,,u" V-;iVb"" consolidated 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 9. 1896 NO 86 PROFESSIONAL. B- J. M. KANJS. M. D-". W;:i"Q Mitt. UoJdlAU UUNH- w.- - Offl03 1 OU-s9tO 11 A " u t r ana 7 U b 1. D .TJFUli A MJCNKFiSS, Attorney at La. Booms u ana -m, tuaHuw) 0 c. HLLiareB, Physician and S urgeon, Bwdu over Dalles Ntionl B-mk. Oftlee hours, 10 a m t 12 m. n.l troin i ntp. . denes Wo t End ol Third street. Attorneys at Law Rooms 42 tnd 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore. A. . 8. BENNETT, Attorney at Law Alee In Schinno's huindinf, uptafrs. The Dallf J G. KOONT2 . Jeal : Est fe, Loars snl Insurance Agent for the Scottish TTnlon and National Insurance company of Edinburgh, Scctland. Capital t3O.OUO.O0u. - .... . Valuable latins near the city to sell on easy terms. Office over U.' 9. Land O.Bce. The Dalles, Oregon ... SOCIETIES. "lirASCO LOEQE. NO. 15. A. P. & A. M. I T Meets first and third Monday of each month at a if. M. . . rpHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER J NO. 6. Meets In Masonic Hall tie third Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M. nOLTJMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O P. I j Meets every Friday evenlne at 7:30o'clock, - In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court . streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 0 K. of P. I1 Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. - In Schanno's building, corner of Court and econo streets, sojourning orotnera are in vite a. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock i . a the reauing room. H 1 ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-- li Mt. Hood Camp, No. 59, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. - COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. Meets In'Masonio Hnll on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors ccr- diall Invited. mEMPLE LODGEr NO. 3, A. O. TJ W J Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7 :au o clock. J AS. NESMITH POST, NO. 33 G. A. R. Meet3 every Saturday evening at 7:30 in . k. or p. Han. - OOURT THE DALLES, A. O. P. NO. 8830 J Meets every Friday evening at their hall at 8 o'clock. B OF L. E Meets every Friday afternoon in K. or p. Hail. W ASCO TRIBE, NO 16, I. O. R. M Meets every Wednesday evening in K, of P HaU. r1 ESANG VEREIM HARMONIE. Meets JT every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, T OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in J i K. of P. Hail tae nrst and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. THE CHURCHES. ME. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. . Services every Suuday morning and eve Sundav school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invitation extended by both pastor and people to all. ' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. VV Curtis. Pastor, Services every Sunday at II A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service CiT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest j vi Pastor. Low moss every Sunday a v a. m. TTIirh mnuu u.t. id'Hn A. M VMnfira fit 7:30 P. M I' .1IRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay 1 lor, Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington streets. Services eaol Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing ton and Seventh streets. IIHST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. 1 Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Ttursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets evtry Sunday at eveo P. M: ClAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller. pstor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and P. M. Prayer mcetiDg on Wednesday tTsning. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are lOrJially welaomed. - OREGON BAKERY ' AND- . AY KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared -to furnish families, hotels and restaurants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Piev. Fresh Oysters "Served Every Style. in feECOND Street, next door to The rialloa Nit.innal Panlr. DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THE Wool - Exchange - Saloon. BUT CM PORTED AND DOMESTIC? Wines, Liauors Cigar .s A NEW UNDERTAKING -;JK ESTABLISHMENT Prinz & Nitsctilce omuks ra FURNITURE AND CARPETS We have added to our toainna a comp ete Under taking Cstab'eh-nent, and aa we are in no way connected with ha Un,!ertaerV Traal, our prieea will be low accordingly. Sample : Rooms, 58 FRONT STREET. (Near j opposite Cmatilia Boose.) CHA2LI FRANK. - PECP The Best Wines. Liquois and Ciga rs OLVUHA BmiWEBY BEER ON DRAFT I SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINIXG CARS TOURIST SLEEPIXG CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FORKS -.DULUTH FARGO -S',' CRCOKSrON HELENA and BL'TTE. TO THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADEL HIA " . NEW YO Iff. BOSTON aid all POINTS E AST and SOUTH. For inform nion. tima cards, mips and tickets. call on or write. ' VV C ALLAWAY. Acent Or A. D. CHA3LTDN. Assistant General Pas- sen er A-?ent Nj. 2?o Morrison street, cor ner f Third Street. Portland. Orenon. ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than .tlie cost of ordinary trade cij;ar.-ues will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Cold Leaf gro vn in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE Children Cry for t-itOHSS S ASTORIA Castorli It no well arlnnted to children that I rfoinuii nil it us 4.pei i .r to any prescription known U uie." Jl. A. AnonER, M. L.. Ill touth Oxford Be, Brooklyn, N Y I ne Cantor'a In mv nrafice. and find It peiauy aduuxl to affectiuns of children." x. KOBCimtON, U. U., 105? ud Ave., Hew Yat'u tastoi u is a most excelled mediuino tor ciiil iren." uu u. u. usno, ... Lowell, Uass Castoriaipromotea EJestion, and overcouies 1 utiitilbiicy, Conwiptioii, Bom Stomach, Diwr. nouo, aud Fcvorisbuesa Thus the child is rendered healthy and it Sleep nstnr&J. Caatoria contaiLj no Morpoino or other nu-coiio propeity. Latet Style Lowest Profits - : In Mens and Boys : Clothing, Dry Goods. IMS FURSISH I GS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : -Bouts and Slioes C F. STEPHENS 134 Second Street. Next door to the Dalles National Bank THE First National Bank OF THE DATXES. S KC08Or9 to SCUENOK ' ..' ai BEALL, bankers. Transacts a Tegular Banking Bashes? Buyanr.aell Exchanva. oHections carefully mvle and promptly acvnunt for. Draw on ;.v York, ban FrtnciBuo aud For land Ulrectortti O P Thontpaon, Ed M William, J 8 Schenck, i. ere Liebo. H U .Btal!. HARRY LISBE, Praoial ;. waloiialiB AND DP.AI.ER IN Clocks, Wa;cfees, Jewelry, Jt REPATRINO A SPEOI A.LTY. 162 Second Street, next door to A. M. Williams & Co.'s. THE P AXLES, - - - OREGON 1IKMIY I. KUCK, -Uanuractnnr of and daalar in Harness and Saddlery, Second 8t,,'naar M.mrtv-. Warehniua TUB DALUt ' OKKUO. All Walk etnnatMel a4re SMIateett 1 R s PUYLMAN , AHigh Fluer Tlie laFQest piece of ever sold OWeiS Doctor P PORTLAND, OBKGON. , These old reliable doctors will consult with you free of charge and tell yon your disease without asking you a question. They also furnish all medicine at their offii'FS, and save you extra cost f having meilii-ines at the drug stores. AVe can giv you reierenres of tn inv remarkable, emeu they have mxde on Ihis Coast y leading bankers ana business men. The successful phvsi cian the sUillfulsuryeon -r-the eminent B;;ci iaiiet your'tieab fri.-ml--xLa world's benefactor per manently loc;ited con sult him this day. h M DOCTOR WHY is Dr. Reeves acknowledged ful specialist ? Bt-CAUbt. his reputation has Deen Diseases in Men and cmen where otner failed. Diseases which had reached a staxe perienced physicians stood powerless have mi 4 ? j mm&m out gratitnde are received from rich an.l poor. READER, STOP and Consider aright this unparalleled and overwhelming testimony. It means that a cure is effected in every case that is undertaken. BECAU'SE FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS, and have creatt d c nit.dence and delighted the struggled in vam lor years against the ravages of disease until this successful physi cian restored th-ni to health. Seminal Emissions, Loss of Sexual Power. Weakness of the Sexual Organs, ant of Desire in Male or Female, whether from imprudent habits of young, or sexual hal.its of mature years, or any cause speedily and permanently cured. Is a graduate cf a regular medical college; and Canada by thousands of old and young with the leading specialist ot the world f the most people ? Why not employ the fails? Tesiimonialsfrom leading bankers Twenty years experience ol the OLD DOCTOR is of great value to the afflicted. Your health is ol more importance to you VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE, PILES, and Nervous Diseases O TIT IE3 32 ID My college and hospital experience, together with improved ins'ruments and appliances to Ueat succes-fui y tha great majority of those diseases and deformities, considered anj given up as incurable, such as all forms of Catarrh. Bronchitis, Asthma, ail Stomach, Liver and Kidney Diseases, as Dyspepsia, bick Headache Constipation, Dizziness, etc.. Bright's Disease. Diabetes, etc. All forms of Nervous and Brain Difficulties, Epileptic Fits, Heart Blood Diseases, Syphilis, Scrofula. Cancers, and all Skin Diseases, Paralysis, Dropsy. Hernia or Rupture, ai diseases ol the Urinarv Organs, private, acute and chronic, treated by new and skillful