I- i Mi SATURDAY. . . .DECEMBER 14, 1895 ITEIIS IN BRIEF. r From Saturday's Daily. - '.-'Messrs. C. W. Durbin and J. D. ; Tunny left today for their homes at ... Antelop. Mr. W. S. Geary, who has been in - the eity seTeral days repairing pianos, left this morning: for Seattle. All of the refruiar panel of jurors ex- ept Messrs. Schanno, Filloon and Jones have been excused from further attendance upon this term of court. ..-'. Attorney A. F. Seai jr., who as tinted In the prosecution of Lee Gitt, . - Lee Ching and Tom Lewis, returned ' tMs morning to his home in Portland. Mr. J. N. Gulliford returned last ight from Albany, where he has been . visiting relatives, and will leave by tomorrow's stage for his home in Prine ville. ' r " -I Monday at 9 A. M. is the time set by ' Judge Bradshaw for passing sentence - on Lee Ching. Lewis will receive his sentence at the same hour Tuesday morning. -: The ladies of the Congregational . church are making elaborate prepara . . tions for the bazaar which they con t template opening at the Armory hall ' next Friday. 4 Remember the meeting to perfect the organization of The Dalles Com . . mercial and Athletic Club to be held at the Council Chambers at 8 o'clock this evening. ; Mr. Ton Sumner, who drives the stage from this place to Bakeoven, re " ported last night . that the snow had about disappeared as far south as De schuttes bridge. , . Mr. Emil Schanno, member of the ; ."state horticultural board, will leave , - Monday for Walla Walla to attend the meeting of the Fruit Growers' Union which meets in that city on the 10th. All members of Freindship Lodge, r :' Ko. 9, K. of. P. and their families, to- gether with visiting brothers, are re quested to be present at the social to be given by the Lodge next Monday evening. - The proprietors of the Linnton horse cannery have been indicted by the Multnomah county grand jury for al lowing garbage from their establish ' ment to accumulate on the public roads. ' "An error was made in yesterday's , Times-Mountainees in stating the club meeting this evening would be at the court house. The council cham - bers in the old court house is the place of meeting. . The attraction at the Baldwin next week will be "A Night Off'' by the Home Dramatic Club. This Is a most interesting drama, and to say that it will be well rendered is unnecessary .V the Home Club always does all things .. well. . ' Prof. K. N. Riddell, Ph. D. will hold a mass meeting for ladies only in the M. E. Church tomorrow afternoon at 3 .o'clock. This lecture is full of interest, V instruction and inspiration and is high- : ly recommended by Francis E. Willard ' Seats free. All ladies invited. 1 The second trial of Thomas Denton is occupying the circuit court today. - The jury impaneled to try this case are -; J. J. Wooley, G. Cooper, T. H. Clark, W. H. McHaley, Henry Stead, Jack McHaley, ,M. B. Murchie,M. M. Water man, L. L.' Lane, , W. D. Richards, J. Evans, Mike Rice. . Mr. Loomis, of the Oregonian, is in the city today. ' having arrived from ' Hood River on the noon train. Mr. Loomis was in Lewiston a few days after the Nez Perce reservation was - thrown open to settlement, and says that little city is the liveliest town in ' the' North west. He says it reminds an ; old-timer of the mining towns in early days. . Mr. E. M. Aldrich returned to Cas ; cade Locks this morning, after having . spent a few days in this city investi gating its advantages for establishing ' certain manufacturing industries here. Before leaving he expressed himself " as being favorably impressed with -the outlook here, and signified his inten V tion to return at some future date and " make further investigations. ; Mrs. C. W. Rice accompanied by - Mrs. L. W. Ainswortn arrived today , from Pheonix, Arizona. The ladies " report the climate of Arizona' having been beneficial to the health of both their husbands for a time, but the tern perature having become very change' " . able their physicians ordered them to go to Honolulu, where Mr. Rice and - Mr. Ainswortn are at the present time. will take Ching to the penitentiary to morrow. G. W. Sawtell arrived in the city this morning from Prineville after hol iday goody for the merchants of that city. Mr. Sawtell reports the roads in .bad condition, and says very little if any more freight will be hauled to Prineville until next season. A dwelling house in' Dry Hollow, two miles from The Dalles, belonging to Geo. Cooper, was destroyed by fice about 6 o'clock last night. The house was occupied by Mr. Walker and fam ily, and the greater portion of their household effects were destroyed. The play a "Night Off" to be given by the Home Dramatic Club next Wednesday evening is a benefit for the St. Vincent's Charitable Society of this city. This society is doing much good in the city, and the liberal act of the club in giving the proceeds of the entertainment to the cause of charity is indeed commendable. Wor thy efforts ought at all times to receive encouragement, and this will, we trust, be no exception to the rule. in the It From Monday's Dally. N. J. Sinnott returned Saturday night from Portland. - - Hon. V. C. Brock., and wife, of Wasco, are in the city. A state selection of forty acres was made at the land office today. :: : ,Mr. Hugh Farmer went to Portland on the Regulator this morning.' Mr. Frank Sandrock and sister, Miss Minnie, went to Portland today. ' : James Turner, who recently opened general merchandise store at Wap- initia, was in the city today. ' Tomorrow evening at 8:30 another meeting will be held to perfect the or ganization of the commercial club. Sheriff Driver returned this morning from Salem, having delivered Lee Gitt to the authorities at the penitentiary. This morning a force of men began erecting poles along Court street fdr i ; - - toe Oregon Telegraph & Telephone ' - Co. - : One carload of hogs was shipped from the stockyards yesterday, and a oad of beef will be shipped this after noon. .