1- .MARCH 14, 1896 ITEMS IN. BRIEF. From Wednesday'! DaUy.-.--o. ,Mr.-itfHetinaVii4 of lAntelooej Is lo the city.. ' .ibfiiStraMhaa, of Hood Kiver, is in the city today. Mr. O. H. Bellin&ery a civil engineer of the O. R. & N. Co., is in the city JtotoSs - - J ' HAtsar load of JiogB wits shipped by 1SlivC.' Grimes "w"Troutdaie this" morning'. . Mr: Geo. Morgan, of the D. P. &, A. . .' N. Co'.,' went ' to Cascade . Locks this afternoon. ' - , : large consignment of goods .was shipped-' froar'Mobdy warehouse "to Dufur this morning. ;The-Nickelsen book, store will be moved into the room next door to Herbring's store next week. -F. Today E. Jacobsen was appointed by the-coJXtltycour6 aiministrator of the estate of C. V. Lane, deceased. The Wasco warehouse shipped sev eral car loads of chopped feed to Hood .River and Cascade Locks this morning, '""iffsl "Ernest "Jensen","" who' has been visiting her parents at HoodTtfverTre- i'torned" iome;; brc.the Regulator last night. tiLMrsAllenKhaiectured in the Con; gregational chorea. here last night, left on the Regulator for -Portland "this ntorning:C3 ElA?.? SZl.-VAljl A considerable amour t of insight, was shipped from this- plaeethis morning to E. H.Smich.-one ofPrtnevUlesprorn . "inentfladdlers. -.' -cr. - Mr. HJDParkens, of Cascade Locks "spentTlast evening visiting friends in the city, and left on the Regulator for his home this morning;' i -t Col. E. Pike,, cf Goldendale, ac companied by his niece, Miss Fannie Palmer, took passaga for Portland on the Regulator tbis morning. -: . . . , , jMrs. E. 6 Brooks'of Toledo, who . ' has spent the winter in the city, visit, ing her uncle anlauiit, Hti'Snd :Mrs S. L. Brooks, visited Cascade Locks today. " '" ; " " "' Mr. Hugh Gourlay. has fixed the date' of his leeture-ori Civil and Reli- gious 'Liberty vvs. AJ -P. '.Aism, for Wednesday 18th instant, at' the "First Baptist church. uv Last evening the, Regulator brought up two lintels, weighing two tons each, tor the Vdgt" b!ock,besIdes a lot of ; pipe to be used in the heating ap ' paratus of the building. "' ' Mrs. C. C. Hobart was a passenger on the Regulator thisjnoroing, going to Cascade Ldcks to join her husband, who is superintendent of. .the state :' portage roajda&Jbatac.' j'j Mr. , B. Campbell, general freight agent oftheO.R. & N., passed through this eity" this nwrnHi?,-'en-"T6utefor New York ItoZiittend. the; xneeting .of the lines interested in transcontinen tal traffic. , . ' Among "tneniany 'at tractive feature's of the', entertainment to be' given at 'St. -Mary'sLAcademy nextk-Tuesday; .night is a beautiful drama in five acts en titled "ThrougtiiClouds ta Sunlight." It is one which is especially pleasing, and has never, before been rendered in :..' ; :i Si . . S t -' ,- ' ..'inquiry is being made in Pendleton for cattle and fat mutton sheep. There are several .buyers in .Pehdloto'n . and v that vicinity?-and. the market seems about ready to open in full' blast. - Fat 7 mutton are: most in -demand, -and a bufgr Monday quoted 1 cents per pound for a'good -quality.-'" Th 1 lecture delivered by " Mrs Allen in the , Congregational church last night'on India and the habits of the people, was well received J The lecture was-wellr illustrated by views f scenery in India thrown on canvas by the use being very handsomer illustrating the most-noted places and buildings f -the country. " In compliance .with a -requestfrom- Goyernor McConnell, of Idah,-to- point representatives of Orc-gon tp an immigration congress,-"' to meet . in ' Boise; City, April 2, Governor Lbrdtd day named.th0bllbing:. -Hon j.CrH. Dodd, HenT E. G.-Hughes and HonVD. P. Thompson T. G. Hailey, of Pendle ton. 'ii Governor .Lord :wllt probably be. represented by his : private secretary. Mr. Fletcher, editor of the SalemDaily Postj'has been named to deliver an ad dress on the occasion.; ITU " : A - Heppner' correspondent.1,of.,the East Oregonian says that there is now in the bnkB of Heppner M least ?13fr,- 000 whi3bzista4oflere;f last year's prices, which were $1 for yearKngsTTmd : I.'50Ibrr2-y eaHbldsV Sheepmen do not feel inclined to sell at these prices.; J.t i 'estimated that the Heppner .sheep market at the. pees-. ent time consists of nearly 150,000 sheep. Prospects for the coming wool clip, the wheat crop and the sale of sheep in Morrow .county cause antici pation of the good old times. U ' From"Thursaaj'B Daily The receipts of the Degree of Honor entertainment last evening was .$85. Eggs in some parts of the Willam ette valley are selling for six cents per Mr. Andrew Allen left this after, noon for PaUely to take charge of Fos ter Bro's. race horses. CThn pteawntLfloundjoiithe hammer and saw are heard all over the city. The spirit. of Improvement is general. Extensive Improvements are' being made:l6WrE.''SitveTtootli,s "building on the corner of Court and Second streets. The past few days of fine weather has caused farmers to again enter the iieldVrwith .their: plows,' and 7 in : the wheat growing sections much activity is being displayed. -The state ofOregon is building $15,000 sewer," -wWohwar benefit th city of Salem' more than the state. It is really a Salem sewer, but the' state pays for it. A sample of the doings of (he last legislature. i Thjjnorn"g .t" oV oftfft'ng down the old wooden ; warehouse next to A. M. Williams-dp CoV "was -begun. So soon as thewcen3iructures are', removed, work on the new brick will be commenced. ;" :o s-isia::' ' ' Mr. J. N. Burges, a prominent stock rakser- 'Of Bakedven, 'latrji the? 6it Mr.,'Burges""say8the cbldTweathef week caused more loss of cattle southern part of the county had been durio prior to that A, tl SATURDAY... I WA"" near the creek being nearly completed. and promises to be a handsome addi tion to' that part of the city. - Grant county 'is said to already have 10 candidates for sheriff on the repub lican ticket, and a great, many pre- cinots yet to hear: from..': The sack Sheriff Combs got for taking a few pris oners to Salem not a m-eat while ago is evidently responsible lor' this break ing out of the ' office-itch in neighbor Grant" - - '-' , A woman in Heppner went to a phj- sician to get a prescription for tender feet. He gave her a mixture contain ing two quarts of cold water, one table- gpoonfull of Jay junaand two,, table spoonfulls of amonia. He did not ten her how to apply it, and she drank the mixture in six doses.'