M:VVTf VRK, V.. ami ' UNCONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLEP. OREG6K 9ATUBDAY; JANUARY lR issfi PROFESSIONAL t r n TXIXT T lfiTPP Pirctlnn nnrl Cm. Office tours lu A. M. to 12, and 2 P. in. to 4 1 4U. a&MUCUUV HCfivCLU IM A..JLUU RE YOU GOING EAST? If sot be sure and see that your ticket reads via ' D lUFTTR & MENEFEE. Attorneys at Law. jtvuoms w aau -o iaupmia own. SOCIETIES. irASCO LOEGE, tan i x & r i iw MW.r fi ct. und t iii'd A.ondav nf pjmh T HE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTiSK I NO 6 intcts in .Masonic tfau t. t-Ua NORTHWESTERN NO I O O P.- y-N."iT T1UDT T i"rW.C In K of P. Bail, corner of Second and Cout 1 Meets e?dr Moaiaeven.nj at 8 o'clo.'k. -111 OJUIUJU 3 UUUUIUji VUiUw UL VVU V MtU bcoid fiteeU. sojuumln brothers are In-Tited. J OMEN'S CHRISTIAN" TEMPERANCE in uie retuuag room. . Mt. Hood Camp, No 10, me.t3 every Tuespov evening at 7:30 o clock, in Kellers Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. .... V - - ' -. 1 COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO 33, E. S i j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor- rpEMPLE LOCGE. NO 8. A. O. V. W I Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday evening ac i.au o ciojk. -THE- JHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RA LW AY. 1HI3 IS THE GREET SHORT LINE Between - DULUTH, ST. PAUL., CHICAGO, J AS. NE SMITH POST, NO 32 Q. A. R Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 in K. of P. Halh ilOURT THE DALLES, A. O. P. NO. 630 Meets every. TLursday evening at tieir linn at o v uxwuik. E Meets everv Pridav afternoon m t. ox jr. joau. DOPL WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I O. every Wednesday evening Hall. R M Meets in K, of P. n pat vn trc1 tt T vi rx a uAfnxrn? unr,n A T every Sadday evening at Baldwin Opera T OV L. F.. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in J K. of P. Hall t ie first and t oird Wednes day of eaun nioatj at 7:au P. M. THE CHURCHES, ME. CHURH Rev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. . Services every Sunday morning unci eye ing Sunday school at 12x0 o'clock P. M. A "ordlal iavitation txtended by boti pastor and people to all. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH-Rcv. W. C vr via, rwiivi, oca twc cycij ouuuut ul And all IViirs East and South The n am'fic'e t tacV, peerless vesti buleu di .ing ami sleeping car trams, a-id mi tto; AHV VY8 ON TIME," Have gtv?n this roaH a national reputation. A I classes of passengers cur icd on the vestilmlcd traim wiih nit extri cl'inree .ship your freight-i and travel vcr this lamuiis lide AH agents hHVc tickew. W. H IIKOi, K c sava(;;. ''.art. Agent. T a F 4 F ,gt 24 i Washington treet, Portland, regon. THOS. F. OAKES, HENBY C. PAYNE, enc HENRY C. ROUSE. Receivers. V i v t Am i awmie and then crawfish. The German ' 1 iniinn nr . I . mma The Sentiment! Daily Grow- ing in Gre .Britain.''-'' I THEY WANT WAR Germans Residents of Detroit Red-Hot For War Between England and Germany. tngianrt Has Acquired More- Territory In South Africa An Knrlneer'a Deed Congressmen Oppose Any Cat In Their Pay. It has rolled into public favor 11 A. M. and 7:i0 P. M. morning service. Sunday school after OT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest mkwr. ijuw muss everjr auuimy v A. m. - High mass at 10:10 A. II, Vespers ut 7:CU P. M. . T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. site Fifta. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. Erenug prayer on Friday at 7 :3J. TITRQT nTTRTSTTATj" PffTPPR I?, w T TT :: Jj Hazal, p is tor. Preaching every Sunday . wuruiui w- it uuu in tae tvemog ut o clOCK. Suniliy scnool at 10 A M. Prayer mettLig every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every sonaay at .:au. m. ... . . ' i i AVALRY' BAPTIST !HUECH - Comer . Seventii and Uoioa Elder J H. Miller. TW!tir Services tverv Sundnv at 11 A. M unrt 7:CJ P. M. Pwyer meeting oa Wednesday .' .v .1. in. f. r A r n cordially weinomea. J. G. KOO.VTZ, ; . ! Hal Fsl Ie.' Lin s ni l s'i ;ine . Agent for the Scottish Unioi and National . ausuran.'e company 01 cuinuurgu, oeouana. Cip.t d iJO.000.IWJ. : ' V aluaule t atms near tie city to sell on easy terms Offlse over U. S. Land OiBoe. ; Tie Dalles. Oregon. . v . R U N S PUYLM.vN The largest piece of Good tobacco ever sold for 10 cents' H f.Lsrr:it. Physician and Suryeoii, , - Ronm4 ovHrx0,ilea S tein Umk. Office hours, 10 a iu t-tiui n I ir in t to 4 uin. Ki-si- Jttfltie Vd t K'l.l f third -trvet. ELEGANT TOURIST SLEEPlkG CAIiS DINING CARS ELlEVn G CARS TO QUKUR MKNKKEK. ' Atlorneix at Low 1toiml Bd 43 f'hapmali Hlock. The Italics, Ore. PII.MXl:; Imi I'll. Attorneys al Law. All 1-cU -ltd e- tni1ed l' Claims j ! i PurtUiid. tirug a. e ti n b trine-"! prmnp'lv t- th- viV.ri. nt -lec: I "iv, HKiui'tuu biiiiuiiu: A. 8. BiS.NET T, Attorney at Law up.tlfrs. The Dalles OfPce in S-hanna's buindin Dreyun T 0. CRAI LKBM Oil. Attorney at Law O Iqe Rooms it and 45 Chapnisn' Clock, np ftair. JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, (Register I. IjdH HVas. 1 B0 184.) Business before United States Land Office a Specialty. 