.4 til " ' B ,. h S r I KKK. CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. 'OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY SO; 1890 NO 39 X PROFESSIONAL. DCFUB & MENEFEE. Attorneys at Law, Room?! and 43, Chapman Bloufc. in j M, KANE, M. D., Physician and Sur I geoa Chapman block Hooms 44 and 4d. Office hours B to U A. u., i to 4 and 7 to P. . Phone No: 268. ' f R. O. C. HOLLISTER. Physician aiiii Sur I ) geon? Rooms over Dalles National Bank. Office taoura-iq A. M. to IS. and P-M; to 4 P M. Residence west end ot Third street. J li. KOONT2,, . Real Est te, Loans nl Insurance - Agent for the Scottish Union and National Insurance company of Edinburgh, Scotland. Capital i30.000.O0O Valuable iatms near iuc - Office over TJ. S. Land Office. Oregon The Dalles, J-CFUK MENEFEB, Attorneys at Law Booms 42 and 48 Chapman Block. The Dalle, Off . Q C. H (LLISTEB, Physician and Surgeon, Rxima over Dalles National Bank. Office hours, 10 imtilin. and from to 4 p m. . Resi dence We t End of Thi rd ireet. A. S. BEN'MTrr, Attorney at Law ffice In Schanno'd buinding, npstafrs The Dalles Oregon. SOCIETIES. rrtEMPLE LODGE. NO. 3. A. O. TJ W. I Meets In Kellers HaU every Thursday evening at 7:30 o clocn. TAS. NESMITH POST, NO. 32 G. A. R. J Meets every Saturday evening. at 7:30 in K. of P. Hall. COURT THE DALLES, A. O. P. NO. 830 Meets every Friday evening at their hall at o o ciouk. B OF L. E Meets every Friday afternoon In K. of P. Hall TTASCO TRIBE, NO. IB, I. O. R. M. Meets T every Wednesday evening m s, oi r Hall. GESANG VEKEIN HARMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, T OF L. F. DIVISION. NO. 1ST. Meets In J K. of P. Uall the lirst ana inira w euues day of each month at 7:30 P. M. rASCO LOEGE. NO 15, A. F. & A. M. f V Meets first and third Monday of each month at 8 P.M. rriHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER 1 NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday ot each month at & P, M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O F. Aleets every Friday evening at 7:S0 o cloclt. In K. of P. HaU, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 9 K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. In Schanno"s buildina, corner of Court and - Second streets. Sojourning brothers are In . vited. ITOMEN-S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE- n the reading room. . MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mi. Hood Camp. No. 59, meets every n i.. .. -in a, 7. an '-liu'lr in Kellerrs HaU. AU sojourning brothers are invited to be ; present. . " nT.TTrniA CHAPTER. NO. 33, E. S. j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. diaU invited. , " Visitors cor- THE CHURCHES. " KT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. site Fifth. Sunday school at 0:39 A.M. Evening prayer on rruiay at :ju. Fj Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng lish langusige at First Baptist Church every Sunday 9:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. - . ing! E. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. Sm-viceiieverv Sunday moroini; and eve cordial invitation extended by both pastor and nt wun.iuir wnnn hl : cuR'ii r. lu. A : people to all, nnwdp r?.n a TTOM A T. CHURCH Bev. W. C. j Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service BT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. IiIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay 1 lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:1a. Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Waslang " ton and Seventh streets. THIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH-Rev. I. H. morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o clock Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S, C. E. meets every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. G AVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. MiUer. castor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7-30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. AU are cordially welcomed. . DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THE Wool - Exchange - Saloon. BK T IMPORTED. AND DOMESTIC Winev Liauors Cigar .s -erond -treet Et End. W UNDERTAKING JK ESTABLISHMENT Prinz & Nitsctike FURNITURE AND CARPETS We have added to onr bmtinew a complete Under taking Estab abtnent, and aa we are in no way connected with the Un iertoers" Trust, our prices will be low accordingly. