ttilU V r I Bttt, Vnme XXXT CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 15,1896 NO 24 PROFESSIONAL. T-vR. O. C. HOLLISTER. Physician and Sur- I f geon. Rooms over Dalles National Bunk. Offlce hours 10 A. M. to 12, and 2 P. M. to 4 P M. Residence west end of Tird street. DUFUE & MENEFEB. Attorneys at Law. Booms 40 and 43. ChaDman Block. SOCIETIES. - tlTASCO LOE6E, NO. 15. A. F. & A. M. t V Meets first and third Monday of each monta at P. 4L THE DALLES EOYAL AP.CH CHAPTEK NO. a. Meets In Masonic Hall tue tjird Wednesday of each month at HP. M- COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 5. I. O. O F Meets every Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock, ' in K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets.- Sojourning brothers are welcome. , T1RIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 9 K. of P.- P Meets everv Monday evening at 8 o'clock. in Schanno's building, corner of Court and ' t Second streets. Sojourning brothers are in- Titeo. ."-IITOMEN-S CHHISTIAN TEMPERANCE V UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock ' in the reading room. t ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD- . l Mt. Hood Camo. No.EO. mett3 every Tuespov evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's I tall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be ... vresenv COLUMBIA CHAPTER. NO. 33, E. S.-' Meets ir. Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor- dlall invited. mEMPLE LODGE, NO. 3. A. O. U. W. I Meets In Keller's Hail every Thursday - evening at :au o ciock. TAS. NESMITH POST, NO. 32 G. A. R. O Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in iv. of f. aa.iL "lOURT THE DALLES, A. O. F. NO. M3fr- j Meets every tnanj evening at taeir nail at 8 o ciocu. B OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in K. of P. Hau. w Hall. ASCO TRIBE, NO. 16. I. O. R. M. Meets every weumrauay uveiuu iu ix, ui r GESANG VEEEIN HARMONIE. Meets every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera bouse, . T OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in JJ K. of P. Hall the nrst and third Wednes day of each month at 7;3v P. Jkl. THE CHURCHES. i H T E. CHURH Rev. J. H. Wood. Pastor. 'i 1 I . Services every Sunday morning and eve tog. Sunday school at 12 :-J0 o'clock P. M.- A cordial invitation extended by bota pastor and people to all. -triNfVREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. j Cvrtis. Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service. "', QT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsjreest n Pastor. Low muss every tunuay a 7 a. m. ' High mass at 10:80 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. . etT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street. oppr. site Fifth. Sunday scjooI at 8:30 A.M. Evening prayer on r naay at 7 :. ' -rirRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. ; J? Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at U and in the evening at 7 o'clock. - Sunday so'nooi at W A M. Prayer meeting - every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every Sunday at 6:3u P. M. ClAVALRY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union- Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 :otl r. al jrruytsr uccuuij uu hcuucduuj -evening. Sunday school at t):4o A. M. All are cordially welcomed. 0 cm LLisrtE, Physician and Surgeon, 1 " Booms over Dillea Vtinna Bank Offlce hourx, 10 a m t - is m. aot from ? to 4 p m. Heal . -' Uenca We t Bnd of Third street, Booms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The pallea. Ore. Attorneys at Law. . - All 'na c xib Ti'-n Diinnefl promptly c- tended t Clainw aifnii.s' the govern ntent , lal y. Roo'iis 24. 25 26 and 27, H&mi'ton buildinic. A. 8. BSXNETT, Attorney at Law ffice In Schanno' buinding, upstafrs. The Dalles vregon j' H. CRADLEBCGH. " Attorney at Law Q.Uca Rooms 44 and 46 Chapman' Block, np stairs. J (i KOONTZ, ' . Ral Est te. Lois nl Instance Agent, for the Scottish Union and National Insurance company of Edinburgh, Scotland. Capital $30,000,000. Valuable fatnut near the city to sell on easy terms. Omceover U. S. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon. AMERICAN ' and EUROPEAN PLAN IMPEHI1L HOTEL Seventh and "Washington Sts. OREGON. . Taos. Guinean, . Proprietor. 1 ItAlliS AMERICA PLAf ' . 