The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 01, 1896, Image 1

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    iiaiirtIVRK. Vniome XXXT
NO 22
DR. O. C. HOLLI3TER. Physician andSur
ireon. Rooms over Dilles National Bank.
Office hours W A. M. to 12, ana z tr. ai. to
M. Residence west end ol Taird street.
UFUR & MEXEFEE. Attorneys at Law,
Rooms 40 and 43. unapman uiovk.
"lirASCO LOEGE, NO. 15, A. F. A. M.
V Meets first and third Monday of each
month at 8 P. M.
NO 6 Meets in Masonic Hall tao tim;d
Wednesday of each montn at p, M.
j Meets every Friday evenin? at 7:30 o'clock.
In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets, sojourning orotuers are neicumc.
1 -w-iDTcxmanTO r nnnc. VlY Q Z. nf P
J lueeu every ITluuuajr "
in Schanno's building, corner of Court and
second streets, sojounuug ui uu.iti a in
UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
In the reading room. .
ut TTnnri fnmn. No. E0. meets every
Tuespoy evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's
' Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be
' nT.mvrRTA CHAPTER. NO. 33, E. S.
j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and
lourtn 1 uesoay oi eauu uuuui,
diall invited.
nicwor T nnfi;1 VO S. A. O. T7. W.
1 Meets in Keller's Hall every Thursday
evening at 7 :30 o'olock. ,
Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in
K. OI Jr. Hall.
j Meets every jjnoay cvciuub ujcu
nail at o o ciock. ,
OF L. E Meets every Friday afternoon
in xl. oi f naii. . .
ASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. O. R. M. Meets
every weanesoay evening in ix, ui r.
jr every Sudday evening at Baldwin Opera
' T OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in
I i j. of r. nail toe nrss auu uuru yy cuiaoo
day of each month at 7 :30 P. M.
- -o rtimjH nav . T TT Wood. Pastor.
jl . S ervices every Sunday morning and e ve
l lag. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
people so uii.
11A.M. and 7:80 P. M. Sunday school after
morning service.
CJT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
' High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. t&f
T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo.
site Fifth. Sunday scaool at 9:S0A. M.
Evening prayer on Friday at 7:33.
Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday
morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock.
Sunday school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets
every Sunday at 6:3 P. M.
Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller.
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
7-30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evenine. Sunday school at 8 u5 A. M. All are
cordially welcomed. -
R ai Est.fe. . Lous ;ni I;
' Agent for the Scottish Union and National
Insurance company of Edinburgh, - Scotland.
Capital moon.ixw. ' , - ' U.
vaiuaoic iauns near wo ciljt w bwi vu
terms. . ' ' '
v Physician and Surgeon,
Booms over Dalles Ntioni Bank. Office hours, 10
ni t 12 m. and from i to 4 pm. Resi
dence Wet End of Third street, - ;
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
Attorneys at Law. .
Ml legal end eol!e(i'.n boriness promptly at
tended to. Claims airai.;st the government n iec
ial.y. Roome it. 25, 26 and 27, Haml'ton bnildine,
Portland, Oregon. , .
Attorney at Law .
mce in Schanno'a buinding, upstairs. The Dalles
Oregon. -i
' ' '
' ' Attorney at Law .
O.T!ce Seams 44 and 46 Chapman,' Block, np Ftair.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
navigation Co.
Freigut anff Pss6rqbt Lias
Through Daily trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at' 8 a. m., connecting at the
Cascades Locks -with Steamer Dalles
City. Steamer Dalles . City leaves
Portland (Oak street dock) at 7 a. m.,
connecting with Steamer .Regulator
tor The Dalles.
One way .92 00
Round trjip 3 00
Freight' Rates Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. in. Live stock shipments solic
ited. Call on or address,
General Agent
Seventh and Washington Sts.
. L00 1.5U SUM
. tt.00 fei.SU
If so, be sure and see that your ticket
' . - reads via
Between - - ST. PAUL., .
And all Points East and South
The maenificient track, peerless -vesti-. . .
buleci dicing and steeping car trarns, .
and motto:
i , .1. : A t . AI
cl:sses of passengers carried on the yetibnled trains
without evtra charge, bhip your H-eigln. a:i3"travel
over this famous lide. ' All ag--nts have tickets.
w . n iuc-!, r o.A v .nv r..
Can. Agent. - T r. F IP. Jgt.