methods. fcye, tar, seminal eakness, linpotency, ' PRIVATE DISEASES OF MFN A special study and practice for many years cent cases of private diseases cured in a short time. Ulcers. Tumors, Blotches on the lace or body, cured without giving mercury or other poisens .Mercury is the curse of the human race; your children will suffer from its effects; avoid it as you would any deadly drug, and use it no more. dispensary without mercury. - ' i r iVI h I p v the remedies used 1 1 1 '- 1 1 A' ourselves, and have from our illustrous ancestors, through many generations of the brightest lights in the medical profession that the world has ever known ; and to these precious treas ures of knowledge we have added the results of many years of labor and research in our chosen calling, until now we feel confident of curing all curable diseases. THE FIRST THING TO DO In order to get cured is to east aside all false modesty and place yourself under the treatment of this noted specialist. His experience in the treatment of such diseases has been world-wide He has cured thousands of others, and CAN CURE YOU Gonnorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, and that terrible and loathsome disease, Syphillis, thoroughly and forever cured by the. Old Doctor. - Dr. Reeves, 51 Third street, Office Hours: . 91. i. to 12, and 2 When You Want Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Hay, : Or anything in the Feed Line, go tothe : WASCO - WAREHOUSE Our prices are low and our goods are first-class 'Agents for the celebrated WAITSBDRG "PEEKLESS," and BYERS' BEST PENDLETON MILLS FLOCK Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS, and BARLEY. - - - .... tobacco for io cents H88V 51 THIRD STREET" CORNER PINE Jui at tneoince ana rea tnein tor proca rupture, piles. Assure, fistula and rectal ulcers without knife, lig atr.re or caustic and wit puin or detention fitness, - tie alsc private diseases. REEVES as Portland's leading and most success estaoiished by enectmsr cures ol Chronic physicians ol acknowledged ability had before which the most skilled and ex yielded to his trea ment, and praise and the wonderful CURES he has effected hearts of those.w ho have suffered and that debilitates tn- sexual functions, is well known all over the United States men he has cured. , v hy not doctor hy not employ the doctor who treats doctor who cures the quickest and never and business men of the United States. than riches. FISSURE. FISTULA and all Private Disease. Neuralgia. Rheumatism, all Also all diseases of the Scalp, Hair. spermatorrhoea, oravel, etc. Over 400 cases treated yearly. Re Thesediseases are being cured lu this .- - . in tins dispensary are Known only to descended to us as a priceless heritage . Cor. Pine, Portland, Or. to 7 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 12 only. to Buy l - aP5?? Jobs oi power, spermator L? WrS rb-aa., syphilis, pimples A STKANGLEK CAUGHT Taken While Trying to Throt tie a Colored Women. THE SHAH KILLED I The New Bill to Exclude Chinese Re. quires Other Than Chinese Evidence. Only Two New Battle-Snips to be Built Alaska Was Refused a Delegate In Congress. San Francisco. May 1. Another supposed strnnirler is behind the bar of the city t prison, and, unlike those who have preceded hi-n, he is, in a m asure, self-confessed, and was ao caught in the very act of throttling a woman of the half-world in a dark and deserted alley off Montgomery street, near Washington. It was at an early hour this morning, when the crime was committed, and at that time, the electric lights being out, it was as dark as pitch. Officer F. Robi, who patrols Mont gomery street, was walking along his beat, when he was startled upon reach ing Merchant alley to hear the gurg ling sound of a strangling human be ing. His mind being full of the recent outrageous murders, he quickly ar rived at the conclusion that another helpless woman was being assassinated. and rushed up the alley. Just as he reached the center of the block he heard a man's voice cry out: 'If you cry out I will strangle you to death as I did the other notorious women of your class," This spurred him on his search, and finally he spied a large man with his lingers clutched around the throat of a woman who was prostrate on the pave ment. The would be-assassin and the officer saw each other at the same time, and the former released his hold on his victim and sprang as if to es cape, but Robi was too quick for him, and soon had him safely ironed. CHINESE EXCLUSION LAWS. Bill for Their Amendment Sent to the House. Washington, May 1. The secre tary of the treasury today sent to the house a draft of the bill amending the Chinese exclusion law. It provides that in cases affecting the rights of Chinese to