SATURDAY.... .APRIL 4, 1896 ITETIS IN BRIEF. From Saturday's Dally. " Mr. L." E. Morse, of Hood River, is ia the city today. " Mr. Leslie Butler left by this morn "Injj'a train for Seattle. - Mr. J. Frieman. formerly a merchant . f Th Dalles, but now a resident of Portland, was in the city last night. The Rattlesnake road is reported to be in fair condition for travel, a ' num ber of heavy teams having passed over it recently.- ; . - Mrs. J. H. Blakeney, sr., was a pas- eensrer on the Regulator this morning, going to McClure to visit her daughter, who resides at that place. - Messrs. O. B. and M. S. Looney, two prominent sheep raisers of Mitch ell, left this morning for a visit to their : old home in Rogersville, Tenn. When the Regulator left her dock this morning,. Mr. "John Cary had charge of the engines, Engineer Gill having secured a leave of absence for a few days to visit his family in i'ort- land. x. ' " The Heppner Gazette has thrown its columns open tokJree discussion of all topics, and annoiinces that even Satan, will get his correspondence pub lished in that paper when he. signs his name to his articles. Shearers "are removing tha. fleeces from the sheep of a thousand hills, and as soon as the roads are passable Grant county will send about two million pounds of wool out to clothe the woijld. . . Grant County News. . ' . Mr. Ad" Edger returned to' The Dalles last night from a winter's sojourn in Southern California. "; Mr. - Edgar states that business in Califor nia is reviving, and prosperous times a yat A-nMtAti t. h nnmi n tr RumDiepA . The Sherman county : democratic convention held at Moro today, made but one nomination, Hon. John Fill-: , ton, for the county judge. The dele- - gates elected to the state, convention r are J. V. O'Leary, W. H. Barnett.and Frank Fulton. , Mr. S. F. Blythe, editor of the Hood River Glacier, is in the city, 4ving come to the county seat to attend the republican convention, not as a dele gate, however, for .Mr. Blythe still clings to his Jeffersonian doctrines, but as a spectator. - " u-C .-Mr. Wayland Fisher was in the city last night visiting old friends and view- ing the scenes of his boyhood days. Mr. Fisher had been visiti ag his mother at Albany, and was returning to his - home at Rosylin, B. C, where. he is engaged in quartz miniBg. . Union Whist Club was entertained most royally last evening by Judge and Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw. In the contest for prizes Mr. Fred Houghton and Mrs. J. B. Crossen were the suc cessful competitors. The meeting of the club was closed with an elegant banquet served by the Oregon Bakery. Peter, the 12-year-old son of Mr. P. A. Johnson, while playing on an im : provised merry-go-round or ''Flying Dutchman, "one day. last week, received an injury to his abdomen which caused an acute inflamation of his bowels. The attending physician.Dr. Hollister, says the boys life is in considerable -danger. : ; . . ' - ' " - If any farmers in the world ought to ; ' be' happy it is the fruit growers of "Hood River valley. Every article they produce is in demand and commands the highest market price. With their winter apples selling at $1 and $2 a box. 'and other fruit at like'' prices, they ' ought to be the most contented people on earth. . ' " Mr. D. R. Cooper and son Warren, of Mt. Hood returned from Portland Wednesday. Mr. Cooper recently sold 136 boxes of apples in Portland. The prices received were as follows: Baldwin, $1.87 per box; Spitzenberg, $1.75; Ben Davis, $1.50. He has about 500 bearing apple trees, from whioh he picked and sold last year 600 boxes, clearing $500. From his nine-year-old -. Baldwins he picked from ten to twelve ' boxes. Hood River Glacier. An exciting runaway .occurred on Second street last evening, resulting in the wrecking of a buckboard belong--ing to Wright & McManamy, the saw mill men of Dufur Mr. Wright left his team standing in front of the stock yards for a few minutes, when the horses became frightened, and gave an exhibition of their speed, running around promiscuously through the east end of the city, finally colliding with a wagon near the ice house. In the col lision the buckboard was badly dam aged, but the horses received no injury, and were finally caught by some tramps who were "-camped above the Wasco wehouse. . them U that the frost lust niht dam aged the early peaches, but other fruits are uninjured. The frost last night, though quite severe, it is thought has done tittle or no lamage to fruit trees except those that are far advanced. It's all the same, a slight cold, con gested lungs or severe cough. One Minute Cough Cure banishes them. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Dr. Day and H. C. Levan9, who were delegates to the republican county convention here last Saturday, re turned on the Regulator to the Locks this morning. It is stated that a bicycle contest will take place next Sunday between Messrs. E. B. Halter and R. Frank for a purse of $100, and the championship ptXbe Dalles. . . - -. .L ' - Lincoln county recently elected the following delegates to the state dist rict, republican convention: R. A. Bensell, C. B. Crosno and G. E. Davis. They are instructed for Hermann for congress. Three women, next door neighbors, in Orneville Me., are the mothers of an aggregation of 36 children, all living at home. There are lively times "for the other neighbors when school is out. Burns are absolutely painless when De Witt's Witch Hazle Salve , is promptly applied. This statement is true. A perfect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lip, and never fails to cure piles. . Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. The general land office has sustained the local land office in cancelling home stead application No. 5227, in the case of Rotholomew Keily vs. Philip Living' ston, and homestead entry Ko. 4764, in the case of Walter C. Jamison vs. Douglas McGrath. Take a dose of DeWitt's Little Early Risers just for the good they will do you These little pills are good for indiges- tion. good for headache, good for liver complaint, good for constipation They are good. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Today the Jacobsen Book & Music Co. moved their stock into the F. Vogt store, and carpenters at once began tearing down the building formerly occupied by the company, preparatory to commencing work on A. M. Wil liams & Co's. new building. . After the republican county conven tion adjournal last Saturday evening the delegates from the different pre cincts of The Dalles met in a district convention and nominated G. J. Far ley for justice of the peace for The Dalles district, and Julius Wiley for constable. We might tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that it cures a cough. Eyery one does who has used it. It is a per feet remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse ness. It is an especial favorite for children, being pleasant to take and quick in curing. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. The W. C. T. U. of Prineville is waging war against the saloon men Four were recently arrested for keeping their doors open on Sunday, resulting in two trials before a. jury in the jus- tice's court, a hung jury in each case and a pugilistic encounter between op posing attorneys. Verily, Prineville is getting back some of its former notority, While in the city the past few days Mr. W. R. Winans has been exhibit ing some fine samples Of build ing stone, taken from his quarry twelve miles south of Hood River. One of the sam ples had been polished, and showed that the rock is succeptible of taking a fine finish, and is suited not . only for building but for- table tops, mantles, etc " This quarry is certain to at soae time, become a valuable property. . Two women in New York are making comfortable incomes from a little cafe in the Wall-jtreet district. They serve nothing but coffee, tea and wafers but they sell cigars to go with the .refreshments. . They began a little while ago on a capital of $2)0. The first day they took in 20 -cents,' but at the end of the week they did a day's business of $16. They charge 5 cents for a small cup, and 10 cents for a large cup of coffee. The republican county convention before adjourning' last Saturday even ing re-elected Mr. J. M. Patterson chairman of the republican central committee, and selected one com mitteeman from each precinct,, but owing to the secretary of the conven tion having taken his notes to Hood River with him the Times-Moun Taineee is unable at this -time to give the names of those who compose the central committee. From Monday's Daily " "' "MrTEd. Williams, left for Portland this morning. - . : jj-JHiss Lata Pierson, of Prineville, is . visiting in the city. Miss Aldrich returned by the Regu . : la tor today to her home at Cascade Lwks. V . .Messrs. Troy Shelly and W.R. - Winans returned to Hood River this 'morning. m -. '- Hon. W. H. Biggs is still confined to his room, but is gradually recovering . from bis illness. Mrs. C. V. Lane, of Antelope, who has been visiting in the city the past week, went to Salem today. -: Mr. A. Buchler was a passenger on the Regulator this morning. His. des tination was Cascade Locks. , The Baker county republicans de- clared for free silver, Mitchell for ' senator, and Rand for congress A considerable amount of seed wheat - is being sent out from the Moody ware- house to different par is of the county. - Two hoboes and one drunk were - sentenced to three, .days' road work each by Recorder Phelps this morn- ing. : . r Mrs. Warner, who has been visiting in the city the past few days, returned this morning to her home at White Salmon. J Fifteen fine beef cattle were brought in this morning from Wapiuitia bv Mr. J. L West, and sold to the Union Meat Co. ' Mr.' Wm. Kelsay, who was in the city Saturday attending the republican convention, left for home yesterday mnrnlnr. Mr. L. S. Davis announces that he will be an independent candidate for nffire nf luatlce of the rmuvt fn,. Dalles district. ' 1 " - a M fa. M . . n niiTTinBF ' irui Lrr-iiwtr-M fir r.nia locality nave Dea seen uy a ximjss Mottntaineeb reporter today, and the universal opinion expressed by " , From Tuesday's Daily. ' Mr James Cantrill, of Dufur, wa3 in the city today. -: Hon. C. M. Cartright arrived on the local from Portland today. Monday morning there was an inch of ice on still water at Moro. Mr. John Crate went to Collins this morning on the Regulator. Mr. Thomas Glavey, of Dufur, is in the city attending to matters before the probate court. . " Dr. Reed, formerly of Portland, has located at Dufur. The doctor comes highly recommended as a successful practitioner. The new town council of Heppner are nusicy ieuows. Their average weight is over 200 pounds, and the smallest weighs 184. - -' DeWitt's Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleansing the blood. . It builds up and strengthens constutions impaired by disease. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Pure blood means good health. . De Witt's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, cures Eruptions, Eczema, Scrofula and all diseases. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Mr.'E. J. McKinley started today to Canyon City on a- prospecting tour. He expects to devote the entire sum mer to prospecting for gold in Grant county. Though it was not so cold this morn ing as yesterday, the frost was more severe, am1 it is thought considerable damage was done the earliest varieties of fruit. J. he Brownie entertainment last Hight was fully as well appreciated as the one given Saturday evening. Everybody who attended pronounced it a splendid affair. ... A six-horse team belonging to L. Robertson was loaded with freight at Moody's warehouse this morning. The freight is for parties living at Dayville, Grant county. Busy people have no time, and sen sible people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Congb Cure acts promptly and gives perma nent results. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. . . " ' ; Activity in the Sust End continues, the hammer and saw being heard in all sections. - A number of the new buildings have been completed, and Mr. Phelps' new store will be finished in a few days. A little ill, then a little pill. The little ill is gone the pill has won. De' Witt s Little Early Risers the little pills that jure great ills. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. A party of Yakima young ladies have under consideration a bicycle trip to this city. They propose to have a wagon accompany them loaded with creature comforts and prepared to pick up the injured, says the Herald Today 1(H) acres of land near Kit es- ley, belonging to the estate of Patrick Dorris, deceased was sold at pub lic auction by the administrator. Mr, N. J. Sinnott bid the property in at $400. ' Hon. W. W. Steiver, of Fossil, is in the city today en route to Portland to attend the republican state convention Senator Steiver is prominently men tioned as a candidate for re-nomination for joint senator on the republican ticket. It's not a miracle. It won't cure everything, but it will cure piles That's what DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve will do, because it has done it in hundreds of cases. Snipes & Kinersly Drug Co. Mr. Chris Siebald, of St. Louis, Mo. an old time friend and school fellow of Judge Liebe, is in the city. Mr. Sie bald makes a visit to The Dalles once a year, and holds a pleasant reunion with his old friends, Judge Liebe and family. Dr. Kane, who for the past year has been located at Dufur, has moved into The Dalles -and opened an office. Dr. Kane has established an excellent reputation as a physician, and is a val uable addition to the medical frater nity of the city. Mr. J. E. Hanna, of Hood River, is in the city. Mr. Hanna brings good reports from Hood River. He reports the people looking forward to a pros perous season, the fruit prospects never having been more flattering than they are this spiinj. It's just as easy to try One Minute Coil" h Cure as any "thing else. It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with it. Let your next purchase for acoughbe One Minute Cough Cure. Better medicine; better result; better try it. Snipes & Kinersly DrugCo. Messrs. John Brown and Wm. Sny der, two prominent citizens of Van couver, Wash., are in the city today visiting old friends, and also looking out for business. Mr. Snyder is an ex tensive hopgrower, and-also proprietor of the Vancover cigar factory. For all clensing purposes, domestic or mechanical, removing scale from steam boilers, making soap, deodorizing the kitchen sink, or spraying purposes, use Red Seal Lye. Being strictly pure, it requires less than other kinds, con tains no salt and packed in sifting top cans. Those fine beef which came in from Wapinitia yesterday were for the Oregon Market, of this city, and not for the Union Meat Co., as stated in yesterday's issue. Some of the good beef raised in Wasco county stays in The Dalles. All of It does not go to Portland. Ail the 1895 taxes not paid today will be declared delinquent, consequently there has been a rush at the sheriff's office all day. The receipts for the day will be something near $12,000. The taxes of -the O. R. & N. Co., amouting to $9184.97, were received this morning. Low temperature preyailed all over the northwest coast yesterday morn ing. At Baker " city the mercury registered 18 degrees above while at other points east of the Cascades it was from 24 to 32. West of the Cas cades there was a uniform temperature of 32 degrees. We understand that certain people of Dufur have determined to not allow the discussion of questions pertaining to Catholicism or A. P. Aism in their city during the coming campaign, hence Mr. Gourlay will not lecture in that place as announced, he havinir been refused the use of a hall in Dufur. Range cattle seem to be in demand Buyers are in the country about WalU Walla and the counties along the Col umbia valley near Wallula. The prices paid are an advance on those that ruled last year. The cattle are de signed for shipment east. The buyers are mostly from Montana and Minne sota. , . It is a well established fact that the American people are swindled and humbugged more than -any other people on earth, and it is not for want of intelligence or shrewdness, but simply because they do' not stop to think. For instance, a lady, goes to her grocer, who, rather than miss making a sale, offers her inferior goods instead of the kind she asks for. He boldly asserts "it's just as good," when if he told the customer the truth he wouid say, ."I know Hoe Cake Soap, Soap Foam Washing Powder, and Red Seal Lye are pure goods and full weight, and for that reason cost more, but I sell the poorer qualities because there is more profit to be made." ' Hoe Cake Soap contains ingredients not touna in any other soap. Try it. Their County Convention Anything But Harmonious. Much Peeling: Exhibited Over the Order of Bnsineaa Those Whom the Ke pabllcans Have Nominated For Office. Coroner, TV. H. Butts. Surveyor, J. It. Goit. Assessor, W. 