- - The case of the state vs, Tom Denton will be given to the jury this evening the evidence all having been submitted at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Today George E. Moore made final proof on 150 acres of land in sec 2, 1 5 s r 15 e, and also made a cash entry for 40 acres in sec 15 1 3 s r 15 e. . Work is being pushed off the Big ir rigating ditches oh-both sides, of Hood ja-Kiver, so we are informed by Mr. Cradiebaugn, wno reiurnea irom.uood River last Saturday , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler, of Port Townsend, spent yesterday in the city the guests of Mrs. Butler's mother, 14 Mra. P. Cram. They left on the after- noon train for their home. y' Lee Ching was brought into court t this morning and sentenced to five years' imprisonment- in the peniten tiary, he hatringbeen convicted of manslaughter for having been an ac- complice of Lee Gitt in the killing of 5 Lock Woo last August. Sheriff Driver From Tuesday's Daily. E. H. Johnston, Of Dufur, is city today. Prof. Riddell closed his series of lec tures at the M. E. church last night. An interesting programme, includ ing music and tableaux, will be render ed each evening while the bazaar is open. Messrs. J. T. Chamberlain and Ed. Masterson, of Mitchell, are in the city. Mr. Chamberlain is en route to "Inde pendence to visit his mother. ". Lon Stevens, whom an overdose of opiates came near passing over to the unknown hence on Thursday of last week, has so far recovered as to be on the streets today. Mr. W. E. Kahler and family, re cently from Hardman, Morrow county, have moved to The Dalles with the view or making this their future home. Mr. Kahler will engage in the grocery business. The O. R. & N. Co. are constructing a railing along both sides of the track on the high trestle leading from the Umatilla House to the machine shops. This is an improvement that has long been needed. The case of Minnie Strieklin vs. August Buchler, an action of replevin of personal property, is on trial in the circuit court today. Story & Gates ap pear for the planitift and Dufur & Menefee for the defendant. Mr. John Michell returned last night - from Portland. Mr. Michell spent a shost time at the Locks on his return, and says work there is being pushed, with all possible rapidity, a very large force of men being em played. The mud that has accumulated on the crosswalks throughout the city is a source of great inconvenience to pedestrians; The street commissioner would copfer a favor on lady pedestri ans by ordering the cross-walks cleaned. This morning Judge Bradshaw sen tenced Tom Lewis, the Antelope hay burner to three years' imprisonment in the penitentiary, this being the full limit of the penalty provided by the statutes for the crime of which Lewis was convicted. The executive committee of the com mercial club have been busy all day collecting membership fees and have met with excellent success. Up to the time of going to press they had ' col lected about $1,000. Theoclub will be permanently organized tonight. G. C. Mosier and M. C. Wright, of Portland, will visit The Dalles Coun cil No. 19, Junior Order of United American Mechanics, next Thursday evening at K. of P. hall, and will ex plain the aims and objects of the order. Mr. Mosier is said to be a fine speaker. All friends of our country are cordi ally invited by the council to meet at K. of P. hall, Dec. 12, at 7:30 p. m. Again a jury nas failed to render a verdict in the case of the State vs. Thomas Denton. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the jury communicated to the court that there was no possibility of their arriving at a verdict, and they were discharged. It seems to be the general impression now, since the second jury could not agree, that the case will be dismissed. The German Singing Society "Har- ruonie" will give their th Annual Ball on Saturday, Dec. 21st. The ar rangements made for the event are such as to warrant a good time for everybody, and no pains nor money will be spared to make it a success. The ball will take place at the Bald win Opera House and the music will be furnished by the Orchestra Union. ' Hon. E. B. Dufur met with quite a painfnl accident last night. He was on his way from home to the K. of P. social, carrying a basket of lunch, and when passing the Columbia Packing Company's establishment, stumbled over a board that extended across the sidewalk. He fell with such force that his right side was severely bruised. He is very much inconvenienced by his injuries but is able to be about. TIRED OF CITIZENSHIP. Umatilla Iudiau Ask to Have Tribal Gov ernment Restored. All the Indians on the Umatilla res ervation, says yesterday's Pendleton Tribune, will assemble in council to memorialize congress to take from them the rights of citizenship and with hold the same from them for a period of 22 years, or until they are entitled to patents to their lands under the allot ment act. The initial steps in this di rection were taken a few weeks ago when the first assembly was held. On Tuesday a second council was called to order and speeches were made by Chiefs Peo, No Shirt. Young Chief and many others. After the addresses a memo rial which had been drawn up and signed by every Indian on the reserva tion, each acting under the advice of the three leaders. The memorial states in effect that the Indians do not wish