41111 Block Main St,. V.moUver Clork d. Wish . 11 ANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen THROUGH TO MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND F03KS DULUTH ..FARGO . CROOiiSTON . WINNIPEG . 1111 NA and TICKETS CHICAGO ' WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NiSW YO.IK BOSTOS and aU ... POISfrS EA3T and SOTTTTI. For information, time cards, mips and ticket s il ...i . . - . ur r, ATT A VT KST A ' Or A D. CHARLTON, Assist int Gjnerar'PdS senser.'W.'.nt No 22b Morrison St.-eet, Co. - ue. oi inira acreec, i-oruana, u.-e-oa. SMo r we Heeves si PORTLAND, OBEGON. THIRD STREET CGRNlR PINE. 4, ,Ihee o!ti reii .li tliA lorn will consult wit" oufr-eof charge and tellyon your di-e is.- williout auk n.' yon a question. They also furnish all medicine at their m s, an.t nure yoin xt .i e-.se . f Inn f..g m"ii. iiM'sat the drug Btorea. iWe can giv. you re ereiit i-s of m nv .vmiukahi.- t-n-w tlwv have m-ide on this Coast y leadnrg bankers und business men. C.ill at the oIEce and red them for proof. London, Jan. 10 .The mnvnmpnt. in favor of arbitrating the Venezuela question with the United Stat a growing day by day. The Westminis ter Cazette, after haWne interviewed statesman of al) -parties, bankers and others, says this afternoon; Everywhere there were enthuMRR. tic expression in favor of the proposal to establish a permanent court nf arbi tration." FVorn diplomats who have had interviews with the foreign office, the Associated Press learns decided change of sentiment there. The unbending- antagomism to arbi tration of the Venezuela boundary dis pute, first shows in hlffh almost completely disappeared and matters look much mors Hat.iatw-, than they have at any time since the dispute commenced. xu is semi-orncial Stated tniW , no such movement of British toward the boundary or in the neigh borhood qf the disputed territory in Venezuela, as indicated in the dis patch from Caracas, via Nicaragua, has been contempieted by Great Brit ain, and no addition has been made to the small force, stationed for some time in the Uran district. Rec-arrHno- the attitude of Venezuela, is addnri hat there is no reason to mmnnu hostila action upon her part is intend ed. awmie and then crawfish. The German torpedo fleet is a match for the English any day." . ; , . . The Volksblatt says.; ine German emperor has made nimself most popular by his unexpect movement. Germany needs colon lesmore than England. . England is me enemy oi Uermanv everywhere. "So long as Canada remains British we can never feel at hnmn i dopted country. It will be America's tHHiuniiy.. Canada must be ours. Oh, if only the German-English war weiuiu come. Ine German citizens generally are mi um same opinion, and at an infor mal meeting many declared their In- tention of returning to Germany to enlist if war should be declared. """saai t - Are Son Made Miserable by indigestion, constipa tion, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow akin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. Tor sale by M. Z. Donnell. . A Brave Engineer. Springfield. 111.. .Tan in a m inois Central passenger train ran into an open switch at Mud Lake, 7 miles east of this city, this morning. The engine and baggage car turned over ."uemcw oueu rema nftd nr. ;. reversed the engine and undoubtedly i twenty passengers oinerwise the train would have gone an emoanicment into the lake. He and his fireman jumped at the last uuuieus ana received serious injuries, The Best Cough Cure. Is Siloh's Cure. A neglected cough uuugerous. stop it at once with onuon a cure. Tor sale by M. Z. Don 11C11. The Fate of Jameson. I London. Jan. ii. a Johannesburg, dated the 10th, says it is reported irom Pretoria that Dr, Jameson and other officers Wn started for Natal, where they will be V J a . ... " uauueu over to the British authorities to oe tried under the law making it Huomuouieuuensa co prepare a war like demonstration against a friendly obatro. Banks of That Ccunt-y Wantl Some of the New. Loan. ALL FOR SILVER The Week in the Senate Will Devoted to Discussing Free Coinage of Silver. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Heport'' be Poachers Are Chased ont of TeUowstone Park Jameson Will be Turned Over ' . to British Authorities Gold Coming From France. house would have been burned. Both children were very bricht for their ages, Courtly having started in this week to beat the drum in the Dublin i , . . . ... ' SCHOOL lor the Childron tn mr.-.-.y, u WJ S1LVE KITES IN COXGEESS evening BOCGHT DELAGOA BAT, It rom Portu- 1 His Dal es, Portland and Astoria Nav gation Ci through 1 11.101 nuabnuiui ii'ii.-nii... A, iiutk tn truvol in flniiMn f.tf uvtjih 1 1 u.l Mllflhl. Krt.l... Calnnr i.ll .. . i.... ees. Steady position. Enclose reference a ad eu aauressea siampea envelope. ion company, rnlru i aj?o. Ill rPV Tlini i r, - J toor. (imana Ulde.. cm fife FreiW ana Pass8nger Ujib cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer R.'iruUtor leaves The Dalles at 8 a. in., connecting at the Cascades Lodes with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 7 a. m., connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles, ' PASSENGER EATES One way. . . Bound trip. ..$2 00 .. 3 00 mm mi successful CflTRHB! Clan the skillful surgeon the eminent specialist your best friend ihe world's be.T-fa-tor pei manently lm- .ted con sult him this day. ARE THE BEST . CIGARETTE SMOKERS of ordiuary trade ciar.ttes will find tUe PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS MarV frnm tlie liiyhet c-t Cold Leaf gnrt'Tii in Virginia, anil are - ABSOLUTELY URE A VKV J UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT Prinz & Nitschke, DS1LUS IX FURNTURE AND CARPETS. WrbsTe added lo out uninesn a coup elo V der sskiDK EiUb sh ent, sad as we are iu no lr-v CODDecteil with tba 0udertaers' Trust, our - fJicsill be lo acrarduwly. Freight Rates Reduced ShiDments for Portland reopived at any time, day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before r m T i uf-rkrtlr uliinmanrj anli.i ilea, c-aii on or aaui-ess. ' - General Agent THE - DALLES - OREGON. To Smokers For a. Good Cigar . . C 3 TO . . CYCLE CIGAR STOKE 116 SECOND STREET Card Rooms In Connection With Btore IIENKY L KICK, -Manufactnrar of arness inoSiddier "Olid Mt., Bear Woo '' whunw, IK -M.LK- AI1 (Pork On ran teed tu Give Satisaction .1 . XX a-4-i rDptnre..ipilea, figure, fistula and rectal ulcers withnut knife, )iff ature or caustic andwii& out pain or detention from business. He also re private diseapes, loss nf pow er, spermator rhoea, syphilis, pimplea etc. it hi B9GT0QS ' ThnnA rtl .3 w ..inln rir.n. Itntn f -. 1 . 1 ... iireoo wu iciiaum '(wuoiw'D ui many ye ir m exrj'nence, Treat wltn Wonder .ul success all lung and throat affections, Cancer, Piles. Fistula and luptnre. ryr rA .ases of acu'e or chroniV inflammsiion, far or near-sightedness, dim L 1 L netis of vision, scroiuli hh eyes, t losing of the eye duct, squinting, cross-, eyes, wild hairs, syphi itic sore ey-s, gr anula'e'l lids, tumor, cancer of the lids, etc. tT p. Deafnes- frm i atarrh, s-ning or maring noises, 'bickened drum, inflam-. uMTv niation of extern.il ear, purulent discharges from the sar, etc. LIT in Neuralgia. nervous or congestive headache, dull, full feeling, 1OBS IlLnu of memory . dizziness, KOiroi.ing ot uie Drain, tumorsan.i epzema oi scaip. TuQP?i Ctarrh.il iiml Nyptf!: m Koir nnoat, aente ani cnronic pnaryr inslvnl eitis, enlarged tonsils and palate, hoarseness, loss of voice, thk phlegm in throa', which causes hawking, ; I III!' Consim,ptioniiithe first an. 1 secmtl stages, hemorrhages, and chronic (.Ultuu lironcui la, ury anu luuse cuugu, pains tu t-iieoi,, uiiuuuiiy iu uroaiu' fJPnT Valvular t'isi'iises, weak and fatty heart, dropsy, and rheumatism oj ilLnlll heart, lan-iuid i in-iil;iiioi), etc. OTfiFUl P U Caturrh and ulceration and acid dyspepsia, indigestion, pain and OiUiilnUil fullness after eating, heartburn, waterbrash and difficulty in swallowing. 1UCD CDI PCM All diseases of Ihe liver, spleen, bowels, Cconstipatlon, I f til OlLLlLrt chronic tliarrhcea.) kidney a't bladder, all nervous and Hex OlSOraers, rneiltri' iwui arn ait rKiu iis-:im'B, ci ioiua, itaiinucuiii, mignvuiu, p joint disease, old sores, fever hoivr, ntiff joints, hare lip, spinal irritation, net us prostration, rupture, piles, fistula, rectal ulcers, which produces pain in 11 t knn r . . . LUkll VI lOXA. I ' y jkMBa.saa AnAIIIA All nrlrcfa ilionaciia onAnnatAn-nlio Tftrrrtflv vr rlatl StXUAL UnliANo looses, whicli, jiegiected, produce nervous irritation, loss of memory and ambition, softening n. the brain, idiocy, insanity, etc., sypbr His, 6tnrtine, lnaniuty io iiO'i me tinne, impotency or loss oi powct ewruty, prostatorrhea, rony. sandy re int-nt in urine, or gravel, varicotIe