UOUVTAIVEftK. Volume XXXV Tl 1fR.HniT4I!tERB. " XIII CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 14. 1896 NO 2S PROFESSIONAL ' TR. O. C. HOLLISTER. Physician and Sur- 1 1 geon. Rooms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours 10 A. M. to 13, ana z r. M. to 4 xf . M. Residence west end of Third street. D UFUB & MENEFEE, Attorneys at Law, Rooms 40 and 43, Chapman Block. SOCIETIES. tTTASCO LOEGE, NO. IS, A. P. & A. M. ' f T Meets nrst and third Monday oi eacn month at 8 P. M. - mHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER I . NO. . Meets in Masonic HaU the third Wednesday of each month at 8P, M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O F. J Meets every tinuay evening at 7: o ciock, in K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. . TTtRIENDSHTP LODGE, NO. 0 K..of P. I' Meets every Monday.evemng at 8 o ciock. ' In Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in vited. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock In the reading room. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD--Mt. Hood CamD. No. 59, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock,- in Keller's MaiL All sojourning brothers are invited to De present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. . J Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and - fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor dial! invited. rpEMPLE LODGE, NO. 3. A. O. U W. j. Meets in K.eiier'8 uau every inursaay evening at 7:au o ciock. AS NF.SMTTTr POST W(l ! n A . Tf Meetsevery Saturday evening at 7:30 in K. OURT THE DALLES, A. O. F. NO. 8630 , y Meets every i rioay evening at their nun at b o ciock. B OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in tL. oz ir, asm. w ASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. O. R.M. Meets every Wednesday evening in K, of P Hall. GESANG VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera House, T OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in J K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. THE CHURCHES. ME. CHTJRH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. .. Services every Sunday morning and eye ing. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial Invitation extended by both pastor and people to an, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. J Cvrtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service BT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. CT. PAUL'S CHURCH-4Tnion street, oppo. I 1 D1TU h 1 1r h .unrtnir onhfvil n. 1 1 . Jl I a evening prayer on nosy at 7:30. 17TCRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay- J lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington streets, services each aunday morning at 11 - o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing ton and Seventh streets. IjURST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. 1 Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every Sunday at 6:30 P. M. CAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller. pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday ' evening. Sunday school at 0:45 A. M. All are co.diully welcomed. WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen or ladies to travel In Oregon for estab Ttanerl reliable house. Salary $780 and ezcen , sea. Steady position. Enclose reference and ' Reif addressed stamned envelope. The Domin ion Company, Third Floor. Cmaba Building Chicago, 111. : . "V O. HOLLIi HOLLISTEB, Physician and Surgeon, Booms over Dalles National Bank. Office hoars, 10 a m to 12 m, and from a to 4 p m. Heal dence We,t End of Third Street, 0 UFUB MENEFEE, Attorneys at Law Booms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore. A. B. B"NNETT, Attorney at Law . ' fflce in Schanno's bninding, upetalrs. The Dalles Oregon. ' J H. CRADLEBADOH. Attorney at Law OSce Booms 44 and 45 Chapman' Block, np stairs. J a. KOONTZ, Real EsLte, Loans iini Ii.sarance Agent for the Scottish Union and National Insurance- company oi Edinburgh, Scotland. Capital 830,000,000. Valuable -fa tms near the city to sell on easy terms. Office over TJ. S. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THE BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines. Liauors Cigar.s Second Btraet Eaat End. A NEW vj UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT FrirLZ & Nitsctike FURNITURE ANDC ARPETS We have added to our bmrlnem a complete Under taking EsUb ahnent, sod as w are io no way connected with tha Undertaers Trust, our prices will be low accordingly. Andrew Velarde, HOUSEMOVER. The Dalles. Address. Lock Box 181. Denny, Rice & Co. BOSTON flnnssinn (Mauls FOR THB SHLB OP HMERICHN WOOLS ARE YOU GOING EAST? If to, be sure and see that your ticket reads yia , NORTHWESTERN -THE- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAY. THIS IS THE GREKT SHORT LINE DUL.UTH, ST. PAUL., CHICAGO, Between aJ ast SOIlth The magnificient track, peerless "vesti buled dining and sleeping car traros, and motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME," Have o-iven tht road a national reuutation. Al classes of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains wiinout cxirst cnarge, snip your iicijt,, . over this lamous tide. AU agents nave Mentis. W. H. MEAD, ' F. C- SAVAGE, Gsn. Agent. Trav. F. & P. AgL. 248 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. THE First National Bank i OF THE DALLES. Successors to SCHENCK AAT BEaLL, bankers Transacts a Regular Banking Business Buy and'sell'Exchange. cTlectlons carefullv made and nromntlv 'accounted for. Draw on New York, San Francisco am Por una Direotonii D F Thompson, Ed il Williams, J 8 Scbenck, Gf orga Liel a. HJ i i ea'l ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary 'trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE Children Cry for flTOHXB'B Castoria " Castoria is no well adapted to children that I recommend it as auperiur to any prescription Known to me.- n. a. arcbkb, jo. l- 1U South Oxford St, Brooklyn, II. Y " I use ra.itora In my practice, and And It cpeuauy ooapuxi to anecauns or cniiaren." 1057 8d Ave.,'New Votiu ''From personal knowledge I can gay th;K Linstoriit is a rqont exceuent meaicme tor call' i,B n . i ru,nnn Lowell, Uass. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipataon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness, Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotio property. Latest Styles Lowest Profits - : In Mens and Boys . w . 1 tiyiiiiaig, mi uuuu MENS FURNISHINGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : -Boots and Shoes C F. STEPHENS .134 Second Street. Next door to the Dalles National Bank The. Sun The first of Ame rican Newspapers. Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, The American Idea, The American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail $6.00 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8.00 a year The Sunday Sun Is tVe greatest Sunday Newspaper ' " in the world. By mail, $2 a ye&r. 5c a copy. Address The Sun, New York. eiesanother thing , ' -" , you cant loctor Powell PORTLAND, OBKGOK. your disease without askins; you a question. They also furnish all medicineat their otnixfl, ana save you extra cosi oi iiuvmg menu-iucs mo ui u6 o..0. . ,, can give yoi references of m.my remarkable cures they have made on this Coast y leading "Iters and business men. Call at the office and read themJor proot. Th9 successful phvsi- cian-HSie skillful surgeon the eminent specialist . your best friend the world's benefactor per manently located con sult him this day. JHOSt BUOGBS I NJ THFi b- I i I a i it i 4-Viww-ts.f arTaiitirina v , 'a EYE iSo: eves, wild hairs, syphilitic sore eyes, t" , Deafness from catarrn, b:uKiiiB . Ration of external ear, j irulent - iir n Npuralsia. sick, nervous or coujieeuvo uu-, - HEAD memory, dizziness, softening of the brain, tumorsand eczema of scalp. THROAT grepS Yol;silsd . . , . i ' i. . i . . nhlpffm in tnroat, wnica cuusca ,i."'6. ... 1 1 IV O O Consumption in the first and second stages, hemorrhages and chronw LUNGS bronchius, dry and loose cough, pains in chest, difficulty in breath- ISJl aDd fatty heart, dropsy, and rheumatism d HtAnl heart, languid circulation, etc. ; . Ansa a nil Catarrn ana mcerauuu STOMACH fullness after eating, swallowing. . IYER, SPLEEN 5iTiwfl --- L j-' Thpnrr.atism and all skin diseases, eczema, saltrheum, ringworm, ffiSfaw. stiff jointi, hare lip, spinal irritation, ne rptrS rS), piles, fistula, rectal ulcers, which produces pam is oaU of bacK.1 SEXUAL ORGANS losses, which, of memory and ambition, softening lis. stricture,' inability, to no.a tne new ouiK11 vaiu 1 organs. r-;Mi RUPTURE. S - ladies Kr8rhrprsTsten not give up dispaire TSSi failures m seeKing ? - ""nrd them hooeless. Charges moderate. ea alter oiner uuj oiv.""o 1 nrpemiCO The remeaie s usea m n r Hi iu 1 LUi pelves, ana na.v . - 1 .Ainna Af tha hnnhTAar. ncrnm in inn nifa KSwehhlt our chosen calling, until now we teel connaeni oi cunug u u, OUT Cliueu . o' 1 varl anv rphpf whatever. greatly benenttmg aii wiiu"aD"j - Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M Third St., Portland, Oregon. Direct THE CELEBRATED Columbia AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. - " ' T.:. This well-kuown brewery is now turning out the best Beer n4 Pnr soot nf tha O.aatniAaa auu j. vi u.