11. Whipple. School Superintendent, C. 1 Gilbert. Treasurer, C. L. Fliillips. Sheriff, T. J. Driver. Clerk, A. M. Kelxay. Judge, Hubert Mays. Commissioner, D. S. Kimsey. YEARS OP INTENSE PAIN. Jr. J. a. Watts, druggist and physi cian, Humboldt, Neb., who suffered with heart disease for four years, trying every remedy and all treatments known to him self and ft'llow-practitloners; believes that heart disease is curable. Uo writes: "I irlsh to tell what your valuable medi cine has done for me. For fonr years I had heart disease of the very worst kind. Sev eral physicians I consulted, said It was Rheumatism of the Heart. It was almost un endurable; with shortness of breath, palpita tions, severe pains, unable to sleep, especially on the left side. No pen can da- scribe my suffer ings, particularly during the last months of those four weary years. DR. J. H. WATTS, I finally tried Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and was surprised at the result. It put new life Into and made a new man of me. ' 1 have not had a symptom of trouble since and I am satisfied your medicine has cured me for I havo now enjoyed, since taking it Three Years of Splendid Health. I might add that I am a druggist and have old and recommended yonr Heart Curo, for I know what It has done for me and only wish I could state more clearly my suffer ing then and the good health I now enjoy. Yonr Nervine and other remedies also give excellent satisfaction." J. H. Waits. : Humboldt, Nek, May 9. "94. j Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a posit Ivo rflnrAnuw that the urst bottlo will DenoGt. All d roggists sell it at U 0 bottles for 85, or senu prepaia, on receipt oi pneo r. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind. s? A. V The republican convention for Wasco county was called .to order at the court house in this city at 10:30 a. M. this morning- by Mr. J. M. Patter son, chairman of the republican county central committee, anii a temporary or ganization was effected by the election of Mr. Patterson as. temporary chair man: Mr. L. N. Blowers, of West Hood River, secretary, and Mr. Clyde Bon ney, of Tygh Valley, assistant secre tary. The chair was authorized to ap point committees of five members each on credentials, order of business and resolutions. The committees ap pointed were as follows: Credentials M. . J. Anderson, E. Locke, E. C. Russel, Ed. Griffin and T. A. Hudson. Order of business W. H. H. Dufur, Geo. Johnston. F. E. Brunsen, E. J. Huskey and N. J. Sinnott. Resolutions M. T. Nolan, E. Locke, T. A. Hudson. T. H. Button, A. S. Roberts and J. D. McAnde. On motion of Mr. W. H. H. Dufur the convention took a recess until I P. M. On the re-assemblingr of the conven. tion at 1 o'clock the committee on cre dentials reported that the following delegates were entitled to seats in the convention : Trevett M. T. Nolan, J. S. Schneck. W. H. Jones, N. J. Sinnott, W. H. Moody, T. T. Nicholas. Biglow J. M. Patterson, W. G. Kerns, L. E. Crowe, H L. Kuik, F. E. Bronsen, L. Rorden. East Dalles J. Erhart. ErankGabol. William Floyd, & E. Chrismm, EYa rr Kromer, by Hugh Gourlay proxy, Joel Koontz, John Wago 1 blast. West Dalles T. A. Hudson, Ch Schmidt, W. E. Walthers, W. Klindt, F. S. Gunning. We9t Hood River J. A. Wilson, E. Locke, J. A. Solesby. L. N. lowers, O. L. Stranahan, Peter Isenberg. East Hood River T. R. Coon, E S Ollinger, F. H. Button. Cascade Locks I. G. Day, E. P. Ash, by j. G. Day proxy, J. Mclsaacs, Bud : Nelson, by H. A. Levons proxy, Fred Brookman. Kingsley E- P. Williams J. D Whitten, Dufur-Geo. Johnston, M. J. Ander son, W. H. wmppie. - Mosier D. E. Fisher, Newland Har lan, E. J. Huskey.- - Columbia H. W. Gilpin. E. K. Rus sell.. - Tygh Valley Clyde Bonney, Wm. McKorkle. Nansene Ed Griffin, E. Crafi. Ramsey W. H. H. Dufur, W. H. Staats. . Bakeoven d. W. Height, S. W. Jones. ' - Antelope John Grant, J. D. Mc- Andie, J. B. Ashby, C. C. O'Neil, by John Grant proxy, Wm.'Kelsay, D. M Kinsey. Baldwin A. McComey, H. Tcmlin son, by W- A. Langille proxy. . Eight-Mile W. J. Davidson, G..W. Fligg. Wamic Hugh Jackson, S. G. Black- aby. Deschutes A. S. Roberts, Geo. Rice. The report of the committee on cre dentials was adopted without a dissent ing voice, evidencing perfect har mony; but the seeming ' harmony was broKen by the reading of the report of the committee on order of business The majority of that' committee had recommended the first order of busi ness to be the election of delegates to the state convention, to be followed by the nomination of coroner Brat, and ending with the nomination of county judge, while the minority recommended making the election of delegates to the state convention the last order of busi ness. It was urged by the supporters of the majority's report, that since Wasco county had a candidate for con gress, trie choice or etate delegates as a matter of greater importance, and in order that county nominations should not be prejudiced by the choice of state delegates that duty should be disposed of first. . This the opponents urged as being uncommon and contrary to all precedent. A heated -discussion fol lowed, in which much feeling was dis played; but the convention was with the majority of the committee, and their recommendations were adopted. Hardly had the matter . of order of business been disposed of when another surprise was sprung on the convention, by a motion being made authorizing the chair to appointa com mittee of four to confer with Mr. M A.. Moody on the selection of state delegates. This motion called for another rather heated discussion snort duration, but tne motion pre vailed, and M ssrs. J. G. Day, M. J, Anderson, Peter Isenberg and John Grant were delegated to name the state delegates."