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN IMPEKIUT HOTEL Seventh and "Washingtor Sts. PORTLAND, : OREGON TAOS. GUTNEAN, - . PROPRIETOR. BATES ItmOPBAN PT.AJT. 1 " AMERICA W PX-aN tl.00 11.60 &J.00 ) & &U.dU HENKY L KUCK, .Manufacturer ot and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Seoond 8t,near MoodVe Warehouse, THB DALLE -s, . - ' iK.rw K AU fTork Gnsnnteed to lve Satisfaction V- .5 Pi- . , . R U N S PUYLMAN SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CAF.S TOURIST SLEEPING CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FOSK i DCLUTH T3 J fa Ron CIU OKSTON WIN3P.SG HELENA and BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS ' . TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For iuformauou. time cards, maps tmd tlcfccts, sll on or writo. W. C ALLAWAY, Aeent Or A. D. CHAHLTON, Assistant General Pas sen er Aaeut No. 2?5 Morrison Street, Cor ner of Third Street, Portland, Oregon. ARE T1E BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS 1 who care to pay a little more than tlie cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET. CIGARETTES " SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ' Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf gro n in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE ' Children... Cy ;c:asto.r 44 Castorlt h to well adapted to children that; I r-...iiiinenii it us tupeii.-r to any prescriptioa cuown Ui l.1' ll. A. Archer, M. 0., Ill bouth Oxford Bu, Urookiyn, N Y ' I ne Castor'a In my practice, and find tt trjodally adiiteU to affectious of children.1 , . . Alex. Robertson, M. D., 105? Vd Ave., New Yor!i From r"rs"Di! kn.iwledee 1 ran pay th it iastoria is a float uxccllfi.i medicine for chit iren." ua. G. O. Osooon, Loweil, Haas. Castoria promote. Dljjestlon, and ovei'cxiiiifcs rlutuieiicy, Cousaptttin, Sour Stomach, Diai-.ncta, and Feverishnesa Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sieep natural. Castoria contair.3 no Morphine or other narcotic property. Latest Style Lowest Profits : In Meus and Boys : Clothing. Dry Goods, - MIS fURNISKIi GS. ; HONEST VALUES IN : : Hoots and Slioes C. F. STEPHENS 134 Second Street. Next door to the Dulles National Bank MSNeiLI.. Receiver. -;o THE GIVES Th- fMce of Two T eisccntlEB3'.al Routes VIA SI OK AN E BIIEESPGLI3 VIA DfNVEa OMAHA AND . AND ST.PADL Low Rates to All Eastern 'dues OCEAN STEAMERS leave Portland every Ave days for SA.V FRAKCISC9, CUL T?nw full ptnlla nll on thA O. R. A T. Affent at THE DALLES, or address v W. H. HCLBCET. Gen. Pass. Airt., ' ' , . , Portland, Oi-egon New O.K. & N. Schedule.- Train No. 1 arrives at. The Dalles 4:50 A. M., and leaves 4:05 A. M. Ti-ain No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:40 P. M.. and leaves 10:45 P. M. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:1)5 P. M., and west-bound train ho. 1 leaves at 2:30 P. M. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leaving The Dalles at 1 P. M. daily aid arriving at The Dalles at 1 P. M. daily, connecting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. JE. LVTLE, Agent. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. 13 111 jj mnr.TC:--Lfcrj'-i.irr ..'.'J'. w 'J't , "mf I b raw 1 M '(w "Takesjthe Cake' d r p l m m T T You may iiave monev to burn, but even fi throw it away For HQ cents you M m get almost twice as much " Battle H IS c?j Ax" as you do of other high grades ll l for the same money v H FHE BIG SHOW OF Comi-ng- on its Own Special Trains BOND The "CrowniEg Climax of The Dalles on 7 ; laSSnrdfiaall The most Traveled, Popular, Famous, ar.d altogether tho Greatest Tented Exhibitions of the Universe, It is infinitely worth more to witness a few of our marvelous Special Features than it would be to see the Inside and Outside of any other Show in the World, . Three Complete Circus Troupes - A Five Coutinent Arenlo Assembly ALL NATIONS GREATEST MALE AND FEMALE CELEBkITIES Cdjisal M.'iia:ciie f B, re WJdlleatfs and (lean's l'ep. Ma Sirpriis Asia, Europe, Aft'ica, and America in Contribution. Grand Modem KippoJrome Enti ely New and Origin il Feast i -The Grandest Exhibitional Features The Most Wonderful and Amazing Animal Performances The Greatest Wonders The Most Complete Wild Beast Shows The Everywhere . . Conceded Best Shows