mi. SATURDAY......... -APRIL 11. 1896 at- tbis ITEAS IN BRIF. mm Saturday's Dally. ' Jude Bennett returned this morn las from Portland. . xt- v. Whfialdon went to Portland on the afternoon train. Mr. Leavens, a resident of Cas ; cade Locks, was in the city yesterday on business." Mr. T. R. Lyons, of Heppner is th citv. en- rout to Portland to tend the republican state convention - Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, who have been visitine old friends In the city, lft. thin morning for their home in Iowa. ' Mr. JohnXTneer, a prominent farmer of Lyle, Wash., was visiting in the city - yesterday. He returned nome " morning. Mr. J. W. Lowderbach, a merchant of White Salmon, was in the city last night, and returned home on the Regu lator this morning. TT-oin-hf. wnmna are leaving the o . . Wasco ware house, loaded down with freight, merchandise etc., in large quantities for the interior. Mr. N. Harris' show window, corner Second and Court streets, is displaying some of the greatest bargains in cloth ing eyer offered in this city. j The East End presents a busy ap pearance, being crowded with farmers, who are coming in to take part in the primaries which were held today License to wed was issued today to Mr. C. F. Waffonblast and Miss Mary Frautz. The majority of the sheep men in county are busy lambing, ana ard froHi the increase is luiiy txpection. Llator had on board this siderable freight for way the river, including ?ment of chop feed for Spaulding's sons ho are attending mar school in visiting Mr. y 1 yifid An .in e proprietors at Dufur, is nd vicinity, ering, bus! atisfactory. ling, machine, at the Col insr excellent bout live feet yesterday, of the Moro cltv. Mn Irelana was not nearly so Sherman by the aero as has been The Whist Club had a pleasant meet ing last night, being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Tolmi6. The club will hold its last meeting for the season next Fridav evenlne, at which time a ' grand banquet will be given. The building 'formerly occupied by the Jacobsen Book & Music Co. is oc cupying a good portion .of Second street today, having been put on V wheels, and is being moved to Geo. . Ruch's property next to Ward, Kerns & Robinson's livery stable. Mr. W. J. Kerr, of the firm of Kerr & Buckley of Grass Valley, is in the city. Mr. Kerr is one of the extensive sheep raisers of Sherman county, and - says his .flocks are- doing finely, the recent cold, weather having killed but - very few young lambs. - . 'ihe Dalles is' thronged today with - democrats, this being the date of their primary elections. Polls were opened in the different wards of the city at 2 o'clock, and will be closed at 7. The - election so far has passed off quietly, there being no strife between prospec tive candidates, and the best of feeling prevals. , - - According to Prof. Mansill bad ' weather may be expected from the 7th to 12th and from the 20th to 27th and 28. April should be a tolerably fair month - of weather with a few severe storms. ' Sun spots will be few, " excepting those that will be left over from March, and those wsll be dimin- . ishing. , 1 ' ' ' - The Dalles is renowned for produc ing big things of every sort; in fact it , does everything on a big scale. Its . - trade is the biggest of any inland town on the coast, its people are the biggest " hearted to be found anywhere, its fin an ' cial deals are all of great, magnitude, and now its hens come to the front in -.. the production of big articles in their ..- line. Mr. Joe Kneoble brought to '"thi8 office a sample of the products of his hennery which was eight inches in circumference the long way. " ' - , From Monday's Daily - . Mr. W. C. Allaway went below this morning. Mr. W. S. Cary, an ex-councilman of Portland is In the city. Senator - Hilton returned yesterday 'from his farm in Gilliam county. Mr, Frank Clark, of Stephenson, , Wash., is in the city visiting his parents. ' . , ' . There was a state selection of 200 acres of school-land made at the land office today. : Mrs. Forward goes to Heppner to night to visit her mother who resides at that place. . , A complete stock of drugs etc. is at the Wasco warehouse billed to Temp-? leton & Son at Prineville. A number of the delegates to the republican- state convention left on the afternoon tram for Portland. . ' , ' Mr. Charles Bunnell, of Lewiston, Idaho, is in the city, having arrived here with the remains of his father. Mr. J. H. Wood arrived last night from Malheur county with two car loads of beef for. Wood Bros', market in this city. - A large amount of freight and merchandise left Moody's warehonse this morning for different merchants in Prineville. . . Mr. Joe Elliott,- of Prineville, was In the city this morning. He left this afternoon with a load of freight for Prineyille merchants. Hon. W. H. Biggs is reported to be gradually improving, and it is to.be hoped he will be able to resume his duties in the land office within a few days. . - Commissioners court convened this afternoon to receive the tax roll of 1495, and to transact some unfinished business that went over from.the reg ular term. All members of the board were present. . ' Mr. M. W- Wilkins, of Fortlana, ap ing from Prineville, where he had been instituting an Eastern Star lodge. The lodge was organized with a mem bership of forty-eight. We are sorry to state that Mr. Joe. Studoicker, of the Columbia Brewery, is confined to his room from .iDjurit 8 received yesterday morning while at work.y We hope to see him arouud and on duty in a few days. It's not a miracle. It won't cure everything, but it will cure piles That's what DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve will do, because it has done it in hundreds of cases. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Mr. Ed. Merrit, of Summit Prairie, Crook county, is in thecity today look ing after the beef market. He is hold ing 100 head of stall-fed beef at Grass Valley, expecting to put them on the market if satisfactory prices can be had. - Busy people have no time, and sen sible people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Congh Cure acts promptly and gives perma nent results. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. The Sadie B having on board Messrs. I. N. and J. G. Day, W. H. McKee, A. R. Andrews and Thomas King arrived from the locks at 10:30 yesterday morning. 1 t.ose g Ltlemen spent the day in the city leaving here at 4:50 for the locks. It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as any thing else. It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with it. Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medicine; better result; better tryit. Snipes & Kinersly DrugCo. TheCiook county delegates to the democratic and republican state con ventions arrived here yesterday. The democrats are G. W. Barnes, J. W Howard and H. T. Hill, and the re publicans B. F. Allen, E. Sichel and John Combs. Mr. E. M. Shutt, editor of the Antel ope HeralJ, has been in the city the past few days. Mr. Shutt's name is quite prominently mentioned by the republicans in connection with the nomination for jointrepresentative for Wasco and Sherman counties. The fame of Wasco county's ag icul tural resources are becoming to be k iown abroad, anl is attracting Borne seekers from far away. Mr. Hugo Scholz, of Monhere, . Ohio, has just been attracted here, and contemplates investing in farm land. This morning Sam Tburman had a monster sturgeon staked out in the slough near the D. P. & A.N. Co's. ware house. It was some fifteen feet long, and would probably weigh 800 or 900 pounds. It was caught on a sturgeon line about one mile above the city yesterday. Hon. J. B. Huntington, of Burns. arrived ' on Saturday's stage from Prineville and spent yesterday in the city. Mr. Huntington is an aspirant for the congressional nomination on the republican ticket in this district and is en route to Portland to attend the state convention. The burning out of a chimney in T. T. Nicholas' residence about 7 o'clock yesterday morning- occasioned the calling out of Columbia hose team The company responded promptly to the call, and gave the roof of the building a thorough wetting down, checking the blaze in its infancy. , No material damage was done. The Rattlesnake road is now com pleted, and nex Wednesday will be turned over to the Sherman county court by Messrs. A. D. McDonald and B. Adams, under who e supervision it was constructed. Messrs. McDoqald and Adams appeared before the Wasco county court today to urge that the road leading- to the Deschutes be im proved. Last Saturday Constable Cowdell of Antelope precinct arrived here, having in charge Carl Thomas, who U charged with having burglarized a house belonging to G. H. Reeder, and stolen there from a lot of articles of small value. Thomas was held to ap pear before the grand jury, and not being able to give bail was remanded to the custody of the sheriff. He will be confined to the jail untill the next grand jury convenes. When Mr. W. R. Graham, a well koown Corvallis tailor, returned to his nome in the western suburbs of the city about 6 o'clock Friday evening, he was shocked to find his wife lying life less upon the floor. He at once sen for a physician. - Dr. Maston hastened out, but found that Mrs Graham was dead, having expired of heart failure, It was her custom to remain at home alone while her husband was attend log to his business in town. The de ceared was a natiye of England. Residents in the western part of the city "in the Vicinity of Third and Fourth-streets were disturbed about ' o'clock yesterday morning by a man who bad lost his reason through bav, ing imbibed too freely, vigorously ex ercising his lungs and imploring the powers above to remove him to the un known land. He was taken in charge by Marshal Blakeney and conveyed to the county jail. Dr. Logan was called and believes the man's reason can be restored by a few day's confinement in alL ; ,- .. It is a well established fact, that the American people are swindled and humbugged more than any other people on earth, and it is not for want of intelligence or shrewdness," but simply because they do not stop to think. For instance, a lady goes- to her grocer, who, rather than miss making a sale, offers her inferior goods instead of the kind she asks for. He boldly asserts "it's just as good," when if he told the customer the truth he would say, ''I know Hoe- Cake Soap. Soap Foam Washing Ppwder, and Red Seal Lye are pure goods and full weight, and for that reason cost more, but I sell the poorer qualities because there is more profit to be made." Hoe Cake Soap contains ingredients not found in any other snap. Try it. From Tuesday's Daily. Hon. John Michell went to Portland on this afternoon's train. Mr. A. Baldwin returned on the local today from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Herrin have re turned from a visit to La Grande. Messrs. J. M. Patterson and J. O. Mack went- to Portland this morning. The rain yesterday afternoon and last night laid the dust and refreshed things wonderfully. The water in the Columbia is slowly receding. It now stands at 9 8-10 feet above low water mark. The delegates to the democratic state' convention elected today will leave to morrow morning for Portland. Theater 'goers of The Dalles had occasion to laugh more "heartily last night than for many years. Murray n lean's Ball." Their support was good, and the girls of the troup were bewitching little creatures, whose pretty face?, handsome costumes and graceful dancing were indeed pleasing to the eye. Murray and Mack will neyer fail to amuse an audience. Mr. W. E. Garretson returned this morning from Oregon city, where he bad been attending the funeral of the late Mr. Paquet. Mr. J. C. Hartley, passed through this city last night with two carloads of first class farming horses, on his way home from Wasco. Gentleman desires pleasant room, board additional, in private family. References exchanged. Address "H 2.1". Care Mountaineer office. The Wrought Iron Range Co., with D. F. Scott as manager, has opened a fine stock of ranges in the Micbelbach building corner of Union and Second streets. DeWitt's Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constutions impaired by disease. