The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 25, 1896, Image 4

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    SATURDAY. APRIL 25, 18S0
From Saturday's Dally.
Mrs. 'A. K. Dufur. of Dufur, is lsil-
1 - - - . . . .
.lng la me city. .
' Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilcox left this
r "mdrnine.for their home at Kent.
Mr. and Mrs. urocK returneo. -mm
- morning1 to their home at Wasco.
Mr. and. :Mrs.H. F. Davidson, of
Hood River, are in the city today.
Messrs.' B. F. Allen and C. M. Cart-
wrignt left , lor urooK - county 101s
' morning." .. -'
, Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Holister went to
Portland this morning for a day's visit
In the metroplis. ",
W IT, T 1 -.J T51J
-- jjar. rrans. juusuu, or., ui ruruuu,
: has been the past few days visiting his
inn In thfa'iit.v'
-.' Mrs. V. W. Tompkins left on the
- '; Regulator this morning for her home
at Cascade Locks.
Dr. C. L. Rollinson; of Salem, was in
lnt- wimt r. .1 l,ift- x 5 C3 nMrim
UUC .1 l-y lOSb UlgUVi IfeUU lOlU UUIO "
ing tor Grass Valley. ' ;
. Mrs. Gates, of Lafayette, arrived on
'' the noon train and is the guest of
T- .1 J w TT T n ,1 '
. Dr. A. P. Stowell, of Goldendale", ar-
rived from Vancouver last night and
left on this morning's stage for his
homo at tha canital of Klickitat coun tv.
- - The Skibbe hotel has Dut a runner
the trade of the large number of pas-.-.
sengers that- arrive daily on the
' The -rMoro express, of which Mr.
' Douglass Allen is proprietor, is becom
ing a popular conveyance. Eight pas
sengers were on board wnen it leic tne
itty mnrn l n T
"T T7 - T "1 , J ! n
rived here last night from Utah, and
this morning went to Hood Klver,
r where Mr. Newdebourh goes to accept
. the position of bookkeeper for th6
'-. Oregon Lumber Co.
:i VTra. TTinnpv will Hnoftlr afc the M. E.
i- m j
r heard a subject more effectually cover
.. ed, nor more common sense talked in
the same length of time."
A car load of different brands of
California wines, suited for family use,
" . has just been received at the wholesale
linnnii aljipa nt Ktnhlinrr Ar. Williams
& - n
' "'Parties desiring such wines are re-
:- ouested to call and get prices before
T.,AUuu..WuuV "KT
ous appearance, says Rev. O. D. Tay-
lor, who returned this morning from
Goldendale. A vast acreage of grain
has beep sown this season, and all bids
" m t . a nnnn..
fair to produce an abundant yield.
Mr. Taylor -estimates that the wheat
- crop of Klickitat county will this year
be somewhere near 1,000,000 bushels.
; This morning one-bold, bad man
: felt the force of the strong arm of the
law - a8 administered by Reoorder
: - Phelps; receiving a.sentence of ten
days work on the streets fordlsturblng ,
the' peace"Vnd;, dignity of the city. I
'.Wrong doers should sometime learn
- from such experience as this that The
. Dalles has a recorder who believes in
making punishment effective.
: The capacity of the Prineville stage
. was overtaxed this morning when
nine passengers presented themselves
at the stage office and requested to be
conveyed over the line. The genial
proprietor, Mr. Gaunt, was equal to '
; the emergency however, and secured
' the . Umatilla House's open "bus,"
loaded all the passengers in it and star li
ed for the south as happy as a lark.
"-Mr. J. L. Davenport, of Mosier, is in
; the jity today and reports everything
prosperous in that vicinity. Fruit
trees he says are loaded with blossoms,
And maln f9 avantr lrind ta thitintniv
1 T. . J ! i
of Eastern Oregon, having come here
at a verr eai-lv dav. and has bn a I
subscriber to this paper ever since the '
first issue of the Mountaineer. " I
' Last night : Rev. F. A ' Powell, of
Corvallis, delivered . a lecture in the
Christian church, his subject being
. "Romanism in America." Those who
- attended say be is an accomplished
speaker, and succeeded in boldidg
. the attention of his hearers, but that
' he was very severe in his denuncia
. lions of the Catholic church, asserting
. that it was responsible for many of the
- ills that have beset the nation.
'A telegram in the Oregon ian today
.under the head "The Dark Side of
Spokane Life" says: "Sixty of the
prominent society ladies of Spokane
' gave a negro minstrel performance ta J
a crowded house at the Auditorium to
night. It was a swell affair both in the
personnel of the ' minstrels and the
people attending." It is not presumed
, tnat tne neaaing was intended to cast
any slur upon the ladies of Spokane.
' ' tit r j A, 1 j : m
an Bit luouuaj evening line lamer ui
- St. Paul's Guild will give a sociable
- afc Mm. P. TT. DAFTiiff.a rsidfinpf Nn
admission fee will be charged, but
Ahara will f)A rf CPOftm n rl falrn frv
' sale, also a table filled with all sorts of
fancy and useful articles, prepared by
the guild. The ladies have always
. been noted for the good times and
panial Rnciahilitv at their p-atherinys.
- and a cordial invitation is given to all
i t i ' .1 .1 :
cousins and aunts, to be present next
' Monday evening.
From llosday's Dally
Mr. J. B. Crossen went to Portland
on the 2:30 train. , -
m j -dz 9. n 1. 1 3
load of pelts to Portland.
' Mrs. Handley arrived on the noon
train today from Portland.
Miss Urque returned this morning
to her home at Hood River.
The water in the Columbia has fallen
almost a foot since Saturday night.
The Klickitat republicans will hold
thaircountv. convention on Mav 14tb
;. The brick work on the new Vogt
block will be finished by the middle of
the week.
' Seufert Bros, expect to have their
cannery in readiness for operation by
Monday next.
' A house belonging to William Haz
zard was destroyed by fire at Van
couver yesterday.
Mr. I80m Cleek, formerly proprietor
of the suttler's store at Warm Springs
agency, is in the city.
' The fair weather of yesterday and
today is having the good effect of bring
ing many farmers into the city.
