The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 08, 1896, Image 1

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    porllanl Library
f f
-i'ti rt(liH, Volume XXW
NO 23
'i-is.iiiprtisKR. x
T-R. O. n. HOLL.ISTER. Physician and Sur-
' " geon. Rooms over Dalies National B.vnk.
O ass hours lo A. M to 12. aaa f. m. to i
M Residence west end ol Taird street.
If so, be sure and e that your ticket
reads via
UFUR & MENEFEE. Attorneys at Law. J. XI Zi
Rooms 40 and 43. Chapman biouk.
A. F. & A. M.
Meets first and third Monday of each
month at 8 P. M.
I NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Kail .tiie third
, Wednesday oi each month ate ir.-M-f
-rT.TTVRiA T.nnrjR. NO. 5. I. O. O F.-
. t i Mwt flvftrv Fridav eveninrr at 7 :30 o'clock.
In IC of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets.- Sojourning brotners are welcome.
Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock,
1n Schanno's building,, corner of Court and i
Second streets. Sojourning brothers are iu-
V V UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
In the reading room.
Hood Camp, No. 60, meets every
Tuespov evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's
Hall. Ail sojourning brothers are invited to be
j Meets in Masonio Hall on the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor-
diall invited.
J. Meets in Keller's Hall every Thursday
evening at 7 :su o ciock.
J Meets every Saturday evening at 7U)u in
n- oi tr. mu.
j Meets every Friday evening at their
hall at 8 o'clock. '
A High Fluer
OF L. E Meets every Friday afternoon
in K. or P. Hau.
And all Points East and South
The magnificient track. pceile$s vesti
buled dining and sleeping car trarns,
and motto:
- "TASCO TRIBE. NO. 16. I. O. R. M. Meets
V every Wednesday evening In K, of P.
Hall. . . ,
every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
tiouse, .
T) OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167.-Meets in
If K. of P. Hall the first and tMrd Wednes
day of each month at 7 :3u P. M.
Have eiven this roari a oational reptitntion. Ai
classes of passengers carried on tHe vestiimlcd trains
without extra ciiarze. c-hip vutir ircicMits. ana travel
over this famous iifJc. All agents have tickets.
W. H.MICAI), r. C SAVAtiK.
'Gon. Apent. T av. F St. H. Pet
als Washinglun Street, r oruand, tjn-gun.
n r
IV i . Services every Sunday mornine and eve-
' lug. Sundav school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by botli pastor and
people to ail.
Cvrtis. Pastor, Services, every Sundav at
11 A. M. and 7:S0 P. M. Sunday school after
morning service. -
QT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
O Pastor. Low mass every Sunch-y a 7 A. M.
High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M.
C ' T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo.
; site Fiftu. Sunday sctool at 8:30 A.M.
Evening prayer on Friday ut 7 :30.
1 Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday
morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock.
Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening. Y: P. a. v. K. meets
every Sunday at 6:30 P. M.
Salmon Gill Netting oi(?r nlrl fnr inrontQ
The lapqest piece of
j Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miiler.
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on vveonesuay
evenlntr. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are
cordially weloomed. -
Real FsUe. Loars i;Dd .kapance
' Agent for the Scottish Union and National
Insurance company of Edinburgh, Scotland.
: CaDitali30.000.OiiO.
Valuable fatms near the city to sell on easy
' Omceover U. S. Land Office. The Dallos,
Oregon. ,
C: H,
Physician and Surgeon,
Boouii over D-illes National Bwik. Offlca honrs, 10
Dtium. ana rrom to p m. liesi
deoce Weit End of Third atnet, '
' Attorneys at Law ' j .
. . .
Booms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, Tho Dalles, Ore.
i Attorneys at Law.
AH legal and clleetl'n brolneas prompMy it
tended to. Claim4 airainst the government a pec-
lal y. Room 24. 25, 26 and 27, uamt'tou building,
, Attorney at Law
fries in Sclwnno'4 buinding, upstafrs. The Dalles
Attorney at Law . , '
Offce Rooms 44 and 46 Chapm-n' Block, up stairs.
Seventh and Washington Sts.
Taos. Gutnean,
il.OU $1.50 fci.UO
&.00 ti.SU an.o
The Dalles
Real Estate
The above association is prepared to
tike a list of all and any kind of real
estate for sale or exchange, whereby the
. seller will have the undivided assistance
of the following
Real Estate Agents
organized as an association for the pur
pose of inducing immigration to Wasco
and Sherman counties, and generally
stimulating the sale of pioperty.
C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hudson, J. G.
Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co.,
N. Whealdon, Cibons & Marden, G. W,
Rowland; or to J. M. Huntingtonj sec
retary ol the Association,
-Manufacturer of and dealer In
Harness and Saddlery,
.. Second St., near Woodv's Warelxiune,
All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction
Cotton and Manilla Kopo,.
Cotton Fisli HetiinK
Fish Hooks, Liues Etc.
517, 519 Market St.
Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast
Doctor Powel ieeves
:First NationalBant Ui-Ui
Succeaettra to
BEALL, bankers......
Transacts a Regular Banking Busine&
Buy and fell Excbawre.
cllectlons carefully wale and promptly accrantd
for. Draw od .nw Yurk, baa Fraociaco andPori-land
1 Directors x
D P .Thompson, EJ M Williams, J S Schenck,
(Jwrite Liehe. H 11 BeaU. '
, The succepBfal physi
cian the skillful surgeon
the eminent specialist
your best friend the
world's benefactor per
manently located con
sult him this day.
1 1 V k
fiHsure, fistula and recta)
juicers .without knife, lig
ature or caustic and with
out pain or detention
from btihiness. He also
trait ail private diseases,
loss of power, spermator
rhoea, syphilis, pimples.
who care to pay a little more than tlie cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and axe
Wellington, Eock Springs,
and Eoslyn Coal.
$12, saoked'and delivered tc any part
of the city.
iU Moody's Warehouse
These old reliable npecialists of many year's experience, treat with wonder
ial success all lung and throat affections. Cancer, Piles. Fistula and Rupture.
rw r 'A -ases of acute or chronic inflammation, far or near-sightedness, dim
tit to( vision, scrofulous eyes, closin;? of : the eye duct, squinting, cross
eyes wild hairs, syphilitic sore eyes, granulated lids, tumor, cancer of the lids, etc.
r 1 n Deafness from catarrh, sinking or roaring noises, thickened drum, inflam
tAK" mation of external ear, purulent discharges from the ear, etc. :
II r 1 Neuralgia sick, nervous or congestive headache, dull, full feeling, toss
ML All of memory, dizziness, softening of the brain, tumorgand eczema of scalp.
TnnnT Catarrhal and Syphilitic Soar Throat, acuta and chronic pharyp
I IraUA I gitis, enlarged tonsils and palate, hoarseness, loss of voice, tbu.
phlegm in throat, Which canoes hawking. ..
I fltlOO Consun.ptioninthe first and second stages, hemorrhages and chromo
LUMuO broncbius, dry and loose cough, pains in chest, difficulty in breath
ing hepatizations, asthiua. etc. '
UC A DT Valvular diseases, weak and fatty heart, dropsy, and rheumatism ol
lit A HI heart, languid circulation, etu.
...ii anil Catarrh and ulceration and acid dyspepsia, indigestion, pain and
OlUFiAuli fullness after eating, heartburn, waterbrash and difficulty m
Bwallowing. diseases of the liver, spleen, bowels, constipation,!
I VtR. Or LttN chronic diarrlHna,) kidney anrl bladder, all nervous and
flex disorders, rheumatism and all skin diseases, eczema, salt rheum, rmgworm,
nioint disease, old sores, fever sores, stiff joints, hare hp. sp.nalimtation, ner
.urprostration, rupture, piles, fistula, rectal ulcers, which produces pain in
aall of back, f , , . , ,
Arum I nnrtflllO All private diseases, spermatorrhea, nightly or dafly
SEXUAL UnliANO losses, which, y .ieglected, produce nervous irritation,
lnV.fniemory aud ambition, softening o- the brain, idiocy, insanity, etc., sypb.
nTstrirtTeT inability to bold the urine, impotency or loss of power, sterW
nrostatorrhea, ropy, sandy seliment in urine, or gravel, varicocele , i y a
new surgical Operation, hydrocele, all lossw or drains, atrophy or sh.Jrj ji, Jt the
rifmTiiftr Piles. Fistula. Varicocele, Hydrocele, and all sweUinfc nd ten
RUl lUnti dernesp ixaif" tflithout pain or detention from business.
nirft Who may be suffering from any of the distressing ailments peculiar
LAU i to to their sex, such as persistent headaches, painful menstruations, dis
ri?orr,nta etc do not give up in dispair, even if you have met with repeated
? S X Kin belief. Wo are happy to state that we have cured hundreds ol
oiherVyslcians have pronounced them hopeless. Charges moderate.
nrnirniFO i The remedies usea in tins oispensary are
REftl tUI tO. selves, audliavn descended to us as a priceless heritage from out
"""V . . ' ti.;r.r,rTr,nTiv generations of the brightest lights in the med
lUURiriouB uncC-r, - -v . inH t. l TOiona treasnrec
tool nrnfprT vtn inai lOO wurili lirio - - , " j.
we have added the results of many years otaDor ana researeu u
"u " oii;nr nntil now we feel confident ol curing all curaDie cases, ana t
atlynefitting all who have not yet received any relief whatever.
' Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Direct all mail DR. POWELL REEVES, 51
Latest Styles
Lowest Profits
: In Mens arid Boys :
Clothing. Dry Goods.
-Boots and Slices
134 Second Street.
Next door to the Dulles National Il:ink
Children Cry
for PltOHBE'S
Catorii Is no Trell adopted to children that
I rfcuimenl it ae supui iur to any preacriuuon
kjuown U me.11 H. A. Archkr, M. D.,
111 (South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. X
" I ne Castor'a in my practice, and And U
jpecially adapted to afTectiuus of children."
Axes. Robcrtsom, M. D.,
1057 ltd Ave., Ktsw Vorli.
Trom porxona) tu.wledge I can say th;i
;lastoria iaa ttxculient medicine for cuu
jreii." & UtU Q. C Osooon,
ItOwall, Mast.
Castoria promotes Digestion, am)
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrncea, and Jeverishnesa,
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
gleep natural. Caatoria coutaica no
llorpnine or other narcotic property.
TtTANTED: Several trustworthy i?entlimen
VV or ludies to travel in Oreirou for etab-
libed. reliable lou:. S:tlury i7W) and expen
ses, fateady position. Enclose referened and
self addressed stamped envelope. The ilomin
ionComoanv. Tlurd Floor. Omaha Bldir. . Chi.
ragxi, 111
Are You Made
Miserable by indigestion, constipa
tion dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow
skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive
cure. For sale by M. Z. Donnell.
SK' undertaking.
t? f;tari isHmfmt
Prinz & Nitschke,
We tmv added to our hairiness a complete Under
taking Estab'flhment, and aa ve are in no w-y
connected with tha UnJertaen' Trust, our
prices will be low accordingly.
Halloo, Halloo.
This is the county treasurer. He
wants all county warrants registered
prior to Apr. 1, 1892, presented at his
office cor. 3rd and Washington streets,
for he is ready to pay them. Interest
on such warrants will cease after Jan.
15. lb9G.
Co. Treasurer.
Murderer Met His
Fate Bravely.
Old one Published in London
Over a Hundred Years Ago Es
tablished the Bonndary.
disclosed fourty-six senators present,
one more than a quorum.
Vilas then addressed the senate in
opposition to the bill, which, be said,
deserved its fate of being strangled by
silver, and, in denunciation of tho
mineowners of the Rockies, who, he
declared, were responsible for the
agitation in favor of free coinage.
The senate has agreed to vote on the
silver bond bill at 1 o'clock tomorrow.
The senate agreed to take a recess at
4 o'clock until 7 this evtning, the even
ing session to be devoted to debate on
the bond bill.
A Millionaire Whose Money
Would Not Save Him.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest tj. S. Gov't Report1
11 W
The KeimulicBii Senator Frotu Delaware
Will le? Seated The Silver Bund
Bill Had the Klght-of-Way lu
the Senate Today.
v .These old reliable doi'toru will consult with you free of charge and teUyoB
your disease without askintf you a question. . They also furnish all medicine at
their fai8, and save you extra cost of buving medii-ines at the drug stores. AVe
can give you reierenees of many remarkable cures they have made on this Coast .
by leading bankers and business men. Call at the office and read them for proof.
Albaxy, Ore., Jan. 31. Lloyd Bry
son Montgomery, tho self-confessed
murderer of his father and mother and
D. McKercher, was hanged at 7 o'clock
this morning in the enclosure of the
jail yard. . The prisoner exhibited
wonderful pluck, and did not flinch
upon the scaJTold. About half an hour
before the execution Montgomery
said he would confess all. "I am
guilty," he said, "I killed them all.
I will write it out." He then wrote
out the following statement:
' I did it, I am guilty. Oh God, have
mercy on me. lake me as I am, a
poor sinner. I am sorry for what I
have done; God, do have mercy on my
soul for my sake do, and forgive all
my sins each and every one of them,
and forgive those who sin against me.
Oh God, help precious souls to see the
way of life; for my sake do help them,
and guide them through this life.
As he left for the scaffold he said:
'I want you people to know I am sorry
for what I have done. .1 am ready to
die. I deserve it."
