The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 18, 1896, Image 4

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..APRIL 18, 1S9G
. From Saturday's Dally.
Mr. F. W. Snipes went to Lylethis
'moming - , i.
- ' Mrs. P. H. DeHuff went to Portland
today on the Regulator.
" " - Mr. C. - E. Marcham returned . this
; morning to his home at Hood River.
Tho foundation for A. M. Williams
' & Ct'a. new store" building is being
laii. - ' "
"''Messrs. R. F. Gibbons, E. O. McCoy,
V and E. B. Dufur returned ontoday's
': train from Portland. -
-'. The Misses McNulty were passen
gers on the Regulator this morning,
going to Portland for a few days visit.
' . The masonry work of Vogt's new
-block is about complete, and work on
the rear of the building is well under
way.-; y ' ' "
, Arbor day'exercises were held in the
."'. district schools of the city yesterday.
"'consfstfriE' of recitations, dialogues
and songs. ;
' Miss Susie Dodson, of Prineville, is
in the city returning home from
Brownsville, where she has been dur
ing1 ths past winter.
Lieut Coon, of Centralia, "Wash
who-has been working with the Salva
tion army of this city the past few
weeks, left this morning for his home.
. r Farmers living in the vicinity of St.
' John, in the Palouse coutry say that
thousands of acres of fall grain have
' frozen off, and will have to be planted.
Mr. J. W. Armsworthy, democratic
nomine for joint senator for Wasco
and Sherman counties, arrived on the
. noon train from Portland today, re
.' turning to his home at Wasco.
Messrs. T. W. Glavey, John Johns.
I ton, L. D. and T. J. Driver, Charles
: Hilton and W. M. 'Barnett came up
j last night from Portland, where they
' had been attending the state conven-
Hon. Henry Blackman, of Pottland,
passed ud the road to Arlington last
- nighs'to attend the funeral of his
1 brother-in-law, the late Phillip Hep
pner, which took place at Arlington
- today.
' Circuit court for Gilliam county will
convene at Condon next Monday, 13th.
. The docket is about of average length
'.. and it is presumed that it will not take
over a week to dispose of all the busi
, ness this time.
Several sheepmen of the Antelope
section at a recent meeting discour
aged the use' of poison in killing
coyotes, by withdrawing the bounty,
on account of sheep dogs being killed
. by the strychnine.
This morning Mr.. Ben Ulrica buck
; eled on his hunting gear and took pas
sage on the Regulator for some point
down the river, where he will amuse
himself for a fortnight shooting what-
ever game may come within the range
of his deadly fowling piece.
The frost last week did considerable
damage to the cherry crop. In some
orchards it is thought the Royal Annes
. and Black Republicans are nearly all
killed. Gravenstein apples in some
places were thinned out by 'the frost.
At White Salmon, we are informed,
fruit . is "not damaged. Hood River
Glacier. .
for sheriff, L. W. Wood, who was de
feated for nomination in the recent
democratic convention, having an
nounced himself au independent can
didate. A sheepman residing in the southern
part of the county writes that he hu
had a successful lambing season thus
far, the lambs all being large and
stout.n ad 95 per cent of them have
been saved.
With the occasional showers of rain
that are falling it would require some
thing very unusu 1 to prevent East
ern Oregon producing an immense
grain crop this season. Everything is
favorable for an unprecedented yield
The democratic platform was pub
lished in Saturday's issue, and the re
publican declarations of principles are
given today. Voters should peruse
them carefullv. and then determine
which coincides most nearly with their
Mosier has' a monstrocity" in the
shape of a calf with two mouths, one
immediately underneath the "other,
The calf to all appearance is perfectly
formed otherwise, and bids fair to be
come a noted curiosity. It belongs to
Mrs. J. H. Mosier. -
F.noineer E. G Fanning, of Walla
Walla paid fire department, has per
fected a most useful invention for a
system of fire alarm, and has m vle a
proposition to the city-council for the
adoption of the system. It has pecu-
liar merit of its own, and is highly
spoken of.
It is estimated that there are be'
tween 76,003 and 103.030 bushels of
wheat in the warehouses at Waitsburg
.yet unsold, the owners of which feel
themselves able to hold for better
prices. The price now is 42 cents
which is about 10 cents higher than it
was a year ago.
The owners of floating fishwheels
have most of them in the river, and
are catching some fish, but so far the
catch has been very lightr owing no
doubt to the low stasre of water. Sta
tionary wheels are still high and dry
and are doing nothing, and will not
until the water has risen ten or fifteen
feet. '
The enrollment of the Washington
agricultural college, at Pullman," has
passed the 300 mark. The enroll
ment for the entire school year of
1894-5 was but .189 while for 1893-4 it
it barely passed the 100 mark. So far
the enrollment this year is nearly 200
per cent greater than two years ago,
and almost 100 per cent larger than
last year.
Populist primaries were held in
several of the precincts in the county
last Saturday, and delegates were
elected to the couDty convention which
is called to meet in The Dalles next
Saturday. The delegates elected from
West Dalles were Geo. Arnold, A, L.
Reese, J. W. Johnson, W. . A. David
son and R. F. Wickbam. There was
no meeting held in Trevitt or Bigelnw.
In East Dalles a meeting was held,
but we are unable to say if delegates
were elected.
In 1894 Grant county received from
. the 5 per cent, state road fund the
" 8umpf $2,562.67. Last year her share
was 8966,70. This year the sum ap
portioned to Grant county is only $308.
30, with a strong probability that
next year Grant county will owe the
road fund. Hard times cause slow col
' lections from the sale of state lands.
Grant County News.
The approach of spring is having a
' bad effect on some of the horses used
j in the city. Several runaways have
occurred within the past few days,
. causing considerable excitement al
' though doing no damage. Even C. L.