lirf hew surgical operation, hy'r c- le, all looses or drains, atrophy or shiirjrJt JI the organs. .' - 1 - niiniriipp. Piles, Fintnla. yaricocTo, Hydrocele, and all sweUlns, Und ten- IIUI I WlJs.1' aerntsp '' fiinoiiipaiuoraeiennonirom ousiuess. I iniCO "Wto may le PufTerina fr-m any of the distres-ing ai'ments pecnliai LrtUlLO to their wx, surh : s pi-rsisient headaches, painful menstruations, dis placements, etc., do t ot give up iu tli-pair, even if you have met with repeated ftilures in seeking relief. Wu are happy to state that we have cured hundreds of -Cases alter Oilier puyaiuiatia uavc iiuiiuuiii;cu luwu uujjcicoo, vuaigr, uxwuwow. DPRSmiF The remedies used in thi dispensary are known only tc oup S3S.UI bvi FeiVeH, Hliu unvvt imMTMuru ir ut a .'t ucicoo nci iuo uuiu nut Ji lUHLll ' 1 N ailt CM'l , . " I ' 1 1-' 1 l..aiiy gbijciaiiipiiaui wiu tj ,gu vsjov Mguvo iu miv uiijU England Ilaa furcbased London, Jan. 19. The most import ant developmenr of the South African affairs today is the fact that in spite of all denials it is now believed in manv j quarters that there is some truth in . T.VlA Xllmrti, In., . . . . . . uujui viAau v7i cab onuiia Has pur chased Delagoa, bay frontPortugal. It may turn out to be an excuse for as sembling such a powerful , British fleet as tbe one which will be anchored off Portland Tuesday next? j As ff. t. ant nas demanded, among , other things. that "Great Britain forego her right to obtain possession, of Delagoa bay,, and as Germany may look upon this as a move which will seriously threaten the future of the Transvaal, the situa tion, if the report is true, will become more critical. A dispatch from Pretoria this morn ing says the governor of the Transvaal has announced that he is determined to foster mining, and those interested in it need not sacrifice their holdings for the benefit of the "agitating clique" of the Rand. This dispatch says only 10,000 Boerq are under arms,, but adds significantly that they will not disband until the- conditions oi tne surrender of the Uitlanders of the Rand have been fully carried out. trreat Importance is attached hera tn an article in the Hamburger Nachrich ten, said to " have been directly in spired by Prince Bismarck, in whit h it indirectly disapproved of the' ernment's attitude,' and adds: "Thn duty of the government is more to d- f?nd the Internal and external tjeacA of the country against disturbances than to promote foreign enterprises." President Kruger !haa sent a tele- grm to Sir Htrcules Robinson, cov- ernor of Cape Colony, for transmis sion to Mr. Chamberlain, acknoweldg iog the receipt of the oueen'a meBiio- and adding: ., "It is my intention to hand over th prisoners so that Dr. Jamieson and the British under him may be nunUhed hv her majesty's government.-. I will make known to your excellency my fi nal decision in the matter as soon as Jo'ianesburg8hall have reverted to a condition of quietness , and order. In the meantime I request vour exoellen. cy to assure the queen of mv hio-h n. preciation of her words, and in nrnfpn- ing ray respectful good wishes, express my thanks for the same." Of Course They Opposed It Washington, Jan. io. The com mittee on rules reported to the house today and the rules were debated by sections. The house refused to adopt an amendment to the rules providing for deduction from members pay for absences not due to sickness., A Kentucky Ie;lslator Dying. FBANKFORT.: Kv..' Jan. 1ftToo. Wilson, Democratic member from Ne- bon county, is dying. McCreary has withdrawn from the senatorial race and Brown has been entered. If Uilonn dies the legislature will no longer be a tie politically. y , . HELPLESS . ABMENIA. Kesolutlon for Her Succor Introdnced In " ' .!-;'. if-- V:. ' 1 ," - . Washington, Jan. 13. Today be ing the second Monday of the month, was, under the rules, set aside for the consideration of business relating to tha - Diar.rint nf . fVlnmuA-n.i - - . uviuuivia, . xicioro Chairman Babcock claimed the day, Morse presented the following resolu tion for reference to the committee on foreign affairs: ; ; "Whereas.rrhe most mournful tra gedy of the 19th century has been and is now being enacted under the appar ent sanction of the sultan of Turkey,; by which hundreds of thousands of Ar menians are being ruthlessly slaugh tered in cold blood; women are being I ariven into captivity worse than death, i anu me innaoitants wbo have fled to the mountains are dying of cold and starvation,-and ' . "Whereas, The blood lof -these mar tyred dead ery to heaven for justice: "Resolved, .'That tbe committee on foreign affairs consider the expediency of reporting forthwith