!. After fifteen minutes deliberation the committee reported their selection of state delegates to be J. G. Day, M T. Nolan, J. M. Patterson. E. L. Smith, F. W. Jones, George Johnston and A. E. Lake. The report of the commit tee was adopted, and - these gentlemen were) declared duly elected state dele gates.:. - v .. '.' , . The next order of business was the nomination of coroner, W. H. ttutts was placed in nomination, and was de clared the unanimous choice of the convention. .Following came the nominations of the other officers In the order as their names appear above. five indictments against North fir sellinir liquor without a license, to oi.e of which he had plead guilty and was fiued $i"i0. He was serving out the sentence, when he escaped. Jvorth is described as being about 40 years of age, tix feet- hiuh, slightly i-ioopcd, weighs about 180 pounds, light complexion, is slightly bald, and has heavy sandy mustache. He wore a black suit of clothes, dark shirt, and ILrht colored felt hat Sheriff Holder offers a reward of $0 for his arrest an J detention. The BrowilieS. The Baldwin opra house was 'none too large for the number of people who a-embled to witness the Brownie en tertainment last Saturday evening. Every seat in the hall was taken and standing room was even at a premium. The entertainment was commenced 03 the appearance of the Brownies, some twenty little boys ranging from 5 to 12 years of age, dressed in the most fan tastic costumes, and very much re sembling the pictures that are seen in humorous journals, and right well did the little fellows merit the hearty ap plause they received. The Brownies at leap frog, making kites and at foot ball were ixceptionally good, and af forded much amusement both to the adultand juvenile spectators. Tnedif ferent musical renditions by local tal ent were of a high order and were hap pily received, and Miss Vandi-rsol's recitation. '"Grandma at the Masquer ade," fairly brought down the house The entertainment throughout was a decided success, and reflects much credit upon the tact of Miss Vandersol under whose supervision it was ar ranged. Coal Discoveries. Mr. H. H. Wheeler and Mr. G. L. Frizzell have each discovered a vein of coal near. their farms on Gird's creek. The coal taken from the surface crop pings burns very well in the forge, ami is comparatively free from slate and other incombustibles. There has been very little development work on either of the veins, but the one discovered by Mr. Frizzell is from two to three feet in thickness, and is improving in qual ity as depth is acquired. There is every indication of a coal formation in the John Day river, basin, und it is very probable that an intelligent and systematic search would reveal valu . able deposits underneath a large area. Mr. Sam Carroll has a two-font vein of coal near Bridge creek at a point 10 or 12 miles distant from these recent dis coveries, and it has also been found across the river at about the same dis tance north from there, thus showing it to exist in quite an extended terri tory. It is to be hoped that the dis coveries may, at least, be developed sufficiently to demonstrate their value and add another to ihe many resources of Crook county. Mitchell Monitor. MITCHELL. IN ASHES. O:e-Halr of the Town Destroyed by Fire. The prosperous little town rf Mitchell, in the eastern part of Crook county, suffered a destructive fire on Wednesday afiernooi of last week, almost one-half of the town having been consumed. The town is situated in a narrow canyon, along the bank- nf Brilge crei -k. there bi-injr j'ist room for a street and :i row of buildings on fither M;i and if. is tlm lower part of the town that is d-troyed. The Moni tor of !,he 27th. gives the following ac vnint of tne lire: " The fire originated in Misiner's ne-.v blffck in lower town on the lower fin r, occupied by W. L. Palmer and J. F. McGee It is not known how the 9re started, Mr. Palmer's family beintr absent at the time. When the fire was first discovered the smoke and fiimes were bursting through the roof and sides of the building, and in less time than it takes to tell it the whole building was in flames. The front, part was occupied J. F. Magee, as a roeery store, and the upper story whs 1 hall occupied by the Knights of Pythias and the A O. U. W. The a lines soon commenced with adjoining buildings, and as quite a strong wind was blowing up the canyon, there was no hope of saving them. It was only by. the most strenuous efforts that ..he fire was prevented from reaching the upper portion of the town. 'The buildings burned were the Misener block, the old Mitchell hotel adjoining on the west, three residences owned by R. E. Misner, occupied by . F. Allen, R. E. Misener and N. S. Misener. respe tively, A. C. McEach ern's residence, blacksmith shop, saloon and livery stable, and Misener's saloon. Misener's wine cellar, the old store building formally occupied by L. Howard, the Monitor office, Sasaer's store building and barns and Geo. Collins' shop, alone remain in lower to-vn. Household goods were moved i-to the street but m-J3t wore buried. W. L. Palmer- and J. F. Magee saved absolutely nothing of their household effects. The others losing almost every thing, much of it burning in the stree.s after being removed from the houses." The Misener block was a fine two- story wooden building, built last sum mer, and a number of the residences destroyed were new and expensive buildings. The Monitor does not give the estimated loss, but it must have been yery heavy. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of sale. Issued oui of tte Cin uit Court of t' e Stute of O.