Master Joe Gill, of Portland, spent
Sunday in the city visiting his father,
Engineer Gill o? the Regulator.
Governor McGraw is coming in for
pretty liberal supply of abuse from
the people at the mouth of the Colum
bia for having called out the militia to .
' rotect the trapinen at Sand island.
They suem to think the governor ex
cee led his jurisdiction and acted inad
visedly. linker county citizens are aslted to
raUe a subsidy of $1003 to pwnre
telephone connections with Grant
county points.
Last night Mr. C. M. Grimes shipped
five carloads of cattle and one of hogs
to Trouidale. They were from Echo,
Umatilla county.
As many as 1000 men are reported to
be on the head waters of the big
Nestucca prospecting for gold. As
yet little has been found.
Mr. D. C. Herrin returned yesterday
from Heppner. He spent last Satur
day in that city, and while there wit
nessed a beautiful snow storm.
Sheep shearing in the souther .1 m t
of the county has begun in real earnest,
and in a short time the wool crop of
1896 will begin arriving in The Dalles.
Mrs. Al Reese has been dangerously
ill the past week with pneumonia, but
today her physician, Dr. O. C. Hollis
ter, reports her condition improving.
Col. Bob. Thompson, an official in
the Portland custom house, spent yes
terday in the city, and returned to
Portland on the Regulator this morn
ing. .
Rev. J. C. Baker held services in
Calvary Baptist churuh yesterday,
morning and evening. He left this
morning for his home at Hartland,
Those handsome new signs at Don
nell's drug store, whi li are eo gen
erally admired by all who pass along
Second street, are the work of Mr. J.
E. Hardy, the artistic painter.
Coroner Butts returned Saturday
evening from Kingsley. Mr. Butts
says the fall grain in that section was
slightly damaged by the f 09ts of last
week, though the injury was slight.
The Klickitat Republican hoists the
picture of an eagle birj and Governor
Morton at the head of its editorial
columns, and exprejses its preference
for the latter as candidate for presi
dent. The Republican is not given to
Mr. J. H. Cradlebaugh returned
home last Saturday night after having
spent seren weeks in the Cascade
range over on the Washington side,
prospecting for gold. Mr. C. has some
fine specimens of gold, and is confident
that the mine he has been prospecting
will prove a bana iz 1.
The west-bound passenger train was
four hours late reaching here thU
morning. It was delayed seven hours
by a washout in Nebraska Friday
night, and from there here had been
nblA tn mnlrA tin hnf. hhrA hnnna nt t.ha
lost time- The train stopped long
en .q The Mqw
eP8 to t bredkhut
T,ese are the da-vs. whon the fe8tlve
cauuiuaie assumes nis pieasanrest ex-
pression, grasps you by the hand and
enquires about the condition of your
business, the health of your family and
that of all your wife's relations, and
the weather is most favorble for this
pleasant vocation. Nature is indeed
kind in furuishing- such balmy days at
the opening of the campaign.
- Mr. Geo. Parob, a prominent farmer
of Grass Valley, who is in the city to
day, does not briog very encouraging
reports from Sherman county. . He
says the recent cold weather killed a
great many young lambs, and has dam
aged the late grain considerably. Con
tinual warm, dry weather now, he
thinks, would be detrimental to the
growiDg crops an Sherman county.
Mr. Robert Mays came in Saturday
evening from the stock ranges in the
vicinity of Bikeoven. . He reports
sheep shearing having been retard
ed by the recent cold spell, and quite
a number of sheep that had just been
shorn having frozen to death The
loss of young lambs, - Mr. Mays says,
was quite heavy during a- few cold
nights, however the increase of sheep
oe quite large in lain ssction,
notwithstanding the cold weather.
1 summing up the losses by the
cent fire we inadvertently omitted to
mention the amount of los sustained
' by the Knights of Pythias and A. O.
U. W. lodges, both of which lost their
entire setsof furniture, regalia, badges,
records, etc. The K. of P's. lo8 i es
timated at $400 und the A. O. U. W's.
at $150. . These losses . are severely
felt, as both lodges were young and
financially weak, the Knights having
been severely taxed during the . sick
ness which prevailed he e last full.
Mitchell Monitor. -
From Tuesday's Dally.
" J. R. Mooney returned to White
Salmon today by boat.
. Mr. Wilson of Drano, wife and chil
dren were passengers by boat this
At the bicycle drawing yesterday
Fletcher Faulkner held the winning
number 138.
At Los Angeles and Sacramento a
heavy frost last nigt was very destruc
tive to fruit.
Judge Bennett went to Stevenson
this morning to attend the preliminary
examination of Carr.
Capt. McNulty, first mate of the
steamer Dalles City returned to his
post of duty this morning.
Mr. J. R. Warmer, of White Salmon,
came up on the Regulator last evening.
and spent the night in the city.
Mr. I. D. Driver came in from Wamic
yesterday. He reports everything
flourishing in that part of the country.
Mrs. Jeff Nix, wife of the sheriff of
Skamania county, Washington, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. P. J. Clark, in
this city. ,
- De Witt's Sarsaparilla is prepared for
cleansing the blood. : It builds up and
strengthens constutions impaired by
disease. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co.
Mr. P. L. Kretzer manager of the
Gasoline well-driller at the Columbia
Brewery, returned ou the noon train
from Portland.
Pure bipod means good health. De
Witt's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood,
cures Eruptious, Eczema, Scrofula and
all diseases. Snipes & Kinersly Drug
Mr. W. N. Bon ney formerly of Eu
gene, is visiting friend in the city.
He leaves for his hoiie in Pendleton
the latter part of the week.
Leon Roudeaux and wife were pas
sengers on the Regulator this -morning,
to Vancouver to visit her father
Mr. J. B. Pyette who is sick.
Mr. L. C. Elwards democratic nomi
nee for representative from Gilliam
county, and said to be the next repre
sentative, by those , who know, is in
the city.
The little cottage on Third street
which is being built by Mr. B.' Wolf,
presents a fine appearance and is in
deed a handsome addition to that part
of tfie city.
It's 0O6 ft miracle. It won't cure
everything, but it will cure piles ,
That's what DeWilt's Witch Hazle
Salve will do, because it has done it in
hundreds of cases. Sn'pes & Kinersly
Drug Co.