' Schmidt's old delivery wagon horse
took a coltish freak last evening and
.. cantered around oyer town, scattering
. groceries over the street promis
cuously. Today Mr. S.. B. Adams, who was
appointed by the county court to con
struct a new road from the outskirts
of the city to Three-Mile, viewed out
' the route, and found the heaviest
grade at any point to be only five in
. shes to the rod. He contemplates the
road can be completed within a - week,
and when finished will be a vast im
provement over the present route.
All county officers who will be suc
ceeded by others will be compelled
to relinquish their offices the first
Monday in July, with the single ex
ception of assessor who holds until
the first Monday in January following
the election. This is in accordance
with a recent act of the legislature,
. as the assessor is usually very busy in
July making assessments, ana his
work cannot be profitably broken in
County School Superintendent W.
W.Kennedy has completed his enu
meration of school children of Gilliam
county, compiled from the reports of
the school district clerks of the
county. There are even 1400 school
'.- children in Gilliam county. - This is
an increase of 117 over 1893 and 32 over
1890, the year in which the last gov
ernment census of Gilliam county was
taken. By the census taken last year
by Assesor Clarke, it appears that
Gilliam county lost about 600 people
since 1890, but be this as it may, it is
an undoubted fact that we have 32
' more school children now than we had
The people of Rockland were con
siderably exercised last Saturday by
the appearance in that place of a half
dozen strangers, who were clambering
around over the rocks on the north
side of the river. The Rocklanders
held a consultation and came to the
conclusion that the strangers were a
gang of Fins from Astoria bent upon
destroying the fish trap and wheels
in that vicinity. They at once tele
graphed Sheriff Stimson of Golden
dale, and requested that he come to
their assistance. When the sheriff ar
rived he ascertained that the suspected
parties were farmers from Dakota look
ing for locations in Washington.
From Monday's Dally
Mr. Sam Wilkins went to Portland
on the Regulator this morning.
Judge Bennett went to Portland on
this morning's train. He will remain
in Portland several days.
Judge Bradshaw went to Condon
yesterday to open a term of circuit
court at that place this morning.
Hon. W. H. Biggs is reported much
improved today, and his physicians
now consider his recovery hopeful.
The hold-up Saturday night should
serve as a warning to citizens to not
carry any amount of loose chaDge
around with them.
. The Prineville Review reports 10.000
head of mutton having been sold in
Crook county for $1.50 a head. They
are for the Chicago market.
Miss Mamie ' Driver has returned
from Portland where she has been
attending school, and has accepted a
position as clerk in the sheriff's office.
All grades of sugar advanced one
eighths of a. cent today. This rise is
caused by the probable scarcity occa
sioned by the destruction of the sugar
crop in Cuba.
: Crook county .has three candidates j an increase of fully 50 per cent in spray-
From Tuesd ay's Daily.
Mrs. Geo. P. Morgan, of Cascades, is
visiting in the city.
Father ' Bronsgeest returned last
night from Cascade Locks.
Hon. John Fulton, county judge of
Sherman county, is in the city today.
The Misses McNulty returned home
on the Regulator last evening from
Port) ana.
Mrs. P. H. DeHuff returned home
last evening from a visit to her son in
Several wagon loads of wheat were
received at Moody's warehouse today
from the vicinity of Ten Mile.
Mrs. J. R. Warner and Mrs. A. H.
Jewett, of White Salmon, are visiting
in. the city, having arrived on the Reg
ulator last evening.
De Witt's Sarsaparilla is prepared for
cleansing the blood. It builds up and
strengthens constutions impaired by
disease. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co.
Mrs. S. L. Brooks, accompanied by
her niece, Miss Emma Brooks, went to
Portland this morning to spend a few
days visiting in that city.
The hisrh range of mountains be
tween Kockland and Klickitat were
clad in snow this morning. It was a
pretty sight to see the white and green
mingled together.
Pure blood means -good health. De
Witt's Sarsaparilla purifiesthe blood,
cures Eruptions, Eczema, Scrofula and
all diseases. Snipes & Kinersly Drug
A little ill, then a little pill. The
little ill is gone the pill has won. De'
Witt's Little Early Risers the little
pills that jure great ills. Snipes &
Kinersly Drug Co.
A Pendleton doctor has sued a Walla
Walla piper for libel. The editor
wrote "The doctor took the patient's
pulse before prescribing for him," and
the printer set it up "purse."
nusy people nave no time, ana sen
sible people nave no inclination to
use a slow remedy. One Minute Congh
Cure acts promptly and gives perma
nent results. Snipes & Kinersly Drug?
The Chapman block will soon be
heated throughout by hot air. Work
men began today piloting a furnace in
tne oastment ana win arrange piping
through the various parts of the build
ing for heating purposes.
For all clensing purposes, domestic
or mechanical, removing scale from
steam boilers,makingsoap, deodorizing
the kitchen sink, or spraying purposes,
use Rod Seal Lye. Being strietly pure,
it requires less than other kinds, eon
tains no salt and packed in sifting top
Mr. M. Herriek, proprietor of the
cannery at this place, went to Cascade
Locks this morning to arrange with
the fishermen of that place for handl
ing their catch this season. Mr. Her
rick does not expect to begin opera
tions in his cadnery before May 1,
unless an unusual run of fish should
occur earlier. '
The state horticultural board held
its regular semi-annual meeting in
Salem yesterday, with a full board
present. The reports of commission.
ers were very encouraging, showing
ing and cleaning up of old orchards.
The most bitter enemies of the horti
cultural law, the commissioners re
port, are now its best friends.
It's not a miracle. It won't cure
everything, but it will cure piles
That's what DeWitt's Witch Huzle
5. live will do, because it has done it in
hundreds of cases. Snipes & Kinersly
Drug Co.
Carl Thomas, who was committed to
the county jail from Antelope precinct
on April 3, ohartred with burglary, was
released Sunday, having furnished
bonds of $300, with Henry and C. P.
Thomas, both of Clackamas county, as
s irities.