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Mrs. C. E. Grimes, of Portland, ar rived on the noon train, and will re main in the city a few days visiting the family of her son, Mr. C. M. Grimes. Pure blood means good health. De Witt's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, cures Eruptions, Eczema, Scrofula and all diseases. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Wood Bros, received three carloads of fine beef cattle yesterday morning. They were shipped to this place from Huntington, to be carved for the local market. The fishing season opens Friday, and extensive preparations are being made by owners of wheels and nets to w:ige an active war upon the royal chinook. W. S. Geary, the piano tuner, is In the city. Orders left either at the Ja3obsen Book & Music Co.'s store or at I. C. Nicklesen's will be promptly attended to. - A little ill, then a little pill. The little ill is gone the pill has won. De Witt's Little Early Risers the little pills that Jure great ills. Snipes & inersly Drug Co. The box sheet for the "Confederate Spy" will open Saturday morning. Call early and secure seats for the play, which will be given on the evening of the 14th. Maier & Benton are now located in their new store with their immense stock of hardware and groceries, and are better prepared than ever before to attend to the wants of customers. The board of directors of the D. P. & A. N. Co. have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Presi dent, Hugh Gleun; vice-president, Jos. T. Peters; secretary, O. Kinnersly; treasurer, J. S. Schneck. The culinary department of the Umatilla House is now presided over exclusively by ' white help, and the change from Chinese to white cooks is appreciated by the patrons of " that popular hostlery. Burns are absolutely painless when DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve is promptly applied. This statement is true. A perfect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lip, and nnver fails to cure piles. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Hon. E. M. Shutt, editor of the An telope Herald, who has been spending several dftys among friends in the city, left on the morning's train for Port land where he goes to take part in the Republican state convention, which convenos in that city today. For all clensing purposes, domestic or mechanical, removing scale from steam boilers,makingsoap, deodorizing the kitchen sink, or spraying purposes, use Red Seal Lye. Being strictly pure, It requires less than other kinds, con tains no salt and packed in sifting top cans' Constable John Trana, of Cascade Locks, arrived on the the train last night, having in charge Charles Gray an absconding debtor, whom he arrested at Hood River last night. He re turned to Cascade Locks this morning o i the Regulator, taking his prisoner there for trial. We might tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that it cures a cough. Every one does who has used it. It- is a per fect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse ness. It is an especial favorite for children, being pleasant to take and quick in curing. Snipes & Kinersly DrugCo. - - Few of -the pioneer families of Ore gon have furnished more prominent workers in the democratic party than the family of James Blakeley, one Of the pioneer settlers of " Linn county, and their services have been fre quently rewarded by the party. J. M. was the first sheriff elected in Crook county, Joe served Gilliam .county as sheriff two terms, George C. was elect ed county judge of Wasco four years ago, and the democrats of Umatilla have just nominated William for sher iff of that county, while in Linn the democrats have chosen Henry for their standard bearer for the office of sheriff. The democrats of Wasco today re-nom iuated Geo. V. for county judge. The Demoeraiie Convention Nominee Pledged to Practice Ecor . omy. Wasco County Democrat! Enthusiastic A Strong Ticket is Placed Be fore the People. For Coroner Henry Williams, Eight Mile, For Surveyor Charges Schuts, The Dall- , For Assessor Geo. F. Morgan, CimilM. For School Snp't Aaron Frailer, Dnfar. For Commissioner J, R. Doyle, Eight Mile. For Treasurer G. A. I.lebe, The Dalles For County Judge Geo. C. Blakeley. For County Clerk D. L Cates, Cascades. For Sheriff H. F. Woodcock, Wamlo. "For Charity Suffereth Long and Mack created unbounded fun pro- yed in The Dalle3 yesterday return- f sentlng the lively Irish comedy "Fin- Mrs. Laura C. Phoenix, nilvaiikce. Wis. "Matron of a -BewevoZen Borne and knowing the good Or. Miles" Nervine has done me, my wish to help others, over comes my dislike for the publicity, this letter may give me. in Nov. ao4 Dec 1893, The inmate had the "XimGrippe." and I wae one of the first. Besoming dnty too soon, with the care of so many sick, 1 did not regain my nsslth, and in a month I became so debilitate an4 nervous team sleeplessness and the drafts made on my vitality, that it was a question If I could go on. A dear friend advised me to try lrr. noes' Jtestorative Xerrlne. I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am in better health than ever. I (till continue Dm occasional use, as m teervm food, as my work is very trying. A tatter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis will reach me." June 6, 169& - Has. LaURa. C Paomx. : Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive Tnarantee that the firet Dottle will benefit. All druggists sell it at ti. 6 bottles for 15, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co, sJlaarfc lad. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Hesltb Democratic delegates met at the court house at 10 A. M. last Tuesday when Mr. S. B. Adams, chairman of the county central committee, read the call for the convention, and announced the election of temporary officers in order, Hon. E. B. Dufur was elected temporary chairman. On takinsr the chair Mr. Dufur made a happy speech, lauding the principles of democracy, receiving numerous applauses, and erave wise advice to the members of the convention, urging them to lay aside all personal preference in the selection of nominees and the naming of honest, capable men for office. The election of secretaries being in order, Mr. Joe Bonn was elected secretary and Mr. J. M. Filloon, assistant secre tary. On motion the chair was authorized to appoint a committee of five each on credentials, order of business and res olutions, and tbe following appoint ments were made: Credentials J. B. Crfssen, Isaac Driver, W. H. Van Bibber, Joseph Wingfield, C. R. Bone. Order of Business J. L. Story, F. A. Seufert, R. H. Lonsdale, John Johnson, Thos. Glavey. Rasolutions S. B. Adams, D. L. Cates, S. F. Blythe, A. S. MacAllisier, R. H. Webber." After listening to a short address by Prof. Fraser, of Dufur. advocating the adoption of a set of resolutions which he desired referred to the committee, the convention took a recess to 1 o'clock. On re-assembling at 1 o'clock the committee on credentials reported the following delegates entitled to seats in the convention as representatives of the different precincts: Falls D L Cates, by R H Lonsdale, proxy, A M Barrett, by A J Knightly proxy, A J Knightly, E C Wiley, by A J Knightly proxy, V C Lewis. WestHood River Jo'jn Parker, S F. Biythe, C R Bone, H Pregge, C E Copple. East Hood River F M Jackson. J Kreiger, C M Nolford, P Jochimsen. Baldwin D R Cooper, J A Knox proxy, J A Knox, by J E Hanna. proxy. M osier J M Elliot, Wm T Mc.Clure, Larkin Lamb. , West Dalles F Lemke, E M Win gate, P Stadleman, W H VanBibber, A S Bennett, by E B Dufur proxy, Henry Maier, M Doyle, V Marden. Trevitt Chas. Michelbach, N H Gates. Frank Clark by G W Row land proxy, J L Story, Hugh Glenn by A S Mac Al lister proxy, H Hamp shire. Bigelow A S MacAllister, S B Adams, - R H Londcdale, Harry Libbe, F Egan, by J B Crosse n proxy, E B Dufur. Joe Bonn. - East Dalles J M - Filloon. Frank Seufert, J M Benson, Wm Cushing, R H Webber, Ad Keller, Al Bettingen, R E Williams. Columbia Chris English, M M Waterman. . Deschutes E W Trout, W L Ward by E W Trout proxy. Eight Mile J C Wingfield, J M Darneill. Dufur J C Johnson, F L Helfinch, H. N Pitman, by Aron Fraser proxy. Ramsey M C Painter, Geo Nolan. . Kingsley T N Glavey, Patrick Bol ton , Patrick Ward by James LaDuce proxy. Tye"b David Miller, Wm JJorval. E C Fitzpatrick. Wamic H H Johnson, James W Zumwnlt, I D Driver, James Woodcock. Oak Grove H M Derthick, H T Corum, L M Woodside. Nansene Land Smith, Polk But ler. ' Bakeoven F S Flemings, T Burges, by Polk Butler proxy. , " Antelope W M Wiley. , On order of business the 'committee submitted the following, which wal adopted. , 1 That iihe temporary ' officers be the permanent officers of the conven ti .o. 1 , . v - 2 Election of delegates to the state convention. 3 Nomination of coroner. . - 4 Nomination of surveyor. 5 Nomination of assessor. 6 Nomination of school superin tendent. 7 Nomination county commissioner. - 8 Nomination of treasurer. 9 Nomination of county judge. 10 Nomination of county clerk. . "11 Nomination of sheriff. The committee on resolutions sub mitted the following: - - , Resolved, That the county officers nominated by this convention shall pledge themselves, if. elected, to use all the endeavors for a clean, conserva tive and economical administration, and that they will report to tbe cour ty central committee, as soon as possible after taking said offices, a statement of the cost of said offices for the past two years, and. when called upon by the- said county :, central committee, (bey will furnish a statement of the affairs of said offices, as conducted by them respectively, and the saving that has been made during their term of office and any recommendations made by the central committee, look ing toward economy, will receive proper consideration. On motion the report' was adopted by an unanimous vote, . - ' PBECTNOT NOMINATIONS. Hood River District Justice of the Peace C M Hanna; constable, O B Hartley. Baldwin Precinct Justice of the Foace Joseph A Knox. Dalles Precinct Justice of the Peace J M Filloon; constable, Frank Hill, Oak Grove Justice of the Peace1 H T Corun, James Turner, - Nan8eneJustice of the Peace. J W Montgomery; constable, Patrick McGreer. For the selection of state delegates tbe convention wag divided into four districts, to select delegates. The following persons were named by the different districts: F M Jackson, E B Dufur, S B Adams, A S McAllister, J A Douthit, J C Johnson, T W Glavey, I P Driver, and on motion, were de clared duly elected state delegates from the various districts, and A. S. Ben nett was elected delegate at large, itii W. N. v iley as alternate. Nominations beii.g next in order, the con veution proceeded to noini a e the ticket as given above. Alt the nominations, except for commissioner and sheriff, were made by acclauiaiion. BIls'akea for Biuger. When M. W. Wilkins, the genial proprietor of the dining room of t e Sr. Charles hotel in Portland, was in Prineville recently, attending to mat ters connected with the Masonic fra ternity, he was mistaken tor the sweet tempered