Mrs. G. H. Brown, who has Iwen
resi Jing in Alhina the past few yeai,
u-aine up on the Regulator yesterday,
and will again take up her residence
in this city.
Dr. H. A. Sturdevant, the dentist,
wishes it distinctly understood that he
has no intention of changing his resi
dence to Asioria or elsewhere, as has
been reported of late. The report
started owning to the change of resi
dence of a namesake T. F. Sturdevant.
The hours of the Miss Hall's kinder
garten school will hereafter be from 1
to 4 in the afternoon, instead of from
9 to 12 in the forenoon as in the past.
Take a dose of De Witt's Little Early
Risers just for the good they will do you.
These little pills are good for indiges
tion, good for headache, good for liver
complaint, good for -constipation.
They are good. Snipes & Kinersly
Drug Co. '
Frank Woodcock, our Franlr, is in
town, we fo ind him standing in the
shadows of the court bouse steeple
trying to get used to it before he is
elected sheriff.
For all clensing purposes, domestic
or mechanical, removing scale from
steam boilers.makingsoap, deodorizing
the kitchen sink, or spraying purposes,
use Red Seal Lye. Being strictly pure,
it requires less than other kinds, con
tains no salt and packed in sifting top
cans "
Rev. Roland V. Grant, wife and two
daughters are in tbe city, accompanied
by Mr. Dygert. of the firm of Meston &
Dygert, of Portland, and a photog
rapher. They desire to make a few
representative views of this place and
its institutions as well as its seet.ic
beauties for use in Mr. Grant's
eastern lecturing tour.
We might tell you more about One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know that it cures a cough. Every
one does who has used it. it is a per
feet remedy for coughs, colds hoarsfe
ne9s. It is an especial favorite for
children, being pleasant to take and
quick in curing. Snipes & Kinersly
Drug Co.
Last night about eleven o'clock a
hobo or thief, in prowling around the
Craig house on Fourth street, ran into
a wove 1 wire fence and made such a
racket as to awaken Mr. Morgan, tbe
present occupant. He got away in
time to spoil Mr. M's chance of demon- j
strati ng his pet theory of how to hit
with a derringer after dark.
It's just as easy w'try One Minute
Cough Cure as any thing else. It's
easier to cure a severe cough or cold
with it. Let your next purchase for
acoughbe One Minute Cough Cure.
Better medicine; better result: better
try it. Snipes & Kinersly DrugCo.
Captain Harry Taylor, assistant to
Captain W. L. Fisk, has received
official notice from the chief of engin
eers, that he has been relieved, and
will proceed to Seattle to take charge
of the government work in Washing
ton. He has had superintendence of
the work on the Cascade locks and
canal for several years, and it will take
him several weeks to finish up there,
and then he will go to Seattle. j
A little ill, then a little pill. The 1
little ill is gone the pill has won. De
Witt's Little Early Risers tbe little
pills that lure great ills. Snipes &
Kinersly Drug Co. . j
Next Saturday J. H. St. Lawerence,
the blind populist orator, and songster
will address the people of this city on
the politicaLissues of the day in the
court house at 8 P. M. Mr. St. Law
erence is said to be a pleasant speaker, I
and has a happy faculty for entertain
ing bis . hearers. Ha is quite well
known throughout Eastern Washing
ton, having appeared frequently on
the rostrum, and ia at present mayor
of the city of Pullman.
Busy people have no time, and sen
sible people have no inclination to
use a slow remedy. One MinuteCongb
(Jure acts promptly and gives perma
nent results. Snipes & Kinersly Drug
Last night about 10:30 o'clock Jim-
mie Urquhart on returuing home dis
covered fire in a closet at bis mother's.
Mrs. A Urquhart, residence on 14th
street Military Reserve Addition, this
was extinguished withouc a general
alarm, and it was thought at the time
thoroughly, but at about half p-ist one
it again broke out and this time the
family being asleep gained such a head
way that it was entirely beyond con
trol when discovered. Mrs. Urquhart
managed with tbe help of neighbors
to save her sewing machine, an organ,
a few dresses and other light articles,
everything elso was entirely con
sumed. .
for Over Fifty Tears.
An Old and Well-Tried Rem
edy. Mrs. 'Wmsiow's Soothing Syrup
has been used iur over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes tbe child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. 1b
pleasant to ihe taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of . the worid.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
'I Was No Good on Earth."
Dr. Miles Nervine strengthens
the weak, builds up the broken
down constitution, and permanently
cures every kind of nervous disease.
"About one year ago I teas afflicted
wettH nervousnem, aleeplessnemmt
Creeping sensation (amy legr.
Slight palpitation of my hea .1,
Mitatraeting confusion ofthemind,
Berious loss or lapse of memory.
Weighted doum with, eare and
worry. M completely lost appetite
And felt my vitality wearing out,
I teas weak, irritable and tired,
My weight was reduced to 1GO Ibm.,
In fact I was no good, on earth.
A friend brought
me Dr. Miles' book,
"New and Start
ling Facts," and
I finally decided
to try a bottle of
Dr. Miles' Re
orative Nervine.
Before I had taken
one bottle I could
sleep as well as a
lO-yr.-old boy. My
appetite returned
neatly increased.
When I had taken the sixth bottle
By weight increased to 170 bs.,
The sensation tnmy legs was gone
By nerves steadied completely!
By memory was fully restored.
My brain seemed clearer than ever.
X felt as good as any man on earth.
Dr. Biles' Restorative Servine is
A great medicine, I assure you."
Augusta,, He. Walter K. Bubrajik.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
Sarantee that tbe first bottle will benefit.
ldragglauaellitatSl.6 bottles for $5, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by tbe Dr. M ties Mert ioal Co. Elkhart, Iml.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
The Ladies of the Woodmen Circle Enter
taiu Their Friends.