It's just as easy to try One Minute
Conirh Cure as-anv thing else. It's
easier to cure a severe cough- or cold
with it. Let your next purchase for
a cough be One Minute Cough Cure,
Better medicine; better result; better
try it. Snipes & Kinersly QrugCo.
1 rs. Ane-eline Frazier. the wife of
William Frazier. died at her home in
Cove, Union county, April 4, 1896.
Mrs. Frazier was one of the earliest
pioneers of E-.istern Oregon, and has
been a resident of Union county for
many years. .
Burns are absolutely painless when
DeWitts Witch Hazle Salve is
promptly applied. This statement
is true. A perfect remedy for skin
diseases, chapped hands and lip, arid
nver fails to cure piles. Snipes &
Kineroly Drug Co.
Mr, Kerr came in yesterday from
his sheep ranch in Sherman county,
Mr. Kerr says the recent cold weather
has not Interfered materially with the
lambing of his bands, vepy tew of the
vounsr lambs having died from the
effects of the cold.
Take a dose of De Witt's Little Early
Risers just for the good they will do you,
These little pills are good for indiges'
tion, good for headache, good for liver
complaint, erood for constipation
They are good. Snipes & Kinersly
Drug Co.
At the sheriff's office is a circular
offering a reward of $4,600 for the ar
rest of Jack Davis, who is wanted in
Cassia county, Idaho, for the murder
of David Cummings and John C. Wil-
son on Veb. 4, last. He is described
as being 35 years old, dark hair, sandy
mustache, gray or blue eyes, square
shoulders and 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high,
" We might tell you more about One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know that it cures a cough. Every
one does who has used it. It is a per
feet remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse
ness. It is an especial favorite for
children, being- pleasant to take ana
quick in curing. Snipes & Kinersly
Drug Co.
Yesterday Fulton Bros., of Biggs,
delivered four ca'r loads of beef at the
stock' yards, and they were shipped
last night to Troutdale on No. 21. It
w is as fine a lot of beef as has been de
livered here this season, averaging
1,402 pounds per head. They were
bought last fall from Mr. C. M. Grimes,
and gained 225 eacfc duping the winter.
The action of the county coui t in of?
fering bounties on the scalps of coyotes
is cousing many of these pests to be
killed. Almost every day from one to
a dozen scalps are presented at the
clerk's office, and today Chas. Deckert
presented the eealps of thirteen,
among the number being a mother
coyote and five puppies. A few days
since the scalps of a mother and seven
puppies were j resented by another
The State Convention Was Divided
on the floney Question.
Silver Predominated ud a Platform Was
Adopted Declaring for Free Coinage
of Sliver Cleveland Endorsed.
Stand and
Two Dalles Citizens rorced to
About 9:30 last Saturday night as
Messrs. N. Harris and M. H. Schwartz
were wending their way homeward,
and when they had gone about half
way up the brewery grade, two masked
men stepped out Into the road and
with drawn pistols commanded them
to throw up their hands. Neither Mr,
Harris nor Mr. Schwartz was armed.
and as they were completly at the
mercy of the robbers, they could do
nothing but hold up their hands while
the highwaymen relieved them of their
money. Mr. Harris had only thirty
cents with him, but Mr. Schwartz was
less fortunate. He had $11.65 in his
pocket, representing the greater por
tion of bis week's salary, and the rob
bers took every cent.
.The night was pretty dark, but there
was sufficient light that some peculiar
ities about the robbers could be noted.
They were of medium height, had
their coats turned inside out, and one
wore a paper mask while - the other
had a handkerchief over his face,
Money seemed, to be all they wanted
as they did not molest either of the
gentlemen's watches or other jewelry.
From this fact it is presumed the rob
bers were residents of the city, bad
they not been they would most likely
have taken everything of value the
gentlemen had with them
Land Office Business.
The last quarterly report of The
Dalles land office shows a slight falling
off in the number of hnal proofs and
an increase in the number of acres se
lected, as compared with the previous
quarter. The acreage under the dif
ferent class of entries for the quarter
Final homestead 2,733.61
Final timber culture 2,0 1 9.51
Cash en trie 2,680.57
Homestead entries 10.433.98
State selections... 7.38-4 80
Mrs. J.P.BeU, Oasauxttomie, Katt,
wife of the editor of The Grannie, the lead
ing local paper of Miami county, writes
I teas troubled trith heart disease
lot six years, severe palpitations, short,
ness of breath, together with such ex
treme nervousness, that, at times I would
walk the floor nearly all night. We
consulted the bestmedical talent.
Then said there team no help fur me,
that I had organic disease of the heart for
which then was no remedy. I had read
your advertisement in The Graphic and
a year ago, as a iast resort, tried one bottle of
Xr. Biles' Aew Cure for the Heart,
wnicn couvjncea me that there was true
merit in it. I took three bottles each of the
Heart Cure and Beetorative Nervine and
It completely cured me. 7 sleet
well at night, my heart beats regularly and
I have no more smothering spells. I wish
to say to all who are suffering as I ild;
there's relief untold for them If they will
only give your remedies just one trial.''
Dr. Miles Beart Core is sold on a positive
guarantee that the brsl bottle will benefit.
All drnefflsta sell it at 11. 6 bottles forts, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Atedical Co EliLhart, lad.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
The democratic state convention
which convened in Portland on the
9th was presided over by Hon. F. H.
D'Arcy. The first day was devoted to
the adoption of a platform, which is
given below in full, and the election of
delegates to the national convention,
as follows : W- F. Butcher, of Baker,
I. W. Howard, of Josephine; L. ' P.
Mullinix, of Clatsop; M. .A, Miller, of
Linn; J. D. McKinnon, of Union;
Charles Nickell, of Jackson; J. H.
Townsend, of Polk, and Dr. J. Welch,
of Multnomah.
On convening in the morning of the
second day the convention proceeded
to the nomination of presidential elec
tors, these honors falling to W. W.