-i - rr manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market. .East Second. Street, The Dalles, : Oregon. beaUoMNi Keens 5! THIRD STREET CORNER PINE. In rWtnra will fionsalt with vou free of charge and tell yon ' rupture, piles, flsf ureflstula and rectal- ulcers without knife, lig ature or caustic and with out pain or detention , from business. He also ' treats an private diseases, loss of power, spermator rhoea, syphilis, pimplea, etc. k h h flonpor PHloa TTiafnla an1 Ttnntnra. - . a;- fn itw -riAOV.aifrtfHriAail Him- - i...6 . - discharges from the ear etc . i. l, rt .-,11 full foAlinr- wwi ti.i. -i-nrnar. utiiih hiiii 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 . uuai J palate, hoarseness, loss of voide. ttiU iw miu 0 .7 heartburn, waterbrash and difficulty m 1: ta 'inHtination. to hea nightly. 0r dan, V iieglocted, produce neryous nritation, ol the LJif1 varirvxSa hr'k . TTrrlrwAfo anrl all sweUinfl. -nd tei thrut paTn or detention from business. - u. J r.' w 7- - , -s- - j ' all mail DR. POWELL REEVES, 51 H DQGTOBS Brewery Trio Int.Acf nnnliancea fnr tliio' IIS NOT RESPONSIBLE Cleveland Did Not Authorize a Recent Statement. WILL NOT PAY Venezuela Declined to Pay the In demnity Asked for by England. More Expeditious Reach Cuba Burned a Spanish Flair -Family Burned to Death A Costly Fire In New York. Washington, March 6. The presi dent said to a representative of the As sociated Preds today: "I see it is assumed in certain quar ters that an article published a few days ago on the Uuban question may De taken as defining the attitude of the administration on .the subject. I wish you would say that I never saw the statement nor heard of it until I read it in the newspapers, and even then neglected to read all of it, supposing that it represented nothing more than a newspaper guess. I do net know how it originated, nor by whom it was constructed or inspired, but I do know that I am in no manner responsible for it nor in any way related to it." "I only desire to say in addition that I do not know whether the publication referred to represents the views of the administration on the Cuban question or not, and that I never found any dif ficulty in communicating with the peo ple in a manner which leaves no doubt as to the authenticity of any statement purporting to represent my views." MONITIONS OF. WAR. Three More Expedititlons Keach Cuba In Safety. New York, March 6.-Cuban insur gents have succeeded in landing more munitions of war at Cuban points. Dr. Joaquin Castillo, chancellor of the Cuban legation, has received cipher dispatches announcing the safe arrival of three expeditions in Cuba. The expeditions sailed from Southern United States ports during the last two weeks, on three vessels, oh February 20, 27 and 29. The first was a schooner, carrying 175 rifles and 175,000 rounds of cartridge?; this vessel landed on the coast of Santa Clara provinces, between Caraterates and Sgua la Grande. The second expedi tion carried 150 rifles and 150,000 rounds of ammunition, and landed on the coast of Pinar del Bio between Bahia Honda and Mariet. This sup ply was placed in Cuba within 30 ,milaaof -the oity ; cf- Havana.-The last expedition, sailing February 29, landed on the north of the province of Matanzas, near La Boca, about six miles from Cardenas.' REFUSED ENGLAND'S DEMAND. Venezuela Declined to Pay the Indemnity Asked For. New York March 6. A special to the World from Caracas says: The 90 days allowed Venezuela to answer the demand for indemnity for the arrest of the English officials, Barnes and Baker, on the Uruan river, in December, 1894, has expired. The government will not speak officially, but the highest authority ii given for the statement that the Venezuela gov ernment refused to pay the indemnity, declared that the question of arrest and boundary dispute cannot be sepa rated. To pay the indemnity would be to recognize British sovereignty over Venezuela territory. It is believed here that unless Sir Julian Pauncefote and Minister An- drade can arrange the matter satis factorily in Washington, England will use force to collect the money, treat ing the arrests as distinct from the boundary. A Bad Man. Bellefonte, Pa., March 6. Wil liam Ettlinger, a wood chopper of Woodward, and a "a bad man," is im prisoned in his house with several ferocious dogs, two bouble-barreled shotguns and a quantity of dynamite. A mob of 300 surrounds his house and wants to hang him. Deputy Sheriff Frank Geiswite and Constable Bainer went to arrest Ettlinger: The latter received a' charge of gunshot in the face and fell mortally wounded. He' has since died. The sheriff is ex pected soon, when an attack will be made on the house. Ettlinger if taken alive will be lynched. Recognition Bound to Come, -"' London, "March 6. A Madrid dis patch to the Standard says the press, witn lew exceptions, advises the gov ernment to indulge in no illusions as to a long delay or an abandonment of rec ognition by the-'United States of the insurgents. The general impression in diplomatic