248 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon.
HENEY C. ROUSE, Receivers.
DTJLTJTB. ' ' i- ' '.,
FARGO .; '. '
i .r. i
, HELENA and
' B . TTE. ' ""'
through Tickets
TO ' . .. V
BOSTON and all
For information, time cards, maps and tickets,
call on or write, - W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent
Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas
senger Apent. No. &?." Morrison Street, Cor-
. r,i. : , o, . rt .1 : f n
Ul mini obrevir, ruitiiiu, vicuu.
Prinz & Nitsctilce,
WV huve added to out ,usineas a coinp tta Under
taking Eitab sh'nent, and as we are In no way
connected with the Undertaers" Trust, our
prices will be low accorduwly.
First national Bank
Successor to
Transacts a F.egular Banking Ba-ine:s
' Buy and ell Kxchance.
rllectimis cnrerully and prmptl - accrrri-d
lor. Draw on ,-ew Yo:, ran Fiaocia o arid.P .r .
D P,Thooipor, Ed M William. J P Schenck,
'- fieonreljere. B M I eVI.
who care to pay a little more than lie cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Cold Leaf
gro vn in Virginia, and are
T ANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel in Oregon for estab
lished, reliable house. Salary $7B0 and expen
ses. Steady position. Kuclose reference and
self addressed stamped enveloiie. The Domin
ion Company, Third Fioor, Omaha BU1., Chi
cago, 111
r - yJ-J; ;
' N -
AA ' j
Agood thing-push
The lapqest piece of
ever sold
Doctor Powell i
, .These old reli.i
reliable doctors wiil consult with voo free of charge and lellyoo
vour di-easc without askinvc you a question. They alwo furnish all meaicineat
iuir ..m..a or,, i irmi cvt, a pi tat. . .f
ran eiv voii re:erene.;s of in mv veinarkablc rns tliy have nwde on this Coast
tn gIV" von reicriMiri'a ui in ui niu.u
leading bankers and business men.
The, Eneec-sgful phvsi
cian thenkilliulsuigoon
the eminent specialist
your beet friend the
worid'3 bea"fartor per-
manently lin-ated con
suit him this day.
AS -A . jNk HT Vk
These old reliable specialists of many year's exp"rience, treat with wondep
irJ success all lung and throat affections, Cancer, Piles. Fistula and Bnpt'jre.
,, r . : o aute or Chronic inflammation, far or near-sightedness, dim-
EY E i.s'of vis on; s vroMon eyes, Hosing of the eye duct, sqa.nting cross
ctL w rbaik syUi'itic sore eyes, granulated l.d, tumor, cancer of the lids etc.
.eyewuiwM , jt w,n i.ra'iwi ffiinkened dram, lotlaair
Cifa.' Deafness from c-atam..
Saiion of externul ear, purulent
ISriri Neuralgia. sk-K, .wrvou, ur
linnlT r-frrlnl and Syphiii ic soar luruai, ...
THROAT feis, enlarfted tonsils and palate, hoarseness, loss of voice, thk
phlegm in throa. 'l' ptages, hemorrhages, and chronio
LUHGS gffK K ESTcSa, painl in chest, difficulty in breath-
Sr JoaTSk and fatty heart, dropsy, and rheumatism d;
HtAhl heart, languid circulation, etc. . ... . . .
1 n , , Cafanh and ulceration and acid dyspepsia, .JJ""
STOMACH futoess after eatiug, heartburn, waterbrash and difficnlty in
wallowing. All" diseases of the liver, spleen, bowels, Cconstdpation.
1VER SPLEEN SJonidtorhka.) kidney an-i bladder, ail nervous uanfi
1 1 LI1, Ui d klI1 .liseases, eczema, saltrneum, nngworm,
aallof back.r - . digease Bpermatorrhea, nightly or dafly
QFYIIM ORGANS kel wWcli.l- neglected, produce nervous irritation,
OtAUHL "5bnftenh,g a. the brain idiocy, insanity, etc., sypb.
o,s of men ory ffjy o ho' . I he i.rine. imootency or loss.of power. BterW
,Us stnrtu.e, urinP, or gravel, varicocele C a
SSS opSon Urocele, all losses or drains, atrophy or sh, th.
organs. , Varicocele, Hvdroceie, and all swelling nd ten-
R PTURE dernt-flP V Wt pain or detention from business.