Oglesby. of Lane; Edward Kilfeather,
of Multnomah; J. M. Carroll, of Union;
John Burnett, of Benton. Judge Bur
nettof Benton county, was nominated
by acclamation for supreme judge, and
F, A. E. Starr, of Portland, was elected
chairman of the state central commit
tee, after whluh the convention Cook a
recess until 2 p. M.
During the interim the district
conventions met and made their
ppminations. In the first congres
sional district Jefferson Myers, of Li n n ,
was nominated for congress, and n
the second A. S. Bennett, of Wasco.
In the seventh judicial district J. H.
Cradlebaugb was nominated for prose
cuting attorney.
The legislative nominations for. the
districts to which "vVaseo county is at
tached were:
Joint Senator Wasco, Sherman ani
.Gilliam E B Dufnr, of Wasco.
Joint Senator Wasco and Sherman
J W Armsworthy, of Sherman.
Joint representatives VVaseo and
Sherman F A Seufert and V C Lewis
both of Wasco
The afternoon session was devoted
to ratifying the several district nom
inations and the appointment of the
state central committee. After pas
sing resolutions extending votes of
thanks to the officers, the press, etc,
the con yen tion adjourned promptly
at 4 o clock p. H,
"First Whereas, tho present de
pressed condition of the country and
the shrinkage of yalues are largely due
to the financial system which has con
trolled the nation for more than 20
years last past, we, the democracy of
the state of Oregon, hereby declare
ourselves as unalterably opposed to
the single gold standard, and demand
the immediate return to the constitu
tional standard of gqld and silver by
the restoration by the general govern
ment, independent of any foreign
power, of the unrestricted coinage of
both gold and silver into standard
money at the ratio of 16 to 1. and upon
terms of exact equality, as they existed
prior to 1873, the silver coin to be a full
legal tender equally with gold, for all
debts and dues, public and private, and
we denounce all discrimination by the
government against either gold or
silver currency of the country. .We
demand that the secretary of the treas
ury shall coin .into staqdard silver
dollars, as soon as practicable, all the
silver bullion now iq the treasury of
the United States, which represents
the silver seignorage or coinage profit
to the government; also all silver
bullion that may hereafter be offered
for coinage. r
"Second We demand the repeal of
all specific contract laws, state and
Third We fayor the construction
of the Nicaraguan oanal, and its -control
by the general government.
"Fourth We are in favor of a tariff
for revenue only, so adjusted that it
shall affect alike our commerce, our
agriculture, our labor and our manu
factures. "Fifth We demand of the general
government rigid enforcement of the
Monroe doctrine.
"Sixth We demand a reduction of
all salaries, federal and state, com
mensurate with the depressed condi
tion of the country; that the compen
sation of all state officers shall be kept
strictly within the letter of the con
stitution; that all laws now existing
providing extra fees or compensation
for aiy duty or service imposed by
law upon such offices shall be repealed.
'Seventh- We demand the repeal of
the laws creating the railroad com mis
sion. and all other useless commissions.
"Eighth We instruct our delegates
elected to represent us in the na'ional
convention to support a candidate
in favor of the free and unlimited coin'
age of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1.
"Ninth We demand the re-enact,
ment of the mortgage tax law. and the
amendment of our assessment laws so
that all recorded indebtedness of the
taxpayer shall be deducted from his
Tenth We denounce the extrava
gant acts of the last legislature as co
extensive with fraud, jobbery, and
squandering of the people's money,
and we censure and hold the republi
can majority responsible for the pres
ent condition of our public debt and
high rate of taxation.
"Eleventh We fayor a judicious ex
penditure of the public money for the
purpose of opening up and improving
our waterways and harbors,
Twelfth Religious . difference
should find no place in American poli
tics, and the democratic party is un
alterably opposed to the spirit of in
tolerant bigotry fostered for political
purposes by those who seek to breer1
discord and animosities among the
citizens of the republic; .secret politi
cal bodies are a curse to party, state
and nation. We heartily welc&Ojo the
assistance of all good citizens who will
oo-operatein the suppression of any
political movement organized for re
ligious proscription.
"Thirteen Resolved, that we. the
democratic party of the state of Oregon
in convention assembled, hereby
earnestly ask the congress of the United
States to take ' up the bills now
pending before their respective bodies,
viz: the house of representatives and
the senate of the Unite! St ites. provid
ing for a survival pension of the Indian
war veterans of the United States, and
pass said bills.
Fourteenth We favor the preserva
tion at the salmon industry of the
state by abolishing the fish wheels be
low the lower cascades of the Colum-
The following resolutions were ap
pended to the platform:
"We Commend the president for his
earnest efforts for taritf reform; for his
wisdom in administering a governieiit
burJened with theaecuinulit-J evilsol
republican legislation; for his firmness
i i enforcing the Monroe do;trine, ami
for his courage and honesty in all
"The democratic party of the state
of Oregon, in convention assembled,
pledges itself to m lintain at all h iz irds
fie ouritv of the ballot, and that
fundamental principle of American
liberty which gives to every eiuz -n a
rieht to vote and to have that vote
counted, and condemns as unAm"ri
can and undenioeratic; tho disgraceful
' cond uct of the dictators and rulers of t he
republican party in certain portions of
the state of Oregon in surrounding the
polls with armed men for the purpose
of Intimidating honest voters and
preventing fair and honest elections."
They Had Exciting- Times and Made Pe
culiar Nomiuatlons.'
On the 8th the republican, district
conventions were held, that of the
first ditrict in Albany and of second
in Portland. Tne Albany convention
was comparirively harmoniom, the
only material contention being the
selection qf a candidate for congress.
After balloting for several hours,
Thomas H Tongue, of Washington
county, pecured a majority vjite and
was declared duly nominated.
But in the second the convention
was less harmonious. The Multnomah
delegation proved the disturbing ele
ment, and for tho sake of 'harmony, a
compromise was effected, whereby
half of the delegates representing each
of the opposing factions wepe seated.
The nomination of the convention fell
to Mr. Ellis, he having secured a
slight majority of votes over Mr.