to become citizens until 1917, when they will be entitled to their patents; that in the year men tioned the children, who are making rapid advances at school, will be better able to enter into possession of the lands and to hold the same and to cul tivate it after the manner of the whites than are the Indians of the present day; that the Indians wish to be restored to their tribal laws and customs. A JUST VERDICT. Tom Lewla Convicted for Buraing Hay Near Antelope. The case of the state vs. Thomas Lewis was given to the jury about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and within thirty minutes the court was informed that a verdict had been reached. When the verdict was read it was that the jury had found the defendant guilty as charged in the indictment. Thecrime for which Lewis was tried was the burning of 80 tons of hay belonging to Mr. Brosran. near Antelope, on tlie night of the 13th of November. Al though the evidence given in the trial of this case was entirely circumstantial, it was so conclusive that the jury could arrive at no other conclusion than that the defendant was the guilty party. This has been one of the most ex- pensiue cases to the county that has been tried during the present term of court, sixteen witnesses having been brought from Antelope, but it is money well expended, for Lewis' crime is one that should not ero unpunished. So ciety has no protection against the diabolical deeds of an incendiary, ex cept the punishment meted out by the courts after the crime has been com mitted, the property of the victim destroyed, and whenever one of this class of criminals is brought to justice, society feels the relief that it may serve to prevent other similar crimes. A Penny For l'onr Thoughts." Mrs. D. M. French gave a very pleas ant "at home" Friday afternoon, De cember 6. About fifty ladies were as sembled in her spacious parlors. Bright faces and elagant dresses made a gay scene. After BDending a short season in conversation, dainty cards were handed round, bearing the old saying "A penny for your thoughts," the ' artistic work of Miss Bessie French. Of course one would expect brilliant gems of thought under such circumstances. If the result was not equal to the anticipation, it must have been the subject chosen, which was a copper cent, and was found to contain various objects of interest An unrav elling of the mysterious lesson from its hidden secrets proved that Mrs. G. C. Eschelman, Mrs. E. M. Wilson and Mrs. Hostetler had studied the ques tion well, and after drawing straws Mrs. Eschelman was awarded the prize. having found twenty-five sorreet answers. After partaking of a bountiful lunch and the leave taking with adieus to the hostess the party returned to their homes, having had a most enjoyable time. Those present were Mesdames Glenn, Sinnott, Fish, Myers, Eschelman, Price, Haight, Shackelford, Biggs, B. E. Snipes, B. S. Huntington, Peters, T. Butler, Cushing, Taylor, Hostetler, Doane, Pease, Schenck, Shelden, Her bert, Winneck, J. W. Lewis, E. M, Wilson, Brooks, S. French, H. W, French, J. B. Condon, J. W. Condon, S. Bolton, Laughlin, Lord, Houghton, Kinersly, Thornbury, Lytle, Crandall A. R. Thompson, Crowe, GarrelsOn, H. S. Wilson, Curtis, Misses Ursula Ruch, Irena Adams and Bess French. Sadie and Laurence Fowler, Frances Sexton, Gladys and Willie Wood, Grace, Eertha and Earnest Willerton, Mabel and Owen Allen, Clyde Riddell, John and Iivine MeDonnell, Frank Woodcock, Lena and Garfield Moore, George Chandler and Frank Sylvester. Teachers' Normal luKtitute. County School Superintendent Troy Shelly has issued a call for a teachers' normal institute to be held in The Dalles, commencing Dec. 30, and con tinuing in session two weeks, to which "he invites the teachers of Wasco and adjoining counties. In the call for the institute Mr. Shelly says: "President Campbell, of the Mon mouth normal school, and Prof. Gavin, of The Dalles public schools will be in structors. Instruction will be given in all branches on which examination is had for county certificates, and in most of those for state certificates. Special instruction in methods of teaching will be given for the benefit of young teachers who have never received any normal training. The usual entertain ments of lectures, music and other ex orcises will be held several evenings." Sunday School Clans Entertained. A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the residence of Mrs. S. L. Broo s by-thc members of her Sunday sc! ool class last Saturday, Dec. 7, Mis. Brooks having thrown her spacious parlors open to them, and prepared 6 tertaiument that was both instruct e and edifying. Various plays, inc' " -ing a geographical puzz'.e, were in duced, and elegant refreshments w-: e spread, after which a lovely card wes presented to each of the class by their teacher. A more enjoyable afternoon could not have been spent by either teacher or the members of the class, all of whom were present except two. The members of M.'S. Brooks' class are Misses Mabel Allen, Bessie Snipes Addie Payne, Eva B.'.';ley, Lulu Rowe Hannah Schwabe, Poarl Ward, Mai th a Baldwin, Jessie 3ibons, Hannah Krause, Helen Hudson, Lena Zi miner man, Dora Neilsen, Iiucile Crate, Kat Barrell, Bertha Keller, Katie Phelps Emily Crossen and Susan Chase. A Happy Uuion. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Young in tMs city Wednesday very pleasant wet.ding occurred, th contracting parties being Mr. Balfe Johnson, of Astoria, and Miss Grace Michell, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Michell, of Columbus wash, xne marriage ceremony was pronounced by Rev. William Michell in the presence of immediate relatives of the family at 11:30 A M., Miss Myr tle Michell acting as bride's maid and Mr. Eddy Michell as best man to the groom. After partaking of an elegant dinner prepared by Mrs. Young, and receiving the hearty congratulations of a large circle of friends, Mr. John son and bride left on the afternoon train for Astoria, where Mr. Johnson holds a position with the W. U. T. Co. An Enthusiastic Meeting. It was indeed an enthusiastic and lively meeting over which President Schenck presided at the council cham- Ders last saturnay evening, some seventy-five citizens of the city having congregated to aid in the organization of the Commercial and Athletic club, All present were a unit on the ques tion of organization, and the report of the board of directors recommending that the initiaton fee be fixed at $10 was accepted and adopted by a unani mous vote. By a vote of the members present the. board was authorized to draft articles of incorporation for the club, also to lease a building at a monthly rental of $40. A Great German's Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation and k' 1- ney, liver and bowel troubles, are cui k d by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For suae by M. Z. Donnell. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrrp has been used for over fifty years ty millions of - mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedv for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by arug gists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. AMERICA, MY HOME. , War on the Bluff. Soon after noon Tuesday a lively scrimage occurred on the bluff near 9th street, in which a man who gives his name as Samuel Hawkins, just arrived from the Locks, and Mr. and Mrs. John Crate were the principal actors. Haw kins represents himself to be a brother of Mrs. C. Barrell, who resides at Mr. Crates' and claims to have gone to the Crate residence to see his sister. He was' summarily fired by Mr. Crate, with whom he engaged in a tustle, when Mrs. Crate came put with a re volver and fired several, shots at the intruder, , but without effect. Mr. Crate took Hawkins in charge and de livered him to the marshal, and he was safely lodged in jail. Le Gitt Sentenced. At 9 o'clock this morning Lee Gitt, convicted of murder in the second de gree last Saturday for kill'ng Lock Woo in this city on the night of Aug ust 19th last; was brought into court and sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary during the remainder of his natural life. When Judge Brad shaw pronounced the sentence Gitt exhibited little concern, no doubt con sidering himself fortunate that it was no worse. An aged American lady is presumed to be speaking in Australia. On Austral's shore at times I lay On summer nights before my door, And listen to an old time lay, Which I have often heard before, Around my youth's beloved home America, my home. A lament 'tis, in music told. Recalling childhood's years and scenes. Which had been left for glittering gom, Which once attained how paltry seems When weighed against the loss of all Which fills life's path with pleasant ways, The loss of home, sweet friendship's can; From this alone spring peaceful days. .vow i age Dy wooas ana rivers, Far from thee dear land, my home, Sadly feeling I shall never, Never more the old paths roam. Of their land, let strangers sing, I can love but thee my own, And to thee my aged heart clings, America, my Home! C. D. C. Williams. "A Baby's LVe Saved. "My baby had croup and was savpil by Shiloh's Cure," writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Huntsville, Ala.- For sale by M. Z. Donnell. - . A H's'-tt Off." Following is the cast of characters in the interesting drama, "A Night Off," to be rendered by the Home Dramatic Club at the Baldwin tomor row night: -J Justenian Babbitt R H Lonsdale (Prof, of Ancient History) Marcus Brutus Snap N J Sinnott (iu pursuit or lame and fortune under various nl1:ijKii . Harry Damask T? H filnnntt Jack Mulberry JobnHamustiire (in pursuit of fortune under the name of Mont'-nniflrTk Lord Mulberry. . : F W Wilson (In pursuit of Jack) Mrs Zanteppa Babbit Mrs Q C Blakeley (t-roressor or conju-ml management in the Prof eKKur'M linuuhnlrl t Nisbe.. Miss Rose Michell (Tne vouiurest Imn of the hnuwohnirit Angelica Damask Miss Myrtle Michell (The eldest) Susan Mrs A Vamev i urassiesij - GOOD TIMES AHEAD. Mr. Sufert Reports Prosperous Times in the East. Mr. F. A. Sufert returned Monday from a month's visit to New York.City, where he had been looking after the iish shipping business. He says there is an increasing demand for frozen fish for shipment to England, and the outlook for the business next year is flattering. Columbia river salmon and sturgeon are sought after both for con sumption in New York and for ship ment to Europe, and the demand far exceeds the supply. When asked re garding times in New York, Mr. Seu fert said they were good. Everybody seems to be prosperous. Factories of all kinds ace running on full time, em ploying full forces of operatives, and an air of general prosperity prevails throughout the east. The wages of operatives are. somewhat lower than in former times, but they are getting what they consume at 50 per cent reduction, nonce are making more real money than formerly. The same is true of the farmers, whoso products are com manding a somewhat lower price than they did a few years ago, but on the other hand everything they have to buy is also cheaiKM-, hence they are comparatively prosperous. Through out the east Mr. Seufert says th appears to be considerable activity in all branches of business, and all are looking forward to