11.00 al JO C2.00 The Dalles Real Estate Exchange : The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of real estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undivided assistance of the following Real Estate Agents organized as an association fqr the pur pose of inducing immigration to Wasco and Sherman counties, and generally stimulating the sale of pioperty. CPRReSPONDENCE SOLICITGD C. E. Bnystrd, .T. A, Hudson. J. G. Koontz & Co., J M. Huntington & Co.., N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G: Wj ' Rowland; or to J. M. Huntington, sec retary of the Association, THE DALLES, 3f F. W. SILYERTOOTII, Prop. FirstrclasB Wines Liquors and Cigars t Always on Hand. . Corner Second Jourt Streets, THE DALLES. OREGON ARE YOU GOING EAST? If so, be sure and see that your ticket reads via I I ttttt-ct i NORTHWESTERN -THE- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RA'LWAY. THIS IS THE GREHT SHORT LINE J nTTT.rprw Between - - -l ST. PAUIi. CHICAGO, And all Points East and South The maznific:eit track, peeress vesti buled diuirig anu sleeping car trams. . and motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME," Have ffiven this roarl a' nat'ina! reputation. Al classes of passengers car-icd on the vestibule trains wunout evtra cnarge. ;,nip your irctgui.. .uu over this famous tide All ag uts nave tickets. c ;an. Arc it. T av F & I gt . 24S Washington street, Portland, iregim. Hi ' if E MCJVF.IIX. eceiver TO THE- ammmm rsnvr Hs M IVES ti.- (icictcl Two. irdDscontineEtaJ Rocr iPOKAMi. DEKVLh KISKEAPOLIS ASP ST.PA0L - KANSAS Low Rates to All Eastern Cirir OCEAN 6TEMB1U eave tort and avery' Fit- . . .. day for , SAN i FRANCISCO; i Fat full detailf all on U. B R. Aitentat TUB DLLh8 oraddreaa 1 .' T ' w H. HrBLnrBT, Oen ha! At. Portia od. Oretrun THE First National Bank OF THE DALLES. uccewiura to SCHENCK , V AND BEaLL, bankers...... fniisacts aliegular Banking ms Buy and sell Exchange. rllectioup carefully marie anrt pronptly account - tor. Draw on ew Yorr, ban rranctsco ana i or land llreflor"i I P Tb.r.pnon. Ed M iiianw. J S Schenck, i.wirnf ( if i H Jl Ke.ll. ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will fiud the . ' PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS . Made from- the highest .cost Gold Leaf gro vn in Virginia, and are J ABSOLUTELY PURE OREGON BAKERY -AND A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to furnish families, hotels and restaurants ith the choicest Br ' ulCakiHnil ru f. Fresh Oysters S-rved in Every Style. Second Street, next door to, The Dalles National Bank Denny, Rice & Co. BOSTON commission liierGQanis FOR THE SKLE OP ! KMEmCKH WOOLS iris iora 1 YSZ tnr'f jPi Everybody Hie largest piece of OOD ever sold ocTor 'owe I V3 PORTLAND,' OBEGON. w Tlie-e old reii .ble dociors.will consult with t ou free of charge and tell yon your di-eise without asking von a question. They uIho furnish all medicinet their ffi h, ami save you est h . f bu ing me.ii. inesat the drug etorea. iwe ' 1 ..i ... ..W, ..i, u tliev huvn m ule cm this Coast Pan KIV Villi retcirurra ui Mi'U' iriurti.oui' ' j j " . . y leading bankers and business men. Cill at the office and rei-d them for proof. . 9J- aJ. 3. r v The Bucceefjil phvsi- cian the skillful surgeon the einii ent Sefiali8t your lst friend the world's ben'-fai-tor per manently loi'.ted con suit him this day. IN THE These old reliable specialists of many wi ,,..,. all luce aud throat affections, SSIUl UHlpti k Pes of acute or chronic inflammation, far or near-signteaneBa, aim- .jweB ui m-u o ..i.rW f fhn Avo dimt. samntintr. cross 7 BD Lfncs1, fr catarrh, sinng 6r :HIV mation of external ear, purmcu.. j ... M Neuralaia sick, nervous or con-estive headache, dull, full feeling, OM JiEAD of emorV.dizziness. softening of the brain, tumorsand eczema of scalp. -..,T Ctarrhil and Syphiii ic bor rnroar., wi,hj ami curu.,!...,. THROAT eWs enkrgft.1 to.-sils and palate, hoarseness, loss of voice. tliL Dblerm intnroa', iiicn u-to 'e- . j i , f i . ,Tn n Cons, option in the first and secmd stages, hemorrhaees. and chronfa LUKGS nVonchis! dry and loose cough, pains in chest, dignity in breath, ing, hepatizations asthma, etc. rhenmatism ol iiPi rtT valvular 4'ieuBtro, . j . HtAKI heart, lansiuid .m-ulation, etc. m nil Catarrh and ulceration and acid dyspepsia, indigestion, pain and STOlViAGH fuSs el eating, heartburn, waterbrash and difficulty ill swallowing. . , ,. .,,1 !-. 'constiDation. 