enter or remain in the United States, or where persons ' of Chinese descent claim the right to re enter the United States as citizens. there shall be required testimony other than that of Chinese persons. In cases where affidavits are taken before notaries public or justices of the peace, and are proven falfe, the persons mak- inr-them -shall be- lidbleuto. perjury v, In explanation of the necessity for such a law, the secretary says that in raanv instances the Chinese apply for admission to the United States on the ground that they were born in this country and visited China with, their parents at 'an early age, where they remained for many years, and in every instance the testimony of Chinese per sons in support of their claims is pre sented. It has been held by the courts that such testimony, when uncontra; dieted, is sufficient to establish the claims. . PROPOSED SEW BATTLE-SHIPS Reduced by the Senate From Four to Two Pacsea by Majority of Four. Washington, May 1. Senator Sher man securred the passage of a bill to day appropriating $75,000 for the ex penses of the Bbring sea commission soon to meet at San Francisco to'deter mine the amount of damages to be paid for the seizure of the Canadian sealers in Behring sea. Butler presented a bill making the Mexican silver dollar and Japanese yen, each containing illt grains 01 pure silver, and the trade dollar full legal tender dollars in the United Slates. la supporting the bill Butler declared that if the Federal govern ment would not : make these silver coins legal tender, then states bad the power to so recognize them. If con gress did not act, Butler said, he would advise the state of North ' Carolina to exercise its constitutional rights in this direction and be hoped .the other states would adopt the same course. The naval appropriation bill was then taken up, the question being on the amendment of Gorman reducing the number of battle-ships from four, as reported, to two. ' Without further speeches a yea and nay vote was taken, resulting in the adoption of the Gor man amendment, 31 to 27. ' SHAH ASPASSINATFD. . Persia's Baler Killed Today While Enter ing a Shrine. Teheran, Persia. . May 1. While Shah Kasir-ed-Din was entering the inner ' court of the shrine of Shah Abdul Azim' six miles south of this city at 2 o'clock this afternoon, he was shot by a . revolutionary fantic. The ball' entered in the region of the heart and the bhaih expired within a few minutes.'' . - Immediate after the shah was shot he was carried to his carriage and con veyed to his palace in this city. The assassin, who was promptly ar rested, is said to be a Sayyld, from Corman, or the province of that name. It i believed the murderer has accomplices. . . Nasir-ed-Din acceded to the throne of Persia in 1848, at the age of 17 years. For Whipping a Pap 11. Sheeidan, Or., May 1. Miss Ella Pettyjohn, a teacher in district No. 58, was arrested and brought before Justice Daugherty. today for assault and battery on Claude Strohm, a pupil. A number of witnesses testified to the teacher giving t'-e boy 100 strokes with a rod from one-half to one inch in diameter and four feet lorg, and that in consequence his back was blackened and cut so that his clothing stuck to his body. ' The defense contended that the boy was a hard case, had been using profane and abusive language, and that his punishment was not uoh f as sworn to. The jury at once rendered a verdict in favor of the de fendant. Big Horsestealing Operation. La Grands, Or., May 1. A gang of hofjtethieves have been operating In this and adjoining counties lately. One man lost 40 head seyetal days ago. Sheriff Kilbourne, of Baker county, is reported to have been close to the gang yest-rday at a point near the Snake rive a. and succeeded in scattering it. It is estimated that about 300 stolen horses are now being driven out of the state, and officers are makin every endeavor possible to capture tbem. Deputy Marshal Walden loft on horseback today to take up the trial and to try to find either the thieves or the horses. In the House. Washington, May 1. The houe today, by a vote of 60 to 44, refused to pass the bill to give Alaska a delegate in congress. THE PI NAB 1IEL KIO . BATTLE. All Havana Discussing Antonio Maceo' Late Victory. New York. May 5. A Herald dis patch from Havana, says: All Havana is anxiously discussing the battle in the mountains of Plnar del Rio province. It is believed that the insurgents who persistently at tacked General Ynclan's troops far back from Cacarajicara to the sea, wera led by Maceo in person. The stronghold stormed by Ynclan's forces was not, properly speaking, a fort. There is an old ranch on the top of the stony hill at Caracajicara, whose sides form a precipltious