When the state convention con
vened the same disturbing element,
the Multnomah delegation, proved the
source of discord, and was disposed of
as in the district convention.
Judge Bean was renominated for
supreme judge,
In the judicial district the nomina
tions were; district attorney, A. A.
Jaynes; joint senator Sherman and
Wasco counties, John Michell, of
Wasco: joint senator, Sherman. Wasco
and Gilliam, W. H. Moore, of Sher
man; joint representatives. Sherman
and Waso counties, F. N. Jones and
B. S. Huntington, both of Wasco.
liucklen Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil
blains, corns and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Blakeley & Hou-rhton.
- A Double-Hradeil Calf
One of the greatest freaks of nature
is on exhibition at W. A. Johnston's
store in this city. It is the hide of a
calf with two perfectly formed heads.
The calf was perfect in all other re
spects, being large and, well developed,
but Instead of one head it had two.
The heads were joined together at the
base, and the front of each pointing in
an opposite direction. E tch head ha3
two ears, two eyes and in every re
spect is perfectly formed. Had the
calf lived it would have ,been one of
tho most remarkable minstrojities on
record, but it was. dead t birth, and
Lee Bolton, of Fifteen-Mile, wh- is
the owner of the curiosity intends
having the hide mounted,
Catarrb Cared,
Health and sweet breath secured, by
Shijoh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. ' Nasal Injector free. For sale
by M. Z. Uonnell.
Land Transfers. .
Nathan Whealdon and wife to Emory
Middlesworth, 15 acres in sec 1, t 2
r 10 e, $1.
United States to Charles Chandler
Dei see 8, t 2 n, r 10 e.
United States to Charles Chandler,
net sec 8. 1 2 n, r 10 e.
S, R, Brooks and wife to H. W. Gil
pin, swj seo 14, tl h, r 14 e. $625.
Edwin Gordlon, to James Gordion,
nt nei seo 2, t 2 n, r 8 e, $100. ,
Henry Herbring and rife to Paulus
Limeroth, nei and ei nwi sec 9, t 2 s,
rl2e, $500. v
Karl Gottfried to Paurus Limeroth,
swi sec 3, t 2 s, r 14 e. $300. ; '
Karl's Clover Root Tea
Is a ?ure cure for headache and ner
vous diseases. Nothir.e' relieves so
quickly. For sale by M. Z. Donnell.
For Over rifty Years.
An Old and Well-Tried Reji
Epy. Mrs. Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup
has been used tor oyer fifty years
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success,
It soothes the child, softens the srums.
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
tne oest remedy for diarrhoea.
pieasant to me taste, sold by a rug
gists in every part of the worid
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
is unoalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
utKe no otner Kina,
Th's ex-i-"rcUiii-y
i'trenatnr li
the most
discovery of
the a?e. Tt
h is teen en-f"o-dhytrie
Ir-adiusrr den
tine n.en of
Karoos and
Hudran is
norely Tege.
Hudyaa stops
of the dial
iharee in 20
dars. f'nres
Fa 'ling Ben
satlc ne.Kc rv
ous twitching
of the eyes
and othet
. inviKoratcs
and tones the
Hudran ca:cs
i. missions,
' and de velop) e
and restores
weak t 'gars.
P. ins in Die
back, loesec
bv pat ox
It Re-Asserts the F.iixncial Plank Ailnpt
ed In 1803.
Following is the platform adopts,
by the rejiuhliivin stat. convention:
"rYote.nio.'i Wo believe that the
government should have a;n;l
revenue, with a su!li ;ier!t surplus over
or Unary expenditures to provi.le fo?
coast defenses, for tho steady buildint;
Uji of the navy, and for the constant
reduction of the p ihlic debt. We. b
lieve that th'i present tar iff, with its
lowered rates and its dosiru rtive and
dishonest system of undervaluations,
iiid discrimination as to io-.-alitiu-,
should be replaced by on? framed on
pr-oteclive principles, sim lar to that of
the MeKinley bill anir arranged to give
ample protection to American wages
and American industry, and to restoi-e
the reclproolty policy of James CJ.
"We have always given protection
to our shipbuilders. In late years we
have neglected to protect our ship
owner?. We believe the time has
come to return to the policy of Wash
ington and Hamilton, which, by dis
criminating duties in favor, of A.iilri
can bottoms, secured 9J percent of our
carrying trade to America ships, ai.d
which, if now restored, would again
revive our shipping and cause Ameri
can frei-j hts to be paid to Americans.
Finance Tho American people,
from tradition and Interest, favor bi
metalism, and the republican party de
minds the use of both gold and silver
as standard money, with such restric
tions and under suen provisions, to lie
d Mermined by legislation, as will
secire the maintenance of the parity
of values of the two metals, so that the
purchasing and debtrpaying power of
the dollar, whether of silver, gold or
paper, shall be at all times equal,
"The interest, of tho producers of
the country its farmers and its work
ingmen demand that every dollar,
paper or coin, Issued by the govern
ment shall be as good as any other
-'Election of Senators Resolved,
That we earnestly endorse the pro
posed amendment of the constitution
of the United States providing for the
election of United States' senators by
popular vote, recently reported ft-oru
the committee on privilege and elec
tions by Senator Mitchell, and now
pending consideration in the United
States senate. ,
Cascade Reserve Resolved, That
the application of the Oregon delega
tion in congress to the president of
the United States and now pending
before him, praying a modific itiop of
his proclamation creating the Casoade
Forest Reserve, is hereby earnestly
approved, and we appeal to the presi
dent to grant the prayer of our delega
tion in congress.
'Fishing We realize the impor
tance and magnitude of the fishing in
dustry on the Columbia river, and
would recommend that some provisions
be made for a state hatchery for arti
ficial propagatfon, and that the laws
regulating the close season be rigidly
"Rebate to Settlers That .we en
dorse the efforts of our representatives
in congress to secure repayment lo
settlersof Oregon of the excess of $1 25
per acre wrongfully collected by the
government on lands located in the
limits of the unearned Northern Pacific
railroad land grant now forfeited.