After stepping upon the platform,
Montgomery said: "Friends, I -am
sorry for what I have done, and I hope
ou will all forgive me, and I hope the
Lord will bo with you, and I ask God
to have mercy on me as a poor sinner,
and I ask you to pray for me."
Earnest prayers was then delivered
by Rev. J. E. Snyder. After being se
curely pinioned, the doomed boy said:
"Oh, Christ! forgive rue, and I hope
you will all meet me in heaven, and I
ask God to take me as I am."
The sheriff then Adjusted the black
cap and rope, and stepped back, when
Montgomery Baid: "Oh, God! have
mercy upon me, a sinner. Take me as
I am. My friends farewell, farewell."
. Sheriff- McFeron then pressed the
trigger, and the body shot -downwards
full six feet, f There, was
'Oaiy-a-sttgnu xrauior. unq
bent forward and to one side, and the
neck was broken. At forteen-and-a-half
minutes the heart ceased to beat,
and atf sixteen-and-a-half minutes he
was pronounced dead. The body was
then cut down.' It will be placed in
the court house for a short time, and
will be turned over to doctors for an
autopsy before burial. His relatives
refused to take possession of the body
or bury it. -
School Mofig Aliening.
Seattle, Jan. 31. Harry F. Whit
ney, ex-secrotary of the board of edu
cation, was arrested this morning
chared with overdrawinghissalary,ille-
gally issuing warrants and other irre
gularities whereby the school district
in the city was defrauded otit of a sum
aggregating about fltXX) ' YV hitney s
one of tho best-known men in Seattle.
His present home is in Newcastle,
CaL, where he has an orange grove.
He left Seattle 16 months ago and
came back on his own accord when
notified that exports had found irre
gularities in his books. He has re-
fusel to make any explanation since
his arrival four days ago, and his ar
rest this morning is the result. It
has created a sensation.
The Silver Eill Passes the Senate. I
Mitchell Voting- For and Mc
Bride. Against it.
seems tho exodus has only begun, j that time must be taken to the su
Each steamer from Havana carries i perior court judge, and be only can
hundreds of families to the United ,' allow bills.
States and Mexico, and to South $1000 and
Eighteen Million of Sliver Dollar! to be
Colned-Three Hundred Men Thrown
Out of Work at Butte.
Sliver to be Coined.
Washington, Feb. 1. The monthly
report of the directors of the mint
shows tb.' total coinage during Janu
ary to have been $13,933,560, classified
as follows: Gold, 812.914,600: silver,
$35,000; minor coins, $53,960. Begin
ning today the mints of Philadelphia,
San Francisco and New Orleans will
begin the coinage of silver dollars at
the rate of $1,500,000 per month. The
Philadelphia mint will coin $900,000
per month, San Francisco, $500,000,
and New Orleans, $100,000. It is ex
pected the work will continue until
from $18,000,000 $20,000,000 shall have
been coined..
For Pnbtic Buildings.
Washington, Jan. 31. The sub
committee of the house committee on
public buildings and grounds have
agreed to report" favorably on public
buildings as follows: Altoona, Pa.,
$L"0,000; Indianapolis, $1,250,000; St.
Paul, Minn., to increase the limit to
$1,000,000; Omaha, Neb., to increase
the limit to $2,000,000; Hot Springs,
Ark.. $100,000; Oakland. Cal., to in
crease the limit to $350,000'; Salem, Or.,
$100,000; Spokane, Wash., $r00,000;
Topeka, Kan., additional to complete
the building, $50,000.
The Tariff Bill Next.
Washington, Feb. 2. The senate
has no well-defined plan ' for this
xua ueau was "j r"'
Published In London in 1719, It Sustains
, . Venezuela's Claim.
New York, Jan. 31. A dispatch
from Caracas says: -
Andre Fernandez, . president of the
state of Falcom, has telegraphed that
in the archives of Corom, the capital
of the staoe, and the oldest city in Ven
ezuela, has been found a map published
in London, in 1719, in which the limits
of British Guiana are given about as
Venezuela now asserts as right.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Bojas
sent an answer to President Fernandez
thanking him, and asking him to send
all documents he might find which
would aid the work of the special
commission engaged here in copying
and preparing maps, etc., for the
boundary commission appointed by
President Cleveland.
Reports from the West say the revo
lution . continues, General Bickard,
who had started for Caracas, returned
four of their leaders.
Caraval, who was recently released
from the rotunda, has been rearrested
in Puerto Cabello.