. An travr ie sufferins from any of the distressing ailments peculiar
fin ES S s-i - .Ts rsisient headaches, painful menst
, L,. etc : do v"up inlisPair,even if you have met with repeated
placements, etc., ao i.ot giv . , cured hundreds j
r wrni rO The remedi. s used in ttm dispensary are known omy tc ou
RFtVsEDIFS: selves and have, des. end.-d to us as a priceless heritage from out I-Li I LU. i Pe Ives a a eration8 of the brightest lights m the med
illustrious .Irfas Jvlr kn..wn; and to these precious tourer
Hai pr'tn we have add'd t he results of many years of labor and research ii
of kn"1 now wa feel confident of curing all curable cases, and C
Wchoren cjUing. Mbl ow w reliej whateVer. . -
greatly i51ft,e
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. Si,
Third St., Portland, Oregon,
' Children Cry
for ritCBIS'i
Castorii ii so well nrlnpted to children that
I n-TMiiiiiu n i it ua bupe. i- r to any prescription
tuown t.i lue."' II. A. AncHKR, M. D.,
1U faouth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N V
I ie Onsior'a li my prrwfiee, and frad I?
ipeciaiiy adutea to iiffet:t.kii8 of children."
1115' id Ave., Hew Yor'i
"From rnnii kn .wledfre 1 can say
Lovell. Mass
Castorfa promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Kiuouieiicy, Constipation, Sour
Stomach. Diai-.noea, and i'everishiie
Thus the child is rendered healchy and it
sieep natr.ra.1. Castoria conUir-J no
jHorpuiiie or other Kiu-cotic property.
A Jomp for Walla Walla TVheat.
Wall A Walla, Wash., Jan. 25.
Wheat took another jump today, sev
eral lots Deinsr purchased at prices
ranging from 57 cents to 59 cents for j
it alonc5
for locents
eeves 51
Inn iiiet mfi I ii'ines at the drug stores. We
C - iH at the office and rend them lor proof.
- m x .... ;, ,
fissure, fistula and rectal
ulcer w ithont knife,
ature or caustic and with
out pain or detention
from business. He also
H i ail private diseases,
loss of power, spermatop
rhcea, syphilis, pimplea,
9 II
discharges from the ear etc
h;nr . '
- ..,,.,,. .
-UTn i onma f sraln.
all mail Db. POWELL BEEVES,
Salmon Gill Mtirg
Cotton and Manilla Rope,
Cotton Fisli Netting
Fish Hooks, Lines Etc.
' 517, 519 Market St
Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's, Fair Highest Award.
A Eill Which Congress
be Asked to Pass.
The Kentucky Legislature
able to Elect a United
is Un-
Thirty Railroads Enter Into a Combine
Only f ight Senators Oppose the
Monroe Doctrine Murderer
Brown Is Still In Large.
New? Yokk, hi. 24. Attorney
Morrison, who represented the first
mortgage bondholders of the Union
Paciflo railroad, whose holdings
amount to over $5,000,000, has pre
pared a bill that he will ask Congress
man Powers, chairman of the commit
tee on Pacific railroads, to bring be
fore congress. The plan includes the
appointment of three government
commissioners, who shall secure the
co-operation of all other creditors they
can enlist in bringing about a fore
closure through the company's failure
to pay the interest on the last three
cupons due, and to buy the road at a
sale. Organization would be made by
issuing new first mortgage bonds for
the full amount of the debt at a rate
which the commissioners might de
cide was justified by the net earnings
of the road.
More Than Thirty Knllroad Systems In
cluded In It.
Chicago, J an. 24. After a two days'
session behind closed doors, the offi
cers of more than thirty 'railroad sys
tems formed a gigantic association in
this city last evening. The organiza
tion will be known as the Central pas
sanger committee, and will include all
the present roads in the territory
bounded by Toronto, Buffalo and Pits-
burg on the east, Chicago, Peoria and
St. Louis on the west, the Grand
Trunk of Canada and . Lakes Huron
and Michigan on the north and the
Ohio river on the south. The associa
tion will have absolute jurisdiction
and control over all passenger affairs
in this big territory, and will be en
tirely independent of and in no way
subsidiary to the president' joint traffic
pool, the operation of which the inter
state commerce commission is now
attempting to enjoin at New York., .