1VER SPLEEN chron cea,arrho,a7 kidny" bladder, all nervous and - SLJa rhenma-irmi and all skm diseases, eczema, Bait rheum, nngworm, fle-dB old sos, ever "ores, rtiff joint, hare lip. spinal uritation. ner PJ01&tton, WA fi-tu.a. rect ulcers, which producee pain in rUorback.f diseases, spermatorrhea, nightly or dally SFX J AL ORGANS losses, , neglected, produce nervous irritation, OLAUnL ,"?"'hiti" 8I)ftening o. the brain, idiocy, insanity, etc., sypb loss of memory """i JXlhe f.rine. impotency orloss.of power, sterlr, 1'nM?n-'nt in urine, or gravel, yancocele nTw suropS losses or drains, atrophy or shrji th. organs. tristola. Varicocele, Hvdroceia. and all sweUtafc -nd ten RUPTURE, dcrnea; w'hout pa.n or detention from business. .J.... wr,n , be sufterinir any of the distressing aiWnts peculiai All FS hex sh . s pVrs1Ste..t headaches, painful menstruations, d , .1 Xo! gi ve up m .lispair, even if you have met with repeated placements, v ao i ot gi p . we faave c d hund?Jda d .rnirft Theremedi' sused in thi dispensary are known omy to our. RFMFlll ES. eelves, and hav de.s.-euded to us as a priceless heritage from oa H LI5 LU I LU. eeJveh8; a"Qh aany generations of the brightest lights Si the med illnstrionsanrer.. gnd loufl trnire ical profe nJeJK lhe results of ...any years of labor and research b of knowledge we have ada. a i ne r oJCuring all cnrable cases, and t greatly benefitting all who have Office Ho:ir 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Direct Third St., Portland, Oregon. Children Cry for fltCHEB-D Castoria "Castori-i iico well arlipted to ehlidrpi thai IrmHuiwD ' iiudbptxi r to a .y. preacripiioc known t- me ' Jt.-A. Archer, M. D. 1U bouth Oxford St., Brooklyn. N V "I noe.ranf r"a in mv praloe. and find f tptiUnuy auauw to ni?ectiuij& or children." a i Robgron, Al. D.j 105' M Ave., Hem yor"i Prom rwn1 knowledge 1 en ray tn.4 Iriko u, in a :-utet excellent medicine lor chll jen." icu U. C Osrwn, Lowell. Mass Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency; Consiination, Soul Stomach, Diannoea, and Feverishuesa Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sieep natural. Castoria contain i oc alorpaiue or other narcotic property. Are Ton Made Miserable by indigestion, eonfrtipn- tion n aizzine-w, io-w oi appeuce. yeuu n? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive ki cure tor si" "v ! i,. uonDeu. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder ..... . . . ' Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter fair, saa rrancitrn. is on tooacco for io cents neeves 51 THIRD STREET COF.O PIHt. -iVfjptjorev piles,' flucur), flBtula and rectal ; ulcers .w ithout knife, lig ature or caustic and wiifr out pain or detention from husiness. He also v ail private diseases, loss of power, spermatOP rhoea, syphilis, pimplea etc. GTQRS WEST. year's exprieiice, treat -with -wonder Cancer, Piles. Fistula and Buptir. roaring noise,, ne drum, all mail Dr. POWELL REEVES, 51 A NE'A" UNDERTAKING JK ESTABLISHMENT LTw-t.irvi. Prinz & Nitschke, DULKKS Bt FURNITURE AND CAKFETS. W have rlHid i out t'Ti'nes" cmnp ele U der taking Etab ah -went, and as we are in no w,y connected with the Undertaer' Trust, our j rices will be low accordingly. . A Great Germans Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation and kidney, liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by M. Z. UonnelL au am -gists sell Dr. iiues- -un us . .. . . 1 .. .. 1 . k.ll. D.1. tll In All pain uannuicv u u uu A. BV FIRE AND FLOOD A New Jersey Town Suffers by Water 'and Fire. AFFAIRS IN CUBA The Patriots will Never be Satis fied Until the Spaniards Are Driven Out. Peace is Restored la Venezuela High Duties Have Decreased Revenues Benson Convicted at Walla , Walla. Sommekvtt LB. IN. J., reb. 7. While the lost of property at Boundbrooklatst night by fire and flood will come up to expectation?, based on menpreinforma' tion obtainable in season for the morn ing papers, it is now reasonably certain that but one life was lost. Last night when the last messenger left Bound' brook the fl.iod had begun to subaide. At 3 oA;loc:k this morning the water was nearly ten teet nign on .Miin street. The flood was caused bv a heavy rainfall overflowing the Raritan river. Meadowbrooks, about a quar ter of a mile from the head of Bound- brook, also overflowed and while the citizens were trying to rescue the people from the houses fire was dis covered in the lumber yards of L D. Cook & Co. Twen'y houses were de stroyed by the fire and flood. A CUBAN CAPTAIN. One of Garola's Officers Talks of the War in Cuba. Etjffalo, Feb. 7. Alex F. Hamil ton, formerly of this city, now a cap tain in the Third division of the insur gent