-:- She says her feet haven't felt tired since. . .Today mechanics began remodling the Ladd building, recently bought by Mr. - Fred Houghton: "" The stairway leading from Second street to the up per story is being removed, and a glass front is being put in. The ground floor facing- Second . street will be divided into store rooms and offices, one of which will be occupied by Mr. N.. Whealdon.. "---' The sheep raisers association of Sherman counvy has now perfected its organization and joined the union of GiUiamj. Wasco and Crook counties lor a war of extermination upon coyotes and other obnoxious and depradating animals. The bounty on scalps in this county is now assured, showing results of concerted action.-- Half a dozen men could never have accomplished so much in"S given "period "61 time. Moro Ob server -a Poisons engendered by food ferment ing in a dyspaptic stomach are the di rect cause of rheumatism, gout, bron chitis, "liver and' kidney complaints, asthma, pneumonia and mmy nervous ailments. , These results are prevented by the ue"of the Shaker Digestive Cordial, a remedy discovered and prepared by the Shaker's of Mount Lebanon, N. Y, It is in itself a food and has power to digest other food taken with it. , Thus itre8ts the-diseased stomach and finally 'masters the worst ca9es of dyspepsia. It acts- promptly-;and fresh strength 'and" increase' of weight soon follows. The. first dose, taken immediately after eating, abates the pain and distress so dreaded by dyspeptics. . Trial bottles enough to prove its merit 10 cents. , Laxol is the .bast madicine for chil dren. Doctors recommand it in place of Castor Oil, From Fridays' Daily. " Mrs. D. J. Malarkey, of Portland, is in the city. Hon. T. R. Coon, of Hood River, ar rived on the noon train toda. Mr. J. Jackson is in from Shearer's Bridge,-visiting friends in the city. -Capt. Lewis is still quite ill, being "confined "Eo" his room continuously. "MIsS OHie' Graves, of Portland, is visiting Mr. and. Mrs. J. F. Moore in this city- Mr. E. W. Walthers took passage on the Regulator for White Salmon this morning.'".""" " . "Mr.'Burkhalter'.bf Hlllsboro, is vis iting his daughter, Mrs.. August Buch ler, in this city. . . "The Messrs. Alex McClennan, two prominent business men of Antelope, are in the city. " : v.5 -' ' Twelve oar loads of cattle from the upper country, passed through here Iasfc night en route to Portland. TheTuneral of therIate;Mrs;i Henry Taylor took" place-from 'the M. E Church at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Booth and. Mrs. Mary Jory, of .Wasco, .were in ; the city today to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Taylor. : -Mr. F. Furter, foreman in the Colum bia brewery,-is . confined to his room on account of illness, but expects to be at his post of duty in a few days. - Mr. Isaac .Matney, postmaster, at Matney, waiTin the city today. "He says the prospect is good for an abund ant crop of friiit beingTraised 6n Mill Creek this ieason.S T7' Mrand Mrs. Geo. Schutz and wife arrived last night from San Francisco. Tbey." will remain in the city some time visitinTelativesand frieirds.t It is their first visit to The Dalles since J894; ;rL k , Mr. J. M. Nolin, of Dufur, who was in the city today, says-grain in jthat yicinity was not damaged by the freeze of last week, the ground having been covered with snow -when the cold spell came on, and the grain was thus pro tected.". S In order' to not conflict with other amu9ements,.and at the request of a number; of residents of-the- city, the Orchestra Union have determined to postpone their dancing party, thatwa. to have been given on the 17th, until after.Lent. I .t f. f vAb opening-eizty -feet wide -and ten feet deep has been dredged through the upper. bulkhead at the locks. If the dredgers and scows were out of the way when the Regulator arrived there today, it .'was the intention of Capt. Waud to take: that, vessel into tha upper entrance of the canal. A barn belonging to Henry Sparling-, four- miles above Dufur, was der stroyed by- fire about 4 o'clock last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Sparling had considerablejbay, seed grain an feed in the barn at the time of the fire, and his loss is estimated to be about $500, on which there was no insurance. -r A noyeLanapparently.pra)ticable window screen is being exhibited h'ere by Mr:-W. J. Bruce, who holds a patent on the device. . The screen is attached, atither the top at the bottom of the window, to a roller provided with a coil spring that .causes it to be adjusted automatically as the sash, is raised or lowered. . The device is very simple and can be adjusted to any window. - ; Preparations are being perfected for the rendering of the exciting and in teresting drama, "The Confederate Spy i'by. local talent, "Under the super vision of froi. wm. Kasmus, who so successfully producedlO-'Damon C and Pythias" in this city Jast summer. Qoeof the attractive features of the play will be the appearanoe of a comT pauyof tbiti.-taithfl&stagein one of the acts, : . i ' The regular; meeting the Rath bone Sisters was made specially attract ive last evening by a banqnet glyen alter tne loage bad , introduced hve Initiates into th mysteries of the viands had been ele- - A DECIDED . SUCCESS. The Decree of Honor Entertainment - " Wu Well Becelved, The seating capacity of the Baldwin was 'all occupied Wednesday night the people of The Dalles having turned out en masse to enjoy the entertain ment given by the Degree of Honor, Those who attended anticipated that every number of the programme would be first class, and their anticipations were fully realized.,. Everybody was in a mood to applaud, and when at 8:15 Mrs. C. F. Stevens, chief of honor, an nounced the first number on the pro. gramme, sne was neartuy appiauaea, - I and the first rendition, a chorus by the Degree choir, was happily received This was followed by a scarf drill, by seven young ladies, introduced with a beautiful tableau. . Then Miss Jennie Russell "broueht down the house" with a recitation depicting the misfor tunes attending "spring house Clean ing." The vocal solo, r ly n ortn, ud, Gentle Dove," by Mr. Chas. Clark, merited the hearty applause it received, it being- a beautiful selection well rendered. '. Mrs. Stephens announced that the watchwords of the A. O. D. W., "Char ity, Hope and Protection", wouldT be illustrated in tableau, and when the curtain raised "Charity" was repres ented by Miss Bulah Patterson clad in white and gracefully extending the hand of charity. The character song I'll Tell Papa, on You," a pretty song, was very prettily sung Dy Miss Georgia Sampson, and responding to an encore, Miss Sampson gave the se quel of the little affair of affection re lated in the song. . "The Tide of Life, a vocal trio by Mrs. Varney and Misses Lizzie and Georgia Sampson, was well rendered. ... Hope," in the