descent to the road which winds through bold rocks and are not wide enough for a column to spread out to advantage. There-is little timber or brush around there. The insurgents fortified the road in two places by barricades, one' above the other, with the intention of pre venting the Spanish troops from reach ing the hills where the mnin rebel camp is located. The officials say that the insurgents. fought desperately and that the Results given prove they had every advantage of the situation. They poured down shot from above upon the troops, who were practically shut in a cut in the ravine. It is sup posed that rebels were sent from the point of attack to notify Antonio i Maceo who hurried forward to attack Ynilin. Official reports say that he was repeatedly repulsed. Catarrh Cured. Health, and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. CHILE'S NATIONAL GUARD. It Now Numbers In the Neighborhood of 4000,000 Hen. New York, May 4. A Herald dis patch from Valparaiso says: The statistics of the general army staff, which have just ' been - issued, show that. the national guard now numbers throughout Chile, 400,000 meal: The figures- made np im mediately after the late enrollment. . - Dr. Videlio has been elected presi dent of the bouse of deputies, with Senpr Moanes as vice-president. The senate has sanctioned the appointment of new ministers to Brazil, Uruguay and Arentiuo. Dr. Beltrand Mat thieu has been appointed minister to Ecuador. The Heraldo says the government is holding daily conferences on the finan cial question. They have, it is said, resolved to submit a bill to congress authorizing .the issue of mortgage bonds of 20,000,000 pesos at 5 per cent. It is thought the measure will be sanc tioned. Pills Oo Not Cure. Pills do not cure constipation. They only aggravate. Karl's Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of . the bowels. a For sale by M. Z. Donnell. AFTEB blUAlf CATTLE. Owners Organized to Protect Grain Lands on the Umatilla Reservation. Pendleton, Or., May 4. Renters and owners of land in the Umatilla reservation met today and organized a vigilance, committee, to shoot down cattle straying upon grain lands. The movement is' caused by the Indians tearing down fences and ' turning stock loose. It is exp'scted this action will provoke a test liw cue' t) more clearly define to what extent thai Uma tilla Indian is a citizen: -Contrary to Judge Bellingers's decision, it is ar. gued that the Indians cannot be citi zens, becaused they are not taxed, can not vote nor hold public bffice. but are wards of the government, which" must protect them. It is desired to ascer tain what recourse is possible against Indians who commit depredations. Consumption Can be .Cured . By the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only knowr remedy for that terrible disease. For sale by M. Z. Donnell." . e A Hearing Asked. t Washington, May 4. In the su preme court today the solicitor-general moved an advance of the hearing at this term cf the case of Weiberg, convicted of aiding a military expedi tion in aid of Cuba, in violation of the neutrality laws, stating- that the ex pedition of the case was desired by the president and secretary of state. .The motion was resisted by Mr. Philips for Weiberg. The case went over until tomorrow." The Sentence Confirmed. Washington, May 4. In the su preme court today an opinion was ren dered in the case of F. A. Coffin, ac cused of wrecking the Indianapolis National bank, affirming the decision of the court below, and therefore con firming the sentence of imprisonment. A Baby's Life Saved. "My baby had croup and was saved by Shiloh's Cure." writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. - For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Ihe 8hah's Murderer TEHEHAN, May 4. It has been defi nitely ascertained that the assassin of the late Shah of Persia, Nazer Eddin. is Moltah Rej. a follower of the well known agitator, Shekih Jemi Aleddics. exiled in 1891, after having been con victed of high treason. Reza was also .imprisoned for treason bat subsequent ly liberntad. " DEATH OF THE SBAU Assassination Brought About . by His Eldest Son. ONLY TWO SHIPS That is the Number That Will be Authorized by the Senate .Bill. . Another Btampede for Alaska Two Hun dred Miners Have Gone North-Muza-far-Ed-Dln Duly Proclaimed Shah. LONDON. May 2. Copyright, 1S96, by the Associated Press.) It is ru mored in this city that the assassina tion of the shah of Persia was brought about by the machininations of his el dest son, Massoud-Mirza, governor of Ispahau. The latter was born in 1850, while the new shah, second son of the deceased monarch, was born in 1853 but the latter is an offspring of a wife higher