The headquarters of the new organi
zation will be in Chicago, from which
jroi5VftlH?jr-Uju, that j
territory will be directed. The com
bine is not a pool In any sense of the
word, but has been formed for the pur
pose of agreeing upon and maintaing
uniform rates of fare. , Under the
agreement signed, each road
subject to fines for violations of . rules,
cuting rates or any other infraction of
Its provisions. Questions will be re
ferred to arbitration. Thedifferential
fare principle is recognized by the new
agreemeut, which means . that there
will continue to be two classes of roads
in this territory,' the standard and dif
ferential lines.
General Manderson's Advice to the Com
mittee on National Defenses.
Omaha, Jan. 24. Congressman
Hainer, of this state, who has been
recently a member of the committee
on national defenses, has written Gen
eral Manderson asking information
and advice on coast defense and other
military matters. The latter, while in
congress, was a member of the senate
committee on military affairs, and has
given much study to the matter. After
directing the committee to the origi
nal and secondary sources of informa
tion on the subject, and dwelling at
some length on the need of stronger
coast defenses, especially along the
Pacific coast, General Manderson, in
his reply, writes as follows:
"While you are at work on this line,
the interior of the country should not
be neglected. In the 'event of war,
with our small army and comparative
ly insignificant guard, it would take
some months of preparation in the
way of drill and discipline to put a
sufficient force on our borders to re
sist invasion. We must not only, when
war comes, have a column to resist at
tack, but we must have troops at all
salient points on the border, and
scatter wherever the government has
miHtay properyt or great interests.
Places removed from danger of attack,
because well away from the border,
like Atlanta, Chattanooga, Louisville,
Cincinnati, St. Louis, Denver and
Omaha, should be made points where
large garrisons can bei maintained." ,
Brown Hot Tet Captured.
ROSEBURG, Or., Jan. 24. The latest
report from Dora,. Coos county, con
cerning the pursuit of murderer, Sam G.
Brown, was brought by the mail car
rier between Myrtle Point and Dora,
who saw the man supposed to be
Brown three miles west of Dora at 3
P. M. Seeing the carrier, the man ran
across a field and disappeared in the
brush, The sheriff of Coos county and
a posse are in pursuit, : .
Albert Pool, who wa3 recently ac
quitted by the federal court of com?
plicity in the Cow creek train robbery,
in July last, was arrested this after
noon and lodged in jail here on the
charge of assisting Brown to escape.
Pool waived examination, and his
bond was fixed at $500.
Anti-Saloon League.
Columbus O., Jan. 24. The state
congress of the anti-saloon league
closed with a mass meeting in the
capitol. Never before , was such an
entnusiastic assemblage of temperance
people seen in the old statehouse. Ad
dresses were made by a number of
prominent persons, among whom were
Archibishop Elder, of Cincinnati, and
Bishop Watterson, of this city. . Both
urged' the. legislators to recommend
the passage of the local option bill.
The congress adopted resolutions
pledging every member to support,
without regard to party, the members
of the general assembly who vote for
the local option bill.
The Kentucky Deadlock. .
Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 24. Senator
Bladkburn's election seems almost im
possible, as the sound-money demo
crats have declared they will not sup
port Blackburn on account of his free
silver views. The ballot today re
sulted as follows:
Hunter 67, Blackburn 58, McCreary4,
Carlisle 1, M. W. Read 1, Buckner 2,
Wilson 1. Hazelrigg 1, Edrington pop
ulist voted for Blackburn and seems
Severe Storm In the East.
Xeiv York, Jan. 24. A serve storm
of wind, rain and sleet is prevailing in
the Eat,t today. Telegraphic - com
munication between this city and
points in New England is entirely
suspended.- Along the coast the wind
has a velocity of from 40 to 60 miles an
Xo Alliance Exists.
New York, Jan. 24. A special
the Herald from Berlin says:
A Turkish functionary asserts that
no alliance exists between Russia and
Turkey, but there is an understanding
between them of so intimate a charac
ter thaf. it practically amounts to the
same thing.
, Only Eight Opposed.