circles is that President Cleveland will ultimately be compelled to carry out the resolutions of congress, even if at first he takes' friendlier steps to elicit from Spain promises of Cuban autonomy or of more lenient treat ment of the rebels. A Flan of Reorganization. New York, March 6. The reorr ganization committee, representing all interests of the Oregon Short Line property, hfes prepared a plan which will be submitted to the security hold ers on March 10. The-various deposi tories in this city have been appointed to receive the respective classes of securities. Family Burned to Death, . St. Paul, March 6. An Alma, Wis., dispatch says fire last night destroyed the house of O. Oldhouse, a carpenter, five miles from here. Mr. ' and Mrs. Oldhouse ' and their . five children burned to death. Destroyed By Fire. Albany, Or., March 6. A message from Yaquina this morning conveys the information that the steamer Volante plying between Yapuina City and Newport, was destroyed by fire at ! 2 o'clock this morning. The fire broke out in the forward part of the boat. John Hammond, who was asleep on hoard, escaped in his night clothes. The boat was lying at her dock at Newport. The Volante- was built in 1892, and cost $8000, and was insured for $1000. A Costly Fire. New York, March 6. Fully $300, 000 loss was caused by a fire early to day in the Garvin building, on Haight street, York street and St. John's Place. The Garvin Machine Com pany, manufacturing bicycles, type writers and other machines, lost $175, 030: the Bernard-Ullnjan, manufac turer of embroideries, also lost $50,000, Burned a Spanish Flag;. Kansas City. Mo., March 6. J. E. Archer, a well-to-do business man, showed his sympathy for Cuba by burn ing a Spanish flag in front of a crowded theater last night. The act was loudly cheered. Archer has a stock of Span ish flags and says be will burn one each night till it is exhausted. MORE FUNDS NEEDED. The Needs of the Suffering; Aremnlans Are Increasing;. New York, March 9. Today the National Armenian relief committee will send $10,000 to.Constantionple. It is stated by the committee that the distribution of money is being now made among the Armenians, and at the present the greatest obstacle to the work of relief is lack of funds rather than opposition by the sultan. Stephen R. Barton, of Westerly, R. I., received a cable from Miss Clara Bar ton at Constantinople, saying that the Red Cross Society shipped on Saturday' a large quantity of relief supplies to the interior of Armenia to go by cara van by way of Alexandre tta, on the Mediterranean. Miss Barton has for warded funds to Harpoot, Sivas and Laruch, and the reports from the inte rior indicate that the needs of the suf fering Armenians are increasing. No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure- One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoy ances, cure the most severe cough and give you rest and health. Can you af ford to do without it? Snipes & Kin- ersly Drug Co. Shot Eight Men. Bbockvuxe, Ont., March 9. A ma niac alighted from the 11:45 train today shot eight men. Two, More and Boyd, are dead, Chief of Police Rose is fatally injured. The maniac him self was shot through the body, and is in jail. His name is said to be L. A. Pointe. Policeman Tinsel is shot in the arm, and Dave Rougie, an Indian two Stagg brothers and a man named Kilburn are the others wounded. A Baby's Life Saved. "My baby had croup and was paved by -ShUohVtare, "-'-writes Mrs:J.' B. Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. , Linton the A. P. A. Candidate. Omaha, March 9. Leading mem bers of the A. P. A. here assert that the order will cut a big figure in select ing delegates to the St. Louis conven tion. - They are opposing both; Man derton and Thurston, and trying to send a delegation instructed for Rep resentative Linton, of Michigan, and Bradley of Kentucky, as second choice, and in the event of their defeat, then McKinley. Are Too Made Miserable by indigestion, constipa tion dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. British Fleet to Sail For Venezuela. New York, March 10. A dispatch from Caracas says: A cable from Paris states that a British fleet will arrive at Curacoa next Wednesday The Venezuela government declines to give any information regarding the British demand for indemnity for the Uran incident. The Best Cough Cure. Is Siloh's Cure. A neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M. Z. Don nell. To the Mountains for Gold. . Dayton, Or., March 9. A party of prospectors left here yesterday for a point in the Coast range mountains', where they claim to nave discovered a rloh gold find. Many of the business men of Dayton have subscribed stock. For Railroad Employes. Terre Haute. Ind., March 9. T, W. Harper, attorney of