on . Earth. Ethinological Congress of Marvelous, Curious Creation A WOKUEKLAND SUMPlOlIS CARNIVAL 1 Rare, Rich, Instructive and Unparalleled, Presenting Innumerable Special , Features never before Exhibited in America. To see Either of which wou'd be worth a Dozen Admission Fees. Make up your parties and consult your Station Agent for Excursion Rates on BOND BROTHERS' Day. See the FKKE Spectacular Mxeqt Pageant in the Forenoon DIE TICKET For tn Usual Price ADMITS TO THE Two Grand Exhibitions and Performances Daily, Raiu or Shine. : ; Doors Open at and 7 P. M. ' ; When Yon Want J Buy Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Hay, : Or anvthing in the Feed Line, go tothe : WASCO - WAREHOUSE Our prices are low and our goods are first-class Agents for the celebrated WAITSBTJRG " PEERLESS;- and BYERS' BEST PENDLETON MILLS FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS, and BARLEY. " .- - S T 0 P HT - KAHLER - If you want the best Groceries. Fresh Vegetables or Seeds to raise them. Savings Banks for the rich mans nickel-or the-poor boys pennies . . . . . :'. " . . Telephone 62 f- lyOr so, you needn't j THE UNIVERSE! BROS. Exhibitional Grandeur JUNE 4, 1896 I WHO'S BEST SHOWS u TV?yir" nJ Prtu Croare inirU aUa IvOUl l directs weeiv-: of iTIiniN ARRESTED Astorians Indietad for Land ing Chinese. WILL KOT YIELD Dubois Declares no Tariff Legisla tion Wiil be Passed Without a Silver Rider.'"' A Break for LibertyDisagreement of the Kiver and IlarJior Hill Portland Victorlousifirsl hree Officers wpIUed lu a 4Ionth. -' " Astoria, Or., May 22. Special Treasuey Agent Leslie Cullom, P. Cbappelle, special inspector; C. O. Lappeus, Chinese interpreter; United States Marshal Grady and Deputy Mar shal Humphrey arrived from Portland this morningr. armed with warrants for the arrest of 13 Astorians, indicted yesterday bv the United States grand jury for conspiracy to land .Chinese. Shortly after the arrival of the officers operations were bejTun, and soon the accused were seen coming under es cort from tr.eir homes or maees of business. They were brought to the hotel parlors, and afterward given their freedom, with the understanding that they would be on hand to accom pany the marsnal to ortlarjcl this evening. 1 hose innicteu are: W. W. Parker, Dr. Alfred Kinney, N. Clinton, sr., William Chad wick, W. B. Ross, T. E. Coe," C. A. May, C. H. Stockton, R. Humphrey. William Beasley, A B. Thompson, U. B. Fer guson and John Welch. ' All were arrested except Beasley and Thompson, who were out of town up to the hour the steamer sailed this evening, when Marshal Grady left the city, accompanied by 11 of the accused. It is believed that the indictments were brought on evidence obtained in seven certificates only, and, in conse quence, the belief is general that many more arref-ts will follow in the course of a few days. THK BOND K KSOLUTION. Tha Debate on the BUI Takes on a Politi cal Aspect. Washixgtox, May 22. The senate has taken up the Butler anti-bond res olution by a vote of 34 to 30. 4 The debate took place on a decided political aspect. I Tne most interesting xeature was the declaration by George, republican of Mississippi, that If the republican would agree on a fair -ribn partisan measure, he would vote' fof.it Tevea-lt- cludins- dniv on wool and eiimbi pn peer aud ; nlg:fter-ta-xe:,:iwxi! called attention to i-So hu:t that all nv. the republican -: bolting senators have' been endorsed and announced that silver would, have to be recog- ized in any tariff bill, Hill said if the bill became a law the alleged crime of '73 will be as nothing n camparison. .It is a startling pro position and it will simply put in peril the finances of the country. The senator spoke derisively of this self-confessed populist measure. i'ho present tariff law, confessedly did not yield sufficient revenue to meet the expenses of the government. In the face of this fact, vast appropria tion were being made. "How then" asked Hill, "can you expect to main tainithe fund for "the redemption of the outstanding paper money of the country.