Washington, Jan. 24. Senator
Lodge, in a canvass of the senate on
the Monroe doctrine, has been able to
find only eight votes against the Davis
A Natural Beautlfier.,
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the
blood and gives a clear and beautiful
complexion. For sale by M. Z.'Doa
The Plans of Peter the Great are About
to be Realized
London, Jan. 28. The Daily News
this morning prints a dispatch from
Vienna asserting that news has been
received there from Constantinople
and Sebastopol which agress that
Russia has a fleet lying at Sebastopol
and. at Odessa, and that the Caucasian
armies of Russia are being concen
trated upon the Armenian frontiers
in readiness to move next spring to re
alize the plans of Peter the Great,
for the partition of Turkey between
the powers, Russia taking Armenia
and Constantinople, France taking
Syria and Palestine and England tak-
I ing Egypt and the eastern shores of
the Persian gulf, the remainder of the
TurKisa empire to be divided among
the other poiversl The . Daily News
also has a dispatch from Sebastopol,
which records the secret preparations
going forward there, of shipping men
and armaments for a volnnteer fleet.
affirms, that these prepasations fore
shadow some action in the spring.
' For Iyspepsla j
And liver complaint you have a
printed guarantee on every bottle of
Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to'
cure. For sale by M. Z. DonnelL'
Supreme Court of Oregon Renders an 1m
portant Decision.
aALEM, Or., Jan. 27. Tlie supreme
court today transmitted a decision in
the Eastern Oregon' asylum case, re
versing he lower court and dismissing
the complaint. The points decided
are as follows:
First, the case is not brought in the
name of the proper individuals. It
ought to be brought in the name of the
attorney general or district attorney
of the proper district. :
Second, equity deals only with prop
erty and the property rights of individ-
uals and the complaint herein does not
show that such rights have been in
vaded. " ' -' '
Third, equity in any event would not
enjoin the executive dnties of the state
board; it will only restrain where the
duties to be performed are ministerial
in their character. ' ,.
The opinion is voluminous, covering
thi-ty-two pages of type written matter
and was written by Justice Wolverton
and concurred in by. the' full bench.'
There is no feeling on the subject in
Salem. All are thoroughly' satisfied.
. It Saves Lives livery Day.
Thousands of cases of consumptio n
asthma, coughs, colds and croup are
cured every dav bv Shiloh's Cure. For
sale by M. Z. Don nell.
Aid For the Cubans. '
Washington, Jan. . 27. The Span
ish minister has informed the state de
partment that last Friday night the
etoamer B. W; Hawkins left ,New
York with an expedition of 150 men,
arms and ammunition, in command of
of Calixto Garcia, that the ammuni
tion confiscated at Ceder Keyes, Fla.,
is ready to be. embarked on a, schooner
to join the Garcia expedition at sea,
and that ,the. -steamer Commodore, at
Wilmington N. C, in port, is in the
conspiracy.- - .
, The secretary, of the - treasury tele-;
graphed this statement to all collectors
along the South Atlantic xsoast. wjyth I,
instructions , to-, consult- the. united,
States . attorneys and - take whatever
action may be necessary .to prevent
any violation of international- law, ,
Karl's Clover Root Tea 1 ' ,t
Is a sure cure for headache and ner
vous (HseasesV Nothing relieves so
quickly, ' Fosale by M, Z: Don nell. v'
. International Bank. .
Washington, Jain. -27.4 The house
committee on banking - and currency
today-listened to Controller. Eckles'
views on an international bank planto
organize a . bank' fo.r deilings .' with
South and Central America.. The con
troller held banking facilities were as
necessary as means of transportation
for promoting commerce witb othen
American nations, but criticised the de
tails of the measure. Chairman Walker
appointed Brossius, Van - yoorhis,
Spalding, Cobb and Cox a subcommit
tee to confer with the controller And
attorney-general and. perfect a bilLV
A Fact Worth Knowing.
Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia
and all throat and lung diseases are
cured by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by
M. Z. DonnolL
wnvi R!
Sudden Death of the U.
Ambassador to Germany.
A Careless Hunter Mistakes His
Father for a Deer and the
Victim is Killed.
Wheat is Wheat Prices Advance Both
East and West The Distillery at
' 'Grants is Running Another .
Hunting Fatality.
Berlin, Jan. 27, The Hon. Theo
dore Runyon, United States ambassa
dor to Germany, expired suddenly and
unexpectedly at 1 o'clock this (Mon
day) morning of heart failure. Mr.