The city of Valencia, capital of Cara
bobo, has been left in darkness be
cause of a fight with an electric light
company. A contract was made by
the authorities with an American
name! Bird to light the city, but a
Frenchman named Lomax, who was
a control of the plant, refused to allow
the current to be turned on. Great
excitement has been caused.
though by no means certain, that the
finance committee will be able to re
port' the revenue tariff bill Tuesday,
the matters still depending upon Jones
of Nevada. If the bill- should be re
ported, there will probably be some
desultory speechmaking, based upon
it, but the consideration of the meas
ure will scarcely be seriously begun
this week, even though a report shall
be secured as promptly as is hoped by
the friends of the bill.
Men Thrown Out of Work.
Butte, Mont., Feb. 1. The
Government's Expense for Jan. Exceed
Receipts by S.OOO.OOO.
Washington, Jan. 31. The forth,
coming monthly statement of the gov
ernment receipts and expenditures
for January will show that aggregate
receipts will be approximately $29,237,
670: expenditures. $32,696,430 leaving
a deficit for the month of about$3,459,
160 and for the seven months of the
present fiscial year of about $13,813,875.
Receipts from the customs during
the present month will amount to
about $16,380,796: from internal rev
enue, $11,041,401; from miscellaneous
sources, about $1,815,472. This is a
decrease of about $1,000,000 inireceipts
from the customs as compared with
January, 1895, and an increase of about
$2,000,000 in receipts from the internal
As compared with last month, there
is an increase of over $4,000,000 in re
ceipts from customs, and decrease of
nearly $1,760,000 in receipts from in-;
ternal revenue. The pension pay
ments this month amount to about $9,
970,000, a decrease from last month of
about $1,386,000. .
The Silver Bond Bill.
Washington, Jan. 31. When the
senate convened today the silver bond
bill had the immediate right of way.'
Allen called attention to the absence
of a quorum. This necessitated roll
call, which brought the senators from
the committee and cloak rooms, and
Jay, Silver Bow and Gray Rock mines,
of the Butte & Boston group, closed
down today, over 300 men were thrown
out Of employment. Wild rumors
about a slump in the copper market,
and that the Boston & Montana would
also close were rife during the day.
From semi-official sources it is under
stood tonight that the management is
after some high-salaried heads that are
not needful. The pumps have not
been withdrawn from the mines, which
shows that the shutdown is only tem
porary. A tatal Accident.
1 '
Covallis, Feb. 1. C. M. Martin of
Creswell accidently shot himself
through the body yesterday evening,
dying instaDtly. He was staying with
S. C. Smith at Thurston in the moun
tains west of here, and in the after
noon went hunting. As. he did not re
turn at a reasonable hour Smith com
menced a search and found the lifeless
body lying near a fence, where he had
probably dragged the gun after him
through the fence.
Union, Mo.rFob. 3. The celebrated
case of Dr. Arthur Duestrow, the St.
Louis millionaire, who has been on
trial during the past month for the
cold-blooded murder of his wife and
baby boy, two years old, ended today,
the jury returning a verdict of guilty
in the first degree. . After arguments
which took up the greater part of Sat
urday and lasted until almost midnight,
the case was given to the jury, the
members of which went to rest with
out considering it. This morning the
jury took up the case, and, on the first
ballot, found the defendant guilty in
the first degree. The result was
reached without much trouble, each
member of the jury seemingly have
settled the case in his own mind in the
interval between midnight and this
morning. The verdict is received with
almost universal satisfaction. This is
the second trial that Duestow has had
on the charge of murder, the first re
sulting in a hung jury last year.
The terrible crime with which he
was charged was committed in Febru
ary, 1894. One day that month his
wife and child were at home awaiting
his coming to take a drive. When he
came into the house Duestrow, who
was drunk, began to abuse his wife
and finally shot her down in cold blood.
He then picked up his 3-year old boy,
a pretty child, and, holding it at arm's
length, killed it with a pistol shot.
His wife lingered for several days and
finally died.
Barbarities Practiced by Spanish Volun
1 teers In Cuba .
Key West, Fla., Feb. 3. Some time
ago, when the insurgents entered Sab
anilla, the Spanish official report stated
that they were driven out by the gar
rison, and that " unfortunately three
women were killed by stray bullets."
Thfe truth of what happened there baa
and it shows the
Spaniards are acting as barbarously in
Cuba as the Kurds in Armenia.
Sabanilla, which is an important
town in Matanzas province, was en
tered by 400 insurgents under Garcia.
The Spanish regulars retreated to the
barracks and made no resistance. v The
Spanish ' volunteers, however, re
treated to the church and fired on the
insurgents. The latter returned the
fire, killing five volunteers. The vol
unteers then ceased firing. '
The inhabitants received the insur
gents cheerfully, and many poor people
who had been eating nothing butcane,
were fed by Garcia, who made the
merchants open their stores and told
the people to take food. Thirty stores
were lootea oi provisions, ana one
storekeeper was shot for resisting.