the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen, left for Wasbiagton last night to appear be fore a congressional committee on be half of two bills he prepared and which were introduced in both branches of congress. - One provides for an appeal in contempt cases in federal courts and also for trial by jury in cases wherein the contempt, was not committed in the presence of the court. This measure is to meet such cases as that of Debs in Judge Wood's court.. The . other bill provides for compulsory settlement of wage dis putes on interstate railroads. "The ground we take" said Mr. Har per "is that if congress had tbe right to regulate rates for hauling freight, it has an equal right to regulate the prices paid for labor," A Great Germans Frescription. Diseased blood, constipation and kidney, liver and bowel troubles are cured bv Karl's Clover Boot Tea, For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Humbert Will Not Abdicate. . Rome, March 9. Tribuna today denies that King Humbert has ex pressed an intention to abdicate. The report grew out of the fact that the king said: "My son may . negotiate with negus, but I will never do' so." Tribuna also . publishes an anti- French article headed "Indecency and Insolence," which protests against French interference in Italian affairs, and declares France is actuated -by an impicable hatred of Italy. Consumption Can be Cured By the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. ' ' STABBED WITH A DIRK Probably Fatal Affray After a Dance at Central Point. FOUND THE MINE A Condemned Murderer Told - of a Rich Mine and Prospectors Find it After Twenty Years A London Correspondent Thinks tbe Cu ban Affairs Will be Left to the Presi dentThe Debt of North Yakima Validated. Central Point, Or., March 8. Thos. G. Elliott was stabbed and prob ably fatally wounded this morning at 12:30 a. M. by John A. Penninger. The affray took place at the Central Point hotel, and was without doubt premeditated. The two men had been attending a dance, which broke up at 12 'clock, and, as Elloitt stepped out of the front entrance of the hotel, Penninger put his hand onElloitt's right shoulder and stabbed him in the breast with a dirk-knnife, the blade , imo umuo of which was three and a half inches long. . The knife entered the breast at the junction of the sixth rib, and, as yet, ib8 course is unknown. . Elliott is a well-respected young man 20 years of age. He came here from Canada, about two years ago, and worked for Penninger's father until August last, at which time young Pen ninger made an attempt to stab him with a pocket-knife and cut. a gash across Elliott's abdomen six inches long. A prelimihary hearing was had this afternoon before Justice Jacobs, at which Penninger waived examination and was held without bonds. THE QUARTZ GULCH FIND. Prospectors Took the Clew From a Mur derer Who Was Hanged. Baker City, Or., March 7. The rich find reported to have been made a few days ago in Quartz Gulch, near Robinsonville, will recall to old timers an incident which occurred over 20 years ago. Two miners became in volved in a quarrel over a location, and one of them was killed. The killing must have been unprovoked, for the survivor was taken to Canyon City, indicted, tried and hanged. Before being led to the scafford, he offered to take the sheriff to a place where he said he had uncovered an immensely rich quartz ledge. The sheriff looked upon the offer as a ruse on the part of the condemned man to obtain an op portunity" for escape, and refused it. In due time the man "was hanged, but the dying prisoner's declaration found an echo in the ears of many a prospec tor. Among . those who were most persisteqt were the Stearns . brothers. Al Geiser, . who flame to town last night, reports that Albert Stearns and Andy Larson, after a patient search of five years, have at last found the ledge. Further developments are ex pected shortly. The sudden cold snap is retarding the general resumption of mining op erations, but preparations for mining on a large scale are hein; made In all directions, . IN THE EVENT OF WAR. Military Officers Tender Their Services to Spain. ' Madrid, March 8. Several military - officers, including some Englishmen, have offered their services to the Span ish minister of war. . Senior Marcello de Azsarraga, in the event of war be tween Spain and the United States. The official belief, however, is ex pressed that no con nict will occur. Patriotic demonstrations have occurred throughout the country since the ac tion of the United States congress on the Cuban question, and many wealthy Spaniards are offering money to the government. Several towns have sent messages offering money and the lives of their citizens in defense of the coun try. Shipowners of Seville have of fered to place 50 