prosperous times next year. AMKKICA. Numerous sijriis trreot the stranirei' here Telling of men of advancing deeds In commerce and art, so hero's my prayer, .May your power grow with your great heart s needs. Aye, freely all strangers will grant thee that Thou hast thriven well, and grandly wrought t rom God s good gifts a great nation that Stands high, in the ranks on earth. and ought. Both afar and near, both the rich and poor Must deeply feel, and as freely grant Peace, commerce and art, and a' liberal law Are the greatest blessings that free men want. Thy cities, and plains, and mountains prove The God-like strength of the minds of men, When blest bv Him who bestows His love On city and plain, on mount aud glen. c Dec. Williams. (Australian Journalist.) The fresh air and grand mountain and river scenery of The Dalles would inspire and awaken the Muse of a less sympathetic soul than mine. C. W. terns and advantages of life insurance as conducted by fraternal organiza tions, and Mr. C. W. Phillips spoke f jr a few minutes in commendation of the special features of the order of Weodmen. Smokiug and card play ing were again indulged infor an hour, while Clerk Hugh Chrisman took the applications of ten candidates who de sire to become members of the camp. Pills Do Not Cnre. Pills do not cure constipation. They only aggravate. Karl's Clover Root Tea gives perfeet regularity of the bowels. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. K. of P, Social. Monday night, at their hall in this city, the Knights of Pythias gave a very agreeable sociable, consisting of a literary programme, lunch, and prop erly ending with a dance. The even ing was fully enjoyed by the Knights, their families and invited guests, and the next sociablo will be anxiously expected. The following was the programme : Music. Sons Miss Myrtle Michell Remarks on Pythianism. . .". Hon. W. 11. Wilson Music Misses Stone Recitation Prof. John Gavin. Music ..Mrs. Tolmie Song , Mr. H. Esping Lunch. The merry dance. Every number was excellently ren dered, and the refection was such that would tempt the appetite of an Epicu rean. At the close of the literary ex ercises Mr. John Michell, who acted as chairman, stated the object of the organization of Rathbone Sisters, and we understand a long list of names was procured for the institution of a lodge in this city, which will bo organ ized at an early day. The merry dance continued until midnight, and everybody left, well sat isfied with the evening's entertain ment. It is the intention of Frind ship lodge, of this city, to give these sociables every -month, and there is no doubt they will, have a tendency to make this excellent order popular in this community. A Serious A-t-ilfnt. An accident occurred Tuesday at the Locks in which a man by the name of Smith came near losing his life. Just before the steamer Dalles City was ready to leave for Portland. a blast at the government works was dis charged, throwing a rock high in the air, and as it descended it crashed through the deck of the steamer strik ing Smith on the head, inflicting seri ous injuries. The injured man was taken to Portland and placed in a hos pital where he will be cared for. The accident was one of those unforseen occurrences that happen only once in a lire tune, and while such an accident will likely never occur again, it could not have been foretold or psevented. ISO blame could be attached either to the orlicers of the boat or the men in charge of the work who discharged the blast. Coiisii nipt ion C an be Cured By the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. For 9aio by M. '.. Donnell. Married in Portland. On the evening of Dec. 4 Mr. Geo. Holling, of Whitman County, Wash., and Miss Emma Phirman, of this city, were married at Taylor Street M. E. church in Port.'.and, Rev. Mr. Luckey officiating. The happy couple arrived in The Dalles Thursday, and on that e.x-ning were tendered a reception at L it residence of thu bride's parents, M". and Mrs. C. Phivman. After par taking of an elegant wedding supper and receiving- the con'"vauilations of relatives and friends, Mr. Holiing and bride took the midnight train for their home in Washington. M Holling is a p-osporous farmer in Whitman coun ty, where he has prepared a comfort able home for the estimable lady whom he has won for a i'fe companion. The Best Cough Cure Is Shiloh's Cure. A neglected cough is dangerous, tatop it at once with Shiloh's Cure. For sale by M.-Z. Don nell. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIUTCE of an execution anil onlerof sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Wuscu Comuy. upon a decree and judgment, inude. rendered and entered by said coure on the 12th day of Novemler. ls!i5. in favor of the plaintiff. In a suit wherein theKirst National Bank, of The Dslles. Oregon, a cor poration. wasplaintiS. and J. (.'. Baldwin. Ellen I. Baldwin ami ssiirmund Stern, were defend ants, and to nie directed anil delivertd. coin inaiidinsr me to levy upon and sell the lands mentioned and described in said writ, and here inafter deserilRM. I did duly levy upon, and will ell at public aui-tion. to the hiKhe.t bidder for cash it! hand, on .Monday, the Sid day of Decern -ber. 115. at - o'clock in the afternoon of said day. nt the front dour of the conntycourt house, iu Dalles city. Wasco county. Oregon, all of the lands and premises ('escribed in said writ and herein described as follows, to-wtt: The north half of lots 4 and 5. in block S3. In Uatcs Addition to Dalles City. Wusco County Oreuon: or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of Jlsrr.K. with interest thereon from the li'lh day of November. Isiio. h tae rate of ten per cent per annum: l'n.nu at torneys fee. and the further sum of WS.