-e oa IOi- Wasco County, upon u j adsment and de.ixc. made, a:id entered by said roil t on t e 21st d ly of Puliru.n v, M4, 1 1 f n or or the pi ii itill. in a suit wl eiein Tue Colum b.:i Hull li i-' nnd Loa-i A-Kocl.-itioj." a 10 poia tio.i. was plaintiff, nul Alfitd K, n ledy and ae Ke 1 iedy. John Harder una t e P.iri and Lat:y AI whiatry Comp luv. a col oration, were di rndaaH. and to me d:recteu tie liven. d. 1 omm inding mo to levy u,n a id sill the l wd-i mentioned und dtscrii.ed in siid wiit. and hertiiiaft.rdescnlKd. I did duiv levy upon and will sell at public auction to't .e ulLuot bidder, for cash la, on .Votid J, the l.ith iHuj of April, 1SVG, At 2 o'. lotk in the afternoon of said dav. :it the f uaid .orof the cou.ay coii.t lou-c ia Iade City, in Wasco count .-. Orri on. all i.f the lxids n I pit mixes de cioid in said writ. ::nd linli uj.; as roiiows. toit: Lots' A. Band C.' n lilo.-k 21 : It -F" i u block at. n:ul lot - A." in l.loclt -t). a!l ii the Fo.-t Dalles M lit i.-v Vm r- vat on i-.d lition to Dulks CiU Wasto county. O.-esox as showa by tbe official plats tl eseo : or so wuoj Lnereor jis snail oe surnoicnt to sat- isty ue Hum 01 s1.tw7.11. with interest t e eon f.-om the 21st day of February. ISWC. at t e ra;e of tl; tper cent per aaau.n. S1I9.7S attoneys f. e, and t e furt ier su n of s2 .7u. cosis In siid suit, togetner with cost of said writ aad aeuru Ing costs of sale. ua lated at The D&Upk. Crmn tlit 11th Am of .luiuiu, iou. 1' J. UK1VK. Sheriff of Wasco County. Oiegon. - A at u ! Seantifler. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. For sale by M. Z Don-nell. Karl'11 Clover Root Tea . Is a ?ure cure for headache and ner vous diseases. Nothinir relieves so quickly. For sale bv M, Z. Donnell. The itoii'Cen Rays. The April MoCIure's will contain what is about the first really authorita tive and direct account yet given of Professor Bontgenand his discovery of the cathode rays. Immediately on the announcementof the discovery, the editors of the magazine cabled Mr. H. J. Dam, of "London, to hasten to Wurz burg and talk ' with Professor Rontgen in his laboratory and learn all that could be learned of the new marvel in pho tography. "The" paper will be illus trated with a photograph of Professor .Bontgen and numerous photographs by the new process. A supplementary article by Cleveland Moffet will tell what has been done iu America with the cathode rays. Catarrh Cored, r . Health and sweet breath secured Shtloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price conts. Nasal Injector free. For by M. Z. Donnell. - A Rfinsinff Time. The republican rally at the court house Saturday night, under the aus pices of the McKinley Club of this city, was enthusiastic throughout. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Fred Wilson, president of the McKin ley Club, and rousing speeohes were made by Messrs. M. A. Moody, John Michell and Peter Isenberg, all of whom predicted the success of the re publican ticket at the next general election. It was a sort of a love feast for the republican party, and from all appearances was . most harmoneous. Tbe meeting was of course intended to arou e enthusiasm for the republican ticket, but it will require many more of the same kind to have tbe desired effect or June 1st. for the cry of -pro-tection to American industries" is one that becomes very stale during the weary weeks of a polticuf campaign. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. United States Lakd Office, ( THE 1JA1.I.RS. Or.. March ISOrt l Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 3. 1.--78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber binds ia t'eStites of California, Ore gon. Nevada, aad Washington Territory," JOHN O'NEAL. Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stute of Ore gon, uas t is day tiled in this offli e his sworn statemeat No. 122. for the purchase of the Nt NWH Sec. 30. Tp. 1 S.. K. 11 K .and NE Nli Sec. ". and SE SE'4 Section 2i, Tp 1 S. K. lu East, and will offer proi f to show ttiat the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for ag.-icultural purposes, and to est ibltsh his claim to said land before the Reg ister and Receiver of t is office at The Dalits, Oregon, oa Tuesjuy. the 2J day of June. 1HK6. He names as witnesses I. J Norman. Peter Aquintis, William Johnson, and Josepu Hall, ulT oi i uc uaucs, uregoa. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In tiiis office oa or before said 2d day of June. If 90. . JAS. F. AlOORE. March 28, low. Register. Pe pi 1'ariy Voters Tab Mice. The Peoples' Party County Convention Is hereby called to meet in the Court House at The Dalles, . Saturday, April IS, tS9C, At 2 P.M. The convvntion shall consist of 20 di-legates. the apportionment to be as follow1 One delegate at large for each precinct, and one de exate for each 10 votes coat for Nathan Pier-ce for covemorin ls&l. 'ITie several precincts a -e entitled to the fol lowing number of delegates : Falls Deschutes 8 West Hood River. . 8 Eiijbt-Mile 3 East Hood Kivr 5 Nansene S D.ildwiQ 2 Dufur 2 Hosier 2 Bake Ovea 1 West Dallas 5 Tvgb Valley 1 East Dalljs ft Oak Grove 2 Trevitt li Wamic 2 Bi relow 3 K'nixsley 2 Columbia 3 Antelope 1 P. imaries will be held Saturday, April 11th, lfcSO. - RUPERTS GHBEL Wholesal and retail manufacturers of and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Tents, and Wagon Covers. An 1 A.H A.rttcla tcpt In a Klrt CImsh H y F.PAIRING PROMPTLY TONE. mm Shop. Opposite Moody's 'V rehou THE DALLES OREGON. Gene Z. F. MOODY' r'l Commission and Fonwdii Merchant 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND (Adjoining- Railroad Depot.) '0 STREGT. Consignments Solicited Prompt Attention Paid to Those Wuo Favor Me With Tbeir Patronage Barbed Wire Barbed Wire NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. - Land Office at Tbe Oregon January 30. 