' "CanalThe construction of the
Nicaragua canal is of the highest im
portance to the American people, both
as a measure of national defense and
to build up and maintain American
commerce. It is moreover of special
importance to our Pacific states, and
we demand its completion as speedily
as possible by the government of the
United States.
"Pensions We hereby endorse the
action of our senators and representa
tives in congress in their endeavor to
secure grants of pensions to Indian
war veterans ;
"Retrenchment We pledge the re
publican party to rigid economy in the
expenditure of public money, to the
reduction of excessive salaries, and the
abolishment of the fee system where
ever possible, and of all useless com
missions; and believe that no apprr-
priation should be made to any school
or charitable institution not under the
control of the state; and oppose the in
corporation bill of Items for the ex
penditure of- publio money not au'
uhorized by law.
"immigration We demand enact
ment of rigid restrictions on foreign
immigration both for protection of our
country against illiterate and vicious
classes from foreign lands, and for pro
tection of our labor and preservation
t our awn people of the remainder of
our national domain. -, .-
f'lnternal Io)prqvements---We com
mend the policy of the republican par
ty in relation to internal improve
ments, and, in particular, in opening
our waterways to commerce and we
denounce the illiberality of the deino?
cratic party in these matters.
frrm U.S. Journal cf JlmftHnt
Prof.7.H.Peete, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, has without
doubt trealcj tind cur
ed more rase s than anv
living Phvsicinn; h:'
success is asr.-nisliintr
W e have nenrd ot' cabc
of so years' stnnrtin -
enred by
him. Ho
val lia bia
work on
this dis.
ho sends
w4 t li a
lariTO bot
tle of his absolute cure, freo to nny snlTercrs
who may Eor.d their p. ). and Es-prisin l 'rcss.
V'o atlvi-o nnv one wiuhinr a er a tmMi-oss
Fiuf.V. O. PEEKS, F. D., 4 Cedar U., EcvrYork
0( lei
P17 Vols Tak' vi)(.
T"ie Peoples' Party County Convention is
'ereby called to meet in tne Cou. t House ut The
Saturday, April IS, TS96r'
At 2 P. M. The convvntion shall consist of 2
delemites, the apportionment to he. as follow 6
tine aeieKsuu at lartre for each product. and on:
ileiesate for each 10 votes cast for Nathan
fierce ror Governor in ism.
The several precincts are entitled 'to the fol
lowing number of delegates :
Wholesal and retail manuOictiirets of and r'ealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
i ems, ana wagon Covers.
1 A.I' Article U
apt in Klrm Clout. Itarnns Shop.
KIWI RING PROMPTLY DONE. Oprosiu Moods V rehou
West Hood River.
East Hood River..
Baldwin. ......v.,...
West Imlle-s
East Dallas
Hirelow ,
P.-imaries will be held .Saturday,
Kii.-bl Mile
Nansene ,
Dufur ,
Hake Oven
Tvch Valley
Oak Grove
Kn ,'slev
Timber Land, Act Jtjne 3, 1878.
United Status Land Office, )
The Dau.k. Or., March 21. IW. f
Notice is hereby given that in compliauce
wtth tho provisions of me act or Congress of
Juno 3. S7K, entitled -An act for the sale of
timber lands in t e ht iU.k of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, ano Washington Territory. -
Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, hast is d-iy tittd la Ih's oltlce his sworn
statemeit No. lii. for the purchase of the Nj
.wv'i rvc. 30, ip. 1 s., k. 11 k .ami NK'j
S -c. 1: aad SiO' SK', Section Si, To 1 S. K.
l. Kast, and will oiler prn.f to show t' at the
1 inu souirnt is mure valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purrosts. aud to
esi lousa nis claim 10 sam land before ti e Keg
i ter and iteceiver of this olllce at The Dalles,
jrenoa. on luesuay. tne uav of June. IK!.
He names as witnesses 1. J Norman. Peter
Aqutntis. William Johnson, and Joseph Hall, all
01 1 uh italics, vjreKoa.
Anvsnd ull persons claiming advorelr the
above described hinds are requested to Hie their
Claims la tais Olllce oq or before sud'ddayof
Juno. ltd'!.
March .as, lOw.
Bt sister.
Land Office at Thb Dalles. Oregon
Ja.iua.-y :). lsita.
Complilnt havinu been e.itered at t lis office
by 'JharleM Hook tlx tfnst Al'nert N Cooper, for
failure to coirudv wit'i la as to tim;er-cnlture
E-iiry No 25ls. dated Q.'tolier 2r. 1H-7. uron the
NG'i Section SO. Township 2 N . U injre 15 E . in
Wasco county. Orcsron, with a vie.v to tie can
cell it on of said entry, contest lat allcst.nt; that
said Al.iert N. Cooper never plo,ved or broke
five acres of land the first year aftt-r entry, and
never has planted any trees thereon, and has
not broken up to hii or curt v.itcd it. as re,
quired by law. and has never put any fencing
thereon at ull. and has never broken 'up more
than seven acres in all, an l that tie said Albert
N. Coooer has abandoned said lnad, and has
been for the past three and oie half years in the
state of Montana The said pa ties are he;-ebv
summoned to appear at this othVe on the 20th
day of March. at 2 o'clock P. u.. to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said slUgcd
failure. JAS. V. MOORE. Register.
Feb. 1. 7w
Land Office at The Oregon. (
March 13. Irtio. f
Notice is hereby ifiven that fie following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to m ike flj;il proof in supiort of his ciaim. and
th it said proof will be made before Keidster
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on May 2,
lKKi, viz:
Hd. E. No. 3r. for the S!i SE! Section 8,
Tp. 1 S , R. 14 K W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove
his conti ; residence upon aad cultivation
of said land, viz.:
O. H. S t'erlind, James Danielle. Joseph
Warren, i...j...t liolton, ull of Hovd. Oreeon.