-"' BOLD DASH FOK LIBERTY. A California Convict Attempts to Escape From Folsom. Sacremento, May 22. Ernest Gclger, a convict in prison at Folsom, serving 20 years from Napa county for burglary, made an attempt to escape this morning. He has .been in prison since last January. Geiger wai working on the rock- crusher, outside of the prison grounds. He made a dash and plunged into the American river, and, although two guards commanded bim to stop, he continued to swim toward the opposite shore. Then the guards began firing, and Geige? received two bullets "to the right shouHer, Whirling about he started to swim back toward the guards, holding up one band and motioning them not to shoot again. He was pulled out of the river and taken to the hospital. His wounds are dangerous, but not fatal. Several Lives Lost, Milwaukee, May 25. A cloudburst at North McGregor, la., resulted In great destruction of property and the probable loss of several lives. One body has been recovered in the debris, RIVER AND HARBOR BILL The Conferees Dlnagree on Appropria tions. WASHINGTON. May 23. The river and harbor bill has been in the hands of the conferees two hours today on account of the disagreement as to the appropriation for the deep water har bor in southern California. The house conferees maintain their objection to the "senate amendments. They say they are willing to accept ad ditions, providing the senate agrees that permit commissioners will be named in the bill, but otherwise they will hold out against both the inner harbor at San Pedro and the deep water harbor at Santa Monica. Town Marshall Killed. Rocknille, Ind., v ay 22. Barney Roberts, last night,, shot and killed Jobo Newkirk, - town .marshal of Jud son, a small village seven miles north of here. This makes the third officer asssinated id this county in a month Roberts and several companions were drunk. Newlciric attempted, to arrest them, when he received a load of shot in the left breast, dying - instantly, Roberts is in jail. - A Clever Blow.' Madrid, May 12. In consequence of the representations made by the American government, the Spanish cabinet, wt't try to induce Captain- General Wejler to reconsider his pro- hibition of the export of leaf tobacco to foreign countries. The edict has been welcomed in Spain and Havana, as a clever lilow dealt at the peopl who are considered to be the chief abettors of the insurrection. 7ortland Uot It- Cleveland, May 22. A struggle for the location of an Episcopal resl dence in the northwest marked the opening of the Methodist conference today. The location recommended by the committee was Portland, Ore, Friends of foreign residence desired to amend this by substituting Shanghai. Tacoma was also named. After much discussion Portland was named. ' AG A. IN TliK CYCLONE. . This Time It Strikes In Central IrfWa and Many XWple are Killed. Des Moines, la. May 25. Twenty three people are reported dead as a result of the cyclone which swept over the northern part of Polk county last night at 11 o'clock. The towns afflicted are Bondurant, Valleria, Sant iago and Ira. No tele phone or telegraphic communication has been established except with Bondurant, which reports four deaths three in the Baley family, with live of the same family seriously injured. Three of the Phelan family and Mrs. Schell were killed at Valleria. At Santiago throe were- killed in the Bolenbaugh family. Between Val leria and Ira, the death list is nine. A spec'al train has been started from Des Moines with physicians on board. The storm is said to have swept along the line of the Great Western from Bondurant to Marshalltnwn. AU Recommend It. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friendd about Shiloh's Cure for Consumption. They will recom mend it. For sale ry M. Z. Donnell. Cut hnlic Teachers Let Out. Spokane, "Wash., May 25. Ccn- si lerable indignation has been ex pressed because the school board, which is composed entirely of A. P. A. members, has refused to appoint tho only two Catholic teachers in the schools. They were called to the city superintendent's office today, and wera told that they would be given an opportunity to resign. This they re fused to do. The superintendent states that they are two of the best teachers in the schools. The receut turning down of the ex-city clerk, who was a candidate for re-election, is sup posed to have precipitated that action. A Fact Worth Iknowmir. onsumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia nd all throat and lung diseases are cured bv Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. V Murder and Sniclde. , Palouse, Wash., May 25. Albert Tayes' killed