rank, and thus was chosen to succeed his father in place, of Massoud, his elder brother. The shah often re buked Mirza for his unruliness, and in 1888 recalled him, and only allowed him to return to Ispahan after disband- ng some of the regiments and order ing him to pay more than the usual tribute. ' - Massound- Mirza, who is also known as the Zil-er-Sultan, or shadow of the kingdom, resented this treatment, and it was believed that he might make an attempt to usurp the throne. MasssoudMirza, who is enormously rich, is unpopular on account of his severity and intolerance, and on the other band, Muza-far-ed-Din, the new shah, is much loved by the people of the province of Aaerboijan, where the Persian army is chiefly recruited. The discontent of the Babist sect. upon which Massoud-Mirza, is be lieved to have worked, is due to the late shab did not allow them to estab lish their religions, bis refusal to do so being based on representations made to his majestv that it would conflict with the existing faith in Persia, and split the people into religious factions. The Babists have always been kept in check, and little has been heard of them for some years past. fob alaska diggings. Another Boatload of Prospectors and Dogs for the North. Poet Townsend, May 3, The steamer Mexico sailed for Alaska this evening with 210 passengers and 784 tons of fright, 32 head of beef cattle and about 40 dogs. The steerage pas sengers complained loudly of .being forced to occupy quarters .with the cattle and dogs. The passengers are nearly all old miners who have been north before, and know just where they are going. Many are going well supplied, some taking sufficient provi sions to last two years.. . ' Among the passengers were a young Mellakahtla Indian, Edward Marsden, who, after a four-year's college course in Ohio, is now attending . Lane theological seminary, at Cincinnati. He is going home for a four months' vacation, and anticipates a cold re ception by the. Metlakahtla tribe, as he says his people have no use for one of their number who embraces civil ized ideas and weare store clothe?. He said an effort will be made to per suade him to don blanket moccasins who 3 he reaches his people. On com pleting his theological course Mars den will work as a missionary among his own people. He speaks English fluently and is very intelligent. SHIPS FOB TUB NAVX. The Naral Appropriation Bill Passed the Senate. Washington, May 2 -After a week's debate, which has taken a wide range, the senate today passed the naval ap propriation bill. -The entire day was given up to the subject. A large part of the time set apart for general de bate was devoted to political questions foreign to the immediate subject. The bill, as it passed, is substantially as it was reported from the committee on appropriations, except the reduction of the number of battleships from four to two, and the torpedo-boats from 15 to 13. n amendment was adopted provid ing for the construction of three of the torpedo-boats on the Pacific coast. The- senate refused to decrease the number of new seamen authorized by the bouse bilL Chandler's amend ment, directing the secretary, of the navy to examine into the merits of methods of propelling ships by direct action upon the water was agreed to. . Proclaimed as the shah. New York, May 2 . A special to the World from Teheran says: Muzafar-Ed-Din, the vali and (crown prince), has been proclaimed shah in succession to bis' father, who was as sassinated yesterday. The proclamation was Issued atTab ris, where Muzafar-Ed-Din is governor. The new shah telegraps that he will hasten to this city, the capital of Per sia. The body of the late shah is lying in the palace. The burial will take place in the, sacred shrine at Koom. The city is in morning. Perparations were making for a jubilee. The decorations are being dismantled. Russia and Great Britain recognized Muzafar-Ed-Din as heir to the Persian throne in 1858. The grand vizer will govern until the arrival of the new shah at Teheran, from Tabriz. Ao All-Bound Embexsler. San Francisco, May 2. Harry Byan, the treasurer of a court of the American Order of Foresters and solic itor for Brown, Craig & Co., the In surance agents, has misappropriated the funds of bis brothern, embezzled the money of his employers, and in the company of a woman not bis wife has fled from the city. The Acme lodge has investigated bis accounts 1 and found that be is something over Highest of all in Leavening OSOHUTELY PURE $600 short, and has called upon the Pa cific Surety Company, . which went on his bond, to make good the defalcation. Ryan's peculations from Brown, Craig & Co. amount to over $1200. To Lift a Mortgage. Spokane, Wash., May 4. Mrs. H. Est by