Runyon bad been in somewhat feeble
health for some time past, but no im'
mediate fatal results were anticipated
No longer ago than last Tuesday even
ing he was present at a dinner given
in his honor by ex-Empress Frederick
mother of Emperor William. Last
summer he had planned to make an
extended trip through Norway, but,
on the advice of his physicians, he
abandoned . this trip, and, instead
went to Carlsbad, where he took the
cure. He subsequently went to
Axenstein, Switzerland, for the pur
pose of taking an after cure. Since
then,, however, he has manifested
great activity in the discharge of the
duties of his office, which have been
more than usually onerous on accoun
of the complications in European af
fairs, which , have more or less de
manded the attention of the diplo
matic representatives of all nations
His death will come as a great shock
to official and' social circles here in
Berlin, where be was a great favorite,
Sheriff's Posse Still In Pursuit of Murder
er Brown.
, ROSEBUBG, Jan. 23. The latest re
port from the pursuit of murderer Sam
Brown comes to SheriS Cathcart to'
night is from his deputy at Dora, Coos
.county. The man supposed to be
Brown, who was with Pool WedneS'
day tight, stayed Thursday night at
bachelor's ranch off the road a few
miles from where he, was seen by the
mailcarrier Thursday afternoon. - Be
fore leaving the ranch Friday morn-
ing, he told the rancher his name was
Stykes, and that some one in shooting
at Sam Brown Wednesdoy night near
ly shot him (Stykes). He was after
wn.rrl f.muvirl tn sl nninfc' nam fraval
he is-supposed to be hemmed in by
his pursuers. Brown 'is endeavoring
to reach relatives in Coquille . City.
The officers think they will capture
bim soon.
: Andy Pool, who- was arrested at
Dora January 22, and is now held on
tne cnarge or assisting iirown to es
cape, is eh route to Roseburg,
under the guard of two deputies. He
will reach here Sunday night. Pool
acknowledges his own identity, now,
but disclaims any knowledge of the
identity of the man who accompanied
him when he was arrested.
Reached 78 1-4 Cents in New York and
Nearly 69 Cents In Chicago.
New York, Jan. 25. The wheat
market shot upward this morning af
ter the weight of the shaky long wheat
which has been unloaded at the open
ing. The first prices were easier be
cause foreign news was more peaceful
than expected, but the bull fever
speedily asserted itself and the picture
of a pitful of sports all clamoring for
wheat, which was wild yesterday after
noon, was repeated in all its details to
day, At such a time ' a rumor of ' any
sort, if bullish, always assures tremen
dous proportions and a ; report from
Chioago that Armour was buying up
the wheat crop was taken in good faith
both here and West and caused no end
of excitement for awhile. May wheat
sold up to 72i. -
Took His Gun By The Muzi le.
Roseburg, Or., Jan, 25. News was
received here today of the death on the
23d Instant of Frank, the 19-year-old
son of Jesse Clayton, an old and res
pected pioneer of Douglas county, liv
ing on the Umpqua river, twenty-five
miles from Oakland. Frank, while
hunting on the . opposite side of the
river f row. home, met his sister, who
wished to be taken across the river.
He rowed her across, and, on return
ing for his companion in the hunt,
caught his rifle by the muzzle to take
it from the boat, when it was accident
ally discharged, the ball striking him
in the right riq, ranging up the arm
and penetrating the right breast near
the nipple. His sister, heard the re
port of the rifle, turned and. saw her
brother fall face downward in the boat.
She says he remained there half an
hour before assistance came, and when
found he was dead, .
- -Chicago Excited Also.
CHiCAGO.'Jan. 2. It was a day of
high excitement throughout in the
wheat crowd. Quick, nervous flashes
of impatience marked the varied trans
actions, and the 'big' traders stormed
through the turmoil Of .the pit in their
eagnerness to seize the key of the
enigma. '
It was sentimental, apparently more
than the news' which gave the market
the big bulge. The bull sentiment
seems to be in the air and needs but
little encouragement to keep it going.
On the bulge some of the big buyers
began to hesitate, but the crowd had
got in line and the momentum still
carried it upward. May reached 68 7-8
and closed at 65 3-8. .
. Conditions in Portland.
Portland, Jan. 25. Wheat The
selling movement has been checked.
Holders want to sell but ask an ad
vance over prevailing figures, which
buyers will not grant. . Exporters re
fuse to pay over 58. for Walla Walla,
Highest of all in Leavening
shipping grade, while the mills have
been buying at G3 in round lots and
one lot of one hundred thousand bush
els was taken at 65 cents. There is no
demand for valley wheat, which is
quoted at CO cents.