his 'wife and then com- rtiitteisuicide at the f rnof At-TflTJ'SI'i -,' vaTobonve miles' boulU of Plouse, thi afternoon." Tayes was . a worthless, shiftless man, and "ill used 'his .wife. She refused to live with hfin, staying with the Torrey's. This morning, Tayes came to Palouse, and found that she was at the ranch alone, the rest of the faor'ly being in town attending the circus. He at once rode out. William Torrey discovered the bodies in the kitchen wallowing in blood. Mrs. Tayrs was shot in the temple. No signs, of a s struggle were dis covered. A A'atui.1 Beantifler Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. For sale by M. Z. Don nell. ' - The Sngar Bounty Law. Washington, Mav 25. The United States supreme court announced a de cision today in the sugar-bounty cases, of the United States vs. the Gay Realty Company. The cases were. brought to test the constitutionality of the ruling of Controller Bowler, deny ing a bounty to sugar-planters under the law of the last congress. The opinion of the court was handed down by Justice Peckham, and affirmed the opinion ol tne court oelow, Holding the sugar bou Dty law to be valid, and overruling the controller. The opin ion was unanimous. For Dyspepstft And liver complaint you have printed guarantee on every bottle o Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails t cure. For sale bv M. Z. Donnell. The Prohibitionist Party. Pittsburg, May 25. As the time of the national prohibition convention approaches the prospect of a bitter fight over the money plank increases. Samuel Dickie, chairman of the national central committee, said today, that the adoption of a free-silver plank will cost. the party 100,000 votes. On the other hand, ex-Governor John St. John, of Kansas, says: 'If McKtnley is nominated at St. Louis and the democrats adopt a gold st tndard plank at Chicago, the prohi. bitton candidate, for president will stand a good chance of election if we adopt a free-silver plank." Indiana May Kill Game. Washington, May 26. The su preme court, in an opinion by Justice White, today passed upon the right of the Bannock Indians to kill game in the unsettled land of the former reser vation in Wyoming, holding that un der their treaty the Indians could kill game in violation of the game laws of the state. . ' Catarru Cured, Health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. . Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Insolvent Bank Dividends. Washington, May 25. The con troller of the currency declared divi dends in favor of the creditors of in solvent national banks as follows: First National bank of Red field, S. D., 15 per cent; Linn county National Bank, of Albany, Or., 15 per cent. Treasury Statement. Washington, May 26. Today's statement of the condition of the treas ury shows: Available cash balance... ".$267,327,601 Gold reserve 111,132,995 . Cyclone In Jasper County. . Marsh alltown," la., May 25. A cyclone last night along the Chicago & Great. Western-railway, in Jasper rniiTiiv. Kitlea Droniniy ' injured more that number, poiintv. Killed Drohihly 2v people.. It ACTS OF LtfMKSS Nonunion Men Assaulted on the Lower Columbia. A FEMALE 31IXER Mrs Ainsworth Finds Gold Mining a Profitable Recreation After Com pleting her Household Work. An Old Sinner t Arrested Will Send llrlri;ati'S to Hu Louis Wearly ' 1 wo Million More la the Dcllclency IIU1. Astoriv, May 24. Two nonunion men engaged in tishing -near Oak Point were set upon by a number of members of the Columbia Rivor Fishermen's Protective Union today, and were severely handled, thir boats being smashed and turned adrift, their nets cut,, and the men themselves left on a rocky pnint jutting out into the ri-ver, from which they could not escape un less assisted by persons .passing down the river. Just as darkness set in abiut 200 union men congregated near Eureka, with the evident intention of commit ting isome act of hostility, either to ward the canners in that vicinity or toward non-union' men. It is known that the steamer Alarm, used as a cannery tender fjr the Cook Packing Company.'is near Oak Point with 20 tons of salmon on board, and it is thought the fish may be seized and destroyed. From hints droped by fishermen, it is now absolutely certain that Searcy was not the ''only fisherman.killed in the recent melee a few miles above this city. It