The insurgents then retiree".
As soon as they were gone the Span
ish volunteers came out of the barracks
and opened fire on the people in the
streets. Forty-six were killed, of
whom 30 were women and children.
Their only offense was in cheering the
insurgents and taking food to save
themselves from starvation. After
shooting these people, the volunteers
took 10 Cubans who bad surrendered
on promise of amnesty, and shot them
in cold blood.
Two Thousand men, women and
children have reached Matanzas from
Sabanilla. They fled fearing further
massacres by the Spanish volunteers.
These are facts ' vouched for by
Mayor Juan Galvez, of Sabanilla, who
is-in Havana to ask General Marin to
punish the volunteers. .
American and West Indian, ports.
Steamship agents talk of putting on
extra steamers.
Business is practically 'at a stand
still. Some sugar plantations in the
extreme eastern provincos are grind
ing. All that are grinding are doing
so under strong military guird, and
are compelled to feed the troops, and
the profits are small. One or two
plantations, it is said, obtained per
mission from Gomez to start their machinery.
At Constanzia 300 regulars and 500
civil guards are encamped on and
about the plantation to protect
The penalty is a fine of
a year's Imprisonment
Stevenson gave bonds.
men at work. Small
have been built at
stone fortresses
equal distances
around tne plantations, all being con
nected by telephone.
Pilot Rock Experiences Some More Mid
night Visits to Her Postoffle.
- Again the Pilot Rock postofflce has
been broken into, although, this time,
nothing of value was taken, and all
that the robbers accomplished was to
place themselves on the list of eligible
for the United States penitentiary at
Detroit, Mich. But there appears to
be small danger of the robbers being
caught, as no clues are known of and -the
frozen ground left no tracks to be
the followed In trailing them. It was some
Captain Sweeney, C. 8. P.
San Diego, Cat., says: Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy is the first medicine I
have ever found that would do me anv
good." Price 50c. For sale by M. Z. Pilot Rock postoffice has been entered,
time Sunday night, when It occurred,
Postmaster Thomas J. Tweedy being
unable to say exactly at what hour.
The window was entered and some
cigars and other goods . taken, but
there was no money in the postoffice,
and so the robber procured nothing
else. Several times before this, the
McBrlde Votes
Aglnst It.
The Vote in
and in no instance have the officers
succeded In hunting down the crim
inals. East Oregonian. .', .'V
StubUnt; Gneen House. ,
Washington, Feb. 1. The finance We wish to ahnounce"to tho ublio
committee's free-silver substitutte for thatwe have a complete stock of the
the bond bill was passed by the following designs:-
senate Yeas, 42; 35. The detailed I Masons, Odd Fellows, fTlks, Knights
vote: of Pythias, 3 kinds; Workmen. Wood-
Yeas Allen, Bacon, Bate, Berry, men, Red Men, Firemen's, Trumpet
Blanchard, Brown, Butler, Call, Cam- and Helmet, Eastern Star, Lyres, 2
eron, Canson, Carter, 'Chilton, Clark, sizes; Stars, 3 sizes; Crosses, 5 sizes;
Cockrell, Daniel, George, Harris, Irby, Horse Shoes, 3 sizes; Wreaths, 7 sizes;
Jones (Ark.), Jones (Nov.), Kyle, Man- Pillows, 4 sizes; Hearts, 3 sizes; Bro-
tie, Mitchell (Or.), Pasco, Peffer, Per- ken Wheels? 2 sizes, Anchor, 3 sizes;
kins, Pettigrew, Pritchard, Pugb, Flying and Sitting Doves, Open Bible,
Roach, Shoup, Squires, Steward, Tel- Gates Ajar, Cross and Crown united,
ler, Tillman, Turple, Vest, Voorhees, (no cross no crown); Flower Baskets, 3
Walthall, Warren, White, Wilson 42. sizes; a large Welcome, and Wedding
Nays Allison, Baker, Burrows, Caf- Bells, 2 Bizes. ; r :
frey, Chandler, Davis, Elkins, Faulk
ner, Frye, Gallinger, Gear, Gibson,
Gormon. Gray, Hale, Haw ley. Hill,
Hoar, Lodge, Lindsay, Mc Bride,
McMillan, Martin, Mitchell (Wis.),
Mills, Morrow, Murphy, Nelson, Pal
mer, Piatt, Proctor, Sherman, Thurs- d-wl5feb-.
ton, Vilas, Wetmore 35.
1 - -.