and only Ui tiger Hermann, his facility for shaking hands and mak ing friends so closly resembling that admirable trait of the honorable gentleman from the first Oregon dis trict. Mr. Wilkins was making him self agreeable to the people of Prine ville on the day of the democratic county convention, when he was ac costed by a seedy looking individual, with the remark, "Mr. Hermann, can I see you for a moment?" "Certainly," said the affable Portland w. and he was conducted around a corner to a place of privacy, where he was asked by the seedy-look in -j individual what he charged for securing a pension. "Nothing at all just prior to an elec tion." replied Mr. Wilkin-, and th" would-be pensioner went away fully expecting that Mr. Hermann will press his claim before the pension depart ment, and will no doubt cast his vote for Binger, although his "arae will not appear on the official ballots in this district. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers, 139 Florida street, San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the won derful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Housrh ton's drusr store. Regular size 50c. and $1. Complimentary to The Dalles. The Hood River Glacier pays the fol lowing compliment to The Dalles. "The Dalles is having a building boom. Mr. Max Vogt is rebuilding his brick block that was destroyed by the the big fire several years ago. Mr. Vogt's building will cost $33.0J0. A. M. Williams is putting up an addi tional store adjoining his property, to cost $30,000. Besides these, there are a number of private residents going up, while other buildings are being raised and improved. There is a healthy feeling there in anticipation of a larye output of wool and a general confidence in the future of The Dalles that speaks well for the enterprising spirit of its citizens. The expected opening of tbe locks, which will give uninter- Eaater Day Services. . Easter morning was bright and clear, and church bells rang out on the morn ing air calling the people to "services commemorative of one of the mo.-t im portant evi-nts in the history of Christianity." Every church iu the city where specla1. services were held was handsomely decorated with wilJ flowers and potted plant), presenting most inviting appearances to all en tering them. St. Paul's Episcopal church was handsomi-Iey de -orated, and al 1 1 A. M. and 7:3U p. M. Dr. Guss delivereJ to sermons, and the sacrauieiit was ad ministered at the morning service. The morning services at the M. E. church were conducted by the Siiudjy S thoul, a most appropriate and pleas ant programme having beta rendered by tbe different classes In the eve. -ing the pastor, Rev. J. H. Wood, dx livered an eloquent sermon, his sub ject being ''The Pledge of Immortal ity." At the Congregational church Rev. VV. C. Curtis delivered an eloqueut Easter sermon at ll'MO, and in the evening an impressive Easter concert, conducted by tbe classes of theSjjJ.y school, furnished instructive entertaiu ment for the large audiance that wus assembled. The Easter services at St. Peter's church were very impressive, and were largely attended. Al 7 o'clock a num bor of children made their Erst com munion. The decoralious of the church were very beautiful, especially at the vesper service, when the altars were adorned with some hundred can dles which were tastefully arranged in various designs amidst potted plants and cut flowers. Father Bronsgees-t delivered an interesting sermon in the morning on the "Resurection of Christ" which was listened to with the closest attention by his hearers. Following are the names of the chil dren who made their first communion: Christine McNeil, Katie Roos. Lilly Seufcjrt, Lena Vogt, Isabella Heroux, Emma Shannon, Lucie Lenz, Nellie Hilgen, Lena Sandro -k, Fred Wettle. Peter Hunn, Charles buan, Joseph Mcloerny. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of sale, tssueuomuf ti e Ciivu.t Court of t e State of O.-e. oa lor Wasco County, ug.-oa u judgment and de-ixe. made, rendered a:id entcieu ly said i'uu t on t.:e 21st d y or I-Yuma. v. 1: !J, i , f.no. of thi. pi i jlnt. in a s ilt w: eiei 1 -T..t (Vlum iia ijun i and Tmuji Astn-u.tion,'' a to ora tion, was plaiatilT. and Alf.td ,vt nileiiy utid Carol. ue Ke-i ieiiv, John ll.uncr u.id t. e Park aaii Lacy Mii'hiucry Uomp.i:iy. a uu. j or::lioti. wri-te dt f-ndauts. and to me directed a.idi.e-livcri-d. coram indiiiK me to levy upon and sill the ljjds mentioned a id d. scrioed in siicl wiit. and herein ifter descnlwd, I did duly levy upon and will sell at puolic auction to te utLeM. b.dder. for cash in hand, on . Moud'iy. the 13th bay of April, 1S96, At 2 o'clock in tlie afternoon of said dny. :it t'-.e f xint'dooi-of the cou.ity couit i ujx; i.i Dalles Cjy. in U'asco cou.ity. u.e on, ail of the lands ui 1 premises de-c.iix d in sa-d .trit.r.nd ltrei.i 1 i.e.l as follows, to .-.'it: I.ots-A. ia;:d C." .a lloik2t: 1 t "P"' i i Mock M. am lot A.'' in i-'.ock J', nil 1 1 the- Fort. Dalles Al lit iry l.'e i r V it on auction to Dulles ('.!;,'. Wasto county. ().eo i. :s shown by ti.e oiliciai 1'l.its lucieui : or o mu.'li thereof :is shall Le sulitcieut to sat isfy tue sum of 1.!97."0. witn inlciet t;.ereon f.-om the 21st day of February. IMtt". at t e nre of ei-- t i;cr cent ier aa iu n. vliy.T attorneys U e. ucd t e further sum of 2 .7o, costs in sjjd su.t. toeeti-er with cost cf said wiit and accru ing costs of sale. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this nth day of ftiartn, ibuo. t. j. ukii-.k. Sheriff of "Wasco County. Oregon. Crook County Democrats. The democrats of Crook county held their convention last Friday, and nominated a complete ticket, except treasurer. The convention was very harmonious, there being no contention to speak of except for the nomination of sheriff. The ticket nominated is a a strong one, and tbe democrats of that county feel confident that it will be elected. The nominations were as follows: j Kepresentattve K. E. Misner. County clerk Arthur Hodges. Sheriff J. W. Elliott. Commissioner H. T. Hill. Assessor J. T. Robinson. Surveyor P. B. Nelson. . Coroner R. E. Dorsey. After completing the ticke' the con vention passed resolutions condemning the last republican legislature for its extravagances, and pledging the legis lative nominee of the democratic party to labor for the cutting down of state expenses. A resolution was also I a lopted censuring the present county NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. TJxtted States Land Office, I THB Dalles, Or.. March SI. 1890. f Notice is hereby given that in compliance witn the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. !7t, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tie St ites of California, Ore lion, Nevada, and Washington Territory," JOHN O'NEAL, Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore con, tinst is day tiled i.i this oltke Ms sworn stntement No. lai. for the purchase of the NVi NW Sec. i. Tp. 1 S.. H. II K .and NE!4 Sii4 Sc & id SE' SEH Section Al, Tp 1 S. K. lo East, and wiU otter precf to show tiat the land sought is more valuable for its timter or stone than for ajrricultural pun osts. and to est iblisli his claim to said land Lefoi-e the Reg ister and Receiver of t..is olilce at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2.1 day of June. 1h9o. He names as witnesses I. J Norman. Peter Aqu ntis. William Johnson, and Josepu Hall, all of The Dalle s, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adversely tHe above descr bed lands nre rcuiiested to file their claims in this aftice on or before s id --M dav of June. . iXi. . JAS. i". MOOriE. March 28, lOw. lteniter. re f.t' Fai'y Vtl-rs Tab Notice. The Peoples' Party County C -nvontion Is hereby culled to meet in tlicCoU. t House ut The Dalles, Saturday, April IS, IS:i6, At '2 P. M. The convvntion s'nill consist of 20 d--lcir:ites. the apixiriioament to Im? ;is follows: One delegfte at 1 irge for each preciat-t. aud on de eu'atc for each 10 votes cast for Nathan Pie.-CH for covenior in IMM. . The several precincts a e entitled to the fol lowing number of de-legates : Falls 9 Deschutes 2 West Hood River. . 8 Ei-.'lit Mile S East Hood Eiver 5 Baldwin 2 Mosier 2 West Dallas S East Dalljs 5 Trevitt 2 Hiielow 3 Columbia 3 Nansene 3 Uufnr 2 Hake Ovea 1 Tvgh Valley 1 Oak Grove 2 Wamic 2 K'n-rsley Antelope 1 P. imaries will be held Saturday, April 11th, 1890. RUPERT SCHBEL Wholesal and retail manufacturers of ami dialers in Harness, Saddles, bridles, Collars, Tents, and Wagon Covers. An 1 All ArticU ept In a Klrnt C1i Hainrm Shop KFPAIRINC PROMPTLY DONE. Oprayt M.ocL s 'V rehou THE DALLES OREGON Gene Z. r 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STREGT. (A'ljoinlnjf Rail road Depot.) Coram 77 unnnv xtjl vy vy jl jl M and foriYA Mental Can si ni m nn . Snli.it.ul . Prompt Attention Tuid to Those Who Favor Me With Their Tatronage Barbed NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. rupted water communication, and the f Mt of its being a general distributing j court of Crook county for abuses of point also tend to boom the place. Old People Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowel? and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bit ters. This medicine does not stimu late and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and al terative. It acts mildly on the stom ach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to tbe organs, thereby aid I ing nature in the performance of the iunctions. Electric mtters is an ex cellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle at Blakeley & Houghton's drup store. ' Children Wounded. Last Thursday morning, a short time after 7 o'clock, some one fired through the open window of Mr. Mazzie's house, at the children, who were tem porarily alone within, says the Hills- boro Independent. Mr. Mazzie lives about half a mile from Beaverton. across tbe bottom north of town. Tbe gun was charged with shot, one-pellet striking the youngest child iq the head 'and felleJ it to the floor. Six others took effect in the arm and side of another child, while a third , was also hit. None of the wounds, how ever, will prove fatal. .At the time of the shooting the father was in the stable, putting harness on his horses. Tbe mother was in an adjoining wooi . shed, - engaged with morning work, xne miscreant made Ms escape, so that his identity is not revealed. power and extravagances io paying salaries to deputies. The convention instructed its dulegates to the state convention to use their utmost energy to secure tlw election of Hon. T. Mtj Baldwin, of Prineville,' as a delegate to tae national -democratic convention. Land Office at The Dali.es. Oregon Janua.-v 30. 1S3I8. Complaint having been entered at this office by Charles Hook against Albert N Cooper, for failure t-i comply with law as to timber-culture Entry No. 25(8. dated October 27,.187, upon the secuon au, lownsnip z N , Range lo fc. , in Wasco oounty, Oregon, with a view to the can cellation of said entry, contestant alleging that said Albert N. Cooper never plowed or broko five acres of land the first year after eotry, and never has planted any trees thereon, and has not broken up the lind or cult.vuted it, as re quired by law. and has never put any fencing thereon at all, and has never broken up more than seven acres in all. and that the said Albert N. Coooer has abandoned said land, and has been for the past three and one half years in the stat" of Montana. The said pa- ties are hereby summoned to appear at this oftloe on the 20th day of March. Ir96. at 2 o'clock P. M.