steamers at the dis posal, of the government. In the Basque province, a subscription has. been opened to present a warship to the government. Snow in Eastern Washington. Spokane, Wash. March 7. A snow fall has been general all over Eastern Washington, and it is still snowing, the depth being from two to six inches. Farmers claim that it will be of vast benefit in protecting winter wheat and killing squirrels. ' The city council today voted to send Counoilman Comstock East to negoti ate the sale of $350,000 water bonds. These are to take ' the place of the warrants issued to complete the new water works. At the same time the sinking fund commission was author ized to offer a commission of $10,000 to any broker who may succeed in placing the issue. Indebtedness Validated. North Yakima, Wash., March 7. The proposition to validate the out standing Indebtedness of North Yakima school district and continue the school for a full term was submited to the voters todey, and carried by a vote of 687 to 98. Much feeling was evidennced, and tonight the high school scholars are ratifying the result in a demonstrative way. The opposition mainly came from the populists. The President Will Deelde. LONDON, Marcu e. The Times' cor respondent at New York in a telegram his paper, records the deep impres sion which the manifestos of Senor Canovas del Castillo, the Spanish pre mier, have had upon the American public. The result will be, tbe dis patch says, the matter of recognition of the belligerency of the Cubans will be left to the president and the execu tive to decide. Pulling Together. McMtnnville, Or., March 7. The street committee of the board of trade has decided to ask the city council to Highest of all in Leavening turn all license moneys received from hacks and drays into street fund; also to tax telephone companies $23 a year, and to allow 25 per cent of the proceeds of liquor licenses to be used for the same purpose. The committee has re commended that property on North Bstreet, all of I street, First street, the road to the Yamhill river bridge and the rq yto the Cayuse creek bridge be tai to gravel these streets. These propositions are to be considered at the town meeting to be Held Tiles- day evening. STILL 1H TBE COUNTY JAIL. Durrant Awaiting; Final Action by the Su preme Court. San Francisco, March 9. On April 6 next a year will have passed since tbe murder of Blanche Lamont, and yet Theodore Durrant, who was con vfotAn nf hAI murrlar laaf. Unffam)u is fitillir. t.h onnnMr ,-!i vl ft fil con of the state supreme court in the case. Immediately after Dur- rant's conviction an appeal was taken, but the case has not been presented to the supreme court, owing ' to requests for additional time made by both sides, mi , a . luo iasu postponement toos place a week ago when the prosecution was granted 20 days in which to file a bill of exceptions. At the end of this time it is believed the case will be pre sented to the supreme court, but a de cision is not expected for several months. Durrant was sentenced to be hanged February 21, but the slow manner in which justice is meted out to murderers in this state make it prob able that he will not meet his death much before the close of this year, Meanwhile the prisoner spends his time at the county jail much the same as the other inmates. He has few visitors-and devotes most of his time to reading and writing. He . has written a history of his life and lately he is said to have begun the study ot law. wire Mere s an account .of a man who shot himself rather than suffer the pangs of indigestion. Husband The fool! Why didn't he take De Witt's Little Early Risers? I used to suffer as bad as he did before I com menced taking these little pills. Snipes & Klnersly Drug Co. . To Increase Issue of Bank Motes. Washington, March 9. The house committee on banking and currency today voted to report favorably to the house bill introduced by Johnson to permit the national banks to issue notes to the amount of the par value of bonds deposited by them in the trea sury as security for their issue of notes. A Landslide at Astoria. ASTORIA, March 9 A landslide oc curred here yesterday, carrying away part of Perry Trulinger's house, on the side hill at the head of Commercial St. No one was hurt, and the house can be repaired in a week. Watson Renominated. Columbus, O., March 9. David K. Watson was renominated today by the republicans for congress from tbe twelfth district, which is usually dem ocratic, Watson breaking the record by defeating Outhwalte in the politi cal landslide two years ago. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G. Cailouette, Druggist, Beavers- vllle, 111., says: "To Dr.King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Dis covery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after us ing three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keeD store or house without it." Get a free trial at Blakeley & uougntons' urug store. Blakeley & Houghton carry a full I line of Munyon's Homoeopathic Rem edies Resolutions of Condolence. ' Whereas, It has pleased the Divine Ruler of the universe to remove from among us our beloved brother, A. K. Dufur, N. G., therefore be it Besolved, That Ridgley Lodge No. 71, I. O. O. F. of Dufur, condoles most sin cerely with the widow and daughter of our departed brother, and commend them to Him who orders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant in mercy. Besolved, That this testimonial of our sympathy and sorrow be forwarded to the wife of our departed brother by the secretary of this lodge. Besolved, That these resolutions be spread on the lodge minutes, and that a copy be sent to The Dalles papers and Pacific Odd Fellow for publication. Fraternally submitted in F. L. and T. Frank Peabody, W. L. Vanderpool, C. S. Magee, Committee. Dufur, Oregon, March 7, 1896. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Most Perfect Made. p Yean the Standard. mm CREAM Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report7 PUKE Improvements in the East End are going steadily on. The Fisher build ing is nearing completion, the repair to the Farmer's Hotel are being pushed as fast as the workman can advance 'bem, and carpenters have begun the construction of Mr. Wolf's new resi dence. Deputies Kelly and Butta are kept busy receiving taxes and issuing re ceipts for the same at the sheriff's of fice. A large number of the heavy taxpayers of the county are heeding the call for taxes and are making pay ments much earlier this year than common. ' People residing in less favored local ities, where winter still lingers in the lap of spring, would declare this is the loveliest climate on earth could they be dropped down in The Dalles such a day as this has been. The meroury up to 60 degrees and the sun shining k.JV VT VIA l. -r , . wu P'y fcTnrna. Mr. I. J. Norman says he has made a careful examination of his fruit) trees, and finds that they have not been seriously damaged by the severe weather of last week. His opinion is that the fruit trees of the county have suffered but little injury by the recent cold spell, and that the customary crop will be harvested. The distillery at Grants is consum ing about 150 bushels of wheat daily, and its registered output of alcohol or high wine is 3i gallons per bushel. The distillery is running on full time and is employing thirty hands. At present there are 150 head of cattle and about 500 head of hogs being fat tened in the company's yards. It is a well established fact that the American people' are swindled and humbugged more than any other people on earth, and it is not for want of intelligence or shrewdness, but simply because they do not stop to think. For instance, a lady goes to her grocer, who, rather than miss making a sale, offers her inferior goods Instead of the kind she asks for. He boldly asserts "It's just as good," when if he told the customer the .truth he would say, "I know Hoe Cake Soap, Soap Foam Washing Powder, and Red seal Lye are pure goods and - Tall weight, and for that reason cost more, but I sell the poorer qualities because there is more profit to be made," i Hoe Cake Soap contains ingredients' not found fn any other soap. Try it. VTvmTTWrVmTrWW Cycle- Hall . . in ianm or ' cakriis a ran lanm or- Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos CANDIES. FRUITS. NUTS, ORANGE CIDER, ROOT BEER, ETC u6 Second St. Telephone 3x1 AAAAAAAWOWAAAAAUWAAA SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FORKS DULUTH FARGO CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BCTTE. TO THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO . WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK -BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For information, time cards, mam and tickets. caU on or write, W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas- sen "er Agent. No. 225 Morrison Street, Cor ner i .miru street, x'oruana, uregon. It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. , If yottbuyanew - Thresher, Engine; X HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL . You of coarse want the best.1 Write for Catalogue and Prices; I The Massillcn Engine 2 Thresher Co. PORTLAND, OREQON. MATER & BENTON : LOCAL AGENTS : THE DALLES, OREGON. WANTED: Several trustworthy tentlmnea ,, or ladles to travel In On-iron for estab lished, reliable house. Salary t?M and arum. fces. Steady position. Enclose reference and relf sddreM-ei a sien mi ra erjTlnr Th. rtnn.ii. ' ::i 1 ) l.i i..r-.f PACIFIC R U N S PUYLMAN ion uti sago, 111 ion C mr, any, Ihlid Flcor, Cmaha Bids-., Col