Means Adopted by Campos For Stopping
the Insurgents.
JNew iork, Jan. 27. A special to
the World from Havana says:
The plan of campaign adopted by the
commander-in-chief of the Spanish
forces now in Cuba has been divulged
by several officers of high rank, whose
name must be kept secret.
General Campos establisned what
became known as the "'wall of men,
He distributed a large numberof Span
ish troops in such a manner that they
practically formed a solid line from
coast to coast. ' His line began in the
north, about five miles west of Ha
vana, and extended south to the Bay
of Matamano. By the time this plan
was adopted, Gomez had announced
mat ne would taice nis command not
only into -Havana province, but that
he would go into Pinar . de Rio, -and
as far as he possibly could. Campos
determined to prevent Gomez from
carrying out his project. The wall of
men was well to the westward of the
railroad line between Havana and
mtabano. Gomez and, Maceo not
only succeeded in crossing Campos'
line,' but recrossed it several times,
and Gomez and Maceo, separated west
of it two weeks ago. Maceo remained
in Pinar de Rio province, doing about
as he pleased while Gomez invaded
Havana province again, and one time
camped within 15 miles of the capital
of Cuba. ...
Reports were printed in the United
States that Gomez was at the gates of
Havana and that it was only a ques
tion of a few hours when he would en
ter the city. But Gomez had no in
tention of attacking this city. He
openly declared that his only object is
to tire out the Spanish troops.
A large number of rrmored cars
have been ordered. At least 3000
armed troops will be kept constantly
moving over the railroad.
Maceo and bis command, the Span
ish generals say, cannot escape. He
is looked upon as an ' "easy mark."
Many of his troops are believed to be
wounded. If Maceo tries to go east he
will run up against a new wall of ( men
mu'ch"6trbn'gep'than bobroke through
some weeks ago. If he tries to escape
west, the Spanish argue, he will have
to march to the sea, where his only
chance to get away will be in boats.
The Spanish commanders fear only
Gomez. Although he is nearly 68
years old, they recognize in him one
of the ablest of fighting men, and an
expert tactician. , ' " ' .
Hepburn's Armenian Resolution. ,
Washington, Jan. 27. In the house
today Hepburn, republican, of Iowa,
gave notice of an amendment to the
Armenian resolution instructing the
president to give the Turkish minister
bis passports and end all diplomatic
relations with Turkey. Hitt, chair
man of foreign affairs, rebuked Hep
burn for his extraordinary proposal to
sever diplomatic relations with
friendly power. "We want ' no rela
tions with that murderer," replied
Hepburn. Hepburn's ' amendment to
the Armenian resolution to give the
Turkish minister bis passport was de
Bucklen s Arnica Kalve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
soros, tetter, cnapped nands, crm-
blains, corns and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It . is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
; Will Tote For the Silver BI1L
Washington, Jan. 27. Rumors
have been in circulation here several
days that Senator Mitchell of Oregon
bad decided to vote against the free
coingae bill. The senator says he will
vote for the bill and says it will pass
without the votes of - the Utah sena
tors. .
Utah's Senators Sworn In.
Washington, Jan. 27. The two
senators from Utah, Frank J. Can
non and Arthur Brown, were sworn in
today. Cannon won the long term,
expiring March 3, 1899. Brown the
short term, until March 3, 1897.
College Burned.
Redfield, S. D., Jan 27. Fire de
stroyed the Redfield college last night.
President Hatch lost a valuable library.
The loss is estimated at $30,000; in
surance, $8000.
His Father Mistaken for s Deer.
Brownsville, Or., Jan. 25. Yes
terday afternoon, while Sanford Coch
ran and his 17-year-old son Bert were
out trapping near Horse Rook point,
in the vicinity ol Jonn Morgan's mill,
Bert shot his father, mistaking him
for a deer. Coohran lived two hours.
He leaves a widow and four children.
The coroner has been notified. ,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
ip Years the Standard.
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report7
News Abridge From the Dispatches and
Redding river in California is 21 feet
above low water mark. ' ,
The treasurer of Gilliam county is
prepared to pay all warrants registered
prior to Jan. 1, 1894.
The banks of France and Russia are
said to have in their vaults one-half
of all the gold in Europe.