Cedar Grove No. 12 has bren organ
ized only a little over three motitlis.
yet it is becviniiig 0!in of the most po -ular
orders in the city. This is ex
plainable from two reasons. First, the
order, as a fraternal and beneficiary
society possesses features that are most
commendable, combining life insur
ance at actual cost and also extending
to its members fraternal relations sec
ond to nonp; and second, from the fact
that the membership of the grove i
made up of the most genial and com
panionable ladies and gentlemen In the
cit-y. This was demonstrated beyond
question by the entertainment given
by the grove Frid y evening. In addi
tion to the members of the Woodmen
lodge and their families, invitations
were extended to a number of unini
tiated, and as a result '125 ladies aid
gentlemen assembled at Fraternity hall
to enjoy the evening's' entertainment.
When the large assemblage had
been comfortably s ateil. Mrs. H Web
ber, worthy advisor, took her portion
as master of ceremonies and announced
the first number on the programme,
an address of welcome by the worthy
guardian, Mrs. J. M. Filloon. In her
address Mrs. Filloon explained briefly
the objects of the circle, and ere she
had ceased speaking every one of her
hearers was convinced that the aims
of the order were noble and grand.
Following the address of welcome, the
following programme was rendered,
every number of which asareal gem :
Cornet Solo L, E. Dawson
Recitation, "The New Church Organ."
; Mrs. C. F. Stevens,
Vocal Solo, "Dennie Murphy's Daughter
Nell." Miss May Cashing
Piano Solo Miss Georgia Sampson
Address. -Objects of theOi der" Dr O. D. Doane
Vocal Solo. "Maid of Athens". . . .Charles Clark
Recitation. "The Storm" Mrs M. E. Briggs
Vocal Salo, "Tims or Apple BiOons."
Miss Hilda Beck
Vocal Duet, "T ie Robin and the Rose,"
Charlie Clark and Georgie Sampson
While the entire programme was
roost interesting, and was elegantly
rendered, there was one number, "The
1 Storm." a 1 oem written by a member
of the Woodmen order residing at Air
bany, that was indeed worthy of more
than passing notice.' Tbe poem i self
is really grand, aud the scenic effect
produced while it was being recited
was most impressive. It compares a
human life to a mighty oak, which,
is uprooted by the storms of time, and
then the Woodmen's lodge extends its
protection to those dependent upon
the one who has fallen. On one side
of the hail had been placed an o ik tree, '
: and after two stanzas of the poem had
i been recited the lights were turned j
' out. Then amid the roar of thunder. I
j the sound of falling rain, the sighing of
! the wind and tfie flash of lightning, I
j the mighty oak fell, and above the din
I of storm rang out the voice of lady re
citing, telling how the grand order of
Woodcraft steps in to console the loved
ones of the fa len neighbor. The ef
fect was indeed dramatic, and produced
an impression that will not soon be
forgotten. Hardly had the last number
of the programme been finished when
tbe lady members of tbe grove began
fitting hither and yon, arranging long
j white-covered tables with tie choicest
1 viands, and as if by magic a banquet
was spread that would have tempted
the most fastidious epicure. Beside
each plate was laid a souvenir that was
most appropriate, a little wooden axe,
on which was inscribed "Cedar Grove,
No. .12, April 17, 1896." After devot
ing several hours to the discussion of
the edibles, the party dispersed, all
convinced that the members of ldar
Grove are most hospitable entertainers.
It seems to be settled thing that
John C. Leasure is to run for congress
as the sound money candidate, but it
will make some of the sound money
democrats in this neighborhood very
weary when they have to vote for him.
Pendletim Tribune.
Judge Bennett is an ardont advocate
of free silver, and as he stands squarely
on the platform of his party in this
state, his personal popularity will give
him its full vote in the district. Mr.
Bennett, if elected, will represent the
state with ability. He is one of the
ablest attorneys in the state and bears
the proud distinction of never having
been a corporation attorffey. From
this fact alone every populist in the
district could vote for him if their can
didate was withdrawn. Hood River
J. H. Cradlebaugh ol The Dalles,
one of the ablest lawyers and most
brilliant orator in the state, has been
nominated by the democrats for prose
cuting attorney for this district. He
is also one of the most brilliant edi
torial writers on the coast, having fol
lowed the newspaper business a num
ber of years in connection with his law
practice. Condon Globe.
Judge Bennett - has accepted the
nomination as a candidate for congress
on the democratic ticket. He is a man
of strict integrity and well worthy the
support of his party. Heppner j
It may appear to some people that
John C. Leasure is the proper man to
nominate for congress as the independ
ent candidate, but it does not so ap
pear to others. Mr. Leasure is identl
fled with tbe machine, is anything in
politics that will get votes, and that
kind of a man will never make a record
as an indenendent. Such a man is no
better than a free silver coinage man,
if as good. East Oreg-onian.
Anhlaad Gets Them for 85 SO per Month
Why Mot The Dalles?
Owing to tbe failure of the city coun
cil and the electric light company to
agree upon apriceforfurnisbingstreet
lights, Tbe Dalles has been in darkness
since the first of the month. This is a
condition to be deplored. After hav
ing enjoyed the luxury of street lights
for a number of years the residents of
the city do not desire to retrogress,
and go back to the "dark ages," as it
were. If the city can not afford to pay
the prices demanded by tbe company
and these prices are the best that are
liable to be offered, then the city
authorities mijfht well cast about and
ascertain if there are not other sources
for supplying the city with light at less
prices. The city of Ashland, in Jack
son county, has just entered into a con
tract with -the electric light compiny
of that-place, for twenty-one arc lights
at So.50 per light par month. ' If lights
can be furnished in Sjuthera Oregon
at that price, why can they not be sup
plied at a similar price in Tbe Dalles?
Possibly if cheaper power than -steam
could be utilized, cheaper lights could
be had. If, for instance, tbe power at
the old City Mills could be utilized for
turning tbe wheels of an electric light
plant, could not the city be lighted at
le-s expense. ' This power belongs to
The Dalles City water fund, and we
understand the proceeds from Its sale
must go to that fund and no other; bat 1
coul.l not an act of the legislature
transfer it to the city? If so. it would
not be a bad stroke of policy for the
ity to secure the transfer, and then
11 it to some company that would put
in a plant, and furnish lights at les-jost.
A Greitt Ue.ritmn rreMeriptiua.