some expression Dy tnis government in denunciation of, these atrocities and if they find we as a nation are powerless to act. that we Invoke the co-operation of tbe allied powers to wipe', tbe Turkish , govern - . n. . , ... uiou ujuoe iaceoi tne earth and se cure the freedom and independence of Armenia.". ;; ....... r ,.., .. . . K.,. ; - The resolution was referred. -. Chicago. Jan. ii. Thn Post contains the following: Those in a Dosition tn h ATA AH-mIct In formation on the subject, claim to have good reason for hpliotWnr, large German banks intend to sub scribe for $40,000,000 of the new o-ntr. ernment loan. The Deutsche bank, it was said, intended tosubscriba for25 - 000,000 of the bonds, and the Bleich roeders for $15,000,000. It was also saia tnat tbe Imperial council had been largely influenced in consenting to these subscriptions by the strained relations now existing between Ger many and England. -It was said, as will probably be the ease with the large corporations in this country, that the German hanko will put in their bids dlrectl thrnno-r, their representatives hnrA fn tv,Q bonds, and will also bid for a atiio- lnterest through the Morgan Bvnrli- cate Iu case the bonds should b ba. cured by the syndicate. POACHING IN YELLOWSTONE PARK. The Government Puts Stop to the Prac tice. Washington, Jan. 11. TheattemDt ... oi me government authorities to Dre- vent poaching operations against the lew remaining buffaloes in Yellow- stone National Park is reported on bv- Acting Superintendent Anderson in a communication to Secretary Smith. Captain Anderson savs ha mnlntrori n. I Want a Free-roinaire Amendment to tbe Coinage Bill Washington, Jan. 13. It Is under stood about the senate that Senator Jones, of Nevada, is quite as anxious to serve the cause of nor.-jonnection with the tariff bill as he is to promote the sugar interest. Most of the 6llver men are of the opinion that thf? nntl. silver republicans' plan is to get the house tariff bill through both houses and have it sent to the president, by whom they think it will vetoed, this would raise the tariff question and have a tendency to make it the sole is sue in the anDroachinc The silver republicans suspect that this Is the Wish of thoin nntUllc. colleagues, and some of the former class are determined to, if possible, prevent the consummation of thin scheme. They think this can be done by putting a free-coinage amendment on the tariff bill, and it is altogether probable that an effort will be made in tDat direction. It is said that Mr. Jones would co-operate heartily with his republican silver friends tn re direction. He is acting as a populist, anu it is remembered in this connec tion that the populists in their eauena a few weeks since, declared for a silver amendment In the tariff as well as the bond bill. It is also considered good tactice iu the fight for the silver sub stitute bond bill to hold the tariff bill in suspense for the present.- ' A Great Germans Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation i - oaje no trmpiyyea a I - uluu , ta.ruaiiijai.ion anu detective during the winter among the kidney, liver and bowel troubles are A BOLD KOBBEEI, The Postmaster at Pendleton Relieved of 600. - . - ' Mr. Judson, who arrived on Monday ' night's train from Pendleton Informs us that Postmaster Johnson, at Pend leton, as robbed Mnnrlnir nf , tm- About 7 o'clock Mr. Johnson had closed the front door of hla offlr,. and was engaged in maklno- un M. cash account, when some ons nn'mii at tho bk door.and calling Mr. John- on by name, requested that he be ' given his mail as he desired trt Ipbva on the night train. Thinkinir that ), recognized the voice' and doalrlno- ty aocomodate the partv. Mr. Johna opened ihe baok door to his office and dmltted the robber. No sooner was he Inside than he Dresented a nl.tni and demanded anrAaa , - . . wuv saio, Beloe alone Anil ItnninnaAf ne aemand, the DostmaatAf nnnttH the safe, and tho robber took there from about 8800' A a ia -l.V wuw 4 turned to go, Mr. Johnson caught at him, when the robber fired a shot from his pistol, striking the postmaster in V the hand, then escaped through the backdoor. Before an alarm 'could be - given, the robber had made food "'hla escape. When Mr. Judsoh left Pendle ton, everybody was searching for the roooer, out no trace of him had been obtained. The robber, wore a mask which concealed most of bis faae, making it difficult for the postmaster to give a clear description of his an- pearance. Mr. Judson stated that th people of Pendleton were irrnatlc- . . cited over the affair, unrl hnnM th. robber be caught, he would likely be severely dealt