is beiieved that at least one of the attaking party was killed and several wounded. Searcy's partner, Jewell who escaped with slight injuries states that when he fired his shot-gun, more than one man dropped, and that Searcy was shot in the forehead as he was reloading his gun. Searcv and Jewell hau no weapons save shot-guns loaded with buckshot, white the attack' ing party was armed with rifles. . m A WOMAN MINER. Tnlrty-One Dollars' Pin Money Made In a Little WhUe. Baker City, Or., May 23. Mrs. W. Ainsworth is the only woman in Ore gon who can handle a miner's pick in regular slyle. She and her family, consisting of. husband andfour child ren, live in Sports, Or.,- at the edge oi town.. -When through with her fumse- lzris-ni herif uy do- tng- little placer nuning: Three days ago sho ; ground sluiied a patch ; of ground, six feet 'square, right. "at the back of hor residence, and as a result she added S31 in gold to her pin money. The clean-up included a gold nugget valued at $7.25. Mr. Ainsworth is the possessor ' of some, valuable placer ground in the. vicinity of Sparta, and a man of considerable means.' A Bad Man Canght. Deer Lodge, Mont., May 23. Philip Allen, the man who last Satur day killed his divorced wifo and then fled, is captured. A reward of $1,000 had been offered for his capture, dead or alive. . Armed parties had been searching for hire for a week. ' He was taken by surprise, and no blood was shed. . For fear of lynching he was lodged in the peniten tiary at Deer Lodge. Allen killed a man in 1S89, and dis appeared, only to return and deliber ately shoot his wife,' aged 75, who, after his disappearance secured a di vorce and married again. In the DeHciency Bill. Washington, May 23 Among' the items in the deficiency appropriations agreed on by the senate committee to day are those to pay the widow of the late Hon. Isaac P. Gray of Indiana, minister to Mexico, $3750; to enable Hon. T. W. Palmer' president of the world's Columbian exposition, to make payment in full for ail outstand ing claims, "$7517; to enable the sec retary of the trea-ury to provide for the sampling of the imported silver and other ores, $45,000; to pay claims of Southern Pacific Railroad Company, $1,552,979. - Weyler Returns to Havana. Havana, May 24. At 11 o'clock this morning Captain-General Weyler, General Ocbando, his chief of staff, and Colonel Ahumada, the aid-de camp, with other staff ofiloers, returned to Havana, after visiting Bahia Honda and Cabanos. After leaving Cabanos the cruiser Ecsedal. which was-convey-ing Weyler, ran ashore, and he was obliged to return on the gunboat Alentor, which was cruising on the coast near Cabanos. California Bimetallic League. San Francisco, May 23. The ex ecutive committee of the bimetallic league of this state has issued a call upon the bimetalists throughout the state to meet in mass convention in each senatorial district on Monday, June 15, for the purpose of nominating one delegate and one alternate dele gate for each senatorial district, to at tend the national conventian, to be held at St. Louis July 22. Deliberately Shot His Wife. : Broken Bow-, Neb., May 24. Henry Walker, residing near here, murdered his wife today. He purchsed a revol ver yesterday and deliberately ar ranged all the details. His excuse was that she had attempted to poison him, and he killed her as a matter of self 'protection. , The murderer is a wealthy farmer, prominent and well known. - - Oas Explosloa in a Mine. MlDDLESBORO, Ky., May 23. John Taggart of Big Stone Gap, was killed, and 12" others dangerously wounded in a gass explosion in the mines near Big Stone Gap. Part of the mine caved in. It is believed that six of the injured will die. " Heavy Exports" of Silver. ..New York, My...2:'). The export of silver from this eountryto Europe, up Highest of all in Leavening esoLmv pure to last Saturday, amounted to ubot t $20,000,000, as against about $13,000,- 000, in the same time lust year. The increase represents silver-shipped to Paris for coinage into Rtissi in roubles, ine requirements Tor this purpose are understood to have been practi cally filled for the time being. Silver is quoted at CSi bid, an advance of 1 per cent from lat week's final price. Drlegule to Chicago. Cleveland, O., May 23 The demo- cratie'eonvention of the 20th congres sional district, held in this city