A. O. U. W., is typi fied by the anchor, and in the tableau representing this watch word Miss Cora Joles, appeared bearing a silver anchor bedecked with the initial letters of the order, producing an attractive effect. The next number on the programme was a vocal duet with mandolin ac- companyment by the Misses Stone, which was heartily encored. Follow ing was the crowning event of the en tertainment, the tableau representing "Protection" as extended by the Ak O, U. W. When the curtain raised on '.his scene, Miss Mabel sterling was discovered in the back ground representing the ' angel . Protection, with three little orphans, represented by Katie Herrin, Delia . and. Marshal Young, hovering around her, while Mr. C. F. Stevens personated the: Work man lodge, presenting a beneficiary certificate for 42,000 to "the bereaved widow, represented by Mrs. J. M. ;Fil- loon. The entertainment was closed with a good-night song by the Degree choir, after which the hall was cleared and until midnight the guests of the Degree amused themselves with danc ing. . . ' :. " ' ' The entertainment throughout was a decided success, all wbo attended feeling that they had rarely attended a pleasanter entertainment. ;: Beware of Bev. L. Grey. V' -. J- - ; Mr.' F. H. Drews,- a member of the German Evengelical Lutheran church, requests that the " following from the Oregonian of he" tlth," be. published, concerning Rev. Li Grey, to whom the Lutherans of this city have .extended a'-calt." -:::"'V "'?"-"' r-;;';rt- The Revt E.""Grey,who has been pas- tor.of theGerman.Egangelical Lu therao church in Oregon City for about three years, is "absent from his" pistor- ateaod President S. H. Mollenauer, of the Washington district of the joint synod of Ohio and other" states,'., has given public notice that said Grey is S man of bad character, and warns other jurisdictions of the church against him. Grey unceremoniously left while charges against him were being inves tigated by the church authorities, thus frustrating a full-investigation-. -"-But President Mollenauer thinks his notice justified. bythe d.evlopmentaoL the partial examination. -. One of Grey's achievements "was" to solicit contribu tions from candidates for county offices two years ago, -representing that the money was to be used ior the 'eonstrue-: tion ' of a y cbiirch. Seyerat-.; men;v ars. known to have contributed $5 each, and nothing has since been heard from the money or tha church-building pro r-:v ,.iai Z Si .. . A jCoait Pioneer.: - 5- V.- Philip Carwellwho died last . Satur day night in Goldendale. from neural gia 01 tbe beart, and wbose remains were buried by the- G.l'-&- R.-,1 Ml- the Goldendale -cemetery Monday, waa one of the "earry pioneers of the coast. Philip Carwell, better known I his late days as.,"LThcla. Phil,''.wasb6rn in Pennsylvania, February 1830, He drove an ox-team across the plains to California in 1850."- In -1861 he went to Portland, Or.twhere he followed for a time bis ' trade of wagonmaker, In 1863 be enlisted in the United States' service at Salem, . Or., under Captain H. C. Small and Lieutenant William N. Hand, in company Gr'TJncIe: Pnii" was in Bkirmishes -with the red men at Stein's mountain,- Fort - Harney,- - Mal heur, "Camp. Curry and Camp. Watson, The deceased came to Klickitat - in he spring of 1879 and engaged. in carriage manufacturing. He ' resided ' here np to the time of bis death, - He left ft widow and stepson, '; ...j '" -. . V- : ' Twenty-Eight In Two Weeks. ' ''" The camp of Woodmen of the World, In this city is enjoying a most satisfac tory growth paving receixedJt wenty eight applications for membership in the order" within . the past two weeks. This growth is mostly" due to the real merits of the order, but some of it is due to the social meetings, such as the smoker given'by. the ' camp .rTuesday5. night. . To the smoker were invited & number of gentlemen who were consid ered desirable candidatee,and after they had enjoyed the hospitality of thecamp; drank their lemonade, eaten their luncbK- and . listened to a number of speeches, explaining the aims and ob jects of the order, five uninitiated signed applicatlonalasking for" admis sion. : The smoker was greatly enjoyed by . all ;presen t,' bpth.r.members and gueejs, and" aiQ prpyed profitably to the camp. --' , . - ..-'--. ' ; .: .- : "MV. Grey Courts Inirestlatlqn. 'L i Tuesday the Tjsu-Mquiitaineeb. at the rfquest of Mr, Drews, copied an article from the Oregonian of the 10th, concerning the Rev. L. Grey, of the Lutheran : church. " Mr. Grey having arrived-4-the city,-requests that- the public . ispapend- judgment until ."his action in the matter referred, to can be fully understood,- and ..promises to fully justify his acts before tbe public prove that the attack' upon his alicioua, He also- re- Uowlrig the 1 ill , yf H merely-- tc - visi w iX8 churches. .He warning against him dent Mullinauer, of the is merely the result of a conspiracy against him, which some of his fellow churchmen in Portland have entered into. Owing to that conspiracy, he savs. be and bis consrreeration nere resolved to withdraw from the Ohio synod, which they ; have done. This is what- is characterized as a frustra tion of the investigation of his case. Mr. Grey says he courts impartial in vestigation, and be bas applied to have the local ministerial association examine the charges against him.' He accounts for the money collected two years ago for the purpose of building a church by saying it was expended in purchasing a' lot for the ediflce. He claims that he and' his congregation are as good Lutherans" as ever, but that they have simply gone into an other jurisdiction in order to escape persecution' by this "faction of the church. ' the electoral: college. . There Will be Three More Votes This Year Than Ever Before. The various state conventions of all political parties, will during the com ing summer nominate presidential electors. , The number of. electors chosen by each state equals the num. ber of members it sends to congrese The ratio of .representation - in the house under the apportionment made by the eleventh census is one to every 273,901 people in the state, which giyes a total of 357 representatives. There are 90 senators. - This makes the total representation' in - both - branches of congress 447, and the electoral college will therefore be composed of 447 mem bers. "The appended table shows the vote which each state will be. .entitled to in the choice for president: Alabama Arkansas...... 11 Nevada, k 8 New Hampshire . 4 California. Colorado Connecticut... 9 JNew Jersey. . .. iu 4 -New York,.--A 36 . 