March 21, 5w Register. .
v 1 . tv f r t x t r
and - Forwardins Jkliaiil
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
CoLsigniiK iits
P orapt Attention Paid to those Who . Favor Me Wltb- Their Fatronape
Land Office at The Dalles. Ore.,
March 27. 1898.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make Haul proof in support of his claim, and
thats'akl proof will be made before Register
and Receiver, at The Dalles. Oregon, on May
12, 1890, viz.:
Hd. E. No. 32151, for the S'4 SE and SEX
SW Sec. 18, Tp 1 S. R. 15 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz.:
James Kelly, Jason Wakefield, Elmer James
and John Quirk, ad of The Dalles. Oregon.
JAS. F. MOORE. -March
28. Register.
Land Officb at The Dalles Orb..
March IS, 1KI6.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler h is riled notice of bis intention
tomake noal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be maue before -Register Hud
Keceiver at Tne Danes, u.e0oa, on April au,
mats, viz.:
Hd. E. No. 3585. for the N4 NEW and SA
NWK. Seo. 29. Tp. 2N..S. 15 IS.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation
oi saia laua, viz. :
Joseph Southwell and A. J. Linton of The
Danes. Oregon, ana w iiliam bhaiiey and Ueo.
uozel oi ueiiio, uret,'oa.
JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
March 21.
To Boat Builders and Marine Engineers
Onr exclusive specialty is designing and building (to erdar) complete outfits of genuine MHINI
machinery In small and medium sizes (four to twenty Inch cylinders).
HIGH pressuhe-compound-triple expansion
5nrl TjATiTiT.h: vATT-TTi,T(,T. nTTTlTI1TrrIv
(No Stationary or "Trade" Machinery.) " .
Catalogues freo. MARINE IRON WORKS.
Clysourn and Southport Avis. CHICAGO, u.
Land Office at The Dalles, Obegon
March 27. 1866.
Notice is hereby given that the following
namea seiner nag uieo. notice oi nis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register
ana Receiver, at The Dalles, uregon, on June
l, ibw, viz:
Hd. E. No. 3267 for the N". SW and N!4
&1V4 aec. o. ip. 2 a. it. u rJ. w. Ai.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous resiuence upon anu cultivation
of. said land, viz:
Jacob Rolerts. John Nolan, William Vander-
pooi. ana tjnaries ii. btougtoa, ail of Dufur,
March 28, Register.
Old People K
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bit
ters. This medicine doei not stimu
late and contains no whisky nor other
intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and al
terative, It acts mildly on the stom
ach and bowels, adding strength and
giving tone to the organs, thereby aid
ing nature in the performance of the
functions. Electric Bitters is an ex
cellent appetizer and aids digestion.
Old people And it just exactly what
they need. Price 50 cents and $1 per
bottle at Blakeley & Houghton's dru$
It is a well established fact that the '
American people are swindled and
humbugged more than any other
people on earth, and it is not for want
of intelligence or shrewdness, but
simply because they do not stop to
phink- or instance, a lady goes to
her grocer, wbp, rather than miss
making a sale, offers her inferior goods
Instead of the kind she asks for. He
boldly asserts '"it's just as good," when
if her told the customer the truth he
ouid say, "I know Hoe Cake Sohd.
Soap Foam Washing Powder, and Ked
beal Lye are pure foods and full
weltrht, and for that reason cost more.
but I sell the poorer qualities because
mere is more proht to be made. ' Hoe
Cake Soap contains ingredients not
found in any other soap. Try it,
qnlclrlv. vex privnfe endo-semrnts.
PretnatnreneM mring ironilpnnr in the first
staee. It is a tvmp om of semi? si vealmess
aid barrenness It can be slopped in 20 days
The i er discovery was mad hy the Special
ists of the old fi mots Hudson Hedlcal Institute.
It is I he strongest vitaljeer nttae. It is very
powerful, bnt ba ml' fs. fold for 1.00 a pack
eo orS packages for $5.00(; la. nsenJed boxes).
Written euaran . ee ei ven for a cure. I f von bnv
nx Doxesana are rot enu-riy curca, six i
bia, and all fishtraps and small mesh I will be sent to Tonfrreofail canjcs,
gear and denounce the republican hcdson medical instittjtk.
nurtv of tne state ior remain? to KeeD o-v au
13 pledge to aord such urgent relief."
San Fxmxtclaeo. CaJ
To the Editor : I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By Its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty tj
tend two bottles free to those of your readers
who have Cxwsurnption, Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write tne their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
I. Am StOCUM, K. C IS3 Pearl St, Bew Tarfc.
9- The Editorial and BnataMa MmaacraMat of
this Pago ttnirint tais gaaoroos Fwpoaittoa. -
Land Office at Thb d uxes. Oregon, I
March , 1.K6. f
Notice is hereby elven that the following
iramed settler tins filed notice of bis intention
to is tike hn:il proof in support of his el dm. and
that said proof will be made bifore Register
and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on April
W, lW6,vli: -
Hd. B. No. $0, for the SffH Sec. 1, Tp. 1 S. R.
14 E. W. M.
He mimes the following- witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said I'm,., viz:' N .
J. E. Burnett, of The Dalles. Orei-TJn-flS-A.
15. naveily, u. f. Holloa, and A. V. Rice, of
ooya. iregoa. JA.J3. '. MDUKri.
March 14. Reenter.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon.
April i. mm.
Notice is hereby Riven that the following
Dumeu sec.ier nas niea nonce oi nis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim. and
that s.iid proof will be made before Register
anu rteeeiver at - rne uaues, uregon, .on May
id, ito, vix. :
Hd E No 3612, for the E V. NW 1-4. and E
SW 1-4. Sec 14. Tl) 4 S. R IS E. W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous resilience upon ana cultivation
Of- said land, viz:
A A Bonney. of The Dalles, Or; Charles
Pierce. Charles Hay ward and N Moade, allot
xygn v alley, uregon.
