness. When the first symptoms of seminal weakness mani fest themselves the sufferer is noticed to become dull and morose and Is ' troubled with indigestion, though the appetite may remain good. But the strength vanishes and the . patient . grows , thin. -, He becomes' lndo lent, and' :': debilitated, and loss of - memory - and ir ail vigor" - of - In time he niayfajlJiatoa -Completer- state oi un potency , total loss - oi , aviial nrna. Amnno tta f. rrihla Af- r---"' - fects may be mentioned weakness of the memory, confusion' of. ideas, ner vous despondency and general weak- ' ness. it needs no mirror; it renects it self. The pale face, the sunken eye, the downcast countenance, r the 'stoop- - ng, aged form all serve'to' announoe the victims troubles. It seldom kills of Itself, but it opens the gates to other diseases, such as consumption and dis eases ot the heart. Tne unfortunate sufferer cannot sleep. In that Inter mediate state, between life and death, Intended for the recuperation of the mind and body, he can know no rest, .' for his dreams are dark and foreboding, and the constant drain upon his sys tem robs it of Its vital fluid. This affliction may be the conse quence of self-abuse or the result of excesses in mature years. As "man is but a bundle of habits" how essen tial that he should start right In life; that his mind should be full of sublime thoughts and pure conceptions. All of you who suffer from this disease should lose no time in consulting' Dr. Darrin, for the time may come when you will be beyond the aid of all medi cal skill. No matter what you have taken, or who has failed to cure you, call and see triA rin.tn- aa ha mn nermantlv. a&felv and privately cure in one-half the time" and at one-half the expense required by others. Consultation free. Dr. Darrin can be seen at the Uma tilla House June 22 to July 3. Catarrh Cured, Health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by M. Z. Donneil. Qu It His Job. A Sweed employed by the boom com pany on the Clearwater river was work ing on one of the dividing piers and the logs were coming faster than he could handle them. He asked the fore man to send a man to help him, which was done. A couple of hours -later he repeated his request for assistance, Why," answered the foreman, "I sent Pat down here to help you; wasn't he all right?" "Yas, Pat bane purty . good mon," was the repty, ."but about - one hour ago be yump off and fall in water, and ne douds come oop again. Ay tank hees kyit hes yob." Land Office Transactions. Timber culture proof, Dallas M. Walton, nwi sei ei fi lot 4 sea 12, t s r 20 e. Timber culture proof,' Wm. Pentl- cost, ei sei si swi sec 7, 1 5 s r 21 e. Timber culture proof, James W. Dyer, wt ne ei nwi sec 8, t 5 8 r 21 e. Homestead filing, Daniel C. Butler, 1 swi, ni sei sec 15, 1 3 s, r 12 e. Homestead filing, Jones A. Smith, 160 acres in the Lost Valley. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Yean the Stan dud.