6 North Carolina .11 Delaware...... 3 North Dakota. . 3 4 Ohio 23 13- Oregon.:;. :.:y--4 Florida........ Georgia..'..-. .'. Idaho............ Illinois Indiana - 3 - Pennsylvania. . 32 24 .RhodeJsland,. .4 15 .South Carolina 9 13 " South Dakota.! 4 10 Tennessee.';. .. 12 13 Texas .. . ...... 15 Iowa .'. ....... .". Kansas........ Kentucky . . . . . Louisiana .8. Utah.. i. ....... 3 6 Vermont.!. 4 8 " Virginia ,.'.:.; 12 Maine.......... Maryland. . . .". '. Massachusetts. 15 Washington;.. 4 14 West Virginia '6 Michigan.. .... Minnesota ..... 9. Wisconsin .....12 Mississippi .... .9 Wyoming ...... 3 Missouri... 17 :. Montana". . .-; : .- 3 .8 ' Total . Nebraska .... .v to: build a portage boad. A Company Incorporated by Local Cap- . . Itallsts For This Purpose. .1 Articles incorporating The Columbia Portage .& Transportation Company have been,: received . at the i.eounty clerk's office. . The incorporators are William J. Mariner, .J., A... Smithy . W. W. Steiwer, W.P. Gray, R. V. Egbert and C. A. Shurte. . The capital, stock of the company is. $250,000, divided , inr to shares of $10 each, and the principle place; of. business is The Dalles. 7 a.. The objects of the . company, .as set forth in the articles of incorporation are to navigate the Columbia river and. its tributaries with sTTeam and other boats, to. buy, construct and operate railroad, telegraph" and telep'abhe Tihes,""to" util ize the"jpbwer "of the Celilo.lfairs' former chanicar'"purposes;'ahdl 'to'cbutru'sliT maintain arid operate i""a porte "rail way between The Dalles and Cil'ilo."" .- The incorporators are. iocal capital-ists,-residing in Sherman and Gilliam counties, and their principal objectris tc overcome, the .pbstaeles.. to naviga ting the Columbia between this place and Celilo,: by- the construction-of .a portage toad.-: The formation -of this company has- been contemplated- for several months, and the" Incorporators hiave fully considered, (the practicability of the more, with the result that they have determined to - prooceed with the enterprise." -",- ,'" '". . .'"J." ":;:" """ Eeforms and Keformers. :r 1.--This was the subject Of the-very able lecture delivered by Mrs. Helen Har ford, state lecturer for the W. C. ,T, U., at the"'Meihodist'rchurcB"Wtedhe83ay eyenrngjbefore.alarge'ahd appFeciaJiy audience. The first reformer tq, whonj Mrs. Harford gave special attehtio-n" was the veteran .-Neil Do we, .whose wprks.vehej highlj-i-apd- justly;.;Cotn mended, and to whom she gas a etedit of being the father -of oreformets thai have followed in succession, laboring for the suppression of vice and the. ele vation of principles" tended to" lift " the human race. JrontlCaHCWJp sin to the higher plain of good accam; plishments.-' Mrs. IJarford is Indeed a talented lady, and a" pleasing speaker, a real ornament to the noble 'work: in jrhich she has engaged, : -; ' An Estlinable Idy Gone,- ; Wednesday at 4 o'clock in the after- noon Mrs. Henry Taylor passed quietly away, after an illness of many months with the dread disease, consumption. Mrs. Taylor was born, in Knox county j 111., June 1, i860, and with her husband; came to this- city in . February, 4882. Puring.her long residence in -The" Dal- les she won. the esteem, 'and affection of all who .knew her, being- a warm hearted, kind lady, who, though an tu valid herself, was ever ready to minis. ter to the wants of the afflicted - The sympathy of the entire conjinuqity is exteudedto the 1 bereaved - husband, who is thus deprived of a loving wife and affectionate companion. " j2 . -.LHojie For Ex-Presidents.' ' .This country haa been agitated inbfe than - once; by, the question: What shall .we do with our ex-presidents? Here ia a "way out of all the trouble. Let each appoint" himself toany .life office (hat may strike '. his faddy. It is safe to say that if Mr. Cleveland were to tfgree to step down and but the sen ate would" uarahteeR to wnfi-hyWs nomination :of -himself. ;; : Wot -one of our "presidehtslias" been..& iu.dgs.fMosji of them have been lawyers. ;. Some- tf them KeM".civil offl'cein- fact all, ex-i cepvQfant.hd.lor. only- speaker of tha ho.use; of- represreh-; ta'tives tb'xeacb.vth'e presi4encyijC!B4y two prqfestohal ptjetoahavg'teeh president Mpnroe and Johnspn. New- York Press ' ' . Juvenile Temple- Kntertalmnent - Harmon JuvenHeTTemple No, 4 . will eive Its annual .entertainment n- the 20th of. this j'mohth..'Our.rehtertain- ments in the past have been a success. and thteoBe-bids-faTr-ta be even better- To those not familiar with theWmsof the Juyenile Temple we would say that its object is to keep tha children '.from the;evilaif tobacco abd4iiembernoe. The bbject -of WiB.eh,teruihme raise funds, to purchase a eet of officer - regali.TheLpalclJoWingUli.,be. given laaep.'-AdmiiOtivIOao'd .1$. itjj. , ; mh j, e, basxett; s. j.t..'- EXOTQ KAKDAtX.; Aesistaat.. allowed: of Claims Against; Wasco County Al lowed, at March. 1896. Term of Court. (Continued from yesterday.) A M Kelsay, clerks salary ; . i .$ S Bolton, deputy clerk salary. CL-Gilbert, " - " ...... John Fitzgerald, janitor sal.'..'. Robt Kelly, deputy sheriff sal.' : 166 :.: .75 65 60 00 100 00 GRAND JXTRORS. . '' , F A Seufert.. '76 00 Wm Bolton................... 19 00 W A Gates. . . .... .:....' 7 20 M Randall. ............... . 6 00 JRNickelsen... : . 10 40 Wm M Yatea...... , .10 40 Geo Montgomery..'......'.!'... '' ',' 8 40 CIRCUIT COURT JURORS. W T Vanderpool. 5 60 C I Bi ovn 12 00 A M Walker s . 2 00 G H Riddell...'.;.'. ..'...'...'.. "' 6 Robt -Mcintosh. ... . : . .... 2 Fred Dietzel. ...:.vA. .v; A.i . . --2 G W Rowland,, k,..;.,, i. : . 4 00 Etobt Cooper 2 00 s s Johns:. . . . . v. . . , 'lfioo Wm Frizzell . ;.' -' 27 00 L M Smith. : 20 00 E P Fitzgerald ; :v. : 18 00 E A Griffin. 22 00 LPKlinger .19 00 S R Brooks...:.".'.:..'..:..:.'.. " 20 00 James Darnielle.-. i . 14 00 C S Smith, .... .... :. . 20,40 C W Phelps .. - 18 00 John C Wheeler '..I. 22 60 Larkin Lamb. .;::'.' ' '21 20 W H Williams... i.vT.V;..-... 20-20 J F StanieLs. .......... ; 18 00 Thos Harlin. . 2 00 W E Walthers....'.:...'...'.,.. 14 00 Hans Hansen 2 00 " WITNESS GRAND JURY. " ' ODDoane... 2 00 SB Driver 14 40 Mrs Allice Kenney. '12 00 B A HOWell....,;.. ...... 12 80 H F Woodcock....... .11.20 w H Fariow.-. ::-...;... : 10 00 vvt Hunt... .:.:.. .......:..; ' ' 8 oo Geo Weigle...;..:. '2 00 W Bolton. ......:.....;....4... ' 2 00 Matt Nyquist...,. .,............ .. .2 00 . .. WITNESS CIRCUIT COURT. Dock Sing ' '8 00 Lee Jack.........:.... - 8 00 Loi Poo. . , .,",:;i . . ........ ..: 4 00 PT Sharp . . 2 00 W HStaats...:.:..:.... ....... "". 2 00 Jas Sutherland.;.;. ..;'.' 8 00 Loi Poo ........... ..