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning snid alleged failure. JAS. F. MOORiS, Register. Feb. 1, 7w NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Crrn-E at The Dalles. Oregon. I March 13. 18116. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to m'ike fi ja J proof in support of his ciaim. and th it said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oreyon. on May , 1898, viz: -MANLEY RANN. Hd. E. No. 3227. for the SEX Section 8, j p. i a . it. 14 iu w . ii Wire Barbed Wire Barbed Wire THE DALLES. OREGON. THE CELEBRATED Attempted Suicide. mwevj A TTrrTTCT DTTPTTT rr TV " AUUUOl DUKjiiLLtLX, rrOp. TVila n.nIT 1 ! . ... . . ri'-"wii 1'icwtrv js now turning out tne Dest ueer Port-r east of the C.iscades. The latest annlhiliees for the He names the folio inflr witnesses to nrave manufacture of. eood healthful rWr h j his contiuuous residenue upon and cultivation Altrtl R.t ,.1 i -n i i , ,, , . ' of said land, viz.: . ollv 1,18 nrst-class article will be placed on the market. and U. H. Sotherlind. James Darnielle, Joseph A man named Tyler, attempted to j barren, Grant Bolton. MBog.Owo For Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL-TRIED REM EDY. Mrs. 'Wimuow's Soothing Syrup bas been used ior over lifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens th6 gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. . Sold by arug- giHts in every Dart or the worid. 1 wenty-five cents a bottle. Its Value is uncalculable. Be sure arid ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and caite no otner mna. commit suicide at Harrisburg, in Linn county last Tuesday. Mr. Tyler is an inmate of the asylum, but was visiting a son living eight miles in the country. Tuesday morning his son brought him in to take the noon local for Salem. Leaving his father a few moments to attend to some business, he returned to Gnd him gore and immediately in stituted a search for him, finding him in Mr. Brandenburg's woodshed, un der the influence of laudanum. During his son's absence, the father went to the drugstore and purchased, an ounce of the drug and it is supposed he took it all. He was taken to Salem Wednes day morning. A ISatr: SeaatlBer. " Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. For sale by M. Z Don neii. - The D. P. A A. M. Co'., Election. Tbe regular annual election of direc tors for the Dallear Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. was held at the com pany's ofttee in this city this afternoon The report of the earnings of the com pany for the past year was very satis factory to the stockholders, . having met their fullest expectations. There were 268 shares of stock represented at the meeting, and an unanimous vote of the stock represented was cast for the following directors: S. L. brooks, Robert Mays, sr., H. Glenn, O. Kia nersleyr M. T. Nolan, J. P. Mclnerny and J. T. Peters, March 21, 5vr Register. Karl's Clover Boot Tea Is a sure cure for headache and ner vous '.diseases. Nothing relieves so' quickly. For sale by M. Z. Don n ell. mm . . ; I '''My;! Am l Mm. I - f mm Ip&lh of Mr." Bunnell. Mr. August Bunnell died at Lewis- top. Idaho, last Saturday, aged 76 years. Mr. Bunnell was for many years engaged in business in this city and was well known to all the old set tlers of The Dalles, having located (ere in 1861, and resided here almost continuously until about three years ago. The remains were brought here fjr. interment, and the funeral took place from the v. E. Church at 2 o'clock this afternoon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thk Dalles. Ore., March 1898. Notice is hereby Riven that Ihe following named settler has filed notice, of his intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, ut The Dalies. Oieicon, on May 12, 1896, viz.: WILLIAM O. SMITH, Hd. E. No. sail, "for the SE' and SEW SW'4 Sec. 18. Tp. 1 S. R. 15 E. W. M. i Ha ntiyrin 11t fnllnu-inu u-itnn. (. ' his continuous resideace uuon and cultivation ..of said land. viz. : James K ily. Juson Wo h acid, Elmer James and John Quirk, a.l of The Imlh s, Oreiron. JAS. F. MOORE. March 28. . . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION: Land Office at Tbe Dalles Ore., " - Marcu 18. 1W. Notice la hereby given th.it the lollowing named e tiler h.ui filed notice of Lis intention tomakefijal proof in supi.oil of hi-, claim, and laaisaiu proot iu ot mauu i eiure Kei tci ana Receiver at The Dalles, O.e.oa, on Auiil 30, 18J0.V1Z.: THOMAS WALSH. Hd. E. No.' 355, for the N(4 NEM and Ntf NWX. Sec. 29. Tp. 2 N., K 15 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz : Joseph Southwell and A. J. Linton of The Dalles. O.-egon. and W. Ilium Sheiley and Geo. Cozel of Ceii.o. Oregoa. ' - JAS. F. MOORE, Register. March21. . , The East Second Street, Dalles, : Oregon. K emova. Notice- .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . 5 Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. March 27. 1KHS. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fiaal proof in.supi.-ort of his claim. Knd that said proof wiU be made before Reiister ana neceiver, at lav uuues, Oregon, on J une 1, 1S96, viz: FRANKLIN P. HILL,' Hd. E. No. 3267 for the N'4 SWV and N SEH Sec. 6, Tp. 2 . R. 13 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to crave his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Jacob Roberts. John Nolan. William Vander- pooL and Charles H. Stougton. all of Dufur. Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. March 28, . Register. MAIER & BENTON Have moved .llu-ir Grocery,and Hardware f tores into the building recently vacated by J. C. Nickl- ' son, opposite A. M. Williams & Co. iu French's Blockwhere they can be found with a complete ' " " . - stock of : : : : ' ; : : ' ': " Hanlivarc, Groceries, Stoves, ltc. Th'g ext-a- Irdilirry y- !'i venal or is he most wonderful discovery of he aire, it nu ben en "oiwdhythe leading den tifio luen of Europe And Amri"a. Hudjran is purely yego. tnble. Hudjran stops Premalureircss of the dis ;ian?a in on . days, fires LOST MANHOOD A Fact W orth Kuowloc consumption, LaGnppe, Pneumonia and lun&r diseases are Constipation, Dizzinen, Fa'llnr &n. atirnc,Krv- oua twitching of the eyet and other pauj. Strengthens, 1 n t 1 k oratet and tones the en-iretyttem. nuoian cu.