1P9S. Complnint havinir been entered nt t ux office by Charles Hook against Albert N Cooper, for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture Kntry No. 2548. dated October 27, 18h7, upon the NfcW Section 30, Township 2 N . Range 15 , In Wasco county, Oregon, with a vie to the can cellation of said entry, contestant alleging that said Albert N. Cooper never plowed or broke five acres of land the first yoar after entry, and never has planted any trees thereon, and has not broken up the 1 tad or cult.vated it, as re quired by law. and has never put any fencing thereon at all, and has never broken up more than seven acres in all, and that the said Albert N Coooer has abandoned said la3d. and has Leen for the past three and o ie half years in the statti of Montana The said pa ties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 20th day or March. U M, at 2 o'clock P. M.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said allt gjd failure. JAS. t MOOKH. Register. Feb. 1, 7w NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Sherman County. me following: ticket was nomit today by the republicans of Sher County Judge A. J. Thompson1 County Clerk Wm. Hendrix. Sheriff Wm. Holder. Assessor A. F: Black. Treasurer G. W. Bolton. Commissioner E. Thompson. Surveyor E. A. Heath. School Superlntendent-C. E. B Delegates to state convention Wilson, W. H. Moore and E. O Coy. A Fact Worth Kuowlni. Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneu and all throat and lung riisen, urad bv Shiloh's Cure, M. Z. Donnell. For BROKE JAIL ' AT HOBO. The of It will "bytua Sherman County Jail Delivered ' .Its Only Occupant. Charles North, serving time In the county jail at Moro, escaped sometime between five and six o'clock Thursday evning. During the daytime-North bad been allowed to occupy a hall be tween the clerk's and sheriff's pfflces, leading to the jail. At 5 o'clock he was taken his supper, and at 6 o'clock, when Sheriff . Holder went to lock hlrti in his cell, the prisoner was gone. A board had been pried off the side of the building, making an - opening "I Mile' Haaf4 Cttvo through which North bad made bis LSI IT all WO alWtll I VU1V I Restores Health exit. Tbe recent gnn& jury had returned . For Over Fifty Tears. An Old' and Well-Tried edy. Mrs. Winsiow'a Soothina has been used ior over rifty ye: millions of mothers for their c,' while teething, with perfect s It soothes the child, softens the allays all pain, cures wind colic,' the best remedy for diarrhoea pleasant to ihe taste. Sold by gists in every -Dart or the Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its is uncatcuiame. tie sure and as Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,' Hunts ao uiner Kina. ifiIli ordinyIXBe- C'lsTlSj ' Cont'patiOD, juvenalor is fflK'?3 .'mS?aae the most E.5Pr'Xl Fa'ung 6cn- wonderful - FafW1.;,? ft' n,Krv- (Mscovery, of ' ous twitching the ae. It rilftfi?1 of the eyes 'o-dhytha. - P-ta. loading, clen- .' I vlSftfv Strergthens, Mfie -a.en of . Invigorates Europe and I : - and tones the Amrf-. I ! - en'ireiyttpm. n?'y vege: I geollity, "We. I 'jjtr 4 KervonsreEs, Hudjran stops ' I .r1j&iitl Emissions, Premalurera fV:;iKWfj nddeveiop.s -of the dis. ;MlA'4i& nl r stores 2'As tmm ?e&s lost MilM Two Lives Siv$cl. i ti i J! r. v 1 I f i t I to 1 f M AI a r ffv M 1 Land Offios at Ths Dalles. Oiikgon. 1 March 13. lt f Notice is hereby given that fie following named settler has nled notice nf his lntnntinn I to make fliul proof In suppoit of his claim, aad th it said proof will be made before Kerfster ' and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on May 2, joyo, viz: MANLEY RAN.V. Hd. E. No. 3227. for the SU SEK Section 8, Tp. 1 S .R. 14 E W. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aad cultivation of said land. viz. : J. H. Sotherlind. James Oarnlelle. Joseph Warren, Grant Uolton, aU of Boyd. On iron. JAS. F. JtiOOKE, March 21. Sir Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officb at The Dalles. Orb., March S7. 1896. Notice is hereby given that the followinar- named settler has Sled notice of his Intention to make Haul proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register ana Keceiver, . at The lisuiu, Oregon, on May 12, ibvo, viz. ; WILLIAM O. SMITH, Hd. E. No. for the S' SEV and SE SWH Sec. 18. Tp. 1 S. R. 15 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land. viz. : James Kt -lly. Juson Wakefield, Elmer James ana jona yuiiK, a.i oi ine Limits, orepon. JAS. F. MOORE. March 28. . Register. -NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles Orb., Marcn 18. itm. Notice is tereby (riven that the following namea seiner tua niea notice oi ms intention tomake haul proof in supi oi t of his claim, and thatsaid proof ill be maue tefore Renter and Keceiver at ine uaues, u.e0oa,on Apiii au. ituo, viz. : THOMAS WALSH. Hd. E. No. JCS6, for the N NEK and N NWtf . Sec. 29. Td. 2 N.. R. 15 E. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous resiaence upon ana cultivation Of sum iana, viz. : Joseuh Southwell ana A, J. Linton of The Danes. O.eeon. and W. Ilium Sheilev and Geo. Lozei ox ueii.o. orei oa. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. juarcnzi. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Lakd Office at The Dalles. Oreooh. March 27. 