Diseased blood, constipation and
kidney, liver and bowel troubles are
cured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea. For
sale by M. Z. Don noil.
Stay at H ine. '
There is no question but what the
n en who have been rushing off to
Alaska. Cripple Creek and most other
places for gold have been making sad
mistakes. The S ilein Post tells of
one case: A man arrived in Salem to
day from Cripolj Creek, Coloralo
who does not paint the situation there
in the most rosy hue. He stated that
he was able to ride there, but had to
walk back, and is now on the way to
his home near Myrtle Point. Coo
county. He said the land for (0 mile
around Cripple Crek was staked ou
in mining elaimp, and that very feu
of them are worth the paper the claim
notice is written upon. There are
4QM idle men in thedUtriot at present,
who have 110 other means of getting
away from the place but by walking.
Everything iu the w iy of a neo 8-iity
is very high priced. Rooiru are so
scarce and costly that men are glad to
pay 50c-ints for the privilege of occupy
ing a chair in a saloon during the
Arn You Made
Miserable by indigestion, eons-tipt
tion dizziness, bws of appetite, yellow
skin? Shiloh's Vitalizt-r Is a positive
cure. For sale by. M Z. Donnell.
Will Vote for .tlltrhell.
' The Crook county populists held
theirennvpntion on th loth and nomi
noted D. E. Temph-ton for tbe legis
lature. No other nominations were
made.' The convention left their
nomi iee little or no choice in the
matter of selecting a United S'ates
Senator, having adopted tbe following
"We heartily endorse the Hon. John
H. Mitchell in hisable advocacy of the
popular demand for independent oiinet
alism, and we pledge that our repre
sentative. If e'ected, will support no
man for the United Stite- senate, ""ho
is not pronotrhcedly in favor of silver
to its right under the constitution, viz:
full an equal legal tender and coinage
privileges with gold at the present
ratio of 16 to 1."
Burns are absolutely painless when
DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve is
promptly applied. This statement
is true. A perfect remedy for skin
diseases, chapped hands and lips, and
never fails to cure piles. Snipes &
Kineraly Drug Co.
Canght In a fly Wheel.
About 2 o'clock last Saturday a pain
ful accident occured in the Oregonian
building at Portland, resulting in the
death of James E. Turner, a plasterer
residing" in East Portland. Turner
entered the basement in a intoxicated
condition, and it is supposed that he
walked upon a fast moving belt that
carried him into the large fly-wheel
where he was crushel to death. His
body was drawn into the pit where is
stationed the fly-wheel, attached to the j
engine that propels the machinery in
the building, and every bone was
Serves on Edge.
I was nervous, tired, irritable and
cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has
made me well and happy.
For sale by M. Z Donnell.
It May Do as Alncli for Ton.
'Mr. Fred Miller of Irving, 111.,
writes that be had a severe kidney
trouble for. many years, with severe
pains in his back and also that his
bladder was affected. He tried many
so called kidney cures but without any
good result. About a year ago he be
gan the use of Electric Bitters and
j found relief at once. Electric Bitter
is especially adaoted to the cure of all
kidney and liver troubles and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial
: will prove our statement. Price 50c.
and $1.00 at Blakeley & Houghton's
Drug store.
A Baby's Life Saved.
"My baby had croup and was saved
by Shiloh's Cure." writes Mrs. J. B,
Martin.- of Huntsville, Ala. For sale
by M. Z. Donnell.
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. Francis, Alderman
Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. Kind's
New Discovery as an ideal panacea for
coughs, colds and lung complaints,
having usedjt in my family for tbe
last five years, to the exclusion of
physician s prescriptions or other pre
Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, To wa,
writes: "I have ben a minister of the
Methodist Episcopal church for fifty'
years or more, and have never found
anything so benencial, or that gave
me such speedy relief as Dr. King's
New Discovery." Try this Ideal
Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles
Free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug
It's all the same, a slight cild, con
crested lungs or severe coujrh. .One
Minute Couh Cure banishes them.
Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co.
TVs exrni-
irdiu-t-y Re
;nrenator is
the most
discovery of
the ace. It
b is b"en cn-o-d
hy the
loading! r-ien-tifie
n.en of
Europe and
Hodyan ta
KbTe'f TC8
Hudyan stops
of the dls
:iarge In 20
dara. Cnres
Ta'liDg Ben
satlt n,Krv
of the eye:
and othei
In y Ik orate
and tones tiu
Hudraa cn:
and develop -and
r stnn
treak c 'gart
P. ins in In
back. kse
by pay o
qulctlv. Over 2,000 prtvrte endo-semmts.
Previa ttxrenets tm-LOs Jsmotenfy iu the firtt
stue. It is a tymp om of srmi-l weakness
a id barrpnnpn. It can be stopped in zu days
by theoseof Hadyan.
The l ew discovery was mad by the Social
ists of the old famncsHudtoa Medical Institute.
It la the stroncest Tlializer made. It is very
powerful, bnt ba ml n. Bold for SLOO a pnek-
vgeore packages iur o.uui; w wcb
Written snarantaa riven for a cure. If Too boy
six boxes and are rot entirrly eorrd.aix more
will be sent to yno r. cf ll cvarg
Sena Tw riren'srssna wnmnpiig. jtaareg
lilliHI StoektosH Alar He t ac Ellis Sta
w; n iflnnn
ANOTHEb ticket nominated.
The Populist Convention Nominate alt
n of Good Men.
Th populist county convention was
h Id in the court h .us -1 S t n day. The
meeting w 13 called to order by John
Taylor, chairtnau of the county cen
tral committee, and on motion H. H.
Davidson was elected temporary chair
man and H. L. Howe, secretary.
The chairman appointed the follow
ing committee:
On credentials J. H. Aldrich, J. W.
Kl'lon, J. Taylor.
On order of business W. II. fiarri
nan, ft. F. Wickham. Seth Morgon.
The convention then adjourned un 3 o'clock to give the committees
tune to report.
On re-assembling at 3 o'clock the
committee on order of business recom
nended that the temporary officers be
made the permanent officers of the con
vention, and that nominations be made
in the following order: sheriff, clerk,
treasurer, county ju lge, commissioner,
issessor, school superintendent, coru
irr, which report was adopted.