with. ; poachers working from. Idaho. Then two expeditions were disDatched to that region. They came upon a Dartv oi poacners and pursued them out of the park, fireing upon them and killing one oi tneir horses. James Court- enay, of Henry's Lake, was captured wnne delivering- plunder to W. A Witticb, a Butte taxidermist. At the subsequent trial, he was acquitted on a ciaim that the spoils were obtained in Idaho, outside the park. ; Captain An derson, however, hat Toiraa tVia ' - - - J . r . .a WUW VUpVUI U . lias "resulted In thoroughly stampeding and demoralizing poachers. Interior department officials say that unlike Montana, poaching is not made a felonv throughout the year in Wyoming and Idaho. .. , . ..... i cured oy iiarl's Clover Root Tea. Fnr sale by M. Z. Donnell. Meetloa; of Bankers. New Yoee, Jan. 13. The Journal's Washington correspondent says: Aj conierence with leading bankers from the great cities will be held in ' Wash ington today to settle upon a plan by which the available gold of the various strong boxes oan be computed, nnrl an understanding reached under whieh they will have a reasonable chance of securing an allotment Of the 4 percent oonos. Chicago and St. L,ou'w banka I will be represented at the meetimr. It M said the bankers of the country have taKen hold of the bonds in earnest. Nerves on Edge. I was nervous, tired, Irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me well and happy. . . , Mrs. E. b. Wobden. For sale by M. Z. DonnelL . NOW HAWAII MAY 83CKDB. it Own .BOND SYNDICATE SHAKEN. and to these precious treasure, I withdrawal , r . . ,t,..f Ii . . . i , 1 Los avoi I'nulvn urn of knowledge we have added ihe results of many year of labor and research ii our chosen calling, until now we ieei connupnt oi curinsr an curaDie cases, ana i greatly benefitting all wbo have not yet received any leliet whatever. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. m. Third it., Portland, Oregon. I irect all mail Ir. I CWELL IlEEVES,' f J . Children Cry for t-itOEEB'a Castors " rastorf Ii to vreli ariipted tc chf 'Sroi fiat I .mm, h i lLut,pc. i r to a y prMt-riouoc iiown t !.. ' ii. A. Archer, M. D.. Ill toutb OxfcrJ Su. frooJuyn. N V t ne rnw r"a In mv prartice. and find l .necluily auusu to .-iflTei.-tioiiii r chiidr, a. ' Al.Kl ROBEtrrsOn, M. D. KB' M'&ve., iD for1:. 'prrvm rrrii kn wlsdfre 1 on say tn 4 o lih4 ;-rftot uxcelicu medicine tor cliil ren." Uo. fct. O. Osrenn, Loaeli. alass Caatorlff promotes EirestJon, and svercutuea Flutuieucy. Consanr.tioii. Sour Stomach, Dinncea, and everishiiesa Thus the child is rendered healthy and its seep natnrai. Castoria curtail, j oo stjrpuuie or other narcotic property. WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen or ladies to travel in Oregon for e-itab lishei. reliable house. S ilarv i780 and exnen S.-s. Steady position. Enclose referen-e and self a Idreasea noro;ed eavele-e. The Donin irn Co npuny. Third Floor. O naha ttuilOiuif. Chicaao. I1L Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder r na sn a . ... . ' wuriu-B rair mgnest Award. BARBOUR'S IRISH FLAX SALMON NET THREADS ' AND ' DOUBLE KNOT Sain on Gill Netting SEINES TWINE O tton f nd Mad la Rr p Colon F.s i Netting Fish Hooks, Lines Etc, H'NRY D )YLE & CO. 517, 519 Market St, ( SKN FRHNCISCQ, Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast of the Chemical National Bank" From Is. Chicago, Jan. 10. A sDecial from iNew york says: l tie Morgan bond syndicate has at last been shaken bv -the withd from It of the Chemical Natipnal bank. it is understood that tbe amount of the bank's subscription was $3,000,000. G. T. Williams, president of the bank. - 1 said Our subscription simply reDreseted those of our depositors, and we do not want to tie them up in the . unoertain ties nf the syndicate. We do not wish to stand in the- way of any public de sire fur the success of a popular loan." It u as reported that the Citv Nation- al and possibly the United States Trust Company and the Hanover National will follow the. lead of the Chemtcn.1. The City National has ilO.OOO.OOo'goId in its vaults and its 8up;qnp,Mon was reported as $".000,000. The autv.rin. , . . . ... . . . . .r lions of the Hanover National nd tbe United States-" Trust , CompaDv were each about 32,000,000, Tbe lead of the Chemical National ia considered an indication that th oJn. ing of the bonds directly to the Publio wiij be a. success, Anxious For War. DETKOrr. Jan. 1 0The German nrpi a of this city is red-hot for war between England and Germany, and wants it right away. Abenhorst, the German prgan of the state, and intensely con servative, says that Germany must in