195. Notice is hereby (riven thit the following naiuu setuer Das niea notice oi nis mienuon o make nial proof In support of his claim, und hat s;i.d proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on June ius, viz: FRANKLIN P. HILL. Hd. E. No. 3M7 for the N SWlf and Nii SE 4 Sec. 4. Tp. is. R. 13 E. W. M. lie names the following witnesses to Drove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation -of. said land, viz: . Jacob Roberta. John Nolan. William Vander- pool. ana C-uu-les H. Stoug.ton, all of Dufur. u.egon. JAS. F.MOORE. March 23, . - Register. Barbed Wire MA I P.P.'-' RPlSJTfiM's THE DALLES. OREGON. When You Want to Buy Seed Wheat; P'eed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran,. Shorts,. Hay, : Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the : WASCO - WAREHOUSE . Our prices are low and our poods are first-class. Apnnta for the V celebrated WAITSBURO "PEERLESS," and BYERS' BEST ' PENDLETON MILLS FLOUrt. Highest cash price paid . for , WHEAT. OATS, and BARLEY. THE CELEBRATED Columbia AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter est of the Ch sondes. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market; East Second Street, Dalles, : The Oregon i.ier. ni sec in, 'L l., -Roderick McNeil and wife to John M. Carroll, parcel of land in see 7, 1 2 n, r 12 e. 9900: - ., - James P. Carroll and wife to John M. Carroll, parcel of land in sec 7, 1 2 d, r . Vie, $500. . , - James E. Feak and wife to Elizabeth E. Boardman, 10 acres in sec 13, 1 2 n, r M e, 300. 7Z. B. McFarland and wife to Sarah E. Horton, parcel of. land in town of Tygh Valley, 300. Old People Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy ia Electric Bit tens. This medicine does not stimu late and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and al terative. It acts mildly on the stom acb and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aid ing nature in the performance of the iu net tons. Electric Bitters is an ex cellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1 per nottie at lilakeiey as Mougbton's drup store. qnietlv. Over 2,000 private etidcsemcnts. Preioaturenets means im not pnrv in i ha first tase. It Is tymp om of scmi"l weatnees aid barrenness It can be Slopped in SO days by thenseof Hndyan. . Tberew disenverv wm mA Yiv tha RHaI. Jstsofthe old famons Hudson Medical Institute. It is (be strongest vitaiizer made. It Is very powerful, bnt ha-mkra. fold for 11.00 a mck. igeorS packagra for S5.00(-l'n sealed boxes). Written enaranteA fl.fvfn for m. mre. It -mm hnv six boxes and are rot entirely cured, six mare oenanr oirctranana testimonials. Aaaresf HUDSON MEDICAL. IN8TITUTJE. Junction Stockton, Market it Ellis St aanancucaavak Iod Offloa Trmnsactlona. Homestead entry Samuel Evans, swi sei swi nei swi sec. 23, tp. 2 n. r 11 e. Homestead entry Minnie H. Kinder, si nwj nei sw, nwj sei sec. 15, tp. 15 s. r 20 e. Homestead entry Commodore Car roll, fi ( i sec. 19, wi nei sec 30, tp. 13 a. rl9e. Homestead entry Banister Vjwell. awl nei sec. 30, tp. 14 s. r 19 e. Homestead entry Wm. R. Hartman, nei see. 28, tp. 3 a. r 21 eaot. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tbic iixes. Orrgon, I ? Muich 9. 1.98. f T "Mnttf 1b tipnihv vlirpn that. tVtt f .-.1 Inu-in.. aamea seiner ras niea nonce oi ms mc-nuoa to make final p ool in support of his cl tim. and taat said proof will te made txfore Reuister ana Keceiver, at 'rne uallts, ureyoa. on Apiil 2o, imh, viz: SYLVESTER V. MASON. Hd. E. Ko. 3600, for the S W See. 1, Tp. 1 S. H. U K. W. M. Be nnmts the following witnesses to prove mis couiiuuuus resuuuucts upon iuiu cuxuvucion of said lant viz: i. K. Burnett, of The Dalles. Oregon, and J.'l ti. Haveily. u. V. Bolton, and A. J. nice, of bo.vq. Oregon. . JAS. MlKJ42i. Miircb 14. . Ketrkter, COLUM BIA PACKING COM PANY "Comer Third and Washington Streets, und Hams, Bjcod, Driei W and Tougues, - And the Best Beefteak". Mutton Chops and ' ' Veal Cutlets In the Market. Orders Delivered too Any Part of the Citv Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices.- : ANNOUNCEMENT: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duiv appointed bv the Honorable County Couit of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, as administrator of the estate or U. V Lane, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, properly verified, to me at the office of Dufur & Menefee. The Dalles. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated tlus 12th day of March, !f-Wt, E. JACOBSEN. Administrator of tbe estate of C. V. Lane, dee'd. March 15. aw. . MEETING D. OF STOCKHOLDERS. p. & A. N. CO. Tbb Dallss, Or., March , 1TO9. Notice is hereby given that there will be a stockholders' meeting of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Company at tbeir office Saturday. April 4. it wo, at z p. m.. lor the pur pose of electing seven directors, and transact ing such otber business as may properly come bt fore said meeting. By order of the Presi-lent. M. T. NOLAN. Secretary. .March 7. 4w. Having bought the entire stock formerly carried by Mr..J. B Crosskn, I desire to . announce to the public that I am prepared to cater to their wants in all lines of - - Groceries and Provisions, CROCKERY. ETC. W. B. KAHLER, Telephone 62. Masonic Bulldine STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING Fesh Ve getables. Eggs and Fruit A meeting of the stockholders of the First Nationnl Bank of The Pallet ill be h -Id at lh office of said bank on Mondv. April a lfJ-3. for tne election oi director" tor in 3 ensu ng vear. J. M. fA'l'il.Kt.V. March 7. 4t Cashier. w AJTBD: Several tlRtwo, tliy ientJeire i or hwlies to jrnvcl in Oie lor est;.,. ished. reliable houe. Salary WO exnen ses. steady position, i nclose re e enee nnd self addressed stamped envelope. The Domin en r'ntTiv.. Third Floor. uiLtha Bull .1 ChicaOvni. . The Massiilon Engine & Thresher Go. 160-166 Front St., Portland. Oregon WILl LIAIL CATALOGUE OF MICBIHEBI OH APPLIGATIOH