and her daughter Clara will start from Spokane tomorrow to walk to New York. They live on a farm near here, and hone to make enough money by the venture to lift a mort gage. They are under contract with the manufacturer of a health costume. Their route is Walla Walla, Pendle ton. Boise, Salt Lake, Cheyenne, Den ver, Lincoln Omaha, Burlington, Chi catro, Buffalo, Niagara. ' They have a letter from Mayor Belt vouching for their good character. . The Best Cuugh Cure. Is Siloh's Cure. A neglected cough Is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M. Z. Don uell. The r 8enteuc.s Postponed. Pretoria. May 2. The decision in regard the prisoners who were con victed of lese majesty and sentenced to a fine and imprisonment for participa tion in the Johannesburg raid has been postponed until next week. The improvements in the jail have been completed. No visitors wore allowed to see the prisoners today. A Great Germans Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation and- kidney, liver ana bowel troubles are cured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea, For sale by M. Z. Donnell. A Struggle Imminent. Ottawa, May 4. The controller of mounted police has received advices from Alaska, via Victoria, which say that trouble is imminent between the whites and the Indians over the acquit tal of a white man who -brutally killed an Indian. As the United States force at Sitka Is said not to be sufficient to handle an Indian outbreak, the resi dents are very apprehensive. . - Nerves on Edge. I was nervous, tired,, irritable and cross. Karl's (Jlover Koot lea has made me well and happy. MRS. E. a. worden. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Will Press the BUI. .Washington, May 4. The senate. committee on public lands today agreed to press upon the senate steer-t ing committee consideration of the bill granting 5 per cent of the pro ceeds of the sale of.publio lands to the' states where the sales have been or' may be made. A Mint Robber Sentenced. - Carson, Nev.; May 4. Joh n T. Jones was sentenced this morning to eight years' imprisonment in the Nevada state penitentiary and to pay a fine of $5,000 for the robbery of the United States min t of bullion. Democratic Speaking, Hon. A.S. Bennett, democratic nom inee for congress in the. second district, will address the voters of the district at the following places on the following dates : Cove, Tuesday, May 6, at 1:30 P. M Union, Tuesday. May S. at 7:90 P. M. North Powder. Wednesday, May i. at 1 :SD p. u. Baker City, Thursday, May 7. at 7:S0 P. X. Heppner, Saturday, May 0, at 1:30 p. M. Condon. Monday, May II, at 1:30 p. x. . Fossil, Tuesday, Miy 12, at 1:30 p. x. Mora, Wednesday, May 13, at 2 P. M. Qrass Valley, Thursday, May It, at 1:30 P. M, Out ur, Saturday. May 18. at 1:80 P. X. St Helens, Monday. May 18, at 7:30 P. X. Astoria, Tuesday, May 19, at 8 P. x, Troutdale. Wednesday, May 0, at 7:30 P. X. Portland. Thursday, May SI, at 8 P. X. Alblna, Saturday. May 23, at 8 P. X. The Dalles, Saturday. May 30, at 8 P. x. Political Speaking. Hon. E. B. Dufur and Mr. J. W. Armsworthy, democratic nominees for the state senate, have arranged to speak at the following places and dates: Waplnltia, Tuesday, May 6th, at 2 P. X. ' Baks Oven, Wednesday, May 8th, at 7 P. X. Antelope, Thursday, May 7th, at 2 P. x. Grass VaUey, Saturday. May 9th, at S P. X. Moro, Monday, May 11th, at S P. X. Wasco, Tuesday. May 12th, at 2 P. x. Land Transfers. Nicholas -Math las to John Block, parcel of laud 77x120 feet in block 2 on Main street Dalles City, $1,000. Laura and Marvin Henderson to William Bennett, lots J and K, block 33 in Fort Dalles addition to Dalles City, $1,700. The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. to Mary A. Mc Haley, lots 5 and 6 and west side of lot 7 in Thompson's addition to Dalles City, $187.50. LOCAL ITEMS. Rev. A. Bronsgeest, of this city, accompanied by Rev. L. Verhaag, of Baker City,' went to Portland on the afternoon train. Father Bronsgeest goes to Portland to secure the services of a priest to fill his pulpit while he will be absent traveling over the country during the present month. Mr, D. P. Ketchum came in last night from the southern part of the county where he had been buying mutton. He purchased 1.200 head from G. A. Young, that will arrivp this evening, and also 1,200 from Mo Cauley Bros, that will arrive here Sunday. Part of them will be shipped to Tacoma and part to Troutdale. The city marshal of La Grande pro poses to strictly enforcethe law prohib iting -the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks. Union has a similar ordi nance that is continually being vio lated. It is different in The Dalles. Bike riders observe the ordinance against riding on the sidewalks with out b ing forced to do so by the city marshal. The O. R. & N. Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as follows: Two day rate, good going Saturday and returning Monday night, $3.00 Ten day tickets, $3.50, good on all trains. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report7 ildimg r 3S3 THE C1TT COUNCIL. Proceedings of the Rernlmr Monthly - Meeting for May. The regular monthly meeting' of comon council for Dalles city was held at the council chambers on Monday evening. May 4, Mayor Frank Menefee presiding and Councllmen Nolan, Lauer, Johns, Eshelman, Crowe, Thompson and Wood were present, and the following proceedings were had: The matter of the claim of J. L. Story was on motion referred to judi ciary committee. On motion' George Damus 'was grant permission to peddle within the city limits without a license until May 9. The report of the committee on streets and public property was read aud adopted, and the recommendation that the street' commissioner be In structed to put rock on cistern on corner Fourth and Union streets was -accepted. The reports of recorder, treasurer and marshal was read and adopted, and on motion the bills recommended - in the marshal's report were ordered paid. The marshal was instructed to report all sidewalks needing repairs. On motion the following claims agaiaBt the city were allowed and or dered paid: J H Blakeney, marshal, salary $75 00 ' GJ Brown, engineer, salary... 75 00 Frank Connely, night watch... 60 00 G W Phelps, recorder ' 50 00 J T Peters & Co., wood. 4 00 Manchester Locomotive works - merchandise 18 70 Electric Light Co. lights 1 1180 Chronicle Pub. Co. printing.. " 2 00 C M Founts, labor and mdse. . . 12 55 C J Crandall, treasurer salary . 20 00 Columbia Hotel, meals for prisoners 14 65 Isaac Joles, labor 11 00 Total. $354 60 Prosperous Times at Heppner. Mr. W. E. Eabler returned Tuesday morning from Heppner where he spent the past week looking after his buss ness interests in Morrow county.' Mr. Kabler reports prosperous times at Heppner. About all the mutton sheep in that vicinity haye been shorn, and a large number have been delivered to eastern buyers. Between 15,000 and 18,000 head will be started on the trail for eastern points "next Monday. The mutton buyers are outfitting their men in Heppner with teams; "wagons, pro-. visions, eta, which' put4'on8lderable money in circulation, and thtVtege.ther with the amount that has been paid for the purchase of sheep and for sheaf ing makes money appear quite plenrlV' ful at that place. Aside from this stir among sheepmen and. the local mer chants of Heppner, Mr. Kahler' says there is little activity exhibited, al though the Wheat farmers are looking forward to a prosperous season, the prospect both for heavy crops and fair prices being better that it has been for years. - Attention Freighters. Bids are wanted for hauling about 100,000 pounds of wool and' 25,d$Q to 35,000 pounds back freight, consisting of groceries and heavy freight. All wools to be hauled from Muddy Station, (a point 18 miles southeast, of An telope) via Sherar's Brldge-.to The J Dalles, and back freight from The Dalles to Muddy Station. All of said wools and back freight to be well pro tected with wagon sbeetsand delivered In goot' order and condition between the 15tb day of May and the 1st day of July next; Terms, one-half cash, will be paid on delivery of each load at The Dalles, If desired, and the balance on completion of the contract. .. Bids will be opened April 30th at 1 P. M. and award made known at Moody's warehouse May 2d, 1896. Bidders with endorsement touching their responsi bility will be given the preference. The right to reject any and all bids la reserved. Address y . Henry Hahn, Sec. Prinevllle Land & Live Stock Co. 64 Front Street, Portland, Or. ' Buckien s Arnica Halre. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, ' and positively cures piles, or no pay reouired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. ' Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley tc Houghton. Walked off a Wall. At 9 o'clock Monday night E. John son walked off one of the walls at the lower end of the government works at the Cascades, fell into the canal and drowned. He had started out In the dark to go to his boat at the lower end of the canal for the purpose of crossing the river, and by some misstep fell off a wall that was 20 feet high, falling Into 30 feet of water. Probably he was stunned by the fall as be sunk be fore the parties who went to bis as- , sistance could rescue him. The body was recovered this morning. . Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair. ."DRr CREAK! Most Perfect Made. . p Years the Stsndsnl. m mm