today, elected ex-Rdpresentative Tom L. Johnson and S. H. Holding dole- gates to the Chicago convention. They were not pledged, but are opposed to the free coinage of silver. A Raid by luaurirents. Havana. May 23. One thomand in surgents raided the vicinity of Hojo, Colorado, between Havana and Guan ajaya. setting fire to canefields and tobacco plantations and' driviDg off stock. Citizens are fleeing to this city. Free-Coimtictt Democrat. Cleveland. O., May 23. Democrat of the 25tU district todav. elected Horace Alvord and J. B. Foster dele gates to Chicago. Both pledged their influence in the interest of free coin age. Supreme Court Adjourned. Washington, May Zo. The su preme court of the United States ad' journed today, until next October. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'DR; CREAM il f.'..-yiv;'-r'-'vt-..v3iu- . p.Vfar fh Standard. the n; First national Bank OF THE DALLES. Sucoeasora to SCHENCK. m AND BEaLL, bankers...... Transacts a Regular Bunking Mess Bay and'wll Eiehanir. ollectlons carefully mibie'and pr mptl accounted (or. Draw on New York, ban F anaia.o and Part. land Dlrcotor" i .0 P Thompson, Ed M WllUan a, J 8 Son ancle, Oaonre Ueba. H 11 rata. ' OREGON BAKERY -AND : A. KELLER, Prop'r. : Am prepared to furnish famll'es, hotels- and restaurants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Pies. ' . Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. fiEOOND Street, next door to The Dalles National Panic. iiillsihi::iiliu THE DALLES National Bank. OF DALLES CITY, OR, President Z. F. Moody Vice President. .Chas. Hilton Cashier M. A. Moody General Banking BusinessTransacted Sight Exchanges Sold on New York, Chicago, San Fran cisco and Portland. iTii!i.iTmTrnTn rrmiTTmiTi GOAL! COAL! -Tne bsst- Wellington, Rock Springs, and Roslyn CoaL $12, sacked aaddelivertd tc any part of the city. t Moody's Warehouse Andrew Velarde, ' housemover: The Dalles lilrtsea, LuCla Boft 101. Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report ': The Dalles Real Estate... Exchange : : The above association is prepared to ake a list of all and any kind of real estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undivided assistance f the following " , v Real Estate Agents. rganized as an association for the pur pose of inducing immigration to Wasco ind Sherman counties, and generally stimulating the sale of pioperty. CPRR6SP0NDENCE S0UCIT6D C E. Bayard, T. A.' Hudson, J. C.. -w., I. 1,.. , 1 U,,UI, .Ull W. , V. Whealrlnn nihr.no R, Mnt-rUn CI W Rowland; or to J. M. Huntington, S rctary ol the Association, - - rOE DALLES. - OREGON tat Hood Saitple Room THE DALLES,. OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky FRCM io:;8rixi.E. Very Best Key West Cigan and Best of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee . Beer always on hand. MAETZ tt PUNDT. PROPRIETORS A.. - A. BROWN FULL ASSORTMENT a . . m iimi . AXD PROVISIONS, Special Prices to Gash Buyers 170 SECOND STREET. 'Tte Regulator Line" rhs Dalles. Portland and Astoria . Navigation Co. .THROUGH fEitaufl Passes line Through Dailv triDS fSundavs ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land, steamer Keguiator leaves me Dalles at 8 a. m., connecting at the - Cascades Locks with Steamer Dalle City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 7 a. m., connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. . PASSENGER RATE3 One way... ,12 00 . 3 00 Hound trip. Freight Rates Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or night. Shipments for way landings muBt be delivered oeiore 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solic ited. Call on or address, General Agent THE - DALLES - OREGON. j. i : Regular Populist Nominee for JOINT REPRESENTATIVE Wasco and Sherman Counties. L. HENRY... Regular Populist Nominee for JOINT REPRESENTATIVE Wasco and Sherman Counties. Independent Candidate for Sheriff I hereby announce myaelf aa an independent, tree silver candidate for the ofneo ot Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, to be voted tor at the general election to be held on June 1, ISM. JOHN M. ROTH. HARRY LIEBE, Practical :. Walesa AND DXALSE IS. Clocks,. Watches, Jewelry, 'Etc REPAIRING SPECIALTY. 162 Second Street, next doorjto A. M. William & Co. 'a. THE DLLES, - - - OREGON Nobody need have Neuralgia. Get Dr. Mlla runUalomiwiWla40X4Waaav MESS1NGER