-ct Debility, ricrvous: ef-s, Emission r iiuatveJopn uu restorer weac tgars P. ins In the pact-. osei DT O A V A 1 Lihtstorpec tod all throat cured by Sbiloh's Cure. M. Z. Doooell. For sale Ly Land Office Transactions. Homestead entry, Charles - Derham. ei set sec 26, weswj sec 25.1 lis, r 16 e Timber culture proof, Enoch Cyrus, wi fpJ, p net sec 6. 1 13 s, r 14 e. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is herebv riven that the nndoralnrri nas been duty appointed by ir.e Honorable County Court of the State of Oietfon for Wasco i. ounty. as executor ox tne lust will imd test i mtnt of Mury Lacy, deceased. All persons havirr claims aKuinst said (state are notified to present t e same, properly vei ifLd. to me, ut my residence 1 1 I nlles Ciiv. O.eton. within six months fiom ibe date of this notice. A. BKONSGEEST. Executor of the 4ust will aud testument of Mary Lncy, u ceast d. eun ti Is a tb any of Mircn. lino. w;t qnlcklv. Over 2,000 private endo-setncntB. PreinatureneHI means imnotenry In the tint nm. It is tymp'om of srmi"l weakness aid bsrrennes. It can be slopped in So days by the use o f Hndyan. The rew discovery was msdn hy the Secial ista of the old femrtiie Hudson Medical Institute It is the stron pest Tliaiizer made. It is very powerful, bnt ba mlcss. Sold for tL00 a pack see or packagrt for ts.00 (; la 1 n sealed boxes). Written gi is ran lee gtveufora cure. If yon buy six boxes and are rot entirely cured, six more will be sent to yon free of ail charees. - Send for rlrralanand testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL IN8TITUTK, Junction Stockton, Market tc, Kills SU , Bgrsiniilsoo. Csii. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING A meetlns of the stockholders of thn Flrvt National Bank t f The Dull s ill be held at the Office of said bink on Monday, April 6, 1W8. for the election of Jirettors tor tbe en-ulnif vear. J. M. PATTERSON'. . March T, 4t ' Cashier. iiA'lJiii: etVciui irusttto.tny irentlemen or ludies to tiavel in Oieirou for hniui. lished, reliable house. Salary ir.H) and expen res. Steady position. Enclose re'e eme und elf addressed siampedenveio.e. Ihe Domin on Company, Thli-d Floor, cmaha Building tbioaffo. 111. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . - . - Land Office at The Imlles. Orkoox, I - Match 8, U86. f Notice Js herebv iriven that the tollowinir named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final p. oof in support of his claim, and I nut said prooi win te mace btfore Keslstep and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on April lis, 1SK6, viz: SYLVESTER V. MASON. Hd. K. No. 3990, for the S WH Sec. 1, Tp. 1 S. H. H. W.H. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation or saia nine, viz: J. E. Burnett, of The Dalles. Oregon, and J. 13. Haverly, L. P. Bolton, and- A. C. Rice, of Boyd. Oregon. JAS. i-MOOK2. M ireh 14. . - Reirister. Telephone No, TINWARE HND CRHNITEJalHRG 4 on Both Phones' MsasBBssssBBSk. ijiimiiiniiiiiiiiiniinmnriiiiirnTi- TmTiiiiiinmpmwri MEETING Oi' STOCKliOLDELirf. D. P. v x. CO. THB Ls, Or., March 6, 1F98. Notice is hereby (five i that there will be a stockholders' meeting of Tbe Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Company at their oltlce Saturduy. April -4. 1MS. at 2 P M.. for tha pur- rise of electing seve di.ectors, an-1 tmnsact g such other ous.ne-s as may properly come otxore shiq meeting. By order of the President. M. T. NOLAN, Secretary. March 7. 4w. Wholesale LiquoFj Store (J. O. MRCK'S OLD STAND ) r 173 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. TUBLING . & WILLIAMS,. Proprietors " . Wholesale Jobbing and Retail Dealerb : Agents for Pabst Beer an-i Leading Brands of Cigars. : : CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. mmmnnnnmnn NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Okfice at Tbb Daixe Oregon. April I. lstlO. Notice Is hereby iriven that the following named set-lcr has tiled notice of Ms intention to make final proof In suproi-t of his clnim. and that snid proof will le trade before Reiri-ter and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on May 10, iovd, tiz... ANDREW V. ANDEK50 -Hd E No 3r,12. for the TL ' KW I -I. and E i SW 1-4. Sec 14. Tp 4 S. R 13 K. W M. He mimes tbe fnllowinir witne ses to nrove his continuous residence uison a id 1 ultlvation of- said hind, viz: A A Houney. of Tfe Dalles. Or: Charlrs Fierce. Ci a' les Havwatd i.nu N Moade. all nf Tygh Valley, Oregon. . JAS. t.WllOBB. April 4. , Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S" NOTICE. Not'ce is hereby mven t?i.t the unt'erslnicd has ben duly appointed by the Ponor-nLle Count Couit of tbe State cf Cm on. fur Wasi-n Couit 1. as administraior of tte estute of C. V. Lf-e. deceased. All pe sois havi-ie cl.-iims again (tsa'd eslate aie heteby not fl'-d ti pre en! tie s:ime. propenv vern en to me at t e ffice f Duiur & Mentff e. The I a lc. Orpiron Within ix months from the d:itr of V. ts notice Data . tb.s lzia day 01 m: rcb. i 1 E. JACOBSEN. . AC vlaUtrator of the estate of C. V. Lane, dee'd. 1 To Boat Builders and Marine Engineers IN PARTICULAR- Our exclusive specialty Is designing and building (to ord.r) complete outfits of genuine Ma INK machliierjr in small and medium sizes (four to twenty inch cylinders). ' HIGH PRESSUI-COMPOUITD-TIIIPLE EXPANSION and PADDLE WHEEL OUTFITS. EITHER WOOD OR COAL BURNING MARINE BOILERS. CNo Stationary or "Trade" Machinery.) UUtot"Mlr"- v MARINE IRON WORKS OLVaOURN AND SOUTHPOftT AVIS. " OMIOAOO. lerrt