-... s .- v. k - - 4 00 John Anderson..... 2 00 Mrs Alice Kenny - .. , 8 00 Thomas KnOwles. '.:.:.'. J.;... 12 40 W H Farlow... - 8 00 Eliza Stoy.,......wL.........,v- -7 00 J EStoy.. ,,.,....:.J1.00 Emma Hunt 13 00 W H Hunt:...:.:.......'..:....'.'. ' 8 00 John Howell. ; . . . . ." 12 40 Carrie Edmunson... ...". 21 00 Tim Edmunson.. -.-.-r.. -v.. '.;,.-. - 21 00 Ed Miller...... v.-w. -.18 00 Isaac Troth... 18 40 Floyd McKelvry. '. . . .' '..".:.'..:'. 18 40 Jess Gregory: ;.;.;.:';.: 18 00 John Webb-. . . . 18 40 Clyde McKelvry. i.i....;.r...,,,v 10 00 H McGinnis.;.... 19 60 "B'C Dickerson .....v.: 21 00 WRalston..i;.:.. v..;.. -10 00 R C Stnelcer.;w. ..-i.;....'.i..n v4 .00 Ed Norris. . 15 00 John Swahson .;'.'....".. . 4 00 Denis MoCalley. . . ... :'.. .". . . 4 00 Mat Melquist.,.-.-. . i. . . i ; -.v. J -6-00 John Guleri....;..-....-...;--: -2.00 G H Dufur. ...... ..,.-. . . ... . .-.3.00 Knud Snuge.. ............ - 4 00 David Kinff:'...V:.V.'.-.v:..:." ' '4 00 Emma Carns-. ....,.. ..-.';.-..-.-i. j-; -'2 00 Pearl Blake.. . .-. . ...Vv-.. - 2 .00 Ida Gilmore...;...i ....... -. 2 00 E M Shutt,' sec'y stock "union." - . bounty on wild animals. ' 60 00 H Teasrue, bounty on wild- an-'j-: -'- imals...r.....-.rr:.-.r.J.... 3 00 , , . SCALP BOUNTY. M.W. Morris.., ,1 00 ""TOO wh odenr..'; .. Alex Dairy m pie -1-00 4-00 "2-00 2 00 1 00 Ralph- Doyle .ru:; Ralph Waitersr..r: E T Greene. Geo: Sherrin.".".." 7.7. M.AlIeni.i-.i5.5i, e-3-00 Ralph Rpy.tev6&. .;.3iiiy .3. HQ Li A Va.lv ... . . i . . j;Brtwii-.-:;:Vi..tr.x:T;.:?2r;oo John -Templemtre.;-S;u: -7'.i. i3'-! v'OO F C.Clourw, v -.vtA,; r ; V 2X1 V. -2- 00 W A B Campbell'., vk....".. -J.M Wli Winahs. .". 2,00 Tommy Thompson..' .'ZtiO EDunsmorel-.-.-. f.-.-. .V. .7. -r. "-2-00 Robert Hayes.., wAws -l-OO Joseph E Eneley. -. . v,-,v, , .-A OQ Ed Hui: .n 00 David Miller":7 . 7. -. '. ... 7." . .;"2 00 Frank Bonnerri . 7 f . . ' 100 Chas Da vis HH W H Howell.- . . .-. . ..uiiJtl'ArfiO S P Ward . . , .... , . fhil Wagner: Robert Hayes J 71 00 Sam.Yickers;.-.".C . -1 00 C A Gibson.... v,i,it.,S..,.i. .s).&Q. JF Joife's i. -r 1 00 Bert Davidson ""I"00 WHKenney 3-00 Peter Slatter.T.-.-M iAv.'V. H'li "i "00 D Davidson r.s.n. Ux, s 00 W J DaAidson ,,-iOcH J 0Q OT.TTTai.mnn " 1 00 W L Hendricks ..... .j... . 3 00 J W PennihetbnJ. 7.". , . 1,00 i LHaana.-. ?,siM$S& $A-???afto A. J-Gtubb, i . v . . cc- f.ixl io s-.X-Frahk'Johhson ,J v, I Off D-D Nelson r. Ar:: :;:fr. "I oo Heh-ry. SuUinffer, H. Moses. ii-iicc. ?i silcl sOff N JSpichenger.c.,,lfi,.jit!.i, a? 4.00 LCbver. .... ,5.00 MThornburn'.:r;VL.l: . 15 00 Toa Taniwa.i.r.v;vi::f..v;;-- rl-00 J . Brown . . . -.i i: z- a a :9- 00 j;Ohlea:8chleger...f..,3 .ct? Kf.l 0 John Kix 1.00 Otis Bur ford. . . , f,"". .V"-." 2 Off H P Halt .-- -- t IV, V V.." '-;0ft J F Markham. .un; l-0tt Richard Carlisle.,. -.,;..-.. r- a 00 W A' Wickharh:. -( 100 W R Winans.. n-nn I 3-fXj Elta Conkling...., ....... 100 Seth Morgan '.'.V. . .V. IT .". . 2 00 A .Fields, i,.,-,'; ..i .-..i.iiic" a 1:00 Robert McKenzie....... -? 1 00 F MWalters. . -Jr; .1 OQ OA Whitstock. . . , v i 1 00 B F Langhlin.i s'ii-. sitOO DeSoto E Richardson.., .v. . , . --3. 00 ffeo.Rvah. "Z ..'7....... .... . "1 00 I w Ajtiihonsenr.r.. A,.rr. z pu I --1 -08-1 J J irown-.i D P Nelspn... TV T7V. .T. r X Wl Joseph Kneber:rv,r: A J Rroiv.n, ciai-;,..- tcj AP Mobre..u.,M.u.'... Charles Stewart. .l,., ....., vv Spencer '(Indian). . V,"". .V. . . . " R H Bernie, -witnesa fee.-.ij A Keaton. Justiue Jtee.tiii... 5 W Bolton, witness fees. ..vc. ,, H Mclnhis.'wltn'ess fees..'Vf. . -0 2-00 . 2 00 00 1.00 -13 0 1: 5M :. 1 50 ' T50 Tom Cowdelt,- witness feeB 1 50 Tat w M HaWVM.a SSTrf W h-fl K.i Plovd MKelvav. witness fe " 1 50 Clyde' McKelvay," witness, fees JO 150 jonn weDO, wimess ieet. . 1 001 Xa VwhZl U ?:w tsXtotXiA. A A Urquhart, constable 'fees. 8 20 Urj conneiiy, witness tees..,, , 4 MM 1 Li S Dayis, justice fees.-rrr. ... : 6 05 A A Urquhart, constable fees 1 20 L S Davis, justice, fees..-.-. fi.U,- 4 P5 A A Urquhart, constable fees 4 Jle"fes" I 80 ...... ' My.llBK-fts.W Li a uavis. lustice ee. . . . Li.S Bavis, pceparintr jury .1 Tvr T", 1 l 1 1 : . . tl V IL-lUai UlvUlUlI llan. .2 iid BU J E S ChandlerTprep jury list"; L. J 00 xroy aneuy, ex ing teaenf ra, h , zo w Anna"Langi'exUaaftiar?rs;7 .if 00 Justus Neffr ex'lnsf tatiers;. v A S Roberts, wit eireU ooart. r,. &00 2 00 G A "Liebe, viewing roadi .. E P Fitijrerald . Viewing road.,;' ' 2 00 W H Harper; viewing road. ,r 2" 00 &FSbarp,vveying;.r,;v- 00 K V Sha'p, eP?ioerfai,..st.U 33 00 W Et.Brcvrn. labor.-.. . ft 00 Berrf 'Miller, Jabor.,'.:', .. 6 00 lr F -8 b atp,- est see- cor nersv : ; ;-0 " 13 00 D W Vause, papering sheriff 'a "- vs-i ; and clerk's meerrr, vrr. . . . 48 40 ' Sam Jpnea is a queer fellow. -i Hu. re cap tly go;off:.the .followingr VWake up the church,:preachers,' if you have t ' . : . 1 v.v. j.. vjuuuhj morning. -For every deacon vou throw through the 'window' 3,000: people will I come to hear you preach." F - - I Itemrof InterentTenhM tMVtme Mountaineer Correspondent. r. ... . .. , . . .' Rev: T: - 1" n? m?a7P- sflsntog'for'Chese letters will plea;se : . : -:..:-, M .Jl I vertised: "' ! 66 00 00 gone oh a . .uoj.. . . o O . " Mr. Roy Butler has been engaged,' teach' the Boxril nihna1. !" Mr; J. C. Wingfield and' family have moved back to their farm for the sum mer'.' " ' '" '.'' " "" Air. m.. jNeii nas rented bis bouse in uuiur, ana is trying larm lite lor a change. " "' Some of the" Chinese pheasants are getting quite tame:" ' They are seen in side of the'eifcy limits.' . Landidates lor office' are coming thicker 'and "faster, 'and the "peoble 00 00 00i will have a' general "assortment" to select from: '' '" " A'citizens' meetinar will', be' held on : tne 24th of March :Jor. the. purpose of nominating candidates for the' offices of -mayorj recorder and treasurer of this' city:' .Mr, L.H. Thomas,, our acting post master, has Bent in his resignation and a petition i9 . being circulated ' for H. M. Pitman to be appointed. On-' Tuesday:evening little Maude and Edith Merrill were run" over by a runaway horse belonging to Stevens & Ho.wie; -They . were playing near the house and started. to. run : when. they saw; . tne- borse..: coming, but were knocked down and bruised.. consider ably about the head, but it is thought not seriously, ; At the regular meeting of the city council of Dufur a petition was granted for the opening of Fifth Street. . The report of . the treasurer, ,C.P. Balch,was receivedand hiaresignation accepted, .and J. C. Johnston appointed to fill.the yacancy..;-.