army under General Garcia in Cuba, gave a graphic review last night of the methods of warfare in Cuba's struggle for independence. Said he: aI think General Gomez will attempt to capture Havana. He will bring all his forces for a great at tack and that will settle it. This will be a difficult task, and it should have been done at first.' "Are there any Americans in the in surgents forces?" . : "Perhaps two-thirds of them are Americans, a great many of whom are Southerners from Nevf Orleans and other cities of Louisiana." . ' "What truth is thur in the reports ! of depredations and assaults by insur gents?" ' ." vv: ' . "Unfortunately we have on our side several bandits who are . desperate fighters, but' unprincipled.' Beside this there are about 4tX Ohio filibusters l .who scire aaji jdo'g ithe'gitn 4y hondg - on no matter whether they belong to Spanish or Cuban forces. " What made General Garcia leave his Army?" "Well he came over to the United States for ammunition. ' He was in Philadelphia two weeks ago, but by this time will be back among his men with Gatling guns, sabers, etc; I my self hope to be back in two or three weeks with a few little things. I am convinced the insurgents will never rest until they drive the Spaniards clean out of the island, and Cuba de clares her independence under a United States protectorate. " PEACE RKSTOBED, Tb Rebellion In the District of Axtlos, Venezuela, Subdued. Kew YORK, Feb. 7. A Berald dis- patch fiom Caracas says: Governor Fernandez, of the state of Falcon, has issued an address to the public declaring that peace has been fully restored in the district of Aztios. He thanks General Rickart and his assistants for their services and says the rebel leaders have been captured. Venezuela, the governor says, requires a union of all persons to form an im passable wall against the English lion, and it is shameful that at a time when such questions are before the country citizens should sink their patriotism and piety and try to start a civil war. Special festivities have , been plan ned in honor of the passengers on the Hamburg-American liner Columbia, who are making an extensive excur sion and are due here next week. An opera performance will be given for the excursionists February 12. The next day they will witness a bull fight, and on February li they will go to Valencia.. etrurk a fitgro and Died. . Selma, Ala., Feb. 7. Columbus C. Gayle died yesterday under peculiar circumstances. Mr. Gayle employed a number of negroes in his lumber yard. Three months ago he struck one of them in the mouth, . breaking the skin on one of his knuckles. In one hour he began suffering excruciat ing pain and went to his home. Phy sicians attended him regularly, and finally amputated the wounded finger. Great ulcers then - broke out on his wrist and he lost his 6ight and went Into a stupor, from which he never aroused. He was a blue-gum tiegro he struck, whose bice is. said to be as poisonous aa the most deadly rep tile. The Bond issue. Washington, Feb. 7. The woi k of classifying the bids for th new loan above the Morgan rate -(110.6877). has been completed, and the schedules wero taken to Secretary Carlisle just before he left for the cabinet meeting. The result was laid before the presi dent tMs afternoon, and his consent will doubtless be obtained for the pub lication of the lists of successful bid ders late this afternoon. The opinion still prevails that the Morgan syndi cate willget something in the neigh borhood of $.i.000.000, the estimates ranging from $.00O,OO0 below to $5,000, 000 above this figure. Loss of Revenue on Diamonds. ' Washington, Feb., 7. A report has been received at the treasury de partment from the appraiser of cus toms at New York in which he esti mated that the loss to the government revenues during the last year amounted to $100,000 by reason of the increased I duty wn diamonds. Cut diamonds under the la r, a interpreted by tne deoartment. now pav an ad valorem dnt.vof25 iier cent, and this increased rate of 15 per cent has resulted, it i said, in vast numbers of diamond being smuggled from Europe and Can' ada. Murder la The Sbcoo.I Degree. Walla Walla. Wash.. Feb. 7. The jury in the case of the state vs. D. K. Benson, after being out all night, carue into court at 11 o'clock this morn inff with a verdict of eruilty of murder in the second degree. Benson killed Conviut Ellis in the jute mill in the state penitentiary, July 12, 1895, and was charged with murder in the first degree. The verdict gives general dissatisfaction. The people believe he was guilty of premeditated murder. The Kentucky Conteat. Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 7. Governor Bradeley denied today that he contera pl.ited calling out the state militia to a ippress tha threatened disturbance in the legislature, growing out of the con test for the election of United States senator. Today the ballot resulted Hunter 6G: Bl tukburn 62; McCreary 3: Carlisle 2; Bate 1. There were no unusual scenes. Immigration Convenaion at Chehaltn, Chehalis. Feb. 9. The county im migration convention met yesterday at this place. About 30 delegates were present. A permanent organization was effected as follows: R. H. Simpson, of Centralia, pres ident; J. C. Bush, of Chehalis, secre' tary; S. P. Westover, of Chehalis, treasurer. A committeeman was also appointed in each voting precinct of the county, A Baby'a Life Saved. "My baby had croup and was saved by Shiloh'a Cure," writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. To Compromise Veneauela Question. London. Feb. 10. The Chronicle believes there is a good prospect of a settlement of the Venezuela question by a compromise acceptable to the three governments concerned, without loss of dignicy. Captain Sweeney, O.8.P. San Diego, Cat., says: Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me anv good." Price 50c. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. .. Egyptuln Sugar. Philadelphia, Feb. 10. Twelve thousand three hundred tons of sugar are now afloat on ' the way to this port from Alexandria, Egypt. . These car goes " are on board . British tramp steamersj and are due about March 1.' The importation in large quantities of Egyptain sugar is a new thing, made necessary, through, .the apprehension .thahe Oub&n crop; by reason-tri the I war, will be very poor. In addition V this large quantity, considerable sugar is being shipped.from Hamburg in British steamships and from Hono lulu in American clippers. Consumption Can be Cured By the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure, is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. An Agreement Reached. . New York, Feb. 10. A dispatch to the Herald from Valparaiso says: Your correspondent is informed that an agreement has been reached by the minister of foreign affairs and the French minister in Santiago de Chile bv which ali claims of citizens of France against the Chilean govern merit are to be canceled for the sum of 5,000. It is said this is a very small amount, in view of the many claims advanced. They are the . alleged wrongs perpetrated on the French residents in Chile. PUls Do Not Cure. Pills do not cure constipation. They only aggravate. Earl's. Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Will Oppose the F!g-ht. AUSTIN, Tex. Feb. 10. Adjutant- General Mabry and a troop of .Texas rangers are now at El Paso under Governor Culberson's instruction?. Ic is understood - that United States troop from San Antonio post left there this morning for El Paso to prevent the fight on any neutral grounds. Gov ernor Culberson says there will be no fight on Texas soil so long as there is a man left in the Texas rangers force. He does not think Stuart will attempt to fight on Texas soil. Nerves on Edge. I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover .Root Tea has made me well and happy. Mrs. E. B. Worden. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. One JMan Was Killed. Pawtttcket, R. I., Feb. 10. One man- was killed, one fatally Injured, and five others slightly hurt by the ex plosion of a boiler at the Ann & Eope cotton mill, Lonsdale today. Patrick MtsCannon was killed. Of the injured, Hugh McCalren will die, but. James Finnegan will recover. The engineer, assistant engineer and fireman and a ooalcarrier, who were in the building at the time, were also hurt, but their injuries are not serious. A Dead Pugilist, Philadelphia, Feb. 10. As a re sult of the prizefight Saturday night, Fi'ederiok Sublechter, one of the prin cipals, died today, and ex-Policeman Henry Pluckfelder, the other princi pal, is in jail,., charged with murder. The fight took place In the second story of Schlechter's mattress factory. Schlechter was knocked down and his head hit the floor so hard that his skull was fractured. Ambassador UhL Washington, Feb-10. The presi dent has nominated Edwin F. TJhl, of Michigan, assistant secretary of state, to be ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the United States to Germany. The senate immediately ajted favorably upon the nomination. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder World's Fair Highest Award. , SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS Seven Hundred and Eigtity- One Will Receive Bonds GOLD DEPJSITEI Treasury Officials Kept Busy Re eeiving Deposits From Bond Purchasers. Cabana are Still Hopeful ITammnnd Out oa Bail A Rich Strike in Baker County Lota of Ore In Sight. Wasaington, Feb. 8. The secre tary of the treasury today made public the names of the successful bidders for the new loan, together with the amounts subscribed by each, and the rate offered for $100, with interest from February 1. The last revision of the list, completed this evening, reduces the amount awarded J. P. Morgan and his associates by $32,100, making their allotments, $33,179,250. The amount awarded at eazh rate has not yet been ascertained. The successful bidders are, with few exceptions, those whose names were mentioned in the press of Wednesday night aa bidding above 110.6877, the price offered by the Morgan syndicate. Secretary Carlisle today sent to each of the 781 successful bidders a notice of acceptance of their respective bids. This notice recites the terms of the loan and announces that the depart ment is prepared to begin the delivery of the bonds at once, and that deliver ies will be continued as rapidly as the facilities of the department will per mit. FROM OBEGON MINES. Rich Strike In The Cracker Creek District. Baker City, Or., Feb. 8. Reliable Information has been received from Cracker Creek of a rich strike in the upper tunnel of the North Pole mine. The ledge is seven feet wide, ore from which Is of such a high grade that the company has decided to make : ship ments to a smelter rather than treat it at the mill. : This strike, in addition to other large ore bodies In sight, will more than ever necessitate carrying out Alexander Baring's plans for the erection of an 80-stamp plant at the mine. It is said this find is the same ledge as that of the Ten-Strike mine, adjoining. .' v ,; The White Swan Mining Company, composed of Iowa capitalists, has sent out two refit eseotativefi, who aiva-t-usy adjusting the company's affairs! Thef say all Indebtedness will be paid and the mine will soon 'take its place among' Baker county's bullion pro ducers. ,'' AN AMERICAN ORDRB. One of Its Special Objects the Enforce ment of the Monroe Doctrine. Washington, Feb., 9. A new national semi-military organization has been formed here by General Dillon, founder of the Union Veterans' Union, and the Medal of Honor Legion. ' The order Is called the Oriental Order of Zouaves. lis principal object are to cultivate among citizens of all classes and ages a strong spirit of American ism,' with a special view to a rigid en forcement of the Monroe doctrine. The uniform of the order is very at tractive in design, combining , the national colors. The order has an elab orate ritual, and Installations will be conducted in public. The relief of members in distress and of their wld ows and orphans is part of the plan of the organization. FROM GOMEZ CAMP. Encouraging News Brought by the Sur- ff eon-General. , Key West, Fla., Feb. 9. A three masted schooner, which passed here today, signaled the pilot-boat Nonpar eil and Informed the captain that he was from Cuba, and that he : had on board two stowaways. They announ ced themselves as Dr. Castillo and ser vant. Dr. Castillo stated tie was sur. geon-general of the Cuban army, and that be left the camp of General Go mez about 10 days ago for the United States on a secret mission of impor tance. He said Gomez was encamped in the southern part of Cuba with a large army and plenty of provisions and ammunition. He also said the ul timate success of the Cubans was as sured in a short time. ' Hammond's Release. . Washington, Febl 8. Secretary Olney has received the following cable gram from Mrs. Hammond, dated yes terday, at Pretoria, relative to the treatment of her husband, John Hayes Hammond: "Because of my husband'n.ill health, due to prison confinement, the govern ment allowed me to remove him to a private house where I can personally attend him. The preliminary exami nations are proceeding, and the treat ment' of the pri-oners is good." . A cablegram from United States Consul Manlon, dated last night, at Johannesburg, reads: "Hammond is out on bail. The government con tinues to show wisdom and magnanim ity." ' - Heavy Deposits of