A dividend of 10 per cent has been
declared in favor of the insolvent Ore- ,
gon National bank pf Portland. . '
The Republican sugar planters of
New Orleans have endorsed the ticket
nominated by the Populists . In that
The members of the city council of
Brownsville have asked the mayor to
sign. They accuse him of drunken
ness and disorderly conduct.
Ex-Sheriff Smith, of Clatsop county
who mysteriously disappeared a few
months ago, has returned ' to Astoria.;
He says excessive drink caused him to
run away.
Senator Lodge has Introduced an
amendment to the silver bond bill,
providing for an additional Issue of
$100,000,000 of bonds to be used for
coast defense.
It is proposed to unseat four Dem
ocratic members of the Kentucky leg
islature, who are claimed -to be inellr
gible to' office, and thus settle the sen
atorial contest.
- Stars of the Stage.
An eminent authority on theatrical
matters has said: Among all the'
American actresses this generation
has produced, few have touched human
sympathies bo gently, so surely and so
effectively as Effle Ellsler. Play
patrons have received sufficient evi
dence of the truth of the above asser
tion In the recollection of her engage
ments in this city. On the occasion of
her appearance at the Balwln on Jan.
30 and 31, Miss Ellsler will be seen In
Shakespeare's comedy "As You Like
It," and Alexander Dumas' -"La Dame
aux Camelias." In the first named, of
course the star will play Rosalind.
Mr. Frank Weston and Mr. John A'.
Ellsler are prominent members of the
supporting company, which numbers
about twenty carefully selected Shaks-
pearian players. The costuming and
setting will be extremely beautiful.
. , Stabling Green House. '
We wish to announce to the public
that we have a complete stock of the
following designs:
Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks, Knights
of Pythias, 3 kinds; Workmen, Wood
men, Red Men, Firemen's Trumpet
and Helmet,- Eastern Star, Lyres, 2
sizes; Stars, 3 sizes; Crosses, 5 sizes;
Horse Shoes, 3 sizes; Wreaths, 7 sizes;
Pillows, 4 sizes; Hearts, 3 sizes; Bro
ken Wheels, 2 sizes, Anchor, 3 sizes; -
Flying and Sitting Doves, Open Bible,
Gates Ajar, Cross and Crown united,
no cross no crown);. Flower Baskets, 3
sizes; a large Welcome, and Wedding
Bells, 2 slaes. . , .
A reduction made if wires are re
turned. We are at all times prepared
to fill - these designs - with beautiful .
flowers at reasonable prioes. Orders
promptly filled. . - ;
Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son.
d-wl5feb '- ' .
1 . Two Lives Saved.
. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction. '
City, 111., was told by her doctors she
had consumption and that there was
no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery completely
cured her and she says it saved her
life. . Mr. Thomas Eggers, 139 Florida
street, San Francisco, suffered from a
dreadful cold, approaching consump
tion, tried without result everything
else then bought one bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. . He is naturally
thankful. It is such results, of which,
these are samples, that prove the won
derful efficacy of this medicine; . in '
coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store..
Regular size 50c. and $1.
' Old People -
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will,
find the true remedy in Electric Bit,
ters. This medicine does not . stimu
late and contains no whisky nor other
intoxicant, but acts as atonic and al
terative. It acts mildly on the stom
ach and bowels, adding strength and
giving tone to the organs, thereby aid- ,
ing nature in the performance of the
functions. ' Electric Bitters is an ex
cellent appetizer and aids digestion.
Old people find it just exactly what
tney need. Price 50 cents and 91 per
bottle at Blakeley Sc Houghton's drug '
All Recommepd It.
Ask your physician, your druggist
and your friends about Shiloh's Cure
for Consumption. They will recom
mend it. For sale hy M. Z. DonnelL
A Yachtsman Fatalv Hurt.
Oakland, Cal., Jan. 25. W. C
Moody, son of the Oakland banker, D. '
V. Moody, had his skull crushed today
between the mast of his yacht and a.
wharf, and was taken in a dying con
dition to the receiving hospital. The
rough sea made landing difficult and '
caused the accident.
The Grant Distillery Banning.
Goldendale, Wash., Jan. 25. The
Pacific Distilling Company at Grant is
now running at full capacity. Within
the last fortnight this company has -
distributed many dollars for the pur
chase of products from Klickitat farm-'
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awsrdss Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, Saa Francisco.
AU pain banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Pills.
Ail dru. "gist sell Dr. Miles' ia Hlav .