-,:-; Bummer,: CaU for Meeting of Democratic Convention . County The democratic -county convention is called to meet in Dalles City, Oregon, on Tuesday April 1896,. at. 10 o'clock A. M., for the. purpose of, electing ten delegates to the democratic state, con vention which will .meet in. Portland on April 9, to nominate a . full county ticket, and to transact such other busi ness as may properly come before the convention. . ..The . apportionment of delegatOs to be elected to said conven tion from the respective precincts in the county is as follows: '. , Falls..,...'". 5 : Deschutes , ... .... 2 W. Hood River. -5 " Eleht-MUe :'.-.". :-2 E. Hood Rivervi 4 ;-Duf ur;-. r.-.-i i"9 Bald win ; . .--2.: Kineale v . i.:iU:.8 Mosier.......... 3 Tygh. .v, 3 West Dalles.,.. 8. Wamic,; 4 Trevitt. ."6 .Oak Grove:; ;:'." 3 Bigelow.".-.-'..-; .-i- 7 --Antelope; .v;--2 East Balles.v. 8 Nansena . '. , 2 Columbia .;. 2 - Ramsey..:...'..,, 2 .. This being one delegate at large for each . precinct; ; and ..one -.for ; .each 15 votes or. fraction ;..pyer.. eight ; ;cast for Hon. A. S. Bennett for supreme; judge at the last general election. ..i. ,.:.t. ; The primaries for the election of said delegates.. SvilL.be held at .the usual place of. voting .in each, precinct on Saturday, April. 4 at. 2 o'clock pj..'A By orderof.the. County .Demacratic Central.Committee.;--, i; Hz iv.'if iS.-B;ADAMaK.ChaiEman..i5 . J. M JACESQN.-aoxetary. lo ; Farewell, Reception- Tha -r many., friends ;of . Miss Edna Moody, who haabeencviaiting her bro thers,- Messrs. M A. and W. Jl-Mogdj ii'j cU;ntenderel her a farewell reg ception at the. Bald win last ;eyeni5g,)n the eyeofv er -departure to;- err home in" Salem.. Dancinwsmade .b feature of a"jvening,-- and; so, jileaft- antld.shours;.a8sj;:bvt wblhthe urcnestra . jJLaiaquaiscoursed its oholce8jmjisicriand.-cQngenialflpirit8 mingled together in- the mazy dance, that the-ewerHng-isped-'-bjr Tinheeded. The party Was-iDdeedntr-etegant one, nothing having been-left undone -to eanaeiiMiss Moody:s. last evening -in the.ciiy to bend-wbich--will long- be remembered, -by- herself and -all-who were.'present.. -Those who attended the reception' were: -Messrs; and 'Ms-' dames C C; QlakeleysW. fi. MeodyV R:!aulknejsJ -.--A-Crossea ti Fi Stephens,; ,j.-;M. FilloOa.r -Misses -Edaa Moody, ;Ea Heppner1-Ahnie-Moope!: Beu3ahi,Patterson,-JEtta Story,-"Ione Ruch,-Ji3Bnie; Alardeti? Miflftie--Lay,- My rtle AlicheUr AkheeNwmatT, -Hose7 Mlcfaelt,KNettietMicheIip Mary3 Lay: Clara JJa vie I -Enda-jGlen Messrs-. 'Mr Ai.Moody, "E. W. WHsonf Edi Gs--PtrU tersbn,-E.'-H, TxiHsdale; -John- amp shire IiWi:Hppn3err Victor Mardeir; Max AVoge, JCharleard",-Guy-'MiI. rer; tAmls P6rteV;-Cf.-W.'Jhirsf iBf Dawson and Fred W. Wilson. -" Haa Mot -pteen Suspended. . rrri Tbf eglsfers . and''recef vers. iftJnited otawjB tanu om.ces. .,.....,. - r GentTerrien:"'.r.Your ar'e'Sefeb In-. formed that" the nile .or , 6rder, lately. innrlnr.oirTf.Vrhrio-f.riA rlriiS Va" Kbit. . . . - . , - - , r IngT)een passed by Tihe honorable sec- ------ ,.. p.v,. relarv'of "the"lnterior " recTuTrln5-"BTfw I reiary oi ne inpeiaor, quiring &Dr I stracts'df he"eHdenije to be. file In alt cases oi appeal"taTceh'"JrQro"ih fieoia iOna of Ihis 'ciBIce "tb'tbe ' dertment has" been s'u8'hdedr"No pucb order, or Fule Is offorceT" -" " TTou "wilT please "glfe Ihls'ii o tloe" such publicity In-purBeve'ralo'ces'M duiyinform tne litigants ana the sev erai mempers oi the Dar practicing iWora-vovi' '. ".. Tours' "Res'pebtf ully. " S7W. Lamoredx, ( -, '... -Comniisslbn'eiv , 'WAsHGTOi" T-, C..HarcKJ5,"lB9rk I:.-:: ;';,- c. lzz.i.z.z Burial Places of British.., v AU the members of tbe royal family oi England who ;hav& died 4uriBgjthft, century "are buried at Windspr-wih the exception of six. - The pukepf JanfK, sex and his sislr,thePrlnpeM Shia; w.ere. buried in TndalGrean cetjtery in accordanca'w4thjae;pxpU ders. The Duke and Uucbes oi.LitB bridge are inteed-at-Kaw. Prince Alexander pW- bnrled at S.andringhartVj pTjremainf ;fL h-e Grand, LUKnesSvAlice or ,Heser. are in j .-"OlTvttvSt.e,OT:.:J:. rThertrtatepiibitibnobTiveTitrda will saoWnd-' !it''-if e,?baiHvoMP or, Sfaiwh-g,0 forthe purpose T T. i .1 - - ----- . - prarangaplaHom.nomlnatthgSf ticket and-the- consideration"' of siich lother piatorVas-lnay'lc6rne-' before Tih'e 'cbh. yfenirori.;- JaK McKibbenf cptary" jof the state- exeritiveWrnm.hv' will provide entertainment f for all delegates who send their names1 Id Mm '.'prioi 16 Matins, W.-'1'' --i tut iii J- ila Cash entry,-Mary- Peoples,- nwi sec sVr-JO ew tixiiiixqc iii I Cash entry, Jones Peoples, neisec ia. i Homestead nling, Albert A,': Brownr lee, net net, sec 2at set set. sec 24, t.l ?? iiiC'S ? "See the Crusty Bi Pan'at Maier f 4 BentonV." ' '" ' - letters' AaVeTttsed;' mi L'iiLLii'j. fu a1L1iVa j" ..??. fOI.fowAnK " ." . " ol i r lernaininp" in 1 n uaiiaB uosujiiice tp ! Ander8en.;.jrpU..:Aken8, Miss Elisa Bradley, Jno P beth i Cahtreli. DiJi-.--.lt4forb.-Ell-.'. ! uavenport, Miss.Davia,.Gli.;'. ; Annie . . Droeam, John Elgin, Jas Gibson; -W-H"' Uarper, (editor .Johnsoni J J Temp. Review . . McCauleVi Y O Peterson, P P" " " Ram bo Gus Smart, HE " " ; Twibage; Jasper ' White, Mca..K-...-. ,.v . .. J. A. CROSSEN..P. M. MARRIED. A- HARDISTY-WHETSTONE. Af the Skliybe Hotel parlors in this city, on March 10, Justice L. S. Davis officiating. Mr. Henry Hardhity ana miss jaiin vy neutODe. HAYES-BLOWERS. At the ustlce's office in tnis city; on Marcn iu, justice L,. L,. Dans officiating, Mr. William Hayes, and Miss vallne Beatrice Blowers, both of Hood River. BRADLEY-A"NGKI At" the parlors of the Columbia Hotel in this city. .Feb. 9, Mr. Darwin Bradley and Mrs. Minnie Angel. L. S. Davis, J. P, officiating. BORN. PEDERSEN In The Dalles. March 4, to the wii8 oi . jf - reaerson, a son, : HOUSEKEEPERS who are delicate, run-noun, or overworked, and those who suf fer from, back ache, headache, drag-fpng-down sensations in the abdomen, and many othei symptoms of de. rangement of the female fiincfiohs can find renewed strrnwh and health by taking-Dr. Pierce's Favoritt Prescription. For the pains and aches, the periods of melancholy and sleeplessness nothing Can do VOU SO much itrrmtamml good as-this vegetable comoound. Yon save the doctor's fee, as well as your mod esty, by purchasing this ''Prescriptioii" of Kutiur x-iercc ror i great many years Dr. R. V. Pierce fchief consnltinor nhmiioj-,,. and specialist to the Invalids' ifotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo. N. Y.l a specialty of-the diseases of women, and .lrom tia-large experience he was. able-to compound a rresenptton ". which acted directly upon the special internal parts of women. ;)Vhen in doubt as to your ailment write him. it will cost von nnthinir A Bookv-on-"Woman and Her Diseases." published by the. World's. Dispensary Med ical Association. Buffalo. N. Y.. is of inters est to all women. -Mt will be' sent for ten cents in stamps. ... i.