The committee on credentials re
ported the following delegates entitled
to seats in the convention as represen
atives of the different precincts;
Baldwin W. S. Grible, W. J. Grible.
Eist Hood River El Hiwkes, F.
St mton. M F Lay. W G Clellan by M
V Lay proxy. W H Davidson.
East Dalles V H Taylor, Seth Mor
gan, EJ Hill, J W Elton, J F Root, J
A Taylor.
Columbia G A Hart.
Dufur John Rodh.
West Hood River H L Howe. C D
Calkin-s. by R Howells proxy, A W
King, J Purser, W T Handsbry, R H
Kingsley I J Butler.
Trevitt Geo Chen-is, John Apple
gate. Wu4 Dalles Geo Arnold, R F
Wickham. A L Rjese, W A D.ividson,
Albert Waiters, by Wm. Johnston
Mosier H P Moore, H R Hains, O
R McCoy.
Deschutes M J Rets, P P Under
wood. Eight-Mile Geo Patterson, E. R.
D ily, W. J. Harriman.
Falls W R Hergaton, E Manning,
W C Hergaton, J G Brown, Robert
Black. E Alwirk all by J H Alldrich
proxy, Chas Inglefield. G Frizzell, by
W B Hergaton proxy. J H Aldrich.
After the adoption of the report of
the committee on credentials, the con
vention proceeded to nominate candi
dates for office, resulting as follows :
For Sheriff W H Taylor.
Clerk H L Howe.
Treaj-urei" Seth Morgan.
County Judge F A Taylor.
Commissioner Geo Patterson.
Assessor D R McCoy.
- School Superintendent Miss Josie
Coroner Geo Arnold. .
He Say He's Not by a Sight
Salem Reporter.
Recently h wild rumor svas chasing
through the atmosphere that Harvey !
! Soo,t had dropped dead in Portland, j
Of course
every newspape man in
Salem wanted to know right away
whether there was any trntb in the re
port, owing to the prominence of the
veteranedTtor of the Oregonian. No I
confirmation' of the report could be
found in Salem, and finally a Salem
Evening Post reporter determined to
telephone to tbe Oregonian office in
regard to the matter.
Repairing to the central office, he
called up the Oregonian. It so hap
pened that it was an hour when the
great editorial rooms of the great j
Portland daily were not occupied, and i
the amiable Harvey himself, happ 'n-!
Ing to be present, answered the call.
The questions propounded and ans
wered were as follow-:
"is Harvey Scott dead?"
What's that?"
' Is Harvey Scott dead?"
Dead! Not by a d d sight."
The reporter recognised the voice
aid dropped the telephone liite a hot
pita to.
Laid to Rest.
The funeral of George McNulty, who
died at Mosier on Thursday of , last
week, was conducted from the Congre
gational ohurch in this city Sunday
afternoon. An impressive funeral
address was delivered by Rev. W. C.
Curtis, then a large concourse of
friends followed the remains to the
Odd . Felloes cemetery where tbey
were laid to rest.
Deceased was the eldest son of Capt.
and Mrs. John McNulty, and was born
In Portland, August 1, I860. When
only an infant he came with his
parents to The Dalles, and grew to
manhood in this city. He cbose for
his occupation railroading and was for
a number of years an engineer on the
O. R. & N. line, but ten years ago his
health failed, and he was forced to
give up active employment. The great
er portion of his life since 1886 has
be -n spent on the farm near Mosier,
where the deceased quietly awaited
t e summons of the messenger deat h
t call him to the beyond, all tbe time
r lizing that his life hung only by a
thretd, the germs of consumption hav
ing 1 mg since claimed him for their
victim. Mr. McNulty was a pleasant,
unasumlng gentleman. . held in the
highest regard by the entire com
munity. '
Important Caaes Decided.
Monday Judge Bennett received a dis
patch from Washington informing him
that the three cases which he argued
before the United States supreme court
on March 12. had been decided, the de
cision of the lower court having been
sustained in each. Thus tbe judge has
won three of the hardest fought legal
battles that have ever gone to tbe U.
S. supreme court from this stateTand
in which he was opposed by two of the
most prominent lawyers in the nation.
Senator Thurston and Joh L. Dillon.
The cases were Mrs. Skottowe v. tbe
Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern,
A. Mullen, administrator, against the
same companies and Francis Conlin
agai ii-t the same defendants.
The case of Mrs. Skottowe against
the railroad companies was one of 1
more than usual interest to the resi
dents of The Dalles, the accident which
res llted in Mr. Skottowe's death hav-
AUTO its cxnts
To THE Editor : I have an absolute
remedy for Consumptioa By its timely usa
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof -positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
tmd two bottle fret to those of your readers
who have 03nsump&m,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung- Trouble, if tbey will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCTJeLK. C us Pearl ft, BnrTerfe
The Editorial aaa Bashaw Hismanal at
ing occurred in this city. In 1891, Mr
and Mrs. Skottowe, two Irish tourists,
were visiting The Dalles, and one dark
night, thinking they were approa-hint
the steamboat landing w .lk. d off th
high walk, belonging to ihe railrnac:
company, just west of the Baldwin
opera house. Mr. Skottowe died from
hi injuries, while Mrs. Skottowe was
crippled for life.
The Conlin case grew out of the rail
road accident at the Casc.ide a num
ber of years ago in which Mr. Conlii
lot his life.
ISucklen h ,li-ni-it Hlve.
The best salve in the world for cut!-triii-ies.
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fev
tores, teeter, chapped hands. cnt
blains, corns and all skin eruption?
ind positively cures piles, or uo pa.
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
From U.S.Jornnl of iledictru
Prof. V7. H. PecEC, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, has without
doubt treated ond cur
ed more ras s than any
living Physician; his
success is astonishing.
We have henrd of cases
of 30 years' standing
cure a oy
him. Ho
work on
this dis
ease, which
no sonas
.with a
larero bot
tle of his absolute cure, free to any oufTcrera
who may send their P. O. and E.pres-i ad-'ress.
We arlvire nnv one wishint; a euro to ndHresa
PiuLW. gEEKE. IT. D., 4 Cedar Ct., Ecvr York
Timber Land, xcr June 3, 187?.