April 4. Register.
Cor. Court and Front Strtt. '- ,'-.
Carries Everything to be found in a Firstclasat Liquor Store.
THE DALLES - Oregon.'.'
loctor Powell Reeves
,Thee ol(i reiiublo doctors will consult with you fri-e of charge and tell yoa
your di-e 18H without asking you a question. They ulo fnrnNIi all medicine at
tht-ir "ffi.-i anri httve you vx,n ost i having me.lii inesat the drug Rtores. We
can giv you rciercnces of in mv ivra;ukabin new thy have m ide on thin Coast
Sy leading bankers ttlul business men. C.dl at the office and red them for proof.
Tha successful phvsi
cian the skillfulsurgeon
the eminent specialist
your best friend die
world's benefactor er
manently lW.ited con
sult him this day.
'iVh' if
S Ml
rapture, piles,
fissure, fistula and rectal
ulcers without knife, lif?
alureor cautic and wiifr
out pain or detention
from business. He alsc
v a,; private diseases,
Ions of jiower, epermator
rhoea, syphilis, pimples,
h h 1-
1st Successful GBT0RBH DOGTORS
These old reiia6iprV-ia,i8,?f many year's exp-rience, treat with 1
ul success all lung aud throsAflectiuns, Cancer, Piles, Fistula and Rupt
Notice is hereby given that the undersiened
nas oeen auiy appointed by the Honorable
County Court of the State of Oregon for YVatico
L'ounty, as executor of the last will and testa
ment of Miry Lacy, deceased. All persons
having claims against said etitate are notified
to present the same, properly verified, to me, at
my residence in uaues l.iiv, urecon. within six
montns irom tne aaie 01 this Dotice.
Execntor of the lost will and testament of
Alary iacv. aeceasea.
Dated this 3uth day of Mirch. ISM. w5t
The nartnershin heretofore existing between
Geo W. Montgomery aid Henry Hud on. jr . in
this day dissolved by mutual consent. Henrv
HUison, ir , 111 continue tl.e Business on the
farm aud will assuwe all debts nnd assets of the
.jie nrm. hkskv hi iih).n. jn.
Dated tt tufur. Or., this 2d day of ApriL 1896
Denny, Rice & Cc
rwr "a jises of acufe or chronic nfcftjmiuiition, far or near-sikshtednesa, dim
tit ne-ss of viion, stTofulimt eyui, -Aping of the eye duct, sq'tinrlaa, cross
eyes, wild hairs, syphi itic sore eyes, granul1' hdfi, tumor, cancer of the lida. etc. .
CUD Deafnes fr"m t atarrh. sin-zing or roarinoises, 'bickened drum, inflap -.
tnii" rnation of externui ear, purulent dlstuargea"Kom tuc ear, etc,
11 r Jk-ri Neuralgia, sick, nervous or congestive headViche, dull, full feeling,
II t AU of memorv. dizziness, softening of the brain, tumonsand ecsema of f
TUDfl AT Catarrhal nnd SyphiH'ic Soar Throat, acute and chuvK V
InilUnl git;, enlarged tonsils and palate, hoarseness"
phlegm in throat, which causes hawking. -X" , '-"'
I IIUPC Consumption in the first and second 'pfJt.
LUNUO bronchiiis, dry and loose cough, irTin chesty dit'iculry in breath.
ing, hepatizations, asthma, etc . '. j v" .
UCADT Valvular diseases, weak and JJ heart, dropsy, and rheumatism ol
' nCAtl I heart, languid circulation, - , i
at n nil Catarrh and ulcWlon and acid dyspepsia, indlgestionjpata and
STOMACH fullness af. eating, heartburn, waterbrash and chfffculty la
All diseases of the liver, spleen, bowels, (constipation. ;
chronic diarrhoea.) kidney aci -Diaaaer, an nervouo u
o- j: - -i. nmt H kIjui diseases. eczema, saltrtieum, ringworm, ,
6 foinfdiase, old .ores, fever w.stiff joints, hare lip. spinal irritation. M
; .OT,wp,)C. f. which produces paja U ,
ormlSBnRll0 All PWe diseases, spermatorrhea, nightly or daU
OLaUAL yKuANO losm. which, y. .ieglected, produce nervous irritation,
lrs of memoryWd ambition, P jingo, the brain, idiocy, insanity, ete syph. -
strict iWWMty lo hov .he ,,rine.imrx)tenc7orloM ofpower.rterW;
nm'tatorrben. ronv. Xdy m-.'i .'nt in urine, or gravel, vanccx-ele Iff a
ue 8uKy'!rc U losses or drains, atrophy or shiirjr jith.
organs., S- . j
nunTlifiC Piles yiwulf v'aricoc;le, Ilvdroceie. and all sweuinfc na ten
nUriUKb demrfip'' .! ' Without pain or detention from business. '
1 mm Who may suffering from any of the distressing ai'mente peculiar -LAUIto
to thcirt'yx. s'.i. h t.a persistent headaches, painful menstruations, difl;
placements do ot giv up in . liPair, even ii you have met wiihreatej ;.
C kinglief. : NVe are happy to state that we have cur,! i hundireds oj
cases after o.her tjraysicians nave pronounceu mem uopBieeo. ium uuw.w.
The remedies used in tni dispensary are Known uuiy us rur
iiaon dnx-eiuli-d to u as a priceless heritage from out
w n."-i r , ., ..,., i;i,. r ,ua
illustrious aiceW-', throiinn laanygenerammoui
caToSX. that the world has ever kn.rwn; nd to tlese precious bnra
Va have adai-u ino resuiia.ui ihbh jwu i "ut iov
our chos'n call ng, until nw we imi uur", . - -
Fpenentting ail wno uc uuvjt. "" -v -r-rjr - . . "
(Sours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M
Portland, Oregon.
Direct aU mail DB. POWELL REEVES, CI