-.-; When women are' afflicted with nmma. Bess, irritabilitv. nervous nrofttratlon nt . haustion and sleeplessness, . fn nine cases oui 01 ten me source of the trouble is some displacement, irregularity or derangement wi me npcciai internal -parts... jut. rierce'i Favorite PrescriDtkm cures nernianrntto Such cases as well as that distressing in- ftcmiu uiBcoaise. .irom me mucous . xaaav brane, inflammation and ulceration. - -OVwwwm I am more than wiltinff to nv vrmr most valuable medicine has cured me of iemale weakness and a catarrhal discharge from the fining membranes of the special parts, fered for vears with nain in mv twrlc , inl. meht was I free. At vour reauest I mmmnMl treatment with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Frescrin tion. - I could not sleen on a nmttrau ft Vmnl as though it would kill me. Since taking the medicine I can sleep' anywhere ; I am perfectly welL I would not be placed in my former con. uiuon ior any money.. oratemily yours, ..Wo-.f&ant,. mi)..:.) .-.. REPORT OF THE CONDITION - , i: .'.ii:: . OF THB '.v ;ii.'".u7:.ia FIRST ; NATIONAL BANK, at The Dalles, ip the State of Oregon, at the "-" "close' of business, February 28, 1896. . t EESOTOCSS:'- I---'-'"" '- IiOBSiul.dlscounia.V.-,.,;:..,r..;a:fiffMA eg yerdratta eoured and unsecund..-. . am ni T3-. -j fionds-to secure' circulation . :v. . : I2,500' 80 P miums-oa U;.S.. bonds .i. . -.;';. i:;.i . 1.600 00 Etoclts, Securities, etc 6.060 to iiuikijut housa. turhitnTSt . and-nxbire.: -'-l.Sei- 85 Other real estate and mortgag-'s owned, : E,070?p Due from Mate Banks nd Rankrs....4 .. 618 72 Hue from approved reanrvs areata -"--3S8 68 CJhrckl ami other on ah items. . 39 72 tiouauf.. other JitiHil BinV.-. V 1;180 00 Fractional paper, currency, aickels.' and . . - --eenta .I-.T-.'.V.T.T.-...-..-..:'.'".' ."4S SS Specio 2&35 85 .SilKMetider -note. n,ni'vr,-,-,i '-.-- W)-00 Redemption fund with U a. Treasurer lb - sv. w nrenuuvii;,,,,,,. . otM OU 'totat u . ..J.v".."r.";'. r.c.r,r.'.n? m. LIABILITIES: . i..; Capital stock paid in 60.000 00 Svplui fund. ii. .. .- 15,000 00 UntiiTided proBW lest expenset and taxes ... - - - National Batik nstea ontataadlh;. Individual deposits subject to check. . Demand certificates, of dpoait. , ,r.v. pTHu.n-..-v;T. nasi -.11,280 00 45.M7 7 A 'iai4.w: :i?.-.?..-.t.v,,:;.H '. Stats of Oregon I" i.t'Jj. ii -' - ..M2,30r2 County of. Waaco .f-' - -' ..-.-5. T. J. M. Patterson. Cashier of tbe above-named bank, do anlemnlz swear that th.alxralatemcnt 11 true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. . v Bubricrihed- anrl nvnm ty vfnr tt hia Tth. day ot ii arch", 1888. ... ; . . - . -J i--r-rtjtrM: mrnriT rjn. OoBBacTAttest: , ) 8. 8eHiiiC - ) 0 - ' SHiSRIFF'S7. S ALeT, By virtue of "aDexecuHon" "and order oft sale. issned. out of .the. Circuit Court of the-State-of Oregon for Wasco County, .upon a JucUrmentand decree made-, rendered- and -entered 'ry said coart on the 2rst day of February, fca, in favor of the plain-aiT, In a suit whereiir"Tlie Colum bia Building and. LeanAssoclatioB-,u-a -gorpora-: tion, was plaintiff, and Alfred Kennedy and Caroline .Kennedy, John .Burger and-tbe Park and Lacy Machinery Cbmpony, a corporation. ware, defendants, -and -to me directed and de livered, commanding me to levy upon and sell the lands mentioned and described In said writ. and hereinafter ; described, X did jlnly lavy-upoa ana win sen at puoijc au bidderfoteash ia-hand,-on zb& M6ndaij, VifilSiKDdy i J&,. ll'iV1.rli.th.,(l.n.n f aslddaut-.t.tao -r---rz.,zr- irons aoor or tna county court nouse in-ijaiies ef.-in Wasco county. flreeon. all bf the lands and premises described inrsaid-writ, and hereia ibed as follows, -towlt: Lots "A. H and C," m-oiooK zi-tui "v in DtocK da, ana toi -a, in block 29. all in the Fort Dalies Military Reser vation" -addition to" "Danes -City, Wasco county. Qregpn, as shown by the of&cial plats thereof-. or so much thereof as shall be Bumclent to sat-iafv-tbe-Bum-of tl .IM M, with -interest-thereon Lorn the 21a day of February, 1806, at the rate at -eia-bt ber cent tier annum. tllB.TB attorneys tit, and tha further, mini of i28JO,xosts in said suit, together with cost of said, writ and accru ina aosis of sale. -- Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 11th day of March, 1896;- - --- -T.""J."DK1VEK, o r. dz . v Sbarat at Svasco County, ureg-orv KnTinK..FngnaicATrQSL iJS i i tiSjUaW- i- Tr UsrrsD Sratss Lswu Omci, I i; -'i'nav-Oau.K., Or.. Harsh 10, 1898, 1 . NotIce-t-hereDy- gt'-" that' in 'compliance wiUi th provisions ol the act of Congress of . June g. 178, entlClrd -' An act . for tbe sale of thnber iuoia -in ttte St'ates of Caurornla, Ore-g-onjev-fdaanaaaMagtJerrilory,'.' c--' Z; ,jrOHN:,.0,NJEAL,M ,-,. ..-- Of le CalTeV, county pf Wasco, state of Oi Kto,-'aa tiuH nitHi -iu uwjnwou sworn seatameat o. 1:, ipr tne purcnaae of the WSH of" fcuon-N61'19,'in township No, 1 South, range lKBaat; and -WH-bffer-prooT-to -show that the land sought, is man v&luabie-for tts-tlmber-or stoue ttuin for aieuaturai purposes,, ana o establish' hl clruin to said land before the Reg ister asnd;Recelr-of -thir-olBce at The Dalles, of'Phft-BaUes.-Oreran.' - -1 - JtajtantL all: nexaam olahnilut' ad verseW-sna above described lands are reouetited to file their claims in uua.Qm.ce on. or oeiore sata lvtn day ox Msf!-VMr- " JAS. F.VMOOEE;-" ; March WrSO'l-'C ti-i Hegruiterf- NOTIdiE TO& PUBUCAIION.? Land Omci ATrnt DitLsORKKrar'-i ! .- V.v 2' - March lfcea, C-cj ; Notice Is hereby jriven that tha-foliowmg-named settler fiaa filed notiea et ota Intention, to make final proof in support pf his claim, am) that said proof .will- be made before Register" sou svcceiseiyBf, iuv :vueavuregona-a-- Apru V.V; -;Y,VBS31B V.,HASOIfo:a!-.iW-I HiNfc3ra)Q,fojtbSV8ec,UTrfcaS.E 14 E. W.H. - .... ! He names the following witnesses' to -prove hi continuous, resirtenner apon-aad ouMiyation of said land, visi . ........ .-. .f.Vir . u-. i Barnett.'orTfie' Dalles, Orecon, and T. B.-.Haverly.-L.- P,: Bolton, and A. -C Rice; bf Boyd. Oregooca ii;.-JAa F. MOORiX---i JIrch.M,.. a i: wt.iiagisttrii -AlDMITTOBNpnClli NoUoe'ls h'ereDy glven'that"the undersigned has -been duly appointed by the ' Honorable County Carat of the Stat of Oregon, for Wasco County-as administrator of tbe estate of O. V. Ioa. daceaaed,- -Ail persons having -claims against said estata are- here tyr -notified to pre' seni-thQ umtv-sroperiy -veTi fled, to-tee-it tba- effloe of Dufur Menttiee, jtue iuee,-Ore within six rnoatba from the tatv of this nod ' , , AJSla?00w?CtWl,to,0fa.V - i Dated this lata oayol atarwr, ifve, . . iane, aec'a, 1 4iV. .1..