United States Land Office, I
Tbb Dalles, Or.. March 21. lafS. 1
Notice is hereby given that in cooipliuace
wita the provisions I IDe act ot (. ongress ol
June 3. 1ST8, entitle! "An act fur the sale 01
timber lunds ia t e St ites of California, Ore
gun, Nevada, and Washin.- ton Territory,"
Of The Dulles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has t is day nad ii this oltl.e bis sworn
t KtmemeuJNo, i.'. tor tne purchase 01 the MS
I NWti Sec. 3.1. Tp. 1 S.. K. II ..and NEH NK!
j Sej. SIS' SBH Sectioa re,, Tp. 1 S. K.
Ilu East, and will offer prucf to show t .at the is more valuable for its timber or
stone tuan for lunoses. and to
, estiblish his claim to s. id land before the Keg
i iter and Kec-eiver-of t .is office at The Dalles,
I Oregon, ol Tuesii.iy. the 2d d ly of June, is'.ti.
He names as witnesses I J Normun. Peter
Aquinlis. Willium Johnson, and JosepaHull, aU
of The Dalles, Oitgun.
I Any and all pe.suas claiming adversely the
I above de-nbea l inds are requested to file their
' cl lims in tais ot&ce on or beiore sid 2u day of
June. I. Wi. JAa. t . AlOUKfc.,
March 28, lOw. Register.
Land Omci at Tax Dalles. Oregon
January 3u, lb96.
Complaint having- been entered at this office
by Charles Hook against Albert N Oooper, for
failure to comply with law aa to timber-culture
Entry No. 2618. dated October 27, 1887, upon the
. NEttf Section 30, Township 2 N , Range 16 E , in
Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to tbe can
cellat on of said entry, contestant alleging tbat
said Albert N. rooper never plowed or broke
five acres of land the first year after entry, and
never has planted an? trees thereon, and has
not broken up the liad or cult.vated it, as re
quired by law. and has never put any fencing
thereon at all. and has never broken up more
than seven acres ia ail, and tbat tbe said Albert
N Coouer has abandoned said land, and has
been for the past three an1 one half years in tbe
state of Montana Tbe s lid pa ties are bereby
summoned to appear at this office on the 20th
day of March, if 96. at 2 o'clock P. u.. to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alltged
failure. JAS. V. MOORE. Register.
Feb. 1, 7w
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon.
April 1. 1SH6.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named set ler has filed notice of iiis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that snid proof will be made before Register
and Receiver, at The Dalies, Oregon, on May
13, 119(1, viz :
Hd E No 3612. for tbe E V. NW 1-4, and E
SW 1-4, Sec 14. Tp 4 S. R 13 E. W M.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
Of said land, viz:
A A Bonney. of The Dalles. Or; Charles
Pierce. Cha. les Hay ward and N Moade, all of
Tygh Valley, Oregon.
April 4. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. I
March 13. 18U& f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to m ike Baal proof In suppoitof hiseiaim. and
tn it said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on May if,
1896, viz:
Hd. E. No. 3227. for tie S!4 SEX Section 8,
Tp. 1 S . R. 14 E W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz, :
C. H. Sotherlini. James Darnielle, Joseph
Warren, Grant Bolton, all of Boyd. Oregon
March 21. 5 Register.
Land Office at Tbe Dalles. Obi.,
March 27. 1806.
Notice Is hereby given that the following'
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make fl-ml proof la support of hi claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver, at The Dalies. Oregon, on May
12. 18UO, viz.:
Hd. E. No. 8261, for the S4 SKH and SEX
SWtf See. 18. Td. 1 S. R. 15 E. W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous TCSidenoe upon and cultivation
of said land, viz. :
James Kflly, Jason Wakefield, Elmer James
and John Uuii-k. a.i of The .Dulles, Oregon.
March 28. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles Orb.
Marcu 18. 1806.
Notice Is tereby given the following
namaa -et.ier nis mca nonce oi ms mteai.on
tomake fiial proof ia -supi o. t of his claim, and
tiatsaidproot ill be made tfore Rei-ster aud
rceceiver at ine Danes, u.eoa, on Ap.ii ou,
itftw, viz. :
Hd. E. No. SW5, for the N NE and N
NWS. Sec. 29. TD. 2 N.. K. 15 E.
Ue names the following witnesses to prove
ms continuous residence upoa ana cultivation
of said laud, viz :
Joseph Southwell and A. J. Linton of The
Dailes. O.-egun a id W. Ilium SheJey and Geo.
Cozel oi Ueil o, urego i.
JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
March 21.
Land Office at Tbe Dalles. Oregon.
March 27. 1H98.
Notice is hereby ' given th it the following
nauiea set i ler nas nieu notice or ms intention
to muke fiial proof in support of his claim, and
that sa d proof will be made before Register
ana tteceiver, as xne uaues, Oregon, on June
1, ltvs. viz:
Hd. E. No. 32S7 for the N SWK and Nit
sk sec. o. tp. z a. it. ta w. m
lie names tne following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, viz:
Jacob Roberts. John Nolan. Will am Vander-
pooi. ana unaries u. stougaton, all of-4MUur,
March 28, Register.
Land Office at Tbb Dilles. Oregon, I
March 9. 1)46 (
Notice Is hereby given that te following
namea setuer nas mea notice oi his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on April
so, ion, viz;
Hd. E No. 3690,for theSV7M Sec. l,Tp. 1 S.R.
He names the fol'owlng witnesses to prove
his continuous residence UDon and cultivation
oi saia 1HIX-, viz:
J K. Harnett, or Tne Dalles. Oregon, and J.
B. Haverly.L. P. Bolton, and A. C. Rice, of
oova. u.-egon. jas. b MOORS.
March 14. Register.
NoMce Is hereby given tbat tve undent! -npH
has been dulv appointed bv the Hono-ille
'ounty court oi tne htate of Oregon for Wasco
County. s executor of t"ie last will "nd testa
ment of Miry Lacv. dereaspa All nerons
having rlnims against said estntw are notified
to present tt-e same, properly verified, to me. nt
mv residn-e in rml'es. Cltv. O-eoa. within six
months from the date of this notice.