sist on her rights. . It then says That Island Meditates Formlnc Government. - San Francisco, Jan. 13. special correspondence of the Associated Press from. Honolulu, by steamer Aus tralia, dated January 6, states that the island of Hawaii is meditat ng seces sion from the Hawaiian government and the formation of its own govern ment. .When the . legislature motj next month the secession movement will be brought up. if the residents of Hawaii should decide to. form their own government, nothing but outside interference could prevent. The Dole guverijuieub wouio rje powerless, as Hawaii is more thickly settled than any other island In the group. Minja-. ter of Foreign Affairs Coorier is now in Hawaii, trying tq ascertain how widespread is the desire for secession. Friends of the ex-queen are anxious for war between Kntrlanrl anrl tho United Stites, ' believing that thn In event of such hostilities England would seize tbe Hawaiian islands, tjn.d and restore Jjllioukalan, Karl Klemme, egUed from the islands for conspireoy in connection with the ioia reoeiuon. nas returned,' accom panied by his wife. He was given no permission to return, and has been notified that if he does n,qt leave at ouce ne wiu oe prpecuted for con spiracy. Essays he will stand trial rather-' than leave, . The remaining; political prisoners were released on New Year's day, They all agreed to support the present government.- ; 1 E. r,. Pole, formerly of Riverside, Cal., a cousin of President Dole, has been made deputy attorney-general. DEBATE TO CONTINUE. Silver Speeches are to Take np the Week ' . ' to the Senate. Washington, Jan. 12 The en-eater part or tbe time of the senate durlnr? tne present week will be consumed in tbe discussion of the finance commit tee's silversubstituteforthebonrl hill Morgan will load off with a speech to morrow, and Daniel and Dubois have also given notice of speeches. Various other senators are known to be ore pared to take the floor, either in advo cacy or in opposition to the substitute The probabilities are all against reach lng a vote on the measure during the week. The bill is one which under any circumstances would call forth many sentiments and much animated debate, which would render it iinpo3 Bible to reaoh a conclusion after onlv one week's debate. The advocates of the bill also have a special reason in this instance for desiring a temoorarv delay. Appreciating the close margin on the vote, they are desirous that the V tah senators, of whose suDDort thev feel confident, should be in their scats when the vote is taken. They would probably not resort to dilatorv tactics k secure this delay further than to maue sure that there are speeches en ough to consume the time in what maybe designated as legitimate de- Date. LARGE SHORTAGE DISCOVERED. An Indiana County Official Fille Hla Own . Pockets. Cure For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of head ache Electrio Bitters ha9 proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreadful hnhinml sujk headaefies yield to its influence. We urge all who are afliictod to nro- cure a bottle, and eive this remprlv a. fair trial. In cases of habitual cnn.tl. pation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use cf this rnedl-. cine. Try it once. Fifty cents and SI at Blakele.v & Houghton's Drug Store. Chicago, Jan. 13 A SDecial frnm Tn. dianapolls, Ind., says: - H or some days past the commission. era of Pierce county have been examin ing the accounts of Trustee Hubs, nf Troy township, and tbe affair has re sulted in a sensation, .as Hubbs was a prominent politician of Southern Tn. diana and largely connected in the lo- pnHr.Tf VI7l.V- . , ' . ......j. ucu uo presented vouchers - for the commissioners showing t.n expenditure of money" largely In ex- ' cess of any Qf his predecessors, siispl- 1 cion wasaroused.and as the fact ber-am known.an investigation was demanded. Ihe commissioners then, overhauled his accounts, and summoned more than a hundred men , whose name were signed to the receipts. Not n in ten Of the number nnmmn.id ,.j received money from Hubbs for 'any purpose, ann tnose who had, swore that the vouchers had been raised four ' or fijre times the amount for which the receipts were given. A Shortage of nearly 810,000 was thus diszovered -anrl the sum promises to be much larger. It is said Habbs has left town. Fills Do Not Core, , Pills do not cure constipation. They Only aggravate, Karl's Clover Snnt Tea gives perfect regularity of tbe -England wont fight; she wU bluff . bowels. For sale by M. Z. Doanell. The Syndicate to Dissolve. New York, Jan. 11. The World says: President John A. McCall has