A reduction made if wires are re
turned. We are at all times prepared
to fill these designs with beautiful
flowers at reasonable prices. Orders
promptly filled, i " ;, " ",
Mrs. A". C. Stubling & Son.
Kerres on dg.
I was- nervous, tired, irritable and
cross. ; Karl's Clover Root Tea has
made me well and happy.
- Mrs. E. B. Worden.
j; or sale by M. Z. Donnell. t
That 100,000 Distributed.
CORVALLIS, Or., Feb. 1. The report
of Referee Woodcock, for the distri
bution of the $100,000 created by the
sale of the Oregon Pacific was filed to
day. E. W. Hadley, receiver," was al
lowed $3000. The expense reference
of $1,360, together with the claims of
M. O. Walkins, Levi and Forguson,
all aggregating $4,892, . was glvon
priority. The next in priority was the
tax claims of Benton, Lincoln, Linn
James " L. ic Francis, .
Chicaifsays:'- "1 regard
The Ideal Pauaceat.
.A!.:. r in t
Dr. KintrV
New Discovery as an ideal panacea for
coughs, colds and lung complaints,
having used It In my family for tb
last five years, to the exclusion of
physician's prescriptions or other pre
parations." ;-?.".;..., ., .
Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, low n,
writes: "I have been a minister of tho
Methodist Episcopal church for fifty
years or more, and have 'never found
anything so beneficial, or that gave
me such speedy relief aa Dr. King's
New Discovery." Try this Ideal
Cough Remedy now. Trial bottle
Free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug
store. ,
Mas-ill-Llewellyn WediUna;. ' ,
A quiet though pleasant .wedding .
and Marion counties, aggregating $55,- was ce'obrated at the residence of Mr.
746, which was allowed in full. The ttuu m,H- "' ou?rf ln m8 c"y ues-
tiay, tne contracting being
Mr. Win. F. Maelll. of Wamio. and
balance fund of $33,679 was distributed
equally, the claims aggregating $339,
000 made up as follows: Labor, $138,
000; material, $68,000; certificates is
sued by Hadley to pay labor accounts,
$38,000, certificates of insurance, $16,-
000, and miscellaneous; attorneys fees.
Turner, McClure and Ralston, $38,000;
George IC Pendleton, $4000; expert
fees; E. M. C. Rand, $12,000, were dis
A Baby's Life Saved.
"My baby had croup and was saved
by Shiloh's Cure," writes Mrs. J. B.
Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale
by M. Z. DonnelL
Mrs. Minnie Llewellyn, of Portland,
Rev. W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Cone.
gregational church, officiating.
A few intimate friends of the parties
were present, amoung whom was Poet-
master Crossen, who added mirth to
the occasion by protesting his demo
cratic weakness (inability to write)
whon invited to sign the certificate of ,
marriage, and the records of the clerk's
office now contain a certificate with
our worthy' postmaster's mark ', at
tached. -
It May Do as Much for You.
Mr. Fred Miller of Irving, I1L,
writes that he had ji severe kidney .
trouble for many years, with severe
pains in his back and also that his
bladder was affected. He tried many
so called kidney cures but without any
good result. . About a year ago he be-
Swept into the Ocean.
Newport, Or., Feb. I. This after
noon Thomas Briggs was drowned
while crossing Big creek at the ocean
beach near Cape Foulweather. He
was on horseback and a large breaker
swept man and horse with a lot of drift
logs out to sea. The last seen of
Briggs he was clinging to a log some
distance off shore. The horse succeed
ed in reaching shore without saddle or
' Terrell Has Demanded Indemnity,
Constantinople, Feb. 2. The i
United States minister, Mr. Terrell.
has demanded an indemnity of $100,
000 for the burning and pillage of the
American missions at Marash and
Kharput. He also asked for the imme
diate granting of firmans for rebuild
ing them. .
Fills Do Not Core.
Pills do not cure constipation. They
only aggravate. KarKs Clover Root
Tea gives perfect regularity of the
bowels. For sale by M, Z. Donnell.
LU .
Wll) Seat Dupont,
Washingtom, Jan. 31. The senate
committee on privileges and elections
today decided to repoit in favor of. seat-,
ing Dupont (rep.), as senator from Deli
eware. I Ue comraitee divided on
strict party lines, being five to four
A Great Germans Prescription,
'Diseased blood, constipation and
Kianey, iiver ana Dowei troubles are
cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For
sale by M. A. Donnell.
' Consumption Can be ftared,
.. By. the use pf Shiloh's Cure. This
great Cough Cure is the only known
remedy for that terrible disease. For
sale by M. Z. Donnell.