Gold. New York, Feb. 8. The news from Washington that the subtreasury would be kept open until 1 o'clock to facilitate deposits of gold on account of the payments for bonds, resulted in unusual activity for a Saturday at that Institution. Between 12 and 1 o'clock $10,000,000 i n gold was de posited. Tb e greater part of this was represented by assay office checks and certificates at the subtreasury for examination. A large proportion of the depositors today were representatives of foreign bank ing houses. Indications are that the deposits Monday will be very heavy. Mrs. Hattle Nlese'a Condition. Colville, Feb. 8. Mrs. Hattie Niese, the survivor of the late tragedy Highest of all in Leavening wall AB50IAJTEE.Y PURE in the county jail here, which ended tfe checkered career of Adolph Niese, ii still In a critical condition. Inflam mation in the wound on her neck has rendered her case a difficult one for the physicians, but they now believe the chances for her recovery are good. ane nas been under tne care of a nurse at a private residence since her at tempted suicide. As a pnevution against escape, a guard has Lee a de tailed by the sheriff. general gibbons' funeral. It Took Take Place Monday At Arlington Cernetvry. c Washington, Feb. 10. The secre tary of war has made te following announcement of the death of General John Gibbon at Baltimore, last week War Department, Washington, Feb. 8. 1806 The death at Baltimore on the afternoon of Thursday, the 6th of February, of Brevet Major-General John Gibbon, brigadier-general, is announced to the army. As cadet and commissioned officer he had served his country well for over half a century, In the late war, as commander of the Iron brigade of the Army of the Poto mac, whose fame and name came to It upon its battle-fields, he early gained distinction. Subsequently in due suc cession as corps commander, he served until Appomattox closed the conflict. He was wounded at Fredericksburg, at Gettysburg and after the civil war, in the Indian engagement at Big Hole, in Montana. He was five times breveted for gallant services in battle. He con tinued in active service until by opera tion of law, under the limitation of age, he passed to the retired list. His re mains will be interred in the national cemetery at Arlington on Monday, the 10th of February, with the military honors due to his rank as a general officer." THE AMOUNT REALIZED. s Statement Prepared Regarding the New Bond Issue. ; Washington, Feb. 10. A state ment prepared at the treasury depart ment, under the direction of Assis tant Secretary Curtis, shows that the government will realize from the' new loan $111, '(78,836 97. The appended table shows the amount of bonds to be paid for at each of the lOsubtreasuries, together with, the proceeds to be paid (Jp .t each, ...The (Statement ahowa ap,-., proximately the geographical distribu tion of the loan,' as each bidder will de posit his gold at the subtreasury near est him. The table is: " ' ' Principal. ' Boston 6.122.000 Proceeds, . 8,716.714 07 603.677 60 Baltimore 607,003 San Kranoisco. 8,897,000 , Z,698.f12 04 New Orleans., Washington. . Cincinnati.... St Louis Chicaen New York.... Philadelphia . 106.60(1 ft.'t.90O . 2S2.SO0 bSO.WO 87.321.850 1,887.600 696.216 85 60,664 07 601.141100 ' 1.860.751 59 87,197-677 19 lii7,107 23 Totals .(100,000,000 1111,878,830 97 The average rate, therefore, paid for $100 is 1,113,778. The Best Cough Cure. Is Siloh's Cure. A neglected cough I dangerous. Stop It at once with Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M. Z. Don nell. , . ' WILL ENORC3 THE LAWS. Prizefights Cannot Come off in New Mex ico or Texas. Washington, Feb. 10. If an at tempt is made by the promoters of the Fitzslmmons-Maher prizefight to pull it off in New Mexlca, the government will prevent it at all hazards." Attorney-General Harmon said: "If they fight on any territory of the United States we will follow them to the ends of the earth, If necessary, to bring them to justice." Governor Culberson has gone to the frontier to direct, in person, the move ments of the militia, if necessary, to prevent the battle taking place on Texas territory. Texas undoubtedly will assume jurisdiction of disputed territory for the time being. If it is definitely known where the fight is to come off, the authorities In that juris diction can arrest the principals be fore a breach of the peace takes place. . ) . The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an ideal panacea for coughs, ' colds and lung complaints, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or othor pre parations." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for fifty years or more, and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles Free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Congressman Craln Dead. Washington, Feb. 10. Will lam H. Craln, representative from the eleventh district of Texas, and a number of that body since the 49th congress, died at 4 o'clock this morning. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Most Perfect Made. ip Years the Standard. $8 CREAM BAKING mum Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report aw Stnbllng Green House. We wish to announce to the publlo that we have a complete stock of the following design: . . Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks, Knights ol Pythias, 3 kinds; Workmen, Wood men, Red Men, Firemen' Trumpet and Helmet, Eastern Star,' Lyres, 2 sizes; Stars, 3 sizes; Crosses, 5 sizes; Horse Shoes, 3 sizes; Wreaths, 7 sizes; Pillows, 4 sizes; Hearts,. 3 sizes: Bro ken Wheels, 2 sizes, Anchor, 3 sizes; Flying and Sitting Doves, Open Bible, Gates Ajar, Cross and Crown united, (no cross no crown); Flower Baskets, 3 sizes; a large Welcome, and Wedding Bells, 2 sizes. . '. ' A reduction made if wires are re turned. We are at all times prepared to fill these designs with beautiful flowers at reasonable prices. Orders promptly filled. Mrs. a. C. Sttjblinq & son. d-wl5feb v W K . . W . At 1 o'clock this morning John Bird died at the residence of his mother in this city aged 32 years. Mr. Bird had suffered from consumption for many years, and though he had been an in valid for a long time, had been able to Ha n.Hmif. lint.11 a fa Aatra mta. 1,1a - - --j - y - death. He was the youngest son of ex-Sheriff J. H. Bird, and a brother of the late Jndge Harry Bird. He leaves a mother, two sisters, Mrs. Hinton and Mrs. Faulkner, and one brother. The funeral took place from the family residence Thursday afternoon. It May Do as Much for Ton. Mr. i Fred Miller of Irving, tlL, writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he be gan the use of Electrio Bitters and found relief at once. '. Electrio Bitter is especially adaoted to the cure of all , kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price 50c and $1.00 at Blakeley & Hdugh ton's Drugstore. . A Visit From Chief, Joseph. Chief Joseph, the . veteran warlor, : who Is now at Colvllle, Wash., expects to visit Young Chief .at Pendleton as soon as the snow disappears, and "the Indians on" tho UmatJia reserva tion are arranging to accord , him a grand reception on the aboriginal plan. It Is nearly two years since Joseph ' was last here, says the Tribune, and as on the other occasion, his stay will be made a pleasant one. Teebit, the 1 16 year-old son of Young Chief, is at present visiting Joseph. , v , Georgia Minstrels, The Georgia university graduate In song and colored minstrelsy made a good Impression on a good audience at Mings opera house last night. It was ; the best aggregation of colored men that has been In the west in many a day. Helena Independent,January 25. They will appear at the Baldwin in this city Saturday night. i 1 Halloo, Halloo. ' ' This is the county . treasurer. He wants all county warrants registered prior to Apr. 1, 1892, presented at bis office cor. 3rd and Washington streets, ' for he is ready, to par them. - Interest on such warrants will cease after Jan. 15, 1896. - Wit MlCHELL, .. ' Co. Treasurer. Land Transfers. Deeds were filed today granting title to certain mining ground in section 29 and 30, 1 2 n, r 12 e. To the Scbys mining Co. The grantors were T. S. Patter, D. H. Barrie, Chas. F. Lord and R. A. Warren. ! SEEDS Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Corn, Grass and Garden Seeds e e e e Northern Grown' Seeds. Early Minnesota Com. Dakota Yel low Dent Corn. Choice Mealy ' Burb&nlc Potatoes. Onion Sets, Poultry and ergs bought and sold. Choice assortment of Orooeries, i sold cheap. Terms positively cash or produce, at J. H. CROSS, Feed and Grocery Store di sold cheap. Terms positively , cash or produce, at "1 J. H. CROSS, fl Feed and Grocery Store SEEDS R. E. Saltmarshe AT TH1 East End STOCK YDS, WILL PAY THE HigliestCashPrice for Hay and Gram. DEALER IN LIVE STCCK THE 0R0 FL0 WttiE ROIS AD. KELLER, Mgi complete Una Imported anj Domestic Liquors and Cigars. No. 90, Second door from the Corner "ol Court St. THP DALLPS, Oregea.