with- drawn the $10,000,000 in gold which the New York Life Insurance Com pany subscribed to the agent of the bond syndicate. President McCall haa also recommended J. Pieroont Mor gan to dissolve the syndicate, as there appears to be no further need of its services, The Importers' & Traders' National oanar, the Equitable Life Association and the Mutual Life, who command from $20,000,000 to $25,000,000 in gold, have, it is understood, also declined to send in bids for a new bond. The Democratic Convention. ' Cincinnati, Jan. 12. John R. Mo- Lean, proprietor of the Enquirer, who resides in Washington,Senators Brice, Blackburn and Lindsay, and the Ken tucky congressional delegation, as well as of the other members of con areas, are oo-operatinrr with the Oin- elnnatl committee to secure the demo cratic national convention. 'Nqw that the guarantee fund of $50,000 has been secured, in addition to the en largement cdj Musio hall, a strong com mtea will be sent to Washington to present the claims of the Queen city. This' committee expects assistance from those who are already worklno- for Cincinnati at the national capital. Died From Her Barn. Independence, Or., Jan. 11. L.c. Gilmore's5-year-old daughter, who was so badly burned vesterdav. died Alchouol For France. Peoria, 111., Jan. 13. The Distiller' Association, which represents the American Spirits Manufacturing Com pany, the American Distribut.inc Com pany and the Independent Distillers' Association, is negotiating a contract of 100,000 barrels, and terms are prac tically agreed upon. This amount of alcohol Is to be shipped to Marseilles and it is the first time in the last 10 years that American distillers have been able to compete with German v. They are able to do this on account of the cheapness of corn this year. Bncklen Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,, tetter, chapped hands, chil mains, corns and all skin eruptions. and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it la guaranteed to olvn perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Important to Shippers. 'The O. R. & N. Co. makes nnothpi slash in freight rates from San Fran Cisco to Portland, and in connection with the exceedingly low rate between rortiand and The Dalles, makes tnrougn rate of first class, 40 cents; second class 3j cts; third class 30 cts; fourth class 2o cts; fifth class 20 cts Special car load lots, class A 19 cts: B 18 cents; C 17 cts; D 16 cts; E 15 ots. governed by Western Classification. In ordering your goods please be care. rui to route via O, R, & N. Co.'s lines E. E Lttle, Agent The Discovery Saved His life. Mr. G. Cailouette. Drufra-ist. Beaver. ville, 111., says: "To Dr.Klng'g New Discovery I owe my lifj. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians for miles about, out of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Dis covery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to got better, and after us ing three bottles was un and ahnnt again. It is worth its weight in cold. We won't keep store or house wlt.hnn t it." Get a free trial at Ftlnlraia Houghtons' Drug Store. ' 'The Snipes Klnersly Drug Co. fur nish paints, wall paper and window glass. Painting and papering by the day or contract at lowest prices. Tel. ephono No. 3, ' , Wood at ttemteed Price. For $3.00 per cord we will fumlah good, sound, straight, Maple and Ash wooo delivered. Jos. T. Peters & Co, u-,J PeT!li!8 Neural!- Got Dr. MHe rain PUla from dragglstaT'One cent a duae." Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder nwam uw menu aiiawiater Fair. Saa Praadscsi, Oold Comlne This Way. New York, Jan. 11. The steamship Paris, from Southampton, brought 82,- 9f,ouu in gold, whloh was transferred to the bank vaults in this city. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. old Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; this 7 morning. Courtly, her brother, years old, is more dangerously burned tnan was at nrst thought, and he, too, may die. The children, in replenishing the fire in the furnace, used over a gallon of coal oil, and. had it not been for the basement having a cement floor, the CREAM ?! mnmnmmm: THE DALLES National Bank. OF DALLES CITY, OR. 1 r,TTfVTNV fW ' T"l A a- ntoiut,.M .,,. n; MOODY Vice President. . Chas. Hilton Cashier.. M. A. Moody General Banking BuslnessTransacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on New York. Chicago. San Fhav. Cisco and Portland. him niirnimi ifririTrmm Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Copercial Mam F. IV. SILYERTOOTD, Prop. First-class Wines Liquors and Cigars Always on Hand. Corner Second Court Street, THE DALLES. OREGON