-'t and interest on said sum since the r.'th day of No vemoer. lsto. at the rate of einht per cent pe: annum, anu the further sum of fc.ti.uo. costs ii said suit, together with cost of said writ and accruintr costs of sale. Dated at Dalies City, this 2-,'d day of Novem oer. i T. .1. DKIVKK. noJ3 Sheriff of Wasco Co.. Ore. notice i'uu piblication. Land Office at The Dai.lf.s Ore Oct. it. 1SS5. Notice is hereby iriven that the followinu named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Ix-fore Retnste and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on De cenioer , is-.;,, vt.: WILLIAM G. OHRIST, Fid. E No. 35-.-J. for the ne U sec. 9. tp 1 s, r 12 e. v .u . He name-? the followinir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: .fames Nelson. David D. Nelson. Wm. H. Wolfe. Joseph R. Hall, all of The Dalles. Ore gun. J AS. F. MOOUE. -'ioct Register. not1ck for publication. Land Office at The Dai.i.ks. Orei.-on Oct. 26. 1KS5. Notice is hereby iriven that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in supisrt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register anu Receiver, al Tne ualles, oregou, on Ue ceinber 14, Ihjis. viz: JOHN M. DARNIELLE. Hd. E. No. 3170, for the ne ' sec. 12. tp 1 s. r 13 e . .v. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: John H. Baker, of Boyd. Or.. F. Wins-low. of iMitur. or.. Henry Williams, of The Dalles, or.. New ton Putlerson, of The Dalles. Ore. nova JAS. F. WOOKE. Register. Old People Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric. Bit ters. This medicine doe3 not stimu late and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and al terative. It acts mildly on the stom ach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aid ing nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an ex cellent appetizer and aids dicestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tns fDALi.Es. Ohe., 1 November 13. 1HSi5. i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make llnal proof In support of bis claim, and that said pi-oof will be made before Register anu itui-eiver. at, rue ualles, ureifon, on Ue cembei-28. inns, viz: SHERMAN SMITH. Hd. E. No. ST.73. for the KWi Sec. 7. Tu. 1. S R. IS E. W. M. He names the followimr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon -and cultivation of said land, viz: F. H. Wakefield. James L. Kellv. Joseph rveo.v. juiiu vuirK. 01 i ue uaues. (ireiron. JAS. F. MOORE. Register. Dec lti-6 - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Land office at the Dai.t.es. ohe.. i Novem ber i;t. 1K9S. f Notice is hereby iriven that the followimr named settler has Bled notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before Register ana Receiver at xne ualles, Oregon, on Decern ber 23. 18W5, viz: EMIL MERTZ. . E. No. Mil, for the ne'4 Sec. Hd. E. No. ntf&l, for the ne'4 Sec. 27, Tp. 4 O Ii. 1.1 c w Al He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation vi siiiu iuuu. vi; P. SnodKrnss. Asa Stoirsdill. of Tysh Vo'ley. Oregon, Robert Butts, D. Pitcher, of Victor. Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. .Register. Dee 16-tl His VVhert Deal at Pendleton. Yesterday's East Oregonian has the following: Reports came from Adams that a lot of bluestem was sold at 40 cents on the platform. "No. 1 club also sold for 40 cents'. It has been predicted that the market would soon begin to arouse from the sluggish, condition in which loc many weeks it lay. .The arousing has come, and the 40 cent sales are in- doubitable evidence of the truth of the assertion. In addition to these sales comes the hews that, today, an option was sought and obtained on -100,000 bushels held "by Pendleton parties. The option was for a . purchase at ' 40 cents, and expired at 11 o'clock this ning. - Such-a round lot, 'although it is not all in one warehouse, but is scattered among .several stations, is very eagerly sought after by the wheat buyers, at all times when there if any demand whatever." Captain Sweeney, C 8. A. San Diego, C'al., says: Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 0c. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. , Two Lives aved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers, 139 Florida street, San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. ' He is naturally thankful.' It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the won derful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds.; Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Regular size 50ev and $1. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby (fivea tunt the undersigned iiumiiii.siraior 01 me esiute 01 Sarah Staes, deceased, will ou Monday the Iflth day of De cember 1MB. nt the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., of saiu uay ai me iront door ot tne county court uouse in uaues (juy. wosco county. Oregon sen to tne highest bidder for cash in hand tne ronowinv (lescnoeu real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-wit : Lots "A" & "B' of Block 41. in the ' Fort ualles Military Reservation." in Dalles Cltv. Wasco county. Oreiron. ard also the S of tiio N V4. ami tae NWJt of NV' of Section 6. In Townshp 1 North of liunsre 15 East W. M in Wasco county. Oregon. . Dated this iith day of November. 1P:5. J. P. McINERNY. Adm'rof the estate of Sarah Staes, deceased . Dec 16-5 Nerves on Edge. I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl s Clover Root Tea has made me" well and happy. ' . Mrs. E. B. Worden. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. Bucklen's Amies Salve. The best salve in the world for outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, cbapped hands, chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively .cvres piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. 7-- Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Worhrs Fair Higbeat Award. Another Dastardly Deed. If the following from the Antelope Herald is true, another lynching in Crook county may be expected pro" vided the wretch is caught who has been committing dastardlv deeds in the vicinity of Mitchell : " The fiendish thugs who have been burning hay in the Mitchell and Bridge creek countries this fall, not beinc satisfied with this fiendish practice alone, have now turned their attention to the the poisoning of sheep. Last .week Mr.' James Connolly, who re cently had all his hay burned by in- cindiarism, had 400 head of his sheep poisoned on the range, either saltpetre or strychnine having been used. Con- rOy & Joyce a few days 'afterwards lost about fifty head in a similar manner. This is the most despicable practice ever instituted in Eastern Oregon, and every possible effort should be made to ferrett out the perpetrator, and if caught, he should never be allowed time to say his prayers." A Pleasant Surprise. - Misses Grace and Bertha and Master Earnest Willerton were given a pleas ant surprise by nineteen of their little friends last night. By a pre-arranged plan the young folks assembled at Mr. and Mrs. Willerton's residence at the same hour, completely taking the children of the household by surprise, and until 11 o'clock merriment reigned supreme. ' Tne little ladies and gen tlemen present were Frances Parrott, Bessie Snipes, Ninon and. Ivan Oakes A tuntaanas orootn men ana uxmt t whose daily life Is making severe drafts ci their vitality, require something that will bring new material to the worn ont nerve centers. This is just what Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine does. "I luut been suffering for veara? from headaches, neuralgia, sleeplessness. and general nervous prostration, unfitting me lor social, household - and business duties, and, periodically, was Completely prostrated tcith pain. I tried several physicians and a great many remedies, but received no benefits until I Vmea Dr. Jliles" Mteatorative Xerrir when I fonad almost Immediate relief, ai C. have become quite my former self and am Again able to attend to tny business, which is that of a brush manufacturer. I have recommended the Nervine to others who have usedJt with the same good results" Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Ajtxa Peuseb, Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive guarantee that tbe first bottle will Deneut. all rinnrif-laLannll itattl.B bottles forto. or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine '"' Restores Health Old Bully Ran. Away. For the past thirty years Mr. J..W. Vanbibber ;has delivered milk in this city each day, and never had a mishap until Wednesday, when Old Bally, his trusted and true horse; who hauled the milk wagon for four years and never before showed a disposition to betray the confidence imposed ifl him, concluded to take a spin. This insane idea entered his head while Mr. Vanbibber was delivering- milk on Third street near the convent, and taking advantage of the opportunity offered broke away at a fearful pace up one street and down another, scat tering milk cans promiscuously about until he wae caught by Mr. Wiley in the eastern part' of the city. No ma terial damage was done, except the spilling of some eight gallons of milk, but since Mr. vanbibber is not wont to "cry over "spilled milk," he has no serious regrets only that he has lost confidence in Old Bally and will dis cipline him in the . field dragging the plow until his conduct is such as to re store confidence. . Bold Burglars at Antetopc. Mr. Smith French received a letter last night from Mr. V. Bolton stating that the safe in Bolton & Co's store at Antelope was blown open sometime Sunday night and atiout $400 in cash stolen.. . Nothing in the store w&.s mo lested, and the burglar left nothing by which he could be identified. ' The letter was written hastily and gave no particulars as to what means were used for blowing the safe open or how the rober got into the store. NOTICE. Land Office at The Dali.es. Oregon, November 19, IWB. Complaint hcvinir been entered at this office by Orville O. Wlngfleld apainst Norval E. Gray for abandoning his homestead entry No. 4s,, dated August n. 1K93. upon the s e sec. 7. tp I s. r 12 e, in Wasco County, O.-efron. with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said par ties are hereby summoned to appear at tbe above entitled U. S. Lanu OMce ou the 30th di-y of December. 1K)5. nt 10 o'clock A. M.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said a lletied abandonment. This notice is served by -publication by the order of the register and receiver made of this date. JAS. F. MOORE, nov23 . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver. Wash, Decern her a IMJA Notice is hereby iriven that the following nnmed set lier has filed notice of bis in:ent!on to make flnal proof in suppovt of h is claim, and toot said proo: will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court for uismci or -vas nntton. at his omce in Golden uaie, vvastunirion. on January 21, 18WJ, viz: WILLIAM O. A. MARCKMANN. Hd. E. No. 6463 for the WJ4 of NE'i , SE ' NW' and NE' of SWK sec. 32 Tn S N. R 1:1 v.. vv t He names the following witnevsesto prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of oil III IUIIU, John Kurl. Marlon M. Splawn.Gabriel Hardi son. Robert Struthers. all of Hartland P. O. Washington. GEO. H; STEVENSON; det-7 Register. THE GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES HR6 TH6 BEST IN THE WORLD, We respectfully invite all those who are in need of a Cook or Heating Stove or Steel Range to call and examine OUR NEW LINE And get our prices. We have a very large assortment to'select fiom; we can give you splendid bargains this year, and WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU HONEY Simply because we are satisfied with making very small profits We also are prepared to Jo Plumbing, Tinning, Hot Water Heating, Furnace Work. We employ none but first class workmen, practical and experienced in this class of work. All work guaranteed. Special Inducements ' to Cash Buyers. HAIER & BENTON, Hardware Dealers and plumbers- Next door to Snipes & Kinersly Driijj Co. A. Bettiageo's old stand, Second St, THE DALLES, - - OREQON. MEECHAIT TAILOEIM MR. PAT. FAGAN, At liia establishment on Second street, next door to C..Lauer' Meat Market, is prepared to make Spring and Summer Suits The New Columbia Hotel 31 Per Day. First-Glass Meals, 25 Cents T. T. NICHOLAS, Proprietor. Cor. Front and Union Sts The Dalles, Oreffon Z. R MOODY Gener'l Commission and Forwardinsr Merchant. 391, 393 HND 395 SECOND STHE6T. . (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited Prompt Attention Paid to Those Who Favor Me With Their Patronage THE GERMANIA STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPs. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Allbrands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, aid Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRAND EE 3 Twelve-year-oli Whiskey, strictly pure, for medicinal pur poses. Malt Liquor. Columbia Brewery Beer on draught. t 94 Second Street. TIIK DALLES, Oil m m si The "Smoker" Social. Mt. Hood Camp, No. 59, Modern woodmen or the World erave a 'smoker" social at their hall Tuesday night, some fifty members and invited guests being present. The order of the evening was smoking, and as each guest arrived he was met at the door and presented with pipe, tobacco and matches, and the aroma from burning tobacco soon pervaded the hall. After thosa. present had obtained all possible solace from the pipe, Mr, John Michell was called on and in a short and well- wordei address explained the objects and aims of Woodcraft, followed by Dr. Doane, who briefly recited the sys- Thfg estra- ordmnrv Rn Jiivenotor is tae most wonderfn 1 discovery of the aire. It nas been en dorsed by the leadiiis'jnin- tific men of Europe and America, nudyan Is pnreiy vege table. Hudvan Ktana Premalurensss of tbe d Is- li area In 20 days. Cures DOST uses mm Constipation, Falling Sen-KUionn.Nerv-ous twitching 01 me eyes and other Strenethpnn i n v i g orates and tones the entire system. Kudran enres Debility, Nervousness, KmiisionR. and developts buu restores Keat organs. Puins in the back, loses by a DISSOLUTION NOTICE. - -iNouce is nereoy given mat the co partnership heretofore existing be tween Douglas S. Dufur and Fred D. Uill is hereby dissolved this date by mutual consent, said ired U. iJill will assume all co-partnership liabili ties ana collect all accounts due said hrm, anu continue said business. Fred D. Hill Douglas S. Dufur. Dated Dalles City, Ore, Oct. 10, 1895. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN HOTEL Seventh and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, - OREGON. Thos. Guinean, FrnoPEAN PLAN. Jl.tU J1.5J.J2.IIO. RATES I Proprietor. AMERICAN PLAN 2.uo.2.so. a.uo. RUPERT & GHBEL - Wholesal "and retail manufacturers of and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Tents, and - Wagon Covers. v And AU Artlolea kept ta a Plrat Claaa Harroa Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY. DONE, 'i - THE DALLES Opposite Moody' vy rehoust OREGON. 251, 217 Clay Sthet, San Francisco, Cal. Pacific. Dock, -Portland, 0i BISSING3R & CO, -DEALERS IN- THE First National Bank Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder aotom bold Medal Midwinter Filr, San Franmeo.' quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. Prematarenete means lmDotencr in tbe first 8tture. It is a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness It can be stopped in 20 days by the use of Hudyaiu. The new discoverv was made bv tbe Snenlal- ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It is the strongest vitalizcr made. It is verv powerful, but haimlcss. Bold for 81.00 a pack aire or 6 packages for Ji.00 (plain sealed boxes). Written guarantee given for a cure. I f yon buy six boxes and are not entirely cured, afx more will be sent to yon free of all charges. senaior circuiarsana testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL. IN8TITUTK. Junction Stockton, Market & Ellla St - Ban arranciaco. Vau. OF THE DALLES. Successors to ' SCHENCK m AND BEALL, bankeks ...... Transacts a Regular Banting Business Buy andHell Excb&rure. 1 collections carefully made and promptly accounted lor. Draw on lw York, ban rraocuco audfuri land. Direotowi t D PJThornpson, Ed M William, J 8 SciiencV, Geonre Hebe. H 41 Feall. Andrew Velarde, HODSEMOVER. The Dalles. Address, Lock Box 181. Hides and Firs THE DALLES, OREGON. . . Correspondence and Consignments Solicited. It Costs Money To Raise a Family- Therefore the strictest economy' Should be -pTant.inflri in buying what you eat The place to save money in this line is .JOHNSTON'S CASH STORE. 113 WASHINGTON STREET. Midway Saloon 86 Second Street, Between Court and Union. fflHRDGRS & MlCHSLBHCH PR0PRI6T0RS. JUST OPENED Fine Line of Best Brands of Wines, Liquors, a na uiars Aiway3 will be Kept ) X: t, 1 f. :