ExPcutor of the Inst will and testament of
Mrv Lnov. deceased.
Dated this 30th day of March, 1836. w3t
The pnrtnersMp heretofore existing between
Geo W. Montgiimerv and Ht-nrv Hud on. 1r . is
this dav dissolved by mutual consent. Henry
Hud"on. r . wi:i lontlnue tLe Imslutss on the
farm and will assume all debts and assets of the i
late arm. HENRY HIT DPON JsV
' Dated at Dufur, Or. .this sa day of Ai.rU, UM
1 jire
Doctor Powell
w jThe-o. oM reii doctors" will consult with ou five of charge and tejlyofj
your li-e i6' without ask m o a q'ietinn. They also furnish all medirine at
thfir ffi n, anil Have yon cxtit est Inn ing tntilic-ines at the ilrug stores. W
can giv yon rewenm-s of in inv ivtnai kabii -u en th'-y have m nle n this Coast
Hy leading banker and business men. C'll at the office and red theiu for proof.
The snccc-E.'ul plivpi
ciun the skillful surgeon
the uni. fnt spet ialist
your best friend tbe
world's ben factor pei
tnanently located con
sult him this day.
!& k h
WHY is Dr. Reeves acknowledged as Portland's leading and most success
lul specialist ?
BECAUSE his reputation has been established by effecting cures of Chronic
Diseases in Men and citien where oilier physicians of acknowledged ability had
I'.iiled. liiseases which had reached a sta;;e before which the most skilled and ex
perienced physici ins stood powerless have yielded to bis trea ment, and praise and
graiimde are received from rich anil poor. READER, STOP and consider aright
this unparalleled and overwhelming testimony It means that a cure is effected in
every case that is undertaken.
FACTS A' E ; UBHORN THINGS, and 'he wonderful CURES he has effected
hae creaUd c . deuce and delighted the beans of those w ho have suffered and
stitiKltd in va n or ears xgainsi ihe ravages ol disease until this successful physi
cian restored litem to heallh
,seniiua Emissions, Loss of Sexual Power. Weakness of the Sexual Organs, .
' ant ol Desire in Male or Female, whether from imprudent habits of young, or
s- xual lial its of mature years, or any cause that debilitates the sexual functions,
speedilysnnd permanently cured.
Is a graduate cf a regular medical college; is well known all over thi United States
and Canada by Mousands of old and young men he has cured. - 1 hy not doctor
with the leading specialist of the world ? - hy not emplo) thi doctor who treats
the most peopie f Why not employ the dot tor u ho cures the quickest and never
tails? 'i'esliinonialsfrom leading bankers and business men ol ihe United Stales.
Twenty years expt ritnee ol the OLD DOCTQIt is ol great value to ihe afllicied.
Your heallh is of more importance to you .ban riches.
:e2 tt ze a? IE3
and Nervous Diseases
My college and hospital experience, together with improved ins ruments and
appliances to treat succes ful y the great majority of those diseases aud deformities,
considered aud given up as incurable, such 'as all tonus of Catarrh. Bronchitis,
Asthma, all Siouiach, Liver and Kidney Dis nses, as DsptpMa, Headmhe
Constipation, dizziness, etc.. Brighi's Disease. Diabetes, etc. -ll forms of Nervous
and Uiain Ditlicullics, Epileptic Fits, Heart Disease. Neuralgia. Rheumatism, all.
Blood Diseases, Syphilis, Scrofula. Cancers, and all Skin Diseases, Paralysis,
Dropsy, Hernia or Rupture, a I oiseases ol the Urinary Organs, private, acute and
chronic, treated by new and skillful methods. Also all diseases ot ihe Scalp, Hair,
Eye, Eur, Scmiinl eakness, liiipoteucy, Spermatorrhoea, Gravel, etc.
A special study and practice for many ye.tTs Over 400 casesj treated ytarly Re.
cent cases of private diseases cured in a short tune. Ulcers. Turner-., Blotches on
Ihe lace or body, cured without giving mercury or other poisms Aiercury is Ihe
curse ol the Human race; your cmld'en will suffer lrom its tfL-cts; avoid il as you
would any deadly drug, and use it no more. Thesediseases arc being cured i this
dispensary without mercury.
I ' . I ,' (i I,1 The remedies used in this dispi nsary are known only to
1 11 i 1 'J' oursel es, and have descended to us us a priceless heritage
from our illusirous ancestors, through many generations of the brightest lights in
the medical profession that ihe world has ever known ; and to these precious treas
ures of knowledge we have added the results of many years of labr and research
iu our chosen calling, until now we feel confident ol curing all curable diseases.
In order to get cured is to cast aside all false modesty and pi ice yo.irself under the
treatment U this noted speiiullst. His experience 111 the of such diseases
has. been world-wide fie has cured thousands -of others, and CAN CUrtE YOU.
Goiiuorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, and that terrible and loathsome disease, 'syphillis,
llioioughly and lurcvcf cured Uy Hie O.d Uoclor.
Dr. Reeves, 51 Third treet , Cor. Pine P ,rt!and, Or.
Office Hours: 91.11. to 12, and i to 7 p. m. Sundays, 10 to ta only. x
Commission and
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE9T.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
. Consignments Solicited
Prompt Attention Faid to Those Who Favor Me With Their Patronage
When You Want to Buy
. Seed Wheat, Peed Wheat,
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Hay,
: Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the :
Our prices are low and our poods are first-class ApenU for the
PfiMDLErON' MILLS FLO UK. Highest cash priee paid for
WcflCAf. OATS, and BARLEV. . ,
Wholesale Liquor Store
173 Second Street, The Dalles, Or.
Stubling & Williams. Proprietors
Wholesale Jobbing and Retail Dealers
Agents for Tabst Beer unH Leading Brands of Cigars.
This well-known brewery is now luming out the best Bper
and Port -r east of the Cnst-ades. 'Ihe latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, aud
only the first-class article will be
East Second Street,
.The-. Dulles,
5 V X
rapture, piles,
fissure, fistula and rectal
ulcers without knife, Hjp
at ure or caustic and wits'
out pain or detention
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all private diseases,
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