Presidential Nominations,
Washington, Jan. 31 The presi
dent today sent the following nom
inations to the senate: William H.
cannon, United States marshal, west
ern district of Wisconsin: William!
Galloway, receiver of public moneys,
yregon. city. yr.
General Marin no Match for
g-ents Leader.
New . York, Feb. 3. A dispa'.ch
from Havana says:
. Maximo Gomez, accompanied by 400
mounted men, succeeded on Thursday
in recrossing the troacha,-or military
line, established by the' Spaniards be
tween Havana and Batabona.' He
crossed a few miles south of .Bejucan,
near Buena Nentura, which is about
10 miles north of Vuivican, At the
same time he destroyed a culvert, cut
the telegraph wires and, crippled the
the railroad between, Rincon and Qui
People wonder how Gomez evaded
the Spanish columns nd a how it was
possible for him to practically cut the
"wall of men" of which the Spanish
generals expect sfmutb. At the time
Gomez played this trick on the Span
ish guard along the troacha, General
Marin, who had left Havana the same
day at the head of the best-equipped
force put in the field during the pres
ent rebellion, was slumbering quietly,
surrounded by his troops, at San An
tonio do loa Banos, about 10 miles east
of Guanajay. While Gomez was com
ing east, and approaching the troacha,
General Marin and his corps were go
ing west on a train from . Rinoon,
toward Guanajay. Gomez's ruute ol
march was parallel with the railroad
used by Marin, and not moro than
from six to ten miles distant 'at anj
time, yet the Spaniards did not learrt
until the following morning (Friday)
thtjt tJomez was in the east again.
The first intimation received here was
by.tfi8 telegram from Vuivican.
.iTarge number of people have been
Kentucky Legislature
Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 3. Politici
ans are looking for lively times in
Frankfort during the week, as Senator
Ogilvie, democrat, who is ill, has ar-
aived and Beckham, democrat, who
was elected Saturday in Nelson county, 6an the use of Electric Bitters and
to succeed Wilson, deceased, will come found relief at once. Electric Bitter
tomorrow. This makes the assembly especially adapted to the cure of all
again a tie on joint ballot. It is kidney and liver troubles and often
thought the republicans will refuse to gives almost instant relief. One trial
act on the contests of Dunlao from wil1 prove our statement. Price 50o.
Lexington, and Warner, thus unseat- ni 91.00 at Blakeley & Houghton's
ing two democrats and elect Congress- Drue store,
the inaur- I man Hunter to the senatorshiD. The
ballot today resulted: Hunter 55; Black
burn 46; scattering 11; Necessary to a
choice 57.
The Best Cough Cure.
Is Siloh's Cure. A negleoted cough
is dangerous
Shiloh's Cure,
Stop it at once with
For sale by M. Z. Don-
EfTect of Fifty-Cent Wheat. '
Colfax, Wash., Feb. 3. Ploughing
has been in operation for. a week, but
has been stopped by a light snow.
At the Hans; lug-. .
The editor of the Albany Domocrat
was present at the hanging of Lloyd
Montgomery last -Friday, and relates .
bis feelings on that occasion as follows:
"We have always Imagined the sight
of an execution was a horrid affair; but
face to face with the reality one be
comes nerved for the occassion and
like the murderer displays sand. The
Democrat man could not see an inno
cent man hanged, but to see a man
eminently guilty meet justice is not
On the reservation, near Lewiston, I difficult matter, particularly when in
ane in the Snake river country,' frosts the line of one's business.'
at night protect the fruit and the warm
days permit ploughing. The acreage I For 8la'
of grain sown in Eastern Washington I -A- 50x100 foot lot and a six-room
this year will be fully up to that of cottage situated on Fourth street, for -
last, as 50-oent wheat has given a 1 31 oa reasonable terms. For parti
culars inquire at this office. This is a
bargain for investors. feb8.
great impetus to agriculture.
Declined to Issue Warrants.
SOUTH Bend, Wash., Feb. 3. A. P.
Leonard, the county auditor, has de
emed to reiuse io issue any more
general-fund warrants. The county
is now about $16,000 over the legal
limit. An election to validate the
same will probably bo called.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Free Coinage Substitute In the House.
Washington, Feb. 3. In the house
today the senate free coinage substi
tute for the house bond' bill was refer
red to the ways and means committee.
' ' '
A County Commissioner Arrested.
Davenport, Wash., Feb. 3. County
Commissioner Stevenson has been ar
rested, charged with illegally drawing
noneyfor salary. The law provides
thrt salary may be drawn for service
r -Eatevi'pg Cuba the past fortnight, and it ' for days only. All work done over
. Most Perfect Made.
IP Year tht Standard,