-. .i-'i Beaii ; Bean Gyclono Nozzles, .. ,tUt4, lit .:.:. ;.:...... -..!'.- . . i . -.... '...'A ! Having bought the carried by. Mi "' .XTjB I HNNOUNCEMENfF announce to the public that !'ani'pte(a;redl' to cater to their wants in .alljines of,.(.n.;r .,.,.; ..,;, ' '; -'.: ; ,uw; ai.J ti',inl.W .V.' -V crockery;. '.-.jT-Cr,; : ,,,!: u ; : "WV E.. :K A'TTLEBl v . ; -' --..Ii .t '.ft ,.... :C:A:T..:i:;C:'::-,-::'"i" ; and Shoes; At Less Than ;6ost BEDROCK Call and Qet Price and Be Convinced u.xJ tiuaJ.a il No Trouble to Show Qoodsr . .V 1 C . . 1 OTTO BIRCFELD, PmirtifeTOR--" Fine tril--iri'MAwi'-.'i.-'.' .i--."'.- a-.' Lw-: 1 " DOCTOR G.W. SHORES? ATAPPH- botii ,xocal 'The- anly ramedf (uarantaed M abaeMtaff' eura paia'rsi and cosDpctaljr aradkeata . .Uaay dUeass Iroaa tka blood aad Hyttrnm. - r n3LirsizE.-si.ooL TEiirsizK,: m I ioe.1 nvaimam. on full oonib's suoelV of Cstarrsr I "''nlt L" ndona.fgl4:amaUl MpoiyaCtafc. I biooa ana stomacn puis. ... H vtto hv nv nf the ftrlrmrlnr iymvrm, TVGr W, Shore' Complete CiUitIi Cure wiH five ycxtim nant rriier ana connieieiy ana pmrmmamuuj cun jom. A me now toopM Me. ...-,y o fnu aMIIf aanaeak A latZ-h rati) - rs-trrrnosa tm an tenavr? . ZmI i J -lilt there pain In front of bead? .l';c '.C-C j uo yoo ram an clear ium irawi Is your throat dry la the sonilarr -- "J. . V ' Do you sleep sHrft' yotar saoutb opaer Is your bearinsr falllne? .e; . s-li. ' rin vnnr aN iliarhafva? ZU ih wax ovj-nirars?-i'-'::''i. - Do yoa l.aar betlar sane days thaa otbafsr - It your haarlnv worst whea you have a coMT- . Or. 43. W, Msaras' Coatfli Cwravsuresan (aaewtr ccHdt and bronchial alfectioas. On aoa wiU sloa tvrnnodiccfnUB. Keep abnttl la tht bouw."iarM size bottles 2?c, If yoa . bay these iyBpaoss.sa.).. as direciad on the Bottle ana n wis cere vow , Havvnueuea? ' ..a.jiov, Uo you lake cold easily . r v-:.. Ooyoa raise fmthv anal N tzz.:. Z.-j1 d 'Do you cous-h ia tha aioinin(t? . . .th van aplt. ap Silk cheesy lusapsl'.v.J uaxZi: . Dr. O. Abena' Taalc and Blood PatritW claaa- scs and Sunnes the blood, five slrsnrth sad vlM7 cures dyspepsia and ail aervoes dissaaas. Prka.. SI par bottle. It ptraunaatly cures IM sollowint symptoBis:.... -.-(..v.c .i-i.- l vv Is there nausea? o , r Do youbeicb op e' -' "' ' ca- Ara you constipated? -., ;-. " .-:..r f-fiT-It your lohpie coated? " "" Do you bloal up after aatinr? '..yioi. oJ"..J Do you feel you are crowing araaaerr 1 there conslarrtbavl taMaia tna aooth -ii Dr J,. W, Snores' KMaey sad Uvtc Cttra cures all d seases of tna KMneys. uvar ana si Poca, $1 par boitla. - ..;..i.-; aa J Do-you gat diriy? . , -. . . -:,,.,'. -Have you cold leetr- - i , Do you feel miserable? h-.ilui'.J ZiZrnS & Do you get tired easily? ." .... ftoyoohavakol Basbesru '-.a-ioa U-j. 'Are vour spirits low at tines? Ou yoa have rambling la bowels? Ala your nana ana reel ssreiif i,.. ..J Viiiit . I. this noticed swra at night? Ii thee pais ia sasail tat back? ' :C: r.i'.Z Has lha perspiratioa a bad odor? is laera puKmeaa uixlectaaayas? ;i.'.-.. .coii Du you have to gM up often st Bight? , . . , i 1r,.. . rt.nnaii la urtma bf left StandlM-? Don't aaaiect these aiens sad risk Brigbt s disease killing- vou. Dr. Snores Kidney and liver cure Via cure yuu it used as directed oa lha battle. i Dr. O. W. Share' Meaejtaisi aage Oil steps rha worst pain hi on sslnute. .For headache, loothacba, neuralgia, cramps ior colic as II- eiterpally aaat ra temally- Prevents and cures diphtheria If ossd ta tiai Keep aaottl handy. -Price, Jc a beetlei-.'" Dr. Q. W. Shares' papala Varanllai deslrovs Intetflnai worms and removes the little round Beat rhera they atb and breed. . It eaver faile. . PrlCf J5c a botte. . Dr. a. W Shore' Wlnterfiasa Salve saraaal, diseases of th akin, fieasove red spots and black pimples from the face'. Heals old sons B ilojaaya. D?! a.'w''8hor.i.' Aatl-CoastipafW; PHti cur hronlc constipation, alck headache an. Mlkra . attacks. . Prlc. 25c a koul. . , . .. .. ( f In aN cases, if the bowels aril constipated take one of' Dr. G.W. Shores' Antl-Consilpatton Pills at bedMaat. I' your tmubl is chronic and deep-seated, writ Dr. G. W.. Snv peraonaUy for his new sysaptoas Hat and have your case diagnosed and r his eipert ad vice fu. .. - ... ..via These famous remedies are prepared only oy upc torG W Shores. Zioa'sAedi Jllnstltole. Sah City. Ulan. Fo or sal by sll DruccMs. or seat to any add res c receipt of price. t.;:....-..-..j:. ...,;; Vdju,- 1." .aiJ-rO.. SLfVKEliEY-& HOUGHTON . r.-.-. . v-;..- - . a. . .. - AJ ie."i .11 TBE DALLAS, OREGON. . 1V (3prajr;Nozzles, SprSay Piimps,' ... 'I ... Vehnoral Nozzles, .... .. - Bv8pUiSjTa.ysf,uT- .--ALL FOR SALE . BY' j -: ' r.--'- , ; .7ii w..J ." i.itti t " "' entire stock formerly V" "CKOsait X4MiM?tk 'Z (.V.'.W , :,'t t. v.; .i...t..i..'. ti Y.-j ri..., . ,v'(...vi,:.-, ; vi.. arid J Provisions, .tun .v.' 1 ', lw , w !.iU.i4-,'l .ll.v;'. 4i!!lt JI iitft i.-ia.!-;n.;.-i I;..:.:.il;i.ii-uij-iltAtia aid ui titir;'J l ntf .'& .11') J. c;.iaii;iV '.. ;A u! V'.iiis.-iiuisM ,ViiUiiK JXvJ o-.n.i I Hats arid Cajps; f I ;PRIGBS!s;G66ds iiix , .. j- r ?'jaT Z -.5 rfajw ze'.U Jiili tzz tu eoi 'jsC-syvii--'. srx aeiiaVH Waa at a aaa sv , a ('"ee Jalv s C-.ZZ OZZ.Z.S. .Zi-ii inabdA UiVIai b'.U.-tt zmMmir$vms.i:, ' -sua oi Jjo!ij.:ti03 ud tlsmuusbUtX Iti'U OCKAX BTtUKEba av fortlaod srery "In. o --'tiara fc-'-- FRAHCiSCO,-: GaUL: i it- in details aaJioaO. K. A K. Afmoi at TU I JaLLEa r aadres " - -v 6t,-'seOt; w;'a: irdHLBWt.liiiif tmiwi J:'.ii xil-i.i. t-iilz-jf-; mm hi: TieDalfesFcalaiiiJ and Ast(5rl3 oz iiZ'z I 10 i . . ,ThrouKlv;aUy: .trlpa. .(rUiiajra.-iX. enpted) between The Dalles and, Port- ; land. Steamer lfirula tor 'IeaveB The Dalle at- 8 a.-D., wrn9tlncM the Cascades Lock . with ..StiraarI)aUra C City. Steamer Dalles City .leave ltand (Oak street--dock at T-a.-m.-. connecting .lartrJa'SisMineisvJtefcraUato (or The DaUem lM: ,., PASSENGER:- RATS-'t ' i !. .. I . .,. I.... ..r !" XM . ."J :? 'J l"lt a..e H'j.. W Bound trtpr: : ."; .: ; z.i c T&lgbti Hates tBeduced : Shinmenta fop Pnrr.1anrl rtxnM-w'aif ait'" any time, day or lifhtv-&klprnerifei for vy -tannms-s rnnsuxie: oexiterea jbefore.) p. m. Lilve stock shlnmentat aolio.. r Ited. . Call on or address, tl&t vato (5.itoiii t-.-iA. (avoW a, V (.aaW VM. ai - J . i jMaa0sasatastO tUV , MM lp3r In r s AI l QUilo ix5 iiua LoZleiV !- c... i..2i.i''M Gsnihui. Agent 1 - Mi- : V